Leadership of Phi Gamma Delta

Past and Present Graduate Volunteers and Staff of Phi Gamma Delta

Former Section Chiefs-Section Leaders

Current and Former Section Leaders (Formerly known as Section Chiefs)

Larry T. Able (University of Texas Arlington 1971)
Angelo J. Accetta (Northwestern University 1973)
John L. Adams (DePauw University 1947)
Thomas A. Adams (Emory University 1970)
Emilio J. Albertini (Bradley University 1985)
George R. Aldhizer (University of Richmond 1953)
Robert H. Alexander (Lafayette College 1955)
John G. Allelo (Louisiana State University 1984)
Thomas E. Allen (University of Washington 1943)
Matthew M. Amend (University of Iowa 1987)
Michael E. Ames (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2004)
Robert P. Anderegg (University of Southern California 1971)
Charles A. Anderson (Columbia University 1925)
Eugene C. Andres (Dartmouth College 1928)
Brooks G. Andrews (Miami University 1975)
James S. Andrews (University of Alabama 1981)
George M. Anthony (Mississippi State University 1988)
Steven E. Area (University of Arkansas 1973)
David S. Armitage (University of British Columbia 1980)
Robert S. Arp (University of California Los Angeles 1981)
James R. Arthur (Wittenberg University 1958)
Patrick M. Athey (Colorado School of Mines 2005)
Paul A. Attanasio (University of Texas Arlington 1981)
Stuart E. Ausborn (University of North Alabama 1998)
George A. Austin (Florida International University 2005)
Robert G. Averill (Syracuse University 1944)
Michael E. Awada (University of Minnesota 1986)
Gavin M. Aydelotte (Case Western Reserve University 2013)
Eric L. Bach (University of Illinois 1969)
Hugh J. Baker (Ohio State University 1931)
Carey L. Ballew (University of Missouri 1932)
Soumitra R. Banerjee (University of Pittsburgh 1987)
Clinton E. Banik (University of Minnesota 1950)
Robert Y. Barber (Roanoke College 1902)
Robert S. Barbour (University of Richmond 1949)
Clayton L. Barnard (Miami University 1969)
Andrew Barr (Yale University 1930)
S. B. Barrett (Jacksonville University 1961)
Charles L. Bartlett (University of Wisconsin 1900)
George V. Basham (University of Texas 1938)
Adam S. Bashaw (University of Denver 1987)
Michael T. Bass (Louisiana State University 1982)
Alec C. Bayless (University of Missouri 1917)
Samuel H. Beach (Columbia University 1939)
Andrew M. Becker (Bradley University 2009)
Tyson K. Beem (University of Southern California 1997)
Herbert H. Bennett  (University of Pennsylvania 1934)
Walter L. Benson (University of Illinois 1940)
Lawrence C. Berran (LaSalle University 1993)
Roy D. Bertolet (Pennsylvania State University 1944)
Louis S. Binkley (DePauw University 1919)
William F. Binkley (Purdue University 1949)
Wilford A. Bladen (Hanover College 1949)
Bruce Blanchard (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1957)
David C. Bland (University of Texas 1938)
Kyle C. Bliss (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1995)
Walter E. Blore (University of Nebraska 1957)
Edward M. Bobrin (LaSalle University 1990)
Matthew A. Bocchi (Allegheny College 2013)
Herbert J. Bolin (Bethel College 1908)
Girard D. Bond (Ohio State University 1922)
Louis W. Bonsib  (Indiana University 1940)
Robert R. Boothby (University of Toronto 1986)
Donal C. Bosson (University of Tennessee 1944)
John P. Bowdoin (University of New Mexico 1991)
William R. Bracewell (University of Georgia 1968)
William S. Bradbury (University of Arizona 1964)
William A. Brandstetter (Washington & Jefferson College 1997)
John E. Bratten (Cornell University 1947)
Thomas L. Brcka (University of Iowa 1986)
Edward K. Brickenden (University of Toronto 1948)
James B. Brill (University of Michigan 1918)
Gordon F. Brine (University of Wisconsin 1926)
George R. Brothers (Lehigh University 1908)
Stephen S. Brown (Southern Methodist University 1974)
David D. Buck (Southern Methodist University 1975)
George H. Buckbee (Union College 1960)
Alfred Buckley (Brown University 1949)
George A. Buckley (Wittenberg University 1980)
Walter E. Burns (University of California Berkeley 1906)
Lyle K. Bush (University of Washington 1922)
John A. Byerly (Washington & Jefferson College 1919)
Bo W. Byers (Tennessee Technological University 2006)
Timothy T. Caggiano (Case Western Reserve University 1997)
Ralph H. Cake (University of Oregon 1913)
Leo M. Calhoun (University of Michigan 1950)
Michael A. Callahan (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1974)
John B. Camealy (Washington State University 1951)
Donald T. Canfield (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1919)
William J. Carmichael (University of Illinois 1942)
Richard K. Carmouche (Louisiana State University 1992)
Joseph B. Carney (DePauw University 1950)
Kevin E. Carroll (University of Illinois 1979)
Ray Case (University of Nebraska 1926)
Robert K. Chandler (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1916)
William P. Chandler (University of Arizona 1944)
Charles E. Chapin (University of Florida 1978)
William H. Charnley (University of Michigan 1893)
Benjamin W. Chase (University of Idaho 1994)
Jerome K. Cheney (Colgate University 1919)
Alexander B. Clark (Cornell University 1904)
Dudley F. Clark (University of Oregon 1927)
Albert E. Clattenburg (Roanoke College 1902)
Peter O. Clauss (University of Chicago 1955)
George H. Clay  (University of Missouri 1934)
William G. Clegg (University of South Florida 1977)
Bret A. Clesi (Louisiana State University 1980)
Leroy P. Collins (Union College 1905)
William R. Connell (University of Kentucky 1994)
Roland D. Cook (University of Alberta 1975)
Harold W. Cookson (Stanford University 1915)
Douglas A. Corbishley (University of British Columbia 1959)
Mitchell S. Cordill (Kansas State University 1993)
Sam G. Cornelius (University of Missouri 1963)
Chan F. Coulter (University of Iowa 1925)
Solon B. Cousins (University of Richmond 1947)
George A. Cowee  (Yale University 1934)
John R. Cox (University of Missouri 1994)
Vincent J. Coyle (Rutgers University 1952)
Mark J. Crabb (Purdue University 1981)
Ryan J. Cramer (University of Evansville 2012)
Frank B. Crandall (Ohio Wesleyan University 1906)
Herbert C. Crane (Purdue University 1923)
Mark E. Crawford (Westminster College 1985)
William J. Crowe (University of Oklahoma 1915)
R. G. Crystal (Ohio Wesleyan University 1963)
John B. Culley (Wabash College 1969)
Steven P. Cunningham (Miami University 1974)
Cory M. Curtin (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2001)
Marshall B. Dalton (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1915)
Thomas G. D'Angelo (University of Washington 1990)
Richard W. Darrow (Ohio Wesleyan University 1936)
Richard J. Davidson (Iowa State University 1976)
Robert W. Davies (Gettysburg College 1957)
Harry L. Davis (Case Western Reserve University 1937)
Marshall D. Davis (Florida State University 1970)
Paul K. Davis (Oregon State University 1985)
Thomas C. Davis (Louisiana State University 1973)
William A. Delphos (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1974)
Peter F. DeMarco (University of Southern California 1990)
Thomas A. Desjardin (Florida State University 1986)
Andrew D. Dettmer (Wabash College 2015)
Ralph C. Dewey (Old Dominion University 1986)
Oliver Dibble (University of California Berkeley 1899)
Landon J. Dipprey (Texas Christian University 2006)
Dennis A. DiTullio (Ohio State University 2005)
Matthew R. Dixon (Ohio Wesleyan University 1999)
Robert M. Donovan (University of Virginia 1954)
Divya H. Doshi (Mississippi State University 2015)
Brian M. Douglas (Tennessee Technological University 1998)
Jeffrey M. Downey (University of California Los Angeles 1983)
Charles J. Downing (University of Wisconsin 1916)
Matthew Doyle (University of Maine Orono 1992)
Frank S. DuBois (University of Pennsylvania 1951)
Chester P. Dudley (Dartmouth College 1913)
L. T. Dulaney (University of Oklahoma 1961)
J. E. Dunford (Bethel College 1912)
Clifford G. Dunphy (University of Illinois 1920)
Brian G. Dunster (University of British Columbia 1980)
Stuart Eagleson (Wooster College 1891)
James M. Eaton (University of Maine Orono 1910)
Philip C. Ebeling (Ohio Wesleyan University 1928)
Charles W. Echlin (University of Western Ontario 2019)
Matthew M. Edgar (University of British Columbia 2007)
Lee M. Egan (University of Kansas 1916)
Gordon A. Elliott (University of British Columbia 1955)
William F. Elliott (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1964)
J. B. Ellis (Tennessee Technological University 1999)
Troy H. Ellis (University of Iowa 1991)
John H. Emery (University of Michigan 1919)
Theodore M. Engle (Tennessee Technological University 2011)
Ronald I. Enna (Oregon State University 1965)
Robert K. Erf (University of Michigan 1953)
George R. Eshelman (Washington & Lee University 1943)
Jonathan C. Espy (Drake University 1995)
John N. Eustis (University of Pennsylvania 1933)
Wallace W. Everett (University of California Berkeley 1927)
Lawrence K. Faulkner (University of North Alabama 1982)
Kevin W. Ferguson (University of California Riverside 1984)
Hummel Fishburn (Pennsylvania State University 1922)
Roswell E. Fisher (Union College 1927)
Charles R. Fletcher (University of Alabama 1973)
Michael G. Fligg (William Jewell College 1961)
Spencer Flournoy (Johns Hopkins University 1944)
Henry L. Fonda (Bucknell University 1918)
James S. Forbes (Union College 1931)
Alan S. Foster (Dartmouth College 1945)
John M. Fowler (University of California Berkeley 1939)
Thomas A. Frame (Ohio University 1972)
John E. Freeman (University of Colorado 1938)
Donald M. Freese (Illinois Wesleyan University 1943)
Joseph J. Friedman (University of Nebraska 1988)
James E. Fritsch (University of Arizona 1966)
Leonard H. Fuller (Baylor University 1977)
Donald D. Fuson (Louisiana State University 1970)
Charles E. Gabe (Hanover College 1990)
William O. Gamble (University of Iowa 1928)
Richard L. Gannett (University of Texas 1958)
Frank A. Gans (Indiana University 1943)
Robert M. Gardner (Ohio Wesleyan University 1951)
William S. Garner (University of Arkansas 1971)
Jeffrey R. Garrett (University of Missouri 1990)
Alberto Garza (University of Texas San Antonio 1996)
Thomas A. Gasho (Case Western Reserve University 1978)
John L. Geiser (Gettysburg College 1959)
Russell L. George (Colorado State University 1968)
John W. Gewecke (Cornell University 1968)
Philip D. Giantris (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1965)
James R. Gibbs (Ohio University 1969)
John E. Gibson (Ohio State University 1975)
Scott D. Gibson (University of Arizona 1978)
Thomas M. Gilliland (University of Nebraska 1960)
John R. Gimpel (LaSalle University 1984)
James P. Glenny (University of Idaho 1960)
Tim G. Glowa (University of Calgary 1993)
William R. Goebel (University of Colorado 1921)
Gerard M. Golden (University of Richmond 1999)
Richard Gonzalez (Jacksonville University 1998)
David L. Grady (Mississippi State University 1982)
Thomas C. Graham (University of Missouri 1968)
Travis W. Grahmann (University of Texas San Antonio 2012)
Steven C. Graus (Western Michigan University 1978)
Jay W. Gray (Wabash College 1950)
Peter S. Gray (University of Oregon 1980)
Gayden D. Green (University of Tennessee 1970)
R. E. Green (University of Toronto 1933)
Robert J. Grier (Washington & Jefferson College 1931)
Max W. Griffith (University of Wisconsin 1899)
Thomas L. Grissom (Ohio Wesleyan University 1962)
Cornelis E. Groenewegen (Occidental College 1928)
G. W. Gruber (University of Alberta 1980)
James T. Guess (University of Memphis 1989)
Christopher R. Gunnare (University of Iowa 1986)
Paul D. Hains (Texas Christian University 1987)
Robert T. Hamilton (University of Rhode Island 1967)
David N. Hankinson (Iowa State University 1955)
John E. Hansel (Ohio State University 1953)
Thomas P. Hanson (Union College 1945)
R. B. Hare (University of North Carolina 1953)
Benjamin R. Harper (University of Kentucky 1969)
Robert A. Harris (University of Virginia 1964)
Robert E. Harris (University of Toronto 1949)
George L. Harvey  (University of Pennsylvania 1910)
Stanley C. Harwood (University of Colorado 1960)
Donald S. Hauck (Wittenberg University 1956)
W. T. Haynes (University of Richmond 1922)
Craig T. Haywood (Bowling Green State University 1992)
Craig P. Hazelet (University of Washington 1914)
Matthew J. Hazleton (Colorado School of Mines 1996)
Benjamin T. Head (University of Oklahoma 1942)
Christropher L. Heasley (University of Texas Arlington 1999)
William D. Heaton  (University of Washington 1927)
Curt S. Heinz (University of Kansas 1968)
Felix R. Helms (University of Alabama 1943)
Charles W. Henderson (Stanford University 1907)
Richard K. Henley (University of North Alabama 1989)
Eric W. Hermanns (University of Alberta 2012)
Richard J. Hertzog (Arizona State University 1985)
Dana W. Hesse (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1986)
Eugene W. Hickok (Hampden-Sydney College 1972)
John D. Higgins (University of Pennsylvania 1922)
Albert F. Hillix (University of Missouri 1918)
Richard J. Hitt (Wittenberg University 2007)
Kenneth L. Holderman (Pennsylvania State University 1931)
John S. Holland (University of Idaho 1942)
Charles F. Holloway (University of Kentucky 1997)
David P. Holub (DePauw University 1987)
Bryan R. Horner (University of Missouri 1934)
Jeffery A. Horner (Indiana State University 2000)
Roger W. Hulbush (University of Washington 1956)
Milton C. Hult (Knox College 1919)
Christopher M. Humphrey (Indiana State University 1998)
William S. Hunnicutt (University of Texas Arlington 1981)
James W. Hutcheson (Auburn University 1966)
Douglas S. Ingersoll (DePauw University 1988)
Phillip R. Inman (University of North Alabama 1975)
Roy N. Irwin (Utah State University 1971)
S. S. Jackman (University of Nebraska 1974)
Arthur L. Jansen (Brown University 1939)
Michael D. Jarrett (University of Texas Arlington 1972)
Robert B. Jelinek (University of Georgia 1985)
John B. Jenkins (Ohio State University 1962)
C. J. Jessee (University of Virginia 1949)
Brian P. Jeter (Hampden-Sydney College 1984)
Alan W. Johnson (University of California Los Angeles 1937)
Donald E. Johnson (Oregon State University 1936)
Robert B. Johnson (Davidson College 1994)
Robert L. Johnson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1938)
William A. Johnson (New York University 1975)
Thomas H. Jones (University of Richmond 1974)
Jordon S. Kanikkeberg (University of Idaho 1951)
Michael A. Keller (University of Akron 2001)
John L. Kendall (DePauw University 1963)
Richard B. Keyes (Pennsylvania State University 1985)
Timothy W. Kilduff (Kent State University 1968)
Peter C. King (Indiana University 1976)
Henry D. Kinney (Iowa State University 1956)
Augustan D. Kittson (Washington State University 1978)
Jason F. Kneeland (University of Vermont 1995)
William M. Kramer (Gettysburg College 1978)
Emil L. Krejci (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1954)
Mark A. Krill (University of Florida 1986)
Howard L. Kummerman (San Diego State University 1989)
Christopher L. Kurtz (Ball State University 2006)
James H. Lake (Oregon State University 1990)
Stephen M. Lamberson (University of Washington 1980)
Samuel B. Landrum (University of Texas 1930)
Michael L. Lansdell (University of North Alabama 1979)
Brainerd W. LaTourette (Westminster College 1952)
Frank E. Lee (University of California Berkeley 1918)
Bruce A. Legan (University of Texas Arlington 1988)
Michael F. Leisey (Pennsylvania State University 1974)
Howard M. LeSourd (Ohio Wesleyan University 1911)
Grant W. Lewis (Syracuse University 1930)
Walter C. Lindsey (Mississippi State University 1984)
Morgan Little (University of Arizona 1964)
Robert A. Lobel (Kent State University 1965)
Carl H. Long (Davidson College 1921)
John H. Louthan (Allegheny College 1927)
Scott A. Lowery (Miami University 1982)
Joseph L. Lowrey (Louisiana State University 1963)
Michael A. Lucas (Bradley University 1983)
Frederick C. Lynch (University of Alberta 1986)
Hale J. Maddox (Auburn University 1963)
Michael K. Magness (Case Western Reserve University 1970)
Danner L. Mahood (University of Virginia 1923)
Louis A. Mangels (Indiana University 1956)
Paul B. Manning (Jacksonville University 1990)
Michael D. Maret (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1989)
Louis L. Marines (Washington & Jefferson College 1963)
Matthew L. Marino (Arizona State University 1985)
Allen G. Marshall (University of Tennessee 1990)
C. D. Marshall (University of Tennessee 1967)
Robert W. Marshall (University of Rhode Island 1977)
Benjamin S. Martin (Bowling Green State University 2003)
Wesley J. Martin (Missouri State University 2009)
F. L. Marx (Wabash College 1955)
William C. Mattox (Mississippi State University 1972)
William G. McClimans (Western Michigan University 1979)
Paul A. McCloy (University of Calgary 1997)
John R. McCormack (LaSalle University 1984)
Roland A. McCrady (University of Pittsburgh 1911)
Robert E. McCulloch (University of Toronto 1965)
Charles S. McDonald (North Carolina State University 2014)
Thomas L. McDonald (Westminster College 1960)
Ryan D. McFarland (Ball State University 2002)
John R. McGillivray (University of Toronto 1928)
Kevin R. McGraw (Ohio University 1990)
Donald T. McKay (University of Washington 1951)
Charles A. McKeand (University of Virginia 1915)
Carl H. McLauthlin (University of Colorado 1937)
James L. McLendon (University of Alabama Birmingham 2020)
Jeffrey D. McMahan (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2003)
John B. McMurry (University of Texas Arlington 1998)
Pete J. McNally (Iowa State University 1990)
Christian D. Medero (University of California Irvine 2012)
Howard A. Medholdt (University of Pennsylvania 1924)
Barry J. Mees (University of Western Ontario 1970)
Shawn M. Meier (Ball State University 2009)
Nicholas J. Melas (University of Chicago 1945)
Robert A. Melgard (University of Idaho 1956)
Beardslee B. Merrill (University of Idaho 1928)
G. H. Merry  (Syracuse University 1934)
John D. Metcalf (Washington State University 1992)
Thomas J. Meyer (University of Missouri 1970)
F. C. Meyer  (Lafayette College 1935)
D. K. Meyers (University of Oklahoma 1960)
Terry L. Meyers (Kansas State University 1969)
Marcus G. Michael (University of North Alabama 1986)
James Millan (University of Missouri 1953)
A. D. Miller (University of Texas 1929)
Daniel G. Miller (Kansas State University 1983)
John S. Miller (University of Idaho 1929)
Randall C. Miller (University of the South  Sewanee 1973)
William R. Miller (Indiana University 1962)
John W. Mills (University of Rhode Island 1969)
Michael J. Mitchell (University of Western Ontario 1990)
William J. Moffitt (University of Southern California 1950)
G. D. Moore (Brown University 1908)
Scott M. Moore (Iowa State University 1996)
Stephen M. Morain (University of Iowa 1968)
Nathan M. Morales (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2001)
Anson B. Moran (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1966)
Stephen W. Morgan (University of Arizona 1965)
William T. Morris (Pennsylvania State University 1949)
James E. Morrison (University of Kentucky 1970)
Ralph H. Morrow (Denison University 1914)
J. D. Mosher (University of Idaho 1949)
Lee M. Moss (University of Tennessee 1973)
Daniel P. Mossop (University of Akron 1989)
Thomas R. Mulcahy (University of Minnesota 1950)
L. C. Murray (University of Alberta 1972)
Richard C. Murray (DePauw University 1929)
Warren F. Myers (Wabash College 1907)
James C. Neilson (University of Akron 1991)
Greg D. Nelson (Kansas State University 1979)
Ronald C. Nelson (University of Richmond 1977)
Jason T. Newcomb (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1998)
H. G. Nicol (Amherst College 1944)
Robert W. Niebaum (Case Western Reserve University 1969)
Bradley C. Nielsen (University of Iowa 1986)
George P. Norman (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1987)
Jeffrey A. Novotny (University of Maryland 2005)
Alfred H. Nuckols (University of Pennsylvania 1972)
Morris J. Nunn (University of Missouri 1967)
Edward J. O'Connell (University of Michigan 1940)
Joseph F. Oelgoetz (Ohio State University 1979)
Edwin J. Ogden (Purdue University 1952)
C. W. Olander (University of Kansas 1971)
Brian P. Olsen (University of Washington 1982)
John E. Olson (University of Wisconsin 1973)
J. M. O'Malley (Allegheny College 1983)
William J. Orr  (Ohio Wesleyan University 1953)
Robert S. Owen (Davidson College 1994)
Loren H. Page (University of New Mexico 1967)
Thomas W. Page (University of Arkansas 1969)
Willard T. Pangmon (Syracuse University 1902)
John G. Pappajohn (University of Iowa 1952)
John A. Parker (University of Tennessee 1938)
Kevin B. Parker (Florida State University 1988)
Jeffrey C. Patch (University of Arizona 1974)
Orsen E. Paxton (University of Texas Arlington 1971)
Ronald J. Pedrick (Bucknell University 1960)
Anthony G. Pego (Florida International University 2005)
Gary K. Pepper (University of Toronto 1948)
J. M. Pepper (University of Kentucky 1982)
Peter Q. Perkson (University of Maine Orono 1993)
Douglas J. Peters (University of Maryland 1985)
Brad W. Petrella (University of Akron 1987)
Michael V. Phillips (Florida State University 2002)
William L. Phinney (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1927)
F. H. Pierce (Ohio State University 1959)
Donald V. Pierce  (University of Missouri 1971)
James K. Pierson (Wabash College 1925)
Bruce M. Pitman (Purdue University 1971)
Steven B. Pittman (Oklahoma State University 1975)
Timothy L. Pitts (University of Tennessee 1990)
W. T. Pohl (University of Kentucky 1976)
John A. Pollard (Ohio State University 1924)
Thomas N. Pollard (University of Richmond 1953)
Carleton A. Potter (Dartmouth College 1917)
David H. Prescott (Wittenberg University 1977)
Brian M. Price (North Carolina State University 1999)
Edward F. Pritzlaff (University of Wisconsin 1919)
Frank L. Provenza (Texas Christian University 1980)
F. D. Pryor (Georgia Institute of Technology 1951)
James W. Purcell (University of Georgia 1973)
James P. Quinn (Northwestern University 1955)
Robert P. Radcliffe (University of Kansas 1961)
Michael L. Raisor (Indiana State University 1995)
Vernon C. Randolph (University of Michigan 1907)
Lester M. Rankin (Denison University 1915)
Timothy P. Reitmeyer (University of Pittsburgh 1974)
Dale F. Renner (Ohio Wesleyan University 1950)
Ross D. Rhinehart (Ohio State University 1984)
Charles M. Ricker (Indiana State University 2012)
W. A. Riddle (Illinois Wesleyan University 1947)
A. P. Rimsans (Iowa State University 1993)
James C. Rinaman (University of Florida 1955)
William H. Ritts (Pennsylvania State University 1965)
Andrew M. Roberts (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2013)
Ernest M. Roberts (University of Kansas 1928)
William E. Roberts (Arizona State University 1975)
George A. Robertson (Washington & Lee University 1970)
G. P. Robinson (Mississippi State University 1975)
William D. Roesser (University of Michigan 1925)
Alex L. Rogers (DePauw University 1965)
T. D. Romero (University of Arizona 1922)
Jonathan L. Ross (Florida International University 2002)
William F. Ross (Bradley University 1987)
Charles M. Roudebush (Ohio Wesleyan University 1914)
Mark Rusiski (University of Pittsburgh 2000)
Joseph Samora (University of New Mexico 1978)
Richard I. Sampson (University of Washington 1946)
Vinson J. San Angelo (University of Arizona 1962)
Charles L. Sargeant (Purdue University 1926)
Scott J. Sarisky (University of Utah 1990)
George H. Saville (Ohio Wesleyan University 1922)
Robert E. Schaich (Bradley University 2006)
Douglas S. Scheiner (Bradley University 2000)
Lee C. Schmitt (Miami University 1963)
Frederick J. Schoeneman (University of California Berkeley 1931)
Robert J. Schoettler (University of Washington 1928)
R. D. Schrantz (University of Arkansas 1973)
L. D. Schreck (Kansas State University 1969)
Lynn R. Schroeder (Iowa State University 1976)
George J. Schunck (Syracuse University 1952)
Jason S. Schwartz (University of Central Florida 2003)
James B. Schwarz (Western Michigan University 1991)
John E. Scott (Indiana University 1930)
Roy A. Seaberg (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1956)
Nicholas C. Seeley (University of Akron 2001)
Sandesh V. Sekhara (University of Connecticut 2012)
Michael R. Shaffer (Wittenberg University 1949)
Rishad Shaikh (Case Western Reserve University 1999)
Kennedy Shaw (Syracuse University 1950)
Roger D. Sheaks (University of Georgia 1983)
James S. Sheehy (University of Oregon 1918)
Jerry G. Shelton (University of Oklahoma 1975)
Henry B. Shepard (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1916)
John D. Sheppard (University of Pittsburgh 1944)
Michael O. Shipley (Syracuse University 1958)
Loyal A. Shoudy (University of Washington 1904)
H. O. Shropshire (University of Alabama 1924)
G. D. Shrum (Denison University 1959)
Stanley P. Shugert (Roanoke College 1905)
Thomas E. Shull (University of Idaho 1950)
John S. Sickels (College of the City of New York 1908)
Lee C. Siedell (Louisiana State University 1977)
Robert A. Siedell (Mississippi State University 1974)
George M. Simonds (Miami University 1959)
Kenneth R. Sinclair (Washington & Jefferson College 1948)
David F. Slater (Ohio University 1967)
Robert L. Slauson (University of Connecticut 2013)
J. P. Slayden  (University of Tennessee 1937)
D. M. Smith (University of Texas Arlington 1983)
Philip A. Smith (DePauw University 1959)
Roger J. Smith (Ohio University 1972)
Steven R. Smith (University of Chicago 1975)
Tom K. Smith (Williams College 1939)
Charles W. Snook (University of California Berkeley 1917)
Chad T. Snyder (Fresno State University 2000)
Kenneth A. Sobel (University of Arizona 1975)
N. W. Solomon (University of Nebraska 1951)
John M. Sorensen (Illinois Wesleyan University 1968)
Lee K. Souter (University of Vermont 2005)
Gordon T. Speckman (Denison University 1947)
Brad J. Stadtlander (University of Iowa 2002)
F. A. Stamper (University of Kansas 1964)
William A. Steele (University of Colorado 1926)
James H. Stellar (Occidental College 1954)
Allen C. Stelle (Iowa State University 1908)
Lance G. Stendal (University of New Mexico 1993)
George C. Sternad (Ohio Wesleyan University 1948)
J. M. Stewart (Washington & Lee University 1938)
Van W. Stewart (University of Oklahoma 1920)
Frederick Stines (University of Iowa 1949)
Ferdinand F. Stone (Ohio State University 1930)
Neil H. Stone (Miami University 1964)
Ralph E. Stone (Rutgers University 1922)
Robert D. Stone (Denison University 1965)
Merrill Swain  (Pennsylvania State University 1944)
Harry R. Swanson (University of Chicago 1917)
James E. Sweeney (University of New Mexico 1983)
C. W. Swinford (Washington & Lee University 1943)
Anthony J. Tamburo (Louisiana State University 1994)
James C. Tauschek (Ohio Wesleyan University 1976)
Harry E. Templeton (Stanford University 1925)
Alan J. Thayer (Oregon State University 1981)
Henry E. Theis (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1955)
Walter R. Thiel (Ohio University 1985)
Samuel C. Thigpen (University of North Alabama 2011)
Ronald L. Thomas (Georgia Institute of Technology 1968)
Francis G. Thompson (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2000)
Sheldon L. Thorpe (Kettering University A 1987)
Bradley A. Tilton (Georgia Institute of Technology 1981)
T. P. Tissot (Stanford University 1917)
Brian R. Toole (University of California San Diego 2001)
Mark P. Trenton (University of Western Ontario 1986)
Louis F. Trost (University of Oklahoma 1950)
Charles S. Truxal (University of Oregon 2016)
Gerald L. Tschudi (Miami University 1958)
Guy W. Tunnicliffe (Northwestern University 1953)
Thomas A. Tunnicliffe (Ohio State University 1987)
John K. Turner (University of Texas 1976)
James E. Tyler (University of Florida 1950)
Isaac O. Upham (University of California Berkeley 1898)
Michael S. Uryasz (Texas Tech University 2012)
William H. Valentine (Coastal Carolina University 1967)
George C. Van Dusen (Dartmouth College 1957)
Robert D. Vice (Ohio University 1973)
Mark S. Waggener (University of Kansas 1921)
Otto A. Wahlrab (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1954)
Kirk D. Walden (University of Texas Arlington 1972)
Stanley T. Wallbank (University of Colorado 1917)
Roy W. Walters (University of Pittsburgh 1940)
Howard C. Walton (Gettysburg College 1967)
Jerrold Wanek (University of Iowa 1980)
Frederick H. Ward (University of Oklahoma 1918)
Colin A. Watson (James Madison University 2004)
Stephen J. Waymire (Wabash College 1960)
Karl M. Weber (University of Denver 1981)
Daniel T. Webster (Cornell University 2013)
James S. Webster  (Stanford University 1929)
Daylon T. Weddle (DePauw University 2017)
Roger L. Weinheimer (Oregon State University 1951)
Michael S. Weiss (University of Central Florida 1994)
Joseph A. Weist (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1987)
Peter G. Welsh (Wittenberg University 1974)
Victor J. West (University of Chicago 1905)
William F. West  (University of Maine Orono 1940)
James E. Whistler (University of Idaho 1970)
Robert N. Whitacre (Indiana University 1967)
Harry J. White (University of Alabama 1917)
Richard H. White (Denison University 1940)
William H. White (University of Texas 1923)
William W. Whiteman  (University of Oklahoma 1935)
Bradley R. Whiting (University of Washington 1980)
Randall L. Whittaker (Oklahoma State University 1970)
Peter C. Whittet (Western Michigan University 1977)
Lloyd H. Wiborg (University of Arizona 1961)
Albert G. Williams (Case Western Reserve University 1927)
Clarence H. Williams (Case Western Reserve University 1914)
Russell G. Williams (University of Kentucky 1974)
Thomas H. Williams (University of Alabama 1941)
David J. Willmer (University of Akron 1992)
Jay R. Winkelhake (Colorado School of Mines 2000)
Paul Winter (LaSalle University 1987)
Robert K. Wolf (Washington State University 1991)
T. A. Womack (University of Texas 1956)
Brian D. Wood (University of Arkansas 1986)
Craig P. Wood (Wittenberg University 1969)
John E. Wood  (Denison University 1924)
Robert L. Wray (Tennessee Technological University 1981)
Charles A. Wright (University of Chicago 1957)
Michael J. Wygocki (Western Michigan University 1986)
Thomas L. Wylie (Hanover College 1963)
Scott M. Yaworski (University of British Columbia 2002)
James O. Yeaman (Auburn University 1966)
Brent L. Young (Tennessee Technological University 2002)
Phil E. Zegarelli (Columbia University 1970)
William S. Zerman (University of Michigan 1949)
Darrel H. Zipfel (Ohio State University 1954)
Robert F. Zwolinski (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1998)

<p>Calvin Coolidge with Section Chiefs at the White House in 1926</p>
Calvin Coolidge with Section Chiefs at the White House in 1926

Former Purple Legionnaires

Current and Former Purple Legionnaires

Puya Abbassi (University of  California Irvine 2006)
Brenon L. Abernathie (University of  Missouri 2003)
Larry T. Able (University of  Texas Arlington 1971)
Enrique Aceves (University of  California Irvine 2010)
Douglas L. Acker (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1983)
Bobby G. Adams (Tennessee Technological University 2015)
Thomas A. Adams (Emory University 1970)
Bennett J. Adamson (University of  Arizona 2020)
Andrew N. Addy (West Virginia University 1977)
Jonathan Aguilar De Dios (Florida International University 2013)
Josh A. Ahart (Ohio State University 2015)
Anthony P. Ahlstrom (Utah State University 2020)
Owais F. Ahmed (University of  California Irvine 2005)
John H. Ahrens (Hanover College 1994)
Kurt F. Ahrens (University of  Denver 1983)
Preston B. Albright (Colorado College 1928)
Charles W. Alderman (Auburn University 1972)
Klay L. Aldridge (Baylor University 1990)
David L. Alexander (Purdue University 1962)
Peter J. Aliberti (University of  Florida 1970)
John G. Allelo (Louisiana State University 1984)
Darrell J. Allen (Oregon State University 1990)
Eric Allen (University of  Tennessee 2020)
James M. Allen (University of  Georgia 1968)
Mark K. Allen (University of  California Berkeley 1978)
Shane M. Allen (University of  Illinois 2008)
Nicholas W. Allston (Kettering University A 2021)
Wilver Almarales (Florida International University 2005)
Bob H. Aloneissi (University of  Alberta 1984)
Jon J. Altschuler (Southern Methodist University 1994)
Dean E. Altstaetter (Ohio Northern University 2014)
Nicholas M. Altwies (Arizona State University 1990)
Bill M. Amacher (University of  Illinois 1977)
Frank A. Amidon (Wabash College 1992)
Robert P. Anderegg (University of  Southern California 1971)
Ronald L. Anders (Auburn University 1986)
Adam T. Andersen (Boise State University 2019)
Bradley C. Anderson (William Jewell College 1998)
Bryan J. Anderson (University of  Idaho 1983)
Patrick S. Anderson (University of  Arizona 1970)
Roger L. Anderson (Case Western Reserve University 1965)
Russell A. Anderson (West Virginia University 1998)
William P. Anderson (Oregon State University 2001)
James S. Andrews (University of  Alabama 1981)
Roger A. Andrews (Oklahoma State University 1979)
Joseph R. Angle (Wittenberg University 2011)
George M. Anthony (Mississippi State University 1988)
Michael G. Anthony (University of  North Alabama 1999)
Leonard M. Appel (University of  Kentucky 1963)
Jason B. Apuzzio (Bucknell University 2001)
David W. Arbuckle (University of  Wisconsin Eau Claire 1979)
Stephen S. Archer (University of  Texas 1990)
Peter C. Arcuri (Bucknell University 1998)
David S. Armitage (University of  British Columbia 1980)
Kenneth B. Armor (University of  Maryland 1988)
David M. Armstrong (Baylor University 1977)
Sean W. Arnold (Georgia Institute of Technology 2014)
Gary R. Arnson (Western Michigan University 1976)
David H. Aronson (Lawrence University 1965)
Ricky L. Arquilla (Ohio State University 1976)
D. T. Arrants (Tennessee Technological University 1984)
Patrick W. Ash (University of  Nebraska 1967)
Michael C. Ashman (Indiana University 1991)
Daniel W. Aston (Washington & Lee University 1977)
James A. Atwood (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1979)
Brandon A. Auletta (University of  Rhode Island 2010)
Stuart E. Ausborn (University of  North Alabama 1998)
William E. Austin (Lehigh University 1936)
James G. Awada (University of  Minnesota 1958)
Michael E. Awada (University of  Minnesota 1986)
David M. Ayers (Cornell University 1980)
David W. Azbell (West Virginia University 1992)
Stephen W. Babb (West Chester University 2016)
John R. Babson (Lehigh University 1995)
Eric L. Bach (University of  Illinois 1969)
Michael J. Bacich (University of  California Riverside 1990)
Robert E. Bacon (Iowa State University 1960)
Huntington T. Bacquet (Ohio Wesleyan University 1994)
Dean F. Badessa (New York University 1983)
Samuel A. Baglier (University of  Florida 1971)
Jeremy S. Baham (University of  North Alabama 1996)
P. H. Bailey (Texas Tech University 1981)
Bruce E. Baird (University of  Arkansas 1979)
John D. Baizley (Washington & Lee University 1970)
Christopher G. Baker (Case Western Reserve University 1994)
Donald W. Baker (Texas Tech University 1974)
Warren Q. Baker (Illinois Wesleyan University 1941)
William D. Baker (University of  Iowa 1977)
S. C. Balderson (Kansas State University 1970)
Buddy B. Baldridge (Emory University 1969)
David M. Ball (Mississippi State University 1980)
Lukas J. Ball (University of  Minnesota 2011)
Ronald A. Ballecer (Fresno State University 1996)
Richard H. Ballinger (University of  Texas 1936)
Eugene N. Balter (University of  South Florida 1977)
Roberto Banda (University of  Texas Arlington 2005)
Jeffrey M. Banker (Georgia Institute of Technology 1996)
Douglas H. Banks (University of  Maine Orono 1982)
Jonathan W. Barada (Indiana University 1999)
Adam L. Barbina (Ohio State University 2006)
Andrew S. Barclay (Gettysburg College 2005)
Theodore H. Barclay (Denison University 1965)
John H. Barden (University of the South  Sewanee 1985)
Christopher J. Bardon (University of  British Columbia 1990)
Derek M. Bardon (University of  British Columbia 1994)
Clayton L. Barnard (Miami University 1969)
Paul S. Barnes (Miami University 1998)
Colin Barnett-Hart (Northwestern University 2012)
Daniel P. Barrett (Iowa State University 2005)
S. B. Barrett (Jacksonville University 1961)
Daniel R. Barstow (Miami University 2022)
Daniel B. Bart (Northwestern University 2005)
Steven T. Barth (Utah State University 1988)
Jeffrey C. Barton (Southern Methodist University 1986)
Charles W. Bass (Georgia Institute of Technology 1970)
William D. Bast (Lehigh University 1979)
Bruce E. Baugher (Oklahoma State University 1985)
Justin S. Bax (William Woods University 2019)
Daniel G. Bayer (University of  Kansas 1978)
Jeffrey T. Baynham (Western Kentucky University 2002)
John T. Beard (University of  Oklahoma 2010)
Caleb J. Beasley (DePauw University 2006)
William E. Beasley (James Madison University 1995)
Craig J. Beavers (University of  Kentucky 2006)
Ryan J. Bebee (Oklahoma State University 1995)
Cary G. Beck (University of  Alabama 2013)
Lee P. Beck (Mississippi State University 2002)
Thomas J. Beckerman (Ohio University 1969)
Gregory A. Bedell (University of  Chicago 1982)
Tyson K. Beem (University of  Southern California 1997)
Clifford J. Behmer (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1978)
Robert A. Behot (Rutgers University 1975)
Ryan H. Behroozi (Columbia University 1984)
Benjamin P. Belden (Georgia Institute of Technology 2013)
Paul A. Bello (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1999)
John D. Benavidez (University of  New Mexico 1994)
Herbert M. Bennett (Hampden-Sydney College 1983)
Robert R. Bennett (Oklahoma State University 1974)
Ryan D. Bennett (Oklahoma State University 2003)
Daniel B. Bennington (Ohio Wesleyan University 1968)
Tsali D. Bentley (Georgia Institute of Technology 1983)
Nolan Beres (Pennsylvania Western University California 2014)
Alan G. Berkshire (University of  Michigan 1982)
Aaron J. Berlin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1992)
Daniel M. Bernstein (Johns Hopkins University 2004)
James G. Berry (William Jewell College 1957)
Michael G. Berry (University of  Missouri 1981)
Wisam Y. Berry (University of  South Florida 2015)
John A. Bertola (University of  Utah 1991)
Kevin D. Bestard (University of  Western Ontario 1979)
Nathan R. Beverly (University of  Cincinnati 1999)
Ryan J. Bigbee (Texas Tech University 2002)
Darin Billig (New York University 1991)
Kirby J. Bilsland (Indiana State University 1995)
Scott H. Binley (University of  Wisconsin Eau Claire 1994)
Blaire E. Birge (University of  Evansville 2000)
John M. Bisaro (University of  Michigan 1978)
Joshua R. Bisher (University of  Evansville 2002)
John D. Bishop (University of  Colorado 1981)
Dwaan C. Black (University of  Tennessee 1989)
Towner A. Blackstock (Davidson College 1994)
Wilford A. Bladen (Hanover College 1949)
Ryan L. Blair (University of  Toronto 2001)
Robert M. Blakey (Wittenberg University 1985)
Craig R. Blanchard (Kettering University A 1989)
Wayne C. Bland (Oklahoma State University 1975)
Ray J. Blankenship (University of  Kentucky 1984)
Thomas L. Blankenship (Mississippi State University 1970)
Tobyn I. Blatt (University of  Maine Orono 2021)
Kyle C. Bliss (University of  Wisconsin Eau Claire 1995)
David J. Bloom (Ohio Wesleyan University 1990)
Keith R. Bloomer (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1987)
Anders H. Bloomquist (University of  Wisconsin Eau Claire 2005)
Randall S. Bloomquist (University of  Maryland 1982)
Walter E. Blore (University of  Nebraska 1957)
John A. Bobst (University of  Iowa 1999)
Matthew A. Bocchi (Allegheny College 2013)
Charles E. Bode (University of  Cincinnati 1989)
Mark W. Boenke (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1992)
Kevin W. Boeve (University of  California Riverside 1999)
Mark S. Boge (University of  Arizona 1981)
K. S. Bohlen (Lehigh University 2002)
Berndt H. Bohm (University of  Richmond 1970)
Brett A. Bolton (Tennessee Technological University 2019)
Lane L. Bonner (University of  Virginia 1984)
Brandon M. Boone (Iowa State University 1995)
Robert R. Boothby (University of  Toronto 1986)
Patrick P. Born (Miami University 1973)
Anthony A. Borthwick (University of  British Columbia 1989)
William V. Bosch (Louisiana State University 1976)
Brian A. Boucher (University of  Rhode Island 2008)
John P. Bowdoin (University of  New Mexico 1991)
Brian T. Bowen (University of  Wisconsin Eau Claire 1986)
Daniel H. Bowers (University of  Kansas 1982)
Brandon J. Bowman (Western Kentucky University 2010)
Terry G. Box (University of  Arkansas 1971)
Carlton B. Boyd (University of  California Irvine 1998)
William R. Bracewell (University of  Georgia 1968)
James A. Bradford (San Jose State University 1997)
Donald W. Bradley (University of  Southern California 1961)
Matthew K. Bradley (Indiana University 1994)
Michael J. Bragg (Illinois Wesleyan University 2005)
William R. Brand (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1987)
William A. Brandstetter (Washington & Jefferson College 1997)
Edwin M. Braswell (University of  North Carolina 2003)
Ford S. Braun (Indiana State University 1981)
Thomas L. Brcka (University of  Iowa 1986)
Thomas M. Brennan (Rutgers University 1995)
James S. Brewer (Tennessee Technological University 1988)
Roy E. Brewer (University of  Florida 1971)
Granville C. Briant (Southern Methodist University 2003)
Patrick C. Brichta (University of  New Mexico 2002)
Duncan L. Bridewell (Louisiana State University 1969)
Bernhard H. Brinkmann (University of  Alberta 1983)
Jeffrey R. Brochu (University of  Maine Orono 1987)
Dylan Brockway (Drake University 2020)
Parker Brody (University of  Texas 2012)
William W. Brooke (University of  Alabama 1978)
Stephen D. Brooks (University of  California Los Angeles 1982)
Marshall S. Brown (College of  Charleston 2009)
Peter D. Brown (University of  Denver 1985)
Richard W. Brown (University of  Colorado 1971)
Robert S. Brown (Drake University 1995)
Keith W. Bruneau (University of  Rhode Island 1989)
Jeffrey S. Brunie (Pennsylvania State University 1985)
John T. Bryant (Davidson College 2008)
Eugene Brye (Northwestern University 2023)
Paul M. Buchanan (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2015)
Gary R. Buchholz (Hanover College 1987)
Jonathan A. Bucio (University of  Texas Dallas 2014)
Jeremy D. Buente (University of  Evansville 2008)
Chadrick R. Buffel (University of  Alberta 1985)
Tyler A. Bullock (Florida State University 1999)
Owen W. Burch (Texas Tech University 1964)
Jesse A. Burg (William Woods University 2005)
Kris A. Burghart (Colorado College 1982)
Brock J. Burkholder (University of  Toledo 2008)
Ryan D. Burklow (Ball State University 2005)
Gordon A. Burnam (Tulane University 2016)
Jason Burns (New York University 2001)
John A. Burns (Ohio Wesleyan University 1960)
Thomas I. Burns (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1974)
Kyle M. Bush (Tennessee Technological University 2008)
Danny J. Bushnell (Idaho State University 1976)
Robert L. Butchofsky  (University of  Texas 1984)
Charles A. Butz (University of  Cincinnati 1978)
Thomas R. Buzek (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2020)
Bo W. Byers (Tennessee Technological University 2006)
David A. Cain (University of  Oklahoma 1966)
Scott E. Cain (Southern Methodist University 1982)
Stephen E. Caine (University of  New Mexico 1997)
Jeffrey P. Caldwell (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2006)
Michael C. Calkin (University of  California Berkeley 1982)
James P. Callicott (University of  Memphis 2009)
Andrew J. Camelio (University of  Chicago 1995)
Brian G. Campbell (Western Kentucky University 2014)
Earl W. Campbell (Ohio Wesleyan University 1986)
H. S. Campbell (Bucknell University 1952)
Ian P. Campbell (Colorado School of Mines 2008)
Larry L. Campbell (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1975)
Nicholas S. Candaffio (University of  Central Florida 2011)
Thomas F. Cantrell (Oklahoma State University 1978)
Robert J. Carell (Cornell University 1974)
Chase R. Carey (University of  Oregon 2019)
Richard K. Carmouche (Louisiana State University 1992)
Joseph B. Carney (DePauw University 1950)
Jonathan D. Caron (Western Kentucky University 2014)
James D. Carpenter (Wayne State University 2017)
Matthew B. Carr (University of  Tennessee 2003)
Christopher M. Carrasco (University of  New Mexico 1987)
Kenneth R. Carson (University of  Oklahoma 1981)
Scott M. Carson (University of  Maine Orono 1995)
Justin J. Carter (Washington State University 2003)
Chris T. Cartwright (University of  Michigan 1979)
Marvin J. Carver (University of  North Carolina 1975)
Jerome C. Cashion (University of  North Carolina 1963)
John A. Cassese (Ohio University 1976)
Marvin J. Castro (University of  California Irvine 2004)
Michael R. Catney (Kansas State University 1984)
Anthony J. Catoline (New York University 1992)
Jim M. Caulin (University of  Vermont 1994)
Trenton J. Caves (North Carolina State University 2001)
Hipolito R. Chacon (Wabash College 1985)
Carter L. Chambers (Iowa State University 2021)
Stephen M. Chambers (University of  Denver 1989)
Daniel B. Chandler (University of  Memphis 2007)
Scott L. Chaney (Ohio Wesleyan University 1971)
Charles E. Chapin (University of  Florida 1978)
James T. Chapman (University of  Kentucky 2011)
Larry L. Chase (Western Michigan University 1974)
David T. Chasteen-Boyd (University of  Alabama Birmingham 2018)
Ralph A. Cherubin (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2003)
Richard D. Cheshire (Colgate University 1958)
Jeffrey A. Chiambretti (University of  Michigan 2006)
Jason M. Chibuk (University of  Alberta 1999)
John P. Chibuk (University of  Alberta 2006)
Richard A. Chilcoat (Utah State University 1982)
Timothy J. Chin (University of  Massachusetts 2013)
Earl C. Christea (Miami University 1977)
Stephen D. Christian (Northwestern University 1978)
Thomas P. Chumbley (University of  Kentucky 2007)
Jacob T. Church (Coastal Carolina University 2019)
John C. Churchill (University of  Nebraska 2005)
Matthew Chyra (New York University 2001)
Douglas A. Cipriano (University of  Chicago 1986)
Eugene D. Cizek (Louisiana State University 1964)
Brian D. Clark (Indiana State University 1981)
John S. Clark (Ohio University 1979)
Nathan D. Clark (Bradley University 2016)
Robyn B. Clary (University of  Akron 1987)
Marion R. Clausen (University of  Arizona 1964)
Robert L. Cleek (Colorado School of Mines 1987)
Bret A. Clesi (Louisiana State University 1980)
Richard C. Clew (Columbia University 1987)
Jonathon A. Click (Grand Valley State University 2018)
Robert S. Clifton (Texas Christian University 1985)
Robert T. Clifton (Auburn University 1990)
Donald B. Coates (Utah State University 1980)
Logan T. Cobb (University of  Alabama Birmingham 2022)
James D. Cockey (Washington & Lee University 1988)
Joshua E. Cohrs (Oregon State University 2017)
Bruce A. Colvin (Ohio State University 1977)
Stephen V. Congro (Jacksonville University 2004)
Clark E. Conover (Iowa State University 1993)
Kenneth J. Contey (San Jose State University 1991)
Francis D. Conti (New York University 1984)
Reuben W. Cook (University of  Alabama 1974)
Roland D. Cook (University of  Alberta 1975)
Troy D. Coons (Georgia Institute of Technology 1998)
Geoffrey G. Coope (University of  Idaho 1938)
Duncan S. Copeland (Ohio Wesleyan University 2020)
Kevin D. Cordell (University of  Oklahoma 1987)
Timothy J. Corey (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1987)
Frederick R. Cornell (University of  Oklahoma 1961)
Kristian A. Correia (University of  Toronto 2016)
Stephen A. Cosgrove (University of  Maine Orono 1987)
Jeremy M. Cothern (University of the South  Sewanee 2005)
Terrell D. Couch (Grand Valley State University 2017)
William A. Couger (Michigan State University 1978)
Martin D. Coughlin (Ball State University 2019)
Chan F. Coulter (University of  Iowa 1925)
James K. Councell (Kettering University B 2003)
Christopher R. Coupe (University of  Idaho 2012)
Brit A. Coupens (Colorado State University 1979)
Craig M. Courville (University of  Arizona 1981)
Ken E. Couture (University of  Vermont 1991)
Brian J. Cox (Knox College 1979)
Frederic H. Cox (Hampden-Sydney College 1987)
J. R. Cox (Knox College 1988)
Jonathan B. Cox (Case Western Reserve University 1979)
Michael S. Cox (Ohio State University 2012)
Stephen W. Cox (University of  Missouri 1986)
William D. Craig (University of  Nebraska 1998)
Jacob D. Cramer (Oregon State University 2009)
Ryan J. Cramer (University of  Evansville 2012)
Mark E. Crawford (Westminster College 1985)
Jeff C. Crew (Syracuse University 1967)
Jeffrey W. Crews (University of  Montana 1987)
David Critser (Ohio State University 1979)
Ronald D. Crockett (University of  Washington 1961)
Alan G. Crone (University of  Memphis 1987)
Samuel L. Cropsey (Western Michigan University 1984)
Jacob R. Crossno (Austin Peay State University 2015)
Glenn W. Crowder (Texas Tech University 1984)
John P. Crowley (University of  British Columbia 1986)
Wesley F. Crowley (University of  Texas San Antonio 1996)
John R. Crupie (Georgia Institute of Technology 2009)
David A. Cucchiara (East Carolina University 2013)
Francisco Cuevas (Florida State University 1991)
John B. Culley (Wabash College 1969)
Tyler R. Culp (Quinnipiac University 2019)
Kim W. Cunningham (Oklahoma State University 1975)
Steven P. Cunningham (Miami University 1974)
Robert W. Cupp (Hanover College 1968)
Dustyn J. Curran (Iowa State University 2007)
John G. Curtis (University of  Western Ontario 1978)
Trevor N. Curtis (University of  Oregon 2014)
John A. Daguerre-Bradford (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2019)
Thomas B. D'Albora (University of  Rhode Island 1983)
David M. Dalpe (Cornell University 1999)
Anthony J. Dalpiaz (Colorado College 1982)
Andy V. Dang (Appalachian State University 2011)
Thomas G. D'Angelo (University of  Washington 1990)
Dana D. Daniels (Western Michigan University 1979)
Geoffrey A. Daniels (University of  Southern California 1977)
Geoffrey R. Darling (Ohio University 1988)
Russell L. Darr (Syracuse University 1983)
Steven E. Dato (University of  California Santa Barbara 1994)
Neil J. d'Autremont (Oregon State University 1977)
Joshua E. Davenport (Bowling Green State University 2007)
Robert W. Davies (Gettysburg College 1957)
Brandon A. Davis (DePaul University 2014)
George W. Davis (DePauw University 1988)
Jerry L. Davis (Texas Christian University 1994)
Kevin J. Davis (University of  Cincinnati 1984)
Michael E. Davis (Mississippi State University 1989)
Spencer E. Davis (University of  Pittsburgh 1984)
Douglas G. Dayhoff (Indiana University 1992)
Joseph F. De Simone (Columbia University 1992)
Michael J. DeAsla (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1991)
Nicholas DeCesare (New York University 1989)
Mitchell R. Decker (Western Michigan University 2018)
Thomas J. Decker (LaSalle University 1993)
Neal E. Deckman (Washington State University 1974)
Nicholas G. DeCola (West Chester University 2020)
Craig W. Deep (Ohio State University 1981)
Brian M. DeFede (West Virginia University 1987)
Ronald J. Deinlein (Indiana University 1982)
Martin R. Dekker (Washington & Jefferson College 1981)
Steven G. Delaney (University of  Pennsylvania 1969)
William A. Delphos (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1974)
Stephen L. DeMott (University of  Arkansas 1972)
Elijah A. Dennis (Allegheny College 2016)
F. J. DePasquale (University of  Akron 1987)
Jeffrey C. Derickson (University of  Arizona 1972)
Ned W. Derickson (Baylor University 1980)
Andrew D. Dettmer (Wabash College 2015)
Kameron DeVente (Ohio State University 1986)
Ralph C. Dewey (Old Dominion University 1986)
Joseph E. Dietz (Utah State University 1973)
Paul I. Digiovanni (Arizona State University 1974)
Eric R. DiPasquale (Texas A & M University 1993)
Landon J. Dipprey (Texas Christian University 2006)
Christopher P. Disponette (University of  Kentucky 1996)
Adil B. Dittmer (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2014)
Dennis A. DiTullio (Ohio State University 2005)
James T. Dixon (Denison University 1991)
Gordon A. Doak (University of  Missouri 1969)
Chad D. Dodson (Ohio State University 1993)
Bruce J. Dolenz (University of  Texas Arlington 1983)
Augustus M. Domenick (Wittenberg University 2013)
Elton H. Donaubauer (University of  Arkansas 1951)
Bruce W. Donnachie (Utah State University 1976)
Thomas P. Donohue (Rutgers University 1984)
Marc C. Dorau (Drake University 1997)
Daniel E. Doremus (Texas Christian University 1999)
Murray W. Dorin (University of  Alberta 1976)
Robert B. Dorn (University of  Pittsburgh 1978)
A. B. Doud (Johns Hopkins University 1986)
Brian M. Douglas (Tennessee Technological University 1998)
James P. Douglas (Arizona State University 1999)
Alan E. Douville (University of  Maine Orono 1987)
Norman B. Downe (University of  Western Ontario 1980)
Keith E. Downes (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1991)
Jeffrey M. Downey (University of  California Los Angeles 1983)
Phillip C. Downing (Wittenberg University 2013)
William E. Downing (Wittenberg University 2015)
Tyler A. Drapeau (Rutgers University 2015)
John H. Dreeszen (University of  Oregon 1984)
Brandon M. Drew (Georgia Institute of Technology 1999)
Dennis M. Drew (University of  California Berkeley 1975)
Nathaniel T. Dreyfuss (Wittenberg University 2010)
Jon R. Dries (University of  Western Ontario 1992)
Forest T. Driggs (Wittenberg University 1991)
Steven A. Driskill (University of  Virginia 2005)
Eric J. Drumheller (University of  Nebraska 1998)
Steve A. Duchi (University of  Pittsburgh 1992)
Brian W. Dudley (Jacksonville University 1996)
Paul R. Dudley (Iowa State University 2012)
J. M. Duesing (Cornell University 1962)
Thomas P. Dugan (Washington & Jefferson College 2004)
Douglas L. Dumond (University of  Cincinnati 1973)
Justin R. Dunkelberger (Pennsylvania State University 2001)
Zachary S. Dunlap (Ohio Wesleyan University 2001)
George M. Dunn (University of  Chicago 2002)
D. J. Dunn II (University of  Illinois 1996)
Brian G. Dunster (University of  British Columbia 1980)
Andrew Durham (University of  British Columbia 2012)
Thomas E. Durkin (Lehigh University 1993)
Filip J. Duszczyk (University of  Chicago 1998)
Byrne W. Dyer (Rutgers University 1969)
Norman R. Eady (University of  Alberta 1979)
Spencer C. Ebann (Iowa State University 2006)
Emil E. Ebner (Cornell University 2003)
Charles W. Echlin (University of  Western Ontario 2019)
Terry D. Eckert (Lehigh University 1960)
Thomas A. Eckert (Rutgers University 1984)
Stanley R. Ecklund (University of  California Riverside 1982)
D. G. Edel (University of  Richmond 1978)
David K. Edelblute (Denison University 1986)
Jonathan P. Edelen (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2009)
Michael C. Edelen (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2006)
Brandon N. Edwards (Ohio State University 2012)
John C. Edwards (University of  Alberta 1974)
Joseph P. Egan (Rutgers University 1977)
George H. Ehemann (Northwestern University 1974)
Ben D. Eichelberger (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1988)
Jonathan W. Eidson (University of  Georgia 1985)
Neil H. Eklund (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1991)
Patrick L. Elder (LaSalle University 2004)
Mark M. Ellermeyer (Allegheny College 1992)
Brad N. Ellington (Old Dominion University 2018)
Byron D. Elliott (University of  Idaho 1980)
Todd M. Elliott (University of  Idaho 1981)
David Ellis (Virginia Commonwealth University 2021)
Kyle P. Ellis (Ball State University 2009)
Reid W. Ellison (Columbia University 2008)
Chad L. Elseth (University of  Texas San Antonio 1994)
Charles E. Elyea (Davidson College 1984)
Drew D. Engebrecht (Drake University 2002)
Theodore M. Engle (Tennessee Technological University 2011)
Tim L. Engle (Kansas State University 1988)
Michael D. Engler (Arizona State University 1972)
Travis J. English (Texas Christian University 1998)
Jonathan C. Espy (Drake University 1995)
Richard W. Esser (Gettysburg College 1964)
Daniel Estevez (Florida International University 2008)
Brian P. Evans (Davidson College 1972)
Henry C. J. Evans (Syracuse University 1938)
Jason S. Evans (University of  North Alabama 1998)
Jonathan W. Evans (Baylor University 2000)
Joshua Evans (Pennsylvania Western University California 2016)
Ramez M. Fahmy (University of  Maryland 1993)
Raymond C. Faigle (Syracuse University 1993)
Uri K. Farkas (University of  Montana 1997)
James F. Farnsworth (University of  Vermont 1978)
Edwin L. Farrell (New York University 1969)
Charley R. Farris (University of  Missouri 2005)
Charles B. Faulconer (Hampden-Sydney College 1971)
Johnathan D. Faulkner (Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis 2016)
Lawrence K. Faulkner (University of  North Alabama 1982)
Robert L. Fay (University of  Rhode Island 1977)
Nicholas P. Feakins (University of  Virginia 2005)
Christopher H. Featherstone (University of  Texas Arlington 2002)
Jameson G. Fee (Kettering University A 2008)
Andrew P. Feldman (Northwestern University 2010)
Chris Feng (University of  Alberta 1998)
Kevin W. Ferguson (University of  California Riverside 1984)
John J. Fernandez-Rubio (Florida International University 2009)
Sean D. Ferrell (William Jewell College 1994)
Adam S. Fialkov (Arizona State University 1999)
Brian K. Fichtel (University of  Texas Arlington 1989)
Christopher J. Filley (Chapman University 2008)
Joseph M. Finck (Texas A & M University 2023)
Douglas M. Finical (University of  Arizona 1987)
James N. Finney (University of  California Irvine 1984)
Michael Fiorino (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1998)
George A. Fischer (University of  Michigan 1985)
Robert T. Fischer (University of  Illinois 1959)
Thomas H. Fischer (Gettysburg College 1981)
Eric J. Fish (Northwestern University 2001)
Michael G. Fisher (Lehigh University 1990)
Timothy P. Fiske (University of  Colorado 1984)
Lawrence J. Fitterman (University of  South Florida 1970)
Michael J. Flanagan (Bradley University 1996)
Jason J. Flauaus (William Woods University 2004)
Richard E. Fleming (University of  Wisconsin 1955)
Nolan Fletcher (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 2015)
William M. Flevares (University of  Chicago 1988)
Samuel E. Florez (University of  South Florida 2020)
Brian J. Flynn (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1985)
Spiro Fokas (University of  Chicago 1995)
James P. Folkes (Lehigh University 1976)
Johnny E. Fontan (Florida State University 1994)
Blair A. Fort (University of  Toronto 2002)
Benjamin J. Fortson (University of  Texas 2020)
Brian G. Forward (University of  British Columbia 1978)
Bradley B. Foster (University of  South Carolina 2020)
Cory K. Foster (Miami University 1967)
Edward M. Foster (Indiana University 1998)
Steven C. Foster (DePauw University 1980)
Zachary S. Foster (University of  Florida 2011)
Aemon M. Fowler (California State University Long Beach 1995)
Matthew L. Fox (Coastal Carolina University 2014)
Nathaniel D. Foye (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2021)
Joseph A. Francese (University of  Alberta 1992)
Perry C. Francis (University of  Arizona 1978)
John L. Frank (University of  Wisconsin Eau Claire 1974)
Scott M. Frank (Bowling Green State University 2001)
Lincoln T. Franke (University of  Colorado 1993)
Tod G. Franklin (University of  New Mexico 1977)
Zachary V. Franklin (James Madison University 2013)
Tyler Frantz (Ohio Northern University 2020)
Alexander D. Fraser (University of  Texas 1987)
Jonathan B. Fraser (University of  Virginia 1988)
Joseph M. Frates (Fresno State University 1997)
Jeffrey L. Freed (University of  Nebraska 1972)
Aaron H. Freedman (California State University Northridge 2001)
James S. Freeman (Texas State University 1992)
Cameron J. Freiboth (Colorado School of Mines 1987)
Christopher A. Freiwald (University of  New Mexico 1991)
Mark A. Frey (Hanover College 2011)
Donald B. Friedman (Arizona State University 1979)
Michael R. Friedman (Cornell University 2007)
William D. Frigge (University of  Cincinnati 1995)
J. L. Fritz (University of  California Riverside 1980)
Peter N. Fritz (Colorado College 1992)
Larry L. Frymire (University of  Texas 1976)
Jarrod G. Fuhr (University of  Calgary 2002)
Robert L. Fulford (University of  Rhode Island 1974)
Christopher W. Fuller (James Madison University 1995)
Leonard H. Fuller (Baylor University 1977)
L. C. Funk (Lawrence University 1984)
Matthew J. Furman (Southern Methodist University 2010)
Brion T. Furry (Bowling Green State University 2002)
Taylor D. Fyfe (University of  Texas 1987)
Charles E. Gabe (Hanover College 1990)
Vincent L. Gaffney (LaSalle University 1988)
Jeffrey A. Gahn (Louisiana State University 2015)
Manuel R. Galang (University of  Wisconsin 1986)
James A. Galante (University of  Wisconsin Eau Claire 1986)
William O. Gamble (University of  Oklahoma 1961)
William O. Gamble (University of  Oklahoma 1993)
Joseph A. Gamis (Drake University 2010)
Charles H. Ganske (University of  Iowa 1991)
James B. Gant (University of  Vermont 1999)
Andrew M. Gardner (University of  Chicago 1981)
Jeffrey L. Gardner (University of  Central Florida 2001)
Joseph F. Gardner (Utah State University 1974)
William S. Garner (University of  Arkansas 1971)
Jeffrey R. Garrett (University of  Missouri 1990)
L. L. Garrison (University of  Alabama 1997)
Patrick B. Garrity (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 2017)
Alberto Garza (University of  Texas San Antonio 1996)
Thomas E. Gaworski (University of  California Irvine 1989)
Stephen S. Gay (Old Dominion University 1990)
Wade C. Gear (Texas Christian University 1986)
Richard R. Gehlbach (Kent State University 1974)
Brad J. Gemberling (Ball State University 2002)
Gary L. Generose (Pennsylvania State University 1997)
Marc R. George (University of  Maryland 2011)
William P. Gettings (Purdue University 1978)
Kevin S. Gibbons (University of  Calgary 1995)
Andrew R. Gibson (New York University 2012)
Scott D. Gibson (University of  Arizona 1978)
Roger A. Gierhart (University of  Wisconsin 1988)
Louis P. Giesler (University of  Arizona 1984)
Kyle E. Gilley (Baylor University 1995)
Frederic S. Gilman (Michigan State University 1970)
Joseph P. Gilmartin (University of  California Berkeley 1985)
Donald S. Gish (University of  Minnesota 1975)
Adam J. Gladfelter (University of  Evansville 2008)
Howard L. Glass (University of  Florida 1993)
Parker W. Glass (Mississippi State University 2018)
Michael W. Glaze (LaSalle University 1991)
Gary R. Gleaves (University of  Tennessee 1972)
James P. Glenny (University of  Idaho 1960)
Derek C. Glowa (University of  Calgary 2003)
Richard D. Gochis (Baylor University 1992)
William H. Goddard (University of  Tennessee 1968)
Norman H. Godwin (Auburn University 1991)
Michael S. Goetter (LaSalle University 1993)
Michael J. Goger (Oregon State University 1966)
Douglas E. Golden (Syracuse University 2002)
Gerard M. Golden (University of  Richmond 1999)
William M. Goldstein (University of  Illinois 1966)
Adam H. Goll (University of  Nebraska 2007)
Joseph Golomboski (Bucknell University 1982)
Ismael G. Gomez (Appalachian State University 2013)
Javier Gomez (San Diego State University 2014)
Joseph J. Gondron (Louisiana State University 2006)
David Gonzalez (Drake University 2004)
Manuel G. Gonzalez (University of  California Berkeley 1977)
Jonathan K. Goodman (Allegheny College 2019)
Robert W. Goodman (New York University 1973)
Joel C. Gorder (Oregon State University 2006)
Derek J. Gordon (University of  Arkansas 2008)
Robert E. Gordon (University of  Georgia 1994)
Scott B. Gordon (University of  Colorado 1983)
Donn R. Gossom (Indiana University 1967)
Kurt W. Gottschalk (Washington & Jefferson College 1972)
James A. Gough (Northwestern University 1950)
Bradford W. Gould (University of  Maine Orono 1983)
Lionel J. Goulet (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1974)
Geoffrey L. Grabow (Oklahoma State University 1987)
Jason D. Graham (University of  Minnesota 2003)
Travis W. Grahmann (University of  Texas San Antonio 2012)
Steven C. Graus (Western Michigan University 1978)
Matthew R. Gray (Coastal Carolina University 2011)
Robert B. Grayson (University of  Georgia 2000)
Gayden D. Green (University of  Tennessee 1970)
Andrew P. Greene (Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis 2020)
Michael C. Greer (University of  Idaho 1970)
Stephen G. Greiner (University of  Kentucky 1968)
Timothy J. Gricks (Washington & Jefferson College 1984)
Alton R. Griffin (Texas Tech University 1951)
Elias E. Griffin (University of  Richmond 1977)
Joseph L. Griffin (University of  Alabama 2006)
Emlyn I. Griffith (Colgate University 1942)
Kyle L. Griffith (Rutgers University 2013)
Brian F. Griggs (University of  California Berkeley 1982)
Jared D. Grigsby (Wabash College 2001)
Richard G. Groff (University of  Memphis 1991)
G. W. Gruber (University of  Alberta 1980)
Erich R. Grundman (Syracuse University 2013)
Adolpho Guerra (Texas State University 2021)
Timothy M. Guesman (Ohio University 1981)
James T. Guess (University of  Memphis 1989)
Stephen R. Gunn (University of  Texas 1977)
Christopher R. Gunnare (University of  Iowa 1986)
Adam M. Gutman (Cornell University 2009)
John W. Guy (Ohio Wesleyan University 1960)
Thomas M. Guy (University of  Missouri 1981)
Gregory J. Hackenberg (Tulane University 1990)
Darren A. Hadden (Florida State University 1996)
Robert V. Hageman (Illinois Wesleyan University 1967)
Robert N. Hager (Georgia Institute of Technology 1961)
Thomas B. Haid (Ohio State University 2007)
Steven G. Haigh (Southern Methodist University 1977)
Paul D. Hains (Texas Christian University 1987)
Carson B. Hair (University of  North Carolina Wilmington 2022)
Robert E. Hall (University of  Kentucky 1968)
William F. Hall (Davidson College 1984)
Justin T. Halter (University of  Akron 2020)
Richard Halterman (University of  Missouri 1970)
Drew R. Hamelink (Union College 1971)
James D. Hamil (Georgia Institute of Technology 1981)
Travis K. Hamilton (University of  Texas Arlington 1987)
Brad B. Hammond (University of  Arkansas 1992)
Dennis K. Hammond (University of  California San Diego 1997)
Walter E. Hammond (University of  Texas Arlington 1971)
Robert B. Hampson (University of  Virginia 1971)
James M. Hanisee (Louisiana State University 1992)
Charles A. Hannah (Auburn University 1975)
Robert L. Hansen (University of  Arizona 1967)
Robert S. Hanwell (University of  Calgary 1985)
David J. Harben (Ball State University 2004)
William R. Hardell (Case Western Reserve University 1951)
Robert J. Harker (University of  Delaware 2014)
Timothy S. Harlan (Indiana State University 1972)
Jared J. Harman (University of  British Columbia 2005)
Larry D. Harman (William Jewell College 1975)
Gregory K. Harmon (Bradley University 2000)
Justin T. Harmon (Denison University 2001)
Joshua M. Harraman (Ohio State University 2004)
James D. Harris (Arizona State University 1974)
Khristopher P. Harris (University of  Texas Arlington 2003)
Micheal G. Harris (University of  Alberta 1987)
Adam J. Hart (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2005)
Steven J. Hart (University of  Missouri 2016)
Bryan J. Hartzell (Western Kentucky University 2014)
Mahlon P. Hartzell (Gettysburg College 1939)
David S. Harvey (University of  Akron 1989)
Geoffrey N. Haskell (University of  Vermont 1986)
Anthony E. Hatfield (University of  Calgary 2013)
Shane D. Hatfield (Oklahoma State University 2004)
W. S. Havens (Oregon State University 1976)
Patrick H. Haverty (University of  Kansas 2010)
Steven L. Hawes (University of  Oklahoma 1980)
Douglas B. Hayden (University of  Illinois 1993)
Michael J. Hayes (West Virginia University 1994)
James G. Hayhurst (University of  Florida 1962)
Thomas R. Hayne (University of  Virginia 2009)
Matthew J. Hazleton (Colorado School of Mines 1996)
Clarence M. Head (Georgia Institute of Technology 1957)
Lester L. Hearson (Wabash College 1970)
Jason R. Hedlund (Michigan State University 1998)
Daniel F. Heekin (Miami University 2005)
Steven J. Heeney (University of  Kansas 1978)
Robert M. Hefner (Appalachian State University 2015)
Michael K. Heiser (University of  Minnesota 1989)
Glen A. Hellman (University of  Maryland 1979)
John E. Hellman (Kansas State University 1979)
Terrence W. Henderson (University of  Calgary 1993)
Thomas M. Hendrickson (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1971)
Mackenzie A. Hendry (University of  Chicago 2019)
Thomas P. Hendry (Denison University 1946)
Richard K. Henley (University of  North Alabama 1989)
Kyle H. Hensley (University of  Oklahoma 1981)
Trevor D. Henson (University of  Arizona 2019)
Michael J. Herberg (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1980)
Thomas M. Herlihy (Columbia University 1975)
Bryant P. Hernandez (California State University Long Beach 2014)
David M. Herritt (University of  Oklahoma 1979)
Stephen J. Hershfield (Michigan State University 2012)
Richard J. Hertzog (Arizona State University 1985)
Mark F. Hesemann (Indiana University 1976)
Dana W. Hesse (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1986)
Scott F. Hesse (University of  Michigan 1992)
David D. Heston (Ohio State University 1973)
Michael D. Hetcko (Washington & Jefferson College 1997)
Philip G. Heyde (DePauw University 1972)
Richard C. Hicks (Ohio University 1980)
Richard E. Hicks (University of  Texas Dallas 2013)
Kevin B. Higgins (University of  British Columbia 1975)
Erik S. Hildebrand (Bowling Green State University 2005)
Nelson P. Hildreth (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1987)
Greg E. Hill (University of  Georgia 1985)
James F. Hill (Wittenberg University 2006)
James M. Hill (University of  Arizona 1961)
Robert B. Hill (Ohio University 2006)
Ronald S. Hill (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1975)
Scott M. Hill (Baylor University 1986)
Ward N. Hill (Georgia Institute of Technology 1976)
Chanler D. Hilley (Coastal Carolina University 2013)
Mark W. Hilton (University of  British Columbia 1983)
Perry B. Hilyer (University of  Montevallo 2015)
Loring E. Hinds (University of the South  Sewanee 1984)
Dean B. Hinman (University of  Montana 1987)
Tyler A. Hinrichs (University of  Nebraska Kearney 2016)
Jarrod T. Hinton (Texas Christian University 2003)
Gary R. Hipko (Gettysburg College 1984)
Marcus W. Hitt (Wittenberg University 2005)
Michael Hodges Dermody (William Jewell College 1992)
Craig T. Hofer (University of  Memphis 1982)
Bradley W. Hoff (University of  Washington 1991)
Greg W. Hoffman (Fresno State University 1999)
Jeremy D. Hogg (University of  Virginia 2003)
Corbin O. Hohstadt (University of  Idaho 2010)
Charles D. Holcombe (Ohio Wesleyan University 1982)
Jeffrey S. Holland (Hampden-Sydney College 1982)
Galen J. Hollenbaugh (University of  Montana 1990)
Charles F. Holloway (University of  Kentucky 1997)
Stacy V. Holmes (Northwestern University 1961)
Brent M. Holoviak (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1997)
Garrett S. Hols (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2005)
Garrett R. Holt (Missouri State University 2009)
David P. Holub (DePauw University 1987)
Brian A. Hooker (University of  North Carolina Wilmington 2009)
Thomas A. Hoopes (Drake University 2013)
Michael J. Horvath (Columbia University 1973)
Ryan J. Hoskin (University of  California Riverside 2003)
David E. Housel (Auburn University 1969)
Frank W. Howard (University of  Oklahoma 1940)
Richard L. Howard (University of  Arkansas 1978)
Mark A. Hresko (Kettering University A 1980)
Peter L. Hubbard (Syracuse University 1968)
Todd R. Hubbell (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1996)
Gary C. Huckaby (University of  Alabama 1987)
Connor J. Hudgins (University of  California San Diego 2020)
William A. Hudson (University of  Western Ontario 1974)
Roger O. Hudspeth (Old Dominion University 1990)
Charles M. Huey (University of  Texas 1967)
Gregory W. Hulen (Florida State University 1998)
Christopher M. Humphrey (Indiana State University 1998)
Stephen C. Hunt (University of  Puget Sound 1973)
James J. Hunter (University of  New Mexico 1999)
Christopher A. Hupe (Kansas State University 1994)
John T. Hurley (Indiana University 1990)
Jeffrey L. Huss (University of  Cincinnati 1994)
W. D. Hutchison (West Virginia University 1994)
Scott G. Idlet (University of  Missouri 1979)
August A. Imholtz (University of  Pittsburgh 1994)
Douglas S. Ingersoll (DePauw University 1988)
James P. Ingold (Illinois Wesleyan University 1985)
Yoshitaka Inoue (University of  Cincinnati 2004)
Ronald S. Ipjian (Arizona State University 1973)
Timothy D. Ira (University of  Alberta 2011)
Ben G. Irons (University of  North Carolina 1971)
Roy N. Irwin (Utah State University 1971)
William G. Irwin (Washington & Jefferson College 1971)
Philip C. Isaac (University of  California Los Angeles 1979)
Philip A. Ivancovich (Fresno State University 1988)
S. S. Jackman (University of  Nebraska 1974)
Thomas M. Jackman (New York University 1977)
Michael H. Jackson (University of  Alberta 1979)
Lyle B. Jacon (Western Michigan University 1986)
Norman A. James (Brown University 1953)
Carl T. Jamison (University of  Alabama 1979)
Glen M. Janiszewski (University of  Calgary 1991)
Anthony P. Jannetta (University of  Pennsylvania 1956)
Andrew P. Janssens (University of  Pennsylvania 2016)
James S. Jarrard (Georgia Institute of Technology 1986)
Michael D. Jarrett (University of  Texas Arlington 1972)
Eric M. Jasso (University of  Missouri 2005)
Andrew R. Jaworski (Case Western Reserve University 1994)
Jackson M. Jeansonne (University of  Texas 2022)
Glenn C. Jenkins (Rutgers University 1994)
Stephen M. Jenkins (Western Michigan University 1980)
J. M. Jennings (University of  Pittsburgh 1981)
John P. Jennings (University of  Kansas 1979)
H. S. Jennison (Syracuse University 1977)
Mitchell L. Jermyn (Florida State University 2011)
Caleb Z. Jett (Christopher Newport University 2023)
Jeffrey D. Jewell (Indiana State University 2015)
Alexander C. Johnson (University of  California Riverside 2002)
Gary S. Johnson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1971)
J. L. Johnson (University of  Oklahoma 1985)
Kyle M. Johnson (Hampden-Sydney College 1984)
Lonnie L. Johnson (Drake University 2000)
Michael A. Johnson (Purdue University 1961)
Michael J. Johnson (University of  Nebraska 1996)
Michael R. Johnson (University of  Arizona 1983)
Steven D. Johnson (Iowa State University 1977)
Thomas L. Johnson (Iowa State University 1974)
Timothy B. Johnson (University of  Western Ontario 1987)
William K. Johnson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1976)
Neil A. Johnston (Wittenberg University 1999)
Stephen A. Joly (University of  Toronto 2019)
Andrew K. Jones (University of  Missouri 1989)
Brent A. Jones (Baylor University 1980)
Elrick L. Jones (University of  Richmond 1981)
Jeffrey R. Jones (Indiana University 1980)
Michael R. Jones (University of  Western Ontario 1977)
Matthew K. Jorjorian (University of  Minnesota 2012)
Charles A. Joseph (University of  Michigan 1979)
John T. Joubert (Louisiana State University 1993)
Thomas E. Joule (University of  New Mexico 1969)
Owen J. Jung (University of  Alberta 2001)
Keith M. Kahan (University of  Pittsburgh 1990)
Parris C. Kail (University of  Idaho 1976)
Jeffrey D. Kaiser (Arizona State University 1980)
Nicholas R. Kaiser (Colorado School of Mines 2021)
Michael J. Kalb (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2002)
Daniel M. Kallick (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1980)
Patrick T. Kandianis (Cornell University 1988)
Ryan M. Kaplan (Ohio Wesleyan University 2015)
Bijan P. Karimi (University of  California Santa Barbara 1995)
Eric B. Karker (Florida International University 2008)
Michael B. Karluk (University of  Chicago 1977)
Michael E. Kastner (Michigan State University 1984)
Bradley A. Kastrup (University of  Evansville 2011)
David A. Kaufman (University of  California Irvine 2019)
John D. Keeling (Indiana State University 1999)
Andrew D. Keenan (University of  California Berkeley 1988)
Jeremy Keller (University of  Calgary 1996)
Robert A. Keller (Hanover College 1974)
Kevin L. Kelley (Texas Christian University 1981)
Roger V. Kelly (University of  Washington 1958)
Rick W. Kelty (Arizona State University 1981)
William W. Kenagy (University of  Nebraska 1970)
Douglas M. Kennedy (Ohio Wesleyan University 1977)
Christopher F. Kenward (University of  Florida 1979)
Barry A. Kerness (West Virginia University 1983)
B. K. Kershaw (Louisiana State University 1991)
Andrew C. Keyse (University of the South  Sewanee 1992)
Norman C. Keyt (Arizona State University 1972)
Christopher Khorsandi (Villanova University 1999)
Jason T. Khoury (University of  Texas Arlington 2008)
Donald R. Kiepert (Purdue University 1970)
Umberto J. Kilbarger (Colorado School of Mines 2012)
Joshua J. Kilpatrick (University of  North Alabama 2004)
David C. Kimbell (DePauw University 1989)
Corey A. King (Florida State University 1992)
Matthew J. King (Ball State University 2017)
Norman D. King (Allegheny College 1960)
Timothy M. King (University of  Vermont 1976)
Walton W. Kingsbery  (Washington & Lee University 1976)
Richard H. Kingsley (University of  Rhode Island 1970)
Glenn T. Kinnear (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1994)
Michael K. Kirk (Colgate University 1980)
Michael K. Kirk (University of  Denver 1981)
Gary J. Kirksey (Miami University 1978)
Jeffrey G. Kistler (Davidson College 1983)
Theodore B. Kiviat (Tulane University 1989)
Howard I. Klahr (Florida State University 1985)
William J. Kliber (Syracuse University 1952)
Eric S. Klossowski (University of  Wisconsin Eau Claire 1984)
Eric D. Knam (Oklahoma State University 1992)
Ryan S. Knam (Oklahoma State University 2017)
Walter E. Knapp (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1938)
Michael D. Knauer (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1973)
Richard A. Knechtel (Pennsylvania State University 1976)
Jason F. Kneeland (University of  Vermont 1995)
Owen Y. Knight (Tulane University 2014)
Blake A. Kobel (Missouri State University 2018)
Brent M. Koch (Oklahoma State University 1996)
Richard A. Koehler (University of  Wisconsin Eau Claire 1983)
Barrett Koerner (Texas Christian University 2018)
Justin A. Koetas (Rutgers University 2020)
Peter F. Kontos (University of  Toronto 2001)
Krister A. Kottmeier (University of  British Columbia 1994)
Raymond A. Kovacs (Allegheny College 1987)
Edward M. Kowal (Washington & Lee University 1974)
Robert T. Kramer (University of  Pittsburgh 1986)
Sean Kramer (Georgia Institute of Technology 1998)
Scott E. Kratzer (University of  Chicago 1985)
Thomas A. Kraus (Oregon State University 1984)
Lucas W. Kraut (Drake University 2003)
Kevin Z. Kreidle (Colorado College 1981)
John R. Kretzschmar (University of  Missouri 1956)
E. M. Krieg (University of  Idaho 1974)
Jim E. Krieger (University of  Kentucky 1975)
Mark A. Krill (University of  Florida 1986)
Robert K. Krout (University of  Virginia 1980)
Peter J. Krusing (Indiana University 2014)
Eric D. Kukanic (University of  Richmond 1992)
Eric A. Kvam (Iowa State University 1991)
Thomas R. Lacki (Oklahoma State University 1990)
Steven A. Lagana (University of  Maryland 1989)
David M. Lago (University of  Virginia 1994)
Anthony J. LaMantia (Rutgers University 1999)
Dylan R. Lambe (University of  Central Florida 2012)
Andrew J. Lamers (Colorado School of Mines 1997)
Carson B. Lance (Ball State University 2010)
Patrick C. Lanman (Hanover College 1983)
Gregory W. LaNouette (Denison University 1977)
Andrew S. Lapitsky (University of  Pennsylvania 1993)
Jonathan M. LaPolla (Ohio University 2020)
Dennis A. LaRosa (Emory University 1969)
Lochwood V. Larson (Baylor University 1985)
Jake R. Latham (Colorado School of Mines 2003)
Robert S. Lawrie (LaSalle University 1992)
Devin E. Lawson (California State University Long Beach 1992)
Paul A. Lawson (Indiana State University 2013)
Meredith T. Leadbetter (Arizona State University 1965)
Landon L. Leclair (University of  Alberta 1994)
Daniel P. Lee (University of  Illinois 1991)
Brent A. Leffel (Indiana State University 1991)
Linwood N. Leftwich (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1987)
Michael F. Leisey (Pennsylvania State University 1974)
Ray C. Leisy (Washington State University 1987)
Russell B. LeMay (University of  North Alabama 1995)
Brian E. Lenz (Colorado State University 2013)
Russell L. Leonard (University of the South  Sewanee 1973)
Joseph Leporati (University of  Maine Orono 1990)
Paul K. Lepore (Jacksonville University 1987)
Jack M. Lepp (University of  Illinois 1941)
David E. Lerner (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1981)
Jason E. Lesko (University of  Central Florida 1995)
Matthew H. Lesser (Syracuse University 1992)
Thomas H. Lewis (University of  Oregon 1960)
Jakob W. Lill (Cornell University 2012)
Jerry Lin (University of  South Carolina 2018)
Paul H. Lind (Purdue University 1965)
Joel C. Linderoth (Illinois Wesleyan University 1963)
Paul K. Lindl (University of  Wisconsin Eau Claire 1989)
Robert M. Lindsay (Knox College 1973)
Walter C. Lindsey (Mississippi State University 1984)
William A. Lindstaedt (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1986)
Jonathan G. Lingelbach (Wabash College 1971)
James W. Link (Ohio Wesleyan University 1982)
Jonathon C. Linn (University of  North Texas 2011)
Ross E. Linscott (Ohio Wesleyan University 2003)
Benjamin D. Lipinski (Wayne State University 2019)
Roland N. Litterst (Wabash College 1958)
Scott T. Littlepage (Auburn University 2008)
Michael J. Lizzul (Villanova University 1997)
Clay S. Logan (Westminster College 1970)
Trevor A. Lohr (University of  Arizona 2020)
John H. Long (Lehigh University 1976)
Jason M. Longsdorf (University of  Colorado 1993)
David W. Love (University of  Montana 2002)
George G. Lowe (Knox College 1975)
Andrew J. Lucyshyn (University of  Central Florida 1995)
Mark S. Lum (University of  Texas 1993)
Walker Lundberg (Oregon State University 1946)
Remy Luong (Oklahoma City University 2013)
Michael D. Luter (Hampden-Sydney College 1994)
Stephen R. Lyle (University of  Chicago 1988)
Joseph W. Lynch (Gettysburg College 1985)
Robert W. Lyons (Texas Tech University 1988)
Kirk B. Maag (Oregon State University 2005)
Douglas K. MacKechnie (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1987)
Kenton L. Mackey (Hampden-Sydney College 1984)
James S. MacKinnon (University of  Western Ontario 2018)
John K. Mackinnon (University of  Western Ontario 1984)
Jordan N. MacKinnon (University of  Western Ontario 2021)
Michael S. Madill (University of  British Columbia 1984)
Daniel J. Madruga (Fresno State University 1997)
Michael K. Magness (Case Western Reserve University 1970)
Joseph P. Maguire (Northwestern University 1983)
David L. Majcen (University of  Vermont 1989)
Robert F. Maloney (Lehigh University 1968)
Alan A. Manche (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1991)
Mark J. Manganello (Colorado School of Mines 2013)
John J. Manginelli (Rutgers University 1983)
Andrew J. Manion (Purdue University 1990)
Robert Manix-Cramer (University of  Chicago 2010)
Travers B. Manley (University of  Kentucky 2011)
W. M. Manley (San Jose State University 1988)
Gregory T. Mann (Mississippi State University 1973)
Joshua C. Manning (University of  Texas Dallas 2017)
Michael K. Manning (University of  South Florida 2018)
Paul B. Manning (Jacksonville University 1990)
Michael T. Mannion (University of  Texas Arlington 1981)
Javier E. Manriquez (University of  New Mexico 2012)
Brett M. Mansfield (University of  California Irvine 1989)
Vincenzo Manzella (University of  Michigan 1996)
Donald H. Marden (Cornell University 1958)
David B. Marino (University of  California Riverside 1985)
Mark R. Marino (Rutgers University 1976)
Gregory M. Marks (University of  Pittsburgh 1980)
Kevin O. Marks (Indiana State University 1974)
Alan O. Marr (University of  Alberta 1994)
Douglas W. Marr (University of  Arkansas 1971)
Michael J. Marro (University of  Maine Orono 2023)
Michael V. Marrone (LaSalle University 1993)
Robert W. Marsh (Purdue University 1993)
Robert W. Marshall (University of  Rhode Island 2014)
Benjamin S. Martin (Bowling Green State University 2003)
Charles S. Martin (William Jewell College 1983)
David M. Martin (Arizona State University 1989)
Wesley J. Martin (Missouri State University 2009)
William A. Martin (Mississippi State University 1975)
William P. Martin (Western Michigan University 1984)
Timothy E. Marty (Wittenberg University 1984)
Richard T. Marvel (Illinois Wesleyan University 1998)
Stuart D. Marvin (Jacksonville University 1982)
David H. Marx (University of  Richmond 1987)
Nolan R. Maryanski (Kettering University A 2016)
Keith D. Mason (University of  Cincinnati 1975)
Turner W. Massey (Southern Methodist University 2014)
John J. Masterson (Rowan University 2014)
Nick M. Mastri (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1998)
Thomas S. Mathews (Hanover College 1981)
Kenneth F. Mathias (Johns Hopkins University 1990)
Danny R. Matthews (Texas Tech University 1987)
Macke B. Mauldin (Auburn University 1982)
Lawrence R. Maxwell (Southern Methodist University 1959)
Marc R. Mayer (Lawrence University 1981)
Harold A. Mayor (University of  Kansas 1966)
William S. McAfee (University of  Texas 1980)
Timothy D. McAllister (University of  Nebraska 1978)
Joseph V. McCabe  (University of  Rhode Island 1959)
Robert T. McCann (University of  Rhode Island 1988)
Michael K. McCarley (University of  North Alabama 1984)
Brian A. McCarthy (Michigan State University 1979)
Daniel R. McCarthy (Case Western Reserve University 1986)
William J. McCarthy (Western Michigan University 1987)
Dale S. McCarty (Bowling Green State University 1985)
Scott C. McCarty (University of  Vermont 2008)
Scott C. McClintock (Cornell University 1999)
Kenneth A. McCloud (Bradley University 1983)
Paul A. McCloy (University of  Calgary 1997)
John W. McConnell (University of  Texas Arlington 1975)
Steven J. McCormack (Quinnipiac University 2016)
Eugene W. McCourt (Washington & Jefferson College 2012)
Kevin A. McCoy (Arizona State University 1979)
Kevin L. McCubbin (Indiana State University 1974)
David P. McCurdy (University of  Colorado 1991)
Charles S. McDonald (North Carolina State University 2014)
Ryan J. McDonald (University of  Vermont 2004)
Scott E. McDonald (Ohio State University 1981)
Edward B. McDonough (University of  Alabama 1972)
Thomas W. McDowell (University of  Tennessee 1976)
Duff S. McEvers (University of  Southern California 1976)
James D. McFarland (University of  Nebraska 1971)
Ryan D. McFarland (Ball State University 2002)
Michael L. McGarvey (Johns Hopkins University 1990)
Stephen R. McGhee (Miami University 2001)
James E. McGhin (Texas Christian University 2014)
Kevin R. McGraw (Ohio University 1990)
Robert L. McKay (University of  Chicago 1983)
Kevin E. McKiernan (University of  Kentucky 1973)
Joss McKinnon (Colorado College 2003)
Michael C. McLain (University of the South  Sewanee 1983)
Gordon C. McLean (Washington State University 1966)
Austin L. McMillan (Ball State University 2012)
Charles C. McMurtry (Austin Peay State University 2016)
Jason L. McMurtry (University of  California Santa Barbara 1996)
Joe M. McNally (Illinois Wesleyan University 1957)
Casey B. McNeil (Pennsylvania State University 2009)
Mark R. McPhail (University of  Oklahoma 1989)
Robert M. McWhirter (University of  Alabama 1981)
Timothy M. Meekins (LaSalle University 1998)
Shawn M. Meier (Ball State University 2009)
Kurtis M. Meige (Wittenberg University 2011)
Karl J. Meihofer (Georgia Institute of Technology 1992)
Paul F. Meiners (University of  Arizona 1982)
John A. Mele (Washington & Lee University 2003)
Stephen N. Melgaard (University of  Michigan 1967)
Joseph W. Mellott (Case Western Reserve University 1988)
Joseph A. Mendonsa (Boise State University 2018)
Mark A. Mennuti (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1993)
Graeme A. Menzies (University of  Western Ontario 1986)
Mark J. Merkle (Wabash College 1980)
John D. Metcalf (Washington State University 1992)
Bradley L. Metzger (University of  Cincinnati 1982)
Joseph H. Metzger (Hampden-Sydney College 1984)
Brent A. Mewhinney (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1984)
Greg R. Meyer (University of  Missouri 1979)
Phillip J. Meyer (University of  Minnesota 2012)
Benedict J. Miceli (Allegheny College 1950)
Marcus G. Michael (University of  North Alabama 1986)
Steven A. Michalek (University of  Iowa 1989)
Phillip D. Mikesell (Wabash College 1963)
Scott J. Mikulecky (Colorado State University 1982)
David R. Miles (Wittenberg University 1977)
Dana K. Millar (University of  Rhode Island 1982)
David J. Miller (Colorado State University 1971)
Dudley K. Miller (Wabash College 1978)
Eric C. Miller (University of  Minnesota 1986)
George C. Miller (Ohio State University 1940)
Gregory H. Miller (Wabash College 1983)
Jeffrey B. Miller (Cornell University 2001)
John L. Miller (University of  Alberta 2004)
Marshall G. Miller (Texas A & M University 2021)
Nicholas L. Miller (University of  Arkansas 1974)
Robert T. Miller (Pennsylvania State University 1955)
Tyler G. Miller (Missouri State University 2016)
William R. Miller (Indiana University 1962)
C. K. Mills (Florida State University 1981)
David H. Mills (University of  British Columbia 1976)
Stephen D. Mimnaugh (University of  Vermont 1988)
John S. Minasi (University of  Virginia 1981)
Richard Z. Minassian (Syracuse University 1976)
Michael A. Mische (New York University 1976)
Matthew J. Miskin (University of  Arkansas 2011)
Christopher H. Mitchell (University of  Vermont 2000)
John K. Mitchell (LaSalle University 2004)
Michael J. Mitchell (University of  Western Ontario 1990)
Zackary T. Mitchell (University of  California San Diego 2018)
Bryce D. Moffett (University of  Kentucky 2012)
Douglas M. Mohl (Ohio Wesleyan University 1999)
Sean R. Moise (University of  Missouri 2019)
Michael L. Moles (Hampden-Sydney College 1984)
Steven S. Moline (Western Michigan University 1986)
Nicholas J. Molnar (Ohio University 1983)
Charles F. Mondale (Utah State University 1987)
Bruce A. Monsour (University of  Pittsburgh 1987)
Keith F. Montalvo (University of  Southern California 1975)
Peter N. Moonen (University of  British Columbia 1979)
Glenn D. Moor (Texas Tech University 1984)
Clinton L. Moore (University of  North Alabama 1995)
Scott M. Moore (Iowa State University 1996)
William R. Moorman (University of  Texas Dallas 2017)
Nathan M. Morales (University of  Wisconsin Eau Claire 2001)
Rogelio Morales (University of  South Florida 2017)
John N. Moreau (University of  Richmond 1964)
Jere W. Morehead (University of  Georgia 1988)
Paul M. Moretta (Northwestern University 1990)
Carl R. Morgan (Case Western Reserve University 1995)
William J. Morgan (University of  Kentucky 1969)
Glenn A. Morocco (Miami University 1958)
Martin P. Moroney (Columbia University 1982)
Daniel O. Morris (Kansas State University 1989)
E. W. Morris (Hampden-Sydney College 1986)
Jason V. Morris (University of  Toledo 2004)
Landon L. Morris (Iowa State University 1991)
Martin G. Morris (University of  Cincinnati 1980)
Paul J. Morrison (Old Dominion University 1987)
Vernon L. Morrison (Ohio State University 1984)
Daniel C. Mosher (Michigan State University 1995)
Roy E. Mosley (University of  Akron 1992)
Keith A. Mott (Union College 1977)
Francis W. Moyer (Columbia University 1990)
Joseph G. Mudd (Texas Christian University 2014)
Jerry R. Mulkey (University of  Texas Arlington 1974)
Jeff D. Mullen (University of  Kansas 2005)
Patrick J. Mullen (Utah State University 1988)
Joseph J. Mullins (Washington & Lee University 1952)
Steven A. Mumford (Iowa State University 1992)
Daniel P. Murphy (Hanover College 1981)
Derek J. Murphy (Coastal Carolina University 2011)
Evan J. Murphy (Columbia University 2015)
Joshua Murphy (University of  Massachusetts 2016)
Brent W. Murray (University of  Alberta 1979)
Edward A. Murray (Rutgers University 1981)
David A. Murrell (University of  Michigan 1994)
Roy E. Murrell (University of  Memphis 1996)
Gary N. Muzzarelli (Case Western Reserve University 2011)
Brian M. Myer (James Madison University 2009)
James D. Myers (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1975)
Shane A. Myers (University of  Nebraska 1979)
Roger D. Nairn (University of  British Columbia 2006)
Michael A. Najor (Illinois Wesleyan University 1989)
J. R. Nash (University of  Texas 1991)
Scott T. Nation (University of  Arizona 1976)
Joseph P. Natoli (New York University 1983)
John J. Navas (Florida International University 2012)
Wayne T. Nearing Jr (Auburn University 2004)
Timothy M. Neil (University of the South  Sewanee 2013)
George H. Nelson (Texas Tech University 1958)
Patrick J. Nelson (University of  Wyoming 1973)
Ronald C. Nelson (University of  Richmond 1977)
Scott M. Nelson (University of  Nebraska 1981)
Steven L. Nelson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1981)
W. P. Nelson (University of  Minnesota 1957)
Todd M. Nesgoda (University of  Minnesota 1995)
Luke A. Nevermann (University of  Wisconsin 2014)
Adam R. Newman (University of  Missouri 2000)
Adam H. Nguyen (University of  California Irvine 1994)
Christopher E. Nichols (University of  San Diego 2014)
John H. Nichols (University of  Alabama 2009)
Joseph R. Nichols (Knox College 1979)
S. H. Nichols (University of  Alabama 2003)
William G. Niederer (Indiana State University 1985)
Gregory L. Nierling (University of  Colorado 1980)
Phil Nixon (Case Western Reserve University 1954)
Terrance K. Nolan (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2008)
James H. Norris (Washington & Jefferson College 1975)
Jason N. Novak (Wittenberg University 1998)
Jeffrey A. Novotny (University of  Maryland 2005)
Nicholas G. Nuccio (Louisiana State University 2015)
Kenneth W. Nuhn (University of  Idaho 1975)
Michael A. Nula (University of  Rhode Island 1996)
William J. Oberle (Johns Hopkins University 1981)
Charles A. O'Brien (Louisiana State University 1971)
Allen T. O'Connor (University of  Nebraska 1942)
Frank C. O'Connor (Union College 1977)
Paul M. Odland (Illinois Wesleyan University 1998)
Dustin B. Ogle (Indiana State University 2002)
Dennis P. O'Hara (University of  Toronto 1977)
Francis P. O'Hara (Cornell University 2009)
Ryan S. O'Hara (California State University Northridge 1998)
Ashley A. O'Kurley (University of  Alberta 1994)
Joseph T. Oldham (University of  Rhode Island 2018)
Richard B. Olinger (Miami University 1971)
James R. Oliver (Mississippi State University 1982)
James D. Oliverius (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2006)
Rudy J. Olivo (Indiana State University 1998)
Curtis B. Olson (Drake University 2017)
E. C. Olson (Wittenberg University 2003)
John E. Olson (University of  Wisconsin 1973)
Randall R. Olson (University of  California Riverside 1980)
J. M. O'Malley (Allegheny College 1983)
James D. O'Malley (Knox College 1978)
Ferdinand E. Onello (Columbia University 1975)
Edgar R. Ordorica (Texas A & M University 2003)
Daniel F. Organek (Johns Hopkins University 1994)
Koby W. Orndorff (University of  Oklahoma 2009)
Donald R. Ornelas (California State University Long Beach 2012)
Barry H. Orr (Texas Tech University 1978)
Luis S. Ortiz (San Diego State University 2013)
Robbie L. Osborne (Old Dominion University 1987)
Robert S. Ossman (University of  Richmond 1954)
Thomas S. Ostasiewski (West Virginia University 1991)
Gregory M. Otolski (Indiana State University 1993)
Michael F. O'Toole (Western Michigan University 1974)
Matthew S. Otto (University of  Florida 2002)
Brian W. Overling (Oklahoma City University 2015)
Glenn B. Owen (University of  Idaho 1936)
Micheal D. Owen (Iowa State University 1973)
Jeffrey E. Owings (Texas Christian University 1994)
Michael S. Owsiak (University of  Western Ontario 1996)
Jason J. Ozbolt (Illinois Wesleyan University 2004)
Jeffrey P. Pacholski (University of  South Carolina 2017)
Rafael M. Padron (University of  Central Florida 2009)
John R. Paff (Michigan State University 1978)
Kyle A. Pagan (University of  Central Florida 2014)
Michael R. Page (University of  Illinois 1973)
Thomas W. Page (University of  Arkansas 1969)
Thomas R. Pagel (Baylor University 1979)
Andrew E. Paine (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1987)
Johnny J. Pak (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 2014)
Joseph M. Pakkala (Kettering University A 1974)
Ryan C. Palmer (Baylor University 1996)
Charles W. Pappas  (Cornell University 1984)
Scott G. Paris (University of  Michigan 1968)
Joshua C. Parker (William Jewell College 2019)
Mark A. Parker (University of  Toledo 2016)
Scott M. Parker (Western Michigan University 1993)
Steven T. Parker (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2004)
William H. Parker (Pennsylvania State University 1962)
Donald L. Parks (University of  Idaho 1975)
Robert A. Parks (Fresno State University 2008)
William E. Parrish (Westminster College 1957)
Meet N. Patel (Coastal Carolina University 2016)
Frank J. Patrick (LaSalle University 1998)
Matthew P. Patterson (California State University Northridge 1993)
Philip D. Patterson (University of  Kansas 1970)
Tristan L. Patterson (University of  Alberta 2010)
Brian D. Patteson (University of  Toronto 2009)
Allan B. Payne (Miami University 1969)
Connor T. Pearson (William Woods University 2017)
Ronald J. Pedrick (Bucknell University 1960)
Joseph E. Peele (University of  North Carolina 1977)
Mark J. Pellis (Allegheny College 1994)
Daniel P. Pelphrey (Bradley University 2005)
Steven P. Peltzman (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1990)
Michael R. Pence (Hanover College 1981)
Phillip S. Pengiel (University of  Chicago 2006)
Ben C. Penn (Mississippi State University 1976)
Derek Pennycook (Michigan State University 2011)
Mark H. Penskar (University of  Michigan 1974)
Michael W. Peplowski (Michigan State University 1993)
Patrick G. Peplowski (Michigan State University 1991)
Charles R. Perry (Davidson College 1968)
John D. Perry (Indiana University 2001)
Leigh J. Perry (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1999)
Patrick E. Perry (University of  Maine Orono 1982)
Stephen G. Perry (University of  Maine Orono 1983)
Douglas J. Peters (University of  Maryland 1985)
Grayson E. Peters (University of  Missouri 1956)
Derick C. Petersen (University of  California Riverside 2005)
Bennett A. Peterson (University of  Utah 1987)
Steven M. Petitjean (University of  Cincinnati 1994)
Jim D. Petras (Case Western Reserve University 2012)
Pierson D. Petropoulos (University of  Maine Orono 2013)
Paul H. Petruska (Kettering University B 1999)
William C. Petryk (University of  Chicago 1973)
Trevor D. Pettiford (Bowling Green State University 1986)
Kenneth J. Peve (Knox College 1987)
Joseph P. Pezze (University of  Pittsburgh 1972)
Timothy Pham (Washington State University 2014)
Walker T. Philips (University of  Alabama 2016)
Dennis M. Picht (Oregon State University 2002)
Robert B. Pierce (University of  Michigan 1983)
Christopher R. Pigg (University of  North Alabama 2009)
Corey B. Pillow (University of  Central Arkansas 2020)
Richard L. Pinkerton (University of  Michigan 1955)
Javier L. Piquero (Ohio State University 1999)
Christopher J. Piro (University of  Arkansas 2016)
John P. Pirozzi (Wittenberg University 1971)
Keith W. Pittman (Indiana State University 1995)
Steven B. Pittman (Oklahoma State University 1975)
Thomas A. Placey (Johns Hopkins University 1984)
David E. Platt (University of  Alabama 1989)
Tyler R. Poglitsch (West Chester University 2021)
David M. Pokriefka (Kettering University A 2019)
Mitchell E. Polack (Syracuse University 1998)
Monty R. Pollard (University of  North Carolina 1977)
Rudolph T. Polselli (Jacksonville University 1987)
Stephen T. Polyak (University of  Iowa 1991)
Daniel C. Porth (Oregon State University 1981)
A. M. Postus (West Virginia University 2000)
Michael E. Poth (Colorado State University 1982)
Joshua C. Potter (William Woods University 2006)
Evan J. Power (Florida State University 2004)
Kelly B. Powers (Colorado College 1984)
John T. Prather (Tulane University 2008)
David J. Pratt (Case Western Reserve University 1983)
James P. Prentice (University of  Alberta 1977)
Albert H. Price (University of  North Alabama 1975)
Brian M. Price (North Carolina State University 1999)
Jeffery D. Price (Baylor University 1992)
Robert E. Price (North Carolina State University 2012)
Robert K. Price (Ball State University 2001)
Stanley E. Prosniewski (Northwestern University 1987)
Frank L. Provenza (Texas Christian University 1980)
Kenneth C. Pruitt (University of  Texas 1976)
Roger V. Pruneau (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1997)
Phillip E. Prybil (Iowa State University 1990)
Samuel Puente (Sam Houston State University 2017)
Timothy S. Puglisi (University of  New Mexico 1979)
L. C. Pullen (University of  Texas 1990)
Richard J. Putnam (Kettering University A 1977)
William V. Pyle (Iowa State University 1967)
Ryan A. Pytel (University of  Toledo 2005)
David W. Qua (DePauw University 1994)
Scott C. Quarforth (University of  Richmond 2001)
David L. Quinn (University of  Texas Arlington 1987)
Kevin K. Quinn (Oregon State University 1992)
Alec M. Quintero (California State University Long Beach 2020)
John C. Racelis (West Virginia University 2005)
Robert P. Radcliffe (University of  Kansas 1961)
Richard A. Rademeyer (Oklahoma State University 1999)
Mark A. Radlauer (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1984)
Robert D. Rae (Johns Hopkins University 1988)
Ryan D. Raines (Illinois Wesleyan University 1996)
Orlando Ramirez (DePauw University 2013)
Michael J. Ramsdale (Colorado State University 1983)
John W. Ramsey (University of  Illinois 1973)
David M. Rand (University of  Maine Orono 1958)
Scot W. Rand (Illinois Wesleyan University 1993)
William R. Rate (University of  Pennsylvania 1975)
Mark W. Raybould (University of  New Mexico 1979)
Dennis D. Rayome (Miami University 1978)
Andrew M. Re (University of  California Santa Barbara 2003)
Steven R. Ream (Washington & Jefferson College 1982)
Robert L. Reddick (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1995)
Aaron A. Reed (University of  Toledo 2013)
James D. Reed (North Carolina State University 2002)
Jeffrey J. Reed (Florida State University 1991)
Wesley B. Reed (Oklahoma State University 2002)
Michael D. Reese (Ohio University 1991)
Albert T. Reeves (Georgia Institute of Technology 1999)
Caesar Regaliza (University of  California Riverside 2006)
A. G. Reid (University of  Vermont 1975)
A. W. Reid (Lehigh University 1951)
D. C. Reid (University of  Texas Arlington 1971)
Warren A. Reidt (Ohio State University 1977)
Max O. Reinbach (University of  Texas 2007)
Mark P. Reineke (University of the South  Sewanee 1987)
Ronald F. Remak (Indiana University 1979)
Brian J. Reniger (Michigan State University 1977)
Donald M. Reno  (Illinois Wesleyan University 1965)
James L. Revel (Auburn University 1967)
Alejandro Reyna (Wabash College 2017)
Philip J. Reynolds (New York University 1968)
Ross D. Rhinehart (Ohio State University 1984)
Robert A. Rhodes (University of  Mississippi 1997)
K. R. Rice (Wittenberg University 1960)
Mark A. Rice (University of  Colorado 1978)
Alexander J. Richards (University of  Central Arkansas 2017)
Benjamin A. Richards (University of  Central Arkansas 2016)
Matthew T. Richardson (Davidson College 2007)
Michael E. Richardson (Mississippi State University 1997)
Marlin D. Richter (University of  Central Florida 2015)
Keith E. Rickard (William Jewell College 1979)
Dale W. Rickenbach (University of  Maryland 1981)
Dominic J. Ricotta (Colorado School of Mines 1987)
John C. Riddick (Hanover College 1987)
Fred A. Riddle (University of  Iowa 1965)
Ray H. Riddle (Wabash College 1959)
Thomas P. Rideout (Washington & Lee University 1963)
Sean M. Rieb (University of  New Mexico 1995)
John B. Rieger (Texas Tech University 2006)
Michael S. Riley (Johns Hopkins University 1975)
Adam T. Ritchie (University of  Kansas 1993)
James R. Riter (Oklahoma State University 2012)
Mateo I. Rivas (University of  Texas San Antonio 2023)
Thomas J. Rizzie (Rutgers University 2014)
David M. Robbins (University of  Tennessee 1970)
Andrew M. Roberts (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2013)
Cody J. Roberts (Texas Christian University 2018)
Timothy D. Roberts (University of  Missouri 1989)
William E. Roberts (Arizona State University 1975)
George A. Robertson (Washington & Lee University 1970)
Edward M. Robinson (Bucknell University 1986)
Joe T. Robinson (University of  Arkansas 1976)
Randal D. Robinson (Denison University 1971)
Wyatt J. Robinson (North Carolina State University 2017)
John L. Rocco (University of  Toronto 1992)
Brian W. Rodkey (University of  Kansas 1989)
Ernesto Rodriguez (Sam Houston State University 2014)
Paul P. Rodriguez (University of  Alberta 2003)
Alex L. Rogers (DePauw University 1965)
Konrad F. Rogers (University of  New Mexico 1992)
Michael A. Rogers (University of  Oklahoma 1993)
Patrick D. Rogers (Pennsylvania Western University California 2022)
Victor D. Rogers (Wabash College 2009)
William P. Rogers (University of  North Alabama 1975)
Kent W. Rogert (University of  Nebraska 1995)
Joshua C. Rohde (University of  Montana 1995)
Douglas S. Rohrer (University of  California Santa Barbara 1996)
Scott R. Rollins (University of  California Irvine 1981)
Matthew E. Ronchetto (Westminster College 1976)
Donavan Rosa (Knox College 2014)
Mitchell A. Rose (University of  Oregon 2021)
Michael L. Rosen (University of  Colorado 1987)
Carl J. Rosenkranz (Syracuse University 2006)
E. C. Rosenlund (Oregon State University 1981)
Richard P. Rosing (San Jose State University 1991)
Gary H. Ross (University of  Wisconsin 1974)
Gary L. Ross (Colgate University 1977)
John A. Ross (Washington & Jefferson College 1957)
Michael P. Roy (University of  Alabama 2006)
Stephen E. Rubin (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1974)
John F. Rudolph (Purdue University 1978)
Eric D. Ruelle (DePaul University 2012)
Donald D. Rumery (Colorado College 1974)
Patrick K. Ryan (University of  Chicago 2015)
Sean E. Ryan (Nova Southeastern University 2014)
Eric M. Saak (William Woods University 2022)
Michael J. Sabre (University of  Minnesota 1981)
Michael B. Sacks (James Madison University 2004)
George W. Sadler (University of  Richmond 1969)
John M. Saganich (Case Western Reserve University 1979)
Carl R. Sahlberg (Iowa State University 1967)
Andrei S. Saikouski (University of  Toronto 2016)
Jeff E. Samford (Southern Methodist University 1960)
Joseph Samora (University of  New Mexico 1978)
William F. Sams (Ohio University 1967)
Mark A. Samson (LaSalle University 1988)
Vinson J. San Angelo (University of  Arizona 1962)
Rubin L. Sandlin (Sam Houston State University 2017)
Nicholas T. Sandulli (Pennsylvania Western University California 2012)
Ernest E. Santillanes (University of  New Mexico 1991)
Nicholas J. Santos (California State University Long Beach 2012)
Scott J. Sarisky (University of  Utah 1990)
Milton S. Sasser (Texas A & M University 2006)
Christopher L. Saucier (Mississippi State University 1989)
James Savage (Cornell University 1978)
John E. Saylor (University of  North Carolina Wilmington 2017)
Robert E. Schaich (Bradley University 2006)
Gary E. Schell (Washington State University 1970)
Craig N. Schelle (Hampden-Sydney College 1986)
Darren D. Schlapkohl (University of  Iowa 1993)
Duane B. Schlereth (University of  Alberta 1971)
Henry B. Schleuning (Colorado State University 1977)
Jordan H. Schmick (Colorado School of Mines 2010)
Andrew L. Schmidt (West Virginia University 1994)
James S. Schmidt (Case Western Reserve University 1997)
Lee C. Schmitt (Miami University 1963)
John B. Schmook (Purdue University 1968)
Edward E. Schneider (Georgia Institute of Technology 1998)
Lee D. Schneider (Rutgers University 1969)
Callen C. Schramm (Louisiana State University 1997)
David S. Schramm (Knox College 1978)
Ryan P. Schrank (LaSalle University 2004)
L. D. Schreck (Kansas State University 1969)
Lynn R. Schroeder (Iowa State University 1976)
Timothy L. Schroeder (Michigan State University 1983)
Jeremy A. Schroetter (Case Western Reserve University 1996)
John S. Schuele (University of  Nebraska 1986)
Thomas W. Schulenburg (University of  California Los Angeles 1986)
Matthew C. Schulter (Wittenberg University 2004)
Jared D. Schultheis (Ohio Wesleyan University 2000)
Howard J. Schultz (California State University Long Beach 1995)
Christopher D. Schulz (Texas Christian University 1995)
David J. Schuster (University of  Wisconsin 1962)
Oliver A. Schuurman (University of  Western Ontario 2003)
Chadd A. Schwartz (University of  Toledo 2008)
Jason S. Schwartz (University of  Central Florida 2003)
Ryan Schwartzberg (University of  Maryland 2001)
James B. Schwarz (Western Michigan University 1991)
Jerald G. Scofield (William Jewell College 1950)
Joseph G. Scott (University of  Minnesota 1977)
Patrick R. Scott (University of  Washington 1994)
Paul B. Scott (University of  Memphis 1997)
Randolph L. Scott (Georgia Institute of Technology 1984)
Sean K. Scott (Western Michigan University 1987)
Robert D. Scythes (University of  Toronto 1950)
Andrew B. Seeger (University of  Wisconsin Eau Claire 2010)
Jason J. Seeger (University of  Wisconsin Eau Claire 2002)
Nicholas C. Seeley (University of  Akron 2001)
John P. Seese (Utah State University 1980)
Felipe J. Sefchovich (University of  California Los Angeles 1990)
Michael D. Sei (University of  New Mexico 1974)
Preston A. Selleck (University of  Minnesota 2004)
Martin B. Selzer (University of  Chicago 1976)
Peter G. Sendroy (Johns Hopkins University 1961)
Michael J. Senneway (University of  Pittsburgh 1973)
Daniel C. Sensenbrenner (Miami University 1988)
Joshua A. Sepkowitz (Southern Methodist University 2002)
Artur A. Serebrenik (University of  Minnesota 2014)
Henry R. Serrano (Fresno State University 1989)
Shane M. Setnor (University of  Evansville 2005)
Thomas C. Shaffer (Gettysburg College 1987)
Vahe S. Shahnazarian (University of  California Riverside 2006)
Stephen A. Sharf (Colorado State University 1971)
Devon M. Sharpe (Hanover College 2013)
Stuart A. Sharpe (University of  Texas 2009)
William H. Shaw (University of  Michigan 1965)
Dennis P. Sheehan (Syracuse University 1978)
Francis M. Sheehan (New York University 1992)
Mark M. Sheehan (Bradley University 2007)
Terence R. Sheehan (Michigan State University 1987)
Edward E. Sheehy (Old Dominion University 1981)
John H. Sheffield (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1986)
Mehdi C. Shelhamer (Colorado College 1999)
Jerry G. Shelton (University of  Oklahoma 1975)
Timothy M. Sheridan (Colorado College 1988)
Mark W. Shields (Illinois Wesleyan University 1998)
Robert M. Shoemaker (Indiana University 1943)
Mark G. Shoptaugh (Colorado State University 1978)
Timothy J. Shotmeyer (Lehigh University 2000)
Ryan R. Shoup (Case Western Reserve University 2011)
Lee C. Siedell (Louisiana State University 1977)
Joseph J. Siegelman (University of  Alabama 2010)
Jacob L. Siepker (DePaul University 2022)
Joseph A. Sierzega (University of  Maryland 2006)
Gerald M. Sill (University of  Missouri 1966)
Charles B. Simmons (University of  Kentucky 2002)
Howard E. Simmons (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1976)
Brian M. Simpson (Washington & Lee University 2014)
E. S. Simpson (University of  North Carolina 1990)
Nicholas C. Sinclair (Virginia Commonwealth University 2014)
John A. Singer (Gettysburg College 1974)
Justin R. Sizemore (University of  North Alabama 2002)
Logan R. Sizemore (University of  Tennessee 2019)
Andrew R. Skelly (Allegheny College 2017)
Lasiter Skidmore (University of  Texas San Antonio 2000)
David F. Slater (Ohio University 1967)
Robert L. Slauson (University of  Connecticut 2013)
Stephen T. Slavin (Indiana University 1991)
Zachary Smedsrud (Arizona State University 2012)
Charles R. Smith (Georgia Institute of Technology 1978)
Charles W. Smith (University of the South  Sewanee 1978)
David E. Smith (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1977)
David M. Smith (University of  Florida 1983)
Gordon J. Smith (Iowa State University 1961)
James C. Smith (Davidson College 1961)
Jonathan B. Smith (University of  Maine Orono 1990)
Joseph A. Smith (Kettering University B 2018)
Kevin J. Smith (University of  Alberta 1994)
Lambert P. Smith (University of  Alabama 1974)
Mark J. Smith (Washington State University 1974)
Michael S. Smith (Johns Hopkins University 1977)
Robert W. Smith (University of  Evansville 2003)
Steven R. Smith (University of  Chicago 1975)
Taylor C. Smith (University of  California Berkeley 2004)
Timothy M. Smith (University of  Alabama Birmingham 2018)
Richard A. Smudz (Ohio State University 1975)
Richard C. Smudz (Ohio University 2007)
Chad T. Snyder (Fresno State University 2000)
Kenneth A. Sobel (University of  Arizona 1975)
Stephen E. Sojka (University of  Rhode Island 1978)
Brian G. Sommers (Bowling Green State University 2001)
Paul A. Sorensen (University of  Toronto 2005)
Andrew Z. Soshnick (Northwestern University 1985)
Timothy A. South (Case Western Reserve University 1987)
Michael P. Spack (University of  Minnesota 1996)
Terry W. Spahr (University of  Pennsylvania 1988)
Kevin J. Speicher (Syracuse University 1992)
Shane E. Speicher (Pennsylvania Western University California 2013)
Edward L. Spencer (Auburn University 1978)
William D. Sperry (Northwestern University 1996)
Philip L. Spina (Allegheny College 1978)
Scott W. Springer (Washington State University 1990)
Jason J. Sroka (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1992)
Lawrence W. Stafford (Kettering University A 1995)
Gary W. Staley (Ohio University 1989)
J. M. Stanley (Miami University 1969)
Loren D. Starr (Iowa State University 1994)
Warren D. Starr (Washington State University 1957)
Samuel T. Steele (University of  Memphis 1995)
Jacobs C. Steen (Texas A & M University 2019)
James H. Stellar (Occidental College 1954)
Lance G. Stendal (University of  New Mexico 1993)
Kent T. Stepanishen (University of  Rhode Island 2006)
Michael C. Stephen (University of  Toronto 1972)
Austin L. Stephenson (University of the South  Sewanee 2009)
William M. Sterling (University of  North Texas 2013)
Marshall A. Stern  (University of  Maine Orono 1964)
Robert D. Stevens (Indiana State University 2003)
George B. Stevenson (University of the South  Sewanee 1990)
Douglas B. Stewart (University of  Maine Orono 1992)
Johnny T. Stewart (University of  Memphis 1974)
M. G. Stewart (Mississippi State University 1981)
Michael J. Stewart (Pennsylvania State University 1972)
Alexander J. Stiebritz (West Chester University 2018)
Andrew F. Stinger (Coastal Carolina University 2012)
Mark E. Stipe (Louisiana State University 1984)
Adam M. Stocker (Bowling Green State University 2000)
Christopher W. Stoecklein (Kansas State University 1999)
J. R. Stogner (University of  Tennessee 1983)
Rodreich V. Stotsenburg (Ohio University 1992)
Cecil E. Stout (Kansas State University 1970)
Jeffrey L. Stovall (University of  Texas Arlington 2001)
Andy A. Stowasser (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1977)
James L. Street (University of  Memphis 1986)
Steven F. Strzepek (University of  Pittsburgh 1992)
Richard K. Stuart (University of  Texas Arlington 2005)
William B. Stults (University of  Alabama Birmingham 2016)
James J. Stutz (University of  Minnesota 1997)
James J. Sugden (University of  Wisconsin 1977)
Matthew L. Sullivan (University of  Akron 2003)
Jason R. Surber (DePauw University 1993)
Gary Sutkin (Northwestern University 1991)
James M. Sutter (University of  Arizona 1984)
Thorn C. Svendsen (Colorado School of Mines 2011)
Robert A. Svoboda (University of  Memphis 1978)
Douglas R. Swaim (Kent State University 1962)
Victor L. Swan (Washington State University 1963)
James E. Sweeney (University of  New Mexico 1983)
James P. Sweeney (Allegheny College 1990)
Bennett H. Sweet (William Jewell College 1988)
Richard P. Swift (University of  Virginia 1974)
Allen L. Switzer (Kansas State University 1971)
John B. Sworcheck (West Virginia University 1992)
Matthew E. Szwajkowski (Northwestern University 2000)
Randolph P. Tabb (University of  Richmond 1936)
John P. Tafaro (Wittenberg University 1976)
Ramin J. Taheri (University of  Maryland 1997)
Jeffrey M. Takacs (University of  Central Florida 2000)
Trenton L. Talbitzer (University of  Nebraska Kearney 2009)
Samuel L. Talley (University of  Oklahoma 2003)
Loring P. Tamaro (New York University 1993)
Neil G. Tambe (University of  Michigan 2009)
Anthony J. Tamburo (Louisiana State University 1994)
Christopher J. Tankersley (University of  Akron 2002)
Travis M. Tapella (Texas A & M University 2005)
Chris N. Tardie (University of  Vermont 2012)
Jerry F. Tardy (Indiana University 1962)
Jeremy R. Tarr (University of  Evansville 1998)
Zack J. Tarr (Indiana State University 2016)
Jeorge E. Taylor (University of  Florida 1988)
Richard I. Taylor (University of  Colorado 1970)
Kenneth L. Temple (Ohio Wesleyan University 1985)
Jack M. Templeton (Knox College 1987)
David J. Tepper (University of  Vermont 1998)
John R. Terrill (Indiana University 1989)
William W. Terry (Washington & Lee University 1975)
Richard M. Tetreault (University of  Vermont 1985)
Christopher E. Thacker (University of  Maine Orono 1992)
Dean Thanos (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2012)
Alan J. Thayer (Oregon State University 1981)
Glenn R. Theile (Wittenberg University 1984)
Thomas D. Theis (University of  Southern California 1985)
Richard W. Thelin (Utah State University 1977)
Joseph G. Thibault (University of  Vermont 2004)
Douglas A. Thiel (University of  Washington 1960)
Adam B. Thomas (Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis 2016)
Justin E. Thomas (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2009)
Michael C. Thomas (University of  Oklahoma 1972)
Robert T. Thomas (University of  Tennessee 2012)
Francis G. Thompson (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2000)
Peter R. Thompson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1965)
Shawn A. Thompson (University of  Central Florida 1994)
William C. Thompson (Texas A & M University 2015)
Michael A. Thornburg (University of  Maryland 1994)
Sheldon L. Thorpe (Kettering University A 1987)
Kevin B. Thurm (University of  Calgary 1988)
Bryant T. Thurman (University of  Montevallo 2016)
John Z. Tidwell (University of  Texas Arlington 1994)
Alexander S. Tieman (Colorado School of Mines 2018)
Bryan C. Tisdale (University of  Chicago 2015)
Brian S. Todd (University of  Cincinnati 1998)
David M. Todd (University of  Southern California 1967)
Joseph Z. Todd (University of  Southern California 1975)
Paterson A. Todd (University of  British Columbia 1949)
Eng C. Toh (University of  Calgary 1984)
Erik D. Tolsma (Davidson College 2000)
A. S. Tomb (University of the South  Sewanee 1965)
Joseph A. Tomeo (West Chester University 2022)
Joshua S. Tonkins (University of  California Santa Barbara 1993)
Brian R. Toole (University of  California San Diego 2001)
Elias B. Tooley (University of  North Alabama 2002)
Byron V. Toot (Iowa State University 1959)
Vincent F. Tortora (University of  Kentucky 2009)
Walter T. Towner (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1983)
Christian C. Trate (Bucknell University 1982)
James F. Tredway (Oklahoma State University 1968)
Mark P. Trenton (University of  Western Ontario 1986)
David G. Trepagnier (Louisiana State University 2018)
Harrison A. Trepagnier (Louisiana State University 2020)
George M. Trible (Hampden-Sydney College 1991)
James R. Trimbach (University of  Memphis 1982)
Nicholas M. Tringali (Tulane University 2010)
Jeremy J. Trojan (Bowling Green State University 2020)
Mark J. Truty (University of  Chicago 1995)
Christopher M. Tschiderer (Syracuse University 2017)
John H. Tsoukalis (Washington & Lee University 2006)
Brandon T. Tucker (University of  Missouri 2013)
Jeffery R. Tucker (Texas Christian University 1995)
Darren P. Turner (Oklahoma State University 1995)
Warren A. Turner (University of  Alberta 1993)
Andrew J. Twiggar (Lehigh University 1994)
Brandon T. Ubelhor (Tennessee Technological University 2010)
Joshua J. Ulliac (University of  Alberta 2010)
Benedict Q. Underhill (Colgate University 1981)
Robert V. Unfug (Colorado State University 1977)
Richard W. Unger (Iowa State University 1973)
Ralph W. Updegraff (Ohio Wesleyan University 1941)
Gerard F. Urlacher (Utah State University 1978)
Byron M. Valle (University of  Central Florida 2005)
Christopher C. Valtin (University of  Virginia 1980)
John G. Van Cleve (Washington & Jefferson College 1978)
Donald L. Van Curen (Oklahoma State University 1991)
Peter L. Van Orden (Utah State University 1972)
Paul A. Van Siclen (Jacksonville University 1991)
Gerald E. Van Zandt (Oregon State University 1989)
James K. Van Zandt (University of the South  Sewanee 1974)
Edward VanDeSampel (Knox College 1999)
Robert L. VanFosson (Allegheny College 1992)
A. G. VanNess (Hampden-Sydney College 1972)
Kyle C. Vansice (Iowa State University 2011)
Michael L. Vastola (Miami University 1969)
Charles T. Vaughan (University of  Wisconsin 1985)
Ryan W. Vaughn (University of  Florida 1995)
Christian P. Vaupel (Adelphi University 1996)
Stephen P. Verkouw (Gettysburg College 1985)
Chad A. Vesper (University of  Oklahoma 1991)
James W. Vice (University of  Chicago 1954)
Robert D. Vice (Ohio University 1973)
Vincent P. Villa (University of  California San Diego 1994)
Christopher B. Vine (University of  Kansas 1993)
Geoffrey M. Vishloff (University of  Toronto 2012)
Daniel C. Vitz (New York University 1999)
David L. Vogel (Allegheny College 1974)
Jeffrey S. Vogel (University of  Missouri 1990)
Paul L. Vogel (University of  Missouri 1989)
Michael J. Vormittag (University of  Western Ontario 1986)
Nicholas A. Vuono (California State University Long Beach 2016)
Tyler J. Wade (Wabash College 2012)
James W. Walker (Washington & Jefferson College 1984)
Richard C. Walker (University of  North Alabama 2001)
Craig W. Wallace (DePauw University 2018)
Matthew O. Wallace (Baylor University 1992)
Robert J. Wallace (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1996)
Lars A. Wallin (Coastal Carolina University 2015)
John A. Walliser (University of  California Riverside 1997)
Ryan T. Walsh (University of  California Berkeley 1991)
Harry R. Walter (University of  Michigan 1985)
Howard C. Walton (Gettysburg College 1967)
Richard M. Walton (Oregon State University 1975)
Michael G. Wammes (University of  Western Ontario 2007)
Jerrold Wanek (University of  Iowa 1980)
Christopher L. Ward (Cornell University 1978)
Timothy J. Ward (University of  Virginia 1987)
Douglas W. Warnock (Ohio Wesleyan University 1975)
Matthew M. Warszawski (University of  Toronto 1996)
Justin L. Washburn (William Jewell College 1997)
James W. Washington (University of  Arizona 1976)
David E. Waters (Kansas State University 1999)
Jacob A. Waters (University of  Idaho 2016)
Larry Watson (Indiana State University 1971)
James L. Weakley (Tennessee Technological University 2010)
Jon G. Weatherford (Texas State University 1989)
Matthew R. Weaver (University of  Akron 1993)
Samuel W. Weaver (Ohio State University 1979)
Matthew C. Webb (Bowling Green State University 1989)
Eric N. Weber (University of  Vermont 1996)
Kevin D. Weber (Western Michigan University 1980)
Robert A. Weber (Kansas State University 1973)
Daniel T. Webster (Cornell University 2013)
Anthony D. Weed (William Woods University 2009)
Robert-David C. Weeks (College of  Charleston 2014)
Peter C. Weiland (Georgia Institute of Technology 1988)
Michael S. Weiss (University of  Central Florida 1994)
Joseph A. Weist (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1987)
Joshua M. Weitzman (University of  Cincinnati 2001)
Robert A. Welborn (University of  Missouri 1970)
Brian S. Welch (Utah State University 2018)
Matthew L. Welch (DePauw University 2011)
Peter G. Welsh (Wittenberg University 1974)
Craig A. Welt (University of  Iowa 1975)
Andrew C. Wenzel (Western Michigan University 1988)
Richard S. Wertz (William Jewell College 1972)
David J. Weszely (Indiana State University 1986)
Gerald E. Wethington (Westminster College 1975)
John J. Whalen (Johns Hopkins University 1998)
Justin C. Wheeler (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2003)
James E. Whistler (University of  Idaho 1970)
Justin C. Whitaker (Sam Houston State University 2018)
Meade Whitaker (Hampden-Sydney College 1999)
Dennis J. Whitcomb (University of  California Riverside 1986)
William E. White (University of  Memphis 2009)
Bradley R. Whiting (University of  Washington 1980)
David T. Whitlock (Northwestern University 1989)
Matthew B. Whitlock (Ball State University 2012)
F. B. Whitman (Illinois Wesleyan University 1950)
Roger W. Whitman (University of  Minnesota 1983)
Amelious N. Whyte (University of  Minnesota 1999)
Lee S. Wicks (University of  Alabama 2019)
Richard A. Wicks (Syracuse University 1978)
Dennis Wiechmann (Fresno State University 1992)
Michael S. Wild (Allegheny College 1982)
Gary A. Wildish (Oregon State University 1963)
Arthur B. Wilkins (Bucknell University 1972)
David C. Willens (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2009)
Thomas G. Willhoite (University of  Texas Arlington 1969)
Andrew J. Williams (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1992)
George M. Williams (West Chester University 2017)
Leland F. Williams (University of  Florida 1974)
Peter G. Williams (University of  Toronto 1975)
Richard S. Williams (Old Dominion University 1986)
Richmond D. Williams (Davidson College 2011)
Russell G. Williams (University of  Kentucky 1974)
Sean D. Williams (University of  Kansas 1978)
Dudley C. Williamson (Georgia Institute of Technology 1974)
Thomas O. Willingham (University of  Cincinnati 1983)
Christopher A. Willis (West Virginia University 2005)
Kirby G. Willis (University of  Central Arkansas 2014)
Robert L. Willits (University of  Florida 1974)
Brent J. Wilson (Oregon State University 2016)
Derek R. Wilson (Ohio State University 2008)
James D. Wilson (University of  Virginia 1974)
Keegan B. Wilson (University of  Nebraska 2015)
Max P. Wilson (Christopher Newport University 2022)
Richard T. Wilson (University of  Akron 1992)
William G. Wilson (University of  Michigan 1981)
Frontis S. Winford (University of  Missouri 1950)
Charles B. Winn (University of  North Carolina 2009)
Mark C. Winter (University of  Texas 1983)
Paul Winter (LaSalle University 1987)
Neil R. Wirth (University of  California Berkeley 1980)
David F. Wissinger (University of  Pittsburgh 1989)
Kurt E. Woerpel (University of  Virginia 1984)
Peter J. Woessner (Wittenberg University 1976)
Thomas J. Wolf (University of  Tennessee 2003)
Eric A. Wolfe (DePauw University 2004)
Terry A. Wolfe (West Virginia University 1973)
James L. Wolfington (Knox College 1982)
Emmet E. Wolter (University of  California Los Angeles 1943)
Chadwick C. Woo (University of  California Los Angeles 1981)
Charles D. Woodfin (Auburn University 1964)
Brian M. Woodke (University of  Alabama 1993)
Jonathan S. Woodruff (Illinois Wesleyan University 1995)
Steven E. Woodward (Kettering University A 1994)
William P. Woodward (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1989)
Robert A. Wooldridge (University of  Pittsburgh 1984)
Christopher K. Woosley (Oklahoma State University 1991)
Michael L. Woosley (University of  Virginia 1991)
Robert L. Wray (Tennessee Technological University 1981)
Eric E. Wride (University of  Utah 1987)
David B. Wright (DePauw University 1983)
Myles S. Wright (University of  Western Ontario 1991)
William T. Wrobleski (University of  Vermont 1996)
Jacob S. Wszelaki (University of  Wisconsin Eau Claire 2014)
John R. Wycoff (Washington & Jefferson College 1959)
Michael J. Wygocki (Western Michigan University 1986)
Douglas E. Wylie (Texas A & M University 1991)
Jeffery W. Wyndham (University of  British Columbia 2000)
Craig H. Yaksick (Southern Methodist University 1989)
Ted O. Yanecek (University of  Iowa 1978)
Austin J. Yarborough (Allegheny College 2022)
James R. Yates (University of  Nebraska 1975)
Jon C. Yates (Texas A & M University 1991)
Scott M. Yaworski (University of  British Columbia 2002)
Bruce G. Yeager (Case Western Reserve University 1967)
Craig J. Yeager (Utah State University 1983)
John K. Yost (Washington State University 1958)
Richard O. Youmans (University of  Georgia 1973)
Brent A. Young (Cornell University 1998)
James R. Young (Johns Hopkins University 1925)
Phil E. Zegarelli (Columbia University 1970)
Jacob W. Zeiders (Johns Hopkins University 1994)
Robert A. Zeis (Iowa State University 1997)
Troy J. Zeman (James Madison University 2018)
Steve C. Zervas (Case Western Reserve University 1985)
Matthew T. Ziglar (University of  Montana 1997)
John C. Zimdars (University of  Wisconsin 1973)

<p>Chapman Purple Legionnaire Stephen E. Caine (New Mexico 1997) receives the Durrance Award from Executive Director Bill Martin (Mississippi State 1975) in October 2013</p>
Chapman Purple Legionnaire Stephen E. Caine (New Mexico 1997) receives the Durrance Award from Executive Director Bill Martin (Mississippi State 1975) in October 2013

Appointed Volunteer Leaders

Current and Former Appointed Volunteer Leaders (formerly known as Appointed General Officers)

Appointed Volunteer Leaders are volunteers appointed by the Archons.
Letters following the names indicate other offices held:

President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Councilor, Appointed Volunteer Leader, NIC Officer, Editor, Headquarters Staff, Field Secretary.

Durrance Award, Coulter Cup, Haynes Award and Wilkinson Award recipients are also noted.

