Gamma Rho

Grand Valley State University

Founding Date
Oct 22nd, 2016

Grand Valley State University is a chapter located in Allendale, Michigan. The Gamma Rho chapter was chartered on October 22, 2016.

The Ritual Team included: Ritualist: Ed Gabe (Hanover College 1990); President: David Pokriefka (Kettering University A 2019); Treasurer: Joseph Drucker (University of Toledo 2017); Recording Secretary: Gabriel Bowerson (Kettering University B 2019); Corresponding Secretary: Nick Wryst (University of Toledo 2019); and Historian: Shane Scott (University of Toledo 2019).

The Directors included: Ben Davis (University of Toledo 2019) and Nicholas Hawley (Kettering University A 2017).

The Legate was Blair Schwarz (Western Michigan University 1991).


Chapter Information



