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1992 Spring Newsletter Iota Mu (MIT)
Spring 1992 newsletter of the Iota Mu chapter at MIT. The newsletter is six pages in length.
Date/Date Range:
Iota Mu
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1992 Spring Newsletter Iota Mu (MIT)
House Maintenance Requires A Continuing Source Of Funds
Things are relatively quiet here on the house corporation
your will? And while you're at it, can you spare a grand?"
front, what with the restoration all done except for paying for
With a few hundred of those grands we could draw off the
it. However, like Roseanne Rosannadana used to say, "If it's
interest to take care of the pit, and the plaster work in the
not one thing, it's another." The oil tanks in "the pit" started
"Q," a new stove You'll be getting the real pitch when you
leaking who-knows-how-long ago, SO now they've got to go.
get your 101-year history.
We've studied the problem from two points of view: move the
Speaking of which, John Sheffield '86 has been faithfully
tanks out into the motorcycle shed or convert the whole heat-
tracking The 101 through the printer, and you should have
ing system to gas. Surprisingly, either solution is going to cost
your copy before you get your next issue of the lota Muse.
around $20,000.
The 101 has gone through four proof stages with two more to
The active brotherhood is getting involved in the task, too.
go. I don't know how high schools turn yearbooks out every
There is some talk about turning the pit into a weight training
year. Ours has taken more than three.
room and building a new room in what is now storage space
I'd like to just mention two people's names by way of
on the fourth floor. That's the best update I can give you.
thanks because I know it will embarrass them thoroughly and
There is a house corporation meeting scheduled for late April
make them feel good at the same time. Many thanks to Henry
or early May to discuss the solution after we've heard from
Rickard '26 for his many contributions to The 101 and his
the actives on what their desires are.
hospitality and friendship, and to my good buddy Vince
This little $20,000 project is a perfect example of why we
Butler '45 for his continuing interest and support of "the
need a continuing source of funds for house maintenance.
cause." Knowing you two is what being in a fraternity is all
We're going to be hitting you up soon for an endowment fund
contribution, and I don't mean just $40 once a year. I mean
Lionel Goulet '74
something more like "Would you please write Iota Mu into
House Corporation President
Actives Strive To Create A Better
Public Image Of Themselves
Life at the house this semester has been smooth sailing,
with no major incidents to hinder us from continuing to be the
best fraternity on campus. Our social calendar SO far has been
a very active one, including 1) a house paint ball war (with
standouts John "Paint Check" Woyak, Fred "Log Leaping"
Loh, and Doug "Mudface" Jeffery), 2) the annual roadtrip to
Montreal, where we can admire the beautiful Canadian
scenery, 3) the semiannual '70s party complete with disco
ball, bell-bottoms, Bee Gees, and Marc "Travolta" Indeglia,
and 4) the Podwika Invitational NCAA March Madness
Tournament. Coming up in the near future will be the fresh-
man formal, pig dinner, and Fiji island party.
