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1994 April Newsletter Alpha Gamma (Kettering University)
April 1994 newsletter of the Alpha Gamma chapter at Kettering University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Alpha Gamma
Kettering University
1994 April Newsletter Alpha Gamma (Kettering University)
File GMI
Volume III Number 1
April, 1994
The Delta News
For The Alumni and Undergrads of Alpha Gamma Upsilon Fraternity, Delta Chapter; Alpha Gamma Fraternity; 1702 Men's Club; and
the Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity, Alpha Gamma Chapter from General Motors Institute and GMI Engineering & Management Institute
April 20th. Board Meeting
News about Delta alums
Did you mark your calendar last fall for
I had the pleasure of talking with Shirland "SG" Eddy, '36, who
the next scheduled board meeting? It will
was President of the house way back when it was at 1902
be on April 20th. in the rear meeting room
Cartier Street, right across Dupont from the school. SG said that
of the Club Venetian at 29310 John R,
he's sort of retired and working in real estate with his wife down
just north of 12 Mile. This location will
in Texas. Brother Eddy, no relation to Col. Eddy, turned 80 on
provide the privacy and quiet the last two
St. Patrick's Day. SG asked about his best friend in the house,
meetings didn't, and allow us to play cards
Lloyd Greenleaf, '37, whom I called at his home in Franklin,
and sing (Tom Brady, '62 will be there
Michigan, a few miles from mine. Lloyd is 82, says he's in fairly
and we have a piano, so We've set up
good health, and wants to get together to fill me in on more
a buffet of chicken, pasta with meat sauce, salad, relishes, rolls,
butter, dessert and coffee. I've eaten here many times; the food
While seemingly on a hot streak, I tried to find somebody from
is GOOD! We'll have all the draft beer or wine we need for
the original eleven founders, specifically, their leader, Edward
$30.00 per man. This includes tax, tip, bartender, room rental
Jehn. The GMI Alumni Directory had no listing for Ed, but did
and $8.00 for the kitty (now empty). Buffet will be open from
list a Thomas Jehn, '57, so I called him to see if he might know
6:30 to 7:30.
Ed. Well, Tom is also an Alpha Gam and turned out to be Ed's
Please call or FAX me if you're coming to dinner.
son. Through him I wound up talking with his mom, Catherine,
Club Venetian needs a count by Monday, April 17th.
in Dayton. She'll be 80 this year and is doing fine. She told me
Let's make this a success; bring a buddy! (How about your big
Ed was a good 220/440 man in track out of Stivers High school
or little brother? Your worm brothers?)
in Dayton. Then she dug out some old copies of Links
And make a note of the next board meeting this fall on
Magazine and gave me the nicknames of the original eleven.
October 12th. For future reference, we'll schedule board
We promised to speak together again real soon.
meetings for a Thursday in April and October. (These will all be
Jack Klett, 43, who happened to be my fifth year plant
stag functions unless otherwise notified. If there's interest in a
advisor, related nearly a half hour of reminiscences on tape. The
couples event, we can plan one. Feedback, please.)
house was on the corner of West Court and Fox then. "Scurvy"
told about Pearl Harbor and the start of W.W.II, along with
Norris Pig Dinner
house hunting they did (sans money). He gave me a lot more
March 4th was the date of the 1995 Norris Pig Dinner, the 30th
than I could use in a half hour talk, so it's filed away for
anniversary under the Fiji name. Nearly 70 brothers turned out
inclusion in a future house history (now in the works).
and had a great time. Your editor was asked to give the keynote
Dick Veazey, '48 is retired in Arizona and says he's doing
address, which was a history of the house from its founding in
well. He was chapter advisor for many years and became our
1932 until the initiation into Phi Gamma Delta in 1964. Most of it
first Purple Legionnaire in 1964 at the charter initiation into
appears below starting on page 2. Corrections are welcomed.
Frank Fleck, '49 reports that he got a copy of the "rag" from
his son-in-law, Glen Santelues, and is glad to be back in touch
Last chance to register
with us guys. Frank is retired from GM, living in Grand Blanc
If your name isn't listed below, this is your last issue, unless
and playing golf, working with computers and RC model aircraft.
you return the survey on page 4. It'l only take a minute.
