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1967 Spring Newsletter Iota Mu (MIT)
Spring 1967 newsletter of the Iota Mu chapter at MIT. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Iota Mu
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1967 Spring Newsletter Iota Mu (MIT)
SPRING, 1967
lota Muse's 67th Norris Dinner
The men of the Fiji Fortress celebrated
The new cabinet for the Iota Mu chapter was elected in January.
their 1967 Norris Dinner in the splendor
They are: Phillip P. Weidner, president; Dennis V. Swanson, treasurer; John
of past traditions. This recent event saw
Eldert, Jr., recording secretary; William M. Mack, Jr., corresponding secretary;
the presence of the six latest presidents of
and J. Pat Haynes, historian.
I.M. Besides the newly installed Phil
Weidner and his predecessor Gary Gar-
mon '67, the list included John Freeman
'66, who also served as toastmaster for the
dinner, Marsh Fisher '65, Jim Wolf '64,
and Jack Motor '63.
After the traditional cocktail hour, in
which the youngest Fijis became acquaint-
ed with some of the graduates, the Dinner
began. Our excellent chef, Harry Jordan,
had prepared one of the finest pigs ever
to grace the halls of Phi Gamma Delta.
To the delight of those gathered, John
Montanus '66, read the "Exile's Toast" by
Frank Norris. The reading was offered in
Phil Weidner, who hails from Braid-
dialect. Shortly thereafter, John C. Sham-
year, and still is. Denny has many trophies
wood, Illinois, is the new chapter president
bow, Dartmouth 1910, bestowed the kiss
to show for his marksmanship.
for the upcoming year.
of loyalty upon the noble beast's snout.
During his freshman year, Denny play-
The youngest Fiji, Paul Malek '70, then
At the present time Phil is a member
ed tennis and hockey, was on the MIT
finished the ceremony by planting his kiss
of the Undergraduate Systems Program
rifle team, and also was a representative to
upon the opposite end of the pig.
in the Alfred P. Sloan School of Manage-
the Freshman Council.
ment. This is an experimental manage-
In the house, Denny served for a year
As the Fijis relaxed after the fine meal,
ment program. Prior to this, Phil main-
and a half as House Manager and was one
The speaker, G. Eric Hansen of Lawrence
tained a Dean's List cum. Phil plans to
of the best the house has ever had. We
'61, currently with the Political Science
graduate with two degrees - one in In-
are expecting an equally excellent job as
department at MIT, presented an extreme-
dustrial Management and one in Electrical
ly interesting speech on the Fraternity's
Denny, who entered MIT as a National
Role in Today's University. The speech
In addition to being house president,
Merit Scholar is majoring in Chemical
provoked a general discussion after the
Phil is the Chairman of the Julie Fassett
close of the Dinner.
Memorial Fund Drive, plays rugby for the
John Eldert was elected the new Record-
MIT Rugby Club, and is working for the
ing Secretary. John transferred to MIT
The initiates honored by the Dinner are
MIT Open House Committee. In the past,
after spending a year at Stevens Institute
all of the Tech Class of '70, except for
Phil has served on the IFC Social and
of Technology in Naval Architecture, At
Roy Haley '69. The initiates are as fol-
Public Relations Committees and has un-
Stevens, John maintained a Dean's List
dertaken various projects for both theIFC
cum and earned a varsity sailing letter.
and the Class of 1968. During his fresh-
Here at MIT, John sailed for the var-
man year, Phil was a Freshman Council
sity for one season and also rowed crew
Robert Alexander Armstrong
Joseph Dahzen Baron
representative and rowed heavyweight
for one year. John is majoring in Geology
Steven Morton Chamberlain
and Geophysics in preparation for gradu-
Donald Lloyd Emerick
Phil is an extensive supporter of house
ate study in Oceanography
David Alan Erickson
intramurals and has served the house in
In the house, John is a strong supporter
Roy Wyatt Haley
John Richard Holding
the past as Rush Chairman, Social Chair-
of intramural sports and has served as
Lawrence James Kelly
man and Athletic Chairman.
Assistant Pledge Trainer.