We are trying to garner a better public image of ourselves
by participating in more community service this semester
such as volunteering to help in the MIT student phonathon
(special note to Aaron "Smoothe Talkin" Berlin), the Boston
Milk Run (with Sean "Hey, Blondie!" LaHousse), and Back
(continued on page two)
Big brothers for the pledge class of 195-with a few stand-ins
Spring Initiation
lota Muse is published on a regular basis by the lota
This past term's initiation turned out very well. lota Mu
Mu Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta at MIT for its members
welcomes nine new brothers into Phi Gamma Delta this
and friends. News items, contributions, and changes of
spring. All have successfully survived the rigorous tasks
address should be sent to Phi Gamma Delta at MIT, Alum-
expected of them, by the house and by MIT. There haven't
ni Records Office, P.O. Box 575, Cambridge "A," MA
been many doubts whether or not this class will be capable of
serving our fraternity well and building on its strengths over
the next few years. Congratulations to:
Christian Michael Bates
Jeffery Thomas Crants
Fiji Continues Its Athletic Dominance
Christopher James Berg
Robert Alfio D'Onofrio
Stefan Budac
Cesar Antonio Hurtado
William Ernest Churm
Brian Joseph Meier
With another term at Phi Gamma Delta has come another
Andrew Patrick Phelps
season of exciting intramural and varsity sports. The highlight
of the varsity sports season was the MIT hockey team win-
ning the NECHA (New England Club Hockey Association)
Championship, with the help of Fijis Jason Biederman '94
and Miles Arnone '91. In the league championship, Miles sin-
gle-handedly saved the Beavers from a disappointing loss,
while Jason brought up the rear. Despite their efforts, neither
received recognition from the tech. Rowing the MIT varsity
crew team to victory this spring season will be Andreas
Turanski '92 and, coming close behind but equal in strength,
Jim Nohrden '94. They have split their first two races of the
season, with a loss to Tufts and an overwhelming victory over
Holy Cross. Just off his spring tour of Scotland, freshman
Brian Meier will attempt to reclaim his MIT glory with the
MIT rugby team. Rounding out the hall of fame Fijis is Andy
Phelps '95, who placed seventh at the New England College
Athletics Regionals in Rhode Island. Congratulations, Andy.
This spring term promises a great run toward the champi-
onship for the MIT lacrosse team. With a record turnout for
Fijis, the MIT team expects great excitement. Leading the
way are Jason Sroka '92, Andrei Saunders '91, Bryan Collins
'94, Scott Koonce '94, George Rivas '94, Cesar Hurtado '94,
Chris Berg '95, Mike Bates '95, and Brian Meier '95 show
Christopher Berg '95, and, last but not least, Andy Phelps '95.
their talents for song at the 3RF "Gong Show."
All expect to make a name for MIT lacrosse, assuming they
survive the spring break '92 California tour.
Now leaning onto the intramural side, Fiji expects to leave
Actives Strive To Create Better Image
behind a stunning show of athletic talent. This spring term we
have managed to place four fine volleyball teams into the
highly competitive intramural league. B-league features Fiji
(continued from page one)
Bozos and Fiji Spike. While the C-league posts the C-Jerks,
Alley (ahem) cleanup. We also have several brothers holding
led by the one and only "Rally Killer," Bryan Collins '94, and
MIT offices. Dave "Flash" Marsh is vice president of the
Love team, led by "Mr. Love" himself, Dave Marsh '93.
National Society of Black Engineers. John Czarnowski just
Much is expected for the volleyball season, but we never rule
finished his reign as the treasurer of the American Society of
out the chance of an upset. Fiji once again has gathered its
Chemical Engineers. Rob "Kojak" D'Onofrio is treasurer of
finest athletes for its second consecutive water polo team,
the freshman class. Also, Sang "Dopey" Han II and Jason
and, after last season's success, we all expect to bring home
"Hulking Type" Biederman are strongly involved with the
the league championship. Though we are not known for our
Interfraternity Council.
Frisbee playing skills, nor any of the inferior skills needed to
The house, even with second-semester freshmen, is look-
play the game, we have gained our fame in IM softball. With
ing as good as ever thanks to recent renovations. So, if you're
returning sluggers Doug Jeffery '92, Mike Pecoraro '92, Jay
a graduate-young or old, left-handed or right, or even if you
Sroka '92, and former MIT star baseball player Scottie
hold politically incorrect views-and you're in the area, you
Koonce '94, we once again put our A- and B-league teams up
are welcome to stop by and visit (unless you're a Toronto
against the best, only to reclaim crowns, and, after a disap-
Blue Jays fan). Remember, Phi Gamma Delta is not for col-
pointing loss of the IM Stanley Cup, we are aiming to avenge.
lege days alone.