Jack Goodrich, '59 says business is boomin'. He's expanded
Ableson 57
Corbit 66
Kadolph 84
the resistance welding product line of his business, Cellar
Adams 70
Cousineau 66
Kline 73
Schneider 68
Services, Inc., via a number of inventions to help welding
Andrade 87
Delmastro 69
Krentz 87
Schomer 65
robots run better. He is also serving his 3rd term on the
Arndt 71
Draper 69
Kyne 73
Tate 90
executive board of AWS (American Welding Society). Jack says
Bailey 88
Fleck 49
Lovelace 65
Tavarozzi 64
his 1994 sales rose 100% over '93. Quote: "Tell 'em I spent
Baker 66
Fluegge 64
MacKool 71
Thelen 93
most of my money on beer and women; the rest I just wasted!"
Banyai 62
Gabriel 73
Marra 91
Tisch 95
Good show, Jack.
Bergemann 65
Gates 51
Meek 94
Twork 91
While cooling my heels in the lobby at GM Truck in Pontiac
Berwick 88
Gathen 65
Mills 85
Vatalaro 89
recently, I paged through their divisional newsletter "What's
Blain 88
Goodrich 59
Morgan 87
Werenski 61
New," and found an article by pledge brother, Fred (Bud) Cook,
Brady 62
Gray 63
Munger 73
White 64
'65, who had just been named General Sales Manager of GMC
Breitenbach 66
Hall 69
Ray 70
Wong 93
Truck (now North American Truck Group). Way to go, Bud!
Brodbeck 89
Haun 93
Robinson 90
Yates 66
Tom Davis, '70 was recently appointed VP Engineering at GM
Brooks 72
Heutel 66
Ronayne 69
Zibell 66
North American Truck Group. Brother Davis had served as VP
Brown 58
Hresko 80
Rowley 68
of the Lansing Automotive Div. until the move. Congrats, Tom!
Cook 65
Jurca 62
Rysenga 84
Ken MacKool, '71 is living in Grosse Pointe Park where he
The House is also the same entity, whether its name was
runs MacKool & Assoc. Welcome to the home office club, Ken.
Alpha Gamma Upsilon (most schools call it oopsilon, but I was
Joe Andrane, '87 was recently assigned Supt/Manufacturing
firmly corrected the first time I pronounced it that way), or its
Engrg in D/H Assy at Cadillac. Kudos! Wife Arlene was due with
later names: Alpha Gamma Fraternity, 1702 Men's Club, or
2nd child on 11-1-94. Let us know. 1st. son, Jason is now 3.
Alpha Gamma Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta. The point is it's an
Kurt "Jabba" Vatalaro, '89 was attending Oakland U. at last
institution; a really close family of brothers.
report, studying for his MBA and working at Ford in Reliability.
In going over documents I got from the house, the school and
Harry Brodbeck, '89 is also working on his MBA at EMU.
the national, there are discrepancies. There wasn't enough time
Harry's at Cincinnati Milacron and lives at Pleasant Lake, MI.
to research and establish all the facts, but I've combined what
Good hearing from you all! If anybody out there has info which
appears to be the critical information to arrive at this history. I've
would be suitable in this department, please drop me a line,
changed the details where I found them to be wrong. Here goes:
whether it's about you or another brother, either AGU or PGD.
A spring track meet in 1931 is where eleven students, lead by
And thanks to the guys above for their help.
Edward Jehn, were competing against DIT (Detroit Institute of
Technology). During the day they met and were impressed by a
House Happenings
group of men belonging to the two year old Gamma Chapter of
Alpha Gamma Upsilon Fraternity (its third chapter).
The active brothers need help for rush. The membership is
Within a year, by January 4, 1932, Jehn's room at 211 Cartier
down to only about 20 guys in both sections combined. The
Street was the site of meetings with the National Board of
annual IIOC golf tournament is scheduled and a canoe trip is
Directors and its president, Clayton M. "Sparky" Force (known
planned for summer. If you'd like to participate in these events
as Mr. Alpha Gam). Less than two weeks later, on January
or help in other ways, contact them or me. Maybe we could have
16th., the Delta Chapter was installed at GMI by a special
a joint canoe trip. They'll be mailing us the particulars soon.
meeting of the Supreme Council, AGU. (Addresses on Cartier
have 4 digits.)