Position created in 1902 and abolished in 1903 by the 55th Ekklesia.
1902-1903 - T. Alfred Vernon (Yale 1875)

Position created in 1909 at the 61st Ekklesia
1909-1943 - William F. Chamberlin (Denison 1893) - P, C
1944-1950 - Gilbert W. Mead (Allegheny 1911) - NIC
1950-1960 - Danner Lee Mahood (Davidson 1922, Virginia 1923) - P, V, S, FS
1961-1968 - Richard H. Crowder (DePauw 1931)
1968-1974 - no historian
1974-1989 - Richard H. Crowder (DePauw 1931)
1989-2018 - William E. Parrish (Westminster Faculty)
2018-____ - Towner A. Blackstock (Davidson 1994) - FS

Position created in 1915 at the 67th Ekklesia
1915-1936 - Edwin L. Mattern (Allegheny 1890)
1936-1937 - Lyle K. Bush (Washington 1922) - FS
1937-1941 - Horace I. Brightman (Columbia 1892) - P, S, C
1941-1946 - Gilbert W. Mead (Allegheny 1911) - NIC
1946-1950 - Loyal A. Shoudy (Washington 1904)
1950-1954 - Philip C. Ebeling (Ohio Wesleyan 1928) - P, S
1954-1963 - Frank B. Crandall (Ohio Wesleyan Faculty)
1963-1966 - Michael O. Shipley (Syracuse 1958) - P, T, NIC FS
1966-1974 - Louis A. "Bud" Mangels (Indiana 1956) - P, V, C, FS
1974-1979 - Henry T. Courtney (Oregon 1962)
1979-2004 - William R. Miller (Indiana 1962) - P, V, S, C, FS
2004-2017 - Charles E. Gabe (Hanover 1990) - FS, Ed., HS
2017-2023 - Justin M. Burns (Ohio State 2007) - FS
2023-____ - Josh Laufenberg (Illinois 2008) - FS, S

Position created in 1916 at the 68th Ekklesia, and retired in 1929 at the 81st Ekklesia. [In 1963 this title was used for a Headquarters staff position.]
1916-1929 Charles J. Eastman (Illinois 1906)

Position created in 1916 at the 68th Ekklesia, and left vacant following the resignation of Brother Long.
1916-1920 - Hargrave A. Long (Chicago 1911) - C

Position created in 1921 at the 73rd Ekklesia
1921-1954 - Chester A. Darling (Allegheny Faculty)
1961-1968 - J. Earle Dunford, Sr. (Bethel 1912, Richmond 1915)
1968-1976 - DeWitt R. Cogswell (Case Western Reserve 1915)
1976-1986 - George Hopper (Wittenberg 1932)
1986-1988 - William S. Zerman (Michigan 1949) - E, Ed., FS
1988-1996 - George Hopper (Wittenberg 1932)
1996-2018 - Towner A. Blackstock (Davidson 1994) - FS
2018-____ - Joesph A. Weist (Rose Hulman 1987)

Position created in 1946 at the 98th Ekklesia
1946-1956 - John S. Sickels (City College 1908, Columbia 1911)
1956-1960 - Hugh J. Baker, Jr. (Ohio State 1931) - P, V
1960-1963 - Charles R. Richey (Ohio Wesleyan 1945)
1963-1964 - Theodore M. Mann (Case Western Reserve 1943)
1964-1968 - Henry S. Brainard (Case Western Reserve 1922) - P, V
1968-1972 - William J. Van Aken (Lafayette 1934)
1972-1982 - Peter O. Clauss (Chicago 1955) - S, C
1982-1990 - William S. Garner, Jr. (Arkansas 1971) - T, Wilkinson
1990-1996 - John Fox Arnold (Colorado 1959, Missouri 1959)
1996-2008 - Scott J. Mikulecky (Colorado State 1982) - FS, C, V, P, Wilkinson
2008-2014 - Kevin F. Mitchelson (Kansas 1979) - S
2014-2018 - Alexander S. Wylie (Arizona State 1996) - FS
2018-____ - James M. Boyers (Hanover 1994) - FS

Position created in 1948 at the 100th Ekklesia; removed in 1956 at the 108th Ekklesia
1952-1954 - Ralph H. Cake (Oregon 1913) - C, P
1952-1954 - C. Ernest Lovejoy (Illinois 1920) - C, S
1952-1954 - J. Smith Miller (Idaho 1929)
1952-1954 - William S. Robb (Pennsylvania 1934) - FS
1954-1956 - Eugene H. Clapp (Lafayette 1936)
1954-1956 - Albert F. Hillix (Missouri 1918) - C
1954-1956 - A. Dale Miller (Texas 1929)
1954-1956 - Harry E. Templeton (Stanford 1925) - C

Position created in 1954 at the 106th Ekklesia
1954-1961 - Richard H. Crowder (DePauw 1931)
1961-1962 - John N. Stauffer (Wittenberg Faculty)
1962-1970 - William R. Hauser (Denison 1950) - P, HS
1970-1972 - William F. Elliott (W.P.I. 1966)
1972-1974 - William R. Hauser (Denison 1950) - P, HS
1974-1982 - Ronald S. Beer (Kent State Faculty)
1982-1988 - William R. Bracewell (Georgia 1968) - C, Coulter
1988-2000 - William S. Zerman (Michigan 1949) - E, Ed., FS
2000-2019 - William R. Bracewell (Georgia Faculty) - C, Coulter
2020-____ - Amelious N. Whyte (Minnesota Faculty) - Coulter

Position created in 1989
1989-1995 - G. William Gray, Jr. (Alabama 1948)
1995-1998 - Joseph E. Samora, Jr. (New Mexico 1978) - C, V, Durrance
1998-2005 - Jeffrey R. Garrett (Missouri 1990) - FS
2005-2017 - Joshua C. Holly (Tennessee 1997) - FS
2017-____ - Michael B. Sacks (James Madison 2004) - FS

Position created in 2002 at the 154th Ekklesia

2003-2008 - Clark A. Robertson (Nebraska 1982) - FS
2008-2010 - Ronald L. Thomas (Georgia Tech 1968) - S, C
2013-2018 - Ronald A. Sages (Ohio 1973) - T
2023-____ - John Ziza (Ohio 1978)

Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging
Position created by the Archons in 2021
2021-____ - DeVere Kutscher (Davidson 1997)

Director of Governmental Affairs
Position created by the Archons in 2021

<p>Appointed Volunteer Leaders at the Closing Banquet of 2010 Ekklesia</p>
Appointed Volunteer Leaders at the Closing Banquet of 2010 Ekklesia

Board of Chapter Advisors (BCA)

