Archon Vice Presidents

Archon Vice Presidents
The 112th Ekklesia in 1960 created the Archon Vice President position. Letters following the names indicate other offices held:
President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Councilor, General Appointed Officer, NIC Officer, Editor, Headquarters Staff, Field Secretary.
Durrance Award, Coulter Cup, Haynes Award, and Wilkinson Award recipients are also noted.
1960-1964 - Hugh J. Baker, Jr. (Ohio State 1931) - P, G
1964-1966 - Danner Lee Mahood (Davidson 1922, Virginia 1923) - P, S, G, FS
1966-1967 - Herbert A. Erf, Sr. (Wittenberg 1924) - T
1968-1968 - Henry S. Brainard (Western Reserve 1922) - P, G
1968-1970 - Rowland Burnstan (Lafayette 1925) - C, T
1970-1972 - Donald E. Johnson (Oregon State 1936) - C, T
1972-1976 - N.W. "Jerry" Solomon (Nebraska 1951) - C, FS
1976-1978 - Louis A. "Bud" Mangels (Indiana 1956) - C, P, G, FS
1978-1980 - C. James Jessee, Jr. (Virginia 1949) - C, P
1980-1982 - A. Anthes Smith (Iowa 1942) - C
1982-1986 - Donald T. McKay (Washington 1951)
1986-1988 - David G. Elmore (Indiana 1955) - C, P
1988-1990 - Richard D. McCormick (Iowa State 1961) - C, P
1990-1992 - Spencer Flournoy (Johns Hopkins 1944) - C, S
1992-1994 - Douglas H. Dittrick (Ohio Wesleyan 1955) - C, P
1994-1996 - William N. Lindsay III (Gettysburg 1969) - S
1996-1998 - James E. Caswell (Southern Methodist 1963) - C, P
1998-2000 - Robert N. Whitacre (Indiana 1967) - C
2000-2002 - Jerrold Wanek (Iowa 1980) - P, S
2002-2004 - Joseph E. Samora, Jr. (New Mexico 1978) - C, G - Durrance
2004-2005 - Richard A. Smudz (Ohio State 1975) - FS, C
2005-2006 - William M. Kramer (Gettysburg 1978) - FS, C, S
2006-2008 - William R. Miller (Indiana 1962, Purdue 1996) - FS, G, C, S, P
2008-2010 - James B. Hickey, Jr. (Illinois 1975) - FS, C
2010-2012 - Scott J. Mikulecky (Colorado State 1982) - FS, G, C - Wilkinson
2012-2014 - Michael A. Lucas (Bradley 1983) - FS, C, P
2014-2016 - D. Mark Smith (Texas Arlington 1983) - C, Haynes
2016-2018 - Clark A. Robertson (Nebraska 1982) - FS, P, C, G
2018-2020 - James W. Link (Ohio Wesleyan 1982) - C
2020-2022 - William S. Hunnicutt (Texas Arlington 1981) - C
2022-2024 - Tim Kilduff (Kent State 1968) - C, S
2024-2026 - Matt Amend (Iowa 1987) - S, FS, HS