News Items Needed
The first home occupied by Delta Chapter in May, 1932 was
located at 1321 Glenwood, which is now a parking lot for one of
The newsletter editor needs some help. News about yourself,
the GM plants down on Chevrolet. These guys were apparently
other brothers, or even a tale of something that happened in "the
not satisfied with the Glenwood site and in November, 1932 they
good old days" would sure be appreciated. Possible topics: Hell
moved to 1902 Cartier, staying for about five years. The next
Week, pledging, how you got your nickname, house parties, all-
move, in 1937, was to 1526 West Court, on the corner of Fox.
niters, or just a fond memory. Are you a Cardinal? Certainly, sir!
This house, like the other two, was leased. It still stands.
The meeting minutes of AGU kept back then reveal the
A history: Delta Chapter, AGU
growing pains all new organizations experience. Expenses were
(From the March, 1995 Norris Pig Dinner address by Gary Gathen, '65)
number one on the list of old business each week, it seems,
I'm glad to be an Alpha Gam and I'm glad to be a Fiji. And I'm
from house bills of $24 per month and party contributions of fifty
lucky to have been one of the 79 guys who crossed that bridge.
cents per man to the problem of compensating a physician for
I was telling Patty, my wife, last Sunday, while working on the
his cost of installing new flooring in the basement of the house,
research for tonight, "I'm really feeling my age today. It's my
where he maintained his office, to the perpetual problem of the
birthday, so I know I'm 54. (I try to tell myself I'm middle aged,
Candy Drawer cash being out of balance (curses!). This was
but even Rose Kennedy's middle age was 52!) And on top of
also known as the Cigarette Drawer at times and contained
that, I was just now reading a history of the house when I found
cigars, candy, cigarettes, razor blades and similar items. There
an error -- not because of my research, but because I was there!
was always a pile of IOU's which never matched the shortfall.
Then it occurred to me that when we were in the house, the
finally became a sort of store with a brother acting as clerk. It
original founders, who we thought were ancient, were only about
was a cause for comment whenever it was found to be in
54 years old back then! That really made me feel strange. I'll get
balance. The membership in 1937 was 15 or so, and these men
into that error in a few minutes.
had it good with a cook and a MAID! The maid, Laura
Whenever I meet brothers as a result of my little rag of a
Turnipseed, cleaned, made beds, even did windows. What are
newsletter, the Delta News, they ask me what it was like back in
pledges for, anyway?
the old days. That is, the AGU days; the changeover, and the
I had the unique experience the other day of talking with
early years in PGD.
Shirland "SG" Eddy '36, president of the house that year. SG
I can't get into too much detail for lack of time, but you should
lives in Texas now, and seemed really happy to help me out. We
get a rough idea of how things developed from our founding in
agreed to get in touch again soon so we can talk about the
1932 until we became Fiji, during my 5th year in 1964. If you
house in more detail.
already know some of the facts from your pledgeship, bear with
I also looked for Edward Jehn in the GMI Alumni Directory,
me and try to stay awake, because there will be an essay test
but he wasn't listed. There was a Thomas Jehn '57, so I called
before the house party starts tonight. If you flunk it no beer!
him, hoping he might know who Edward was. It turns out he is
Ed's son. Sadly, Ed passed away in 1977 of a heart attack. Tom
The early years - 1930s
is also an Alpha Gam. He put me in touch with his mom,
One of the funniest things I came across in the several
Catherine, and we had a nice chat. As a matter of fact, I could
histories of GMI that I read, concerned the social activities. In
hardly get her off the phone! She told me the names of the other
the earlier days it was reported that they held engineers' balls
ten charter members, some of whom are still alive, she thinks.
once a year. They seemed to take great pride in it, and usually
She got out some old Links magazines and gave me their
had several hundred turn out. (This was not actually sanctioned
nicknames, and so on. Ed's nickname was Engine, as in Ed-
when we were in school, and we called it something else.)
Jehn. The nicknames were clever plays on words then.
The House, as you know it or knew it, was and still is the
I didn't make these contacts until just this week, so I need to
organization of GMI men who had a common ideal. We all tend
get more information from them in the near future.
to think of The House in terms of the way it was when we were a
part of it, but the fact is, sure, it's the physical real estate of five
World War II years and after - 1940s
locations in Flint, Michigan, but it is, more importantly, the spirit
To put things in a frame of reference, our class of '65 was just
of the men who lived there together sharing the good and bad.
being born in 1941 & 42!
Jack Klett, '43 was an Alpha Gam whom I first met when he
In the May '63 A Section, during the traditional run from the
became plant advisor for my 5th year project. When I began
old house, a pledge fainted right on the front steps of the school.
preparing for tonight's talk, I called Jack, who is now retired to
A security guard saw it and we wound up on social probation.