Paul Samuel Malek
Jeffery Clayton Mills
Denny "Devious" Swanson, the new
Bill Mack, the new Corresponding Secre-
Donald Irwin Minnig
Treasurer, is a native Minnesotan.
tary, has been quite active during his 21/2
William Davis Northup
years at the Institute. Besides being the
At MIT, Denny has been invaluable to
David Ray Peterson
new Corresponding Secretary, Bill was
Steven Craig Smith
the varsity pistol team. He was the best
recently elected Chairman of the Institute
Robert Owen Vegeler
shot on the team during his Sophomore
(Cont. on page 2)
Page 2
major from Greyslake, Illinois, swam and
The class of 1967 leaves Iota Mu in
played lacrosse his freshman year. During
June with ambivalent feelings: looking
his first two years, which were filled with
with hope to the future but somewhat sad
radio and flying interests, Vic became en-
to leave the past. That past includes four
gaged. Much to the dismay of his bride
fruitful years at MIT and Phi Gamma
to be, he spent his junior year in Ger-
Delta. Briefly a few words about who the
many. After his June wedding, Vic plans
members of "1967" were, what they did
to attend Stanford to pursue his studies in
and where they plan to go after gradua-
aero and astro.
Ken Ogan from Ault, Colorado, rowed
Diversity has taken '67 in many direc-
frosh heavyweight crew, but due to a back
tions leaving only five of the original nine
injury has been manager for the team the
still active within the house. But those
last three years. A chemistry major, Ken
five and the two brothers living out, man
has received a teaching assistantship offer
for man, have contributed a great deal to
from the University of Illinois and may
our chapter. We are thankful both for the
study chemistry there next year.
oportunities they had and for their succes-
Dave Sanders from Birmingham, Mich-
Editor: David Hiatt
ses in school, activities and fraternity.
igan is the last but not the least member
The class had two common interests:
of 1967. Dave captained our Fiji Football
having fun was often secondary to pro-
squad, played freshman hockey and fresh-
moting a better chapter in Rush and in
man and varsity lacrosse for MIT. An
Published through the school year
innovating projects and ideas for the
outstanding scholar in mechanical rengin-
by Iota Mu of Phi Gamma Delta
for its brothers and friends.
house. Fortunate to have pledged at the
eering, he was selected to Tau Beta Pi and
end of a downswing of the chapter, '67
Pi Tau Sigma. Also a member of the
not only saw, but also helped, steadily
frosh council, Dave has been active in
improve the house. Now the class, itself.
several Institute activities, including Sec-
Boston Graduate Chapter
retariat, Finance Board, where he was
Dick Chandler from Rockford, Illinois
chairman, Q Club, and Beaver Key. Serv-
started the Fiji gang of '67 by being elec-
ing as House steward, House Manager
Tom Hanson
ted President of the Freshman Class at
and Corresponding Secretary, Dave looks
MIT leading '67 to a victory in Field Day.
Albert Fortier
Since that time he has served on weekend
to grad school and a business career.
Chicago '56
committees, on the class executive board,
Eugene Clapp
Lafayette '36
as secretary of Q Club, as Social Chairman
(New Cabinet cont.)
and Recording Secretary in the house and
Committee Judicial Committee and the
as a coxswain for the crew team. Dick
Byron Lingeman
Wabash '50
new Vice-President of Pi Tau Sigma, the
plans a career in business and will be in
Mechanical Engineering honorary. Bill is
graduate school next year.
also a recent pledge to Tau Beta Pi, the
Mike Daily of Coldwater, Kansas served
National Engineering honorary.
Malcolm Cotton Brown
as Pledge Class President and played golf
During the next semester, Bill will
House Corporation
his freshman year. One of the outstand-
serve as a student member of the Faculty
ing defense men on the Fiji Football
Committee on Environment and will be
Gilbert M. Roddy
squad, Mikeserved as Athletic Chairman
Co-ordinator of the Boston Intercollegiate
and Treasurer and was recently elected to
Council's Student Discount Program,
the permanent executive committee of his
which is just being started.
James S. Craig
class at MIT. Graduating in Mechanical
During the past year, Bill served on the
Engineering, he plans to go to work in
Junior Class Executive Committee, was
Johan M. Anderson
one of four junior Division Heads of the
Saxton W. Fletcher
A spring pledge, Gary Garman from
Robert Johnson
Secretariat, the secretarial body of the stu-
Jacksonville, Alabama, was Burton House
dent government.
President, Secretariat Head, House Social
Chairman and House President and is
Bill began his stay at the Institute by
stroking the second boat of the freshman
Permanent President of the Class of 1967.