Current and Former Board of Chapter Advisors (BCA) Members

Neal Vaupel (Adelphi University 1993) - BCA Chairman/President
Michael Zervoudis (Adelphi University 1996) - BCA Chairman/President
Sandro A. Abballe (Adelphi University 1998) - BCA Miscellaneous
Serg Ayzenberg (Adelphi University 1998) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard M. Benedetti (Adelphi University 1998) - BCA Miscellaneous
Vance DiPietro (Adelphi University 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
William R. Gregory (Adelphi University 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
David O'Brien (Adelphi University 1997) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gregory Petrizzo (Adelphi University 1998) - BCA Miscellaneous
Francesco P. Silveri (Adelphi University 1996) - BCA Miscellaneous
Scott F. Walters (Adelphi University 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew A. Bocchi (Allegheny College 2013) - BCA Chairman/President
Trevor J. Colvin (Allegheny College 2014) - BCA Chairman/President
William T. Dawson (Allegheny College 1989) - BCA Chairman/President
Apollo I. Hrehorovich (Allegheny College 1991) - BCA Chairman/President
Jeffrey S. Melvin (Allegheny College 1985) - BCA Chairman/President
Dean P. Skarlis (Allegheny College 1990) - BCA Chairman/President
Gordon F. Stover-McMichael (Allegheny College 1984) - BCA Chairman/President
Wesley E. Donaldson, Jr. (Allegheny College 1944) - BCA Finances
Jonathan K. Goodman (Allegheny College 2019) - BCA Finances
Stephan C. Hansbury (Allegheny College 1968) - BCA Finances
Douglas R. Nichols (Allegheny College 1974) - BCA Finances
Gregory R. Vallano (Allegheny College 2015) - BCA Finances
Zachary J. Andrews (Allegheny College 2020) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Norman D. King (Allegheny College 1960) - BCA Graduate Relations
Christopher A. Mandella (Allegheny College 1987) - BCA Graduate Relations
Gordon F. Stover-McMichael (Allegheny College 1984) - BCA Graduate Relations
Forrest W. Stuckey (Allegheny College 2016) - BCA Graduate Relations
Zachary J. Andrews (Allegheny College 2020) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew A. Bocchi (Allegheny College 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
John L. Davies (Allegheny College 1940) - BCA Miscellaneous
Wesley E. Donaldson, Jr. (Allegheny College 1944) - BCA Miscellaneous
Vincent A. Donatelli (Allegheny College 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert L. Eisler, MD (Allegheny College 1949) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark M. Ellermeyer (Allegheny College 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jordan H. El-Sabeh (Allegheny College 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jonathan K. Goodman (Allegheny College 2019) - BCA Miscellaneous
George T. Hagstrom (Allegheny College 1959) - BCA Miscellaneous
Scott J. Lyon (Allegheny College 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard A. Maglisceau (Allegheny College 1962) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard W. McLeary (Allegheny College 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
James H. Nichols (Allegheny College 1939) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gerald R. O'Brien, Jr. (Allegheny College 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Louis J. Phillips (Allegheny College 1965) - BCA Miscellaneous
Herbert E. Ransford (Allegheny College 1938) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert W. Sobol, Jr. (Allegheny College 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Duane E. Spencer (Allegheny College 1960) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert A. Stanton (Allegheny College 1946) - BCA Miscellaneous
Forrest W. Stuckey (Allegheny College 2016) - BCA Miscellaneous
James P. Sweeney (Allegheny College 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Frank T. Wigton (Allegheny College 1945) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael S. Wild (Allegheny College 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert L. Anderson (Allegheny College 1967) - BCA Public Relations
Norman D. King (Allegheny College 1960) - BCA Public Relations
Fred B. McEwen, Jr. (Allegheny College 1951) - BCA Public Relations
Ott Thompson, II (Allegheny College 1946) - BCA Public Relations
Matthew J. Brown (Allegheny College 1998) - BCA Recruitment
Trevor J. Colvin (Allegheny College 2014) - BCA Recruitment
Dean P. Skarlis (Allegheny College 1990) - BCA Recruitment
Forrest W. Stuckey (Allegheny College 2016) - BCA Recruitment
Carl O. Anderson (Allegheny College 1965) - BCA Risk Management
Andrew R. Skelly (Allegheny College 2017) - BCA Ritual
Stuart W. Williams (Allegheny College 1965) - BCA Scholarship
Norman D. King (Allegheny College 1960) - BCA Administration
J. Michael O'Malley (Allegheny College 1983) - BCA Administration
Gregory R. Vallano (Allegheny College 2015) - BCA Built to Lead
William V. Pitt (Amherst College 1940) - BCA Graduate Relations
William V. Pitt (Amherst College 1940) - BCA Scholarship
Robert M. Hefner (Appalachian State University 2015) - BCA Chairman/President
Derek J. Hamilton (Appalachian State University 2018) - BCA Finances
Dylan J. Sabia (Appalachian State University 2018) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Weston P. Goldberg (Appalachian State University 2017) - BCA Graduate Relations
W. Carson Herron (Appalachian State University 2020) - BCA Graduate Relations
Clayton S. Corey (Appalachian State University 2019) - BCA Recruitment
Robert M. Hefner (Appalachian State University 2015) - BCA Risk Management
James C. Terrell (Appalachian State University 2013) - BCA Risk Management
Joseph W. Kelley (Appalachian State University 2021) - BCA Scholarship
Bryan M. Wright (Appalachian State University 2014) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Damian N. Cornell (Appalachian State University 2015) - BCA Built to Lead
Colin B. Craigie (Appalachian State University 2015) - BCA Administration
Mitchell S. Lemons (Appalachian State University 2011) - BCA Administration
John Michael Rhem (Appalachian State University 2013) - BCA Administration
John H. Ashton (Arizona State University 1991) - BCA Chairman/President
Joseph R. Ashton (Arizona State University 1987) - BCA Chairman/President
Brenton V. Harris (Arizona State University 1968) - BCA Chairman/President
Richard J. Hertzog (Arizona State University 1985) - BCA Chairman/President
David A. Livingston (Arizona State University 1988) - BCA Chairman/President
Justin T. Marino (Arizona State University 2014) - BCA Chairman/President
Patrick T. Stenquist (Arizona State University 2013) - BCA Chairman/President
Robert E. Wacker (Arizona State University 1970) - BCA Chairman/President
David R. Watkins (Arizona State University 1978) - BCA Chairman/President
A. Matthew Ziccardi (Arizona State University 1983) - BCA Chairman/President
John H. Ashton (Arizona State University 1991) - BCA Recording Secretary
Karl T. Abert (Arizona State University 1990) - BCA Finances
Paul J. Conry (Arizona State University 1973) - BCA Finances
Scott R. Evans (Arizona State University 1974) - BCA Finances
Brenton V. Harris (Arizona State University 1968) - BCA Finances
James D. Harris (Arizona State University 1974) - BCA Finances
Jess Roman (Arizona State University 1972) - BCA Finances
David R. Watkins (Arizona State University 1978) - BCA Finances
Joel H. Wirth (Arizona State University 1974) - BCA Finances
Paul I. Digiovanni (Arizona State University 1974) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Dr. J. M. Foley (Arizona State University 1966) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Thomas M. Jahn (Arizona State University 1970) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Rick W. Kelty (Arizona State University 1981) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Charles J. Kuehnle (Arizona State University 1979) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Mark B. Metzinger (Arizona State University 1964) - BCA Foundation of Courage
David R. Watkins (Arizona State University 1978) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Joel H. Wirth (Arizona State University 1974) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Terry L. Boersma (Arizona State University 1987) - BCA Graduate Relations
Thomas C. Davis (Arizona State University 1983) - BCA Graduate Relations
David B. Earle, MD (Arizona State University 1986) - BCA Graduate Relations
Scott R. Evans (Arizona State University 1974) - BCA Graduate Relations
James L. Grant (Arizona State University 1966) - BCA Graduate Relations
Robert W. Karr (Arizona State University 1976) - BCA Graduate Relations
Robert J. Kawa (Arizona State University 1972) - BCA Graduate Relations
John D. Kellogg (Arizona State University 1976) - BCA Graduate Relations
Peter R. Nelson (Arizona State University 1970) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jess Roman (Arizona State University 1972) - BCA Graduate Relations
David C. Whitman (Arizona State University 1974) - BCA Graduate Relations
Christopher J. Berg (Arizona State University 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
John G. Bohon, Jr. (Arizona State University 1968) - BCA Miscellaneous
James G. Cooper, Jr. (Arizona State University 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas C. Davis (Arizona State University 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael D. Engler (Arizona State University 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey D. Frank (Arizona State University 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brenton V. Harris (Arizona State University 1968) - BCA Miscellaneous
James D. Harris (Arizona State University 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew J. Hayes (Arizona State University 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ronald S. Ipjian (Arizona State University 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
William B. James (Arizona State University 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert W. Karr (Arizona State University 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
John P. Lutich (Arizona State University 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
Steven A. Manilla (Arizona State University 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew L. Marino (Arizona State University 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
David M. Martin (Arizona State University 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
John T. Martin (Arizona State University 1971) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew C. Munn (Arizona State University 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kenneth R. Neu (Arizona State University 2008) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher C. Payne (Arizona State University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
William B. Perkins (Arizona State University 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
David M. Reed (Arizona State University 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
Donald G. Roberton (Arizona State University 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Randal W. Rochford (Arizona State University 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Karl D. Roessler (Arizona State University 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jess Roman (Arizona State University 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
Alexander J. Rudolph (Arizona State University 2018) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gregory D. Stanton (Arizona State University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Donald V. Steiner (Arizona State University 2019) - BCA Miscellaneous
Patrick T. Stenquist (Arizona State University 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
Nicholas J. Tyler (Arizona State University 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
Anthony R. Valenzuela (Arizona State University 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Theo Valour (Arizona State University 2019) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard C. Gohl (Arizona State University 1987) - BCA Public Relations
James D. Harris (Arizona State University 1974) - BCA Public Relations
Thomas M. Jahn (Arizona State University 1970) - BCA Public Relations
Norman C. Keyt (Arizona State University 1972) - BCA Public Relations
John P. Lutich (Arizona State University 1970) - BCA Public Relations
Jeff Athens (Arizona State University 1987) - BCA Recruitment
Dr. J. M. Foley (Arizona State University 1966) - BCA Recruitment
John D. Kellogg (Arizona State University 1976) - BCA Recruitment
Ted O. Mullen, II (Arizona State University 1969) - BCA Recruitment
David M. Reed (Arizona State University 1975) - BCA Recruitment
Peter T. Sinclair (Arizona State University 1968) - BCA Recruitment
Kenneth E. Kessner (Arizona State University 1974) - BCA Risk Management
Norman C. Keyt (Arizona State University 1972) - BCA Risk Management
William E. Roberts, EdD (Arizona State University 1975) - BCA Risk Management
David R. Watkins (Arizona State University 1978) - BCA Risk Management
David R. Watkins (Arizona State University 1978) - BCA Ritual
David C. Whitman (Arizona State University 1974) - BCA Ritual
Alexander S. Wylie (Arizona State University 1996) - BCA Ritual
Wesley T. Harte (Arizona State University 1977) - BCA Scholarship
Robert J. Kawa (Arizona State University 1972) - BCA Scholarship
Steven A. Manilla (Arizona State University 1986) - BCA Scholarship
Patrick E. McGillicuddy (Arizona State University 1974) - BCA Scholarship
Peter T. Sinclair (Arizona State University 1968) - BCA Scholarship
Marc D. Ashton (Arizona State University 1991) - BCA Trustee
John D. Crowley (Arizona State University 1995) - BCA Trustee
Dale Douglas (Arizona State University 1985) - BCA Trustee
Michael D. Engler (Arizona State University 1972) - BCA Trustee
Jon P. Evanko (Arizona State University 1983) - BCA Trustee
Charles A. Gnecco (Arizona State University 1994) - BCA Trustee
Richard C. Gohl (Arizona State University 1987) - BCA Trustee
Steven G. Gonzales (Arizona State University 1973) - BCA Trustee
Grant H. Goodman (Arizona State University 1979) - BCA Trustee
John D. Kellogg (Arizona State University 1976) - BCA Trustee
Norman C. Keyt (Arizona State University 1972) - BCA Trustee
Timothy W. Kinnerup (Arizona State University 1981) - BCA Trustee
M. Timothy Leadbetter (Arizona State University 1965) - BCA Trustee
David A. Livingston (Arizona State University 1988) - BCA Trustee
Steven D. Livingston (Arizona State University 1992) - BCA Trustee
John P. Lutich (Arizona State University 1970) - BCA Trustee
Justin C. Magner (Arizona State University 2012) - BCA Trustee
Justin T. Marino (Arizona State University 2014) - BCA Trustee
Peter R. Nelson (Arizona State University 1970) - BCA Trustee
Christopher G. Palmer (Arizona State University 2012) - BCA Trustee
John C. Philips (Arizona State University 1969) - BCA Trustee
Robert J. Riethman (Arizona State University 1989) - BCA Trustee
Allen J. Roberts (Arizona State University 1969) - BCA Trustee
Karl D. Roessler (Arizona State University 1989) - BCA Trustee
Ryan J. Short (Arizona State University 1999) - BCA Trustee
Kristopher C. Spector (Arizona State University 2011) - BCA Trustee
Paul L. Tiffany (Arizona State University 1991) - BCA Trustee
Michael J. Valente (Arizona State University 1977) - BCA Trustee
David R. Watkins (Arizona State University 1978) - BCA Trustee
John H. Ashton (Arizona State University 1991) - BCA Administration
William L. Dawson (Arizona State University 1966) - BCA Administration
Steven G. Gonzales (Arizona State University 1973) - BCA Administration
Timothy W. Kinnerup (Arizona State University 1981) - BCA Administration
Randal W. Rochford (Arizona State University 1981) - BCA Administration
Jess Roman (Arizona State University 1972) - BCA Administration
David R. Watkins (Arizona State University 1978) - BCA Administration
Dr. C. Wayne Alderman (Auburn University 1972) - BCA Chairman/President
Robert T. Clifton (Auburn University 1990) - BCA Chairman/President
Charles A. Hannah (Auburn University 1975) - BCA Chairman/President
Scott T. Littlepage (Auburn University 2008) - BCA Chairman/President
Gerald B. Lowrey, Jr. (Auburn University 1969) - BCA Chairman/President
Allen A. McBride (Auburn University 1979) - BCA Chairman/President
John B. Boles (Auburn University 1997) - BCA Finances
John D. Crawford (Auburn University 1973) - BCA Finances
Luther B. Fuller (Auburn University 1962) - BCA Finances
A. Denson Lipscomb (Auburn University 1975) - BCA Finances
Charles C. Logan (Auburn University 1981) - BCA Finances
Allen A. McBride (Auburn University 1979) - BCA Finances
Bradley Northcutt (Auburn University 2020) - BCA Finances
Douglas J. Fees (Auburn University 1979) - BCA Foundation of Courage
C. Eugene Fuller, III (Auburn University 1967) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Norman H. Godwin (Auburn University 1991) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Gerald B. Lowrey, Jr. (Auburn University 1969) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Rory L. McKean (Auburn University 1976) - BCA Foundation of Courage
John F. Riley (Auburn University 1967) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Frank M. Smith (Auburn University 1974) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Kenneth A. Smith (Auburn University 1980) - BCA Foundation of Courage
David A. Jones (Auburn University 1970) - BCA Graduate Relations
Allen A. McBride (Auburn University 1979) - BCA Graduate Relations
J. Alexander Muncie, III (Auburn University 2001) - BCA Graduate Relations
John F. Riley (Auburn University 1967) - BCA Graduate Relations
James M. Rittenour (Auburn University 1977) - BCA Graduate Relations
Robert T. Clifton (Auburn University 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
David A. Jones (Auburn University 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gerald B. Lowrey, Jr. (Auburn University 1969) - BCA Miscellaneous
Macke B. Mauldin (Auburn University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark Moseley (Auburn University 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Scott B. Murray (Auburn University 1969) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jake T. Williamson (Auburn University 2007) - BCA Miscellaneous
Billy F. Karr (Auburn University 1975) - BCA Public Relations
D. Wayne Murphy, Sr. (Auburn University 1977) - BCA Public Relations
Frank M. Smith (Auburn University 1974) - BCA Public Relations
Dr. C. Wayne Alderman (Auburn University 1972) - BCA Recruitment
H. Clay Howell, III (Auburn University 1980) - BCA Recruitment
Zachary S. Hubbard (Auburn University 2013) - BCA Recruitment
David A. Jones (Auburn University 1970) - BCA Recruitment
Kenneth Key (Auburn University 1963) - BCA Recruitment
A. Denson Lipscomb (Auburn University 1975) - BCA Recruitment
Billy F. Karr (Auburn University 1975) - BCA Ritual
James M. Sims, Jr. (Auburn University 1965) - BCA Ritual
Frank M. Smith (Auburn University 1974) - BCA Ritual
Dr. C. Wayne Alderman (Auburn University 1972) - BCA Scholarship
Richard E. Dick (Auburn University 1969) - BCA Scholarship
Luther B. Fuller (Auburn University 1962) - BCA Scholarship
Hale J. Maddox (Auburn University 1963) - BCA Scholarship
John F. Riley (Auburn University 1967) - BCA Scholarship
Zachary S. Hubbard (Auburn University 2013) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
John D. Crawford (Auburn University 1973) - BCA Administration
Richard E. Dick (Auburn University 1969) - BCA Administration
Norman H. Godwin (Auburn University 1991) - BCA Built to Lead
Allen A. McBride (Auburn University 1979) - BCA Administration
Edward L. Spencer, III (Auburn University 1978) - BCA Administration
C. Allan Fraley (Austin Peay State University 2020) - BCA Chairman/President
Emmanual R. Bell (Austin Peay State University 2016) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kory L. Gibbs (Austin Peay State University 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. Landon Moore (Austin Peay State University 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Zachary R. Moore (Austin Peay State University 2016) - BCA Miscellaneous
Daniel J. Smallen (Austin Peay State University 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kyle D. Thompson (Austin Peay State University 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
Harrison R. Welch (Austin Peay State University 2019) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeremiah P. Simmons (Austin Peay State University 2018) - BCA Ritual
Riley J. Grubbs (Austin Peay State University 2019) - BCA Administration
Benjamin E. Tardiff (Austin Peay State University 2017) - BCA Administration
Ryan D. Burklow (Ball State University 2005) - BCA Chairman/President
Jason W. Conn (Ball State University 2017) - BCA Chairman/President
Adam D. Drummond (Ball State University 2002) - BCA Chairman/President
David J. Harben (Ball State University 2004) - BCA Chairman/President
Eric J. Maroun (Ball State University 2008) - BCA Chairman/President
Ryan D. McFarland, RN (Ball State University 2002) - BCA Chairman/President
Nicholas A. Stevens (Ball State University 2013) - BCA Chairman/President
Adam D. Drummond (Ball State University 2002) - BCA Recording Secretary
James H. Gilliom (Ball State University 2016) - BCA Recording Secretary
Michael A. Lang (Ball State University 2003) - BCA Recording Secretary
Eric J. Maroun (Ball State University 2008) - BCA Recording Secretary
Andrew W. Koenig (Ball State University 2005) - BCA Finances
Martin A. Merkel (Ball State University 2007) - BCA Finances
Daniel E. Netser (Ball State University 2001) - BCA Finances
Sean C. Reilly (Ball State University 2004) - BCA Finances
David J. Harben (Ball State University 2004) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Matthew A. Lacy (Ball State University 2009) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Carson B. Lance (Ball State University 2010) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Shawn M. Meier (Ball State University 2009) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Nicholas A. Stevens (Ball State University 2013) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Kyle P. Ellis (Ball State University 2009) - BCA Graduate Relations
Erik A. Faigh (Ball State University 2006) - BCA Graduate Relations
Thomas C. James (Ball State University 2009) - BCA Graduate Relations
Mark R. McCormack (Ball State University 2002) - BCA Graduate Relations
Zachary M. Brown (Ball State University 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark A. Dobbs (Ball State University 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kyle P. Ellis (Ball State University 2009) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher K. Harrison (Ball State University 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
Devin J. Hillsdon-Smith (Ball State University 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher L. Kurtz (Ball State University 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael A. Lang (Ball State University 2003) - BCA Miscellaneous
Justin J. Long (Ball State University 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
David P. Malone (Ball State University 2001) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ryan D. McFarland, RN (Ball State University 2002) - BCA Miscellaneous
Martin A. Merkel (Ball State University 2007) - BCA Miscellaneous
Cody A. Moon (Ball State University 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
Sean D. Ratkus (Ball State University 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Anthony C. Rizzie (Ball State University 2009) - BCA Miscellaneous
Justin T. Syndram (Ball State University 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
Tyler Whitehead (Ball State University 2009) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brent D. Williams (Ball State University 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kristofer B. Kaizer (Ball State University 2013) - BCA Public Relations
Michael P. Boles (Ball State University 2006) - BCA Recruitment
Ryan D. Burklow (Ball State University 2005) - BCA Recruitment
Carson B. Lance (Ball State University 2010) - BCA Recruitment
Jamie P. Manuel (Ball State University 2008) - BCA Recruitment
Pat J. Plumer (Ball State University 2014) - BCA Recruitment
David J. Harben (Ball State University 2004) - BCA Risk Management
Eric J. Maroun (Ball State University 2008) - BCA Risk Management
Dalen F. Faughn (Ball State University 2009) - BCA Ritual
Matthew A. Lacy (Ball State University 2009) - BCA Ritual
Jamie P. Manuel (Ball State University 2008) - BCA Ritual
Matthew R. Jarboe (Ball State University 2007) - BCA Scholarship
Nicholas A. Stevens (Ball State University 2013) - BCA Scholarship
Jason W. Conn (Ball State University 2017) - BCA Trustee
Adam D. Drummond (Ball State University 2002) - BCA Trustee
Kyle P. Ellis (Ball State University 2009) - BCA Trustee
Andrew W. Koenig (Ball State University 2005) - BCA Trustee
Sean D. Ratkus (Ball State University 2014) - BCA Trustee
Matthew B. Whitlock (Ball State University 2012) - BCA Trustee
Shawn M. Meier (Ball State University 2009) - BCA Administration
Michael Caldwell (Baylor University 1986) - BCA Chairman/President
S. Todd Ousley (Baylor University 1983) - BCA Chairman/President
Thomas R. Pagel (Baylor University 1979) - BCA Chairman/President
Matthew O. Wallace (Baylor University 1992) - BCA Chairman/President
George E. Crumley (Baylor University 1989) - BCA Vice Chairman
Michael C. Mercer (Baylor University 1991) - BCA Recording Secretary
David R. Carter (Baylor University 1979) - BCA Finances
Thomas L. Smith (Baylor University 1982) - BCA Finances
Jason M. Whiteside (Baylor University 1993) - BCA Finances
Robert C. Zelin (Baylor University 1983) - BCA Finances
William E. Russell, V (Baylor University 1982) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Earl T. Yamada (Baylor University 1981) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Stephen S. Hazelrigg (Baylor University 1981) - BCA Graduate Relations
S. Todd Ousley (Baylor University 1983) - BCA Graduate Relations
W. Brian Barrett (Baylor University 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
David L. Brannan (Baylor University 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
Todd H. Brogdon (Baylor University 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey S. Ducate (Baylor University 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jonathan W. Evans (Baylor University 2000) - BCA Miscellaneous
L. Hayes Fuller, III (Baylor University 1977) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ryan E. Griffitts (Baylor University 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael C. Mathis (Baylor University 1995) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brock A. Meckelborg (Baylor University 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
F. Scott Nix, CPA (Baylor University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
R. Chase Palmer (Baylor University 1996) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joel A. Peel (Baylor University 2001) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher E. Renberg (Baylor University 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Garrett C. Taylor (Baylor University 2023) - BCA Miscellaneous
Tod E. Tieszen (Baylor University 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Chet W. Burchett (Baylor University 1980) - BCA Public Relations
L. Hayes Fuller, III (Baylor University 1977) - BCA Recruitment
L. Hayes Fuller, III (Baylor University 1977) - BCA Risk Management
Christopher L. Mahlen (Baylor University 1993) - BCA Risk Management
Stephen S. Hazelrigg (Baylor University 1981) - BCA Ritual
Jonathan W. Evans (Baylor University 2000) - BCA Scholarship
John A. Steele (Baylor University 2007) - BCA Scholarship
Earl T. Yamada (Baylor University 1981) - BCA Scholarship
Robert C. Zelin (Baylor University 1983) - BCA Scholarship
R. Alan Jones (Baylor University 1987) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
K. Lance Aldridge (Baylor University 1990) - BCA Trustee
W. Brian Barrett (Baylor University 1991) - BCA Trustee
David L. Brannan (Baylor University 1979) - BCA Trustee
Todd H. Brogdon (Baylor University 1994) - BCA Trustee
George E. Crumley (Baylor University 1989) - BCA Trustee
Jonathan W. Evans (Baylor University 2000) - BCA Trustee
L. Hayes Fuller, III (Baylor University 1977) - BCA Trustee
Kyle E. Gilley (Baylor University 1995) - BCA Trustee
Ryan E. Griffitts (Baylor University 1993) - BCA Trustee
R. Alan Jones (Baylor University 1987) - BCA Trustee
Gerald E. Mann, II (Baylor University 1996) - BCA Trustee
Michael C. Mathis (Baylor University 1995) - BCA Trustee
Brock A. Meckelborg (Baylor University 2017) - BCA Trustee
F. Scott Nix, CPA (Baylor University 1982) - BCA Trustee
Thomas R. Pagel (Baylor University 1979) - BCA Trustee
Joel A. Peel (Baylor University 2001) - BCA Trustee
Christopher E. Renberg (Baylor University 1989) - BCA Trustee
Matthew O. Wallace (Baylor University 1992) - BCA Trustee
Jason M. Whiteside (Baylor University 1993) - BCA Trustee
Brett J. Wolff (Boise State University 2019) - BCA Chairman/President
Brett J. Wolff (Boise State University 2019) - BCA Finances
Hunter J. Underwood (Boise State University 2019) - BCA Graduate Relations
Tate Volbrecht (Boise State University 2020) - BCA Risk Management
Charles H. Apigian (Bowling Green State University 1995) - BCA Chairman/President
Geoffrey M. Guss (Bowling Green State University 2001) - BCA Chairman/President
Christopher T. Halbert (Bowling Green State University 1989) - BCA Chairman/President
Erik S. Hildebrand (Bowling Green State University 2005) - BCA Chairman/President
Steven D. Lewis (Bowling Green State University 1987) - BCA Chairman/President
Christopher J. Magill (Bowling Green State University 2006) - BCA Chairman/President
Dale S. McCarty (Bowling Green State University 1985) - BCA Chairman/President
Thomas H. Sommers (Bowling Green State University 1985) - BCA Chairman/President
Scott F. Stein (Bowling Green State University 1995) - BCA Chairman/President
Matthew C. Webb (Bowling Green State University 1989) - BCA Chairman/President
Joshua E. Davenport (Bowling Green State University 2007) - BCA Vice Chairman
Christopher T. Halbert (Bowling Green State University 1989) - BCA Vice Chairman
Thomas J. Rottinghaus (Bowling Green State University 1993) - BCA Vice Chairman
Randolph M. Rowe (Bowling Green State University 1985) - BCA Vice Chairman
Kevin L. Moorman (Bowling Green State University 1990) - BCA Recording Secretary
Andrew A. Christensen (Bowling Green State University 1986) - BCA Finances
Joshua E. Davenport (Bowling Green State University 2007) - BCA Finances
Brion T. Furry (Bowling Green State University 2002) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Joseph Leonard (Bowling Green State University 1988) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Matthew E. McGary (Bowling Green State University 2006) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Richard V. Moyer (Bowling Green State University 2013) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Todd J. Grosjean (Bowling Green State University 1985) - BCA Graduate Relations
Matthew E. Heyduk (Bowling Green State University 2002) - BCA Graduate Relations
Thomas H. Sommers (Bowling Green State University 1985) - BCA Graduate Relations
John D. Spalding (Bowling Green State University 1997) - BCA Graduate Relations
R. Tyler Baesman (Bowling Green State University 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Terence W. Hagedorn (Bowling Green State University 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
David Hicks (Bowling Green State University 1997) - BCA Miscellaneous
Barry C. Jones (Bowling Green State University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Daniel C. Lebold (Bowling Green State University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph Leonard (Bowling Green State University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Dale S. McCarty (Bowling Green State University 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
David J. Meerdink (Bowling Green State University 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher W. Montello (Bowling Green State University 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Randolph M. Rowe (Bowling Green State University 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael D. Russell (Bowling Green State University 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher A. Shuff (Bowling Green State University 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian G. Sommers (Bowling Green State University 2001) - BCA Recruitment
Ryan J. Berry (Bowling Green State University 2007) - BCA Risk Management
Brion T. Furry (Bowling Green State University 2002) - BCA Ritual
Scott F. Stein (Bowling Green State University 1995) - BCA Ritual
Raymond D. Hupp (Bowling Green State University 1992) - BCA Trustee
Andrew M. J. Becker (Bradley University 2009) - BCA Chairman/President
Bryan M. Bernacki (Bradley University 1995) - BCA Chairman/President
Michael G. Bernhard (Bradley University 1983) - BCA Chairman/President
Christopher N. Contos (Bradley University 1996) - BCA Chairman/President
John H. Derbas (Bradley University 1987) - BCA Chairman/President
David J. Deutsch (Bradley University 2002) - BCA Chairman/President
Daniel J. Dulik (Bradley University 1990) - BCA Chairman/President
Steven R. Frey, Jr. (Bradley University 1984) - BCA Chairman/President
William J. Kelly (Bradley University 1984) - BCA Chairman/President
Joseph A. Leone (Bradley University 1983) - BCA Chairman/President
Michael A. Lucas (Bradley University 1983) - BCA Chairman/President
Jason R. Preston (Bradley University 1995) - BCA Chairman/President
Matthew E. Rafferty (Bradley University 2005) - BCA Chairman/President
Ronald S. Reisner (Bradley University 1987) - BCA Chairman/President
Amit A. Riswadkar (Bradley University 2007) - BCA Chairman/President
Stephen P. Shuman (Bradley University 2004) - BCA Chairman/President
Joseph C. Stornello, III (Bradley University 1993) - BCA Chairman/President
Jeremy L. Yee (Bradley University 2009) - BCA Chairman/President
Ronald P. Hehn, Jr. (Bradley University 1993) - BCA Vice Chairman
Roderick N. Norton (Bradley University 1990) - BCA Vice Chairman
Matthew F. Adams (Bradley University 2005) - BCA Recording Secretary
Andrew M. J. Becker (Bradley University 2009) - BCA Recording Secretary
Thomas A. Ellman (Bradley University 1990) - BCA Recording Secretary
James A. Rusch (Bradley University 1990) - BCA Recording Secretary
Emilio J. Albertini (Bradley University 1985) - BCA Finances
Bryan M. Bernacki (Bradley University 1995) - BCA Finances
Thomas A. Ellman (Bradley University 1990) - BCA Finances
James A. Rusch (Bradley University 1990) - BCA Finances
Bryan M. Bernacki (Bradley University 1995) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Eric A. Byar (Bradley University 1983) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Craig M. Donlon (Bradley University 1983) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Steven R. Frey, Jr. (Bradley University 1984) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Kenneth A. McCloud (Bradley University 1983) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Amit A. Riswadkar (Bradley University 2007) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Todd R. Wood (Bradley University 1987) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Michael G. Bernhard (Bradley University 1983) - BCA Graduate Relations
Clayton N. Ciha (Bradley University 1983) - BCA Graduate Relations
Kenneth A. McCloud (Bradley University 1983) - BCA Graduate Relations
Matthew F. Adams (Bradley University 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Emilio J. Albertini (Bradley University 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ricardo J. Anesi (Bradley University 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Peter L. Aranavage, Jr. (Bradley University 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph J. Baumgartner (Bradley University 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew M. J. Becker (Bradley University 2009) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bryan M. Bernacki (Bradley University 1995) - BCA Miscellaneous
Carl J. Bobis (Bradley University 2003) - BCA Miscellaneous
James J. Burke (Bradley University 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Zachary B. Burtle (Bradley University 2016) - BCA Miscellaneous
Steven J. Caponigri (Bradley University 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
John H. Derbas (Bradley University 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
David J. Deutsch (Bradley University 2002) - BCA Miscellaneous
Daniel J. Dulik (Bradley University 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bryce D. Egan (Bradley University 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas M. Evert (Bradley University 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jonathan R. Falk (Bradley University 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
P.J. Fitzpatrick (Bradley University 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Steven R. Gastrau (Bradley University 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert W. Georges (Bradley University 1997) - BCA Miscellaneous
Eric J. Gottschalk (Bradley University 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
William J. Kelly (Bradley University 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph A. Leone (Bradley University 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael A. Lucas (Bradley University 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Tod D. Marquith (Bradley University 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kenneth A. McCloud (Bradley University 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert D. Metzger, Jr. (Bradley University 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
Alan E. Muschott (Bradley University 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Tyler J. Nestor (Bradley University 2020) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew E. Rafferty (Bradley University 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Amit A. Riswadkar (Bradley University 2007) - BCA Miscellaneous
James A. Rusch (Bradley University 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert E. Schaich, Jr. (Bradley University 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark M. Sheehan (Bradley University 2007) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stephen P. Shuman (Bradley University 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
Derek A. Staller (Bradley University 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael P. Stone (Bradley University 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph C. Stornello, III (Bradley University 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Timothy M. Unser (Bradley University 2003) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bryan S. Weiss (Bradley University 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Derek M. Woods (Bradley University 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Leslie E. Youngren (Bradley University 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
William J. Fillipp (Bradley University 1982) - BCA Public Relations
Douglas K. Halberstadt (Bradley University 1983) - BCA Public Relations
Roger A. Leenerts (Bradley University 1986) - BCA Public Relations
Peter L. Aranavage, Jr. (Bradley University 1994) - BCA Recruitment
Stephen P. Bello (Bradley University 1983) - BCA Recruitment
Michael G. Bernhard (Bradley University 1983) - BCA Recruitment
David W. Diamond (Bradley University 1984) - BCA Recruitment
Daniel J. Dulik (Bradley University 1990) - BCA Recruitment
Robert M. Ricobene (Bradley University 1984) - BCA Recruitment
Clayton N. Ciha (Bradley University 1983) - BCA Ritual
Joseph A. Leone (Bradley University 1983) - BCA Ritual
Ricardo J. Anesi (Bradley University 1983) - BCA Scholarship
Eric A. Byar (Bradley University 1983) - BCA Scholarship
Joseph A. Leone (Bradley University 1983) - BCA Scholarship
Emilio J. Albertini (Bradley University 1985) - BCA Trustee
Michael G. Bernhard (Bradley University 1983) - BCA Trustee
David S. Brennan (Bradley University 2012) - BCA Trustee
P.J. Fitzpatrick (Bradley University 1987) - BCA Trustee
David J. Fritz (Bradley University 1984) - BCA Trustee
William J. Kelly (Bradley University 1984) - BCA Trustee
Michael A. Lucas (Bradley University 1983) - BCA Trustee
Mark M. Sheehan (Bradley University 2007) - BCA Trustee
David S. Brennan (Bradley University 2012) - BCA Administration
Robert W. Georges (Bradley University 1997) - BCA Built to Lead
Joseph A. Leone (Bradley University 1983) - BCA Administration
Douglas J. Luman (Bradley University 2008) - BCA Administration
Dudley Onderdonk (Brown University 1938) - BCA Finances
Clarence B. Heisler (Brown University 1931) - BCA Miscellaneous
Dudley Onderdonk (Brown University 1938) - BCA Public Relations
Dudley Onderdonk (Brown University 1938) - BCA Risk Management
David J. Berardinelli (Bucknell University 1993) - BCA Chairman/President
John M. Spangler, III (Bucknell University 1976) - BCA Chairman/President
Dan W. Willcoxon (Bucknell University 1983) - BCA Chairman/President
Ronald J. Pedrick (Bucknell University 1960) - BCA Finances
Robert B. Shimer (Bucknell University 1946) - BCA Finances
Eugene B. Depew (Bucknell University 1971) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Robert L. Marks (Bucknell University 1967) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Richard C. Ringwald (Bucknell University 1949) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Robert G. Chandler (Bucknell University 1974) - BCA Graduate Relations
Eugene B. Depew (Bucknell University 1971) - BCA Graduate Relations
Richard A. Eldridge (Bucknell University 1943) - BCA Graduate Relations
Ronald J. Pedrick (Bucknell University 1960) - BCA Graduate Relations
Eugene B. Depew (Bucknell University 1971) - BCA Miscellaneous
Donald R. Giacomelli (Bucknell University 1971) - BCA Miscellaneous
William R. Martens, Jr. (Bucknell University 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ronald J. Pedrick (Bucknell University 1960) - BCA Miscellaneous
James S. Replogle (Bucknell University 1926) - BCA Miscellaneous
Boyd R. Sheddan (Bucknell University 1926) - BCA Miscellaneous
John M. Spangler, III (Bucknell University 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Barry S. Zaiser (Bucknell University 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ronald J. Pedrick (Bucknell University 1960) - BCA Ritual
Thomas S. Ross (Bucknell University 1968) - BCA Ritual
Ted R. Simpson (Bucknell University 1952) - BCA Scholarship
Theodore M. Avgerinos (Bucknell University 2000) - BCA Trustee
Thomas H. Baker (Bucknell University 1977) - BCA Trustee
Michael E. Benevento (Bucknell University 1993) - BCA Trustee
David J. Berardinelli (Bucknell University 1993) - BCA Trustee
Robert N. Boucher (Bucknell University 1968) - BCA Trustee
Dennis J. Damaschke (Bucknell University 1976) - BCA Trustee
Eric N. Keber, Jr. (Bucknell University 2000) - BCA Trustee
Geoffrey P. Mynott (Bucknell University 1954) - BCA Trustee
James R. Powell (Bucknell University 1948) - BCA Trustee
James S. Replogle (Bucknell University 1926) - BCA Trustee
Edward M. Robinson (Bucknell University 1986) - BCA Trustee
R. Andrew Santillo (Bucknell University 1998) - BCA Trustee
John H. Shafer (Bucknell University 1975) - BCA Trustee
Robert B. Shimer (Bucknell University 1946) - BCA Trustee
John M. Spangler, III (Bucknell University 1976) - BCA Trustee
Christopher J. Sylvester (Bucknell University 1995) - BCA Trustee
Christian C. Trate (Bucknell University 1982) - BCA Trustee
G. Robert Van Schooneveld, Jr. (Bucknell University 1975) - BCA Trustee
Harry P. Wood (Bucknell University 1939) - BCA Trustee
William H. Wood (Bucknell University 1932) - BCA Trustee
T. Robert Woodward (Bucknell University 1954) - BCA Trustee
Arthur B. Wilkins, Jr. (Bucknell University 1972) - BCA Administration
David J. Clarke (California State University Long Beach 1993) - BCA Chairman/President
Aemon M. Fowler (California State University Long Beach 1995) - BCA Chairman/President
Nicholas A. Vuono (California State University Long Beach 2016) - BCA Chairman/President
David G. Arevalo (California State University Long Beach 2013) - BCA Finances
Ryan C. Jordan (California State University Long Beach 2016) - BCA Finances
Marko Milosevic (California State University Long Beach 2013) - BCA Finances
Aemon M. Fowler (California State University Long Beach 1995) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Gideon J. Victor (California State University Long Beach 2012) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Andrew R. Cooper (California State University Long Beach 2013) - BCA Graduate Relations
Aemon M. Fowler (California State University Long Beach 1995) - BCA Graduate Relations
Nicholas J. Santos (California State University Long Beach 2012) - BCA Graduate Relations
Timothy A. Driscoll (California State University Long Beach 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
Harvey A. Higger (California State University Long Beach 2016) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael L. Johnson (California State University Long Beach 2016) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jameson W. Nyeholt (California State University Long Beach 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
Howard J. Schultz (California State University Long Beach 1995) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bryant P. Hernandez (California State University Long Beach 2014) - BCA Recruitment
Howard J. Schultz (California State University Long Beach 1995) - BCA Recruitment
Zacharias M. Macias (California State University Long Beach 2015) - BCA Ritual
David E. Andrews (California State University Long Beach 2014) - BCA Scholarship
Kaveh N. Lavasany (California State University Long Beach 2013) - BCA Scholarship
Kshamaa S. Berg (California State University Long Beach 2012) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Taras I. Semchyshyn (California State University Northridge 1997) - BCA Chairman/President
David M. Burns (California State University Northridge 1995) - BCA Miscellaneous
Chris M. Zanghi (California State University Northridge 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher G. Baker (Case Western Reserve University 1994) - BCA Chairman/President
Mitchell Ingram Henn DDS (Case Western Reserve University 1972) - BCA Chairman/President
Kenneth J. Kovach (Case Western Reserve University 1967) - BCA Chairman/President
Ryan J. Lustig (Case Western Reserve University 2001) - BCA Chairman/President
James A. Velette (Case Western Reserve University 2014) - BCA Chairman/President
Matthew R. Von Duhn (Case Western Reserve University 1989) - BCA Chairman/President
Michael K. Magness (Case Western Reserve University 1970) - BCA Vice Chairman
Roger L. Anderson (Case Western Reserve University 1965) - BCA Finances
James E. Merklin (Case Western Reserve University 1985) - BCA Finances
Robert W. Niebaum (Case Western Reserve University 1969) - BCA Finances
Michael P. Bothe (Case Western Reserve University 1983) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Benjamin E. Greenberg (Case Western Reserve University 2004) - BCA Foundation of Courage
John R. Henry (Case Western Reserve University 1982) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Michael P. Hewko (Case Western Reserve University 1980) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Joseph M. Miller (Case Western Reserve University 1992) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Douglas A. Nordstrom (Case Western Reserve University 1994) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Joshua S. M. Richards, Esq (Case Western Reserve University 2010) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Rishad Shaikh (Case Western Reserve University 1999) - BCA Foundation of Courage
R. Foster Thomas (Case Western Reserve University 1963) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Daniel L. Turner, DO (Case Western Reserve University 1991) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Edward S. Babcox, III (Case Western Reserve University 1970) - BCA Graduate Relations
William R. Hardell, Sr. (Case Western Reserve University 1951) - BCA Graduate Relations
Arthur A. Adrian (Case Western Reserve University 1962) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher G. Baker (Case Western Reserve University 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael A. Castner (Case Western Reserve University 2000) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael L. Ciancone (Case Western Reserve University 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph S. Collura (Case Western Reserve University 1999) - BCA Miscellaneous
John D. Davis (Case Western Reserve University 1958) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian R. Gantt (Case Western Reserve University 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher A. Gravius (Case Western Reserve University 1996) - BCA Miscellaneous
James A. Griffith (Case Western Reserve University 1954) - BCA Miscellaneous
William R. Hardell, Sr. (Case Western Reserve University 1951) - BCA Miscellaneous
John R. Henry (Case Western Reserve University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael P. Kapostasy (Case Western Reserve University 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard M. Kolacinski (Case Western Reserve University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
John D. Lubahn, MD (Case Western Reserve University 1971) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael K. Magness (Case Western Reserve University 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph W. Mellott, II (Case Western Reserve University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard C. Miller (Case Western Reserve University 1958) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert W. Niebaum (Case Western Reserve University 1969) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeremy L. Pomerantz (Case Western Reserve University 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
David J. Pratt (Case Western Reserve University 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ryan R. Shoup (Case Western Reserve University 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
Timothy A. South (Case Western Reserve University 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
James A. Velette (Case Western Reserve University 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mitchell J. Wisniewski, III (Case Western Reserve University 1996) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bruce G. Yeager (Case Western Reserve University 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
Steve C. Zervas (Case Western Reserve University 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew J. Black (Case Western Reserve University 1981) - BCA Recruitment
Brian L. Caron (Case Western Reserve University 1991) - BCA Recruitment
Michael L. Ciancone (Case Western Reserve University 1983) - BCA Recruitment
William C. Copeland (Case Western Reserve University 1966) - BCA Recruitment
Harry L. Davis (Case Western Reserve University 1937) - BCA Recruitment
C. Robert Morgan, II (Case Western Reserve University 1995) - BCA Risk Management
John M. Humphrey (Case Western Reserve University 1981) - BCA Ritual
Robert W. Niebaum (Case Western Reserve University 1969) - BCA Ritual
Marc B. Merklin (Case Western Reserve University 1981) - BCA Scholarship
Michael J. Johnson (Case Western Reserve University 2014) - BCA Trustee
Kenneth J. Kovach (Case Western Reserve University 1967) - BCA Trustee
Evan R. McDowell (Case Western Reserve University 2013) - BCA Trustee
Jim D. Petras (Case Western Reserve University 2012) - BCA Trustee
James S. Schmidt (Case Western Reserve University 1997) - BCA Trustee
Ryan R. Shoup (Case Western Reserve University 2011) - BCA Trustee
Daniel L. Turner, DO (Case Western Reserve University 1991) - BCA Trustee
Michael L. Lucas (Case Western Reserve University 1962) - BCA Administration
Dave J. Norman (Chapman University 2008) - BCA Chairman/President
Kevin J. Wilson (Chapman University 2012) - BCA Chairman/President
Christopher J. Filley (Chapman University 2008) - BCA Finances
Dave J. Norman (Chapman University 2008) - BCA Finances
Tomer M. Bar-On (Chapman University 2009) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Richard Michelmore (Chapman University 2010) - BCA Foundation of Courage
James O. W. Berkedal (Chapman University 2008) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard N. Courtney (Chapman University 2009) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher Y. Lee (Chapman University 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard N. Courtney (Chapman University 2009) - BCA Recruitment
Brandon G. Marcia (Chapman University 2008) - BCA Scholarship
Christian Urch (Christopher Newport University 2020) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christian Urch (Christopher Newport University 2020) - BCA Trustee
Richard A. Frampton (Clemson University 1976) - BCA Finances
Thomas M. McInnis, Jr. (Clemson University 1974) - BCA Finances
Anthony G. Mollica, Jr. (Clemson University 1976) - BCA Finances
Clarence T. Sherron, Jr. (Clemson University 1976) - BCA Finances
Thomas M. McInnis, Jr. (Clemson University 1974) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Anthony G. Mollica, Jr. (Clemson University 1976) - BCA Foundation of Courage
James M. Williams, Jr. (Clemson University 1980) - BCA Foundation of Courage
G. Steven Garrison (Clemson University 1975) - BCA Graduate Relations
William R. Hurley (Clemson University 1986) - BCA Graduate Relations
Derek L. Hodge (Clemson University 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
James A. Weir (Clemson University 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
James M. Williams, Jr. (Clemson University 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard A. Frampton (Clemson University 1976) - BCA Public Relations
Thomas M. McInnis, Jr. (Clemson University 1974) - BCA Public Relations
Scott P. Sampson (Clemson University 1977) - BCA Public Relations
G. Steven Garrison (Clemson University 1975) - BCA Recruitment
John F. Hansley (Clemson University 1976) - BCA Recruitment
James M. Williams, Jr. (Clemson University 1980) - BCA Recruitment
Anthony G. Mollica, Jr. (Clemson University 1976) - BCA Risk Management
Marc A. Zagara (Clemson University 1978) - BCA Risk Management
Robert D. Drake (Clemson University 1973) - BCA Ritual
G. Steven Garrison (Clemson University 1975) - BCA Ritual
Thomas M. McInnis, Jr. (Clemson University 1974) - BCA Ritual
Freddie L. Singleton (Clemson University 1974) - BCA Scholarship
G. Steven Garrison (Clemson University 1975) - BCA Administration
Addison C. Gottshalk, III (Clemson University 1977) - BCA Administration
Thomas M. McInnis, Jr. (Clemson University 1974) - BCA Administration
Anthony G. Mollica, Jr. (Clemson University 1976) - BCA Administration
Johnathan S. Sharp (Coastal Carolina University 2016) - BCA Chairman/President
Taylor W. Spangler (Coastal Carolina University 2016) - BCA Finances
Cory F. Cribb (Coastal Carolina University 2019) - BCA Miscellaneous
Derek J. Murphy (Coastal Carolina University 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew A. Hayner (Coastal Carolina University 2019) - BCA Recruitment
William H. Valentine, Jr. (Coastal Carolina University 1967) - BCA Recruitment
Jacob T. Church (Coastal Carolina University 2019) - BCA Ritual
William H. Valentine, Jr. (Coastal Carolina University 1967) - BCA Ritual
Benjamin A. Rutherford (Coastal Carolina University 2017) - BCA Scholarship
William H. Valentine, Jr. (Coastal Carolina University 1967) - BCA Trustee
George B. Twichell (Colgate University 1949) - BCA Chairman/President
Philip J. Corrinet (Colgate University 1970) - BCA Finances
Edward S. Kern (Colgate University 1938) - BCA Finances
Thomas F. Kirkpatrick (Colgate University 1961) - BCA Finances
Sheldon F. Storrier (Colgate University 1951) - BCA Finances
David H. Alvord (Colgate University 1980) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Philip M. Bisselle (Colgate University 1958) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Christopher S. Dunn (Colgate University 1969) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Paul L. Pileckas (Colgate University 1952) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Russell N. Brummer (Colgate University 1958) - BCA Graduate Relations
Peter L. VanAkin (Colgate University 1927) - BCA Graduate Relations
Thomas F. Kirkpatrick (Colgate University 1961) - BCA Miscellaneous
William A. Riedell (Colgate University 1956) - BCA Miscellaneous
John F. Robertson (Colgate University 1940) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gary L. Ross (Colgate University 1977) - BCA Miscellaneous
Sheldon F. Storrier (Colgate University 1951) - BCA Miscellaneous
Benedict Q. Underhill (Colgate University 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Edward R. Haskell (Colgate University 1936) - BCA Public Relations
David S. Perham (Colgate University 1958) - BCA Public Relations
William A. Riedell (Colgate University 1956) - BCA Public Relations
Sheldon F. Storrier (Colgate University 1951) - BCA Public Relations
Donald L. Tiffany (Colgate University 1943) - BCA Public Relations
David H. Alvord (Colgate University 1980) - BCA Recruitment
Lawrence E. Ludd (Colgate University 1960) - BCA Recruitment
Emlyn I. Griffith (Colgate University 1942) - BCA Risk Management
Emlyn I. Griffith (Colgate University 1942) - BCA Ritual
Donald L. Tiffany (Colgate University 1943) - BCA Ritual
Christopher S. Dunn (Colgate University 1969) - BCA Scholarship
Emlyn I. Griffith (Colgate University 1942) - BCA Scholarship
Robert E. Horstmyer (Colgate University 1955) - BCA Scholarship
William F. Huther (Colgate University 1956) - BCA Scholarship
George B. Twichell (Colgate University 1949) - BCA Scholarship
Richard D. Cheshire (Colgate University 1958) - BCA Administration
Donald G. Cieri (Colgate University 1949) - BCA Administration
Brett P. Godbout, MD (Colgate University 1976) - BCA Administration
Robert E. Horstmyer (Colgate University 1955) - BCA Administration
Edward S. Kern (Colgate University 1938) - BCA Administration
Edward P. Puzziferri (Colgate University 1977) - BCA Administration
George B. Twichell (Colgate University 1949) - BCA Administration
Alexander T. Hoang (College of Charleston 2011) - BCA Chairman/President
Robert-David C. Weeks (College of Charleston 2014) - BCA Chairman/President
James W. Smearman (College of Charleston 2016) - BCA Finances
Byron D. Stahl (College of Charleston 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Moises A. Romero (College of William & Mary 2019) - BCA Chairman/President
Alexander M. Brinkley (College of William & Mary 2019) - BCA Miscellaneous
W. Henry Lewis (College of William & Mary 2019) - BCA Miscellaneous
Daniel Martchek (College of William & Mary 2018) - BCA Miscellaneous
JonDavid Nichols (College of William & Mary 2020) - BCA Miscellaneous
David J. Snyder (College of William & Mary 2019) - BCA Miscellaneous
Luke S. Scarano (College of William & Mary 2021) - BCA Ritual
Alexander M. Brinkley (College of William & Mary 2019) - BCA Trustee
W. Henry Lewis (College of William & Mary 2019) - BCA Trustee
Daniel Martchek (College of William & Mary 2018) - BCA Trustee
JonDavid Nichols (College of William & Mary 2020) - BCA Trustee
Moises A. Romero (College of William & Mary 2019) - BCA Trustee
Brad A. Burghart (Colorado College 1978) - BCA Chairman/President
William F. Gomez (Colorado College 1977) - BCA Chairman/President
Kevin J. McCabe (Colorado College 1986) - BCA Chairman/President
Kelly B. Powers (Colorado College 1984) - BCA Chairman/President
Timothy M. Sheridan (Colorado College 1988) - BCA Chairman/President
Eric B. Tibby (Colorado College 1984) - BCA Chairman/President
Steven R. Vela (Colorado College 1986) - BCA Chairman/President
Thomas W. Crampton (Colorado College 1983) - BCA Finances
Harry W. McWilliams (Colorado College 1942) - BCA Finances
Peter M. Susemihl (Colorado College 1966) - BCA Finances
Steven R. Vela (Colorado College 1986) - BCA Finances
Richard F. Zier (Colorado College 1973) - BCA Finances
W. C. Birkenmayer, III (Colorado College 1974) - BCA Foundation of Courage
William G. Boddington (Colorado College 1972) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Bradford W. Chase (Colorado College 1963) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Clifford J. Tompkins (Colorado College 1980) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Steven R. Vela (Colorado College 1986) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Brad A. Burghart (Colorado College 1978) - BCA Graduate Relations
Spencer A. Gresham (Colorado College 1982) - BCA Graduate Relations
James B. Hartwell (Colorado College 1980) - BCA Graduate Relations
Bruce A. Kolbezen (Colorado College 1975) - BCA Graduate Relations
Kevin Z. Kreidle (Colorado College 1981) - BCA Graduate Relations
William C. Thompson (Colorado College 1965) - BCA Graduate Relations
Eric B. Tibby (Colorado College 1984) - BCA Graduate Relations
Donald L. Ullman (Colorado College 1961) - BCA Graduate Relations
T. Carey Chamberlin (Colorado College 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
William F. Gomez (Colorado College 1977) - BCA Miscellaneous
Terry G. Hoadley (Colorado College 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
James R. Love (Colorado College 1964) - BCA Miscellaneous
Charles C. Mason (Colorado College 1964) - BCA Miscellaneous
William E. Pelz (Colorado College 1964) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kelly B. Powers (Colorado College 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
William R. Rudge (Colorado College 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Peter M. Susemihl (Colorado College 1966) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard F. Zier (Colorado College 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bradford W. Chase (Colorado College 1963) - BCA Public Relations
James V. Cordova (Colorado College 1978) - BCA Public Relations
Kevin J. McCabe (Colorado College 1986) - BCA Public Relations
Thomas S. Padrnos (Colorado College 1983) - BCA Public Relations
W. C. Birkenmayer, III (Colorado College 1974) - BCA Recruitment
Bradford W. Chase (Colorado College 1963) - BCA Recruitment
Peter W. Davis (Colorado College 1965) - BCA Recruitment
Kirk J. Sullivan (Colorado College 1977) - BCA Recruitment
Donald D. Rumery (Colorado College 1974) - BCA Ritual
Robert J. Allison (Colorado College 1981) - BCA Scholarship
Randy G. Bobier (Colorado College 1972) - BCA Scholarship
Anthony C. Cherin (Colorado College 1962) - BCA Scholarship
Jeffrey D. Bush (Colorado College 1995) - BCA Trustee
Peter N. Fritz (Colorado College 1992) - BCA Trustee
Craig A. Lopez (Colorado College 1995) - BCA Trustee
Matthew E. Moyer (Colorado College 1994) - BCA Trustee
Kelly B. Powers (Colorado College 1984) - BCA Trustee
Daniel C. McCarthy (Colorado College 1980) - BCA Administration
Charles D. McDermott (Colorado College 1977) - BCA Administration
Robert J. Orr, III (Colorado College 1974) - BCA Administration
Eric B. Tibby (Colorado College 1984) - BCA Administration
Peter J. Ashton (Colorado School of Mines 1991) - BCA Chairman/President
Daniel C. Bittinat (Colorado School of Mines 2012) - BCA Chairman/President
John F. Calkins (Colorado School of Mines 1985) - BCA Chairman/President
Russell A. Frishmuth (Colorado School of Mines 1992) - BCA Chairman/President
Jordan H. Schmick (Colorado School of Mines 2010) - BCA Chairman/President
Thorn C. Svendsen (Colorado School of Mines 2011) - BCA Chairman/President
Jonathan F. Wade (Colorado School of Mines 1984) - BCA Chairman/President
Jay R. Winkelhake (Colorado School of Mines 2000) - BCA Chairman/President
Patrick M. Athey (Colorado School of Mines 2005) - BCA Recording Secretary
Christopher A. Pederson (Colorado School of Mines 2012) - BCA Recording Secretary
Paul Q. Campbell (Colorado School of Mines 1987) - BCA Finances
Abram C. Johnson (Colorado School of Mines 1999) - BCA Finances
Zachary T. Trautt (Colorado School of Mines 2004) - BCA Finances
Ian P. Campbell (Colorado School of Mines 2008) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Alexander S. Tieman (Colorado School of Mines 2018) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jason A. Alter (Colorado School of Mines 2001) - BCA Miscellaneous
Peter J. Ashton (Colorado School of Mines 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
John F. Calkins (Colorado School of Mines 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bryce G. Farber (Colorado School of Mines 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
Justin P. Fecteau (Colorado School of Mines 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
Cameron J. Freiboth (Colorado School of Mines 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew D. Hermsen (Colorado School of Mines 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Dominic I. Holmes (Colorado School of Mines 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Umberto J. Kilbarger (Colorado School of Mines 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jake R. Latham (Colorado School of Mines 2003) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ryan M. Peck (Colorado School of Mines 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
Marlis E. Smith, Jr. (Colorado School of Mines 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
William D. Spaeth (Colorado School of Mines 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jonathan F. Wade (Colorado School of Mines 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Sean E. Wiebe (Colorado School of Mines 2007) - BCA Miscellaneous
Steven C. Wilson (Colorado School of Mines 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jay R. Winkelhake (Colorado School of Mines 2000) - BCA Miscellaneous
Patrick M. Athey (Colorado School of Mines 2005) - BCA Recruitment
Justice L. Davis (Colorado School of Mines 2021) - BCA Recruitment
Jeffrey S. Epstein (Colorado School of Mines 1987) - BCA Recruitment
Antonio J. Miller (Colorado School of Mines 1997) - BCA Scholarship
Matthew D. Hermsen (Colorado School of Mines 2005) - BCA Trustee
David H. Booth (Colorado State University 1978) - BCA Chairman/President
Brit A. Coupens (Colorado State University 1979) - BCA Chairman/President
Brian E. Lenz (Colorado State University 2013) - BCA Chairman/President
Michael J. Ramsdale (Colorado State University 1983) - BCA Chairman/President
Christopher B. Rediger (Colorado State University 2007) - BCA Chairman/President
Tom H. Warren, Jr. (Colorado State University 1983) - BCA Chairman/President
Gary M. Osterhout (Colorado State University 1979) - BCA Finances
Steven A. Peckar (Colorado State University 1984) - BCA Finances
Donald J. Todd (Colorado State University 1975) - BCA Finances
Robert V. Unfug (Colorado State University 1977) - BCA Finances
Richard T. Callan (Colorado State University 1980) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Lawrence S. McCormick (Colorado State University 1983) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Scott J. Mikulecky (Colorado State University 1982) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Edward B. Miller (Colorado State University 1977) - BCA Foundation of Courage
David H. Booth (Colorado State University 1978) - BCA Graduate Relations
Richard A. Graham, Jr. (Colorado State University 1983) - BCA Graduate Relations
David L. Parker (Colorado State University 1968) - BCA Graduate Relations
Robert D. Vessey (Colorado State University 1969) - BCA Graduate Relations
Tom H. Warren, Jr. (Colorado State University 1983) - BCA Graduate Relations
David A. Ayres (Colorado State University 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
Eric R. Brentlinger (Colorado State University 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Daniel E. Casey (Colorado State University 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bruce W. Chapman (Colorado State University 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
Alex S. Hayes (Colorado State University 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Eric B. Lake (Colorado State University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Eric P. Llewellyn (Colorado State University 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael T. Naes (Colorado State University 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael J. Ramsdale (Colorado State University 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher B. Rediger (Colorado State University 2007) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bart W. Sayyah (Colorado State University 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Henry B. Schleuning (Colorado State University 1977) - BCA Miscellaneous
Noah D. Tuck (Colorado State University 2018) - BCA Miscellaneous
David R. Woelfel (Colorado State University 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael J. Ramsdale (Colorado State University 1983) - BCA Public Relations
Robert E. Ade (Colorado State University 1972) - BCA Recruitment
Mark L. Bradley (Colorado State University 1978) - BCA Recruitment
Zane M. Danielson (Colorado State University 2014) - BCA Recruitment
Edward B. Miller (Colorado State University 1977) - BCA Recruitment
Bart Valls (Colorado State University 1984) - BCA Recruitment
D. Stone Davis, USN (Ret) (Colorado State University 1988) - BCA Risk Management
Bradly J. Holmes (Colorado State University 1977) - BCA Risk Management
Robert E. Ade (Colorado State University 1972) - BCA Ritual
Scott J. Mikulecky (Colorado State University 1982) - BCA Ritual
Stephen A. Sharf (Colorado State University 1971) - BCA Scholarship
Bruce W. Chapman (Colorado State University 1972) - BCA Administration
Richard C. Clew (Columbia University 1987) - BCA Chairman/President
Reid W. Ellison (Columbia University 2008) - BCA Chairman/President
Peter A. Luccarelli, III (Columbia University 2007) - BCA Chairman/President
Peter A. Luccarelli, Jr. (Columbia University 1978) - BCA Chairman/President
Richard E. Markarian (Columbia University 1984) - BCA Chairman/President
Samuel Ravani (Columbia University 2018) - BCA Chairman/President
Eric W. Hopp (Columbia University 1998) - BCA Finances
Peter M. Oxman (Columbia University 1986) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Brian Krisberg (Columbia University 1981) - BCA Graduate Relations
Cullen J. Barrett (Columbia University 2018) - BCA Miscellaneous
Glenn C. Cunningham (Columbia University 2007) - BCA Miscellaneous
Reid W. Ellison (Columbia University 2008) - BCA Miscellaneous
John P. Fotiadis (Columbia University 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Eric T. Fredericks (Columbia University 2021) - BCA Miscellaneous
Alexander Gouws (Columbia University 2022) - BCA Miscellaneous
Daniel Z. Hong (Columbia University 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bryan T. Liou (Columbia University 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Peter A. Luccarelli, III (Columbia University 2007) - BCA Miscellaneous
Peter A. Luccarelli, Jr. (Columbia University 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas S. Meister (Columbia University 2009) - BCA Miscellaneous
Nicholas W. Morris (Columbia University 2007) - BCA Miscellaneous
Shivam R. Pappu (Columbia University 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Julian U. Richardson (Columbia University 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stanley Sagner (Columbia University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Drew S. Stevens (Columbia University 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael A. Weinstein (Columbia University 2009) - BCA Miscellaneous
Edward H. Klees (Columbia University 1981) - BCA Public Relations
Kristopher E. Kaliebe, MD (Columbia University 1992) - BCA Risk Management
Brian Chung (Columbia University 2016) - BCA Trustee
Christopher J. Crovatto (Columbia University 1987) - BCA Administration
Peter A. Luccarelli, III (Columbia University 2007) - BCA Administration
Joseph G. Bruce (Cornell University 1977) - BCA Chairman/President
J. Michael Duesing (Cornell University 1962) - BCA Chairman/President
Robert H. Lurcott (Cornell University 1961) - BCA Chairman/President
Michael T. Rogan (Cornell University 1977) - BCA Chairman/President
Carl J. Bellas (Cornell University 1958) - BCA Finances
Anthony J. D. Biddle III (Cornell University 1970) - BCA Finances
Edwin F. Rumsey (Cornell University 1954) - BCA Finances
Hugh L. Thompson (Cornell University 1919) - BCA Finances
Anthony J. D. Biddle III (Cornell University 1970) - BCA Foundation of Courage
James P. Derner (Cornell University 1974) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Allen Scazzero (Cornell University 1976) - BCA Graduate Relations
Edward J. Abare, III (Cornell University 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
David M. Ayers (Cornell University 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert M. Cleary, Jr. (Cornell University 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Alfred P. Cook (Cornell University 1936) - BCA Miscellaneous
Leo M. Fenzel (Cornell University 1971) - BCA Miscellaneous
R. Douglas Henderson (Cornell University 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
William H. Hopple, III (Cornell University 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph T. Kowalik, Jr. (Cornell University 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey T. Letzler (Cornell University 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Alexander H. Lowe (Cornell University 2009) - BCA Miscellaneous
Charles G. McClure, Jr. (Cornell University 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard G. Moore (Cornell University 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas R. Smith (Cornell University 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
Fred H. Thomas (Cornell University 1957) - BCA Miscellaneous
Alfred F. Van Ranst, Jr. (Cornell University 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard A. Wilmer (Cornell University 1939) - BCA Miscellaneous
Edwin F. Rumsey (Cornell University 1954) - BCA Public Relations
Selim Belyayev (Cornell University 2023) - BCA Recruitment
James P. Derner (Cornell University 1974) - BCA Recruitment
Christopher L. Ward (Cornell University 1978) - BCA Recruitment
James P. Derner (Cornell University 1974) - BCA Risk Management
H. D. Ives (Cornell University 1927) - BCA Scholarship
Edwin F. Rumsey (Cornell University 1954) - BCA Scholarship
Dana P. Williams (Cornell University 1974) - BCA Scholarship
James P. Derner (Cornell University 1974) - BCA Administration
Edwin F. Rumsey (Cornell University 1954) - BCA Administration
Clifford Harrison (Dartmouth College 1951) - BCA Finances
Donald E. Williams, III (Davidson College 2008) - BCA Chairman/President
Max D. Thomason, Jr. (Davidson College 1972) - BCA Recording Secretary
Lindsay K. Bishop, Jr. (Davidson College 1969) - BCA Foundation of Courage
James E. Bear (Davidson College 1960) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard Brand, Jr. (Davidson College 1965) - BCA Miscellaneous
Phillip D. Cashion, Jr. (Davidson College 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Garry W. Coulter (Davidson College 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kenneth C. Darby (Davidson College 1939) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph D. Dulaney (Davidson College 1960) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian P. Evans (Davidson College 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
Yates W. Faison, III (Davidson College 1969) - BCA Miscellaneous
George A. Howe (Davidson College 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jimmy K. Poole (Davidson College 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
Don D. Reid (Davidson College 1954) - BCA Miscellaneous
Todd E. Strawser (Davidson College 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
W. Randall Stroud (Davidson College 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert S. Sutton (Davidson College 1954) - BCA Miscellaneous
James J. Terry, Jr. (Davidson College 1966) - BCA Miscellaneous
Max D. Thomason, Jr. (Davidson College 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
David A. West (Davidson College 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert H. Pate, Jr. (Davidson College 1960) - BCA Public Relations
David H. Pottenger, III (Davidson College 1979) - BCA Recruitment
Robert H. Pate, Jr. (Davidson College 1960) - BCA Scholarship
Lindsay K. Bishop, Jr. (Davidson College 1969) - BCA Administration
Brian P. Evans (Davidson College 1972) - BCA Administration
James C. Smith, Jr. (Davidson College 1961) - BCA Administration
Carl A. Frazier (Denison University 1938) - BCA Chairman/President
John N. Oest (Denison University 1974) - BCA Chairman/President
John H. Thiele (Denison University 1943) - BCA Chairman/President
John H. Thiele (Denison University 1943) - BCA Vice Chairman
David K. Edelblute (Denison University 1986) - BCA Recording Secretary
Carl A. Frazier (Denison University 1938) - BCA Finances
Thomas P. Hendry (Denison University 1946) - BCA Finances
Alan F. Montgomery (Denison University 1971) - BCA Finances
Theodore H. Barclay (Denison University 1965) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Theodore H. Barclay (Denison University 1965) - BCA Graduate Relations
John D. Jones (Denison University 1938) - BCA Graduate Relations
Joseph R. Mayner (Denison University 1931) - BCA Graduate Relations
Theodore H. Barclay (Denison University 1965) - BCA Miscellaneous
William L. Byars, III (Denison University 1959) - BCA Miscellaneous
Raymond T. Dean (Denison University 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
David K. Edelblute (Denison University 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
L. James Gordon, Jr. (Denison University 1950) - BCA Miscellaneous
John D. Jones (Denison University 1938) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert C. Lawrence (Denison University 1950) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. Kevin Maxwell (Denison University 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
Alan F. Montgomery (Denison University 1971) - BCA Miscellaneous
John F. Montgomery (Denison University 1935) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas E. Norpell (Denison University 1941) - BCA Miscellaneous
John H. Thiele (Denison University 1943) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert J. Harmon (Denison University 1971) - BCA Public Relations
Joseph R. Mayner (Denison University 1931) - BCA Public Relations
Jeff M. Cash (Denison University 1974) - BCA Recruitment
Robert J. Harmon (Denison University 1971) - BCA Recruitment
J. Kevin Maxwell (Denison University 1975) - BCA Recruitment
Robert D. Stone (Denison University 1965) - BCA Recruitment
Richard H. White (Denison University 1940) - BCA Recruitment
William P. Hayashi (Denison University 1977) - BCA Risk Management
Thomas E. Norpell (Denison University 1941) - BCA Risk Management
John N. Oest (Denison University 1974) - BCA Risk Management
Theodore H. Barclay (Denison University 1965) - BCA Ritual
Robert L. Shannon (Denison University 1950) - BCA Ritual
Robert D. Stone (Denison University 1965) - BCA Ritual
William H. Fortune (Denison University 1961) - BCA Scholarship
L. James Gordon, Jr. (Denison University 1950) - BCA Scholarship
Thomas P. Hendry (Denison University 1946) - BCA Scholarship
Joseph R. Mayner (Denison University 1931) - BCA Scholarship
Thomas E. Norpell (Denison University 1941) - BCA Scholarship
Jeffrey A. Halm (Denison University 1969) - BCA Administration
Alan F. Montgomery (Denison University 1971) - BCA Administration
Randal D. Robinson (Denison University 1971) - BCA Administration
William C. Slater (Denison University 1947) - BCA Administration
Bryce C. Prichard (DePaul University 2020) - BCA Finances
Peter N. Lygiros (DePaul University 2019) - BCA Graduate Relations
Cameron D. Hollins (DePaul University 2020) - BCA Miscellaneous
Eric R. Dziubyk (DePaul University 2017) - BCA Recruitment
Ryan M. Szklarzewski (DePaul University 2018) - BCA Recruitment
Eric D. Ruelle (DePaul University 2012) - BCA Scholarship
Andrew A. Zion (DePaul University 2019) - BCA Scholarship
Nicolas Silvia (DePaul University 2020) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Michael J. Cannella (DePaul University 2014) - BCA Administration
Garth K. Anderson (DePauw University 2009) - BCA Chairman/President
Steven C. Foster (DePauw University 1980) - BCA Chairman/President
Mark W. Holwager (DePauw University 2008) - BCA Chairman/President
John T. Phipps (DePauw University 1959) - BCA Chairman/President
Andrew S. Porter (DePauw University 2010) - BCA Chairman/President
Gage A. Smitley (DePauw University 2021) - BCA Chairman/President
Eric J. Vale (DePauw University 1981) - BCA Chairman/President
Daylon T. Weddle (DePauw University 2017) - BCA Chairman/President
David B. Wright (DePauw University 1983) - BCA Chairman/President
Leif I. Anderson (DePauw University 2015) - BCA Vice Chairman
Matthew W. Cecil (DePauw University 2012) - BCA Vice Chairman
William J. Brooks (DePauw University 2003) - BCA Recording Secretary
Nicholas J. Williams (DePauw University 2021) - BCA Recording Secretary
David W. Bergland (DePauw University 1982) - BCA Finances
Henry S. Chillas (DePauw University 1921) - BCA Finances
Thomas A. DeSelm (DePauw University 1956) - BCA Finances
John W. Hatcher (DePauw University 1961) - BCA Finances
Michael C. Lueder (DePauw University 1984) - BCA Finances
Wade R. Nichols (DePauw University 1972) - BCA Finances
Gerald P. Shine, Jr. (DePauw University 1964) - BCA Finances
Luis E. Torres (DePauw University 2021) - BCA Finances
Eric J. Vale (DePauw University 1981) - BCA Finances
Charles X. Yang (DePauw University 2008) - BCA Finances
Hugh J. Baker, III (DePauw University 1967) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Bert R. Hybels (DePauw University 1962) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Christopher B. Torie (DePauw University 1980) - BCA Foundation of Courage
David B. Wright (DePauw University 1983) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Dale J. Apley (DePauw University 2021) - BCA Graduate Relations
Hugh J. Baker, III (DePauw University 1967) - BCA Graduate Relations
Joseph B. Carney, Sr. (DePauw University 1950) - BCA Graduate Relations
Eric H. Eichholtz (DePauw University 1980) - BCA Graduate Relations
Richard L. Fairchild (DePauw University 1962) - BCA Graduate Relations
John W. Hatcher (DePauw University 1961) - BCA Graduate Relations
John D. Major (DePauw University 1986) - BCA Graduate Relations
Wade R. Nichols (DePauw University 1972) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jerome F. Shandy (DePauw University 1942) - BCA Graduate Relations
John L. Adams (DePauw University 1947) - BCA Miscellaneous
Melvin L. Allen (DePauw University 1953) - BCA Miscellaneous
Garth K. Anderson (DePauw University 2009) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph J. Atria (DePauw University 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
William J. Brooks (DePauw University 2003) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph B. Carney, Sr. (DePauw University 1950) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas O. Dawson (DePauw University 1962) - BCA Miscellaneous
Peter M. Dinwiddie (DePauw University 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher C. Doran (DePauw University 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
Seth C. Elder (DePauw University 2008) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert A. Farris (DePauw University 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. Kent Fletcher (DePauw University 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian W. Furman (DePauw University 2008) - BCA Miscellaneous
David T. Furman (DePauw University 2007) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael B. Gough (DePauw University 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Allan W. Grundstrom (DePauw University 1959) - BCA Miscellaneous
Philip G. Heyde (DePauw University 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
John F. Hirschman (DePauw University 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
David P. Holub (DePauw University 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Daniel R. Kelley (DePauw University 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bryan H. Lesswing (DePauw University 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. Kurt Mahrdt, Jr. (DePauw University 1956) - BCA Miscellaneous
James L. Mayfield, IV (DePauw University 2003) - BCA Miscellaneous
A. Dennis Mehegan, Jr. (DePauw University 1957) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kevin D. Milne (DePauw University 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
John T. Phipps (DePauw University 1959) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew S. Porter (DePauw University 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
Paul B. Qua (DePauw University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Scott R. Richards (DePauw University 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Marc P. Rile (DePauw University 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Alex L. Rogers (DePauw University 1965) - BCA Miscellaneous
Eric J. Vale (DePauw University 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Paul C. VanBooven (DePauw University 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
Darren R. Wells (DePauw University 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert R. Whiting (DePauw University 1959) - BCA Miscellaneous
Eric A. Wolfe (DePauw University 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
Harry J. Cangany (DePauw University 1972) - BCA Public Relations
Joseph B. Carney, Jr. (DePauw University 1984) - BCA Public Relations
Gerald H. Hoffman (DePauw University 1970) - BCA Public Relations
Jeffrey R. Millard (DePauw University 1980) - BCA Public Relations
John T. Phipps (DePauw University 1959) - BCA Public Relations
Paul B. Qua (DePauw University 1982) - BCA Public Relations
Anthony L. Quinn (DePauw University 1976) - BCA Public Relations
James C. Ritter (DePauw University 1992) - BCA Public Relations
Darren R. Wells (DePauw University 1987) - BCA Public Relations
David B. Wright (DePauw University 1983) - BCA Public Relations
John T. Axelberg (DePauw University 1983) - BCA Recruitment
Hugh J. Baker, III (DePauw University 1967) - BCA Recruitment
David W. Bergland (DePauw University 1982) - BCA Recruitment
Aaron M. Gotway (DePauw University 2005) - BCA Recruitment
Jeffrey R. Millard (DePauw University 1980) - BCA Recruitment
Warren R. Onken, Jr. (DePauw University 1969) - BCA Recruitment
Camron M. Parker (DePauw University 2009) - BCA Recruitment
Orlando Ramirez (DePauw University 2013) - BCA Recruitment
Henry S. Chillas (DePauw University 1921) - BCA Risk Management
Dimitrios C. H. Lalos (DePauw University 2008) - BCA Risk Management
Jeffrey R. Millard (DePauw University 1980) - BCA Risk Management
James D. Moore (DePauw University 1974) - BCA Risk Management
Stanley A. Niles (DePauw University 1934) - BCA Risk Management
Matthew L. Welch (DePauw University 2011) - BCA Risk Management
Kent D. Zepick (DePauw University 1983) - BCA Risk Management
Joseph J. Atria (DePauw University 1981) - BCA Ritual
Timothy D. Brooks (DePauw University 2014) - BCA Ritual
Richard H. Crowder (DePauw University 1931) - BCA Ritual
Aaron B. Dicker (DePauw University 2010) - BCA Ritual
Steven C. Foster (DePauw University 1980) - BCA Ritual
Andrew T. Johnson (DePauw University 2019) - BCA Ritual
Gerald P. Shine, Jr. (DePauw University 1964) - BCA Ritual
Kent D. Zepick (DePauw University 1983) - BCA Ritual
John L. Adams (DePauw University 1947) - BCA Scholarship
Richard H. Crowder (DePauw University 1931) - BCA Scholarship
Thomas O. Dawson (DePauw University 1962) - BCA Scholarship
Richard L. Fairchild (DePauw University 1962) - BCA Scholarship
John W. Hatcher (DePauw University 1961) - BCA Scholarship
James L. Mayfield, IV (DePauw University 2003) - BCA Scholarship
James D. Moore (DePauw University 1974) - BCA Scholarship
R. Joe Noble (DePauw University 1960) - BCA Scholarship
Paul C. VanBooven (DePauw University 1973) - BCA Scholarship
Harry J. Cangany (DePauw University 1972) - BCA Trustee
Joseph B. Carney, Jr. (DePauw University 1984) - BCA Trustee
Joseph B. Carney, Sr. (DePauw University 1950) - BCA Trustee
Thomas O. Dawson (DePauw University 1962) - BCA Trustee
Wade R. Nichols (DePauw University 1972) - BCA Trustee
Joseph B. Carney, Jr. (DePauw University 1984) - BCA Administration
J. Kent Fletcher (DePauw University 1976) - BCA Administration
Jeffrey R. Millard (DePauw University 1980) - BCA Administration
Paul C. VanBooven (DePauw University 1973) - BCA Administration
Steven B. Vickery (DePauw University 1973) - BCA Administration
Drew D. Engebrecht (Drake University 2002) - BCA Chairman/President
Jonathan Espy (Drake University 1995) - BCA Chairman/President
T. Alexander Hoopes (Drake University 2013) - BCA Chairman/President
Krishna Iyer (Drake University 2000) - BCA Chairman/President
Curtis B. Olson (Drake University 2017) - BCA Chairman/President
Michael E. Vigen (Drake University 2017) - BCA Chairman/President
Zachary D. Dygert (Drake University 2020) - BCA Recording Secretary
Brent S. Hendricks (Drake University 1997) - BCA Finances
Robert J. Kelley (Drake University 2000) - BCA Finances
Benjamin D. Koenig (Drake University 2010) - BCA Finances
Casey R. Ringhofer (Drake University 2018) - BCA Finances
Henry C. Schuerer (Drake University 2010) - BCA Finances
Zachary J. Brown (Drake University 2010) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Joseph Frake (Drake University 2012) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Noah J. S. Maddio (Drake University 2023) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Noah B. Marsh (Drake University 2019) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Aaron J. Brunello (Drake University 2002) - BCA Graduate Relations
Kristopher K. Emick (Drake University 1999) - BCA Graduate Relations
Adam C. Gray (Drake University 2018) - BCA Graduate Relations
Christopher D. Krusmark (Drake University 2001) - BCA Graduate Relations
Franklin J. Peitz (Drake University 2011) - BCA Graduate Relations
William E. Smithyman (Drake University 2000) - BCA Graduate Relations
Adam J. Dolan (Drake University 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jonathan Espy (Drake University 1995) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kris L. Gerber (Drake University 2007) - BCA Miscellaneous
Paul F. Kraus (Drake University 2001) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher D. Latham (Drake University 1995) - BCA Miscellaneous
K. Sonny Sithonnorath (Drake University 2008) - BCA Miscellaneous
Timothy S. Sullivan (Drake University 2008) - BCA Miscellaneous
David J. Book (Drake University 2014) - BCA Recruitment
Christopher C. Diebel (Drake University 2003) - BCA Recruitment
Lukas Georgeff (Drake University 2017) - BCA Recruitment
Curtis B. Olson (Drake University 2017) - BCA Recruitment
K. Sonny Sithonnorath (Drake University 2008) - BCA Recruitment
Benjamin J. Sloan (Drake University 2014) - BCA Recruitment
Michael E. Vigen (Drake University 2017) - BCA Recruitment
Wyatt O'Rourke (Drake University 2019) - BCA Risk Management
Robb W. Riggle (Drake University 2012) - BCA Risk Management
Jordan T. Brockway (Drake University 2020) - BCA Ritual
Samuel T. Pritchard (Drake University 2014) - BCA Ritual
William A. Battistone, Jr. (Drake University 2011) - BCA Scholarship
Skylar T. Borchardt (Drake University 2017) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Patrick Bradley (Drake University 2013) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Andrew A. Froelich (Drake University 2014) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Nicholas R. Chambers (Drake University 2017) - BCA Administration
Olin H. Meinders (Drake University 2023) - BCA Built to Lead
Jonathon G. Sondergaard (Drake University 2009) - BCA Administration
Kyle S. Klinedinst (East Carolina University 2016) - BCA Chairman/President
Nathaniel V. Creech (East Carolina University 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
Scott R. Helfrich (East Carolina University 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
Cody M. Peters (East Carolina University 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Hunter L. Peyton (East Carolina University 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph F. Dobson (East Carolina University 2016) - BCA Trustee
Stuart R. Ellis (East Carolina University 2010) - BCA Trustee
Matthew B. Hoover (East Carolina University 2015) - BCA Trustee
Kyle S. Klinedinst (East Carolina University 2016) - BCA Trustee
Harrison M. Mathews (East Carolina University 2015) - BCA Trustee
Tucker H. Robbins (East Carolina University 2021) - BCA Trustee
Ryan W. Schulman (East Carolina University 2016) - BCA Trustee
Alex H. Wyatt (East Carolina University 2013) - BCA Trustee
Tucker M. White (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 2018) - BCA Chairman/President
Christopher J. Adams (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 2017) - BCA Recording Secretary
Joshua Pevitz (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 2017) - BCA Finances
Tucker M. White (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 2018) - BCA Foundation of Courage
George A. Cooper II (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 2023) - BCA Graduate Relations
Nolan Fletcher (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 2015) - BCA Graduate Relations
Christopher J. Adams (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Nolan Fletcher (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
Blake W. Haubold (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 2018) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joshua Pevitz (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Chris J. Sebastian (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Tucker M. White (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 2018) - BCA Miscellaneous
George A. Cooper II (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 2023) - BCA Recruitment
Spencer D. Helsing (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 2021) - BCA Risk Management
Nolan Fletcher (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 2015) - BCA Ritual
Christopher J. Adams (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 2017) - BCA Scholarship
Dwayne E. Clark (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 2018) - BCA Scholarship
Joshua Pevitz (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 2017) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Randall J. Altmann (Emory University 1985) - BCA Chairman/President
Dennis A. LaRosa (Emory University 1969) - BCA Chairman/President
Keith A. McIntyre (Emory University 1980) - BCA Chairman/President
Michael B. Shapiro (Emory University 1978) - BCA Chairman/President
Jed L. Frankel (Emory University 1990) - BCA Vice Chairman
Joseph E. Warnock (Emory University 1970) - BCA Recording Secretary
George E. Alexander, Jr. (Emory University 1980) - BCA Finances
Kenneth I. Bergman (Emory University 1988) - BCA Finances
William M. Kellert (Emory University 1982) - BCA Finances
Dennis A. LaRosa (Emory University 1969) - BCA Finances
Geoffrey L. Scott (Emory University 1981) - BCA Finances
Dr. Charles O. Barker (Emory University 1967) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Kenneth I. Bergman (Emory University 1988) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Barry A. Johnson (Emory University 1973) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Louis H. Weimer (Emory University 1983) - BCA Foundation of Courage
George E. Alexander, Jr. (Emory University 1980) - BCA Graduate Relations
William R. Newton (Emory University 1975) - BCA Graduate Relations
Geoffrey L. Scott (Emory University 1981) - BCA Graduate Relations
Thomas A. Adams (Emory University 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
George E. Alexander, Jr. (Emory University 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Randall J. Altmann (Emory University 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Buddy B. Baldridge (Emory University 1969) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kenneth I. Bergman (Emory University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Carswell H. Carr (Emory University 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael H. Frank (Emory University 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Scott A. Galin (Emory University 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph H. Hunt (Emory University 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew L. Kramer (Emory University 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew G. Kronitz (Emory University 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kenneth W. Mahen, Jr. (Emory University 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
Keith A. McIntyre (Emory University 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Geoffrey L. Scott (Emory University 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Steven R. Warstadt (Emory University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kenneth L. Zachmann (Emory University 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
John R. Browning, Jr. (Emory University 1972) - BCA Public Relations
David P. Bankston, MD (Emory University 1971) - BCA Recruitment
Alan R. Butler (Emory University 1971) - BCA Recruitment
DeWitt R. Rogers (Emory University 1974) - BCA Recruitment
Stephen B. Rohrer (Emory University 1973) - BCA Risk Management
Tony E. Warren (Emory University 1974) - BCA Ritual
Steven R. Warstadt (Emory University 1982) - BCA Ritual
David P. Bankston, MD (Emory University 1971) - BCA Scholarship
Thomas W. Broadhead (Emory University 1972) - BCA Scholarship
Jay E. Grossman (Emory University 1974) - BCA Scholarship
Lowell S. Schoenfeld (Emory University 1990) - BCA Scholarship
Martin E. Steine (Emory University 1983) - BCA Scholarship
Keith A. McIntyre (Emory University 1980) - BCA Administration
Stephen B. Rohrer (Emory University 1973) - BCA Administration
Michael B. Shapiro (Emory University 1978) - BCA Administration
Shayan Amirzadeh-Shams (Florida International University 2016) - BCA Chairman/President
Alejandro Castro (Florida International University 2013) - BCA Chairman/President
Gabriel A. Couriel (Florida International University 2002) - BCA Chairman/President
John J. Navas (Florida International University 2012) - BCA Chairman/President
Jonathan L. Ross (Florida International University 2002) - BCA Chairman/President
Daniel C. Ruiz (Florida International University 2004) - BCA Chairman/President
David J. Roland (Florida International University 2008) - BCA Finances
Renzo E. Fulchi (Florida International University 2018) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Shayan Amirzadeh-Shams (Florida International University 2016) - BCA Graduate Relations
Henry V. Brimo (Florida International University 2016) - BCA Graduate Relations
Daniel P. Diaz (Florida International University 2007) - BCA Graduate Relations
Miguel A. Alvarado, Jr. (Florida International University 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
Javier N. Pino (Florida International University 2003) - BCA Miscellaneous
Carlos M. Rivero (Florida International University 2020) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian W. Smatt (Florida International University 2000) - BCA Miscellaneous
Alfredo Valdivia (Florida International University 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
Francisco Escandon (Florida International University 2013) - BCA Recruitment
Andres A. Marquez (Florida International University 2015) - BCA Recruitment
Jose A. Garcia (Florida International University 2020) - BCA Risk Management
Jesus La Rosa (Florida International University 2016) - BCA Risk Management
David Velez (Florida International University 2001) - BCA Ritual
Sandor Toledo (Florida International University 2013) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Wilver Almarales (Florida International University 2005) - BCA Trustee
Jeremy S. Baker (Florida International University 1998) - BCA Trustee
Gabriel A. Couriel (Florida International University 2002) - BCA Trustee
Marlon Font (Florida International University 2004) - BCA Trustee
Eric L. Kobrin (Florida International University 2003) - BCA Trustee
John J. Navas (Florida International University 2012) - BCA Trustee
Jonathan L. Ross (Florida International University 2002) - BCA Trustee
Robert J. Bogdanoff (Florida State University 1973) - BCA Chairman/President
David L. Bonenfant (Florida State University 1994) - BCA Chairman/President
G. Todd Bradley (Florida State University 1988) - BCA Chairman/President
Christopher R. Ellrich (Florida State University 1982) - BCA Chairman/President
Kyle E. Hartmann (Florida State University 1999) - BCA Chairman/President
Peter L. Jones (Florida State University 1993) - BCA Chairman/President
Gary P. Rodriguez (Florida State University 1978) - BCA Chairman/President
Christopher B. Noll (Florida State University 1992) - BCA Vice Chairman
Anthony M. Berger (Florida State University 1996) - BCA Recording Secretary
Howard I. Klahr (Florida State University 1985) - BCA Finances
Brett P. McCabe (Florida State University 2018) - BCA Finances
Juan A. Mestre (Florida State University 1980) - BCA Finances
Stephen F. Ross (Florida State University 1971) - BCA Finances
Todd W. Schroeder (Florida State University 1980) - BCA Finances
Stephen J. Stellhorn (Florida State University 1977) - BCA Finances
Richard L. Swaine (Florida State University 1972) - BCA Finances
Lawrence D. Bobo (Florida State University 1969) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Michael P. Connor (Florida State University 1975) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Douglas Drizd (Florida State University 1969) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Joshua B. Green (Florida State University 2022) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Thomas E. Ostertag (Florida State University 1984) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Thomas R. Persely, Jr. (Florida State University 1998) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Todd W. Schroeder (Florida State University 1980) - BCA Foundation of Courage
T. Pays Wilber (Florida State University 1980) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Robert L. Baylies (Florida State University 1976) - BCA Graduate Relations
Lawrence D. Bobo (Florida State University 1969) - BCA Graduate Relations
Douglas Drizd (Florida State University 1969) - BCA Graduate Relations
Bryan E. Gottfried (Florida State University 1997) - BCA Graduate Relations
John W. Harrington, Jr. (Florida State University 1972) - BCA Graduate Relations
J. Jay Myhre (Florida State University 1977) - BCA Graduate Relations
Thomas P. Pusateri (Florida State University 2003) - BCA Graduate Relations
Todd W. Schroeder (Florida State University 1980) - BCA Graduate Relations
Stephen J. Stellhorn (Florida State University 1977) - BCA Graduate Relations
Ian M. Windmill (Florida State University 1977) - BCA Graduate Relations
William A. Baird (Florida State University 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jason P. Berthiaume (Florida State University 2003) - BCA Miscellaneous
Daniel M. Burden (Florida State University 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Francisco Cuevas (Florida State University 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jennings L. DePriest (Florida State University 2016) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew W. Frost (Florida State University 1997) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian E. Gnage (Florida State University 2007) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark B. Goldman (Florida State University 1969) - BCA Miscellaneous
Patrick T. Harvey (Florida State University 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Peter J. Karceski (Florida State University 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Howard I. Klahr (Florida State University 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert S. Klepper (Florida State University 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Juan A. Mestre (Florida State University 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Marcus R. Orr (Florida State University 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Evan J. Power (Florida State University 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas P. Pusateri (Florida State University 2003) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew W. Roberts (Florida State University 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gary P. Rodriguez (Florida State University 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
Edric Sanchez (Florida State University 1998) - BCA Miscellaneous
David D. Schaller, RN (Florida State University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
R. Ben Sinco (Florida State University 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stephen J. Stellhorn (Florida State University 1977) - BCA Miscellaneous
Lawrence D. Bobo (Florida State University 1969) - BCA Public Relations
Mark B. Goldman (Florida State University 1969) - BCA Public Relations
Juan A. Mestre (Florida State University 1980) - BCA Public Relations
Michael P. Connor (Florida State University 1975) - BCA Recruitment
Christopher R. Ellrich (Florida State University 1982) - BCA Recruitment
David S. Glicken (Florida State University 1979) - BCA Recruitment
Mark B. Goldman (Florida State University 1969) - BCA Recruitment
Bryan E. Gottfried (Florida State University 1997) - BCA Recruitment
Mitchell L. Jermyn (Florida State University 2011) - BCA Recruitment
Kenneth A. Jessell (Florida State University 1977) - BCA Recruitment
C. Kent Mills (Florida State University 1981) - BCA Recruitment
J. Jay Myhre (Florida State University 1977) - BCA Recruitment
Charles L. Perkins, Jr. (Florida State University 1972) - BCA Recruitment
G. Corwin Shaw (Florida State University 2020) - BCA Recruitment
Richard L. Swaine (Florida State University 1972) - BCA Recruitment
Philip L. Ennen (Florida State University 1984) - BCA Risk Management
Kenneth A. Jessell (Florida State University 1977) - BCA Risk Management
Stephen F. Ross (Florida State University 1971) - BCA Risk Management
Seth M. Stubbs (Florida State University 2021) - BCA Risk Management
Kevin J. Conklin (Florida State University 1984) - BCA Ritual
Kenneth A. Jessell (Florida State University 1977) - BCA Ritual
Thomas E. Ostertag (Florida State University 1984) - BCA Ritual
Charles L. Perkins, Jr. (Florida State University 1972) - BCA Ritual
Marshall D. Davis (Florida State University 1970) - BCA Scholarship
Christopher R. Ellrich (Florida State University 1982) - BCA Scholarship
Harold Goldstein (Florida State University 1968) - BCA Scholarship
Gary P. Rodriguez (Florida State University 1978) - BCA Scholarship
G. Todd Bradley (Florida State University 1988) - BCA Trustee
Eric J. Demetriades (Florida State University 2004) - BCA Trustee
Thomas A. Desjardin (Florida State University 1986) - BCA Trustee
Michael L. Ferguson, Jr. (Florida State University 1992) - BCA Trustee
Andrew W. Frost (Florida State University 1997) - BCA Trustee
Peter J. Karceski (Florida State University 2005) - BCA Trustee
Robert S. Klepper (Florida State University 1993) - BCA Trustee
H. David Murray (Florida State University 1976) - BCA Trustee
Thomas R. Persely, Jr. (Florida State University 1998) - BCA Trustee
Evan J. Power (Florida State University 2004) - BCA Trustee
Thomas P. Pusateri (Florida State University 2003) - BCA Trustee
Edric Sanchez (Florida State University 1998) - BCA Trustee
R. Ben Sinco (Florida State University 1992) - BCA Trustee
Philip L. Ennen (Florida State University 1984) - BCA Administration
James R. Evers (Florida State University 1972) - BCA Administration
Kenneth A. Jessell (Florida State University 1977) - BCA Administration
Daniel J. Madruga (Fresno State University 1997) - BCA Chairman/President
Jeffrey S. Rocker (Fresno State University 1988) - BCA Chairman/President
David A. Rooney (Fresno State University 2001) - BCA Chairman/President
Henry R. Serrano (Fresno State University 1989) - BCA Chairman/President
Darin A. Zuber (Fresno State University 1996) - BCA Chairman/President
Robert W. Kuhn (Fresno State University 1991) - BCA Vice Chairman
Michael D. Wiechmann (Fresno State University 1991) - BCA Vice Chairman
Jason B. Kumagai (Fresno State University 1989) - BCA Recording Secretary
Henry R. Serrano (Fresno State University 1989) - BCA Finances
Dennis Wiechmann (Fresno State University 1992) - BCA Graduate Relations
Martin Q. Cypher (Fresno State University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Philip A. Ivancovich (Fresno State University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Paul R. Porter (Fresno State University 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
R. Kevin Reisz (Fresno State University 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Philip A. Ivancovich (Fresno State University 1988) - BCA Ritual
Joseph S. Baumgartner (Georgia Institute of Technology 1968) - BCA Chairman/President
Troy D. Coons (Georgia Institute of Technology 1998) - BCA Chairman/President
John R. Crupie (Georgia Institute of Technology 2009) - BCA Chairman/President
Brandon M. Drew (Georgia Institute of Technology 1999) - BCA Chairman/President
Marc D. Perla (Georgia Institute of Technology 1992) - BCA Chairman/President
Kesler A. Pollard (Georgia Institute of Technology 2005) - BCA Chairman/President
Stephen A. Pyburn (Georgia Institute of Technology 1996) - BCA Chairman/President
D. Doug Taylor (Georgia Institute of Technology 1989) - BCA Chairman/President
Ronald L. Thomas (Georgia Institute of Technology 1968) - BCA Chairman/President
Peter C. Weiland (Georgia Institute of Technology 1988) - BCA Chairman/President
D. Collins Westcott (Georgia Institute of Technology 2005) - BCA Chairman/President
Joseph S. Baumgartner (Georgia Institute of Technology 1968) - BCA Recording Secretary
Kyle C. Quick (Georgia Institute of Technology 2015) - BCA Recording Secretary
John O. Briggs (Georgia Institute of Technology 1967) - BCA Finances
William J. Brooksbank, Jr. (Georgia Institute of Technology 1973) - BCA Finances
Harold W. Clemmons, Jr. (Georgia Institute of Technology 1979) - BCA Finances
Raymond A. Giuliani, Jr. (Georgia Institute of Technology 1972) - BCA Finances
Robert H. Hormberg (Georgia Institute of Technology 1960) - BCA Finances
Mark E. Johnson (Georgia Institute of Technology 1983) - BCA Finances
Gregory T. Raley (Georgia Institute of Technology 1978) - BCA Finances
Ronald L. Thomas (Georgia Institute of Technology 1968) - BCA Finances
Bradley A. Tilton (Georgia Institute of Technology 1981) - BCA Finances
Peter C. Weiland (Georgia Institute of Technology 1988) - BCA Finances
Dudley C. Williamson (Georgia Institute of Technology 1974) - BCA Finances
Raymond V. Anderson (Georgia Institute of Technology 1977) - BCA Foundation of Courage
John F. Fumbanks (Georgia Institute of Technology 1964) - BCA Foundation of Courage
William G. Grip, USN (Georgia Institute of Technology 1982) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Joseph C. Harrison (Georgia Institute of Technology 1977) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Michael D. Hassell (Georgia Institute of Technology 1979) - BCA Foundation of Courage
David M. Loftus (Georgia Institute of Technology 1985) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Douglas A. Long (Georgia Institute of Technology 1970) - BCA Foundation of Courage
William E. Miller, Jr. (Georgia Institute of Technology 1967) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Joseph S. Baumgartner (Georgia Institute of Technology 1968) - BCA Graduate Relations
Ray P. Flowers, III (Georgia Institute of Technology 1977) - BCA Graduate Relations
Mark J. Judson (Georgia Institute of Technology 1983) - BCA Graduate Relations
Frank O. Nottingham (Georgia Institute of Technology 1950) - BCA Graduate Relations
Kyle C. Quick (Georgia Institute of Technology 2015) - BCA Graduate Relations
Brian D. Wright (Georgia Institute of Technology 1969) - BCA Graduate Relations
Anthony K. Antoniades (Georgia Institute of Technology 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Wayne D. Boor (Georgia Institute of Technology 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
John O. Briggs (Georgia Institute of Technology 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey L. Crumley (Georgia Institute of Technology 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brandon M. Drew (Georgia Institute of Technology 1999) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert N. Hager, Jr. (Georgia Institute of Technology 1961) - BCA Miscellaneous
David Hronchek (Georgia Institute of Technology 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Karl J. Meihofer (Georgia Institute of Technology 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert C. Oglesby, III (Georgia Institute of Technology 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Marc D. Perla (Georgia Institute of Technology 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael L. Spears (Georgia Institute of Technology 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Leslie A. Spencer, Jr. (Georgia Institute of Technology 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ronald L. Thomas (Georgia Institute of Technology 1968) - BCA Miscellaneous
Samuel B. Venable (Georgia Institute of Technology 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stanley C. Ward (Georgia Institute of Technology 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
William B. White (Georgia Institute of Technology 1959) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jimmy L. Woods (Georgia Institute of Technology 1966) - BCA Miscellaneous
Raymond V. Anderson (Georgia Institute of Technology 1977) - BCA Public Relations
Gregory T. Raley (Georgia Institute of Technology 1978) - BCA Public Relations
Harvey V. Rickles (Georgia Institute of Technology 1982) - BCA Public Relations
John F. Fumbanks (Georgia Institute of Technology 1964) - BCA Recruitment
Thomas H. Gunter, Jr. (Georgia Institute of Technology 1954) - BCA Recruitment
Michael D. Hassell (Georgia Institute of Technology 1979) - BCA Recruitment
Douglas A. Long (Georgia Institute of Technology 1970) - BCA Recruitment
David A. Vogel (Georgia Institute of Technology 1979) - BCA Recruitment
Frank O. Nottingham (Georgia Institute of Technology 1950) - BCA Ritual
Stephan J. Zinsenheim (Georgia Institute of Technology 1982) - BCA Ritual
Harold W. Clemmons, Jr. (Georgia Institute of Technology 1979) - BCA Scholarship
John D. Green (Georgia Institute of Technology 1969) - BCA Scholarship
T. Phillip Guinand (Georgia Institute of Technology 2003) - BCA Scholarship
Richard B. Robbins (Georgia Institute of Technology 1980) - BCA Scholarship
Randolph L. Scott (Georgia Institute of Technology 1984) - BCA Trustee
John B. Snead (Georgia Institute of Technology 1988) - BCA Trustee
Joseph S. Baumgartner (Georgia Institute of Technology 1968) - BCA Administration
Mark J. Garlen (Georgia Institute of Technology 1984) - BCA Administration
Thomas N. Knowles (Georgia Institute of Technology 1962) - BCA Administration
Gregory T. Raley (Georgia Institute of Technology 1978) - BCA Administration
Richard B. Robbins (Georgia Institute of Technology 1980) - BCA Administration
Earl M. Wheby (Georgia Institute of Technology 1939) - BCA Administration
Harry W. Buzzerd, Jr. (Gettysburg College 1964) - BCA Chairman/President
William M. Kramer (Gettysburg College 1978) - BCA Chairman/President
William N. Lindsay, III (Gettysburg College 1969) - BCA Chairman/President
David E. A. Moran, III (Gettysburg College 1986) - BCA Chairman/President
Christopher H. Preston (Gettysburg College 1969) - BCA Chairman/President
H. Charles Walton, III (Gettysburg College 1967) - BCA Chairman/President
Albert R. Kuhel (Gettysburg College 2018) - BCA Recording Secretary
William N. Lindsay, III (Gettysburg College 1969) - BCA Recording Secretary
Jay R. Bucher (Gettysburg College 1972) - BCA Finances
Kyle R. Ibbitson (Gettysburg College 2005) - BCA Finances
William N. Lindsay, III (Gettysburg College 1969) - BCA Finances
Richard K. Merker (Gettysburg College 1976) - BCA Finances
J. Blaine Saltzer (Gettysburg College 1947) - BCA Finances
John C. Steck (Gettysburg College 1933) - BCA Finances
Philip J. Dolson, Jr. (Gettysburg College 1976) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Roger C. Mitterling, VMD (Gettysburg College 1976) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Allen M. Wenger (Gettysburg College 1968) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Andrew S. Barclay (Gettysburg College 2005) - BCA Graduate Relations
Joseph W. Lynch, Jr. (Gettysburg College 1985) - BCA Graduate Relations
Brian J. Magos (Gettysburg College 2006) - BCA Graduate Relations
Arthur C. Pursel, Jr. (Gettysburg College 1988) - BCA Graduate Relations
James R. Whetstone (Gettysburg College 1969) - BCA Graduate Relations
Stephen M. Arcuri (Gettysburg College 1999) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert B. Armstrong, Jr. (Gettysburg College 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew S. Barclay (Gettysburg College 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Barry L. Bickel (Gettysburg College 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Herbert S. Bowman (Gettysburg College 1944) - BCA Miscellaneous
John D. Bream (Gettysburg College 1957) - BCA Miscellaneous
Benjamin C. Brubeck (Gettysburg College 2003) - BCA Miscellaneous
John J. Cain (Gettysburg College 1997) - BCA Miscellaneous
Charles C. Collins, III (Gettysburg College 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard H. Cromer (Gettysburg College 1951) - BCA Miscellaneous
Edwin C. Daue (Gettysburg College 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
Philip J. Dolson, Jr. (Gettysburg College 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard W. Esser (Gettysburg College 1964) - BCA Miscellaneous
Spencer J. Fassett (Gettysburg College 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Fred F. Fielding (Gettysburg College 1961) - BCA Miscellaneous
Benjamin S. Flint (Gettysburg College 2008) - BCA Miscellaneous
Philip K. Frederick, USAF (Gettysburg College 1957) - BCA Miscellaneous
Craig L. Frost (Gettysburg College 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Lawrence N. Gage (Gettysburg College 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mahlon P. Hartzell (Gettysburg College 1939) - BCA Miscellaneous
Donald H. Hecht (Gettysburg College 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Frank C. Hilton, Jr. (Gettysburg College 1977) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael L. Hughes (Gettysburg College 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kyle R. Ibbitson (Gettysburg College 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard M. Imperatore (Gettysburg College 1968) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bradford S. Jungels (Gettysburg College 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. Clayton Krum (Gettysburg College 2002) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ryan H. Lawrence (Gettysburg College 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark R. Lilly (Gettysburg College 1999) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph W. Lynch, Jr. (Gettysburg College 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert A. MacFarland (Gettysburg College 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
William C. Martindale, Jr. (Gettysburg College 1964) - BCA Miscellaneous
William M. Matz, Jr. (Gettysburg College 1961) - BCA Miscellaneous
Elmer S. McKee, PhD (Gettysburg College 1944) - BCA Miscellaneous
R. Bruce McMahon, Jr. (Gettysburg College 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
Dale L. Miller (Gettysburg College 1968) - BCA Miscellaneous
David E. A. Moran, III (Gettysburg College 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher B. O'Connor (Gettysburg College 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey K. Parras (Gettysburg College 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
Walter J. Penny (Gettysburg College 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
William T. Poole (Gettysburg College 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey M. Preston (Gettysburg College 1962) - BCA Miscellaneous
Adam C. Purdy (Gettysburg College 2001) - BCA Miscellaneous
Arthur C. Pursel, Jr. (Gettysburg College 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. Edward Riggs, Jr. (Gettysburg College 1977) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bryan D. Russo (Gettysburg College 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Frederick A. Schoenbrodt (Gettysburg College 1965) - BCA Miscellaneous
Harold J. Schriver (Gettysburg College 1956) - BCA Miscellaneous
F. Barry Shaw (Gettysburg College 1965) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew C. Sheely (Gettysburg College 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
James J. Sherron (Gettysburg College 2002) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard D. Shirk (Gettysburg College 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richardson Shoemaker, IV (Gettysburg College 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
Peter R. Shoudy (Gettysburg College 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert R. Sieck, USA (Ret) (Gettysburg College 1957) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kevin J. Smith (Gettysburg College 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kurt A. Sollenberger (Gettysburg College 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Edward E. Straub, Jr. (Gettysburg College 1977) - BCA Miscellaneous
Eric L. Van Gilder (Gettysburg College 1965) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jason N. Vishio (Gettysburg College 2000) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gary R. Vogel (Gettysburg College 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
William A. Walsleben (Gettysburg College 1977) - BCA Miscellaneous
John D. Weber (Gettysburg College 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Clayton R. Wilcox (Gettysburg College 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
Nicholas O. Wood (Gettysburg College 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
William M. Zimmerman (Gettysburg College 1968) - BCA Miscellaneous
Dale L. Miller (Gettysburg College 1968) - BCA Public Relations
William Y. Naill, Jr. (Gettysburg College 1949) - BCA Public Relations
Philip J. Bernardi (Gettysburg College 1979) - BCA Recruitment
Jonathan E. Cordo (Gettysburg College 2005) - BCA Recruitment
William N. Lindsay, III (Gettysburg College 1969) - BCA Recruitment
William N. McDonald (Gettysburg College 1993) - BCA Recruitment
Dale L. Miller (Gettysburg College 1968) - BCA Recruitment
Joseph E. Zamborsky (Gettysburg College 1971) - BCA Recruitment
Francis X. Riley, III (Gettysburg College 1989) - BCA Risk Management
Geoffrey B. Curtiss (Gettysburg College 1970) - BCA Ritual
Philip J. Dolson, Jr. (Gettysburg College 1976) - BCA Ritual
Frank C. Hilton, Jr. (Gettysburg College 1977) - BCA Ritual
W. Barry Kain (Gettysburg College 1961) - BCA Ritual
Nicholas O. Wood (Gettysburg College 2012) - BCA Ritual
F. Barry Shaw (Gettysburg College 1965) - BCA Scholarship
Kevin J. Smith (Gettysburg College 1989) - BCA Scholarship
Henry H. Stick (Gettysburg College 1944) - BCA Scholarship
Bob E. Wagner (Gettysburg College 1969) - BCA Scholarship
H. Charles Walton, III (Gettysburg College 1967) - BCA Scholarship
David E. A. Moran, III (Gettysburg College 1986) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Andrew S. Barclay (Gettysburg College 2005) - BCA Trustee
John D. Bream (Gettysburg College 1957) - BCA Trustee
Jonathan E. Cordo (Gettysburg College 2005) - BCA Trustee
Robert W. Davies (Gettysburg College 1957) - BCA Trustee
Michael L. Hughes (Gettysburg College 2006) - BCA Trustee
Kyle R. Ibbitson (Gettysburg College 2005) - BCA Trustee
Albert R. Kuhel (Gettysburg College 2018) - BCA Trustee
David E. A. Moran, III (Gettysburg College 1986) - BCA Trustee
Patrick D. Nicoletti (Gettysburg College 2005) - BCA Trustee
Robert R. Sieck, USA (Ret) (Gettysburg College 1957) - BCA Trustee
Kevin J. Smith (Gettysburg College 1989) - BCA Trustee
Nicholas O. Wood (Gettysburg College 2012) - BCA Trustee
Frank C. Hilton, Jr. (Gettysburg College 1977) - BCA Administration
John C. Sutor (Gettysburg College 1981) - BCA Administration
Joseph E. Zamborsky (Gettysburg College 1971) - BCA Administration
Mario L. Adkins (Grand Valley State University 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jonathon A. Click (Grand Valley State University 2018) - BCA Miscellaneous
Cody J. Price (Grand Valley State University 2018) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark A. Citrone (Hampden-Sydney College 1988) - BCA Chairman/President
Matthew S. Garrison (Hampden-Sydney College 1999) - BCA Chairman/President
Charles L. McCullough (Hampden-Sydney College 1986) - BCA Chairman/President
Benjamin E. Robinson (Hampden-Sydney College 1986) - BCA Chairman/President
Kenneth S. Strickler (Hampden-Sydney College 2005) - BCA Chairman/President
C. Clifford Edahl, Jr. (Hampden-Sydney College 2007) - BCA Recording Secretary
Benjamin E. Robinson (Hampden-Sydney College 1986) - BCA Recording Secretary
Ryan N. Davis (Hampden-Sydney College 2012) - BCA Finances
Gregory C. Mick (Hampden-Sydney College 2023) - BCA Finances
David P. Hummel (Hampden-Sydney College 1982) - BCA Foundation of Courage
J. Campbell Palmer, V (Hampden-Sydney College 1998) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Roy E. Robinson (Hampden-Sydney College 1967) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Randolph P. Tabb, Jr. (Hampden-Sydney College 1970) - BCA Foundation of Courage
John H. Turner, III (Hampden-Sydney College 1987) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Michael S. York (Hampden-Sydney College 1998) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Andrew A. Bauer (Hampden-Sydney College 2014) - BCA Graduate Relations
Robert W. Bedinger, Jr. (Hampden-Sydney College 1974) - BCA Graduate Relations
Charles L. McCullough (Hampden-Sydney College 1986) - BCA Graduate Relations
G. Cabell Sheild, Jr. (Hampden-Sydney College 2019) - BCA Graduate Relations
George E. Younger (Hampden-Sydney College 1972) - BCA Graduate Relations
Andrew A. Bauer (Hampden-Sydney College 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Herbert M. Bennett (Hampden-Sydney College 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. Scott Benton (Hampden-Sydney College 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bruce R. Besley (Hampden-Sydney College 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert C. Beverly (Hampden-Sydney College 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gary W. Boswick (Hampden-Sydney College 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Peter A. Boyd (Hampden-Sydney College 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew S. Brendle (Hampden-Sydney College 2007) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian F. Canterbury (Hampden-Sydney College 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Scott B. Crawford (Hampden-Sydney College 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
Alex C. Crouch (Hampden-Sydney College 2007) - BCA Miscellaneous
David H. Fletcher (Hampden-Sydney College 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Roy B. Hargrove, IV (Hampden-Sydney College 2008) - BCA Miscellaneous
David S. Naismith (Hampden-Sydney College 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. Eric Riedlin (Hampden-Sydney College 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
C. Trent Singleton (Hampden-Sydney College 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stephen B. Surber, III (Hampden-Sydney College 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Randolph P. Tabb, Jr. (Hampden-Sydney College 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
John H. Turner, III (Hampden-Sydney College 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Meade Whitaker III (Hampden-Sydney College 1999) - BCA Miscellaneous
Alexander L. Calfee (Hampden-Sydney College 1996) - BCA Public Relations
David P. Hummel (Hampden-Sydney College 1982) - BCA Recruitment
W. R. Robinson (Hampden-Sydney College 1969) - BCA Recruitment
George E. Younger (Hampden-Sydney College 1972) - BCA Recruitment
Wilson G. Vaughan (Hampden-Sydney College 2012) - BCA Risk Management
Richard D. Whitaker (Hampden-Sydney College 2002) - BCA Risk Management
Kristoffer A. Norbo (Hampden-Sydney College 2009) - BCA Scholarship
Wilson G. Vaughan (Hampden-Sydney College 2012) - BCA Scholarship
Wilson G. Vaughan (Hampden-Sydney College 2012) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Kristoffer A. Norbo (Hampden-Sydney College 2009) - BCA Trustee
Christopher C. Altizer (Hampden-Sydney College 1984) - BCA Built to Lead
Robert W. Bedinger, Jr. (Hampden-Sydney College 1974) - BCA Administration
Herbert M. Bennett (Hampden-Sydney College 1983) - BCA Built to Lead
Richard B. Donaldson, Jr. (Hampden-Sydney College 1973) - BCA Administration
W. R. Robinson (Hampden-Sydney College 1969) - BCA Administration
Randolph P. Tabb, Jr. (Hampden-Sydney College 1970) - BCA Administration
Thomas R. Watson (Hampden-Sydney College 2021) - BCA Built to Lead
James M. Boyers (Hanover College 1994) - BCA Chairman/President
Geoffrey F. Darmstaedter (Hanover College 2009) - BCA Chairman/President
H. Kevin Eddins (Hanover College 1991) - BCA Chairman/President
Mark A. Frey (Hanover College 2011) - BCA Chairman/President
Charles E. Gabe (Hanover College 1990) - BCA Chairman/President
James B. Hogan (Hanover College 1982) - BCA Chairman/President
Devon M. Sharpe (Hanover College 2013) - BCA Chairman/President
Philip D. Spiess, II (Hanover College 1968) - BCA Chairman/President
Wilford A. Bladen (Hanover College 1949) - BCA Vice Chairman
James M. Boyers (Hanover College 1994) - BCA Vice Chairman
Thomas W. Bruner (Hanover College 1961) - BCA Finances
Joseph T. Craig (Hanover College 1944) - BCA Finances
Jeffrey C. Holtfreter (Hanover College 1978) - BCA Finances
Clark S. Ketterman (Hanover College 1952) - BCA Finances
Steven A. Bennett (Hanover College 1977) - BCA Foundation of Courage
James M. Boyers (Hanover College 1994) - BCA Foundation of Courage
William Cooper (Hanover College 1954) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Charles E. Gabe (Hanover College 1990) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Michael L. Hartman (Hanover College 1983) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Kevin J. Keefe (Hanover College 1982) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Larry G. Moore (Hanover College 1972) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Charles A. Nunan (Hanover College 1986) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Robert L. Orr (Hanover College 1994) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Paul M. Ratterman (Hanover College 1978) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Wilford A. Bladen (Hanover College 1949) - BCA Graduate Relations
William Cooper (Hanover College 1954) - BCA Graduate Relations
Robert W. Cupp (Hanover College 1968) - BCA Graduate Relations
Clark S. Ketterman (Hanover College 1952) - BCA Graduate Relations
Marc W. Amos (Hanover College 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
Wilford A. Bladen (Hanover College 1949) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gary R. Buchholz, Jr. (Hanover College 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bruce K. Bunger (Hanover College 1977) - BCA Miscellaneous
H. Kevin Eddins (Hanover College 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas F. Everitt (Hanover College 1971) - BCA Miscellaneous
Charles E. Gabe (Hanover College 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
John P. Gunter (Hanover College 1971) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew G. Murray (Hanover College 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
C. P. Records (Hanover College 1950) - BCA Miscellaneous
Fritz R. Gordner (Hanover College 1964) - BCA Public Relations
Henry R. Snyder, IV (Hanover College 1986) - BCA Public Relations
Michael L. Hartman (Hanover College 1983) - BCA Recruitment
John B. Jelliffe (Hanover College 1975) - BCA Recruitment
Kevin J. Keefe (Hanover College 1982) - BCA Recruitment
Paul M. Ratterman (Hanover College 1978) - BCA Recruitment
Henry R. Snyder, IV (Hanover College 1986) - BCA Recruitment
Bruce K. Bowden (Hanover College 1954) - BCA Risk Management
M. Scott Kern (Hanover College 1990) - BCA Risk Management
Steven L. Mullins (Hanover College 1978) - BCA Risk Management
Vikram G. Ramjee (Hanover College 2012) - BCA Risk Management
Bruce K. Bowden (Hanover College 1954) - BCA Ritual
William Cooper (Hanover College 1954) - BCA Ritual
Robert W. Cupp (Hanover College 1968) - BCA Ritual
Charles E. Gabe (Hanover College 1990) - BCA Ritual
William B. Ross (Hanover College 1971) - BCA Ritual
Philip D. Spiess, II (Hanover College 1968) - BCA Ritual
Wilford A. Bladen (Hanover College 1949) - BCA Scholarship
Gary R. Buchholz, Jr. (Hanover College 1987) - BCA Scholarship
Robert W. Cupp (Hanover College 1968) - BCA Scholarship
Frank A. Guthrie (Hanover College 1950) - BCA Scholarship
James H. Maysilles (Hanover College 1953) - BCA Scholarship
Clifford E. Murphy (Hanover College 1936) - BCA Scholarship
Paul V. Murphy (Hanover College 1988) - BCA Scholarship
John D. Stoller (Hanover College 1971) - BCA Scholarship
William E. Stucker (Hanover College 1944) - BCA Scholarship
Gary P. Volk (Hanover College 1977) - BCA Scholarship
J. Alex Smallwood (Hanover College 2018) - BCA Trustee
Larry W. Bennett (Hanover College 1982) - BCA Administration
Bruce K. Bowden (Hanover College 1954) - BCA Administration
Michael A. Hollifield (Hanover College 1979) - BCA Administration
Philip D. Spiess, II (Hanover College 1968) - BCA Administration
William E. Stucker (Hanover College 1944) - BCA Administration
Jack C. Brown, Jr. (Idaho State University 1982) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Steven W. Briggs (Idaho State University 1976) - BCA Graduate Relations
F. Randy Kline (Idaho State University 1977) - BCA Graduate Relations
J. Todd Fenwick (Idaho State University 1982) - BCA Administration
Antonio Gizzi (Illinois State University 2019) - BCA Chairman/President
Yazen Abunemeh (Illinois State University 2020) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jack D. Boma (Illinois State University 2021) - BCA Miscellaneous
Beau Carver (Illinois State University 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Alek G. Munoz (Illinois State University 2019) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey L. Lambert (Illinois Wesleyan University 1986) - BCA Chairman/President
Michael E. Wieting (Illinois Wesleyan University 1986) - BCA Chairman/President
John H. Wilmas (Illinois Wesleyan University 1996) - BCA Chairman/President
Brian T. Lockenvitz (Illinois Wesleyan University 1986) - BCA Finances
Jason C. Richards (Illinois Wesleyan University 1996) - BCA Finances
W. A. Riddle (Illinois Wesleyan University 1947) - BCA Finances
Walter E. Clinch (Illinois Wesleyan University 1936) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Edward S. Tanton (Illinois Wesleyan University 1982) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Michael E. Wieting (Illinois Wesleyan University 1986) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Paul R. Belyea (Illinois Wesleyan University 1957) - BCA Graduate Relations
Dean Jukovich (Illinois Wesleyan University 1993) - BCA Graduate Relations
John Bowles, III (Illinois Wesleyan University 1951) - BCA Miscellaneous
P. Brenden Gebben (Illinois Wesleyan University 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas J. Gramkow (Illinois Wesleyan University 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
James K. Tosh (Illinois Wesleyan University 1969) - BCA Miscellaneous
Dennis G. Watson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1950) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael E. Wieting (Illinois Wesleyan University 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Paul R. Belyea (Illinois Wesleyan University 1957) - BCA Public Relations
Dan A. McCoy (Illinois Wesleyan University 1964) - BCA Public Relations
Harry L. Pell (Illinois Wesleyan University 1959) - BCA Public Relations
Paul J. Washburn (Illinois Wesleyan University 1921) - BCA Public Relations
Dennis G. Watson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1950) - BCA Public Relations
Keith O. Wilson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1948) - BCA Public Relations
Walter E. Clinch (Illinois Wesleyan University 1936) - BCA Recruitment
Van C. Miller (Illinois Wesleyan University 2004) - BCA Recruitment
John M. Sorensen (Illinois Wesleyan University 1968) - BCA Recruitment
Jacob P. Nave (Illinois Wesleyan University 2017) - BCA Risk Management
Zachary J. Zimmer (Illinois Wesleyan University 2015) - BCA Risk Management
Robert V. Hageman, Jr. (Illinois Wesleyan University 1967) - BCA Ritual
David J. Whitman (Illinois Wesleyan University 1974) - BCA Ritual
Gerald L. Philpott (Illinois Wesleyan University 1959) - BCA Scholarship
Steven Losos, Jr. (Illinois Wesleyan University 2015) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Zachary D. Anderson (Illinois Wesleyan University 2020) - BCA Trustee
Tye M. Elliott (Illinois Wesleyan University 1986) - BCA Trustee
E. Duncan Funk, IV (Illinois Wesleyan University 1983) - BCA Trustee
Jason C. Hayek (Illinois Wesleyan University 1993) - BCA Trustee
Scott E. Huch (Illinois Wesleyan University 1986) - BCA Trustee
Anthony W. Kaufman (Illinois Wesleyan University 1989) - BCA Trustee
Jeffrey L. Lambert (Illinois Wesleyan University 1986) - BCA Trustee
Jeffrey T. Lockenvitz (Illinois Wesleyan University 1984) - BCA Trustee
Steven Losos, Jr. (Illinois Wesleyan University 2015) - BCA Trustee
Van C. Miller (Illinois Wesleyan University 2004) - BCA Trustee
Paul R. Orchard (Illinois Wesleyan University 1988) - BCA Trustee
Steven J. Pilipchuk (Illinois Wesleyan University 1988) - BCA Trustee
Dale H. Spiess (Illinois Wesleyan University 1966) - BCA Trustee
Todd L. Thorstenson (Illinois Wesleyan University 1989) - BCA Trustee
Andrew J. Weems (Illinois Wesleyan University 1988) - BCA Trustee
Mark B. Wichman (Illinois Wesleyan University 1990) - BCA Trustee
Michael E. Wieting (Illinois Wesleyan University 1986) - BCA Trustee
Zachary J. Zimmer (Illinois Wesleyan University 2015) - BCA Trustee
John Bowles, III (Illinois Wesleyan University 1951) - BCA Administration
Joel C. Linderoth (Illinois Wesleyan University 1963) - BCA Administration
George A. Sperry (Illinois Wesleyan University 1932) - BCA Administration
Mark E. Crawn (Indiana State University 2001) - BCA Chairman/President
Joshua R. Goldman (Indiana State University 2001) - BCA Chairman/President
William G. Niederer (Indiana State University 1985) - BCA Chairman/President
Dustin B. Ogle (Indiana State University 2002) - BCA Chairman/President
Larry L. Salyards (Indiana State University 1995) - BCA Chairman/President
Michael A. Schell (Indiana State University 1973) - BCA Chairman/President
Thomas J. Barlow (Indiana State University 1988) - BCA Finances
Anthony L. Biggs (Indiana State University 2002) - BCA Finances
Thomas S. Clary (Indiana State University 1973) - BCA Finances
Joshua R. Cox (Indiana State University 2014) - BCA Finances
Kevin L. McCubbin (Indiana State University 1974) - BCA Finances
Keith W. Pittman (Indiana State University 1995) - BCA Finances
Johnathon W. Allen (Indiana State University 2007) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Donald R. Schuessler (Indiana State University 1973) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Christopher B. Vance (Indiana State University 1976) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Gregory S. Wickizer (Indiana State University 1977) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Marc L. Blevens (Indiana State University 1973) - BCA Graduate Relations
Joshua R. Goldman (Indiana State University 2001) - BCA Graduate Relations
Paul A. Lawson (Indiana State University 2013) - BCA Graduate Relations
Kurt Schernekau (Indiana State University 1984) - BCA Graduate Relations
Johnathon W. Allen (Indiana State University 2007) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas J. Barlow (Indiana State University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
John M. Butkiewicz (Indiana State University 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bradley J. Chaney (Indiana State University 2001) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian D. Clark (Indiana State University 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
William L. Cole (Indiana State University 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey D. Frye (Indiana State University 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kelly J. Fudge (Indiana State University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kent L. Gordon, II (Indiana State University 2001) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark J. Grimmer (Indiana State University 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jason J. Hanchar (Indiana State University 1997) - BCA Miscellaneous
Timothy S. Harlan (Indiana State University 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
David K. Kaczynski (Indiana State University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas P. Lang (Indiana State University 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Chad Leistner (Indiana State University 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kenneth A. Lucas (Indiana State University 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
Donovan P. Martin (Indiana State University 2001) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey A. McMahan (Indiana State University 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bryan P. Meyer (Indiana State University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Paul E. Mick (Indiana State University 1998) - BCA Miscellaneous
Roland Miles (Indiana State University 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph L. Milkowski (Indiana State University 2016) - BCA Miscellaneous
William G. Niederer (Indiana State University 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Dustin B. Ogle (Indiana State University 2002) - BCA Miscellaneous
Keith W. Pittman (Indiana State University 1995) - BCA Miscellaneous
Eugene A. Riegle (Indiana State University 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
Daniel C. Robinson (Indiana State University 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael A. Schell (Indiana State University 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ned F. Seeger (Indiana State University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Randall R. Simpson (Indiana State University 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Donald E. Sippel (Indiana State University 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kenneth M. Stout (Indiana State University 1996) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark D. Sullivan (Indiana State University 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Edward J. Vawter (Indiana State University 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
David J. Weszely (Indiana State University 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey L. Cline (Indiana State University 1974) - BCA Public Relations
Kevin L. McCubbin (Indiana State University 1974) - BCA Public Relations
Charles W. Perry (Indiana State University 1973) - BCA Public Relations
Timothy S. Harlan (Indiana State University 1972) - BCA Recruitment
John A. Shields (Indiana State University 1979) - BCA Risk Management
Nicholas A. Sturgeon (Indiana State University 2003) - BCA Risk Management
Gregory L. Hunt (Indiana State University 1980) - BCA Ritual
Donald R. Schuessler (Indiana State University 1973) - BCA Ritual
Kent L. Gordon, II (Indiana State University 2001) - BCA Scholarship
Timothy S. Harlan (Indiana State University 1972) - BCA Scholarship
Charles M. Ricker (Indiana State University 2012) - BCA Scholarship
John M. Butkiewicz (Indiana State University 2004) - BCA Trustee
Randy P. Lucas (Indiana State University 1978) - BCA Administration
Larry Watson (Indiana State University 1971) - BCA Administration
Louis A. Mangels (Indiana University 1956) - BCA Chairman/President
William R. Miller (Indiana University 1962) - BCA Chairman/President
John A. Morris, Jr. (Indiana University 1982) - BCA Chairman/President
James A. Ramsey (Indiana University 1964) - BCA Chairman/President
Mark R. Weber (Indiana University 1969) - BCA Finances
James T. Bean, III (Indiana University 1966) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Jeff M. Fettig (Indiana University 1979) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Edward M. Foster (Indiana University 1998) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Mark F. Hesemann (Indiana University 1976) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Neil R. Hinchman (Indiana University 1957) - BCA Foundation of Courage
David G. King (Indiana University 1974) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Stephen G. Powell, MD (Indiana University 1968) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Ronald F. Remak (Indiana University 1979) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Scott M. Wharton (Indiana University 1986) - BCA Foundation of Courage
David R. Colglazier (Indiana University 1975) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jeff M. Fettig (Indiana University 1979) - BCA Graduate Relations
G. Barrett Gray (Indiana University 1978) - BCA Graduate Relations
Barclay P. Grayson (Indiana University 1987) - BCA Graduate Relations
W. David Martin (Indiana University 1962) - BCA Graduate Relations
Brett M. Merritt (Indiana University 1998) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jay E. Allardt (Indiana University 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ernest H. Andres (Indiana University 1939) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stephen W. Andres (Indiana University 1969) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. Scott Avery (Indiana University 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kevin W. Betz (Indiana University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
David P. Biggs (Indiana University 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
James J. Collison (Indiana University 1977) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bradley J. Cummins (Indiana University 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
Alan J. Dansker (Indiana University 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew J. Detherage (Indiana University 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brent T. Dunn (Indiana University 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas C. Froehle (Indiana University 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Frank A. Gans (Indiana University 1943) - BCA Miscellaneous
Philip W. Gardner (Indiana University 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark F. Hesemann (Indiana University 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Philip C. Hill (Indiana University 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
John A. Hoadley (Indiana University 1925) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jay B. Hunt (Indiana University 1962) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert C. Hunt (Indiana University 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
William E. Jenkin (Indiana University 1959) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey R. Jones (Indiana University 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark A. Laesch (Indiana University 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas E. Mariani (Indiana University 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Don B. McMahon (Indiana University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Timothy J. Michel (Indiana University 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
William R. Miller (Indiana University 1962) - BCA Miscellaneous
Greg M. Moheban (Indiana University 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Paul L. Mooney (Indiana University 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gregory W. Moore (Indiana University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Frank D. Otte (Indiana University 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
James A. Ramsey (Indiana University 1964) - BCA Miscellaneous
William C. Reed, Jr. (Indiana University 1950) - BCA Miscellaneous
C. Todd Richardson (Indiana University 1997) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert W. Richey, MD, JD (Indiana University 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
John P. Ryan (Indiana University 1995) - BCA Miscellaneous
Cleve Skelton (Indiana University 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
Dennis D. Smith (Indiana University 1969) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jerry F. Tardy (Indiana University 1962) - BCA Miscellaneous
Malcolm A. Tripp (Indiana University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Donald C. Tyte, DDS (Indiana University 1948) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph S. Wiler (Indiana University 1977) - BCA Miscellaneous
John O. Worth (Indiana University 1965) - BCA Miscellaneous
R. Jack Deinlein, Jr. CPA CFP CIM (Indiana University 1982) - BCA Public Relations
Ned D. Helmuth (Indiana University 1952) - BCA Public Relations
Mark E. McKee (Indiana University 1979) - BCA Public Relations
Leslie C. Shively (Indiana University 1976) - BCA Public Relations
David R. Colglazier (Indiana University 1975) - BCA Recruitment
Andrew J. Detherage (Indiana University 1987) - BCA Recruitment
Neil R. Hinchman (Indiana University 1957) - BCA Recruitment
Peter C. King (Indiana University 1976) - BCA Recruitment
Greg M. Moheban (Indiana University 1984) - BCA Recruitment
Ronald F. Remak (Indiana University 1979) - BCA Recruitment
C. Todd Richardson (Indiana University 1997) - BCA Recruitment
Paul W. Barada, Jr. (Indiana University 1994) - BCA Risk Management
John P. Ryan (Indiana University 1995) - BCA Risk Management
Peter C. King (Indiana University 1976) - BCA Ritual
Louis A. Mangels (Indiana University 1956) - BCA Ritual
William R. Miller (Indiana University 1962) - BCA Ritual
Charles E. Smrt (Indiana University 1975) - BCA Ritual
William C. Dixon (Indiana University 1965) - BCA Scholarship
Ralph H. Jones (Indiana University 1942) - BCA Scholarship
Mark E. McKee (Indiana University 1979) - BCA Scholarship
Greg M. Moheban (Indiana University 1984) - BCA Scholarship
Ronak Patel (Indiana University 2021) - BCA Scholarship
Leslie C. Shively (Indiana University 1976) - BCA Scholarship
Steven P. Wisnewski (Indiana University 2017) - BCA Scholarship
Jason A. Allardt (Indiana University 2007) - BCA Trustee
Andrew S. Melick (Indiana University 2020) - BCA Trustee
William R. Miller (Indiana University 1962) - BCA Trustee
Craig A. Fuson (Indiana University 1982) - BCA Administration
Whitney B. Grayson (Indiana University 1977) - BCA Administration
Robert F. McLaughlin (Indiana University 1957) - BCA Administration
Jeffrey A. Moheban (Indiana University 1982) - BCA Administration
Levi C. Brown (Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis 2017) - BCA Finances
M. Gregory Zimmerman (Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brandon M. Boone (Iowa State University 1995) - BCA Chairman/President
Dustyn J. Curran (Iowa State University 2007) - BCA Chairman/President
Travis J. Dierickx (Iowa State University 2015) - BCA Chairman/President
Caleb B. Evers (Iowa State University 2013) - BCA Chairman/President
Charles W. Foster (Iowa State University 1983) - BCA Chairman/President
William W. Harvey (Iowa State University 1935) - BCA Chairman/President
Adam N. Jacobs (Iowa State University 1995) - BCA Chairman/President
Eli Krambeer (Iowa State University 2013) - BCA Chairman/President
Andrew V. Mott (Iowa State University 2005) - BCA Chairman/President
Micheal D. Owen (Iowa State University 1973) - BCA Chairman/President
William V. Pyle (Iowa State University 1967) - BCA Chairman/President
Lynn R. Schroeder (Iowa State University 1976) - BCA Chairman/President
Thomas M. Waldon (Iowa State University 1979) - BCA Chairman/President
Gordon J. Smith (Iowa State University 1961) - BCA Vice Chairman
James E. Triplett (Iowa State University 1956) - BCA Vice Chairman
Gabriel M. Hansen (Iowa State University 1999) - BCA Recording Secretary
Randall E. Nielsen (Iowa State University 1979) - BCA Recording Secretary
Stephen B. Bruner (Iowa State University 1992) - BCA Finances
Douglas J. Dee (Iowa State University 1980) - BCA Finances
David J. Francis (Iowa State University 1979) - BCA Finances
Patrick M. Garaghty (Iowa State University 2007) - BCA Finances
Matthew A. Gray (Iowa State University 2014) - BCA Finances
Larry A. Hafner (Iowa State University 1975) - BCA Finances
Dean J. Manternach (Iowa State University 1988) - BCA Finances
Joseph R. Shaw (Iowa State University 2008) - BCA Finances
Kevin A. Shires (Iowa State University 2005) - BCA Finances
Ron R. Westeen, Jr. (Iowa State University 2007) - BCA Finances
Dustyn J. Curran (Iowa State University 2007) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Eli Krambeer (Iowa State University 2013) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Micheal D. Owen (Iowa State University 1973) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Gordon R. Prentice (Iowa State University 1955) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Nathan P. Scott (Iowa State University 2004) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Andrew D. Smith (Iowa State University 1980) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Michael S. Stevens (Iowa State University 1977) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Robert P. Evans (Iowa State University 1977) - BCA Graduate Relations
James R. Hildebrand (Iowa State University 1974) - BCA Graduate Relations
Derek J. Huser (Iowa State University 2014) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jerry D. Parkin (Iowa State University 1972) - BCA Graduate Relations
Aaron R. Pasker (Iowa State University 2002) - BCA Graduate Relations
Randal L. Rehmke (Iowa State University 1978) - BCA Graduate Relations
Byron V. Toot (Iowa State University 1959) - BCA Graduate Relations
Kyle C. Vansice (Iowa State University 2011) - BCA Graduate Relations
Matthew T. Burns (Iowa State University 2001) - BCA Miscellaneous
Alexander J. Champagne (Iowa State University 2018) - BCA Miscellaneous
Wesley G. Cole (Iowa State University 1962) - BCA Miscellaneous
Dustyn J. Curran (Iowa State University 2007) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian A. Czapanskiy (Iowa State University 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard J. Davidson (Iowa State University 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Shane P. Dierickx (Iowa State University 2020) - BCA Miscellaneous
Charles K. Ebann (Iowa State University 1969) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kyle A. Elbert (Iowa State University 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Charles W. Foster (Iowa State University 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas B. Hanley (Iowa State University 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gabriel M. Hansen (Iowa State University 1999) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert J. Harker (Iowa State University 1943) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert J. Haus (Iowa State University 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
James R. Hildebrand (Iowa State University 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
Steven G. Hildebrand (Iowa State University 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Steven J. Hunst (Iowa State University 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Derek J. Huser (Iowa State University 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas L. Johnson (Iowa State University 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kevin E. Kay (Iowa State University 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Dale A. Knoshaug (Iowa State University 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brent D. Korbel (Iowa State University 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
Eli Krambeer (Iowa State University 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
Eric A. Kvam (Iowa State University 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jordan L. Larson (Iowa State University 1947) - BCA Miscellaneous
Pete J. McNally (Iowa State University 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Scott M. Moore, Jr. (Iowa State University 1996) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew V. Mott (Iowa State University 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Walter N. Neumann (Iowa State University 1939) - BCA Miscellaneous
Alan J. Perkovich (Iowa State University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph P. Price (Iowa State University 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Phillip E. Prybil (Iowa State University 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
A. Peter Rimsans II (Iowa State University 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
David R. Sadler (Iowa State University 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Carl R. Sahlberg (Iowa State University 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
Patrick A. Schleisman (Iowa State University 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kent D. Schmidt (Iowa State University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Lynn R. Schroeder (Iowa State University 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Randy A. Schumacher (Iowa State University 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Douglas H. Smith (Iowa State University 1951) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gordon J. Smith (Iowa State University 1961) - BCA Miscellaneous
Aaron W. Starr (Iowa State University 2000) - BCA Miscellaneous
Howard W. Summers (Iowa State University 1960) - BCA Miscellaneous
James E. Triplett (Iowa State University 1956) - BCA Miscellaneous
Keith G. Tucker (Iowa State University 1969) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard Tucker (Iowa State University 2003) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard J. Davidson (Iowa State University 1976) - BCA Public Relations
Robert P. Evans (Iowa State University 1977) - BCA Public Relations
Michael D. Hogue (Iowa State University 1980) - BCA Public Relations
Randall E. Nielsen (Iowa State University 1979) - BCA Public Relations
Jerry D. Parkin (Iowa State University 1972) - BCA Public Relations
Christopher M. Peters (Iowa State University 2006) - BCA Public Relations
Randal L. Rehmke (Iowa State University 1978) - BCA Public Relations
Evan R. Brooks (Iowa State University 2013) - BCA Recruitment
Richard J. Davidson (Iowa State University 1976) - BCA Recruitment
Jeffrey O. Dawson (Iowa State University 1971) - BCA Recruitment
Matthew J. Dohrmann (Iowa State University 2014) - BCA Recruitment
Justin T. Groff (Iowa State University 2014) - BCA Recruitment
James R. Hildebrand (Iowa State University 1974) - BCA Recruitment
Joseph P. Price (Iowa State University 1986) - BCA Recruitment
David L. Small (Iowa State University 2004) - BCA Recruitment
Andrew D. Smith (Iowa State University 1980) - BCA Recruitment
Steven P. South (Iowa State University 1978) - BCA Recruitment
Richard J. Davidson (Iowa State University 1976) - BCA Risk Management
Michael D. Hogue (Iowa State University 1980) - BCA Risk Management
Lynn R. Schroeder (Iowa State University 1976) - BCA Risk Management
Gary K. Capouch (Iowa State University 1964) - BCA Ritual
Dustyn J. Curran (Iowa State University 2007) - BCA Ritual
Jeffrey O. Dawson (Iowa State University 1971) - BCA Ritual
William W. Harvey (Iowa State University 1935) - BCA Ritual
Michael D. Hogue (Iowa State University 1980) - BCA Ritual
Herbert M. Kay (Iowa State University 1939) - BCA Ritual
William V. Pyle (Iowa State University 1967) - BCA Ritual
David T. Branson (Iowa State University 1937) - BCA Scholarship
Gregory B. Doane (Iowa State University 1979) - BCA Scholarship
Bruce H. Ewald (Iowa State University 1955) - BCA Scholarship
Larry A. Hafner (Iowa State University 1975) - BCA Scholarship
Robert J. Hoffman (Iowa State University 1970) - BCA Scholarship
Eli Krambeer (Iowa State University 2013) - BCA Scholarship
Gordon R. Prentice (Iowa State University 1955) - BCA Scholarship
Shawn W. Rouse (Iowa State University 1988) - BCA Scholarship
Ryan M. Tew (Iowa State University 2011) - BCA Scholarship
Travis J. Dierickx (Iowa State University 2015) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Harry D. Kramer, III (Iowa State University 2008) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Hans R. Layman (Iowa State University 2004) - BCA Trustee
Gary K. Capouch (Iowa State University 1964) - BCA Administration
Richard J. Davidson (Iowa State University 1976) - BCA Administration
Joseph A. Finelli (Iowa State University 2007) - BCA Administration
David J. Fletcher (Iowa State University 1984) - BCA Administration
James R. Hildebrand (Iowa State University 1974) - BCA Administration
Robert J. Hoffman (Iowa State University 1970) - BCA Administration
Andrew D. Lein (Iowa State University 2006) - BCA Administration
James J. Mangle, DDS (Iowa State University 1964) - BCA Administration
Randall E. Nielsen (Iowa State University 1979) - BCA Administration
Phillip E. Prybil (Iowa State University 1990) - BCA Built to Lead
Duane S. Rowe (Iowa State University 1977) - BCA Administration
Lynn R. Schroeder (Iowa State University 1976) - BCA Built to Lead
Thomas M. Waldon (Iowa State University 1979) - BCA Administration
Brian W. Dudley (Jacksonville University 1996) - BCA Chairman/President
Lance D. Malcolm (Jacksonville University 1988) - BCA Chairman/President
Stuart D. Marvin (Jacksonville University 1982) - BCA Chairman/President
Christopher E. McAdams (Jacksonville University 1984) - BCA Chairman/President
David A. Wheeler (Jacksonville University 1986) - BCA Chairman/President
Paul B. Manning (Jacksonville University 1990) - BCA Vice Chairman
Christopher E. McAdams (Jacksonville University 1984) - BCA Vice Chairman
Christopher E. McAdams (Jacksonville University 1984) - BCA Recording Secretary
Timothy C. Risinger (Jacksonville University 1985) - BCA Recording Secretary
H. J. Devine (Jacksonville University 1985) - BCA Finances
Brian W. Dudley (Jacksonville University 1996) - BCA Finances
Stuart D. Marvin (Jacksonville University 1982) - BCA Finances
David A. Wheeler (Jacksonville University 1986) - BCA Foundation of Courage
H. J. Devine (Jacksonville University 1985) - BCA Graduate Relations
John Boehm, Jr. (Jacksonville University 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Lamar N. Campbell (Jacksonville University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Tom Kocsis (Jacksonville University 2001) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher E. McAdams (Jacksonville University 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gablen R. Quintana (Jacksonville University 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jonathan D. Summerfield (Jacksonville University 2002) - BCA Miscellaneous
Merrill A. Sutton (Jacksonville University 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeremy Toback (Jacksonville University 1995) - BCA Miscellaneous
CPT Charles M. Walker USN (Ret) (Jacksonville University 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
David A. Wheeler (Jacksonville University 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Paul J. White (Jacksonville University 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Charles K. Miller (Jacksonville University 1985) - BCA Public Relations
William A. Fischer (Jacksonville University 1988) - BCA Recruitment
Edward T. Radloff (Jacksonville University 1985) - BCA Risk Management
Andrew C. Walker (Jacksonville University 1984) - BCA Risk Management
Paul K. Lepore (Jacksonville University 1987) - BCA Scholarship
William K. Spiers, Jr. (Jacksonville University 1979) - BCA Scholarship
Michael S. Barnett (Jacksonville University 1996) - BCA Trustee
S. Barre Barrett (Jacksonville University 1961) - BCA Trustee
Daniel P. Berthiaume (Jacksonville University 1998) - BCA Trustee
Jonathan A. Corbin (Jacksonville University 1988) - BCA Trustee
Frank T. D'Onofrio, III (Jacksonville University 1999) - BCA Trustee
Brian W. Dudley (Jacksonville University 1996) - BCA Trustee
Matthew L. Egna (Jacksonville University 1999) - BCA Trustee
Michael C. Platt (Jacksonville University 1989) - BCA Trustee
Christopher A. Salley (Jacksonville University 2009) - BCA Trustee
Robert A. Sullivan (Jacksonville University 1999) - BCA Trustee
Eric E. Tenoso (Jacksonville University 1997) - BCA Trustee
Britton T. Wright (Jacksonville University 1997) - BCA Trustee
Guillermo A. Barrera (Jacksonville University 1987) - BCA Administration
Timothy C. Risinger (Jacksonville University 1985) - BCA Administration
Timothy A. Brown (James Madison University 2010) - BCA Chairman/President
Gabriel C. Camut (James Madison University 2011) - BCA Chairman/President
Brian M. Glass (James Madison University 2005) - BCA Chairman/President
Stephen E. Luttrell (James Madison University 2000) - BCA Chairman/President
Michael B. Sacks (James Madison University 2004) - BCA Chairman/President
Sean P. Fitzgerald (James Madison University 2008) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Curtis M. Lupton (James Madison University 2001) - BCA Graduate Relations
Andrew G. Adams (James Madison University 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gabriel C. Camut (James Madison University 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew A. Carlson (James Madison University 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian M. Cassidy (James Madison University 2001) - BCA Miscellaneous
Zachary V. Franklin (James Madison University 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian M. Glass (James Madison University 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jason M. Hart (James Madison University 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Craig S. Perry (James Madison University 1999) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stephen H. Ravas (James Madison University 2000) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jake A. Ronza (James Madison University 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gregory A. Schaub (James Madison University 2002) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael L. Wall (James Madison University 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
Colin A. Watson (James Madison University 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
Marc G. Mertz (James Madison University 1996) - BCA Recruitment
Derek P. Vlcko (James Madison University 2000) - BCA Recruitment
Jason S. C. Robinson (James Madison University 2007) - BCA Ritual
Timothy A. Brown (James Madison University 2010) - BCA Scholarship
William E. Beasley (James Madison University 1995) - BCA Trustee
Brian M. Glass (James Madison University 2005) - BCA Trustee
Trevor L. Mann (James Madison University 2020) - BCA Trustee
Brian M. Myer (James Madison University 2009) - BCA Trustee
Jason S. C. Robinson (James Madison University 2007) - BCA Trustee
Anthony W. Selbe (James Madison University 2006) - BCA Trustee
Christopher M. Shepherd (James Madison University 1994) - BCA Trustee
Sean P. Fitzgerald (James Madison University 2008) - BCA Built to Lead
Brian M. Myer (James Madison University 2009) - BCA Administration
John K. Dierkes (Johns Hopkins University 1977) - BCA Chairman/President
Daniel F. Organek (Johns Hopkins University 1994) - BCA Chairman/President
Bruce R. Parker (Johns Hopkins University 1975) - BCA Chairman/President
Richard E. Webster (Johns Hopkins University 1963) - BCA Chairman/President
E. Bruce Bower (Johns Hopkins University 1963) - BCA Finances
Guy F. Garman (Johns Hopkins University 1944) - BCA Finances
James E. McDonnell (Johns Hopkins University 1949) - BCA Finances
James T. Dwyer, III (Johns Hopkins University 1979) - BCA Foundation of Courage
William R. Ebsworth (Johns Hopkins University 1980) - BCA Foundation of Courage
David A. Elkes (Johns Hopkins University 1990) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Robert H. MacGill (Johns Hopkins University 1944) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Bruce R. Parker (Johns Hopkins University 1975) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Thomas D. Bloomer, Jr. (Johns Hopkins University 2002) - BCA Graduate Relations
Francis H. McMullan, II (Johns Hopkins University 1944) - BCA Graduate Relations
Bruce R. Parker (Johns Hopkins University 1975) - BCA Graduate Relations
Peter G. Sendroy (Johns Hopkins University 1961) - BCA Graduate Relations
Douglas F. Tribull (Johns Hopkins University 1968) - BCA Graduate Relations
Richard E. Webster (Johns Hopkins University 1963) - BCA Graduate Relations
Michael L. McGarvey (Johns Hopkins University 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
M. Scott Smith (Johns Hopkins University 1977) - BCA Miscellaneous
Douglas F. Tribull (Johns Hopkins University 1968) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas N. Biddison, Jr. (Johns Hopkins University 1961) - BCA Public Relations
John C. Griffin (Johns Hopkins University 1951) - BCA Public Relations
Robert H. MacGill (Johns Hopkins University 1944) - BCA Recruitment
James M. Webster, Jr. (Johns Hopkins University 1959) - BCA Recruitment
Richard E. Webster (Johns Hopkins University 1963) - BCA Recruitment
A. Keith Blizzard (Johns Hopkins University 1979) - BCA Ritual
D. Craig Blizzard (Johns Hopkins University 1975) - BCA Ritual
Peter G. Sendroy (Johns Hopkins University 1961) - BCA Ritual
Thomas N. Biddison, Jr. (Johns Hopkins University 1961) - BCA Scholarship
Charles A. McManus (Johns Hopkins University 1983) - BCA Scholarship
Thomas D. Bloomer, Jr. (Johns Hopkins University 2002) - BCA Trustee
Paul J. Boyle (Johns Hopkins University 1978) - BCA Trustee
John K. Dierkes (Johns Hopkins University 1977) - BCA Trustee
Michael L. McGarvey (Johns Hopkins University 1990) - BCA Trustee
Robert I. Park (Johns Hopkins University 1987) - BCA Trustee
Krishna V. Potarazu (Johns Hopkins University 2006) - BCA Trustee
David H. Joesting, II (Johns Hopkins University 1969) - BCA Administration
Walter L. Pfarr, Jr. (Johns Hopkins University 1950) - BCA Administration
Richard E. Webster (Johns Hopkins University 1963) - BCA Administration
Daniel E. Eakin, IV (Kansas State University 2003) - BCA Chairman/President
Robert W. Gillespie (Kansas State University 1994) - BCA Chairman/President
Clinton D. Graber (Kansas State University 2004) - BCA Chairman/President
Michael J. Herman (Kansas State University 1983) - BCA Chairman/President
Christopher A. Hupe (Kansas State University 1994) - BCA Chairman/President
Daniel G. Miller (Kansas State University 1983) - BCA Chairman/President
L. David Schreck (Kansas State University 1969) - BCA Chairman/President
Glenn D. Sears (Kansas State University 1985) - BCA Chairman/President
Gregory C. Stuart (Kansas State University 1970) - BCA Chairman/President
David E. Waters (Kansas State University 1999) - BCA Chairman/President
H. Seavey Anthony (Kansas State University 1980) - BCA Recording Secretary
Michael K. Fogo (Kansas State University 1985) - BCA Recording Secretary
H. Seavey Anthony (Kansas State University 1980) - BCA Finances
Donald H. Daniels (Kansas State University 1974) - BCA Finances
Terry L. Meyers (Kansas State University 1969) - BCA Finances
Philip E. Nicoli (Kansas State University 1998) - BCA Finances
Kenneth A. Rogler (Kansas State University 1983) - BCA Finances
Michael E. Shutt (Kansas State University 1993) - BCA Finances
Douglas A. Allison (Kansas State University 1976) - BCA Foundation of Courage
H. Seavey Anthony (Kansas State University 1980) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Jay W. Baumann (Kansas State University 1984) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Michael J. Herman (Kansas State University 1983) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Stephen G. Sexton (Kansas State University 1980) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Jonathan M. Stutz (Kansas State University 2009) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Robert A. Weber, Jr. (Kansas State University 1973) - BCA Foundation of Courage
David W. Wilson (Kansas State University 1980) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Thomas D. Eddy (Kansas State University 1969) - BCA Graduate Relations
John M. Foust (Kansas State University 1992) - BCA Graduate Relations
Christopher A. Hupe (Kansas State University 1994) - BCA Graduate Relations
Daniel G. Miller (Kansas State University 1983) - BCA Graduate Relations
C. William Ossmann (Kansas State University 1973) - BCA Graduate Relations
R. Michael Robson (Kansas State University 1977) - BCA Graduate Relations
Kenneth A. Rogler (Kansas State University 1983) - BCA Graduate Relations
Rod A. Smith (Kansas State University 1976) - BCA Graduate Relations
Gregory C. Stuart (Kansas State University 1970) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jay W. Baumann (Kansas State University 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Blake M. Benton (Kansas State University 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
John M. Foust (Kansas State University 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffery W. Fowler (Kansas State University 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Paul D. Harrison (Kansas State University 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas J. Hubbard (Kansas State University 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
R. Eric Ireland (Kansas State University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Carlido J. Johnson (Kansas State University 2022) - BCA Miscellaneous
Zachary T. Johnson (Kansas State University 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mitchell G. Keating (Kansas State University 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Greg N. Kemp (Kansas State University 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jacob D. Kling (Kansas State University 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher G. Lobb (Kansas State University 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Daniel G. Miller (Kansas State University 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Greg D. Nelson (Kansas State University 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew R. North (Kansas State University 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
Rick E. Owens (Kansas State University 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Glenn D. Sears (Kansas State University 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
John M. Walter (Kansas State University 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Craig W. West (Kansas State University 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gregory H. Wilson (Kansas State University 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
Scott M. Wilson (Kansas State University 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
H. Seavey Anthony (Kansas State University 1980) - BCA Public Relations
Thomas J. Hubbard (Kansas State University 1984) - BCA Public Relations
Robert D. Lamborn (Kansas State University 1970) - BCA Public Relations
Glenn D. Sears (Kansas State University 1985) - BCA Public Relations
Gregory H. Wilson (Kansas State University 1978) - BCA Public Relations
Scott M. Wilson (Kansas State University 1994) - BCA Public Relations
Roger T. Aeschliman (Kansas State University 1982) - BCA Recruitment
Michael A. Boucher (Kansas State University 1981) - BCA Recruitment
William C. Giltner (Kansas State University 1989) - BCA Recruitment
Mitchell G. Keating (Kansas State University 2012) - BCA Recruitment
Michael E. Morris (Kansas State University 1977) - BCA Recruitment
Kurt M. Niebuhr (Kansas State University 2003) - BCA Recruitment
Juan C. Sexton (Kansas State University 1972) - BCA Recruitment
Rod A. Smith (Kansas State University 1976) - BCA Recruitment
Allen L. Switzer (Kansas State University 1971) - BCA Recruitment
Evan S. Wilson (Kansas State University 1983) - BCA Recruitment
Daniel R. Carter (Kansas State University 1975) - BCA Risk Management
Jeffery W. Fowler (Kansas State University 1993) - BCA Risk Management
John D. Herman (Kansas State University 1978) - BCA Risk Management
Gregory C. Stuart (Kansas State University 1970) - BCA Risk Management
Robert W. Gillespie (Kansas State University 1994) - BCA Ritual
Douglas J. Labbe (Kansas State University 1991) - BCA Ritual
Michael E. Morris (Kansas State University 1977) - BCA Ritual
C. William Ossmann (Kansas State University 1973) - BCA Ritual
L. David Schreck (Kansas State University 1969) - BCA Ritual
James W. Seley (Kansas State University 1984) - BCA Ritual
Gregory C. Stuart (Kansas State University 1970) - BCA Ritual
S. Clark Balderson (Kansas State University 1970) - BCA Scholarship
Daniel E. Eakin, IV (Kansas State University 2003) - BCA Scholarship
David E. Waters (Kansas State University 1999) - BCA Scholarship
Tyler C. Webb (Kansas State University 2006) - BCA Scholarship
Michael L. Whitehair (Kansas State University 1972) - BCA Scholarship
Roger T. Aeschliman (Kansas State University 1982) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Mitchell G. Keating (Kansas State University 2012) - BCA Trustee
Roger T. Aeschliman (Kansas State University 1982) - BCA Administration
H. Seavey Anthony (Kansas State University 1980) - BCA Built to Lead
Michael J. Herman (Kansas State University 1983) - BCA Administration
Corey A. Imhoff (Kansas State University 1991) - BCA Administration
Robert D. Lamborn (Kansas State University 1970) - BCA Administration
L. David Schreck (Kansas State University 1969) - BCA Administration
Stephen G. Sexton (Kansas State University 1980) - BCA Built to Lead
Robert A. Weber, Jr. (Kansas State University 1973) - BCA Administration
David W. Wilson (Kansas State University 1980) - BCA Built to Lead
Thomas M. Vassallo (Kent State University 1964) - BCA Vice Chairman
Owen R. McDougald (Kent State University 2022) - BCA Finances
Roy D. Metcalf (Kent State University 1966) - BCA Finances
James H. Trueman (Kent State University 1965) - BCA Finances
Gary W. Burnett (Kent State University 1964) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Ronald S. Beer (Kent State University 1962) - BCA Miscellaneous
Timothy W. Kilduff (Kent State University 1968) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gary W. Burnett (Kent State University 1964) - BCA Recruitment
Frank A. Hennen (Kent State University 1974) - BCA Recruitment
Roy D. Metcalf (Kent State University 1966) - BCA Recruitment
Dave Weigel (Kent State University 1969) - BCA Recruitment
Dennis M. Shankleton (Kent State University 1964) - BCA Ritual
James H. Trueman (Kent State University 1965) - BCA Scholarship
James H. Trueman (Kent State University 1965) - BCA Administration
Nathan T. Vitale (Kent State University 2022) - BCA Built to Lead
Cory D. Dorfner (Kettering University A 2014) - BCA Chairman/President
Christopher M. Flynn (Kettering University A 2010) - BCA Chairman/President
Reed J. Lubbers (Kettering University A 2016) - BCA Chairman/President
Andrew D. Nigrine (Kettering University A 2023) - BCA Chairman/President
James T. Engardio (Kettering University A 1982) - BCA Finances
Joseph J. Horak (Kettering University A 2011) - BCA Finances
Donald G. Kowalke (Kettering University A 1968) - BCA Finances
Kevin W. Lucka (Kettering University A 2014) - BCA Finances
Christopher P. Mikola (Kettering University A 2003) - BCA Finances
Jan E. Pitzer (Kettering University A 1979) - BCA Finances
Bruce D. Rohn (Kettering University A 1976) - BCA Finances
George H. Thomas (Kettering University A 1973) - BCA Finances
Rick J. Winkley (Kettering University A 1977) - BCA Finances
M. Kevin Wirtz (Kettering University A 1981) - BCA Finances
Donald L. Barefoot (Kettering University A 1977) - BCA Foundation of Courage
James L. Craner (Kettering University A 1977) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Donald G. Kowalke (Kettering University A 1968) - BCA Foundation of Courage
John M. Lindenmuth (Kettering University A 1975) - BCA Foundation of Courage
John A. Robins (Kettering University A 1984) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Donald L. Barefoot (Kettering University A 1977) - BCA Graduate Relations
Richard B. Becker (Kettering University A 1985) - BCA Graduate Relations
Parker J. Cirino (Kettering University A 2022) - BCA Graduate Relations
William H. Erwin, Jr. (Kettering University A 1991) - BCA Graduate Relations
Bradford C. Grems (Kettering University A 2000) - BCA Graduate Relations
Mark B. Jacobsen (Kettering University A 2001) - BCA Graduate Relations
Gary R. Kilponen (Kettering University A 1983) - BCA Graduate Relations
Kenneth R. Long (Kettering University A 1975) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jeffrey P. Rysenga (Kettering University A 1984) - BCA Graduate Relations
George Adams (Kettering University A 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
Eli N. Ashwal (Kettering University A 2018) - BCA Miscellaneous
Tyler A. Babinski (Kettering University A 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
David J. Blaser (Kettering University A 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Canice P. Boran (Kettering University A 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Scott Bratton (Kettering University A 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ryan C. Cargill (Kettering University A 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael T. Chizuk (Kettering University A 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark A. Cline (Kettering University A 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
James R. DeMonaco (Kettering University A 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Cory D. Dorfner (Kettering University A 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Steven M. Dufon (Kettering University A 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Steven R. Elliott (Kettering University A 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jameson G. Fee (Kettering University A 2008) - BCA Miscellaneous
Vincenzo N. Ferro (Kettering University A 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bradford C. Grems (Kettering University A 2000) - BCA Miscellaneous
Nicholas L. Hawley (Kettering University A 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kenneth B. Howard, Jr. (Kettering University A 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark B. Jacobsen (Kettering University A 2001) - BCA Miscellaneous
Charles L. Johnson (Kettering University A 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gerald J. Kania (Kettering University A 1966) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ronald J. Leonard (Kettering University A 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
William R. Lovelace (Kettering University A 1965) - BCA Miscellaneous
Reed J. Lubbers (Kettering University A 2016) - BCA Miscellaneous
Rex E. Luzader (Kettering University A 1971) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher P. Mikola (Kettering University A 2003) - BCA Miscellaneous
Dean W. Munger (Kettering University A 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
Eric L. Peterson (Kettering University A 2009) - BCA Miscellaneous
David M. Pokriefka (Kettering University A 2019) - BCA Miscellaneous
Steven D. Purvis (Kettering University A 2002) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas A. Rhein (Kettering University A 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gary W. Rhoads (Kettering University A 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Steven R. Robins (Kettering University A 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
John E. Rolfe (Kettering University A 1965) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ronald C. Root (Kettering University A 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael J. Schaublin (Kettering University A 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mitchell P. Sloboda (Kettering University A 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
James R. Somerville (Kettering University A 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joshua D. Sweers (Kettering University A 2007) - BCA Miscellaneous
Aaron R. TenHuisen (Kettering University A 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Paul W. Tobakos (Kettering University A 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher A. Freeh (Kettering University A 1981) - BCA Public Relations
Kenneth R. Long (Kettering University A 1975) - BCA Public Relations
Joel M. Weeks (Kettering University A 1984) - BCA Public Relations
Donald L. Barefoot (Kettering University A 1977) - BCA Recruitment
James L. Craner (Kettering University A 1977) - BCA Recruitment
Mark A. Hresko (Kettering University A 1980) - BCA Recruitment
Kevin W. Lucka (Kettering University A 2014) - BCA Recruitment
Ronald D. Massar (Kettering University A 1982) - BCA Recruitment
Richard J. Putnam (Kettering University A 1977) - BCA Recruitment
Jameson G. Fee (Kettering University A 2008) - BCA Risk Management
George H. Thomas (Kettering University A 1973) - BCA Risk Management
Gregory S. Creighton (Kettering University A 1984) - BCA Ritual
Bryan P. Forsythe (Kettering University A 2003) - BCA Ritual
Donald G. Kowalke (Kettering University A 1968) - BCA Ritual
Steven R. Robins (Kettering University A 1981) - BCA Ritual
Bryan P. Forsythe (Kettering University A 2003) - BCA Scholarship
Matthew T. Jokerst (Kettering University A 2014) - BCA Scholarship
Donald G. Kowalke (Kettering University A 1968) - BCA Scholarship
John E. Rolfe (Kettering University A 1965) - BCA Scholarship
Rick J. Winkley (Kettering University A 1977) - BCA Scholarship
Stephen J. Byrne (Kettering University A 1982) - BCA Administration
V. Barry Floyd (Kettering University A 1981) - BCA Administration
Charles A. Krauss (Kettering University A 1990) - BCA Administration
David M. Pokriefka (Kettering University A 2019) - BCA Built to Lead
Bruce D. Rohn (Kettering University A 1976) - BCA Administration
Damian T. S. Vaubel (Kettering University A 2021) - BCA Built to Lead
Gabriel Bowerson (Kettering University B 2019) - BCA Chairman/President
J. Keith Councell (Kettering University B 2003) - BCA Chairman/President
J. Keith Councell (Kettering University B 2003) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Paton M. Zimmerman, Jr. (Kettering University B 1977) - BCA Graduate Relations
Gabriel Bowerson (Kettering University B 2019) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. Keith Councell (Kettering University B 2003) - BCA Miscellaneous
Eldon T. Down (Kettering University B 2002) - BCA Miscellaneous
R. Nicholas M. Eizmendi (Kettering University B 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew J. Fletcher (Kettering University B 2002) - BCA Miscellaneous
Edward J. Kiell (Kettering University B 2002) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph A. Smith (Kettering University B 2018) - BCA Miscellaneous
Paton M. Zimmerman, Jr. (Kettering University B 1977) - BCA Ritual
Robert J. Baker (Kettering University B 1993) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Peter L. Clark (Kettering University B 1968) - BCA Trustee
Paton M. Zimmerman, Jr. (Kettering University B 1977) - BCA Administration
K. Russell Crawford (Knox College 1972) - BCA Chairman/President
Harry J. Neumiller, Jr. (Knox College 1951) - BCA Chairman/President
John H. Fischer (Knox College 1954) - BCA Finances
Charles J. Gibbs (Knox College 1950) - BCA Finances
Robert M. Lindsay, Jr. (Knox College 1973) - BCA Finances
Thomas C. Woolwine (Knox College 1981) - BCA Finances
Thomas W. O'Neal (Knox College 1977) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Robert T. Boynton (Knox College 1965) - BCA Graduate Relations
G. Kirby Holland (Knox College 1963) - BCA Graduate Relations
Harry J. Neumiller, Jr. (Knox College 1951) - BCA Graduate Relations
Richard D. Pearsall (Knox College 1919) - BCA Graduate Relations
George J. Poulos (Knox College 1940) - BCA Graduate Relations
David S. Schramm (Knox College 1978) - BCA Graduate Relations
John D. Sherrick (Knox College 1978) - BCA Graduate Relations