Jason Hunter '93
Albert R. Melchor '93
Chapter President
Athletic Chairman
The State Of Old 28
Thanks to the renovations in the summer of '91, 28 The
Fenway has continued to impress all and hasn't quite lost its
freshness from the renovations. A fairly successful freshman
work week was held in January, despite a few setbacks pro-
duced by none other than the freshman class. Though with the
many events of the Fiji social scene, the house has managed
to remain in almost new condition. With the Saturday morn-
ing housework, kitchen mop-up, back yard cleanup, brother
housework, and the once-a-month housework day, we have
managed to keep 28 The Fenway shining, though the fresh-
men did pitch in with what work they did (whatever it was).
We hope we can manage to motivate the freshman class into
pitching in its part of the housework; fortunately, things are
Larry '92, Larry '92, and Larry '89 enjoy a moment of quiet
looking good.
Overall, 28 The Fenway looks as good as it always has,
but, as with all houses, time will begin to do its damage.
Fortunately, the renovations have set back such erosion for a
few more years. Although we were unable to vacate the pit
this term, there are plans for the pit's next location. With the
addition of the new TV room, the pud room is beginning to
Numerous Community Service
collect dust; even pud room permanents Russ Mallen '89 and
George Rivas '94 have continued to hang out in the new TV
Projects Fill The Semester
room. So, if any graduates have any ideas or recommenda-
tions, or if any of you know of a way you can help improve
the house, don't hesitate to call, write, or even stop by old 28
This spring term of the 1991-'9 academic year has proven
The Fenway. We all hope as much as you do that 28 The
to be a very busy one for the Fijis. This term we received spe-
Fenway will be standin' proud for years to come. Thanks!
cial honors for our participation in the MIT student/alumni
phonathon in mid-March. With over 80 percent house partici-
John Duran '94
pation, the enthusiastic Fijis raised several thousand dollars
Bryan Collins '94
for MIT, most of which was directed to financial aid. Our
Co-House Managers
annual participation has made the event a very much awaited
community service project.
This term we were very fortunate to be able to provide our
services to Senator Bob Kerry, helping him out with his presi-
dential campaign, which unfortunately ended soon after.
Whether or not our help had anything to do with his dropping
out has yet to be determined. Our efforts were much appreci-
ated by the Kerry campaign. It also gave us an opportunity to
work with several other Fiji brothers and chapters.
We are planning several events as we go to press. The
house will be involved with the annual Boston MDS Milk
Run, in which nearly 100 percent of the house is expected to
participate. We have helped out in several areas of this race
over the past few years, from monitoring water stations to
guiding the runners through the often complex running
course. The warm weather is expected to make it a fun-filled
afternoon for the Fijis.
Adding to our projects is the Back Alley cleanup, serving
not only our house but much of those located along our back
alley. We have also picked up around the Fens playground,
across the street; after all, it sometimes seems to be our own
back yard. Although it is only in the planning stages, we are
trying to get some community service project going with a
local Boy Scout group; SO far it looks interesting. Our motto
is: A clean Fiji is a happy Fiji.
Christopher Pouliot '93
Community Service Chairman
Mrs. Roper spotted in Back Bay Fens.
DONALD H. RADFORD '12 was born in Oshkosh, Wis-
consin, attended Exeter and MIT for two years, then moved to
Duluth, Minnesota, in 1910. He moved to Florida in 1982 and
now lives back in Duluth. He will be 103 on May 20, 1992.
Send him a note at Benedictine Health Center, 935 Kenwood
Ave., Duluth, MN 55811.
Frances and HENRY C. RICKARD '26 write, "Now
almost a year at Fox Hill Village (10 Longwood Dr., West-
wood, MA 02090), we are totally pleased with this fine retire-
ment community (operated under general guidance of Massa-
chusetts General Hospital), located at the intersection of 128
and 109. It's very convenient for visitors. Do drop by!"
(Phone: 617/320-9112.)
