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1996 Summer Newsletter Iota Mu (MIT)
Summer 1996 newsletter of the Iota Mu chapter at MIT. The newsletter is four pages in length.
Date/Date Range:
Iota Mu
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1996 Summer Newsletter Iota Mu (MIT)
JUL 5 1006
Chapter Focuses On Pig Dinner And Rush
Mark your
Greetings, brothers. The close of
began early with a graduate telethon.
another year has meant the beginning of
I'm sure that we missed a number of
a new presidency here at 28 The Fen-
people due to wrong numbers and limit-
way and the end of another. And before
ed time, but nevertheless I'd like to
I go on too much, I'd like to say thanks
think that the jingle from old 28 oiled at
to my predecessor, John McCloy, for
least a few rusty wheels out there and
his hard work and dedication over the
improved the turnout for roasted snout.
past year.
Credit is especially due Richard Con-
The first few months at my new post
way '98 for all of the time and energy
have been very rewarding. The level of
he invested.
energy in the house has been incredible
Of course, by now the words of
Hope to see
and probably as high as I have seen it in
(continued on page two)
the last three years.
you there!
Everyone is in good
spirits and has found a
new zeal for old Phi
Gamma Delta.
The Norris Pig Din-
ner and rush have been
my two main focal
points this semester.
This spring (as I'm sure
many of you heard), the
effort to get the word
out for the Pig Dinner
Toolroom Lit; Pit To Be Renovated
The term began well with a clean house after freshman work week
at the end of January. One of the more notable projects involved the
toolroom: the pledges cleaned, organized, and provided lighting.
General cleaning left the house sparkling. Goals for next work week
include improved security of rooms and improved bathrooms.
Projects for this term include a renovation of the pit. Professional
improvements in the ceiling and wiring in the pit are required for
inspection, and our hope is that these changes will make the pit
inhabitable in the future. Brothers have been ambitious this term in
improving their individual rooms as well.
We plan on filling out the house with Wellesley and MIT women
and with female friends of the brothers. With Nasos Dousis's ('99)
attractive posters, we are sure to fill the house soon after spring break.
Phillip Rowe '98, Neil Waggoner '98, and Daniel Hermann '99
House Managers
The house lit up for the holidays.
A Message From
Some Parting Words
Our Alumni Send
The Stewards
From Our Seniors
Us Their News
With the new year come four new
MICHAEL THOMAS: "I am still seek-
We got a nice note recently from
stewards. Pang Lee '97 and Jimmy Yeh
ing a position in chemical process mod-
Eleanor Bennett, wife of JOHN F.
'97 are the senior members, with assis-
eling and optimization in the Midwest
BENNETT '30. She writes, "Jack was
tants Nasos Dousis '99 and Jim Maty-
but may opt to continue study in the
living a joyful life of golf and garden-
sczak '99.
field of chemical engineering at Car-
ing at age 86. He remarried after his
Also with the new year comes a
negie Mellon University. My long-term
first wife's death in April 1988, and for
change in the cooking arrangements.
career plans include becoming head
six years he and I bounced happily
For the first time in a couple of years,
brewmeister of a major brewery and
from Jack's lovely home on Sanibel
the Fiji fortress on the Fenway has a
restoring Wisconsin's title as the
Island to my home in Macon, Georgia,
non-brother cook. Ken, the new Fiji
largest beer producing state."
to enjoy the blooming of 32,000 Yo-
cook, is renowned in Boston for his
shimi cherry trees, dogwood, and azal-
award-winning clam chowder (see box
KLEY ACHTERHOF: "Well, after
eas in April, to Highlands, North Caro-
below). And nobody is complaining
four long years of MIT, I'm finally
lina, for the summer. We reversed the
about the lack of ramen, since we have
graduating this spring with a degree in
course come fall-the best of all
more ramen than even a Fiji house can
management. Three days after gradua-
worlds! In December 1994 Jack suf-
consume in a year, and Ken's leftovers
tion I'm heading to Europe with pledge
fered a stroke, which paralyzed his left
are excellent for snacks.
brother John McCloy for a two-month
side. He is recovering slowly in the
tour. When I return I'll be heading off
nursing pavilion at Shell Point Village,
Fraternally yours,
to work in management or information
a retirement community in Fort Myers.