Thomas C. Woolwine (Knox College 1981) - BCA Graduate Relations
David G. Brackman (Knox College 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Paul J. Corkery (Knox College 1958) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kenneth M. Cornell (Knox College 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
K. Russell Crawford (Knox College 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
Peter M. Janzow (Knox College 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kenneth J. Peve (Knox College 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Benjamin P. Shakman (Knox College 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
John H. Fischer (Knox College 1954) - BCA Public Relations
G. Kirby Holland (Knox College 1963) - BCA Public Relations
Michael J. Kraynak (Knox College 1982) - BCA Public Relations
David G. Brackman (Knox College 1981) - BCA Recruitment
Rodney L. Hale (Knox College 1997) - BCA Recruitment
Robert M. Lindsay, Jr. (Knox College 1973) - BCA Recruitment
George J. Poulos (Knox College 1940) - BCA Recruitment
Othmar T. Steinman (Knox College 1970) - BCA Recruitment
Robert T. Boynton (Knox College 1965) - BCA Ritual
K. Russell Crawford (Knox College 1972) - BCA Ritual
John P. Dahlberg (Knox College 1929) - BCA Ritual
George G. Lowe (Knox College 1975) - BCA Ritual
George J. Poulos (Knox College 1940) - BCA Ritual
Harry J. Neumiller, Jr. (Knox College 1951) - BCA Scholarship
Karl K. Taylor (Knox College 1960) - BCA Scholarship
David G. Brackman (Knox College 1981) - BCA Built to Lead
K. Russell Crawford (Knox College 1972) - BCA Administration
John P. Dahlberg (Knox College 1929) - BCA Administration
E. Richard Johnson (Knox College 1953) - BCA Administration
George G. Lowe (Knox College 1975) - BCA Administration
Steven P. Malecha (Knox College 1981) - BCA Administration
C. Richard Neumiller (Knox College 1953) - BCA Administration
David L. Swanson (Knox College 1910) - BCA Administration
Kevin M. Flood (Lafayette College 1985) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Philip E. Ness, Jr. (Lafayette College 1978) - BCA Graduate Relations
Philip E. Ness, Jr. (Lafayette College 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kevin M. Flood (Lafayette College 1985) - BCA Scholarship
David C. Larned (Lafayette College 1973) - BCA Trustee
John R. Gimpel (LaSalle University 1984) - BCA Chairman/President
John R. McCormack, Jr. (LaSalle University 1984) - BCA Chairman/President
Gregg R. Melinson (LaSalle University 1986) - BCA Chairman/President
Matthew J. Michel (LaSalle University 2004) - BCA Chairman/President
Mark A. Samson (LaSalle University 1988) - BCA Chairman/President
Paul Winter (LaSalle University 1987) - BCA Chairman/President
John R. Gimpel (LaSalle University 1984) - BCA Vice Chairman
Paul Winter (LaSalle University 1987) - BCA Vice Chairman
Mark A. Samson (LaSalle University 1988) - BCA Recording Secretary
Mike J. Scotese (LaSalle University 1988) - BCA Recording Secretary
Carl J. Guecia (LaSalle University 1985) - BCA Finances
Ryan P. Schrank (LaSalle University 2004) - BCA Finances
Steven G. Cooper (LaSalle University 1985) - BCA Foundation of Courage
John R. McCormack, Jr. (LaSalle University 1984) - BCA Graduate Relations
John R. McCormack, Jr. (LaSalle University 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Leonard J. Rhoades, III (LaSalle University 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Paul Winter (LaSalle University 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Alexandre S. LeMalefant (LaSalle University 1986) - BCA Public Relations
Leonard J. Rhoades, III (LaSalle University 1986) - BCA Public Relations
Steven G. Cooper (LaSalle University 1985) - BCA Recruitment
John R. Gimpel (LaSalle University 1984) - BCA Recruitment
John R. Gimpel (LaSalle University 1984) - BCA Risk Management
Carl J. Guecia (LaSalle University 1985) - BCA Scholarship
Vincent L. Gaffney (LaSalle University 1988) - BCA Trustee
John R. Gimpel (LaSalle University 1984) - BCA Trustee
Michael W. Glaze (LaSalle University 1991) - BCA Trustee
David W. Hill (LaSalle University 2004) - BCA Trustee
Joseph W. Markmann (LaSalle University 1996) - BCA Trustee
Timothy M. Meekins (LaSalle University 1998) - BCA Trustee
Matthew J. Michel (LaSalle University 2004) - BCA Trustee
Leonard J. Rhoades, III (LaSalle University 1986) - BCA Trustee
Mark A. Samson (LaSalle University 1988) - BCA Trustee
Mike J. Scotese (LaSalle University 1988) - BCA Trustee
Christopher Settembrino (LaSalle University 1991) - BCA Trustee
Jason T. Stevenson (LaSalle University 2005) - BCA Trustee
Paul Winter (LaSalle University 1987) - BCA Trustee
John R. Gimpel (LaSalle University 1984) - BCA Administration
Marc R. Mayer (Lawrence University 1981) - BCA Chairman/President
Bruce A. Wilson (Lawrence University 1981) - BCA Vice Chairman
Mark V. Herzing (Lawrence University 1984) - BCA Finances
L. Clayton Funk (Lawrence University 1984) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Marc R. Mayer (Lawrence University 1981) - BCA Foundation of Courage
L. Clayton Funk (Lawrence University 1984) - BCA Graduate Relations
Mark A. Piper (Lawrence University 1979) - BCA Graduate Relations
Mark D. Tohulka (Lawrence University 1980) - BCA Graduate Relations
Roy S. Brayton (Lawrence University 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian G. Dobberke (Lawrence University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Marc R. Mayer (Lawrence University 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Charles R. Murphy (Lawrence University 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Philip M. Young (Lawrence University 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Marc R. Mayer (Lawrence University 1981) - BCA Recruitment
Mark D. Tohulka (Lawrence University 1980) - BCA Recruitment
Mark V. Herzing (Lawrence University 1984) - BCA Scholarship
George N. Grammas (Lawrence University 1984) - BCA Administration
William D. Bast (Lehigh University 1979) - BCA Chairman/President
W. Bruce Bogenrief (Lehigh University 1968) - BCA Chairman/President
J. Douglas Breen (Lehigh University 1968) - BCA Vice Chairman
George R. Hanlon (Lehigh University 1969) - BCA Finances
Stephen C. Rice (Lehigh University 1972) - BCA Finances
Stephen D. Smoke (Lehigh University 1941) - BCA Finances
Daniel L. Barton (Lehigh University 1985) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Jonathan W. England (Lehigh University 2008) - BCA Foundation of Courage
David D. Rothermel (Lehigh University 1966) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Michael H. Danjczek (Lehigh University 1972) - BCA Graduate Relations
Richard P. Miller (Lehigh University 1969) - BCA Graduate Relations
Joseph J. Chappell (Lehigh University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael J. Connor (Lehigh University 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Albert C. Cooke, III (Lehigh University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael H. Danjczek (Lehigh University 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
Frank J. Diana (Lehigh University 1977) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew D. Eckert (Lehigh University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
James P. Folkes (Lehigh University 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark L. Gardner (Lehigh University 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Peter H. Gebert (Lehigh University 1977) - BCA Miscellaneous
Todd C. Hansen (Lehigh University 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brent H. Kopenhaver (Lehigh University 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stephen J. Mock, Jr. (Lehigh University 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
Anthony Narducci, Jr. (Lehigh University 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
Charles A. Reinhart, III (Lehigh University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
James G. Schunck (Lehigh University 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark W. Torie (Lehigh University 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
Raymond P. Trevisan (Lehigh University 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
George R. Hanlon (Lehigh University 1969) - BCA Public Relations
Richard P. Miller (Lehigh University 1969) - BCA Public Relations
Stephen D. Smoke (Lehigh University 1941) - BCA Public Relations
John H. Brindle, Jr. (Lehigh University 1970) - BCA Recruitment
George C. Rach (Lehigh University 1960) - BCA Recruitment
John H. Long (Lehigh University 1976) - BCA Ritual
David D. Rothermel (Lehigh University 1966) - BCA Ritual
Albert L. Baker, III (Lehigh University 1969) - BCA Scholarship
A. William Reid Jr. (Lehigh University 1951) - BCA Scholarship
William D. Bast (Lehigh University 1979) - BCA Trustee
David D. Beard (Lehigh University 1980) - BCA Trustee
W. Bruce Bogenrief (Lehigh University 1968) - BCA Trustee
Nathan Z. Brzozowski (Lehigh University 2007) - BCA Trustee
Michael J. Connor (Lehigh University 1980) - BCA Trustee
Michael H. Danjczek (Lehigh University 1972) - BCA Trustee
Andrew D. Eckert (Lehigh University 1982) - BCA Trustee
Jeff D. Eggert (Lehigh University 1980) - BCA Trustee
James P. Folkes (Lehigh University 1976) - BCA Trustee
Robert T. Haase (Lehigh University 1980) - BCA Trustee
Matthew J. Meyers (Lehigh University 2009) - BCA Trustee
James A. Miller (Lehigh University 1964) - BCA Trustee
James D. Mirenda (Lehigh University 1968) - BCA Trustee
Douglas W. Paige (Lehigh University 1971) - BCA Trustee
Scott D. Peck (Lehigh University 1980) - BCA Trustee
Mark W. Torie (Lehigh University 1978) - BCA Trustee
Raymond P. Trevisan (Lehigh University 1980) - BCA Trustee
Andrew J. Twiggar (Lehigh University 1994) - BCA Trustee
Andrew T. Woodward (Lehigh University 2011) - BCA Trustee
James P. Folkes (Lehigh University 1976) - BCA Administration
Stephen C. Rice (Lehigh University 1972) - BCA Administration
Joseph V. Walton (Lehigh University 1965) - BCA Administration
Justin J. Ansel, Jr. (Louisiana State University 1995) - BCA Chairman/President
William V. Bosch, III (Louisiana State University 1976) - BCA Chairman/President
William E. Cruikshank, II (Louisiana State University 1999) - BCA Chairman/President
Jeffrey A. Gahn (Louisiana State University 2015) - BCA Chairman/President
O. Michael Odom (Louisiana State University 1996) - BCA Chairman/President
William V. Bosch, III (Louisiana State University 1976) - BCA Finances
Jose S. Canseco (Louisiana State University 1981) - BCA Finances
R. Cole Cash (Louisiana State University 1957) - BCA Finances
Paul L. Gregory (Louisiana State University 1970) - BCA Finances
William L. Landreneau (Louisiana State University 2002) - BCA Finances
Richard J. Searles, Jr. (Louisiana State University 1961) - BCA Finances
John G. Allelo (Louisiana State University 1984) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Norman F. Bacon, Jr. (Louisiana State University 1980) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Donald D. Fuson (Louisiana State University 1970) - BCA Foundation of Courage
H. Scott Gilreath (Louisiana State University 1975) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Thomas M. Richard (Louisiana State University 1979) - BCA Foundation of Courage
David G. Trepagnier, Jr. (Louisiana State University 2018) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Louis G. Tridico (Louisiana State University 1978) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Mark W. Alberty (Louisiana State University 1973) - BCA Graduate Relations
R. Cole Cash (Louisiana State University 1957) - BCA Graduate Relations
Robert N. Clarke (Louisiana State University 1969) - BCA Graduate Relations
Ronald E. Edmonston (Louisiana State University 1970) - BCA Graduate Relations
Matthew A. Gallagher (Louisiana State University 2014) - BCA Graduate Relations
Hal H. Hinchliffe (Louisiana State University 1976) - BCA Graduate Relations
John F. McKay (Louisiana State University 1964) - BCA Graduate Relations
John W. Mundinger, Jr. (Louisiana State University 1976) - BCA Graduate Relations
Thomas G. Smart (Louisiana State University 1979) - BCA Graduate Relations
David G. Trepagnier, Jr. (Louisiana State University 2018) - BCA Graduate Relations
John G. Allelo (Louisiana State University 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
William V. Bosch, III (Louisiana State University 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jose S. Canseco (Louisiana State University 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
R. Kyle Carmouche (Louisiana State University 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Donald G. Cave (Louisiana State University 1965) - BCA Miscellaneous
William E. Cruikshank, II (Louisiana State University 1999) - BCA Miscellaneous
James F. Cusimano (Louisiana State University 2001) - BCA Miscellaneous
Walter J. Leger, Jr. (Louisiana State University 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
John W. Mundinger, Jr. (Louisiana State University 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Nicholas J. Rauber (Louisiana State University 2002) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jack B. Rettig (Louisiana State University 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ken B. Slay (Louisiana State University 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Arthur L. Champagne, II (Louisiana State University 1965) - BCA Public Relations
John F. McKay (Louisiana State University 1964) - BCA Public Relations
William V. Bosch, IV (Louisiana State University 2005) - BCA Recruitment
Donald G. Cave (Louisiana State University 1965) - BCA Recruitment
Donald D. Fuson (Louisiana State University 1970) - BCA Recruitment
Curtis C. Humphris, III (Louisiana State University 1976) - BCA Recruitment
Anthony J. Tamburo (Louisiana State University 1994) - BCA Recruitment
Michael T. Bass (Louisiana State University 1982) - BCA Risk Management
Thomas C. Davis, Jr. (Louisiana State University 1973) - BCA Risk Management
David W. Leefe (Louisiana State University 1978) - BCA Risk Management
R. Kyle Carmouche (Louisiana State University 1992) - BCA Ritual
Bret A. Clesi (Louisiana State University 1980) - BCA Ritual
Thomas C. Davis, Jr. (Louisiana State University 1973) - BCA Ritual
Donald D. Fuson (Louisiana State University 1970) - BCA Ritual
Arthur L. Roberts (Louisiana State University 1960) - BCA Ritual
Gary C. Smyth (Louisiana State University 1972) - BCA Ritual
Jackson M. Cooley (Louisiana State University 1974) - BCA Scholarship
Thomas C. Davis, Jr. (Louisiana State University 1973) - BCA Scholarship
Arthur L. Roberts (Louisiana State University 1960) - BCA Scholarship
Justin J. Ansel, Jr. (Louisiana State University 1995) - BCA Trustee
Christian M. Bogart (Louisiana State University 1991) - BCA Trustee
Bradley J. Bordelon (Louisiana State University 2016) - BCA Trustee
Richard D. Burvant (Louisiana State University 1993) - BCA Trustee
Robert J. Comeaux, Jr. (Louisiana State University 1989) - BCA Trustee
Jeffrey P. Gernon (Louisiana State University 1994) - BCA Trustee
David M. Hunt (Louisiana State University 2019) - BCA Trustee
Bailey M. Murry (Louisiana State University 2017) - BCA Trustee
Brad J. Schlotterer (Louisiana State University 1991) - BCA Trustee
Stuart C. Seiler (Louisiana State University 2015) - BCA Trustee
Ronald R. Simpson (Louisiana State University 1992) - BCA Trustee
Justin M. Swanson (Louisiana State University 1992) - BCA Trustee
Anthony J. Tamburo (Louisiana State University 1994) - BCA Trustee
Christopher A. Burdette (Louisiana State University 1981) - BCA Administration
R. Kyle Carmouche (Louisiana State University 1992) - BCA Built to Lead
L. Guy Cook, CPA (Louisiana State University 1963) - BCA Administration
Arthur L. Roberts (Louisiana State University 1960) - BCA Administration
James A. Atwood (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1979) - BCA Finances
Steven M. Chamberlain (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1970) - BCA Finances
Donald F. de Reynier (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1960) - BCA Graduate Relations
Donald F. de Reynier (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1960) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher R. Miller (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1965) - BCA Miscellaneous
Donald F. de Reynier (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1960) - BCA Administration
Andrew G. Loucks (McGill University 1965) - BCA Risk Management
Clayton L. Barnard (Miami University 1969) - BCA Chairman/President
Michael D. Bevis (Miami University 1970) - BCA Chairman/President
Matthew A. Hazelbaker (Miami University 1996) - BCA Chairman/President
Craig A. Hazenfield (Miami University 1994) - BCA Chairman/President
Allan B. Payne (Miami University 1969) - BCA Chairman/President
Brent R. Steiner (Miami University 1970) - BCA Chairman/President
David H. Midkiff (Miami University 1994) - BCA Vice Chairman
Sean M. O'Hare (Miami University 1994) - BCA Recording Secretary
Steven P. Cunningham (Miami University 1974) - BCA Finances
Richard K. Grosscup (Miami University 1968) - BCA Finances
John M. McHugh (Miami University 1974) - BCA Finances
George M. Simonds (Miami University 1959) - BCA Finances
Daniel J. Williamson (Miami University 1978) - BCA Finances
Clayton L. Barnard (Miami University 1969) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Michael A. Farris (Miami University 1978) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Gary C. Koch (Miami University 1964) - BCA Foundation of Courage
John M. McHugh (Miami University 1974) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Thomas A. Roebuck (Miami University 1968) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Cory K. Foster (Miami University 1967) - BCA Graduate Relations
William R. Jencks (Miami University 1963) - BCA Graduate Relations
David M. Risk (Miami University 1989) - BCA Graduate Relations
Lee C. Schmitt (Miami University 1963) - BCA Graduate Relations
Nicholas G. Spicher (Miami University 2004) - BCA Graduate Relations
Gordon D. Arnold (Miami University 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
Douglas R. Baker (Miami University 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Clayton L. Barnard (Miami University 1969) - BCA Miscellaneous
Patrick P. Born (Miami University 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
David B. Bowen (Miami University 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
Philip F. Cagwin (Miami University 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
Roger S. Compton (Miami University 1969) - BCA Miscellaneous
Steven P. Cunningham (Miami University 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
Steven R. Danals (Miami University 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew B. Davis (Miami University 2007) - BCA Miscellaneous
David L. Forrester, III (Miami University 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
Cory K. Foster (Miami University 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bruce C. Gaw (Miami University 1964) - BCA Miscellaneous
David B. Hadesty (Miami University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Charles E. Hilgeman (Miami University 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
Terry G. Hunt (Miami University 1962) - BCA Miscellaneous
Connor P. Iuni (Miami University 2018) - BCA Miscellaneous
Peter J. Kacarab (Miami University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stephen R. McGhee (Miami University 2001) - BCA Miscellaneous
D. Michael McGowan (Miami University 2003) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bradley H. Moock (Miami University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. P. Robert Nolette, III (Miami University 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Allan B. Payne (Miami University 1969) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas A. Roebuck (Miami University 1968) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kevin J. Sanker (Miami University 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
Lee C. Schmitt (Miami University 1963) - BCA Miscellaneous
Frederick H. Seger (Miami University 1971) - BCA Miscellaneous
George M. Simonds (Miami University 1959) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas A. Simons, Jr. (Miami University 1968) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gerald L. Tschudi (Miami University 1958) - BCA Miscellaneous
Steven D. Unger (Miami University 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael L. Vastola (Miami University 1969) - BCA Miscellaneous
John P. Walsh (Miami University 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
James E. Walter (Miami University 1964) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ryan R. Young (Miami University 2003) - BCA Miscellaneous
Zachary B. Zettler (Miami University 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
David B. Bowen (Miami University 1979) - BCA Recruitment
Paul A. Diefenderfer (Miami University 1978) - BCA Recruitment
Richard B. Olinger (Miami University 1971) - BCA Risk Management
Dennis D. Rayome (Miami University 1978) - BCA Risk Management
John M. McHugh (Miami University 1974) - BCA Ritual
Richard B. Olinger (Miami University 1971) - BCA Ritual
Allan B. Payne (Miami University 1969) - BCA Ritual
Dennis D. Rayome (Miami University 1978) - BCA Ritual
Roger L. Duncan (Miami University 1965) - BCA Scholarship
Cory K. Foster (Miami University 1967) - BCA Scholarship
Samuel D. Hicks (Miami University 2017) - BCA Scholarship
David B. Bowen (Miami University 1979) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Charles E. Hilgeman (Miami University 1978) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
John H. Ditslear, Jr. (Miami University 1964) - BCA Trustee
Michael T. Hooper (Miami University 1967) - BCA Trustee
Gerald L. Mills (Miami University 1962) - BCA Trustee
Eric W. Reisch (Miami University 1989) - BCA Trustee
Lee C. Schmitt (Miami University 1963) - BCA Trustee
Steven D. Unger (Miami University 1975) - BCA Trustee
Clayton L. Barnard (Miami University 1969) - BCA Administration
David E. Beitzel (Miami University 1973) - BCA Administration
Steven P. Cunningham (Miami University 1974) - BCA Administration
Steven W. Atwell (Michigan State University 1985) - BCA Chairman/President
Jeffrey S. Boyd (Michigan State University 1983) - BCA Chairman/President
William G. Buschman (Michigan State University 1985) - BCA Chairman/President
Jeffery J. Engler (Michigan State University 1992) - BCA Chairman/President
Brian A. McCarthy (Michigan State University 1979) - BCA Chairman/President
David M. Pavlik (Michigan State University 1964) - BCA Chairman/President
Henry R. Rehn (Michigan State University 1987) - BCA Chairman/President
Bernard F. Upson (Michigan State University 1981) - BCA Chairman/President
Robert L. Breese (Michigan State University 1968) - BCA Vice Chairman
Jeffrey S. Boyd (Michigan State University 1983) - BCA Finances
William G. Buschman (Michigan State University 1985) - BCA Finances
Daniel L. Hunt (Michigan State University 1977) - BCA Finances
Brian A. McCarthy (Michigan State University 1979) - BCA Finances
R. Lee McFadden, III (Michigan State University 1968) - BCA Finances
John P. Simmons, II (Michigan State University 1968) - BCA Finances
J. Robert Waters (Michigan State University 1962) - BCA Finances
Kevin S. Cole (Michigan State University 1975) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Bradley D. Cooper (Michigan State University 1992) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Mark S. Hoover (Michigan State University 1981) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Martin W. Johnson (Michigan State University 1979) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Richard H. Pulsfort (Michigan State University 1993) - BCA Foundation of Courage
John D. Rayis (Michigan State University 1976) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Ralph M. Shaheen (Michigan State University 1972) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Anthony L. Assaff (Michigan State University 1981) - BCA Graduate Relations
Steven W. Atwell (Michigan State University 1985) - BCA Graduate Relations
Dan Pettigrew (Michigan State University 1969) - BCA Graduate Relations
Ryan Adams (Michigan State University 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
Cameron J. Dole (Michigan State University 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael T. Donnelly (Michigan State University 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew G. Hausman (Michigan State University 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
R. Lee McFadden, III (Michigan State University 1968) - BCA Miscellaneous
David M. Pavlik (Michigan State University 1964) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael W. Peplowski (Michigan State University 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Dan Pettigrew (Michigan State University 1969) - BCA Miscellaneous
Todd W. Rankin (Michigan State University 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kirk C. Rehn (Michigan State University 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Phillip E. Ridgway (Michigan State University 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mickey C. Rist (Michigan State University 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Daniel J. Sherwood (Michigan State University 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
James P. Sipe, III (Michigan State University 1968) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew L. Strait (Michigan State University 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bernard F. Upson (Michigan State University 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
John E. Venable (Michigan State University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey S. Williams (Michigan State University 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher J. Wittenberg (Michigan State University 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kevin S. Cole (Michigan State University 1975) - BCA Public Relations
Kenneth A. Martinek (Michigan State University 1980) - BCA Public Relations
Ralph M. Shaheen (Michigan State University 1972) - BCA Public Relations
Bernard F. Upson (Michigan State University 1981) - BCA Public Relations
Brian L. Van Dommelen (Michigan State University 1983) - BCA Public Relations
Kevin S. Cole (Michigan State University 1975) - BCA Recruitment
William A. Couger (Michigan State University 1978) - BCA Recruitment
Jeffrey W. Julius (Michigan State University 2011) - BCA Recruitment
William W. Merten (Michigan State University 1977) - BCA Recruitment
Stephen E. Page (Michigan State University 1979) - BCA Recruitment
Ralph M. Shaheen (Michigan State University 1972) - BCA Recruitment
Terence R. Sheehan (Michigan State University 1987) - BCA Recruitment
Thomas R. Humphreys, III (Michigan State University 1987) - BCA Risk Management
Eric A. Deal (Michigan State University 1977) - BCA Ritual
George C. Jackson (Michigan State University 1969) - BCA Ritual
Robert M. Justin (Michigan State University 1969) - BCA Ritual
William W. Merten (Michigan State University 1977) - BCA Ritual
Eric A. Deal (Michigan State University 1977) - BCA Scholarship
Thomas G. Doane (Michigan State University 1982) - BCA Scholarship
Marc G. Hage (Michigan State University 1982) - BCA Scholarship
Robert M. Justin (Michigan State University 1969) - BCA Scholarship
John W. Powell (Michigan State University 1966) - BCA Scholarship
Kevin S. Cole (Michigan State University 1975) - BCA Trustee
Scott H. Hogan (Michigan State University 1984) - BCA Trustee
David M. Hughes (Michigan State University 1987) - BCA Trustee
Thomas R. Humphreys, III (Michigan State University 1987) - BCA Trustee
Michael E. Klusowski (Michigan State University 1987) - BCA Trustee
John M. Kukalis (Michigan State University 1990) - BCA Trustee
David G. Laity (Michigan State University 1971) - BCA Trustee
Gary B. Lake (Michigan State University 1972) - BCA Trustee
Gerald T. Nowak (Michigan State University 1985) - BCA Trustee
Michael S. Olinik (Michigan State University 1998) - BCA Trustee
John R. Paff (Michigan State University 1978) - BCA Trustee
David M. Pavlik (Michigan State University 1964) - BCA Trustee
Lance M. Piedmonte (Michigan State University 1988) - BCA Trustee
Henry R. Rehn (Michigan State University 1987) - BCA Trustee
Richard R. Rehner (Michigan State University 1978) - BCA Trustee
Thomas W. Roberts (Michigan State University 1959) - BCA Trustee
Charles M. Smith (Michigan State University 1966) - BCA Trustee
Daniel L. Hunt (Michigan State University 1977) - BCA Administration
George C. Jackson (Michigan State University 1969) - BCA Administration
Michael E. Kastner (Michigan State University 1984) - BCA Administration
John R. Paff (Michigan State University 1978) - BCA Administration
Timothy L. Schroeder (Michigan State University 1983) - BCA Administration
J. Robert Waters (Michigan State University 1962) - BCA Administration
David M. Ball (Mississippi State University 1980) - BCA Chairman/President
R. Slater Barr (Mississippi State University 1982) - BCA Chairman/President
J. Brandon Bell, II (Mississippi State University 1980) - BCA Chairman/President
Gary A. Blair (Mississippi State University 1981) - BCA Chairman/President
Leon W. Brownlee (Mississippi State University 1990) - BCA Chairman/President
S. Chance Dye (Mississippi State University 2015) - BCA Chairman/President
Stephen M. Edwards (Mississippi State University 1973) - BCA Chairman/President
Jerry W. Fuller (Mississippi State University 1982) - BCA Chairman/President
David L. Grady (Mississippi State University 1982) - BCA Chairman/President
Rick D. Hartfield (Mississippi State University 1976) - BCA Chairman/President
Trent H. Hitchcock (Mississippi State University 1999) - BCA Chairman/President
Walter C. Lindsey (Mississippi State University 1984) - BCA Chairman/President
Barry L. Male, Jr. (Mississippi State University 1991) - BCA Chairman/President
Joseph D. Male (Mississippi State University 2018) - BCA Chairman/President
Richard K. McRee, Jr. (Mississippi State University 1979) - BCA Chairman/President
Ben C. Penn, III (Mississippi State University 1976) - BCA Chairman/President
Michael E. Richardson (Mississippi State University 1997) - BCA Chairman/President
G. Porter Robinson (Mississippi State University 1975) - BCA Chairman/President
Guy M. See (Mississippi State University 1986) - BCA Chairman/President
David B. Wurm (Mississippi State University 1992) - BCA Chairman/President
Malcolm B. Wall (Mississippi State University 1970) - BCA Vice Chairman
Stephen M. Edwards (Mississippi State University 1973) - BCA Recording Secretary
Lee P. Beck (Mississippi State University 2002) - BCA Finances
Gary A. Blair (Mississippi State University 1981) - BCA Finances
Robert M. Gathings, Jr. (Mississippi State University 1981) - BCA Finances
Henry G. Gordon (Mississippi State University 2007) - BCA Finances
William E. Howard, Jr. (Mississippi State University 1970) - BCA Finances
Walter C. Lindsey (Mississippi State University 1984) - BCA Finances
Benjamin C. Pace (Mississippi State University 1983) - BCA Finances
Philip L. Posey (Mississippi State University 1980) - BCA Finances
G. Porter Robinson (Mississippi State University 1975) - BCA Finances
Knox W. Ross, Jr. (Mississippi State University 1988) - BCA Finances
Guy M. See (Mississippi State University 1986) - BCA Finances
Clinton V. Tullar (Mississippi State University 2012) - BCA Finances
David H. Wesley (Mississippi State University 1974) - BCA Finances
Aubrey T. Earnheart, Jr. (Mississippi State University 1972) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Wesley F. Eubanks (Mississippi State University 1984) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Kenneth G. Graves (Mississippi State University 1977) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Barry L. Male, Jr. (Mississippi State University 1991) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Seth R. Male (Mississippi State University 2020) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Ben C. Penn, III (Mississippi State University 1976) - BCA Foundation of Courage
John C. Speed (Mississippi State University 1979) - BCA Foundation of Courage
C. L. Wilson (Mississippi State University 1975) - BCA Foundation of Courage
R. Slater Barr (Mississippi State University 1982) - BCA Graduate Relations
Gary A. Blair (Mississippi State University 1981) - BCA Graduate Relations
Rick D. Hartfield (Mississippi State University 1976) - BCA Graduate Relations
G. Duke Loden (Mississippi State University 1978) - BCA Graduate Relations
John S. Mattox (Mississippi State University 1976) - BCA Graduate Relations
G. Porter Robinson (Mississippi State University 1975) - BCA Graduate Relations
Michael K. Waddell (Mississippi State University 1983) - BCA Graduate Relations
G. Marc Anthony (Mississippi State University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Todd H. Campbell (Mississippi State University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert H. Cook (Mississippi State University 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
S. Chance Dye (Mississippi State University 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stephen M. Edwards (Mississippi State University 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
Burke H. Fisher (Mississippi State University 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
Parker W. Glass (Mississippi State University 2018) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gary W. Knight (Mississippi State University 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Walter C. Lindsey (Mississippi State University 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
G. Duke Loden (Mississippi State University 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
Barry L. Male, Jr. (Mississippi State University 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph D. Male (Mississippi State University 2018) - BCA Miscellaneous
William C. Mattox (Mississippi State University 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
T. Franklin Myers, Jr. (Mississippi State University 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
H. Sidney Prosser (Mississippi State University 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
G. Porter Robinson (Mississippi State University 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
Knox W. Ross, Jr. (Mississippi State University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Guy M. See (Mississippi State University 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kyle T. Steward (Mississippi State University 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
M. Gordon Stewart, III (Mississippi State University 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
R. Scott Sumrall (Mississippi State University 1971) - BCA Miscellaneous
Malcolm B. Wall (Mississippi State University 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kevin L. Walters (Mississippi State University 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher R. Williams (Mississippi State University 1997) - BCA Miscellaneous
Norman L. Williamson, USA (Ret) (Mississippi State University 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
Phillip B. Abernethy (Mississippi State University 1972) - BCA Public Relations
David M. Ball (Mississippi State University 1980) - BCA Public Relations
Cole A. Herring (Mississippi State University 2018) - BCA Public Relations
Trent H. Hitchcock (Mississippi State University 1999) - BCA Public Relations
Rodney A. Little, Jr. (Mississippi State University 1980) - BCA Public Relations
G. Duke Loden (Mississippi State University 1978) - BCA Public Relations
Charles E. Thomas, Jr. (Mississippi State University 1981) - BCA Public Relations
Clarence D. Walker (Mississippi State University 1977) - BCA Public Relations
James F. Abel, III (Mississippi State University 1983) - BCA Recruitment
J. Brandon Bell, II (Mississippi State University 1980) - BCA Recruitment
Max P. Bowman (Mississippi State University 1982) - BCA Recruitment
J. G. Clark (Mississippi State University 1974) - BCA Recruitment
Aubrey T. Earnheart, Jr. (Mississippi State University 1972) - BCA Recruitment
Robert A. Fields (Mississippi State University 2019) - BCA Recruitment
Jerry W. Fuller (Mississippi State University 1982) - BCA Recruitment
Rick D. Hartfield (Mississippi State University 1976) - BCA Recruitment
Trent H. Hitchcock (Mississippi State University 1999) - BCA Recruitment
Drew J. Latini (Mississippi State University 2017) - BCA Recruitment
William A. Martin III (Mississippi State University 1975) - BCA Recruitment
Richard K. McRee, Jr. (Mississippi State University 1979) - BCA Recruitment
Thomas O. Mize (Mississippi State University 1975) - BCA Recruitment
P. Jacob Nelson (Mississippi State University 2018) - BCA Recruitment
Kevin L. Walters (Mississippi State University 1978) - BCA Recruitment
James H. Wedgeworth (Mississippi State University 1972) - BCA Recruitment
Alton M. Boggan, Jr. (Mississippi State University 1977) - BCA Risk Management
P. Jacob Nelson (Mississippi State University 2018) - BCA Risk Management
Stephen D. Palmer (Mississippi State University 1994) - BCA Risk Management
W. Dal Williamson, Esq. (Mississippi State University 1976) - BCA Risk Management
Hunter Barlow (Mississippi State University 2008) - BCA Ritual
J. Brandon Bell, II (Mississippi State University 1980) - BCA Ritual
Alton M. Boggan, Jr. (Mississippi State University 1977) - BCA Ritual
William L. Caver, III (Mississippi State University 1972) - BCA Ritual
Aubrey T. Earnheart, Jr. (Mississippi State University 1972) - BCA Ritual
Patrick T. McClatchy (Mississippi State University 1977) - BCA Ritual
John C. Speed (Mississippi State University 1979) - BCA Ritual
Phillip B. Abernethy (Mississippi State University 1972) - BCA Scholarship
Jeffrey W. Adkerson (Mississippi State University 1999) - BCA Scholarship
James C. Davis, Jr. (Mississippi State University 1974) - BCA Scholarship
David L. Grady (Mississippi State University 1982) - BCA Scholarship
Jerry L. Horne (Mississippi State University 1981) - BCA Scholarship
Harold R. Kilby, Jr. (Mississippi State University 1971) - BCA Scholarship
Gary W. Knight (Mississippi State University 1980) - BCA Scholarship
Keith Koenig (Mississippi State University 1973) - BCA Scholarship
Joseph D. Male (Mississippi State University 2018) - BCA Scholarship
James R. Oliver (LTC)R (Mississippi State University 1982) - BCA Scholarship
Charles E. Thomas, Jr. (Mississippi State University 1981) - BCA Scholarship
Joseph D. Male (Mississippi State University 2018) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Leon W. Brownlee (Mississippi State University 1990) - BCA Trustee
P. Elliott Burnside (Mississippi State University 1970) - BCA Administration
Wesley F. Eubanks (Mississippi State University 1984) - BCA Administration
David L. Grady (Mississippi State University 1982) - BCA Administration
Robert L. Halford, Jr. (Mississippi State University 1988) - BCA Administration
G. Duke Loden (Mississippi State University 1978) - BCA Administration
Seth R. Male (Mississippi State University 2020) - BCA Built to Lead
Gregory T. Mann (Mississippi State University 1973) - BCA Administration
William C. Mattox (Mississippi State University 1972) - BCA Administration
Patrick T. McClatchy (Mississippi State University 1977) - BCA Administration
Edward G. Jenkins (Missouri State University 2011) - BCA Chairman/President
Blake A. Kobel (Missouri State University 2018) - BCA Chairman/President
Wesley J. Martin (Missouri State University 2009) - BCA Chairman/President
Tyler G. Miller (Missouri State University 2016) - BCA Chairman/President
Justin R. Roberts (Missouri State University 2011) - BCA Chairman/President
John C. Hederman (Missouri State University 2011) - BCA Finances
Samuel E. Miller (Missouri State University 2017) - BCA Finances
Matthew J. Phillips (Missouri State University 2013) - BCA Finances
Justin R. Roberts (Missouri State University 2011) - BCA Finances
Benjamin W. Feimer (Missouri State University 2011) - BCA Graduate Relations
Ryan H. Gipson (Missouri State University 2012) - BCA Graduate Relations
John L. Bollinger, II (Missouri State University 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ian Braun (Missouri State University 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Trevor L. Collins (Missouri State University 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Nathan J. Duncan (Missouri State University 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jordan T. Foltz (Missouri State University 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
Blake A. Kobel (Missouri State University 2018) - BCA Miscellaneous
Shayne L. Martin (Missouri State University 2008) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert C. Williamson (Missouri State University 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ian Braun (Missouri State University 2012) - BCA Recruitment
Marco F. Kilongkilong (Missouri State University 2011) - BCA Recruitment
Shayne L. Martin (Missouri State University 2008) - BCA Recruitment
Cody L. Phelps (Missouri State University 2013) - BCA Risk Management
Robert C. Williamson (Missouri State University 2010) - BCA Ritual
Dylan M. Pelletier (Missouri State University 2014) - BCA Scholarship
Garrett R. Holt (Missouri State University 2009) - BCA Administration
Jason Burns (New York University 2001) - BCA Chairman/President
Matthew C. Dallas (New York University 1996) - BCA Chairman/President
James G. Kouzoukian, DDS (New York University 1982) - BCA Chairman/President
Andrew M. Pulvermacher (New York University 1980) - BCA Chairman/President
James P. Viola (New York University 1988) - BCA Chairman/President
Nicholas DeCesare (New York University 1989) - BCA Recording Secretary
Gregory C. Poulos (New York University 1978) - BCA Recording Secretary
James P. Viola (New York University 1988) - BCA Recording Secretary
Robert L. Boykoff (New York University 1982) - BCA Finances
Joseph P. Natoli, Jr. (New York University 1983) - BCA Finances
Philip M. Caso (New York University 1981) - BCA Graduate Relations
Ira D. Lieberman (New York University 1979) - BCA Graduate Relations
Carl J. Brigandi (New York University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Edward C. Callahan, Jr. (New York University 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
Lincoln W. Cutting (New York University 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jason M. Flynn (New York University 2009) - BCA Miscellaneous
Maurice L. Hallivis (New York University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Vladimir D. Jelisavcic (New York University 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Duncan J. Logan (New York University 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael C. Weiss (New York University 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Charles E. Deweese (New York University 1959) - BCA Public Relations
Darin Billig (New York University 1991) - BCA Trustee
Jason Burns (New York University 2001) - BCA Trustee
Philip Gershgorin (New York University 1998) - BCA Trustee
Erick Giliberti (New York University 1998) - BCA Trustee
Stephen P. Inzerillo (New York University 1997) - BCA Trustee
Marco A. Lavaia (New York University 1995) - BCA Trustee
John P. Maher (New York University 1982) - BCA Trustee
Adam J. Mancino (New York University 1998) - BCA Trustee
James C. Napoli (New York University 1980) - BCA Trustee
Joseph P. Natoli, Jr. (New York University 1983) - BCA Trustee
William F. O'Reilly (New York University 1986) - BCA Trustee
Daniel Perez (New York University 1995) - BCA Trustee
Andrew M. Pulvermacher (New York University 1980) - BCA Trustee
Eric L. Unis (New York University 1998) - BCA Trustee
James P. Viola (New York University 1988) - BCA Trustee
Richard C. Zoeller (New York University 1985) - BCA Administration
Michael A. Brooks (North Carolina State University 2015) - BCA Chairman/President
Michael A. Cicconi (North Carolina State University 2021) - BCA Chairman/President
Kevin M. Judd (North Carolina State University 2014) - BCA Chairman/President
C. Scott McDonald, MEd (North Carolina State University 2014) - BCA Chairman/President
John W. Porterfield (North Carolina State University 2001) - BCA Chairman/President
J. Michael Radulovic (North Carolina State University 2019) - BCA Chairman/President
Anand Srinivasan (North Carolina State University 2000) - BCA Chairman/President
Johnny R. Townsend, Jr. (North Carolina State University 2011) - BCA Chairman/President
Anand Srinivasan (North Carolina State University 2000) - BCA Finances
Jake H. Heisman (North Carolina State University 2022) - BCA Foundation of Courage
C. Scott McDonald, MEd (North Carolina State University 2014) - BCA Foundation of Courage
J. Michael Radulovic (North Carolina State University 2019) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Christopher B. Vaughn (North Carolina State University 2019) - BCA Graduate Relations
Riley T. Dixon (North Carolina State University 2024) - BCA Miscellaneous
Martin T. Hemphill (North Carolina State University 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kevin M. Judd (North Carolina State University 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert E. Price (North Carolina State University 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brad T. Rudiger (North Carolina State University 1999) - BCA Miscellaneous
Walker M. Rundlett (North Carolina State University 2020) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher M. Zaino (North Carolina State University 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
T. Matthew Taylor, PhD (North Carolina State University 2000) - BCA Public Relations
Jake H. Heisman (North Carolina State University 2022) - BCA Recruitment
Thomas W. Teague (North Carolina State University 2007) - BCA Scholarship
Jaisabrish S. Kumar (North Carolina State University 2010) - BCA Trustee
Michael A. Cicconi (North Carolina State University 2021) - BCA Built to Lead
Akshay Kaushik (Northeastern University 2018) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Nicholas J. Besnecker (Northeastern University 2019) - BCA Miscellaneous
Chase S. Boni (Northeastern University 2020) - BCA Miscellaneous
Samuel R. Goldberg (Northeastern University 2020) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joshua B. Hoffman (Northeastern University 2020) - BCA Miscellaneous
Akshay Kaushik (Northeastern University 2018) - BCA Miscellaneous
Sean F. Sullivan (Northeastern University 2020) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brandon W. Yap (Northeastern University 2021) - BCA Miscellaneous
Chase S. Boni (Northeastern University 2020) - BCA Recruitment
Tyler T. Dawson (Northern Arizona University 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael H. Courville (Northern Arizona University 2017) - BCA Recruitment
John Houser (Northern Arizona University 2016) - BCA Scholarship
Erwin K. Aulis (Northwestern University 1980) - BCA Chairman/President
Ronald L. Marmer (Northwestern University 1974) - BCA Chairman/President
David J. Meyers (Northwestern University 1979) - BCA Chairman/President
David T. Whitlock (Northwestern University 1989) - BCA Chairman/President
Frank E. Schmitz (Northwestern University 1985) - BCA Vice Chairman
Angelo J. Accetta (Northwestern University 1973) - BCA Finances
John A. Forster (Northwestern University 1983) - BCA Finances
Matthew N. Johnson (Northwestern University 1986) - BCA Finances
John E. Linderoth (Northwestern University 1960) - BCA Finances
Joseph P. Maguire (Northwestern University 1983) - BCA Finances
Jeffrey O. Nyweide (Northwestern University 1978) - BCA Finances
Frank E. Schmitz (Northwestern University 1985) - BCA Finances
Glen C. Smith (Northwestern University 1941) - BCA Finances
Bruce C. Boynick (Northwestern University 1979) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Joseph R. Fink (Northwestern University 2008) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Joseph P. Maguire (Northwestern University 1983) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Ronald L. Marmer (Northwestern University 1974) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Frank E. Schmitz (Northwestern University 1985) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Scott A. Snyder (Northwestern University 1982) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Wheeler Tracy (Northwestern University 1932) - BCA Foundation of Courage
David T. Whitlock (Northwestern University 1989) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Erwin K. Aulis (Northwestern University 1980) - BCA Graduate Relations
James A. Gough (Northwestern University 1950) - BCA Graduate Relations
Herbert J. Jordan, III (Northwestern University 1978) - BCA Graduate Relations
Ronald L. Marmer (Northwestern University 1974) - BCA Graduate Relations
David R. Mayberry (Northwestern University 1983) - BCA Graduate Relations
Robert G. Miller, Jr. (Northwestern University 1986) - BCA Graduate Relations
David L. Nelson (Northwestern University 1967) - BCA Graduate Relations
Ronald K. Nelson, USMC (Northwestern University 1954) - BCA Graduate Relations
Robert M. Rinnan (Northwestern University 1944) - BCA Graduate Relations
Bradford S. Shorr (Northwestern University 1979) - BCA Graduate Relations
Hunter C. Smith (Northwestern University 1990) - BCA Graduate Relations
Christopher P. Vernon (Northwestern University 1983) - BCA Graduate Relations
Scott W. Badenoch, Jr. (Northwestern University 2002) - BCA Miscellaneous
Daniel B. Bart (Northwestern University 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
R. Bradford Bennett (Northwestern University 1977) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew D. Bluth (Northwestern University 1997) - BCA Miscellaneous
Benjamin T. Bove (Northwestern University 2000) - BCA Miscellaneous
David F. Burleigh (Northwestern University 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stephen D. Christian (Northwestern University 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph R. Fink (Northwestern University 2008) - BCA Miscellaneous
Eric J. Fish (Northwestern University 2001) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert E. Frank, Jr. (Northwestern University 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stephen P. Gondek (Northwestern University 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
David A. Gosse (Northwestern University 2001) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew R. Gross (Northwestern University 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
Nicholas A. Hughes (Northwestern University 2001) - BCA Miscellaneous
James I. Kowalsky (Northwestern University 2009) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. Stuart Kruse, CFA (Northwestern University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
John Z. Kukral (Northwestern University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. Arjuna Lemke (Northwestern University 2021) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gus A. Paloian (Northwestern University 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Shane Persaud (Northwestern University 2022) - BCA Miscellaneous
David R. Price (Northwestern University 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew A. Rogovitz (Northwestern University 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
Frank E. Schmitz (Northwestern University 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Rex L. Sessions (Northwestern University 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
P. Justin Skala (Northwestern University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Evan M. Smith (Northwestern University 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew Z. Soshnick (Northwestern University 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
George B. Tan (Northwestern University 2003) - BCA Miscellaneous
Rafael Torres (Northwestern University 2022) - BCA Miscellaneous
Morgan H. Van Ness (Northwestern University 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher P. Vernon (Northwestern University 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
James C. White (Northwestern University 2022) - BCA Miscellaneous
David T. Whitlock (Northwestern University 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Tim H. Won (Northwestern University 2007) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gordon H. Anderson (Northwestern University 1926) - BCA Public Relations
Thomas L. Browne (Northwestern University 1971) - BCA Public Relations
Jonathan W. Doane (Northwestern University 1980) - BCA Public Relations
Herbert J. Jordan, III (Northwestern University 1978) - BCA Public Relations
Spencer L. Kline (Northwestern University 1982) - BCA Public Relations
Ronald L. Marmer (Northwestern University 1974) - BCA Public Relations
Matthew M. Gregg (Northwestern University 2009) - BCA Recruitment
Ronald L. Marmer (Northwestern University 1974) - BCA Recruitment
Walker T. Meyer (Northwestern University 1941) - BCA Recruitment
Jonathan M. Osborne (Northwestern University 1983) - BCA Recruitment
Bradford S. Shorr (Northwestern University 1979) - BCA Recruitment
Derek F. Sutta (Northwestern University 2007) - BCA Recruitment
Thomas L. Browne (Northwestern University 1971) - BCA Risk Management
James A. Grum (Northwestern University 1977) - BCA Risk Management
Jeffrey O. Nyweide (Northwestern University 1978) - BCA Ritual
Robert P. Ravasio (Northwestern University 1980) - BCA Ritual
Granger Cook, Jr. (Northwestern University 1951) - BCA Scholarship
Thomas J. Toy (Northwestern University 1977) - BCA Scholarship
Alexander D. Conway (Northwestern University 2012) - BCA Administration
Herbert J. Jordan, III (Northwestern University 1978) - BCA Administration
Stephen J. Kaye (Northwestern University 1965) - BCA Administration
John E. Linderoth (Northwestern University 1960) - BCA Administration
Thomas J. Toy (Northwestern University 1977) - BCA Administration
Guy W. Tunnicliffe (Northwestern University 1953) - BCA Administration
Jakob S. Bourgraf (Nova Southeastern University 2015) - BCA Recruitment
Ryan M. Kegerreis (Nova Southeastern University 2015) - BCA Trustee
James H. Stellar (Occidental College 1954) - BCA Chairman/President
Alfred V. Jorgensen (Occidental College 1937) - BCA Finances
Robert S. Marquis (Occidental College 1951) - BCA Finances
James F. Goss (Occidental College 1951) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Richard R. Parlour, MD (Occidental College 1950) - BCA Foundation of Courage
James H. Stellar (Occidental College 1954) - BCA Foundation of Courage
James H. Stellar (Occidental College 1954) - BCA Risk Management
Richard R. Parlour, MD (Occidental College 1950) - BCA Scholarship
James H. Stellar (Occidental College 1954) - BCA Administration
Dean E. Altstaetter (Ohio Northern University 2014) - BCA Chairman/President
Kyle W. Dexter (Ohio Northern University 2014) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Ryan J. Finke (Ohio Northern University 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard L. Kaszar (Ohio Northern University 2013) - BCA Recruitment
Zachary L. Berkstresser (Ohio Northern University 2014) - BCA Risk Management
Zachary L. Berkstresser (Ohio Northern University 2014) - BCA Trustee
Kyle W. Dexter (Ohio Northern University 2014) - BCA Trustee
Nolan P. Gill (Ohio Northern University 2017) - BCA Trustee
Cody A. Hurley (Ohio Northern University 2018) - BCA Trustee
Christian J. Livengood (Ohio Northern University 2018) - BCA Trustee
Andrew J. Mitcham (Ohio Northern University 2017) - BCA Trustee
R. Tyler Reams (Ohio Northern University 2016) - BCA Trustee
David Critser (Ohio State University 1979) - BCA Chairman/President
Brandon N. Edwards (Ohio State University 2012) - BCA Chairman/President
Daniel E. Ewing (Ohio State University 1980) - BCA Chairman/President
Jonathan D. Horn (Ohio State University 2006) - BCA Chairman/President
Scott C. Jackson (Ohio State University 1981) - BCA Chairman/President
Paul R. Jannot (Ohio State University 1990) - BCA Chairman/President
Derrick C. Kaseman (Ohio State University 2011) - BCA Chairman/President
Dwight K. Montgomery (Ohio State University 1984) - BCA Chairman/President
Ross D. Rhinehart (Ohio State University 1984) - BCA Chairman/President
Michael J. Shoenfelt (Ohio State University 2010) - BCA Chairman/President
Brian T. Thompson (Ohio State University 2006) - BCA Chairman/President
Anthony D. Zimmerman (Ohio State University 2010) - BCA Chairman/President
Michael J. Horn (Ohio State University 1980) - BCA Vice Chairman
Kyle M. Atcheson (Ohio State University 2015) - BCA Finances
John N. Dinsmore (Ohio State University 1933) - BCA Finances
Greg B. Luring (Ohio State University 1966) - BCA Finances
Mark F. Taggart (Ohio State University 1981) - BCA Finances
Ryan L. Edmiston (Ohio State University 2008) - BCA Foundation of Courage
John E. Gibson IV (Ohio State University 1975) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Steven A. Hitchens (Ohio State University 1980) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Paul R. Jannot (Ohio State University 1990) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Derrick C. Kaseman (Ohio State University 2011) - BCA Foundation of Courage
B. Stephen Shea (Ohio State University 1982) - BCA Foundation of Courage
John H. Szlag (Ohio State University 1979) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Richard L. Wallace (Ohio State University 1980) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Dale W. Anderson (Ohio State University 1975) - BCA Graduate Relations
James C. Anthe (Ohio State University 1964) - BCA Graduate Relations
Michael B. Cleary (Ohio State University 1980) - BCA Graduate Relations
Michael J. Horn (Ohio State University 1980) - BCA Graduate Relations
Richard K. Taylor (Ohio State University 1948) - BCA Graduate Relations
David K. Tilley (Ohio State University 1976) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jonathan R. Wagner (Ohio State University 1982) - BCA Graduate Relations
Brett M. Alexander (Ohio State University 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Craig A. Althoff (Ohio State University 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
William F. Antonick (Ohio State University 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew E. Aten (Ohio State University 2009) - BCA Miscellaneous
George S. Benson (Ohio State University 1966) - BCA Miscellaneous
Paul Brandstetter (Ohio State University 2009) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael B. Cleary (Ohio State University 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bruce A. Colvin (Ohio State University 1977) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kameron DeVente (Ohio State University 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brandon N. Edwards (Ohio State University 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
David B. Faulkner (Ohio State University 2007) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffry W. Gafford (Ohio State University 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael E. George (Ohio State University 2016) - BCA Miscellaneous
David Giancola, Jr. (Ohio State University 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
Charles M. Greenlee (Ohio State University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Theodore D. Griley, II (Ohio State University 1955) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mitchell P. Grindley (Ohio State University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Scott K. Henney (Ohio State University 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
Scott C. Jackson (Ohio State University 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Clarence F. Jeffries (Ohio State University 1968) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas A. Jones (Ohio State University 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael W. Klein (Ohio State University 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Lawrence R. Marryott, Jr. (Ohio State University 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Zachery N. McCune (Ohio State University 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher W. Michael, Esq (Ohio State University 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
George C. Miller (Ohio State University 1940) - BCA Miscellaneous
Vernon L. Morrison (Ohio State University 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian R. Philipps (Ohio State University 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Braden J. Poe (Ohio State University 2018) - BCA Miscellaneous
M. Brooks Rorapaugh (Ohio State University 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brandon J. Smith (Ohio State University 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
Douglas J. Swain (Ohio State University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas A. Tunnicliffe (Ohio State University 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Adam J. Wagner (Ohio State University 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
Trevaun A. Wiley (Ohio State University 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Derek R. Wilson (Ohio State University 2008) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kin Wong (Ohio State University 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Anthony D. Zimmerman (Ohio State University 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
Theodore D. Griley, II (Ohio State University 1955) - BCA Public Relations
Steven A. Hitchens (Ohio State University 1980) - BCA Public Relations
Richard A. Smudz (Ohio State University 1975) - BCA Public Relations
Kenneth L. Telzrow (Ohio State University 1978) - BCA Public Relations
Jeffrey R. Yocca (Ohio State University 1978) - BCA Public Relations
Dale W. Anderson (Ohio State University 1975) - BCA Recruitment
Craig W. Deep (Ohio State University 1981) - BCA Recruitment
Daniel E. Ewing (Ohio State University 1980) - BCA Recruitment
Michael W. Kreider (Ohio State University 1988) - BCA Recruitment
Mike N. Mehta (Ohio State University 2012) - BCA Recruitment
David K. Tilley (Ohio State University 1976) - BCA Recruitment
Michael M. Horn (Ohio State University 1982) - BCA Risk Management
Richard A. Smudz (Ohio State University 1975) - BCA Risk Management
William J. Curry (Ohio State University 1988) - BCA Scholarship
Richard A. Smudz (Ohio State University 1975) - BCA Scholarship
David K. Tilley (Ohio State University 1976) - BCA Scholarship
James R. Tootle, PhD (Ohio State University 1965) - BCA Scholarship
Samuel W. Weaver (Ohio State University 1979) - BCA Scholarship
Justin M. Burns (Ohio State University 2007) - BCA Trustee
John E. Gibson IV (Ohio State University 1975) - BCA Trustee
John E. Gibson IV (Ohio State University 1975) - BCA Administration
Michael J. Horn (Ohio State University 1980) - BCA Administration
Vernon L. Morrison (Ohio State University 1984) - BCA Administration
Ross D. Rhinehart (Ohio State University 1984) - BCA Administration
John H. Szlag (Ohio State University 1979) - BCA Administration
Mark F. Taggart (Ohio State University 1981) - BCA Administration
Timothy M. Guesman (Ohio University 1981) - BCA Chairman/President
Matthew D. Howells (Ohio University 2009) - BCA Chairman/President
Peter W. McCoy (Ohio University 1982) - BCA Chairman/President
David F. Slater (Ohio University 1967) - BCA Chairman/President
Walter R. Thiel, Jr. (Ohio University 1985) - BCA Chairman/President
Paul H. Doseck (Ohio University 2004) - BCA Recording Secretary
Craig E. Clossen (Ohio University 1975) - BCA Finances
Rob D. Ellis (Ohio University 1986) - BCA Finances
Christopher J. Ferguson (Ohio University 1989) - BCA Finances
David A. Fleming (Ohio University 1976) - BCA Finances
Daniel K. Guesman (Ohio University 1976) - BCA Finances
Michael T. Ricks, II (Ohio University 2005) - BCA Finances
Kenneth R. Sechler (Ohio University 1971) - BCA Finances
Steven R. Shannon (Ohio University 1969) - BCA Finances
Robert C. Stark (Ohio University 1981) - BCA Finances
Eric W. Thiemann (Ohio University 2019) - BCA Finances
John S. Clark (Ohio University 1979) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Eric M. Doland (Ohio University 2009) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Cole G. Platt (Ohio University 2009) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Daniel J. Ratcliff (Ohio University 2004) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Clark R. Robenstine (Ohio University 1971) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Bradley D. Swinderman (Ohio University 1972) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Walter R. Thiel, Jr. (Ohio University 1985) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Tim Adams (Ohio University 1988) - BCA Graduate Relations
John S. Clark (Ohio University 1979) - BCA Graduate Relations
John S. Rowe, Jr. (Ohio University 1967) - BCA Graduate Relations
Ronald A. Sages (Ohio University 1973) - BCA Graduate Relations
Tim Adams (Ohio University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas J. Beckerman (Ohio University 1969) - BCA Miscellaneous
Timothy J. Boesken (Ohio University 1971) - BCA Miscellaneous
Nathan T. Boston (Ohio University 2003) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas J. Catalano (Ohio University 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark A. Coker (Ohio University 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Geoffrey R. Darling (Ohio University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Timothy L. Davis (Ohio University 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ryan V. Ellsworth (Ohio University 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
George J. Eschenfelder, IV (Ohio University 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher J. Ferguson (Ohio University 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Daniel K. Guesman (Ohio University 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Louis J. Guidotti, Jr. (Ohio University 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert B. Hill (Ohio University 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bryan S. Hucke (Ohio University 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kevin M. Jehl (Ohio University 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bret J. Mayne (Ohio University 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kevin R. McGraw (Ohio University 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Nicholas J. Molnar, Jr. (Ohio University 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher P. Norman (Ohio University 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jason D. Phillips (Ohio University 1995) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian J. Pretekin (Ohio University 2002) - BCA Miscellaneous
George H. Promenschenkel (Ohio University 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
John S. Rowe, Jr. (Ohio University 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ronald A. Sages (Ohio University 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher K. Skully (Ohio University 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
David F. Slater (Ohio University 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
John L. Sweney (Ohio University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert M. Telloni (Ohio University 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert M. Valloric (Ohio University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Charles E. Wadding, III (Ohio University 2002) - BCA Miscellaneous
Edward A. Carroll (Ohio University 1979) - BCA Public Relations
Peter W. McCoy (Ohio University 1982) - BCA Public Relations
John S. Rowe, Jr. (Ohio University 1967) - BCA Public Relations
R. Michael Russell (Ohio University 1970) - BCA Public Relations
Stephen E. Wilson (Ohio University 1968) - BCA Public Relations
James B. Chaney (Ohio University 2004) - BCA Recruitment
Geoffrey R. Darling (Ohio University 1988) - BCA Recruitment
Thomas A. Frame (Ohio University 1972) - BCA Recruitment
Jack E. Hunter (Ohio University 1970) - BCA Recruitment
Peter W. McCoy (Ohio University 1982) - BCA Recruitment
Martin R. Robbins (Ohio University 1975) - BCA Recruitment
Robert C. Stark (Ohio University 1981) - BCA Recruitment
Walter R. Thiel, Jr. (Ohio University 1985) - BCA Recruitment
John E. Rohrer (Ohio University 1984) - BCA Risk Management
David F. Slater (Ohio University 1967) - BCA Risk Management
Kenneth I. Slon (Ohio University 1986) - BCA Risk Management
Walter R. Thiel, Jr. (Ohio University 1985) - BCA Risk Management
Thomas W. McClure, II (Ohio University 1968) - BCA Ritual
Ryan J. Neises (Ohio University 2007) - BCA Ritual
Kenneth I. Slon (Ohio University 1986) - BCA Ritual
Robert C. Stark (Ohio University 1981) - BCA Ritual
Bradley D. Swinderman (Ohio University 1972) - BCA Ritual
Wayne J. Elliott (Ohio University 1972) - BCA Scholarship
David F. Slater (Ohio University 1967) - BCA Scholarship
Michael C. Hennessy (Ohio University 1989) - BCA Trustee
Jason A. Hoy (Ohio University 1999) - BCA Trustee
Kevin M. Jehl (Ohio University 1994) - BCA Trustee
Jonathan M. LaPolla (Ohio University 2020) - BCA Trustee
Bret J. Mayne (Ohio University 1985) - BCA Trustee
Chad R. Miller (Ohio University 2001) - BCA Trustee
Christopher J. Moehring (Ohio University 1974) - BCA Trustee
Ryan J. Neises (Ohio University 2007) - BCA Trustee
Cole G. Platt (Ohio University 2009) - BCA Trustee
George H. Promenschenkel (Ohio University 1986) - BCA Trustee
Jeffrey L. Reed (Ohio University 1971) - BCA Trustee
Andrew A. Roeder (Ohio University 1998) - BCA Trustee
Richard C. Smudz (Ohio University 2007) - BCA Trustee
John L. Sweney (Ohio University 1988) - BCA Trustee
Damon M. Taseff (Ohio University 2000) - BCA Trustee
Walter R. Thiel, Jr. (Ohio University 1985) - BCA Trustee
Charles J. Weckman (Ohio University 1993) - BCA Trustee
Thomas W. Wild (Ohio University 1985) - BCA Trustee
Thomas J. Beckerman (Ohio University 1969) - BCA Administration
Peter W. McCoy (Ohio University 1982) - BCA Administration
John E. Rohrer (Ohio University 1984) - BCA Administration
Thomas P. Shouvlin (Ohio University 1973) - BCA Administration
David F. Slater (Ohio University 1967) - BCA Administration
James S. Hering (Ohio Wesleyan University 1961) - BCA Chairman/President
John E. McKinnie (Ohio Wesleyan University 1954) - BCA Chairman/President
Robert S. Roby (Ohio Wesleyan University 1992) - BCA Chairman/President
James C. Tauschek (Ohio Wesleyan University 1976) - BCA Chairman/President
Ross E. Linscott (Ohio Wesleyan University 2003) - BCA Vice Chairman
Amos Yoder (Ohio Wesleyan University 1942) - BCA Recording Secretary
Daniel B. Bennington (Ohio Wesleyan University 1968) - BCA Finances
Harry L. Dowler, Jr. (Ohio Wesleyan University 1954) - BCA Finances
Stephen E. Dutton (Ohio Wesleyan University 1972) - BCA Finances
Lawrence R. Fisher (Ohio Wesleyan University 1964) - BCA Finances
Edward F. Graham (Ohio Wesleyan University 1955) - BCA Finances
Ross E. Linscott (Ohio Wesleyan University 2003) - BCA Finances
L. R. Shearer (Ohio Wesleyan University 1958) - BCA Finances
Michael J. Wright (Ohio Wesleyan University 1964) - BCA Finances
Robert M. Ferguson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1991) - BCA Foundation of Courage
William L. Fox (Ohio Wesleyan University 1943) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Robert E. Glendening, DDS (Ohio Wesleyan University 1946) - BCA Foundation of Courage
James S. Hering (Ohio Wesleyan University 1961) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Robert C. Swenson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1970) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Stephen E. Dutton (Ohio Wesleyan University 1972) - BCA Graduate Relations
Paul W. Jones (Ohio Wesleyan University 1936) - BCA Graduate Relations
David H. Kelling (Ohio Wesleyan University 1968) - BCA Graduate Relations
William L. Middleton (Ohio Wesleyan University 1972) - BCA Graduate Relations
Charles B. Mills, Jr. (Ohio Wesleyan University 1962) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jeffrey S. Ranck (Ohio Wesleyan University 1974) - BCA Graduate Relations
Robert H. Strasburg (Ohio Wesleyan University 1958) - BCA Graduate Relations
Thomas B. Wilson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1946) - BCA Graduate Relations
Nicholas R. Barnes (Ohio Wesleyan University 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
Daud Baz (Ohio Wesleyan University 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Daniel B. Bennington (Ohio Wesleyan University 1968) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jonathan R. Bocanegra (Ohio Wesleyan University 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
William W. Bossert (Ohio Wesleyan University 1961) - BCA Miscellaneous
Dr. John A. Burns MD (Ohio Wesleyan University 1960) - BCA Miscellaneous
Earl W. Campbell, III (Ohio Wesleyan University 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas J. Carto, PhD (Ohio Wesleyan University 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
William J. Chovan, Jr. (Ohio Wesleyan University 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Duncan S. Copeland (Ohio Wesleyan University 2020) - BCA Miscellaneous
Douglas J. Dickey, MD (Ohio Wesleyan University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Douglas H. Dittrick, Jr. (Ohio Wesleyan University 1955) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew R. Dixon (Ohio Wesleyan University 1999) - BCA Miscellaneous
Harry L. Dowler, Jr. (Ohio Wesleyan University 1954) - BCA Miscellaneous
Zachary S. Dunlap (Ohio Wesleyan University 2001) - BCA Miscellaneous
Harry N. Faulkner (Ohio Wesleyan University 1963) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert M. Ferguson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert M. Gardner, Sr. (Ohio Wesleyan University 1951) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert E. Glendening, DDS (Ohio Wesleyan University 1946) - BCA Miscellaneous
John W. Guy (Ohio Wesleyan University 1960) - BCA Miscellaneous
Paul M. Hendricks (Ohio Wesleyan University 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
James H. Hilborn (Ohio Wesleyan University 1963) - BCA Miscellaneous
Charles D. Holcombe (Ohio Wesleyan University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Glenn S. Iannotta (Ohio Wesleyan University 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ryan M. Kaplan (Ohio Wesleyan University 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
James W. Link (Ohio Wesleyan University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ross E. Linscott (Ohio Wesleyan University 2003) - BCA Miscellaneous
John E. McKinnie (Ohio Wesleyan University 1954) - BCA Miscellaneous
Dr. Roy G. Miller Jr. PhD (Ohio Wesleyan University 1955) - BCA Miscellaneous
Charles B. Mills, Jr. (Ohio Wesleyan University 1962) - BCA Miscellaneous
Douglas M. Mohl (Ohio Wesleyan University 1999) - BCA Miscellaneous
C. David Paragas (Ohio Wesleyan University 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
George V. Pilat (Ohio Wesleyan University 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
John G. Poulos (Ohio Wesleyan University 1960) - BCA Miscellaneous
Cody R. Reinsel (Ohio Wesleyan University 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
M. David Riggs (Ohio Wesleyan University 1945) - BCA Miscellaneous
John C. Roby (Ohio Wesleyan University 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert S. Roby (Ohio Wesleyan University 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas D. Smith (Ohio Wesleyan University 1956) - BCA Miscellaneous
James C. Tauschek (Ohio Wesleyan University 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kenneth L. Temple (Ohio Wesleyan University 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
William F. Thieman (Ohio Wesleyan University 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew D. Ufferman (Ohio Wesleyan University 2001) - BCA Miscellaneous
Douglas W. Warnock (Ohio Wesleyan University 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
Paul W. Jones (Ohio Wesleyan University 1936) - BCA Public Relations
David H. Kelling (Ohio Wesleyan University 1968) - BCA Public Relations
Jeffrey G. Strathern (Ohio Wesleyan University 1976) - BCA Public Relations
Thomas B. Wilson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1946) - BCA Public Relations
Stephen E. Dutton (Ohio Wesleyan University 1972) - BCA Recruitment
John W. Guy (Ohio Wesleyan University 1960) - BCA Recruitment
Charles M. Jones (Ohio Wesleyan University 1938) - BCA Recruitment
Robert C. Swenson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1970) - BCA Recruitment
Foster R. Woodward, Jr. (Ohio Wesleyan University 1961) - BCA Recruitment
Michael A. Banzhaf (Ohio Wesleyan University 1968) - BCA Risk Management
Douglas M. Kennedy (Ohio Wesleyan University 1977) - BCA Risk Management
William R. Perry (Ohio Wesleyan University 1981) - BCA Risk Management
Daniel B. Bennington (Ohio Wesleyan University 1968) - BCA Ritual
Earl W. Campbell, III (Ohio Wesleyan University 1986) - BCA Ritual
Charles B. Mills, Jr. (Ohio Wesleyan University 1962) - BCA Ritual
Dr. John A. Burns MD (Ohio Wesleyan University 1960) - BCA Scholarship
Robert E. Glendening, DDS (Ohio Wesleyan University 1946) - BCA Scholarship
Garrett T. Heberlein (Ohio Wesleyan University 1961) - BCA Scholarship
James S. Hering (Ohio Wesleyan University 1961) - BCA Scholarship
Robert C. Swenson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1970) - BCA Scholarship
Amos Yoder (Ohio Wesleyan University 1942) - BCA Scholarship
Jonathan L. Overstreet (Ohio Wesleyan University 2015) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Daniel B. Bennington (Ohio Wesleyan University 1968) - BCA Trustee
Harry L. Dowler, Jr. (Ohio Wesleyan University 1954) - BCA Trustee
Ross E. Linscott (Ohio Wesleyan University 2003) - BCA Trustee
John E. McKinnie (Ohio Wesleyan University 1954) - BCA Trustee
Robert H. Strasburg (Ohio Wesleyan University 1958) - BCA Trustee
Kenneth L. Temple (Ohio Wesleyan University 1985) - BCA Trustee
Matthew D. Ufferman (Ohio Wesleyan University 2001) - BCA Trustee
Daniel B. Bennington (Ohio Wesleyan University 1968) - BCA Administration
G. Stanley Doore, Jr. (Ohio Wesleyan University 1954) - BCA Administration
Garrett T. Heberlein (Ohio Wesleyan University 1961) - BCA Administration
James W. Link (Ohio Wesleyan University 1982) - BCA Administration
Charles B. Mills, Jr. (Ohio Wesleyan University 1962) - BCA Administration
Thomas M. Schooley (Ohio Wesleyan University 1959) - BCA Administration
Guy C. VanHorn (Ohio Wesleyan University 1979) - BCA Administration
Thomas B. Wilson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1946) - BCA Administration
Andrew R. Underkoffler (Oklahoma City University 2015) - BCA Chairman/President
Brian W. Overling (Oklahoma City University 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jacob A. Wade (Oklahoma City University 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ryan J. Bebee (Oklahoma State University 1995) - BCA Chairman/President
Wayne C. Bland (Oklahoma State University 1975) - BCA Chairman/President
Kim W. Cunningham (Oklahoma State University 1975) - BCA Chairman/President
Steven W. Fooshee (Oklahoma State University 1974) - BCA Chairman/President
J. Pat Gallagher, Jr. (Oklahoma State University 1966) - BCA Chairman/President
Eric D. Knam (Oklahoma State University 1992) - BCA Chairman/President
Brent M. Koch (Oklahoma State University 1996) - BCA Chairman/President
Thomas R. Lacki (Oklahoma State University 1990) - BCA Chairman/President
Taylor N. Shinn (Oklahoma State University 2007) - BCA Chairman/President
Christopher K. Woosley (Oklahoma State University 1991) - BCA Chairman/President
J. Herschel Beard (Oklahoma State University 1972) - BCA Recording Secretary
Kol J. Bomhoff (Oklahoma State University 2018) - BCA Recording Secretary
Christian Hayes (Oklahoma State University 2022) - BCA Recording Secretary
David L. Allen (Oklahoma State University 1980) - BCA Finances
Thomas M. Allen (Oklahoma State University 1970) - BCA Finances
Wayne C. Bland (Oklahoma State University 1975) - BCA Finances
Ronald G. Bond (Oklahoma State University 1977) - BCA Finances
Gordon L. Elkins (Oklahoma State University 1967) - BCA Finances
Shane M. Gibson (Oklahoma State University 2012) - BCA Finances
Richard C. Howell (Oklahoma State University 1967) - BCA Finances
David J. Kennedy (Oklahoma State University 1980) - BCA Finances
Tyler J. Konarik (Oklahoma State University 2016) - BCA Finances
Andrew J. Morris (Oklahoma State University 2020) - BCA Finances
John S. Doty (Oklahoma State University 1975) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Steven W. Fooshee (Oklahoma State University 1974) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Donald E. Greenamyer (Oklahoma State University 1972) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Robert B. Lindsly (Oklahoma State University 1967) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Robert M. Murphy, Jr. (Oklahoma State University 1972) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Steven B. Pittman (Oklahoma State University 1975) - BCA Foundation of Courage
J. Herschel Beard (Oklahoma State University 1972) - BCA Graduate Relations
Philip G. Bowersox (Oklahoma State University 1970) - BCA Graduate Relations
Joel B. Embry (Oklahoma State University 1999) - BCA Graduate Relations
Scott A. Guysi (Oklahoma State University 1975) - BCA Graduate Relations
Thomas W. Lucas (Oklahoma State University 1966) - BCA Graduate Relations
C. Michael Thomas (Oklahoma State University 1967) - BCA Graduate Relations
Ryan C. Vogler (Oklahoma State University 1996) - BCA Graduate Relations
Bruce E. Baugher (Oklahoma State University 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ross A. Bebee (Oklahoma State University 1997) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ryan J. Bebee (Oklahoma State University 1995) - BCA Miscellaneous
R. Rance Bennett (Oklahoma State University 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
James D. Boyer (Oklahoma State University 1964) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kim W. Cunningham (Oklahoma State University 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
Tyler L. Davis (Oklahoma State University 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
Harris J. Elder (Oklahoma State University 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
Steven W. Fooshee (Oklahoma State University 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
John J. Ha (Oklahoma State University 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
Prof. Bob C. Hamm (Oklahoma State University 1969) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael J. Knam (Oklahoma State University 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
Trent R. McKnight (Oklahoma State University 2002) - BCA Miscellaneous
Russell E. McNew (Oklahoma State University 1966) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew J. Morgan (Oklahoma State University 2009) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert M. Murphy, Jr. (Oklahoma State University 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
Clayton E. Nelson (Oklahoma State University 2007) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey R. Pinter (Oklahoma State University 2003) - BCA Miscellaneous
Max A. Pischel, III (Oklahoma State University 1968) - BCA Miscellaneous
Steven B. Pittman (Oklahoma State University 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
Wes Reed (Oklahoma State University 2002) - BCA Miscellaneous
James L. Thomas, Jr. (Oklahoma State University 1966) - BCA Miscellaneous
James F. Tredway (Oklahoma State University 1968) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kenneth R. Wilkerson, II (Oklahoma State University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher K. Woosley (Oklahoma State University 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
James M. Wuerflein (Oklahoma State University 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. Herschel Beard (Oklahoma State University 1972) - BCA Public Relations
Jay W. Roberts (Oklahoma State University 1972) - BCA Public Relations
C. Michael Thomas (Oklahoma State University 1967) - BCA Public Relations
Robert L. Curtis (Oklahoma State University 1968) - BCA Recruitment
Steven C. Groene (Oklahoma State University 1981) - BCA Recruitment
Michael C. Hill (Oklahoma State University 1968) - BCA Recruitment
J. Robert Keating (Oklahoma State University 1972) - BCA Recruitment
James L. Keating (Oklahoma State University 1974) - BCA Recruitment
Jay A. List (Oklahoma State University 1997) - BCA Recruitment
Dan A. Lucas (Oklahoma State University 1969) - BCA Recruitment
Martin A. Muck (Oklahoma State University 1978) - BCA Recruitment
Shane R. Rasch (Oklahoma State University 2014) - BCA Recruitment
Logan Thomas (Oklahoma State University 2013) - BCA Recruitment
James F. Tredway (Oklahoma State University 1968) - BCA Recruitment
James M. Wuerflein (Oklahoma State University 1981) - BCA Recruitment
John E. Cain (Oklahoma State University 1987) - BCA Risk Management
Benjamin C. Freeny (Oklahoma State University 1981) - BCA Risk Management
Steven B. Pittman (Oklahoma State University 1975) - BCA Risk Management
Christopher N. Alexander, USAFR (Oklahoma State University 1996) - BCA Ritual
Kol J. Bomhoff (Oklahoma State University 2018) - BCA Ritual
J. David Jensen (Oklahoma State University 1970) - BCA Ritual
J. Robert Keating (Oklahoma State University 1972) - BCA Ritual
James L. Keating (Oklahoma State University 1974) - BCA Ritual
James F. Tredway (Oklahoma State University 1968) - BCA Ritual
Harris J. Elder (Oklahoma State University 1967) - BCA Scholarship
Prof. Bob C. Hamm (Oklahoma State University 1969) - BCA Scholarship
James L. Keating (Oklahoma State University 1974) - BCA Scholarship
James T. Mott, Jr. (Oklahoma State University 1974) - BCA Scholarship
Robert M. Murphy, Jr. (Oklahoma State University 1972) - BCA Scholarship
Roger A. Andrews (Oklahoma State University 1979) - BCA Administration
Kol J. Bomhoff (Oklahoma State University 2018) - BCA Built to Lead
Richard C. Howell (Oklahoma State University 1967) - BCA Administration
Brent M. Koch (Oklahoma State University 1996) - BCA Administration
David R. Alexander (Old Dominion University 1991) - BCA Chairman/President
George W. Barham, Jr. (Old Dominion University 1979) - BCA Chairman/President
Robert Hester (Old Dominion University 1991) - BCA Chairman/President
Roger O. Hudspeth (Old Dominion University 1990) - BCA Chairman/President
Harry L. McFarland, II (Old Dominion University 1980) - BCA Chairman/President
Kevin W. McLaughlin (Old Dominion University 1993) - BCA Chairman/President
Steven D. Schools (Old Dominion University 1990) - BCA Chairman/President
Allan M. Singer (Old Dominion University 1984) - BCA Chairman/President
Robert Hester (Old Dominion University 1991) - BCA Vice Chairman
Scott R. Smith (Old Dominion University 1990) - BCA Recording Secretary
George A. Thompson, Jr. (Old Dominion University 1981) - BCA Recording Secretary
George W. Barham, Jr. (Old Dominion University 1979) - BCA Finances
Robert Hester (Old Dominion University 1991) - BCA Finances
Matthew M. Matera (Old Dominion University 1990) - BCA Finances
Bryan M. O'Donnell (Old Dominion University 1981) - BCA Finances
Steven D. Schools (Old Dominion University 1990) - BCA Finances
George A. Thompson, Jr. (Old Dominion University 1981) - BCA Finances
Peter J. Troia, III (Old Dominion University 1987) - BCA Finances
Ralph C. Dewey (Old Dominion University 1986) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Richard G. Hach (Old Dominion University 1980) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Tracy L. Halman (Old Dominion University 1986) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Jefferson A. Ludvik (Old Dominion University 1988) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Edward E. Sheehy (Old Dominion University 1981) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Christopher M. Clark (Old Dominion University 1976) - BCA Graduate Relations
Kevin W. McLaughlin (Old Dominion University 1993) - BCA Graduate Relations
Michael J. Sarros (Old Dominion University 1990) - BCA Graduate Relations
Richard S. Williams (Old Dominion University 1986) - BCA Graduate Relations
David R. Alexander (Old Dominion University 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert T. Cahill, Jr. (Old Dominion University 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ralph C. Dewey (Old Dominion University 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael T. Dobias, Jr. (Old Dominion University 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael O. Elsen (Old Dominion University 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. Scott Evans (Old Dominion University 2018) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stephen S. Gay (Old Dominion University 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew M. Geygan (Old Dominion University 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Barry W. Jones (Old Dominion University 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robbie L. Osborne (Old Dominion University 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Collin S. Rice (Old Dominion University 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Connor J. Schweitzer (Old Dominion University 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark P. Swink (Old Dominion University 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
George A. Thompson, Jr. (Old Dominion University 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeremy M. Wiltz (Old Dominion University 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Russell P. Grimes (Old Dominion University 1979) - BCA Public Relations
Harry L. McFarland, II (Old Dominion University 1980) - BCA Public Relations
Richard S. Williams (Old Dominion University 1986) - BCA Public Relations
Stanley C. Bukalski (Old Dominion University 1986) - BCA Recruitment
Harry L. McFarland, II (Old Dominion University 1980) - BCA Recruitment
Bryan M. O'Donnell (Old Dominion University 1981) - BCA Recruitment
Thomas E. Wolters (Old Dominion University 1984) - BCA Recruitment
John D. Cranmer (Old Dominion University 1988) - BCA Risk Management
Michael T. Dobias, Jr. (Old Dominion University 1979) - BCA Ritual
Patrick P. Heckner (Old Dominion University 1985) - BCA Ritual
Kenneth E. Piper (Old Dominion University 1984) - BCA Ritual
Brian D. Lobb (Old Dominion University 1980) - BCA Scholarship
Patrick W. Robinson (Old Dominion University 1982) - BCA Scholarship
J. Kendall Strickland (Old Dominion University 1990) - BCA Scholarship
Paul J. Morrison (Old Dominion University 1987) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
J. Scott Evans (Old Dominion University 2018) - BCA Trustee
Collin S. Rice (Old Dominion University 2017) - BCA Trustee
Steven D. Schools (Old Dominion University 1990) - BCA Trustee
Joseph J. Bass (Old Dominion University 1979) - BCA Administration
Kenneth E. Piper (Old Dominion University 1984) - BCA Administration
George A. Thompson, Jr. (Old Dominion University 1981) - BCA Administration
William P. Anderson (Oregon State University 2001) - BCA Chairman/President
Paul E. Louis (Oregon State University 1988) - BCA Chairman/President
Kirk B. Maag, JD (Oregon State University 2005) - BCA Chairman/President
Jack S. Urness (Oregon State University 2018) - BCA Chairman/President
Brent A. Wehage (Oregon State University 2010) - BCA Chairman/President
Colton Dunham (Oregon State University 2018) - BCA Recording Secretary
K. Lawrence Clark (Oregon State University 1964) - BCA Finances
Gerald R. Durbin (Oregon State University 1966) - BCA Finances
Dennis I. Hedges (Oregon State University 1961) - BCA Finances
Graham D. Retzlaff (Oregon State University 2010) - BCA Finances
Matthew T. Snyder (Oregon State University 2005) - BCA Finances
John W. Van Dinter (Oregon State University 1986) - BCA Finances
Roger L. Weinheimer (Oregon State University 1951) - BCA Finances
Matthew A. Case (Oregon State University 1987) - BCA Foundation of Courage
John P. Martin (Oregon State University 1985) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Thomas H. Newman (Oregon State University 1977) - BCA Foundation of Courage
K. Colin Pyle, III (Oregon State University 2015) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Alan J. Thayer, Jr. (Oregon State University 1981) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Richard E. Wiegand (Oregon State University 1973) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Mark R. Binegar (Oregon State University 1979) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jacob D. Cramer (Oregon State University 2009) - BCA Graduate Relations
Paul K. Davis (Oregon State University 1985) - BCA Graduate Relations
Donald E. Johnson (Oregon State University 1936) - BCA Graduate Relations
Christopher W. Kline (Oregon State University 1982) - BCA Graduate Relations
Lawrence A. Peetz, DVM (Oregon State University 1967) - BCA Graduate Relations
Kenneth T. Poirier (Oregon State University 2004) - BCA Graduate Relations
Alex C. Powell (Oregon State University 2015) - BCA Graduate Relations
Anthony J. Pulicella (Oregon State University 1987) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jon T. Rodriguez (Oregon State University 1981) - BCA Graduate Relations
Brent J. Wilson (Oregon State University 2016) - BCA Graduate Relations
Steve A. Bastian (Oregon State University 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Paul K. Davis (Oregon State University 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
W. Scott Havens (Oregon State University 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Claud W. Hoover (Oregon State University 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
David L. Horn (Oregon State University 2008) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert F. Kline (Oregon State University 1949) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kirk B. Maag, JD (Oregon State University 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Edward A. Payne (Oregon State University 1961) - BCA Miscellaneous
Benjamin P. Platter (Oregon State University 2018) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gary O. Rogers (Oregon State University 1960) - BCA Miscellaneous
Alan J. Thayer, Jr. (Oregon State University 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brent A. Wehage (Oregon State University 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
Dennis I. Hedges (Oregon State University 1961) - BCA Public Relations
Kermit C. Smith (Oregon State University 1968) - BCA Public Relations
Keith W. Backsen (Oregon State University 1987) - BCA Recruitment
Tony A. Boatright (Oregon State University 1987) - BCA Recruitment
Cory M. Graham (Oregon State University 2016) - BCA Recruitment
Wallace E. Helm (Oregon State University 1978) - BCA Recruitment
Richard S. Hibberd (Oregon State University 1969) - BCA Recruitment
Thomas A. Lien (Oregon State University 2003) - BCA Recruitment
Jayson T. Partridge (Oregon State University 1991) - BCA Recruitment
Jon T. Rodriguez (Oregon State University 1981) - BCA Recruitment
Brent A. Wehage (Oregon State University 2010) - BCA Recruitment
Richard E. Wiegand (Oregon State University 1973) - BCA Recruitment
Larry N. Wood (Oregon State University 1980) - BCA Recruitment
Mark R. Binegar (Oregon State University 1979) - BCA Ritual
James E. Bonham (Oregon State University 1976) - BCA Ritual
Richard S. Hibberd (Oregon State University 1969) - BCA Ritual
Richard E. Wiegand (Oregon State University 1973) - BCA Ritual
Lawrence A. Peetz, DVM (Oregon State University 1967) - BCA Scholarship
Michael B. Peterson (Oregon State University 2002) - BCA Scholarship
Michael J. Wallace (Oregon State University 2016) - BCA Scholarship
Samuel V. Palacio (Oregon State University 2014) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Brent J. Wilson (Oregon State University 2016) - BCA Trustee
K. Lawrence Clark (Oregon State University 1964) - BCA Administration
Timothy Hornecker (Oregon State University 1979) - BCA Administration
Donald E. Johnson (Oregon State University 1936) - BCA Administration
Michael J. Wallace (Oregon State University 2016) - BCA Built to Lead
Gary A. Wildish (Oregon State University 1963) - BCA Administration
Roy D. Bertolet (Pennsylvania State University 1944) - BCA Chairman/President
Michael J. Burdick (Pennsylvania State University 1999) - BCA Chairman/President
Nicholas D. DeLibero (Pennsylvania State University 2017) - BCA Chairman/President
Robert K. Knechtel (Pennsylvania State University 1972) - BCA Chairman/President
Robert S. Peck (Pennsylvania State University 1937) - BCA Chairman/President
Cory J. Will (Pennsylvania State University 2009) - BCA Chairman/President
Thomas L. Shoemaker (Pennsylvania State University 1973) - BCA Vice Chairman
Tyler G. Gardner (Pennsylvania State University 2015) - BCA Recording Secretary
R. Wesley Boschert (Pennsylvania State University 1975) - BCA Finances
Richard M. Bunnell (Pennsylvania State University 1953) - BCA Finances
Timothy M. Curley (Pennsylvania State University 1976) - BCA Finances
Albert R. Hinkle, Jr. (Pennsylvania State University 1949) - BCA Finances
Ryan J. Kelly (Pennsylvania State University 2006) - BCA Finances
Robert K. Knechtel (Pennsylvania State University 1972) - BCA Finances
William L. Oliver (Pennsylvania State University 1967) - BCA Finances
Michael J. Stewart (Pennsylvania State University 1972) - BCA Finances
Roy D. Bertolet (Pennsylvania State University 1944) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Timothy M. Curley (Pennsylvania State University 1976) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Richard A. Knechtel (Pennsylvania State University 1976) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Thomas A. Konecny (Pennsylvania State University 2010) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Michael F. Leisey (Pennsylvania State University 1974) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Eric J. Levin (Pennsylvania State University 1971) - BCA Foundation of Courage
James B. Beerer, Jr. (Pennsylvania State University 1969) - BCA Graduate Relations
Kenneth L. Holderman (Pennsylvania State University 1931) - BCA Graduate Relations
Rudolph W. Japchen (Pennsylvania State University 1958) - BCA Graduate Relations
Thomas Krivda (Pennsylvania State University 1980) - BCA Graduate Relations
Robert T. Miller (Pennsylvania State University 1955) - BCA Graduate Relations
Craig S. Pfautz (Pennsylvania State University 1972) - BCA Graduate Relations
Brendan M. Smith (Pennsylvania State University 2006) - BCA Graduate Relations
David L. Young (Pennsylvania State University 1966) - BCA Graduate Relations
Robert E. Baney, III (Pennsylvania State University 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Nicholas J. Boland (Pennsylvania State University 2009) - BCA Miscellaneous
R. Wesley Boschert (Pennsylvania State University 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
James D. Bruce (Pennsylvania State University 1962) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard M. Bunnell (Pennsylvania State University 1953) - BCA Miscellaneous
Timothy J. Chwal (Pennsylvania State University 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Terence P. Curley (Pennsylvania State University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gary L. Generose (Pennsylvania State University 1997) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert L. Githens (Pennsylvania State University 1959) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stephen J. Hulick (Pennsylvania State University 2008) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert K. Knechtel (Pennsylvania State University 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kevin C. Krauss (Pennsylvania State University 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
Casey B. McNeil (Pennsylvania State University 2009) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert T. Miller (Pennsylvania State University 1955) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael A. Mische II (Pennsylvania State University 2016) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew D. Nee (Pennsylvania State University 1999) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian M. O'Leary (Pennsylvania State University 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark A. Reed (Pennsylvania State University 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ryan G. Rudalavage (Pennsylvania State University 2016) - BCA Miscellaneous
Francis J. Santoriello (Pennsylvania State University 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Carter E. Satterfield (Pennsylvania State University 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jack W. Schall (Pennsylvania State University 1956) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas G. Steriopulos (Pennsylvania State University 1969) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael J. Urie (Pennsylvania State University 2009) - BCA Miscellaneous
R. Larry Wert (Pennsylvania State University 1964) - BCA Miscellaneous
Cory J. Will (Pennsylvania State University 2009) - BCA Miscellaneous
Craig S. Wrobleski (Pennsylvania State University 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
David L. Young (Pennsylvania State University 1966) - BCA Miscellaneous
Roy D. Bertolet (Pennsylvania State University 1944) - BCA Public Relations
Richard M. Brown (Pennsylvania State University 1973) - BCA Public Relations
Rudolph W. Japchen (Pennsylvania State University 1958) - BCA Public Relations
Harry A. Streamer (Pennsylvania State University 1963) - BCA Public Relations
Nicholas J. Boland (Pennsylvania State University 2009) - BCA Recruitment
Timothy M. Curley (Pennsylvania State University 1976) - BCA Recruitment
John R. M. Curry, III (Pennsylvania State University 1968) - BCA Recruitment
Anthony M. Imparo (Pennsylvania State University 2012) - BCA Recruitment
Richard A. Knechtel (Pennsylvania State University 1976) - BCA Recruitment
Michael F. Leisey (Pennsylvania State University 1974) - BCA Recruitment
Michael J. Urie (Pennsylvania State University 2009) - BCA Risk Management
John R. M. Curry, III (Pennsylvania State University 1968) - BCA Ritual
Jeffrey A. Miller (Pennsylvania State University 1978) - BCA Ritual
Robert T. Miller (Pennsylvania State University 1955) - BCA Ritual
John M. Reihner, DDS (Pennsylvania State University 1975) - BCA Ritual
Dr. Harry H. Finkelston Jr. (Pennsylvania State University 1962) - BCA Scholarship
William K. First (Pennsylvania State University 1968) - BCA Scholarship
Kenneth L. Holderman (Pennsylvania State University 1931) - BCA Scholarship
Thomas Krivda (Pennsylvania State University 1980) - BCA Scholarship
Michael J. Stewart (Pennsylvania State University 1972) - BCA Scholarship
Peter B. Whitten (Pennsylvania State University 1965) - BCA Scholarship
Cory J. Will (Pennsylvania State University 2009) - BCA Scholarship
Robert E. Baney, III (Pennsylvania State University 1984) - BCA Trustee
Michael R. Riley (Pennsylvania State University 2010) - BCA Trustee
Kevin C. Allison, Jr. (Pennsylvania State University 2017) - BCA Administration
Justin R. Dunkelberger (Pennsylvania State University 2001) - BCA Administration
William K. First (Pennsylvania State University 1968) - BCA Administration
Gregory A. Hanks (Pennsylvania State University 1978) - BCA Administration
Jeffrey A. Miller (Pennsylvania State University 1978) - BCA Administration
Max B. Pipman (Pennsylvania State University 2002) - BCA Administration
John M. Reihner, DDS (Pennsylvania State University 1975) - BCA Administration
David Sobolak, Jr. (Pennsylvania State University 1998) - BCA Administration
George N. Stewart, IV (Pennsylvania State University 1980) - BCA Administration
Michael J. Stewart (Pennsylvania State University 1972) - BCA Administration
Michael J. Stewart, II (Pennsylvania State University 2005) - BCA Administration
David L. Young (Pennsylvania State University 1966) - BCA Administration
Peter W. Kingma (Purdue University 1989) - BCA Chairman/President
A. J. Manion (Purdue University 1990) - BCA Chairman/President
R. Walker Marsh (Purdue University 1993) - BCA Chairman/President
John B. Schmook (Purdue University 1968) - BCA Chairman/President
Scott A. Young, DDS (Purdue University 1978) - BCA Chairman/President
C. R. Hershman (Purdue University 1950) - BCA Finances
Bruce W. Parkhurst (Purdue University 1971) - BCA Finances
John B. Schmook (Purdue University 1968) - BCA Finances
Kent E. Upton (Purdue University 1978) - BCA Finances
Perry Wilkins, USN (Ret) (Purdue University 1959) - BCA Finances
William A. Williamson, III (Purdue University 1963) - BCA Finances
Richard E. Grace (Purdue University 1951) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Jack P. Mollenkopf (Purdue University 1957) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Todd D. Pitts (Purdue University 1983) - BCA Foundation of Courage
David W. Crowner (Purdue University 1957) - BCA Graduate Relations
Andrew J. Donovan (Purdue University 1981) - BCA Graduate Relations
William G. Ikins (Purdue University 1951) - BCA Graduate Relations
Lawrence C. Lane (Purdue University 1950) - BCA Graduate Relations
Gerald V. Lyles (Purdue University 1964) - BCA Graduate Relations
James K. Ramaker (Purdue University 1965) - BCA Graduate Relations
Scott A. Young, DDS (Purdue University 1978) - BCA Graduate Relations
William A. Barnes (Purdue University 1921) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher V. Barr (Purdue University 1977) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher B. Burke (Purdue University 1977) - BCA Miscellaneous
John O. Coffin (Purdue University 1959) - BCA Miscellaneous
Melvin D. Corley (Purdue University 1958) - BCA Miscellaneous
William R. Davis (Purdue University 1959) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph R. DeWenter (Purdue University 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert D. Dillingham (Purdue University 1969) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph W. Disque (Purdue University 1961) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard E. Grace (Purdue University 1951) - BCA Miscellaneous
C. R. Hershman (Purdue University 1950) - BCA Miscellaneous
Carl C. Horner (Purdue University 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
David P. Jones (Purdue University 1959) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph R. Keenan (Purdue University 1965) - BCA Miscellaneous
David W. Kincaid (Purdue University 2008) - BCA Miscellaneous
Lawrence C. Lane (Purdue University 1950) - BCA Miscellaneous
Charles G. Lynch (Purdue University 1964) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. Richard Marshall (Purdue University 1959) - BCA Miscellaneous
James T. Neff (Purdue University 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
James H. Pratt (Purdue University 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
Philip M. Puterbaugh (Purdue University 1950) - BCA Miscellaneous
Timothy N. Sarhage (Purdue University 2020) - BCA Miscellaneous
John B. Schmook (Purdue University 1968) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert E. Shearon (Purdue University 1935) - BCA Miscellaneous
Frank H. Wadsworth (Purdue University 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Perry Wilkins, USN (Ret) (Purdue University 1959) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher B. Burke (Purdue University 1977) - BCA Public Relations
Lawrence C. Lane (Purdue University 1950) - BCA Public Relations
Bruce M. Pitman (Purdue University 1971) - BCA Public Relations
Scott A. Young, DDS (Purdue University 1978) - BCA Public Relations
Christopher V. Barr (Purdue University 1977) - BCA Recruitment
Richard A. Mitchell (Purdue University 1961) - BCA Recruitment
Jack P. Mollenkopf (Purdue University 1957) - BCA Recruitment
Scott A. Young, DDS (Purdue University 1978) - BCA Recruitment
Jeffrey A. Cooke (Purdue University 1967) - BCA Risk Management
Steven R. Dietrich (Purdue University 1977) - BCA Risk Management
Carl C. Horner (Purdue University 1978) - BCA Risk Management
David W. Kincaid (Purdue University 2008) - BCA Ritual
Bruce W. Parkhurst (Purdue University 1971) - BCA Ritual
Christopher V. Barr (Purdue University 1977) - BCA Scholarship
James B. Hill (Purdue University 1994) - BCA Scholarship
Michael A. Johnson (Purdue University 1961) - BCA Scholarship
Jed A. Young (Purdue University 1984) - BCA Scholarship
Scott A. Young, DDS (Purdue University 1978) - BCA Scholarship
Mark J. Crabb (Purdue University 1981) - BCA Trustee
Robert C. Lukes (Purdue University 1973) - BCA Trustee
Burton R. Luring (Purdue University 1963) - BCA Trustee
R. Walker Marsh (Purdue University 1993) - BCA Trustee
David L. Alexander (Purdue University 1962) - BCA Administration
Robert W. Brown (Purdue University 1962) - BCA Administration
John O. Coffin (Purdue University 1959) - BCA Administration
Charles M. Horner (Purdue University 1951) - BCA Administration
Michael A. Johnson (Purdue University 1961) - BCA Administration
Jack DePalma (Quinnipiac University 2019) - BCA Miscellaneous
Krisjanis A. Ule (Quinnipiac University 2020) - BCA Miscellaneous
Sean R. Cote (Quinnipiac University 2018) - BCA Trustee
Tyler R. Culp (Quinnipiac University 2019) - BCA Trustee
Steven J. McCormack, PT, DPT (Quinnipiac University 2016) - BCA Trustee
Keith E. Downes (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1991) - BCA Chairman/President
Neil H. Eklund (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1991) - BCA Chairman/President
Nathan D. Greene (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2017) - BCA Chairman/President
Michael D. Keats (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1987) - BCA Chairman/President
Alex C. Leininger (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2005) - BCA Chairman/President
Shane M. McCauliffe (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1998) - BCA Chairman/President
Stephen A. Nettnin (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2012) - BCA Chairman/President
Terrance K. Nolan (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2008) - BCA Chairman/President
Thomas J. Shoemaker (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1991) - BCA Chairman/President
Marc D. Eigner (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1997) - BCA Vice Chairman
Neil H. Eklund (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1991) - BCA Vice Chairman
Alex C. Leininger (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2005) - BCA Vice Chairman
James J. Plassmann (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1999) - BCA Vice Chairman
Nicholas J. Seguljic (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2017) - BCA Vice Chairman
Keith W. Baker (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2001) - BCA Recording Secretary
Paul A. Brower (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2006) - BCA Recording Secretary
Christopher D. Hill (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1996) - BCA Recording Secretary
Nicholas C. Johnson (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2020) - BCA Recording Secretary
George Norman (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1987) - BCA Recording Secretary
Roger V. Pruneau, Jr. (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1997) - BCA Recording Secretary
Joseph W. Kahn (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1991) - BCA Finances
Gasper J. LaRosa, II (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1995) - BCA Finances
Paul M. Gallagher (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1993) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Andrew J. Geary (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2010) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Michael P. Bunker (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1990) - BCA Graduate Relations
David J. Camerota (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2007) - BCA Graduate Relations
Nicholas C. Johnson (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2020) - BCA Graduate Relations
Andrew T. Linn (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2004) - BCA Graduate Relations
Robert M. Roche (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1985) - BCA Graduate Relations
William R. Brand (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Allan R. Demarest (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
Neil H. Eklund (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert D. Greenstine (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert M. Headley (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
Keith E. Kruse (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Amory U. Lee (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
David M. Lisi (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
John E. Manecke (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert J. Odell (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2009) - BCA Miscellaneous
Rahul R. Parwani (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
Sean E. Phelan (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
Daniel G. Raiche (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas J. Shoemaker (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Paul J. Testa (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey W. Tunkel (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Daniel J. Barnaba (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1988) - BCA Recruitment
David M. Lisi (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1994) - BCA Recruitment
Amar S. Patel (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2006) - BCA Recruitment
Joel R. Ullmann (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1993) - BCA Recruitment
Leonard L. Yowell (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1993) - BCA Ritual
William J. Aldrich (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1991) - BCA Scholarship
Joseph W. Kahn (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1991) - BCA Scholarship
Marc L. Reich (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2007) - BCA Scholarship
Michael C. Edelen (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2006) - BCA Trustee
Michael D. Keats (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1987) - BCA Trustee
Alex C. Leininger (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2005) - BCA Trustee
Jim M. Field (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1992) - BCA Built to Lead
George Norman (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1987) - BCA Administration
Steven G. Allison (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1992) - BCA Chairman/President
Kevin D. Bogard (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1989) - BCA Chairman/President
Carl E. Bradway (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1997) - BCA Chairman/President
George J. Butkovich, Jr. (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1970) - BCA Chairman/President
James A. Cramer (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1984) - BCA Chairman/President
Paul M. Curtin (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1980) - BCA Chairman/President
Michael E. Dockins (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2002) - BCA Chairman/President
Roe C. East (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1980) - BCA Chairman/President
William A. Lindstaedt, Jr. (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1986) - BCA Chairman/President
Andrew D. Lopshire (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2007) - BCA Chairman/President
Aaron M. Weishaar (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1997) - BCA Chairman/President
Arthur C. Schultz (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1981) - BCA Recording Secretary
George J. Butkovich, Jr. (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1970) - BCA Finances
Michael A. Callahan (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1974) - BCA Finances
James A. Cramer (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1984) - BCA Finances
Roe C. East (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1980) - BCA Finances
Andrew D. Gavrilos (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1980) - BCA Finances
William L. Gibson (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1974) - BCA Finances
Carl J. Gillman (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1990) - BCA Finances
James H. Graham (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1972) - BCA Finances
Carl J. Gillman (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1990) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Gary W. Gladish (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1970) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Michael J. Hileman (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1975) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Gregg A. Inderhees (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1984) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Stephen Nowak (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1983) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Arthur C. Schultz (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1981) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Derek W. Trobaugh (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2006) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Jeffrey W. Wells (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1979) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Steven G. Farquhar (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1977) - BCA Graduate Relations
G. Clark Fortune (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1978) - BCA Graduate Relations
Robert C. Froetscher (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1980) - BCA Graduate Relations
Daniel G. Jackson (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1974) - BCA Graduate Relations
Tim L. Kaminski (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1983) - BCA Graduate Relations
Brent A. Mewhinney (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1984) - BCA Graduate Relations
George J. Butkovich, Jr. (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael E. Dockins (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2002) - BCA Miscellaneous
Walter E. Dye (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brandon J. Endress (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
Steven G. Farquhar (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1977) - BCA Miscellaneous
G. Clark Fortune (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas P. Frank (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert C. Froetscher (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Benjamin C. Giant (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2003) - BCA Miscellaneous
William L. Gibson (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
Scott R. Green (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2003) - BCA Miscellaneous
Neil E. Harrison (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas M. Hendrickson (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1971) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas L. Jackson, PE (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael L. Jacobs (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bryan A. Jensen (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2001) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael Lee (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
William A. Lindstaedt, Jr. (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Todd Melby (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1999) - BCA Miscellaneous
Charles E. Moss, Jr. (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Eric C. Niec (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2002) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael F. Nisbet (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
James D. Oliverius (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
Sean W. O'Shaughnessey (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Steven T. Parker (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
K. Kurtis Preston (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
Clifford J. Przybyl (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
Douglas A. Shull (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joshua A. Smith (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
Alan L. Smock (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew J. Tochterman (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2001) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ryan C. Walke (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1995) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph A. Weist (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bryan T. Welch (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
John K. Welp (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gregory T. White (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joshua D. Zabek (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas R. Burtzlaff (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1979) - BCA Public Relations
R. Edwin Fain (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1976) - BCA Public Relations
G. Clark Fortune (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1978) - BCA Public Relations
Leslie J. Haman (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1986) - BCA Public Relations
Daniel G. Jackson (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1974) - BCA Public Relations
Charles E. Moss, Jr. (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1984) - BCA Public Relations
Jonathan T. Richardson (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1984) - BCA Public Relations
Steven G. Allison (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1992) - BCA Recruitment
Brian K. Balu (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1981) - BCA Recruitment
Michael A. Callahan (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1974) - BCA Recruitment
Michael J. Cherbak (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1976) - BCA Recruitment
Steven B. Childress (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1990) - BCA Recruitment
Robert C. Froetscher (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1980) - BCA Recruitment
Kevin M. Hanson (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2006) - BCA Recruitment
Tim L. Kaminski (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1983) - BCA Recruitment
Arthur C. Schultz (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1981) - BCA Recruitment
Joseph A. Weist (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1987) - BCA Recruitment
John P. Foley (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1980) - BCA Ritual
Robert C. Froetscher (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1980) - BCA Ritual
James D. Myers (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1975) - BCA Ritual
Mark L. Ress, PE (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1976) - BCA Ritual
David E. Smith (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1977) - BCA Ritual
Steven T. Ufheil (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1989) - BCA Ritual
Douglas A. Collier (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1990) - BCA Scholarship
Austin T. Davis (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2011) - BCA Scholarship
R. Edwin Fain (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1976) - BCA Scholarship
Thomas M. Hendrickson (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1971) - BCA Scholarship
A. Blair Hughes (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1980) - BCA Scholarship
David W. Zabel, PE (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1986) - BCA Scholarship
Charles E. Dewey, IV (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1991) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Charles E. Dewey, IV (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1991) - BCA Trustee
Luis A. Bogran (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1985) - BCA Administration
George J. Butkovich, Jr. (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1970) - BCA Administration
Frank H. Gavrilos (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1982) - BCA Administration
William L. Gibson (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1974) - BCA Administration
Leslie J. Haman (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1986) - BCA Administration
Michael Lee (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1974) - BCA Administration
Chris A. Sloffer, MD (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1989) - BCA Administration
Stephen J. Wirtz (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1980) - BCA Administration
Pavan U. Amin (Rutgers University 2015) - BCA Chairman/President
David P. Caronia (Rutgers University 2014) - BCA Chairman/President
Mohin Chanpura (Rutgers University 2021) - BCA Chairman/President
Carl A. Cucchiara (Rutgers University 1973) - BCA Chairman/President
Byrne W. Dyer III (Rutgers University 1969) - BCA Chairman/President
Glenn C. Jenkins (Rutgers University 1994) - BCA Chairman/President
Richard T. Pekmezian (Rutgers University 1984) - BCA Chairman/President
Robert A. Stewart (Rutgers University 1971) - BCA Chairman/President
Robert D. Stiefel (Rutgers University 1940) - BCA Chairman/President
Nicholas J. Cheniara (Rutgers University 2022) - BCA Finances
Michael F. Lalor (Rutgers University 2001) - BCA Finances
Craig J. Mardany (Rutgers University 1982) - BCA Finances
James H. Shellem (Rutgers University 1976) - BCA Finances
Ivan V. White, Jr. (Rutgers University 1968) - BCA Finances
James N. Freda (Rutgers University 1978) - BCA Foundation of Courage
M. Rocco Marino (Rutgers University 1976) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Robert D. Stiefel (Rutgers University 1940) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Douglas N. deMarrais (Rutgers University 1978) - BCA Graduate Relations
Peter F. Hibbard (Rutgers University 1967) - BCA Graduate Relations
Vincent R. Kramer (Rutgers University 1941) - BCA Graduate Relations
Donald R. Lehman (Rutgers University 1962) - BCA Miscellaneous
John H. Ronafalvy (Rutgers University 1998) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert A. Stewart (Rutgers University 1971) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kevin A. Brady (Rutgers University 1973) - BCA Public Relations
James H. Shellem (Rutgers University 1976) - BCA Public Relations
Robert A. Behot (Rutgers University 1975) - BCA Recruitment
Douglas N. deMarrais (Rutgers University 1978) - BCA Recruitment
Samuel H. Mudie (Rutgers University 1962) - BCA Recruitment
Robert J. Grillo (Rutgers University 1976) - BCA Risk Management
Floyd P. Bienstock (Rutgers University 1976) - BCA Ritual
Douglas N. deMarrais (Rutgers University 1978) - BCA Ritual
Robert D. Stiefel (Rutgers University 1940) - BCA Ritual
Leo E. Egan (Rutgers University 1974) - BCA Scholarship
James N. Freda (Rutgers University 1978) - BCA Scholarship
Matthew P. Casey (Rutgers University 2018) - BCA Administration
David A. Dipiero (Rutgers University 1973) - BCA Administration
Robert J. Grillo (Rutgers University 1976) - BCA Administration
Craig J. Mardany (Rutgers University 1982) - BCA Administration
Lee D. Schneider (Rutgers University 1969) - BCA Administration
Robert D. Stiefel (Rutgers University 1940) - BCA Administration
Rubin L. Sandlin, II (Sam Houston State University 2017) - BCA Chairman/President
Justin C. Whitaker (Sam Houston State University 2018) - BCA Chairman/President
M. Leo Meshell (Sam Houston State University 2017) - BCA Finances
Lee A. Sundstrom (Sam Houston State University 2017) - BCA Finances
Charles D. Waters (Sam Houston State University 2016) - BCA Finances
Kevin M. Marler (Sam Houston State University 2015) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Joseph Oviedo (Sam Houston State University 2021) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Aryn C. Pena (Sam Houston State University 2020) - BCA Graduate Relations
Alejandro R. Perales (Sam Houston State University 2014) - BCA Graduate Relations
Alejandro R. Perales (Sam Houston State University 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Lee A. Sundstrom (Sam Houston State University 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Alejandro R. Perales (Sam Houston State University 2014) - BCA Recruitment
Graham A. Powell (Sam Houston State University 2019) - BCA Recruitment
Rubin L. Sandlin, II (Sam Houston State University 2017) - BCA Recruitment
Justin C. Whitaker (Sam Houston State University 2018) - BCA Recruitment
Ansony Jimenez (Sam Houston State University 2015) - BCA Risk Management
Andrew W. Tomlinson (Sam Houston State University 2015) - BCA Scholarship
M. Leo Meshell (Sam Houston State University 2017) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Rubin L. Sandlin, II (Sam Houston State University 2017) - BCA Built to Lead
Javier Gomez (San Diego State University 2014) - BCA Chairman/President
Michael A. Borton (San Diego State University 1986) - BCA Finances
Howard L. Kummerman (San Diego State University 1989) - BCA Finances
Joseph B. Borden (San Diego State University 1988) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Miles N. Acker (San Diego State University 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joshua L. Caddick (San Diego State University 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Douglas W. Grover (San Diego State University 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark T. Harvey (San Diego State University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Oscar L. Mendez (San Diego State University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Patrick M. Reichardt (San Diego State University 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Miles N. Acker (San Diego State University 1987) - BCA Recruitment
James P. Miller, Jr. (San Diego State University 1992) - BCA Recruitment
Anthony D. Ruggieri (San Diego State University 1989) - BCA Recruitment
Steven C. LaTerra (San Diego State University 1986) - BCA Trustee
W. Michael Manley (San Jose State University 1988) - BCA Chairman/President
Richard P. Rosing (San Jose State University 1991) - BCA Chairman/President
Daniel V. Felizzatto (San Jose State University 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard P. Rosing (San Jose State University 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Daniel S. Hart (Southern Methodist University 1989) - BCA Chairman/President
Turner W. Massey (Southern Methodist University 2014) - BCA Chairman/President
William H. Millard, Jr. (Southern Methodist University 1978) - BCA Chairman/President
Jeff E. Samford, Jr. (Southern Methodist University 1960) - BCA Chairman/President
Joshua A. Sepkowitz (Southern Methodist University 2002) - BCA Chairman/President
Ralph L. Shanks, Jr. (Southern Methodist University 1963) - BCA Chairman/President
Robert C. Wood (Southern Methodist University 1978) - BCA Chairman/President
William R. Embody (Southern Methodist University 2014) - BCA Vice Chairman
Corbin B. Blount (Southern Methodist University 2014) - BCA Recording Secretary
Jon J. Altschuler (Southern Methodist University 1994) - BCA Finances
Keith W. Belcher (Southern Methodist University 1982) - BCA Finances
Walter T. Henderson (Southern Methodist University 1960) - BCA Finances
Robert A. McCulloch (Southern Methodist University 1970) - BCA Finances
Mark C. Pruett (Southern Methodist University 2014) - BCA Finances
Jerry D. Ray (Southern Methodist University 1961) - BCA Finances
Jeffrey C. Barton (Southern Methodist University 1986) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Kurt D. Fisher (Southern Methodist University 1980) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Michael A. Huseth (Southern Methodist University 1981) - BCA Foundation of Courage
John W. Johnson (Southern Methodist University 1976) - BCA Foundation of Courage
W. Justin Jones (Southern Methodist University 1994) - BCA Foundation of Courage
David A. Kemp (Southern Methodist University 1962) - BCA Foundation of Courage
M. Collin Quigley (Southern Methodist University 2013) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Andrew J. Raabe (Southern Methodist University 1982) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Rodney H. Zeigler (Southern Methodist University 1988) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Lenox Carruth, Jr. (Southern Methodist University 1963) - BCA Graduate Relations
Thomas H. Eades (Southern Methodist University 1979) - BCA Graduate Relations
Adam K. Gourley (Southern Methodist University 2014) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jonathan L. Howell (Southern Methodist University 2001) - BCA Graduate Relations
Kenneth H. Hughes (Southern Methodist University 1967) - BCA Graduate Relations
Rodney H. Zeigler (Southern Methodist University 1988) - BCA Graduate Relations
Carl B. Anderson, IV (Southern Methodist University 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Beau S. Bales (Southern Methodist University 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey C. Barton (Southern Methodist University 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert E. Best (Southern Methodist University 1957) - BCA Miscellaneous
Granville C. Briant, III (Southern Methodist University 2003) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard L. Clements (Southern Methodist University 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
Donald L. Crusius (Southern Methodist University 1961) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. Keith Cupples (Southern Methodist University 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
Daniel J. Farabaugh (Southern Methodist University 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gerald W. Fawcett (Southern Methodist University 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
Fielding R. Graham (Southern Methodist University 2009) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kenneth H. Hughes (Southern Methodist University 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert N. Hughes (Southern Methodist University 1960) - BCA Miscellaneous
Charles M. Martin (Southern Methodist University 1963) - BCA Miscellaneous
Turner W. Massey (Southern Methodist University 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Daniel S. Meader (Southern Methodist University 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
William H. Millard, Jr. (Southern Methodist University 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
Allen R. Myers (Southern Methodist University 1964) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew J. Raabe (Southern Methodist University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Derek N. Rogers (Southern Methodist University 2001) - BCA Miscellaneous
John S. Sabo (Southern Methodist University 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeff E. Samford, Jr. (Southern Methodist University 1960) - BCA Miscellaneous
Steven P. Selbo (Southern Methodist University 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. Stanley Stevenson (Southern Methodist University 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew M. Young (Southern Methodist University 2008) - BCA Miscellaneous
Rodney H. Zeigler (Southern Methodist University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Scott E. Cain (Southern Methodist University 1982) - BCA Public Relations
Thomas E. Midyett, Jr. (Southern Methodist University 1966) - BCA Public Relations
Ralph L. Shanks, Jr. (Southern Methodist University 1963) - BCA Public Relations
Jon J. Altschuler (Southern Methodist University 1994) - BCA Recruitment
Clark H. Bacon (Southern Methodist University 2006) - BCA Recruitment
Robert G. Bender (Southern Methodist University 1981) - BCA Recruitment
Lenox Carruth, Jr. (Southern Methodist University 1963) - BCA Recruitment
W. Justin Jones (Southern Methodist University 1994) - BCA Recruitment
Charles M. Martin (Southern Methodist University 1963) - BCA Recruitment
John Q. Melcher (Southern Methodist University 1960) - BCA Recruitment
Joseph L. Mira (Southern Methodist University 1988) - BCA Recruitment
Andrew J. Raabe (Southern Methodist University 1982) - BCA Recruitment
Steven P. Selbo (Southern Methodist University 1981) - BCA Recruitment
Mark C. Stafford (Southern Methodist University 1971) - BCA Recruitment
Hallie H. Gibbs, II (Southern Methodist University 1984) - BCA Risk Management
Kenneth M. Jackson (Southern Methodist University 1960) - BCA Risk Management
Mark C. Stafford (Southern Methodist University 1971) - BCA Risk Management
Rodney H. Zeigler (Southern Methodist University 1988) - BCA Risk Management
Jeffrey C. Barton (Southern Methodist University 1986) - BCA Ritual
M. Collin Quigley (Southern Methodist University 2013) - BCA Ritual
Kenneth H. Hughes (Southern Methodist University 1967) - BCA Scholarship
Michael B. Macaulay (Southern Methodist University 1964) - BCA Scholarship
Lawrence R. Maxwell, Jr. (Southern Methodist University 1959) - BCA Scholarship
Giffen H. Ott (Southern Methodist University 1981) - BCA Scholarship
Mark C. Stafford (Southern Methodist University 1971) - BCA Scholarship
William G. Bozalis, Jr. (Southern Methodist University 2002) - BCA Trustee
Lenox Carruth, Jr. (Southern Methodist University 1963) - BCA Trustee
Richard L. Clements (Southern Methodist University 1978) - BCA Trustee
John M. Hawes, III (Southern Methodist University 1979) - BCA Trustee
Robert N. Hughes (Southern Methodist University 1960) - BCA Trustee
Charles M. Martin (Southern Methodist University 1963) - BCA Trustee
James S. Meyer (Southern Methodist University 1979) - BCA Trustee
William H. Millard, Jr. (Southern Methodist University 1978) - BCA Trustee
Joseph L. Mira (Southern Methodist University 1988) - BCA Trustee
Jeff E. Samford, Jr. (Southern Methodist University 1960) - BCA Trustee
Joshua A. Sepkowitz (Southern Methodist University 2002) - BCA Trustee
Ralph L. Shanks, Jr. (Southern Methodist University 1963) - BCA Trustee
Stephen D. Sims (Southern Methodist University 1973) - BCA Trustee
Michael M. Boone (Southern Methodist University 1963) - BCA Administration
Daniel S. Meader (Southern Methodist University 1984) - BCA Administration
Wade H. Hover (Stanford University 1946) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert E. Morris, Jr. (Stanford University 1969) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gary H. Craig (Stanford University 1962) - BCA Ritual
Larry P. Bailey (Syracuse University 1966) - BCA Chairman/President
Daniel L. Carroll (Syracuse University 1966) - BCA Chairman/President
McGhee P. Cost (Syracuse University 2011) - BCA Chairman/President
Jeff C. Crew, Jr. (Syracuse University 1967) - BCA Chairman/President
Michael J. Lowinger (Syracuse University 2013) - BCA Chairman/President
Thomas Rennie (Syracuse University 1965) - BCA Chairman/President
Edward W. Seager (Syracuse University 1953) - BCA Chairman/President
Bradley J. Strait (Syracuse University 1954) - BCA Vice Chairman
Justin R. Tasolides (Syracuse University 2011) - BCA Vice Chairman
Sam P. Clarvit (Syracuse University 2010) - BCA Recording Secretary
George C. Criticos (Syracuse University 1964) - BCA Recording Secretary
Douglas P. Cagwin (Syracuse University 1941) - BCA Finances
Charles A. Gray (Syracuse University 1963) - BCA Finances
Michael O. Shipley (Syracuse University 1958) - BCA Finances
Neal J. Weese (Syracuse University 2002) - BCA Finances
Jeff C. Crew, Jr. (Syracuse University 1967) - BCA Foundation of Courage
John H. Locke (Syracuse University 1950) - BCA Foundation of Courage
John F. Luchsinger, Jr. (Syracuse University 1966) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Daniel L. Schallmo (Syracuse University 1976) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Jeff C. Crew, Jr. (Syracuse University 1967) - BCA Graduate Relations
Charles T. Doolittle (Syracuse University 1976) - BCA Graduate Relations
John S. King (Syracuse University 1976) - BCA Graduate Relations
Kenneth B. Knapp (Syracuse University 1967) - BCA Graduate Relations
Joseph R. Petruzziello (Syracuse University 1981) - BCA Graduate Relations
Larry P. Bailey (Syracuse University 1966) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard J. Calagiovanni (Syracuse University 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
Daniel L. Carroll (Syracuse University 1966) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew E. Cohen (Syracuse University 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
David J. Compton (Syracuse University 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeff C. Crew, Jr. (Syracuse University 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kyle J. Dean (Syracuse University 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
Edward J. Frick (Syracuse University 1961) - BCA Miscellaneous
Erich R. Grundman (Syracuse University 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gordon K. Haggett (Syracuse University 1962) - BCA Miscellaneous
David H. Jennison (Syracuse University 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stephen M. Jones (Syracuse University 1996) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gary W. Pickard (Syracuse University 1968) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael O. Shipley (Syracuse University 1958) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joshua F. Silk (Syracuse University 2008) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael B. Smith (Syracuse University 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joel S. St. Mary (Syracuse University 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
Justin R. Tasolides (Syracuse University 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
Leonard Bilello (Syracuse University 1988) - BCA Public Relations
S. Bradford Child, Jr. (Syracuse University 1968) - BCA Public Relations
William J. Grabau (Syracuse University 1959) - BCA Public Relations
William J. Doolittle (Syracuse University 1977) - BCA Recruitment
Bradley P. Dunning (Syracuse University 1986) - BCA Recruitment
Peter L. Hubbard (Syracuse University 1968) - BCA Recruitment
David E. Sausville (Syracuse University 1988) - BCA Recruitment
Ross B. Schultz (Syracuse University 2011) - BCA Recruitment
Jay W. Wason, Jr. (Syracuse University 1978) - BCA Risk Management
Jeff C. Crew, Jr. (Syracuse University 1967) - BCA Ritual
William J. Doolittle (Syracuse University 1977) - BCA Ritual
Stephen D. Hall (Syracuse University 2010) - BCA Ritual
John H. Locke (Syracuse University 1950) - BCA Ritual
Jack L. Wescott (Syracuse University 1954) - BCA Ritual
Richard A. Wicks (Syracuse University 1978) - BCA Ritual
William E. De La Vera (Syracuse University 2018) - BCA Scholarship
John H. Locke (Syracuse University 1950) - BCA Scholarship
William C. Schofield, Jr. (Syracuse University 1988) - BCA Scholarship
Jeff C. Crew, Jr. (Syracuse University 1967) - BCA Trustee
Michael J. Lowinger (Syracuse University 2013) - BCA Trustee
Larry P. Bailey (Syracuse University 1966) - BCA Administration
Alan R. Collier (Syracuse University 1954) - BCA Administration
Lawrence C. Dippold (Syracuse University 1966) - BCA Administration
Eugene F. Renske (Syracuse University 1965) - BCA Administration
George J. Schunck (Syracuse University 1952) - BCA Administration
D. Todd Arrants (Tennessee Technological University 1984) - BCA Chairman/President
Matthew C. Buckles (Tennessee Technological University 1987) - BCA Chairman/President
Kyle M. Bush (Tennessee Technological University 2008) - BCA Chairman/President
Bo W. Byers (Tennessee Technological University 2006) - BCA Chairman/President
Theodore M. Engle, IV (Tennessee Technological University 2011) - BCA Chairman/President
William T. Reno (Tennessee Technological University 1991) - BCA Chairman/President
Kenneth L. Sapp (Tennessee Technological University 1982) - BCA Chairman/President
Donald R. Welch (Tennessee Technological University 1982) - BCA Chairman/President
Jackie R. Wilmore, Jr. (Tennessee Technological University 1982) - BCA Chairman/President
Russell S. Bradley (Tennessee Technological University 1981) - BCA Finances
J. R. Gillette (Tennessee Technological University 2005) - BCA Finances
Logan A. Parkhurst (Tennessee Technological University 2010) - BCA Finances
M. Scott Wolfe (Tennessee Technological University 1981) - BCA Finances
Chase C. Womble (Tennessee Technological University 2018) - BCA Finances
Hal Balthrop, PE (Tennessee Technological University 1984) - BCA Foundation of Courage
J. Tyler Cortner (Tennessee Technological University 2014) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Luke B. Denney (Tennessee Technological University 2007) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Carl E. Martin (Tennessee Technological University 1983) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Tim H. McMains (Tennessee Technological University 1983) - BCA Foundation of Courage
David W. Olive (Tennessee Technological University 1985) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Jack W. Southerland, PE (Tennessee Technological University 1981) - BCA Foundation of Courage
James L. Weakley (Tennessee Technological University 2010) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Paul C. Cronin (Tennessee Technological University 2007) - BCA Graduate Relations
William W. Crunk (Tennessee Technological University 2008) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jeffrey W. Garr (Tennessee Technological University 1982) - BCA Graduate Relations
Robert S. Hunt (Tennessee Technological University 1990) - BCA Graduate Relations
Michael H. Robinson (Tennessee Technological University 2005) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jack W. Southerland, PE (Tennessee Technological University 1981) - BCA Graduate Relations
Alfred T. Stewart (Tennessee Technological University 2010) - BCA Graduate Relations
Donald R. Welch (Tennessee Technological University 1982) - BCA Graduate Relations
Steven M. Wilson (Tennessee Technological University 1982) - BCA Graduate Relations
D. Todd Arrants (Tennessee Technological University 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Hal Balthrop, PE (Tennessee Technological University 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Harold P. Balthrop (Tennessee Technological University 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Russell S. Bradley (Tennessee Technological University 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
John D. Brummett (Tennessee Technological University 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bo W. Byers (Tennessee Technological University 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kerwin H. Fulton (Tennessee Technological University 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
R. Henry Graves, II (Tennessee Technological University 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kenneth D. Hayes, II (Tennessee Technological University 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
Martin A. Hunt (Tennessee Technological University 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael C. Hurt (Tennessee Technological University 2002) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jordan J. Jozwik (Tennessee Technological University 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael S. MacIndoe (Tennessee Technological University 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Elliot L. Mitzelfeld (Tennessee Technological University 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kenneth L. Sapp (Tennessee Technological University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
E. Lee Scarborough (Tennessee Technological University 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark D. Umbehagen (Tennessee Technological University 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brandon R. Walters (Tennessee Technological University 1999) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. Allen Ward (Tennessee Technological University 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Donald R. Welch (Tennessee Technological University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jerry A. Burns (Tennessee Technological University 1983) - BCA Public Relations
J. Edwin Johnson (Tennessee Technological University 1983) - BCA Public Relations
Mark S. Tate (Tennessee Technological University 1986) - BCA Public Relations
Jackie R. Wilmore, Jr. (Tennessee Technological University 1982) - BCA Public Relations
Lee D. Workman (Tennessee Technological University 1983) - BCA Public Relations
D. Todd Arrants (Tennessee Technological University 1984) - BCA Recruitment
R. Lee Wray (Tennessee Technological University 1981) - BCA Recruitment
R. Lee Wray (Tennessee Technological University 1981) - BCA Risk Management
Bobby G. Adams (Tennessee Technological University 2015) - BCA Ritual
Kyle M. Bush (Tennessee Technological University 2008) - BCA Ritual
Carl E. Martin (Tennessee Technological University 1983) - BCA Ritual
Kenneth L. Sapp (Tennessee Technological University 1982) - BCA Ritual
Dillan W. Shults (Tennessee Technological University 2017) - BCA Ritual
Jack W. Southerland, PE (Tennessee Technological University 1981) - BCA Ritual
Jeffrey W. Garr (Tennessee Technological University 1982) - BCA Scholarship
J. Edwin Johnson (Tennessee Technological University 1983) - BCA Scholarship
Steven M. Wilson (Tennessee Technological University 1982) - BCA Scholarship
William W. Crunk (Tennessee Technological University 2008) - BCA Trustee
Corey L. Garyotis (Tennessee Technological University 1984) - BCA Administration
Jackie R. Wilmore, Jr. (Tennessee Technological University 1982) - BCA Administration
Cameron P. Bell (Texas A & M University 1988) - BCA Chairman/President
James C. Castellaw (Texas A & M University 1983) - BCA Chairman/President
Travis V. Dabney (Texas A & M University 1996) - BCA Chairman/President
Benjamin A. Martin (Texas A & M University 2013) - BCA Chairman/President
Jonathan E. Neslony (Texas A & M University 2004) - BCA Chairman/President
Clayton J. Pollard (Texas A & M University 1981) - BCA Chairman/President
Merrill E. Swanson (Texas A & M University 1986) - BCA Chairman/President
Jon C. Yates (Texas A & M University 1991) - BCA Chairman/President
Mason M. Sneed (Texas A & M University 2015) - BCA Finances
David A. Vandermeer (Texas A & M University 1984) - BCA Finances
Robert J. Walker (Texas A & M University 1980) - BCA Finances
Wesley R. Ward (Texas A & M University 1991) - BCA Finances
R. Marshall Miller, Jr. (Texas A & M University 1986) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Joshua S. Gibbon (Texas A & M University 2004) - BCA Graduate Relations
Merrill E. Swanson (Texas A & M University 1986) - BCA Graduate Relations
James M. Benham (Texas A & M University 2002) - BCA Miscellaneous
L. Jared Capt (Texas A & M University 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Eric R. DiPasquale (Texas A & M University 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Case D. Fischer (Texas A & M University 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
G. Greg Graham (Texas A & M University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Scott M. Kleberg (Texas A & M University 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Benjamin A. Martin (Texas A & M University 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
Anthony J. Moskal (Texas A & M University 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Clayton J. Pollard (Texas A & M University 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew A. Rice (Texas A & M University 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Lias J. Steen (Texas A & M University 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Merrill E. Swanson (Texas A & M University 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Daniel S. Totah (Texas A & M University 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
David A. Vandermeer (Texas A & M University 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael M. Vitek, II (Texas A & M University 2002) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jon C. Yates (Texas A & M University 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Roger D. Fisher, II (Texas A & M University 2003) - BCA Recruitment
Clayton J. Pollard (Texas A & M University 1981) - BCA Recruitment
Jeffrey C. Hotz (Texas A & M University 1984) - BCA Ritual
Anthony J. Moskal (Texas A & M University 1987) - BCA Scholarship
Bruce E. Bartlett (Texas A & M University 2018) - BCA Trustee
James M. Benham (Texas A & M University 2002) - BCA Trustee
L. Jared Capt (Texas A & M University 2005) - BCA Trustee
Eric R. DiPasquale (Texas A & M University 1993) - BCA Trustee
Case D. Fischer (Texas A & M University 1987) - BCA Trustee
G. Greg Graham (Texas A & M University 1982) - BCA Trustee
Clayton M. Horton (Texas A & M University 2006) - BCA Trustee
Thomas L. Keller (Texas A & M University 1980) - BCA Trustee
Anthony J. Moskal (Texas A & M University 1987) - BCA Trustee
Clayton J. Pollard (Texas A & M University 1981) - BCA Trustee
William L. Raba (Texas A & M University 1984) - BCA Trustee
Andrew A. Rice (Texas A & M University 2005) - BCA Trustee
James R. Schneider (Texas A & M University 1986) - BCA Trustee
Lias J. Steen (Texas A & M University 1980) - BCA Trustee
Merrill E. Swanson (Texas A & M University 1986) - BCA Trustee
Daniel S. Totah (Texas A & M University 2006) - BCA Trustee
David A. Vandermeer (Texas A & M University 1984) - BCA Trustee
Michael M. Vitek, II (Texas A & M University 2002) - BCA Trustee
Stephen R. West (Texas A & M University 1980) - BCA Trustee
Jon C. Yates (Texas A & M University 1991) - BCA Trustee
James M. Benham (Texas A & M University 2002) - BCA Built to Lead
Matthew M. DiPasquale (Texas A & M University 1991) - BCA Administration
Mason M. Sneed (Texas A & M University 2015) - BCA Administration
W. Scott Anderson (Texas Christian University 1982) - BCA Chairman/President
Travis J. English (Texas Christian University 1998) - BCA Chairman/President
Kevin L. Kelley (Texas Christian University 1981) - BCA Chairman/President
Peter J. McKechnie (Texas Christian University 1991) - BCA Chairman/President
Lynn Oates (Texas Christian University 1979) - BCA Chairman/President
Roy W. Russell (Texas Christian University 1982) - BCA Chairman/President
David B. Symonds (Texas Christian University 1997) - BCA Chairman/President
Wade C. Gear (Texas Christian University 1986) - BCA Recording Secretary
Michael W. Conner (Texas Christian University 1985) - BCA Finances
Terry K. Cook (Texas Christian University 1982) - BCA Finances
Lynn Oates (Texas Christian University 1979) - BCA Finances
Scott A. Wilcox (Texas Christian University 1981) - BCA Finances
Robert S. Clifton (Texas Christian University 1985) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Jeffrey E. Owings (Texas Christian University 1994) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Terry E. Skinner (Texas Christian University 1983) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Scott A. Wilcox (Texas Christian University 1981) - BCA Foundation of Courage
John P. Durand (Texas Christian University 1993) - BCA Graduate Relations
Kevin L. Kelley (Texas Christian University 1981) - BCA Graduate Relations
James F. Mytinger (Texas Christian University 1983) - BCA Graduate Relations
Charles R. Stewart (Texas Christian University 1979) - BCA Graduate Relations
David B. Symonds (Texas Christian University 1997) - BCA Graduate Relations
Douglas V. Thompson (Texas Christian University 1984) - BCA Graduate Relations
James C. Day (Texas Christian University 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
Landon J. Dipprey (Texas Christian University 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
Daniel E. Doremus (Texas Christian University 1999) - BCA Miscellaneous
John R. Liber, II (Texas Christian University 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
James E. McGhin, III (Texas Christian University 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. Gerard Mudd (Texas Christian University 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert T. Mullins (Texas Christian University 1999) - BCA Miscellaneous
Carl W. Stansberger (Texas Christian University 1998) - BCA Miscellaneous
William A. Vassar, IV (Texas Christian University 1999) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael S. Fechner (Texas Christian University 1983) - BCA Public Relations
Guy M. Finley, Jr. (Texas Christian University 1980) - BCA Public Relations
Jacob T. Alley (Texas Christian University 2021) - BCA Recruitment
Wade C. Gear (Texas Christian University 1986) - BCA Recruitment
Bill R. Hopper (Texas Christian University 1980) - BCA Recruitment
Jeffrey A. Moten (Texas Christian University 1986) - BCA Recruitment
Douglas V. Thompson (Texas Christian University 1984) - BCA Recruitment
John D. Carroll (Texas Christian University 1981) - BCA Risk Management
Jeff Naquin (Texas Christian University 1981) - BCA Ritual
W. Scott Anderson (Texas Christian University 1982) - BCA Scholarship
Robert C. Beatty (Texas Christian University 1984) - BCA Scholarship
Michael S. Fechner (Texas Christian University 1983) - BCA Scholarship
Kenneth L. Von Tungeln (Texas Christian University 1987) - BCA Scholarship
Peter J. McKechnie (Texas Christian University 1991) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Landon J. Dipprey (Texas Christian University 2006) - BCA Trustee
Jeffrey T. Cummins (Texas Christian University 1987) - BCA Administration
Travis J. English (Texas Christian University 1998) - BCA Built to Lead
Daniel E. Herron (Texas Christian University 2001) - BCA Administration
Eric L. Merriman (Texas Christian University 1996) - BCA Administration
Frank L. Provenza (Texas Christian University 1980) - BCA Administration
Seth C. Davenport (Texas State University 1990) - BCA Chairman/President
T. Kenneth Abraham (Texas Tech University 1963) - BCA Chairman/President
Terry L. Grantham (Texas Tech University 1979) - BCA Chairman/President
David B. Henry (Texas Tech University 1992) - BCA Chairman/President
Jack H. Henry, MD (Texas Tech University 1959) - BCA Chairman/President
Trey Koontz (Texas Tech University 1996) - BCA Chairman/President
Glenn D. Moor (Texas Tech University 1984) - BCA Chairman/President
Barry H. Orr (Texas Tech University 1978) - BCA Chairman/President
Jason M. Petrie (Texas Tech University 1992) - BCA Chairman/President
Scott M. Sproat (Texas Tech University 2001) - BCA Chairman/President
Everett J. Tarbox, Jr. (Texas Tech University 1955) - BCA Chairman/President
Eric C. Thomas (Texas Tech University 1989) - BCA Chairman/President
William H. Townend (Texas Tech University 2003) - BCA Chairman/President
Donald W. Baker (Texas Tech University 1974) - BCA Finances
Ellis G. Bauereis (Texas Tech University 1955) - BCA Finances
Jeffrey W. Hellberg, Jr. (Texas Tech University 1992) - BCA Finances
Gary L. Lane (Texas Tech University 1978) - BCA Finances
Barry H. Orr (Texas Tech University 1978) - BCA Finances
Robert C. Palmer (Texas Tech University 2013) - BCA Finances
Zan M. Shafer (Texas Tech University 1982) - BCA Finances
Gregory K. Wood (Texas Tech University 1972) - BCA Finances
T. Kyle Abraham (Texas Tech University 1988) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Patrick R. Hale (Texas Tech University 1971) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Robert W. Hayes (Texas Tech University 1966) - BCA Foundation of Courage
R. Lee Lewis (Texas Tech University 1974) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Nathan M. Lowe (Texas Tech University 1999) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Tommy L. Stamps (Texas Tech University 1979) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Clayton P. Black (Texas Tech University 1992) - BCA Graduate Relations
James W. Clark (Texas Tech University 1974) - BCA Graduate Relations
David B. Henry (Texas Tech University 1992) - BCA Graduate Relations
Daniel W. Hurley (Texas Tech University 1975) - BCA Graduate Relations
Mark E. McClure (Texas Tech University 1988) - BCA Graduate Relations
Sean G. McMullen (Texas Tech University 2001) - BCA Graduate Relations
Tom M. Neal (Texas Tech University 1964) - BCA Graduate Relations
George H. Nelson (Texas Tech University 1958) - BCA Graduate Relations
Barry H. Orr (Texas Tech University 1978) - BCA Graduate Relations
Timothy D. Wright (Texas Tech University 2001) - BCA Graduate Relations
Bryan K. Abercrombie (Texas Tech University 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
T. Kenneth Abraham (Texas Tech University 1963) - BCA Miscellaneous
T. Kyle Abraham (Texas Tech University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
P. Howard Bailey, Jr. (Texas Tech University 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ryan J. Bigbee (Texas Tech University 2002) - BCA Miscellaneous
Justin B. Biggs (Texas Tech University 1997) - BCA Miscellaneous
James H. Blankenship (Texas Tech University 1963) - BCA Miscellaneous
John O. Burford (Texas Tech University 1962) - BCA Miscellaneous
John L. Burgess, Jr. (Texas Tech University 1959) - BCA Miscellaneous
David D. Day (Texas Tech University 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
John F. Elliott (Texas Tech University 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
M. Yale Elliott (Texas Tech University 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Tanner L. Foster (Texas Tech University 1998) - BCA Miscellaneous
David T. Frisbie (Texas Tech University 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
Terry L. Grantham (Texas Tech University 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
Alton R. Griffin (Texas Tech University 1951) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bill M. Grist (Texas Tech University 1969) - BCA Miscellaneous
Monte S. Hasie (Texas Tech University 1959) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey W. Hellberg, Jr. (Texas Tech University 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gary D. Hughes (Texas Tech University 1969) - BCA Miscellaneous
Daniel W. Hurley (Texas Tech University 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
William V. Lapham (Texas Tech University 1960) - BCA Miscellaneous
Larry K. Lowe (Texas Tech University 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
Nathan M. Lowe (Texas Tech University 1999) - BCA Miscellaneous
Scott R. Martinez (Texas Tech University 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
H. Lane McClanahan, Jr. (Texas Tech University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Owen W. McWhorter, Jr. (Texas Tech University 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
Duane L. Miller (Texas Tech University 1958) - BCA Miscellaneous
Glenn D. Moor (Texas Tech University 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Tom M. Neal (Texas Tech University 1964) - BCA Miscellaneous
George H. Nelson (Texas Tech University 1958) - BCA Miscellaneous
Royce G. Newsom (Texas Tech University 1964) - BCA Miscellaneous
Dustin G. Nicholas (Texas Tech University 1998) - BCA Miscellaneous
Barry H. Orr (Texas Tech University 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. Bradley Rieger (Texas Tech University 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas J. Rutledge (Texas Tech University 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
R. Douglas Sanford (Texas Tech University 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher D. Scioli (Texas Tech University 2002) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew W. Sherwood (Texas Tech University 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
James C. Simpson (Texas Tech University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian K. Smith (Texas Tech University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Marlis E. Smith (Texas Tech University 1954) - BCA Miscellaneous
Roy D. Smith (Texas Tech University 1959) - BCA Miscellaneous
Curtis J. Sterling (Texas Tech University 1950) - BCA Miscellaneous
Eric C. Thomas (Texas Tech University 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. Chad Walker (Texas Tech University 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Del E. Wells (Texas Tech University 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
P. Jacob West (Texas Tech University 1995) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark F. Wiley (Texas Tech University 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jack D. Williamson (Texas Tech University 1959) - BCA Miscellaneous
David E. Woody (Texas Tech University 1969) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark E. Zorn (Texas Tech University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Patrick R. Hale (Texas Tech University 1971) - BCA Public Relations
Larry K. Lowe (Texas Tech University 1967) - BCA Public Relations
Jason M. Petrie (Texas Tech University 1992) - BCA Public Relations
T. Kyle Abraham (Texas Tech University 1988) - BCA Recruitment
P. Howard Bailey, Jr. (Texas Tech University 1981) - BCA Recruitment
Justin B. Biggs (Texas Tech University 1997) - BCA Recruitment
Owen W. Burch, DDS (Texas Tech University 1964) - BCA Recruitment
William W. McCutcheon, V (Texas Tech University 1982) - BCA Recruitment
Gregory K. Wood (Texas Tech University 1972) - BCA Recruitment
P. Howard Bailey, Jr. (Texas Tech University 1981) - BCA Risk Management
Barry H. Orr (Texas Tech University 1978) - BCA Risk Management
Stephen S. Williams (Texas Tech University 1979) - BCA Risk Management
Owen W. Burch, DDS (Texas Tech University 1964) - BCA Ritual
James W. Clark (Texas Tech University 1974) - BCA Ritual
David D. Day (Texas Tech University 1989) - BCA Ritual
Royce G. Newsom (Texas Tech University 1964) - BCA Ritual
Bobby M. Gleason (Texas Tech University 1972) - BCA Scholarship
Monte S. Hasie (Texas Tech University 1959) - BCA Scholarship
Michael O. Kerr (Texas Tech University 1975) - BCA Scholarship
William K. Mathis, Jr. (Texas Tech University 1958) - BCA Scholarship
George H. Nelson (Texas Tech University 1958) - BCA Scholarship
Everett J. Tarbox, Jr. (Texas Tech University 1955) - BCA Scholarship
T. Kenneth Abraham (Texas Tech University 1963) - BCA Trustee
Donald W. Baker (Texas Tech University 1974) - BCA Trustee
Ryan J. Bigbee (Texas Tech University 2002) - BCA Trustee
Justin B. Biggs (Texas Tech University 1997) - BCA Trustee
Glenn W. Crowder (Texas Tech University 1984) - BCA Trustee
Bobby M. Gleason (Texas Tech University 1972) - BCA Trustee
Cason C. Grantham (Texas Tech University 2014) - BCA Trustee
W. Jaret L. Greaser (Texas Tech University 1998) - BCA Trustee
David B. Henry (Texas Tech University 1992) - BCA Trustee
Glenn D. Moor (Texas Tech University 1984) - BCA Trustee
George H. Nelson (Texas Tech University 1958) - BCA Trustee
Barry H. Orr (Texas Tech University 1978) - BCA Trustee
Robert C. Palmer (Texas Tech University 2013) - BCA Trustee
Christopher D. Scioli (Texas Tech University 2002) - BCA Trustee
Michael S. Uryasz (Texas Tech University 2012) - BCA Trustee
Mark E. Zorn (Texas Tech University 1988) - BCA Trustee
T. Kyle Abraham (Texas Tech University 1988) - BCA Built to Lead
Owen W. Burch, DDS (Texas Tech University 1964) - BCA Administration
John F. Elliott (Texas Tech University 1974) - BCA Administration
Alton R. Griffin (Texas Tech University 1951) - BCA Administration
Daniel W. Hurley (Texas Tech University 1975) - BCA Administration
R. Lee Lewis (Texas Tech University 1974) - BCA Administration
Kevin A. Carroll (Tulane University 1984) - BCA Chairman/President
Bryan S. Dillon (Tulane University 1995) - BCA Chairman/President
Gregory J. Hackenberg (Tulane University 1990) - BCA Chairman/President
John W. Hoelscher (Tulane University 2008) - BCA Finances
Anthony J. Guarino, Jr. (Tulane University 2009) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Bryan S. Dillon (Tulane University 1995) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew M. Tiktin (Tulane University 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Nicholas M. Tringali (Tulane University 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
Huy Q. Dinh (Tulane University 1995) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Christopher B. Hutchins (Union College 1986) - BCA Chairman/President
Michael A. Zanta (Union College 1983) - BCA Chairman/President
Drew R. Hamelink (Union College 1971) - BCA Finances
Garry O. Hughes (Union College 1979) - BCA Finances
Malcolm G. Thomas (Union College 1951) - BCA Finances
Mark A. Curry (Union College 1969) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Drew R. Hamelink (Union College 1971) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Lansing V. Teneyck (Union College 1951) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Drew R. Hamelink (Union College 1971) - BCA Graduate Relations
William G. Kuchta (Union College 1972) - BCA Graduate Relations
John L. Ottaviano (Union College 1980) - BCA Graduate Relations
John C. Robbins, III (Union College 1971) - BCA Graduate Relations
John A. Seay (Union College 1967) - BCA Graduate Relations
Perry S. Levy (Union College 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
John L. Ottaviano (Union College 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
John C. Robbins, III (Union College 1971) - BCA Miscellaneous
John A. Seay (Union College 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey S. Steinberg (Union College 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gary J. DeLuca (Union College 1972) - BCA Public Relations
Steven D. Pierce (Union College 1971) - BCA Public Relations
Douglas S. Tosh (Union College 1972) - BCA Public Relations
Donald F. Collins (Union College 1983) - BCA Recruitment
Drew R. Hamelink (Union College 1971) - BCA Recruitment
William G. Kuchta (Union College 1972) - BCA Recruitment
Allan T. Britton, Jr. (Union College 1974) - BCA Ritual
William G. Kuchta (Union College 1972) - BCA Ritual
Mace A. Bloom (Union College 1977) - BCA Scholarship
Allan T. Britton, Jr. (Union College 1974) - BCA Scholarship
Gary J. DeLuca (Union College 1972) - BCA Administration
William G. Kuchta (Union College 1972) - BCA Administration
Douglas S. Tosh (Union College 1972) - BCA Administration
Dale R. Adams, Jr. (University of Akron 2003) - BCA Chairman/President
Robyn B. Clary (University of Akron 1987) - BCA Chairman/President
F. Jay DePasquale, Jr. (University of Akron 1987) - BCA Chairman/President
Robert R. Naymik (University of Akron 1994) - BCA Chairman/President
Jason D. Pirock (University of Akron 2007) - BCA Chairman/President
Terence M. Rhodes (University of Akron 1988) - BCA Chairman/President
Frederick A. Shockey (University of Akron 1993) - BCA Chairman/President
Michael M. Jadue (University of Akron 2019) - BCA Recording Secretary
Brent M. Cherkala (University of Akron 2003) - BCA Finances
Jeffery M. O'Neill (University of Akron 1988) - BCA Finances
John P. O'Neill (University of Akron 1987) - BCA Finances
Robert B. Caudill (University of Akron 2004) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Brad W. Petrella (University of Akron 1987) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Frank J. Sandor, III (University of Akron 1988) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Frank J. Shaffer (University of Akron 2016) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Frederick A. Shockey (University of Akron 1993) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Matthew L. Sullivan (University of Akron 2003) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Michael G. Bergmann (University of Akron 1993) - BCA Graduate Relations
Nicolas A. Briers (University of Akron 2001) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jason D. Campbell (University of Akron 2014) - BCA Graduate Relations
Daniel L. Chafin (University of Akron 2002) - BCA Graduate Relations
Robyn B. Clary (University of Akron 1987) - BCA Graduate Relations
John Davide (University of Akron 1988) - BCA Graduate Relations
Eric E. Jones (University of Akron 2003) - BCA Graduate Relations
Daniel P. Mossop (University of Akron 1989) - BCA Graduate Relations
Matthew D. Pell (University of Akron 2010) - BCA Graduate Relations
Terence M. Rhodes (University of Akron 1988) - BCA Graduate Relations
Gregory J. Steel (University of Akron 1986) - BCA Graduate Relations
David J. Willmer (University of Akron 1992) - BCA Graduate Relations
Timothy D. Basch (University of Akron 2002) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael G. Bergmann (University of Akron 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joshua M. Blubaugh (University of Akron 1999) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael J. Burgan (University of Akron 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robyn B. Clary (University of Akron 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark D. Clute (University of Akron 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael R. Dalton (University of Akron 2003) - BCA Miscellaneous
David P. Delcoma (University of Akron 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
James A. Eckelberry (University of Akron 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Chuck Galmarini (University of Akron 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Anthony J. Gerak (University of Akron 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark E. Grdina (University of Akron 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Anthony R. Heavilin (University of Akron 2020) - BCA Miscellaneous
Pete A. Hoge (University of Akron 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jacob R. Miller (University of Akron 2020) - BCA Miscellaneous
Eric W. Montgomery (University of Akron 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Roy E. Mosley, III (University of Akron 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
James E. Otto (University of Akron 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brad W. Petrella (University of Akron 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
George M. Pirock, III (University of Akron 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
Craig J. Reese (University of Akron 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Terence M. Rhodes (University of Akron 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kyle W. Sullivan (University of Akron 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph A. Trocchio (University of Akron 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert C. Vanni (University of Akron 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew K. Webb, PT, DPT (University of Akron 2019) - BCA Miscellaneous
David J. Willmer (University of Akron 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
David J. Willmer (University of Akron 1992) - BCA Public Relations
Steven E. Brady (University of Akron 1992) - BCA Recruitment
Robyn B. Clary (University of Akron 1987) - BCA Recruitment
Scott E. Denney (University of Akron 1993) - BCA Recruitment
Daniel B. Ishee (University of Akron 1992) - BCA Recruitment
Mark J. Lukosavich (University of Akron 2008) - BCA Recruitment
Frank J. Shaffer (University of Akron 2016) - BCA Recruitment
David J. Willmer (University of Akron 1992) - BCA Recruitment
Richard T. Wilson (University of Akron 1992) - BCA Recruitment
Darrin L. Bright (University of Akron 1992) - BCA Risk Management
Andrew D. Knight (University of Akron 2005) - BCA Ritual
Michael J. Naymik (University of Akron 2015) - BCA Ritual
Gregory M. Stanley (University of Akron 2005) - BCA Ritual
Dale R. Adams, Jr. (University of Akron 2003) - BCA Scholarship
Griffin J. Binkley (University of Akron 2018) - BCA Scholarship
Darrin L. Bright (University of Akron 1992) - BCA Scholarship
Norman L. Clark (University of Akron 1989) - BCA Scholarship
Scott T. Custer (University of Akron 2000) - BCA Scholarship
Thomas S. Liggett (University of Akron 1991) - BCA Scholarship
Daniel P. Mossop (University of Akron 1989) - BCA Scholarship
Nicholas A. Plaxton (University of Akron 1993) - BCA Scholarship
Frank J. Sandor, III (University of Akron 1988) - BCA Scholarship
Jason D. Campbell (University of Akron 2014) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
F. Jay DePasquale, Jr. (University of Akron 1987) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Mark D. Clute (University of Akron 1989) - BCA Trustee
Nicholas C. Seeley (University of Akron 2001) - BCA Trustee
Matthew R. Weaver (University of Akron 1993) - BCA Trustee
Dale R. Adams, Jr. (University of Akron 2003) - BCA Built to Lead
Joseph W. Roth (University of Akron 2019) - BCA Administration
Kurt W. Hopper (University of Alabama 1982) - BCA Chairman/President
Neal S. Hutchinson (University of Alabama 1984) - BCA Chairman/President
L. Scott McGee (University of Alabama 1994) - BCA Chairman/President
S. Hughston Nichols (University of Alabama 2003) - BCA Chairman/President
L. Patton Smith (University of Alabama 1974) - BCA Chairman/President
William H. Bryant (University of Alabama 1939) - BCA Finances
Richard W. Freeman (University of Alabama 1966) - BCA Finances
Charles H. Gordon, Jr. (University of Alabama 1960) - BCA Finances
John K. Sisk (University of Alabama 1934) - BCA Finances
L. Patton Smith (University of Alabama 1974) - BCA Finances
Milton W. Carothers (University of Alabama 1919) - BCA Foundation of Courage
W. Fitzgerald Hill (University of Alabama 1957) - BCA Foundation of Courage
William W. Jessup (University of Alabama 1960) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Larry B. Roberts (University of Alabama 1965) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Charles R. Fletcher (University of Alabama 1973) - BCA Graduate Relations
Robert M. Hill, Jr. (University of Alabama 1957) - BCA Graduate Relations
Robert B. LeMay (University of Alabama 1958) - BCA Graduate Relations
George G. Nolen (University of Alabama 1970) - BCA Graduate Relations
James S. Andrews (University of Alabama 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
W. W. Bates (University of Alabama 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
C. Crisman Brown (University of Alabama 1969) - BCA Miscellaneous
W. Baker Crow, IV (University of Alabama 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
James S. Davis (University of Alabama 1997) - BCA Miscellaneous
Charles R. Fletcher (University of Alabama 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
L. Lee Garrison (University of Alabama 1997) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph L. Griffin (University of Alabama 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
Victor L. Hayslip (University of Alabama 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Charles F. Horton, Jr. (University of Alabama 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael K. Hudson (University of Alabama 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
Wallace G. Jeffery, III (University of Alabama 1997) - BCA Miscellaneous
John W. Keene (University of Alabama 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas H. Keene (University of Alabama 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
John W. Kelley (University of Alabama 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. Knox Kershaw, II (University of Alabama 1966) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert V. Lentz (University of Alabama 1948) - BCA Miscellaneous
Rhett B. Loveman (University of Alabama 2000) - BCA Miscellaneous
S. Neal McCracken (University of Alabama 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. Taylor McElroy (University of Alabama 1995) - BCA Miscellaneous
L. Scott McGee (University of Alabama 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jake R. McGehee, III (University of Alabama 1995) - BCA Miscellaneous
John F. Moore, USAF (University of Alabama 1954) - BCA Miscellaneous
George G. Nolen (University of Alabama 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
Nelson P. Nolen (University of Alabama 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Charles B. Pell, Jr. (University of Alabama 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
James L. Richardson (University of Alabama 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
Shaler S. Roberts (University of Alabama 1950) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert O. Skinner (University of Alabama 1997) - BCA Miscellaneous
L. Patton Smith (University of Alabama 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
Donald M. Troiano (University of Alabama 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
Talmai O. Vickers (University of Alabama 1995) - BCA Miscellaneous
James A. Watson (University of Alabama 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
William R. White (University of Alabama 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Lee S. Wilkerson (University of Alabama 1997) - BCA Miscellaneous
Duncan F. Williams (University of Alabama 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
John C. Williamson, III (University of Alabama 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas J. Willings (University of Alabama 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian M. Woodke (University of Alabama 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Earl C. Bloom, Jr. (University of Alabama 1946) - BCA Public Relations
W. Fitzgerald Hill (University of Alabama 1957) - BCA Public Relations
John G. Bostick (University of Alabama 1971) - BCA Recruitment
Charles H. Gordon, Jr. (University of Alabama 1960) - BCA Recruitment
W. Fitzgerald Hill (University of Alabama 1957) - BCA Recruitment
Robert B. LeMay (University of Alabama 1958) - BCA Recruitment
George G. Nolen (University of Alabama 1970) - BCA Recruitment
Earl C. Bloom, Jr. (University of Alabama 1946) - BCA Ritual
Leland P. Howard, Jr. (University of Alabama 1960) - BCA Ritual
Richard W. Freeman (University of Alabama 1966) - BCA Scholarship
Charles H. Gordon, Jr. (University of Alabama 1960) - BCA Scholarship
William W. Jessup (University of Alabama 1960) - BCA Scholarship
James E. Jones (University of Alabama 1963) - BCA Scholarship
Walker T. Philips (University of Alabama 2016) - BCA Trustee
James S. Andrews (University of Alabama 1981) - BCA Administration
William H. Bryant (University of Alabama 1939) - BCA Administration
Robert B. LeMay (University of Alabama 1958) - BCA Administration
Robert M. McWhirter (University of Alabama 1981) - BCA Administration
P. Lindon Reeder (University of Alabama 1971) - BCA Administration
John Mark W. Boozer (University of Alabama Birmingham 2021) - BCA Chairman/President
William W. Larsen (University of Alabama Birmingham 2021) - BCA Chairman/President
Joshua S. Sewell (University of Alabama Birmingham 2019) - BCA Chairman/President
William W. Larsen (University of Alabama Birmingham 2021) - BCA Finances
Marshall A. Hildreth (University of Alabama Birmingham 2020) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Hayden C. Batt (University of Alabama Birmingham 2022) - BCA Graduate Relations
Sean P. Denney (University of Alabama Birmingham 2022) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jordan D. Archer (University of Alabama Birmingham 2021) - BCA Public Relations
Elijah J. Ussery (University of Alabama Birmingham 2018) - BCA Recruitment
Marshall A. Hildreth (University of Alabama Birmingham 2020) - BCA Ritual
Joshua S. Sewell (University of Alabama Birmingham 2019) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
John B. Carswell (University of Alberta 1976) - BCA Chairman/President
Randall K. Dawson (University of Alberta 1982) - BCA Chairman/President
Landon L. Leclair (University of Alberta 1994) - BCA Chairman/President
Frederick C. Lynch, Jr. (University of Alberta 1986) - BCA Chairman/President
Kenneth R. MacDonald (University of Alberta 1987) - BCA Chairman/President
Tristan L. Patterson (University of Alberta 2010) - BCA Chairman/President
Christopher J. Tang (University of Alberta 2005) - BCA Chairman/President
J. Wiley Thompson (University of Alberta 1987) - BCA Chairman/President
Scott J. Thorkelson (University of Alberta 1983) - BCA Chairman/President
Warren A. Turner (University of Alberta 1993) - BCA Chairman/President
Kristopher P. Dworschak (University of Alberta 2015) - BCA Recording Secretary
Adrian J. Harvey (University of Alberta 2003) - BCA Recording Secretary
Curtis R. Chenail (University of Alberta 1989) - BCA Finances
Michael H. Jackson (University of Alberta 1979) - BCA Finances
Brent W. Murray (University of Alberta 1979) - BCA Finances
Duane B. Schlereth (University of Alberta 1971) - BCA Finances
Bernhard H. Brinkmann (University of Alberta 1983) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Chadrick R. Buffel (University of Alberta 1985) - BCA Foundation of Courage
John B. Carswell (University of Alberta 1976) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Michael Owen (University of Alberta 1976) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Howard Eng (University of Alberta 1975) - BCA Graduate Relations
Robert A. Graesser (University of Alberta 1973) - BCA Graduate Relations
David G. Hancock (University of Alberta 1979) - BCA Graduate Relations
Randall B. Atkinson (University of Alberta 1971) - BCA Miscellaneous
Barry M. Benkendorf (University of Alberta 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bernhard H. Brinkmann (University of Alberta 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
John B. Carswell (University of Alberta 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Chris Feng (University of Alberta 1998) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher L. Footz (University of Alberta 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
G. William Gruber (University of Alberta 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Micheal G. Harris (University of Alberta 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Cory R. Hodgson (University of Alberta 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
Nolan R. Kennedy (University of Alberta 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Frederick C. Lynch, Jr. (University of Alberta 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kenneth R. MacDonald (University of Alberta 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Sheridan McVean (University of Alberta 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
John L. Miller (University of Alberta 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brent L. Moore (University of Alberta 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Tristan L. Patterson (University of Alberta 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
Tony Pham (University of Alberta 2007) - BCA Miscellaneous
Geoffrey M. Pradella (University of Alberta 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Paul P. Rodriguez (University of Alberta 2003) - BCA Miscellaneous
Larry M. Shaben (University of Alberta 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher J. Tang (University of Alberta 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kenway Yan (University of Alberta 2009) - BCA Miscellaneous
Frederick C. Lynch, Jr. (University of Alberta 1986) - BCA Public Relations
Sheridan McVean (University of Alberta 1975) - BCA Public Relations
Roland D. Cook (University of Alberta 1975) - BCA Recruitment
Randall K. Dawson (University of Alberta 1982) - BCA Recruitment
G. William Gruber (University of Alberta 1980) - BCA Recruitment
Adrian J. Harvey (University of Alberta 2003) - BCA Recruitment
Steven Huynh (University of Alberta 2013) - BCA Recruitment
Sheridan McVean (University of Alberta 1975) - BCA Recruitment
Cam Murray (University of Alberta 1972) - BCA Recruitment
Roland D. Cook (University of Alberta 1975) - BCA Ritual
Darrell B. McKellar (University of Alberta 1976) - BCA Ritual
Michael Owen (University of Alberta 1976) - BCA Ritual
Brian W. Thomas (University of Alberta 1984) - BCA Ritual
Archie M. Zariski (University of Alberta 1971) - BCA Ritual
Darcy E. Gratton (University of Alberta 1984) - BCA Scholarship
Michael H. Jackson (University of Alberta 1979) - BCA Scholarship
Brent W. Murray (University of Alberta 1979) - BCA Scholarship
Brent P. Bentz (University of Alberta 1993) - BCA Trustee
John B. Carswell (University of Alberta 1976) - BCA Trustee
Kristopher P. Dworschak (University of Alberta 2015) - BCA Trustee
Douglas A. Bilinski (University of Alberta 1983) - BCA Administration
Darrell B. McKellar (University of Alberta 1976) - BCA Administration
Charles C. Orlick (University of Alberta 1980) - BCA Administration
James P. Prentice (University of Alberta 1977) - BCA Administration
Christopher J. Tang (University of Alberta 2005) - BCA Built to Lead
Jeffrey C. Derickson (University of Arizona 1972) - BCA Chairman/President
Douglas M. Finical (University of Arizona 1987) - BCA Chairman/President
Louis P. Giesler (University of Arizona 1984) - BCA Chairman/President
James A. Hendrickson (University of Arizona 1972) - BCA Chairman/President
Randall R. Holdridge (University of Arizona 1969) - BCA Chairman/President
Robert R. Lundeen (University of Arizona 1981) - BCA Chairman/President