After 40 years with Goodyear, JOHN F. BENNETT '30
retired in 1970 and has been spending winters in Florida ever
since. "My wife, Anne, died in 1987, and in 1988, finding life
alone for the birds, I married long-time friend and two-year
widow, Bunny Tarr Chickester. Together, we attended reun-
ions in Cambridge and Wellesley in June 1990. My only Fiji
contacts in recent years have been with TED RIEHL '30 (also
a Goodyear retiree) and BILL JACKSON '30 for a golf game
and lunch." John receives his mail at 4649 Rue Bayou,
Sanibel, FL 33957, although he and Bunny spend five winter
months there, five summer months in Highlands, North
Carolina, and two months (fall and spring) at Bunny's town-
house in Macon, Georgia.
Chairman emeritus of Pitt-Des Moines, Inc., WILLIAM R.
Bryan Collins '94 hides his shame after losing a C-Jerk vol-
JACKSON '30 pens, "My wife, Lucille, died two and a half
leyball game.
years ago." He has since married the maid of honor in his first
wedding (Peg). "Combined we now have six children and 17
grandchildren (ages 16-32). I still work five days a week on a
reduced schedule and still enjoy golf and fishing." Drop a line
to Bill at Pony Hollow Rd., Sewickley, PA 15143.
PHILIP P. JOHNSTON '35 reports that he and Marion
Announces ROBERT L. JOHNSON '38, "My wife, Pat,
moved a couple of years ago to a continuing care retirement
and I have retired to Florida (3328 Hadfield Greene, Sarasota,
community (Meadowood At Worcester, 203 Meadowlark
FL 34235), returning to New England for the summer. It's a
Point, Lansdale, PA 19446). "We are still quite fit, but found
very agreeable arrangement. MIT alums in the area were priv-
that the move was a good one anyway. WES LOOMIS '35
ileged to greet Dr. Vest recently. Among the many present
and I occasionally exchange tidbits of news, and I do look for-
ward every summer to seeing EL KOONTZ '36 when I am up
GRANT '35. I retired from Arkwright Mutual Insurance sev-
on the Connecticut shore. JACK ANDREWS '33 always gets
eral years ago. Among its executives were Fijis MARSHALL
out a newsy Christmas letter, which we enjoy."
RIS '37."
Retired yet self-employed in financial services, JOHN A.
MYERS '36 informs us that he enjoys work and play with his
Besides enjoying retirement very much, JOHAN M.
wife, Jeanne. The address for them is 1660 Maryland St.,
ANDERSEN '41 reports that he is also still appreciating the
Redwood City, CA 94061.
friends (brothers) from lota Mu. "Our class has stuck together
very well. We get together when we can: HOWARD MORRI-
Retiree EDWIN T. HERBIG JR. '37 writes, "Very little
new with me. Sorry I had to miss BILL BURNET's ('37)
anniversary party in the Twin Cities. I understand it was a
CARL GOODWIN. I hope that today's brothers can create
great success with several of our Iota Mu's attending as well
and enjoy the magic of a real fraternity!" The summer address
as large numbers of children and grandchildren and many
for Johan is RFD 4, GAA54, Gilford, NH 03246; the winter
friends." News will reach "Bud" at P.O. Box 53, Waterville,
address for him is P.O. Box 426, St. George's, Grenada
MN 56093.
Windward Islands.
Social Calendar In Full Swing
Though Fiji's social calendar started off a little slow this
term, things have gotten into full swing with a string of suc-
cessful parties, including the all-new-and-improved Fiji FAC
(which should be credited to the decorative and innovative
posters of Roland Melchor '93). There are the ever-popular
graduate dinners planned, one in February and the other in
late April, which are expected to draw graduates from far and
wide. Crashing onto the scene in March were the annual
Southie St. Patrick's Day party and parade, the always enter-
taining coach/faculty dinner, and the very successful house
retreat. This term's house retreat (war paint games in northern
Massachusetts) featured the talents of "Wild Bill" Woyak,
"Fabulous Five-Gun Freddie," "Check Shot Chris P," and
rounding up the day's entertainment, Doug Jeffery '92 was
found missing in action. March ended on very good terms as
spring break brought on the next month early.
April began strong with the much anticipated roadtrip to
Montreal, and, after last spring's trip, it was well received.
