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1973 Fall Newsletter Iota Mu (MIT)
Fall 1973 newsletter of the Iota Mu chapter at MIT. The newsletter is four pages in length.
Date/Date Range:
Iota Mu
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1973 Fall Newsletter Iota Mu (MIT)
FALL 1973
Greetings from Iota Mu - following is a brief description of
what's been happening at 28 the Fenway. Spirit in the house is at
an all time high despite a sharp increase in brothers' outside ac-
tivities. The continual appearance around the house of recent
graduates such as John Peterson '73, Mike Knauer '73, Ed Schmidt '72,
and Bob Mohr '72 confirm this.
Rush week was a lot of fun although it had a lot of tense moments.
We have ten pledges; although we had been shooting for eleven, we're
in no trouble since we increased our capacity last spring.
This was accomplished by adding a new room in the front of the
sleeping porch. It is a three-man and was constructed by the efforts
of Denny Huber '74, John Viggers '74, and a crew of about five brothers.
The room was funded by the house corporation and dedicated to the mem-
ory of the late Gil Roddy.
The rise in food prices has caused us some concern. We've in-
creased the proportion of the food budget to the total budget. The
increase in the size of the house hopefully will prevent us from
raising the housebill more than five percent. Tom Wegert '74 is con-
tinually searching for ways to save money as steward.
We have embarked on a strong pledge program this year under the
leadership of Kirk Blunck '76 and pledge class president Doug Abram-
son '77. Pledge spirit and unity is extremely high. After waking
one morning and finding our moose and flag gone, the pledges counter-
raided. After retaking our moose and taking Theta Chi's moose,
trophies, charter, composite, tea set, dinner bell, and silverware,
the Theta Chis were more willing to negotiate.
Social Service Chairman, Mark Tanquary, is continuing our strong
social service record of last term with activities such as the Red
Cross Blood Drive, a christmas party for orphans, and the Tutoring
Plus program for underpriviledged children.
Social Chairman, Bill (Flash) Rizzi, has sponsored many fine
parties. These include Fiji Drive In, Thumper Parties, Band Parties,
Vermont Weekend, and plain old Tunes Parties. Upcoming is the
Christmas Party, and Snowy Dinner.
Many Fijis are out for sports. Dan Ludington '77 and Fred Tsu-
chia are playing soccer. Freshman Jim Datesh is on the varsity tennis
team. Rob Parker '75, Dave Jessich '75, and Bill Rizzi '76 are sail-
ing. Brothers Vince '76 and Steve '77 Maconi play baseball, Doug
Looze 74, Mark Dahl '75, and Will Sawyer '77 are crew jocks. Joe
Egan runs cross country, John Pearson '74 is the captain of the track
As you can see, Fiji's are involved.
Intramural Athletics is again
The only other sport in ac-
helping to keep the spirit high
tion is volleyball. Although hav-
here at Fiji. Fielding teams in
ing played only one game, the tal-
both 'A' and 'C' league football
ent of the team has been shown in
is no easy feat.
the blistering spikes and diving
The Fiji 'A' team has shown a
saves of Captain Bill (Flash) Rizzi
lot of talent in their first two
(76), Bullwinkle Sawyer, Lionel
games, although suffering two
Goulet (74), Bill Kaiser (77) Rob
tough defeats. Led by the passing
Parker, and Brett (Hands) Bachman.
of John Sitarski (74), the receiv-
The team has only been together a
ing of Tom (Wizard) Wegert (74),
short time but it is evident that
and speedy running of Joe Walkush
they are starting to gel and solid
(74) the team put together an in-
team play will make them one of the
credible offense. On the line, Doug
top six in the league.
Looze (74) and Jim Kirschner (75)
to name a few, have given outstand-
ing protection and blocking for
those intricate (if not confusing)
pass and running plays. On defense
Fiji has developed into one of the
toughest, spearheaded by middle line-
backer Kirk Blunck (76) In addition
Jim Trebbe (75), Vince Maconi (76),
The concept of pledge training
and Steve Myers (76) have shown their
has always been a significant one
hard rushing and good pass defenses.
at Phi Gamma Delta. Although the
A newcomer, Brett Bachman (77), has
methods and emphasis have from time
demonstrated that fast hands both on
to time fluctuated, it has rarely
and off the field makes him one of
been denied as instrumental in de-
the leading pass interceptors on the
veloping in new men the feelings of
team. Also, Howard Simmons (76),
pride and responsibility in their
captain, has kept the team going
fraternity that will ultimately
with his exceptional punting and
lead to their active and fruitful
kicking. All in all, it looks like
participation in both Institute and
a promising year for Fiji 'A' foot-
house activities. The attitudes
built now are those upon which the
In 'C' league, the team has
responsibility and future of this
shown that it isn't if you win or
chapter will one day rest.
lose, it's how you play the game.
Certainly no one person can
Composed mainly of anyone that can
mold all new pledges. This year
be found to play at the moment, the
the benefits and interest by all the
team has lost two games but had a
brothers has been stressed and have
good time trying. The solid play
been evident. A renewed interest
of John Viggers (74) and Rod Taft
in tradition by all brothers has
(74) combined with the tough play
also been an invaluable example for
of Larry Jankauski (76) on both
all pledges. The enthusiasm of the
offense and defense have kept the
class of '77 has already been demon-
team in high spirits. In the same
strated by their conscientious
Fiji spirit, Jim Datesh (77) , Will
housework, the productiveness of
(Bullwinkle) Sawyer (77), Mark
several pledge raids, and their zeal
Dahl (75), Steve Nuding (74), and
for throwing people in the showers.