Jeffrey J. Mongan (University of Arizona 1983) - BCA Chairman/President
David M. Montijo (University of Arizona 1984) - BCA Chairman/President
Vinson J. San Angelo, USMC (Ret) (University of Arizona 1962) - BCA Chairman/President
Ken Sobel (University of Arizona 1975) - BCA Chairman/President
James W. Washington (University of Arizona 1976) - BCA Chairman/President
William H. Coleman (University of Arizona 1973) - BCA Vice Chairman
Richard F. Allen (University of Arizona 1970) - BCA Finances
Jeffrey C. Derickson (University of Arizona 1972) - BCA Finances
Robert L. Dicus (University of Arizona 1963) - BCA Finances
Greg M. Gibson (University of Arizona 1976) - BCA Finances
Wesley D. Hood, Jr. (University of Arizona 1971) - BCA Finances
William V. Meyer (University of Arizona 1971) - BCA Finances
Timothy L. Pierson (University of Arizona 1974) - BCA Finances
Andrew M. Rupkey (University of Arizona 1929) - BCA Finances
Vinson J. San Angelo, USMC (Ret) (University of Arizona 1962) - BCA Finances
Marty E. Sheber (University of Arizona 1981) - BCA Finances
Earl W. Sterrett (University of Arizona 1979) - BCA Finances
Duane A. Stevens (University of Arizona 1978) - BCA Finances
Thomas C. White, Jr. (University of Arizona 1980) - BCA Finances
Mark S. Boge (University of Arizona 1981) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Jeffrey C. Derickson (University of Arizona 1972) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Kenneth L. Erickson (University of Arizona 1968) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Perry C. Francis (University of Arizona 1978) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Scott D. Gibson (University of Arizona 1978) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Daniel E. Kates (University of Arizona 1988) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Brendan J. Kelly (University of Arizona 1984) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Harry S. Lodge (University of Arizona 1973) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Paul F. Meiners (University of Arizona 1982) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Jeffrey C. Patch (University of Arizona 1974) - BCA Foundation of Courage
James M. Sakrison (University of Arizona 1963) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Dalton J. Thompson (University of Arizona 2022) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Michael J. Dupuy, Jr. (University of Arizona 2005) - BCA Graduate Relations
Scott D. Gibson (University of Arizona 1978) - BCA Graduate Relations
William D. Gurley (University of Arizona 1970) - BCA Graduate Relations
Donald R. Lawrenz, Jr. (University of Arizona 1977) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jeffery L. Martin (University of Arizona 1973) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jeffrey J. Mongan (University of Arizona 1983) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jeffrey C. Patch (University of Arizona 1974) - BCA Graduate Relations
L. David Sontheimer (University of Arizona 1956) - BCA Graduate Relations
James W. Washington (University of Arizona 1976) - BCA Graduate Relations
William F. Alexander (University of Arizona 1958) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. Emery Barker (University of Arizona 1957) - BCA Miscellaneous
Larry P. Barnhill (University of Arizona 1959) - BCA Miscellaneous
William H. Coleman (University of Arizona 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
John M. Crissan (University of Arizona 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
James A. Hendrickson (University of Arizona 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
Marshall Humphrey, III (University of Arizona 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael R. Johnson (University of Arizona 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
James E. Korinek (University of Arizona 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
Vincent J. LaMantia (University of Arizona 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Donald R. Lawrenz, Jr. (University of Arizona 1977) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffery L. Martin (University of Arizona 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey J. Mongan (University of Arizona 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Danny W. Montgomery (University of Arizona 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
Charles O. Packham (University of Arizona 1948) - BCA Miscellaneous
T. D. Romero (University of Arizona 1922) - BCA Miscellaneous
Randle L. Smith (University of Arizona 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Fred R. Sutter (University of Arizona 1958) - BCA Miscellaneous
John V. Waddle (University of Arizona 1957) - BCA Miscellaneous
James W. Washington (University of Arizona 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard S. Cohen (University of Arizona 1972) - BCA Public Relations
Robert S. Foster (University of Arizona 1970) - BCA Public Relations
Donald R. Lawrenz, Jr. (University of Arizona 1977) - BCA Public Relations
Brent C. Mallonee (University of Arizona 2003) - BCA Public Relations
David G. Areghini (University of Arizona 1965) - BCA Recruitment
Richard S. Cohen (University of Arizona 1972) - BCA Recruitment
Robert S. Foster (University of Arizona 1970) - BCA Recruitment
Alex H. Gray (University of Arizona 2022) - BCA Recruitment
Leroy B. Lanuti (University of Arizona 1987) - BCA Recruitment
Donald R. Lawrenz, Jr. (University of Arizona 1977) - BCA Recruitment
Scott T. Nation (University of Arizona 1976) - BCA Recruitment
James G. Orradre (University of Arizona 1991) - BCA Recruitment
James G. Pappas (University of Arizona 1988) - BCA Recruitment
William O. Parks (University of Arizona 1966) - BCA Recruitment
William J. Polson, DDS (University of Arizona 1959) - BCA Recruitment
Warren S. Rustand (University of Arizona 1965) - BCA Recruitment
Ken Sobel (University of Arizona 1975) - BCA Recruitment
Alex Stuchen (University of Arizona 2013) - BCA Recruitment
Michael J. Aboud (University of Arizona 1967) - BCA Risk Management
Kenneth L. Erickson (University of Arizona 1968) - BCA Risk Management
Harry S. Lodge (University of Arizona 1973) - BCA Risk Management
William T. Lundeen (University of Arizona 1978) - BCA Risk Management
Jeffrey A. Marks (University of Arizona 1975) - BCA Risk Management
Thomas S. Monier (University of Arizona 1980) - BCA Risk Management
P. James Rathwell (University of Arizona 1968) - BCA Risk Management
Howard T. Roberts, Jr. (University of Arizona 1970) - BCA Risk Management
Gordon T. Alley (University of Arizona 1960) - BCA Ritual
William P. Chandler (University of Arizona 1944) - BCA Ritual
Monte C. Clausen (University of Arizona 1964) - BCA Ritual
Jeffrey C. Derickson (University of Arizona 1972) - BCA Ritual
Douglas M. Finical (University of Arizona 1987) - BCA Ritual
Mark W. Folger (University of Arizona 1975) - BCA Ritual
William T. Lundeen (University of Arizona 1978) - BCA Ritual
Osmond A. Burton, Jr. (University of Arizona 1956) - BCA Scholarship
Curtis J. Dunshee (University of Arizona 1982) - BCA Scholarship
Randall R. Holdridge (University of Arizona 1969) - BCA Scholarship
Scot M. Hutchison, MD (University of Arizona 1984) - BCA Scholarship
William J. McGinnies (University of Arizona 1948) - BCA Scholarship
Paul F. Meiners (University of Arizona 1982) - BCA Scholarship
Douglas J. Neary (University of Arizona 2018) - BCA Scholarship
William J. Polson, DDS (University of Arizona 1959) - BCA Scholarship
Bonham C. Richardson (University of Arizona 1961) - BCA Scholarship
Jack A. Tutalo (University of Arizona 2020) - BCA Scholarship
Jeffery L. Martin (University of Arizona 1973) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
William F. Alexander (University of Arizona 1958) - BCA Trustee
Craig A. Arbon (University of Arizona 1968) - BCA Trustee
Jeffrey C. Derickson (University of Arizona 1972) - BCA Trustee
James M. Hill (University of Arizona 1961) - BCA Trustee
J.V. Bevan Olyphant (University of Arizona 1963) - BCA Trustee
Jeffrey C. Patch (University of Arizona 1974) - BCA Trustee
William J. Polson, DDS (University of Arizona 1959) - BCA Trustee
Vinson J. San Angelo, USMC (Ret) (University of Arizona 1962) - BCA Trustee
Fred R. Sutter (University of Arizona 1958) - BCA Trustee
James W. Washington (University of Arizona 1976) - BCA Trustee
Patrick S. Anderson, Jr. (University of Arizona 1970) - BCA Administration
David G. Areghini (University of Arizona 1965) - BCA Administration
Joseph E. Auther (University of Arizona 1984) - BCA Administration
George W. Drach, MD (University of Arizona 1957) - BCA Administration
Alex H. Gray (University of Arizona 2022) - BCA Built to Lead
Randall R. Holdridge (University of Arizona 1969) - BCA Administration
Robert R. Lundeen (University of Arizona 1981) - BCA Administration
Vinson J. San Angelo, USMC (Ret) (University of Arizona 1962) - BCA Administration
Benjamin F. Ward, II (University of Arizona 1958) - BCA Administration
Winfield S. Bronson, Jr. (University of Arkansas 1972) - BCA Chairman/President
Brad B. Hammond (University of Arkansas 1992) - BCA Chairman/President
Richard L. Howard (University of Arkansas 1978) - BCA Chairman/President
Derek J. Gordon (University of Arkansas 2008) - BCA Vice Chairman
Gregory B. Zerman (University of Arkansas 1983) - BCA Vice Chairman
Michael P. Bonds (University of Arkansas 1984) - BCA Finances
Russell L. Moore, Jr. (University of Arkansas 2008) - BCA Finances
Max A. Wernick (University of Arkansas 1974) - BCA Finances
Eddie W. Daniel, USN (Ret) (University of Arkansas 1978) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Michael J. Dodd (University of Arkansas 2012) - BCA Foundation of Courage
J. Graham Landrith (University of Arkansas 2011) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Joe T. Robinson (University of Arkansas 1976) - BCA Foundation of Courage
John R. Carethers (University of Arkansas 2004) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jason H. Hills (University of Arkansas 2009) - BCA Graduate Relations
Zachary R. Walker (University of Arkansas 2019) - BCA Graduate Relations
Steven E. Area (University of Arkansas 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
Byron M. Bordeaux (University of Arkansas 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
James B. Cooper (University of Arkansas 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stephen L. DeMott (University of Arkansas 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stephen C. Dunn (University of Arkansas 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
William S. Garner, Jr. (University of Arkansas 1971) - BCA Miscellaneous
Doug Miller (University of Arkansas 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jason R. Myers (University of Arkansas 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas W. Page (University of Arkansas 1969) - BCA Miscellaneous
R. Douglas Schrantz (University of Arkansas 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
Terrell C. Scott (University of Arkansas 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Patrick E. Shields (University of Arkansas 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Carter P. Calico (University of Arkansas 2009) - BCA Recruitment
Ricky T. Deramus (University of Arkansas 1981) - BCA Recruitment
Eddie W. Daniel, USN (Ret) (University of Arkansas 1978) - BCA Risk Management
Brian D. Wood (University of Arkansas 1986) - BCA Risk Management
Max A. Wernick (University of Arkansas 1974) - BCA Ritual
Derek J. Gordon (University of Arkansas 2008) - BCA Scholarship
Joe T. Robinson (University of Arkansas 1976) - BCA Scholarship
Michael D. Bates (University of Arkansas 1985) - BCA Trustee
Carter P. Calico (University of Arkansas 2009) - BCA Trustee
Eddie W. Daniel, USN (Ret) (University of Arkansas 1978) - BCA Trustee
Rick A. Fine (University of Arkansas 1985) - BCA Trustee
Brad B. Hammond (University of Arkansas 1992) - BCA Trustee
Richard L. Howard (University of Arkansas 1978) - BCA Trustee
Eric W. Hoyt (University of Arkansas 2009) - BCA Trustee
Rick A. Fine (University of Arkansas 1985) - BCA Administration
R. Douglas Schrantz (University of Arkansas 1973) - BCA Administration
William R. Wiggins, Jr. (University of Arkansas 1976) - BCA Administration
Krister A. Kottmeier (University of British Columbia 1994) - BCA Chairman/President
Griffith M. Marshall (University of British Columbia 1979) - BCA Chairman/President
James M. Pollock (University of British Columbia 1957) - BCA Chairman/President
Scott M. Yaworski (University of British Columbia 2002) - BCA Chairman/President
Peter N. Moonen (University of British Columbia 1979) - BCA Recording Secretary
Jan P. Darc (University of British Columbia 1980) - BCA Finances
Donald N. Evans (University of British Columbia 1968) - BCA Finances
Michael K. Fenwick (University of British Columbia 1984) - BCA Finances
William M. Gartside (University of British Columbia 1956) - BCA Finances
John R. MacKay (University of British Columbia 1956) - BCA Finances
Norman J. Mayr (University of British Columbia 1978) - BCA Finances
Jerrold K. Peterson (University of British Columbia 1956) - BCA Finances
Douglas G. S. Rae, QC (University of British Columbia 1967) - BCA Finances
Lawrence E. Waters (University of British Columbia 1975) - BCA Finances
Brian G. Dunster (University of British Columbia 1980) - BCA Foundation of Courage
N. Stewart Madill, MD (University of British Columbia 1956) - BCA Foundation of Courage
James M. Pollock (University of British Columbia 1957) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Mark W. Hilton (University of British Columbia 1983) - BCA Graduate Relations
Richard F. Kelly (University of British Columbia 1967) - BCA Graduate Relations
William R. Laurie (University of British Columbia 1971) - BCA Graduate Relations
David A. Macdonald (University of British Columbia 1955) - BCA Graduate Relations
Kerry K. Philley (University of British Columbia 1977) - BCA Graduate Relations
Thomas A. Ripley (University of British Columbia 1943) - BCA Graduate Relations
Paul J. Donald, MD (University of British Columbia 1964) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gordon A. Elliott (University of British Columbia 1955) - BCA Miscellaneous
Keith S. McWilliams (University of British Columbia 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Charles C. MacSorley (University of British Columbia 1955) - BCA Public Relations
Thomas A. Ripley (University of British Columbia 1943) - BCA Public Relations
Peter N. Moonen (University of British Columbia 1979) - BCA Recruitment
David R. Smith (University of British Columbia 1962) - BCA Recruitment
Richard P. Anderson (University of British Columbia 1949) - BCA Risk Management
Donald A. Culos (University of British Columbia 1979) - BCA Risk Management
John K. Husband (University of British Columbia 1956) - BCA Risk Management
Brian G. Dunster (University of British Columbia 1980) - BCA Ritual
M. Stanley Madill (University of British Columbia 1984) - BCA Ritual
Griffith M. Marshall (University of British Columbia 1979) - BCA Ritual
Anthony G. Pearkes (University of British Columbia 1982) - BCA Ritual
Thomas A. Ripley (University of British Columbia 1943) - BCA Ritual
Richard P. Anderson (University of British Columbia 1949) - BCA Scholarship
Graeme S. Balcom (University of British Columbia 1957) - BCA Scholarship
N. Stewart Madill, MD (University of British Columbia 1956) - BCA Scholarship
Kerry K. Philley (University of British Columbia 1977) - BCA Scholarship
Gordon A. Elliott (University of British Columbia 1955) - BCA Administration
J. Miles Kirkwood (University of British Columbia 1983) - BCA Administration
Norman J. Mayr (University of British Columbia 1978) - BCA Administration
Colin E. McDougall (University of British Columbia 1966) - BCA Administration
Stephan J. Vranka (University of British Columbia 1972) - BCA Administration
Bruce G. Elliott (University of Calgary 1986) - BCA Chairman/President
Jarrod G. Fuhr (University of Calgary 2002) - BCA Chairman/President
Jose Garcia, Jr. (University of Calgary 1988) - BCA Chairman/President
Tim G. Glowa (University of Calgary 1993) - BCA Chairman/President
Scott M. Maddison (University of Calgary 2016) - BCA Chairman/President
Paul A. McCloy (University of Calgary 1997) - BCA Chairman/President
Erich B. Roseneck (University of Calgary 2013) - BCA Chairman/President
Michael A. Smith (University of Calgary 2000) - BCA Chairman/President
Thomas S. Summers (University of Calgary 1989) - BCA Chairman/President
Randall W. Thurm (University of Calgary 1985) - BCA Chairman/President
Aarnout H. Wennekers (University of Calgary 1991) - BCA Chairman/President
Brett J. Greenlaw (University of Calgary 1999) - BCA Recording Secretary
Andy B. Issik (University of Calgary 2015) - BCA Recording Secretary
Carl K. Smith (University of Calgary 1984) - BCA Recording Secretary
Steven P. Demers (University of Calgary 2006) - BCA Finances
James M. Healey (University of Calgary 2000) - BCA Finances
Bryce R. Lanz (University of Calgary 2014) - BCA Finances
Christopher A. McDowall (University of Calgary 1999) - BCA Finances
Andrew K. McLeod (University of Calgary 2011) - BCA Finances
Bruce G. Elliott (University of Calgary 1986) - BCA Graduate Relations
Pierre D. McCann (University of Calgary 2002) - BCA Graduate Relations
Evan M. Bahry (University of Calgary 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas Basboll (University of Calgary 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gary W. Brown (University of Calgary 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark P. Eldridge (University of Calgary 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bruce G. Elliott (University of Calgary 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
John Evans (University of Calgary 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
Sean S. Follensbee (University of Calgary 1997) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jose Garcia, Jr. (University of Calgary 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brett J. Greenlaw (University of Calgary 1999) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew D. Hathaway (University of Calgary 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Pierre D. McCann (University of Calgary 2002) - BCA Miscellaneous
Paul A. McCloy (University of Calgary 1997) - BCA Miscellaneous
Myles B. McDougall (University of Calgary 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Clifford E. Pybus (University of Calgary 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
Blake A. Sanderson (University of Calgary 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael A. Smith (University of Calgary 2000) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kevin B. Thurm (University of Calgary 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Randall W. Thurm (University of Calgary 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jared C. Wells (University of Calgary 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Aarnout H. Wennekers (University of Calgary 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Pierre D. McCann (University of Calgary 2002) - BCA Public Relations
Dwight D. Clink (University of Calgary 1991) - BCA Recruitment
Bruce G. Elliott (University of Calgary 1986) - BCA Recruitment
Jarrod G. Fuhr (University of Calgary 2002) - BCA Recruitment
David B. McQuaig (University of Calgary 1987) - BCA Recruitment
Jarrett S. Nixon (University of Calgary 2006) - BCA Recruitment
Blake A. Sanderson (University of Calgary 2017) - BCA Recruitment
Glenn R. Wilkinson (University of Calgary 1986) - BCA Recruitment
Clifford E. Pybus (University of Calgary 2006) - BCA Ritual
Carl K. Smith (University of Calgary 1984) - BCA Scholarship
Anthony E. Hatfield (University of Calgary 2013) - BCA Trustee
Bryce R. Lanz (University of Calgary 2014) - BCA Trustee
Pierre D. McCann (University of Calgary 2002) - BCA Trustee
Clifford E. Pybus (University of Calgary 2006) - BCA Trustee
Blake A. Sanderson (University of Calgary 2017) - BCA Trustee
Dwight D. Clink (University of Calgary 1991) - BCA Administration
Paul A. McCloy (University of Calgary 1997) - BCA Built to Lead
Blake A. Sanderson (University of Calgary 2017) - BCA Built to Lead
Alan J. Donner (University of California Berkeley 2007) - BCA Chairman/President
Austin M. Shore (University of California Berkeley 2017) - BCA Chairman/President
Steven M. Blore (University of California Berkeley 1984) - BCA Vice Chairman
Thomas E. Bowman (University of California Berkeley 1947) - BCA Finances
Dennis M. Drew (University of California Berkeley 1975) - BCA Finances
Darryl E. Henley (University of California Berkeley 1961) - BCA Finances
Craig F. Vidal (University of California Berkeley 1982) - BCA Finances
Gerold G. Williams (University of California Berkeley 1962) - BCA Finances
Martin C. Smith (University of California Berkeley 1976) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Eric B. Armando (University of California Berkeley 1976) - BCA Graduate Relations
William B. Ashton (University of California Berkeley 1954) - BCA Graduate Relations
Loy A. Dickinson (University of California Berkeley 1949) - BCA Graduate Relations
Donald F. Powell (University of California Berkeley 1961) - BCA Graduate Relations
Richard H. Tompkins (University of California Berkeley 1958) - BCA Graduate Relations
F. Keith Blakeney (University of California Berkeley 1959) - BCA Miscellaneous
Steven M. Blore (University of California Berkeley 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Alan J. Donner (University of California Berkeley 2007) - BCA Miscellaneous
Patrick F. Doyle (University of California Berkeley 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Dennis M. Drew (University of California Berkeley 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
Edmund G. Gildersleeve (University of California Berkeley 1954) - BCA Miscellaneous
Garett A. Gorlitsky (University of California Berkeley 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
Wesley S. Harkonen (University of California Berkeley 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard W. Kelso (University of California Berkeley 1959) - BCA Miscellaneous
Allen N. Logue (University of California Berkeley 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael J. Murphy (University of California Berkeley 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stephen N. Saribalis (University of California Berkeley 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
Conway Smith (University of California Berkeley 1946) - BCA Miscellaneous
Lewis H. Smith (University of California Berkeley 1952) - BCA Miscellaneous
Carl G. Zimmerman (University of California Berkeley 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas J. Colton (University of California Berkeley 1962) - BCA Public Relations
William Corlett (University of California Berkeley 1941) - BCA Public Relations
William P. Gilmore (University of California Berkeley 1942) - BCA Public Relations
A. Paul Goodall (University of California Berkeley 1945) - BCA Public Relations
Donald F. Powell (University of California Berkeley 1961) - BCA Public Relations
Eric B. Armando (University of California Berkeley 1976) - BCA Recruitment
William B. Ashton (University of California Berkeley 1954) - BCA Recruitment
Conway Smith (University of California Berkeley 1946) - BCA Recruitment
Lewis H. Smith (University of California Berkeley 1952) - BCA Recruitment
Loy A. Dickinson (University of California Berkeley 1949) - BCA Risk Management
John M. Fowler (University of California Berkeley 1939) - BCA Ritual
Manuel G. Gonzalez, IV (University of California Berkeley 1977) - BCA Ritual
Stephen C. Lyon (University of California Berkeley 1963) - BCA Ritual
Gerold G. Williams (University of California Berkeley 1962) - BCA Ritual
Mark K. Allen (University of California Berkeley 1978) - BCA Scholarship
Thomas J. Colton (University of California Berkeley 1962) - BCA Scholarship
John Gilcrest (University of California Berkeley 1949) - BCA Scholarship
Erik S. Bro (University of California Berkeley 2008) - BCA Trustee
Alan J. Donner (University of California Berkeley 2007) - BCA Trustee
Taylor J. Hamilton (University of California Berkeley 2004) - BCA Trustee
Mark E. Meredith (University of California Berkeley 1987) - BCA Trustee
Steven B. Peterson (University of California Berkeley 1990) - BCA Trustee
Edmund G. Bartlett, Jr. (University of California Berkeley 1952) - BCA Administration
John M. Fowler (University of California Berkeley 1939) - BCA Administration
Casey A. Walker (University of California Davis 2019) - BCA DEIB
Casey A. Walker (University of California Davis 2019) - BCA Finances
Henry E. Nibbelin (University of California Davis 2020) - BCA Graduate Relations
Lucas A. Treviño (University of California Davis 2019) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joshua T. Wild (University of California Davis 2016) - BCA Ritual
Henry E. Nibbelin (University of California Davis 2020) - BCA Scholarship
Nathan E. Blodgett (University of California Irvine 2006) - BCA Chairman/President
Carlton B. Boyd (University of California Irvine 1998) - BCA Chairman/President
Alli M. Breton (University of California Irvine 2001) - BCA Chairman/President
B. Dean Freed, II (University of California Irvine 2004) - BCA Chairman/President
Jonathan E. Gestine (University of California Irvine 2004) - BCA Chairman/President
Ashot Hareyan (University of California Irvine 2014) - BCA Chairman/President
Christian D. Medero (University of California Irvine 2012) - BCA Chairman/President
Derrick T. Nguyen (University of California Irvine 2011) - BCA Chairman/President
Andrew D. Shults (University of California Irvine 2005) - BCA Chairman/President
Vasko C. Alexander (University of California Irvine 2006) - BCA Recording Secretary
J. Rand Petrie (University of California Irvine 1987) - BCA Finances
Theodore P. Sindzinski (University of California Irvine 2005) - BCA Finances
Robert K. Ward (University of California Irvine 1981) - BCA Finances
Jonathan E. Gestine (University of California Irvine 2004) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Ashot Hareyan (University of California Irvine 2014) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Gregory C. Hill (University of California Irvine 1981) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Robert K. Ward (University of California Irvine 1981) - BCA Graduate Relations
Matthew B. Webb (University of California Irvine 2013) - BCA Graduate Relations
Vasko C. Alexander (University of California Irvine 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
Nathan E. Blodgett (University of California Irvine 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
Carlton B. Boyd (University of California Irvine 1998) - BCA Miscellaneous
Chad G. Brown (University of California Irvine 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
James N. Finney (University of California Irvine 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
B. Dean Freed, II (University of California Irvine 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas E. Gaworski (University of California Irvine 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jonathan E. Gestine (University of California Irvine 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
Allen A. Ilano (University of California Irvine 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew D. Jensen (University of California Irvine 2008) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brett M. Mansfield (University of California Irvine 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew D. Shults (University of California Irvine 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Theodore P. Sindzinski (University of California Irvine 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert J. Vaughn (University of California Irvine 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Alli M. Breton (University of California Irvine 2001) - BCA Recruitment
Vasko C. Alexander (University of California Irvine 2006) - BCA Risk Management
Thomas R. Hinton (University of California Irvine 1983) - BCA Risk Management
Robert C. Lowry (University of California Irvine 1985) - BCA Ritual
Gregory C. Hill (University of California Irvine 1981) - BCA Scholarship
Raymond L. Lin (University of California Irvine 2015) - BCA Scholarship
Vincent P. Roman (University of California Irvine 1981) - BCA Scholarship
Todd A. Schweisinger, PhD (University of California Irvine 1997) - BCA Scholarship
Thomas E. Gaworski (University of California Irvine 1989) - BCA Trustee
John V. Galloway (University of California Irvine 1981) - BCA Administration
Robert C. Lowry (University of California Irvine 1985) - BCA Administration
Jeffrey W. Miller (University of California Los Angeles 1983) - BCA Chairman/President
Felipe J. Sefchovich (University of California Los Angeles 1990) - BCA Chairman/President
Randolph C. Banks (University of California Los Angeles 1964) - BCA Finances
Morton R. Bauchman (University of California Los Angeles 1965) - BCA Finances
John B. Colligan (University of California Los Angeles 1948) - BCA Finances
Allan M. Dawson (University of California Los Angeles 1981) - BCA Finances
Philip de Toledo (University of California Los Angeles 1980) - BCA Finances
John E. Ebright (University of California Los Angeles 1966) - BCA Finances
Vincent Hatton (University of California Los Angeles 1956) - BCA Finances
William E. Lawson (University of California Los Angeles 1929) - BCA Finances
Wallace H. Pedersen (University of California Los Angeles 1965) - BCA Finances
Felipe J. Sefchovich (University of California Los Angeles 1990) - BCA Finances
Right R. Garver (University of California Los Angeles 1945) - BCA Foundation of Courage
William D. Harrison, Jr. (University of California Los Angeles 1966) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Rahim M. Javanmard (University of California Los Angeles 1965) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Alan W. Johnson (University of California Los Angeles 1937) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Peter C. Kranske (University of California Los Angeles 1969) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Emmett C. Loverde (University of California Los Angeles 1989) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Jeffrey W. Miller (University of California Los Angeles 1983) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Richard F. Ringys (University of California Los Angeles 1979) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Felipe J. Sefchovich (University of California Los Angeles 1990) - BCA Foundation of Courage
James D. Smith, Jr. (University of California Los Angeles 1958) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Neil S. Sokoler (University of California Los Angeles 1981) - BCA Foundation of Courage
E. Arno Vigen (University of California Los Angeles 1981) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Thorpe W. Whiteman (University of California Los Angeles 1966) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Gary D. Bernstein (University of California Los Angeles 1969) - BCA Graduate Relations
Anthony R. Carr (University of California Los Angeles 1967) - BCA Graduate Relations
Richard C. Chenoweth (University of California Los Angeles 1945) - BCA Graduate Relations
John B. Colligan (University of California Los Angeles 1948) - BCA Graduate Relations
John W. Doran (University of California Los Angeles 1929) - BCA Graduate Relations
Right R. Garver (University of California Los Angeles 1945) - BCA Graduate Relations
Joseph D. McNeil (University of California Los Angeles 1953) - BCA Graduate Relations
Robert B. Ratliff (University of California Los Angeles 1982) - BCA Graduate Relations
Randy Schwartz (University of California Los Angeles 1965) - BCA Graduate Relations
Neil S. Sokoler (University of California Los Angeles 1981) - BCA Graduate Relations
Robert S. Arp (University of California Los Angeles 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark J. Batza (University of California Los Angeles 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Daniel A. Bethlahmy (University of California Los Angeles 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
John B. Colligan (University of California Los Angeles 1948) - BCA Miscellaneous
Allan M. Dawson (University of California Los Angeles 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey M. Downey (University of California Los Angeles 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Right R. Garver (University of California Los Angeles 1945) - BCA Miscellaneous
Shawn P. Grimm (University of California Los Angeles 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Emmett C. Loverde (University of California Los Angeles 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert R. Oliver (University of California Los Angeles 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gary D. Bernstein (University of California Los Angeles 1969) - BCA Public Relations
James H. Camplin (University of California Los Angeles 1930) - BCA Public Relations
John S. Howard (University of California Los Angeles 1952) - BCA Public Relations
Brent D. Mattingly (University of California Los Angeles 1979) - BCA Public Relations
Scott B. Parry (University of California Los Angeles 1985) - BCA Public Relations
Robert D. Strock (University of California Los Angeles 1950) - BCA Public Relations
Steven M. Wagner (University of California Los Angeles 1972) - BCA Public Relations
Randolph C. Banks (University of California Los Angeles 1964) - BCA Recruitment
Gary D. Bernstein (University of California Los Angeles 1969) - BCA Recruitment
Philip C. Isaac (University of California Los Angeles 1979) - BCA Recruitment
Rahim M. Javanmard (University of California Los Angeles 1965) - BCA Recruitment
Jeffrey W. Miller (University of California Los Angeles 1983) - BCA Recruitment
Richard Oberreiter (University of California Los Angeles 1984) - BCA Recruitment
Michael M. Pringle (University of California Los Angeles 1968) - BCA Recruitment
Robert B. Ratliff (University of California Los Angeles 1982) - BCA Recruitment
Steven M. Wagner (University of California Los Angeles 1972) - BCA Recruitment
Allan M. Dawson (University of California Los Angeles 1981) - BCA Risk Management
Jeffrey W. Miller (University of California Los Angeles 1983) - BCA Risk Management
Robert S. Billingsley (University of California Los Angeles 1956) - BCA Ritual
William M. Bitting (University of California Los Angeles 1961) - BCA Ritual
John B. Colligan (University of California Los Angeles 1948) - BCA Ritual
Right R. Garver (University of California Los Angeles 1945) - BCA Ritual
Lionel C. Banks, II (University of California Los Angeles 1955) - BCA Scholarship
Daniel A. Bethlahmy (University of California Los Angeles 1982) - BCA Scholarship
William D. Harrison, Jr. (University of California Los Angeles 1966) - BCA Scholarship
Roger M. Jacobson (University of California Los Angeles 1955) - BCA Scholarship
Alan W. Johnson (University of California Los Angeles 1937) - BCA Scholarship
Joseph R. Rosenberg, DDS (University of California Los Angeles 1970) - BCA Scholarship
Randall I. Schultz (University of California Los Angeles 1964) - BCA Scholarship
Neil S. Sokoler (University of California Los Angeles 1981) - BCA Scholarship
Angel L. Calvo (University of California Los Angeles 1983) - BCA Trustee
Gregory F. Castle (University of California Los Angeles 1983) - BCA Trustee
John W. Doran (University of California Los Angeles 1929) - BCA Trustee
Right R. Garver (University of California Los Angeles 1945) - BCA Trustee
Alan W. Johnson (University of California Los Angeles 1937) - BCA Trustee
Donald Lawson (University of California Los Angeles 1951) - BCA Trustee
George W. Mefferd (University of California Los Angeles 1948) - BCA Trustee
Richard D. Naulty (University of California Los Angeles 1953) - BCA Trustee
Donald J. Regan (University of California Los Angeles 1956) - BCA Trustee
Thomas W. Schulenburg (University of California Los Angeles 1986) - BCA Trustee
David K. Smith (University of California Los Angeles 1987) - BCA Trustee
Alfred L. Woodill (University of California Los Angeles 1946) - BCA Trustee
Robert S. Arp (University of California Los Angeles 1981) - BCA Administration
Robert S. Billingsley (University of California Los Angeles 1956) - BCA Administration
Richard C. Chenoweth (University of California Los Angeles 1945) - BCA Administration
Allan M. Dawson (University of California Los Angeles 1981) - BCA Administration
Right R. Garver (University of California Los Angeles 1945) - BCA Administration
Bucklen Holland (University of California Los Angeles 1960) - BCA Administration
James F. Liebenguth, Jr. (University of California Los Angeles 1950) - BCA Administration
Jeffrey W. Miller (University of California Los Angeles 1983) - BCA Administration
Richard Oberreiter (University of California Los Angeles 1984) - BCA Administration
Scott B. Parry (University of California Los Angeles 1985) - BCA Administration
Wallace H. Pedersen (University of California Los Angeles 1965) - BCA Administration
Felipe J. Sefchovich (University of California Los Angeles 1990) - BCA Administration
Gene F. Stone (University of California Los Angeles 1980) - BCA Administration
Sean D. Allen (University of California Riverside 2004) - BCA Chairman/President
Stanley R. Ecklund (University of California Riverside 1982) - BCA Chairman/President
Alexander C. Johnson (University of California Riverside 2002) - BCA Chairman/President
Kevin M. Kordys (University of California Riverside 1982) - BCA Chairman/President
David B. Marino (University of California Riverside 1985) - BCA Chairman/President
Randall R. Olson (University of California Riverside 1980) - BCA Chairman/President
Mark A. Rhoades (University of California Riverside 1990) - BCA Chairman/President
Dennis J. Whitcomb (University of California Riverside 1986) - BCA Chairman/President
Randy L. Wolff, DDS (University of California Riverside 1984) - BCA Chairman/President
Donald M. Emas (University of California Riverside 1977) - BCA Vice Chairman
Randall R. Olson (University of California Riverside 1980) - BCA Vice Chairman
Daniel R. Cardenas (University of California Riverside 2012) - BCA Recording Secretary
Charles T. Irvin (University of California Riverside 2002) - BCA Recording Secretary
David J. Davies (University of California Riverside 2006) - BCA Finances
Dominic A. Dicarlo (University of California Riverside 2000) - BCA Finances
Stanley R. Ecklund (University of California Riverside 1982) - BCA Finances
J. Brian Fitzgerald (University of California Riverside 1980) - BCA Finances
Kevin M. Kordys (University of California Riverside 1982) - BCA Finances
Yale E. Martin (University of California Riverside 1984) - BCA Finances
Randall R. Olson (University of California Riverside 1980) - BCA Finances
Derick C. Petersen (University of California Riverside 2005) - BCA Finances
Jeffery L. Ryan (University of California Riverside 1980) - BCA Finances
Tracy T. Bomberger (University of California Riverside 1985) - BCA Foundation of Courage
David A. Cole (University of California Riverside 1985) - BCA Foundation of Courage
E. Robert Freeman (University of California Riverside 1981) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Kevin M. Kordys (University of California Riverside 1982) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Richard M. Maples (University of California Riverside 1988) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Grant R. Willcox (University of California Riverside 1977) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Brian E. Dass (University of California Riverside 2001) - BCA Graduate Relations
Donald M. Emas (University of California Riverside 1977) - BCA Graduate Relations
Brett E. Mason (University of California Riverside 1980) - BCA Graduate Relations
Nathan K. Reed (University of California Riverside 1985) - BCA Graduate Relations
Randy L. Wolff, DDS (University of California Riverside 1984) - BCA Graduate Relations
Sean D. Allen (University of California Riverside 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
Lane Bueche (University of California Riverside 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
David J. Davies (University of California Riverside 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert W. Draper, Jr. (University of California Riverside 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kevin W. Ferguson (University of California Riverside 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Alexander C. Johnson (University of California Riverside 2002) - BCA Miscellaneous
David B. Marino (University of California Riverside 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Charles D. O'Neal, Jr. (University of California Riverside 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Derick C. Petersen (University of California Riverside 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Nathan K. Reed (University of California Riverside 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Raymond P. Watson (University of California Riverside 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Dennis J. Whitcomb (University of California Riverside 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Randall R. Olson (University of California Riverside 1980) - BCA Public Relations
Michael A. Baker (University of California Riverside 1978) - BCA Recruitment
Stanley R. Ecklund (University of California Riverside 1982) - BCA Recruitment
Raffaele R. Perrino, II (University of California Riverside 1990) - BCA Risk Management
David R. Wilkerson (University of California Riverside 1980) - BCA Risk Management
Grant R. Willcox (University of California Riverside 1977) - BCA Risk Management
Randy L. Wolff, DDS (University of California Riverside 1984) - BCA Risk Management
J. Larry Fritz (University of California Riverside 1980) - BCA Ritual
Morgan P. Reed (University of California Riverside 1987) - BCA Ritual
David R. Wilkerson (University of California Riverside 1980) - BCA Ritual
Grant R. Willcox (University of California Riverside 1977) - BCA Ritual
Randy L. Wolff, DDS (University of California Riverside 1984) - BCA Ritual
David B. Marino (University of California Riverside 1985) - BCA Scholarship
Jerome A. Swain (University of California Riverside 1989) - BCA Scholarship
David A. Cole (University of California Riverside 1985) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
David A. Wiesen (University of California Riverside 1987) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Sean D. Allen (University of California Riverside 2004) - BCA Trustee
Stanley R. Ecklund (University of California Riverside 1982) - BCA Trustee
Donald M. Emas (University of California Riverside 1977) - BCA Trustee
Kevin W. Ferguson (University of California Riverside 1984) - BCA Trustee
Kevin M. Kordys (University of California Riverside 1982) - BCA Trustee
Michael S. Nicholson (University of California Riverside 1988) - BCA Trustee
Raffaele R. Perrino, II (University of California Riverside 1990) - BCA Trustee
Dennis J. Whitcomb (University of California Riverside 1986) - BCA Trustee
Kevin M. Kordys (University of California Riverside 1982) - BCA Administration
Randy L. Wolff, DDS (University of California Riverside 1984) - BCA Administration
Dennis K. Hammond (University of California San Diego 1997) - BCA Chairman/President
Grigor G. Sargsyan (University of California San Diego 2017) - BCA Chairman/President
Eric C. Hofmann (University of California San Diego 1998) - BCA Graduate Relations
Michael W. Cross (University of California San Diego 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian R. Toole (University of California San Diego 2001) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mahesh S. Botejue (University of California San Diego 2013) - BCA Trustee
Rajiv B. Naidu (University of California San Diego 2011) - BCA Trustee
Damon G. Dukakis (University of California Santa Barbara 1997) - BCA Chairman/President
Paul W. Sams (University of California Santa Barbara 1992) - BCA Chairman/President
Joshua S. Tonkins (University of California Santa Barbara 1993) - BCA Chairman/President
James V. Yardley, IV (University of California Santa Barbara 1992) - BCA Recording Secretary
Timothy J. Friden (University of California Santa Barbara 1997) - BCA Graduate Relations
Johan F. Koning (University of California Santa Barbara 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joshua S. Tonkins (University of California Santa Barbara 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian A. Yamamura (University of California Santa Barbara 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian A. Yamamura (University of California Santa Barbara 1994) - BCA Recruitment
Johan F. Koning (University of California Santa Barbara 1993) - BCA Ritual
Patrick T. Andrews (University of Central Arkansas 2015) - BCA Chairman/President
Kirby G. Willis (University of Central Arkansas 2014) - BCA Finances
Benjamin J. Matthews (University of Central Arkansas 2014) - BCA Recruitment
Patrick T. Andrews (University of Central Arkansas 2015) - BCA Trustee
Michael R. Lawrence (University of Central Florida 1999) - BCA Chairman/President
Timothy M. Leddy (University of Central Florida 1995) - BCA Chairman/President
Jonathan D. Mullins (University of Central Florida 2007) - BCA Chairman/President
Brad L. Neff (University of Central Florida 1994) - BCA Chairman/President
Tyler S. Van Voorhees (University of Central Florida 2005) - BCA Chairman/President
James D. Stubbs (University of Central Florida 2005) - BCA Vice Chairman
Nicholas S. Candaffio (University of Central Florida 2011) - BCA Finances
William R. Coffey (University of Central Florida 1995) - BCA Finances
Jonathan Kamenoff (University of Central Florida 2004) - BCA Finances
Charles A. Lawson, Jr. (University of Central Florida 2007) - BCA Finances
Michael P. McGovern (University of Central Florida 2001) - BCA Finances
Rafael M. Padron, Jr. (University of Central Florida 2009) - BCA Finances
Carlos R. Rios (University of Central Florida 1999) - BCA Finances
Andrew M. Sherrill, PhD (University of Central Florida 2008) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Michael P. McGovern (University of Central Florida 2001) - BCA Graduate Relations
Charles A. Fischer (University of Central Florida 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
Dylan R. D. Lambe (University of Central Florida 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Charles A. Lawson, Jr. (University of Central Florida 2007) - BCA Miscellaneous
Carlos R. Rios (University of Central Florida 1999) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jee J. Shum (University of Central Florida 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
Byron M. Valle (University of Central Florida 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Corey J. Wagner (University of Central Florida 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kevin P. Hennessy (University of Central Florida 2016) - BCA Recruitment
Jack A. Demetree, II (University of Central Florida 2010) - BCA Risk Management
Jan R. Shadwick (University of Central Florida 2016) - BCA Risk Management
Jason J. Ring (University of Central Florida 2007) - BCA Ritual
Kevin P. Hennessy (University of Central Florida 2016) - BCA Scholarship
M. Tyler McClure (University of Central Florida 2013) - BCA Scholarship
Kyle A. Pagan (University of Central Florida 2014) - BCA Scholarship
Tollie N. Justice (University of Central Florida 2005) - BCA Trustee
Brandon P. Bolock (University of Chicago 2015) - BCA Chairman/President
Douglas L. Carden (University of Chicago 1974) - BCA Chairman/President
Robert F. Mirque (University of Chicago 1984) - BCA Chairman/President
James W. Vice, Jr. (University of Chicago 1954) - BCA Chairman/President
Robert Charkovsky (University of Chicago 1975) - BCA Finances
Nick H. Varsam (University of Chicago 1983) - BCA Finances
Charles A. Wright (University of Chicago 1957) - BCA Finances
Lon C. Pulse (University of Chicago 1971) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Charles A. Wright (University of Chicago 1957) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Douglas L. Carden (University of Chicago 1974) - BCA Graduate Relations
Bernard J. DelGiorno (University of Chicago 1955) - BCA Graduate Relations
Brock P. Appenzeller (University of Chicago 2016) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gordon W. Decker (University of Chicago 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph I. Greene (University of Chicago 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Riley Schaeffer (University of Chicago 1946) - BCA Miscellaneous
Steven R. Smith (University of Chicago 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
Steven R. Strahler (University of Chicago 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
Dennis B. Navarra (University of Chicago 1975) - BCA Recruitment
Douglas L. Carden (University of Chicago 1974) - BCA Risk Management
Allen N. Wiseley (University of Chicago 1942) - BCA Scholarship
Edward R. Bee, Jr. (University of Chicago 1977) - BCA Administration
Douglas L. Carden (University of Chicago 1974) - BCA Administration
Gene D. Cruz-Uribe (University of Chicago 1975) - BCA Administration
James W. Vice, Jr. (University of Chicago 1954) - BCA Administration
Charles A. Wright (University of Chicago 1957) - BCA Administration
Charles R. DeWitt (University of Cincinnati 1972) - BCA Chairman/President
Wade M. Fugate (University of Cincinnati 1998) - BCA Chairman/President
Alexander M. Gerak (University of Cincinnati 2017) - BCA Chairman/President
Jeffrey L. Huss (University of Cincinnati 1994) - BCA Chairman/President
Phillip T. Mason (University of Cincinnati 2000) - BCA Chairman/President
Bradley L. Metzger (University of Cincinnati 1982) - BCA Chairman/President
Daniel A. O'Connor (University of Cincinnati 1997) - BCA Chairman/President
David A. Bruening (University of Cincinnati 1984) - BCA Finances
Edward T. Daniel (University of Cincinnati 1974) - BCA Finances
Douglas L. Dumond (University of Cincinnati 1973) - BCA Finances
Dennis L. Hemmer (University of Cincinnati 1973) - BCA Finances
Keith D. Mason (University of Cincinnati 1975) - BCA Finances
Timothy A. Schraffenberger (University of Cincinnati 1991) - BCA Finances
James C. Woodrum (University of Cincinnati 2001) - BCA Finances
Douglas L. Dumond (University of Cincinnati 1973) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Jeffrey L. Huss (University of Cincinnati 1994) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Jeffrey M. Jenkins (University of Cincinnati 1984) - BCA Foundation of Courage
M. Larry Sprague (University of Cincinnati 1971) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Bruce A. Bauer (University of Cincinnati 1971) - BCA Graduate Relations
Ross Britton (University of Cincinnati 1985) - BCA Graduate Relations
David A. Bruening (University of Cincinnati 1984) - BCA Graduate Relations
Charles R. DeWitt (University of Cincinnati 1972) - BCA Graduate Relations
Douglas L. Dumond (University of Cincinnati 1973) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jeffrey S. Hack (University of Cincinnati 2004) - BCA Graduate Relations
Keith D. Mason (University of Cincinnati 1975) - BCA Graduate Relations
Marcum L. Storts (University of Cincinnati 2015) - BCA Graduate Relations
Peter P. Baden (University of Cincinnati 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bruce A. Bauer (University of Cincinnati 1971) - BCA Miscellaneous
Charles E. Bode, Jr. (University of Cincinnati 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Patrick J. Chilenski (University of Cincinnati 2000) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stephen C. Crowe (University of Cincinnati 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kevin J. Davis (University of Cincinnati 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael T. Enderly (University of Cincinnati 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
Wade M. Fugate (University of Cincinnati 1998) - BCA Miscellaneous
Alexander M. Gerak (University of Cincinnati 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert L. Haubrock (University of Cincinnati 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert L. Helman (University of Cincinnati 1995) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael S. Hicks (University of Cincinnati 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Erik J. Hoeffel (University of Cincinnati 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kevin J. Hopper (University of Cincinnati 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
David W. Lampi (University of Cincinnati 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph B. Landwehr, Jr. (University of Cincinnati 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Phillip T. Mason (University of Cincinnati 2000) - BCA Miscellaneous
Martin G. Morris (University of Cincinnati 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Steven M. Petitjean (University of Cincinnati 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
George H. Remington (University of Cincinnati 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
James P. Schlachter (University of Cincinnati 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stephen A. Stetz (University of Cincinnati 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian S. Sullivan (University of Cincinnati 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
William S. Weissman (University of Cincinnati 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas O. Willingham (University of Cincinnati 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
James C. Woodrum (University of Cincinnati 2001) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kevin J. Hopper (University of Cincinnati 1973) - BCA Public Relations
Philip D. Steiger (University of Cincinnati 1973) - BCA Public Relations
Thomas O. Willingham (University of Cincinnati 1983) - BCA Public Relations
Kristopher A. Barnthouse (University of Cincinnati 1991) - BCA Recruitment
Nelson D. Evans (University of Cincinnati 1976) - BCA Recruitment
Alexander M. Gerak (University of Cincinnati 2017) - BCA Recruitment
A. Daniel Jackson, III (University of Cincinnati 2004) - BCA Recruitment
James D. Mofield (University of Cincinnati 1972) - BCA Recruitment
R. James Taylor (University of Cincinnati 1983) - BCA Recruitment
Stephen C. Crowe (University of Cincinnati 1972) - BCA Risk Management
Jonathan A. Gordon (University of Cincinnati 2013) - BCA Ritual
Keith D. Mason (University of Cincinnati 1975) - BCA Ritual
M. Larry Sprague (University of Cincinnati 1971) - BCA Ritual
Michael T. Enderly (University of Cincinnati 1975) - BCA Scholarship
Anton M. Fackelmann (University of Cincinnati 1976) - BCA Scholarship
Jon-Paul M. Krumm (University of Cincinnati 2013) - BCA Scholarship
Charles E. Bode, Jr. (University of Cincinnati 1989) - BCA Trustee
Wade M. Fugate (University of Cincinnati 1998) - BCA Trustee
Kevin J. Hopper (University of Cincinnati 1973) - BCA Trustee
Jeffrey L. Huss (University of Cincinnati 1994) - BCA Trustee
Curt W. Koslovsky (University of Cincinnati 1992) - BCA Trustee
Paul R. O'Brien (University of Cincinnati 2015) - BCA Trustee
Steven M. Petitjean (University of Cincinnati 1994) - BCA Trustee
Brian S. Todd (University of Cincinnati 1998) - BCA Trustee
Douglas L. Dumond (University of Cincinnati 1973) - BCA Administration
Nelson D. Evans (University of Cincinnati 1976) - BCA Administration
Ted M. Sharber (University of Cincinnati 1977) - BCA Administration
Daniel B. Best (University of Colorado 1986) - BCA Chairman/President
James B. Campbell (University of Colorado 1984) - BCA Chairman/President
Jason M. Longsdorf (University of Colorado 1993) - BCA Chairman/President
Gregory L. Nierling (University of Colorado 1980) - BCA Chairman/President
Robert B. Decker (University of Colorado 1942) - BCA Finances
Sean M. Donnellan (University of Colorado 2023) - BCA Finances
Randy N. Howell (University of Colorado 1977) - BCA Finances
Bruce S. McAllister (University of Colorado 1963) - BCA Finances
Frank P. McCarty (University of Colorado 1947) - BCA Finances
Robert R. McCluskey (University of Colorado 1943) - BCA Finances
Michael G. Mills (University of Colorado 1978) - BCA Finances
John B. Myers, Jr. (University of Colorado 1981) - BCA Finances
Rodney K. Nuss (University of Colorado 1986) - BCA Finances
Scott E. Smith (University of Colorado 1979) - BCA Finances
John D. Bishop (University of Colorado 1981) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Jerome J. Castillon (University of Colorado 2015) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Matthew D. Gauch (University of Colorado 1985) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Mark A. Rice (University of Colorado 1978) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Scott E. Smith (University of Colorado 1979) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Frank D. Bernardi (University of Colorado 1955) - BCA Graduate Relations
Frank J. Bernardi (University of Colorado 1979) - BCA Graduate Relations
Daniel B. Best (University of Colorado 1986) - BCA Graduate Relations
Robert B. Decker (University of Colorado 1942) - BCA Graduate Relations
Walter B. Franklin (University of Colorado 1920) - BCA Graduate Relations
Walter B. Franklin (University of Colorado 1949) - BCA Graduate Relations
Paul Poltorak (University of Colorado 1983) - BCA Graduate Relations
Steven E. Post (University of Colorado 1980) - BCA Graduate Relations
Mark A. Rice (University of Colorado 1978) - BCA Graduate Relations
Glenn C. Selch (University of Colorado 1956) - BCA Graduate Relations
John D. Bishop (University of Colorado 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
James B. Campbell (University of Colorado 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Aaron L. Cubbison (University of Colorado 1996) - BCA Miscellaneous
Walter B. Franklin (University of Colorado 1949) - BCA Miscellaneous
Donald E. Larkin (University of Colorado 1958) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stephen A. Mason (University of Colorado 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael G. Mills (University of Colorado 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
Donald B. Rogers (University of Colorado 1953) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ted G. Tholen (University of Colorado 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard W. Brown (University of Colorado 1971) - BCA Public Relations
Rick P. Callahan (University of Colorado 1978) - BCA Public Relations
Justin M. Gerber (University of Colorado 2005) - BCA Recruitment
Randy N. Howell (University of Colorado 1977) - BCA Recruitment
Kevin O. Leaverton (University of Colorado 1981) - BCA Recruitment
Michael J. Manning (University of Colorado 1986) - BCA Recruitment
Michael G. Mills (University of Colorado 1978) - BCA Recruitment
Mark S. Rogers (University of Colorado 1984) - BCA Recruitment
Spencer T. Shaffer (University of Colorado 2019) - BCA Recruitment
John V. Breaker (University of Colorado 1979) - BCA Risk Management
Matthew S. McElhiney (University of Colorado 1986) - BCA Risk Management
Bruce M. Miller (University of Colorado 1989) - BCA Risk Management
John D. Bishop (University of Colorado 1981) - BCA Ritual
Glenn C. Selch (University of Colorado 1956) - BCA Ritual
Richard W. Brown (University of Colorado 1971) - BCA Scholarship
Bruce S. McAllister (University of Colorado 1963) - BCA Scholarship
Glenn C. Selch (University of Colorado 1956) - BCA Scholarship
Daniel B. Best (University of Colorado 1986) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
John D. Bishop (University of Colorado 1981) - BCA Administration
Richard W. Brown (University of Colorado 1971) - BCA Administration
Walter B. Franklin (University of Colorado 1949) - BCA Administration
Holley D. Greene (University of Colorado 1935) - BCA Administration
Gregory L. Nierling (University of Colorado 1980) - BCA Administration
Gregory L. Nierling (University of Colorado 1980) - BCA Built to Lead
Mark A. Rice (University of Colorado 1978) - BCA Administration
Mark A. Rice (University of Colorado 1978) - BCA Built to Lead
Glenn C. Selch (University of Colorado 1956) - BCA Administration
James L. Ziegler (University of Colorado 1957) - BCA Administration
S. Vijay Sekhara (University of Connecticut 2012) - BCA Chairman/President
Brien T. Buckman (University of Connecticut 2012) - BCA Finances
Denis de la Flor (University of Connecticut 2018) - BCA Miscellaneous
James E. Donovan (University of Connecticut 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jayhon R. Ghassem-Zadeh (University of Connecticut 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
John D. Shevchuk (University of Connecticut 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert L. Slauson (University of Connecticut 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
Nicholas O. Snow (University of Connecticut 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
Colin R. Treanor (University of Connecticut 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew C. Farrell (University of Connecticut 2013) - BCA Ritual
Denis de la Flor (University of Connecticut 2018) - BCA Trustee
James E. Donovan (University of Connecticut 2017) - BCA Trustee
Jayhon R. Ghassem-Zadeh (University of Connecticut 2013) - BCA Trustee
Aaron A. Knoll (University of Connecticut 2016) - BCA Trustee
Peter A. Rusconi (University of Connecticut 2019) - BCA Trustee
Dale J. Andrew (University of Delaware 2013) - BCA Chairman/President
Dale J. Andrew (University of Delaware 2013) - BCA Trustee
Ian J. Clark (University of Delaware 2011) - BCA Trustee
Joseph E. Cruz (University of Delaware 2012) - BCA Trustee
Christopher M. Fols (University of Delaware 2011) - BCA Trustee
Michael A. Gutiérrez (University of Delaware 2015) - BCA Trustee
Robert J. Harker (University of Delaware 2014) - BCA Trustee
Jacob L. Holtzer (University of Delaware 2013) - BCA Trustee
Daniel K. Mitchell (University of Delaware 2011) - BCA Trustee
Ryan M. Schneer (University of Delaware 2011) - BCA Trustee
CAPT Adam S. Bashaw APR+M (University of Denver 1987) - BCA Chairman/President
Steven J. Bocher (University of Denver 1983) - BCA Chairman/President
Randall L. Giles (University of Denver 1983) - BCA Chairman/President
Michael A. Hughes (University of Denver 1981) - BCA Chairman/President
Jay T. Stogsdill, Jr. (University of Denver 1989) - BCA Chairman/President
Michael K. Kirk (University of Denver 1981) - BCA Recording Secretary
Albert C. Northcutt (University of Denver 1983) - BCA Recording Secretary
Kevin C. O'Connell (University of Denver 1987) - BCA Recording Secretary
J. Benjamin Ahrens (University of Denver 1982) - BCA Finances
Carl R. Fitch (University of Denver 1982) - BCA Finances
Wesley V. Toavs (University of Denver 1985) - BCA Finances
Karl M. Weber (University of Denver 1981) - BCA Finances
Edward G. Barrow (University of Denver 1981) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Stephen M. Chambers (University of Denver 1989) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Michael A. Hughes (University of Denver 1981) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Michael K. Kirk (University of Denver 1981) - BCA Graduate Relations
Kevin B. Lindahl (University of Denver 1983) - BCA Graduate Relations
Steven A. Maiselson (University of Denver 1983) - BCA Graduate Relations
Kirby A. Clock (University of Denver 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael P. Gelinas (University of Denver 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Randall L. Giles (University of Denver 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
David J. Gollob (University of Denver 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael A. Hughes (University of Denver 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Samuel Kelsall, V (University of Denver 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael K. Kirk (University of Denver 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kevin C. O'Connell (University of Denver 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Collin N. Sasaki (University of Denver 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Philip B. Vaughan (University of Denver 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Karl M. Weber (University of Denver 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stephen W. Welke (University of Denver 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Steven J. Bocher (University of Denver 1983) - BCA Public Relations
Kurt F. Ahrens (University of Denver 1983) - BCA Recruitment
Edward G. Barrow (University of Denver 1981) - BCA Recruitment
Steven J. Bocher (University of Denver 1983) - BCA Recruitment
W. Erik Bruvold (University of Denver 1987) - BCA Recruitment
Dr. Ronald M. Fisher PT (University of Denver 1985) - BCA Recruitment
Michael K. Kirk (University of Denver 1981) - BCA Recruitment
Jay T. Stogsdill, Jr. (University of Denver 1989) - BCA Recruitment
Karl M. Weber (University of Denver 1981) - BCA Recruitment
Michael R. Anthony (University of Denver 1984) - BCA Risk Management
Cole A. Wist (University of Denver 1985) - BCA Risk Management
Randall L. Giles (University of Denver 1983) - BCA Ritual
Kevin B. Lindahl (University of Denver 1983) - BCA Scholarship
Stephen W. Welke (University of Denver 1987) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Carl R. Fitch (University of Denver 1982) - BCA Administration
Scott E. Gurgol (University of Evansville 2003) - BCA Chairman/President
Bryan Hamann (University of Evansville 2012) - BCA Chairman/President
Philip L. Crone (University of Evansville 2007) - BCA Finances
Peter W. Stremming (University of Evansville 2016) - BCA Finances
Christopher J. Watkins (University of Evansville 2010) - BCA Finances
Adam M. Barga (University of Evansville 2014) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Alexander J. Conn (University of Evansville 2017) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Andrew L. Epperson (University of Evansville 2003) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Adam J. Gladfelter (University of Evansville 2008) - BCA Foundation of Courage
David R. Knox (University of Evansville 2008) - BCA Foundation of Courage
David A. Riedford (University of Evansville 2011) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Jonathan G. Kissel (University of Evansville 2006) - BCA Graduate Relations
Dane D. Turner (University of Evansville 2017) - BCA Graduate Relations
Edwin A. Allen (University of Evansville 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Philip L. Crone (University of Evansville 2007) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael Crowe (University of Evansville 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Benjamin G. Deutsch (University of Evansville 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
John M. Gentry (University of Evansville 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Peter M. Hanscom (University of Evansville 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher M. Haywood (University of Evansville 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bradley A. Kastrup (University of Evansville 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
David R. Knox (University of Evansville 2008) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kyle D. Korkhouse (University of Evansville 2001) - BCA Miscellaneous
Cord Morales (University of Evansville 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ross M. Pietrzak (University of Evansville 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Sean P. Riley (University of Evansville 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Marc A. Sapoznik (University of Evansville 2008) - BCA Miscellaneous
Shane M. Setnor (University of Evansville 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew W. Snodgrass (University of Evansville 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joshua D. Zars (University of Evansville 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
Peter M. Hanscom (University of Evansville 2010) - BCA Public Relations
James C. Will (University of Evansville 2011) - BCA Public Relations
Jeremy D. Buente (University of Evansville 2008) - BCA Recruitment
Ryan J. Cramer (University of Evansville 2012) - BCA Recruitment
Aaron Powell (University of Evansville 2017) - BCA Recruitment
Christopher L. Rafferty (University of Evansville 2001) - BCA Recruitment
Nicholas R. Schuetz (University of Evansville 2016) - BCA Recruitment
Blaire E. Birge (University of Evansville 2000) - BCA Risk Management
Phillip E. Love (University of Evansville 2005) - BCA Scholarship
Jesse R. Miller (University of Evansville 2010) - BCA Scholarship
Joshua D. Zars (University of Evansville 2006) - BCA Scholarship
John L. East (University of Evansville 2017) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Peter J. Aliberti (University of Florida 1970) - BCA Chairman/President
Zachary S. Foster (University of Florida 2011) - BCA Chairman/President
James G. Hayhurst (University of Florida 1962) - BCA Chairman/President
Richard L. Nelson (University of Florida 1956) - BCA Chairman/President
R. Scott Gallagher (University of Florida 1981) - BCA Recording Secretary
Michael W. Oliver (University of Florida 1974) - BCA Recording Secretary
Roy E. Brewer (University of Florida 1971) - BCA Finances
David H. Houston (University of Florida 2010) - BCA Finances
Erik I. Levin (University of Florida 2004) - BCA Finances
R. Charles Scott (University of Florida 1975) - BCA Finances
Peter VanDuyne (University of Florida 1973) - BCA Finances
Harrison M. Wadsworth, Jr. (University of Florida 1946) - BCA Finances
Zachary H. Anthony (University of Florida 2013) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Robert L. Heisler, Jr. (University of Florida 1975) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Roger O. Kayaleh (University of Florida 2014) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Paul M. Kramer, Jr. (University of Florida 1972) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Mark A. Krill (University of Florida 1986) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Matthew S. Otto (University of Florida 2002) - BCA Foundation of Courage
William G. Read, III (University of Florida 1972) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Jeorge E. Taylor (University of Florida 1988) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Robert L. Willits (University of Florida 1974) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Vincent E. Brecht (University of Florida 1944) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jeffery A. Greenert (University of Florida 1985) - BCA Graduate Relations
Edward M. Kellar (University of Florida 1970) - BCA Graduate Relations
Allen K. McCormick (University of Florida 1952) - BCA Graduate Relations
Richard L. Nelson (University of Florida 1956) - BCA Graduate Relations
Matthew S. Otto (University of Florida 2002) - BCA Graduate Relations
John B. Shoemaker (University of Florida 1984) - BCA Graduate Relations
Clark W. Wheeler (University of Florida 1964) - BCA Graduate Relations
Joseph M. Berman (University of Florida 1961) - BCA Miscellaneous
John R. Calhoun (University of Florida 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
John A. Cornell (University of Florida 1962) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert L. Heisler, Jr. (University of Florida 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
Edward M. Kellar (University of Florida 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
Donald T. Keyes (University of Florida 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
William W. Large (University of Florida 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Allen E. Lightcap (University of Florida 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
James A. Musselman (University of Florida 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard L. Nelson (University of Florida 1956) - BCA Miscellaneous
Peter VanDuyne (University of Florida 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
James M. Vignola, Jr. (University of Florida 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard B. Wilhjelm (University of Florida 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard W. Barber (University of Florida 1973) - BCA Public Relations
Roy E. Brewer (University of Florida 1971) - BCA Public Relations
Steven T. Cush (University of Florida 1987) - BCA Public Relations
Richard A. Daniels (University of Florida 1967) - BCA Public Relations
Alan G. Krigline, PE (University of Florida 1958) - BCA Public Relations
Arthur V. Shults (University of Florida 1977) - BCA Public Relations
Wayne M. Singletary (University of Florida 1969) - BCA Public Relations
William Trickel (University of Florida 1960) - BCA Public Relations
Clark W. Wheeler (University of Florida 1964) - BCA Public Relations
Barry L. Williams (University of Florida 1953) - BCA Public Relations
Robert L. Willits (University of Florida 1974) - BCA Public Relations
Roger W. Cole, Jr. (University of Florida 1956) - BCA Recruitment
Zachary S. Foster (University of Florida 2011) - BCA Recruitment
R. Scott Gallagher (University of Florida 1981) - BCA Recruitment
Greg Garcia (University of Florida 2009) - BCA Recruitment
Robert S. Hesson (University of Florida 1973) - BCA Recruitment
Edward M. Kellar (University of Florida 1970) - BCA Recruitment
William G. Read, III (University of Florida 1972) - BCA Recruitment
Peter VanDuyne (University of Florida 1973) - BCA Recruitment
Eric E. Wilhjelm (University of Florida 1988) - BCA Recruitment
Robert L. Willits (University of Florida 1974) - BCA Recruitment
Thomas W. Bowman (University of Florida 2011) - BCA Risk Management
Edward M. Kellar (University of Florida 1970) - BCA Risk Management
William W. Large (University of Florida 1990) - BCA Risk Management
Carl-John J. Roell, III (University of Florida 2011) - BCA Risk Management
Clark W. Wheeler (University of Florida 1964) - BCA Risk Management
Robert K. Griffin (University of Florida 1970) - BCA Ritual
Edward M. Kellar (University of Florida 1970) - BCA Ritual
Barry L. Williams (University of Florida 1953) - BCA Ritual
John A. Cornell (University of Florida 1962) - BCA Scholarship
Robert Giannini (University of Florida 1962) - BCA Scholarship
Roger O. Kayaleh (University of Florida 2014) - BCA Scholarship
Edward M. Kellar (University of Florida 1970) - BCA Scholarship
Paul M. Kramer, Jr. (University of Florida 1972) - BCA Scholarship
Ken R. Sargent (University of Florida 1988) - BCA Scholarship
Peter VanDuyne (University of Florida 1973) - BCA Scholarship
Barry L. Williams (University of Florida 1953) - BCA Scholarship
Peter J. Aliberti (University of Florida 1970) - BCA Trustee
Zachary H. Anthony (University of Florida 2013) - BCA Trustee
Thomas W. Bowman (University of Florida 2011) - BCA Trustee
John A. Cornell (University of Florida 1962) - BCA Trustee
Joshua J. Forgione (University of Florida 2002) - BCA Trustee
Zachary S. Foster (University of Florida 2011) - BCA Trustee
Jeffery A. Greenert (University of Florida 1985) - BCA Trustee
James G. Hayhurst (University of Florida 1962) - BCA Trustee
Edward M. Kellar (University of Florida 1970) - BCA Trustee
Harold W. Kendrick (University of Florida 1961) - BCA Trustee
Jonathan M. Reaves (University of Florida 2011) - BCA Trustee
R. Charles Scott (University of Florida 1975) - BCA Trustee
Arthur V. Shults (University of Florida 1977) - BCA Trustee
Ryan W. Vaughn (University of Florida 1995) - BCA Trustee
Peter J. Aliberti (University of Florida 1970) - BCA Administration
James B. Arnold (University of Florida 1975) - BCA Administration
Samuel A. Baglier (University of Florida 1971) - BCA Administration
John S. Lodge (University of Florida 1970) - BCA Administration
James C. Rinaman, Jr. (University of Florida 1955) - BCA Administration
James E. Tyler, Jr. (University of Florida 1950) - BCA Administration
Clark W. Wheeler (University of Florida 1964) - BCA Administration
William R. Bracewell (University of Georgia 1968) - BCA Chairman/President
Joseph T. Fleming (University of Georgia 1985) - BCA Chairman/President
William C. Fusselman (University of Georgia 1988) - BCA Chairman/President
R. Brett Grayson (University of Georgia 2000) - BCA Chairman/President
David G. Hanna (University of Georgia 1986) - BCA Chairman/President
J. Scott Mulkey (University of Georgia 1998) - BCA Chairman/President
Kenyon W. Murphy (University of Georgia 1978) - BCA Chairman/President
Todd R. Phinney (University of Georgia 1988) - BCA Chairman/President
Thomas H. Rogers, Jr. (University of Georgia 1973) - BCA Chairman/President
Charles D. Strickland (University of Georgia 1987) - BCA Chairman/President
P. Gregory Sullivan (University of Georgia 2016) - BCA Chairman/President
Chadwik T. Teague (University of Georgia 1988) - BCA Chairman/President
Brian M. Thomas (University of Georgia 1988) - BCA Chairman/President
James J. Adams (University of Georgia 1983) - BCA Finances
Ralph M. Braswell, III (University of Georgia 1972) - BCA Finances
Daniel A. Ragland (University of Georgia 1985) - BCA Finances
Ira Bershad (University of Georgia 1987) - BCA Foundation of Courage
William R. Bracewell (University of Georgia 1968) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Adcus L. Crawley (University of Georgia 1982) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Clarkson M. Driggers (University of Georgia 1989) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Jonathan W. Eidson (University of Georgia 1985) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Greg E. Hill (University of Georgia 1985) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Robert B. Jelinek (University of Georgia 1985) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Dan K. Lowring (University of Georgia 1982) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Keith W. Mason (University of Georgia 1982) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Samuel F. Smith (University of Georgia 1974) - BCA Foundation of Courage
James J. Adams (University of Georgia 1983) - BCA Graduate Relations
William R. Bracewell (University of Georgia 1968) - BCA Graduate Relations
John W. Crowers (University of Georgia 1977) - BCA Graduate Relations
Frank J. Hanna (University of Georgia 1983) - BCA Graduate Relations
William E. Pyron, Jr. (University of Georgia 1985) - BCA Graduate Relations
O. Suthern Sims, Jr. (University of Georgia 1968) - BCA Graduate Relations
James J. Adams (University of Georgia 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
William K. Bass, Jr. (University of Georgia 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas R. Blando (University of Georgia 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
James W. Boyles, Jr. (University of Georgia 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
William R. Bracewell (University of Georgia 1968) - BCA Miscellaneous
Morris L. Bradshaw (University of Georgia 1969) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey A. Brown (University of Georgia 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
A. Keith Carnes (University of Georgia 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert D. Cheeley (University of Georgia 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
Douglas M. Collins (University of Georgia 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Cale H. Conley (University of Georgia 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
James C. Connah (University of Georgia 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
Adcus L. Crawley (University of Georgia 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
M. Henry Day, Jr. (University of Georgia 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
Darren W. Devore (University of Georgia 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Scott D. Dickinson (University of Georgia 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Dale R. Erwin, MD (University of Georgia 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph T. Fleming (University of Georgia 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
William C. Fusselman (University of Georgia 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Carter M. Galbraith (University of Georgia 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
Edward F. Goepp, Jr. (University of Georgia 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
Vernon E. Googe, III (University of Georgia 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert E. Gordon, Jr. (University of Georgia 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
R. Brett Grayson (University of Georgia 2000) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jerry D. Guthrie (University of Georgia 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
R. Timothy Hamil (University of Georgia 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey C. Hamling, Jr. (University of Georgia 2003) - BCA Miscellaneous
David G. Hanna (University of Georgia 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert T. Hardell, Sr. (University of Georgia 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert K. Harris (University of Georgia 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Frank O. Hendrick, III (University of Georgia 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard H. Hill, II (University of Georgia 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jason E. Hudson (University of Georgia 1996) - BCA Miscellaneous
Randall W. Jessup (University of Georgia 1996) - BCA Miscellaneous
Carlton L. Kell (University of Georgia 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael W. Kitchens (University of Georgia 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matt W. Kreis (University of Georgia 2007) - BCA Miscellaneous
C. Barry Lennon (University of Georgia 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas J. Ludlam (University of Georgia 2001) - BCA Miscellaneous
Scott Mall (University of Georgia 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
James W. McKenzie, Jr. (University of Georgia 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jere W. Morehead (University of Georgia 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. Scott Mulkey (University of Georgia 1998) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kenyon W. Murphy (University of Georgia 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
Steven A. Nail (University of Georgia 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian E. Nixon (University of Georgia 1999) - BCA Miscellaneous
R. Glen Owen, Jr. (University of Georgia 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
William E. Pyron, Jr. (University of Georgia 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Dr. Samuel W. Richwine Jr. (University of Georgia 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas R. Seward (University of Georgia 2003) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kessel D. Stelling, Jr. (University of Georgia 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
Clay Stoddard (University of Georgia 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
Terrance C. Sullivan (University of Georgia 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
Chadwik T. Teague (University of Georgia 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian M. Thomas (University of Georgia 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bernard N. Tokarz (University of Georgia 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bradley J. Whitmire (University of Georgia 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Dan W. Whitmire, Jr. (University of Georgia 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jackson D. Wood (University of Georgia 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
Frank J. Hanna (University of Georgia 1983) - BCA Public Relations
Peter J. Shedd (University of Georgia 1974) - BCA Public Relations
William R. Bracewell (University of Georgia 1968) - BCA Recruitment
James B. Braden (University of Georgia 1982) - BCA Recruitment
Robert B. Jelinek (University of Georgia 1985) - BCA Recruitment
James P. Kelly, III (University of Georgia 1978) - BCA Recruitment
Dr. Samuel W. Richwine Jr. (University of Georgia 1973) - BCA Recruitment
Samuel F. Smith (University of Georgia 1974) - BCA Recruitment
Roger D. Sheaks (University of Georgia 1983) - BCA Risk Management
Richard O. Youmans (University of Georgia 1973) - BCA Risk Management
Scott Mall (University of Georgia 1975) - BCA Ritual
Dr. Samuel W. Richwine Jr. (University of Georgia 1973) - BCA Ritual
Richard O. Youmans (University of Georgia 1973) - BCA Ritual
M. Henry Day, Jr. (University of Georgia 1975) - BCA Scholarship
R. Timothy Hamil (University of Georgia 1982) - BCA Scholarship
James W. Purcell (University of Georgia 1973) - BCA Scholarship
Peter J. Shedd (University of Georgia 1974) - BCA Scholarship
P. Gregory Sullivan (University of Georgia 2016) - BCA Scholarship
James R. Powers (University of Georgia 1972) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Greg E. Hill (University of Georgia 1985) - BCA Administration
Thomas J. Ludlam (University of Georgia 2001) - BCA Administration
Kary P. Nordholz (University of Georgia 2001) - BCA Administration
Alan F. Atwood (University of Idaho 1950) - BCA Chairman/President
David C. Burns (University of Idaho 1991) - BCA Chairman/President
John S. Holland (University of Idaho 1942) - BCA Chairman/President
Jordon S. Kanikkeberg, EdD (University of Idaho 1951) - BCA Chairman/President
Hartly H. Kruger (University of Idaho 1954) - BCA Chairman/President
Robert R. Mahan (University of Idaho 1992) - BCA Chairman/President
Darrel R. Perry (University of Idaho 1976) - BCA Chairman/President
Ronald C. Skidmore (University of Idaho 2015) - BCA Chairman/President
Mitchell J. Sonnen (University of Idaho 1986) - BCA Chairman/President
Kermit K. Anderson (University of Idaho 1970) - BCA Finances
Bruce P. Budge (University of Idaho 1952) - BCA Finances
Owen D. Glodt (University of Idaho 2016) - BCA Finances
James G. Hunter (University of Idaho 1964) - BCA Finances
Michael J. Lejardi (University of Idaho 2020) - BCA Finances
Boyd A. Martin (University of Idaho 1936) - BCA Finances
Todd J. Peretti (University of Idaho 1986) - BCA Finances
Harold L. Ryan (University of Idaho 1945) - BCA Finances
Paul H. Tobin (University of Idaho 1953) - BCA Finances
Jordon S. Kanikkeberg, EdD (University of Idaho 1951) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Michael J. Lejardi (University of Idaho 2020) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Glenn B. Owen, USA (University of Idaho 1936) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Joseph N. Rumble (University of Idaho 1952) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Blake D. Brintnall (University of Idaho 2013) - BCA Graduate Relations
John S. Holland (University of Idaho 1942) - BCA Graduate Relations
Lance D. Lincoln (University of Idaho 1970) - BCA Graduate Relations
Malcolm M. Renfrew (University of Idaho 1932) - BCA Graduate Relations
Donald L. Shelton (University of Idaho 1976) - BCA Graduate Relations
David E. Stockton (University of Idaho 1975) - BCA Graduate Relations
G. Clark Anderson (University of Idaho 1958) - BCA Miscellaneous
Rex W. Anderson (University of Idaho 1942) - BCA Miscellaneous
James H. Aston (University of Idaho 1953) - BCA Miscellaneous
William P. Barnes (University of Idaho 1944) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew B. Christensen (University of Idaho 1952) - BCA Miscellaneous
Todd M. Elliott (University of Idaho 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
James P. Glenny, PhD (University of Idaho 1960) - BCA Miscellaneous
James M. Gutierrez (University of Idaho 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bud S. Harris (University of Idaho 1944) - BCA Miscellaneous
Geoffrey R. Hensley (University of Idaho 1995) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ralph L. Holden (University of Idaho 1950) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael T. Howard (University of Idaho 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
David M. Lundgren (University of Idaho 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
William B. Merrill (University of Idaho 1960) - BCA Miscellaneous
Darren S. Milton (University of Idaho 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
John P. Nelson (University of Idaho 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ryan P. Peplinski (University of Idaho 1995) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert N. Rowland (University of Idaho 1961) - BCA Miscellaneous
William P. Barnes (University of Idaho 1944) - BCA Public Relations
Robert J. Davis (University of Idaho 1940) - BCA Public Relations
Boyd A. Martin (University of Idaho 1936) - BCA Public Relations
J. Carson Tester (University of Idaho 2020) - BCA Public Relations
David C. Burns (University of Idaho 1991) - BCA Recruitment
M. Allyn Dingel, Jr. (University of Idaho 1958) - BCA Recruitment
Lawrence H. Halvorson, III (University of Idaho 1974) - BCA Recruitment
John S. Holland (University of Idaho 1942) - BCA Recruitment
Michael J. Lejardi (University of Idaho 2020) - BCA Recruitment
Michael T. Howard (University of Idaho 1991) - BCA Risk Management
Robert P. Tunnicliff (University of Idaho 1963) - BCA Risk Management
James P. Glenny, PhD (University of Idaho 1960) - BCA Ritual
Boyd A. Martin (University of Idaho 1936) - BCA Scholarship
E. Robert Mooney, Jr. (University of Idaho 1963) - BCA Scholarship
William Reed (University of Idaho 1973) - BCA Scholarship
Malcolm M. Renfrew (University of Idaho 1932) - BCA Scholarship
David C. Burns (University of Idaho 1991) - BCA Administration
David C. Burns (University of Idaho 1991) - BCA Built to Lead
Howard F. Goldsmith (University of Idaho 1936) - BCA Administration
Michael C. Greer (University of Idaho 1970) - BCA Administration
Patrick L. Hauge (University of Idaho 1990) - BCA Administration
Michael J. Lejardi (University of Idaho 2020) - BCA Built to Lead
E. Robert Mooney, Jr. (University of Idaho 1963) - BCA Administration
Darrel R. Perry (University of Idaho 1976) - BCA Administration
Joseph N. Rumble (University of Idaho 1952) - BCA Administration
James D. Seale (University of Idaho 1974) - BCA Administration
Donald L. Shelton (University of Idaho 1976) - BCA Administration
Mitchell J. Sonnen (University of Idaho 1986) - BCA Administration
Barry L. Zamzow (University of Idaho 1975) - BCA Administration
V. David Amacher (University of Illinois 1977) - BCA Chairman/President
Jeron J. Blood (University of Illinois 2010) - BCA Chairman/President
William J. Carmichael (University of Illinois 1942) - BCA Chairman/President
Robert T. Fischer (University of Illinois 1959) - BCA Chairman/President
John M. Grier (University of Illinois 1986) - BCA Chairman/President
Charles R. Ieuter (University of Illinois 1983) - BCA Chairman/President
Mathew J. Marty (University of Illinois 1980) - BCA Chairman/President
Derek S. Rockwell (University of Illinois 2007) - BCA Chairman/President
Kurt S. Zellner (University of Illinois 2015) - BCA Chairman/President
Champ W. Davis, Jr. (University of Illinois 1962) - BCA Finances
Ned T. Davis (University of Illinois 1938) - BCA Finances
Brett J. Decker (University of Illinois 1994) - BCA Finances
Matthew W. Fisher (University of Illinois 2015) - BCA Finances
James B. Hickey, Jr. (University of Illinois 1975) - BCA Finances
Matthew J. Kirby (University of Illinois 2012) - BCA Finances
Ward F. McDonald (University of Illinois 1964) - BCA Finances
Loren E. Mears (University of Illinois 1977) - BCA Finances
Zachary R. Zilbershatz (University of Illinois 2008) - BCA Finances
Peter O. Bower (University of Illinois 1972) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Michael M. Curran (University of Illinois 1977) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Michael G. Fergus (University of Illinois 2009) - BCA Foundation of Courage
G. R. Hess (University of Illinois 1928) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Ward F. McDonald (University of Illinois 1964) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Thomas T. Neal (University of Illinois 1965) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Justin Poole, MD (University of Illinois 2009) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Christopher J. Carbone (University of Illinois 2007) - BCA Graduate Relations
Donald J. Hruska (University of Illinois 2013) - BCA Graduate Relations
David M. Neupert (University of Illinois 1961) - BCA Graduate Relations
Justin Poole, MD (University of Illinois 2009) - BCA Graduate Relations
William H. Young (University of Illinois 1946) - BCA Graduate Relations
Majesh M. Abraham (University of Illinois 2007) - BCA Miscellaneous
Shane M. Allen (University of Illinois 2008) - BCA Miscellaneous
Donald R. Arnold, PhD (University of Illinois 1962) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew B. Bertucci (University of Illinois 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
William J. Carmichael (University of Illinois 1942) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert T. Fischer (University of Illinois 1959) - BCA Miscellaneous
Aaron Geise (University of Illinois 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
William M. Goldstein (University of Illinois 1966) - BCA Miscellaneous
Charles P. Gore, III (University of Illinois 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kyle P. Hewerdine (University of Illinois 2008) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew D. Kowalewski (University of Illinois 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kurt V. Lauridsen (University of Illinois 1959) - BCA Miscellaneous
Allen E. Lind (University of Illinois 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ward F. McDonald (University of Illinois 1964) - BCA Miscellaneous
James J. McGuire (University of Illinois 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ryan W. Mercer (University of Illinois 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher A. Moyer (University of Illinois 1962) - BCA Miscellaneous
Tyler J. Sendt (University of Illinois 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
William A. Tebussek (University of Illinois 1969) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gilbert H. Turner (University of Illinois 1928) - BCA Miscellaneous
William J. Carmichael (University of Illinois 1942) - BCA Public Relations
Jack W. Davis (University of Illinois 1967) - BCA Public Relations
Arthur G. Fish (University of Illinois 1938) - BCA Public Relations
Gordon L. Leach (University of Illinois 1953) - BCA Public Relations
Jacob A. Annala (University of Illinois 2013) - BCA Recruitment
Peter O. Bower (University of Illinois 1972) - BCA Recruitment
Michael Drackley (University of Illinois 2013) - BCA Recruitment
William M. Goldstein (University of Illinois 1966) - BCA Recruitment
Michael R. Hodgson (University of Illinois 1977) - BCA Recruitment
Thomas M. Jump (University of Illinois 1979) - BCA Recruitment
Jon R. Knazur (University of Illinois 2008) - BCA Recruitment
Allen E. Lind (University of Illinois 1970) - BCA Recruitment
Charles D. Miller (University of Illinois 1972) - BCA Recruitment
William A. Tebussek (University of Illinois 1969) - BCA Recruitment
James B. Hickey, Jr. (University of Illinois 1975) - BCA Ritual
Utham P. Balachandran (University of Illinois 2008) - BCA Scholarship
Andrew C. Farver (University of Illinois 2014) - BCA Scholarship
Arthur G. Fish (University of Illinois 1938) - BCA Scholarship
G. R. Hess (University of Illinois 1928) - BCA Scholarship
Timothy E. Murray (University of Illinois 1975) - BCA Scholarship
James L. Russell (University of Illinois 1961) - BCA Scholarship
Michael Drackley (University of Illinois 2013) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Brian S. Fisher (University of Illinois 2011) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Champ W. Davis, Jr. (University of Illinois 1962) - BCA Trustee
William M. Goldstein (University of Illinois 1966) - BCA Trustee
Charles R. Ieuter (University of Illinois 1983) - BCA Trustee
Patrick C. Keeley (University of Illinois 1974) - BCA Trustee
Joshua P. Laufenberg (University of Illinois 2008) - BCA Trustee
Christopher A. Moyer (University of Illinois 1962) - BCA Trustee
Theodore P. Woerner, Jr. (University of Illinois 1983) - BCA Trustee
Bill M. Amacher (University of Illinois 1977) - BCA Administration
Donald R. Arnold, PhD (University of Illinois 1962) - BCA Administration
Allen E. Lind (University of Illinois 1970) - BCA Administration
William D. Baker (University of Iowa 1977) - BCA Chairman/President
Marc T. Beltrame (University of Iowa 1997) - BCA Chairman/President
John A. Bobst (University of Iowa 1999) - BCA Chairman/President
Daniel L. Martens (University of Iowa 1991) - BCA Chairman/President
Mason A. Miller (University of Iowa 2023) - BCA Chairman/President
Timothy B. Rapp (University of Iowa 1993) - BCA Chairman/President
Craig A. Welt (University of Iowa 1975) - BCA Chairman/President
Michael C. Woody (University of Iowa 1981) - BCA Chairman/President
Jeffrey M. Kammerer (University of Iowa 1985) - BCA Finances
John S. Koza (University of Iowa 1967) - BCA Finances
Bradley C. Nielsen (University of Iowa 1986) - BCA Finances
Robert J. Noser (University of Iowa 1979) - BCA Finances
Craig A. Welt (University of Iowa 1975) - BCA Finances
R. Douglas Bramhall (University of Iowa 1969) - BCA Foundation of Courage
James K. Brooke (University of Iowa 1984) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Jonathan M. Covault (University of Iowa 1977) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Christopher R. Gunnare (University of Iowa 1986) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Kelton D. Nelson (University of Iowa 1974) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Brian W. Wood (University of Iowa 1973) - BCA Foundation of Courage
William D. Baker (University of Iowa 1977) - BCA Graduate Relations
John A. Bobst (University of Iowa 1999) - BCA Graduate Relations
Craig A. Boyle (University of Iowa 1978) - BCA Graduate Relations
David J. Cunningham (University of Iowa 1984) - BCA Graduate Relations
John E. Rice (University of Iowa 1974) - BCA Graduate Relations
William D. Baker (University of Iowa 1977) - BCA Miscellaneous
John A. Bobst (University of Iowa 1999) - BCA Miscellaneous
Douglas A. Bogenreif (University of Iowa 1954) - BCA Miscellaneous
Scott Bogguss (University of Iowa 1968) - BCA Miscellaneous
Lance R. Brandt (University of Iowa 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jacob D. Byers (University of Iowa 2016) - BCA Miscellaneous
Adam S. Claypool (University of Iowa 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bradley L. Cronin (University of Iowa 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Tom Drew (University of Iowa 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brent C. Fredrickson (University of Iowa 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bradley A. Freese (University of Iowa 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
Charles H. Ganske (University of Iowa 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian S. Gillman (University of Iowa 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher R. Gunnare (University of Iowa 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bradley K. Hiatt (University of Iowa 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Paul M. Huntley (University of Iowa 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph S. Kelly, Jr. (University of Iowa 1971) - BCA Miscellaneous
Winfield G. Mayne (University of Iowa 1962) - BCA Miscellaneous
Steven A. Michalek (University of Iowa 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bradley C. Nielsen (University of Iowa 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brad Orpano (University of Iowa 2018) - BCA Miscellaneous
William M. Pace (University of Iowa 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Lyndon T. Peterson (University of Iowa 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Fred A. Riddle, Jr. (University of Iowa 1965) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas F. Roberson (University of Iowa 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stephen M. Stewart (University of Iowa 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
William H. Sutton (University of Iowa 1960) - BCA Miscellaneous
John S. Tieszen (University of Iowa 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jerrold Wanek (University of Iowa 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian W. Wood (University of Iowa 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew M. Maude (University of Iowa 1987) - BCA Public Relations
Todd C. Bell (University of Iowa 1974) - BCA Recruitment
James K. Brooke (University of Iowa 1984) - BCA Recruitment
Justin W. Cochren (University of Iowa 2005) - BCA Recruitment
Terry A. Davis (University of Iowa 1972) - BCA Recruitment
Wayne B. Fett (University of Iowa 1976) - BCA Recruitment
Gary L. Fletcher (University of Iowa 1968) - BCA Recruitment
John S. Koza (University of Iowa 1967) - BCA Recruitment
Jeffrey A. Neppl (University of Iowa 1983) - BCA Recruitment
Brett A. Noser (University of Iowa 1983) - BCA Recruitment
Stephen M. Stewart (University of Iowa 1972) - BCA Recruitment
John S. Tieszen (University of Iowa 1985) - BCA Recruitment
Stephen M. Stewart (University of Iowa 1972) - BCA Ritual
Brian W. Wood (University of Iowa 1973) - BCA Ritual
Ted O. Yanecek (University of Iowa 1978) - BCA Ritual
Jeffrey A. Bagford (University of Iowa 1977) - BCA Scholarship
Christopher R. Buren (University of Iowa 2001) - BCA Scholarship
Brad A. Carlson (University of Iowa 2003) - BCA Scholarship
Chan L. Coulter (University of Iowa 1950) - BCA Scholarship
Gary L. Fletcher (University of Iowa 1968) - BCA Scholarship
David K. Lange (University of Iowa 1982) - BCA Scholarship
Brian W. Wood (University of Iowa 1973) - BCA Scholarship
Brian W. Wood (University of Iowa 1973) - BCA Trustee
Erol S. Apaydin (University of Iowa 1980) - BCA Administration
Jeffrey A. Bagford (University of Iowa 1977) - BCA Administration
Jeffrey M. Kammerer (University of Iowa 1985) - BCA Built to Lead
John S. Koza (University of Iowa 1967) - BCA Administration
James L. Anderson (University of Kansas 1962) - BCA Chairman/President
James E. Bloom (University of Kansas 1980) - BCA Chairman/President
Jeffrey S. Bloskey (University of Kansas 1989) - BCA Chairman/President
Thomas C. Carter (University of Kansas 1978) - BCA Chairman/President
D. Andrew Draper (University of Kansas 1990) - BCA Chairman/President
Doug W. Draper (University of Kansas 1993) - BCA Chairman/President
Steven J. Heeney (University of Kansas 1978) - BCA Chairman/President
Matthew T. Johnson (University of Kansas 2018) - BCA Chairman/President
Leo C. Lutz (University of Kansas 1961) - BCA Chairman/President
William L. Mills (University of Kansas 1994) - BCA Chairman/President
Mark G. Noller (University of Kansas 1985) - BCA Chairman/President
Philip D. Patterson (University of Kansas 1970) - BCA Chairman/President
Michael J. Reynolds (University of Kansas 1988) - BCA Chairman/President
Paul A. Rupp (University of Kansas 1989) - BCA Chairman/President
Roger H. Templin (University of Kansas 1989) - BCA Chairman/President
Samuel D. Campbell (University of Kansas 1970) - BCA Finances
Mark D. Chase (University of Kansas 1980) - BCA Finances
John H. Foster (University of Kansas 2019) - BCA Finances
Kurt J. Goeser (University of Kansas 1993) - BCA Finances
Jack E. Gove, USNR (University of Kansas 1950) - BCA Finances
James M. Hall, IV (University of Kansas 1980) - BCA Finances
Kevin F. Mitchelson (University of Kansas 1979) - BCA Finances
Philip D. Patterson (University of Kansas 1970) - BCA Finances
Richard L. Penfold (University of Kansas 1952) - BCA Finances
Michael J. Reynolds (University of Kansas 1988) - BCA Finances
J. R. Williams (University of Kansas 1950) - BCA Finances
William W. Altman, Jr. (University of Kansas 1976) - BCA Foundation of Courage
James L. Anderson (University of Kansas 1962) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Paul H. Black (University of Kansas 1976) - BCA Foundation of Courage
A. Jake Brown (University of Kansas 2002) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Clint A. Harris (University of Kansas 1999) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Jeffrey D. Morris (University of Kansas 1990) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Brett L. Pollard (University of Kansas 2014) - BCA Foundation of Courage
David R. Smith (University of Kansas 1985) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Roger H. Templin (University of Kansas 1989) - BCA Foundation of Courage
David E. Norris (University of Kansas 1966) - BCA Graduate Relations
Philip D. Patterson (University of Kansas 1970) - BCA Graduate Relations
Robert P. Radcliffe (University of Kansas 1961) - BCA Graduate Relations
Stephen S. Schaefer (University of Kansas 1991) - BCA Graduate Relations
George E. Selders (University of Kansas 1974) - BCA Graduate Relations
John C. Thomas (University of Kansas 1983) - BCA Graduate Relations
Theodore Wiklund, III (University of Kansas 1964) - BCA Graduate Relations
Kirk S. Williams (University of Kansas 1983) - BCA Graduate Relations
Sean D. Williams (University of Kansas 1978) - BCA Graduate Relations
Scott C. Adams (University of Kansas 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
John R. Allison (University of Kansas 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
James L. Anderson (University of Kansas 1962) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. Brooks Augustine (University of Kansas 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
W. R. Augustine (University of Kansas 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
Roger L. Bainbridge (University of Kansas 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew C. Benge (University of Kansas 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey S. Bloskey (University of Kansas 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
William G. Briggs (University of Kansas 2021) - BCA Miscellaneous
Scott R. Burrus (University of Kansas 2008) - BCA Miscellaneous
D. Andrew Draper (University of Kansas 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. Scott Fitzgerald, CFP, CIMA, CPWA (University of Kansas 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kurt J. Goeser (University of Kansas 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stephen G. Gulick (University of Kansas 1995) - BCA Miscellaneous
James M. Hall, IV (University of Kansas 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Todd C. Hatton (University of Kansas 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Patrick H. Haverty (University of Kansas 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
George M. Heinlein (University of Kansas 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
John R. Hunter, Sr. (University of Kansas 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brandon T. Jackson (University of Kansas 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Erich J. Lanz (University of Kansas 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Nicholas J. Lee (University of Kansas 2008) - BCA Miscellaneous
Leo C. Lutz (University of Kansas 1961) - BCA Miscellaneous
Terence G. McGreevy (University of Kansas 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
Roger W. Metz, Jr. (University of Kansas 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
John H. Mitchelson (University of Kansas 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas J. Moore, Jr. (University of Kansas 1958) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey D. Morris (University of Kansas 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark G. Noller (University of Kansas 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
David E. Norris (University of Kansas 1966) - BCA Miscellaneous
D. Lee Oldridge (University of Kansas 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert P. Radcliffe (University of Kansas 1961) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael J. Reynolds (University of Kansas 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian W. Rodkey (University of Kansas 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert E. Roth (University of Kansas 1954) - BCA Miscellaneous
Paul A. Rupp (University of Kansas 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Seth T. Rupp (University of Kansas 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stephen S. Schaefer (University of Kansas 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard A. Skinner (University of Kansas 1959) - BCA Miscellaneous
David R. Smith (University of Kansas 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. Stephen Spines (University of Kansas 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael O. Taylor (University of Kansas 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
Roger H. Templin (University of Kansas 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher B. Vine (University of Kansas 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael R. Wagner (University of Kansas 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Russell T. Wagner (University of Kansas 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas A. Whittaker (University of Kansas 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
William R. Wilk (University of Kansas 2021) - BCA Miscellaneous
Sean D. Williams (University of Kansas 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
George E. Selders (University of Kansas 1974) - BCA Public Relations
Thomas W. Walker (University of Kansas 1992) - BCA Public Relations
Tyson W. Whiteside (University of Kansas 1966) - BCA Public Relations
Thomas C. Carter (University of Kansas 1978) - BCA Recruitment
Richard B. Cray, Jr. (University of Kansas 1976) - BCA Recruitment
Donald W. Hatton, MD (University of Kansas 1964) - BCA Recruitment
Aaron M. McKee (University of Kansas 1992) - BCA Recruitment
Jeffrey D. Morris (University of Kansas 1990) - BCA Recruitment
Mark G. Noller (University of Kansas 1985) - BCA Recruitment
Grant A. Peterson (University of Kansas 2017) - BCA Recruitment
Adam Wagner (University of Kansas 2013) - BCA Recruitment
Jordan J. Bartel (University of Kansas 2007) - BCA Risk Management
Jack E. Gove, USNR (University of Kansas 1950) - BCA Risk Management
John R. Hunter, Sr. (University of Kansas 1975) - BCA Risk Management
Scott F. Lehman (University of Kansas 1989) - BCA Risk Management
Thomas J. Moore, Jr. (University of Kansas 1958) - BCA Risk Management
Adam P. Smith (University of Kansas 2016) - BCA Risk Management
John R. Hunter, Sr. (University of Kansas 1975) - BCA Ritual
Robert L. Martin (University of Kansas 1956) - BCA Ritual
Kevin F. Mitchelson (University of Kansas 1979) - BCA Ritual
Philip D. Patterson (University of Kansas 1970) - BCA Ritual
Robert E. Roth (University of Kansas 1954) - BCA Ritual
David R. Bagby (University of Kansas 1973) - BCA Scholarship
James E. Bloom (University of Kansas 1980) - BCA Scholarship
Steven J. Heeney (University of Kansas 1978) - BCA Scholarship
Robert L. Martin (University of Kansas 1956) - BCA Scholarship
Seth T. Rupp (University of Kansas 1991) - BCA Scholarship
Roger H. Templin (University of Kansas 1989) - BCA Scholarship
Sean D. Williams (University of Kansas 1978) - BCA Scholarship
Seth T. Wingerter (University of Kansas 2020) - BCA Scholarship
Sean D. Williams (University of Kansas 1978) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Richard R. Boyd (University of Kansas 1993) - BCA Trustee
Doug W. Draper (University of Kansas 1993) - BCA Trustee
Kurt J. Goeser (University of Kansas 1993) - BCA Trustee
Steven J. Heeney (University of Kansas 1978) - BCA Trustee
Rex W. Henoch (University of Kansas 1979) - BCA Trustee
Marc F. Jasperson (University of Kansas 1978) - BCA Trustee
Kevin T. Kuster (University of Kansas 1991) - BCA Trustee
Erich J. Lanz (University of Kansas 2017) - BCA Trustee
David Lowden (University of Kansas 1989) - BCA Trustee
Jake B. Lueck (University of Kansas 2017) - BCA Trustee
Harold A. Mayor III (University of Kansas 1966) - BCA Trustee
William P. McGowan (University of Kansas 1986) - BCA Trustee
Kevin E. Nunnally (University of Kansas 1983) - BCA Trustee
David R. Smith (University of Kansas 1985) - BCA Trustee
Robert L. Smith, Jr. (University of Kansas 1987) - BCA Trustee
Christopher B. Vine (University of Kansas 1993) - BCA Trustee
Thomas J. Walsh (University of Kansas 1980) - BCA Trustee
Sean D. Williams (University of Kansas 1978) - BCA Trustee
James L. Anderson (University of Kansas 1962) - BCA Administration
Joseph T. Comiskey (University of Kansas 1974) - BCA Administration
Doug W. Draper (University of Kansas 1993) - BCA Administration
Kevin T. Kuster (University of Kansas 1991) - BCA Administration
Todd L. Laster (University of Kansas 1978) - BCA Administration
Michael B. Levand (University of Kansas 1974) - BCA Built to Lead
Dennis G. Powell (University of Kansas 1997) - BCA Administration
George E. Selders (University of Kansas 1974) - BCA Administration
George D. Wait (University of Kansas 1967) - BCA Administration
Steven E. Wickliff (University of Kansas 1963) - BCA Administration
Ray J. Blankenship (University of Kentucky 1984) - BCA Chairman/President
William R. Connell (University of Kentucky 1994) - BCA Chairman/President
J. Edward Corfman, II (University of Kentucky 2002) - BCA Chairman/President
Chris J. Crumrine (University of Kentucky 2008) - BCA Chairman/President
Robert E. Hall (University of Kentucky 1968) - BCA Chairman/President
Jim E. Krieger (University of Kentucky 1975) - BCA Chairman/President
Russell G. Williams, II (University of Kentucky 1974) - BCA Chairman/President
Ray J. Blankenship (University of Kentucky 1984) - BCA Vice Chairman
Charles D. Fields (University of Kentucky 1982) - BCA Recording Secretary
Matthew L. Douglas (University of Kentucky 2006) - BCA Finances
Thomas R. Herndon, Jr. (University of Kentucky 1969) - BCA Finances
Edward R. Joyce (University of Kentucky 1977) - BCA Finances
Charles D. Leffler (University of Kentucky 1972) - BCA Finances
John T. Cook, PE (University of Kentucky 1971) - BCA Foundation of Courage
D. Barrett Gough (University of Kentucky 2005) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Scott E. Gurney (University of Kentucky 1997) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Benjamin R. Harper (University of Kentucky 1969) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Kevin E. McKiernan (University of Kentucky 1973) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Rex L. Bailey (University of Kentucky 1961) - BCA Graduate Relations
Thomas P. Brooks (University of Kentucky 1969) - BCA Graduate Relations
Alexander J. Moore (University of Kentucky 2013) - BCA Graduate Relations
J. Michael Pepper (University of Kentucky 1982) - BCA Graduate Relations
Scott V. Baker (University of Kentucky 2001) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kevin J. Brown (University of Kentucky 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
James T. Chapman (University of Kentucky 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas P. Chumbley (University of Kentucky 2007) - BCA Miscellaneous
William R. Connell (University of Kentucky 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
Chris J. Crumrine (University of Kentucky 2008) - BCA Miscellaneous
John Dahl (University of Kentucky 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
Eric M. Dullen (University of Kentucky 2016) - BCA Miscellaneous
Charles D. Fields (University of Kentucky 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Eric T. Haitz (University of Kentucky 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
Benjamin R. Harper (University of Kentucky 1969) - BCA Miscellaneous
Charles F. Holloway, III (University of Kentucky 1997) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jim E. Krieger (University of Kentucky 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
D. Tyler Mahoney (University of Kentucky 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
Travers B. Manley (University of Kentucky 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kevin E. McKiernan (University of Kentucky 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
James E. McMillin (University of Kentucky 2003) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher A. M. Quevedo (University of Kentucky 2008) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jason T. Reed (University of Kentucky 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
William E. Sallee (University of Kentucky 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ryan M. Shrout (University of Kentucky 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
Russell G. Williams, II (University of Kentucky 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stephen K. Wilson (University of Kentucky 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
L. Dale Abernathy (University of Kentucky 1963) - BCA Public Relations
Jim E. Krieger (University of Kentucky 1975) - BCA Public Relations
Charles D. Leffler (University of Kentucky 1972) - BCA Public Relations
Christopher A. M. Quevedo (University of Kentucky 2008) - BCA Recruitment
Chris J. Crumrine (University of Kentucky 2008) - BCA Risk Management
Mark S. Johnson (University of Kentucky 1977) - BCA Risk Management
Charles D. Weaver (University of Kentucky 1967) - BCA Risk Management
Fred A. Ament, III (University of Kentucky 1978) - BCA Ritual
William R. Connell (University of Kentucky 1994) - BCA Ritual
Alexander J. Moore (University of Kentucky 2013) - BCA Ritual
Stephen K. Wilson (University of Kentucky 1970) - BCA Ritual
Ray J. Blankenship (University of Kentucky 1984) - BCA Scholarship
D. Barrett Gough (University of Kentucky 2005) - BCA Scholarship
Mark S. Johnson (University of Kentucky 1977) - BCA Scholarship
Russell E. Puckett (University of Kentucky 1963) - BCA Scholarship
Andrew Z. Adams (University of Kentucky 2009) - BCA Trustee
Daniel R. Darby (University of Kentucky 2018) - BCA Trustee
Robert E. Hall (University of Kentucky 1968) - BCA Trustee
C. Edward Hastie (University of Kentucky 1968) - BCA Trustee
Charles F. Holloway, III (University of Kentucky 1997) - BCA Trustee
Thomas D. McKinley (University of Kentucky 2016) - BCA Trustee
C. Edward Hastie (University of Kentucky 1968) - BCA Administration
R. Burl McCoy, Jr. (University of Kentucky 1969) - BCA Administration
Mark T. Miller (University of Kentucky 1978) - BCA Administration
Parker H. Reynolds (University of Kentucky 2006) - BCA Built to Lead
Eugene D. Cote' III (University of Maine Orono 1981) - BCA Chairman/President
Alan E. Douville, Jr. (University of Maine Orono 1987) - BCA Chairman/President
Robert S. Leatherbee (University of Maine Orono 1976) - BCA Chairman/President
David C. McCarron (University of Maine Orono 1987) - BCA Chairman/President
Robert J. McKay, II (University of Maine Orono 1988) - BCA Chairman/President
William R. McLean (University of Maine Orono 1981) - BCA Chairman/President
Patrick E. Perry (University of Maine Orono 1982) - BCA Chairman/President
Stephen G. Perry (University of Maine Orono 1983) - BCA Chairman/President
David L. Smith (University of Maine Orono 1961) - BCA Chairman/President
Douglas B. Stewart (University of Maine Orono 1992) - BCA Chairman/President
Clifford C. Abbott, Jr. (University of Maine Orono 1977) - BCA Finances
Joel P. Gardiner (University of Maine Orono 1983) - BCA Finances
Thomas C. Hicks (University of Maine Orono 1982) - BCA Finances
James M. Joyce, III (University of Maine Orono 1982) - BCA Finances
James F. Kane, III (University of Maine Orono 1976) - BCA Finances
William A. Oliver (University of Maine Orono 1955) - BCA Finances
Jeffrey G. Stewart (University of Maine Orono 1985) - BCA Finances
Stephen A. Strand (University of Maine Orono 1977) - BCA Finances
Donald H. Marden, Jr. (University of Maine Orono 1987) - BCA Foundation of Courage
David C. McCarron (University of Maine Orono 1987) - BCA Foundation of Courage
David M. Rand (University of Maine Orono 1958) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Winfred A. Stevens (University of Maine Orono 1965) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Bruce A. Verrill (University of Maine Orono 1977) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Theodore S. Curtis (University of Maine Orono 1923) - BCA Graduate Relations
T. Charles Hazzard (University of Maine Orono 1983) - BCA Graduate Relations
Todd A. Jacobson (University of Maine Orono 1985) - BCA Graduate Relations
James F. Kane, III (University of Maine Orono 1976) - BCA Graduate Relations
Robert S. Leatherbee (University of Maine Orono 1976) - BCA Graduate Relations
John M. MacBrayne, III (University of Maine Orono 1969) - BCA Graduate Relations
Donald L. Mooers (University of Maine Orono 1960) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jonathan B. Smith (University of Maine Orono 1990) - BCA Graduate Relations
David R. Sposato (University of Maine Orono 1974) - BCA Graduate Relations
Scott A. Wallace (University of Maine Orono 1987) - BCA Graduate Relations
Sumner K. Blatt (University of Maine Orono 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Merle S. Brown (University of Maine Orono 1941) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew S. Cohen (University of Maine Orono 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Eugene D. Cote' III (University of Maine Orono 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew Doyle (University of Maine Orono 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
James S. Fassett (University of Maine Orono 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joel P. Gardiner (University of Maine Orono 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
James H. Goff (University of Maine Orono 1963) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kent L. Hall (University of Maine Orono 1977) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gary P. Jacobson (University of Maine Orono 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Edward H. Keith (University of Maine Orono 1949) - BCA Miscellaneous
John J. Kozlowsky (University of Maine Orono 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph Leporati (University of Maine Orono 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
David C. McCarron (University of Maine Orono 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Sean T. McCarthy (University of Maine Orono 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph M. McIntyre, II (University of Maine Orono 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jonathan T. Oakes (University of Maine Orono 1977) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stephen G. Perry (University of Maine Orono 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Pierson D. Petropoulos (University of Maine Orono 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
Roger T. Routh (University of Maine Orono 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark E. Russell (University of Maine Orono 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert C. Russell (University of Maine Orono 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
David R. Sposato (University of Maine Orono 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
Charles E. Stickney, Jr. (University of Maine Orono 1944) - BCA Miscellaneous
Braeme B. Thurrell (University of Maine Orono 1998) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joel P. Gardiner (University of Maine Orono 1983) - BCA Public Relations
John C. Johnson (University of Maine Orono 1964) - BCA Public Relations
Roland MacLeod (University of Maine Orono 1949) - BCA Public Relations
Jonathan T. Oakes (University of Maine Orono 1977) - BCA Public Relations
Daniel J. Theriault (University of Maine Orono 1978) - BCA Public Relations
Timothy A. Ames (University of Maine Orono 1980) - BCA Recruitment
Eugene D. Cote' III (University of Maine Orono 1981) - BCA Recruitment
James S. Fassett (University of Maine Orono 1983) - BCA Recruitment
John C. Johnson (University of Maine Orono 1964) - BCA Recruitment
David M. Rand (University of Maine Orono 1958) - BCA Recruitment
Roger T. Routh (University of Maine Orono 1990) - BCA Recruitment
Stephen W. Swan (University of Maine Orono 1982) - BCA Recruitment
John E. Sweat (University of Maine Orono 1986) - BCA Recruitment
Paul F. McCarron (University of Maine Orono 1963) - BCA Risk Management
David L. Smith (University of Maine Orono 1961) - BCA Risk Management
Theodore S. Curtis (University of Maine Orono 1923) - BCA Ritual
John M. MacBrayne, III (University of Maine Orono 1969) - BCA Ritual
William R. McLean (University of Maine Orono 1981) - BCA Ritual
John S. Wallace (University of Maine Orono 1981) - BCA Ritual
Alan E. Douville, Jr. (University of Maine Orono 1987) - BCA Scholarship
William A. Oliver (University of Maine Orono 1955) - BCA Scholarship
David M. Rand (University of Maine Orono 1958) - BCA Scholarship
Stephen W. Swan (University of Maine Orono 1982) - BCA Scholarship
Douglas H. Banks (University of Maine Orono 1982) - BCA Trustee
Andrew C. Bradford (University of Maine Orono 1987) - BCA Trustee
Scott M. Carson (University of Maine Orono 1995) - BCA Trustee
Jason C. Charland (University of Maine Orono 1995) - BCA Trustee
Jay L. Clement (University of Maine Orono 1982) - BCA Trustee
William Doyle (University of Maine Orono 1994) - BCA Trustee
Harold C. Flynn, Jr. (University of Maine Orono 1987) - BCA Trustee
Donald H. Marden, Jr. (University of Maine Orono 1987) - BCA Trustee
William R. McLean (University of Maine Orono 1981) - BCA Trustee
Patrick E. Perry (University of Maine Orono 1982) - BCA Trustee
Jonathan B. Smith (University of Maine Orono 1990) - BCA Trustee
Christopher E. Thacker (University of Maine Orono 1992) - BCA Trustee
Braeme B. Thurrell (University of Maine Orono 1998) - BCA Trustee
John W. Ballou (University of Maine Orono 1949) - BCA Administration
Keith P. Blanchette (University of Maine Orono 1982) - BCA Administration
Harold C. Flynn, Jr. (University of Maine Orono 1987) - BCA Administration
Thomas C. Hicks (University of Maine Orono 1982) - BCA Administration
John J. Kozlowsky (University of Maine Orono 1992) - BCA Built to Lead
Robert S. Leatherbee (University of Maine Orono 1976) - BCA Administration
William R. McLean (University of Maine Orono 1981) - BCA Administration
David M. Rand (University of Maine Orono 1958) - BCA Administration
David L. Smith (University of Maine Orono 1961) - BCA Administration
Matthew L. Bowen (University of Maryland 2005) - BCA Chairman/President
E. Lindell Bowman, III (University of Maryland 1987) - BCA Chairman/President
Brian M. Corcoran (University of Maryland 2014) - BCA Chairman/President
James D. Gray (University of Maryland 2013) - BCA Chairman/President
Paul T. Inglisa (University of Maryland 1988) - BCA Chairman/President
Jeffrey A. Novotny, Jr. (University of Maryland 2005) - BCA Chairman/President
Dale W. Rickenbach (University of Maryland 1981) - BCA Chairman/President
Patrick D. Welch (University of Maryland 1983) - BCA Chairman/President
Kurt L. Zanelotti (University of Maryland 1980) - BCA Chairman/President
Samuel C. Fellows (University of Maryland 2008) - BCA Vice Chairman
David C. Woll, Jr. (University of Maryland 1987) - BCA Recording Secretary
James A. Batchelder (University of Maryland 1982) - BCA Finances
Donald A. Burns (University of Maryland 1985) - BCA Finances
Stephen D. Erickson (University of Maryland 1986) - BCA Finances
Neil B. Markowitz (University of Maryland 2007) - BCA Finances
Brandon Perry (University of Maryland 2021) - BCA Finances
Patrick D. Welch (University of Maryland 1983) - BCA Finances
G. Phillip Albamonte (University of Maryland 1980) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Steven M. Feldman (University of Maryland 2001) - BCA Foundation of Courage
E. Lindell Bowman, III (University of Maryland 1987) - BCA Graduate Relations
Gregg J. Fitzpatrick (University of Maryland 1980) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jeffrey E. Burchman (University of Maryland 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jacob Davidoff (University of Maryland 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
Nicholas S. Dawson (University of Maryland 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
James D. Gray (University of Maryland 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew Hart (University of Maryland 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
George W. Howard (University of Maryland 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
William H. Musser, Jr. (University of Maryland 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
James A. Poulos (University of Maryland 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard A. Sargent (University of Maryland 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Zachary B. Schwartz (University of Maryland 2009) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ronald D. Seibel (University of Maryland 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jordan H. Spector (University of Maryland 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew M. Stottmann (University of Maryland 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark J. Waclawski (University of Maryland 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Vincent Walsh (University of Maryland 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kurt L. Zanelotti (University of Maryland 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kurt L. Zanelotti (University of Maryland 1980) - BCA Public Relations
Matthew B. Bright (University of Maryland 2011) - BCA Recruitment
Glen A. Hellman (University of Maryland 1979) - BCA Recruitment
Rosendo G. Parra (University of Maryland 1982) - BCA Recruitment
Brian L. Sibener (University of Maryland 2006) - BCA Recruitment
Kurt L. Zanelotti (University of Maryland 1980) - BCA Recruitment
James P. Scherr (University of Maryland 1979) - BCA Risk Management
K. Brian Armor (University of Maryland 1988) - BCA Scholarship
Joseph A. Sierzega, Jr. (University of Maryland 2006) - BCA Trustee
Hector L. Alicea (University of Maryland 1986) - BCA Administration
James Gaitan (University of Maryland 1983) - BCA Administration
Dale W. Rickenbach (University of Maryland 1981) - BCA Administration
Timothy J. Chin (University of Massachusetts 2013) - BCA Chairman/President
Leo X. Lin (University of Massachusetts 2015) - BCA Chairman/President
Jordan P. Bennett (University of Massachusetts 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Austen M. Campbell (University of Massachusetts 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew T. Clinton (University of Massachusetts 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Vangjush Dedo (University of Massachusetts 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Arber R. Doci (University of Massachusetts 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
Donald Doci (University of Massachusetts 2016) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew P. Fortune (University of Massachusetts 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian M. Kotowski (University of Massachusetts 2016) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jonathan A. Kupperman (University of Massachusetts 2016) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joshua Murphy (University of Massachusetts 2016) - BCA Miscellaneous
Timothy F. Silvernail (University of Massachusetts 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bradley L. West (University of Massachusetts 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
Austen M. Campbell (University of Massachusetts 2014) - BCA Recruitment
Andrew T. Clinton (University of Massachusetts 2014) - BCA Trustee
Vangjush Dedo (University of Massachusetts 2014) - BCA Trustee
Arber R. Doci (University of Massachusetts 2013) - BCA Trustee
Donald Doci (University of Massachusetts 2016) - BCA Trustee
Matthew P. Fortune (University of Massachusetts 2015) - BCA Trustee
Brian M. Kotowski (University of Massachusetts 2016) - BCA Trustee
Jonathan A. Kupperman (University of Massachusetts 2016) - BCA Trustee
Joshua Murphy (University of Massachusetts 2016) - BCA Trustee
Timothy F. Silvernail (University of Massachusetts 2014) - BCA Trustee
Bradley L. West (University of Massachusetts 2013) - BCA Trustee
Craig T. Hofer (University of Memphis 1982) - BCA Chairman/President
Michael J. Keith (University of Memphis 1989) - BCA Chairman/President
Roy E. Murrell (University of Memphis 1996) - BCA Chairman/President
Robert A. Svoboda (University of Memphis 1978) - BCA Chairman/President
Paul A. Woods (University of Memphis 1993) - BCA Chairman/President
Richard G. Groff (University of Memphis 1991) - BCA Recording Secretary
William D. Holt, Jr. (University of Memphis 1973) - BCA Recording Secretary
David C. Kraehmer (University of Memphis 1994) - BCA Recording Secretary
Robert F. Barton (University of Memphis 1977) - BCA Finances
J. Mark Harris (University of Memphis 1995) - BCA Finances
Craig T. Hofer (University of Memphis 1982) - BCA Finances
William D. Holt, Jr. (University of Memphis 1973) - BCA Finances
Ted A. Showalter (University of Memphis 1991) - BCA Finances
James R. Trimbach (University of Memphis 1982) - BCA Finances
Robert F. Barton (University of Memphis 1977) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Jeffrey L. Bowden (University of Memphis 1988) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Richard G. Groff (University of Memphis 1991) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Donald R. Hankinson, Jr. (University of Memphis 1983) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Stephen P. Parish (University of Memphis 1973) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Johnny T. Stewart (University of Memphis 1974) - BCA Foundation of Courage
L. Ray Baumgartner, II (University of Memphis 1975) - BCA Graduate Relations
John C. Betsa (University of Memphis 1976) - BCA Graduate Relations
William D. Holt, Jr. (University of Memphis 1973) - BCA Graduate Relations
Dillon A. Scruggs, III (University of Memphis 1980) - BCA Graduate Relations
Russell W. Sims, III (University of Memphis 1973) - BCA Graduate Relations
Johnny T. Stewart (University of Memphis 1974) - BCA Graduate Relations
John W. Campbell (University of Memphis 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Shawn M. Cochran (University of Memphis 1996) - BCA Miscellaneous
Burney E. Dickinson, III (University of Memphis 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard G. Groff (University of Memphis 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
James T. Guess (University of Memphis 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Owen A. Keith (University of Memphis 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
Hugh S. Mallory (University of Memphis 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert A. Svoboda (University of Memphis 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
Dillon A. Scruggs, III (University of Memphis 1980) - BCA Public Relations
Jeffrey L. Bowden (University of Memphis 1988) - BCA Recruitment
James P. Callicott (University of Memphis 2009) - BCA Recruitment
John W. Campbell (University of Memphis 1980) - BCA Recruitment
Larry T. Cunningham (University of Memphis 1973) - BCA Recruitment
W. Craig Locke (University of Memphis 2006) - BCA Recruitment
Dillon A. Scruggs, III (University of Memphis 1980) - BCA Recruitment
Johnny T. Stewart (University of Memphis 1974) - BCA Recruitment
John W. Campbell (University of Memphis 1980) - BCA Risk Management
John E. Gowen (University of Memphis 1974) - BCA Risk Management
Robert A. Davis (University of Memphis 2013) - BCA Ritual
William D. Holt, Jr. (University of Memphis 1973) - BCA Ritual
James M. Baker (University of Memphis 1988) - BCA Scholarship
John C. Betsa (University of Memphis 1976) - BCA Scholarship
Stephen P. Parish (University of Memphis 1973) - BCA Scholarship
Dan W. Swenson (University of Memphis 1978) - BCA Scholarship
Andrew M. Bell (University of Memphis 1993) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Robert C. Allen (University of Memphis 1995) - BCA Trustee
Gregory J. Gillen (University of Memphis 1996) - BCA Trustee
Craig T. Hofer (University of Memphis 1982) - BCA Trustee
W. Craig Locke (University of Memphis 2006) - BCA Trustee
Hugh S. Mallory (University of Memphis 1994) - BCA Trustee
Ted A. Showalter (University of Memphis 1991) - BCA Trustee
Paul A. Woods (University of Memphis 1993) - BCA Trustee
Johnny T. Stewart (University of Memphis 1974) - BCA Administration
Chris T. Cartwright (University of Michigan 1979) - BCA Chairman/President
Phelps M. Connell (University of Michigan 1950) - BCA Chairman/President
Alexander P. Garnepudi (University of Michigan 2007) - BCA Chairman/President
John D. Perry (University of Michigan 1985) - BCA Chairman/President
Edward P. Ross (University of Michigan 1980) - BCA Chairman/President
David M. Tremonti (University of Michigan 1985) - BCA Chairman/President
John F. Winch (University of Michigan 1946) - BCA Chairman/President
Arthur E. Albin (University of Michigan 1979) - BCA Finances
Paul M. Bisaro (University of Michigan 1983) - BCA Finances
Robert B. Evans, DDS (University of Michigan 1953) - BCA Finances
David M. Tremonti (University of Michigan 1985) - BCA Finances
Richard S. Bellas (University of Michigan 1987) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Donald E. DeMallie (University of Michigan 1978) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Kenneth A. Harris, Jr. (University of Michigan 1982) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Robert A. Meyers, DDS (University of Michigan 1958) - BCA Foundation of Courage
William G. Wilson, Jr. (University of Michigan 1981) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Donald E. DeMallie (University of Michigan 1978) - BCA Graduate Relations
Andrew C. Hans (University of Michigan 1981) - BCA Graduate Relations
Lee H. Jefferis (University of Michigan 1965) - BCA Graduate Relations
John V. Melick, III (University of Michigan 1984) - BCA Graduate Relations
David A. O'Brien (University of Michigan 1981) - BCA Graduate Relations
Clinton C. Wagner (University of Michigan 1958) - BCA Graduate Relations
William S. Zerman (University of Michigan 1949) - BCA Graduate Relations
Richard S. Bellas (University of Michigan 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
John M. Bisaro (University of Michigan 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert J. Brungraber (University of Michigan 1951) - BCA Miscellaneous
David I. Clark (University of Michigan 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Timothy L. Hill (University of Michigan 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
David J. Johnson (University of Michigan 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Charles A. Judge (University of Michigan 1962) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ernest H. McCoy (University of Michigan 1958) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark H. Penskar (University of Michigan 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard L. Pinkerton, PhD (University of Michigan 1955) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ted A. Poulton (University of Michigan 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael L. Quinn (University of Michigan 1969) - BCA Miscellaneous
Charles L. Simons (University of Michigan 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael R. Vasko (University of Michigan 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
Harry R. Walter (University of Michigan 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
William S. Zerman (University of Michigan 1949) - BCA Miscellaneous
Donald E. DeMallie (University of Michigan 1978) - BCA Public Relations
Christopher R. Genther (University of Michigan 1983) - BCA Public Relations
Timothy L. Hill (University of Michigan 1982) - BCA Public Relations
Kenneth A. Harris, Jr. (University of Michigan 1982) - BCA Recruitment
John J. Kistler (University of Michigan 1950) - BCA Recruitment
Scott G. Paris, PhD (University of Michigan 1968) - BCA Recruitment
John D. Tonkovich, PhD (University of Michigan 1972) - BCA Recruitment
Romulus B. Portwood (University of Michigan 1957) - BCA Risk Management
Charles E. Holland (University of Michigan 1946) - BCA Scholarship
Romulus B. Portwood (University of Michigan 1957) - BCA Scholarship
Richard S. Bellas (University of Michigan 1987) - BCA Trustee
George A. Fischer, Jr. (University of Michigan 1985) - BCA Trustee
Kenneth A. Harris, Jr. (University of Michigan 1982) - BCA Trustee
John V. Melick, III (University of Michigan 1984) - BCA Trustee
Robert B. Pierce (University of Michigan 1983) - BCA Trustee
David M. Tremonti (University of Michigan 1985) - BCA Trustee
Chris T. Cartwright (University of Michigan 1979) - BCA Administration
Kenneth A. Harris, Jr. (University of Michigan 1982) - BCA Built to Lead
Frederick A. Henderson (University of Michigan 1980) - BCA Administration
Daniel J. Dircz (University of Minnesota 2017) - BCA Chairman/President
Ryan J. Geary (University of Minnesota 2014) - BCA Chairman/President
Matthew K. Jorjorian (University of Minnesota 2012) - BCA Chairman/President
Troy M. Rossow (University of Minnesota 1986) - BCA Chairman/President
Jacob M. Stanczyk (University of Minnesota 2014) - BCA Chairman/President
Roger W. Whitman (University of Minnesota 1983) - BCA Chairman/President
Scott L. Grove (University of Minnesota 1971) - BCA Finances
Brian R. Johnson (University of Minnesota 1982) - BCA Finances
Gary C. Krivo (University of Minnesota 1983) - BCA Finances
Alejandro F. Mita Romero (University of Minnesota 2018) - BCA Finances
W. Penn Nelson (University of Minnesota 1957) - BCA Finances
William R. Rohlf (University of Minnesota 1980) - BCA Finances
Troy M. Rossow (University of Minnesota 1986) - BCA Finances
Kim W. Ufford (University of Minnesota 1979) - BCA Finances
Charles M. Felland (University of Minnesota 1978) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Donald S. Gish (University of Minnesota 1975) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Branden M. Reeves (University of Minnesota 2016) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Troy M. Rossow (University of Minnesota 1986) - BCA Foundation of Courage
James G. Awada, Sr. (University of Minnesota 1958) - BCA Graduate Relations
James M. Bartholomew (University of Minnesota 1981) - BCA Graduate Relations
Paul J. Michaelson (University of Minnesota 1981) - BCA Graduate Relations
Alexander S. Robertson (University of Minnesota 2011) - BCA Graduate Relations
David H. Syme (University of Minnesota 1922) - BCA Graduate Relations
Lukas J. Ball (University of Minnesota 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gunnar L. Carlson (University of Minnesota 1998) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas R. Colman (University of Minnesota 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
Daniel J. Dircz (University of Minnesota 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ryan J. Geary (University of Minnesota 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert J. Hanten (University of Minnesota 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
William F. Hullsiek (University of Minnesota 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew K. Jorjorian (University of Minnesota 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Tony Kochnitcharski (University of Minnesota 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Phillip J. Meyer (University of Minnesota 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher W. Muldrow (University of Minnesota 2018) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kitrick W. Myers (University of Minnesota 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
W. Penn Nelson (University of Minnesota 1957) - BCA Miscellaneous
Anthony P. Pavelski (University of Minnesota 2016) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew S. Riordan (University of Minnesota 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
Alexander S. Robertson (University of Minnesota 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert W. Schulke (University of Minnesota 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Artur A. Serebrenik (University of Minnesota 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Peter M. Simpkins (University of Minnesota 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jacob M. Stanczyk (University of Minnesota 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
David K. Stibbe (University of Minnesota 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Dale O. Thornsjo (University of Minnesota 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kim W. Ufford (University of Minnesota 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
Quinn C. Yesker (University of Minnesota 2021) - BCA Miscellaneous
James M. Bartholomew (University of Minnesota 1981) - BCA Recruitment
Thomas M. Bienemann (University of Minnesota 1971) - BCA Recruitment
Eric P. Christiansen (University of Minnesota 1976) - BCA Recruitment
Dennis C. Costello (University of Minnesota 1973) - BCA Recruitment
William F. Hullsiek (University of Minnesota 1980) - BCA Recruitment
Paul J. Michaelson (University of Minnesota 1981) - BCA Recruitment
William R. Rohlf (University of Minnesota 1980) - BCA Recruitment
David H. Syme (University of Minnesota 1922) - BCA Recruitment
Roger W. Whitman (University of Minnesota 1983) - BCA Recruitment
Thomas R. Mulcahy (University of Minnesota 1950) - BCA Risk Management
Jack L. Pfeilsticker (University of Minnesota 1967) - BCA Risk Management
Donald S. Gish (University of Minnesota 1975) - BCA Ritual
Thomas R. Mulcahy (University of Minnesota 1950) - BCA Ritual
Gregg A. Iverson (University of Minnesota 1967) - BCA Scholarship
Amelious N. Whyte, Jr. (University of Minnesota 1999) - BCA Scholarship
Thomas S. Hanten (University of Minnesota 1972) - BCA Administration
John R. Murdock, Jr. (University of Minnesota 1952) - BCA Administration
Kyler B. Nerison (University of Minnesota 2009) - BCA Administration
Stephen J. D'Surney (University of Mississippi 1999) - BCA Scholarship
Sam G. Cornelius (University of Missouri 1963) - BCA Chairman/President
John R. Cox (University of Missouri 1994) - BCA Chairman/President
Richard Halterman (University of Missouri 1970) - BCA Chairman/President
Edward A. More, II (University of Missouri 1939) - BCA Chairman/President
Grayson E. Peters (University of Missouri 1956) - BCA Chairman/President
Robert W. Pohl (University of Missouri 1964) - BCA Chairman/President
John W. St. Clair (University of Missouri 1984) - BCA Chairman/President
Richard V. Stauffer (University of Missouri 1993) - BCA Chairman/President
Stafford M. Swearingen (University of Missouri 1986) - BCA Chairman/President
Scott D. Benbrook (University of Missouri 2007) - BCA Finances
Michael G. Berry (University of Missouri 1981) - BCA Finances
Robert B. Branstetter (University of Missouri 1991) - BCA Finances
Christopher Graham, Esq. (University of Missouri 1968) - BCA Finances
Richard Halterman (University of Missouri 1970) - BCA Finances
John R. Kretzschmar (University of Missouri 1956) - BCA Finances
Larry R. Marshall (University of Missouri 1958) - BCA Finances
Thomas F. Maxwell (University of Missouri 1932) - BCA Finances
Michael J. Scanlan (University of Missouri 1963) - BCA Finances
Joseph C. Somerville, PMP (University of Missouri 1981) - BCA Finances
Paul L. Vogel (University of Missouri 1989) - BCA Finances
Timothy J. Wright (University of Missouri 1981) - BCA Finances
Stephen W. Cox (University of Missouri 1986) - BCA Foundation of Courage
William B. French (University of Missouri 1972) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Christopher T. Fuldner (University of Missouri 1973) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Christopher Graham, Esq. (University of Missouri 1968) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Marc R. Lewis (University of Missouri 2001) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Thomas J. Meyer (University of Missouri 1970) - BCA Foundation of Courage
N. Jacob Nichols (University of Missouri 2015) - BCA Foundation of Courage
John J. O'Neill (University of Missouri 2012) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Terry A. Shaw (University of Missouri 1977) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Larry E. Tate (University of Missouri 1967) - BCA Foundation of Courage
James D. Turner (University of Missouri 1971) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Kyle R. Volentine (University of Missouri 2013) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Aaron R. Berlin (University of Missouri 1993) - BCA Graduate Relations
Stephen Chadwick (University of Missouri 1970) - BCA Graduate Relations
Gordon A. Doak (University of Missouri 1969) - BCA Graduate Relations
Christopher A. Palmero (University of Missouri 2016) - BCA Graduate Relations
Norman E. Penfold, USN (University of Missouri 1948) - BCA Graduate Relations
Grayson E. Peters (University of Missouri 1956) - BCA Graduate Relations
Gerald M. Sill (University of Missouri 1966) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jeffrey L. Wagoner, USN (University of Missouri 1986) - BCA Graduate Relations
R. Casper Wright (University of Missouri 1986) - BCA Graduate Relations
A. Barrie Young, Jr. (University of Missouri 1941) - BCA Graduate Relations
Donald S. Burgess (University of Missouri 1962) - BCA Miscellaneous
P. Crismon Burnam (University of Missouri 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Edward H. Dawson (University of Missouri 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Frank R. Dawson, Jr. (University of Missouri 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey R. Garrett (University of Missouri 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard Halterman (University of Missouri 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
Eric M. Jasso (University of Missouri 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Trent C. Kelly (University of Missouri 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
James R. Koetting (University of Missouri 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
John R. Kretzschmar (University of Missouri 1956) - BCA Miscellaneous
Harold W. LeMert, Jr. (University of Missouri 1958) - BCA Miscellaneous
Donald E. Lewis (University of Missouri 1965) - BCA Miscellaneous
Dr. C. Patrick Reid (University of Missouri 1961) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ryan W. Sheridan (University of Missouri 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
H. W. Swearingen (University of Missouri 1959) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stafford M. Swearingen (University of Missouri 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert L. Albin (University of Missouri 1962) - BCA Public Relations
Stuart J. Montalvo (University of Missouri 1980) - BCA Public Relations
Edward A. More, II (University of Missouri 1939) - BCA Public Relations
Daniel C. Patterson (University of Missouri 1975) - BCA Public Relations
Michael J. Scanlan (University of Missouri 1963) - BCA Public Relations
A. James Snider (University of Missouri 1969) - BCA Public Relations
Robert A. Welborn (University of Missouri 1970) - BCA Public Relations
Marvin E. Wright (University of Missouri 1958) - BCA Public Relations
Robert L. Behrens (University of Missouri 1973) - BCA Recruitment
Robert C. Dykstra (University of Missouri 2002) - BCA Recruitment
Glen A. Glass (University of Missouri 1968) - BCA Recruitment
Richard Halterman (University of Missouri 1970) - BCA Recruitment
J. Christopher Hurt (University of Missouri 1988) - BCA Recruitment
Eric M. Jasso (University of Missouri 2005) - BCA Recruitment
Thomas J. Meyer (University of Missouri 1970) - BCA Recruitment
Edward A. More, II (University of Missouri 1939) - BCA Recruitment
Grayson E. Peters (University of Missouri 1956) - BCA Recruitment
Stafford M. Swearingen (University of Missouri 1986) - BCA Recruitment
Frank R. Dawson, Jr. (University of Missouri 1975) - BCA Risk Management
J. Kelly Hequembourg (University of Missouri 1996) - BCA Risk Management
Thaddeus W. Juilfs (University of Missouri 2013) - BCA Risk Management
William L. Orr (University of Missouri 1964) - BCA Risk Management
Robert W. Pohl (University of Missouri 1964) - BCA Risk Management
James D. Turner (University of Missouri 1971) - BCA Risk Management
Stephen Chadwick (University of Missouri 1970) - BCA Ritual
Glen A. Glass (University of Missouri 1968) - BCA Ritual
Terry A. Shaw (University of Missouri 1977) - BCA Ritual
Aaron R. Berlin (University of Missouri 1993) - BCA Scholarship
Phillip A. DiGasbarro (University of Missouri 2014) - BCA Scholarship
Charley R. Farris (University of Missouri 2005) - BCA Scholarship
Christopher T. Fuldner (University of Missouri 1973) - BCA Scholarship
Jack L. Havens (University of Missouri 1969) - BCA Scholarship
Adam R. Newman (University of Missouri 2000) - BCA Scholarship
Dr. C. Patrick Reid (University of Missouri 1961) - BCA Scholarship
Michael J. Scanlan (University of Missouri 1963) - BCA Scholarship
A. James Snider (University of Missouri 1969) - BCA Scholarship
J. C. Spangler (University of Missouri 1985) - BCA Scholarship
James D. Turner (University of Missouri 1971) - BCA Scholarship
Robert L. Albin (University of Missouri 1962) - BCA Administration
Donald C. Angell (University of Missouri 1994) - BCA Administration
Jack L. Havens (University of Missouri 1969) - BCA Administration
John R. Kretzschmar (University of Missouri 1956) - BCA Administration
Sean R. Moise (University of Missouri 2019) - BCA Administration
Donald C. Patterson (University of Missouri 1971) - BCA Administration
A. James Snider (University of Missouri 1969) - BCA Administration
Philip L. Clayton (University of Montana 1987) - BCA Chairman/President
Uri K. Farkas (University of Montana 1997) - BCA Chairman/President
Scott A. Nelson (University of Montana 1991) - BCA Chairman/President
Steven W. Young (University of Montana 1992) - BCA Vice Chairman
Russell W. Feist (University of Montana 1988) - BCA Recording Secretary
John C. Hauck (University of Montana 1988) - BCA Finances
Philip L. Clayton (University of Montana 1987) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Jeffrey W. Crews (University of Montana 1987) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Philip L. Clayton (University of Montana 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey W. Crews (University of Montana 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Russell W. Feist (University of Montana 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
James T. Hauck (University of Montana 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Clint D. Hinman (University of Montana 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Dean B. Hinman (University of Montana 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Galen J. Hollenbaugh (University of Montana 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gregory W. Lewis (University of Montana 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kevin C. McCarthy (University of Montana 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
Scott A. Nelson (University of Montana 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey B. Serviss (University of Montana 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Tad D. Smith (University of Montana 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Philip L. Clayton (University of Montana 1987) - BCA Recruitment
Jeffrey B. Serviss (University of Montana 1988) - BCA Recruitment
Tyon C. Hudson (University of Montevallo 2019) - BCA Chairman/President
Alexander H. Weldon (University of Montevallo 2019) - BCA Recording Secretary
Perry B. Hilyer (University of Montevallo 2015) - BCA Finances
Jordan J. Wilson (University of Montevallo 2018) - BCA Finances
Christopher E. Ward, Jr. (University of Montevallo 2021) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Zachary E. Watkins (University of Montevallo 2019) - BCA Graduate Relations
James C. Cranford (University of Montevallo 2019) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kahlil J. Kyles (University of Montevallo 2019) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher T. Miller (University of Montevallo 2018) - BCA Miscellaneous
Keontez Mitchell (University of Montevallo 2019) - BCA Public Relations
Bryant T. Thurman (University of Montevallo 2016) - BCA Recruitment
J. Isaac Devine (University of Montevallo 2019) - BCA Risk Management
Christian O. Smith (University of Montevallo 2020) - BCA Ritual
Xander D. Swain (University of Montevallo 2023) - BCA Scholarship
Solomon Balaam-Reed (University of Montevallo 2021) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Cameron R. McGuffie (University of Montevallo 2020) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Zachary M. Miller (University of Montevallo 2016) - BCA Administration
K. Aaron Story (University of Montevallo 2018) - BCA Administration
W. Kent Barney (University of Nebraska 1976) - BCA Chairman/President
Charles F. Clifford, III (University of Nebraska 1978) - BCA Chairman/President
Richard P. Garden, Jr. (University of Nebraska 1980) - BCA Chairman/President
Jack M. Horner, II (University of Nebraska 1979) - BCA Chairman/President
J. Cody Larson (University of Nebraska 2003) - BCA Chairman/President
Rohn P. Loyd (University of Nebraska 1973) - BCA Chairman/President
James D. McFarland (University of Nebraska 1971) - BCA Chairman/President
G. Greg Sawyers (University of Nebraska 1973) - BCA Chairman/President
Mark D. Scholz (University of Nebraska 2004) - BCA Chairman/President
Jon C. Snare (University of Nebraska 1989) - BCA Chairman/President
Timothy G. Wentz (University of Nebraska 1975) - BCA Chairman/President
Eric J. Drumheller (University of Nebraska 1998) - BCA Recording Secretary
Lloyd D. McBeth (University of Nebraska 1950) - BCA Recording Secretary
Curtis L. Banister (University of Nebraska 1978) - BCA Finances
Thomas J. Fitchett (University of Nebraska 1963) - BCA Finances
Richard P. Garden, Jr. (University of Nebraska 1980) - BCA Finances
Paul J. Gruidel (University of Nebraska 1986) - BCA Finances
Kenneth E. Hunter (University of Nebraska 1965) - BCA Finances
Jack W. Jessen (University of Nebraska 1984) - BCA Finances
Mark A. Zaback (University of Nebraska 1977) - BCA Finances
Patrick W. Ash (University of Nebraska 1967) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Richard P. Garden, Jr. (University of Nebraska 1980) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Scott S. Glup (University of Nebraska 1982) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Joseph W. Grant (University of Nebraska 1978) - BCA Foundation of Courage
S. S. Jackman (University of Nebraska 1974) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Joseph R. Kerrey (University of Nebraska 1965) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Maynard L. Krantz (University of Nebraska 1982) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Clark A. Robertson (University of Nebraska 1982) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Kent W. Rogert (University of Nebraska 1995) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Robert W. Shannon (University of Nebraska 1972) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Scott D. Walker (University of Nebraska 1980) - BCA Foundation of Courage
James R. Yates (University of Nebraska 1975) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Charles F. Clifford, III (University of Nebraska 1978) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jeffrey L. Freed (University of Nebraska 1972) - BCA Graduate Relations
Joseph W. Grant (University of Nebraska 1978) - BCA Graduate Relations
Kent A. Mahoney (University of Nebraska 1974) - BCA Graduate Relations
John D. Osterholm (University of Nebraska 1996) - BCA Graduate Relations
G. Greg Sawyers (University of Nebraska 1973) - BCA Graduate Relations
Patrick W. Ash (University of Nebraska 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
John W. Ballew, Jr. (University of Nebraska 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
W. Kent Barney (University of Nebraska 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey J. Blumel (University of Nebraska 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Travis Brizendine (University of Nebraska 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
F. Lee Bykerk (University of Nebraska 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert T. Chapman (University of Nebraska 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Aaron J. Drake (University of Nebraska 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Donald L. Ferguson (University of Nebraska 1963) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark S. Hahn (University of Nebraska 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jack M. Horner, II (University of Nebraska 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kenneth E. Hunter (University of Nebraska 1965) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael J. Johnson (University of Nebraska 1996) - BCA Miscellaneous
Wyman B. Kenagy (University of Nebraska 1929) - BCA Miscellaneous
James E. Killips (University of Nebraska 1966) - BCA Miscellaneous
Larry A. Kilstrup (University of Nebraska 1961) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kelly J. Kohl (University of Nebraska 1995) - BCA Miscellaneous
Donald R. Larson (University of Nebraska 1953) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joel G. Lonowski (University of Nebraska 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Rohn P. Loyd (University of Nebraska 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher M. Maher (University of Nebraska 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Lloyd D. McBeth (University of Nebraska 1950) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kyle J. McCormick-Brown (University of Nebraska 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
Shane A. Myers (University of Nebraska 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
Clark A. Robertson (University of Nebraska 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
G. Greg Sawyers (University of Nebraska 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
John S. Schuele (University of Nebraska 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jon C. Snare (University of Nebraska 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jerry C. Stirtz (University of Nebraska 1957) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew D. Webb (University of Nebraska 1997) - BCA Miscellaneous
Craig R. Zeller (University of Nebraska 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard M. Johnson (University of Nebraska 1972) - BCA Public Relations
Curtis L. McConnell (University of Nebraska 1983) - BCA Public Relations
Clark A. Robertson (University of Nebraska 1982) - BCA Public Relations
Neal J. Westphal (University of Nebraska 1963) - BCA Public Relations
Larry D. Aspegren (University of Nebraska 1963) - BCA Recruitment
Joseph W. Grant (University of Nebraska 1978) - BCA Recruitment
Mark S. Hahn (University of Nebraska 1978) - BCA Recruitment
Jeffrey C. Hanson (University of Nebraska 1986) - BCA Recruitment
Kelly J. Kohl (University of Nebraska 1995) - BCA Recruitment
Rohn P. Loyd (University of Nebraska 1973) - BCA Recruitment
Curtis L. McConnell (University of Nebraska 1983) - BCA Recruitment
G. Greg Sawyers (University of Nebraska 1973) - BCA Recruitment
James H. Childe (University of Nebraska 1966) - BCA Risk Management
Kenneth E. Hunter (University of Nebraska 1965) - BCA Risk Management
Bernard E. Ingram (University of Nebraska 1939) - BCA Risk Management
Joel G. Lonowski (University of Nebraska 1986) - BCA Risk Management
Rohn P. Loyd (University of Nebraska 1973) - BCA Risk Management
Charles F. Clifford, III (University of Nebraska 1978) - BCA Ritual
Thomas M. Haase (University of Nebraska 1970) - BCA Ritual
Jon C. Snare (University of Nebraska 1989) - BCA Ritual
William D. Sutter (University of Nebraska 1964) - BCA Ritual
Kevin L. Underwood (University of Nebraska 1982) - BCA Ritual
Rennie Walt (University of Nebraska 1968) - BCA Ritual
Paul D. Witherby (University of Nebraska 1972) - BCA Ritual
William W. Kenagy (University of Nebraska 1970) - BCA Scholarship
Eugene A. Macapinlac (University of Nebraska 1999) - BCA Scholarship
Timothy G. Wentz (University of Nebraska 1975) - BCA Scholarship
Neal J. Westphal (University of Nebraska 1963) - BCA Scholarship
Kenneth A. Wolfe (University of Nebraska 1973) - BCA Scholarship
Mark A. Wright (University of Nebraska 1974) - BCA Scholarship
James B. Goll (University of Nebraska 2001) - BCA Trustee
Patrick W. Ash (University of Nebraska 1967) - BCA Administration
Larry D. Aspegren (University of Nebraska 1963) - BCA Administration
James H. Childe (University of Nebraska 1966) - BCA Administration
Jeffrey L. Freed (University of Nebraska 1972) - BCA Administration
Richard P. Garden, Jr. (University of Nebraska 1980) - BCA Administration
Kenneth E. Hunter (University of Nebraska 1965) - BCA Administration
Trey J. Mytty (University of Nebraska 1996) - BCA Administration
Mark D. Scholz (University of Nebraska 2004) - BCA Administration
Mark A. Scott (University of Nebraska 2003) - BCA Administration
Matthew D. Allbright (University of Nebraska Kearney 2010) - BCA Chairman/President
Scott A. Benson (University of Nebraska Kearney 2009) - BCA Chairman/President
Travis M. Checketts (University of Nebraska Kearney 2008) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Scott A. Benson (University of Nebraska Kearney 2009) - BCA Miscellaneous
Patrick C. Brichta (University of New Mexico 2002) - BCA Chairman/President
Stephen E. Caine (University of New Mexico 1997) - BCA Chairman/President
Javier E. Manriquez (University of New Mexico 2012) - BCA Chairman/President
Sean M. Petersen (University of New Mexico 2000) - BCA Chairman/President
Joseph Samora (University of New Mexico 1978) - BCA Chairman/President
James E. Sweeney, III (University of New Mexico 1983) - BCA Chairman/President
Gary M. Armstrong (University of New Mexico 1973) - BCA Finances
J. Michael Coffman (University of New Mexico 1975) - BCA Finances
Greg L. Foltz (University of New Mexico 1973) - BCA Finances
Kevin M. Keller (University of New Mexico 1976) - BCA Finances
Christian M. Lanphere (University of New Mexico 2000) - BCA Finances
Robert O. Moore (University of New Mexico 1971) - BCA Finances
Mark W. Raybould (University of New Mexico 1979) - BCA Finances
Phillip D. Rivera (University of New Mexico 1981) - BCA Finances
David B. Walde (University of New Mexico 1983) - BCA Finances
Timothy Hartbarger (University of New Mexico 2012) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Michael E. Kline (University of New Mexico 1979) - BCA Foundation of Courage
William F. Lang (University of New Mexico 1977) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Matthew A. Stensland (University of New Mexico 2006) - BCA Foundation of Courage
David T. Stewart, Jr. (University of New Mexico 1980) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Paul T. Yarbrough (University of New Mexico 1984) - BCA Foundation of Courage
John F. Black (University of New Mexico 1971) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jonathan L. Gayer, PhD (University of New Mexico 1999) - BCA Graduate Relations
William T. Lay (University of New Mexico 2010) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jonathan A. Liebert (University of New Mexico 1999) - BCA Graduate Relations
Alan C. Rose (University of New Mexico 1978) - BCA Graduate Relations
David T. Stewart, Jr. (University of New Mexico 1980) - BCA Graduate Relations
Bryant I. Bancroft, MM (University of New Mexico 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
Larry D. Cochran, Jr. (University of New Mexico 1998) - BCA Miscellaneous
William H. Gamble (University of New Mexico 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Alan C. Rose (University of New Mexico 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
James E. Sweeney, III (University of New Mexico 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Timothy A. Brennan (University of New Mexico 1976) - BCA Public Relations
Michael A. Castillo, MD (University of New Mexico 1980) - BCA Public Relations
Greg L. Foltz (University of New Mexico 1973) - BCA Public Relations
Charles J. Ingle (University of New Mexico 1981) - BCA Public Relations
David G. Knapp (University of New Mexico 1981) - BCA Public Relations
Gary M. Armstrong (University of New Mexico 1973) - BCA Recruitment
John F. Black (University of New Mexico 1971) - BCA Recruitment
Stephen E. Caine (University of New Mexico 1997) - BCA Recruitment
John H. Coffman (University of New Mexico 1973) - BCA Recruitment
Richard W. Hobson (University of New Mexico 1967) - BCA Recruitment
Jack A. McCarthy, Jr. (University of New Mexico 1971) - BCA Recruitment
James E. Sweeney, III (University of New Mexico 1983) - BCA Recruitment
Ian W. Carmen (University of New Mexico 2015) - BCA Risk Management
Cody M. Seevers (University of New Mexico 2012) - BCA Ritual
Mark D. D'Alise (University of New Mexico 1978) - BCA Scholarship
Stephen E. Caine (University of New Mexico 1997) - BCA Trustee
Christopher M. Carrasco (University of New Mexico 1987) - BCA Trustee
James E. Sweeney, III (University of New Mexico 1983) - BCA Trustee
John D. Benavidez (University of New Mexico 1994) - BCA Administration
J. P. Bowdoin (University of New Mexico 1991) - BCA Administration
Christopher M. Carrasco (University of New Mexico 1987) - BCA Administration
Don C. Clampitt (University of New Mexico 1979) - BCA Administration
Thomas E. Joule (University of New Mexico 1969) - BCA Administration
Andrew M. Kriegel (University of New Mexico 1994) - BCA Administration
Jack A. McCarthy, Jr. (University of New Mexico 1971) - BCA Administration
Thomas S. McLain (University of New Mexico 1978) - BCA Administration
Mark W. Raybould (University of New Mexico 1979) - BCA Administration
Steven R. Tourville (University of New Mexico 1990) - BCA Administration
Jeremy S. Baham (University of North Alabama 1996) - BCA Chairman/President
LTC Hayes G. T. Ellis (University of North Alabama 1988) - BCA Chairman/President
J. David Gattman (University of North Alabama 1974) - BCA Chairman/President
John O. Glasscock (University of North Alabama 1985) - BCA Chairman/President
Chase A. Goode (University of North Alabama 2010) - BCA Chairman/President
R. Keith Henley (University of North Alabama 1989) - BCA Chairman/President
Michael B. Moeller (University of North Alabama 1968) - BCA Chairman/President
Donald H. Pitts (University of North Alabama 2001) - BCA Chairman/President
William P. Rogers (University of North Alabama 1975) - BCA Chairman/President
Stuart E. Ausborn (University of North Alabama 1998) - BCA Recording Secretary
Justin R. Sizemore (University of North Alabama 2002) - BCA Recording Secretary
Michael R. Martin (University of North Alabama 1998) - BCA Finances
R. Scott Pearson (University of North Alabama 1995) - BCA Finances
Daniel G. Tallman (University of North Alabama 2007) - BCA Finances
Douglas P. Tallman (University of North Alabama 1974) - BCA Finances
Matthew T. Axley (University of North Alabama 2007) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Justin W. Carter (University of North Alabama 2002) - BCA Foundation of Courage
J. David Gattman (University of North Alabama 1974) - BCA Foundation of Courage
John D. Gattman (University of North Alabama 1975) - BCA Foundation of Courage
J. Brett Sinyard (University of North Alabama 2007) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Frank C. Westervelt (University of North Alabama 1980) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Jeremy S. Baham (University of North Alabama 1996) - BCA Graduate Relations
Justin W. Carter (University of North Alabama 2002) - BCA Graduate Relations
Raymond J. Draper (University of North Alabama 1973) - BCA Graduate Relations
Marvin L. Gruber (University of North Alabama 1977) - BCA Graduate Relations
Albert H. Price, III (University of North Alabama 1975) - BCA Graduate Relations
Samir V. Beri (University of North Alabama 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
B. Gern Bryan, Jr. (University of North Alabama 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kyle G. Conrad (University of North Alabama 2009) - BCA Miscellaneous
Coty R. Coons (University of North Alabama 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
LTC Hayes G. T. Ellis (University of North Alabama 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jason S. Evans (University of North Alabama 1998) - BCA Miscellaneous
John O. Glasscock (University of North Alabama 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Chase A. Goode (University of North Alabama 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kerry P. Riley (University of North Alabama 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
William P. Rogers (University of North Alabama 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew B. Schutt (University of North Alabama 2007) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas L. Stewart (University of North Alabama 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jerry R. Witt (University of North Alabama 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
James L. Hunt (University of North Alabama 1959) - BCA Public Relations
William C. Whitlock (University of North Alabama 2007) - BCA Public Relations
Jerry R. Witt (University of North Alabama 1978) - BCA Public Relations
Michael G. Anthony (University of North Alabama 1999) - BCA Recruitment
Robert L. Cox (University of North Alabama 1982) - BCA Recruitment
Adam R. Gamble (University of North Alabama 2008) - BCA Recruitment
John D. Gattman (University of North Alabama 1975) - BCA Recruitment
Brian L. Morgan (University of North Alabama 1991) - BCA Recruitment
George J. Ellis, III (University of North Alabama 1980) - BCA Risk Management
Albert H. Price, III (University of North Alabama 1975) - BCA Ritual
Justin W. Carter (University of North Alabama 2002) - BCA Scholarship
Larry D. Carter (University of North Alabama 1978) - BCA Scholarship
James L. Hunt (University of North Alabama 1959) - BCA Scholarship
Hal M. Williams (University of North Alabama 1974) - BCA Scholarship
Adam R. Gamble (University of North Alabama 2008) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Stuart E. Ausborn (University of North Alabama 1998) - BCA Trustee
B. Gern Bryan, Jr. (University of North Alabama 1990) - BCA Trustee
Chase R. Hutcheson (University of North Alabama 2011) - BCA Trustee
Russell B. LeMay (University of North Alabama 1995) - BCA Trustee
Michael R. Martin (University of North Alabama 1998) - BCA Trustee
Jonathan C. McKinney (University of North Alabama 2002) - BCA Trustee
David J. Norvell (University of North Alabama 2000) - BCA Trustee
C. Ryan Pigg (University of North Alabama 2009) - BCA Trustee
Richard C. Walker (University of North Alabama 2001) - BCA Trustee
P. Blakely Williams (University of North Alabama 2000) - BCA Trustee
Jerry R. Witt (University of North Alabama 1978) - BCA Trustee
J. David Gattman (University of North Alabama 1974) - BCA Administration
Russell B. LeMay (University of North Alabama 1995) - BCA Built to Lead
Marvin J. Carver, III (University of North Carolina 1975) - BCA Chairman/President
Dylan J. Castellino (University of North Carolina 2011) - BCA Chairman/President
L. Penn Clarke (University of North Carolina 2009) - BCA Chairman/President
J. Daniel Gay, Jr. (University of North Carolina 1974) - BCA Chairman/President
Joseph S. Hogan (University of North Carolina 1990) - BCA Chairman/President
Joseph E. Peele (University of North Carolina 1977) - BCA Chairman/President
E. Samuel Simpson (University of North Carolina 1990) - BCA Chairman/President
James B. Sessoms (University of North Carolina 1976) - BCA Recording Secretary
Andrew W. Batchelor (University of North Carolina 2009) - BCA Finances
Ronald A. Batchelor (University of North Carolina 1981) - BCA Finances
H. Edward Boyles, Jr. (University of North Carolina 1984) - BCA Finances
Marvin J. Carver, III (University of North Carolina 1975) - BCA Finances
William S. Creekmuir (University of North Carolina 1977) - BCA Finances
Hayes R. Holderness (University of North Carolina 1979) - BCA Finances
Lawrence M. Johnson (University of North Carolina 1947) - BCA Finances
Thomas G. Nisbet, Jr. (University of North Carolina 1971) - BCA Finances
Henry N. Patterson (University of North Carolina 1931) - BCA Finances
D. Franklin Pierce (University of North Carolina 1977) - BCA Finances
William G. Cherry (University of North Carolina 1929) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Jackson B. Harris, II (University of North Carolina 1988) - BCA Foundation of Courage
W. J. McCoy (University of North Carolina 1975) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Marvin J. Carver, III (University of North Carolina 1975) - BCA Graduate Relations
Milton B. Cash (University of North Carolina 1948) - BCA Graduate Relations
L. Penn Clarke (University of North Carolina 2009) - BCA Graduate Relations
Charles W. Holderness (University of North Carolina 1974) - BCA Graduate Relations
John W. Hughes, III (University of North Carolina 1966) - BCA Graduate Relations
Lawrence M. Johnson (University of North Carolina 1947) - BCA Graduate Relations
Bryan C. Pennington (University of North Carolina 1987) - BCA Graduate Relations
George T. Barnes, Jr. (University of North Carolina 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
L. Penn Clarke (University of North Carolina 2009) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stewart W. Edwards (University of North Carolina 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. Daniel Gay, Jr. (University of North Carolina 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
John C. Glover (University of North Carolina 1940) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ned W. Griffin (University of North Carolina 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ted N. Griffin (University of North Carolina 1971) - BCA Miscellaneous
John W. Hawkins (University of North Carolina 1977) - BCA Miscellaneous
W. J. McCoy (University of North Carolina 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
Terry O. Norris (University of North Carolina 1947) - BCA Miscellaneous
D. Franklin Pierce (University of North Carolina 1977) - BCA Miscellaneous
Fairfax C. Reynolds (University of North Carolina 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
Merwin S. VanHecke (University of North Carolina 1949) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ted N. Griffin (University of North Carolina 1971) - BCA Public Relations
Ben G. Irons, II (University of North Carolina 1971) - BCA Public Relations
Lawrence M. Johnson (University of North Carolina 1947) - BCA Public Relations
James F. MacGill (University of North Carolina 1983) - BCA Public Relations
Henry N. Patterson (University of North Carolina 1931) - BCA Public Relations
Marvin J. Carver, III (University of North Carolina 1975) - BCA Recruitment
Lawrence M. Johnson (University of North Carolina 1947) - BCA Recruitment
James F. MacGill (University of North Carolina 1983) - BCA Recruitment
Thomas G. Nisbet, Jr. (University of North Carolina 1971) - BCA Recruitment
Wallace F. Palmer, III (University of North Carolina 2008) - BCA Recruitment
James B. Sessoms (University of North Carolina 1976) - BCA Recruitment
Ben G. Irons, II (University of North Carolina 1971) - BCA Risk Management
David S. Kennett (University of North Carolina 1980) - BCA Risk Management
Byron B. Kirkland (University of North Carolina 1983) - BCA Risk Management
Sanford W. Thompson, IV (University of North Carolina 1977) - BCA Risk Management
Marvin J. Carver, III (University of North Carolina 1975) - BCA Ritual
Ben G. Irons, II (University of North Carolina 1971) - BCA Ritual
William G. Cherry (University of North Carolina 1929) - BCA Scholarship
Ted N. Griffin (University of North Carolina 1971) - BCA Scholarship
W. J. McCoy (University of North Carolina 1975) - BCA Scholarship
Charles B. Winn, IV (University of North Carolina 2009) - BCA Scholarship
George T. Barnes, Jr. (University of North Carolina 1992) - BCA Trustee
L. Penn Clarke (University of North Carolina 2009) - BCA Trustee
Stewart W. Edwards (University of North Carolina 1994) - BCA Trustee
J. Daniel Gay, Jr. (University of North Carolina 1974) - BCA Trustee
Ted N. Griffin (University of North Carolina 1971) - BCA Trustee
E. Samuel Simpson (University of North Carolina 1990) - BCA Trustee
Charles B. Winn, IV (University of North Carolina 2009) - BCA Trustee
Jerome C. Cashion (University of North Carolina 1963) - BCA Administration
Dylan J. Castellino (University of North Carolina 2011) - BCA Administration
John W. Hawkins (University of North Carolina 1977) - BCA Administration
Ben G. Irons, II (University of North Carolina 1971) - BCA Administration
Lawrence M. Johnson (University of North Carolina 1947) - BCA Administration
Benjamin N. Norris (University of North Carolina Wilmington 2011) - BCA Chairman/President
John E. Saylor (University of North Carolina Wilmington 2017) - BCA Chairman/President
Ryan C. Auton (University of North Carolina Wilmington 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
Alexander M. Belsches (University of North Carolina Wilmington 2019) - BCA Miscellaneous
Adam E. Thomas (University of North Carolina Wilmington 2010) - BCA Trustee
Samuel M. Elter (University of North Carolina Wilmington 2019) - BCA Administration
James H. Fallon (University of North Carolina Wilmington 2016) - BCA Administration
Ryan Q. Lutz (University of North Carolina Wilmington 2019) - BCA Administration
John C. Marchisin (University of North Carolina Wilmington 2019) - BCA Administration
Bhavik M. Raval (University of North Carolina Wilmington 2013) - BCA Administration
Nicolas Calvo Argus (University of North Texas 2014) - BCA Chairman/President
J. Max Fulton (University of North Texas 2011) - BCA Chairman/President
Nathan D. Groover (University of North Texas 2017) - BCA Chairman/President
Jonathon C. Linn (University of North Texas 2011) - BCA Chairman/President
Jonathon C. Linn (University of North Texas 2011) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Carlos Rodriguez (University of North Texas 2011) - BCA Graduate Relations
J. Max Fulton (University of North Texas 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
Nathan D. Groover (University of North Texas 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gregory A. Lippas (University of North Texas 2018) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph P. Ralston (University of North Texas 2019) - BCA Miscellaneous
Trey T. Mitchell (University of North Texas 2012) - BCA Recruitment
Carlos Rodriguez (University of North Texas 2011) - BCA Recruitment
Christopher E. Ivester (University of North Texas 2011) - BCA Scholarship
Jason R. Aguirre (University of North Texas 2013) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Elliot S. Galanter (University of North Texas 2018) - BCA Administration
William G. Bowersox (University of Oklahoma 2010) - BCA Chairman/President
Clark H. Boyles, Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1962) - BCA Chairman/President
William G. Bozalis, DDS (University of Oklahoma 1969) - BCA Chairman/President
Stephen P. Garrett (University of Oklahoma 1966) - BCA Chairman/President
Donald W. Haskins (University of Oklahoma 1957) - BCA Chairman/President
Jeffrey R. Kaufmann (University of Oklahoma 1988) - BCA Chairman/President
Allan J. Koenig (University of Oklahoma 1992) - BCA Chairman/President
James P. MacKellar, Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1965) - BCA Chairman/President
Stewart E. Meyers, Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1956) - BCA Chairman/President
Jeffrey A. Shepherd (University of Oklahoma 1989) - BCA Chairman/President
Joshua S. Turner (University of Oklahoma 2003) - BCA Chairman/President
James L. Wade, II (University of Oklahoma 1980) - BCA Chairman/President
Richard W. Gentry (University of Oklahoma 1967) - BCA Recording Secretary
J. Cody Thompson, CPA (University of Oklahoma 2015) - BCA Recording Secretary
William C. Abney, Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1971) - BCA Finances
Stephen P. Garrett (University of Oklahoma 1966) - BCA Finances
Richard W. Gentry (University of Oklahoma 1967) - BCA Finances
Jacob E. Harris (University of Oklahoma 2014) - BCA Finances
Robert J. Harris (University of Oklahoma 1961) - BCA Finances
Brent F. Janss (University of Oklahoma 2017) - BCA Finances
Stephen R. Nance (University of Oklahoma 2002) - BCA Finances
Stephen W. Ray (University of Oklahoma 1979) - BCA Finances
Welborn W. Sanger (University of Oklahoma 1928) - BCA Finances
Steven R. Steakley (University of Oklahoma 1968) - BCA Finances
Louis F. Trost, Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1950) - BCA Finances
John R. Bozalis, MD (University of Oklahoma 1961) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Stewart E. Meyers, Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1956) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Gary M. Purcell (University of Oklahoma 1973) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Jerry G. Shelton (University of Oklahoma 1975) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Randy L. Shockey (University of Oklahoma 1977) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Richard K. Batten (University of Oklahoma 1969) - BCA Graduate Relations
John B. Doolin (University of Oklahoma 1939) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jack R. Durland, Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1960) - BCA Graduate Relations
Tom P. Hadley (University of Oklahoma 1945) - BCA Graduate Relations
Justin T. Hiersche (University of Oklahoma 2002) - BCA Graduate Relations
Walter W. Joyce (University of Oklahoma 1969) - BCA Graduate Relations
Stephen P. Mann (University of Oklahoma 1965) - BCA Graduate Relations
Kevin J. Meehan (University of Oklahoma 1979) - BCA Graduate Relations
John W. Plessinger, Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1970) - BCA Graduate Relations
John J. Shaw (University of Oklahoma 2007) - BCA Graduate Relations
Gary L. Wade (University of Oklahoma 1975) - BCA Graduate Relations
Bartlett A. Ward (University of Oklahoma 1935) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jason K. Andes (University of Oklahoma 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ben T. Benedum (University of Oklahoma 1959) - BCA Miscellaneous
Clark H. Boyles, Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1962) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kenneth R. Carson (University of Oklahoma 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
David H. Cole (University of Oklahoma 1969) - BCA Miscellaneous
Wesley W. Cox (University of Oklahoma 2001) - BCA Miscellaneous
Porter B. Cunningham (University of Oklahoma 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
Alan Davis (University of Oklahoma 1963) - BCA Miscellaneous
John D. Doak (University of Oklahoma 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian P. Douglas (University of Oklahoma 1999) - BCA Miscellaneous
L. Thomas Dulaney, Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1961) - BCA Miscellaneous
Cameron Enteshary (University of Oklahoma 2008) - BCA Miscellaneous
Adam G. Ford (University of Oklahoma 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
Keith H. Fritschen (University of Oklahoma 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
Randall S. Fudge (University of Oklahoma 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stephen P. Garrett (University of Oklahoma 1966) - BCA Miscellaneous
Randy D. Harris (University of Oklahoma 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Donald W. Haskins (University of Oklahoma 1957) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert N. Heeney (University of Oklahoma 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stephen A. Jernigan (University of Oklahoma 1969) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. Logan Johnson (University of Oklahoma 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Sean F. Johnson (University of Oklahoma 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joe M. Kouri (University of Oklahoma 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
Donald J. Kyte (University of Oklahoma 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert D. Looney, Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
James P. MacKellar, Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1965) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark J. Medley (University of Oklahoma 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stewart E. Meyers, Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1956) - BCA Miscellaneous
Raymond G. Moss (University of Oklahoma 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gregory T. Robertson (University of Oklahoma 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Randolph D. Royse (University of Oklahoma 1966) - BCA Miscellaneous