The annual freshman formal is planned for April, and it
The celebrity judges prepare to kick off the 3RF "Gong Show."
should be the satisfying event that it always is. Two weeks
after brings Fiji and the Sox together for one exciting after-
noon, the house Sox game, which pits the Sox VS. Texas
Rangers. The next day (April 25) features the annual pig din-
Moving? Before you do, send us your new
ner, which expects a great graduate turnout. Though no main
address to ensure continuous delivery of this
speaker has been particularly chosen, we expect fun for all
newsletter. Our address is on page two.
who attend.
Rolling into May, we have the party to end all parties, the
Fiji island party. With the stories of the Fiji island party,
almost two years ago, still lingering around the house and
Activities Prepared For Fall Rush
MIT, plans are almost complete for this season's traditional
blowout blast. With the strict new alcohol laws taking full
effect on Greek life, it has gotten more and more difficult to
With rush still half a year away, the house has begun to
hold a party of this magnitude. But, reassuringly, we have set
gear up for an outstanding pledge class. Since the departure of
aside a few possible places for the site, none of which are cer-
this year's senior class and the low numbers of the sophomore
tain. Closing out the spring social calendar is the spring rush
class, we will be looking for approximately 15 pledges for the
retreat. The brothers of the house not only make our events
class of '96. With the recent election of the rush chairmen, we
successful-we have also been known, on many occasions, to
have already begun to set up ideas for next term's rush events.
lend our social expertise to make average parties something to
Though we plan to continue the majority of our tried-and-true
talk about.
rush activities, including the band party, beach trip, canoeing,
Wellesley trip, and freshman dinner, we also have plans of a
John Czarnowski '93
possible paint wars game or, for the adventurer, bungee jump-
Social Chairman
ing. Any new activities or ideas are welcome. We encourage
graduate participation in all aspects of rush, and your help
will be greatly appreciated.
With rush beginning in early September, our hopes of a
successful rush can only be the result of a great summer rush.
Rush booklets should be ready by early June, as will all other
information concerning possible summer prospects. If you
have any recommendations, please address them to Bryan
Collins, 28 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02215, or call 617/267-
0908. The success of this fall's rush can only come from the
hard work and dedication of the brothers; it is hoped we all
realize the challenge ahead of us and put a great effort into
this summer's rush calling.
Bryan Collins '94
Andy Phelps '95
Rush Chairmen
Where's Waldo?
ALF R. BJERCKE '44 is currently the president of the
and I may buy a plastics thermoforming company in Red-
International Wine & Food Society (Oslo branch), has pub-
wood City, California." The address we have for Bob is 36
lished a new pictorial book (Norway), is awaiting grandchild
Malaga Place E., Manhattan Beach, CA 90266.
number 10 (expected in June), and is also at work on his PhD
thesis in history. This past summer, he sailed a full-rigged
A manager at IRI, JOHN D. SCHMITZ '69 pens, "DAVID
windjammer (Sörlandet) as crew to the Baltic ports of Riga
HIATT '69 and I have been bicycling together. Any other
and Tallinn. "A great vacation! Then I took my wife, Berit, to
brothers in the Boston area who like cycling should give us a
West Norway to see the fjords-unbelievably beautiful. You
call (39 Woodcliffe Rd., Lexington, MA 02173; 617/862-
ought to try it!" Send news to Alf at Pres. Harbitzgate 14,
5787). My daughter started high school and is becoming quite
0259 OSLO 2.
an athlete (swimming mostly)."
When DEAN C. PICTON '44 wrote in January, he was
"Kathy and I had our first child, Samuel Henry Atwood, on
planning to be at Oxford (England) for the conference com-
December 6, 1991," boasts JAMES A. ATWOOD '79. "I've
memorating the 100th anniversary of author J. R. R. Tolkien.
also heard from pledge brothers JACK BERG '79 and DOUG
Dean provides us with a home address of 851 N. Surf Rd.,
BARNARD '79, who have recently expanded their families."
#202, Hollywood, FL 33019.
