Mu Deuteron

University of Iowa

Founding Date
Mar 8th, 1873

The Mu Deuteron chapter was founded on March 8, 1873, at the University of Iowa (State University of Iowa before 1963). The chapter ceased later that year in 1873 but rechartered on October 25, 1919. They then ceased on September 1, 2005, but rechartered on October 6, 2012. 

The Ritual Team included: Legate: William D. Baker (University of Iowa 1977); Ritualist: C. Edward Gabe (Hanover College 1990); Chapter President: Paul R. Dudley (Iowa State University 2012); Chapter Treasurer: Joseph J. Gale (Drake University 2015); Recording Secretary: Ryan J. Nemethy (University of Illinois 2014); Corresponding Secretary: Derek J. Huser (Iowa State University 2014); and Chapter Historian: Nicholas S. Rogers (Drake University 2014). 

The Directors included:  Matthew A. Gray (Iowa State University 2014); Matthew B. Josephs (University of Illinois 2013); Daniel Nottke (Drake University 2013); and Tim D. Kigin (Drake University 2014).

The chapter is located in Iowa City, Iowa.

Chapter Information



Iowa City