464 Commonwealth Avenue
He played basketball for the house and is
heavyweight crew. Halfway through his
Boston, Massachusetts
Freshman year, he was selected to become
now organizing Fiji Island Party. An In-
dustrial Management major, Gary will
a sophomore member of the Secretariat.
attend Harvard Business school next year.
Pat Haynes, a Colorado boy, is the new
Undergraduate Officers
Bob Karman from Oakland, California,
Historian of the chapter.
ran frosh cross country and outdoor track
A mechanical engineering student, Pat
Phil Weidner
and this past winter was undefeated in
is a member of and manager of the varsity
dual meets and was leading scorer on the
pistol team. Pat is also a member of the
Dennis Swanson
indoor track squad. A half miler, he is
Varsity T Club, the lettermen's club, and
Recording Secretary
co-holder of the MIT varsity Mile Relay
of the Athletic Association. Last year Pat
John Eldert
record. MIT's only current History of
played soccer and shot pistol for MIT.
Corresponding Secretary
Science major, Bob plays the guitar and
As a freshman, Pat served as an alter-
Bill Mack
has been pledge trainer, chapter historian
nate representative to the Freshman Coun-
and photographer. After graduation, he
cil and played freshman soccer.
Pat Haynes
plans to pursue his studies in the History
In the house, Pat is a staunch intra-
of Science.
mural participant and spectator, and has
Vic Majew, an aeronautical engineering
served as past editor of the IOTA MUSE.
Page 3
Presently, Bill is attending graduate
school at WPI and is Assistant Director
of Admissions. He is also a Student Re-
On Saturday, February 18th, Sections I
cruiter for WPI. The twenty-five year old
and II held a joint section convention
Section Chief owns a sailing business at
here at Iota Mu. The chapters in attend-
Kalmus Beach on the Cape, and is plan-
ance were: from Section I, McGill, Maine,
ning marriage on July 1.
Worcester Tech, and MIT; and from Sec-
The Iota Mu Chapter is very happy to
tion II, the University of Rhode Island.
welcome its new Section Chief.
Brown, the only other chapter in Section
II, was unable to attend.
The lota Mu Development Fund
On November 29, 1966, the Malcolm
The morning session consisted of dis-
Cotton Brown Corporation held its annual
cussions about Pledge Training and the
meeting at 28 The Fenway. During the
issues of physical and emotional hazing,
general discussion, opinions were express-
and also the formation of new colonies
ed that Iota Mu needed to begin looking
in the Northeast, chapter finances and
at long range financial plans. Although
chapter house management. The after-
conditions in Back Bay have improved for
noon session was spent discussing the
national membership policy, and more
New Section Chief Appointed
MIT fraternities in the last two years, we
still face pressures for major renovations
general problems arising between the
William Frank "Bill" Elliott was re-
in perhaps ten years. Such pressures in-
national fraternity and the undergraduate
cently appointed Section Chief for Section
clude the new undergraduate dormitories,
chapters. That evening, Iota Mu enter-
I. Bill's appointment was made the day
age of the house, and a need to expand
tained their visitors with a band and suit-
before the Section Convention convened
house capacity in order to benefit from
able refreshment.
at Iota Mu.
economies of scale.
The convention was organized by our
Brother Elliott attended Kimball Union,
The undergraduates offered to help
past president Gary Garmon ('67) and
a prep school in Meriden, N. H., before
start such planning by donating $50 per
Section II Chief Roy Seaburg (Worcester
going to Worcester Polytechnic Institute
man in each undergraduate year above the
Tech '56). Steve Edwards (Idaho '64),
in 1961. Bill was initiated into Pi Iota on
usual $8000 per year operating budget
Special Assistant to the Executive Secre-
April 15, 1962. In his chapter, he was
for the House Corporation. The Corpora-
tary, also attended and led the discussion
Chapter Public Relations Chairman in
tion agreed to set up the Iota Mu Develop-
concerning new chapters in the Northeast.
1966 and also attended the 1965 Fiji
ment Fund which will absorb all such do-
nations with an eventual goal of sufficient
It was also announced at the convention
During his college career, Bill earned
funds to finance a major renovation. We
that Bill Elliott (Worcester Tech '66)
varsity letters in hockey and lacrosse. He
hope this is the beginning of a general
would be the new Section Chief of Sec-
graduated from WPI in 1966 as a mech-
concern over the long-range needs of Iota
tion I.
anical engineer.