James Matysczak '99
technology consulting in Boston, New
He enjoys visits from family and
York, or Minneapolis. I plan on getting
friends. In February, long-time friend
some business experience before get-
BILL JACKSON '30 came to see him.
ting a joint MBA/JD."
Bill and his wife, Peggy, vacation each
(continued on page four)
JOHN McCLOY: "In June I will
Ken's Award-Winning
graduate with a bachelor's degree in
Clam Chowder
materials science and engineering with
a minor in archaeology. For two
Chapter Focuses
months this summer I will be testing
Ken usually makes this by
my wits in Eastern Europe with Kley
(continued from page one)
instinct rather than by recipe,
Achterhof before returning to student
Norris have probably faded. But every-
so this may not be identical to
life. In fall 1996 I will begin graduate
one here still holding down the fort
the great chowder we have at
school at MIT in the materials science
realizes how much help and support
the house!
and engineering department. I will be
comes from the old anonymous source
Serves six to eight.
following a self-created doctoral pro-
of "the grads." I hope everyone will
gram with MIT and Harvard University
accept this token of seldomly expressed
l quart milk
to study the materials engineering and
appreciation from all of us for the help
1/4 lb. diced onions
building technology of the ancient
over the years.
1/4 lb. diced celery
Mayans of Mexico and Central Amer-
As always, rush has been a major
16 oz. clam juice
ica. I found my calling in the spring of
focus of the house. The Fiji rush
1 lb. minced clams
1995 when a bunch of us Iota Mus took
machine was primed early as I vowed
(may be canned)
spring break in Cancun and added a
to teach my successor, Han Chou '97,
1 tsp. garlic
side trip to the ruins of Chichen Itza.
how to climb the obstacles I encoun-
1/2 lb. diced potatoes
While a career in academia was not my
tered last year. The house looks more
6 oz. roux
choice a year ago, now it looks like a
focused than ever for this fall, and, after
lot more fun than the drudgery of an
a successful rush for the class of '99,
Simmer clams for 20 min-
eight-to-five engineering job! Look for
we're looking forward to rushing an
utes or until done. Heat clam
me in the Boston/Cambridge area dur-
equally strong and perhaps even bigger
juice until it is boiling gently.
ing the next five years or so."
class for the next millennium. So, just
Mix roux into clam juice
in case you haven't been told, I'd like
slowly. Saute onions, celery,
ELRON YELLIN: "After finishing my
to personally invite everyone to get
and garlic until soft. Add
engineering thesis, I'll be working as a
involved with the efforts to rush the
thickened clam juice and
software engineer and DSP algorithm
class of 2000. If you can't make it, feel
potatoes until potatoes are al
developer. I'm going to miss life at
free to give me a call or drop me a line.
dente. Add sauteed onions
Fiji, but since the company is in Cam-
Your insights (and fish stories) are
and celery. Mix in milk and
bridge, I won't have to go far to visit
always welcome.
stir until somewhat thick.
old 28. I wish all the young guys who
will still be at MIT next year the best of
Fraternally yours,
Joseph Bishop '97
Service To Community Helps To Improve Neighbor Relations
Service to our community and local charities is slowly improving
our image in the eyes of our neighbors here on the Fenway. Last term,
we had a Fenway cleanup one Sunday morning. The whole undergradu-
ate brotherhood donned Fiji garb and, starting from the doorstep of 28
The Fenway, worked our way around the entire block, picking up trash
and raking leaves. The cleanup only lasted a little over an hour, but the
30-plus man-hours made a marked improvement in the appearance of
our block as well as our standing with our neighbors.
In mid-December, we held our annual Christmas party for the
Boston After-School Program, a program based in Chinatown that
offers underprivileged children a safe place to go after school as well as
supplementary tutorials. At the party, the children helped decorate the
house, and each brother gave a small gift to the child whose name he
had drawn. After the gift-giving and lunch, the children played with
LEGOs and all sorts of toys to the background of Christmas music. The
children's evident pleasure was well worth the planning, preparation,
and shopping that everyone had put into the party.
Even when there are no organized community relations projects,
there are always opportunities for individual brothers to be involved in
various charitable events, such as benefit races and hoopathons. As we
look forward to the next academic year, we anticipate much brother-
hood involvement in these and other community service and philan-
thropic events.