Welborn W. Sanger (University of Oklahoma 1928) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey A. Shepherd (University of Oklahoma 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael E. Shoemaker (University of Oklahoma 2003) - BCA Miscellaneous
James C. St John, Sr. (University of Oklahoma 1966) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ryan C. Storer (University of Oklahoma 2007) - BCA Miscellaneous
Alan D. Terrill (University of Oklahoma 1966) - BCA Miscellaneous
David B. Timberlake, II (University of Oklahoma 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
N. Phillip Truss, III (University of Oklahoma 1964) - BCA Miscellaneous
Justin W. Turner (University of Oklahoma 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
James L. Wade, II (University of Oklahoma 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bartlett A. Ward (University of Oklahoma 1935) - BCA Miscellaneous
James L. Benefield (University of Oklahoma 1966) - BCA Public Relations
L. Thomas Dulaney, Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1961) - BCA Public Relations
Walter W. Joyce (University of Oklahoma 1969) - BCA Public Relations
Richard E. Lampton (University of Oklahoma 1958) - BCA Public Relations
Lee Allan G. Smith (University of Oklahoma 1951) - BCA Public Relations
J. Edwin Carman (University of Oklahoma 1955) - BCA Recruitment
Robert C. Dennis (University of Oklahoma 1973) - BCA Recruitment
Donald W. Haskins (University of Oklahoma 1957) - BCA Recruitment
Charles R. Lane (University of Oklahoma 1966) - BCA Recruitment
Thomas W. Luce, IV (University of Oklahoma 2011) - BCA Recruitment
John W. Plessinger, Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1970) - BCA Recruitment
John J. Shaw (University of Oklahoma 2007) - BCA Recruitment
Brett J. Vogler (University of Oklahoma 1992) - BCA Recruitment
Ben T. Benedum (University of Oklahoma 1959) - BCA Risk Management
D. Kent Meyers (University of Oklahoma 1960) - BCA Risk Management
Raymond G. Moss (University of Oklahoma 1967) - BCA Risk Management
Samuel L. Talley (University of Oklahoma 2003) - BCA Risk Management
Ben T. Benedum (University of Oklahoma 1959) - BCA Ritual
Robert P. Campbell, Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1971) - BCA Ritual
Kent Cohenour (University of Oklahoma 1969) - BCA Ritual
G. S. Corbyn (University of Oklahoma 1938) - BCA Ritual
Michael A. Rogers (University of Oklahoma 1993) - BCA Ritual
John R. Bozalis, MD (University of Oklahoma 1961) - BCA Scholarship
Brian C. Griffin (University of Oklahoma 1974) - BCA Scholarship
Steven L. Hawes (University of Oklahoma 1980) - BCA Scholarship
Jan T. Turley, MD (University of Oklahoma 1963) - BCA Scholarship
Gary L. Wade (University of Oklahoma 1975) - BCA Scholarship
James B. Robinson (University of Oklahoma 2002) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Jason K. Andes (University of Oklahoma 1994) - BCA Trustee
Clark H. Boyles, Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1962) - BCA Trustee
Kenneth R. Carson (University of Oklahoma 1981) - BCA Trustee
Porter B. Cunningham (University of Oklahoma 2010) - BCA Trustee
L. Thomas Dulaney, Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1961) - BCA Trustee
Cameron Enteshary (University of Oklahoma 2008) - BCA Trustee
Adam G. Ford (University of Oklahoma 2004) - BCA Trustee
Keith H. Fritschen (University of Oklahoma 2015) - BCA Trustee
Stephen P. Garrett (University of Oklahoma 1966) - BCA Trustee
Richard W. Gentry (University of Oklahoma 1967) - BCA Trustee
David G. Hammons (University of Oklahoma 1991) - BCA Trustee
Mark M. Lane (University of Oklahoma 1992) - BCA Trustee
J. Bruce MacKellar (University of Oklahoma 1992) - BCA Trustee
Stewart E. Meyers, Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1956) - BCA Trustee
Michael A. Rogers (University of Oklahoma 1993) - BCA Trustee
John M. Rose (University of Oklahoma 1992) - BCA Trustee
Jerry G. Shelton (University of Oklahoma 1975) - BCA Trustee
Michael E. Shoemaker (University of Oklahoma 2003) - BCA Trustee
Steven R. Steakley (University of Oklahoma 1968) - BCA Trustee
David B. Timberlake, II (University of Oklahoma 1992) - BCA Trustee
Justin W. Turner (University of Oklahoma 2014) - BCA Trustee
Brett J. Vogler (University of Oklahoma 1992) - BCA Trustee
Robert P. Campbell, Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1971) - BCA Administration
James M. Doolin (University of Oklahoma 1943) - BCA Administration
Charles L. Freede (University of Oklahoma 1969) - BCA Administration
Claude L. Hamon (University of Oklahoma 1963) - BCA Administration
Donald W. Haskins (University of Oklahoma 1957) - BCA Administration
Randy K. Hill (University of Oklahoma 1972) - BCA Administration
Richard L. Karr (University of Oklahoma 1975) - BCA Administration
D. Kent Meyers (University of Oklahoma 1960) - BCA Administration
Raymond G. Moss (University of Oklahoma 1967) - BCA Administration
Terry T. Parman (University of Oklahoma 1971) - BCA Administration
John W. Plessinger, Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1970) - BCA Administration
Jan T. Turley, MD (University of Oklahoma 1963) - BCA Administration
Charles K. Webster (University of Oklahoma 1963) - BCA Administration
Jason H. Bader (University of Oregon 1990) - BCA Chairman/President
Chase P. Benton (University of Oregon 2017) - BCA Chairman/President
Bryson K. Cabacungan (University of Oregon 2015) - BCA Chairman/President
Sean P. Feibleman (University of Oregon 2021) - BCA Chairman/President
John K. Gram (University of Oregon 1952) - BCA Chairman/President
Peter S. Gray (University of Oregon 1980) - BCA Chairman/President
Dean E. McGee (University of Oregon 1979) - BCA Chairman/President
Rodney R. Ramsour (University of Oregon 1988) - BCA Chairman/President
Gerald J. Smith (University of Oregon 1951) - BCA Chairman/President
Stephen R. Aiken (University of Oregon 2017) - BCA Finances
Ross T. Davies (University of Oregon 1984) - BCA Finances
Jeffrey I. Hasson (University of Oregon 1981) - BCA Finances
Creighton H. Lau (University of Oregon 1977) - BCA Finances
Myron F. Pinkstaff (University of Oregon 1935) - BCA Finances
Robert D. Pollock, Jr. (University of Oregon 1964) - BCA Finances
Dominic Carrillo (University of Oregon 2015) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Kevin A. Knode (University of Oregon 1977) - BCA Foundation of Courage
James V. Bernhard (University of Oregon 1950) - BCA Graduate Relations
Kevin A. Capuzzi (University of Oregon 1990) - BCA Graduate Relations
Douglas J. Dennett (University of Oregon 1966) - BCA Graduate Relations
Daniel P. Lavey (University of Oregon 1988) - BCA Graduate Relations
John D. Nouguier (University of Oregon 1990) - BCA Graduate Relations
Rodney R. Ramsour (University of Oregon 1988) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jason H. Bader (University of Oregon 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard M. Bader (University of Oregon 1960) - BCA Miscellaneous
Chase P. Benton (University of Oregon 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stefan Bray (University of Oregon 2016) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bryson K. Cabacungan (University of Oregon 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
Chase R. Carey (University of Oregon 2019) - BCA Miscellaneous
Dominic Carrillo (University of Oregon 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kelly A. Christensen (University of Oregon 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Sean P. Feibleman (University of Oregon 2021) - BCA Miscellaneous
Chresten J. Gram (University of Oregon 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
John K. Gram (University of Oregon 1952) - BCA Miscellaneous
Luke Ilgenfritz (University of Oregon 2020) - BCA Miscellaneous
Nicholas J. Karlsen (University of Oregon 2016) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas M. Kopp (University of Oregon 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
Daniel E. Lees (University of Oregon 1958) - BCA Miscellaneous
Dean E. McGee (University of Oregon 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
Nicholas R. Moody (University of Oregon 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jordan Patin (University of Oregon 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kevin I. Pedigo (University of Oregon 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Lucas L. Pfeifer (University of Oregon 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert D. Pollock, Jr. (University of Oregon 1964) - BCA Miscellaneous
James Vos (University of Oregon 2018) - BCA Miscellaneous
Peter J. Vos (University of Oregon 2020) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark G. Adams (University of Oregon 1982) - BCA Public Relations
Douglas J. Dennett (University of Oregon 1966) - BCA Public Relations
Marc R. McReynolds (University of Oregon 1992) - BCA Recruitment
William A. Bennett (University of Oregon 1993) - BCA Risk Management
Douglas J. Dennett (University of Oregon 1966) - BCA Risk Management
John C. Boyer (University of Oregon 1988) - BCA Ritual
Willett R. Lake, Jr. (University of Oregon 1950) - BCA Ritual
Chad C. Laws (University of Oregon 1989) - BCA Ritual
Mark Robbins (University of Oregon 1959) - BCA Ritual
Kevin A. Knode (University of Oregon 1977) - BCA Administration
Andrew S. Lapitsky (University of Pennsylvania 1993) - BCA Chairman/President
Terry W. Spahr (University of Pennsylvania 1988) - BCA Chairman/President
Robert J. LeFort (University of Pennsylvania 1948) - BCA Finances
Joseph S. MacLaughlin, III (University of Pennsylvania 1968) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Ferris Thomsen, Jr. (University of Pennsylvania 1954) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Robert J. LeFort (University of Pennsylvania 1948) - BCA Graduate Relations
Joseph S. MacLaughlin, III (University of Pennsylvania 1968) - BCA Graduate Relations
John R. Riddell (University of Pennsylvania 1981) - BCA Graduate Relations
Paul R. Rubincam (University of Pennsylvania 1960) - BCA Graduate Relations
Gary D. Giegerich (University of Pennsylvania 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Timothy H. Jannetta (University of Pennsylvania 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael R. Pratt (University of Pennsylvania 1996) - BCA Miscellaneous
Paul R. Rubincam (University of Pennsylvania 1960) - BCA Miscellaneous
Terry W. Spahr (University of Pennsylvania 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jonathon S. Strauss (University of Pennsylvania 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
H. Spencer Webster (University of Pennsylvania 1957) - BCA Miscellaneous
John E. Holden (University of Pennsylvania 1948) - BCA Public Relations
Paul R. Rubincam (University of Pennsylvania 1960) - BCA Public Relations
Alfred H. Nuckols, Jr. (University of Pennsylvania 1972) - BCA Recruitment
Ferris Thomsen, Jr. (University of Pennsylvania 1954) - BCA Recruitment
John M. Sopcisak (University of Pennsylvania 1976) - BCA Scholarship
Gary D. Giegerich (University of Pennsylvania 1985) - BCA Trustee
Timothy H. Jannetta (University of Pennsylvania 1990) - BCA Trustee
Terry W. Spahr (University of Pennsylvania 1988) - BCA Trustee
Jonathon S. Strauss (University of Pennsylvania 2010) - BCA Trustee
Charles A. Schlapfer (University of Pennsylvania 1990) - BCA Administration
Christopher G. Dancu (University of Pittsburgh 1986) - BCA Chairman/President
David W. Forti (University of Pittsburgh 1992) - BCA Chairman/President
Gary W. Hirsch (University of Pittsburgh 1973) - BCA Chairman/President
J. Scot Jennings (University of Pittsburgh 1986) - BCA Chairman/President
Daniel J. Keelan (University of Pittsburgh 1986) - BCA Chairman/President
Christopher R. McFarlin (University of Pittsburgh 1982) - BCA Chairman/President
Timothy S. Moriarity (University of Pittsburgh 1988) - BCA Chairman/President
J. Scot Jennings (University of Pittsburgh 1986) - BCA Recording Secretary
Kenneth G. Boben, Jr. (University of Pittsburgh 1984) - BCA Finances
James E. Glaspey (University of Pittsburgh 1991) - BCA Finances
Gary W. Hirsch (University of Pittsburgh 1973) - BCA Finances
Thomas K. Hittle (University of Pittsburgh 1969) - BCA Finances
Thomas C. Kunkel (University of Pittsburgh 1981) - BCA Finances
James J. McKown (University of Pittsburgh 1970) - BCA Finances
George C. Myers (University of Pittsburgh 1935) - BCA Finances
H. Ronald Voelker, Jr. (University of Pittsburgh 1943) - BCA Finances
Scott M. Walters (University of Pittsburgh 1977) - BCA Finances
Steve N. Economou (University of Pittsburgh 1981) - BCA Foundation of Courage
James E. King (University of Pittsburgh 1978) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Gregory T. Kunkel (University of Pittsburgh 1985) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Paul T. Leslie (University of Pittsburgh 1976) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Eli Rebich (University of Pittsburgh 1972) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Jerome A. Uffner (University of Pittsburgh 1983) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Randolph D. Bardol (University of Pittsburgh 1983) - BCA Graduate Relations
Robert F. Devrnja (University of Pittsburgh 1969) - BCA Graduate Relations
David A. Fisher (University of Pittsburgh 1986) - BCA Graduate Relations
Daniel E. Grudi (University of Pittsburgh 1973) - BCA Graduate Relations
Christopher R. McFarlin (University of Pittsburgh 1982) - BCA Graduate Relations
Robert W. Osterhout (University of Pittsburgh 1954) - BCA Graduate Relations
Timothy P. Reitmeyer (University of Pittsburgh 1974) - BCA Graduate Relations
Kenneth G. Boben, Jr. (University of Pittsburgh 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher DeLuca (University of Pittsburgh 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. Robert Horner (University of Pittsburgh 1950) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. Scot Jennings (University of Pittsburgh 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
George F. Keiser, Jr. (University of Pittsburgh 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Larry Pansino (University of Pittsburgh 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
Timothy A. Peach (University of Pittsburgh 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
Dr. Wiliam J. Porter (University of Pittsburgh 1953) - BCA Miscellaneous
John R. Snaman (University of Pittsburgh 1949) - BCA Miscellaneous
William E. Snee (University of Pittsburgh 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark A. Uminski (University of Pittsburgh 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bennett T. Wallander, Sr. (University of Pittsburgh 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert A. Wooldridge (University of Pittsburgh 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Terry K. Clawson (University of Pittsburgh 1976) - BCA Public Relations
Robert J. Emanuele (University of Pittsburgh 1973) - BCA Public Relations
Thomas K. Hittle (University of Pittsburgh 1969) - BCA Public Relations
Larry Pansino (University of Pittsburgh 1974) - BCA Public Relations
Stephen E. philipson (University of Pittsburgh 1984) - BCA Public Relations
Kevin J. Thompson (University of Pittsburgh 1981) - BCA Public Relations
Steve N. Economou (University of Pittsburgh 1981) - BCA Recruitment
Kyle S. Jennings (University of Pittsburgh 2018) - BCA Recruitment
Eli Rebich (University of Pittsburgh 1972) - BCA Recruitment
Michael J. Demoratz (University of Pittsburgh 1983) - BCA Risk Management
George W. Jacoby (University of Pittsburgh 1973) - BCA Risk Management
Samuel B. Kelly (University of Pittsburgh 2021) - BCA Risk Management
Jonathan M. Reich (University of Pittsburgh 1993) - BCA Risk Management
David L. Dortenzo (University of Pittsburgh 1977) - BCA Ritual
Rhys C. Thomas (University of Pittsburgh 1985) - BCA Ritual
Bennett T. Wallander, Sr. (University of Pittsburgh 1989) - BCA Ritual
Michael A. Yesko (University of Pittsburgh 1973) - BCA Ritual
James L. Reed (University of Pittsburgh 1982) - BCA Scholarship
Thomas F. Sinclair, Jr. (University of Pittsburgh 1952) - BCA Scholarship
William E. Snee (University of Pittsburgh 1970) - BCA Scholarship
Blair W. Uminski (University of Pittsburgh 1983) - BCA Scholarship
John T. Armour (University of Pittsburgh 1984) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Sean F. Goff (University of Pittsburgh 1992) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Robert T. Kramer (University of Pittsburgh 1986) - BCA Trustee
Kenneth G. Boben, Jr. (University of Pittsburgh 1984) - BCA Administration
Joseph T. Burke (University of Pittsburgh 1974) - BCA Administration
John R. Clark (University of Pittsburgh 1980) - BCA Administration
David A. Fisher (University of Pittsburgh 1986) - BCA Administration
Thomas K. Hittle (University of Pittsburgh 1969) - BCA Administration
Samuel B. Kelly (University of Pittsburgh 2021) - BCA Built to Lead
Michael Mezmar (University of Pittsburgh 1978) - BCA Administration
Robert W. Osterhout (University of Pittsburgh 1954) - BCA Administration
Stephen C. Hunt (University of Puget Sound 1973) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Stephen C. Hunt (University of Puget Sound 1973) - BCA Graduate Relations
Stephen C. Hunt (University of Puget Sound 1973) - BCA Ritual
Stephen J. Allen (University of Rhode Island 1976) - BCA Chairman/President
Carl F. Bender (University of Rhode Island 1980) - BCA Chairman/President
Henry G. Caniglia (University of Rhode Island 1958) - BCA Chairman/President
Edward W. Davis, Jr. (University of Rhode Island 1958) - BCA Chairman/President
Peter J. Miniati (University of Rhode Island 1984) - BCA Chairman/President
David S. Shanker (University of Rhode Island 1980) - BCA Chairman/President
Timothy J. Straight (University of Rhode Island 1977) - BCA Chairman/President
L. Carl Whitham, II (University of Rhode Island 2017) - BCA Chairman/President
Douglas A. Whyte (University of Rhode Island 1982) - BCA Chairman/President
Paul R. Alexander (University of Rhode Island 1982) - BCA Vice Chairman
John W. Deuel (University of Rhode Island 1978) - BCA Recording Secretary
Henry G. Caniglia (University of Rhode Island 1958) - BCA Finances
Brian E. Foster (University of Rhode Island 1983) - BCA Finances
Wallace N. MacLeod (University of Rhode Island 1959) - BCA Finances
Thomas C. Stones (University of Rhode Island 1960) - BCA Finances
David N. Sullivan (University of Rhode Island 1984) - BCA Finances
Stephen A. Tisdell (University of Rhode Island 1974) - BCA Finances
Peter D. Washburn (University of Rhode Island 1975) - BCA Finances
Michael T. Hesketh (University of Rhode Island 1980) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Allen J. Krol (University of Rhode Island 1973) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Richard I. Millar (University of Rhode Island 1954) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Harold E. Uttley (University of Rhode Island 1959) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Peter D. Washburn (University of Rhode Island 1975) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Frederic B. Wotton (University of Rhode Island 1958) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Stephen Alexander (University of Rhode Island 1978) - BCA Graduate Relations
Stephen J. Allen (University of Rhode Island 1976) - BCA Graduate Relations
Henry G. Caniglia (University of Rhode Island 1958) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jeffrey R. Gardiner (University of Rhode Island 1974) - BCA Graduate Relations
James W. Gormley, Jr. (University of Rhode Island 1987) - BCA Graduate Relations
Brian G. Kerr (University of Rhode Island 1984) - BCA Graduate Relations
Brian Kuras (University of Rhode Island 1983) - BCA Graduate Relations
Mark J. Levin (University of Rhode Island 1979) - BCA Graduate Relations
Kevin M. McGowan (University of Rhode Island 1982) - BCA Graduate Relations
Cyrus D. Agarabi, PhD (University of Rhode Island 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Paul R. Alexander (University of Rhode Island 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Carl F. Bender (University of Rhode Island 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Scott S. Bryant (University of Rhode Island 2016) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mike E. Bunch (University of Rhode Island 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert J. Butler (University of Rhode Island 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Henry G. Caniglia (University of Rhode Island 1958) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew E. Chudy (University of Rhode Island 2007) - BCA Miscellaneous
Enrique A. Farrell (University of Rhode Island 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher J. Grant (University of Rhode Island 2016) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert T. Hamilton (University of Rhode Island 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
Lucas M. Harrington (University of Rhode Island 2018) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael T. Hesketh (University of Rhode Island 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael E. Kennedy (University of Rhode Island 2008) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard H. Kingsley (University of Rhode Island 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
L. Richmond Leach (University of Rhode Island 1961) - BCA Miscellaneous
Raymond G. Lundgren, Jr. (University of Rhode Island 1954) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert W. Marshall III (University of Rhode Island 1977) - BCA Miscellaneous
Justin P. McGrath (University of Rhode Island 2018) - BCA Miscellaneous
Dana K. Millar (University of Rhode Island 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gregory S. Passant (University of Rhode Island 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard A. Proulx (University of Rhode Island 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Dale B. Reed (University of Rhode Island 1965) - BCA Miscellaneous
Scott Saypol (University of Rhode Island 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard H. Sceery, Jr. (University of Rhode Island 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert L. Schoelle, Jr. (University of Rhode Island 1965) - BCA Miscellaneous
David S. Shanker (University of Rhode Island 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew C. Sullivan (University of Rhode Island 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gerald Tardiff (University of Rhode Island 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Edward J. Terwilliger (University of Rhode Island 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
Harold E. Uttley (University of Rhode Island 1959) - BCA Miscellaneous
Peter D. Washburn (University of Rhode Island 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
S. Keith White, Jr. (University of Rhode Island 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
Douglas A. Whyte (University of Rhode Island 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Nicholas J. Zacchio (University of Rhode Island 2018) - BCA Miscellaneous
John W. Deuel (University of Rhode Island 1978) - BCA Public Relations
John H. Flinton (University of Rhode Island 1967) - BCA Public Relations
James W. Gormley, Jr. (University of Rhode Island 1987) - BCA Public Relations
Brian Kuras (University of Rhode Island 1983) - BCA Public Relations
David F. Ludwig (University of Rhode Island 1980) - BCA Public Relations
Kevin M. McGowan (University of Rhode Island 1982) - BCA Public Relations
David S. Walsh (University of Rhode Island 1977) - BCA Public Relations
Edward W. Davis, Jr. (University of Rhode Island 1958) - BCA Recruitment
Jeffrey R. Gardiner (University of Rhode Island 1974) - BCA Recruitment
James W. Gormley, Jr. (University of Rhode Island 1987) - BCA Recruitment
Michael T. Hesketh (University of Rhode Island 1980) - BCA Recruitment
Peter J. Miniati (University of Rhode Island 1984) - BCA Recruitment
Theodore A. Suddard (University of Rhode Island 1948) - BCA Recruitment
Harold E. Uttley (University of Rhode Island 1959) - BCA Recruitment
Peter D. Washburn (University of Rhode Island 1975) - BCA Recruitment
Carl F. Bender (University of Rhode Island 1980) - BCA Risk Management
David S. Walsh (University of Rhode Island 1977) - BCA Risk Management
Stephen Alexander (University of Rhode Island 1978) - BCA Ritual
Michael T. Hesketh (University of Rhode Island 1980) - BCA Ritual
Allen J. Krol (University of Rhode Island 1973) - BCA Ritual
Mark J. Levin (University of Rhode Island 1979) - BCA Ritual
Stephen Alexander (University of Rhode Island 1978) - BCA Scholarship
Mark J. Levin (University of Rhode Island 1979) - BCA Scholarship
Kevin M. McGowan (University of Rhode Island 1982) - BCA Scholarship
Robert L. Schoelle, Jr. (University of Rhode Island 1965) - BCA Scholarship
Matthew E. Chudy (University of Rhode Island 2007) - BCA Trustee
Michael E. Kennedy (University of Rhode Island 2008) - BCA Trustee
Richard H. Kingsley (University of Rhode Island 1970) - BCA Trustee
Robert W. Marshall III (University of Rhode Island 1977) - BCA Trustee
Scott Saypol (University of Rhode Island 2012) - BCA Trustee
Gerald Tardiff (University of Rhode Island 2012) - BCA Trustee
Edward J. Terwilliger (University of Rhode Island 2015) - BCA Trustee
S. Keith White, Jr. (University of Rhode Island 1975) - BCA Trustee
Carl F. Bender (University of Rhode Island 1980) - BCA Administration
John H. Flinton (University of Rhode Island 1967) - BCA Administration
Brian E. Foster (University of Rhode Island 1983) - BCA Administration
Jeffrey R. Gardiner (University of Rhode Island 1974) - BCA Administration
William D. Mackinnon (University of Rhode Island 2011) - BCA Built to Lead
Wallace N. MacLeod (University of Rhode Island 1959) - BCA Administration
Thomas C. Stones (University of Rhode Island 1960) - BCA Administration
Peter D. Washburn (University of Rhode Island 1975) - BCA Administration
Douglas A. Whyte (University of Rhode Island 1982) - BCA Administration
George R. Aldhizer, Jr. (University of Richmond 1953) - BCA Chairman/President
Andrew R. Armstrong (University of Richmond 1999) - BCA Chairman/President
Elias E. Griffin, Jr. (University of Richmond 1977) - BCA Chairman/President
John P. Livingston (University of Richmond 1976) - BCA Chairman/President
James M. McCormack (University of Richmond 1981) - BCA Chairman/President
Luis W. Morales (University of Richmond 1960) - BCA Chairman/President
Ronald C. Nelson (University of Richmond 1977) - BCA Chairman/President
Scott C. Quarforth (University of Richmond 2001) - BCA Chairman/President
J. Timothy Winks (University of Richmond 1980) - BCA Chairman/President
Joseph S. S. Cutrona (University of Richmond 2010) - BCA Recording Secretary
Tom C. Biede (University of Richmond 1981) - BCA Finances
W. Robert Brammer (University of Richmond 1974) - BCA Finances
H. Gray Broughton, CRC (University of Richmond 1965) - BCA Finances
Patrick W. Carr (University of Richmond 1995) - BCA Finances
Richard J. Conroy, III (University of Richmond 1977) - BCA Finances
Alvah E. Haydon (University of Richmond 1937) - BCA Finances
Alexander C. MacFarlane (University of Richmond 2001) - BCA Finances
Ronald C. Nelson (University of Richmond 1977) - BCA Finances
Peyton M. Pollard (University of Richmond 1951) - BCA Finances
Robert T. Smith (University of Richmond 2001) - BCA Finances
Jason L. Wood (University of Richmond 2002) - BCA Finances
Robert H. Cunningham, III (University of Richmond 1967) - BCA Foundation of Courage
William Davidson, III (University of Richmond 1983) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Charles L. Murdock, III (University of Richmond 1978) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Scott C. Quarforth (University of Richmond 2001) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Jeffrey J. Scoggin (University of Richmond 1979) - BCA Foundation of Courage
J. Timothy Winks (University of Richmond 1980) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Drew H. Womelsdorf (University of Richmond 2010) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Robin J. Blandford (University of Richmond 1979) - BCA Graduate Relations
Andrew K. Duffy (University of Richmond 2007) - BCA Graduate Relations
Edwin S. Farley (University of Richmond 1935) - BCA Graduate Relations
Thomas H. Jones, III (University of Richmond 1974) - BCA Graduate Relations
Robert S. Ossman (University of Richmond 1954) - BCA Graduate Relations
Anthony D. Sakowski, Jr. (University of Richmond 1965) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jonathan W. Anderson (University of Richmond 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
Craig T. Cronheim (University of Richmond 1998) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard P. Cushman (University of Richmond 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gerard M. Golden (University of Richmond 1999) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew W. Hahn (University of Richmond 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Elrick L. Jones (University of Richmond 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brett L. Keller (University of Richmond 1999) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christian Kubista (University of Richmond 1995) - BCA Miscellaneous
John G. McCormick (University of Richmond 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
Luis W. Morales (University of Richmond 1960) - BCA Miscellaneous
John C. Nagy, Jr. (University of Richmond 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ronald C. Nelson (University of Richmond 1977) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ryan M. Nelson (University of Richmond 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
William H. Tulloh (University of Richmond 1955) - BCA Miscellaneous
Tom C. Biede (University of Richmond 1981) - BCA Public Relations
Edwin S. Farley (University of Richmond 1935) - BCA Public Relations
Elias E. Griffin, Jr. (University of Richmond 1977) - BCA Public Relations
Thomas H. Jones, III (University of Richmond 1974) - BCA Public Relations
W. Campbell Pendleton, Jr. (University of Richmond 1984) - BCA Public Relations
Robert H. Cunningham, III (University of Richmond 1967) - BCA Recruitment
Andrew K. Duffy (University of Richmond 2007) - BCA Recruitment
Elias E. Griffin, Jr. (University of Richmond 1977) - BCA Recruitment
Michael D. Hancock (University of Richmond 1980) - BCA Recruitment
Elrick L. Jones (University of Richmond 1981) - BCA Recruitment
Thomas H. Jones, III (University of Richmond 1974) - BCA Recruitment
Charles L. Murdock, III (University of Richmond 1978) - BCA Recruitment
R. Allen Saville, PhD (University of Richmond 1967) - BCA Recruitment
Andrew B. C. Shult (University of Richmond 2011) - BCA Recruitment
William W. Smith (University of Richmond 1978) - BCA Recruitment
Jonathan W. Anderson (University of Richmond 1979) - BCA Risk Management
Richard J. Conroy, III (University of Richmond 1977) - BCA Risk Management
Joseph S. S. Cutrona (University of Richmond 2010) - BCA Risk Management
George W. Sadler, Jr. (University of Richmond 1969) - BCA Risk Management
Jonathan W. Anderson (University of Richmond 1979) - BCA Ritual
Richard J. Conroy, III (University of Richmond 1977) - BCA Ritual
Roger E. Early (University of Richmond 1975) - BCA Ritual
Thomas H. Jones, III (University of Richmond 1974) - BCA Ritual
William H. Leftwich (University of Richmond 1952) - BCA Ritual
Garnett Ryland, II (University of Richmond 1968) - BCA Ritual
Robert G. Stewart (University of Richmond 1963) - BCA Ritual
Drew H. Womelsdorf (University of Richmond 2010) - BCA Ritual
Andrew R. Armstrong (University of Richmond 1999) - BCA Scholarship
Berndt H. Bohm (University of Richmond 1970) - BCA Scholarship
Jonathan E. Hempel, PhD (University of Richmond 2007) - BCA Scholarship
Perry E. Jones (University of Richmond 1970) - BCA Scholarship
William H. Leftwich (University of Richmond 1952) - BCA Scholarship
Garnett Ryland, II (University of Richmond 1968) - BCA Scholarship
Averett S. Tombes, PhD (University of Richmond 1953) - BCA Scholarship
Eric M. Weyer (University of Richmond 2013) - BCA Scholarship
Jonathan E. Hempel, PhD (University of Richmond 2007) - BCA Trustee
Ronald C. Nelson (University of Richmond 1977) - BCA Trustee
Joseph S. S. Cutrona (University of Richmond 2010) - BCA Built to Lead
Andrew K. Duffy (University of Richmond 2007) - BCA Built to Lead
Paul C. Gunther (University of Richmond 2002) - BCA Administration
Michael D. Hancock (University of Richmond 1980) - BCA Administration
James C. Lucente (University of Richmond 1977) - BCA Administration
Scott C. Quarforth (University of Richmond 2001) - BCA Administration
George W. Sadler, Jr. (University of Richmond 1969) - BCA Administration
Jeffrey J. Scoggin (University of Richmond 1979) - BCA Administration
Christopher E. Nichols (University of San Diego 2014) - BCA Chairman/President
Daniel R. Hagen (University of San Diego 2013) - BCA Finances
Daniel V. Colombo (University of San Diego 2014) - BCA Recruitment
Travis J. Fitzpatrick (University of San Diego 2014) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Wisam Y. Berry (University of South Florida 2015) - BCA Chairman/President
W. Gifford Clegg, III (University of South Florida 1977) - BCA Chairman/President
Robert W. Deeks (University of South Florida 1972) - BCA Finances
Joseph W. Guida (University of South Florida 1977) - BCA Finances
Wisam Y. Berry (University of South Florida 2015) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Richard C. Ogden, III (University of South Florida 1976) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Detlev C. Aeppel (University of South Florida 1973) - BCA Graduate Relations
Karl Bauer (University of South Florida 1973) - BCA Public Relations
Karl Bauer (University of South Florida 1973) - BCA Recruitment
Peter S. Danile (University of South Florida 1976) - BCA Recruitment
Nicholas J. Godzich (University of South Florida 2023) - BCA Recruitment
Richard C. Ogden, III (University of South Florida 1976) - BCA Recruitment
Cyril B. Haughn, Jr. (University of South Florida 1976) - BCA Risk Management
L. Jeffrey Fitterman, EdD (University of South Florida 1970) - BCA Ritual
Gene Balter (University of South Florida 1977) - BCA Administration
Wisam Y. Berry (University of South Florida 2015) - BCA Built to Lead
Brody T. Bledsoe (University of South Florida 2023) - BCA Built to Lead
Robert W. Deeks (University of South Florida 1972) - BCA Administration
Richard C. Ogden, III (University of South Florida 1976) - BCA Built to Lead
Tyson K. Beem (University of Southern California 1997) - BCA Chairman/President
Brent B. Harris (University of Southern California 1978) - BCA Chairman/President
C. Milton Hinshilwood (University of Southern California 1954) - BCA Chairman/President
Jeffrey E. Ingram (University of Southern California 1978) - BCA Chairman/President
Joseph Z. Todd, III (University of Southern California 1975) - BCA Chairman/President
David M. Todd (University of Southern California 1967) - BCA Recording Secretary
James S. Anderegg (University of Southern California 1973) - BCA Finances
Robert P. Anderegg (University of Southern California 1971) - BCA Finances
Philip K. Anthony (University of Southern California 1978) - BCA Finances
Charles S. Cochrane (University of Southern California 1973) - BCA Finances
Barrett C. Fait (University of Southern California 1976) - BCA Finances
John H. Reith (University of Southern California 1971) - BCA Finances
Randall A. Smith (University of Southern California 1983) - BCA Finances
William M. Stowell (University of Southern California 1978) - BCA Finances
David M. Todd (University of Southern California 1967) - BCA Finances
Joseph Z. Todd, III (University of Southern California 1975) - BCA Finances
Robert P. Anderegg (University of Southern California 1971) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Ronald J. Boren (University of Southern California 1978) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Bradley H. Capo (University of Southern California 1989) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Stephen P. Dempsey (University of Southern California 2011) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Robert G. Heyne (University of Southern California 1971) - BCA Foundation of Courage
David A. Lane (University of Southern California 1980) - BCA Foundation of Courage
James S. Anderegg (University of Southern California 1973) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jeffrey D. Bille (University of Southern California 1986) - BCA Graduate Relations
Gregory O. Blount (University of Southern California 2011) - BCA Graduate Relations
Geoffrey A. Daniels (University of Southern California 1977) - BCA Graduate Relations
T. R. Gregory (University of Southern California 1985) - BCA Graduate Relations
Martin E. Hargrave (University of Southern California 1980) - BCA Graduate Relations
Anthony S. Termini (University of Southern California 1984) - BCA Graduate Relations
Robert B. Alexander (University of Southern California 1951) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert P. Anderegg (University of Southern California 1971) - BCA Miscellaneous
James R. Arnett (University of Southern California 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael A. Bell (University of Southern California 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey D. Bille (University of Southern California 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. Desmond Bunting (University of Southern California 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
William T. Coy (University of Southern California 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. Samuel Garrison (University of Southern California 1999) - BCA Miscellaneous
T. R. Gregory (University of Southern California 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Edward G. Healy (University of Southern California 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert G. Heyne (University of Southern California 1971) - BCA Miscellaneous
Walker R. Hollrah (University of Southern California 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
F. Phillip Hosp (University of Southern California 1966) - BCA Miscellaneous
Duff S. McEvers (University of Southern California 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher B. McMahon (University of Southern California 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
George H. Mitsanas (University of Southern California 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
William M. Stowell (University of Southern California 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
David M. Todd (University of Southern California 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
H. Douglas Urbach (University of Southern California 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Daniel J. Zukowski (University of Southern California 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Martin E. Hargrave (University of Southern California 1980) - BCA Public Relations
Robert G. Heyne (University of Southern California 1971) - BCA Public Relations
Dale S. Sekovich (University of Southern California 1969) - BCA Public Relations
Jeffrey D. Bille (University of Southern California 1986) - BCA Recruitment
Charles S. Cochrane (University of Southern California 1973) - BCA Recruitment
David A. Kossak (University of Southern California 1979) - BCA Recruitment
Gary A. MacKenzie (University of Southern California 1969) - BCA Recruitment
Donald R. Mulhaupt (University of Southern California 1970) - BCA Recruitment
David M. Todd (University of Southern California 1967) - BCA Recruitment
Thomas E. Walley (University of Southern California 1966) - BCA Recruitment
Richard W. Dettorre (University of Southern California 1977) - BCA Risk Management
Duff S. McEvers (University of Southern California 1976) - BCA Risk Management
John W. Sloway (University of Southern California 1978) - BCA Risk Management
Thomas E. Walley (University of Southern California 1966) - BCA Risk Management
Russell D. Childrey (University of Southern California 1973) - BCA Ritual
Robert G. Lane (University of Southern California 1953) - BCA Ritual
Joseph Z. Todd, III (University of Southern California 1975) - BCA Ritual
Scott J. Frasco (University of Southern California 1981) - BCA Scholarship
Donald O. Jesberg (University of Southern California 1977) - BCA Scholarship
David M. Todd (University of Southern California 1967) - BCA Scholarship
Joseph Z. Todd, III (University of Southern California 1975) - BCA Scholarship
Thomas E. Walley (University of Southern California 1966) - BCA Scholarship
Jay Todd C. Max (University of Southern California 2013) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Lee Anderson (University of Southern California 1975) - BCA Administration
Jeffrey D. Bille (University of Southern California 1986) - BCA Administration
Russell D. Childrey (University of Southern California 1973) - BCA Administration
Carroll C. Coombs (University of Southern California 1966) - BCA Administration
T. R. Gregory (University of Southern California 1985) - BCA Administration
Ralph R. Harris (University of Southern California 1978) - BCA Administration
Adam K. Laufer (University of Southern California 2013) - BCA Administration
Arthur M. McClure (University of Southern California 1955) - BCA Administration
Duff S. McEvers (University of Southern California 1976) - BCA Administration
John H. Reith (University of Southern California 1971) - BCA Administration
Richard W. Reitzell (University of Southern California 1975) - BCA Administration
Randall A. Smith (University of Southern California 1983) - BCA Administration
William M. Stowell (University of Southern California 1978) - BCA Administration
Anthony S. Termini (University of Southern California 1984) - BCA Administration
Christian A. H. Choquette (University of Tampa 2023) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Christian A. H. Choquette (University of Tampa 2023) - BCA Recruitment
Alec J. Decato (University of Tampa 2020) - BCA Recruitment
Christian A. H. Choquette (University of Tampa 2023) - BCA Built to Lead
Matthew B. Carr (University of Tennessee 2003) - BCA Chairman/President
Frederick J. Ergen (University of Tennessee 1972) - BCA Chairman/President
Raymond E. Lacy (University of Tennessee 1971) - BCA Chairman/President
J. Morton Massey (University of Tennessee 1973) - BCA Chairman/President
Mark A. Medley (University of Tennessee 1968) - BCA Chairman/President
Clifford A. Rodgers (University of Tennessee 1975) - BCA Chairman/President
Michael K. Sanderson (University of Tennessee 2018) - BCA Vice Chairman
John F. Watkins, Jr. (University of Tennessee 1952) - BCA Recording Secretary
E. Steven Carr (University of Tennessee 1973) - BCA Finances
Lewis F. Cosby, III (University of Tennessee 1972) - BCA Finances
D. Fyke Fisher, Jr. (University of Tennessee 2006) - BCA Finances
John H. Ley (University of Tennessee 1997) - BCA Finances
Stephen R. Linebaugh (University of Tennessee 1979) - BCA Finances
Mark A. Medley (University of Tennessee 1968) - BCA Finances
J. Thomas Odom (University of Tennessee 1958) - BCA Finances
Joseph W. Reed (University of Tennessee 1976) - BCA Finances
William M. Slayden, III (University of Tennessee 1972) - BCA Finances
Dalton L. Townsend (University of Tennessee 1965) - BCA Finances
E. Steven Carr (University of Tennessee 1973) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Matthew B. Carr (University of Tennessee 2003) - BCA Foundation of Courage
S. Douglas Ebbs (University of Tennessee 1969) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Mark A. Medley (University of Tennessee 1968) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Carl M. Smith, III (University of Tennessee 1981) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Ernest O. Botts, IV (University of Tennessee 2017) - BCA Graduate Relations
S. T. Dolinak (University of Tennessee 1978) - BCA Graduate Relations
Frederick J. Ergen (University of Tennessee 1972) - BCA Graduate Relations
Samuel F. Harvey, III (University of Tennessee 1972) - BCA Graduate Relations
William A. Hudson (University of Tennessee 2000) - BCA Graduate Relations
J. Morton Massey (University of Tennessee 1973) - BCA Graduate Relations
James E. Moody (University of Tennessee 1974) - BCA Graduate Relations
Clifford A. Rodgers (University of Tennessee 1975) - BCA Graduate Relations
H. W. Bud Sherrod, Jr. (University of Tennessee 1970) - BCA Graduate Relations
Chris Skalet (University of Tennessee 1990) - BCA Graduate Relations
Montgomery G. Turner (University of Tennessee 1991) - BCA Graduate Relations
Patrick W. Carmichael (University of Tennessee 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
E. Steven Carr (University of Tennessee 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
John H. Criner (University of Tennessee 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Douglas L. Guion (University of Tennessee 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffery K. Hardin (University of Tennessee 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
A. Scott Holman (University of Tennessee 2002) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gary C. Kromer (University of Tennessee 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael J. McGowan (University of Tennessee 2001) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark A. Medley (University of Tennessee 1968) - BCA Miscellaneous
Hunter K. Purnell (University of Tennessee 2003) - BCA Miscellaneous
Chris Skalet (University of Tennessee 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
William T. Still III (University of Tennessee 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
R. Taylor Thomas (University of Tennessee 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
John F. Watkins, Jr. (University of Tennessee 1952) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas J. Wolf (University of Tennessee 2003) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stuart R. Worden (University of Tennessee 1953) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gill C. Duff (University of Tennessee 1981) - BCA Public Relations
Samuel F. Harvey, III (University of Tennessee 1972) - BCA Public Relations
Clifford Q. Johnson, Jr. (University of Tennessee 1969) - BCA Public Relations
William Kelly (University of Tennessee 1977) - BCA Public Relations
William F. Sheffer (University of Tennessee 1952) - BCA Public Relations
Dwight E. Tarwater (University of Tennessee 1977) - BCA Public Relations
John J. Britton (University of Tennessee 1979) - BCA Recruitment
E. Steven Carr (University of Tennessee 1973) - BCA Recruitment
Lewis F. Cosby, III (University of Tennessee 1972) - BCA Recruitment
Blake K. Deaton (University of Tennessee 2013) - BCA Recruitment
S. T. Dolinak (University of Tennessee 1978) - BCA Recruitment
James M. Hardin (University of Tennessee 1977) - BCA Recruitment
Ted B. Helms (University of Tennessee 1971) - BCA Recruitment
William Kelly (University of Tennessee 1977) - BCA Recruitment
Thomas W. McDowell, Jr. (University of Tennessee 1976) - BCA Recruitment
Joseph W. Reed (University of Tennessee 1976) - BCA Recruitment
Clifford A. Rodgers (University of Tennessee 1975) - BCA Recruitment
William F. Sheffer (University of Tennessee 1952) - BCA Recruitment
Dwight E. Tarwater (University of Tennessee 1977) - BCA Recruitment
Thomas J. Wolf (University of Tennessee 2003) - BCA Recruitment
James S. Alexander, III (University of Tennessee 1978) - BCA Risk Management
Michael A. Mangione (University of Tennessee 2005) - BCA Risk Management
Donald G. Muldrew (University of Tennessee 1967) - BCA Risk Management
Gary S. Napolitan (University of Tennessee 1967) - BCA Risk Management
D. Mark Nolan (University of Tennessee 1989) - BCA Risk Management
Clifford A. Rodgers (University of Tennessee 1975) - BCA Risk Management
Dwight E. Tarwater (University of Tennessee 1977) - BCA Risk Management
G. Kevin Hardin (University of Tennessee 1981) - BCA Ritual
William Kelly (University of Tennessee 1977) - BCA Ritual
Thomas W. McDowell, Jr. (University of Tennessee 1976) - BCA Ritual
Donald G. Muldrew (University of Tennessee 1967) - BCA Ritual
Claude R. Riley, PhD (University of Tennessee 1965) - BCA Ritual
Stephen R. Cobble (University of Tennessee 1976) - BCA Scholarship
Frederick J. Ergen (University of Tennessee 1972) - BCA Scholarship
Gayden D. Green (University of Tennessee 1970) - BCA Scholarship
Gary C. Kromer (University of Tennessee 1975) - BCA Scholarship
H. W. Bud Sherrod, Jr. (University of Tennessee 1970) - BCA Scholarship
Dalton L. Townsend (University of Tennessee 1965) - BCA Scholarship
John H. Ley (University of Tennessee 1997) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Foster D. Arnett, Jr. (University of Tennessee 1978) - BCA Trustee
Patrick W. Carmichael (University of Tennessee 2006) - BCA Trustee
Brent A. Carr (University of Tennessee 2005) - BCA Trustee
E. Steven Carr (University of Tennessee 1973) - BCA Trustee
Matthew B. Carr (University of Tennessee 2003) - BCA Trustee
Craig C. Cochran (University of Tennessee 1990) - BCA Trustee
D. Matthew Cowan (University of Tennessee 1980) - BCA Trustee
Frederick J. Ergen (University of Tennessee 1972) - BCA Trustee
Joseph A. Fielden (University of Tennessee 1975) - BCA Trustee
A. Scott Holman (University of Tennessee 2002) - BCA Trustee
William A. Hudson (University of Tennessee 2000) - BCA Trustee
John H. Ley (University of Tennessee 1997) - BCA Trustee
John I. Lillie, Jr. (University of Tennessee 1976) - BCA Trustee
Michael A. Mangione (University of Tennessee 2005) - BCA Trustee
J. Morton Massey (University of Tennessee 1973) - BCA Trustee
Jeffrey F. McEvoy (University of Tennessee 1985) - BCA Trustee
Mark A. Medley (University of Tennessee 1968) - BCA Trustee
Carson J. Purnell (University of Tennessee 2007) - BCA Trustee
Hunter K. Purnell (University of Tennessee 2003) - BCA Trustee
H. W. Bud Sherrod, Jr. (University of Tennessee 1970) - BCA Trustee
Logan R. Sizemore (University of Tennessee 2019) - BCA Trustee
Chris Skalet (University of Tennessee 1990) - BCA Trustee
William M. Slayden, III (University of Tennessee 1972) - BCA Trustee
Dalton L. Townsend (University of Tennessee 1965) - BCA Trustee
Montgomery G. Turner (University of Tennessee 1991) - BCA Trustee
Carson R. Watts (University of Tennessee 2021) - BCA Trustee
Thomas J. Wolf (University of Tennessee 2003) - BCA Trustee
William H. Goddard (University of Tennessee 1968) - BCA Administration
James M. Hardin (University of Tennessee 1977) - BCA Administration
Joseph W. Reed (University of Tennessee 1976) - BCA Administration
Claude R. Riley, PhD (University of Tennessee 1965) - BCA Administration
William M. Slayden, III (University of Tennessee 1972) - BCA Administration
Dwight E. Tarwater (University of Tennessee 1977) - BCA Administration
LtCol Charles M. Berkey USA (Ret) (University of Texas 1952) - BCA Chairman/President
Jay P. Brown (University of Texas 1993) - BCA Chairman/President
Dan A. Burgess (University of Texas 1965) - BCA Chairman/President
Robert O. Canon (University of Texas 1976) - BCA Chairman/President
Thomas B. Johnson (University of Texas 1967) - BCA Chairman/President
Stephen W. Kinney (University of Texas 1978) - BCA Chairman/President
W. Scott McAfee (University of Texas 1980) - BCA Chairman/President
Marshall Merritt (University of Texas 1984) - BCA Chairman/President
Robert C. Orr, Jr. (University of Texas 1979) - BCA Chairman/President
Thomas W. Shirley (University of Texas 1981) - BCA Chairman/President
Peter K. Taaffe (University of Texas 1993) - BCA Chairman/President
Robert H. Bohn (University of Texas 1957) - BCA Finances
William W. Brewer (University of Texas 1961) - BCA Finances
Robert P. Fowler (University of Texas 1955) - BCA Finances
Thomas B. Johnson (University of Texas 1967) - BCA Finances
Robert R. Lanier, Jr. (University of Texas 1960) - BCA Finances
Donald R. Mighell (University of Texas 1956) - BCA Finances
Horace W. Netherton, Jr. (University of Texas 1948) - BCA Finances
John R. Peloubet (University of Texas 1975) - BCA Finances
C. Clayton Thomas, Jr. (University of Texas 2007) - BCA Finances
Randall R. Turner (University of Texas 1980) - BCA Finances
Mark C. Winter (University of Texas 1983) - BCA Finances
Richard H. Ballinger (University of Texas 1936) - BCA Foundation of Courage
J. Travis Davis (University of Texas 1966) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Harold Gernsbacher, Jr. (University of Texas 1976) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Raymond B. Goddard (University of Texas 1916) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Jeffrey L. Hickey (University of Texas 1981) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Jack D. Holford (University of Texas 1964) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Donald R. Mighell (University of Texas 1956) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Robert O. Canon (University of Texas 1976) - BCA Graduate Relations
James R. Cochran (University of Texas 1957) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jeran J. Hooten (University of Texas 1964) - BCA Graduate Relations
Larry L. Loyd (University of Texas 1958) - BCA Graduate Relations
Horace W. Netherton, Jr. (University of Texas 1948) - BCA Graduate Relations
DeWitt Waltmon, Jr. (University of Texas 1980) - BCA Graduate Relations
Charles E. Baer (University of Texas 1958) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert H. Bohn (University of Texas 1957) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert L. Butchofsky , II (University of Texas 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert O. Canon (University of Texas 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Claude R. Clinton, Jr. (University of Texas 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bradley A. Fowler (University of Texas 1956) - BCA Miscellaneous
Harold N. Lindley (University of Texas 1961) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gene Majors (University of Texas 1969) - BCA Miscellaneous
W. Scott McAfee (University of Texas 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ardon E. Moore, III (University of Texas 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
John W. Newton, IV (University of Texas 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
Edmund P. Pincoffs, II (University of Texas 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
Forrest M. Smith (University of Texas 1948) - BCA Miscellaneous
John W. Tottenham (University of Texas 1957) - BCA Miscellaneous
Randall R. Turner (University of Texas 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jack W. Voyles (University of Texas 1956) - BCA Miscellaneous
T. A. Delano Womack (University of Texas 1956) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas A. Stockton (University of Texas 1966) - BCA Public Relations
Robert T. Davis (University of Texas 1952) - BCA Recruitment
Lawrence T. Franks (University of Texas 1966) - BCA Recruitment
James L. Geary (University of Texas 1972) - BCA Recruitment
James W. Gilbert (University of Texas 1963) - BCA Recruitment
William T. Griffin, Jr. (University of Texas 1987) - BCA Recruitment
Jack D. Holford (University of Texas 1964) - BCA Recruitment
William G. Kinney (University of Texas 1948) - BCA Recruitment
Robert C. Orr, Jr. (University of Texas 1979) - BCA Recruitment
Thomas W. Shirley (University of Texas 1981) - BCA Recruitment
Scott M. Waltmon (University of Texas 1987) - BCA Recruitment
Bryan C. Campbell (University of Texas 1982) - BCA Risk Management
John W. Elliott (University of Texas 1981) - BCA Risk Management
David J. Duke (University of Texas 1987) - BCA Ritual
Thomas A. Stockton (University of Texas 1966) - BCA Ritual
DeWitt Waltmon, Jr. (University of Texas 1980) - BCA Ritual
Charles E. Baer (University of Texas 1958) - BCA Scholarship
Richard H. Ballinger (University of Texas 1936) - BCA Scholarship
Marshall Merritt (University of Texas 1984) - BCA Scholarship
Max O. Reinbach, III (University of Texas 2007) - BCA Scholarship
Jack W. Voyles (University of Texas 1956) - BCA Scholarship
Eugene B. Shepherd, Jr. (University of Texas 1981) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
John A. Ausburn (University of Texas 2011) - BCA Trustee
Robert L. Butchofsky , II (University of Texas 1984) - BCA Built to Lead
Robert C. Caller (University of Texas 1972) - BCA Administration
Robert P. Fowler (University of Texas 1955) - BCA Administration
Thomas B. Johnson (University of Texas 1967) - BCA Administration
Lloyd W. King (University of Texas 1955) - BCA Administration
Emil H. Klatt, Jr. (University of Texas 1949) - BCA Administration
Robert R. Lanier, Jr. (University of Texas 1960) - BCA Administration
Mark W. Muecke (University of Texas 2000) - BCA Administration
Roy E. Rushing (University of Texas 1965) - BCA Administration
Jack R. Barber (University of Texas Arlington 1970) - BCA Chairman/President
William F. Fleming (University of Texas Arlington 1973) - BCA Chairman/President
Arik C. Garner (University of Texas Arlington 1996) - BCA Chairman/President
Khristopher P. Harris (University of Texas Arlington 2003) - BCA Chairman/President
J. Matthew Kumpel (University of Texas Arlington 1994) - BCA Chairman/President
Gregory P. Mince (University of Texas Arlington 1982) - BCA Chairman/President
Orsen E. Paxton, III (University of Texas Arlington 1971) - BCA Chairman/President
David L. Quinn (University of Texas Arlington 1987) - BCA Chairman/President
D. Mark Smith (University of Texas Arlington 1983) - BCA Chairman/President
Zeb Tidwell (University of Texas Arlington 1994) - BCA Chairman/President
Brian C. Tomlinson (University of Texas Arlington 1991) - BCA Chairman/President
T. Paul Mason, Jr. (University of Texas Arlington 1989) - BCA Vice Chairman
Orsen E. Paxton, III (University of Texas Arlington 1971) - BCA Vice Chairman
John P. Emmett (University of Texas Arlington 1988) - BCA Recording Secretary
Brian C. Tomlinson (University of Texas Arlington 1991) - BCA Recording Secretary
Jack R. Barber (University of Texas Arlington 1970) - BCA Finances
Bruce A. Legan (University of Texas Arlington 1988) - BCA Finances
J. William McConnell (University of Texas Arlington 1975) - BCA Finances
Jay C. Montya (University of Texas Arlington 1985) - BCA Finances
J. Bruce Patton, CPA (University of Texas Arlington 1974) - BCA Finances
Philip R. Shaw (University of Texas Arlington 1973) - BCA Finances
Roger E. Farr (University of Texas Arlington 1969) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Christropher L. Heasley (University of Texas Arlington 1999) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Ricky L. Jeanes (University of Texas Arlington 1981) - BCA Foundation of Courage
J. David Livingston (University of Texas Arlington 1971) - BCA Foundation of Courage
J. William McConnell (University of Texas Arlington 1975) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Wesley E. West (University of Texas Arlington 1970) - BCA Foundation of Courage
David M. Clark (University of Texas Arlington 1971) - BCA Graduate Relations
Aaron R. Maestas (University of Texas Arlington 2005) - BCA Graduate Relations
Ronald W. Overbeek (University of Texas Arlington 1971) - BCA Graduate Relations
Frank J. Prochaska (University of Texas Arlington 1970) - BCA Graduate Relations
Larry T. Able (University of Texas Arlington 1971) - BCA Miscellaneous
Cary S. Bradford (University of Texas Arlington 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
Keith W. Burger (University of Texas Arlington 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kirk R. Douthit (University of Texas Arlington 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
John P. Emmett (University of Texas Arlington 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian K. Fichtel (University of Texas Arlington 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
William F. Fleming (University of Texas Arlington 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
Arik C. Garner (University of Texas Arlington 1996) - BCA Miscellaneous
Howard N. Hale (University of Texas Arlington 1968) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kelley S. Harris (University of Texas Arlington 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher G. Heath (University of Texas Arlington 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bruce J. Hutson (University of Texas Arlington 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael D. Jarrett (University of Texas Arlington 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ricky L. Jeanes (University of Texas Arlington 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
William R. Kildow (University of Texas Arlington 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
Danny E. Lee (University of Texas Arlington 1995) - BCA Miscellaneous
Larry L. Lewis (University of Texas Arlington 1968) - BCA Miscellaneous
Roy E. Ludwig (University of Texas Arlington 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Aaron R. Maestas (University of Texas Arlington 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Scott C. McLeroy (University of Texas Arlington 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gregory P. Mince (University of Texas Arlington 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
David L. Quinn (University of Texas Arlington 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
R. Bretton Ray (University of Texas Arlington 1971) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert N. Swafford (University of Texas Arlington 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian C. Tomlinson (University of Texas Arlington 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
James M. Watson (University of Texas Arlington 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
Wesley E. West (University of Texas Arlington 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas G. Willhoite (University of Texas Arlington 1969) - BCA Miscellaneous
T. Blaine Williams (University of Texas Arlington 1996) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stuart J. Headland (University of Texas Arlington 1971) - BCA Public Relations
William R. Kildow (University of Texas Arlington 1970) - BCA Public Relations
Kim D. Andersen (University of Texas Arlington 1974) - BCA Recruitment
Jack R. Barber (University of Texas Arlington 1970) - BCA Recruitment
Khristopher P. Harris (University of Texas Arlington 2003) - BCA Recruitment
Larry L. Lewis (University of Texas Arlington 1968) - BCA Recruitment
J. William McConnell (University of Texas Arlington 1975) - BCA Recruitment
Ronald W. Overbeek (University of Texas Arlington 1971) - BCA Recruitment
Philip R. Shaw (University of Texas Arlington 1973) - BCA Recruitment
Bruce K. Shields (University of Texas Arlington 1980) - BCA Recruitment
Thomas F. Warner (University of Texas Arlington 1974) - BCA Risk Management
Mark A. Miertschin (University of Texas Arlington 1985) - BCA Ritual
Joseph D. Batzel (University of Texas Arlington 1974) - BCA Scholarship
Thomas C. Darden (University of Texas Arlington 1978) - BCA Scholarship
Rickey Groves (University of Texas Arlington 1970) - BCA Scholarship
Walter E. Hammond (University of Texas Arlington 1971) - BCA Scholarship
Daniel W. Henke, II (University of Texas Arlington 1983) - BCA Scholarship
Glen M. Rodgers (University of Texas Arlington 1968) - BCA Scholarship
Kim D. Andersen (University of Texas Arlington 1974) - BCA Trustee
James H. Ashworth, Jr. (University of Texas Arlington 1973) - BCA Trustee
Paul A. Attanasio (University of Texas Arlington 1981) - BCA Trustee
Jack R. Barber (University of Texas Arlington 1970) - BCA Trustee
Jefrey G. Barton (University of Texas Arlington 1971) - BCA Trustee
Cary S. Bradford (University of Texas Arlington 1970) - BCA Trustee
David E. Chamberlain (University of Texas Arlington 1973) - BCA Trustee
Brian E. Chase (University of Texas Arlington 1994) - BCA Trustee
Roger E. Farr (University of Texas Arlington 1969) - BCA Trustee
Brian K. Fichtel (University of Texas Arlington 1989) - BCA Trustee
William F. Fleming (University of Texas Arlington 1973) - BCA Trustee
George T. Freeman, IV (University of Texas Arlington 1997) - BCA Trustee
A. Ray Harris (University of Texas Arlington 1973) - BCA Trustee
Kelley S. Harris (University of Texas Arlington 1994) - BCA Trustee
William S. Hunnicutt, Jr. (University of Texas Arlington 1981) - BCA Trustee
Randall L. Hurr (University of Texas Arlington 1986) - BCA Trustee
Michael D. Jarrett (University of Texas Arlington 1972) - BCA Trustee
Ricky L. Jeanes (University of Texas Arlington 1981) - BCA Trustee
Brian E. Khoury (University of Texas Arlington 2008) - BCA Trustee
Jason T. Khoury (University of Texas Arlington 2008) - BCA Trustee
Larry L. Lewis (University of Texas Arlington 1968) - BCA Trustee
Michael T. Mannion (University of Texas Arlington 1981) - BCA Trustee
Jerry R. Mulkey (University of Texas Arlington 1974) - BCA Trustee
Warren V. Norred (University of Texas Arlington 1990) - BCA Trustee
Brian S. Pegram, USMC (University of Texas Arlington 2007) - BCA Trustee
Kevin A. Pegram (University of Texas Arlington 2008) - BCA Trustee
David L. Quinn (University of Texas Arlington 1987) - BCA Trustee
Alexander X. Rosado (University of Texas Arlington 2008) - BCA Trustee
Kirk D. Walden (University of Texas Arlington 1972) - BCA Trustee
R. Adam Whitten (University of Texas Arlington 2009) - BCA Trustee
Thomas G. Willhoite (University of Texas Arlington 1969) - BCA Trustee
T. Blaine Williams (University of Texas Arlington 1996) - BCA Trustee
Michael W. Agnew (University of Texas Arlington 1979) - BCA Administration
William R. Kildow (University of Texas Arlington 1970) - BCA Administration
Scott C. McLeroy (University of Texas Arlington 1978) - BCA Administration
Jerry D. Oates (University of Texas Arlington 1970) - BCA Administration
Orsen E. Paxton, III (University of Texas Arlington 1971) - BCA Administration
D. Craig Reid (University of Texas Arlington 1971) - BCA Administration
Richard E. Hicks (University of Texas Dallas 2013) - BCA Chairman/President
Benjamin T. Hogan (University of Texas Dallas 2019) - BCA Finances
Jai Sondhi (University of Texas Dallas 2011) - BCA Finances
Luke R. Murphey (University of Texas Dallas 2019) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Caleb R. Reidlinger (University of Texas Dallas 2014) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jonathan A. Bucio (University of Texas Dallas 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. Harrison Carr (University of Texas Dallas 2020) - BCA Miscellaneous
R. James Holliday (University of Texas Dallas 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
Archawin Kulsirimongkol (University of Texas Dallas 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
W. Grant Pollett (University of Texas Dallas 2019) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christian M. de Lara (University of Texas Dallas 2018) - BCA Recruitment
Joseph J. Reina (University of Texas Dallas 2013) - BCA Scholarship
Kusha C. Abdollahi (University of Texas Dallas 2016) - BCA Built to Lead
Stephen D. Faulstich (University of Texas San Antonio 2006) - BCA Chairman/President
Chad D. Webster (University of Texas San Antonio 1991) - BCA Chairman/President
Edelmiro Garza (University of Texas San Antonio 1997) - BCA Recording Secretary
Brian C. Peterson (University of Texas San Antonio 1999) - BCA Recording Secretary
Miguel A. Saldana (University of Texas San Antonio 2009) - BCA Recording Secretary
Kenneth M. Anderson (University of Texas San Antonio 1993) - BCA Finances
Travis W. Grahmann (University of Texas San Antonio 2012) - BCA Finances
William M. Faulstich (University of Texas San Antonio 1999) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Travis W. Grahmann (University of Texas San Antonio 2012) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Lasiter Skidmore (University of Texas San Antonio 2000) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Kyle D. Brown (University of Texas San Antonio 1996) - BCA Miscellaneous
Anthony M. Eschete (University of Texas San Antonio 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stephen D. Faulstich (University of Texas San Antonio 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jordan C. Fults (University of Texas San Antonio 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. Kyle Jackson (University of Texas San Antonio 2002) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael R. Jewett (University of Texas San Antonio 2002) - BCA Miscellaneous
Theodore R. Klemmedson (University of Texas San Antonio 1999) - BCA Miscellaneous
Marshall L. Myers, Jr. (University of Texas San Antonio 2007) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ryan C. Powers (University of Texas San Antonio 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stephen D. Pundt (University of Texas San Antonio 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Saul Teska (University of Texas San Antonio 2003) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert A. Villareal, Jr. (University of Texas San Antonio 2007) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ted A. Akers (University of Texas San Antonio 1997) - BCA Recruitment
Travis W. Grahmann (University of Texas San Antonio 2012) - BCA Recruitment
Brian C. Peterson (University of Texas San Antonio 1999) - BCA Recruitment
Miguel A. Saldana (University of Texas San Antonio 2009) - BCA Risk Management
Travis W. Grahmann (University of Texas San Antonio 2012) - BCA Ritual
Wyatt G. Sharifian (University of Texas San Antonio 2021) - BCA Ritual
Miguel A. Saldana (University of Texas San Antonio 2009) - BCA Scholarship
Michael E. Chapman, Jr. (University of Toledo 2009) - BCA Chairman/President
Gregory R. Clausing (University of Toledo 2008) - BCA Chairman/President
Dennis G. Parker (University of Toledo 2012) - BCA Chairman/President
Adam P. Sizemore (University of Toledo 2012) - BCA Chairman/President
Gregory R. Clausing (University of Toledo 2008) - BCA Recording Secretary
Chadd A. Schwartz (University of Toledo 2008) - BCA Finances
David J. Scott (University of Toledo 2008) - BCA Finances
Chadd A. Schwartz (University of Toledo 2008) - BCA Graduate Relations
Brian T. Vilicka (University of Toledo 2007) - BCA Graduate Relations
Gregory R. Clausing (University of Toledo 2008) - BCA Trustee
Dennis G. Parker (University of Toledo 2012) - BCA Trustee
Mark A. Parker (University of Toledo 2016) - BCA Trustee
Brett W. Pytel (University of Toledo 2008) - BCA Trustee
Ryan A. Pytel (University of Toledo 2005) - BCA Trustee
Chadd A. Schwartz (University of Toledo 2008) - BCA Trustee
Craig A. Wachauf (University of Toledo 2006) - BCA Trustee
Thaddeus J. Woods (University of Toledo 2013) - BCA Trustee
John M. Grega (University of Toledo 2009) - BCA Administration
Shane M. Logan (University of Toledo 2020) - BCA Administration
David W. Booz (University of Toronto 1985) - BCA Chairman/President
Robert Ciszek (University of Toronto 2011) - BCA Chairman/President
John D. Couke (University of Toronto 1994) - BCA Chairman/President
Gordon W. Dent (University of Toronto 1991) - BCA Chairman/President
Matthew E. Dolowy-Busch (University of Toronto 2015) - BCA Chairman/President
Walter M. Hall (University of Toronto 1963) - BCA Chairman/President
Graeme W. Norval, PhD (University of Toronto 1983) - BCA Chairman/President
Richard W. Pope (University of Toronto 2005) - BCA Chairman/President
Michael P. Weir (University of Toronto 1982) - BCA Chairman/President
Gregory M. White (University of Toronto 2000) - BCA Chairman/President
Robert J. Witchel (University of Toronto 1987) - BCA Chairman/President
Clarence K. Yue (University of Toronto 1995) - BCA Chairman/President
Micheal D. Albani (University of Toronto 1992) - BCA Recording Secretary
Eric A. Jones (University of Toronto 1987) - BCA Recording Secretary
Alan H. Spindel (University of Toronto 1987) - BCA Recording Secretary
Douglas E. Campbell (University of Toronto 1983) - BCA Finances
Richard E. Geiss (University of Toronto 1990) - BCA Finances
Roger Mehta (University of Toronto 1982) - BCA Finances
David W. Stephen (University of Toronto 1971) - BCA Finances
Peter G. Williams, PE (University of Toronto 1975) - BCA Finances
Kenneth J. Noble (University of Toronto 1978) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Robert E. Campbell (University of Toronto 1959) - BCA Graduate Relations
Frank D. Luet (University of Toronto 1976) - BCA Graduate Relations
Craig C. Thorburn (University of Toronto 1985) - BCA Graduate Relations
Christopher D. Bernachi (University of Toronto 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
William H. Chambers (University of Toronto 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert S. Dunlap (University of Toronto 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gregory J. Fealy (University of Toronto 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
Benjamin Hare (University of Toronto 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
Eric A. Jones (University of Toronto 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gordon J. Kitagawa (University of Toronto 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert J. Martin (University of Toronto 2007) - BCA Miscellaneous
A. Scott McCulloch, PhD (University of Toronto 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Larry G. Miller (University of Toronto 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kenneth J. Noble (University of Toronto 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey R. Pearson (University of Toronto 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Hanxiong Shi (University of Toronto 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
Alan H. Spindel (University of Toronto 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew M. Warszawski (University of Toronto 1996) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert J. Witchel (University of Toronto 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Frank D. Luet (University of Toronto 1976) - BCA Public Relations
Graeme W. Norval, PhD (University of Toronto 1983) - BCA Public Relations
Ross W. Arnold (University of Toronto 1971) - BCA Recruitment
David W. Booz (University of Toronto 1985) - BCA Recruitment
Kenneth J. Noble (University of Toronto 1978) - BCA Recruitment
Alan H. Spindel (University of Toronto 1987) - BCA Recruitment
Michael P. Weir (University of Toronto 1982) - BCA Recruitment
Robert R. Boothby (University of Toronto 1986) - BCA Ritual
Robert E. Campbell (University of Toronto 1959) - BCA Ritual
David W. Francis (University of Toronto 1976) - BCA Ritual
Alan H. Spindel (University of Toronto 1987) - BCA Scholarship
Peter G. Williams, PE (University of Toronto 1975) - BCA Scholarship
Taylor R. Blake (University of Toronto 2004) - BCA Administration
David W. Francis (University of Toronto 1976) - BCA Administration
Michael C. Stephen (University of Toronto 1972) - BCA Administration
Dean J. Champion (University of Utah 1989) - BCA Finances
Scott J. Sarisky (University of Utah 1990) - BCA Trustee
Peter B. Diederich (University of Vermont 2001) - BCA Chairman/President
Jason W. FitzGerald (University of Vermont 1998) - BCA Chairman/President
Christopher H. Mitchell (University of Vermont 2000) - BCA Chairman/President
Gerald A. Morin (University of Vermont 1988) - BCA Chairman/President
David H. Rous (University of Vermont 1998) - BCA Chairman/President
Roy G. Simpadian (University of Vermont 2003) - BCA Chairman/President
Lee K. Souter (University of Vermont 2005) - BCA Chairman/President
Chris N. Tardie (University of Vermont 2012) - BCA Chairman/President
David B. McCree (University of Vermont 1989) - BCA Recording Secretary
Jason W. FitzGerald (University of Vermont 1998) - BCA Finances
David P. Harnois (University of Vermont 1994) - BCA Finances
John A. Stimets (University of Vermont 1973) - BCA Finances
John A. Stimets (University of Vermont 1973) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Scott M. Curley, II (University of Vermont 2008) - BCA Graduate Relations
David J. Tepper (University of Vermont 1998) - BCA Graduate Relations
Ian W. Campbell (University of Vermont 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gregg R. Denton (University of Vermont 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Peter B. Diederich (University of Vermont 2001) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gregory L. Foster (University of Vermont 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jacques P. LeFrancois (University of Vermont 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Scott C. McCarty (University of Vermont 2008) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael Niman (University of Vermont 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Lee K. Souter (University of Vermont 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Zachary W. Vaillette (University of Vermont 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark R. Wilkison (University of Vermont 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Daniel C. Hill (University of Vermont 1995) - BCA Risk Management
Scott C. McCarty (University of Vermont 2008) - BCA Ritual
Peter B. Diederich (University of Vermont 2001) - BCA Scholarship
Peter B. Diederich (University of Vermont 2001) - BCA Trustee
John J. Dwyer, Jr. (University of Vermont 1984) - BCA Trustee
Alexander J. Edelman (University of Vermont 2013) - BCA Trustee
Charles S. Hackett (University of Vermont 2011) - BCA Trustee
Scott C. McCarty (University of Vermont 2008) - BCA Trustee
Martin Quatt (University of Vermont 1984) - BCA Trustee
Chris N. Tardie (University of Vermont 2012) - BCA Trustee
Richard M. Tetreault (University of Vermont 1985) - BCA Trustee
Ian W. Campbell (University of Vermont 2017) - BCA Built to Lead
Charles S. Hackett (University of Vermont 2011) - BCA Administration
Adam A. Lucas (University of Vermont 2005) - BCA Administration
Matthew R. Ogelby (University of Vermont 2003) - BCA Administration
Chris N. Tardie (University of Vermont 2012) - BCA Administration
Erik B. Carlson (University of Virginia 1994) - BCA Chairman/President
Steven A. Driskill (University of Virginia 2005) - BCA Chairman/President
Peter J. Dunne (University of Virginia 1980) - BCA Chairman/President
Nicholas P. Feakins (University of Virginia 2005) - BCA Chairman/President
Jeremy D. Hogg (University of Virginia 2003) - BCA Chairman/President
William J. Kenney (University of Virginia 1987) - BCA Chairman/President
David P. Morris (University of Virginia 1980) - BCA Chairman/President
Duff A. Scudder (University of Virginia 1978) - BCA Chairman/President
Richard P. Swift (University of Virginia 1974) - BCA Chairman/President
Richard D. Tuttle (University of Virginia 1950) - BCA Chairman/President
Kurt E. Woerpel, III (University of Virginia 1984) - BCA Chairman/President
J. Frank Conley (University of Virginia 1978) - BCA Vice Chairman
William J. Kenney (University of Virginia 1987) - BCA Vice Chairman
J. Frank Conley (University of Virginia 1978) - BCA Finances
Duff A. Scudder (University of Virginia 1978) - BCA Finances
G. Henry Seaks (University of Virginia 1968) - BCA Finances
Gregory C. Treharne, MD (University of Virginia 2002) - BCA Finances
Kurt E. Woerpel, III (University of Virginia 1984) - BCA Finances
Michael L. Woosley, Jr. (University of Virginia 1991) - BCA Finances
J. Frank Conley (University of Virginia 1978) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Jonathan B. Fraser (University of Virginia 1988) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Michael N. Gillette (University of Virginia 1987) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Timothy F. Hilliard (University of Virginia 2014) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Gregory L. Pace (University of Virginia 1995) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Sheppard A. Walker (University of Virginia 2018) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Jared A. Ward (University of Virginia 2011) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Mark F. Wolfe (University of Virginia 1980) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Geoffrey J. Deutsch (University of Virginia 1981) - BCA Graduate Relations
Kevin S. Dowlen (University of Virginia 2010) - BCA Graduate Relations
Patrick T. Hagan (University of Virginia 1982) - BCA Graduate Relations
Thomas R. Hayne (University of Virginia 2009) - BCA Graduate Relations
Thomas J. Hebert (University of Virginia 1999) - BCA Graduate Relations
Thomas F. Maxwell, Jr. (University of Virginia 1966) - BCA Graduate Relations
Matthew R. Boegner (University of Virginia 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert A. Carlisle, Jr. (University of Virginia 2008) - BCA Miscellaneous
Philip B. Christopher (University of Virginia 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher A. Cole (University of Virginia 2003) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew E. Cooper (University of Virginia 2009) - BCA Miscellaneous
Geoffrey J. Deutsch (University of Virginia 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kevin S. Dowlen (University of Virginia 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
Scott G. Driskill (University of Virginia 2009) - BCA Miscellaneous
Steven A. Driskill (University of Virginia 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Nicholas P. Feakins (University of Virginia 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kyle S. Fuschetti (University of Virginia 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew D. Garrahan (University of Virginia 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jason M. Golos (University of Virginia 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas R. Hayne (University of Virginia 2009) - BCA Miscellaneous
Douglas R. Hill (University of Virginia 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ross A. Jacobson (University of Virginia 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian M. Kinslow (University of Virginia 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
Troy B. Kirwin (University of Virginia 2016) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert K. Krout (University of Virginia 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
John C. Matthews (University of Virginia 1999) - BCA Miscellaneous
James N. McGarvey, Jr. (University of Virginia 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher M. Megaw (University of Virginia 2009) - BCA Miscellaneous
John W. Moore (University of Virginia 2016) - BCA Miscellaneous
David W. Nardi (University of Virginia 1968) - BCA Miscellaneous
Clark E. O'Bannon (University of Virginia 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
John M. Perry (University of Virginia 1941) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael J. Rhee (University of Virginia 1998) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mitchell L. Roessing (University of Virginia 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
Scott A. Simmons (University of Virginia 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Graham H. Williams (University of Virginia 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
James D. Wilson (University of Virginia 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kurt E. Woerpel, III (University of Virginia 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael L. Woosley, Jr. (University of Virginia 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jonathan T. Ziefle (University of Virginia 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph W. Grafmuller (University of Virginia 1984) - BCA Public Relations
Jeffrey S. Bunch (University of Virginia 1979) - BCA Recruitment
Richmond G. Favrot (University of Virginia 1959) - BCA Recruitment
Frederick D. Forshaw, Jr. (University of Virginia 2012) - BCA Recruitment
Clark E. O'Bannon (University of Virginia 2013) - BCA Recruitment
David M. O'Donnell (University of Virginia 1980) - BCA Recruitment
G. Henry Seaks (University of Virginia 1968) - BCA Recruitment
Richard D. Tuttle (University of Virginia 1950) - BCA Recruitment
Patrick C. Daniels (University of Virginia 1988) - BCA Risk Management
Phil T. Intihar (University of Virginia 1991) - BCA Risk Management
Christopher S. Johnson (University of Virginia 2003) - BCA Risk Management
John A. Poulson (University of Virginia 1977) - BCA Risk Management
G. Henry Seaks (University of Virginia 1968) - BCA Risk Management
Nathaniel J. Silvestri (University of Virginia 2017) - BCA Risk Management
William J. Kenney (University of Virginia 1987) - BCA Ritual
John E. Spear, Sr. (University of Virginia 1964) - BCA Ritual
Rajendra P. Das (University of Virginia 2017) - BCA Scholarship
David S. Kennedy (University of Virginia 1999) - BCA Scholarship
Taylor J. Scholz (University of Virginia 2012) - BCA Scholarship
Jared A. Ward (University of Virginia 2011) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Jeffrey S. Bunch (University of Virginia 1979) - BCA Trustee
Peter B. Delaney (University of Virginia 1976) - BCA Administration
Stephen E. Standing (University of Virginia 1968) - BCA Administration
Andrew W. Volin (University of Virginia 1986) - BCA Administration
Thomas G. D'Angelo (University of Washington 1990) - BCA Chairman/President
Donn J. Thompson (University of Washington 1945) - BCA Chairman/President
Bradley R. Whiting (University of Washington 1980) - BCA Chairman/President
James W. McCurdy (University of Washington 1979) - BCA Finances
Alexander D. Morrow (University of Washington 2015) - BCA Finances
Tom Napa (University of Washington 1974) - BCA Finances
Scott J. Reusser (University of Washington 1984) - BCA Finances
Robert M. Trimble (University of Washington 1964) - BCA Finances
Richard S. Abel (University of Washington 1978) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Ronald D. Crockett (University of Washington 1961) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Steven E. Mathews (University of Washington 1977) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Stephen M. Welch (University of Washington 1978) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Bradley R. Whiting (University of Washington 1980) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Roger D. Collins (University of Washington 1979) - BCA Graduate Relations
Roger V. Kelly (University of Washington 1958) - BCA Graduate Relations
Michael D. Kirkland (University of Washington 1961) - BCA Graduate Relations
Peter A. Odabashian (University of Washington 1971) - BCA Graduate Relations
Scott J. Reusser (University of Washington 1984) - BCA Graduate Relations
John W. Baldwin (University of Washington 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bligh S. Bjarnason (University of Washington 2021) - BCA Miscellaneous
Roger D. Collins (University of Washington 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kelly R. Constable (University of Washington 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Derek D. Crick (University of Washington 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
Clay Damon (University of Washington 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mason R. Delahooke (University of Washington 2018) - BCA Miscellaneous
Benjamin P. Douglas (University of Washington 2022) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stuart W. Evey (University of Washington 1956) - BCA Miscellaneous
James D. Fleming (University of Washington 1957) - BCA Miscellaneous
Craig W. Hart (University of Washington 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Taylor J. Heininger (University of Washington 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stephen M. Lamberson (University of Washington 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
John T. Mark (University of Washington 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
James W. McCurdy (University of Washington 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert H. Outcalt (University of Washington 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Eric J. Sanwick (University of Washington 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Nathan T. Thramer (University of Washington 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
R. Denny Watt, Jr. (University of Washington 1960) - BCA Miscellaneous
Roger V. Kelly (University of Washington 1958) - BCA Public Relations
David F. Peterson (University of Washington 1960) - BCA Public Relations
Todd R. Bennett (University of Washington 1976) - BCA Recruitment
Eugene B. Brownell (University of Washington 1929) - BCA Recruitment
Irish Coles (University of Washington 1952) - BCA Recruitment
Josh B. Hunnex (University of Washington 2006) - BCA Recruitment
Jefferson W. Livingston (University of Washington 2016) - BCA Recruitment
Brian P. Olsen (University of Washington 1982) - BCA Recruitment
William A. Revere (University of Washington 1954) - BCA Recruitment
Ian M. Rollo (University of Washington 1988) - BCA Recruitment
Bradley R. Whiting (University of Washington 1980) - BCA Risk Management
J. Michael Mann (University of Washington 1958) - BCA Ritual
James W. McCurdy (University of Washington 1979) - BCA Ritual
Bradley R. Whiting (University of Washington 1980) - BCA Ritual
Gerald K. Bogen (University of Washington 1960) - BCA Scholarship
J. Michael Mann (University of Washington 1958) - BCA Scholarship
Bradley R. Whiting (University of Washington 1980) - BCA Scholarship
Richard S. Abel (University of Washington 1978) - BCA Administration
Eugene B. Brownell (University of Washington 1929) - BCA Administration
Roger D. Collins (University of Washington 1979) - BCA Administration
Barry J. Erickson (University of Washington 1986) - BCA Administration
Brian P. Olsen (University of Washington 1982) - BCA Administration
Jacob C. Balkos (University of Western Ontario 2013) - BCA Chairman/President
Anthony C. H. Chung (University of Western Ontario 2016) - BCA Chairman/President
Stan B. Morantz (University of Western Ontario 1988) - BCA Chairman/President
Scott E. Peters (University of Western Ontario 1999) - BCA Chairman/President
James N. Schumacker (University of Western Ontario 1988) - BCA Chairman/President
Joshua Z. Sonshine (University of Western Ontario 2014) - BCA Chairman/President
John G. Starzynski (University of Western Ontario 1974) - BCA Chairman/President
Mark P. Trenton (University of Western Ontario 1986) - BCA Chairman/President
Edmund J. Zatylny (University of Western Ontario 1985) - BCA Chairman/President
Joshua Z. Sonshine (University of Western Ontario 2014) - BCA Vice Chairman
Donald A. Dinnin (University of Western Ontario 1977) - BCA Finances
William G. Drope (University of Western Ontario 1985) - BCA Finances
William A. Hudson (University of Western Ontario 1974) - BCA Finances
W. Pritchard (University of Western Ontario 1973) - BCA Finances
Michael G. Woods (University of Western Ontario 1973) - BCA Finances
Richard E. Longworth (University of Western Ontario 1973) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Brent H. Thrall (University of Western Ontario 1972) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Gary A. Whitfield (University of Western Ontario 1987) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Thomas M. Crook (University of Western Ontario 1988) - BCA Graduate Relations
George N. Isaac (University of Western Ontario 1973) - BCA Graduate Relations
Paul A. Renaud (University of Western Ontario 1974) - BCA Graduate Relations
Robert C. Storie (University of Western Ontario 1970) - BCA Graduate Relations
John T. Andrews (University of Western Ontario 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher W. Balkos (University of Western Ontario 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jacob C. Balkos (University of Western Ontario 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jarred J. Blackadder (University of Western Ontario 2020) - BCA Miscellaneous
Chris Breen (University of Western Ontario 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Paul Butlin (University of Western Ontario 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Dylan Delli Colli (University of Western Ontario 2021) - BCA Miscellaneous
N. Breton Downe (University of Western Ontario 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark E. Fay (University of Western Ontario 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard A. Fellman (University of Western Ontario 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
Beejan S. Giga (University of Western Ontario 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael E. Hagarty (University of Western Ontario 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Peter B. Hockin (University of Western Ontario 1968) - BCA Miscellaneous
William A. Hudson (University of Western Ontario 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
George N. Isaac (University of Western Ontario 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
George Lock (University of Western Ontario 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Marco M. Maccario (University of Western Ontario 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas F. Marrone (University of Western Ontario 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Lee L. McLaven (University of Western Ontario 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stan B. Morantz (University of Western Ontario 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Alex J. Pires (University of Western Ontario 2016) - BCA Miscellaneous
Steven M. Robyn (University of Western Ontario 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
James N. Schumacker (University of Western Ontario 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joshua Z. Sonshine (University of Western Ontario 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
John G. Starzynski (University of Western Ontario 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brent H. Thrall (University of Western Ontario 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
Manpreet S. Toor (University of Western Ontario 2016) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark P. Trenton (University of Western Ontario 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
R. Lynn Campbell, PhD (University of Western Ontario 1972) - BCA Public Relations
John W. McKinnon (University of Western Ontario 1972) - BCA Public Relations
W. Pritchard (University of Western Ontario 1973) - BCA Public Relations
Shawn P. Gilhuly (University of Western Ontario 1987) - BCA Recruitment
Timothy B. Johnson (University of Western Ontario 1987) - BCA Risk Management
Paul A. Renaud (University of Western Ontario 1974) - BCA Ritual
David C. Plaxton (University of Western Ontario 1984) - BCA Scholarship
Gregory L. Stoddart (University of Western Ontario 1971) - BCA Scholarship
Robert C. Storie (University of Western Ontario 1970) - BCA Scholarship
William D. Agnew (University of Western Ontario 1987) - BCA Administration
Kevin D. Bestard (University of Western Ontario 1979) - BCA Administration
Timothy B. Johnson (University of Western Ontario 1987) - BCA Administration
Edward J. Lamers (University of Western Ontario 2000) - BCA Administration
Richard E. Longworth (University of Western Ontario 1973) - BCA Administration
Michael A. Payton (University of Western Ontario 2011) - BCA Administration
Scott E. Peters (University of Western Ontario 1999) - BCA Administration
James N. Schumacker (University of Western Ontario 1988) - BCA Administration
Frank C. Smeenk (University of Western Ontario 1971) - BCA Administration
Joshua Z. Sonshine (University of Western Ontario 2014) - BCA Administration
John G. Starzynski (University of Western Ontario 1974) - BCA Administration
Michael J. Tomazincic (University of Western Ontario 1999) - BCA Administration
Mark P. Trenton (University of Western Ontario 1986) - BCA Administration
Michael G. Wammes (University of Western Ontario 2007) - BCA Administration
James F. Anderson, Jr. (University of Wisconsin 1975) - BCA Chairman/President
Robert F. Clarke (University of Wisconsin 1966) - BCA Chairman/President
John P. Koremenos (University of Wisconsin 2013) - BCA Chairman/President
Todd P. Ragsdale (University of Wisconsin 1990) - BCA Chairman/President
Jeffrey L. Reis (University of Wisconsin 1975) - BCA Chairman/President
Todd J. Robinson (University of Wisconsin 1986) - BCA Chairman/President
Charles T. Vaughan (University of Wisconsin 1985) - BCA Chairman/President
Douglas A. Taylor (University of Wisconsin 1943) - BCA Vice Chairman
Douglas J. Baker (University of Wisconsin 1964) - BCA Finances
John L. Borman (University of Wisconsin 1945) - BCA Finances
Robert H. Brinkmeyer (University of Wisconsin 1935) - BCA Finances
Gordon L. Brunsell (University of Wisconsin 1956) - BCA Finances
Alex C. Chou (University of Wisconsin 1977) - BCA Finances
Michael J. Hettinger (University of Wisconsin 1952) - BCA Finances
Daniel D. Peterson (University of Wisconsin 2011) - BCA Finances
Frank A. Ross, Jr. (University of Wisconsin 1950) - BCA Finances
J. Jeffry Hoerning (University of Wisconsin 1975) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Frank A. Ross, Jr. (University of Wisconsin 1950) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Gary H. Ross (University of Wisconsin 1974) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Michael A. Warner (University of Wisconsin 1986) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Raymond F. Zwiebel (University of Wisconsin 1976) - BCA Foundation of Courage
John P. Koremenos (University of Wisconsin 2013) - BCA Graduate Relations
William R. Marling (University of Wisconsin 1941) - BCA Graduate Relations
Gary W. Nevermann (University of Wisconsin 1979) - BCA Graduate Relations
John J. Peter (University of Wisconsin 1979) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jeffrey L. Reis (University of Wisconsin 1975) - BCA Graduate Relations
Michael P. Savidusky (University of Wisconsin 1967) - BCA Graduate Relations
Todd R. Tamcsin (University of Wisconsin 1985) - BCA Graduate Relations
William M. Booth (University of Wisconsin 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Nathaniel B. Dau-Schmidt (University of Wisconsin 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark P. Foseid (University of Wisconsin 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey P. Fritsche (University of Wisconsin 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard D. Galstad (University of Wisconsin 1952) - BCA Miscellaneous
Todd G. Gehrmann (University of Wisconsin 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeff J. Haen (University of Wisconsin 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Roger E. Heineck (University of Wisconsin 1955) - BCA Miscellaneous
James S. Johnson (University of Wisconsin 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
John P. Koremenos (University of Wisconsin 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
James G. Krogstad (University of Wisconsin 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
Eric L. Lied (University of Wisconsin 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Melvin E. Lynn, Jr. (University of Wisconsin 1951) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert J. McIlree (University of Wisconsin 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kenneth J. Meister (University of Wisconsin 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bryan T. Mette (University of Wisconsin 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph P. Miller (University of Wisconsin 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Luke A. Nevermann (University of Wisconsin 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian D. Olson (University of Wisconsin 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael V. Puck (University of Wisconsin 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey L. Reis (University of Wisconsin 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gary H. Ross (University of Wisconsin 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
Scott G. Schlesner (University of Wisconsin 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
John T. Siewert (University of Wisconsin 1950) - BCA Miscellaneous
James C. Sprung (University of Wisconsin 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Charles T. Vaughan (University of Wisconsin 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas H. Wright (University of Wisconsin 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jon C. Eberhardt (University of Wisconsin 1981) - BCA Public Relations
Kyle J. Hilmer (University of Wisconsin 1973) - BCA Public Relations
John J. Peter (University of Wisconsin 1979) - BCA Public Relations
Carl J. Thiesen (University of Wisconsin 1987) - BCA Public Relations
Thomas J. Horky (University of Wisconsin 1985) - BCA Recruitment
Jonathan K. Kiehnau (University of Wisconsin 1983) - BCA Recruitment
John J. Peter (University of Wisconsin 1979) - BCA Recruitment
Mark C. Rachac (University of Wisconsin 1981) - BCA Recruitment
James J. Sugden, III (University of Wisconsin 1977) - BCA Recruitment
William R. Torhorst (University of Wisconsin 1977) - BCA Recruitment
John C. Zimdars, Jr. (University of Wisconsin 1973) - BCA Recruitment
John C. Ball (University of Wisconsin 1995) - BCA Risk Management
Timothy D. Edwards (University of Wisconsin 1985) - BCA Risk Management
James C. Krupp (University of Wisconsin 1995) - BCA Risk Management
Peter R. Horneck (University of Wisconsin 1979) - BCA Ritual
John W. Thompson (University of Wisconsin 1965) - BCA Ritual
Jon C. Eberhardt (University of Wisconsin 1981) - BCA Scholarship
Thomas J. Kammerait (University of Wisconsin 1978) - BCA Scholarship
Daniel J. Minahan (University of Wisconsin 1971) - BCA Scholarship
Gary H. Ross (University of Wisconsin 1974) - BCA Scholarship
Eric L. Lied (University of Wisconsin 2014) - BCA Trustee
James F. Anderson, Jr. (University of Wisconsin 1975) - BCA Administration
Anton S. Arneson, Jr. (University of Wisconsin 1950) - BCA Administration
John C. Mitby (University of Wisconsin 1965) - BCA Administration
Michael K. O'Brien (University of Wisconsin 1974) - BCA Administration
Kyle C. Bliss (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1995) - BCA Chairman/President
Chase E. P. Brakke (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2007) - BCA Chairman/President
Steven R. Froelich (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1992) - BCA Chairman/President
Richard A. Koehler (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1983) - BCA Chairman/President
Paul K. Lindl (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1989) - BCA Chairman/President
Nathan M. Morales (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2001) - BCA Chairman/President
Nicholas M. Stokes (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2009) - BCA Chairman/President
Edmund J. Walker (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1992) - BCA Chairman/President
Robert F. Zwolinski (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1998) - BCA Chairman/President
Mark C. Cotton (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2001) - BCA Vice Chairman
Brian T. Elwood (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1995) - BCA Recording Secretary
Matthew S. Cotton (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2001) - BCA Finances
Jeremy D. Diebling (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2001) - BCA Finances
Bryan C. Eberhardt (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1996) - BCA Finances
Matthew P. Epple (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2019) - BCA Finances
James A. Galante (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1986) - BCA Finances
Scott L. Lane (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1995) - BCA Finances
David N. Mickelson (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1986) - BCA Finances
Randy J. Sparling (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1979) - BCA Finances
Ken C. Thoreson (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1973) - BCA Finances
Scott D. Wussow (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1978) - BCA Finances
Scott H. Binley (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1994) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Richard A. Koehler (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1983) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Randy J. Luety (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1974) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Kevin T. Robinson (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2021) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Mason T. Sheehy (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2017) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Michael A. Stanzak (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1980) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Ken C. Thoreson (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1973) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Monte C. Tralmer (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1978) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Ryan P. Bullis (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2002) - BCA Graduate Relations
John L. Frank (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1974) - BCA Graduate Relations
Steven J. Johnson (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1986) - BCA Graduate Relations
Scott E. Murlowski (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1980) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jonathan P. Quick (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1976) - BCA Graduate Relations
Mike R. Tennison (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2001) - BCA Graduate Relations
Ken C. Thoreson (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1973) - BCA Graduate Relations
Randall J. Walters (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1985) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jeffrey D. Bishop (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kyle C. Bliss (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1995) - BCA Miscellaneous
Anders H. Bloomquist (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian T. Bowen (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Chase E. P. Brakke (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2007) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian T. Elwood (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1995) - BCA Miscellaneous
Steven R. Froelich (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew J. Grinwald (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew R. Heerey (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1998) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian L. Helm (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Justin M. Hennig (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
Steven J. Johnson (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Adam J. Layne (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jordan S. Lindner (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Nicholas P. Lund (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ross P. Ramsay (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jason R. Reynolds (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kevin T. Robinson (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2021) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matt O. Salisbury (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jason J. Seeger (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2002) - BCA Miscellaneous
Randy J. Sparling (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ken C. Thoreson (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
Nicholas V. Tscherne (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael L. Williams (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2009) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert F. Zwolinski (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1998) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian L. Helm (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1982) - BCA Public Relations
Steven J. Johnson (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1986) - BCA Public Relations
Kurt C. Tausche (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1974) - BCA Public Relations
Charles J. Fox (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2013) - BCA Recruitment
Richard A. Koehler (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1983) - BCA Recruitment
Ross P. Ramsay (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1987) - BCA Recruitment
Mason T. Sheehy (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2017) - BCA Recruitment
Michael A. Stanzak (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1980) - BCA Recruitment
Kurt C. Tausche (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1974) - BCA Recruitment
Ken C. Thoreson (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1973) - BCA Recruitment
John L. Frank (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1974) - BCA Risk Management
Brian L. Helm (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1982) - BCA Risk Management
Adam T. Lewis (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1997) - BCA Risk Management
Brian T. Bowen (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1986) - BCA Ritual
Randy J. Luety (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1974) - BCA Ritual
John L. Frank (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1974) - BCA Scholarship
Peter H. Kilian (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1980) - BCA Scholarship
Jonathan P. Quick (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1976) - BCA Scholarship
Kyle C. Bliss (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1995) - BCA Trustee
Chase E. P. Brakke (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2007) - BCA Trustee
Tyler J. DeBruin (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2011) - BCA Trustee
Matthew P. Epple (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2019) - BCA Trustee
Charles J. Fox (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2013) - BCA Trustee
John L. Frank (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1974) - BCA Trustee
Steven R. Froelich (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1992) - BCA Trustee
Benjamin G. Leach (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2002) - BCA Trustee
Nicholas P. Lund (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2012) - BCA Trustee
Jeffrey B. Maffitt (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2009) - BCA Trustee
Nathan M. Morales (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2001) - BCA Trustee
Kevin T. Robinson (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2021) - BCA Trustee
Jeffrey D. Schuster (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1992) - BCA Trustee
Mason T. Sheehy (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2017) - BCA Trustee
Kurt C. Tausche (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1974) - BCA Trustee
Daniel C. Templeton (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2019) - BCA Trustee
Mike R. Tennison (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2001) - BCA Trustee
Ken C. Thoreson (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1973) - BCA Trustee
Marc Tutt (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1996) - BCA Trustee
John L. Frank (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1974) - BCA Administration
Richard A. Koehler (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1983) - BCA Administration
Craig D. Michelson (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1978) - BCA Administration
Kevin T. Robinson (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2021) - BCA Built to Lead
Phil E. Chilcote (University of Wyoming 1970) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Patrick J. Nelson (University of Wyoming 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
Russell W. Grimm (University of Wyoming 1972) - BCA Public Relations
Theodore P. Versteeg (University of Wyoming 1975) - BCA Recruitment
Phil E. Chilcote (University of Wyoming 1970) - BCA Ritual
Walter J. Davis (University of the South Sewanee 1987) - BCA Chairman/President
Mark P. Reineke (University of the South Sewanee 1987) - BCA Chairman/President
Forbes Mann, II (University of the South Sewanee 2009) - BCA Recording Secretary
Reginald H. Helvenston (University of the South Sewanee 1922) - BCA Finances
Daniel G. Ray (University of the South Sewanee 1981) - BCA Finances
Glenn N. Baxter (University of the South Sewanee 1968) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Thomas D. Hoff (University of the South Sewanee 2012) - BCA Foundation of Courage
James P. Becker (University of the South Sewanee 1994) - BCA Graduate Relations
Dwain E. Manske (University of the South Sewanee 1954) - BCA Graduate Relations
Charles M. Boyd (University of the South Sewanee 1929) - BCA Miscellaneous
James T. Cross (University of the South Sewanee 1957) - BCA Miscellaneous
Reginald H. Helvenston (University of the South Sewanee 1922) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew C. Keyse (University of the South Sewanee 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Nicholas J. Lynn (University of the South Sewanee 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Leslie McLaurin, Jr. (University of the South Sewanee 1939) - BCA Miscellaneous
Harvey A. Rogers, Jr. (University of the South Sewanee 1950) - BCA Miscellaneous
Dwain E. Manske (University of the South Sewanee 1954) - BCA Public Relations
Nicholas J. Lynn (University of the South Sewanee 1981) - BCA Risk Management
Sam J. Albritton, DDS (University of the South Sewanee 1955) - BCA Ritual
Nicholas J. Lynn (University of the South Sewanee 1981) - BCA Ritual
Daniel G. Ray (University of the South Sewanee 1981) - BCA Scholarship
A. Spencer Tomb, III (University of the South Sewanee 1965) - BCA Scholarship
Arthur J. Worrall (University of the South Sewanee 1955) - BCA Scholarship
James P. Martin (University of the South Sewanee 1976) - BCA Administration
Winfred P. Minter (University of the South Sewanee 1946) - BCA Administration
Thomas L. Powell (University of the South Sewanee 1996) - BCA Built to Lead
Michael J. Hoffer (Utah State University 1984) - BCA Chairman/President
David T. Kolesky (Utah State University 1993) - BCA Chairman/President
Charles F. Mondale (Utah State University 1987) - BCA Chairman/President
John P. Seese (Utah State University 1980) - BCA Chairman/President
Craig J. Yeager (Utah State University 1983) - BCA Chairman/President
W. D. Robinson (Utah State University 1983) - BCA Recording Secretary
Paul J. Beyer (Utah State University 1970) - BCA Finances
Joseph F. Gardner, Jr. (Utah State University 1974) - BCA Finances
Paul W. Nanney (Utah State University 1973) - BCA Finances
Charles G. Riddle (Utah State University 1973) - BCA Finances
W. D. Robinson (Utah State University 1983) - BCA Finances
Craig Schvaneveldt (Utah State University 1974) - BCA Finances
Richard A. Chilcoat (Utah State University 1982) - BCA Foundation of Courage
William L. Tennent (Utah State University 1971) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Michael D. Morrissey (Utah State University 1970) - BCA Graduate Relations
William L. Tennent (Utah State University 1971) - BCA Graduate Relations
Richard W. Thelin, USMC (Utah State University 1977) - BCA Graduate Relations
Steven T. Barth (Utah State University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Donald B. Coates (Utah State University 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Peter S. Cooke (Utah State University 1971) - BCA Miscellaneous
Larry Cruz (Utah State University 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
William B. Evans (Utah State University 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
David W. Guymon (Utah State University 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kurt W. Koetter (Utah State University 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
David T. Kolesky (Utah State University 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
John K. Newland, III (Utah State University 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Caden K. Preece (Utah State University 2021) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert N. Reid (Utah State University 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
W. D. Robinson (Utah State University 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bob Ropelato (Utah State University 1969) - BCA Miscellaneous
John P. Seese (Utah State University 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian S. Welch (Utah State University 2018) - BCA Miscellaneous
Craig J. Yeager (Utah State University 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
James R. Brickel, Jr. (Utah State University 1979) - BCA Public Relations
W. D. Robinson (Utah State University 1983) - BCA Public Relations
Richard K. Taylor (Utah State University 1974) - BCA Public Relations
Charles E. Windham (Utah State University 1971) - BCA Public Relations
Bruce W. Donnachie (Utah State University 1976) - BCA Recruitment
Mitchell H. Mason (Utah State University 1974) - BCA Recruitment
John P. Seese (Utah State University 1980) - BCA Recruitment
William L. Tennent (Utah State University 1971) - BCA Recruitment
John P. Seese (Utah State University 1980) - BCA Risk Management
Joseph F. Gardner, Jr. (Utah State University 1974) - BCA Ritual
Mitchell H. Mason (Utah State University 1974) - BCA Ritual
Richard J. Pycior (Utah State University 1977) - BCA Ritual
William L. Tennent (Utah State University 1971) - BCA Ritual
Craig J. Yeager (Utah State University 1983) - BCA Ritual
W. D. Robinson (Utah State University 1983) - BCA Scholarship
William B. Evans (Utah State University 1985) - BCA Trustee
Bob Ropelato (Utah State University 1969) - BCA Administration
Richard K. Taylor (Utah State University 1974) - BCA Administration
Gerard F. Urlacher (Utah State University 1978) - BCA Administration
D. Brock Hooper (Vanderbilt University 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
D. Brock Hooper (Vanderbilt University 2012) - BCA Trustee
Zachary T. McCormick (Vanderbilt University 2013) - BCA Trustee
Joseph K. Souter (Vanderbilt University 2012) - BCA Trustee
Michael J. Dudrear (Villanova University 1990) - BCA Chairman/President
Michael J. Dudrear (Villanova University 1990) - BCA Vice Chairman
Eric J. Gangloff (Villanova University 1990) - BCA Vice Chairman
Michael J. Dudrear (Villanova University 1990) - BCA Recording Secretary
Christopher Simeral (Villanova University 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Eric J. Gangloff (Villanova University 1990) - BCA Public Relations
Jeffrey F. Gostyla (Villanova University 1990) - BCA Recruitment
Tanner J. Bonovitch (Virginia Commonwealth University 2017) - BCA Chairman/President
Jacob T. Camacho (Virginia Commonwealth University 2015) - BCA Chairman/President
George T. Jamerson (Virginia Commonwealth University 2014) - BCA Chairman/President
Benjamin A. Jewell (Virginia Commonwealth University 2022) - BCA Chairman/President
Deion J. Atkinson (Virginia Commonwealth University 2021) - BCA Miscellaneous
Tanner J. Bonovitch (Virginia Commonwealth University 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Justin W. Buhl (Virginia Commonwealth University 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jacob T. Camacho (Virginia Commonwealth University 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
Benjamin A. Jewell (Virginia Commonwealth University 2022) - BCA Miscellaneous
Austin Mills (Virginia Commonwealth University 2023) - BCA Miscellaneous
Tyler B. Snook (Virginia Commonwealth University 2019) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael K. Portillo (Virginia Commonwealth University 2022) - BCA Trustee
Peyton H. Volman (Virginia Commonwealth University 2021) - BCA Trustee
Patrick C. Williams (Virginia Commonwealth University 2021) - BCA Trustee
Nicholas C. Sinclair (Virginia Commonwealth University 2014) - BCA Administration
Chandler T. Cook (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2013) - BCA Chairman/President
Richard G. Eskelund (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1982) - BCA Chairman/President
David S. Harrison (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1992) - BCA Chairman/President
Dana W. Hesse (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1986) - BCA Chairman/President
Glenn T. Kinnear (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1994) - BCA Chairman/President
Matthew C. Maclaughlin, Jr. (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1997) - BCA Chairman/President
Michael D. Maret (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1989) - BCA Chairman/President
Peter A. McDevitt (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1990) - BCA Chairman/President
Robert M. Paine (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1989) - BCA Chairman/President
Jonathan E. Parker (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1984) - BCA Chairman/President
Andrew M. Roberts (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2013) - BCA Chairman/President
Jefferson L. Waldon (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1985) - BCA Chairman/President
James K. Hamric (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1992) - BCA Vice Chairman
Patrick L. Reilly (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1991) - BCA Vice Chairman
Brian C. Young (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1993) - BCA Vice Chairman
Ward A. Follette (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1976) - BCA Recording Secretary
Douglas E. Frushour (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1984) - BCA Recording Secretary
Kenneth J. Larson (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1989) - BCA Recording Secretary
Peter A. McDevitt (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1990) - BCA Recording Secretary
Brian C. Oakes (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1991) - BCA Recording Secretary
Jonathan E. Parker (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1984) - BCA Recording Secretary
Patrick L. Reilly (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1991) - BCA Recording Secretary
Howard C. Canada, III (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1976) - BCA Finances
James V. Carvajal (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1981) - BCA Finances
Stacey J. Cole (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1974) - BCA Finances
Richard D. Fine (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1972) - BCA Finances
Edwin A. Hardell (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1982) - BCA Finances
H. F. Jones (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1976) - BCA Finances
Ephry C. Kaplan (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1983) - BCA Finances
Patrick L. Reilly (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1991) - BCA Finances
Tyler R. Stoneman (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2006) - BCA Finances
Jeffrey B. Whipple (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1980) - BCA Finances
Ethan B. Crockett (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2008) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Stephen M. Debevoise (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1980) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Ronald S. Hill (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1975) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Daniel A. Robl (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1976) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Curtis M. Allison (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1976) - BCA Graduate Relations
Larry L. Campbell (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1975) - BCA Graduate Relations
Howard C. Canada, III (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1976) - BCA Graduate Relations
Robert M. Dunn, II (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1973) - BCA Graduate Relations
Ward A. Follette (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1976) - BCA Graduate Relations
Douglas E. Frushour (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1984) - BCA Graduate Relations
Richard B. Gass (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1981) - BCA Graduate Relations
N. Michael F. Griffith (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1973) - BCA Graduate Relations
H. F. Jones (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1976) - BCA Graduate Relations
Daniel M. Kallick (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1980) - BCA Graduate Relations
Andrew M. Roberts (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2013) - BCA Graduate Relations
Daniel A. Robl (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1976) - BCA Graduate Relations
Michael H. Swartz (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2014) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jefferson L. Waldon (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1985) - BCA Graduate Relations
Michael W. Barringer (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Hoyt C. Bonner (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ethan B. Crockett (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2008) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ward A. Follette (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert A. Hanson (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
John C. Hepler (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Dana W. Hesse (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Buck Holsinger (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2001) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ephry C. Kaplan (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brandon M. Kelley (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2000) - BCA Miscellaneous
Henry H. King, Jr. (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
William C. Latane (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1977) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael D. Maret (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey D. McMahan, Jr. (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2003) - BCA Miscellaneous
Edward J. Merwin (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jason T. Newcomb (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1998) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher J. Perry (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2009) - BCA Miscellaneous
Peter A. Petras (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gregory S. Rappaport (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher G. Sterbling (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2007) - BCA Miscellaneous
John M. Tabb, III (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
Amos T. Webb (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
William P. Woodward (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas R. Wuest (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
John A. Adamo (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1982) - BCA Public Relations
Robert M. Dunn, II (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1973) - BCA Public Relations
John E. Friedman (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1987) - BCA Public Relations
Don Kawecki (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1978) - BCA Public Relations
Henry H. King, Jr. (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1982) - BCA Public Relations
Richard C. Vaden (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1975) - BCA Public Relations
Vil S. Vaitas, Jr. (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1979) - BCA Public Relations
John A. Adamo (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1982) - BCA Recruitment
Larry L. Campbell (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1975) - BCA Recruitment
Richard G. Eskelund (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1982) - BCA Recruitment
Richard D. Fine (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1972) - BCA Recruitment
Richard B. Gass (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1981) - BCA Recruitment
Michael G. Gidas (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2006) - BCA Recruitment
Dana W. Hesse (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1986) - BCA Recruitment
Stephen M. King (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2014) - BCA Recruitment
Kenneth J. Larson (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1989) - BCA Recruitment
Edward J. Merwin (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1976) - BCA Recruitment
John M. Tabb, III (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2004) - BCA Recruitment
Ward A. Follette (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1976) - BCA Ritual
Richard B. Gass (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1981) - BCA Ritual
John E. Hughes, Jr. (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1975) - BCA Ritual
Daniel A. Robl (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1976) - BCA Ritual
Michael Rooney (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1982) - BCA Ritual
Edwin A. Hardell (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1982) - BCA Scholarship
Matthew C. Maclaughlin, Jr. (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1997) - BCA Scholarship
Peter A. McDevitt (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1990) - BCA Scholarship
Daniel A. Robl (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1976) - BCA Scholarship
Stephen M. Snyder (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1987) - BCA Scholarship
Colin B. Winchester (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1989) - BCA Scholarship
Thomas R. Wuest (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1972) - BCA Scholarship
Dana W. Hesse (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1986) - BCA Trustee
Matthew C. Maclaughlin, Jr. (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1997) - BCA Trustee
Michael D. Maret (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1989) - BCA Trustee
Michael J. Romano (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1998) - BCA Trustee
Christopher G. Sterbling (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2007) - BCA Trustee
Larry L. Campbell (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1975) - BCA Administration
Richard G. Eskelund (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1982) - BCA Administration
Edwin A. Hardell (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1982) - BCA Administration
William G. Ritchie, Jr. (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1975) - BCA Administration
Daniel A. Robl (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1976) - BCA Administration
Hugh D. Taylor (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1977) - BCA Administration
Kevin M. Andrews (Wabash College 2010) - BCA Chairman/President
James E. Ayers (Wabash College 1963) - BCA Chairman/President
Eric M. Cavanaugh (Wabash College 1976) - BCA Chairman/President
Cameron A. McDougal (Wabash College 2012) - BCA Chairman/President
Harry F. McNaught, Jr. (Wabash College 1976) - BCA Chairman/President
Mark J. Merkle (Wabash College 1980) - BCA Chairman/President
Dudley K. Miller (Wabash College 1978) - BCA Chairman/President
Ryan M. Poor (Wabash College 1995) - BCA Chairman/President
Kurt S. Snyder (Wabash College 1989) - BCA Chairman/President
Steven J. Stambaugh (Wabash College 2009) - BCA Chairman/President
Andrew J. Stegelmann (Wabash College 2014) - BCA Chairman/President
Douglas R. Freeman (Wabash College 1973) - BCA Vice Chairman
John B. Culley, Jr. (Wabash College 1969) - BCA Finances
John W. Feasel (Wabash College 1976) - BCA Finances
Benjamin R. Gonzalez, Jr. (Wabash College 2007) - BCA Finances
Gregory H. Miller (Wabash College 1983) - BCA Finances
Peteris M. Silins (Wabash College 1962) - BCA Finances
Richard J. Campbell, Jr. (Wabash College 1969) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Phillip D. Mikesell (Wabash College 1963) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Dudley K. Miller (Wabash College 1978) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Richard G. Tulley (Wabash College 1955) - BCA Foundation of Courage
James E. Ayers (Wabash College 1963) - BCA Graduate Relations
Richard J. Campbell, Jr. (Wabash College 1969) - BCA Graduate Relations
Jay W. Gray (Wabash College 1950) - BCA Graduate Relations
F. Lincoln Marx (Wabash College 1955) - BCA Graduate Relations
C. Davies Reed (Wabash College 1985) - BCA Graduate Relations
J. Peter Schma, CLU (Wabash College 1953) - BCA Graduate Relations
Kevin M. Andrews (Wabash College 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kenton R. Armbruster (Wabash College 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
James E. Ayers (Wabash College 1963) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kyle M. Bender (Wabash College 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stephen S. Bowen (Wabash College 1968) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew T. Bridge, MD (Wabash College 2001) - BCA Miscellaneous
John B. Bridge (Wabash College 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
Corby A. Bubp (Wabash College 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert W. Carman (Wabash College 1963) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bryan W. Carr (Wabash College 2009) - BCA Miscellaneous
Eric M. Cavanaugh (Wabash College 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
John O. Clements (Wabash College 1959) - BCA Miscellaneous
C. Layton Elliott (Wabash College 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
Charles R. Feehan (Wabash College 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jay W. Gray (Wabash College 1950) - BCA Miscellaneous
Craig A. Green (Wabash College 1959) - BCA Miscellaneous
James L. Gregg (Wabash College 1959) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jordan E. Hansen (Wabash College 2019) - BCA Miscellaneous
Lester L. Hearson (Wabash College 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
Eriks E. Janelsins (Wabash College 2002) - BCA Miscellaneous
William F. Kennedy, Jr. (Wabash College 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ken T. Kreisher (Wabash College 1964) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher A. Leagre, MD (Wabash College 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Cameron A. McDougal (Wabash College 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher L. McDougal (Wabash College 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Harry F. McNaught, Jr. (Wabash College 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark J. Merkle (Wabash College 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Dudley K. Miller (Wabash College 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gregory H. Miller (Wabash College 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey R. Oberlies (Wabash College 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jon Paul J. Patterson (Wabash College 2008) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey M. Perkins (Wabash College 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph M. Pfennig (Wabash College 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
C. Davies Reed (Wabash College 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bryan J. Roesler (Wabash College 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
V. Daniel Rogers (Wabash College 2009) - BCA Miscellaneous
J. David Ross, Jr. (Wabash College 2003) - BCA Miscellaneous
Donald W. Russell (Wabash College 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
Henry M. Sabetti, III (Wabash College 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gregg R. Schipp (Wabash College 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey W. Short (Wabash College 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Peteris M. Silins (Wabash College 1962) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ralph M. Smith (Wabash College 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
Samuel W. Spoerle (Wabash College 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jack C. Swartout (Wabash College 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stephen J. Waymire (Wabash College 1960) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert J. Webb (Wabash College 1959) - BCA Miscellaneous
James L. Amidon, Jr. (Wabash College 1987) - BCA Public Relations
James E. Ayers (Wabash College 1963) - BCA Public Relations
Richard J. Campbell, Jr. (Wabash College 1969) - BCA Public Relations
Richard G. Tulley (Wabash College 1955) - BCA Public Relations
Jonathan G. Lingelbach (Wabash College 1971) - BCA Recruitment
Phillip D. Mikesell (Wabash College 1963) - BCA Recruitment
Donald W. Russell (Wabash College 1972) - BCA Recruitment
Richard G. Tulley (Wabash College 1955) - BCA Recruitment
David G. Powell (Wabash College 1981) - BCA Risk Management
Daniel C. Jenkins, Jr. (Wabash College 1967) - BCA Ritual
Dudley K. Miller (Wabash College 1978) - BCA Ritual
Robert J. Webb (Wabash College 1959) - BCA Ritual
Eric M. Cavanaugh (Wabash College 1976) - BCA Scholarship
Joshua L. Elmore (Wabash College 2002) - BCA Scholarship
Jonathan G. Lingelbach (Wabash College 1971) - BCA Scholarship
Peteris M. Silins (Wabash College 1962) - BCA Scholarship
Richard G. Tulley (Wabash College 1955) - BCA Scholarship
James E. Ayers (Wabash College 1963) - BCA Administration
John B. Culley, Jr. (Wabash College 1969) - BCA Administration
Dudley K. Miller (Wabash College 1978) - BCA Administration
Robert E. Sonnemaker (Wabash College 1967) - BCA Administration
J. David Talley, MD (Wabash College 1976) - BCA Administration
Richard G. Tulley (Wabash College 1955) - BCA Administration
William O. Ash, USAF (Washington & Jefferson College 1940) - BCA Chairman/President
Bruce D. Green (Washington & Jefferson College 1979) - BCA Chairman/President
Eric A. Harris (Washington & Jefferson College 2005) - BCA Chairman/President
G. Scott Butler (Washington & Jefferson College 1980) - BCA Finances
Martin R. Dekker (Washington & Jefferson College 1981) - BCA Finances
James K. Hunter (Washington & Jefferson College 1933) - BCA Finances
Craig W. Chaney (Washington & Jefferson College 2008) - BCA Foundation of Courage
D. Lawrence Wickerham, MD (Washington & Jefferson College 1972) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Jason M. Kelecic (Washington & Jefferson College 1999) - BCA Graduate Relations
William R. West, Jr. (Washington & Jefferson College 1979) - BCA Graduate Relations
D. Lawrence Wickerham, MD (Washington & Jefferson College 1972) - BCA Graduate Relations
Donald J. Camerson (Washington & Jefferson College 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Scott D. Conley (Washington & Jefferson College 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew N. Farley (Washington & Jefferson College 1956) - BCA Miscellaneous
Timothy J. Gricks (Washington & Jefferson College 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bryon B. Hobbs (Washington & Jefferson College 1998) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard L. Kaylor (Washington & Jefferson College 1950) - BCA Miscellaneous
Scott E. Learn (Washington & Jefferson College 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kent H. Manno (Washington & Jefferson College 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert C. Roth (Washington & Jefferson College 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
Edward J. Ruane (Washington & Jefferson College 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert J. Walters (Washington & Jefferson College 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
William R. West, Jr. (Washington & Jefferson College 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gadwin L. Stewart (Washington & Jefferson College 2015) - BCA Public Relations
D. Lawrence Wickerham, MD (Washington & Jefferson College 1972) - BCA Recruitment
Eric A. Harris (Washington & Jefferson College 2005) - BCA Risk Management
Martin R. Dekker (Washington & Jefferson College 1981) - BCA Ritual
Lance Funderburk (Washington & Jefferson College 1981) - BCA Ritual
Julian G. Hearne (Washington & Jefferson College 1926) - BCA Ritual
D. Lawrence Wickerham, MD (Washington & Jefferson College 1972) - BCA Ritual
John R. Wycoff (Washington & Jefferson College 1959) - BCA Ritual
Andrew N. Farley (Washington & Jefferson College 1956) - BCA Scholarship
Lance Funderburk (Washington & Jefferson College 1981) - BCA Scholarship
Russell L. Creely (Washington & Jefferson College 2003) - BCA Trustee
Thomas P. Dugan (Washington & Jefferson College 2004) - BCA Trustee
Jonathan S. Emley (Washington & Jefferson College 1972) - BCA Trustee
Edward T. Hirsh (Washington & Jefferson College 2011) - BCA Trustee
Joseph P. Kelly (Washington & Jefferson College 2011) - BCA Trustee
Rodney M. Kosanovich (Washington & Jefferson College 1977) - BCA Trustee
Eugene W. McCourt (Washington & Jefferson College 2012) - BCA Trustee
Matthew R. Montenero (Washington & Jefferson College 2010) - BCA Trustee
J. Ryan Norris (Washington & Jefferson College 2012) - BCA Trustee
James H. Norris (Washington & Jefferson College 1975) - BCA Trustee
Brendan J. Schneider (Washington & Jefferson College 1994) - BCA Trustee
John G. Van Cleve (Washington & Jefferson College 1978) - BCA Trustee
D. Lawrence Wickerham, MD (Washington & Jefferson College 1972) - BCA Trustee
Johnathan T. Williams (Washington & Jefferson College 2010) - BCA Trustee
Lance Funderburk (Washington & Jefferson College 1981) - BCA Administration
James J. Dawson (Washington & Lee University 1968) - BCA Chairman/President
Thomas P. Rideout (Washington & Lee University 1963) - BCA Chairman/President
Edward L. Bishop, III (Washington & Lee University 1968) - BCA Finances
Andrew E. Clark (Washington & Lee University 1984) - BCA Finances
Stanley H. Flinn, Jr. (Washington & Lee University 1954) - BCA Finances
James D. Humphries, III (Washington & Lee University 1966) - BCA Foundation of Courage
William H. Girvin, Jr. (Washington & Lee University 1967) - BCA Graduate Relations
Donald L. O'Hare (Washington & Lee University 1968) - BCA Graduate Relations
John D. Baizley (Washington & Lee University 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
Edward R. McLaughlin, Jr. (Washington & Lee University 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
Donald H. Patterson, Jr. (Washington & Lee University 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
William O. Shropshire (Washington & Lee University 1957) - BCA Miscellaneous
William F. Chew, III (Washington & Lee University 1968) - BCA Recruitment
Leslie D. Locke (Washington & Lee University 1968) - BCA Risk Management
James J. Dawson (Washington & Lee University 1968) - BCA Ritual
John H. Zink, III (Washington & Lee University 1967) - BCA Ritual
Donald H. Patterson, Jr. (Washington & Lee University 1967) - BCA Scholarship
John H. Zink, III (Washington & Lee University 1967) - BCA Scholarship
Edward L. Bishop, III (Washington & Lee University 1968) - BCA Trustee
Frank H. Griffin, IV (Washington & Lee University 1997) - BCA Trustee
Mark B. Muchmore (Washington & Lee University 2004) - BCA Trustee
John H. Norberg (Washington & Lee University 1979) - BCA Trustee
David C. Smith (Washington & Lee University 2004) - BCA Trustee
John H. Tsoukalis (Washington & Lee University 2006) - BCA Trustee
Steven D. White (Washington & Lee University 1977) - BCA Trustee
John D. Baizley (Washington & Lee University 1970) - BCA Administration
Leslie D. Locke (Washington & Lee University 1968) - BCA Administration
George A. Robertson (Washington & Lee University 1970) - BCA Administration
Jared V. Barranco (Washington State University 2015) - BCA Chairman/President
Chris A. Leffel (Washington State University 1984) - BCA Chairman/President
Ryan T. Minnerly (Washington State University 2014) - BCA Chairman/President
Earl L. Muir (Washington State University 1954) - BCA Chairman/President
Eugene B. Turner (Washington State University 1953) - BCA Chairman/President
Ralph R. Rawson (Washington State University 1951) - BCA Vice Chairman
Gerald L. Greer (Washington State University 1974) - BCA Finances
Ryan T. Minnerly (Washington State University 2014) - BCA Finances
James V. McCracken (Washington State University 1978) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Earl L. Muir (Washington State University 1954) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Alan G. Murdoch (Washington State University 1950) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Timothy Pham (Washington State University 2014) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Earl L. Muir (Washington State University 1954) - BCA Graduate Relations
James W. Potts (Washington State University 1958) - BCA Graduate Relations
Chris M. Anderson (Washington State University 1998) - BCA Miscellaneous
Spencer Arbour (Washington State University 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jared V. Barranco (Washington State University 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert M. Beck (Washington State University 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Terry A. Bliesner (Washington State University 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Eric R. DeBord (Washington State University 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert D. Easton (Washington State University 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Erik J. Fay (Washington State University 1999) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael J. Hager (Washington State University 1998) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jay E. Higgins (Washington State University 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Theodore S. Hopf (Washington State University 1961) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ryan R. Ibach (Washington State University 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
Aaron J. Kennedy (Washington State University 2000) - BCA Miscellaneous
Augustan D. Kittson (Washington State University 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jason H. Lees (Washington State University 1995) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark E. Longmeier (Washington State University 1966) - BCA Miscellaneous
William L. Martin (Washington State University 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
Harlan R. Mayer, II (Washington State University 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
William O. McGuire (Washington State University 1970) - BCA Miscellaneous
Gordon C. McLean (Washington State University 1966) - BCA Miscellaneous
Karl A. Moore (Washington State University 1995) - BCA Miscellaneous
V. James Morris, Jr. (Washington State University 1954) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jered A. Newcomb (Washington State University 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
Troy M. Peterson (Washington State University 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Timothy Pham (Washington State University 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
James W. Potts (Washington State University 1958) - BCA Miscellaneous
George D. Raimondi (Washington State University 1996) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ralph R. Rawson (Washington State University 1951) - BCA Miscellaneous
Charles R. Smith (Washington State University 1998) - BCA Miscellaneous
Beau W. Sparks (Washington State University 2016) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeff L. Starr (Washington State University 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Victor L. Swan (Washington State University 1963) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey S. Weber (Washington State University 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Larry R. Weir (Washington State University 1957) - BCA Miscellaneous
Louis M. White (Washington State University 1955) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert K. Wolf (Washington State University 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert M. Beck (Washington State University 1983) - BCA Public Relations
Earl L. Muir (Washington State University 1954) - BCA Public Relations
Steven K. Jacobson (Washington State University 1978) - BCA Recruitment
Earl L. Muir (Washington State University 1954) - BCA Risk Management
Justin J. Carter (Washington State University 2003) - BCA Scholarship
James V. McCracken (Washington State University 1978) - BCA Scholarship
Victor L. Swan (Washington State University 1963) - BCA Scholarship
Gary E. Schell (Washington State University 1970) - BCA Trustee
Scott W. Springer (Washington State University 1990) - BCA Trustee
Beau W. Sparks (Washington State University 2016) - BCA Built to Lead
Alexandre P. Chartrand (Wayne State University 2021) - BCA Finances
Richard S. Church (Wayne State University 2022) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Nolan C. Handyside (Wayne State University 2022) - BCA Graduate Relations
Alexandre P. Chartrand (Wayne State University 2021) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard S. Church (Wayne State University 2022) - BCA Miscellaneous
Benjamin D. Lipinski (Wayne State University 2019) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert J. Pluta (Wayne State University 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kevin Reck (Wayne State University 2018) - BCA Miscellaneous
Tyler J. Fisk (Wayne State University 2020) - BCA Recruitment
Robert J. Pluta (Wayne State University 2017) - BCA Risk Management
Jeremy J. Bojnowski (Wayne State University 2019) - BCA Scholarship
James P. Phelps (Wayne State University 2020) - BCA Built to Lead
Ryan W. Ruth (West Chester University 2019) - BCA Miscellaneous
William E. Epling (West Virginia University 1983) - BCA Chairman/President
Dennis McNamara, Jr. (West Virginia University 1987) - BCA Chairman/President
Randal J. Ofensend (West Virginia University 1985) - BCA Chairman/President
Raymond S. Morrell (West Virginia University 1987) - BCA Vice Chairman
Andrew L. Schmidt (West Virginia University 1994) - BCA Vice Chairman
Stuart M. Earls (West Virginia University 1996) - BCA Recording Secretary
Jeffrey T. Horton (West Virginia University 1986) - BCA Recording Secretary
Carleton P. Dorsey (West Virginia University 1927) - BCA Finances
Brent A. Milbourne (West Virginia University 1995) - BCA Finances
Mark W. Obermann (West Virginia University 1976) - BCA Finances
Mark N. Roth (West Virginia University 1977) - BCA Finances
Randal J. Ofensend (West Virginia University 1985) - BCA Foundation of Courage
James J. Rinker (West Virginia University 1977) - BCA Foundation of Courage
David L. Ash (West Virginia University 1973) - BCA Graduate Relations
James L. Comerci (West Virginia University 1976) - BCA Graduate Relations
Robert W. Martini (West Virginia University 1974) - BCA Graduate Relations
Michael A. Alkire (West Virginia University 1995) - BCA Miscellaneous
David W. Azbell (West Virginia University 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jonathan L. Bitto (West Virginia University 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Julian M. Carvalho (West Virginia University 2008) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert J. Cavanaugh (West Virginia University 1990) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian D. Corley (West Virginia University 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian M. DeFede (West Virginia University 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kevin S. Diamond, USAF (West Virginia University 1999) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew B. Dillon (West Virginia University 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey W. Embly (West Virginia University 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
William E. Epling (West Virginia University 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark J. Failor (West Virginia University 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Hoy A. Ferguson (West Virginia University 1997) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard R. Glass (West Virginia University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Dennis R. Govachini, Jr. (West Virginia University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Logan T. Hayes (West Virginia University 2005) - BCA Miscellaneous
James R. Holt, Jr. (West Virginia University 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey T. Horton (West Virginia University 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
W. Dana Hutchison, II (West Virginia University 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
Todd C. Knisley (West Virginia University 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey W. Leithauser (West Virginia University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian M. Lemme (West Virginia University 2003) - BCA Miscellaneous
John D. Little (West Virginia University 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert W. Martini (West Virginia University 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
Chad D. O'Dell (West Virginia University 1998) - BCA Miscellaneous
Randal J. Ofensend (West Virginia University 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph A. Piasente (West Virginia University 1998) - BCA Miscellaneous
Richard R. Ploski (West Virginia University 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
A. Michael Postus, III (West Virginia University 2000) - BCA Miscellaneous
James V. Roth (West Virginia University 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
John W. Rzepka (West Virginia University 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
John D. Samples (West Virginia University 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
David L. Sayre (West Virginia University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas S. Sloane, PhD (West Virginia University 1966) - BCA Miscellaneous
John E. Stallings, Jr. (West Virginia University 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
John B. Sworcheck (West Virginia University 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Adam K. Vernau (West Virginia University 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Rusty D. Warner (West Virginia University 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian K. White (West Virginia University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Mark D. Williams (West Virginia University 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Audley B. Wolfe, Jr. (West Virginia University 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
Terry A. Wolfe (West Virginia University 1973) - BCA Miscellaneous
William W. Yost (West Virginia University 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Earle L. Elmore (West Virginia University 1932) - BCA Public Relations
Robert W. Martini (West Virginia University 1974) - BCA Public Relations
Audley B. Wolfe, Jr. (West Virginia University 1974) - BCA Public Relations
William P. Burdette (West Virginia University 1930) - BCA Recruitment
Timothy J. Dick (West Virginia University 1982) - BCA Recruitment
James R. Holt, Jr. (West Virginia University 1979) - BCA Recruitment
James E. Lightner (West Virginia University 1973) - BCA Recruitment
Mark N. Roth (West Virginia University 1977) - BCA Recruitment
Robert C. Snyder (West Virginia University 1978) - BCA Recruitment
Earle L. Elmore (West Virginia University 1932) - BCA Risk Management
Stephen D. Jennings (West Virginia University 1976) - BCA Ritual
Leonard J. DeCarlo (West Virginia University 1977) - BCA Scholarship
Ralph W. Ryan (West Virginia University 1934) - BCA Scholarship
Thomas S. Sloane, PhD (West Virginia University 1966) - BCA Scholarship
John E. Stallings, Jr. (West Virginia University 1975) - BCA Scholarship
William P. Burdette (West Virginia University 1930) - BCA Administration
John A. Fornal (West Virginia University 1977) - BCA Administration
Edward J. Mills, III (West Virginia University 1977) - BCA Administration
Terry A. Wolfe (West Virginia University 1973) - BCA Administration
Robert N. Burnett (Western Kentucky University 2013) - BCA Chairman/President
Malcolm K. Lunceford (Western Kentucky University 2012) - BCA Chairman/President
Zachary K. Ryle (Western Kentucky University 2011) - BCA Chairman/President
Dylan H. Ward (Western Kentucky University 2013) - BCA Chairman/President
Joshua T. Wiseman (Western Kentucky University 2012) - BCA Chairman/President
Jeffrey T. Baynham (Western Kentucky University 2002) - BCA Finances
Michael S. Snyder (Western Kentucky University 2011) - BCA Finances
Zachary S. Van Zant (Western Kentucky University 2015) - BCA Finances
Michael B. Armstrong (Western Kentucky University 2013) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Seth J. Bland (Western Kentucky University 2016) - BCA Foundation of Courage
John T. Hellams (Western Kentucky University 2011) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Ethan S. Brown (Western Kentucky University 2018) - BCA Graduate Relations
Alexander L. Fahnders (Western Kentucky University 2013) - BCA Graduate Relations
Charles W. Vittitow, III (Western Kentucky University 2011) - BCA Graduate Relations
Kyle G. Allen (Western Kentucky University 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew Bennett (Western Kentucky University 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Nathaniel J. Blankenship (Western Kentucky University 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
Brian G. Campbell (Western Kentucky University 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Craig T. Cobane (Western Kentucky University 2008) - BCA Miscellaneous
Lucas J. Gilliam (Western Kentucky University 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
S. Kent Jones, PE (Western Kentucky University 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Tyler W. Jury (Western Kentucky University 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jordan Minton (Western Kentucky University 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Colby Osborne (Western Kentucky University 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jacob T. Ryle (Western Kentucky University 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bradley A. Stephens (Western Kentucky University 2013) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew D. Boyles (Western Kentucky University 2016) - BCA Recruitment
Christopher L. Kinney (Western Kentucky University 2013) - BCA Recruitment
Craig T. Cobane (Western Kentucky University 2008) - BCA Scholarship
Tyler J. Wittmer (Western Kentucky University 2013) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Jeffrey T. Baynham (Western Kentucky University 2002) - BCA Trustee
Dylan H. Ward (Western Kentucky University 2013) - BCA Administration
Samuel L. Cropsey (Western Michigan University 1984) - BCA Chairman/President
Douglas W. Eyre (Western Michigan University 1996) - BCA Chairman/President
Timothy R. Ford (Western Michigan University 1990) - BCA Chairman/President
Shaen B. Hawkins (Western Michigan University 2016) - BCA Chairman/President
Michael A. McDonald, Jr. (Western Michigan University 2014) - BCA Chairman/President
Sean P. Nicholl (Western Michigan University 2013) - BCA Chairman/President
Raymond A. Passkiewicz (Western Michigan University 1975) - BCA Chairman/President
Nicholas R. Walker (Western Michigan University 2017) - BCA Chairman/President
Gerald J. Burke (Western Michigan University 1980) - BCA Finances
Nathan R. Stratton (Western Michigan University 2017) - BCA Finances
David C. Wilkie (Western Michigan University 1981) - BCA Finances
Gary R. Arnson (Western Michigan University 1976) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Jeffrey D. Karns (Western Michigan University 1983) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Raymond A. Passkiewicz (Western Michigan University 1975) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Sean K. Scott (Western Michigan University 1987) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Daniel S. Janei (Western Michigan University 1990) - BCA Graduate Relations
Rex H. Larkin (Western Michigan University 1987) - BCA Graduate Relations
Michael A. McDonald, Jr. (Western Michigan University 2014) - BCA Graduate Relations
Timothy S. Rogowski (Western Michigan University 1979) - BCA Graduate Relations
Gary R. Arnson (Western Michigan University 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
James A. Clark (Western Michigan University 2016) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew Crowley (Western Michigan University 2021) - BCA Miscellaneous
Douglas W. Eyre (Western Michigan University 1996) - BCA Miscellaneous
Burt H. Garavaglia (Western Michigan University 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
Steven C. Graus (Western Michigan University 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
Shaen B. Hawkins (Western Michigan University 2016) - BCA Miscellaneous
Lyle B. Jacon (Western Michigan University 1986) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey D. Karns (Western Michigan University 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
William J. McCarthy (Western Michigan University 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael A. McDonald, Jr. (Western Michigan University 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bryan S. McNee (Western Michigan University 1989) - BCA Miscellaneous
David M. Meagher (Western Michigan University 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher J. Seton (Western Michigan University 2016) - BCA Miscellaneous
Nicholas R. Walker (Western Michigan University 2017) - BCA Miscellaneous
Corey A. Watt (Western Michigan University 1999) - BCA Miscellaneous
Shaen B. Hawkins (Western Michigan University 2016) - BCA Recruitment
Bryan S. McNee (Western Michigan University 1989) - BCA Recruitment
David M. Meagher (Western Michigan University 1987) - BCA Recruitment
Michael J. Wygocki (Western Michigan University 1986) - BCA Recruitment
Bruce A. Szewc (Western Michigan University 1980) - BCA Risk Management
Brian W. Dale (Westminster College 1989) - BCA Chairman/President
David K. Hartmann (Westminster College 1982) - BCA Chairman/President
Gerald E. Wethington (Westminster College 1975) - BCA Chairman/President
Clark C. Bradshaw (Westminster College 1966) - BCA Finances
Kevin L. Brown (Westminster College 1982) - BCA Finances
Jon E. Halwes (Westminster College 1985) - BCA Finances
Wayne R. Koupal (Westminster College 1960) - BCA Finances
Brian W. Dale (Westminster College 1989) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Thomas S. Thomas (Westminster College 1966) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Clark C. Bradshaw (Westminster College 1966) - BCA Graduate Relations
Russell E. Dillon (Westminster College 1983) - BCA Graduate Relations
William Emerson (Westminster College 1959) - BCA Graduate Relations
Thomas S. Thomas (Westminster College 1966) - BCA Graduate Relations
Thomas L. McDonald (Westminster College 1960) - BCA Miscellaneous
William E. Parrish (Westminster College 1957) - BCA Miscellaneous
COL Phillip L. Reynolds (Westminster College 1961) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew W. Walker (Westminster College 1955) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robin K. Welch (Westminster College 1985) - BCA Miscellaneous
Wayne R. Koupal (Westminster College 1960) - BCA Public Relations
R. Andrew Miller, III (Westminster College 1967) - BCA Public Relations
Michael C. Reid (Westminster College 1968) - BCA Public Relations
Walter C. Windsor (Westminster College 1976) - BCA Public Relations
Thomas E. Baumgardner (Westminster College 1960) - BCA Recruitment
Robert F. Swoboda, Jr. (Westminster College 1981) - BCA Recruitment
Gerald E. Wethington (Westminster College 1975) - BCA Recruitment
Stephen A. Cooper (Westminster College 1973) - BCA Risk Management
Michael C. Reid (Westminster College 1968) - BCA Risk Management
Bruce H. Tannin (Westminster College 1983) - BCA Ritual
Kevin L. Brown (Westminster College 1982) - BCA Scholarship
Stephen A. Cooper (Westminster College 1973) - BCA Scholarship
Richard H. Hawkins (Westminster College 1957) - BCA Scholarship
Wayne R. Koupal (Westminster College 1960) - BCA Scholarship
Jack D. Henry, Jr. (Westminster College 1960) - BCA Trustee
David K. Hartmann (Westminster College 1982) - BCA Administration
Richard H. Hawkins (Westminster College 1957) - BCA Administration
Wayne R. Koupal (Westminster College 1960) - BCA Administration
Gerald E. Wethington (Westminster College 1975) - BCA Administration
Richard C. Brown (William Jewell College 1963) - BCA Chairman/President
Jason M. Davis (William Jewell College 1996) - BCA Chairman/President
Timothy J. Flook (William Jewell College 1989) - BCA Chairman/President
Michael Hodges Dermody (William Jewell College 1992) - BCA Chairman/President
G. Graham Houston (William Jewell College 1979) - BCA Chairman/President
Cary E. Stronach (William Jewell College 1983) - BCA Chairman/President
Justin L. Washburn (William Jewell College 1997) - BCA Chairman/President
Troy Williams (William Jewell College 2018) - BCA Chairman/President
Eric R. Sapp (William Jewell College 1992) - BCA Recording Secretary
Dale E. Cook, Jr. (William Jewell College 1978) - BCA Finances
John R. Davis (William Jewell College 1969) - BCA Finances
Sam W. Gilliam (William Jewell College 1969) - BCA Finances
Lawrence E. Grace (William Jewell College 1981) - BCA Finances
Damon R. Mills (William Jewell College 1993) - BCA Finances
James S. Schanbacher (William Jewell College 1981) - BCA Finances
Shane Spencer (William Jewell College 2009) - BCA Finances
Steven D. Boemler (William Jewell College 1973) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Hayden R. Fulk (William Jewell College 2020) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Darin J. Lee (William Jewell College 1997) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Jeremy Provance (William Jewell College 2014) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Myron E. Clark, USAF (Ret) (William Jewell College 1955) - BCA Graduate Relations
Sam W. Gilliam (William Jewell College 1969) - BCA Graduate Relations
Gregory L. Rorie (William Jewell College 1980) - BCA Graduate Relations
James W. Woods, II (William Jewell College 1969) - BCA Graduate Relations
James G. Berry, III (William Jewell College 1957) - BCA Miscellaneous
C. Shane Davolt (William Jewell College 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kent T. Dicus (William Jewell College 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Taylor B. Evans (William Jewell College 2009) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael G. Fligg (William Jewell College 1961) - BCA Miscellaneous
Landon E. Grace (William Jewell College 2010) - BCA Miscellaneous
Lawrence E. Grace (William Jewell College 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Larry M. Hamilton (William Jewell College 1961) - BCA Miscellaneous
Larry D. Harman (William Jewell College 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael Hodges Dermody (William Jewell College 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kent M. Huyser (William Jewell College 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
William H. Jewell (William Jewell College 1954) - BCA Miscellaneous
Chad J. Jolly (William Jewell College 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
Thomas R. Jones (William Jewell College 1962) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jimmy J. Masten (William Jewell College 1967) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew K. Pitts (William Jewell College 2008) - BCA Miscellaneous
Leonard L. Poppenhagen (William Jewell College 1960) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeremy Provance (William Jewell College 2014) - BCA Miscellaneous
Eric R. Sapp (William Jewell College 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Troy Williams (William Jewell College 2018) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jason M. Davis (William Jewell College 1996) - BCA Public Relations
Vincent F. Igoe, II (William Jewell College 1967) - BCA Public Relations
Noah H. Nash (William Jewell College 2009) - BCA Public Relations
Gregory L. Rorie (William Jewell College 1980) - BCA Public Relations
Richard C. Brown (William Jewell College 1963) - BCA Recruitment
Michael R. Johnson (William Jewell College 1970) - BCA Recruitment
Richard J. Miller (William Jewell College 1978) - BCA Recruitment
James W. Stuart, II (William Jewell College 2001) - BCA Recruitment
Richard C. Brown (William Jewell College 1963) - BCA Ritual
G. Graham Houston (William Jewell College 1979) - BCA Ritual
Mark A. Hubbard (William Jewell College 1971) - BCA Ritual
Kirk A. Jones (William Jewell College 1989) - BCA Ritual
Ross J. Cascio, II (William Jewell College 1996) - BCA Scholarship
G. Graham Houston (William Jewell College 1979) - BCA Scholarship
James W. Woods, II (William Jewell College 1969) - BCA Scholarship
Dale E. Cook, Jr. (William Jewell College 1978) - BCA Administration
Joseph T. Carbone, III (William Woods University 2018) - BCA Chairman/President
Adam Magee (William Woods University 2020) - BCA Chairman/President
Joseph P. Merlotti (William Woods University 2015) - BCA Chairman/President
Stephen T. Merriott (William Woods University 2017) - BCA Chairman/President
Jeffrey D. Smith (William Woods University 2010) - BCA Chairman/President
George I. Yates (William Woods University 2005) - BCA Chairman/President
Bradley J. Dempsey (William Woods University 2008) - BCA Recording Secretary
David Kempker (William Woods University 2023) - BCA Finances
Andrew L. Neudecker (William Woods University 2012) - BCA Finances
Ethan A. Niemeyer (William Woods University 2018) - BCA Finances
Benjamin J. Struemph (William Woods University 2015) - BCA Finances
Stephen H. George (William Woods University 2020) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Joseph P. Merlotti (William Woods University 2015) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Jacob L. Shaw (William Woods University 2013) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Brian B. Walsh (William Woods University 2012) - BCA Foundation of Courage
William H. Woods (William Woods University 2020) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Andrew J. Housewright (William Woods University 2015) - BCA Graduate Relations
Matthew E. Hunter (William Woods University 2006) - BCA Graduate Relations
Adam T. Million (William Woods University 2005) - BCA Graduate Relations
Palmer C. Soberg (William Woods University 2023) - BCA Graduate Relations
Brady A. D. Branscum (William Woods University 2022) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph T. Carbone, III (William Woods University 2018) - BCA Miscellaneous
Andrew J. Housewright (William Woods University 2015) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ethan A. Niemeyer (William Woods University 2018) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael Stradford (William Woods University 2012) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jason J. Flauaus (William Woods University 2004) - BCA Recruitment
Stephen H. George (William Woods University 2020) - BCA Recruitment
Andrew E. Hamilton (William Woods University 2009) - BCA Recruitment
Adam Magee (William Woods University 2020) - BCA Recruitment
Anthony D. Weed (William Woods University 2009) - BCA Recruitment
Joseph P. Merlotti (William Woods University 2015) - BCA Scholarship
Mark M. Billion (William Woods University 2003) - BCA Trustee
David Kempker (William Woods University 2023) - BCA Built to Lead
Adam Magee (William Woods University 2020) - BCA Built to Lead
Craig A. Miller (Williams College 1960) - BCA Finances
George A. Buckley, Jr. (Wittenberg University 1980) - BCA Chairman/President
James J. Davin, IV (Wittenberg University 2000) - BCA Chairman/President
David H. Prescott, MD (Wittenberg University 1977) - BCA Chairman/President
James W. Atchison (Wittenberg University 1977) - BCA Finances
John M. Bourne, Jr. (Wittenberg University 1988) - BCA Finances
James M. Embrescia (Wittenberg University 1981) - BCA Finances
Patrick J. Janis (Wittenberg University 1979) - BCA Finances
Devin W. McConnell (Wittenberg University 1973) - BCA Finances
John F. Meier (Wittenberg University 1969) - BCA Finances
David H. Prescott, MD (Wittenberg University 1977) - BCA Finances
Christopher R. Ratchford (Wittenberg University 1992) - BCA Finances
Scott F. Rechel (Wittenberg University 1981) - BCA Finances
Jeffrey J. Redfield (Wittenberg University 1978) - BCA Finances
Glenn R. Theile (Wittenberg University 1984) - BCA Finances
Peter G. Welsh (Wittenberg University 1974) - BCA Finances
Matthew H. Blatchford (Wittenberg University 1990) - BCA Foundation of Courage
George A. Buckley, Jr. (Wittenberg University 1980) - BCA Foundation of Courage
G. Charles Dix, II (Wittenberg University 1981) - BCA Foundation of Courage
James M. Embrescia (Wittenberg University 1981) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Peter G. Welsh (Wittenberg University 1974) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Peter J. Woessner (Wittenberg University 1976) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Robert O. Wright, Jr. (Wittenberg University 1976) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Austin D. Adams (Wittenberg University 1970) - BCA Graduate Relations
Dr. A. Gilbert Belles IV (Wittenberg University 1962) - BCA Graduate Relations
G. Charles Dix, II (Wittenberg University 1981) - BCA Graduate Relations
James M. Embrescia (Wittenberg University 1981) - BCA Graduate Relations
John R. Gork (Wittenberg University 1984) - BCA Graduate Relations
George Hopper (Wittenberg University 1932) - BCA Graduate Relations
Hal B. McLean, Jr. (Wittenberg University 1973) - BCA Graduate Relations
Michael C. McNutt (Wittenberg University 1984) - BCA Graduate Relations
David H. Prescott, MD (Wittenberg University 1977) - BCA Graduate Relations
Patrick H. Secaur (Wittenberg University 1978) - BCA Graduate Relations
Kenton J. Shaw (Wittenberg University 1978) - BCA Graduate Relations
Frederick W. Wackernagel (Wittenberg University 1935) - BCA Graduate Relations
Bradley D. Beals (Wittenberg University 1988) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ernest W. Bolla (Wittenberg University 1948) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bradley E. Bricker (Wittenberg University 1987) - BCA Miscellaneous
George A. Buckley, Jr. (Wittenberg University 1980) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph K. Creviston (Wittenberg University 1958) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ronald A. Delanglade (Wittenberg University 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
G. Charles Dix, II (Wittenberg University 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Paul R. Feaser, III (Wittenberg University 1996) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ryan C. Fox (Wittenberg University 1995) - BCA Miscellaneous
John R. Gork (Wittenberg University 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Ross M. Greenawalt (Wittenberg University 1959) - BCA Miscellaneous
David L. Hickinbotham (Wittenberg University 1962) - BCA Miscellaneous
George Hopper (Wittenberg University 1932) - BCA Miscellaneous
John R. Howard (Wittenberg University 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
Patrick J. Janis (Wittenberg University 1979) - BCA Miscellaneous
James W. Klenke (Wittenberg University 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Matthew K. Kuchers (Wittenberg University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
John C. Marschhausen (Wittenberg University 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
Timothy E. Marty (Wittenberg University 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael C. McNutt (Wittenberg University 1984) - BCA Miscellaneous
David R. Miles (Wittenberg University 1977) - BCA Miscellaneous
David H. Prescott, MD (Wittenberg University 1977) - BCA Miscellaneous
Bradley K. Rechel (Wittenberg University 1978) - BCA Miscellaneous
Scott F. Rechel (Wittenberg University 1981) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jack P. Reynard, Jr. (Wittenberg University 1961) - BCA Miscellaneous
K. Richard Rice (Wittenberg University 1960) - BCA Miscellaneous
Paul F. Riehm (Wittenberg University 1951) - BCA Miscellaneous
Jeffrey D. Rudolph (Wittenberg University 1983) - BCA Miscellaneous
John P. Tafaro (Wittenberg University 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
William C. Waldman, Jr. (Wittenberg University 1994) - BCA Miscellaneous
Eric B. Westendorf (Wittenberg University 1992) - BCA Miscellaneous
Todd E. Williams (Wittenberg University 1982) - BCA Miscellaneous
Peter J. Woessner (Wittenberg University 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
Daniel P. D'Arrigo (Wittenberg University 1978) - BCA Public Relations
John R. Gork (Wittenberg University 1984) - BCA Public Relations
Adam R. Kaufman (Wittenberg University 1993) - BCA Public Relations
Ernest M. Manuel, Jr. (Wittenberg University 1980) - BCA Public Relations
J. C. McCluskey (Wittenberg University 1975) - BCA Public Relations
W. Craig Prain (Wittenberg University 1984) - BCA Public Relations
John P. Tafaro (Wittenberg University 1976) - BCA Public Relations
Glenn R. Theile (Wittenberg University 1984) - BCA Public Relations
A. Kirby Thompson (Wittenberg University 1981) - BCA Public Relations
Frederick W. Wackernagel (Wittenberg University 1935) - BCA Public Relations
Michael O. Albl (Wittenberg University 1951) - BCA Recruitment
G. Charles Dix, II (Wittenberg University 1981) - BCA Recruitment
Forest T. Driggs (Wittenberg University 1991) - BCA Recruitment
Richard E. Fowler (Wittenberg University 1973) - BCA Recruitment
Timothy E. Marty (Wittenberg University 1984) - BCA Recruitment
Douglas K. Myser (Wittenberg University 1977) - BCA Recruitment
Paul F. Riehm (Wittenberg University 1951) - BCA Recruitment
James S. Spayd, Sr. (Wittenberg University 1973) - BCA Recruitment
Frederick W. Wackernagel (Wittenberg University 1935) - BCA Recruitment
Robert M. Blakey (Wittenberg University 1985) - BCA Risk Management
George A. Buckley, Jr. (Wittenberg University 1980) - BCA Risk Management
Lowell A. Hedlund (Wittenberg University 1978) - BCA Risk Management
David L. Honold (Wittenberg University 1976) - BCA Risk Management
James M. Embrescia (Wittenberg University 1981) - BCA Ritual
Shawn M. Lowry (Wittenberg University 1988) - BCA Ritual
Ernest M. Manuel, Jr. (Wittenberg University 1980) - BCA Ritual
Douglas K. Myser (Wittenberg University 1977) - BCA Ritual
Bradley K. Rechel (Wittenberg University 1978) - BCA Ritual
Jeffrey J. Redfield (Wittenberg University 1978) - BCA Ritual
Ronald A. Delanglade (Wittenberg University 1983) - BCA Scholarship
Lowell A. Hedlund (Wittenberg University 1978) - BCA Scholarship
Patrick J. Janis (Wittenberg University 1979) - BCA Scholarship
James W. Klenke (Wittenberg University 1976) - BCA Scholarship
Bradley K. Rechel (Wittenberg University 1978) - BCA Scholarship
Robert Scoon (Wittenberg University 1949) - BCA Scholarship
Peter J. Woessner (Wittenberg University 1976) - BCA Scholarship
Ted R. Bardach (Wittenberg University 1994) - BCA Trustee
William E. Downing (Wittenberg University 2015) - BCA Trustee
Forest T. Driggs (Wittenberg University 1991) - BCA Trustee
George S. George (Wittenberg University 1998) - BCA Trustee
David L. Hickinbotham (Wittenberg University 1962) - BCA Trustee
E. Craig Olson (Wittenberg University 1974) - BCA Trustee
Matthew D. Prescott (Wittenberg University 2003) - BCA Trustee
Jack P. Reynard, Jr. (Wittenberg University 1961) - BCA Trustee
K. Richard Rice (Wittenberg University 1960) - BCA Trustee
Matthew H. Blatchford (Wittenberg University 1990) - BCA Administration
George A. Buckley, Jr. (Wittenberg University 1980) - BCA Administration
Lynn N. Carlton (Wittenberg University 1964) - BCA Administration
David H. Prescott, MD (Wittenberg University 1977) - BCA Administration
Robert Scoon (Wittenberg University 1949) - BCA Administration
Steven P. Stookey (Wittenberg University 1989) - BCA Administration
Peter J. Woessner (Wittenberg University 1976) - BCA Administration
Thomas I. Burns (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1974) - BCA Chairman/President
Todd R. Cimino (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1984) - BCA Chairman/President
Daniel B. Distler (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2011) - BCA Chairman/President
Henry J. Fitzgerald (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1975) - BCA Chairman/President
Mark J. Macaulay (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1989) - BCA Chairman/President
James H. Reese (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2011) - BCA Chairman/President
Bruce E. Smith (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1977) - BCA Chairman/President
Philip A. Cyr (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1986) - BCA Vice Chairman
Justin M. Billings (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2005) - BCA Recording Secretary
David E. Medeiros (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1975) - BCA Recording Secretary
Joel F. Angelico (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1975) - BCA Finances
Todd R. Cimino (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1984) - BCA Finances
William A. Delphos (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1974) - BCA Finances
David E. Huhtala (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1980) - BCA Finances
Eric H. Nickerson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1969) - BCA Finances
Donald O. Patten, Jr. (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1979) - BCA Finances
Bruce E. Smith (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1977) - BCA Finances
Joel F. Angelico (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1975) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Robert F. Ferrari (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1974) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Henry J. Fitzgerald (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1975) - BCA Foundation of Courage
David E. Huhtala (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1980) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Robert Medeiros (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1977) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Roman J. Adrianowycz (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1977) - BCA Graduate Relations
Raymond M. Dunn, Jr. (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1978) - BCA Graduate Relations
Robert F. Ferrari (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1974) - BCA Graduate Relations
Philip D. Giantris (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1965) - BCA Graduate Relations
Adam J. Hart (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2005) - BCA Graduate Relations
William K. Johnson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1976) - BCA Graduate Relations
Steven C. Watson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1971) - BCA Graduate Relations
Paul F. Wheeler (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1976) - BCA Graduate Relations
Joel F. Angelico (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1975) - BCA Miscellaneous
Johnathan A. A'Vant (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2019) - BCA Miscellaneous
Alex G. Borges (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2006) - BCA Miscellaneous
James M. Detora (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Robert R. Dutkiewicz (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1971) - BCA Miscellaneous
Christopher J. Hamel (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2004) - BCA Miscellaneous
James L. Jardine (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1972) - BCA Miscellaneous
William L. Johnson, Jr. (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1993) - BCA Miscellaneous
John M. Kirwan (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1991) - BCA Miscellaneous
Kene E. Mgbojikwe (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2008) - BCA Miscellaneous
James H. Reese (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2011) - BCA Miscellaneous
Joseph M. Renaud (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2007) - BCA Miscellaneous
Stephen E. Rubin (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1974) - BCA Miscellaneous
Michael F. Scaduto (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2009) - BCA Miscellaneous
Steven J. Silva (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1976) - BCA Miscellaneous
James D. Aceto, Jr. (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1975) - BCA Public Relations
Philip D. Giantris (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1965) - BCA Public Relations
David R. Lamborghini (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1981) - BCA Public Relations
Henry J. Fitzgerald (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1975) - BCA Recruitment
Michael J. Herberg (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1980) - BCA Recruitment
Daniel P. McHugh (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2010) - BCA Recruitment
Richard A. Perreault (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1975) - BCA Recruitment
Brent R. Shannon (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2007) - BCA Recruitment
David A. Wilson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1978) - BCA Recruitment
William A. Delphos (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1974) - BCA Risk Management
Steven T. Kelley (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1983) - BCA Risk Management
David R. Lamborghini (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1981) - BCA Risk Management
Benjamin M. Allen (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2011) - BCA Ritual
Robert A. Brown, III (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1978) - BCA Ritual
William A. Delphos (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1974) - BCA Ritual
Richard A. Goulding (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1980) - BCA Ritual
John L. Landers (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1978) - BCA Ritual
Christopher J. Paulli (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2009) - BCA Ritual
Cory A. Cormier (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2012) - BCA Scholarship
Jeremy W. Hagger (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2013) - BCA Scholarship
Samuel J. Kesseli (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2012) - BCA Scholarship
John L. Landers (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1978) - BCA Scholarship
David A. Wilson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1978) - BCA Scholarship
Steven E. Woodard (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1987) - BCA Scholarship
Douglas L. Acker (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1983) - BCA Service / Philanthropy
Garry P. Balboni, PE (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1974) - BCA Trustee
James L. Jardine (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1972) - BCA Trustee
Joseph A. Kalinowski (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1973) - BCA Trustee
John M. Kirwan (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1991) - BCA Trustee
David C. Willens (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2009) - BCA Trustee
Jon C. Wyman (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1975) - BCA Trustee
Garry P. Balboni, PE (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1974) - BCA Administration
John P. Brunelli (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2011) - BCA Administration
David P. Demers (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1974) - BCA Administration
Henry J. Fitzgerald (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1975) - BCA Administration
David G. Healey (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1969) - BCA Administration
Robert Medeiros (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1977) - BCA Administration
Kshitij Nagpal (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2011) - BCA Administration
William E. Salomon (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2005) - BCA Administration
Bruce E. Smith (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1977) - BCA Administration
Richard B. Will (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1952) - BCA Administration
John L. Reith, Jr. (Yale University 1948) - BCA Finances
Mason M. Sproul (Yale University 1961) - BCA Foundation of Courage
Richard S. Bartley (Yale University 1961) - BCA Miscellaneous
Modie L. Moore, Jr. (Yale University 1965) - BCA Miscellaneous
Spencer J. Schnaitter (Yale University 1954) - BCA Risk Management
Malcolm W. McDonald (Yale University 1958) - BCA Scholarship
Josh A. Whitehurst ( ) - BCA Foundation of Courage

