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1996 April Newsletter Alpha Gamma (Kettering University)
April 1996 newsletter of the Alpha Gamma at Kettering University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Alpha Gamma
Kettering University
1996 April Newsletter Alpha Gamma (Kettering University)
Volume IV Number 1
April, 1996
For The Alumni and Undergrads of Alpha Gamma Upsilon Fraternity, Delta Chapter; Alpha Gamma Fraternity; 1702 Men's Club; and
the Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity, Alpha Gamma Chapter from General Motors Institute and GMI Engineering & Management Institute
April 11'
Board Meeting
1958 President Passes Suddenly
Take a break from your desk
Our deepest condolences go out to the family of Forest E.
overload! It's time for another Delta
Donley '58, who presided over AGU while the House was being
Alumni Board Meeting. Come on
built. The following appeared in the Jackson Citizen Patriot on
down! The details remain the same:
3/16/96 and was received from Jerry Fluegge '65. Forest E.
chicken buffet dinner with all the
Donley, of Jackson, passed away March 13, 1996, aged 59
draft beer or pop we need for
years. He is survived by his wife of 39 years, Nancy; one son,
$30.00 per graduate brother (we'll
Clark F. of Columbus, Ohio; two daughters, Holly (Bob)
be helping out the undergrads by
Borghese of Columbus, Ohio, Arlene (Jay) Moss of Colorado
underwriting their cost). This
Springs, Colo.; five grandchildren; his mother, Dot Donley of
includes tax, tip, bartender,
Jackson. He was a member of Arbor Grove Congregational
waitress, room rental and $8.00 for the kitty (now low again, as
Church, president of Technical Services, Association, Executive
usual). Buffet available from 8 only, bar from 6 11.
Director of the Foundry Association of Michigan. He enjoyed
Please call or FAX me if you're coming to dinner.
golfing and traveling. Contributions may be made to Arbor Grove
Congregational Church Easy Access Project. RIP
Phone: (810) 543-5400
Fax: 543-5410
[Ed: I never knew Forest, but had a minor connection because pledges had
We need a count by noon on Monday, Apr. 8th.
to be able to recite the previous five House presidents - for us, those were:
Bob Kimmel '56, Eric Mittelstadt '57, Forest Donley '58,
We need your help; make a call & bring a brother!
Bill Chamberlain '59 and John Kemerly '60]
Location: Club Venetian (rear banquet room) @ 29310 John
R, Madison Heights (1/4 mile N of 12 Mile Rd (810) 399-6788
And make a note of the next board meeting in the fall on
Email brings more sad news
October 10th, 1996. We may be changing our location, be sure
Unfortunately, ! have some bad news. Brother James Housei
to watch the fall issue. For future reference, we'll try to schedule
B-section Fiji grad '88, has recently suffered a loss. His wife
board meetings for the 2nd Thursday in April and October.
Karen lost her battle with cancer and passed away, yesterday.
Karen also attended GMI and was a member at Theta Phi Alpha
October Board Meeting: 38 Men
as well as being friend to many B-section brothers. James and
Karen have one child. Please join me in expressing deepest
A new record! 38 attended the October Board Meeting:
sympathies. Services will be held at noon on Monday, March 25th
in Milan, MI. If you would like more details, Feel free to contact
me at 322-9421 (work). RIP Kurt Schieding (3/22/96)
Section Chief XIX to attend
Hall, Don
David Holub (DePauw '87 Fiji) our Section Chief, will pay our
Board Meeting a visit on April 11th. He'll update us on the
Morgan, Pat
extensive new developments at the House. The membership has
declined in recent years to the point that it was in serious danger
of losing its charter and, perhaps, even the House itself. A new
Everyone had a great time and promised to be back in April.
BCA (Board of Chapter Advisors) has been formed and things
now it's almost April.
are headed in the right direction again. We also hope some of the
[Ed: First response this time: Eric Mittelstadt '57, CEO, Fanuc Robotics.]
most active alum participants will attend to share their input.
Last fall Dave sent a letter to a brief mailing list he had of Fiji
Alums with clout!
alums in which he described the problems. He asked for some
financial help, which he got. So much that he was overwhelmed.
The January, 96 SAE dinner which 1,100 attended, had two
It was good to hear that the brothers really responded that way.
alums at the 12-man head table: Mike Mutchler '57, Group
He also mentioned that Wayne State and Western Michigan
Exec, GM Powertrain and Don Barefoot '74, CEO, ASC, who
chapters had had more serious difficulties than ours, and in fact,
didn't even know they were brothers. [Ed: We let them both know.]
they lost their chapter houses. Things are looking up for them
too, and the bright side of things is that the Michigan chapter is
one of the strongest on campus. They can lend a hand with
Please RSVP
several aspects of the rebuilding project. Rather than to steal
Dave's thunder, why don't we all turn out to hear about it first
Mon, April 8th!
hand. Thanks to all you brothers who pitched in. The kitty
donated $100 to the cause; wish it could have been more.
Current Mailing List
This is the list of brothers receiving the
newsletter. If you know of anyone who
might like to be added to the list, let me
know the vitals: name, year, home and
Mail Bag
work addresses, phones and fax. If you
are not on this list, send in a Member-ship Survey (located on
News about Delta alums
page 4).
