Archon Treasurers

Archon Treasurers
The following served as Archon Treasurer of the Fraternity since the change in the form of government in 1898. Letters following the names indicate other offices held:
President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Councilor, General Appointed Officer, NIC Officer, Editor, Headquarters Staff, Field Secretary.
Durrance Award, Coulter Cup, Haynes Award, and Wilkinson Award recipients are also noted.
1898-1899 - Newton D. Baker (Johns Hopkins 1892, Washington & Lee 1894) - P
1899-1900 - Francis S. Hoffman (Knox 1873, Yale 1880)
1900-1913 - Wilmer Christian (Wabash 1892)
1913-1917 - Glen Miller (Kansas 1884) - P
1917-1923 - Karl Lemmerman (Western Reserve 1908) - C
1923-1933 - Luther A. Brewer (Gettysburg 1883)
1933-1943 - Louis E. Leverone (Dartmouth 1904) - C, P
1943-1950 - Herbert W. Smith (Michigan 1910) - P
1950-1954 - Crandall Melvin, Sr. (Syracuse 1911)
1954-1956 - Rollin B. Smith (Nebraska 1921) - C
1956-1960 - George D. Bailey (Wisconsin 1912) - P
1960-1962 - Harry L. Davis, Jr. (Western Reserve 1937) - C
1962-1966 - Herbert A. Erf, Sr. (Wittenberg 1924) - V
1966-1968 - Rowland Burnstan (Lafayette 1925) - C, V
1966-1970 - Donald E. Johnson (Oregon State 1936) - C, V
1970-1972 - David C. Bland, Jr. (Texas 1938) - P, NIC
1972-1976 - John D. Sheppard (Pittsburgh 1944) - P
1976-1980 - Robert D. Watt (Washington 1935) - C
1980-1982 - Lewis M. Costello (Virginia 1955) - P
1982-1986 - Fred R. Sutter (Arizona 1958)
1986-1988 - Michael O. Shipley (Syracuse 1958) - P, G, NIC, FS
1988-1994 - John Gottschalk (Nebraska 1965) - P
1994-1996 - Lee M. Moss (Tennessee 1973) - C, P
1996-1998 - William S. Garner (Arkansas 1971) - G - Wilkinson
1998-2000 - Marvin J. Carver, III (North Carolina 1975) - P, S, HS
2000-2002 - William O. Gamble, III (Oklahoma 1961) - C
2002-2006 - Gerald B. Bay (Purdue 1962)
2006-2010 - Ronald A. Sages (Ohio 1973) - G
2010-2014 - G. Porter Robinson (Mississippi State 1974)
2014-2016 - Glenn D. Moor (Texas Tech) - C, HS, Durrance
2016-2020- Nicholas A. Loiacono (Illinois 1974) - P
2020-2024- Donald J. Herman (Calgary 1984)
2024-2026 - Kevin Haga (Jacksonville 1992)