Drop a line to Jim at 352 Lexington Rd., Concord, MA
JOHN C. MARTIN '47 has retired from active business
management and is now involved with several local colleges
WILLARD L. SAUER '85, a technology development
on foundation and advisory boards. "I'm also active with the
engineer at Richards Medical, pens, "The mid-south culture is
MIT development committee and have restored a 1938 BMW
pretty strange, but my wife of almost one year, Casey, and I
Type 328, a real winner." Send correspondence to 7535 SE
like it here (848 Poplar Acres, Collierville, TN 38017). Stop
71st St., Mercer Island, WA 98040.
by if you are ever in the Memphis area. We have plenty of
room out here in the country. I develop and improve hip and
"I have been in Toledo, Ohio, since 1953 when Reliance
knee joint replacements and trauma devices. If anyone is con-
Electric moved me here," reports WILLIAM C. MITCHELL
sidering having orthopaedic surgery, I would be glad to try
'49. "I started my own residential land development business
and answer any of their questions."
in 1958. I love Toledo, but am also doing sub-divisions in
Columbus, Dayton, Indianapolis, Florida, and a joint venture
"Although I've somewhat stranded myself in the middle of
with W. E. LITTLE '47 in the Carolinas. Am also doing a lot
Texas," writes PAUL M. ANDERSON '90, "I really love
of business with Ryland Homes with C. E. PECK '46 (he fin-
Austin's climate, outdoor activities, and awesome nightlife.
ished at Penn after WWII). Had a nice visit with FRED FOL-
Actually, I've been traveling a lot, spending Thanksgiving
BERT '48 in 1990. Fred is now retired." Mail will reach Bill
with my big brother, JOHN RYAN '89, in L.A., and New
at 5354 Coldstream, Toledo, OH 43623.
Year's Eve with 10 other lota Mus in New York City." Paul is
an electrical engineer at Motorola and makes his home at
HENRY E. THEIS '55 writes, "I'm enjoying work as Phi
3816 S. Lamar, #2707, Austin, TX 78704.
Gamma Delta's section chief. I was very disappointed that no
one from lota Mu showed up at Fiji Academy last year. My
.computer applications specialist for Epsilon Data Man-
youngest son is at Rensselaer but didn't go Fiji, unfortunate-
agement, PAUL S. LYDON '90 pens, "Well, I'm out of the
ly." "Eric" works for Herr Voss Corporation, a steel mill
meat cutting business and into the growing field of data man-
machinery manufacturer, and makes his home at 603 Maple
agement. (Thank God for my degree in art and design.) Down
Lane, Sewickley, PA 15143.
the road a bit I hope to stumble back into my field of choice. I
received a letter from BOB MARTIN '90 recently; he's still
"I'm still in Washington, DC, where I am now a deputy
trying to learn things in Japanese that he couldn't in English,
director of the U. S. Field and Wildlife Service," announces
but seems to be having a great time over in Tokyo." News
BRUCE BLANCHARD '57. Reach him at 1264 Palmer Rd.,
will reach Paul at 631 Nahatan St., Norwood, MA 02062.
Oxon Hill, MD 20744.
MARK R. NAUGLE '90 provides us with a new address:
JOHN H. BOYNTON '58 got remarried and had a new,
301 E. 49th St., Apt. 7AB, New York, NY 10017.
beautiful daughter ("my fourth, the last born in 1960!") in
1991. "Where are the boys hiding, and how can I get a Fiji
son? My wife is a graduate student at Rice University in bio-
chemistry." The mailing address for John is P.O. Box 503,
South Houston, TX 77587.
We regret to report the death of the following alumni:
"I have moved back to California from South Carolina,"
reports ROBERT F. CURD III '66. "Unfortunately, I don't
EDWARD H. KELLY JR. '49, November 27, 1991
know what I'm going to be doing, but WAYNE BAXTER '66
WILLIAM C. SESSIONS '26, August 20, 1991
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Spring 1992 newsletter of the Iota Mu chapter at MIT. The newsletter is six pages in length.