Aiken, South Carolina. He was kind enough to speak into a tape
During that semester of pro we jokingly called ourselves the
recorder and reminisce about the years from 1939 to 43. He
1702 Men's Club. I haven't found another mention of that name,
says that in 1942 they were living on Court St. at the corner of
and don't remember any, either. When we came back from
Fox, across from a small park and looking for a new house. The
probation we had been released from the national, so we
main problem was that they had no money (when was the last
needed a new name, which had to be Greek letters. We thought
time the house had that as a concern?). They looked, though,
it would be really convenient to just drop the Upsilon -- so we
and found a nice one in another nice part of town, but the place
took one letter off the front of the house and made a few other
was $15,000! They also found one with a three car garage and a
minor changes. We just became Alpha Gamma Fraternity,
full length bowling alley in the basement. That one was over
which lasted for only about a year or so before we became PGD
near the GMI President's house (Major Sobey, at the time). The
in 1964.
price of this beauty was $25,000, so they didn't buy it either.
Jack remembered December 7, 1941 when the US went to
The decade of changes - 1960s
war with Japan. The brothers were playing football in the park
I like to tell this story as if it actually happened. My dad was in
across the street when the news came. Within a short time
Flint late one night and decided to stop by the house to say
many of them were in the service. A similar thing happened to
hello, but wasn't sure if he was at the right place. The front door
us in the 1960s, when we all faced going to Vietnam as soon as
was locked, so he pounded until someone stuck his head out of
we graduated. I lucked out, though, because the height limit at
an upstairs window. "Does Gary Gathen live here?", he asked.
that time was six feet six, and I had a comfortable two-inch
And the response was, "Yeah, just leave him on the steps; I'll
"excess vertical endowment dimension", which disqualified me.
send a pledge down to drag his ass inside!"
(After all, the foxholes were only six feet deep!)
The living room addition was built in 1963, and our class gift
Jack was House Manager; he said he was too stupid and took
to the house was the furniture and decorations (the fountain).
the job. Didn't know any better and no one else would take it.
I remember we won the school athletic trophy 2 of our 4 years
There were only two cars in the house; they walked to school,
against Phi Tau Alpha (now SAE) after they had won every
and came home for lunch, about the same distance as now.
single trophy from the first -- over 30 years in a row. They won it
The second world war caused a lot of change in the house, as
in '61 & '64; we won in '62 & '63. We each were second place
it did at GMI, to GM itself, and to the country. Membership was
finishers the two years we didn't win. The other nine houses
hard hit because so many students went to war.
finished well behind us. (You know you're deep athletically when
your piano player's nickname is "Jock"!)
Growing years - 1950s
Our scholarship was usually just a little above the all men's
Meeting minutes are scarce for this whole decade. I found the
average. We were always among the top houses in per capita
proposal for the new house project, and know some of the main
beer consumption, though! Community Service was one of our
players, especially Eric Mittelstadt, '57, house president, (now
strong suits right from the beginning; we had the Christmas
President of Fanuc Robotics), and Dick Veazey, '48 who were
party, Easter egg hunt, and so on.
both very active in the financial management of AGU. Dick was
We dealt with Bill Zerman to become PGD -- the first time a
our chapter advisor when we became Fijis and was our first
chapter was installed without regular colonization. I can't
Purple Legionnaire under Phi Gamma Delta.
remember what our chapter Greek letters were supposed to be,
The 1953 meeting minutes talk about looking for a site to
but I asked Bill if we could be Alpha Gamma Chapter, and we
purchase and build a new house. The membership was about
got it changed at the last minute. We were initiated in two
95 men & pledges.
groups, morning & afternoon. There were 74 undergrads, plus
No minutes are available from 1955 thru 57, a critical time
Dick Veazey, our alumni advisor, and four faculty advisors who
concerning the new house. We pick up again from 1958 & 59,
had been with us in AGU. Eight of us went to the Ekklesia in
when they did new house planning, building, and moving in.
French Lick, Indiana where we were installed as a chapter of
The error I mentioned earlier is in the Phi Gam pledge
PGD. Also, Larry Deck was in our BD Section pledge class; a
manual, which says, "The popular story is that the charter of
wonderful young man who died of cancer while still a freshman,
Delta Chapter of Alpha Gamma Upsilon was taken away in
I believe.
