Chi Iota

University of Illinois

Founding Date
Aug 6th, 1897

The Chi Iota chapter at University of Illinois was founded on August 6, 1897. The chapter later ceased in May 1998.  It rechartered on April 28 of 2007. The chapter is located in Champaign, Illinois.

The ritual team for the 2007 chartering included: Legate: William C. Ieuter (Illinois 1957); Chapter President: Benjamin W. Deschner (Purdue 2009); Chapter Treasurer: Matthew D. Cessna (Knox 2008); Recording Secretary: Amit A. Riswadkar (Bradley 2007); Corresponding Secretary: Justin M. Burns (Ohio State 2007); and Chapter Historian: Jamie P. Manuel (Ball State 2008).

The Directors included: Nathanial R. Carney (Knox 2008); Scott E. Burroughs (Ohio State 2008); and Paul G. Brandstetter (Ohio State 2009).

Chapter Information