Rob Parker (75) have shown that
Once again we believe we have a fine
their first win is going to be soon.
and distinctive group.
As usual, the Fabulous Fiji
The house, before this year
Fortress on the Fenway was the
could hold 43 brothers comfortably.
scene of many social events.
Last year we decided to build a
The first party, as always,
new three-man room in most of the
was a big success. Several other
area known as the sleeping porch.
houses had to be invited to insure
This room was completed at a cost
that there would be enough men to
of almost $2,000 most of which was
go around. Some of the girls were
taken up by the house corporation
disappointed at the quality of the
in memory of Gil Roddy.
Delts, DU's and others, but those
Every now and then, rumors of
who met the Fiji studs were suit-
a tax abatement drift by with a
ably impressed.
corresponding reduction in our tax
Due to the high spirits gene-
bill. We're not holding our breaths
rated (and drunk) at the first
waiting. We now pay about $11,000
party, a party was held three
in taxes.
nights later. Again, 28 was in-
In the face of rising food costs
vaded by hoardes of beauties from
we decided it necessary to raise the
Simmons, BU, BC, BCM, and other
housebill to a flat $665 per term
schools. An unidentified blob
from its previous $625. Unfortunate-
was later discovered to be a MIT
ly one brother decided not to return
to MIT this year. We're working
Good relations were establish-
on an adequate budget - not much
ed with Endicott Junior College
space for frills, but we'll be com-
who sent a busload (42) of girls
to our band party in October.
In memory of Edward Newhall '10
The last party was the typical
a gift of $1,000 was given last year
end of term poor showing but the
to Iota Mu. Not being used to hav-
evening turned out all right.
ing money fall out of the sky on us,
Other events were a drunken
it took a little while to decide what
weekend with Cornell Fijis at the
to do with it. After a lengthy de-
Cornell - Harvard football game
bate at a house meeting last term we
in Ithaca, the annual Vermont trip,
decided on a new piano. So, in the
a Thumper party, Fiji Drive-In,
living room is now a "new" 25-year
and the Christmas party featuring
old 5-foot grand. The house is
Super Egg-Nog to help us decorate
definitely against dumping water
our four story tree.
down the stairwell since the piano
It's safe to say that Fiji
entered. The old pool table limps
still leads the way when it comes
on with its mountains and valleys
to social activities at MIT.
in the slate. If anyone out there
has about $800 that he doesn't need,
you all know the address.
The Iota Muse
Steve Jordan '74
Lionel Goulet '74
Recording Secretary
John Sitarski '74
Corresponding Secretary
Rod Taft '74
Historian and Iota Muse Editor
John Viggers '74
Iota Muse Contributors
Steve Jordan, Lionel Goulet,
Bill Rizzi, Fred Tsuchia, and Kirk
The Iota Muse
in Nashua, N.H. He played base-
ball and football and was active
in promoting interaction between
his school (all boys) and a neigh-
boring all girls school.
The strong Fiji rush was evi-
Jim Datesh - Jim is the only
dent this fall when we found ten
freshman on the varsity tennis team
fine pledges. The opinion of the
this year. He also is kept busy on
house is that this is due to a
our many intramural teams. He plans
strong summer rush program.
to go on to grad school in an as yet
Following are the names and
undetermined field.
interests of the new men. We hope
we can keep you up to date on the
Bill Kaiser - Bill plays
Fijis of present.
trombone in the MIT Jazz Band and
is our representative to FROSHCOMM
Doug Abramson - Doug likes
of the IFC. He likes intramurals
to spend his summers sailing on
and is glad to be a Fiji.
Lake Minnetonka in Minneapolis,
Minnesota. He also likes to ski
Rush Record - Rush is into
and to ski jump. He lettered in
music, photography, and underwater
skiing in high school.
sports. He is tentatively planning
to get a PhD in physics.
Brett Bachman - Brett comes
to MIT from near Chicago. He
Dan Ludington - Dan is a pro-
played tennis and football in
spective chemical engineer who likes
high school. He is also quite a
to bicycle in his native New Hamp-
hockey jock. Brett plans to go
shire. Camping and hiking also OC-
into computer science at MIT.
cupy his time.
Bill O'Brien - Bill hails
Joe Egan - Joe's interests are
from Edina, Minnesota where he
track, rocketry, photography, music
lettered in cross country, basket-
and ham radio. He comes from Melrose,
ball, and track at Blake School.
Minnesota and plans to major in
He was also active in science
Aero and Astro.
club and glee club. Bill wants
to be a biochemist.
Will Sawyer - Bullwinkle is
our resident tall, quiet, Southern
Stephen Maconi - Steve was
gentleman from Kentucky. He is on
Vice President at his high school
the freshman crew team.
28 the Fenway
Boston, Massachusetts
343 Waller Avenue
Lexington RY
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Fall 1973 newsletter of the Iota Mu chapter at MIT. The newsletter is four pages in length.