1958. To the best of our records this is true, officially and legally
Other incidents
the chapter maintained its identity with AGU, however called
itself the 1702 Men's Club. In the constitution there was no
My downstairs room, the guest room, was eavesdropping
heaven! Located just outside the membership room, I could put
provision for reclaiming chapter property. However, legally we
could no longer use the name Alpha Gamma Upsilon. Sometime
my ear to the grille in the door and hear what plans were being
made for us pledges by the actives. The only problem was that
in that four years, the house corporation changed to AGU, Inc.,
couldn't tell anyone until the next day, and had to spend several
and the chapter changed to Alpha Gamma Fraternity, Inc."
sleepless nights in anticipation of a lineup or whatever. The
That's wrong, because we were pledges in 1961 when Delta
other eavesdropping occurred when we had house parties. The
Chapter hosted the national convention of AGU in Flint. What
heat duct in the ladies' john also served my bathroom, so we
actually happened was that in '57, according to Tom Jehn, they
could listen to what the girls had to say about their dates while
got into trouble with the doctor behind the house on Welch
powdering their noses. This was a major advantage.
Blvd., who caused trouble at school by reporting them every
Lake St. Clair, where my folks lived, was the scene of the
time they had a little drunken brawl. How intolerant! One version
mystery trip for the worm class one year. The family Sea Skiff
says that they wound up getting kicked out of there by the
was used to transport eight blindfolded 18-year olds to Harsen's
landlord just before moving to 1702 Flushing. Another story
Island, where they were dropped off. Unknown to us, we had
says they owned the Welch house. This was just before my
been observed by motorists on our drive down I-75, so when we
time, so I'm not sure.
returned to the marina, we were arrested for murder! Fortunately
At the time, Delta Chapter paid more national dues than the
the father of one of the brothers, a Lieutenant on the Detroit PD,
other chapters combined. We wanted out so we broke away, but
had attended the Police Academy with the Sergeant in charge
it may have been precipitated by the Welch problems too.
that night, and we were released with a stern lecture.
Jerry Gray, '62 had a hearse, and several of us used it to
escort our moms barhopping in Flint one Mother's Weekend.
Membership Survey
Mine loved waving to startled drivers out the back window! She
still talks of that night as one of her most memorable, as I do.
Class 19
What "The House" means to me
I had a sister, but no brother. I had wanted an older brother
(and a younger one too). Now I have more than anyone could
want. Sometimes more than anyone could stand. And they
range in age from 18 to almost 90. This was the most important
reason I wanted to go Greek. Before coming to GMI, I attended
the University of Michigan for two years in pre-med. While there
I pledged, but did not go active in Delta Chi. And for coincidence
- right straight across the street was the Fiji house! I enjoyed
the fraternalism and wanted to join a top house when I came to
Flint. I liked the house parties, senior meetings at BJ's, beer
bouts at Lorinden's and skin flicks at Woody's, which were our
versions of the KA (Knight's Arms). Our picnics and canoe trips
were great too. We especially liked 4-section weekends, when
we all got together, A, B, C & D sections. It was great because
we had many more of them then. A & B were 4-week sections,
while C & D were 8 weeks, since they had out of state co-ops. In
'62 they combined C section with A and D with B, and put
everybody on 6-weeks.
The house molded us just as much in the 60s as it did in the
30s or does now in the 90s. I've always appreciated what we
each got from having been through pledgeship, especially Hell
Return to:
Gary Gathen
Week, and the years of being a part of this fraternity, right up to
21 Elm Park Blvd., Pleasant Ridge, MI 48069
now, as an alum. I hope the chapter house continues forever,
call: (810) 543-3366 Home or (810) 543-5410 FAX
and that it will mean as much to you in 2025, 30 years from now
This rag written, designed, laid out, typeset, edited & published by G Corp.
as it does to me today.
under the supervision of Watusi, the Wacky, Weird Wordsmith. Direct all
blame and lawsuits to him alone Perge!
The Delta News
Alpha Gamma Upsilon / Phi Gamma Delta
For U.S.addresses only
For IS.addresses only
21 Elm Park Boulevard
Pleasant Ridge, MI 48069
Bill Martin
Phi Gamma Delta
PO Box 4599
Lexington, KY
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April 1994 newsletter of the Alpha Gamma chapter at Kettering University. The newsletter is four pages in length.