Fraternally yours,
Bryan Bilyeu
Michal Al-Salem with a friend from the Boston
Community Relations
After-School Program.
House Finances In
After Difficult Times, Fiji Grows Strong Again
Good Shape
As a member of the class of '99, I
Fiji became our home, filled with
The Fiji finances are in reasonably
have lived at Fiji for only a few months,
energetic and vivacious people who
good shape. We are currently up-to-
and I've often felt that it has just com-
would be willing to do almost anything
date on all of our debt payments,
pleted a transition. Fiji had nearly col-
at the drop of a hat. Someone wanted to
including national dues and Malcolm
lapsed three years ago, and it was said
go camping-and a U-Haul appeared at
Cotton Brown Corporation rent.
that recovery was going to be difficult.
the house in less than an hour. Some
Unfortunately, house bills this term
Today, the house stands strong. Fiji pre-
guys wanted to relax after a stressful
are the highest that they have ever been.
vailed over the skepticism and managed
week-and suddenly there was a room
In fact, even with the house bills as high
to reconstruct the brotherhood, although
party in 3 left front. The excitement and
as they are, we still planned to come out
the odds were very much against it.
spontaneity of college life were made
of the semester in the negative. How-
As new members, we are aware of
manifest at Fiji-and to us, this became
ever, everything has been going smooth-
the grueling efforts and determination
her hallmark.
ly, and we seem to be in better shape
that made our experience thus far possi-
Our perspective is an optimistic one,
than we could have hoped or planned.
ble. We know that our role in the house
one that suggests that the rebound is
We may, if all goes well, end the sem-
is to keep up the effort and complete the
over and the ascension is next. The class
ester without debt.
task of expanding Fiji to its former size,
of '99 gives credit to the year's pledge
Our biggest concerns right now are
at the same time maintaining the
program led by Steven Masterman '97
summer income and, of course, rush for
"psych" that was demonstrated SO keen-
and the brilliant efforts made by our
the class of 2000. We need both to be
ly by previous classes.
Purple Legionnaire, Steve Peltzman '90,
strong SO that we end the summer in the
Granted we are not all alike, nor do
for our hopeful visions for Iota Mu.
black and SO that next year's house bills
we all have the same tastes and hobbies.
Together, they made our class strong,
will be more reasonable.
As new members, we have spent much
and we want to return the favor in the
I wish to thank all of you who donat-
of our time adjusting to our new envi-
upcoming years.
ed for "Fiji Rush 2000." These dona-
ronment and learning the subtleties of
tions will contribute to the much-need-
living in a fraternity-namely, respect-
Michal Al-Salem '99
ed success of next year's rush.
ing each other's habits. In the process of
doing so, we dedicated ourselves to Fiji
Fraternally yours,
and learned to appreciate it for what it is
Robert A. Cooper '97
and what it could be.
Return your newsform today!
News Of Fiji Brothers From Near And Far
(continued from page two)
international sector. "I work approxi-
Irvine as an assistant professor in car-
year in Boca Grande, Florida, an hour
mately 100 days a year." When not on
diothoracic surgery. Lillian and I now
and a half from here." Send best wishes
his farm in France, Jack can be found at
have two children, Allison, who is five
to Jack and Eleanor at 5910 Lucina
1100 Grantley Rd., York, PA 17403.
years old, and William, who is two."
Court, Fort Myers, FL 33908.
The Chens were in the process of mov-
Last November, P. JEFFREY TRIM-
ing to a new home at 1729 Port Shef-
Retire? Not WILLIAM R. JACK-
MER '66 was elected president of the
field, Newport Beach, CA 92660. "We
SON '30! After 66 years as an executive
Oakland Hills Country Club in Birming-
invite all brothers to visit if they are in
at Pitt-Des Moines, Inc., Bill is still
ham, Michigan-the site of the 1996
Orange County."
working five days a week, albeit on a
U.S. Open. "It's probably not big news
reduced schedule. He makes his home at
for everyone, but for me it's exciting,
Lynn and MARK J. FORDHAM '84
Pony Hollow Rd., Sewickley, PA
and I'm looking forward to meeting and
wrote in March that they had a 20-
perhaps playing a round with some of
month-old son, Matthew, as well as a
the top golfers in the world." "Pooh"
daughter "in progress." Lynn was
Our address for LAWRENCE C.
