Rho Chi

University of Richmond

Founding Date
Jan 27th, 1890

The Rho Chi chapter was founded at Richmond College (renamed the University of Richmond in 1920) on January 27, 1890. The chapter ceased on April 7, 2012. The chapter was recolonized in February 2016 and rechartered on March 3, 2018. The chapter is located in Richmond, Virginia.

The March 3, 2018, chartering team was: Legate: John Moreau (Richmond 1964); Ritualist: Justin Burns (Ohio State 2007); Chapter President: Scott Evans (Old Dominion 2018); Chapter Treasurer: Luis Ayala (Virginia Commonwealth 2019); Recording Secretary: Tyler Snook (Virginia Commonwealth 2018); Corresponding Secretary: Mo Bushra (Virginia Commonwealth 2019); and Chapter Historian: Sean Flournoy (Old Dominion 2020).

The Directors included: David Annan (Old Dominion 2020); Austin Gordon (Virginia Commonwealth 2020); Philip Cockrell (Old Dominion 2020); and Bobby Dewey (Old Dominion 2017).

Early Founder of the Richmond Chapter

Click on the name to visit their bio page

Joseph L. Bradshaw (Richmond 1894)

Harry S. Corey (Richmond 1890)

John E. Etchison Jr. (Richmond 1894)

William E. Farrar (Richmond 1890)

William A.R. Goodwin (Richmond 1890)

Edmund W. Greaner (Richmond 1891)

Charles T. Kincanon (Richmond 1890)

Andrew J. Ramsey (Richmond 1890)

Garnett Ryland (Richmond 1892)

William P. Shelton (Richmond 1893)

Austin P. Spotts (Richmond 1890)

Maurice W. Thomas (Richmond 1891)

John G. Winston (Richmond 1891)

Chapter Information