<p>BCA President Kent Barney (Nebraska 1976) with Chapter President Scott H. Seeba (Nebraska Kearney 2009)</p>
BCA President Kent Barney (Nebraska 1976) with Chapter President Scott H. Seeba (Nebraska Kearney 2009)

House Corporation Members

Current and Former House Corporation Members

Alfred J. DeCarlo (Adelphi University 1993) - House Corporation Member
William J. Armstrong (Allegheny College 1916) - House Corporation President
John L. Davies (Allegheny College 1940) - House Corporation President
William T. Dawson (Allegheny College 1989) - House Corporation President
Norman D. King (Allegheny College 1960) - House Corporation President
Raymond A. Kovacs (Allegheny College 1987) - House Corporation President
Christopher A. Mandella (Allegheny College 1987) - House Corporation President
Benedict J. Miceli (Allegheny College 1950) - House Corporation President
J. Michael O'Malley (Allegheny College 1983) - House Corporation President
Charles E. Rimer (Allegheny College 1950) - House Corporation President
Michael R. Veon (Allegheny College 1979) - House Corporation President
Jeffrey S. Melvin (Allegheny College 1985) - House Corporation Vice President
Gustave W. Rylander, Jr. (Allegheny College 1949) - House Corporation Vice President
Bruce W. Bivert (Allegheny College 1976) - House Corporation Treasurer
Wesley E. Donaldson, Jr. (Allegheny College 1944) - House Corporation Treasurer
Melvin L. Eperthener, Jr. (Allegheny College 1989) - House Corporation Treasurer
Richard W. McLeary (Allegheny College 1979) - House Corporation Treasurer
Duane E. Spencer (Allegheny College 1960) - House Corporation Treasurer
Frank T. Wigton (Allegheny College 1945) - House Corporation Treasurer
Bruce W. Bivert (Allegheny College 1976) - House Corporation Secretary
Scott J. Lyon (Allegheny College 1983) - House Corporation Secretary
T. Michael Miller (Allegheny College 1981) - House Corporation Secretary
Jason L. Richey (Allegheny College 1993) - House Corporation Secretary
Charles L. Benson (Allegheny College 1969) - House Corporation Member
Gary M. Brost (Allegheny College 1974) - House Corporation Member
Richard S. Brown (Allegheny College 1981) - House Corporation Member
John A. Coogan, III (Allegheny College 1982) - House Corporation Member
John H. Daneri (Allegheny College 1981) - House Corporation Member
John L. Davies (Allegheny College 1940) - House Corporation Member
William T. Dawson (Allegheny College 1989) - House Corporation Member
Daniel J. DeDionisio (Allegheny College 1981) - House Corporation Member
John H. Evans, Jr. (Allegheny College 1986) - House Corporation Member
Wayne D. Glenn (Allegheny College 1959) - House Corporation Member
George T. Hagstrom (Allegheny College 1959) - House Corporation Member
William S. Hardy (Allegheny College 1993) - House Corporation Member
James J. Hess (Allegheny College 1983) - House Corporation Member
Michael L. Houser (Allegheny College 1998) - House Corporation Member
Apollo I. Hrehorovich (Allegheny College 1991) - House Corporation Member
Ronald E. Ledbetter (Allegheny College 1989) - House Corporation Member
John E. Lesko, II (Allegheny College 1981) - House Corporation Member
James T. Linaberger (Allegheny College 1959) - House Corporation Member
Scott J. Lyon (Allegheny College 1983) - House Corporation Member
David J. Malone (Allegheny College 1976) - House Corporation Member
Richard W. McLeary (Allegheny College 1979) - House Corporation Member
Jeffrey S. Melvin (Allegheny College 1985) - House Corporation Member
Benedict J. Miceli (Allegheny College 1950) - House Corporation Member
Kurt A. Moledor (Allegheny College 1989) - House Corporation Member
Sumner E. Nichols, II (Allegheny College 1972) - House Corporation Member
J. Michael O'Malley (Allegheny College 1983) - House Corporation Member
Charles E. Rimer (Allegheny College 1950) - House Corporation Member
Dean P. Skarlis (Allegheny College 1990) - House Corporation Member
Duane E. Spencer (Allegheny College 1960) - House Corporation Member
Philip L. Spina (Allegheny College 1978) - House Corporation Member
Robert A. Stanton (Allegheny College 1946) - House Corporation Member
Lawrence H. Tompkins (Allegheny College 1950) - House Corporation Member
Michael R. Veon (Allegheny College 1979) - House Corporation Member
Michael S. Wild (Allegheny College 1982) - House Corporation Member
Michael J. Wilson (Allegheny College 1982) - House Corporation Member
Elliott R. Kimball (Appalachian State University 2011) - House Corporation President
Christopher J. Berg (Arizona State University 2014) - House Corporation President
Thomas C. Davis (Arizona State University 1983) - House Corporation President
Brenton V. Harris (Arizona State University 1968) - House Corporation President
John D. Kellogg (Arizona State University 1976) - House Corporation President
Wallace R. Limburg (Arizona State University 1969) - House Corporation President
Steven A. Manilla (Arizona State University 1986) - House Corporation President
Craig M. Roth (Arizona State University 1980) - House Corporation President
William L. Godfrey (Arizona State University 1976) - House Corporation Vice President
Paul I. Digiovanni (Arizona State University 1974) - House Corporation Treasurer
William L. Godfrey (Arizona State University 1976) - House Corporation Treasurer
John D. Kellogg (Arizona State University 1976) - House Corporation Treasurer
David A. Livingston (Arizona State University 1988) - House Corporation Treasurer
Scott W. Van Drunen (Arizona State University 1984) - House Corporation Treasurer
James D. Harris (Arizona State University 1974) - House Corporation Secretary
Randal W. Rochford (Arizona State University 1981) - House Corporation Secretary
Craig M. Roth (Arizona State University 1980) - House Corporation Member
Ronald L. Anders, Jr. (Auburn University 1986) - House Corporation President
John B. Boles (Auburn University 1997) - House Corporation President
James C. Cornett (Auburn University 1991) - House Corporation President
Christopher J. Hughes (Auburn University 1985) - House Corporation President
A. Denson Lipscomb (Auburn University 1975) - House Corporation President
Jake T. Williamson (Auburn University 2007) - House Corporation President
James O. Yeaman (Auburn University 1966) - House Corporation President
Marvin H. Campbell (Auburn University 1968) - House Corporation Vice President
G. Randall Spear (Auburn University 1979) - House Corporation Vice President
Dr. C. Wayne Alderman (Auburn University 1972) - House Corporation Treasurer
John B. Boles (Auburn University 1997) - House Corporation Treasurer
Marvin H. Campbell (Auburn University 1968) - House Corporation Treasurer
Lee Colquitt, Jr. (Auburn University 1987) - House Corporation Treasurer
Norman H. Godwin (Auburn University 1991) - House Corporation Treasurer
Bradley Northcutt (Auburn University 2020) - House Corporation Treasurer
Charles A. Hannah (Auburn University 1975) - House Corporation Secretary
Dr. C. Wayne Alderman (Auburn University 1972) - House Corporation Member
John B. Boles (Auburn University 1997) - House Corporation Member
Marvin H. Campbell (Auburn University 1968) - House Corporation Member
Norman H. Godwin (Auburn University 1991) - House Corporation Member
Charles A. Hannah (Auburn University 1975) - House Corporation Member
Macke B. Mauldin (Auburn University 1982) - House Corporation Member
J. Alexander Muncie, III (Auburn University 2001) - House Corporation Member
D. Wayne Murphy, Sr. (Auburn University 1977) - House Corporation Member
A. Stephen Naughton, Jr. (Auburn University 1985) - House Corporation Member
Jeffrey L. Sibley (Auburn University 1984) - House Corporation Member
Dozier H. Smith (Auburn University 1989) - House Corporation Member
G. Randall Spear (Auburn University 1979) - House Corporation Member
Edward L. Spencer, III (Auburn University 1978) - House Corporation Member
Scott T. Sprayberry (Auburn University 2023) - House Corporation Member
Jake T. Williamson (Auburn University 2007) - House Corporation Member
James O. Yeaman (Auburn University 1966) - House Corporation Member
Christopher Campaniolo (Ball State University 2000) - House Corporation President
Joseph G. Edwards (Ball State University 2011) - House Corporation President
Michael J. Jessup (Ball State University 2020) - House Corporation President
Michael A. Lang (Ball State University 2003) - House Corporation President
Daniel F. Willaert (Ball State University 2012) - House Corporation President
Christopher Campaniolo (Ball State University 2000) - House Corporation Vice President
Joseph G. Edwards (Ball State University 2011) - House Corporation Treasurer
Michael J. Jessup (Ball State University 2020) - House Corporation Treasurer
Daniel E. Netser (Ball State University 2001) - House Corporation Treasurer
Sean C. Reilly (Ball State University 2004) - House Corporation Treasurer
Adam D. Drummond (Ball State University 2002) - House Corporation Secretary
Joshua S. Becker (Ball State University 2021) - House Corporation Member
Christopher Campaniolo (Ball State University 2000) - House Corporation Member
Adam D. Drummond (Ball State University 2002) - House Corporation Member
Christopher L. Kurtz (Ball State University 2006) - House Corporation Member
Michael A. Lang (Ball State University 2003) - House Corporation Member
Ryan D. McFarland, RN (Ball State University 2002) - House Corporation Member
Sean C. Reilly (Ball State University 2004) - House Corporation Member
Daniel F. Willaert (Ball State University 2012) - House Corporation Member
Brent D. Williams (Ball State University 2004) - House Corporation Member
Geoffrey D. Wise (Ball State University 2001) - House Corporation Member
L. Hayes Fuller, III (Baylor University 1977) - House Corporation President
Earl T. Yamada (Baylor University 1981) - House Corporation President
Thomas L. Smith (Baylor University 1982) - House Corporation Treasurer
Scott M. Hill (Baylor University 1986) - House Corporation Member
Matthew O. Wallace (Baylor University 1992) - House Corporation Member
Brock Arnold (Boise State University 2019) - House Corporation Member
Matthew Conti (Boise State University 2019) - House Corporation Member
Reegan B. Jacobson (Boise State University 2020) - House Corporation Member
Hunter J. Underwood (Boise State University 2019) - House Corporation Member
Barmak Akbar-Khanzadeh (Bowling Green State University 2002) - House Corporation President
Douglas W. Born (Bowling Green State University 1988) - House Corporation President
Andrew A. Christensen (Bowling Green State University 1986) - House Corporation President
Kevin M. Conners (Bowling Green State University 1984) - House Corporation President
Barry C. Jones (Bowling Green State University 1988) - House Corporation President
Christopher J. Magill (Bowling Green State University 2006) - House Corporation President
Andrew D. Martin (Bowling Green State University 2005) - House Corporation President
Dale S. McCarty (Bowling Green State University 1985) - House Corporation President
Trevor D. Pettiford (Bowling Green State University 1986) - House Corporation President
Thomas J. Rottinghaus (Bowling Green State University 1993) - House Corporation President
Christopher A. Shuff (Bowling Green State University 1989) - House Corporation President
Brian G. Sommers (Bowling Green State University 2001) - House Corporation President
John M. Strmac (Bowling Green State University 1997) - House Corporation President
Barmak Akbar-Khanzadeh (Bowling Green State University 2002) - House Corporation Vice President
R. Tyler Baesman (Bowling Green State University 1990) - House Corporation Vice President
Andrew A. Christensen (Bowling Green State University 1986) - House Corporation Vice President
Paul L. Eilerman (Bowling Green State University 1985) - House Corporation Vice President
Brion T. Furry (Bowling Green State University 2002) - House Corporation Vice President
Erik S. Hildebrand (Bowling Green State University 2005) - House Corporation Vice President
Daniel C. Lebold (Bowling Green State University 1988) - House Corporation Vice President
David J. Meerdink (Bowling Green State University 1986) - House Corporation Vice President
Randolph M. Rowe (Bowling Green State University 1985) - House Corporation Vice President
Andrew A. Christensen (Bowling Green State University 1986) - House Corporation Treasurer
Paul L. Eilerman (Bowling Green State University 1985) - House Corporation Treasurer
Samuel F. Harris (Bowling Green State University 1985) - House Corporation Treasurer
Christopher W. Montello (Bowling Green State University 1991) - House Corporation Treasurer
Daniel L. Morrow (Bowling Green State University 1984) - House Corporation Treasurer
Brian G. Sommers (Bowling Green State University 2001) - House Corporation Treasurer
John M. Strmac (Bowling Green State University 1997) - House Corporation Treasurer
Robert B. Caccimelio (Bowling Green State University 1985) - House Corporation Secretary
Kevin M. Conners (Bowling Green State University 1984) - House Corporation Secretary
Jeremy W. Grandstaff (Bowling Green State University 1998) - House Corporation Secretary
Jeffrey S. Halpin (Bowling Green State University 1986) - House Corporation Secretary
Gregory A. Jones (Bowling Green State University 1993) - House Corporation Secretary
Steven D. Lewis (Bowling Green State University 1987) - House Corporation Secretary
Kevin L. Moorman (Bowling Green State University 1990) - House Corporation Secretary
Trevor D. Pettiford (Bowling Green State University 1986) - House Corporation Secretary
Charles H. Apigian (Bowling Green State University 1995) - House Corporation Member
Douglas W. Born (Bowling Green State University 1988) - House Corporation Member
Robert B. Caccimelio (Bowling Green State University 1985) - House Corporation Member
Kevin M. Conners (Bowling Green State University 1984) - House Corporation Member
Paul L. Eilerman (Bowling Green State University 1985) - House Corporation Member
Terence W. Hagedorn (Bowling Green State University 1986) - House Corporation Member
Christopher T. Halbert (Bowling Green State University 1989) - House Corporation Member
Samuel F. Harris (Bowling Green State University 1985) - House Corporation Member
Erik S. Hildebrand (Bowling Green State University 2005) - House Corporation Member
Barry C. Jones (Bowling Green State University 1988) - House Corporation Member
Gregory A. Jones (Bowling Green State University 1993) - House Corporation Member
Daniel C. Lebold (Bowling Green State University 1988) - House Corporation Member
Dale S. McCarty (Bowling Green State University 1985) - House Corporation Member
David J. Meerdink (Bowling Green State University 1986) - House Corporation Member
Daniel L. Morrow (Bowling Green State University 1984) - House Corporation Member
Brad T. Ostendorf (Bowling Green State University 1995) - House Corporation Member
Trevor D. Pettiford (Bowling Green State University 1986) - House Corporation Member
Brian D. Rentsch (Bowling Green State University 1996) - House Corporation Member
Thomas J. Rottinghaus (Bowling Green State University 1993) - House Corporation Member
Nicholas O. Schepis (Bowling Green State University 2001) - House Corporation Member
Christopher A. Shuff (Bowling Green State University 1989) - House Corporation Member
Brian G. Sommers (Bowling Green State University 2001) - House Corporation Member
John D. Spalding (Bowling Green State University 1997) - House Corporation Member
John M. Strmac (Bowling Green State University 1997) - House Corporation Member
Matthew W. Waechter (Bowling Green State University 2003) - House Corporation Member
Timothy R. Carlson (Bradley University 1984) - House Corporation President
P.J. Fitzpatrick (Bradley University 1987) - House Corporation President
Christopher A. Hardwick (Bradley University 1998) - House Corporation President
William J. Kelly (Bradley University 1984) - House Corporation President
Peter J. Lawin (Bradley University 2005) - House Corporation President
David A. Raney (Bradley University 1986) - House Corporation President
Derek A. Staller (Bradley University 2010) - House Corporation President
Robert J. Temple, II (Bradley University 1991) - House Corporation President
Richard B. Villarreal (Bradley University 2012) - House Corporation President
Ryan D. Willerton (Bradley University 1996) - House Corporation President
Jacob Z. Winslow (Bradley University 2014) - House Corporation President
P.J. Fitzpatrick (Bradley University 1987) - House Corporation Vice President
Leslie E. Youngren (Bradley University 1987) - House Corporation Vice President
Ricardo J. Anesi (Bradley University 1983) - House Corporation Treasurer
Carl J. Bobis (Bradley University 2003) - House Corporation Treasurer
Michael G. Butkus (Bradley University 1990) - House Corporation Treasurer
Steven P. Jara (Bradley University 1986) - House Corporation Treasurer
Peter J. Lawin (Bradley University 2005) - House Corporation Treasurer
Daniel J. Roeda (Bradley University 1993) - House Corporation Treasurer
James A. Rusch (Bradley University 1990) - House Corporation Treasurer
Richard S. Spilky (Bradley University 1987) - House Corporation Treasurer
Richard B. Villarreal (Bradley University 2012) - House Corporation Treasurer
Jacob Z. Winslow (Bradley University 2014) - House Corporation Treasurer
Peter J. Lawin (Bradley University 2005) - House Corporation Secretary
Roger A. Leenerts (Bradley University 1986) - House Corporation Secretary
Michael W. MacConnie (Bradley University 1983) - House Corporation Secretary
Robert D. Metzger, Jr. (Bradley University 1994) - House Corporation Secretary
David A. Raney (Bradley University 1986) - House Corporation Secretary
Robert M. Ricobene (Bradley University 1984) - House Corporation Secretary
William F. Ross, III (Bradley University 1987) - House Corporation Secretary
James P. Tomaszewski (Bradley University 2015) - House Corporation Secretary
Ricardo J. Anesi (Bradley University 1983) - House Corporation Member
Carl J. Bobis (Bradley University 2003) - House Corporation Member
David S. Brennan (Bradley University 2012) - House Corporation Member
Zachary B. Burtle (Bradley University 2016) - House Corporation Member
Nicholas J. Butler (Bradley University 2015) - House Corporation Member
David J. Deutsch (Bradley University 2002) - House Corporation Member
Bryce D. Egan (Bradley University 2015) - House Corporation Member
Robert S. Franklin (Bradley University 2016) - House Corporation Member
Jerad A. Grewe (Bradley University 2022) - House Corporation Member
Peter L. Grosso (Bradley University 2008) - House Corporation Member
Gregory K. Harmon (Bradley University 2000) - House Corporation Member
Tyler J. Nestor (Bradley University 2020) - House Corporation Member
Robert M. Ricobene (Bradley University 1984) - House Corporation Member
William F. Ross, III (Bradley University 1987) - House Corporation Member
Randall M. Satterthwaite (Bradley University 2002) - House Corporation Member
Robert E. Schaich, Jr. (Bradley University 2006) - House Corporation Member
Andrew A. Senger (Bradley University 2014) - House Corporation Member
Craig A. Smith (Bradley University 1994) - House Corporation Member
Derek A. Staller (Bradley University 2010) - House Corporation Member
Joseph R. Sullivan (Bradley University 2003) - House Corporation Member
Robert J. Temple, II (Bradley University 1991) - House Corporation Member
James P. Tomaszewski (Bradley University 2015) - House Corporation Member
Steven S. Tsuyuki (Bradley University 2016) - House Corporation Member
Jason J. Weber (Bradley University 2006) - House Corporation Member
Jacob Z. Winslow (Bradley University 2014) - House Corporation Member
Jeremy L. Yee (Bradley University 2009) - House Corporation Member
Thomas H. Baker (Bucknell University 1977) - House Corporation President
Michael E. Benevento (Bucknell University 1993) - House Corporation President
H. Leslie Bishop (Bucknell University 1956) - House Corporation President
Robert N. Boucher (Bucknell University 1968) - House Corporation President
Dennis J. Damaschke (Bucknell University 1976) - House Corporation President
Christian C. Trate (Bucknell University 1982) - House Corporation President
G. Robert Van Schooneveld, Jr. (Bucknell University 1975) - House Corporation President
T. Robert Woodward (Bucknell University 1954) - House Corporation President
Thomas H. Baker (Bucknell University 1977) - House Corporation Vice President
Robert B. Shimer (Bucknell University 1946) - House Corporation Treasurer
Howard D. Sipler (Bucknell University 1957) - House Corporation Treasurer
John M. Spangler, III (Bucknell University 1976) - House Corporation Treasurer
G. Robert Van Schooneveld, Jr. (Bucknell University 1975) - House Corporation Treasurer
Robert L. Marks (Bucknell University 1967) - House Corporation Secretary
Geoffrey P. Mynott (Bucknell University 1954) - House Corporation Secretary
Robert C. Beck (Bucknell University 1957) - House Corporation Member
Joseph Golomboski (Bucknell University 1982) - House Corporation Member
Eugene J. Matthews (Bucknell University 1944) - House Corporation Member
William R. Toal, Jr. (Bucknell University 1954) - House Corporation Member
Christian C. Trate (Bucknell University 1982) - House Corporation Member
T. Robert Woodward (Bucknell University 1954) - House Corporation Member
Ryan S. O'Hara (California State University Northridge 1998) - House Corporation President
Ryan S. O'Hara (California State University Northridge 1998) - House Corporation Vice President
Ryan S. O'Hara (California State University Northridge 1998) - House Corporation Treasurer
Chris M. Zanghi (California State University Northridge 1993) - House Corporation Treasurer
Taras I. Semchyshyn (California State University Northridge 1997) - House Corporation Secretary
Patrick T. Carney (Case Western Reserve University 1980) - House Corporation President
James A. Griffith (Case Western Reserve University 1954) - House Corporation President
Michael K. Magness (Case Western Reserve University 1970) - House Corporation President
C. Robert Morgan, II (Case Western Reserve University 1995) - House Corporation President
Matthew R. Von Duhn (Case Western Reserve University 1989) - House Corporation President
Albert G. Williams (Case Western Reserve University 1927) - House Corporation President
James A. Griffith (Case Western Reserve University 1954) - House Corporation Vice President
John H. Lathe (Case Western Reserve University 1944) - House Corporation Vice President
Rodney B. Stout (Case Western Reserve University 1952) - House Corporation Vice President
Robert W. Niebaum (Case Western Reserve University 1969) - House Corporation Treasurer
Michael K. Magness (Case Western Reserve University 1970) - House Corporation Secretary
Thomas J. Puette (Case Western Reserve University 1965) - House Corporation Secretary
John M. Saganich (Case Western Reserve University 1979) - House Corporation Secretary
Gerald G. Snowden (Case Western Reserve University 1986) - House Corporation Secretary
Matthew R. Von Duhn (Case Western Reserve University 1989) - House Corporation Secretary
Christopher G. Baker (Case Western Reserve University 1994) - House Corporation Member
Robert A. Barclay (Case Western Reserve University 1959) - House Corporation Member
Kevin M. Carney (Case Western Reserve University 2009) - House Corporation Member
Patrick T. Carney (Case Western Reserve University 1980) - House Corporation Member
Maksim X. Chernyavskiy (Case Western Reserve University 2010) - House Corporation Member
Joseph S. Collura (Case Western Reserve University 1999) - House Corporation Member
James A. Griffith (Case Western Reserve University 1954) - House Corporation Member
Mitchell Ingram Henn DDS (Case Western Reserve University 1972) - House Corporation Member
Michael K. Magness (Case Western Reserve University 1970) - House Corporation Member
James E. Merklin (Case Western Reserve University 1985) - House Corporation Member
C. Robert Morgan, II (Case Western Reserve University 1995) - House Corporation Member
Jonathan F. Plimpton (Case Western Reserve University 1970) - House Corporation Member
Daniel L. Turner, DO (Case Western Reserve University 1991) - House Corporation Member
William H. Valentine, Jr. (Coastal Carolina University 1967) - House Corporation Member
Thomas F. Kirkpatrick (Colgate University 1961) - House Corporation President
George B. Twichell (Colgate University 1949) - House Corporation President
Peter L. VanAkin (Colgate University 1927) - House Corporation Vice President
Edward S. Kern (Colgate University 1938) - House Corporation Treasurer
Sheldon F. Storrier (Colgate University 1951) - House Corporation Treasurer
David H. Alvord (Colgate University 1980) - House Corporation Secretary
Michael J. Batza, Jr. (Colgate University 1963) - House Corporation Member
Donald G. Cieri (Colgate University 1949) - House Corporation Member
Emlyn I. Griffith (Colgate University 1942) - House Corporation Member
Robert E. Horstmyer (Colgate University 1955) - House Corporation Member
Gary L. Ross (Colgate University 1977) - House Corporation Member
Donald L. Tiffany (Colgate University 1943) - House Corporation Member
Benedict Q. Underhill (Colgate University 1981) - House Corporation Member
Kelly B. Powers (Colorado College 1984) - House Corporation President
Harry W. McWilliams (Colorado College 1942) - House Corporation Treasurer
Russell A. Frishmuth (Colorado School of Mines 1992) - House Corporation President
Eric J. Leigh (Colorado School of Mines 1997) - House Corporation President
Kirk A. Lindahl (Colorado School of Mines 1986) - House Corporation Treasurer
Michael D. Weekley (Colorado School of Mines 1992) - House Corporation Treasurer
Jonathan F. Wade (Colorado School of Mines 1984) - House Corporation Member
David H. Booth (Colorado State University 1978) - House Corporation President
Mark L. Bradley (Colorado State University 1978) - House Corporation President
Robert E. Fee (Colorado State University 1977) - House Corporation President
David D. Glenn (Colorado State University 1972) - House Corporation President
J. Randy Kelly (Colorado State University 1975) - House Corporation President
Robert E. Fee (Colorado State University 1977) - House Corporation Treasurer
Bruce W. Chapman (Colorado State University 1972) - House Corporation Secretary
David H. Booth (Colorado State University 1978) - House Corporation Member
Richard T. Callan (Colorado State University 1980) - House Corporation Member
Kurt G. Madsen (Colorado State University 1985) - House Corporation Member
Stephen A. Sharf (Colorado State University 1971) - House Corporation Member
Thomas E. Allen (Columbia University 1942) - House Corporation President
Steven E. Coleman (Columbia University 1983) - House Corporation President
George S. M. Cowan, Jr. (Columbia University 1959) - House Corporation President
Derek C. Dessler (Columbia University 1993) - House Corporation President
Frank J. MacKain (Columbia University 1949) - House Corporation President
Timothy D. Nank (Columbia University 1993) - House Corporation Treasurer
Bruce D. Sargent (Columbia University 1966) - House Corporation Treasurer
Jonathan T. Boos (Columbia University 1994) - House Corporation Member
Blake W. Carter (Columbia University 1993) - House Corporation Member
Richard C. Clew (Columbia University 1987) - House Corporation Member
Thomas K. Dunlap (Columbia University 1991) - House Corporation Member
James R. Hirshfield (Columbia University 1987) - House Corporation Member
Peter A. Luccarelli, Jr. (Columbia University 1978) - House Corporation Member
George R. Watson (Columbia University 1980) - House Corporation Member
Charles W. Worrell (Columbia University 1993) - House Corporation Member
Glenn H. Aaronson (Cornell University 1979) - House Corporation President
David C. Costine (Cornell University 1963) - House Corporation President
Charles S. Henry (Cornell University 1974) - House Corporation President
Frank F. Herron (Cornell University 1974) - House Corporation President
Joseph T. Kowalik, Jr. (Cornell University 1974) - House Corporation President
Robert H. Lurcott (Cornell University 1961) - House Corporation President
Richard G. Moore (Cornell University 1967) - House Corporation President
Thomas R. Smith (Cornell University 1975) - House Corporation President
Alfred F. Van Ranst, Jr. (Cornell University 1974) - House Corporation President
Glenn H. Aaronson (Cornell University 1979) - House Corporation Vice President
David M. Ayers (Cornell University 1980) - House Corporation Vice President
J. Michael Duesing (Cornell University 1962) - House Corporation Vice President
Frank F. Herron (Cornell University 1974) - House Corporation Vice President
Thomas R. Smith (Cornell University 1975) - House Corporation Vice President
Mark A. Bauer (Cornell University 1979) - House Corporation Treasurer
Carl J. Bellas (Cornell University 1958) - House Corporation Treasurer
Walter J. Ives (Cornell University 1940) - House Corporation Treasurer
Byron G. McCalmon (Cornell University 1962) - House Corporation Treasurer
Conrad M. Olie (Cornell University 1972) - House Corporation Treasurer
Alfred F. Van Ranst, Jr. (Cornell University 1974) - House Corporation Treasurer
David M. Dalpe (Cornell University 1999) - House Corporation Secretary
David B. Doupe (Cornell University 1978) - House Corporation Secretary
Alexander H. Lowe (Cornell University 2009) - House Corporation Secretary
Alfred F. Van Ranst, Jr. (Cornell University 1974) - House Corporation Secretary
Joseph G. Bruce (Cornell University 1977) - House Corporation Member
Charles P. Cotsalas (Cornell University 1983) - House Corporation Member
David B. Doupe (Cornell University 1978) - House Corporation Member
David G. Fleet (Cornell University 1933) - House Corporation Member
Thomas E. Lurcott (Cornell University 1974) - House Corporation Member
William J. Zaruka (Cornell University 1998) - House Corporation Member
Joseph D. Dulaney (Davidson College 1960) - House Corporation President
Charles E. Elyea (Davidson College 1984) - House Corporation President
Carl M. Rizzo (Davidson College 1973) - House Corporation President
James C. Smith, Jr. (Davidson College 1961) - House Corporation President
Don D. Reid (Davidson College 1954) - House Corporation Vice President
Joseph D. Dulaney (Davidson College 1960) - House Corporation Treasurer
Charles E. Elyea (Davidson College 1984) - House Corporation Treasurer
Don D. Reid (Davidson College 1954) - House Corporation Treasurer
Brian P. Evans (Davidson College 1972) - House Corporation Secretary
Towner A. Blackstock (Davidson College 1994) - House Corporation Member
Brian P. Evans (Davidson College 1972) - House Corporation Member
William R. Sigmund, II (Davidson College 1978) - House Corporation Member
Max D. Thomason, Jr. (Davidson College 1972) - House Corporation Member
James H. Brophy (Denison University 1955) - House Corporation President
James T. Dixon (Denison University 1991) - House Corporation President
David K. Edelblute (Denison University 1986) - House Corporation President
Carl A. Frazier (Denison University 1938) - House Corporation President
David E. Frederiksen (Denison University 1992) - House Corporation President
Stephen D. Hardesty (Denison University 1967) - House Corporation President
Richard G. Hudson, Jr. (Denison University 1950) - House Corporation President
Randal D. Robinson (Denison University 1971) - House Corporation President
John H. Thiele (Denison University 1943) - House Corporation President
John H. Wyant, IV (Denison University 1968) - House Corporation President
Raymond T. Dean (Denison University 1972) - House Corporation Vice President
John D. Jones (Denison University 1938) - House Corporation Vice President
Alan F. Montgomery (Denison University 1971) - House Corporation Vice President
Randal D. Robinson (Denison University 1971) - House Corporation Vice President
John H. Thiele (Denison University 1943) - House Corporation Vice President
Richard H. White (Denison University 1940) - House Corporation Vice President
Carl A. Frazier (Denison University 1938) - House Corporation Treasurer
Alan F. Montgomery (Denison University 1971) - House Corporation Treasurer
William C. Slater (Denison University 1947) - House Corporation Treasurer
Timothy C. Walters (Denison University 2001) - House Corporation Treasurer
Charles D. Baldecchi (Denison University 1993) - House Corporation Secretary
David B. Cathcart (Denison University 1972) - House Corporation Secretary
James T. Dixon (Denison University 1991) - House Corporation Secretary
David K. Edelblute (Denison University 1986) - House Corporation Secretary
J. Kevin Maxwell (Denison University 1975) - House Corporation Secretary
Willard C. Rankin (Denison University 1943) - House Corporation Secretary
John H. Thiele (Denison University 1943) - House Corporation Secretary
Theodore H. Barclay (Denison University 1965) - House Corporation Member
William L. Byars, III (Denison University 1959) - House Corporation Member
David B. Cathcart (Denison University 1972) - House Corporation Member
Douglas A. Colwell (Denison University 1957) - House Corporation Member
David K. Edelblute (Denison University 1986) - House Corporation Member
Carter L. Gentry (Denison University 1994) - House Corporation Member
John S. Hassett (Denison University 1948) - House Corporation Member
Charles H. Hire (Denison University 1963) - House Corporation Member
Andrew T. Kelly (Denison University 1986) - House Corporation Member
J. Kevin Maxwell (Denison University 1975) - House Corporation Member
Bradley F. Norpell (Denison University 1950) - House Corporation Member
John A. Prior, Jr. (Denison University 1959) - House Corporation Member
Willard C. Rankin (Denison University 1943) - House Corporation Member
Randall D. Rogers (Denison University 1995) - House Corporation Member
David R. Skeen (Denison University 1962) - House Corporation Member
Robert C. Stewart (Denison University 1956) - House Corporation Member
John H. Thiele (Denison University 1943) - House Corporation Member
Stephen J. Walling (Denison University 1964) - House Corporation Member
Richard H. White (Denison University 1940) - House Corporation Member
Wilbur J. Wilson (Denison University 1936) - House Corporation Member
Joseph B. Wise (Denison University 1943) - House Corporation Member
John H. Wyant, IV (Denison University 1968) - House Corporation Member
John L. Adams (DePauw University 1947) - House Corporation President
John A. Broyles (DePauw University 1991) - House Corporation President
Joseph B. Carney, Sr. (DePauw University 1950) - House Corporation President
George H. Dirks (DePauw University 1929) - House Corporation President
Philip G. Heyde (DePauw University 1972) - House Corporation President
George C. Lortz (DePauw University 1962) - House Corporation President
Douglas D. Mitchell (DePauw University 1970) - House Corporation President
Wade R. Nichols (DePauw University 1972) - House Corporation President
Paul B. Qua (DePauw University 1982) - House Corporation President
John A. Broyles (DePauw University 1991) - House Corporation Vice President
Joseph B. Carney, Sr. (DePauw University 1950) - House Corporation Vice President
George C. Lortz (DePauw University 1962) - House Corporation Vice President
Alex L. Rogers (DePauw University 1965) - House Corporation Vice President
George E. Vickery, III (DePauw University 1969) - House Corporation Vice President
Harry J. Cangany (DePauw University 1972) - House Corporation Treasurer
Joseph B. Carney, Jr. (DePauw University 1984) - House Corporation Treasurer
Bert R. Hybels (DePauw University 1962) - House Corporation Treasurer
Russell O. LaMore (DePauw University 1988) - House Corporation Treasurer
Wade R. Nichols (DePauw University 1972) - House Corporation Treasurer
Alex L. Rogers (DePauw University 1965) - House Corporation Treasurer
Robert K. Whipple (DePauw University 1953) - House Corporation Treasurer
Joseph B. Carney, Jr. (DePauw University 1984) - House Corporation Secretary
Steven R. Jacobs (DePauw University 1971) - House Corporation Secretary
Douglas D. Mitchell (DePauw University 1970) - House Corporation Secretary
James D. Moore (DePauw University 1974) - House Corporation Secretary
John T. Axelberg (DePauw University 1983) - House Corporation Member
Ryan A. Barton (DePauw University 2008) - House Corporation Member
Harry J. Cangany (DePauw University 1972) - House Corporation Member
Joseph B. Carney, Sr. (DePauw University 1950) - House Corporation Member
Zachary D. Criswell (DePauw University 2008) - House Corporation Member
Paul S. Detlefs (DePauw University 1977) - House Corporation Member
George H. Dirks (DePauw University 1929) - House Corporation Member
Peter M. Fellegy (DePauw University 2005) - House Corporation Member
J. Kent Fletcher (DePauw University 1976) - House Corporation Member
Brian W. Furman (DePauw University 2008) - House Corporation Member
Stephen C. Hancock (DePauw University 1978) - House Corporation Member
Philip G. Heyde (DePauw University 1972) - House Corporation Member
Henry A. Hile (DePauw University 1964) - House Corporation Member
Steven R. Jacobs (DePauw University 1971) - House Corporation Member
Thomas A. Kenny (DePauw University 1985) - House Corporation Member
Robert K. Kleinops (DePauw University 1970) - House Corporation Member
James D. Moore (DePauw University 1974) - House Corporation Member
Wade R. Nichols (DePauw University 1972) - House Corporation Member
Paul B. Qua (DePauw University 1982) - House Corporation Member
David A. Schmitz (DePauw University 1985) - House Corporation Member
George J. Spradling (DePauw University 1951) - House Corporation Member
Paul C. VanBooven (DePauw University 1973) - House Corporation Member
Joseph F. Vosicky, Jr. (DePauw University 1971) - House Corporation Member
Brenton H. Wadsworth (DePauw University 1952) - House Corporation Member
Kent D. Zepick (DePauw University 1983) - House Corporation Member
Tanner J. Brockway (Drake University 2017) - House Corporation President
James R. DeBuse (Drake University 2006) - House Corporation President
Christopher W. Edwards (Drake University 1994) - House Corporation President
Kristopher K. Emick (Drake University 1999) - House Corporation President
Joseph A. Gamis (Drake University 2010) - House Corporation President
Jeffrey T. Knake (Drake University 2001) - House Corporation President
Christopher D. Latham (Drake University 1995) - House Corporation President
Brian J. Scott (Drake University 1996) - House Corporation Vice President
Tanner J. Brockway (Drake University 2017) - House Corporation Treasurer
Michael J. Crow (Drake University 2009) - House Corporation Treasurer
Benjamin D. Koenig (Drake University 2010) - House Corporation Treasurer
Christopher D. Latham (Drake University 1995) - House Corporation Treasurer
Brian J. Scott (Drake University 1996) - House Corporation Treasurer
Derek K. Stocking (Drake University 2003) - House Corporation Treasurer
Jaimie W. Loch (Drake University 2002) - House Corporation Secretary
Curtis B. Olson (Drake University 2017) - House Corporation Secretary
Ryan J. Rohlfsen (Drake University 1996) - House Corporation Secretary
Justin C. Stubstad (Drake University 2007) - House Corporation Secretary
R. Scott Brown (Drake University 1995) - House Corporation Member
Brett D. Casebolt (Drake University 1995) - House Corporation Member
James R. DeBuse (Drake University 2006) - House Corporation Member
Adam P. Drake (Drake University 2009) - House Corporation Member
Christopher W. Edwards (Drake University 1994) - House Corporation Member
Drew D. Engebrecht (Drake University 2002) - House Corporation Member
Christopher D. Latham (Drake University 1995) - House Corporation Member
Landon R. Ludvigson (Drake University 1997) - House Corporation Member
Curtis B. Olson (Drake University 2017) - House Corporation Member
Franklin J. Peitz (Drake University 2011) - House Corporation Member
Brian J. Scott (Drake University 1996) - House Corporation Member
Michael H. Frank (Emory University 1984) - House Corporation President
Thomas A. Adams (Emory University 1970) - House Corporation Member
DeWitt R. Rogers (Emory University 1974) - House Corporation Member
Stephen B. Rohrer (Emory University 1973) - House Corporation Member
Jonathan L. Ross (Florida International University 2002) - House Corporation Vice President
John J. Navas (Florida International University 2012) - House Corporation Member
David B. Aide (Florida State University 1984) - House Corporation President
Lawrence D. Bobo (Florida State University 1969) - House Corporation President
Ross R. Byers (Florida State University 1976) - House Corporation President
Michael L. Ferguson, Jr. (Florida State University 1992) - House Corporation President
Kenneth A. Jessell (Florida State University 1977) - House Corporation President
Robert S. Klepper (Florida State University 1993) - House Corporation President
Joe W. Osborne, Jr. (Florida State University 1977) - House Corporation President
Charles L. Perkins (Florida State University 1970) - House Corporation President
Donald S. Stuart (Florida State University 1972) - House Corporation President
Justin R. Huffman (Florida State University 2006) - House Corporation Vice President
Kenneth A. Jessell (Florida State University 1977) - House Corporation Vice President
Joe W. Osborne, Jr. (Florida State University 1977) - House Corporation Vice President
Stephen F. Ross (Florida State University 1971) - House Corporation Vice President
Christopher M. Spencer (Florida State University 2009) - House Corporation Treasurer
Howard I. Klahr (Florida State University 1985) - House Corporation Secretary
Charles L. Perkins, Jr. (Florida State University 1972) - House Corporation Secretary
David B. Aide (Florida State University 1984) - House Corporation Member
William A. Baird (Florida State University 1967) - House Corporation Member
David L. Bonenfant (Florida State University 1994) - House Corporation Member
G. Todd Bradley (Florida State University 1988) - House Corporation Member
Robert E. Calder (Florida State University 1985) - House Corporation Member
Andrew F. Feinberg (Florida State University 1993) - House Corporation Member
Michael L. Ferguson, Jr. (Florida State University 1992) - House Corporation Member
John W. Gabriel (Florida State University 1989) - House Corporation Member
Scott P. Gee (Florida State University 1991) - House Corporation Member
Charles A. Gerber (Florida State University 1976) - House Corporation Member
Jack A. Grenuk (Florida State University 2018) - House Corporation Member
Kyle E. Hartmann (Florida State University 1999) - House Corporation Member
Howard I. Klahr (Florida State University 1985) - House Corporation Member
John E. Kruszewski, Jr. (Florida State University 2007) - House Corporation Member
Lincoln S. LeVarge (Florida State University 1986) - House Corporation Member
Richard L. McNutt, Jr. (Florida State University 1977) - House Corporation Member
H. David Murray (Florida State University 1976) - House Corporation Member
Joe W. Osborne, Jr. (Florida State University 1977) - House Corporation Member
Kevin B. Parker (Florida State University 1988) - House Corporation Member
Stephan M. Robinson (Florida State University 1986) - House Corporation Member
Stephen F. Ross (Florida State University 1971) - House Corporation Member
Robert R. Saum (Florida State University 1993) - House Corporation Member
Todd W. Schroeder (Florida State University 1980) - House Corporation Member
Scott W. Shepherd (Florida State University 1996) - House Corporation Member
John C. Stickeler (Florida State University 1981) - House Corporation Member
Donald S. Stuart (Florida State University 1972) - House Corporation Member
Gregory D. Thompson (Florida State University 1986) - House Corporation Member
Norman R. Wyckoff, III (Florida State University 1987) - House Corporation Member
Michael D. Wiechmann (Fresno State University 1991) - House Corporation Vice President
Henry R. Serrano (Fresno State University 1989) - House Corporation Treasurer
Jason B. Kumagai (Fresno State University 1989) - House Corporation Secretary
Henry R. Serrano (Fresno State University 1989) - House Corporation Secretary
Dennis Wiechmann (Fresno State University 1992) - House Corporation Member
Charles W. Bass (Georgia Institute of Technology 1970) - House Corporation President
William J. Brooksbank, Jr. (Georgia Institute of Technology 1973) - House Corporation President
Frederick A. Dorsey, Jr. (Georgia Institute of Technology 1995) - House Corporation President
James D. Hamil, II (Georgia Institute of Technology 1981) - House Corporation President
Marc D. Perla (Georgia Institute of Technology 1992) - House Corporation President
M. Charles Plaisance (Georgia Institute of Technology 2013) - House Corporation President
John B. Snead (Georgia Institute of Technology 1988) - House Corporation President
Ronald L. Thomas (Georgia Institute of Technology 1968) - House Corporation President
Locke H. Trigg (Georgia Institute of Technology 1943) - House Corporation President
Brian D. Wright (Georgia Institute of Technology 1969) - House Corporation President
Clarence M. Head, PhD (Georgia Institute of Technology 1957) - House Corporation Vice President
Locke H. Trigg (Georgia Institute of Technology 1943) - House Corporation Vice President
Dudley C. Williamson (Georgia Institute of Technology 1974) - House Corporation Vice President
Charles W. Bass (Georgia Institute of Technology 1970) - House Corporation Treasurer
John O. Briggs (Georgia Institute of Technology 1967) - House Corporation Treasurer
Jack O. McMillan, Jr. (Georgia Institute of Technology 1977) - House Corporation Treasurer
Joseph S. Baumgartner (Georgia Institute of Technology 1968) - House Corporation Secretary
Jack O. McMillan, Jr. (Georgia Institute of Technology 1977) - House Corporation Secretary
Frank O. Nottingham (Georgia Institute of Technology 1950) - House Corporation Secretary
J. Eric Taylor, Jr. (Georgia Institute of Technology 1964) - House Corporation Secretary
William M. Wilkinson (Georgia Institute of Technology 1975) - House Corporation Secretary
William E. Kenney (Georgia Institute of Technology 1944) - House Corporation Member
Leslie A. Spencer, Jr. (Georgia Institute of Technology 1973) - House Corporation Member
Robert W. Davies (Gettysburg College 1957) - House Corporation President
Stephen M. Gutting (Gettysburg College 1972) - House Corporation President
John E. Haas (Gettysburg College 1974) - House Corporation President
Charles H. Huber, Jr. (Gettysburg College 1933) - House Corporation President
Richard M. Imperatore (Gettysburg College 1968) - House Corporation President
William N. Lindsay, III (Gettysburg College 1969) - House Corporation President
David E. A. Moran, III (Gettysburg College 1986) - House Corporation President
Frederick A. Schoenbrodt (Gettysburg College 1965) - House Corporation President
Thom H. Schwartz (Gettysburg College 1967) - House Corporation President
John R. Stewart (Gettysburg College 1954) - House Corporation President
Andrew S. Barclay (Gettysburg College 2005) - House Corporation Vice President
Stephen M. Gutting (Gettysburg College 1972) - House Corporation Vice President
John E. Haas (Gettysburg College 1974) - House Corporation Vice President
Kyle R. Ibbitson (Gettysburg College 2005) - House Corporation Vice President
Richard M. Imperatore (Gettysburg College 1968) - House Corporation Vice President
R. Bruce McMahon, Jr. (Gettysburg College 1972) - House Corporation Vice President
Frederick A. Schoenbrodt (Gettysburg College 1965) - House Corporation Vice President
Robert R. Sieck, USA (Ret) (Gettysburg College 1957) - House Corporation Vice President
James R. Whetstone (Gettysburg College 1969) - House Corporation Vice President
Philip J. Bernardi (Gettysburg College 1979) - House Corporation Treasurer
John D. Bream (Gettysburg College 1957) - House Corporation Treasurer
Philip J. Dolson, Jr. (Gettysburg College 1976) - House Corporation Treasurer
Mahlon P. Hartzell (Gettysburg College 1939) - House Corporation Treasurer
Kyle R. Ibbitson (Gettysburg College 2005) - House Corporation Treasurer
J. Blaine Saltzer (Gettysburg College 1947) - House Corporation Treasurer
Robert R. Sieck, USA (Ret) (Gettysburg College 1957) - House Corporation Treasurer
H. Charles Walton, III (Gettysburg College 1967) - House Corporation Treasurer
Harry W. Buzzerd, Jr. (Gettysburg College 1964) - House Corporation Secretary
Michael L. Hughes (Gettysburg College 2006) - House Corporation Secretary
Kyle R. Ibbitson (Gettysburg College 2005) - House Corporation Secretary
William C. Kinzel (Gettysburg College 1996) - House Corporation Secretary
Albert R. Kuhel (Gettysburg College 2018) - House Corporation Secretary
William N. Lindsay, III (Gettysburg College 1969) - House Corporation Secretary
William C. Martindale, Jr. (Gettysburg College 1964) - House Corporation Secretary
Roger C. Mitterling, VMD (Gettysburg College 1976) - House Corporation Secretary
Christopher B. O'Connor (Gettysburg College 1991) - House Corporation Secretary
J. Edward Riggs, Jr. (Gettysburg College 1977) - House Corporation Secretary
Frederick A. Rodgers (Gettysburg College 1951) - House Corporation Secretary
Jason N. Vishio (Gettysburg College 2000) - House Corporation Secretary
Clayton R. Wilcox (Gettysburg College 1967) - House Corporation Secretary
Stephen M. Arcuri (Gettysburg College 1999) - House Corporation Member
Robert B. Armstrong, Jr. (Gettysburg College 1991) - House Corporation Member
Andrew S. Barclay (Gettysburg College 2005) - House Corporation Member
Frank G. Bennett (Gettysburg College 1979) - House Corporation Member
Philip J. Bernardi (Gettysburg College 1979) - House Corporation Member
Barry L. Bickel (Gettysburg College 1986) - House Corporation Member
Phillip M. Bodenstab (Gettysburg College 2005) - House Corporation Member
Herbert S. Bowman (Gettysburg College 1944) - House Corporation Member
John D. Bream (Gettysburg College 1957) - House Corporation Member
Benjamin C. Brubeck (Gettysburg College 2003) - House Corporation Member
John J. Cain (Gettysburg College 1997) - House Corporation Member
Justin B. Cerilli (Gettysburg College 1999) - House Corporation Member
Charles C. Collins, III (Gettysburg College 1985) - House Corporation Member
Jonathan E. Cordo (Gettysburg College 2005) - House Corporation Member
Richard H. Cromer (Gettysburg College 1951) - House Corporation Member
Matthew H. Eisenberg (Gettysburg College 1998) - House Corporation Member
Richard W. Esser (Gettysburg College 1964) - House Corporation Member
Spencer J. Fassett (Gettysburg College 2014) - House Corporation Member
Fred F. Fielding (Gettysburg College 1961) - House Corporation Member
Alan S. Fischer (Gettysburg College 1929) - House Corporation Member
Cyrus S. Fleck (Gettysburg College 1920) - House Corporation Member
Benjamin S. Flint (Gettysburg College 2008) - House Corporation Member
Craig L. Frost (Gettysburg College 1989) - House Corporation Member
Lawrence N. Gage (Gettysburg College 1985) - House Corporation Member
Richard J. Gallagher (Gettysburg College 2004) - House Corporation Member
John W. Havens (Gettysburg College 2002) - House Corporation Member
Donald H. Hecht (Gettysburg College 1985) - House Corporation Member
Frank C. Hilton, Jr. (Gettysburg College 1977) - House Corporation Member
Michael L. Hughes (Gettysburg College 2006) - House Corporation Member
Richard M. Imperatore (Gettysburg College 1968) - House Corporation Member
Nicholas S. Johnson (Gettysburg College 1990) - House Corporation Member
MacGregor S. Jones (Gettysburg College 1967) - House Corporation Member
Bradford S. Jungels (Gettysburg College 1983) - House Corporation Member
J. Clayton Krum (Gettysburg College 2002) - House Corporation Member
Ryan H. Lawrence (Gettysburg College 2005) - House Corporation Member
Mark R. Lilly (Gettysburg College 1999) - House Corporation Member
William N. Lindsay, III (Gettysburg College 1969) - House Corporation Member
Joseph W. Lynch, Jr. (Gettysburg College 1985) - House Corporation Member
Robert A. MacFarland (Gettysburg College 1967) - House Corporation Member
Brian J. Magos (Gettysburg College 2006) - House Corporation Member
William M. Matz, Jr. (Gettysburg College 1961) - House Corporation Member
Elmer S. McKee, PhD (Gettysburg College 1944) - House Corporation Member
R. Bruce McMahon, Jr. (Gettysburg College 1972) - House Corporation Member
Dale L. Miller (Gettysburg College 1968) - House Corporation Member
Christopher B. O'Connor (Gettysburg College 1991) - House Corporation Member
Jeffrey K. Parras (Gettysburg College 2006) - House Corporation Member
Walter J. Penny (Gettysburg College 1990) - House Corporation Member
William T. Poole (Gettysburg College 1993) - House Corporation Member
Fernando X. Porras, Jr. (Gettysburg College 2018) - House Corporation Member
Jeffrey M. Preston (Gettysburg College 1962) - House Corporation Member
Adam C. Purdy (Gettysburg College 2001) - House Corporation Member
Arthur C. Pursel, Jr. (Gettysburg College 1988) - House Corporation Member
David K. Pursel (Gettysburg College 1995) - House Corporation Member
Frederick A. Rodgers (Gettysburg College 1951) - House Corporation Member
Bryan D. Russo (Gettysburg College 2005) - House Corporation Member
Frederick A. Schoenbrodt (Gettysburg College 1965) - House Corporation Member
F. Barry Shaw (Gettysburg College 1965) - House Corporation Member
Brian C. Shea (Gettysburg College 2007) - House Corporation Member
Andrew C. Sheely (Gettysburg College 1988) - House Corporation Member
James J. Sherron (Gettysburg College 2002) - House Corporation Member
Richard D. Shirk (Gettysburg College 1967) - House Corporation Member
Peter R. Shoudy (Gettysburg College 1986) - House Corporation Member
Kevin J. Smith (Gettysburg College 1989) - House Corporation Member
Kurt A. Sollenberger (Gettysburg College 1988) - House Corporation Member
Edward E. Straub, Jr. (Gettysburg College 1977) - House Corporation Member
Eric L. Van Gilder (Gettysburg College 1965) - House Corporation Member
Gary R. Vogel (Gettysburg College 1989) - House Corporation Member
Bob E. Wagner (Gettysburg College 1969) - House Corporation Member
William A. Walsleben (Gettysburg College 1977) - House Corporation Member
H. Charles Walton, III (Gettysburg College 1967) - House Corporation Member
John D. Weber (Gettysburg College 1992) - House Corporation Member
Clayton R. Wilcox (Gettysburg College 1967) - House Corporation Member
Nicholas O. Wood (Gettysburg College 2012) - House Corporation Member
William M. Zimmerman (Gettysburg College 1968) - House Corporation Member
Randolph P. Tabb, Jr. (Hampden-Sydney College 1970) - House Corporation President
Edwin Gadberry, III (Hampden-Sydney College 1971) - House Corporation Treasurer
George M. Trible, IV (Hampden-Sydney College 1991) - House Corporation Secretary
Gary W. Boswick (Hampden-Sydney College 1985) - House Corporation Member
Frederic H. Cox (Hampden-Sydney College 1987) - House Corporation Member
Alton L. Gwaltney (Hampden-Sydney College 1990) - House Corporation Member
Brian P. Jeter (Hampden-Sydney College 1984) - House Corporation Member
Donald R. Bonsett (Hanover College 1953) - House Corporation President
William G. Bostock (Hanover College 1989) - House Corporation President
Bruce K. Bunger (Hanover College 1977) - House Corporation President
Joseph T. Craig (Hanover College 1944) - House Corporation President
John V. Davis (Hanover College 1953) - House Corporation President
David M. Larkin (Hanover College 1985) - House Corporation President
Kip S. McDonald (Hanover College 2007) - House Corporation President
Louis F. Phipps (Hanover College 1926) - House Corporation President
William E. Stucker (Hanover College 1944) - House Corporation President
Robert A. Hicks (Hanover College 1985) - House Corporation Vice President
Donald F. Dones (Hanover College 1984) - House Corporation Treasurer
Thomas A. Eccles (Hanover College 1978) - House Corporation Treasurer
Michael F. Gamage (Hanover College 1987) - House Corporation Treasurer
Frank A. Guthrie (Hanover College 1950) - House Corporation Treasurer
David M. Larkin (Hanover College 1985) - House Corporation Treasurer
Philip S. McCombs (Hanover College 1979) - House Corporation Treasurer
Timothy A. McGeath (Hanover College 1984) - House Corporation Treasurer
James W. Rose (Hanover College 1956) - House Corporation Treasurer
William G. Bostock (Hanover College 1989) - House Corporation Secretary
Michael F. Gamage (Hanover College 1987) - House Corporation Secretary
Charles D. Hallgarth (Hanover College 1957) - House Corporation Secretary
Michael A. Hollifield (Hanover College 1979) - House Corporation Secretary
Connie J. Hunter (Hanover College 1979) - House Corporation Secretary
Philip D. Spiess, II (Hanover College 1968) - House Corporation Secretary
J. Peter Tolson (Hanover College 2005) - House Corporation Secretary
Dana J. Aroh (Hanover College 1979) - House Corporation Member
David A. Aroh (Hanover College 1981) - House Corporation Member
William G. Bostock (Hanover College 1989) - House Corporation Member
Joseph T. Craig (Hanover College 1944) - House Corporation Member
Frank A. Guthrie (Hanover College 1950) - House Corporation Member
Anthony T. Hornbach (Hanover College 2009) - House Corporation Member
William C. Kaag, USN (Ret) (Hanover College 1953) - House Corporation Member
William F. Stephan (Hanover College 1955) - House Corporation Member
William E. Stucker (Hanover College 1944) - House Corporation Member
James R. Willey, Jr. (Hanover College 1987) - House Corporation Member
Beau Carver (Illinois State University 2017) - House Corporation President
Colin S. Pickens (Illinois State University 2017) - House Corporation Secretary
Paul R. Belyea (Illinois Wesleyan University 1957) - House Corporation President
John Bowles, III (Illinois Wesleyan University 1951) - House Corporation President
Christopher Nyweide (Illinois Wesleyan University 1973) - House Corporation President
Gerald L. Philpott (Illinois Wesleyan University 1959) - House Corporation President
Benjamin J. Rhodes (Illinois Wesleyan University 1969) - House Corporation President
Edward S. Tanton (Illinois Wesleyan University 1982) - House Corporation President
Paul R. Belyea (Illinois Wesleyan University 1957) - House Corporation Vice President
John Bowles, III (Illinois Wesleyan University 1951) - House Corporation Vice President
W. A. Riddle (Illinois Wesleyan University 1947) - House Corporation Treasurer
Michael E. Wieting (Illinois Wesleyan University 1986) - House Corporation Treasurer
Christopher Nyweide (Illinois Wesleyan University 1973) - House Corporation Secretary
John Bowles, III (Illinois Wesleyan University 1951) - House Corporation Member
C. Greg Gardner (Illinois Wesleyan University 1960) - House Corporation Member
James P. Ingold (Illinois Wesleyan University 1985) - House Corporation Member
Brian T. Lockenvitz (Illinois Wesleyan University 1986) - House Corporation Member
Gerald L. Philpott (Illinois Wesleyan University 1959) - House Corporation Member
Benjamin J. Rhodes (Illinois Wesleyan University 1969) - House Corporation Member
John M. Sorensen (Illinois Wesleyan University 1968) - House Corporation Member
Edward S. Tanton (Illinois Wesleyan University 1982) - House Corporation Member
John F. Wilk (Illinois Wesleyan University 1982) - House Corporation Member
Thomas J. Barlow (Indiana State University 1988) - House Corporation President
Marc L. Blevens (Indiana State University 1973) - House Corporation President
Mark E. Crawn (Indiana State University 2001) - House Corporation President
Jerry C. Crisostomo (Indiana State University 1981) - House Corporation President
Kent L. Gordon, II (Indiana State University 2001) - House Corporation President
Jeffrey D. Jewell (Indiana State University 2015) - House Corporation President
Brent A. Leffel (Indiana State University 1991) - House Corporation President
Jack D. Meneely, II (Indiana State University 1973) - House Corporation President
Bryan P. Meyer (Indiana State University 1988) - House Corporation President
William G. Niederer (Indiana State University 1985) - House Corporation President
Kenneth M. Stout (Indiana State University 1996) - House Corporation President
Mark D. Sullivan (Indiana State University 1985) - House Corporation President
Eugene A. Riegle (Indiana State University 1974) - House Corporation Treasurer
Robert D. Stevens (Indiana State University 2003) - House Corporation Treasurer
Larry Watson (Indiana State University 1971) - House Corporation Treasurer
Marc L. Blevens (Indiana State University 1973) - House Corporation Secretary
Mark E. Crawn (Indiana State University 2001) - House Corporation Secretary
Rex M. Fleetwood (Indiana State University 1992) - House Corporation Secretary
Joshua R. Goldman (Indiana State University 2001) - House Corporation Secretary
Kent L. Gordon, II (Indiana State University 2001) - House Corporation Secretary
Paul A. Lawson (Indiana State University 2013) - House Corporation Secretary
William G. Niederer (Indiana State University 1985) - House Corporation Secretary
Dustin B. Ogle (Indiana State University 2002) - House Corporation Secretary
Michael L. Raisor (Indiana State University 1995) - House Corporation Secretary
Kenneth M. Stout (Indiana State University 1996) - House Corporation Secretary
Thomas J. Barlow (Indiana State University 1988) - House Corporation Member
Anthony L. Biggs (Indiana State University 2002) - House Corporation Member
Kirby J. Bilsland (Indiana State University 1995) - House Corporation Member
Charles D. Brown (Indiana State University 1974) - House Corporation Member
John M. Butkiewicz (Indiana State University 2004) - House Corporation Member
Zachary Finn (Indiana State University 2000) - House Corporation Member
Kent L. Gordon, II (Indiana State University 2001) - House Corporation Member
Timothy S. Harlan (Indiana State University 1972) - House Corporation Member
Jeffery A. Horner (Indiana State University 2000) - House Corporation Member
Jerry J. Isles (Indiana State University 1993) - House Corporation Member
John D. Keeling (Indiana State University 1999) - House Corporation Member
Thomas P. Lang (Indiana State University 1990) - House Corporation Member
Brent A. Leffel (Indiana State University 1991) - House Corporation Member
William A. Major (Indiana State University 1986) - House Corporation Member
Kevin O. Marks (Indiana State University 1974) - House Corporation Member
Jeffrey A. McMahan (Indiana State University 1978) - House Corporation Member
Bryan P. Meyer (Indiana State University 1988) - House Corporation Member
Roland Miles (Indiana State University 1989) - House Corporation Member
William G. Niederer (Indiana State University 1985) - House Corporation Member
Keith W. Pittman (Indiana State University 1995) - House Corporation Member
David B. Roth (Indiana State University 1984) - House Corporation Member
Allen R. Sacharow (Indiana State University 1975) - House Corporation Member
Larry L. Salyards (Indiana State University 1995) - House Corporation Member
Michael A. Schell (Indiana State University 1973) - House Corporation Member
Robert W. Shenberger (Indiana State University 1976) - House Corporation Member
Randall R. Simpson (Indiana State University 1984) - House Corporation Member
Donald E. Sippel (Indiana State University 1989) - House Corporation Member
Robert D. Stevens (Indiana State University 2003) - House Corporation Member
Mark D. Sullivan (Indiana State University 1985) - House Corporation Member
Zachary P. Tylka (Indiana State University 2012) - House Corporation Member
Edward J. Vawter (Indiana State University 1986) - House Corporation Member
David J. Weszely (Indiana State University 1986) - House Corporation Member
Jay E. Allardt (Indiana University 1978) - House Corporation President
Thomas W. Frank (Indiana University 1970) - House Corporation President
George M. Ginn (Indiana University 1957) - House Corporation President
Kenneth G. Haynie Jr. PhD (Indiana University 1973) - House Corporation President
David G. King (Indiana University 1974) - House Corporation President
Peter C. King (Indiana University 1976) - House Corporation President
Ryan C. Kitchell (Indiana University 1996) - House Corporation President
Louis A. Mangels (Indiana University 1956) - House Corporation President
Don B. McMahon (Indiana University 1982) - House Corporation President
Warner H. Paige, III (Indiana University 1964) - House Corporation President
Darrall R. Parsons (Indiana University 1923) - House Corporation President
Stephen G. Powell, MD (Indiana University 1968) - House Corporation President
Col Robert M. Shoemaker, USAF(Ret.) (Indiana University 1943) - House Corporation President
Stephen T. Slavin (Indiana University 1991) - House Corporation President
Timothy J. Story, MD (Indiana University 1974) - House Corporation President
Robert N. Whitacre (Indiana University 1967) - House Corporation President
Douglas H. White, Jr. (Indiana University 1947) - House Corporation President
Richard K. Williams, Sr. (Indiana University 1956) - House Corporation President
George M. Ginn (Indiana University 1957) - House Corporation Vice President
Patrick B. Lindley (Indiana University 1984) - House Corporation Vice President
Eugene J. McGarvey, Jr. (Indiana University 1958) - House Corporation Vice President
John A. Morris, Jr. (Indiana University 1982) - House Corporation Vice President
Frank J. Otte (Indiana University 1960) - House Corporation Vice President
Warner H. Paige, III (Indiana University 1964) - House Corporation Vice President
Darrall R. Parsons (Indiana University 1923) - House Corporation Vice President
John P. Ryan (Indiana University 1995) - House Corporation Vice President
David B. Behrmann (Indiana University 1973) - House Corporation Treasurer
Herbert C. Brown, MD (Indiana University 1954) - House Corporation Treasurer
R. Jack Deinlein, Jr. CPA CFP CIM (Indiana University 1982) - House Corporation Treasurer
Timothy J. Michel (Indiana University 1984) - House Corporation Treasurer
Robert Pruitt (Indiana University 1992) - House Corporation Treasurer
William C. Reed, Jr. (Indiana University 1950) - House Corporation Treasurer
David F. Shirley (Indiana University 1956) - House Corporation Treasurer
Col Robert M. Shoemaker, USAF(Ret.) (Indiana University 1943) - House Corporation Treasurer
King R. Traub (Indiana University 1948) - House Corporation Treasurer
James R. Troutman (Indiana University 1978) - House Corporation Treasurer
Michael C. Ashman (Indiana University 1991) - House Corporation Secretary
Thomas C. Froehle (Indiana University 1985) - House Corporation Secretary
Adam P. Gemmer, CFP (Indiana University 2010) - House Corporation Secretary
Harold A. Harrell (Indiana University 1958) - House Corporation Secretary
Brian M. McCormick (Indiana University 1960) - House Corporation Secretary
Richard M. Schilling (Indiana University 2007) - House Corporation Secretary
David F. Shirley (Indiana University 1956) - House Corporation Secretary
Col Robert M. Shoemaker, USAF(Ret.) (Indiana University 1943) - House Corporation Secretary
Dennis D. Smith (Indiana University 1969) - House Corporation Secretary
John R. Stewart (Indiana University 1975) - House Corporation Secretary
Jason A. Allardt (Indiana University 2007) - House Corporation Member
Jay E. Allardt (Indiana University 1978) - House Corporation Member
Thomas E. Costello (Indiana University 1961) - House Corporation Member
David J. Dee (Indiana University 1988) - House Corporation Member
Kent Emswiller (Indiana University 1975) - House Corporation Member
Michael A. Evans (Indiana University 1985) - House Corporation Member
Thomas C. Froehle (Indiana University 1985) - House Corporation Member
Adam P. Gemmer, CFP (Indiana University 2010) - House Corporation Member
Whitney B. Grayson (Indiana University 1977) - House Corporation Member
David C. Haeberle (Indiana University 1983) - House Corporation Member
Harold A. Harrell (Indiana University 1958) - House Corporation Member
Taylor E. Hougland (Indiana University 2008) - House Corporation Member
Jeffrey R. Jones (Indiana University 1980) - House Corporation Member
William H. Keck (Indiana University 1941) - House Corporation Member
Kevin B. Kempf (Indiana University 2006) - House Corporation Member
David G. King (Indiana University 1974) - House Corporation Member
Peter C. King (Indiana University 1976) - House Corporation Member
Ryan C. Kitchell (Indiana University 1996) - House Corporation Member
James J. Laughlin, Jr. (Indiana University 1974) - House Corporation Member
Cory B. Lewis (Indiana University 1996) - House Corporation Member
Brian M. McCormick (Indiana University 1960) - House Corporation Member
Douglas M. McCoy (Indiana University 1983) - House Corporation Member
Don B. McMahon (Indiana University 1982) - House Corporation Member
Brett M. Merritt (Indiana University 1998) - House Corporation Member
William R. Miller (Indiana University 1962) - House Corporation Member
Greg M. Moheban (Indiana University 1984) - House Corporation Member
John A. Morris, Jr. (Indiana University 1982) - House Corporation Member
Charles H. Orme (Indiana University 1966) - House Corporation Member
Frank J. Otte (Indiana University 1960) - House Corporation Member
Ronak Patel (Indiana University 2021) - House Corporation Member
Thomas V. Ransom (Indiana University 1967) - House Corporation Member
C. Todd Richardson (Indiana University 1997) - House Corporation Member
John P. Ryan (Indiana University 1995) - House Corporation Member
Kenneth A. Sechrist (Indiana University 1974) - House Corporation Member
Michael C. Sechrist (Indiana University 1973) - House Corporation Member
Stephen T. Slavin (Indiana University 1991) - House Corporation Member
Thomas H. Smallwood (Indiana University 1962) - House Corporation Member
John R. Stewart (Indiana University 1975) - House Corporation Member
Charles A. Waggoner (Indiana University 1965) - House Corporation Member
Robert N. Whitacre (Indiana University 1967) - House Corporation Member
Douglas H. White, Jr. (Indiana University 1947) - House Corporation Member
Richard K. Williams, Sr. (Indiana University 1956) - House Corporation Member
Gregory A. Wilson (Indiana University 1980) - House Corporation Member
Jon M. Dohrmann (Iowa State University 1983) - House Corporation President
Steven D. Felsted (Iowa State University 1968) - House Corporation President
Thomas B. Hanley (Iowa State University 1992) - House Corporation President
Adam N. Jacobs (Iowa State University 1995) - House Corporation President
Randall E. Nielsen (Iowa State University 1979) - House Corporation President
Gary L. Norris (Iowa State University 1969) - House Corporation President
Jerry D. Parkin (Iowa State University 1972) - House Corporation President
Lynn R. Schroeder (Iowa State University 1976) - House Corporation President
Nathan P. Scott (Iowa State University 2004) - House Corporation President
Gordon J. Smith (Iowa State University 1961) - House Corporation President
Howard W. Summers (Iowa State University 1960) - House Corporation President
Richard Tucker (Iowa State University 2003) - House Corporation President
Larry C. Vanderpool (Iowa State University 1968) - House Corporation President
Scott J. P. Dierickx (Iowa State University 2011) - House Corporation Vice President
John L. Offutt (Iowa State University 1955) - House Corporation Vice President
Gordon J. Smith (Iowa State University 1961) - House Corporation Vice President
Gerald W. Wicks (Iowa State University 1978) - House Corporation Vice President
James W. Wilson (Iowa State University 1951) - House Corporation Vice President
Stephen B. Bruner (Iowa State University 1992) - House Corporation Treasurer
Wesley G. Cole (Iowa State University 1962) - House Corporation Treasurer
Richard J. Davidson (Iowa State University 1976) - House Corporation Treasurer
Lance H. Goettsch (Iowa State University 2013) - House Corporation Treasurer
Robert J. Harker (Iowa State University 1943) - House Corporation Treasurer
Stefano L. Kranovich (Iowa State University 1990) - House Corporation Treasurer
Larry C. Vanderpool (Iowa State University 1968) - House Corporation Treasurer
Stephen S. Walker (Iowa State University 1988) - House Corporation Treasurer
Ron R. Westeen, Jr. (Iowa State University 2007) - House Corporation Treasurer
Richard J. Davidson (Iowa State University 1976) - House Corporation Secretary
Joseph A. Finelli (Iowa State University 2007) - House Corporation Secretary
Edward R. Friedrich (Iowa State University 1968) - House Corporation Secretary
William W. McElrath CVE CFE (Iowa State University 1971) - House Corporation Secretary
J. Matthew Alexander (Iowa State University 1979) - House Corporation Member
David H. Buck (Iowa State University 1964) - House Corporation Member
Stephen T. Caldwell (Iowa State University 1986) - House Corporation Member
Mark D. Cowan (Iowa State University 1986) - House Corporation Member
Dustyn J. Curran (Iowa State University 2007) - House Corporation Member
Richard J. Davidson (Iowa State University 1976) - House Corporation Member
Scott J. P. Dierickx (Iowa State University 2011) - House Corporation Member
Charles K. Ebann (Iowa State University 1969) - House Corporation Member
Steven P. Edwards (Iowa State University 1990) - House Corporation Member
Steven D. Felsted (Iowa State University 1968) - House Corporation Member
Louis G. Filosa (Iowa State University 1973) - House Corporation Member
David J. Fletcher (Iowa State University 1984) - House Corporation Member
David J. Francis (Iowa State University 1979) - House Corporation Member
Lance H. Goettsch (Iowa State University 2013) - House Corporation Member
Thomas B. Hanley (Iowa State University 1992) - House Corporation Member
Robert J. Harker (Iowa State University 1943) - House Corporation Member
James R. Hildebrand (Iowa State University 1974) - House Corporation Member
Adam N. Jacobs (Iowa State University 1995) - House Corporation Member
Erik C. King (Iowa State University 1996) - House Corporation Member
Robert W. Larrance (Iowa State University 1979) - House Corporation Member
Robert L. Logan (Iowa State University 1955) - House Corporation Member
Kurt J. McDermott (Iowa State University 1991) - House Corporation Member
William W. McElrath CVE CFE (Iowa State University 1971) - House Corporation Member
Orin K. McMillen (Iowa State University 2012) - House Corporation Member
Pete J. McNally (Iowa State University 1990) - House Corporation Member
Andrew V. Mott (Iowa State University 2005) - House Corporation Member
John L. Offutt (Iowa State University 1955) - House Corporation Member
D. William Palmer, II (Iowa State University 1962) - House Corporation Member
Jerry D. Parkin (Iowa State University 1972) - House Corporation Member
Joseph P. Price (Iowa State University 1986) - House Corporation Member
Eric D. Ritland (Iowa State University 1990) - House Corporation Member
Carl R. Sahlberg (Iowa State University 1967) - House Corporation Member
Lynn R. Schroeder (Iowa State University 1976) - House Corporation Member
Kevin A. Shires (Iowa State University 2005) - House Corporation Member
Gordon J. Smith (Iowa State University 1961) - House Corporation Member
Michael S. Stevens (Iowa State University 1977) - House Corporation Member
Howard W. Summers (Iowa State University 1960) - House Corporation Member
Mitchell R. Sussex (Iowa State University 1968) - House Corporation Member
E. Scott Tieke (Iowa State University 1964) - House Corporation Member
Byron V. Toot (Iowa State University 1959) - House Corporation Member
James E. Triplett (Iowa State University 1956) - House Corporation Member
Mark D. Wackerbarth (Iowa State University 1975) - House Corporation Member
Stephen S. Walker (Iowa State University 1988) - House Corporation Member
James W. Collins (Jacksonville University 1987) - House Corporation Member
CPT Charles M. Walker USN (Ret) (Jacksonville University 1981) - House Corporation Member
Jerrel E. Weaver (James Madison University 1994) - House Corporation Treasurer
James E. Greenwood (Johns Hopkins University 1961) - House Corporation President
Thomas J. Hollingsworth (Johns Hopkins University 1958) - House Corporation President
Kenneth F. Mathias (Johns Hopkins University 1990) - House Corporation President
Peter G. Sendroy (Johns Hopkins University 1961) - House Corporation President
Thaddeus W. Swank (Johns Hopkins University 1949) - House Corporation President
Thomas J. Hollingsworth (Johns Hopkins University 1958) - House Corporation Vice President
Thaddeus W. Swank (Johns Hopkins University 1949) - House Corporation Vice President
David A. Elkes (Johns Hopkins University 1990) - House Corporation Treasurer
James E. Greenwood (Johns Hopkins University 1961) - House Corporation Treasurer
Thaddeus W. Swank (Johns Hopkins University 1949) - House Corporation Treasurer
Charles B. Browne (Johns Hopkins University 1953) - House Corporation Secretary
John L. Dashiells (Johns Hopkins University 1965) - House Corporation Secretary
John H. Doud, III (Johns Hopkins University 1962) - House Corporation Secretary
Mark K. Fischer (Johns Hopkins University 1980) - House Corporation Secretary
Alan B. Atwood (Johns Hopkins University 1953) - House Corporation Member
Edward C. Chavatel, Jr. (Johns Hopkins University 1953) - House Corporation Member
Wayne S. Creadick, Jr. (Johns Hopkins University 1984) - House Corporation Member
Guy F. Garman (Johns Hopkins University 1944) - House Corporation Member
George W. Helfrich (Johns Hopkins University 1957) - House Corporation Member
James E. McDonnell (Johns Hopkins University 1949) - House Corporation Member
James H. McGrath, III (Johns Hopkins University 1954) - House Corporation Member
Peter G. Sendroy (Johns Hopkins University 1961) - House Corporation Member
M. Scott Smith (Johns Hopkins University 1977) - House Corporation Member
Keith D. Bartley (Kansas State University 1979) - House Corporation President
Mark S. Coberly (Kansas State University 1970) - House Corporation President
Tim L. Engle (Kansas State University 1988) - House Corporation President
Roy B. Harrison (Kansas State University 1979) - House Corporation President
William M. Henry (Kansas State University 1969) - House Corporation President
Robert D. Lamborn (Kansas State University 1970) - House Corporation President
L. David Schreck (Kansas State University 1969) - House Corporation President
Gregory C. Stuart (Kansas State University 1970) - House Corporation President
Allen L. Switzer (Kansas State University 1971) - House Corporation President
Gary E. Wietharn (Kansas State University 1977) - House Corporation President
Max L. Wilson (Kansas State University 1968) - House Corporation President
S. Clark Balderson (Kansas State University 1970) - House Corporation Vice President
Tim L. Engle (Kansas State University 1988) - House Corporation Vice President
William M. Henry (Kansas State University 1969) - House Corporation Vice President
Michael J. Herman (Kansas State University 1983) - House Corporation Vice President
Robert M. Socolofsky (Kansas State University 1969) - House Corporation Vice President
Gregory C. Stuart (Kansas State University 1970) - House Corporation Vice President
Allen L. Switzer (Kansas State University 1971) - House Corporation Vice President
Eric S. Wilson, DDS (Kansas State University 1987) - House Corporation Vice President
Gregory H. Wilson (Kansas State University 1978) - House Corporation Vice President
Terry L. Meyers (Kansas State University 1969) - House Corporation Treasurer
Philip E. Nicoli (Kansas State University 1998) - House Corporation Treasurer
Kenneth A. Rogler (Kansas State University 1983) - House Corporation Treasurer
Michael E. Shutt (Kansas State University 1993) - House Corporation Treasurer
Kent G. Townsend (Kansas State University 1983) - House Corporation Treasurer
S. Clark Balderson (Kansas State University 1970) - House Corporation Secretary
Steven A. Clemmensen (Kansas State University 1973) - House Corporation Secretary
William M. Henry (Kansas State University 1969) - House Corporation Secretary
Bradley P. Malone (Kansas State University 1979) - House Corporation Secretary
Gregory C. Stuart (Kansas State University 1970) - House Corporation Secretary
Barry L. West (Kansas State University 1969) - House Corporation Secretary
Gregory H. Wilson (Kansas State University 1978) - House Corporation Secretary
Roger T. Aeschliman (Kansas State University 1982) - House Corporation Member
Brett C. Bogan (Kansas State University 1989) - House Corporation Member
Steven A. Clemmensen (Kansas State University 1973) - House Corporation Member
Mark L. Coble (Kansas State University 1986) - House Corporation Member
Randall S. Coble (Kansas State University 1991) - House Corporation Member
Dennis R. Egan (Kansas State University 1981) - House Corporation Member
Tim L. Engle (Kansas State University 1988) - House Corporation Member
Jeffery W. Fowler (Kansas State University 1993) - House Corporation Member
Elias W. Grant (Kansas State University 2015) - House Corporation Member
Roy B. Harrison (Kansas State University 1979) - House Corporation Member
Michael J. Herman (Kansas State University 1983) - House Corporation Member
Christopher A. Hupe (Kansas State University 1994) - House Corporation Member
Norman W. Hupe (Kansas State University 1969) - House Corporation Member
Kendal D. Johnson (Kansas State University 1979) - House Corporation Member
Michael A. Kijowski (Kansas State University 1990) - House Corporation Member
Robert D. Lamborn (Kansas State University 1970) - House Corporation Member
Daniel G. Miller (Kansas State University 1983) - House Corporation Member
Tyler M. Morrison (Kansas State University 2015) - House Corporation Member
Philip E. Nicoli (Kansas State University 1998) - House Corporation Member
Neal A. Parker (Kansas State University 2007) - House Corporation Member
L. David Schreck (Kansas State University 1969) - House Corporation Member
David S. Sedlock (Kansas State University 1993) - House Corporation Member
W. Drake Shaw (Kansas State University 1977) - House Corporation Member
Ray J. Soper (Kansas State University 1984) - House Corporation Member
Gregory C. Stuart (Kansas State University 1970) - House Corporation Member
Robert J. Svec (Kansas State University 1984) - House Corporation Member
Allen L. Switzer (Kansas State University 1971) - House Corporation Member
Douglas T. Towns (Kansas State University 1994) - House Corporation Member
Andrew R. Vanderbilt (Kansas State University 1994) - House Corporation Member
David E. Waters (Kansas State University 1999) - House Corporation Member
Barry L. West (Kansas State University 1969) - House Corporation Member
Craig W. West (Kansas State University 1984) - House Corporation Member
Michael L. Whitehair (Kansas State University 1972) - House Corporation Member
William M. Bjerke (Kent State University 1965) - House Corporation Member
David E. Miller (Kent State University 1964) - House Corporation Member
Christopher M. Flynn (Kettering University A 2010) - House Corporation President
Steven T. Hoekstra (Kettering University A 1978) - House Corporation President
Andrew D. Mazzola (Kettering University A 2014) - House Corporation President
Daniel P. McCarthy (Kettering University A 1982) - House Corporation President
John E. Rolfe (Kettering University A 1965) - House Corporation President
Hugh A. Swarts, Jr. (Kettering University A 1975) - House Corporation President
Newell R. Voress (Kettering University A 2018) - House Corporation President
James P. Wickens (Kettering University A 1996) - House Corporation President
Joseph M. Pakkala (Kettering University A 1974) - House Corporation Vice President
Richard J. Putnam (Kettering University A 1977) - House Corporation Vice President
Evan G. Belleville (Kettering University A 2018) - House Corporation Treasurer
Denis D. Diedrich, Jr. (Kettering University A 1978) - House Corporation Treasurer
Daron L. Gifford (Kettering University A 1980) - House Corporation Treasurer
Brian P. Hannon, Jr. (Kettering University A 2017) - House Corporation Treasurer
Joseph J. Horak (Kettering University A 2011) - House Corporation Treasurer
Ronald J. Leonard (Kettering University A 1983) - House Corporation Treasurer
Daniel P. McCarthy (Kettering University A 1982) - House Corporation Treasurer
Christopher P. Mikola (Kettering University A 2003) - House Corporation Treasurer
John M. Reedy (Kettering University A 1974) - House Corporation Treasurer
David L. Schoewe (Kettering University A 1975) - House Corporation Treasurer
Steven S. Bradley (Kettering University A 1982) - House Corporation Secretary
Cory D. Dorfner (Kettering University A 2014) - House Corporation Secretary
Michael E. Neal (Kettering University A 2015) - House Corporation Secretary
Reynaldo E. Arellano (Kettering University A 1984) - House Corporation Member
Canice P. Boran (Kettering University A 1990) - House Corporation Member
Colm P. Boran (Kettering University A 1988) - House Corporation Member
Scott A. Boughton (Kettering University A 2002) - House Corporation Member
William H. Erwin, Jr. (Kettering University A 1991) - House Corporation Member
Brian P. Hannon, Jr. (Kettering University A 2017) - House Corporation Member
Reed J. Lubbers (Kettering University A 2016) - House Corporation Member
Dwenell A. Mills (Kettering University A 1985) - House Corporation Member
Raj Nair (Kettering University A 1987) - House Corporation Member
James P. Wickens (Kettering University A 1996) - House Corporation Member
Garrett D. Wilson (Kettering University A 2018) - House Corporation Member
Ryan P. Fisher (Kettering University B 2018) - House Corporation President
Edward J. Kiell (Kettering University B 2002) - House Corporation President
Peter L. Clark (Kettering University B 1968) - House Corporation Member
Ryan P. Fisher (Kettering University B 2018) - House Corporation Member
Steven P. Malecha (Knox College 1981) - House Corporation President
Harry J. Neumiller, Jr. (Knox College 1951) - House Corporation President
Thomas W. O'Neal (Knox College 1977) - House Corporation President
David S. Schramm (Knox College 1978) - House Corporation President
J. Phillip Morrow (Knox College 1963) - House Corporation Vice President
Benjamin P. Shakman (Knox College 1990) - House Corporation Vice President
Charles J. Gibbs (Knox College 1950) - House Corporation Treasurer
Jack M. Templeton (Knox College 1987) - House Corporation Treasurer
Joseph T. Morrison (Knox College 1979) - House Corporation Secretary
Robert T. Boynton (Knox College 1965) - House Corporation Member
David G. Brackman (Knox College 1981) - House Corporation Member
Barry M. Burren (Knox College 1969) - House Corporation Member
K. Russell Crawford (Knox College 1972) - House Corporation Member
Steven E. Czerwinski (Knox College 1982) - House Corporation Member
John H. Fischer (Knox College 1954) - House Corporation Member
Charles S. Gamble (Knox College 1941) - House Corporation Member
Richard A. Heidbreder (Knox College 1940) - House Corporation Member
Robert M. Lindsay, Jr. (Knox College 1973) - House Corporation Member
Joseph R. Nichols (Knox College 1979) - House Corporation Member
John T. Pritchard (Knox College 1978) - House Corporation Member
Victor Angeline, III (Lafayette College 1978) - House Corporation President
Theodore R. Banks (Lafayette College 1926) - House Corporation President
Francis L. Mustaro (Lafayette College 1972) - House Corporation President
William H. Rufe, III (Lafayette College 1955) - House Corporation President
William C. Cassebaum (Lafayette College 1953) - House Corporation Vice President
David A. Fritz (Lafayette College 1978) - House Corporation Treasurer
Thomas D. Padilla (Lafayette College 1978) - House Corporation Treasurer
Cyrus S. Fleck, Jr. (Lafayette College 1952) - House Corporation Secretary
Victor Angeline, III (Lafayette College 1978) - House Corporation Member
John S. Breidinger, Jr. (Lafayette College 1977) - House Corporation Member
Glen J. Forrest (Lafayette College 1986) - House Corporation Member
Jerome F. Galvin, III (Lafayette College 1978) - House Corporation Member
Franklin B. Gillespie (Lafayette College 1965) - House Corporation Member
Ralph W. Hackett (Lafayette College 1945) - House Corporation Member
Francis L. Mustaro (Lafayette College 1972) - House Corporation Member
Harry D. Norton, Jr. (Lafayette College 1974) - House Corporation Member
Christopher W. Watts (Lafayette College 1981) - House Corporation Member
Shaw S. Williams (Lafayette College 2003) - House Corporation Member
Robert M. Byrnes (LaSalle University 1985) - House Corporation President
Paul Winter (LaSalle University 1987) - House Corporation President
Steven G. Cooper (LaSalle University 1985) - House Corporation Vice President
Alexandre S. LeMalefant (LaSalle University 1986) - House Corporation Secretary
Steven G. Cooper (LaSalle University 1985) - House Corporation Member
John R. Gimpel (LaSalle University 1984) - House Corporation Member
Carl J. Guecia (LaSalle University 1985) - House Corporation Member
Alexandre S. LeMalefant (LaSalle University 1986) - House Corporation Member
Christopher E. Loughlin (LaSalle University 1987) - House Corporation Member
John A. McCloskey, Jr. (LaSalle University 1984) - House Corporation Member
G. Christian Phillips (LaSalle University 1985) - House Corporation Member
Mark A. Samson (LaSalle University 1988) - House Corporation Member
John T. Shannon, Jr. (LaSalle University 1984) - House Corporation Member
Paul Winter (LaSalle University 1987) - House Corporation Member
Marc R. Mayer (Lawrence University 1981) - House Corporation Member
W. Bruce Bogenrief (Lehigh University 1968) - House Corporation President
J. Douglas Breen (Lehigh University 1968) - House Corporation President
James M. Miller, III (Lehigh University 1965) - House Corporation President
Joseph V. Walton (Lehigh University 1965) - House Corporation Treasurer
James M. Miller, III (Lehigh University 1965) - House Corporation Member
Stephen D. Smoke (Lehigh University 1941) - House Corporation Member
Norman F. Bacon, Jr. (Louisiana State University 1980) - House Corporation President
R. Cole Cash (Louisiana State University 1957) - House Corporation President
L. Guy Cook, CPA (Louisiana State University 1963) - House Corporation President
Robert M. Crawford (Louisiana State University 1960) - House Corporation President
Lloyd F. Dubuisson (Louisiana State University 1970) - House Corporation President
Jeffrey A. Gahn (Louisiana State University 2015) - House Corporation President
Anthony J. Gambino (Louisiana State University 2013) - House Corporation President
Louis F. Generes, IV (Louisiana State University 1998) - House Corporation President
Elton H. Leach (Louisiana State University 1959) - House Corporation President
Neal A. Simpson (Louisiana State University 1978) - House Corporation President
William V. Bosch, III (Louisiana State University 1976) - House Corporation Vice President
Bret A. Clesi (Louisiana State University 1980) - House Corporation Vice President
Hal H. Hinchliffe (Louisiana State University 1976) - House Corporation Vice President
Michael T. Bass (Louisiana State University 1982) - House Corporation Treasurer
Barry R. Kilpatrick (Louisiana State University 1984) - House Corporation Treasurer
Richard J. Searles, Jr. (Louisiana State University 1961) - House Corporation Treasurer
Michael T. Bass (Louisiana State University 1982) - House Corporation Secretary
Bret A. Clesi (Louisiana State University 1980) - House Corporation Secretary
John G. Allelo (Louisiana State University 1984) - House Corporation Member
William V. Bosch, III (Louisiana State University 1976) - House Corporation Member
Robert A. Breaux (Louisiana State University 2014) - House Corporation Member
Stephen L. Brown (Louisiana State University 1985) - House Corporation Member
R. Kyle Carmouche (Louisiana State University 1992) - House Corporation Member
Bret A. Clesi (Louisiana State University 1980) - House Corporation Member
L. Guy Cook, CPA (Louisiana State University 1963) - House Corporation Member
Robert M. Crawford (Louisiana State University 1960) - House Corporation Member
Jeffrey A. Gahn (Louisiana State University 2015) - House Corporation Member
William S. Jeter (Louisiana State University 1977) - House Corporation Member
Barry R. Kilpatrick (Louisiana State University 1984) - House Corporation Member
Arthur L. Roberts (Louisiana State University 1960) - House Corporation Member
Stuart C. Seiler (Louisiana State University 2015) - House Corporation Member
Mark E. Stipe (Louisiana State University 1984) - House Corporation Member
Nicholas E. Zaeff (Louisiana State University 2013) - House Corporation Member
Kenneth S. Arnold (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1988) - House Corporation President
J. Miller Blew, III (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1964) - House Corporation President
Lionel J. Goulet, III (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1974) - House Corporation President
Timothy F. Hult (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1974) - House Corporation President
Roderic P. Taft (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1974) - House Corporation President
Dan R. Test (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1950) - House Corporation President
J. Miller Blew, III (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1964) - House Corporation Treasurer
B. Gary Garmon (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1967) - House Corporation Treasurer
David B. Hiatt (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1969) - House Corporation Treasurer
Timothy F. Hult (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1974) - House Corporation Treasurer
David E. Lerner (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1981) - House Corporation Treasurer
Dan R. Test (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1950) - House Corporation Treasurer
James S. Craig (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1946) - House Corporation Secretary
Francis J. Hughes, Jr. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1972) - House Corporation Secretary
Robert R. Mohr (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1972) - House Corporation Secretary
John A. Peterson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1973) - House Corporation Secretary
James R. Andrew (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1974) - House Corporation Member
James A. Atwood (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1979) - House Corporation Member
J. Miller Blew, III (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1964) - House Corporation Member
Kirk V. Blunck (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1976) - House Corporation Member
James S. Craig (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1946) - House Corporation Member
Merrill L. Ebner (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1953) - House Corporation Member
B. Gary Garmon (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1967) - House Corporation Member
Lionel J. Goulet, III (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1974) - House Corporation Member
Joseph Harrington (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1961) - House Corporation Member
Rutherford Harris (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1937) - House Corporation Member
Francis J. Hughes, Jr. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1972) - House Corporation Member
Timothy F. Hult (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1974) - House Corporation Member
Christopher R. Miller (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1965) - House Corporation Member
Robert R. Mohr (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1972) - House Corporation Member
John T. Moter (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1964) - House Corporation Member
John A. Peterson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1973) - House Corporation Member
Richard L. Schmalensee (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1965) - House Corporation Member
John F. Sexton (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1941) - House Corporation Member
Dan R. Test (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1950) - House Corporation Member
Gordon D. Arnold (Miami University 1972) - House Corporation President
David E. Beitzel (Miami University 1973) - House Corporation President
Michael D. Bevis (Miami University 1970) - House Corporation President
Patrick P. Born (Miami University 1973) - House Corporation President
Philip F. Cagwin (Miami University 1975) - House Corporation President
David F. Cook (Miami University 1975) - House Corporation President
Brian D. Gravitt (Miami University 1990) - House Corporation President
John M. McHugh (Miami University 1974) - House Corporation President
David H. Midkiff (Miami University 1994) - House Corporation President
Lee C. Schmitt (Miami University 1963) - House Corporation President
James H. Secor, III (Miami University 1967) - House Corporation President
Thomas A. Simons, Jr. (Miami University 1968) - House Corporation President
Jud B. Sims (Miami University 1994) - House Corporation President
Geoffrey L. Smith (Miami University 1968) - House Corporation President
Chad P. Turner (Miami University 1998) - House Corporation President
Michael W. Wagner (Miami University 2010) - House Corporation President
James E. Walter (Miami University 1964) - House Corporation President
David E. Beitzel (Miami University 1973) - House Corporation Vice President
Brian D. Gravitt (Miami University 1990) - House Corporation Vice President
Bruce L. Greenberg (Miami University 1978) - House Corporation Vice President
Michael E. McGurk (Miami University 1970) - House Corporation Vice President
John M. McHugh (Miami University 1974) - House Corporation Vice President
Jud B. Sims (Miami University 1994) - House Corporation Vice President
Philip H. Urban (Miami University 1974) - House Corporation Vice President
John A. Wallace (Miami University 1979) - House Corporation Vice President
Richard A. Ziegler (Miami University 1973) - House Corporation Vice President
Jeffrey A. Abrams (Miami University 1978) - House Corporation Treasurer
Richard A. Hutchinson (Miami University 1969) - House Corporation Treasurer
Michael E. McGurk (Miami University 1970) - House Corporation Treasurer
John M. McHugh (Miami University 1974) - House Corporation Treasurer
George M. Simonds (Miami University 1959) - House Corporation Treasurer
Geoffrey L. Smith (Miami University 1968) - House Corporation Treasurer
Timothy C. Arthur (Miami University 1972) - House Corporation Secretary
David E. Beitzel (Miami University 1973) - House Corporation Secretary
Brian C. Brewer (Miami University 1985) - House Corporation Secretary
Donald D. Douglass, Jr. (Miami University 1972) - House Corporation Secretary
Cory K. Foster (Miami University 1967) - House Corporation Secretary
Sean M. O'Hare (Miami University 1994) - House Corporation Secretary
Geoffrey L. Smith (Miami University 1968) - House Corporation Secretary
Michael L. Stark (Miami University 1958) - House Corporation Secretary
Steven D. Unger (Miami University 1975) - House Corporation Secretary
John P. Walsh (Miami University 2006) - House Corporation Secretary
Gordon D. Arnold (Miami University 1972) - House Corporation Member
Clayton L. Barnard (Miami University 1969) - House Corporation Member
Michael D. Bevis (Miami University 1970) - House Corporation Member
Gerry N. Bird (Miami University 1970) - House Corporation Member
Bradly W. Bone (Miami University 1973) - House Corporation Member
Patrick P. Born (Miami University 1973) - House Corporation Member
Philip F. Cagwin (Miami University 1975) - House Corporation Member
Matthew D. Deevers (Miami University 1994) - House Corporation Member
David L. Forrester, III (Miami University 1975) - House Corporation Member
John H. Fountain (Miami University 1985) - House Corporation Member
Ted W. Goble (Miami University 1968) - House Corporation Member
Charles E. Goodwill (Miami University 1958) - House Corporation Member
Richard C. Graeff (Miami University 1977) - House Corporation Member
Charles E. Hilgeman (Miami University 1978) - House Corporation Member
Richard A. Hutchinson (Miami University 1969) - House Corporation Member
Jeffrey J. Kenney (Miami University 1978) - House Corporation Member
Frank H. Learned, Jr. (Miami University 1965) - House Corporation Member
Michael E. McGurk (Miami University 1970) - House Corporation Member
James E. McKinney (Miami University 1977) - House Corporation Member
Stephen B. McLane (Miami University 1969) - House Corporation Member
Alan J. Molina (Miami University 1980) - House Corporation Member
James W. Morgan (Miami University 1971) - House Corporation Member
Stanley O. Needham, III (Miami University 1967) - House Corporation Member
Robert A. Parsanko (Miami University 1975) - House Corporation Member
Allan B. Payne (Miami University 1969) - House Corporation Member
Michael P. Schlabig (Miami University 2010) - House Corporation Member
Lee C. Schmitt (Miami University 1963) - House Corporation Member
James H. Secor, III (Miami University 1967) - House Corporation Member
Neal N. Shah (Miami University 1996) - House Corporation Member
George M. Simonds (Miami University 1959) - House Corporation Member
Jud B. Sims (Miami University 1994) - House Corporation Member
Geoffrey L. Smith (Miami University 1968) - House Corporation Member
Gregory W. Smith (Miami University 1971) - House Corporation Member
Dale B. Stork (Miami University 1977) - House Corporation Member
Joseph J. Takacs (Miami University 1970) - House Corporation Member
J. Jeffrey Torrence (Miami University 1973) - House Corporation Member
Steven D. Unger (Miami University 1975) - House Corporation Member
Philip H. Urban (Miami University 1974) - House Corporation Member
Richard A. Ziegler (Miami University 1973) - House Corporation Member
Sean M. Hickey (Michigan State University 1979) - House Corporation President
Brian J. Page (Michigan State University 1980) - House Corporation President
Vincent L. Pangle (Michigan State University 1985) - House Corporation President
Ralph M. Shaheen (Michigan State University 1972) - House Corporation President
John D. Tolbert (Michigan State University 1982) - House Corporation President
J. Robert Waters (Michigan State University 1962) - House Corporation President
Jeffrey S. Williams (Michigan State University 1985) - House Corporation President
Vincent L. Pangle (Michigan State University 1985) - House Corporation Treasurer
Ingo D. Pridoehl (Michigan State University 1992) - House Corporation Treasurer
Brian J. Reniger (Michigan State University 1977) - House Corporation Treasurer
Lawrence C. Widmayer, Jr. (Michigan State University 1965) - House Corporation Treasurer
Jeffrey S. Boyd (Michigan State University 1983) - House Corporation Secretary
Ralph M. Shaheen (Michigan State University 1972) - House Corporation Secretary
Michael T. Catalano (Michigan State University 2000) - House Corporation Member
Stephen J. Hershfield, CCIM (Michigan State University 2012) - House Corporation Member
Brian A. McCarthy (Michigan State University 1979) - House Corporation Member
Ralph M. Shaheen (Michigan State University 1972) - House Corporation Member
Daniel W. Tolbert (Michigan State University 1975) - House Corporation Member
Jeffrey S. Williams (Michigan State University 1985) - House Corporation Member
Phillip B. Abernethy (Mississippi State University 1972) - House Corporation President
G. Marc Anthony (Mississippi State University 1988) - House Corporation President
William A. Brock, Jr. (Mississippi State University 1979) - House Corporation President
Robert H. Cook (Mississippi State University 1989) - House Corporation President
Matthew P. Frost (Mississippi State University 2015) - House Corporation President
Adam B. Gough (Mississippi State University 2011) - House Corporation President
William E. Howard, Jr. (Mississippi State University 1970) - House Corporation President
W. Briar Jones (Mississippi State University 1993) - House Corporation President
Francis C. Lee (Mississippi State University 1989) - House Corporation President
Thomas D. Scroggins (Mississippi State University 1977) - House Corporation President
R. Scott Sumrall (Mississippi State University 1971) - House Corporation President
Terry R. Fuller (Mississippi State University 1982) - House Corporation Vice President
C. Jerome Kittrell (Mississippi State University 1976) - House Corporation Vice President
Thomas O. Mize (Mississippi State University 1975) - House Corporation Vice President
Robert A. Siedell (Mississippi State University 1974) - House Corporation Vice President
M. Shane Aguirre (Mississippi State University 1995) - House Corporation Treasurer
Alan T. Callicott (Mississippi State University 1986) - House Corporation Treasurer
Stephen M. Edwards (Mississippi State University 1973) - House Corporation Treasurer
Robert M. Gathings, Jr. (Mississippi State University 1981) - House Corporation Treasurer
Adam B. Gough (Mississippi State University 2011) - House Corporation Treasurer
William A. Hardin (Mississippi State University 1996) - House Corporation Treasurer
Thomas O. Mize (Mississippi State University 1975) - House Corporation Treasurer
John C. Parks (Mississippi State University 1996) - House Corporation Treasurer
G. Porter Robinson (Mississippi State University 1975) - House Corporation Treasurer
Michael K. Waddell (Mississippi State University 1983) - House Corporation Treasurer
William A. Brock, Jr. (Mississippi State University 1979) - House Corporation Secretary
J. S. Ferguson (Mississippi State University 1985) - House Corporation Secretary
Adam B. Gough (Mississippi State University 2011) - House Corporation Secretary
W. Briar Jones (Mississippi State University 1993) - House Corporation Secretary
Thomas O. Mize (Mississippi State University 1975) - House Corporation Secretary
John S. Rumble (Mississippi State University 1982) - House Corporation Secretary
Thomas D. Scroggins (Mississippi State University 1977) - House Corporation Secretary
Robert O. Sledge, Jr. (Mississippi State University 1983) - House Corporation Secretary
G. Marc Anthony (Mississippi State University 1988) - House Corporation Member
James R. Brooks (Mississippi State University 1997) - House Corporation Member
Todd H. Campbell (Mississippi State University 1988) - House Corporation Member
Robert H. Cook (Mississippi State University 1989) - House Corporation Member
William E. Howard, Jr. (Mississippi State University 1970) - House Corporation Member
Kevin L. Walters (Mississippi State University 1978) - House Corporation Member
Matthew W. Walton (Mississippi State University 2011) - House Corporation Member
Norman L. Williamson, USA (Ret) (Mississippi State University 1970) - House Corporation Member
Brian S. Fellows (Missouri State University 2010) - House Corporation President
J. Carter Galloway (Missouri State University 2021) - House Corporation President
Thomas M. Ganaden (Missouri State University 2018) - House Corporation President
Mitch L. Wilkins (Missouri State University 2011) - House Corporation President
Robert C. Williamson (Missouri State University 2010) - House Corporation President
Scott D. Vreeland (Missouri State University 2012) - House Corporation Vice President
Ryan H. Gipson (Missouri State University 2012) - House Corporation Treasurer
Matthew Henningsen (Missouri State University 2024) - House Corporation Treasurer
Connor H. McClew (Missouri State University 2019) - House Corporation Treasurer
Mitch L. Wilkins (Missouri State University 2011) - House Corporation Treasurer
J. Carter Galloway (Missouri State University 2021) - House Corporation Secretary
Thomas M. Ganaden (Missouri State University 2018) - House Corporation Secretary
Max A. Maret (Missouri State University 2017) - House Corporation Secretary
Connor H. McClew (Missouri State University 2019) - House Corporation Secretary
Brian S. Fellows (Missouri State University 2010) - House Corporation Member
Ryan H. Gipson (Missouri State University 2012) - House Corporation Member
Aaron C. Kleekamp (Missouri State University 2012) - House Corporation Member
Max A. Maret (Missouri State University 2017) - House Corporation Member
Mitch L. Wilkins (Missouri State University 2011) - House Corporation Member
Robert C. Williamson (Missouri State University 2010) - House Corporation Member
Matthew C. Dallas (New York University 1996) - House Corporation President
Thomas M. Jackman (New York University 1977) - House Corporation President
Ira D. Lieberman (New York University 1979) - House Corporation President
John P. Maher (New York University 1982) - House Corporation President
Bruce B. Blau (New York University 1980) - House Corporation Treasurer
Francis M. Sheehan (New York University 1992) - House Corporation Treasurer
John J. Bermingham, PhD (New York University 1984) - House Corporation Secretary
Matthew Chyra (New York University 2001) - House Corporation Secretary
Ira D. Lieberman (New York University 1979) - House Corporation Secretary
Loring P. Tamaro (New York University 1993) - House Corporation Secretary
Richard C. Zoeller (New York University 1985) - House Corporation Secretary
Bruce B. Blau (New York University 1980) - House Corporation Member
Anthony J. Catoline (New York University 1992) - House Corporation Member
Francis D. Conti (New York University 1984) - House Corporation Member
Duncan J. Logan (New York University 1986) - House Corporation Member
Michael A. Mische (New York University 1976) - House Corporation Member
Nick A. Pelis (New York University 1996) - House Corporation Member
Joseph R. Vicarisi (New York University 1936) - House Corporation Member
Richard C. Zoeller (New York University 1985) - House Corporation Member
R. Stephen Ramsey (North Carolina State University 2003) - House Corporation President
Anand Srinivasan (North Carolina State University 2000) - House Corporation President
Trenton J. Caves (North Carolina State University 2001) - House Corporation Treasurer
Adam J. Burke (North Carolina State University 2015) - House Corporation Member
Trenton J. Caves (North Carolina State University 2001) - House Corporation Member
Albert E. Hopping (North Carolina State University 2002) - House Corporation Member
Daniel K. Litton (North Carolina State University 2001) - House Corporation Member
Timothy J. Murray (North Carolina State University 2005) - House Corporation Member
Brian M. Price (North Carolina State University 1999) - House Corporation Member
R. Stephen Ramsey (North Carolina State University 2003) - House Corporation Member
Thomas L. Browne (Northwestern University 1971) - House Corporation President
W. Scott Clancy (Northwestern University 1984) - House Corporation President
Benjamin J. Mogni, IV (Northwestern University 1984) - House Corporation President
David L. Nelson (Northwestern University 1967) - House Corporation President
James L. Olson (Northwestern University 1978) - House Corporation President
Michael J. Regan (Northwestern University 1977) - House Corporation President
Robert M. Rinnan (Northwestern University 1944) - House Corporation President
Glen C. Smith (Northwestern University 1941) - House Corporation President
Andrew Z. Soshnick (Northwestern University 1985) - House Corporation President
David T. Whitlock (Northwestern University 1989) - House Corporation President
James R. Ziah (Northwestern University 1977) - House Corporation President
David L. Nelson (Northwestern University 1967) - House Corporation Vice President
Angelo J. Accetta (Northwestern University 1973) - House Corporation Treasurer
George H. Ehemann, III (Northwestern University 1974) - House Corporation Treasurer
Robert E. Frank, Jr. (Northwestern University 1967) - House Corporation Treasurer
J. Stuart Kruse, CFA (Northwestern University 1988) - House Corporation Treasurer
Benjamin J. Mogni, IV (Northwestern University 1984) - House Corporation Treasurer
David L. Nelson (Northwestern University 1967) - House Corporation Treasurer
James L. Olson (Northwestern University 1978) - House Corporation Treasurer
Charles J. Parisi (Northwestern University 1976) - House Corporation Treasurer
Glen C. Smith (Northwestern University 1941) - House Corporation Treasurer
Thomas J. Toy (Northwestern University 1977) - House Corporation Treasurer
James R. Ziah (Northwestern University 1977) - House Corporation Treasurer
Thomas L. Browne (Northwestern University 1971) - House Corporation Secretary
Eric J. Fish (Northwestern University 2001) - House Corporation Secretary
David L. Nelson (Northwestern University 1967) - House Corporation Secretary
James L. Olson (Northwestern University 1978) - House Corporation Secretary
Scott W. Badenoch, Jr. (Northwestern University 2002) - House Corporation Member
Brad D. Barbera (Northwestern University 1989) - House Corporation Member
Daniel B. Bart (Northwestern University 2005) - House Corporation Member
Benjamin T. Bove (Northwestern University 2000) - House Corporation Member
Geoffrey A. Durham (Northwestern University 1976) - House Corporation Member
David A. Gosse (Northwestern University 2001) - House Corporation Member
Stephen J. Kaye (Northwestern University 1965) - House Corporation Member
J. Stuart Kruse, CFA (Northwestern University 1988) - House Corporation Member
Robert A. Weber (Northwestern University 1977) - House Corporation Member
James R. Ziah (Northwestern University 1977) - House Corporation Member
James F. Goss (Occidental College 1951) - House Corporation Member
Dr. James N. Baird Jr. (Ohio State University 1962) - House Corporation President
Kameron DeVente (Ohio State University 1986) - House Corporation President
Michael L. Finn (Ohio State University 1964) - House Corporation President
John E. Gibson IV (Ohio State University 1975) - House Corporation President
Mark R. Grindley (Ohio State University 1982) - House Corporation President
John B. Jenkins (Ohio State University 1962) - House Corporation President
Dwight K. Montgomery (Ohio State University 1984) - House Corporation President
Thomas J. Riley (Ohio State University 1966) - House Corporation President
M. Brooks Rorapaugh (Ohio State University 1979) - House Corporation President
Michael J. Shoenfelt (Ohio State University 2010) - House Corporation President
Richard A. Smudz (Ohio State University 1975) - House Corporation President
John H. Szlag (Ohio State University 1979) - House Corporation President
Robert J. Bettendorf (Ohio State University 1962) - House Corporation Vice President
David Critser (Ohio State University 1979) - House Corporation Vice President
Kerry G. Morrison (Ohio State University 1978) - House Corporation Vice President
John A. Rhinehart (Ohio State University 1976) - House Corporation Vice President
Robert C. Apple (Ohio State University 1966) - House Corporation Treasurer
Steven R. Brault (Ohio State University 1986) - House Corporation Treasurer
Dennis A. DiTullio (Ohio State University 2005) - House Corporation Treasurer
Thomas M. Flynn (Ohio State University 1955) - House Corporation Treasurer
Mark R. Grindley (Ohio State University 1982) - House Corporation Treasurer
Scott K. Henney (Ohio State University 1967) - House Corporation Treasurer
George C. Miller (Ohio State University 1940) - House Corporation Treasurer
Vernon L. Morrison (Ohio State University 1984) - House Corporation Treasurer
Richard H. Smith (Ohio State University 1966) - House Corporation Treasurer
Richard D. Stearns (Ohio State University 1968) - House Corporation Treasurer
John H. Szlag (Ohio State University 1979) - House Corporation Treasurer
Chris C. Tsitouris (Ohio State University 1966) - House Corporation Treasurer
David Critser (Ohio State University 1979) - House Corporation Secretary
Vernon L. Morrison (Ohio State University 1984) - House Corporation Secretary
Richard H. Smith (Ohio State University 1966) - House Corporation Secretary
Anthony D. Zimmerman (Ohio State University 2010) - House Corporation Secretary
Robert J. Bettendorf (Ohio State University 1962) - House Corporation Member
James M. Davis (Ohio State University 1937) - House Corporation Member
Fenton J. Deas, Jr. (Ohio State University 1982) - House Corporation Member
Kameron DeVente (Ohio State University 1986) - House Corporation Member
Stephen J. DeVoe, MD (Ohio State University 1965) - House Corporation Member
William H. Dilley (Ohio State University 1959) - House Corporation Member
Michael L. Finn (Ohio State University 1964) - House Corporation Member
William R. Greenlee (Ohio State University 1982) - House Corporation Member
Mitchell P. Grindley (Ohio State University 1982) - House Corporation Member
Scott K. Henney (Ohio State University 1967) - House Corporation Member
Paul R. Jannot (Ohio State University 1990) - House Corporation Member
John O. Jones (Ohio State University 1946) - House Corporation Member
Scott E. McDonald (Ohio State University 1981) - House Corporation Member
Vernon L. Morrison (Ohio State University 1984) - House Corporation Member
Joseph F. Oelgoetz, III (Ohio State University 1979) - House Corporation Member
John A. Rhinehart (Ohio State University 1976) - House Corporation Member
Ross D. Rhinehart (Ohio State University 1984) - House Corporation Member
Larry R. Ritter (Ohio State University 1965) - House Corporation Member
M. Brooks Rorapaugh (Ohio State University 1979) - House Corporation Member
Richard A. Smudz (Ohio State University 1975) - House Corporation Member
John H. Szlag (Ohio State University 1979) - House Corporation Member
Brian T. Thompson (Ohio State University 2006) - House Corporation Member
James R. Tootle, PhD (Ohio State University 1965) - House Corporation Member
Chris C. Tsitouris (Ohio State University 1966) - House Corporation Member
John A. Cassese (Ohio University 1976) - House Corporation President
Craig E. Clossen (Ohio University 1975) - House Corporation President
Jeffery D. Keller (Ohio University 1990) - House Corporation President
Ronald A. Sages (Ohio University 1973) - House Corporation President
Thomas P. Shouvlin (Ohio University 1973) - House Corporation President
David F. Slater (Ohio University 1967) - House Corporation President
Gary W. Staley (Ohio University 1989) - House Corporation President
Jerrold R. Winkler (Ohio University 1990) - House Corporation President
John D. Ziza (Ohio University 1978) - House Corporation President
Thomas J. Beckerman (Ohio University 1969) - House Corporation Vice President
Geoffrey R. Darling (Ohio University 1988) - House Corporation Vice President
Christopher J. Ferguson (Ohio University 1989) - House Corporation Vice President
Michael J. Hajoway (Ohio University 2006) - House Corporation Vice President
Ronald A. Sages (Ohio University 1973) - House Corporation Vice President
Craig E. Clossen (Ohio University 1975) - House Corporation Treasurer
Geoffrey R. Darling (Ohio University 1988) - House Corporation Treasurer
Timothy L. Davis (Ohio University 1990) - House Corporation Treasurer
Christopher J. Ferguson (Ohio University 1989) - House Corporation Treasurer
Charles E. Necker (Ohio University 1970) - House Corporation Treasurer
Jason D. Phillips (Ohio University 1995) - House Corporation Treasurer
Michael T. Ricks, II (Ohio University 2005) - House Corporation Treasurer
Ronald A. Sages (Ohio University 1973) - House Corporation Treasurer
Steven R. Shannon (Ohio University 1969) - House Corporation Treasurer
Thomas B. Strauchon (Ohio University 1973) - House Corporation Treasurer
Tim Adams (Ohio University 1988) - House Corporation Secretary
Christopher J. Moehring (Ohio University 1974) - House Corporation Secretary
Ronald A. Sages (Ohio University 1973) - House Corporation Secretary
Jerry A. Sampson (Ohio University 1968) - House Corporation Secretary
Christopher K. Skully (Ohio University 1994) - House Corporation Secretary
Robert M. Telloni (Ohio University 1972) - House Corporation Secretary
Stephen E. Wilson (Ohio University 1968) - House Corporation Secretary
Thomas J. Beckerman (Ohio University 1969) - House Corporation Member
Timothy J. Boesken (Ohio University 1971) - House Corporation Member
Jack C. Brady (Ohio University 1990) - House Corporation Member
MAJ John D. Carroll Ret. (Ohio University 1992) - House Corporation Member
John A. Cassese (Ohio University 1976) - House Corporation Member
Thomas J. Catalano (Ohio University 1973) - House Corporation Member
Geoffrey R. Darling (Ohio University 1988) - House Corporation Member
Timothy L. Davis (Ohio University 1990) - House Corporation Member
Wayne J. Elliott (Ohio University 1972) - House Corporation Member
George J. Eschenfelder, IV (Ohio University 1990) - House Corporation Member
Christopher J. Ferguson (Ohio University 1989) - House Corporation Member
John F. Fischer (Ohio University 1976) - House Corporation Member
Thomas A. Frame (Ohio University 1972) - House Corporation Member
Samuel D. Girton (Ohio University 1991) - House Corporation Member
Daniel K. Guesman (Ohio University 1976) - House Corporation Member
Daniel M. Hall (Ohio University 1989) - House Corporation Member
Thomas H. Harwood (Ohio University 1968) - House Corporation Member
Keith W. Johnson (Ohio University 1968) - House Corporation Member
Jeffery D. Keller (Ohio University 1990) - House Corporation Member
Thomas D. Lammers (Ohio University 1974) - House Corporation Member
Jeffrey W. Lepore (Ohio University 1988) - House Corporation Member
Donald J. McCormick (Ohio University 1970) - House Corporation Member
Chad R. Miller (Ohio University 2001) - House Corporation Member
Christopher J. Moehring (Ohio University 1974) - House Corporation Member
Nicholas J. Muhlenkamp (Ohio University 1994) - House Corporation Member
John E. Rohrer (Ohio University 1984) - House Corporation Member
Jonathan A. Rotunno (Ohio University 1992) - House Corporation Member
Ronald A. Sages (Ohio University 1973) - House Corporation Member
William F. Sams (Ohio University 1967) - House Corporation Member
Daniel P. Schiavoni (Ohio University 2003) - House Corporation Member
Kenneth R. Sechler (Ohio University 1971) - House Corporation Member
Steven R. Shannon (Ohio University 1969) - House Corporation Member
Thomas P. Shouvlin (Ohio University 1973) - House Corporation Member
David F. Slater (Ohio University 1967) - House Corporation Member
Gary W. Staley (Ohio University 1989) - House Corporation Member
John L. Sweney (Ohio University 1988) - House Corporation Member
Damon M. Taseff (Ohio University 2000) - House Corporation Member
Walter R. Thiel, Jr. (Ohio University 1985) - House Corporation Member
Charles J. Weckman (Ohio University 1993) - House Corporation Member
Stephen E. Wilson (Ohio University 1968) - House Corporation Member
Jerrold R. Winkler (Ohio University 1990) - House Corporation Member
John D. Ziza (Ohio University 1978) - House Corporation Member
Daniel B. Bennington (Ohio Wesleyan University 1968) - House Corporation President
Robert C. Dix (Ohio Wesleyan University 1930) - House Corporation President
Matthew R. Dixon (Ohio Wesleyan University 1999) - House Corporation President
John W. Guy (Ohio Wesleyan University 1960) - House Corporation President
James S. Hering (Ohio Wesleyan University 1961) - House Corporation President
Charles D. Holcombe (Ohio Wesleyan University 1982) - House Corporation President
Douglas M. Kennedy (Ohio Wesleyan University 1977) - House Corporation President
James W. Link (Ohio Wesleyan University 1982) - House Corporation President
Ross E. Linscott (Ohio Wesleyan University 2003) - House Corporation President
John E. McKinnie (Ohio Wesleyan University 1954) - House Corporation President
Phillip J. Meek (Ohio Wesleyan University 1959) - House Corporation President
Charles B. Mills, Jr. (Ohio Wesleyan University 1962) - House Corporation President
Robert S. Roby (Ohio Wesleyan University 1992) - House Corporation President
James C. Tauschek (Ohio Wesleyan University 1976) - House Corporation President
Kenneth L. Temple (Ohio Wesleyan University 1985) - House Corporation President
Dr. John A. Burns MD (Ohio Wesleyan University 1960) - House Corporation Vice President
Matthew R. Dixon (Ohio Wesleyan University 1999) - House Corporation Vice President
Harry N. Faulkner (Ohio Wesleyan University 1963) - House Corporation Vice President
Charles D. Holcombe (Ohio Wesleyan University 1982) - House Corporation Vice President
Douglas W. Warnock (Ohio Wesleyan University 1975) - House Corporation Vice President
Daniel B. Bennington (Ohio Wesleyan University 1968) - House Corporation Treasurer
Stephen E. Dutton (Ohio Wesleyan University 1972) - House Corporation Treasurer
Lawrence R. Fisher (Ohio Wesleyan University 1964) - House Corporation Treasurer
Phillip J. Meek (Ohio Wesleyan University 1959) - House Corporation Treasurer
Robert W. Meyer (Ohio Wesleyan University 1949) - House Corporation Treasurer
Jeffrey S. Ranck (Ohio Wesleyan University 1974) - House Corporation Treasurer
Douglas W. Warnock (Ohio Wesleyan University 1975) - House Corporation Treasurer
Daniel B. Bennington (Ohio Wesleyan University 1968) - House Corporation Secretary
Joseph C. Dutton (Ohio Wesleyan University 1948) - House Corporation Secretary
Gregory R. Hopp (Ohio Wesleyan University 1986) - House Corporation Secretary
Harold V. Alexander, Jr. (Ohio Wesleyan University 1956) - House Corporation Member
Jordan A. Alexander (Ohio Wesleyan University 2014) - House Corporation Member
William C. Anderson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1944) - House Corporation Member
J. Barton Bale (Ohio Wesleyan University 1973) - House Corporation Member
Daniel B. Bennington (Ohio Wesleyan University 1968) - House Corporation Member
William W. Bossert (Ohio Wesleyan University 1961) - House Corporation Member
Dale J. Bruce (Ohio Wesleyan University 1952) - House Corporation Member
Dr. John A. Burns MD (Ohio Wesleyan University 1960) - House Corporation Member
Scott L. Chaney (Ohio Wesleyan University 1971) - House Corporation Member
John S. Detrick (Ohio Wesleyan University 1957) - House Corporation Member
Gerald L. Dickey (Ohio Wesleyan University 1960) - House Corporation Member
Douglas H. Dittrick, Jr. (Ohio Wesleyan University 1955) - House Corporation Member
Matthew R. Dixon (Ohio Wesleyan University 1999) - House Corporation Member
Harry L. Dowler, Jr. (Ohio Wesleyan University 1954) - House Corporation Member
Zachary S. Dunlap (Ohio Wesleyan University 2001) - House Corporation Member
Stephen E. Dutton (Ohio Wesleyan University 1972) - House Corporation Member
Harry N. Faulkner (Ohio Wesleyan University 1963) - House Corporation Member
Robert M. Ferguson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1991) - House Corporation Member
Robert M. Gardner, Sr. (Ohio Wesleyan University 1951) - House Corporation Member
John W. Guy (Ohio Wesleyan University 1960) - House Corporation Member
James S. Hering (Ohio Wesleyan University 1961) - House Corporation Member
Douglas M. Kennedy (Ohio Wesleyan University 1977) - House Corporation Member
Richard A. Kolar (Ohio Wesleyan University 1983) - House Corporation Member
Robert H. Kuck, II (Ohio Wesleyan University 1965) - House Corporation Member
James W. Link (Ohio Wesleyan University 1982) - House Corporation Member
Ross E. Linscott (Ohio Wesleyan University 2003) - House Corporation Member
Samuel R. Martillotta (Ohio Wesleyan University 1973) - House Corporation Member
John E. McKinnie (Ohio Wesleyan University 1954) - House Corporation Member
Fred T. Merchant (Ohio Wesleyan University 1933) - House Corporation Member
Charles B. Mills, Jr. (Ohio Wesleyan University 1962) - House Corporation Member
Douglas M. Mohl (Ohio Wesleyan University 1999) - House Corporation Member
Ralph L. Peckinpaugh (Ohio Wesleyan University 1942) - House Corporation Member
George V. Pilat (Ohio Wesleyan University 1984) - House Corporation Member
John G. Poulos (Ohio Wesleyan University 1960) - House Corporation Member
Cody R. Reinsel (Ohio Wesleyan University 2014) - House Corporation Member
John C. Roby (Ohio Wesleyan University 1991) - House Corporation Member
Robert S. Roby (Ohio Wesleyan University 1992) - House Corporation Member
George C. Sternad, Jr. (Ohio Wesleyan University 1948) - House Corporation Member
Robert H. Strasburg (Ohio Wesleyan University 1958) - House Corporation Member
James C. Tauschek (Ohio Wesleyan University 1976) - House Corporation Member
Kenneth L. Temple (Ohio Wesleyan University 1985) - House Corporation Member
Matthew D. Ufferman (Ohio Wesleyan University 2001) - House Corporation Member
Douglas W. Warnock (Ohio Wesleyan University 1975) - House Corporation Member
James T. Welch (Ohio Wesleyan University 2021) - House Corporation Member
Alfred F. White (Ohio Wesleyan University 1950) - House Corporation Member
Thomas B. Wilson (Ohio Wesleyan University 1946) - House Corporation Member
Philip H. Wolf (Ohio Wesleyan University 1975) - House Corporation Member
Ryan J. Bebee (Oklahoma State University 1995) - House Corporation President
C. Ed Bogle, Jr. (Oklahoma State University 1971) - House Corporation President
Kim W. Cunningham (Oklahoma State University 1975) - House Corporation President
O. Dean Higganbotham (Oklahoma State University 1977) - House Corporation President
Richard C. Howell (Oklahoma State University 1967) - House Corporation President
James L. Thomas, Jr. (Oklahoma State University 1966) - House Corporation President
James F. Tredway (Oklahoma State University 1968) - House Corporation President
Randall L. Whittaker (Oklahoma State University 1970) - House Corporation President
Christopher K. Woosley (Oklahoma State University 1991) - House Corporation President
Robert L. Curtis (Oklahoma State University 1968) - House Corporation Vice President
J. Pat Gallagher, Jr. (Oklahoma State University 1966) - House Corporation Vice President
Robert L. Williams (Oklahoma State University 1964) - House Corporation Vice President
S. Scott Aneshansley (Oklahoma State University 1995) - House Corporation Treasurer
Benjamin C. Freeny (Oklahoma State University 1981) - House Corporation Treasurer
Richard C. Howell (Oklahoma State University 1967) - House Corporation Treasurer
David J. Kennedy (Oklahoma State University 1980) - House Corporation Treasurer
Rev. Russ R. Knight Jr. (Oklahoma State University 1993) - House Corporation Treasurer
Thomas R. Lacki (Oklahoma State University 1990) - House Corporation Treasurer
C. Ryan Neurohr (Oklahoma State University 2004) - House Corporation Treasurer
Christopher R. Neurohr (Oklahoma State University 2003) - House Corporation Treasurer
George H. Ramey (Oklahoma State University 1966) - House Corporation Treasurer
James F. Tredway (Oklahoma State University 1968) - House Corporation Treasurer
Taylor C. Venus (Oklahoma State University 2011) - House Corporation Treasurer
Benjamin J. Barker (Oklahoma State University 2010) - House Corporation Secretary
Ryan J. Bebee (Oklahoma State University 1995) - House Corporation Secretary
George H. Ramey (Oklahoma State University 1966) - House Corporation Secretary
Randall L. Whittaker (Oklahoma State University 1970) - House Corporation Secretary
Garrett C. Allan (Oklahoma State University 2020) - House Corporation Member
S. Scott Aneshansley (Oklahoma State University 1995) - House Corporation Member
Ryan J. Bebee (Oklahoma State University 1995) - House Corporation Member
R. Rance Bennett (Oklahoma State University 1974) - House Corporation Member
Joe G. Berry (Oklahoma State University 1965) - House Corporation Member
James P. Boggs (Oklahoma State University 1996) - House Corporation Member
C. Ed Bogle, Jr. (Oklahoma State University 1971) - House Corporation Member
Tanner J. Chancelor (Oklahoma State University 2020) - House Corporation Member
W. Tanner Cooper (Oklahoma State University 2004) - House Corporation Member
Thomas W. Cox (Oklahoma State University 2018) - House Corporation Member
Kim W. Cunningham (Oklahoma State University 1975) - House Corporation Member
Danny R. Deaver (Oklahoma State University 1967) - House Corporation Member
Gregory R. Dennis (Oklahoma State University 1973) - House Corporation Member
Darrel D. Fry (Oklahoma State University 1967) - House Corporation Member
J. Pat Gallagher, Jr. (Oklahoma State University 1966) - House Corporation Member
John K. Gearhart, MD (Oklahoma State University 1969) - House Corporation Member
Donald E. Greenamyer (Oklahoma State University 1972) - House Corporation Member
Brian J. Grimes (Oklahoma State University 1998) - House Corporation Member
O. Dean Higganbotham (Oklahoma State University 1977) - House Corporation Member
Michael C. Hill (Oklahoma State University 1968) - House Corporation Member
Richard C. Howell (Oklahoma State University 1967) - House Corporation Member
Eric M. Jamison (Oklahoma State University 1970) - House Corporation Member
David J. Kennedy (Oklahoma State University 1980) - House Corporation Member
Eric D. Knam (Oklahoma State University 1992) - House Corporation Member
Michael J. Knam (Oklahoma State University 1994) - House Corporation Member
Michael P. Martin (Oklahoma State University 2005) - House Corporation Member
Martin A. Muck (Oklahoma State University 1978) - House Corporation Member
Robert M. Murphy, Jr. (Oklahoma State University 1972) - House Corporation Member
Christopher R. Neurohr (Oklahoma State University 2003) - House Corporation Member
Gentry A. Parker (Oklahoma State University 1996) - House Corporation Member
Terrell F. Potts (Oklahoma State University 1968) - House Corporation Member
James P. Quigley (Oklahoma State University 1979) - House Corporation Member
Stephen I. Smith (Oklahoma State University 1970) - House Corporation Member
Jason W. Turner (Oklahoma State University 1993) - House Corporation Member
Taylor C. Venus (Oklahoma State University 2011) - House Corporation Member
Randall L. Whittaker (Oklahoma State University 1970) - House Corporation Member
Shannon L. Wilkerson (Oklahoma State University 1991) - House Corporation Member
Christopher M. Clark (Old Dominion University 1976) - House Corporation President
Ralph C. Dewey (Old Dominion University 1986) - House Corporation President
Andrew T. Strobel (Old Dominion University 1986) - House Corporation President
Stephen S. Gay (Old Dominion University 1990) - House Corporation Vice President
Peter J. Troia, III (Old Dominion University 1987) - House Corporation Secretary
John W. Cook (Old Dominion University 1987) - House Corporation Member
Richard G. Hach (Old Dominion University 1980) - House Corporation Member
Barry W. Jones (Old Dominion University 1979) - House Corporation Member
Brian D. Lobb (Old Dominion University 1980) - House Corporation Member
Harry L. McFarland, II (Old Dominion University 1980) - House Corporation Member
Peter J. Troia, III (Old Dominion University 1987) - House Corporation Member
Darrell J. Allen (Oregon State University 1990) - House Corporation President
Brandon J. Antoni (Oregon State University 2002) - House Corporation President
Jacob D. Cramer (Oregon State University 2009) - House Corporation President
Michael J. Goger (Oregon State University 1966) - House Corporation President
Donald E. Johnson (Oregon State University 1936) - House Corporation President
Paul E. Louis (Oregon State University 1988) - House Corporation President
Michael B. Peterson (Oregon State University 2002) - House Corporation President
Daniel C. Porth (Oregon State University 1981) - House Corporation President
Kenneth F. St. Pierre (Oregon State University 1970) - House Corporation President
George S. Drury (Oregon State University 1969) - House Corporation Vice President
Ronald S. Hagen (Oregon State University 1976) - House Corporation Vice President
Lawrence A. Peetz, DVM (Oregon State University 1967) - House Corporation Vice President
H. Tyler Ashburn (Oregon State University 2003) - House Corporation Treasurer
Michael J. Goger (Oregon State University 1966) - House Corporation Treasurer
Thomas B. Jackson (Oregon State University 1944) - House Corporation Treasurer
William R. Nelson (Oregon State University 1963) - House Corporation Treasurer
Daniel C. Porth (Oregon State University 1981) - House Corporation Treasurer
Paul K. Davis (Oregon State University 1985) - House Corporation Secretary
Stephen A. Hart (Oregon State University 1976) - House Corporation Secretary
Darrell J. Allen (Oregon State University 1990) - House Corporation Member
Ronald S. Hagen (Oregon State University 1976) - House Corporation Member
Timothy Hornecker (Oregon State University 1979) - House Corporation Member
Thomas B. Jackson (Oregon State University 1944) - House Corporation Member
Brian T. Lorts (Oregon State University 2009) - House Corporation Member
Benjamin N. Miles (Oregon State University 2003) - House Corporation Member
Benjamin P. Platter (Oregon State University 2018) - House Corporation Member
Brian J. Price (Oregon State University 1988) - House Corporation Member
Jacob Rauvola (Oregon State University 2017) - House Corporation Member
Kenneth F. St. Pierre (Oregon State University 1970) - House Corporation Member
Tom A. Stone (Oregon State University 1962) - House Corporation Member
Rudolph W. Japchen (Pennsylvania State University 1958) - House Corporation President
Richard A. Knechtel (Pennsylvania State University 1976) - House Corporation President
N. Jeffrey Muller (Pennsylvania State University 1971) - House Corporation President
William L. Oliver (Pennsylvania State University 1967) - House Corporation President
William H. Ritts, III (Pennsylvania State University 1965) - House Corporation President
Richard L. Stover (Pennsylvania State University 1965) - House Corporation President
Harold H. Wilson, Jr. (Pennsylvania State University 1951) - House Corporation President
David L. Young (Pennsylvania State University 1966) - House Corporation President
Gregory A. Hanks (Pennsylvania State University 1978) - House Corporation Vice President
Rudolph W. Japchen (Pennsylvania State University 1958) - House Corporation Vice President
Mark C. Krauss (Pennsylvania State University 1976) - House Corporation Vice President
Matthew D. Nee (Pennsylvania State University 1999) - House Corporation Vice President
Robert E. Speer (Pennsylvania State University 1971) - House Corporation Vice President
Harry A. Streamer (Pennsylvania State University 1963) - House Corporation Vice President
R. Larry Wert (Pennsylvania State University 1964) - House Corporation Vice President
R. Wesley Boschert (Pennsylvania State University 1975) - House Corporation Treasurer
Robert S. Buxton, Jr. (Pennsylvania State University 1976) - House Corporation Treasurer
Robert K. Knechtel (Pennsylvania State University 1972) - House Corporation Treasurer
Robert T. Miller (Pennsylvania State University 1955) - House Corporation Treasurer
William H. Ritts, III (Pennsylvania State University 1965) - House Corporation Treasurer
Michael J. Stewart (Pennsylvania State University 1972) - House Corporation Treasurer
Raymond A. Tiley (Pennsylvania State University 1971) - House Corporation Treasurer
Richard R. Etling (Pennsylvania State University 1978) - House Corporation Secretary
William K. First (Pennsylvania State University 1968) - House Corporation Secretary
Charles R. Harte, III (Pennsylvania State University 1964) - House Corporation Secretary
Rudolph W. Japchen (Pennsylvania State University 1958) - House Corporation Secretary
Craig S. Pfautz (Pennsylvania State University 1972) - House Corporation Secretary
Kevin C. Allison, Jr. (Pennsylvania State University 2017) - House Corporation Member
Richard M. Brown (Pennsylvania State University 1973) - House Corporation Member
Sean K. Essig (Pennsylvania State University 1988) - House Corporation Member
Robert L. Githens (Pennsylvania State University 1959) - House Corporation Member
Edward C. Graham, Jr. (Pennsylvania State University 1979) - House Corporation Member
David C. Hambly (Pennsylvania State University 1967) - House Corporation Member
Macdonald Heebner, III (Pennsylvania State University 1969) - House Corporation Member
Michael J. Lorber (Pennsylvania State University 2006) - House Corporation Member
Ronald P. Moehler (Pennsylvania State University 1969) - House Corporation Member
N. Jeffrey Muller (Pennsylvania State University 1971) - House Corporation Member
Ray C. Noll, Jr. (Pennsylvania State University 1950) - House Corporation Member
William L. Oliver (Pennsylvania State University 1967) - House Corporation Member
Robert S. Peck (Pennsylvania State University 1937) - House Corporation Member
Ryan G. Rudalavage (Pennsylvania State University 2016) - House Corporation Member
William R. Schrader (Pennsylvania State University 1966) - House Corporation Member
Brett W. Shorts (Pennsylvania State University 2024) - House Corporation Member
Robert E. Speer (Pennsylvania State University 1971) - House Corporation Member
Harry A. Streamer (Pennsylvania State University 1963) - House Corporation Member
Raymond A. Tiley (Pennsylvania State University 1971) - House Corporation Member
David F. Titus (Pennsylvania State University 1964) - House Corporation Member
Harold H. Wilson, Jr. (Pennsylvania State University 1951) - House Corporation Member
David L. Young (Pennsylvania State University 1966) - House Corporation Member
David L. Alexander (Purdue University 1962) - House Corporation President
Christopher B. Burke (Purdue University 1977) - House Corporation President
John O. Coffin (Purdue University 1959) - House Corporation President
Carl C. Horner (Purdue University 1978) - House Corporation President
R. Walker Marsh (Purdue University 1993) - House Corporation President
Ronald C. Perkins (Purdue University 1992) - House Corporation President
Perry Wilkins, USN (Ret) (Purdue University 1959) - House Corporation President
Louis R. Berner, Jr. (Purdue University 1945) - House Corporation Vice President
Jack E. Goris, DDS (Purdue University 1976) - House Corporation Vice President
Carl C. Horner (Purdue University 1978) - House Corporation Vice President
John P. Miller (Purdue University 1970) - House Corporation Vice President
John E. Barbee (Purdue University 1998) - House Corporation Treasurer
Grant W. Fischer (Purdue University 2005) - House Corporation Treasurer
Gerald V. Lyles (Purdue University 1964) - House Corporation Treasurer
Patrick C. Morrissey (Purdue University 1976) - House Corporation Treasurer
Raymond J. Rudolph (Purdue University 1948) - House Corporation Treasurer
Kent E. Upton (Purdue University 1978) - House Corporation Treasurer
Jeffrey A. Cooke (Purdue University 1967) - House Corporation Secretary
Andrew J. Donovan (Purdue University 1981) - House Corporation Secretary
Richard E. Grace (Purdue University 1951) - House Corporation Secretary
R. Walker Marsh (Purdue University 1993) - House Corporation Secretary
Robert R. McKee (Purdue University 1972) - House Corporation Secretary
Charles P. Schmal (Purdue University 1991) - House Corporation Secretary
John E. Barbee (Purdue University 1998) - House Corporation Member
Jerome B. Bean, Jr. (Purdue University 1964) - House Corporation Member
Robert W. Brown (Purdue University 1962) - House Corporation Member
John O. Coffin (Purdue University 1959) - House Corporation Member
Daniel G. Crabb (Purdue University 1977) - House Corporation Member
Andrew J. Dicarlo (Purdue University 2017) - House Corporation Member
Samuel V. Dicarlo (Purdue University 2017) - House Corporation Member
Steven R. Dietrich (Purdue University 1977) - House Corporation Member
Michael T. Dilts (Purdue University 1981) - House Corporation Member
James R. Dodson (Purdue University 1983) - House Corporation Member
Jack E. Goris, DDS (Purdue University 1976) - House Corporation Member
Andrew A. Hosier (Purdue University 1996) - House Corporation Member
Ross A. Kanzinger (Purdue University 2006) - House Corporation Member
Gerald V. Lyles (Purdue University 1964) - House Corporation Member
J. Richard Marshall (Purdue University 1959) - House Corporation Member
Michael D. McTague (Purdue University 1973) - House Corporation Member
Reid A. Mellott (Purdue University 1999) - House Corporation Member
Norman R. Morrissey (Purdue University 1976) - House Corporation Member
Patrick C. Morrissey (Purdue University 1976) - House Corporation Member
Daniel J. Murphy (Purdue University 1978) - House Corporation Member
Thomas M. Nine (Purdue University 1982) - House Corporation Member
Stephen M. Prifogle (Purdue University 1999) - House Corporation Member
Scott A. Riddle (Purdue University 1979) - House Corporation Member
Kent E. Upton (Purdue University 1978) - House Corporation Member
Keith E. Downes (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1991) - House Corporation President
Jonathan P. Edelen, PhD (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2009) - House Corporation President
Brian J. Flynn (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1985) - House Corporation President
Adam J. Hagelgans (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2013) - House Corporation President
Michael D. Keats (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1987) - House Corporation President
Andrew T. Linn (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2004) - House Corporation President
Erik W. Nelson (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2006) - House Corporation President
George Norman (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1987) - House Corporation President
Daniel G. Raiche (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1993) - House Corporation President
Alexander D. Bluhm (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2004) - House Corporation Vice President
Keith E. Downes (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1991) - House Corporation Vice President
Andrew T. Linn (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2004) - House Corporation Vice President
Daniel G. Raiche (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1993) - House Corporation Vice President
Ande A. Smith (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1987) - House Corporation Vice President
Dean G. Tucker (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1985) - House Corporation Vice President
Andrew J. Volent (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2019) - House Corporation Vice President
David J. Camerota (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2007) - House Corporation Treasurer
Geoffrey K. Crosby (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1989) - House Corporation Treasurer
Michael D. Keats (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1987) - House Corporation Treasurer
Erik W. Nelson (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2006) - House Corporation Treasurer
William R. Brand (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1987) - House Corporation Secretary
Jonathan P. Edelen, PhD (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2009) - House Corporation Secretary
Michael W. Johnson (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1998) - House Corporation Secretary
Andrew T. Linn (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2004) - House Corporation Secretary
Connor S. Rhoads (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2016) - House Corporation Secretary
Matthew C. Stine (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2011) - House Corporation Secretary
Andrew J. Volent (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2019) - House Corporation Secretary
Alexander D. Bluhm (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2004) - House Corporation Member
Bruce W. Bristol, Jr. (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1994) - House Corporation Member
Michael P. Bunker (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1990) - House Corporation Member
Timothy J. Corey (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1987) - House Corporation Member
Jonathan M. Couch (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1995) - House Corporation Member
Joel D. Covitz (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1992) - House Corporation Member
Allan R. Demarest (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1994) - House Corporation Member
Keith E. Downes (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1991) - House Corporation Member
Michael C. Edelen (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2006) - House Corporation Member
Jim M. Field (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1992) - House Corporation Member
Brian J. Flynn (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1985) - House Corporation Member
David D. Glynn (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1993) - House Corporation Member
Adam J. Hagelgans (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2013) - House Corporation Member
CAPT Nelson P. Hildreth USN (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1987) - House Corporation Member
Christopher D. Hill (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1996) - House Corporation Member
Daniel P. Holynski (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1989) - House Corporation Member
John D. Jones, Jr. (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1988) - House Corporation Member
Gasper J. LaRosa, II (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1995) - House Corporation Member
David A. Luecke (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1985) - House Corporation Member
John E. Manecke (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1991) - House Corporation Member
Terrance K. McGovern (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2015) - House Corporation Member
Paul N. Meixner (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1987) - House Corporation Member
Prakash Mishra (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1991) - House Corporation Member
George Norman (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1987) - House Corporation Member
Robert J. Odell (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2009) - House Corporation Member
Odin I. Olson (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2003) - House Corporation Member
Benjamin C. Pearce (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2012) - House Corporation Member
James J. Plassmann (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1999) - House Corporation Member
Daniel G. Raiche (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1993) - House Corporation Member
Robert M. Roche (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1985) - House Corporation Member
Bradley E. Schwartz (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2016) - House Corporation Member
Thomas J. Shoemaker (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1991) - House Corporation Member
Ande A. Smith (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1987) - House Corporation Member
Garrett M. Szafman (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2015) - House Corporation Member
Michael W. Tricanowicz (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2011) - House Corporation Member
Michael J. Cherbak (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1976) - House Corporation President
Douglas A. Collier (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1990) - House Corporation President
Robert E. Cultice (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1978) - House Corporation President
R. Edwin Fain (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1976) - House Corporation President
John E. Farrell (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1974) - House Corporation President
William L. Gibson (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1974) - House Corporation President
Todd R. Hubbell (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1996) - House Corporation President
Mark L. Ress, PE (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1976) - House Corporation President
Paul E. Rupprecht, III (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1980) - House Corporation President
Steven K. Smith (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1974) - House Corporation President
Cecil L. Whitaker (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1973) - House Corporation President
Douglas A. Collier (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1990) - House Corporation Vice President
Alan L. Smock (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1973) - House Corporation Vice President
Robert M. Bunch (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1975) - House Corporation Treasurer
Michael Lee (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1974) - House Corporation Treasurer
Joseph A. Weist (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1987) - House Corporation Treasurer
Carl E. Bradway (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1997) - House Corporation Secretary
Michael J. Cherbak (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1976) - House Corporation Secretary
James A. Cramer (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1984) - House Corporation Secretary
Robert E. Cultice (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1978) - House Corporation Secretary
R. Edwin Fain (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1976) - House Corporation Secretary
Thomas P. Frank (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1976) - House Corporation Secretary
Jeffrey A. Hearn (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1978) - House Corporation Secretary
Andrew E. Horton (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1997) - House Corporation Secretary
Daniel G. Jackson (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1974) - House Corporation Secretary
Thomas L. Jackson, PE (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1972) - House Corporation Secretary
Joseph A. Weist (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1987) - House Corporation Secretary
Gregory T. White (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1990) - House Corporation Secretary
Matthew B. Baber (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2011) - House Corporation Member
Stephen F. Baker (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2000) - House Corporation Member
James J. Barry (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1999) - House Corporation Member
Paul M. Benjamin (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2006) - House Corporation Member
Luis A. Bogran (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1985) - House Corporation Member
Wesley J. Bolsen (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2000) - House Corporation Member
Robert M. Bunch (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1975) - House Corporation Member
Michael A. Callahan (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1974) - House Corporation Member
Michael J. Cherbak (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1976) - House Corporation Member
Douglas A. Collier (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1990) - House Corporation Member
James A. Cramer (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1984) - House Corporation Member
Robert E. Cultice (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1978) - House Corporation Member
R. Edwin Fain (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1976) - House Corporation Member
Stephen E. Fain (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2003) - House Corporation Member
John E. Farrell (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1974) - House Corporation Member
John P. Foley (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1980) - House Corporation Member
Thomas P. Frank (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1976) - House Corporation Member
Benjamin C. Giant (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2003) - House Corporation Member
Carl J. Gillman (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1990) - House Corporation Member
Andrew R. Gullone (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2004) - House Corporation Member
Neil E. Harrison (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2005) - House Corporation Member
Jeffrey A. Hearn (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1978) - House Corporation Member
Andrew E. Horton (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1997) - House Corporation Member
Todd R. Hubbell (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1996) - House Corporation Member
Thomas L. Jackson, PE (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1972) - House Corporation Member
Matthew M. LaCross (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2010) - House Corporation Member
Michael Lee (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1974) - House Corporation Member
Andrew D. Lopshire (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2007) - House Corporation Member
Brent A. Mewhinney (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1984) - House Corporation Member
James D. Myers (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1975) - House Corporation Member
Eric C. Niec (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2002) - House Corporation Member
Mark L. Ress, PE (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1976) - House Corporation Member
Nathan P. Richter (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2009) - House Corporation Member
Randal A. Ridgway (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1977) - House Corporation Member
Paul E. Rupprecht, III (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1980) - House Corporation Member
Arthur C. Schultz (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1981) - House Corporation Member
Howard W. Snyder (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1992) - House Corporation Member
Darrell W. Staggs (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1978) - House Corporation Member
Ryan W. Thompson (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2004) - House Corporation Member
Ryan C. Walke (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1995) - House Corporation Member
Robert J. Wallace (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1996) - House Corporation Member
Aaron M. Weishaar (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1997) - House Corporation Member
Joseph A. Weist (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1987) - House Corporation Member
John K. Welp (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1983) - House Corporation Member
Jacob C. Whitacre (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2017) - House Corporation Member
Cecil L. Whitaker (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1973) - House Corporation Member
Gregory T. White (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1990) - House Corporation Member
Adam M. Williams (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 2008) - House Corporation Member
Alan C. Yarcusko (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1983) - House Corporation Member
Pavan U. Amin (Rutgers University 2015) - House Corporation President
David A. Dipiero (Rutgers University 1973) - House Corporation President
Thomas A. Donatacci (Rutgers University 1985) - House Corporation President
Joseph P. Egan (Rutgers University 1977) - House Corporation President
Robert A. Feder (Rutgers University 1972) - House Corporation President
Mitchell H. Hirsch (Rutgers University 1975) - House Corporation President
Glenn C. Jenkins (Rutgers University 1994) - House Corporation President
Michael J. Ricca (Rutgers University 1988) - House Corporation President
Robert J. Tannhauser, Jr. (Rutgers University 1974) - House Corporation President
Joseph W. Urbanick (Rutgers University 1968) - House Corporation President
Robert A. Behot (Rutgers University 1975) - House Corporation Vice President
David A. Dipiero (Rutgers University 1973) - House Corporation Vice President
Thomas P. Donohue (Rutgers University 1984) - House Corporation Vice President
Robert A. Feder (Rutgers University 1972) - House Corporation Vice President
