Rho Nu

Rowan University

Founding Date
Apr 5th, 2014

The Rho Nu chapter at Rowan University chartered on April 5, 2014. The chapter is located in Glassboro, New Jersey.

The Ritual Team included: Legate: Soumitra R. Banerjee (Pittsburgh 1987); Ritualist: C. Ed. Gabe (Hanover 1990); Chapter President: Joshua M. Moore (Illinois 2011); Chapter Treasure: E. Ed Gabe (Hanover 1990); Recording Secretary: Navid Nematollahi (North Carolina Wilmington 2011); Corresponding Secretary: Joshua P. Laufenberg (Illinois 2008); and Chapter Historian: Derek J. Murphy (Coastal Carolina 2011).

The Directors included: Dylan T. Figlo (North Carolina Wilmington 2012) and Timothy C. Tuoni (East Carolina 2014).

Chapter Information




New Jersey