works for Chrysler and lives at 1168
enjoying her work as a pediatric radiolo-
TURNOCK '41 is 270 Pheasant Run
Lyonhurst, Birmingham, MI 48009.
gist, and Mark was about to complete
Dr., Chagrin Falls, OH 44022.
his PhD in mechanical engineering at
TIMOTHY F. HULT '74 reports that
the University of North Carolina. Their
"Still at the same old stand, 100
he has founded a new company, Tes-
leisure pursuits include windsurfing,
yards from the warm waters of the
sena, Inc., which helps large companies
hiking, and canoeing. Drop a line to the
Atlantic," reports DEAN C. PICTON
implement data warehouses for market-
Fordhams at 1323 Valley Run, Durham,
'44 Surf Rd., #202, Hollywood,
ing. "We're up to 50 people in 10
NC 27707.
FL 33019). "Would enjoy hearing from
months and are having a wild ride."
any who remember Bebe and me."
Tim, wife Mary, and their two teenaged
Get in touch with MARK A. RAD-
Dean's home phone number is 954/920-
daughters and 12-year-old son make
LAUER '84 at 1118 S. Corona St., Den-
their home at 20 Audubon Lane,
ver, CO 80210.
Carlisle, MA 01741.
W. BURCH WINDER '50 writes,
"Luke Williams Joy was born on
"The Phi Gam pledge class for the class
"I'm about to hit my 20-year
February 1, 1996," reports proud dad
of 1950, most of whom pledged in
anniversary with Shell Oil Company
ROBERT A. JOY '87. "He's our third,
1946-50 years ago-held a reunion in
and subsidiaries," pens RAMON J.
joining Nathan (3) and Katie (2). I've
Breckenridge, Colorado, in September
VALLEJO '75. "The good thing is I
lost track of my pledge brothers. Give
1995. Many of the group had not seen
still love the work, and my association
me a call at 910/868-9773, or write to
one another since graduation, and the
with Shell is still a source of pride."
me at 3130 Brechin Rd., Fayetteville,
memories were strong and clear. The
Ramon and his wife, Maria, have three
NC 28303."
brothers who attended, and their wives,
children, Jay (13), Lizette (11), and Luis
were HANK FERGUSON and Bev,
(7), "who run us ragged between soccer,
JEFFREY A. DRAKE's ('91) new
baseball, scouts, piano, etc." Ramon and
address is 12131 Lake LaDare, Baton
Maria enjoyed a sailing vacation in the
Rouge, LA 70816.
and Shelby, TOM EGGERT and Au-
Virgin Islands with Linda and ROB
drey, JOHN FLYNN and Jane, OLLIE
PARKER '75, Donna and RAY IZOR
JAMES A. GLEASON '92 lives at
KINCANNON and Margaret, and me
'75, and Vicki and DAVID JESSICH
748 Soundview Dr., Palm Harbor, FL
and Jeanne. Only KEN BENJAMIN and
'75. Visitors to New Orleans are invited
DICK SABIN were unable to join the
to enjoy some southern hospitality at
festivities. A splendid time was had by
3625 Lake Aspen E., Gretna, LA 70056.
all. I don't know whether this gathering
will replace for us the official 50-year
Cardiac surgeon JOHN C. CHEN
reunion in the year 2000, but it was a
'84 writes, "It's good to hear that our
We regret to report the death of the
great prelude to that upcoming and very
house is regaining strength. Perhaps we
following alumni:
significant year." Burch is a manage-
will once again be the shining star of
ment consultant, and he and Jeanne
MIT fraternities. I have recently been in
reside at 2672 S. Jackson St., Denver,
contact with JOHN TAYLOR '84, and
February 2, 1995
CO 80210.
he is doing quite well. 'J.T.' has started
a private practice as a plastic surgeon at
October 13, 1995
Formerly the president of the interna-
the Jersey Shore and is a proud father of
tional business group at York Inter-
two girls. If any brother is considering a
national Corporation, JOHN R. WALSH
face lift, you may want to call on 'J.T.'
May 12, 1994
'53 retired in 1990. He has since gone
As for me, I have taken a faculty posi-
back as an acquisition consultant in the
tion at the University of California at
December 21, 1995
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Summer 1996 newsletter of the Iota Mu chapter at MIT. The newsletter is four pages in length.