Abbott 92
Ableson 59
Adams 70
Adams 72
Poker players show their hands
Amano 71
Andrade 87
Arndt 71
Bailey 88
Baker 66
Banyai 62
Bechtel 65
Bergemann 65
Just a quick note on what's up. If you're interested, a short bio
Berwick 88
Bianco 58
Billis 67
Blain 88
on me Married to Kim Eaton - GMI '85 in December 1983; two
Boran 88
Boran 90
Brady 62
kids - Megan, 5 and Jessica, 2. We live down the freeway from
Breitenbach 66
Brodbeck 89
Brooks 72
Brown 58
Brown 88
you guys in Hartland, back in the woods on 11 acres. Makes a
Brown 88
Buhl 84
Burke 68
Byrne 82
good place for a bash.
Cabral 96
Chamberlain 56
Cheesebrough 77
Some more trivial info
Clarkson 89
Coffer 67
Cook 65
Corbit 66
Cousineau 66
I happened to get a new boss last summer, and it just so
Croom 49
Daman 68
Davis 70
Delmastro 69
happened that he's a GMI FIJI from '73 or '74 named Jeff
Deyer 69
Draper 69
Eddy 36
Fiesselmann 50
Fleck 49
Fluegge 64
Frame 86
Spitzer. Even more interesting reading your newsletter, my
Gabriel 73
boss's boss was Fred Cook '65 another FIJI ! With all these
Gates 51
Gathen 65
Gauthier 71
Gibson 59
Gifford 80
Goodrich 59
Gray 63
brothers in high places, you would think you could get good
Greenleaf 37
Guthrie 65
Hall 69
Hansen 87
Haun 93
Helwig 88
Hetke 64
Heutel 66
As the years seem to roll on by, there are quite a few of us early
Hresko 80
Hugan 65
Jaycox 61
Jehn 57
80's brothers who still get together semi-frequently to play poker
Jurca 62
Kadolph 84
Kania 66
Keller 86
and the usual reminiscing. We had a good turnout a couple
Klett 43
Kline 73
Krentz 87
Kyne 73
weeks ago with quite a few brothers able to make it: Bill Keller
Lane 61
Lauer 93
Lee 66
Lovelace 65
'85, Dave Witucki '84, Doug Kadolph '84, Jim Engardio '82,
MacKool, K 71
MacKool, 71
Malone 90
Marra 91
Steve Byrne '82, Paul Tobakos '81 and Dennis Zabinski '80.
McFeely 68
Meek 94
Mills 85
We seem to be doing a pretty good job of staying in touch after
Mittelstadt 57
Morgan 78
Morgan 87
Munger 73
10+ years with most of our B-section brothers from 80-85.
Mutchler 57
Naples 57
Nelson 64
Norman 73
Hopefully, I'll be putting together a FIJI bash this summer which
Oberholtzer 77
Parks 66
Parsons 87
Pelton 88
hope to have Bill "Maytag" Keller wield his mean ax! It's
Potter 94
Quattro 67
Ray 70
Repetto 88
amazing how much better he's got since we've all graduated.
Robinson 90
Ronayne 69
Rowley 68
Hopefully, I'll fare better than at my last FIJI party where I
Rysenga 84
Sales 73
Santelices 87
Schmidt 95
managed to break my arm free-falling 20 feet. (I have a cable 20
Schneiden 68
Schomer 65
Searcy 91
Shortt 64
feet up that goes over my pond which you swing down a pulley
Tate 90
Tavarozzi 64
Thelen 93
Tisch 95
and drop in the water. The rope on the pulley happened to break
Tobakos 81
Tobiczyk 62
Tosch 62
Twork 91
on me as I was traveling over land. OOPS!) So, some things
Vatalaro 89
Veazey 48
Werenski 61
West 65
never change. We still try to be as wild as we were when we were
Wheaton 68
White 64
Wickens 96
Wise 60
Witucki 84
Wong 93
Yates 66
Yauch 56
Keep the spirit alive! AI Buhl '84 Perge! (4/17/95)
York 66
Zibell 66
[Ed: Bud Cook and I pledged together; also, he was at the Board Meeting in
April, 95. As for the poker gang bring 'em down, and why don't you get
surveys filled out for the mailing list? Several only have addresses on file.]
Distant Deltas
We've received a few more requests from out-of-state guys
Wall Street items
wanting to be on the mailing list for this Rag. Some have even
sent a check to cover costs. We appreciate that -- thanks! If
I was pleased to have Rick McFeely's forwarded copy of "The
anybody else wants to contribute, the kitty could sure use it
Delta News". I've been out of touch for a long time and would like
(suggest $25 every 5 years or so; best subscription price
to be on the mailing list.
around). Be sure to tell us about yourself and other brothers
Jerry Kania is a client & friend and Rick (twice my Best Man)
you've seen or heard from lately.
McFeely and Bob Adams have always been close friends. The
Many of the younger guys have asked to hear about the good
rest of you "Great Guys" I've lost touch with and would like to fix
old days. How about some more 30's and 40's stuff, men? We'll
that. Alpha Gam/FIJI represents some of the greatest memories
accept typed, handwritten, audio tape, floppy disk or just call, fax,
of my life. Thanks for all your efforts, Joe Burke (4/18/95)
email, FedEx, pony express, carrier pigeon or whatever.
[Ed: Letterhead from: McDonald & Company Securities, Inc. of Ann Arbor.
Got word from Jerry Kania's '66 office that his mail is routed
Anybody need a hot tip? Call Joe!]
to Ford Shanghai, where he's currently on assignment.
Skully ties the knot
[Ed: Remember, little brother, all wok and no play,
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April 1996 newsletter of the Alpha Gamma at Kettering University. The newsletter is four pages in length.