I hope this newsletter helps to keep you in touch with the good fortune of the
chapter. The brothers of Iota Mu are constantly striving to maintain the standard of
quality and leadership that is essential to Phi Gamma Delta. We're looking forward
to another year of Fiji triumph at M.I.T.
The most notable development in the chapter these past few months has been an
intensification of each brother's awareness of our responsibility to the future of the
fraternity. "Not for College Days Alone," has taken on new meaning here on the
Fenway. This past term has seen the development of a strong neighborhood relations
program to assure that our neighbors realize the value of the Fijis in the Back Bay
Section of Boston, and their place in its future. The chapter has initiated in co-operation
with the House Corporation, the Malcolm Cotton Brown Building Fund with a yearly
contribution of fifty dollars per man. We hope to begin preparing to meet that day
when the Fiji Fortress will need extensive remodeling or even replacement. Two
weeks ago we met for a full day at Endicott House to plan how we can
improve our pledge training program to yield the maximum benefit to both the pledge
and the house.
In short, the chapter tone is one of confidence that comes from hard work, and
concern that comes from awareness of our responsibility. In addition to the successes
evidenced in these pages we're working to insure future success. We're striving for
an atmosphere beneficial to the school, the fraternity, and the individual. With that
attitude, I'm looking forward to another productive year for the chapter, and a bright
star for Phi Gamma Delta.
Phillips P.Weichner
Phillip P. Weidner '68
Page 4
1915 1916
Top Row
Riegel, Neumann, French, Blood, Pierce, Dalton
Fourth Row
Bradley, Whitney, Harrington, Wenzel, Eddy,
Dunham, Fletcher
Third Row
Dunning, Patten, Williams, Holden, Weaver,
Coffin, Butterworth
Second Row
Stickney, Lawrance, Shepard, Talbot, Hall,
Makepeace, Whiting, Claussen
First Row
Brown, Barrios
they all are." (6413 Lyric Lane, Falls
JOS. HARRINGTON '61 is a father as
Church, Va.)
of Jan. 5. Congratulations and make him
We are grateful to a number of brothers
T. C. VICARY '63 is married as of Feb 4.
a Fiji.
who have sent us the following news:
HOWARD BROOKS '20 says hello to
Hearty hellos are sent to:
Col. SAM STEERE, Jr. '38 attended the
Easty Weaver '15. Brother Weaver is
G. Roddy and E. Shaefer from R. D. But-
installation at U. of Puget Sound and re-
hospitalized at Lemuel Shattuck in Jamai
ler '32.
ports they are a fine addition to the frater-
ca Plain. We wish him a speedy recovery.
President Howard Johnson from Robert
nal chain.
GEORGE J. MYERS '29 left for East
Copsey '44.
DICK WHITNEY '17 urges all his class-
Africa Jan. 15 to be an area division
Gil Roddy from W. H. Loomis '35.
mates to attend their 50th class reunion in
M. A. B. associate in Kempala, Uganda,
My son, Tom, and my Dad, Rusty from
June (We hope you'll all stop by.)
Tanganika and Kenya.
Russ Hastings '34.
ROBERT COPSEY '44 writes "Come to
F. P. THORNTON '36 thanks all Fijis
Jack Dalton, Hen Shepherd.
California and look me up." (5515 Para-
for their fine record of contributions to
Stan D- and Sax Fletcher from Ever-
dise Valley Rd., Hidden Hills.)
the Independent Residence Development
ett Doten '19.
BILL BURNET '37 has been made a
Fund. (We add our own sincere appre-
John Anderson and John Sexton from
grandfather by his Fiji son-in-law (Yale
ciation for all contributions.)
Raymond Berry '41.
63) and his daughter.
E. T. FOSTER '63 is finishing his Ph.D.
C. DONALD BROWN '36, Capt., USN,
at Berkeley this June and will trust his
"Any old gaffers of my time" from F. J.
writes "Still have and often look at the
education to the US Army starting this
Shepard '12.
1933 group picture and wonder where
1757 N. Street N. W.
Washington, D. C. 20036
Chapter Mailing Service
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Spring 1967 newsletter of the Iota Mu chapter at MIT. The newsletter is four pages in length.