Ronald W. Marsh (Rutgers University 1985) - House Corporation Vice President
Robert J. Tannhauser, Jr. (Rutgers University 1974) - House Corporation Vice President
Matthew Askins (Rutgers University 1995) - House Corporation Treasurer
David A. Cerza (Rutgers University 1984) - House Corporation Treasurer
Thomas A. Donatacci (Rutgers University 1985) - House Corporation Treasurer
Brian A. Lafemina (Rutgers University 1989) - House Corporation Treasurer
John C. Mancini (Rutgers University 1977) - House Corporation Treasurer
James H. Shellem (Rutgers University 1976) - House Corporation Treasurer
Robert D. Stiefel (Rutgers University 1940) - House Corporation Treasurer
Robert J. Tannhauser, Jr. (Rutgers University 1974) - House Corporation Treasurer
Ivan V. White, Jr. (Rutgers University 1968) - House Corporation Treasurer
Kevin A. Brady (Rutgers University 1973) - House Corporation Secretary
Joseph P. Egan (Rutgers University 1977) - House Corporation Secretary
Glenn C. Jenkins (Rutgers University 1994) - House Corporation Secretary
Robert D. Stiefel (Rutgers University 1940) - House Corporation Secretary
Robert J. Tannhauser, Jr. (Rutgers University 1974) - House Corporation Secretary
Wilson J. Andrews, Jr. (Rutgers University 1954) - House Corporation Member
Robert A. Behot (Rutgers University 1975) - House Corporation Member
James F. Biegen (Rutgers University 1984) - House Corporation Member
Kevin A. Brady (Rutgers University 1973) - House Corporation Member
Mark A. Ciotoli (Rutgers University 1973) - House Corporation Member
Charles J. Connelly (Rutgers University 1973) - House Corporation Member
Martin J. Conroy (Rutgers University 1982) - House Corporation Member
Gary J. Cucchiara (Rutgers University 1975) - House Corporation Member
David A. Dipiero (Rutgers University 1973) - House Corporation Member
Thomas A. Donatacci (Rutgers University 1985) - House Corporation Member
Joseph P. Egan (Rutgers University 1977) - House Corporation Member
Robert A. Feder (Rutgers University 1972) - House Corporation Member
Mitchell H. Hirsch (Rutgers University 1975) - House Corporation Member
Vincent R. Kramer (Rutgers University 1941) - House Corporation Member
Bryan E. Luoma (Rutgers University 1998) - House Corporation Member
John C. Mancini (Rutgers University 1977) - House Corporation Member
Craig J. Mardany (Rutgers University 1982) - House Corporation Member
M. Rocco Marino (Rutgers University 1976) - House Corporation Member
Edward A. Murray (Rutgers University 1981) - House Corporation Member
David B. Musikant (Rutgers University 1989) - House Corporation Member
Gary Oberndorf (Rutgers University 1978) - House Corporation Member
R. William Palilonis (Rutgers University 1979) - House Corporation Member
Joseph M. Pinto (Rutgers University 1974) - House Corporation Member
Donald G. Pray (Rutgers University 1969) - House Corporation Member
Howard A. Roach, II (Rutgers University 1974) - House Corporation Member
Dennis F. Rogers (Rutgers University 1963) - House Corporation Member
Ronald J. Sama (Rutgers University 1981) - House Corporation Member
Lee D. Schneider (Rutgers University 1969) - House Corporation Member
James H. Shellem (Rutgers University 1976) - House Corporation Member
Anthony Ulisse (Rutgers University 1984) - House Corporation Member
Scott D. McKibbin (San Jose State University 1994) - House Corporation President
Richard P. Rosing (San Jose State University 1991) - House Corporation Treasurer
Roger D. Knott, III (San Jose State University 1992) - House Corporation Secretary
Edward A. Copley (Southern Methodist University 1957) - House Corporation President
Walter T. Henderson (Southern Methodist University 1960) - House Corporation President
David A. Kemp (Southern Methodist University 1962) - House Corporation President
Kevin L. Lazares (Southern Methodist University 2014) - House Corporation President
Lawrence R. Maxwell, Jr. (Southern Methodist University 1959) - House Corporation President
William H. Millard, Jr. (Southern Methodist University 1978) - House Corporation President
Joshua A. Sepkowitz (Southern Methodist University 2002) - House Corporation President
Ralph L. Shanks, Jr. (Southern Methodist University 1963) - House Corporation President
T. Richard Connally (Southern Methodist University 1958) - House Corporation Vice President
Lawrence R. Maxwell, Jr. (Southern Methodist University 1959) - House Corporation Vice President
John Q. Melcher (Southern Methodist University 1960) - House Corporation Vice President
Charles M. Solomon (Southern Methodist University 1962) - House Corporation Vice President
John M. Hawes, III (Southern Methodist University 1979) - House Corporation Treasurer
Walter T. Henderson (Southern Methodist University 1960) - House Corporation Treasurer
William H. Millard, Jr. (Southern Methodist University 1978) - House Corporation Treasurer
John W. Lodewick (Southern Methodist University 1959) - House Corporation Secretary
Patrick S. Bolin (Southern Methodist University 1973) - House Corporation Member
William T. Cavanaugh (Southern Methodist University 1981) - House Corporation Member
David L. Florence (Southern Methodist University 1955) - House Corporation Member
James S. Meyer (Southern Methodist University 1979) - House Corporation Member
Jerry D. Ray (Southern Methodist University 1961) - House Corporation Member
Jeff E. Samford, Jr. (Southern Methodist University 1960) - House Corporation Member
Ralph L. Shanks, Jr. (Southern Methodist University 1963) - House Corporation Member
Stephen D. Sims (Southern Methodist University 1973) - House Corporation Member
Robert G. Averill (Syracuse University 1944) - House Corporation President
Richard J. Calagiovanni (Syracuse University 1970) - House Corporation President
David J. Compton (Syracuse University 1975) - House Corporation President
William J. Doolittle (Syracuse University 1977) - House Corporation President
C. Edward Durei (Syracuse University 1998) - House Corporation President
Douglas E. Golden (Syracuse University 2002) - House Corporation President
Peter L. Hubbard (Syracuse University 1968) - House Corporation President
John H. Locke (Syracuse University 1950) - House Corporation President
Edward W. Seager (Syracuse University 1953) - House Corporation President
Richard A. Wicks (Syracuse University 1978) - House Corporation President
Joseph J. Casamento, Jr. (Syracuse University 1969) - House Corporation Vice President
David J. Compton (Syracuse University 1975) - House Corporation Vice President
David H. Jennison (Syracuse University 1976) - House Corporation Vice President
John H. Locke (Syracuse University 1950) - House Corporation Vice President
Richard A. Wicks (Syracuse University 1978) - House Corporation Vice President
Francis M. Woodworth (Syracuse University 2001) - House Corporation Vice President
Charles A. Gray (Syracuse University 1963) - House Corporation Treasurer
Mitchell E. Polack (Syracuse University 1998) - House Corporation Treasurer
George C. Criticos (Syracuse University 1964) - House Corporation Secretary
John S. King (Syracuse University 1976) - House Corporation Secretary
Jay W. Wason, Jr. (Syracuse University 1978) - House Corporation Secretary
Richard A. Wicks (Syracuse University 1978) - House Corporation Secretary
Joseph J. Casamento, Jr. (Syracuse University 1969) - House Corporation Member
David J. Compton (Syracuse University 1975) - House Corporation Member
McGhee P. Cost (Syracuse University 2011) - House Corporation Member
Lawrence C. Dippold (Syracuse University 1966) - House Corporation Member
C. Edward Durei (Syracuse University 1998) - House Corporation Member
Glendon O. Garvin (Syracuse University 1993) - House Corporation Member
Theodore S. Goldberg (Syracuse University 2013) - House Corporation Member
Douglas E. Golden (Syracuse University 2002) - House Corporation Member
Derek M. Hodgins (Syracuse University 2003) - House Corporation Member
Erick L. Kachel (Syracuse University 1997) - House Corporation Member
Robert K. LaDuke (Syracuse University 2001) - House Corporation Member
Eric S. Meyers (Syracuse University 2010) - House Corporation Member
Mitchell E. Polack (Syracuse University 1998) - House Corporation Member
Mark R. Roadarmel (Syracuse University 1961) - House Corporation Member
William C. Schofield, Jr. (Syracuse University 1988) - House Corporation Member
Edward W. Seager (Syracuse University 1953) - House Corporation Member
Bradley J. Strait (Syracuse University 1954) - House Corporation Member
David J. Tubiolo (Syracuse University 2010) - House Corporation Member
D. Todd Arrants (Tennessee Technological University 1984) - House Corporation President
Hal Balthrop, PE (Tennessee Technological University 1984) - House Corporation President
J. Brent Ellis (Tennessee Technological University 1999) - House Corporation President
William A. Greer, III (Tennessee Technological University 1994) - House Corporation President
Tim A. Hemken (Tennessee Technological University 1988) - House Corporation President
Bradford H. Leimer (Tennessee Technological University 1990) - House Corporation President
Matthew S. Leonard (Tennessee Technological University 2001) - House Corporation President
William H. Leslie (Tennessee Technological University 1993) - House Corporation President
Carl E. Martin (Tennessee Technological University 1983) - House Corporation President
David W. Olive (Tennessee Technological University 1985) - House Corporation President
Jack W. Southerland, PE (Tennessee Technological University 1981) - House Corporation President
Hal Balthrop, PE (Tennessee Technological University 1984) - House Corporation Vice President
Russell S. Bradley (Tennessee Technological University 1981) - House Corporation Vice President
Todd L. Fairley (Tennessee Technological University 1993) - House Corporation Vice President
Matthew S. Leonard (Tennessee Technological University 2001) - House Corporation Vice President
Kellous D. Stott (Tennessee Technological University 1981) - House Corporation Vice President
Jackie R. Wilmore, Jr. (Tennessee Technological University 1982) - House Corporation Vice President
D. Todd Arrants (Tennessee Technological University 1984) - House Corporation Treasurer
Thomas E. Caldwell (Tennessee Technological University 1999) - House Corporation Treasurer
Martin A. Hunt (Tennessee Technological University 1985) - House Corporation Treasurer
Bennett J. Jared (Tennessee Technological University 1987) - House Corporation Treasurer
R. Lee Wray (Tennessee Technological University 1981) - House Corporation Treasurer
Martin A. Hunt (Tennessee Technological University 1985) - House Corporation Secretary
Kenneth L. Sapp (Tennessee Technological University 1982) - House Corporation Secretary
R. Lee Wray (Tennessee Technological University 1981) - House Corporation Secretary
D. Todd Arrants (Tennessee Technological University 1984) - House Corporation Member
Hal Balthrop, PE (Tennessee Technological University 1984) - House Corporation Member
Russell S. Bradley (Tennessee Technological University 1981) - House Corporation Member
Thomas E. Caldwell (Tennessee Technological University 1999) - House Corporation Member
Daniel E. Crunk (Tennessee Technological University 1980) - House Corporation Member
Justin D. Cumby (Tennessee Technological University 2005) - House Corporation Member
J. Brent Ellis (Tennessee Technological University 1999) - House Corporation Member
Jason M. Furcron (Tennessee Technological University 2012) - House Corporation Member
Justin D. Givens (Tennessee Technological University 2007) - House Corporation Member
J. Brian Grooms (Tennessee Technological University 1998) - House Corporation Member
Stanley H. Hardaway (Tennessee Technological University 1985) - House Corporation Member
David W. Olive (Tennessee Technological University 1985) - House Corporation Member
Kenneth L. Sapp (Tennessee Technological University 1982) - House Corporation Member
William H. Scott (Tennessee Technological University 1989) - House Corporation Member
Robert E. Shaver, II (Tennessee Technological University 2004) - House Corporation Member
John C. Solis (Tennessee Technological University 2003) - House Corporation Member
George L. Titsworth, II (Tennessee Technological University 2005) - House Corporation Member
Christopher J. Weaver (Tennessee Technological University 2001) - House Corporation Member
Donald R. Welch (Tennessee Technological University 1982) - House Corporation Member
R. Lee Wray (Tennessee Technological University 1981) - House Corporation Member
Jason N. Sweeney (Texas A & M University 1993) - House Corporation President
Jon C. Yates (Texas A & M University 1991) - House Corporation President
L. Jared Capt (Texas A & M University 2005) - House Corporation Vice President
Preston R. Knight (Texas A & M University 1993) - House Corporation Vice President
Doyle A. Graham, Jr. (Texas A & M University 1981) - House Corporation Treasurer
Robert J. Walker (Texas A & M University 1980) - House Corporation Treasurer
Doyle A. Graham, Jr. (Texas A & M University 1981) - House Corporation Secretary
Andrew A. Rice (Texas A & M University 2005) - House Corporation Secretary
Scott T. Doggett (Texas A & M University 1980) - House Corporation Member
James E. Jordan, Jr. (Texas A & M University 1979) - House Corporation Member
Terry D. Kirkpatrick (Texas A & M University 1986) - House Corporation Member
Scott M. Kleberg (Texas A & M University 1980) - House Corporation Member
Andrew D. Kreston (Texas A & M University 1980) - House Corporation Member
Clayton J. Pollard (Texas A & M University 1981) - House Corporation Member
Clayton J. Pollard, Jr. (Texas A & M University 2010) - House Corporation Member
Andrew A. Rice (Texas A & M University 2005) - House Corporation Member
Gregory O. Simonsen (Texas A & M University 1986) - House Corporation Member
Lias J. Steen (Texas A & M University 1980) - House Corporation Member
C. Bryan Stuckey, Jr. (Texas A & M University 1983) - House Corporation Member
Stanley R. Woelfel, Jr. (Texas A & M University 1984) - House Corporation Member
Teddy Abrams (Texas State University 1994) - House Corporation President
J. Benjamin Tompkins (Texas State University 1991) - House Corporation Secretary
Donald W. Baker (Texas Tech University 1974) - House Corporation President
John F. Elliott (Texas Tech University 1974) - House Corporation President
Larry K. Lowe (Texas Tech University 1967) - House Corporation President
George H. Nelson (Texas Tech University 1958) - House Corporation President
Gregory K. Wood (Texas Tech University 1972) - House Corporation President
Terry L. Grantham (Texas Tech University 1979) - House Corporation Vice President
R. Lee Lewis (Texas Tech University 1974) - House Corporation Vice President
John F. Elliott (Texas Tech University 1974) - House Corporation Treasurer
Terry L. Grantham (Texas Tech University 1979) - House Corporation Treasurer
Monte S. Hasie (Texas Tech University 1959) - House Corporation Treasurer
Gary L. Lane (Texas Tech University 1978) - House Corporation Treasurer
Jerry L. Pittman (Texas Tech University 1966) - House Corporation Treasurer
Gregory K. Wood (Texas Tech University 1972) - House Corporation Treasurer
Robert W. Hayes (Texas Tech University 1966) - House Corporation Secretary
David B. Henry (Texas Tech University 1992) - House Corporation Secretary
Daniel W. Hurley (Texas Tech University 1975) - House Corporation Secretary
Paul E. Rider (Texas Tech University 1967) - House Corporation Secretary
Michael K. Armstrong (Texas Tech University 1962) - House Corporation Member
Donald W. Baker (Texas Tech University 1974) - House Corporation Member
Michael B. Barrett (Texas Tech University 1969) - House Corporation Member
Gary M. Cevin (Texas Tech University 1986) - House Corporation Member
David D. Day (Texas Tech University 1989) - House Corporation Member
R. Tim Evans (Texas Tech University 1966) - House Corporation Member
David R. Gentry (Texas Tech University 1967) - House Corporation Member
Monte S. Hasie (Texas Tech University 1959) - House Corporation Member
Vance Hubbard (Texas Tech University 1962) - House Corporation Member
Gary D. Hughes (Texas Tech University 1969) - House Corporation Member
Jay S. Justilian (Texas Tech University 1989) - House Corporation Member
George D. McDonald (Texas Tech University 1968) - House Corporation Member
Michael B. McKinney (Texas Tech University 1967) - House Corporation Member
Royce G. Newsom (Texas Tech University 1964) - House Corporation Member
Tommy E. Patterson (Texas Tech University 1960) - House Corporation Member
R. Clark Pfluger (Texas Tech University 1966) - House Corporation Member
Robert W. Pierce (Texas Tech University 1970) - House Corporation Member
Sidney J. Simmons (Texas Tech University 1961) - House Corporation Member
Michael S. Uryasz (Texas Tech University 2012) - House Corporation Member
Jeffrey C. Brennan (Tulane University 1993) - House Corporation President
Brian E. Pangburn, PhD (Tulane University 1994) - House Corporation President
Brian E. Pangburn, PhD (Tulane University 1994) - House Corporation Treasurer
Jeffrey S. Klein (Tulane University 1984) - House Corporation Secretary
Brian E. Pangburn, PhD (Tulane University 1994) - House Corporation Secretary
Edward W. Davis (Tulane University 1989) - House Corporation Member
Dwight W. Hecht, Jr. (Tulane University 1993) - House Corporation Member
Jeffrey S. Klein (Tulane University 1984) - House Corporation Member
Michael D. Landry (Tulane University 1991) - House Corporation Member
Brian E. Pangburn, PhD (Tulane University 1994) - House Corporation Member
Alan I. Couch (Union College 1986) - House Corporation President
Robert S. Farnum (Union College 1968) - House Corporation President
Donald J. Kaufman (Union College 1975) - House Corporation President
Frank C. O'Connor, III (Union College 1977) - House Corporation President
John L. Ottaviano (Union College 1980) - House Corporation President
John C. Robbins, III (Union College 1971) - House Corporation President
Stephen G. Wall (Union College 1984) - House Corporation President
Mark A. Curry (Union College 1969) - House Corporation Treasurer
Garry O. Hughes (Union College 1979) - House Corporation Treasurer
Frank C. O'Connor, III (Union College 1977) - House Corporation Treasurer
Michael A. Zanta (Union College 1983) - House Corporation Treasurer
Frank A. Casagrande (Union College 1980) - House Corporation Member
John P. O'Neill (University of Akron 1987) - House Corporation President
Anthony J. Gerak (University of Akron 1988) - House Corporation Vice President
Norman L. Clark (University of Akron 1989) - House Corporation Treasurer
John P. O'Neill (University of Akron 1987) - House Corporation Treasurer
Michael G. Bergmann (University of Akron 1993) - House Corporation Secretary
Norman L. Clark (University of Akron 1989) - House Corporation Secretary
Michael J. Burgan (University of Akron 1988) - House Corporation Member
James A. Eckelberry (University of Akron 1988) - House Corporation Member
Chuck Galmarini (University of Akron 1987) - House Corporation Member
David S. Kaiser (University of Akron 1988) - House Corporation Member
Mark J. Kelley (University of Akron 1993) - House Corporation Member
Henry A. King, Jr. (University of Akron 1988) - House Corporation Member
Ryan C. Matthews (University of Akron 2022) - House Corporation Member
Ryan M. Naymik (University of Akron 2011) - House Corporation Member
Jeffery M. O'Neill (University of Akron 1988) - House Corporation Member
Brad W. Petrella (University of Akron 1987) - House Corporation Member
George M. Pirock, III (University of Akron 2004) - House Corporation Member
Craig J. Reese (University of Akron 1990) - House Corporation Member
Kyle W. Sullivan (University of Akron 1988) - House Corporation Member
David J. Willmer (University of Akron 1992) - House Corporation Member
James S. Andrews (University of Alabama 1981) - House Corporation President
Joseph L. Griffin, Jr. (University of Alabama 2006) - House Corporation President
Kurt W. Hopper (University of Alabama 1982) - House Corporation President
James E. Jones (University of Alabama 1963) - House Corporation President
L. Scott McGee (University of Alabama 1994) - House Corporation President
S. Hughston Nichols (University of Alabama 2003) - House Corporation President
L. Patton Smith (University of Alabama 1974) - House Corporation President
Brian M. Woodke (University of Alabama 1993) - House Corporation President
James S. Gaskell (University of Alabama 1943) - House Corporation Vice President
William H. Bryant (University of Alabama 1939) - House Corporation Treasurer
Charles R. Fletcher (University of Alabama 1973) - House Corporation Treasurer
James S. Gaskell (University of Alabama 1943) - House Corporation Treasurer
Carl T. Jamison (University of Alabama 1979) - House Corporation Treasurer
S. Neal McCracken (University of Alabama 1984) - House Corporation Treasurer
Earl C. Bloom, Jr. (University of Alabama 1946) - House Corporation Secretary
William L. Flurry (University of Alabama 1946) - House Corporation Secretary
J. B. Schilleci, Jr. (University of Alabama 1966) - House Corporation Secretary
Duncan F. Williams (University of Alabama 1990) - House Corporation Secretary
W. W. Bates (University of Alabama 1978) - House Corporation Member
James S. Davis (University of Alabama 1997) - House Corporation Member
W. Fitzgerald Hill (University of Alabama 1957) - House Corporation Member
Robert B. LeMay (University of Alabama 1958) - House Corporation Member
J. Taylor McElroy (University of Alabama 1995) - House Corporation Member
Brian M. Woodke (University of Alabama 1993) - House Corporation Member
Randall B. Atkinson (University of Alberta 1971) - House Corporation President
Brian R. Gibson (University of Alberta 1970) - House Corporation President
David G. Hancock (University of Alberta 1979) - House Corporation President
Derek G. Hennecke (University of Alberta 1988) - House Corporation President
Travis J. Littke (University of Alberta 2001) - House Corporation President
Frederick C. Lynch, Jr. (University of Alberta 1986) - House Corporation President
Cam Murray (University of Alberta 1972) - House Corporation President
Ashley A. O'Kurley (University of Alberta 1994) - House Corporation President
Duane B. Schlereth (University of Alberta 1971) - House Corporation President
Warren A. Turner (University of Alberta 1993) - House Corporation President
Barry M. Benkendorf (University of Alberta 1987) - House Corporation Treasurer
Curtis R. Chenail (University of Alberta 1989) - House Corporation Treasurer
Donald E. Olsen (University of Alberta 1988) - House Corporation Treasurer
Duane B. Schlereth (University of Alberta 1971) - House Corporation Treasurer
Jason R. Solowan (University of Alberta 2003) - House Corporation Treasurer
Michael D. Ford (University of Alberta 1981) - House Corporation Secretary
David G. Hancock (University of Alberta 1979) - House Corporation Secretary
Travis J. Littke (University of Alberta 2001) - House Corporation Secretary
Barry M. Benkendorf (University of Alberta 1987) - House Corporation Member
Michael A. Clarke (University of Alberta 2012) - House Corporation Member
Roland D. Cook (University of Alberta 1975) - House Corporation Member
Brett M. Cooper (University of Alberta 2007) - House Corporation Member
Michael P. Culleton (University of Alberta 1993) - House Corporation Member
Murray W. Dorin (University of Alberta 1976) - House Corporation Member
Grant J. Doyle (University of Alberta 1991) - House Corporation Member
Michael D. Ford (University of Alberta 1981) - House Corporation Member
David G. Hancock (University of Alberta 1979) - House Corporation Member
Derek G. Hennecke (University of Alberta 1988) - House Corporation Member
Andrew J. Kohler (University of Alberta 1986) - House Corporation Member
Richard S. Leitch (University of Alberta 1993) - House Corporation Member
Frederick C. Lynch, Jr. (University of Alberta 1986) - House Corporation Member
Cam Murray (University of Alberta 1972) - House Corporation Member
Charles C. Orlick (University of Alberta 1980) - House Corporation Member
Tristan L. Patterson (University of Alberta 2010) - House Corporation Member
Larry M. Shaben (University of Alberta 1985) - House Corporation Member
Atul R. Sharma (University of Alberta 2001) - House Corporation Member
Benjamin J. Sparrow (University of Alberta 2008) - House Corporation Member
Ryan T. Spooner (University of Alberta 2004) - House Corporation Member
Scott J. Thorkelson (University of Alberta 1983) - House Corporation Member
William F. Alexander (University of Arizona 1958) - House Corporation President
Walter D. Armer, Jr. (University of Arizona 1964) - House Corporation President
Michael R. Johnson (University of Arizona 1983) - House Corporation President
J. Gilcrest Keenan (University of Arizona 1970) - House Corporation President
Jeffrey J. Mongan (University of Arizona 1983) - House Corporation President
Danny W. Montgomery (University of Arizona 1974) - House Corporation President
Robert E. Nabours (University of Arizona 1957) - House Corporation President
Jeffrey C. Patch (University of Arizona 1974) - House Corporation President
William J. Polson, DDS (University of Arizona 1959) - House Corporation President
Fred R. Sutter (University of Arizona 1958) - House Corporation President
Benjamin F. Ward, II (University of Arizona 1958) - House Corporation President
Thomas C. White, Jr. (University of Arizona 1980) - House Corporation President
William F. Alexander (University of Arizona 1958) - House Corporation Vice President
J. P. Herndon (University of Arizona 1919) - House Corporation Vice President
J. Emery Barker (University of Arizona 1957) - House Corporation Treasurer
John R. Benjamin (University of Arizona 1985) - House Corporation Treasurer
Greg M. Gibson (University of Arizona 1976) - House Corporation Treasurer
Louis P. Giesler (University of Arizona 1984) - House Corporation Treasurer
Harold J. Lauver (University of Arizona 1949) - House Corporation Treasurer
Vinson J. San Angelo, USMC (Ret) (University of Arizona 1962) - House Corporation Treasurer
John E. Aboud (University of Arizona 1968) - House Corporation Secretary
William F. Alexander (University of Arizona 1958) - House Corporation Secretary
Deron M. Davenport (University of Arizona 1996) - House Corporation Secretary
Mel Jenks, USA (Ret) (University of Arizona 1963) - House Corporation Secretary
Harold J. Lauver (University of Arizona 1949) - House Corporation Secretary
Jeffrey C. Patch (University of Arizona 1974) - House Corporation Secretary
Patrick S. Anderson, Jr. (University of Arizona 1970) - House Corporation Member
Craig A. Arbon (University of Arizona 1968) - House Corporation Member
J. Craig Barker (University of Arizona 1982) - House Corporation Member
Deron P. Bocks (University of Arizona 1986) - House Corporation Member
Mark S. Boge (University of Arizona 1981) - House Corporation Member
William H. Coleman (University of Arizona 1973) - House Corporation Member
Duke C. Corley (University of Arizona 1981) - House Corporation Member
Deron M. Davenport (University of Arizona 1996) - House Corporation Member
William D. DeFer, III (University of Arizona 1976) - House Corporation Member
Jeffrey C. Derickson (University of Arizona 1972) - House Corporation Member
James M. Hill (University of Arizona 1961) - House Corporation Member
Schuyler W. Lininger (University of Arizona 1944) - House Corporation Member
Robert R. Lundeen (University of Arizona 1981) - House Corporation Member
John J. Marietti (University of Arizona 1961) - House Corporation Member
Danny W. Montgomery (University of Arizona 1974) - House Corporation Member
Brent F. Moody (University of Arizona 1961) - House Corporation Member
Thomas T. Moore (University of Arizona 1960) - House Corporation Member
J.V. Bevan Olyphant (University of Arizona 1963) - House Corporation Member
William J. Polson, DDS (University of Arizona 1959) - House Corporation Member
Thomas A. Reeb (University of Arizona 1975) - House Corporation Member
Vinson J. San Angelo, USMC (Ret) (University of Arizona 1962) - House Corporation Member
Clifton H. Smith (University of Arizona 1963) - House Corporation Member
Steven L. Smith (University of Arizona 1972) - House Corporation Member
Miguel A. Valencia (University of Arizona 1983) - House Corporation Member
Deron M. Webb (University of Arizona 1989) - House Corporation Member
Steven E. Area (University of Arkansas 1973) - House Corporation President
Merl O. Barns (University of Arkansas 1970) - House Corporation President
Stephen L. DeMott (University of Arkansas 1972) - House Corporation President
Allyn L. Donaubauer (University of Arkansas 1978) - House Corporation President
Thomas W. Page (University of Arkansas 1969) - House Corporation President
R. Douglas Schrantz (University of Arkansas 1973) - House Corporation President
Max A. Wernick (University of Arkansas 1974) - House Corporation President
Allyn L. Donaubauer (University of Arkansas 1978) - House Corporation Vice President
Clifton J. Ladd (University of Arkansas 1981) - House Corporation Vice President
Max A. Wernick (University of Arkansas 1974) - House Corporation Vice President
Jeffrey A. Bell (University of Arkansas 1973) - House Corporation Treasurer
Byron M. Bordeaux (University of Arkansas 1981) - House Corporation Treasurer
Elton H. Donaubauer (University of Arkansas 1951) - House Corporation Treasurer
Daniel L. Morris (University of Arkansas 1977) - House Corporation Treasurer
Joe T. Robinson (University of Arkansas 1976) - House Corporation Treasurer
Nathan B. Teague (University of Arkansas 1993) - House Corporation Treasurer
Elton H. Donaubauer (University of Arkansas 1951) - House Corporation Secretary
William S. Garner, Jr. (University of Arkansas 1971) - House Corporation Secretary
Jason R. Myers (University of Arkansas 1993) - House Corporation Secretary
Joe T. Robinson (University of Arkansas 1976) - House Corporation Secretary
Joel Wernick (University of Arkansas 1976) - House Corporation Secretary
Michael P. Bonds (University of Arkansas 1984) - House Corporation Member
Eddie W. Daniel, USN (Ret) (University of Arkansas 1978) - House Corporation Member
William S. Garner, Jr. (University of Arkansas 1971) - House Corporation Member
Richard L. Howard (University of Arkansas 1978) - House Corporation Member
Doug Miller (University of Arkansas 1980) - House Corporation Member
Joe T. Robinson (University of Arkansas 1976) - House Corporation Member
R. Douglas Schrantz (University of Arkansas 1973) - House Corporation Member
Terrell C. Scott (University of Arkansas 2005) - House Corporation Member
James A. Brown (University of British Columbia 1949) - House Corporation President
Donald N. Evans (University of British Columbia 1968) - House Corporation President
Robert D. Mackay (University of British Columbia 1970) - House Corporation President
Norman J. Mayr (University of British Columbia 1978) - House Corporation President
John A. Plant (University of British Columbia 1979) - House Corporation President
Scott M. Yaworski (University of British Columbia 2002) - House Corporation President
Paterson A. Todd (University of British Columbia 1949) - House Corporation Vice President
Michael W. Fortier (University of British Columbia 2006) - House Corporation Treasurer
Kevin B. Higgins (University of British Columbia 1975) - House Corporation Treasurer
Norman J. Mayr (University of British Columbia 1978) - House Corporation Treasurer
Michael A. Pietrobon (University of British Columbia 2010) - House Corporation Treasurer
David R. Smith (University of British Columbia 1962) - House Corporation Treasurer
John R. LaVan (University of British Columbia 1967) - House Corporation Secretary
Kenneth M. Noble (University of British Columbia 1960) - House Corporation Secretary
Andrew R. Evans (University of British Columbia 2002) - House Corporation Member
Glen A. Harris (University of British Columbia 1981) - House Corporation Member
Kevin B. Higgins (University of British Columbia 1975) - House Corporation Member
Joshua L. Ingram (University of British Columbia 2006) - House Corporation Member
David H. Mills (University of British Columbia 1976) - House Corporation Member
Stephan J. Vranka (University of British Columbia 1972) - House Corporation Member
Christopher J. Johnston (University of Calgary 1991) - House Corporation President
David B. McQuaig (University of Calgary 1987) - House Corporation President
Jarrett S. Nixon (University of Calgary 2006) - House Corporation President
Bruce G. Elliott (University of Calgary 1986) - House Corporation Vice President
Anthony E. Hatfield (University of Calgary 2013) - House Corporation Vice President
Bruce G. Elliott (University of Calgary 1986) - House Corporation Treasurer
Christopher J. Johnston (University of Calgary 1991) - House Corporation Treasurer
David B. McQuaig (University of Calgary 1987) - House Corporation Treasurer
Tim G. Glowa (University of Calgary 1993) - House Corporation Secretary
Ian P. Dingle (University of Calgary 1995) - House Corporation Member
Paul A. McCloy (University of Calgary 1997) - House Corporation Member
David B. McQuaig (University of Calgary 1987) - House Corporation Member
Rourke M. Nutting (University of Calgary 2021) - House Corporation Member
Mark L. Renneberg (University of Calgary 2000) - House Corporation Member
William B. Ashton (University of California Berkeley 1954) - House Corporation President
William P. Gilmore (University of California Berkeley 1942) - House Corporation President
Darryl E. Henley (University of California Berkeley 1961) - House Corporation President
Everett H. Johnston (University of California Berkeley 1961) - House Corporation President
Timothy M. Muller (University of California Berkeley 1960) - House Corporation President
Martin C. Smith (University of California Berkeley 1976) - House Corporation President
Edmund G. Bartlett, Jr. (University of California Berkeley 1952) - House Corporation Vice President
Steven M. Blore (University of California Berkeley 1984) - House Corporation Treasurer
Darryl E. Henley (University of California Berkeley 1961) - House Corporation Treasurer
Everett H. Johnston (University of California Berkeley 1961) - House Corporation Treasurer
Everett H. Johnston (University of California Berkeley 1961) - House Corporation Secretary
Stephen C. Lyon (University of California Berkeley 1963) - House Corporation Secretary
William B. Ashton (University of California Berkeley 1954) - House Corporation Member
F. Keith Blakeney (University of California Berkeley 1959) - House Corporation Member
Erik S. Bro (University of California Berkeley 2008) - House Corporation Member
Alan J. Donner (University of California Berkeley 2007) - House Corporation Member
Patrick F. Doyle (University of California Berkeley 1983) - House Corporation Member
John M. Fowler (University of California Berkeley 1939) - House Corporation Member
Taylor J. Hamilton (University of California Berkeley 2004) - House Corporation Member
Darryl E. Henley (University of California Berkeley 1961) - House Corporation Member
Michael B. Inman (University of California Berkeley 1994) - House Corporation Member
Stephen C. Lyon (University of California Berkeley 1963) - House Corporation Member
Mark E. Meredith (University of California Berkeley 1987) - House Corporation Member
Timothy M. Muller (University of California Berkeley 1960) - House Corporation Member
Steven B. Peterson (University of California Berkeley 1990) - House Corporation Member
Frederick D. Schwarz (University of California Berkeley 1960) - House Corporation Member
Conway Smith (University of California Berkeley 1946) - House Corporation Member
Lewis H. Smith (University of California Berkeley 1952) - House Corporation Member
Martin C. Smith (University of California Berkeley 1976) - House Corporation Member
Ryan T. Walsh (University of California Berkeley 1991) - House Corporation Member
Gerold G. Williams (University of California Berkeley 1962) - House Corporation Member
Jeremy F. Collins (University of California Irvine 1997) - House Corporation President
J. Rand Petrie (University of California Irvine 1987) - House Corporation President
Carlton B. Boyd (University of California Irvine 1998) - House Corporation Treasurer
Russell C. Gerns (University of California Los Angeles 1960) - House Corporation President
Richard D. Naulty (University of California Los Angeles 1953) - House Corporation President
Felipe J. Sefchovich (University of California Los Angeles 1990) - House Corporation President
Eugen C. Andres, III (University of California Los Angeles 1961) - House Corporation Vice President
James H. Camplin (University of California Los Angeles 1930) - House Corporation Vice President
Shawn P. Grimm (University of California Los Angeles 1993) - House Corporation Vice President
Joseph A. Incaudo (University of California Los Angeles 1961) - House Corporation Treasurer
Eugen C. Andres, III (University of California Los Angeles 1961) - House Corporation Secretary
James H. Camplin (University of California Los Angeles 1930) - House Corporation Secretary
J. Ronald Pengilly, Esq. (University of California Los Angeles 1956) - House Corporation Member
Michael A. Baker (University of California Riverside 1978) - House Corporation President
Kevin W. Boeve (University of California Riverside 1999) - House Corporation President
Grant R. Willcox (University of California Riverside 1977) - House Corporation President
William G. DeMar (University of California Riverside 1999) - House Corporation Member
Scott A. McPhee (University of California Santa Barbara 1994) - House Corporation President
John R. Ward (University of California Santa Barbara 1994) - House Corporation President
Hans W. Jervis (University of California Santa Barbara 1994) - House Corporation Treasurer
Michael L. Devine (University of California Santa Barbara 1994) - House Corporation Member
Scott A. McPhee (University of California Santa Barbara 1994) - House Corporation Member
Colin M. Murphy (University of California Santa Barbara 1993) - House Corporation Member
James V. Yardley, IV (University of California Santa Barbara 1992) - House Corporation Member
Richard A. Hamrick (University of Central Florida 2004) - House Corporation President
Frederick G. Neff (University of Central Florida 1960) - House Corporation President
Bradley B. Paul (University of Central Florida 1996) - House Corporation President
Joshua M. Sachs (University of Central Florida 2008) - House Corporation President
Michael S. Weiss (University of Central Florida 1994) - House Corporation Treasurer
Nicholas S. Candaffio (University of Central Florida 2011) - House Corporation Member
Jack A. Demetree, II (University of Central Florida 2010) - House Corporation Member
Richard A. Hamrick (University of Central Florida 2004) - House Corporation Member
Gerrit A. Lemmen (University of Central Florida 2001) - House Corporation Member
Matthew T. Panetta (University of Central Florida 2002) - House Corporation Member
Carlos R. Rios (University of Central Florida 1999) - House Corporation Member
David R. Swanson (University of Central Florida 2000) - House Corporation Member
Norval I. Brown (University of Chicago 1976) - House Corporation President
Douglas A. Cipriano (University of Chicago 1986) - House Corporation President
Ralph D. Davis (University of Chicago 1971) - House Corporation President
Armand S. Donian (University of Chicago 1942) - House Corporation President
Filip J. Duszczyk (University of Chicago 1998) - House Corporation President
John A. McLees (University of Chicago 1970) - House Corporation President
Harold R. Metcalf (University of Chicago 1953) - House Corporation President
Luis P. Nieto, Jr. (University of Chicago 1977) - House Corporation President
George L. Playe (University of Chicago 1980) - House Corporation President
Frederick J. Rayfield, III (University of Chicago 1974) - House Corporation President
Nicholas R. Rockwell (University of Chicago 2012) - House Corporation President
Steven R. Strahler (University of Chicago 1973) - House Corporation President
Robert H. Tamillow (University of Chicago 2006) - House Corporation President
Jim J. Tragos (University of Chicago 2001) - House Corporation President
James W. Vice, Jr. (University of Chicago 1954) - House Corporation President
Gregory A. Bedell (University of Chicago 1982) - House Corporation Vice President
Edward R. Bee, Jr. (University of Chicago 1977) - House Corporation Vice President
Douglas A. Cipriano (University of Chicago 1986) - House Corporation Vice President
Donald M. Heinrich (University of Chicago 1974) - House Corporation Vice President
Luis P. Nieto, Jr. (University of Chicago 1977) - House Corporation Vice President
Charles D. O'Connell (University of Chicago 1947) - House Corporation Vice President
Alan K. Barlow (University of Chicago 1931) - House Corporation Treasurer
Steven D. Barnhart (University of Chicago 1984) - House Corporation Treasurer
Frank G. Brunner, Jr. (University of Chicago 1942) - House Corporation Treasurer
Joseph M. Catalano (University of Chicago 1999) - House Corporation Treasurer
Robert Charkovsky (University of Chicago 1975) - House Corporation Treasurer
Sean K. Johnson (University of Chicago 2013) - House Corporation Treasurer
Frederick J. Rayfield, III (University of Chicago 1974) - House Corporation Treasurer
John M. Boland (University of Chicago 1988) - House Corporation Secretary
Douglas L. Carden (University of Chicago 1974) - House Corporation Secretary
Robert Charkovsky (University of Chicago 1975) - House Corporation Secretary
Douglas A. Cipriano (University of Chicago 1986) - House Corporation Secretary
Milton Eder (University of Chicago 1977) - House Corporation Secretary
Donald M. Heinrich (University of Chicago 1974) - House Corporation Secretary
James A. Kaplan (University of Chicago 1976) - House Corporation Secretary
Charles W. Semenchuk (University of Chicago 2001) - House Corporation Secretary
Steven R. Strahler (University of Chicago 1973) - House Corporation Secretary
James W. Vice, Jr. (University of Chicago 1954) - House Corporation Secretary
Stephen P. Wiley (University of Chicago 1981) - House Corporation Secretary
Daniel B. Wilson (University of Chicago 1977) - House Corporation Secretary
James P. Xeros (University of Chicago 1984) - House Corporation Secretary
Gregory A. Bedell (University of Chicago 1982) - House Corporation Member
Bernard J. DelGiorno (University of Chicago 1955) - House Corporation Member
Armand S. Donian (University of Chicago 1942) - House Corporation Member
Mark D. Gross (University of Chicago 1985) - House Corporation Member
Donald M. Heinrich (University of Chicago 1974) - House Corporation Member
James A. Kaplan (University of Chicago 1976) - House Corporation Member
Da H. Kim (University of Chicago 1985) - House Corporation Member
John M. Manieri (University of Chicago 1985) - House Corporation Member
Daniel R. Mosher (University of Chicago 1992) - House Corporation Member
Luis P. Nieto, Jr. (University of Chicago 1977) - House Corporation Member
Charles D. O'Connell (University of Chicago 1947) - House Corporation Member
William B. Rose, Jr. (University of Chicago 1961) - House Corporation Member
Patrick K. Ryan (University of Chicago 2015) - House Corporation Member
Steven R. Strahler (University of Chicago 1973) - House Corporation Member
Robert H. Tamillow (University of Chicago 2006) - House Corporation Member
Wade M. Fugate (University of Cincinnati 1998) - House Corporation President
Steven M. Petitjean (University of Cincinnati 1994) - House Corporation President
Bruce A. Bauer (University of Cincinnati 1971) - House Corporation Vice President
Edward T. Daniel (University of Cincinnati 1974) - House Corporation Treasurer
Robert L. Haubrock (University of Cincinnati 1983) - House Corporation Treasurer
Dennis L. Hemmer (University of Cincinnati 1973) - House Corporation Treasurer
Michael S. Hicks (University of Cincinnati 1983) - House Corporation Treasurer
Jeffrey S. Hurwitz (University of Cincinnati 1972) - House Corporation Treasurer
Keith D. Mason (University of Cincinnati 1975) - House Corporation Treasurer
Daniel A. O'Connor (University of Cincinnati 1997) - House Corporation Treasurer
Brian S. Todd (University of Cincinnati 1998) - House Corporation Treasurer
Thomas O. Willingham (University of Cincinnati 1983) - House Corporation Treasurer
Edward T. Daniel (University of Cincinnati 1974) - House Corporation Secretary
Dennis L. Hemmer (University of Cincinnati 1973) - House Corporation Secretary
Keith D. Mason (University of Cincinnati 1975) - House Corporation Secretary
Alexander M. Gerak (University of Cincinnati 2017) - House Corporation Member
Kevin J. Hopper (University of Cincinnati 1973) - House Corporation Member
John S. Kahermanes (University of Cincinnati 1972) - House Corporation Member
Daniel A. O'Connor (University of Cincinnati 1997) - House Corporation Member
Frank J. Bernardi (University of Colorado 1979) - House Corporation President
John D. Bishop (University of Colorado 1981) - House Corporation President
Jarrel L. Boatright (University of Colorado 1960) - House Corporation President
Robert B. Decker (University of Colorado 1942) - House Corporation President
Walter B. Franklin (University of Colorado 1949) - House Corporation President
George A. Kahle, III (University of Colorado 1989) - House Corporation President
Donald E. Larkin (University of Colorado 1958) - House Corporation President
Mark A. Rice (University of Colorado 1978) - House Corporation Vice President
Glenn C. Selch (University of Colorado 1956) - House Corporation Vice President
Richard W. Brown (University of Colorado 1971) - House Corporation Treasurer
Robert B. Decker (University of Colorado 1942) - House Corporation Treasurer
Walter B. Franklin (University of Colorado 1949) - House Corporation Treasurer
Scott B. Gordon (University of Colorado 1983) - House Corporation Treasurer
Rodney K. Nuss (University of Colorado 1986) - House Corporation Treasurer
Wilbur M. Pryor (University of Colorado 1939) - House Corporation Treasurer
Richard W. Brown (University of Colorado 1971) - House Corporation Secretary
Frank J. Bernardi (University of Colorado 1979) - House Corporation Member
Scott B. Gordon (University of Colorado 1983) - House Corporation Member
Randy N. Howell (University of Colorado 1977) - House Corporation Member
Robert S. Hughes (University of Colorado 1980) - House Corporation Member
Daniel E. Jewell (University of Colorado 1977) - House Corporation Member
George A. Kahle, III (University of Colorado 1989) - House Corporation Member
William L. Lake (University of Colorado 1961) - House Corporation Member
Donald E. Larkin (University of Colorado 1958) - House Corporation Member
Arthur D. Mast (University of Colorado 1979) - House Corporation Member
Max T. Morton (University of Colorado 1941) - House Corporation Member
Gregory L. Nierling (University of Colorado 1980) - House Corporation Member
Wilbur M. Pryor (University of Colorado 1939) - House Corporation Member
Glenn C. Selch (University of Colorado 1956) - House Corporation Member
Michael M. Hesse (University of Denver 1987) - House Corporation President
Wesley V. Toavs (University of Denver 1985) - House Corporation President
Richard D. Goforth (University of Denver 1986) - House Corporation Treasurer
Steven J. Bocher (University of Denver 1983) - House Corporation Member
Karl M. Weber (University of Denver 1981) - House Corporation Member
Jeremy R. Tarr (University of Evansville 1998) - House Corporation President
Christopher L. Rafferty (University of Evansville 2001) - House Corporation Treasurer
Jesse R. Miller (University of Evansville 2010) - House Corporation Secretary
K. Scott Newman (University of Evansville 2000) - House Corporation Secretary
Scott E. Gurgol (University of Evansville 2003) - House Corporation Member
Jonathan G. Kissel (University of Evansville 2006) - House Corporation Member
Brennan C. McReynolds (University of Evansville 2002) - House Corporation Member
James S. Moryl (University of Evansville 2000) - House Corporation Member
Jeremy R. Tarr (University of Evansville 1998) - House Corporation Member
Peter J. Aliberti (University of Florida 1970) - House Corporation President
Bruce G. Bradburn (University of Florida 1971) - House Corporation President
Joseph G. Gamble, Jr. (University of Florida 1948) - House Corporation President
Robert Giannini (University of Florida 1962) - House Corporation President
Dane C. Griffin (University of Florida 1970) - House Corporation President
James G. Hayhurst (University of Florida 1962) - House Corporation President
Robert S. Hesson (University of Florida 1973) - House Corporation President
Edward M. Kellar (University of Florida 1970) - House Corporation President
Kenn M. Kowalske (University of Florida 1980) - House Corporation President
Mark A. Krill (University of Florida 1986) - House Corporation President
William E. Lawton (University of Florida 1997) - House Corporation President
Allen K. McCormick (University of Florida 1952) - House Corporation President
H. Franklin Perritt, Jr. (University of Florida 1956) - House Corporation President
R. Charles Scott (University of Florida 1975) - House Corporation President
Wayne M. Singletary (University of Florida 1969) - House Corporation President
Warren A. Smith, Jr. (University of Florida 1962) - House Corporation President
Clark W. Wheeler (University of Florida 1964) - House Corporation President
Joe R. Wolfe (University of Florida 1963) - House Corporation President
John A. Cornell (University of Florida 1962) - House Corporation Vice President
Robert H. Fagerburg (University of Florida 1977) - House Corporation Vice President
Craig M. Hunter (University of Florida 1972) - House Corporation Vice President
Peter J. Kearney (University of Florida 1962) - House Corporation Vice President
Edward M. Kellar (University of Florida 1970) - House Corporation Vice President
David R. Kirby (University of Florida 1985) - House Corporation Vice President
Mark A. Krill (University of Florida 1986) - House Corporation Vice President
Richard L. Nelson (University of Florida 1956) - House Corporation Vice President
R. Charles Scott (University of Florida 1975) - House Corporation Vice President
James M. Vignola, Jr. (University of Florida 1987) - House Corporation Vice President
Joe R. Wolfe (University of Florida 1963) - House Corporation Vice President
Chris A. Buffington (University of Florida 1983) - House Corporation Treasurer
Robert D. Dodge (University of Florida 1974) - House Corporation Treasurer
David R. Kirby (University of Florida 1985) - House Corporation Treasurer
Eddie H. List (University of Florida 1977) - House Corporation Treasurer
Robert J. Ryan (University of Florida 1973) - House Corporation Treasurer
R. Charles Scott (University of Florida 1975) - House Corporation Treasurer
David M. Smith (University of Florida 1983) - House Corporation Treasurer
Russell W. Thresher, III (University of Florida 1978) - House Corporation Treasurer
Harrison M. Wadsworth, Jr. (University of Florida 1946) - House Corporation Treasurer
John W. Waechter (University of Florida 1974) - House Corporation Treasurer
Barry L. Williams (University of Florida 1953) - House Corporation Treasurer
Leland F. Williams (University of Florida 1974) - House Corporation Treasurer
Robert L. Willits (University of Florida 1974) - House Corporation Treasurer
Christopher M. Avitabile (University of Florida 2020) - House Corporation Secretary
Vincent E. Brecht (University of Florida 1944) - House Corporation Secretary
Edward M. Kellar (University of Florida 1970) - House Corporation Secretary
David R. Kirby (University of Florida 1985) - House Corporation Secretary
William E. Lawton (University of Florida 1997) - House Corporation Secretary
Raymond B. Martinez (University of Florida 1962) - House Corporation Secretary
Allen K. McCormick (University of Florida 1952) - House Corporation Secretary
John A. Nagy (University of Florida 1988) - House Corporation Secretary
Warren A. Smith, Jr. (University of Florida 1962) - House Corporation Secretary
James M. Vignola, Jr. (University of Florida 1987) - House Corporation Secretary
John W. Waechter (University of Florida 1974) - House Corporation Secretary
Robert L. Willits (University of Florida 1974) - House Corporation Secretary
Samuel A. Baglier (University of Florida 1971) - House Corporation Member
Andrew M. Clark (University of Florida 2001) - House Corporation Member
John A. Cornell (University of Florida 1962) - House Corporation Member
Robert D. Dodge (University of Florida 1974) - House Corporation Member
Benjamin K. Emil (University of Florida 2008) - House Corporation Member
Kenneth L. Fleming (University of Florida 1974) - House Corporation Member
Joshua J. Forgione (University of Florida 2002) - House Corporation Member
J. Louis Gallegos (University of Florida 1972) - House Corporation Member
William J. Grant, USAF (Ret) (University of Florida 1965) - House Corporation Member
Jeffery A. Greenert (University of Florida 1985) - House Corporation Member
Dane C. Griffin (University of Florida 1970) - House Corporation Member
James G. Hayhurst (University of Florida 1962) - House Corporation Member
Robert L. Heisler, Jr. (University of Florida 1975) - House Corporation Member
Craig M. Hunter (University of Florida 1972) - House Corporation Member
Ian A. Ix (University of Florida 2018) - House Corporation Member
Edward M. Kellar (University of Florida 1970) - House Corporation Member
David R. Kirby (University of Florida 1985) - House Corporation Member
Gary V. Klatt (University of Florida 1962) - House Corporation Member
Kenn M. Kowalske (University of Florida 1980) - House Corporation Member
Mark A. Krill (University of Florida 1986) - House Corporation Member
William E. Lawton (University of Florida 1997) - House Corporation Member
Eric L. Loudin (University of Florida 1990) - House Corporation Member
Raymond B. Martinez (University of Florida 1962) - House Corporation Member
Max A. Morris (University of Florida 2017) - House Corporation Member
John A. Nagy (University of Florida 1988) - House Corporation Member
Richard L. Nelson (University of Florida 1956) - House Corporation Member
Richard T. Pile (University of Florida 1988) - House Corporation Member
William D. Richardi (University of Florida 1964) - House Corporation Member
R. Charles Scott (University of Florida 1975) - House Corporation Member
John B. Shoemaker (University of Florida 1984) - House Corporation Member
Arthur V. Shults (University of Florida 1977) - House Corporation Member
David M. Smith (University of Florida 1983) - House Corporation Member
Warren A. Smith, Jr. (University of Florida 1962) - House Corporation Member
Jeorge E. Taylor (University of Florida 1988) - House Corporation Member
David C. Thomas (University of Florida 1997) - House Corporation Member
Allen Trovillion (University of Florida 1949) - House Corporation Member
Ryan W. Vaughn (University of Florida 1995) - House Corporation Member
James M. Vignola, Jr. (University of Florida 1987) - House Corporation Member
John K. Vreeland (University of Florida 1968) - House Corporation Member
Edward M. Westbrook, III (University of Florida 1983) - House Corporation Member
Robert L. Willits (University of Florida 1974) - House Corporation Member
Robert D. Cheeley (University of Georgia 1979) - House Corporation President
Darren W. Devore (University of Georgia 1986) - House Corporation President
James W. Purcell (University of Georgia 1973) - House Corporation President
Kessel D. Stelling, Jr. (University of Georgia 1978) - House Corporation President
Thomas E. Watson, III (University of Georgia 1974) - House Corporation President
James W. Boyles, Jr. (University of Georgia 1978) - House Corporation Treasurer
Robert D. Cheeley (University of Georgia 1979) - House Corporation Treasurer
William W. Douglas, IV (University of Georgia 2012) - House Corporation Treasurer
Thomas H. Draffin (University of Georgia 1977) - House Corporation Treasurer
Frank J. Hanna (University of Georgia 1983) - House Corporation Treasurer
Robert T. Hardell, Sr. (University of Georgia 1986) - House Corporation Treasurer
Dan K. Lowring (University of Georgia 1982) - House Corporation Treasurer
Daniel A. Ragland (University of Georgia 1985) - House Corporation Treasurer
Thomas H. Rogers, Jr. (University of Georgia 1973) - House Corporation Treasurer
Dan K. Lowring (University of Georgia 1982) - House Corporation Secretary
Randall Blackwood (University of Georgia 1974) - House Corporation Member
Keith R. Breedlove (University of Georgia 1978) - House Corporation Member
Robert D. Cheeley (University of Georgia 1979) - House Corporation Member
John W. Crowers (University of Georgia 1977) - House Corporation Member
Reginald V. Davis (University of Georgia 1982) - House Corporation Member
M. Henry Day, Jr. (University of Georgia 1975) - House Corporation Member
Thomas H. Draffin (University of Georgia 1977) - House Corporation Member
Steven A. Hathorn (University of Georgia 1979) - House Corporation Member
George D. Henderson (University of Georgia 1974) - House Corporation Member
James P. Kelly, III (University of Georgia 1978) - House Corporation Member
David R. Little (University of Georgia 1973) - House Corporation Member
Keith W. Mason (University of Georgia 1982) - House Corporation Member
William T. McKenzie (University of Georgia 1975) - House Corporation Member
Robert B. Meyer (University of Georgia 1970) - House Corporation Member
Samuel F. Smith (University of Georgia 1974) - House Corporation Member
Daniel L. Dorman (University of Idaho 1979) - House Corporation President
James P. Glenny, PhD (University of Idaho 1960) - House Corporation President
Howard F. Goldsmith (University of Idaho 1936) - House Corporation President
Wallace E. Hedrick (University of Idaho 1970) - House Corporation President
Alan K. Hull (University of Idaho 1969) - House Corporation President
Jordon S. Kanikkeberg, EdD (University of Idaho 1951) - House Corporation President
Christopher S. Manis (University of Idaho 1986) - House Corporation President
Robert A. Melgard (University of Idaho 1956) - House Corporation President
Glenn B. Owen, USA (University of Idaho 1936) - House Corporation President
Robert N. Rowland (University of Idaho 1961) - House Corporation President
Gerald R. Schlatter (University of Idaho 1959) - House Corporation President
William P. Barnes (University of Idaho 1944) - House Corporation Vice President
Howard F. Goldsmith (University of Idaho 1936) - House Corporation Vice President
Alan K. Hull (University of Idaho 1969) - House Corporation Vice President
Lance D. Lincoln (University of Idaho 1970) - House Corporation Vice President
Jacob A. Waters (University of Idaho 2016) - House Corporation Vice President
William P. Barnes (University of Idaho 1944) - House Corporation Treasurer
Blake D. Brintnall (University of Idaho 2013) - House Corporation Treasurer
Daniel L. Dorman (University of Idaho 1979) - House Corporation Treasurer
Stephen H. Edwards (University of Idaho 1964) - House Corporation Treasurer
Michael C. Greer (University of Idaho 1970) - House Corporation Treasurer
Daniel D. Harris (University of Idaho 1981) - House Corporation Treasurer
E. Robert Mooney, Jr. (University of Idaho 1963) - House Corporation Treasurer
Todd J. Peretti (University of Idaho 1986) - House Corporation Treasurer
Kenneth L. Reagan (University of Idaho 1968) - House Corporation Treasurer
David J. Thompson (University of Idaho 1979) - House Corporation Treasurer
Paul H. Tobin (University of Idaho 1953) - House Corporation Treasurer
Joel T. Zwainz (University of Idaho 2010) - House Corporation Treasurer
William P. Barnes (University of Idaho 1944) - House Corporation Secretary
Richard C. Bermensolo (University of Idaho 1996) - House Corporation Secretary
Stephen H. Edwards (University of Idaho 1964) - House Corporation Secretary
William G. Gilbert, Jr. (University of Idaho 1996) - House Corporation Secretary
Daniel J. Hubbard (University of Idaho 2005) - House Corporation Secretary
Todd J. Peretti (University of Idaho 1986) - House Corporation Secretary
Malcolm M. Renfrew (University of Idaho 1932) - House Corporation Secretary
Donald L. Shelton (University of Idaho 1976) - House Corporation Secretary
Bryan J. Anderson (University of Idaho 1983) - House Corporation Member
Alan F. Atwood (University of Idaho 1950) - House Corporation Member
William P. Barnes (University of Idaho 1944) - House Corporation Member
Andrew B. Christensen (University of Idaho 1952) - House Corporation Member
Andrew B. Christensen (University of Idaho 1991) - House Corporation Member
Cody A. Clark-Cline (University of Idaho 2013) - House Corporation Member
Robert J. Davis (University of Idaho 1940) - House Corporation Member
Timothy R. Day (University of Idaho 1976) - House Corporation Member
Stephen H. Edwards (University of Idaho 1964) - House Corporation Member
Owen D. Glodt (University of Idaho 2016) - House Corporation Member
Lawrence H. Halvorson, III (University of Idaho 1974) - House Corporation Member
John S. Holland (University of Idaho 1942) - House Corporation Member
Nickolas W. Kofmehl (University of Idaho 2014) - House Corporation Member
Hartly H. Kruger (University of Idaho 1954) - House Corporation Member
Robert R. Mahan (University of Idaho 1992) - House Corporation Member
J. Dean Mosher (University of Idaho 1949) - House Corporation Member
Gerald R. Schlatter (University of Idaho 1959) - House Corporation Member
David S. Troy, IV (University of Idaho 1987) - House Corporation Member
Shaun R. Weston (University of Idaho 1975) - House Corporation Member
Champ W. Davis, Jr. (University of Illinois 1962) - House Corporation President
William M. Goldstein (University of Illinois 1966) - House Corporation President
James B. Hickey, Jr. (University of Illinois 1975) - House Corporation President
Samuel E. Honegger (University of Illinois 1965) - House Corporation President
Charles R. Ieuter (University of Illinois 1983) - House Corporation President
Robert C. Johnston (University of Illinois 1960) - House Corporation President
Victor S. Kamber (University of Illinois 1965) - House Corporation President
Patrick C. Keeley (University of Illinois 1974) - House Corporation President
Ward F. McDonald (University of Illinois 1964) - House Corporation President
Dennis J. McNamee (University of Illinois 1984) - House Corporation President
David M. Neupert (University of Illinois 1961) - House Corporation President
Steven J. Scott (University of Illinois 1977) - House Corporation President
James C. Welch (University of Illinois 1942) - House Corporation President
Fredrick W. Ballantine (University of Illinois 1951) - House Corporation Vice President
Champ W. Davis, Jr. (University of Illinois 1962) - House Corporation Vice President
Allen E. Lind (University of Illinois 1970) - House Corporation Vice President
Nicholas A. Loiacono (University of Illinois 1974) - House Corporation Vice President
Michael J. Londrigan (University of Illinois 1962) - House Corporation Vice President
David M. Neupert (University of Illinois 1961) - House Corporation Vice President
Bradd S. Easton (University of Illinois 1984) - House Corporation Treasurer
William M. Goldstein (University of Illinois 1966) - House Corporation Treasurer
Charles R. Ieuter (University of Illinois 1983) - House Corporation Treasurer
Thomas M. Jump (University of Illinois 1979) - House Corporation Treasurer
Ward F. McDonald (University of Illinois 1964) - House Corporation Treasurer
Thomas T. Neal (University of Illinois 1965) - House Corporation Treasurer
Tony Porterfield (University of Illinois 1969) - House Corporation Treasurer
Steven J. Scott (University of Illinois 1977) - House Corporation Treasurer
James B. Hickey, Jr. (University of Illinois 1975) - House Corporation Secretary
Thomas M. Jump (University of Illinois 1979) - House Corporation Secretary
Allen E. Lind (University of Illinois 1970) - House Corporation Secretary
Nicholas A. Loiacono (University of Illinois 1974) - House Corporation Secretary
Tony Porterfield (University of Illinois 1969) - House Corporation Secretary
James E. Arnold (University of Illinois 1985) - House Corporation Member
Eric L. Bach (University of Illinois 1969) - House Corporation Member
F. Erle Cavette, Jr. (University of Illinois 1948) - House Corporation Member
Champ W. Davis, Jr. (University of Illinois 1962) - House Corporation Member
Jay S. Eigel (University of Illinois 1971) - House Corporation Member
William M. Goldstein (University of Illinois 1966) - House Corporation Member
Julian E. Gorman (University of Illinois 1973) - House Corporation Member
Michael J. Gow (University of Illinois 1975) - House Corporation Member
Paul H. Graven (University of Illinois 1943) - House Corporation Member
Jerome C. Groniger (University of Illinois 1956) - House Corporation Member
James B. Hickey, Jr. (University of Illinois 1975) - House Corporation Member
Thomas M. Hickey (University of Illinois 1976) - House Corporation Member
Thomas J. Homer (University of Illinois 1969) - House Corporation Member
Charles R. Ieuter (University of Illinois 1983) - House Corporation Member
William C. Ieuter (University of Illinois 1957) - House Corporation Member
Bruce P. Johnson (University of Illinois 1973) - House Corporation Member
Victor S. Kamber (University of Illinois 1965) - House Corporation Member
Dennis H. Kapral (University of Illinois 1973) - House Corporation Member
Patrick C. Keeley (University of Illinois 1974) - House Corporation Member
Matthew J. Kirby (University of Illinois 2012) - House Corporation Member
Ward F. McDonald (University of Illinois 1964) - House Corporation Member
Donald T. McMurray (University of Illinois 1976) - House Corporation Member
Dennis J. McNamee (University of Illinois 1984) - House Corporation Member
Loren E. Mears (University of Illinois 1977) - House Corporation Member
Charles D. Miller (University of Illinois 1972) - House Corporation Member
David M. Neupert (University of Illinois 1961) - House Corporation Member
Tony Porterfield (University of Illinois 1969) - House Corporation Member
James E. Purcell (University of Illinois 1954) - House Corporation Member
James L. Russell (University of Illinois 1961) - House Corporation Member
Steven J. Scott (University of Illinois 1977) - House Corporation Member
Paul C. Scruggs (University of Illinois 1983) - House Corporation Member
Marc T. Beltrame (University of Iowa 1997) - House Corporation President
Matthew R. Coulter (University of Iowa 2000) - House Corporation President
Gary L. Fletcher (University of Iowa 1968) - House Corporation President
John S. Koza (University of Iowa 1967) - House Corporation President
Jeffrey R. Mau (University of Iowa 1978) - House Corporation President
Matthew M. Maude (University of Iowa 1987) - House Corporation President
Steven A. Michalek (University of Iowa 1989) - House Corporation President
Bradley J. Peterson (University of Iowa 1984) - House Corporation President
Darren D. Schlapkohl (University of Iowa 1993) - House Corporation President
William H. Sutton (University of Iowa 1960) - House Corporation President
Jerrold Wanek (University of Iowa 1980) - House Corporation President
Craig A. Welt (University of Iowa 1975) - House Corporation President
Michael C. Woody (University of Iowa 1981) - House Corporation President
Terry A. Davis (University of Iowa 1972) - House Corporation Vice President
Eric T. Mau (University of Iowa 1984) - House Corporation Vice President
Craig A. Welt (University of Iowa 1975) - House Corporation Vice President
Ted O. Yanecek (University of Iowa 1978) - House Corporation Vice President
William D. Baker (University of Iowa 1977) - House Corporation Treasurer
Scott Bogguss (University of Iowa 1968) - House Corporation Treasurer
Constantine L. Chipokas (University of Iowa 1959) - House Corporation Treasurer
Ryan W. Noser (University of Iowa 2011) - House Corporation Treasurer
Lyndon T. Peterson (University of Iowa 1981) - House Corporation Treasurer
Jeffrey K. Pigott (University of Iowa 1985) - House Corporation Treasurer
Jerrold Wanek (University of Iowa 1980) - House Corporation Treasurer
Vincent J. Ferro (University of Iowa 2007) - House Corporation Secretary
Jordan L. Goforth (University of Iowa 2010) - House Corporation Secretary
William H. Sutton (University of Iowa 1960) - House Corporation Secretary
Michael C. Woody (University of Iowa 1981) - House Corporation Secretary
Ted O. Yanecek (University of Iowa 1978) - House Corporation Secretary
Zachary E. Alderman (University of Iowa 2014) - House Corporation Member
William D. Baker (University of Iowa 1977) - House Corporation Member
John A. Bobst (University of Iowa 1999) - House Corporation Member
Christopher R. Gunnare (University of Iowa 1986) - House Corporation Member
Ben J. Hagedorn (University of Iowa 2013) - House Corporation Member
Michael S. Hatten (University of Iowa 1972) - House Corporation Member
Wayland K. Hicks, Jr. (University of Iowa 1951) - House Corporation Member
Stuart J. Honn (University of Iowa 2003) - House Corporation Member
Robert L. Johnson (University of Iowa 1982) - House Corporation Member
Henry J. Klosterman (University of Iowa 1983) - House Corporation Member
Alvin C. Kramer (University of Iowa 1938) - House Corporation Member
James R. Larson (University of Iowa 1972) - House Corporation Member
Eric T. Mau (University of Iowa 1984) - House Corporation Member
Jeffrey R. Mau (University of Iowa 1978) - House Corporation Member
Robert R. Mau (University of Iowa 1953) - House Corporation Member
Matthew J. Mausser (University of Iowa 1994) - House Corporation Member
Steven A. Michalek (University of Iowa 1989) - House Corporation Member
Stephen M. Morain (University of Iowa 1968) - House Corporation Member
John Payne (University of Iowa 2003) - House Corporation Member
Lyndon T. Peterson (University of Iowa 1981) - House Corporation Member
Bradley J. Stimple (University of Iowa 2016) - House Corporation Member
Frederick Stines, Jr. (University of Iowa 1949) - House Corporation Member
Craig A. Trammell (University of Iowa 1985) - House Corporation Member
Alvin L. Tramontina, Jr. (University of Iowa 1986) - House Corporation Member
Paul D. VanVeldhuizen (University of Iowa 1994) - House Corporation Member
Jerrold Wanek (University of Iowa 1980) - House Corporation Member
Brian W. Wood (University of Iowa 1973) - House Corporation Member
Michael C. Woody (University of Iowa 1981) - House Corporation Member
David R. Bagby (University of Kansas 1973) - House Corporation President
Terry L. Bloskey (University of Kansas 1963) - House Corporation President
Richard R. Boyd (University of Kansas 1993) - House Corporation President
Robert C. Boyd (University of Kansas 1947) - House Corporation President
Robert J. Breidenthal, Jr. (University of Kansas 1969) - House Corporation President
A. Jake Brown (University of Kansas 2002) - House Corporation President
Stephen D. Bunten (University of Kansas 1960) - House Corporation President
Richard B. Cray, Jr. (University of Kansas 1976) - House Corporation President
D. Andrew Draper (University of Kansas 1990) - House Corporation President
Steven J. Heeney (University of Kansas 1978) - House Corporation President
Brian M. Johnston (University of Kansas 1987) - House Corporation President
Joseph C. Lukens, Jr. (University of Kansas 1970) - House Corporation President
Roscoe L. Mendenhall, III (University of Kansas 1980) - House Corporation President
J. Andrew Morrison (University of Kansas 1987) - House Corporation President
Stephen C. Ryan (University of Kansas 1964) - House Corporation President
Robert A. Stinson (University of Kansas 1956) - House Corporation President
Roger H. Templin (University of Kansas 1989) - House Corporation President
Steven E. Wickliff (University of Kansas 1963) - House Corporation President
Theodore Wiklund, III (University of Kansas 1964) - House Corporation President
David R. Bagby (University of Kansas 1973) - House Corporation Vice President
Terry L. Bloskey (University of Kansas 1963) - House Corporation Vice President
Richard B. Cray, Jr. (University of Kansas 1976) - House Corporation Vice President
James P. Gillespie (University of Kansas 1974) - House Corporation Vice President
Stewart R. Horejsi (University of Kansas 1959) - House Corporation Vice President
David T. Jervis (University of Kansas 1977) - House Corporation Vice President
Robert P. Radcliffe (University of Kansas 1961) - House Corporation Vice President
Samuel D. Campbell (University of Kansas 1970) - House Corporation Treasurer
Thomas R. Clevenger (University of Kansas 1957) - House Corporation Treasurer
Kurt J. Goeser (University of Kansas 1993) - House Corporation Treasurer
Clint A. Harris (University of Kansas 1999) - House Corporation Treasurer
Kevin F. Mitchelson (University of Kansas 1979) - House Corporation Treasurer
Philip D. Patterson (University of Kansas 1970) - House Corporation Treasurer
Richard L. Penfold (University of Kansas 1952) - House Corporation Treasurer
Richard W. Seagraves (University of Kansas 1978) - House Corporation Treasurer
David T. Jervis (University of Kansas 1977) - House Corporation Secretary
Jack C. Marvin (University of Kansas 1978) - House Corporation Secretary
Roscoe L. Mendenhall, III (University of Kansas 1980) - House Corporation Secretary
Thomas J. Moore, Jr. (University of Kansas 1958) - House Corporation Secretary
Philip D. Patterson (University of Kansas 1970) - House Corporation Secretary
Robert P. Radcliffe (University of Kansas 1961) - House Corporation Secretary
John L. Richeson (University of Kansas 1962) - House Corporation Secretary
Robert A. Stinson (University of Kansas 1956) - House Corporation Secretary
Tyson W. Whiteside (University of Kansas 1966) - House Corporation Secretary
William W. Altman, Jr. (University of Kansas 1976) - House Corporation Member
J. Brooks Augustine (University of Kansas 1980) - House Corporation Member
Jason S. Austin (University of Kansas 1989) - House Corporation Member
Robert J. Bjorseth (University of Kansas 1965) - House Corporation Member
Jeffrey S. Bloskey (University of Kansas 1989) - House Corporation Member
Terry L. Bloskey (University of Kansas 1963) - House Corporation Member
Roger C. Boeger (University of Kansas 1960) - House Corporation Member
Leonard R. Boyd, Jr. (University of Kansas 1967) - House Corporation Member
Richard R. Boyd (University of Kansas 1993) - House Corporation Member
Robert C. Boyd (University of Kansas 1947) - House Corporation Member
Robert J. Breidenthal, Jr. (University of Kansas 1969) - House Corporation Member
David A. Claflin (University of Kansas 1985) - House Corporation Member
D. Andrew Draper (University of Kansas 1990) - House Corporation Member
Douglas A. Eck (University of Kansas 1984) - House Corporation Member
John F. Eulich (University of Kansas 1951) - House Corporation Member
James P. Gillespie (University of Kansas 1974) - House Corporation Member
Dr. J. Aaron Grantham (University of Kansas 1987) - House Corporation Member
James M. Hall, IV (University of Kansas 1980) - House Corporation Member
J. Joseph Hannah (University of Kansas 1979) - House Corporation Member
Donald W. Hatton, MD (University of Kansas 1964) - House Corporation Member
Steven D. Heck (University of Kansas 1968) - House Corporation Member
Steven J. Heeney (University of Kansas 1978) - House Corporation Member
Rex W. Henoch (University of Kansas 1979) - House Corporation Member
Brandon T. Jackson (University of Kansas 1992) - House Corporation Member
Christopher J. Jameson (University of Kansas 2000) - House Corporation Member
John P. Jennings, Jr. (University of Kansas 1979) - House Corporation Member
David T. Jervis (University of Kansas 1977) - House Corporation Member
John F. Kapfer (University of Kansas 1947) - House Corporation Member
Joseph C. Lukens, Jr. (University of Kansas 1970) - House Corporation Member
John B. Martin (University of Kansas 1959) - House Corporation Member
Jack C. Marvin (University of Kansas 1978) - House Corporation Member
Kevin J. McGreevy (University of Kansas 1969) - House Corporation Member
Aaron M. McKee (University of Kansas 1992) - House Corporation Member
John H. Mitchelson (University of Kansas 1980) - House Corporation Member
J. Andrew Morrison (University of Kansas 1987) - House Corporation Member
Jeff D. Mullen (University of Kansas 2005) - House Corporation Member
J. Michael Paul (University of Kansas 1985) - House Corporation Member
Todd A. Porch (University of Kansas 1990) - House Corporation Member
G. William Quatman, II (University of Kansas 1980) - House Corporation Member
Robert P. Radcliffe (University of Kansas 1961) - House Corporation Member
Hale D. Ritchie, Jr. (University of Kansas 1971) - House Corporation Member
Hale T. Ritchie, II (University of Kansas 1965) - House Corporation Member
Edward A. Roberts, Jr. (University of Kansas 1963) - House Corporation Member
Danny L. Robison (University of Kansas 1956) - House Corporation Member
Brian W. Rodkey (University of Kansas 1989) - House Corporation Member
Paul A. Rupp (University of Kansas 1989) - House Corporation Member
Marc R. Ryan (University of Kansas 1967) - House Corporation Member
Stephen C. Ryan (University of Kansas 1964) - House Corporation Member
David R. Smith (University of Kansas 1985) - House Corporation Member
Monte L. Soukup (University of Kansas 1988) - House Corporation Member
Michael A. Stinson (University of Kansas 1982) - House Corporation Member
Roger H. Templin (University of Kansas 1989) - House Corporation Member
John V. Van Allen (University of Kansas 1976) - House Corporation Member
Christopher B. Vine (University of Kansas 1993) - House Corporation Member
Michael R. Wagner (University of Kansas 1984) - House Corporation Member
Scott H. Williams (University of Kansas 1996) - House Corporation Member
Wayne V. Woody (University of Kansas 1953) - House Corporation Member
Richard A. Worrel (University of Kansas 1983) - House Corporation Member
Louis E. Wulfekuhler (University of Kansas 1940) - House Corporation Member
Drew M. Brown (University of Kentucky 2005) - House Corporation President
Harry L. Dadds (University of Kentucky 1971) - House Corporation President
Robert E. Hall (University of Kentucky 1968) - House Corporation President
Benjamin R. Harper (University of Kentucky 1969) - House Corporation President
C. Edward Hastie (University of Kentucky 1968) - House Corporation President
Charles D. Leffler (University of Kentucky 1972) - House Corporation President
Thomas E. Bloch (University of Kentucky 1972) - House Corporation Vice President
Drew M. Brown (University of Kentucky 2005) - House Corporation Vice President
Harry L. Dadds (University of Kentucky 1971) - House Corporation Vice President
Charles D. Leffler (University of Kentucky 1972) - House Corporation Vice President
Ronald D. Wagoner (University of Kentucky 1962) - House Corporation Vice President
Patrick C. Bean (University of Kentucky 1963) - House Corporation Treasurer
James E. McCullum, III, CPA (University of Kentucky 2011) - House Corporation Treasurer
Ray J. Blankenship (University of Kentucky 1984) - House Corporation Secretary
Joseph L. Paul (University of Kentucky 1985) - House Corporation Secretary
Ronald D. Wagoner (University of Kentucky 1962) - House Corporation Secretary
Leonard M. Appel (University of Kentucky 1963) - House Corporation Member
Patrick C. Bean (University of Kentucky 1963) - House Corporation Member
Thomas E. Bloch (University of Kentucky 1972) - House Corporation Member
Daniel R. Darby (University of Kentucky 2018) - House Corporation Member
David A. Flanagan (University of Kentucky 1960) - House Corporation Member
Benjamin R. Harper (University of Kentucky 1969) - House Corporation Member
C. Edward Hastie (University of Kentucky 1968) - House Corporation Member
Thomas R. Herndon, Jr. (University of Kentucky 1969) - House Corporation Member
Charles F. Holloway, III (University of Kentucky 1997) - House Corporation Member
Robert R. Kunkle (University of Kentucky 1966) - House Corporation Member
Joseph T. Richardson (University of Kentucky 1971) - House Corporation Member
Ronald D. Wagoner (University of Kentucky 1962) - House Corporation Member
Douglas H. Banks (University of Maine Orono 1982) - House Corporation President
T. Christian Cole (University of Maine Orono 1990) - House Corporation President
Alan E. Douville, Jr. (University of Maine Orono 1987) - House Corporation President
Joseph W. Grabarz (University of Maine Orono 2005) - House Corporation President
Edward H. Keith (University of Maine Orono 1949) - House Corporation President
Thomas W. Ladd (University of Maine Orono 1983) - House Corporation President
Michael W. O'Leary (University of Maine Orono 1970) - House Corporation President
Roger T. Routh (University of Maine Orono 1990) - House Corporation President
Jonathan B. Smith (University of Maine Orono 1990) - House Corporation President
Andrew C. Bradford (University of Maine Orono 1987) - House Corporation Treasurer
Alan E. Douville, Jr. (University of Maine Orono 1987) - House Corporation Treasurer
James S. Fassett (University of Maine Orono 1983) - House Corporation Treasurer
Joel P. Gardiner (University of Maine Orono 1983) - House Corporation Treasurer
Robert J. McKay, II (University of Maine Orono 1988) - House Corporation Treasurer
William R. McLean (University of Maine Orono 1981) - House Corporation Treasurer
William A. Oliver (University of Maine Orono 1955) - House Corporation Treasurer
Patrick E. Perry (University of Maine Orono 1982) - House Corporation Treasurer
Stephen A. Wilson (University of Maine Orono 1984) - House Corporation Treasurer
John W. Ballou (University of Maine Orono 1949) - House Corporation Secretary
Jay L. Clement (University of Maine Orono 1982) - House Corporation Secretary
Alan E. Douville, Jr. (University of Maine Orono 1987) - House Corporation Secretary
Thomas C. Hicks (University of Maine Orono 1982) - House Corporation Secretary
Douglas H. Banks (University of Maine Orono 1982) - House Corporation Member
Ethan D. Eisenhaur (University of Maine Orono 2013) - House Corporation Member
Gregory C. Holmes (University of Maine Orono 1982) - House Corporation Member
Colby Malcolm (University of Maine Orono 2010) - House Corporation Member
Patrick E. Perry (University of Maine Orono 1982) - House Corporation Member
Michael P. Soloby (University of Maine Orono 1971) - House Corporation Member
James A. Batchelder (University of Maryland 1982) - House Corporation President
Albert J. Bidwick, III (University of Maryland 1979) - House Corporation President
Louis A. Fusco, IV (University of Maryland 2018) - House Corporation President
Charles C. Garrison (University of Maryland 2008) - House Corporation President
Steven A. Lagana (University of Maryland 1989) - House Corporation President
Douglas J. Peters (University of Maryland 1985) - House Corporation President
Dale W. Rickenbach (University of Maryland 1981) - House Corporation President
Ryan Schwartzberg (University of Maryland 2001) - House Corporation President
Frank D. McQuilkin (University of Maryland 1982) - House Corporation Vice President
Patrick D. Welch (University of Maryland 1983) - House Corporation Vice President
James A. Batchelder (University of Maryland 1982) - House Corporation Treasurer
Ramez M. Fahmy (University of Maryland 1993) - House Corporation Treasurer
Douglas J. Link (University of Maryland 1989) - House Corporation Treasurer
Michael R. Price (University of Maryland 1989) - House Corporation Treasurer
Ryan Schwartzberg (University of Maryland 2001) - House Corporation Treasurer
Andrew M. Stottmann (University of Maryland 2010) - House Corporation Treasurer
E. Lindell Bowman, III (University of Maryland 1987) - House Corporation Secretary
Frank D. McQuilkin (University of Maryland 1982) - House Corporation Secretary
David A. Schiller (University of Maryland 1987) - House Corporation Secretary
Bryan F. Schwenker (University of Maryland 1989) - House Corporation Secretary
David C. Woll, Jr. (University of Maryland 1987) - House Corporation Secretary
James A. Batchelder (University of Maryland 1982) - House Corporation Member
Albert J. Bidwick, III (University of Maryland 1979) - House Corporation Member
Ramez M. Fahmy (University of Maryland 1993) - House Corporation Member
Louis A. Fusco, IV (University of Maryland 2018) - House Corporation Member
Charles C. Garrison (University of Maryland 2008) - House Corporation Member
Brendan T. Harman (University of Maryland 2013) - House Corporation Member
Neil S. Heyison (University of Maryland 1981) - House Corporation Member
Douglas J. Link (University of Maryland 1989) - House Corporation Member
Allan S. Lynn (University of Maryland 1984) - House Corporation Member
Alexander Mostkov (University of Maryland 2001) - House Corporation Member
Donald A. Parr (University of Maryland 1988) - House Corporation Member
Dale W. Rickenbach (University of Maryland 1981) - House Corporation Member
Benjamin E. Rupert (University of Maryland 2006) - House Corporation Member
Richard A. Sargent (University of Maryland 1980) - House Corporation Member
Andrew M. Stottmann (University of Maryland 2010) - House Corporation Member
W. Blair Thurmond, Jr. (University of Maryland 1981) - House Corporation Member
Gregory P. Vallach (University of Maryland 2008) - House Corporation Member
Kurt L. Zanelotti (University of Maryland 1980) - House Corporation Member
Alan G. Crone (University of Memphis 1987) - House Corporation President
Richard G. Groff (University of Memphis 1991) - House Corporation President
S. Todd Steele (University of Memphis 1995) - House Corporation President
Robert A. Svoboda (University of Memphis 1978) - House Corporation President
Samuel H. Hardison, Jr. (University of Memphis 1988) - House Corporation Vice President
Larry T. Cunningham (University of Memphis 1973) - House Corporation Treasurer
Robert A. Svoboda (University of Memphis 1978) - House Corporation Treasurer
Richard G. Groff (University of Memphis 1991) - House Corporation Secretary
James T. Guess (University of Memphis 1989) - House Corporation Secretary
James T. Guess (University of Memphis 1989) - House Corporation Member
Christopher A. White (University of Memphis 1995) - House Corporation Member
Robert P. Anderson (University of Michigan 1982) - House Corporation President
John R. Bevington (University of Michigan 1972) - House Corporation President
John M. Bisaro (University of Michigan 1978) - House Corporation President
Leo M. Calhoun (University of Michigan 1950) - House Corporation President
C. Robert Carson (University of Michigan 1949) - House Corporation President
Jeffrey A. Chiambretti (University of Michigan 2006) - House Corporation President
Donald M. Nichols (University of Michigan 1950) - House Corporation President
Christopher G. Parker (University of Michigan 1968) - House Corporation President
Kelley V. Rea (University of Michigan 1966) - House Corporation President
Edward P. Ross (University of Michigan 1980) - House Corporation President
George H. Shaffer (University of Michigan 1948) - House Corporation President
Eugene L. Ryan (University of Michigan 1950) - House Corporation Vice President
George H. Shaffer (University of Michigan 1948) - House Corporation Vice President
Arthur E. Albin (University of Michigan 1979) - House Corporation Treasurer
John R. Bevington (University of Michigan 1972) - House Corporation Treasurer
Thomas R. Eames (University of Michigan 1965) - House Corporation Treasurer
Andrew C. Hans (University of Michigan 1981) - House Corporation Treasurer
Gregory J. Mulder (University of Michigan 1978) - House Corporation Treasurer
Mark L. Persitz (University of Michigan 1977) - House Corporation Treasurer
George H. Shaffer (University of Michigan 1948) - House Corporation Treasurer
Gregory J. Mulder (University of Michigan 1978) - House Corporation Secretary
Donald M. Nichols (University of Michigan 1950) - House Corporation Secretary
Robert B. Webster (University of Michigan 1953) - House Corporation Secretary
Frederick F. Woodward (University of Michigan 1949) - House Corporation Secretary
Robert P. Anderson (University of Michigan 1982) - House Corporation Member
Leo M. Calhoun (University of Michigan 1950) - House Corporation Member
Leo M. Calhoun, Jr. (University of Michigan 1976) - House Corporation Member
C. Robert Carson (University of Michigan 1949) - House Corporation Member
Jeffrey A. Chiambretti (University of Michigan 2006) - House Corporation Member
Phelps M. Connell (University of Michigan 1950) - House Corporation Member
Gordon S. Erley (University of Michigan 1982) - House Corporation Member
George A. Fischer, Jr. (University of Michigan 1985) - House Corporation Member
Michael S. Garry, Jr. (University of Michigan 1973) - House Corporation Member
Joseph L. Gimmarro (University of Michigan 1981) - House Corporation Member
Andrew C. Hans (University of Michigan 1981) - House Corporation Member
Paul M. Heininger (University of Michigan 1974) - House Corporation Member
Scott F. Hesse (University of Michigan 1992) - House Corporation Member
Timothy L. Hill (University of Michigan 1982) - House Corporation Member
Brent C. Jacobs (University of Michigan 2003) - House Corporation Member
Cale A. Johnson (University of Michigan 2006) - House Corporation Member
Kevin L. Kennett (University of Michigan 1978) - House Corporation Member
Joseph L. Middleton, Jr. (University of Michigan 1953) - House Corporation Member
Salvatore G. Morgan (University of Michigan 1981) - House Corporation Member
Gregory J. Mulder (University of Michigan 1978) - House Corporation Member
David A. Murrell (University of Michigan 1994) - House Corporation Member
John D. Perry (University of Michigan 1985) - House Corporation Member
Mark L. Persitz (University of Michigan 1977) - House Corporation Member
Kelley V. Rea (University of Michigan 1966) - House Corporation Member
Eugene L. Ryan (University of Michigan 1950) - House Corporation Member
George D. Seymour (University of Michigan 1939) - House Corporation Member
George H. Shaffer (University of Michigan 1948) - House Corporation Member
William A. Shrosbree (University of Michigan 1980) - House Corporation Member
Donald S. Smith (University of Michigan 1929) - House Corporation Member
David M. Tremonti (University of Michigan 1985) - House Corporation Member
James G. Awada, Sr. (University of Minnesota 1958) - House Corporation President
Brian R. Johnson (University of Minnesota 1982) - House Corporation President
J. P. O'Grady (University of Minnesota 1947) - House Corporation President
Jack L. Pfeilsticker (University of Minnesota 1967) - House Corporation President
Peter M. Simpkins (University of Minnesota 2013) - House Corporation President
Michael P. Spack (University of Minnesota 1996) - House Corporation President
Matthew R. Swenson (University of Minnesota 2012) - House Corporation President
Timothy D. Swierczek (University of Minnesota 1995) - House Corporation President
Dale O. Thornsjo (University of Minnesota 1980) - House Corporation President
Robert P. Anthony (University of Minnesota 1946) - House Corporation Vice President
John D. Blaska (University of Minnesota 1998) - House Corporation Vice President
Gunnar L. Carlson (University of Minnesota 1998) - House Corporation Vice President
Robert J. Hanten (University of Minnesota 1979) - House Corporation Vice President
Thomas S. Hanten (University of Minnesota 1972) - House Corporation Vice President
Peter M. Simpkins (University of Minnesota 2013) - House Corporation Vice President
Larry G. Brown (University of Minnesota 1963) - House Corporation Treasurer
Roy S. Haugen (University of Minnesota 1966) - House Corporation Treasurer
David W. Johnston (University of Minnesota 1960) - House Corporation Treasurer
W. Penn Nelson (University of Minnesota 1957) - House Corporation Treasurer
J. P. O'Grady (University of Minnesota 1947) - House Corporation Treasurer
Troy M. Rossow (University of Minnesota 1986) - House Corporation Treasurer
Michael P. Spack (University of Minnesota 1996) - House Corporation Treasurer
William F. Hullsiek (University of Minnesota 1980) - House Corporation Secretary
Carey D. Lyons (University of Minnesota 1979) - House Corporation Secretary
Dale O. Thornsjo (University of Minnesota 1980) - House Corporation Secretary
Christian M. Ahern (University of Minnesota 2017) - House Corporation Member
James G. Awada, Sr. (University of Minnesota 1958) - House Corporation Member
Michael E. Awada (University of Minnesota 1986) - House Corporation Member
Jason D. Baker (University of Minnesota 1991) - House Corporation Member
James M. Bartholomew (University of Minnesota 1981) - House Corporation Member
Eric P. Christiansen (University of Minnesota 1976) - House Corporation Member
William G. Cooper (University of Minnesota 1937) - House Corporation Member
Eric J. Dagenhardt (University of Minnesota 2011) - House Corporation Member
David H. Frykman (University of Minnesota 1981) - House Corporation Member
Corey D. Furst (University of Minnesota 1996) - House Corporation Member
Albert H. Heimbach (University of Minnesota 1942) - House Corporation Member
William F. Hullsiek (University of Minnesota 1980) - House Corporation Member
Brett R. Kinzel (University of Minnesota 1989) - House Corporation Member
Robert L. Klingel (University of Minnesota 1991) - House Corporation Member
Arthur H. Klobe (University of Minnesota 1941) - House Corporation Member
Matthew R. Lange (University of Minnesota 2019) - House Corporation Member
Waldo F. Marquart (University of Minnesota 1931) - House Corporation Member
Earle G. Maynard (University of Minnesota 1949) - House Corporation Member
Paul J. Michaelson (University of Minnesota 1981) - House Corporation Member
W. Penn Nelson (University of Minnesota 1957) - House Corporation Member
John M. Palmer (University of Minnesota 1928) - House Corporation Member
Willard J. Patty, Jr. (University of Minnesota 1951) - House Corporation Member
Jack L. Pfeilsticker (University of Minnesota 1967) - House Corporation Member
William R. Rohlf (University of Minnesota 1980) - House Corporation Member
Peter M. Simpkins (University of Minnesota 2013) - House Corporation Member
Michael P. Spack (University of Minnesota 1996) - House Corporation Member
Matthew R. Swenson (University of Minnesota 2012) - House Corporation Member
Timothy D. Swierczek (University of Minnesota 1995) - House Corporation Member
Sean A. Haynes (University of Mississippi 1995) - House Corporation President
Robert A. Norris (University of Mississippi 1995) - House Corporation President
Charles R. Counce, Jr. (University of Mississippi 1994) - House Corporation Vice President
Sean A. Haynes (University of Mississippi 1995) - House Corporation Vice President
Charles R. Counce, Jr. (University of Mississippi 1994) - House Corporation Treasurer
Stephen J. D'Surney (University of Mississippi 1999) - House Corporation Treasurer
R. Craig Long (University of Mississippi 1997) - House Corporation Secretary
Robert A. Norris (University of Mississippi 1995) - House Corporation Secretary
James A. Fitts (University of Missouri 1987) - House Corporation President
Richard K. Hendrich (University of Missouri 1955) - House Corporation President
Michael P. Horton (University of Missouri 1964) - House Corporation President
Larry R. Marshall (University of Missouri 1958) - House Corporation President
Charles J. McMullin (University of Missouri 1939) - House Corporation President
Lee A. Mendenhall (University of Missouri 1985) - House Corporation President
James Millan (University of Missouri 1953) - House Corporation President
Norman E. Penfold, USN (University of Missouri 1948) - House Corporation President
Grayson E. Peters (University of Missouri 1956) - House Corporation President
Robert W. Pohl (University of Missouri 1964) - House Corporation President
Curtis C. Sawyer (University of Missouri 1988) - House Corporation President
Richard E. Schanbacher (University of Missouri 1955) - House Corporation President
James R. Sidwell (University of Missouri 1958) - House Corporation President
Clifford B. Smith (University of Missouri 1941) - House Corporation President
Thomas B. Snider (University of Missouri 1996) - House Corporation President
H. W. Swearingen (University of Missouri 1959) - House Corporation President
Stafford M. Swearingen (University of Missouri 1986) - House Corporation President
Mark C. Townsend (University of Missouri 1980) - House Corporation President
Edward H. Wilkie (University of Missouri 1935) - House Corporation President
William H. Barron, III (University of Missouri 1959) - House Corporation Vice President
A. Overton Durrett, Jr. (University of Missouri 1954) - House Corporation Vice President
Kevin L. Fritz (University of Missouri 1989) - House Corporation Vice President
Robert S. Gardner (University of Missouri 1953) - House Corporation Vice President
Lawrence T. Gill (University of Missouri 1951) - House Corporation Vice President
Michael P. Horton (University of Missouri 1964) - House Corporation Vice President
Vernon M. Jones (University of Missouri 1951) - House Corporation Vice President
S. Scott Koerner (University of Missouri 1973) - House Corporation Vice President
Loren Logan (University of Missouri 1938) - House Corporation Vice President
James A. Montgomery (University of Missouri 1957) - House Corporation Vice President
Richard V. Stauffer (University of Missouri 1993) - House Corporation Vice President
H. W. Swearingen (University of Missouri 1959) - House Corporation Vice President
Craig E. Bowen (University of Missouri 1996) - House Corporation Treasurer
Peter M. Cargill (University of Missouri 1979) - House Corporation Treasurer
David M. Dannov (University of Missouri 1983) - House Corporation Treasurer
R. Andrew DeShon (University of Missouri 1982) - House Corporation Treasurer
Lawrence T. Gill (University of Missouri 1951) - House Corporation Treasurer
Charles J. McMullin (University of Missouri 1939) - House Corporation Treasurer
Norman E. Penfold, USN (University of Missouri 1948) - House Corporation Treasurer
William A. Springer (University of Missouri 1984) - House Corporation Treasurer
Paul L. Vogel (University of Missouri 1989) - House Corporation Treasurer
Edward H. Wilkie (University of Missouri 1935) - House Corporation Treasurer
William H. Barron, III (University of Missouri 1959) - House Corporation Secretary
Michael G. Berry (University of Missouri 1981) - House Corporation Secretary
Leo E. Eickhoff (University of Missouri 1954) - House Corporation Secretary
Richard K. Hendrich (University of Missouri 1955) - House Corporation Secretary
Jeffrey T. Kennedy (University of Missouri 1989) - House Corporation Secretary
Keith M. Malvern (University of Missouri 1979) - House Corporation Secretary
James Millan (University of Missouri 1953) - House Corporation Secretary
Robert W. Pohl (University of Missouri 1964) - House Corporation Secretary
James B. Slusher (University of Missouri 1953) - House Corporation Secretary
Cody J. Basch (University of Missouri 2018) - House Corporation Member
George W. Clements, Jr. (University of Missouri 1961) - House Corporation Member
R. Andrew DeShon (University of Missouri 1982) - House Corporation Member
James R. Guffey (University of Missouri 1952) - House Corporation Member
Ralph A. Hill (University of Missouri 1981) - House Corporation Member
Andrew J. Hoffmann (University of Missouri 2018) - House Corporation Member
Michael P. Horton (University of Missouri 1964) - House Corporation Member
J. Wells Hull (University of Missouri 1954) - House Corporation Member
Charles W. James (University of Missouri 1959) - House Corporation Member
Timothy A. Jenkins (University of Missouri 1992) - House Corporation Member
Eric S. Krugh (University of Missouri 1983) - House Corporation Member
Edwin A. Lips, Jr. (University of Missouri 1959) - House Corporation Member
Keith M. Malvern (University of Missouri 1979) - House Corporation Member
Larry R. Marshall (University of Missouri 1958) - House Corporation Member
David B. Mendenhall (University of Missouri 1971) - House Corporation Member
Lee A. Mendenhall (University of Missouri 1985) - House Corporation Member
Greg R. Meyer (University of Missouri 1979) - House Corporation Member
James A. Montgomery (University of Missouri 1957) - House Corporation Member
William L. Orr (University of Missouri 1964) - House Corporation Member
John M. Park (University of Missouri 1931) - House Corporation Member
Norman E. Penfold, USN (University of Missouri 1948) - House Corporation Member
Lee S. Rhoades (University of Missouri 1991) - House Corporation Member
Richard E. Schanbacher (University of Missouri 1955) - House Corporation Member
Scott A. Schieber (University of Missouri 1994) - House Corporation Member
Matthew T. Seidel (University of Missouri 2013) - House Corporation Member
James R. Sidwell (University of Missouri 1958) - House Corporation Member
Thomas B. Snider (University of Missouri 1996) - House Corporation Member
John R. Stanard (University of Missouri 1962) - House Corporation Member
Jeffrey L. Wagoner, USN (University of Missouri 1986) - House Corporation Member
Marvin E. Wright (University of Missouri 1958) - House Corporation Member
Philip L. Clayton (University of Montana 1987) - House Corporation President
Frederick C. Arnold (University of Nebraska 1931) - House Corporation President
Jeffrey L. Howorth (University of Nebraska 1987) - House Corporation President
Joel G. Lonowski (University of Nebraska 1986) - House Corporation President
John D. Osterholm (University of Nebraska 1996) - House Corporation President
N. W. Solomon (University of Nebraska 1951) - House Corporation President
Walter G. Stephenson (University of Nebraska 1951) - House Corporation President
William D. Craig, V (University of Nebraska 1998) - House Corporation Vice President
Lynn S. Lightner (University of Nebraska 1957) - House Corporation Vice President
Jeffrey L. Freed (University of Nebraska 1972) - House Corporation Treasurer
Paul J. Gruidel (University of Nebraska 1986) - House Corporation Treasurer
Chad L. Pfeiffer (University of Nebraska 2001) - House Corporation Treasurer
Eric J. Drumheller (University of Nebraska 1998) - House Corporation Secretary
Thomas J. Fitchett (University of Nebraska 1963) - House Corporation Secretary
Brian M. Hensley (University of Nebraska 1998) - House Corporation Secretary
Michael S. Cassling (University of Nebraska 1986) - House Corporation Member
Steven D. Dugger (University of Nebraska 2003) - House Corporation Member
Scott A. Erickson (University of Nebraska 1997) - House Corporation Member
Scott S. Glup (University of Nebraska 1982) - House Corporation Member
James B. Goll (University of Nebraska 2001) - House Corporation Member
J. Cody Larson (University of Nebraska 2003) - House Corporation Member
Joel G. Lonowski (University of Nebraska 1986) - House Corporation Member
Benjamin J. Matya (University of Nebraska 2002) - House Corporation Member
Lloyd D. McBeth (University of Nebraska 1950) - House Corporation Member
Scott R. Oman (University of Nebraska 1983) - House Corporation Member
Robert J. Parker, Jr. (University of Nebraska 1986) - House Corporation Member
William L. Russell (University of Nebraska 1961) - House Corporation Member
G. Greg Sawyers (University of Nebraska 1973) - House Corporation Member
Mark A. Scott (University of Nebraska 2003) - House Corporation Member
Joseph L. Skradski, DDS (University of Nebraska 1983) - House Corporation Member
Joseph M. Staroska (University of Nebraska 1997) - House Corporation Member
Scott A. Thompson (University of Nebraska 1994) - House Corporation Member
Michael C. Ziemba (University of Nebraska 1973) - House Corporation Member
Joshua A. Derrig (University of New Mexico 2008) - House Corporation President
Brian K. Gonzales (University of New Mexico 1989) - House Corporation President
Thomas E. Joule (University of New Mexico 1969) - House Corporation President
Robert O. Moore (University of New Mexico 1971) - House Corporation President
Joseph B. Lauer (University of New Mexico 1985) - House Corporation Treasurer
Lance G. Stendal (University of New Mexico 1993) - House Corporation Treasurer
Timothy A. Brennan (University of New Mexico 1976) - House Corporation Member
J. Michael Goodart (University of New Mexico 1969) - House Corporation Member
Richard W. Hobson (University of New Mexico 1967) - House Corporation Member
Phillip C. Ingram (University of New Mexico 1970) - House Corporation Member
Joseph Samora (University of New Mexico 1978) - House Corporation Member
Michael D. Sei (University of New Mexico 1974) - House Corporation Member
Lance G. Stendal (University of New Mexico 1993) - House Corporation Member
Kenneth R. Wagner (University of New Mexico 1969) - House Corporation Member
Warren C. Brink (University of North Alabama 2006) - House Corporation President
Robert L. Cox (University of North Alabama 1982) - House Corporation President
R. Keith Henley (University of North Alabama 1989) - House Corporation President
Michael L. Johnson (University of North Alabama 1977) - House Corporation President
William P. Rogers (University of North Alabama 1975) - House Corporation President
J. Scott Young (University of North Alabama 1983) - House Corporation President
R. Keith Henley (University of North Alabama 1989) - House Corporation Treasurer
Kerry P. Riley (University of North Alabama 1983) - House Corporation Treasurer
William P. Rogers (University of North Alabama 1975) - House Corporation Treasurer
Douglas P. Tallman (University of North Alabama 1974) - House Corporation Treasurer
William P. Rogers (University of North Alabama 1975) - House Corporation Secretary
B. Gern Bryan, Jr. (University of North Alabama 1990) - House Corporation Member
Jeffrey L. Claunch (University of North Alabama 1984) - House Corporation Member
Michael B. Collins (University of North Alabama 1995) - House Corporation Member
Blake C. Crain (University of North Alabama 1995) - House Corporation Member
Bobby J. Dolan, Jr. (University of North Alabama 1987) - House Corporation Member
George J. Ellis, III (University of North Alabama 1980) - House Corporation Member
Jason S. Evans (University of North Alabama 1998) - House Corporation Member
R. Keith Henley (University of North Alabama 1989) - House Corporation Member
Michael L. Johnson (University of North Alabama 1977) - House Corporation Member
Russell B. LeMay (University of North Alabama 1995) - House Corporation Member
David J. Norvell (University of North Alabama 2000) - House Corporation Member
Donald H. Pitts (University of North Alabama 2001) - House Corporation Member
William P. Rogers (University of North Alabama 1975) - House Corporation Member
Michael D. Russell (University of North Alabama 1992) - House Corporation Member
Miles H. Sledge, Jr. (University of North Alabama 1986) - House Corporation Member
Douglas P. Tallman (University of North Alabama 1974) - House Corporation Member
Jerry R. Witt (University of North Alabama 1978) - House Corporation Member
J. Scott Young (University of North Alabama 1983) - House Corporation Member
David H. Batten (University of North Carolina 1979) - House Corporation President
Marvin J. Carver, III (University of North Carolina 1975) - House Corporation President
Ted N. Griffin (University of North Carolina 1971) - House Corporation President
Charles W. Holderness (University of North Carolina 1974) - House Corporation President
John W. Hughes, III (University of North Carolina 1966) - House Corporation President
Lawrence M. Johnson (University of North Carolina 1947) - House Corporation President
James C. Lanier, Jr. (University of North Carolina 1948) - House Corporation President
William E. Mackie (University of North Carolina 1947) - House Corporation President
Thomas G. Nisbet, Jr. (University of North Carolina 1971) - House Corporation President
D. Franklin Pierce (University of North Carolina 1977) - House Corporation President
Fairfax C. Reynolds (University of North Carolina 1975) - House Corporation President
Sanford W. Thompson, III (University of North Carolina 1949) - House Corporation President
Alfred W. Griffin, Jr. (University of North Carolina 1948) - House Corporation Vice President
Ben G. Irons, II (University of North Carolina 1971) - House Corporation Vice President
David W. McPhail (University of North Carolina 2005) - House Corporation Vice President
George T. Barnes, Jr. (University of North Carolina 1992) - House Corporation Treasurer
Charles E. Bell, III (University of North Carolina 1991) - House Corporation Treasurer
Lawrence J. Caison, Jr. (University of North Carolina 1978) - House Corporation Treasurer
William S. Creekmuir (University of North Carolina 1977) - House Corporation Treasurer
Charles W. Holderness (University of North Carolina 1974) - House Corporation Treasurer
William E. Stanley, Jr. (University of North Carolina 1965) - House Corporation Treasurer
Ronald A. Batchelor (University of North Carolina 1981) - House Corporation Secretary
Charles W. Holderness (University of North Carolina 1974) - House Corporation Secretary
Jack H. Spain, Jr. (University of North Carolina 1960) - House Corporation Secretary
Benjamin G. Alford (University of North Carolina 1973) - House Corporation Member
George T. Barnes, Jr. (University of North Carolina 1992) - House Corporation Member
David H. Batten (University of North Carolina 1979) - House Corporation Member
H. Edward Boyles, Jr. (University of North Carolina 1984) - House Corporation Member
Michael C. Brown III (University of North Carolina 2004) - House Corporation Member
Jeffrey H. Cooke (University of North Carolina 2001) - House Corporation Member
Michael F. Easley (University of North Carolina 1972) - House Corporation Member
Stuart M. Frantz (University of North Carolina 1979) - House Corporation Member
Alfred W. Griffin, Jr. (University of North Carolina 1948) - House Corporation Member
Ned W. Griffin (University of North Carolina 1974) - House Corporation Member
Reginald B. Griffin (University of North Carolina 1953) - House Corporation Member
John W. Hawkins (University of North Carolina 1977) - House Corporation Member
Hayes R. Holderness (University of North Carolina 1979) - House Corporation Member
Lawrence M. Johnson (University of North Carolina 1947) - House Corporation Member
D. Worth Joyner, III (University of North Carolina 2000) - House Corporation Member
Henry M. Kidd (University of North Carolina 1983) - House Corporation Member
Byron B. Kirkland (University of North Carolina 1983) - House Corporation Member
Laurence B. Maddison, III (University of North Carolina 1992) - House Corporation Member
Samuel H. Manning (University of North Carolina 1994) - House Corporation Member
Paul C. McCoy (University of North Carolina 1998) - House Corporation Member
Joseph E. Peele (University of North Carolina 1977) - House Corporation Member
D. Franklin Pierce (University of North Carolina 1977) - House Corporation Member
Fairfax C. Reynolds (University of North Carolina 1975) - House Corporation Member
James F. Royall (University of North Carolina 1976) - House Corporation Member
James B. Sessoms (University of North Carolina 1976) - House Corporation Member
Lindsay F. Sewell (University of North Carolina 1998) - House Corporation Member
Sanford W. Thompson, III (University of North Carolina 1949) - House Corporation Member
Matthew D. Vaughan (University of North Carolina 2001) - House Corporation Member
George C. Venters (University of North Carolina 1996) - House Corporation Member
W. Holton Wilkerson, Jr. (University of North Carolina 2000) - House Corporation Member
Julian R. Williamson (University of North Carolina 1984) - House Corporation Member
Robert W. Winston, III (University of North Carolina 1984) - House Corporation Member
Mathew B. Mello (University of North Texas 2013) - House Corporation President
Daniel Avila (University of North Texas 2013) - House Corporation Member
Horacio L. Hernandez (University of North Texas 2013) - House Corporation Member
Kevin D. Trowbridge (University of North Texas 2014) - House Corporation Member
Kent A. Bogart (University of Oklahoma 1961) - House Corporation President
Clark H. Boyles, Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1962) - House Corporation President
Richard H. Clements (University of Oklahoma 1948) - House Corporation President
Joseph S. Ellis (University of Oklahoma 1950) - House Corporation President
Charles L. Freede (University of Oklahoma 1969) - House Corporation President
Randy K. Hill (University of Oklahoma 1972) - House Corporation President
Stephen A. Jernigan (University of Oklahoma 1969) - House Corporation President
J. Bruce MacKellar (University of Oklahoma 1992) - House Corporation President
D. Lindsay Perkins (University of Oklahoma 1963) - House Corporation President
E. Tod Sanger (University of Oklahoma 1981) - House Corporation President
Michael C. Thomas (University of Oklahoma 1972) - House Corporation President
Ted G. Vogle (University of Oklahoma 1961) - House Corporation President
Robert E. Wilbur (University of Oklahoma 1963) - House Corporation President
Kent A. Bogart (University of Oklahoma 1961) - House Corporation Vice President
Mark R. McPhail (University of Oklahoma 1989) - House Corporation Vice President
Stewart E. Meyers, Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1956) - House Corporation Vice President
Steven R. Steakley (University of Oklahoma 1968) - House Corporation Vice President
David A. Cain (University of Oklahoma 1966) - House Corporation Treasurer
Justin T. Hiersche (University of Oklahoma 2002) - House Corporation Treasurer
James A. Hyde (University of Oklahoma 1968) - House Corporation Treasurer
J. Bruce MacKellar (University of Oklahoma 1992) - House Corporation Treasurer
James R. Price (University of Oklahoma 1973) - House Corporation Treasurer
Jack O. Roberts (University of Oklahoma 1959) - House Corporation Treasurer
Steven R. Steakley (University of Oklahoma 1968) - House Corporation Treasurer
Richard W. Gentry (University of Oklahoma 1967) - House Corporation Secretary
James L. Gibbs, II (University of Oklahoma 1990) - House Corporation Secretary
J. Logan Johnson (University of Oklahoma 1985) - House Corporation Secretary
Joe M. Kouri (University of Oklahoma 1972) - House Corporation Secretary
Clay B. Nixon (University of Oklahoma 1952) - House Corporation Secretary
Jack O. Roberts (University of Oklahoma 1959) - House Corporation Secretary
Charles K. Webster (University of Oklahoma 1963) - House Corporation Secretary
David A. Cain (University of Oklahoma 1966) - House Corporation Member
L. Thomas Dulaney, Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1961) - House Corporation Member
Stephen P. Garrett (University of Oklahoma 1966) - House Corporation Member
Donald W. Haskins (University of Oklahoma 1957) - House Corporation Member
Stephen A. Jernigan (University of Oklahoma 1969) - House Corporation Member
Ray Kinsinger (University of Oklahoma 1961) - House Corporation Member
Curtis W. Mewbourne (University of Oklahoma 1957) - House Corporation Member
Stewart E. Meyers, Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1956) - House Corporation Member
Homer Paul, Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1954) - House Corporation Member
Richard K. Ratcliffe (University of Oklahoma 1961) - House Corporation Member
Gregory T. Robertson (University of Oklahoma 1991) - House Corporation Member
William W. Rodgers, Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1959) - House Corporation Member
E. Tod Sanger (University of Oklahoma 1981) - House Corporation Member
Lee Allan G. Smith (University of Oklahoma 1951) - House Corporation Member
John O. Sparks (University of Oklahoma 1961) - House Corporation Member
Louis F. Trost, Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1950) - House Corporation Member
James L. Wade, II (University of Oklahoma 1980) - House Corporation Member
Jason H. Bader (University of Oregon 1990) - House Corporation President
Richard M. Bader (University of Oregon 1960) - House Corporation President
Herman Castellano (University of Oregon 1989) - House Corporation President
William T. Cromwell (University of Oregon 1958) - House Corporation President
Richard C. Easton (University of Oregon 1959) - House Corporation President
John K. Gram (University of Oregon 1952) - House Corporation President
Peter S. Gray (University of Oregon 1980) - House Corporation President
Walter H. Grebe (University of Oregon 1960) - House Corporation President
Thomas J. Lekas (University of Oregon 1953) - House Corporation President
Raymond E. Stevens (University of Oregon 1954) - House Corporation President
Alvonte B. Thompson (University of Oregon 2021) - House Corporation President
Robert P. DeKoning (University of Oregon 1951) - House Corporation Vice President
Michael R. Graeper (University of Oregon 1962) - House Corporation Vice President
Donald H. Holman, Jr. (University of Oregon 1959) - House Corporation Vice President
Willett R. Lake, Jr. (University of Oregon 1950) - House Corporation Vice President
Creighton H. Lau (University of Oregon 1977) - House Corporation Vice President
John T. Shaw (University of Oregon 1979) - House Corporation Vice President
Marc H. Alport (University of Oregon 1968) - House Corporation Treasurer
Jeffrey D. English (University of Oregon 1980) - House Corporation Treasurer
Jacob G. Gram (University of Oregon 2016) - House Corporation Treasurer
John K. Gram (University of Oregon 1952) - House Corporation Treasurer
George A. Lekas (University of Oregon 1997) - House Corporation Treasurer
Jess M. Shinn (University of Oregon 1941) - House Corporation Treasurer
Harrison M. Spain (University of Oregon 1933) - House Corporation Treasurer
John R. Thoma (University of Oregon 1988) - House Corporation Treasurer
Peter J. Vos (University of Oregon 2020) - House Corporation Treasurer
Richard M. Bader (University of Oregon 1960) - House Corporation Secretary
Donald J. DeFrancq (University of Oregon 1959) - House Corporation Secretary
Ronald A. Feightner (University of Oregon 1969) - House Corporation Secretary
John K. Gram (University of Oregon 1952) - House Corporation Secretary
Creighton H. Lau (University of Oregon 1977) - House Corporation Secretary
Daniel E. Lees (University of Oregon 1958) - House Corporation Secretary
William K. Ralston (University of Oregon 1950) - House Corporation Secretary
Jason H. Bader (University of Oregon 1990) - House Corporation Member
Richard M. Bader (University of Oregon 1960) - House Corporation Member
William A. Bennett (University of Oregon 1993) - House Corporation Member
Andrew R. Berg (University of Oregon 1990) - House Corporation Member
James V. Bernhard (University of Oregon 1950) - House Corporation Member
Carl V. H. Burnham, III (University of Oregon 1984) - House Corporation Member
Kevin A. Capuzzi (University of Oregon 1990) - House Corporation Member
Richard C. Easton (University of Oregon 1959) - House Corporation Member
Ronald A. Feightner (University of Oregon 1969) - House Corporation Member
Chresten J. Gram (University of Oregon 1986) - House Corporation Member
Peter S. Gray (University of Oregon 1980) - House Corporation Member
Walter H. Grebe (University of Oregon 1960) - House Corporation Member
Creighton H. Lau (University of Oregon 1977) - House Corporation Member
Daniel P. Lavey (University of Oregon 1988) - House Corporation Member
Michael E. Lyford (University of Oregon 2016) - House Corporation Member
Dean E. McGee (University of Oregon 1979) - House Corporation Member
Brady R. Ostergren (University of Oregon 1988) - House Corporation Member
James M. Paustian (University of Oregon 1998) - House Corporation Member
Kevin I. Pedigo (University of Oregon 1990) - House Corporation Member
William J. Prenger (University of Oregon 1968) - House Corporation Member
Gregory S. Rasmussen (University of Oregon 1966) - House Corporation Member
Paul L. Smith (University of Oregon 1949) - House Corporation Member
Keith J. Trine (University of Oregon 2017) - House Corporation Member
Robert J. LeFort (University of Pennsylvania 1948) - House Corporation President
Robert J. LeFort, Jr. (University of Pennsylvania 1976) - House Corporation President
Frank J. Napolitano, Jr. (University of Pennsylvania 1977) - House Corporation President
Charles A. Schlapfer (University of Pennsylvania 1990) - House Corporation President
Terry W. Spahr (University of Pennsylvania 1988) - House Corporation President
Benjamin H. Barnett (University of Pennsylvania 1930) - House Corporation Vice President
H. Donald Harvey, Jr. (University of Pennsylvania 1958) - House Corporation Vice President
Gary D. Giegerich (University of Pennsylvania 1985) - House Corporation Treasurer
Henry C. Lucas, III (University of Pennsylvania 1953) - House Corporation Treasurer
David H. Murphy, Jr. (University of Pennsylvania 1992) - House Corporation Treasurer
Frank J. Napolitano, Jr. (University of Pennsylvania 1977) - House Corporation Treasurer
Charles A. Schlapfer (University of Pennsylvania 1990) - House Corporation Treasurer
Timothy H. Jannetta (University of Pennsylvania 1990) - House Corporation Secretary
W. J. MacIntosh (University of Pennsylvania 1922) - House Corporation Secretary
Frank J. Napolitano, Jr. (University of Pennsylvania 1977) - House Corporation Secretary
David P. Aspesi (University of Pennsylvania 1990) - House Corporation Member
McBee Butcher (University of Pennsylvania 1961) - House Corporation Member
Robert J. LeFort, Jr. (University of Pennsylvania 1976) - House Corporation Member
John P. Shoemaker (University of Pennsylvania 1987) - House Corporation Member
Jonathon S. Strauss (University of Pennsylvania 2010) - House Corporation Member
R. Tucker Twitmyer (University of Pennsylvania 1990) - House Corporation Member
Terry K. Clawson (University of Pittsburgh 1976) - House Corporation President
Christopher DeLuca (University of Pittsburgh 1989) - House Corporation President
Jack A. Foley (University of Pittsburgh 2022) - House Corporation President
J. Scot Jennings (University of Pittsburgh 1986) - House Corporation President
Robert M. Johnston (University of Pittsburgh 1990) - House Corporation President
Eli Rebich (University of Pittsburgh 1972) - House Corporation President
Timothy P. Reitmeyer (University of Pittsburgh 1974) - House Corporation President
Frank R. Rodzwicz (University of Pittsburgh 1973) - House Corporation President
Mark A. Uminski (University of Pittsburgh 1980) - House Corporation President
Bennett T. Wallander, Sr. (University of Pittsburgh 1989) - House Corporation President
Terry K. Clawson (University of Pittsburgh 1976) - House Corporation Vice President
Michael J. Demoratz (University of Pittsburgh 1983) - House Corporation Vice President
Paul T. Leslie (University of Pittsburgh 1976) - House Corporation Vice President
Blair W. Uminski (University of Pittsburgh 1983) - House Corporation Vice President
Bennett T. Wallander, Sr. (University of Pittsburgh 1989) - House Corporation Vice President
David A. Fisher (University of Pittsburgh 1986) - House Corporation Treasurer
David W. Forti (University of Pittsburgh 1992) - House Corporation Treasurer
Gary W. Hirsch (University of Pittsburgh 1973) - House Corporation Treasurer
J. Robert Horner (University of Pittsburgh 1950) - House Corporation Treasurer
George F. Keiser, Jr. (University of Pittsburgh 1982) - House Corporation Treasurer
Michael A. Moraca (University of Pittsburgh 1984) - House Corporation Treasurer
Timothy S. Moriarity (University of Pittsburgh 1988) - House Corporation Treasurer
Robert W. Osterhout (University of Pittsburgh 1954) - House Corporation Treasurer
David A. Fisher (University of Pittsburgh 1986) - House Corporation Secretary
J. Scot Jennings (University of Pittsburgh 1986) - House Corporation Secretary
Robert M. Johnston (University of Pittsburgh 1990) - House Corporation Secretary
J. Paul Keelan, Sr. (University of Pittsburgh 1985) - House Corporation Secretary
James E. King (University of Pittsburgh 1978) - House Corporation Secretary
Paul T. Leslie (University of Pittsburgh 1976) - House Corporation Secretary
Henry H. Wallace (University of Pittsburgh 1962) - House Corporation Secretary
Scott M. Walters (University of Pittsburgh 1977) - House Corporation Secretary
Christopher Zampogna (University of Pittsburgh 1995) - House Corporation Secretary
John T. Armour (University of Pittsburgh 1984) - House Corporation Member
Christopher DeLuca (University of Pittsburgh 1989) - House Corporation Member
David A. Fisher (University of Pittsburgh 1986) - House Corporation Member
Harry W. Ingram, III (University of Pittsburgh 1970) - House Corporation Member
George W. Jacoby (University of Pittsburgh 1973) - House Corporation Member
J. Mark Jennings (University of Pittsburgh 1981) - House Corporation Member
J. Paul Keelan, Sr. (University of Pittsburgh 1985) - House Corporation Member
Robert T. Kramer (University of Pittsburgh 1986) - House Corporation Member
Gregory T. Kunkel (University of Pittsburgh 1985) - House Corporation Member
Larry Pansino (University of Pittsburgh 1974) - House Corporation Member
Eli Rebich (University of Pittsburgh 1972) - House Corporation Member
Timothy P. Reitmeyer (University of Pittsburgh 1974) - House Corporation Member
John R. Snaman (University of Pittsburgh 1949) - House Corporation Member
Steven F. Strzepek (University of Pittsburgh 1992) - House Corporation Member
Mark A. Uminski (University of Pittsburgh 1980) - House Corporation Member
Bennett T. Wallander, Sr. (University of Pittsburgh 1989) - House Corporation Member
James J. Wallander (University of Pittsburgh 1982) - House Corporation Member
Scott M. Walters (University of Pittsburgh 1977) - House Corporation Member
Paul H. Zane (University of Pittsburgh 1986) - House Corporation Member
Stephen C. Hunt (University of Puget Sound 1973) - House Corporation Member
Clayton N. Loges (University of Puget Sound 1968) - House Corporation Member
Henry G. Caniglia (University of Rhode Island 1958) - House Corporation President
Richard B. Carpenter (University of Rhode Island 1960) - House Corporation President
Robert T. Hamilton (University of Rhode Island 1967) - House Corporation President
Richard J. Jurczak (University of Rhode Island 1973) - House Corporation President
L. Richmond Leach (University of Rhode Island 1961) - House Corporation President
Raymond G. Lundgren, Jr. (University of Rhode Island 1954) - House Corporation President
Wallace N. MacLeod (University of Rhode Island 1959) - House Corporation President
Robert W. Marshall III (University of Rhode Island 1977) - House Corporation President
Joseph W. Migneault, PE (University of Rhode Island 1957) - House Corporation President
Peter J. Miniati (University of Rhode Island 1984) - House Corporation President
Thomas C. Stones (University of Rhode Island 1960) - House Corporation President
Peter D. Washburn (University of Rhode Island 1975) - House Corporation President
S. Keith White, Jr. (University of Rhode Island 1975) - House Corporation President
Richard O. Cox (University of Rhode Island 1961) - House Corporation Vice President
William A. Entwistle, III (University of Rhode Island 1978) - House Corporation Vice President
Roger L. Fontaine (University of Rhode Island 1976) - House Corporation Vice President
Robert J. Silvia (University of Rhode Island 1970) - House Corporation Vice President
Peter D. Washburn (University of Rhode Island 1975) - House Corporation Vice President
James I. Gifford, Jr. (University of Rhode Island 1950) - House Corporation Treasurer
Mark R. Leach (University of Rhode Island 1985) - House Corporation Treasurer
Peter D. Washburn (University of Rhode Island 1975) - House Corporation Treasurer
S. Keith White, Jr. (University of Rhode Island 1975) - House Corporation Treasurer
Paul R. Bender (University of Rhode Island 1984) - House Corporation Secretary
Matthew E. Chudy (University of Rhode Island 2007) - House Corporation Secretary
Richard H. Kingsley (University of Rhode Island 1970) - House Corporation Secretary
L. Richmond Leach (University of Rhode Island 1961) - House Corporation Secretary
John C. Alford (University of Rhode Island 2019) - House Corporation Member
Henry G. Caniglia (University of Rhode Island 1958) - House Corporation Member
Richard B. Carpenter (University of Rhode Island 1960) - House Corporation Member
N. Jameson Chace (University of Rhode Island 1962) - House Corporation Member
Richard O. Cox (University of Rhode Island 1961) - House Corporation Member
William A. Entwistle, III (University of Rhode Island 1978) - House Corporation Member
Robert L. Fulford (University of Rhode Island 1974) - House Corporation Member
Michael E. Kennedy (University of Rhode Island 2008) - House Corporation Member
Richard H. Kingsley (University of Rhode Island 1970) - House Corporation Member
Wallace N. MacLeod (University of Rhode Island 1959) - House Corporation Member
Joseph W. Migneault, PE (University of Rhode Island 1957) - House Corporation Member
Richard I. Millar (University of Rhode Island 1954) - House Corporation Member
Peter J. Miniati (University of Rhode Island 1984) - House Corporation Member
W. Brian Nerney (University of Rhode Island 1991) - House Corporation Member
Oleg Nikolyszyn (University of Rhode Island 1977) - House Corporation Member
Edward J. Terwilliger (University of Rhode Island 2015) - House Corporation Member
Peter D. Washburn (University of Rhode Island 1975) - House Corporation Member
S. Keith White, Jr. (University of Rhode Island 1975) - House Corporation Member
Robert C. Harvey (University of Richmond 1964) - House Corporation President
Dudley W. Mallory (University of Richmond 1947) - House Corporation President
W. Campbell Pendleton, Jr. (University of Richmond 1984) - House Corporation President
Anthony D. Sakowski, Jr. (University of Richmond 1965) - House Corporation President
Randolph P. Tabb (University of Richmond 1936) - House Corporation President
W. Lee Wallace (University of Richmond 1969) - House Corporation President
Berndt H. Bohm (University of Richmond 1970) - House Corporation Vice President
W. Campbell Pendleton, Jr. (University of Richmond 1984) - House Corporation Vice President
George W. Sadler (University of Richmond 1943) - House Corporation Vice President
B. Benjamin Baker, III (University of Richmond 1957) - House Corporation Treasurer
William J. Bugg, Jr. (University of Richmond 1960) - House Corporation Treasurer
Dudley W. Mallory (University of Richmond 1947) - House Corporation Treasurer
Robert N. McIver, Jr. (University of Richmond 1970) - House Corporation Treasurer
Charles L. Murdock, III (University of Richmond 1978) - House Corporation Treasurer
W. Lee Wallace (University of Richmond 1969) - House Corporation Treasurer
J. Timothy Winks (University of Richmond 1980) - House Corporation Treasurer
Edward L. Dunford (University of Richmond 1950) - House Corporation Secretary
Robert C. Harvey (University of Richmond 1964) - House Corporation Secretary
George W. Sadler, Jr. (University of Richmond 1969) - House Corporation Secretary
Charles B. Altizer (University of Richmond 1970) - House Corporation Member
Berndt H. Bohm (University of Richmond 1970) - House Corporation Member
John S. Conrad (University of Richmond 2012) - House Corporation Member
Richard J. Conroy, III (University of Richmond 1977) - House Corporation Member
D. Bruce Elliott (University of Richmond 1984) - House Corporation Member
Wilton E. Ford, Jr. (University of Richmond 1969) - House Corporation Member
Matthew W. Hahn (University of Richmond 1993) - House Corporation Member
Michael D. Hancock (University of Richmond 1980) - House Corporation Member
Robert C. Harvey (University of Richmond 1964) - House Corporation Member
Dennis L. Kazmerowski (University of Richmond 1969) - House Corporation Member
Thomas C. Leffew (University of Richmond 1969) - House Corporation Member
John P. Livingston (University of Richmond 1976) - House Corporation Member
Christopher D. Lucas (University of Richmond 2010) - House Corporation Member
Robert R. Martin (University of Richmond 1939) - House Corporation Member
Robert N. McIver, Jr. (University of Richmond 1970) - House Corporation Member
James W. Mercer (University of Richmond 1963) - House Corporation Member
W. Campbell Pendleton, Jr. (University of Richmond 1984) - House Corporation Member
Jerry D. Ranson (University of Richmond 1975) - House Corporation Member
Anthony P. Renaldi (University of Richmond 1967) - House Corporation Member
James L. Ryland (University of Richmond 1975) - House Corporation Member
Jonathan D. Silverman (University of Richmond 2010) - House Corporation Member
Richard T. Steenrod (University of Richmond 1991) - House Corporation Member
D. Cameron Strange-Boston (University of Richmond 1975) - House Corporation Member
James C. Sutton (University of Richmond 1975) - House Corporation Member
W. Lee Wallace (University of Richmond 1969) - House Corporation Member
Robert D. Whitehurst (University of Richmond 1962) - House Corporation Member
J. Timothy Winks (University of Richmond 1980) - House Corporation Member
Stephen C. Winks (University of Richmond 1970) - House Corporation Member
Robert P. Anderegg (University of Southern California 1971) - House Corporation President
Arthur M. McClure (University of Southern California 1955) - House Corporation President
Robert P. Anderegg (University of Southern California 1971) - House Corporation Treasurer
William H. DeWitt (University of Southern California 1963) - House Corporation Treasurer
Allan C. Schubert (University of Southern California 1984) - House Corporation Treasurer
F. Phillip Hosp (University of Southern California 1966) - House Corporation Secretary
William M. Stowell (University of Southern California 1978) - House Corporation Secretary
Robert P. Anderegg (University of Southern California 1971) - House Corporation Member
Richard L. Cooling (University of Southern California 1952) - House Corporation Member
William J. Livingston (University of Southern California 1971) - House Corporation Member
George H. Mitsanas (University of Southern California 1987) - House Corporation Member
Allan C. Schubert (University of Southern California 1984) - House Corporation Member
Thomas E. Walley (University of Southern California 1966) - House Corporation Member
William G. Watson (University of Southern California 1968) - House Corporation Member
E. Steven Carr (University of Tennessee 1973) - House Corporation President
Alfred M. Enochs (University of Tennessee 1976) - House Corporation President
Michael R. Johnson (University of Tennessee 1989) - House Corporation President
Mark A. Medley (University of Tennessee 1968) - House Corporation President
J. Thomas Odom (University of Tennessee 1958) - House Corporation President
H. W. Bud Sherrod, Jr. (University of Tennessee 1970) - House Corporation President
Ronald A. Shuffield (University of Tennessee 1973) - House Corporation President
Thomas J. Wolf (University of Tennessee 2003) - House Corporation President
James W. Woods (University of Tennessee 1939) - House Corporation President
Mark A. Medley (University of Tennessee 1968) - House Corporation Vice President
H. W. Bud Sherrod, Jr. (University of Tennessee 1970) - House Corporation Vice President
Alfred M. Enochs (University of Tennessee 1976) - House Corporation Treasurer
Thomas J. Wolf (University of Tennessee 2003) - House Corporation Treasurer
S. Scott Batey (University of Tennessee 1991) - House Corporation Secretary
Matthew B. Carr (University of Tennessee 2003) - House Corporation Secretary
Foster D. Arnett, Jr. (University of Tennessee 1978) - House Corporation Member
Clifton G. Foster, Jr. (University of Tennessee 1953) - House Corporation Member
James A. Lilly (University of Tennessee 1969) - House Corporation Member
Mark A. Medley (University of Tennessee 1968) - House Corporation Member
Richard H. Ballinger (University of Texas 1936) - House Corporation President
LtCol Charles M. Berkey USA (Ret) (University of Texas 1952) - House Corporation President
Deets E. Finley (University of Texas 1976) - House Corporation President
Joe F. Flack, Jr. (University of Texas 1973) - House Corporation President
Robert P. Fowler (University of Texas 1955) - House Corporation President
Robert H. Heiser, Jr. (University of Texas 1973) - House Corporation President
Jack D. Holford (University of Texas 1964) - House Corporation President
Charles M. Huey, Jr. (University of Texas 1967) - House Corporation President
Robert G. McClure (University of Texas 1980) - House Corporation President
Donald R. Mighell (University of Texas 1956) - House Corporation President
A. D. Miller (University of Texas 1929) - House Corporation President
David F. Motheral, Jr. (University of Texas 1973) - House Corporation President
John E. Neff (University of Texas 1976) - House Corporation President
Robert C. Orr, Jr. (University of Texas 1979) - House Corporation President
James A. Rodman (University of Texas 1982) - House Corporation President
Kevin R. Snodgrass (University of Texas 1982) - House Corporation President
Richard H. Ballinger (University of Texas 1936) - House Corporation Vice President
Deets E. Finley (University of Texas 1976) - House Corporation Vice President
Joe F. Flack, Jr. (University of Texas 1973) - House Corporation Vice President
David Herndon (University of Texas 1967) - House Corporation Vice President
Curtis T. Hutcheson (University of Texas 1992) - House Corporation Vice President
Jason H. Downie (University of Texas 1992) - House Corporation Treasurer
Robert P. Fowler (University of Texas 1955) - House Corporation Treasurer
Thomas B. Johnson (University of Texas 1967) - House Corporation Treasurer
Baker Montgomery (University of Texas 1969) - House Corporation Treasurer
Thomas A. Ward (University of Texas 2008) - House Corporation Treasurer
Daniel K. Madera (University of Texas 2008) - House Corporation Secretary
Donald R. Mighell (University of Texas 1956) - House Corporation Secretary
Robert C. Orr, Jr. (University of Texas 1979) - House Corporation Secretary
Charles E. Auler (University of Texas 1992) - House Corporation Member
LtCol Charles M. Berkey USA (Ret) (University of Texas 1952) - House Corporation Member
George W. Berry (University of Texas 1956) - House Corporation Member
David C. Bland (University of Texas 1938) - House Corporation Member
Robert H. Bohn (University of Texas 1957) - House Corporation Member
I. Jon Brumley (University of Texas 1961) - House Corporation Member
Bryan C. Campbell (University of Texas 1982) - House Corporation Member
Roy C. Coffee, Jr. (University of Texas 1959) - House Corporation Member
G. Kent Collins (University of Texas 1976) - House Corporation Member
Mark M. Connally, Jr. (University of Texas 2003) - House Corporation Member
McKeever A. Darby (University of Texas 1996) - House Corporation Member
Daniel S. Dexter (University of Texas 1975) - House Corporation Member
Jason H. Downie (University of Texas 1992) - House Corporation Member
Leigh Ellis (University of Texas 1972) - House Corporation Member
Ty H. Embrey (University of Texas 1994) - House Corporation Member
Randall R. Engstrom (University of Texas 1973) - House Corporation Member
J. Carroll Faulkner, PE (University of Texas 1978) - House Corporation Member
Joe F. Flack, Jr. (University of Texas 1973) - House Corporation Member
Joe W. Fly, III (University of Texas 2004) - House Corporation Member
Robert P. Fowler (University of Texas 1955) - House Corporation Member
Stephen R. Gunn (University of Texas 1977) - House Corporation Member
Robert H. Heiser, Jr. (University of Texas 1973) - House Corporation Member
Jack D. Holford (University of Texas 1964) - House Corporation Member
Curtis T. Hutcheson (University of Texas 1992) - House Corporation Member
Richard E. LeBlanc (University of Texas 1969) - House Corporation Member
Lee F. Looney (University of Texas 1972) - House Corporation Member
James F. Mason (University of Texas 1961) - House Corporation Member
Robert G. McClure (University of Texas 1980) - House Corporation Member
James H. McCuistion (University of Texas 1963) - House Corporation Member
Donald R. Mighell (University of Texas 1956) - House Corporation Member
Mark W. Muecke (University of Texas 2000) - House Corporation Member
J. Reagan Nash (University of Texas 1991) - House Corporation Member
Robert A. Nelson, Jr. (University of Texas 1968) - House Corporation Member
Robert C. Orr, Jr. (University of Texas 1979) - House Corporation Member
Dr. Stephen M. Pearce MD (University of Texas 1975) - House Corporation Member
Scott Petty, Jr. (University of Texas 1960) - House Corporation Member
L. Corey Pullen (University of Texas 1990) - House Corporation Member
James A. Rodman (University of Texas 1982) - House Corporation Member
Kevin R. Snodgrass (University of Texas 1982) - House Corporation Member
Charles L. Sowell, Jr. (University of Texas 1952) - House Corporation Member
Edward E. Stocker, Jr. (University of Texas 1973) - House Corporation Member
Johnny K. Sutton (University of Texas 1983) - House Corporation Member
Peter K. Taaffe (University of Texas 1993) - House Corporation Member
Thomas A. Ward (University of Texas 2008) - House Corporation Member
Evan M. Williams (University of Texas 1982) - House Corporation Member
R. Graham Wilson (University of Texas 1956) - House Corporation Member
John H. Young (University of Texas 1965) - House Corporation Member
Gerald R. Baker (University of Texas Arlington 1969) - House Corporation President
Michael D. Jarrett (University of Texas Arlington 1972) - House Corporation President
Orsen E. Paxton, III (University of Texas Arlington 1971) - House Corporation President
Michael D. Jarrett (University of Texas Arlington 1972) - House Corporation Vice President
Jerry D. Oates (University of Texas Arlington 1970) - House Corporation Vice President
Rickey Groves (University of Texas Arlington 1970) - House Corporation Treasurer
Kelley S. Harris (University of Texas Arlington 1994) - House Corporation Treasurer
William R. Kildow (University of Texas Arlington 1970) - House Corporation Treasurer
J. David Livingston (University of Texas Arlington 1971) - House Corporation Treasurer
D. Craig Reid (University of Texas Arlington 1971) - House Corporation Treasurer
D. Craig Reid (University of Texas Arlington 1971) - House Corporation Secretary
Ross W. Arnold (University of Toronto 1971) - House Corporation President
Peter B. Brady (University of Toronto 1969) - House Corporation President
Robert Ciszek (University of Toronto 2011) - House Corporation President
Walter M. Hall (University of Toronto 1963) - House Corporation President
Howard L. Hayman (University of Toronto 1923) - House Corporation President
Eric A. Jones (University of Toronto 1987) - House Corporation President
Mark E. Wicken (University of Toronto 1967) - House Corporation President
Michael C. Stephen (University of Toronto 1972) - House Corporation Vice President
Benjamin J. Babcock (University of Toronto 1988) - House Corporation Treasurer
George O. Hayman (University of Toronto 1953) - House Corporation Treasurer
Adam G. Pegler (University of Toronto 2009) - House Corporation Treasurer
David W. Stephen (University of Toronto 1971) - House Corporation Treasurer
Mark E. Wicken (University of Toronto 1967) - House Corporation Treasurer
Vladimir P. Chlistovsky (University of Toronto 1989) - House Corporation Secretary
George O. Hayman (University of Toronto 1953) - House Corporation Secretary
Murray D. Pearson (University of Toronto 1967) - House Corporation Secretary
Nicholas J. Poppenk (University of Toronto 1971) - House Corporation Secretary
Micheal D. Albani (University of Toronto 1992) - House Corporation Member
Benjamin J. Babcock (University of Toronto 1988) - House Corporation Member
W. Douglas Beaton (University of Toronto 1960) - House Corporation Member
Stephen E. Brown (University of Toronto 1968) - House Corporation Member
Robert Ciszek (University of Toronto 2011) - House Corporation Member
Christopher J. Cosgriffe (University of Toronto 1988) - House Corporation Member
Michael N. Davies, QC (University of Toronto 1955) - House Corporation Member
Robert A. Jackiewicz (University of Toronto 2008) - House Corporation Member
Eric A. Jones (University of Toronto 1987) - House Corporation Member
Ian A. Meikleham (University of Toronto 1952) - House Corporation Member
Ewing A. Rae (University of Toronto 1957) - House Corporation Member
Ian W. Telfer (University of Toronto 1969) - House Corporation Member
Gregory M. Tkaczyk (University of Toronto 2003) - House Corporation Member
Mark E. Wicken (University of Toronto 1967) - House Corporation Member
Robert J. Witchel (University of Toronto 1987) - House Corporation Member
B. Alan Peterson (University of Utah 1987) - House Corporation Member
Kent S. Booraem (University of Vermont 1974) - House Corporation President
Peter E. Fisk (University of Vermont 1995) - House Corporation President
Jason W. FitzGerald (University of Vermont 1998) - House Corporation President
Jeffrey H. Hayes (University of Vermont 1975) - House Corporation President
Bradley R. Hess (University of Vermont 1998) - House Corporation President
Timothy M. King (University of Vermont 1976) - House Corporation President
Mark J. Pouliot (University of Vermont 1983) - House Corporation President
Martin Quatt (University of Vermont 1984) - House Corporation President
Roy G. Simpadian (University of Vermont 2003) - House Corporation President
John D. Skinner (University of Vermont 1992) - House Corporation President
Chris N. Tardie (University of Vermont 2012) - House Corporation President
Richard M. Tetreault (University of Vermont 1985) - House Corporation President
G. Carter Bevan (University of Vermont 2001) - House Corporation Vice President
Kent S. Booraem (University of Vermont 1974) - House Corporation Vice President
Richard A. Cain (University of Vermont 1985) - House Corporation Vice President
Philip A. Cecchini (University of Vermont 1978) - House Corporation Vice President
Scott M. Curley, II (University of Vermont 2008) - House Corporation Vice President
Peter E. Degraff (University of Vermont 1985) - House Corporation Vice President
Timothy M. King (University of Vermont 1976) - House Corporation Vice President
Craig P. Manley (University of Vermont 1976) - House Corporation Vice President
Brian R. Bellesheim (University of Vermont 2000) - House Corporation Treasurer
Philip A. Cecchini (University of Vermont 1978) - House Corporation Treasurer
Timothy M. King (University of Vermont 1976) - House Corporation Treasurer
Jacques P. LeFrancois (University of Vermont 1984) - House Corporation Treasurer
Christopher C. Leister (University of Vermont 1978) - House Corporation Treasurer
Craig P. Manley (University of Vermont 1976) - House Corporation Treasurer
Mark J. Pouliot (University of Vermont 1983) - House Corporation Treasurer
David H. Rous (University of Vermont 1998) - House Corporation Treasurer
Roy G. Simpadian (University of Vermont 2003) - House Corporation Treasurer
Kent S. Booraem (University of Vermont 1974) - House Corporation Secretary
Peter E. Degraff (University of Vermont 1985) - House Corporation Secretary
John D. Dunn (University of Vermont 1988) - House Corporation Secretary
Brian G. Hayes (University of Vermont 1979) - House Corporation Secretary
Jeffrey H. Hayes (University of Vermont 1975) - House Corporation Secretary
Gary W. Hedman (University of Vermont 1998) - House Corporation Secretary
Timothy M. King (University of Vermont 1976) - House Corporation Secretary
Craig P. Manley (University of Vermont 1976) - House Corporation Secretary
Scott C. McCarty (University of Vermont 2008) - House Corporation Secretary
Martin Quatt (University of Vermont 1984) - House Corporation Secretary
Richard M. Tetreault (University of Vermont 1985) - House Corporation Secretary
Kent S. Booraem (University of Vermont 1974) - House Corporation Member
Mark F. Boyden (University of Vermont 1988) - House Corporation Member
Ian W. Campbell (University of Vermont 2017) - House Corporation Member
David C. Carter (University of Vermont 1972) - House Corporation Member
Peter B. Diederich (University of Vermont 2001) - House Corporation Member
Stephen P. Drzewiczewski (University of Vermont 1995) - House Corporation Member
John J. Dwyer, Jr. (University of Vermont 1984) - House Corporation Member
Gregory L. Foster (University of Vermont 1970) - House Corporation Member
Keven L. Graber (University of Vermont 1997) - House Corporation Member
Casey M. Hager (University of Vermont 1999) - House Corporation Member
Timothy M. King (University of Vermont 1976) - House Corporation Member
Jacques P. LeFrancois (University of Vermont 1984) - House Corporation Member
Christopher C. Leister (University of Vermont 1978) - House Corporation Member
Donald G. Morin (University of Vermont 1976) - House Corporation Member
Gerald A. Morin (University of Vermont 1988) - House Corporation Member
Matthew R. Ogelby (University of Vermont 2003) - House Corporation Member
Martin Quatt (University of Vermont 1984) - House Corporation Member
Tim Ross (University of Vermont 1986) - House Corporation Member
Roy G. Simpadian (University of Vermont 2003) - House Corporation Member
Lee K. Souter (University of Vermont 2005) - House Corporation Member
Gary R. Sweeny (University of Vermont 1977) - House Corporation Member
Chris N. Tardie (University of Vermont 2012) - House Corporation Member
David J. Tepper (University of Vermont 1998) - House Corporation Member
Richard M. Tetreault (University of Vermont 1985) - House Corporation Member
Joseph G. Thibault (University of Vermont 2004) - House Corporation Member
Eric N. Weber (University of Vermont 1996) - House Corporation Member
Peter J. Dunne (University of Virginia 1980) - House Corporation President
Richmond G. Favrot (University of Virginia 1959) - House Corporation President
Nicholas P. Feakins (University of Virginia 2005) - House Corporation President
Robert A. Harris (University of Virginia 1964) - House Corporation President
Thomas A. Nardi (University of Virginia 1964) - House Corporation President
Richard P. Swift (University of Virginia 1974) - House Corporation President
Guy T. Tripp, III (University of Virginia 1962) - House Corporation President
Howard D. Whitmore (University of Virginia 1962) - House Corporation President
Thomas A. Nardi (University of Virginia 1964) - House Corporation Vice President
William H. Spencer, IV (University of Virginia 1963) - House Corporation Vice President
Christopher W. Anderson (University of Virginia 2005) - House Corporation Treasurer
William E. Berndt (University of Virginia 1958) - House Corporation Treasurer
Lewis M. Costello (University of Virginia 1955) - House Corporation Treasurer
Frank H. Earle (University of Virginia 1947) - House Corporation Treasurer
Christopher S. Johnson (University of Virginia 2003) - House Corporation Treasurer
Thomas A. Nardi (University of Virginia 1964) - House Corporation Treasurer
Richard P. Swift (University of Virginia 1974) - House Corporation Treasurer
Christopher C. Valtin (University of Virginia 1980) - House Corporation Treasurer
Howard D. Whitmore (University of Virginia 1962) - House Corporation Treasurer
Robert B. Goss (University of Virginia 1973) - House Corporation Secretary
Scott T. Medvetz (University of Virginia 1983) - House Corporation Secretary
Stephen E. Nauss (University of Virginia 1972) - House Corporation Secretary
Richard P. Swift (University of Virginia 1974) - House Corporation Secretary
Lane L. Bonner, III (University of Virginia 1984) - House Corporation Member
Erik B. Carlson (University of Virginia 1994) - House Corporation Member
Lewis M. Costello (University of Virginia 1955) - House Corporation Member
Rajendra P. Das (University of Virginia 2017) - House Corporation Member
Tate DeVito (University of Virginia 2019) - House Corporation Member
Robert M. Donovan (University of Virginia 1954) - House Corporation Member
Steven A. Driskill (University of Virginia 2005) - House Corporation Member
Frank H. Earle (University of Virginia 1947) - House Corporation Member
Oliver Edelmann (University of Virginia 2018) - House Corporation Member
Frederick D. Forshaw, Jr. (University of Virginia 2012) - House Corporation Member
Jonathan B. Fraser (University of Virginia 1988) - House Corporation Member
Hayden R. Goldberg (University of Virginia 2017) - House Corporation Member
Robert B. Goss (University of Virginia 1973) - House Corporation Member
Patrick E. Hanrahan (University of Virginia 1991) - House Corporation Member
Robert A. Harris (University of Virginia 1964) - House Corporation Member
Matthew P. Hodgdon (University of Virginia 1972) - House Corporation Member
Jeremy D. Hogg (University of Virginia 2003) - House Corporation Member
Raymond E. Humiston, III (University of Virginia 1974) - House Corporation Member
Phil T. Intihar (University of Virginia 1991) - House Corporation Member
C. James Jessee, Jr. (University of Virginia 1949) - House Corporation Member
Lawrence A. Johnson (University of Virginia 1981) - House Corporation Member
Troy B. Kirwin (University of Virginia 2016) - House Corporation Member
Robert K. Krout (University of Virginia 1980) - House Corporation Member
Scott T. Medvetz (University of Virginia 1983) - House Corporation Member
Samuel J. Milligan (University of Virginia 1951) - House Corporation Member
Douglas E. Milman (University of Virginia 1987) - House Corporation Member
Stephen E. Nauss (University of Virginia 1972) - House Corporation Member
Henry A. Pollard (University of Virginia 2018) - House Corporation Member
Scott A. Simmons (University of Virginia 1983) - House Corporation Member
Herbert P. Soles (University of Virginia 1968) - House Corporation Member
William H. Spencer, IV (University of Virginia 1963) - House Corporation Member
Charles S. Surprenant (University of Virginia 1978) - House Corporation Member
Richard P. Swift (University of Virginia 1974) - House Corporation Member
George B. Thomas, Jr., PhD (University of Virginia 1957) - House Corporation Member
Guy T. Tripp, III (University of Virginia 1962) - House Corporation Member
Richard D. Tuttle (University of Virginia 1950) - House Corporation Member
Sheppard A. Walker (University of Virginia 2018) - House Corporation Member
Howard D. Whitmore (University of Virginia 1962) - House Corporation Member
Graham H. Williams (University of Virginia 2012) - House Corporation Member
Ronald D. Crockett (University of Washington 1961) - House Corporation President
John J. Flower (University of Washington 1973) - House Corporation President
James W. McCurdy (University of Washington 1979) - House Corporation President
Sutherland B. McLean (University of Washington 1944) - House Corporation President
Curtis C. Reusser (University of Washington 1982) - House Corporation President
William A. Revere (University of Washington 1954) - House Corporation President
Charles F. Sanborn (University of Washington 1946) - House Corporation President
Robert M. Trimble (University of Washington 1964) - House Corporation President
Charles F. Sanborn (University of Washington 1946) - House Corporation Vice President
Charles R. Ekberg (University of Washington 1968) - House Corporation Treasurer
James W. McCurdy (University of Washington 1979) - House Corporation Treasurer
George E. Casperson (University of Washington 1952) - House Corporation Secretary
James M. Hilton (University of Washington 1956) - House Corporation Secretary
Hunter Jeffers (University of Washington 2011) - House Corporation Secretary
Robert H. Outcalt (University of Washington 1986) - House Corporation Secretary
Thomas E. Allen (University of Washington 1943) - House Corporation Member
Daniel R. Baty (University of Washington 1965) - House Corporation Member
Roger D. Collins (University of Washington 1979) - House Corporation Member
Gary L. Craig (University of Washington 1961) - House Corporation Member
Ronald D. Crockett (University of Washington 1961) - House Corporation Member
Thomas G. D'Angelo (University of Washington 1990) - House Corporation Member
Charles R. Ekberg (University of Washington 1968) - House Corporation Member
Rudy A. Englund (University of Washington 1972) - House Corporation Member
John P. Evans (University of Washington 1974) - House Corporation Member
John J. Flower (University of Washington 1973) - House Corporation Member
Gunnar K. Hagen (University of Washington 1966) - House Corporation Member
James M. Hilton (University of Washington 1956) - House Corporation Member
Gregory R. Hoff (University of Washington 1985) - House Corporation Member
I. Frederick Holmquist (University of Washington 2002) - House Corporation Member
Hunter Jeffers (University of Washington 2011) - House Corporation Member
John P. Lynch (University of Washington 1965) - House Corporation Member
James W. McCurdy (University of Washington 1979) - House Corporation Member
John C. Miller, III (University of Washington 1979) - House Corporation Member
Bruce W. Morrison (University of Washington 1990) - House Corporation Member
Jeffrey R. Nellans (University of Washington 2003) - House Corporation Member
Scott J. Reusser (University of Washington 1984) - House Corporation Member
John H. Rhodes (University of Washington 1961) - House Corporation Member
Charles F. Sanborn (University of Washington 1946) - House Corporation Member
Patrick R. Scott (University of Washington 1994) - House Corporation Member
Robert M. Trimble (University of Washington 1964) - House Corporation Member
Robert D. Watt (University of Washington 1935) - House Corporation Member
Stephen M. Welch (University of Washington 1978) - House Corporation Member
Steve G. Wells (University of Washington 1988) - House Corporation Member
Bradley R. Whiting (University of Washington 1980) - House Corporation Member
Christopher W. Balkos (University of Western Ontario 2015) - House Corporation President
Stephen G. Firth (University of Western Ontario 1973) - House Corporation President
Jason L. Grossman (University of Western Ontario 2014) - House Corporation President
W. Pritchard (University of Western Ontario 1973) - House Corporation President
Frank C. Smeenk (University of Western Ontario 1971) - House Corporation President
Donald R. Atkinson (University of Western Ontario 1973) - House Corporation Vice President
Murray L. Coulter (University of Western Ontario 1972) - House Corporation Vice President
John R. Nicholson (University of Western Ontario 1976) - House Corporation Vice President
John G. Starzynski (University of Western Ontario 1974) - House Corporation Vice President
Carman J. Overholt (University of Western Ontario 1981) - House Corporation Treasurer
W. Pritchard (University of Western Ontario 1973) - House Corporation Treasurer
Mark P. Trenton (University of Western Ontario 1986) - House Corporation Treasurer
Michael G. Woods (University of Western Ontario 1973) - House Corporation Treasurer
Michael E. Hagarty (University of Western Ontario 1982) - House Corporation Secretary
Peter B. Hockin (University of Western Ontario 1968) - House Corporation Secretary
Barry J. Mees (University of Western Ontario 1970) - House Corporation Secretary
Shane A. Nightingale (University of Western Ontario 2014) - House Corporation Secretary
Christopher W. Balkos (University of Western Ontario 2015) - House Corporation Member
R. Lynn Campbell, PhD (University of Western Ontario 1972) - House Corporation Member
James F. Coles (University of Western Ontario 1969) - House Corporation Member
Murray L. Coulter (University of Western Ontario 1972) - House Corporation Member
Andrew J. Crook (University of Western Ontario 2003) - House Corporation Member
Christopher N. DeLaat (University of Western Ontario 1994) - House Corporation Member
N. Breton Downe (University of Western Ontario 1980) - House Corporation Member
William G. Drope (University of Western Ontario 1985) - House Corporation Member
Glen R. Farrow (University of Western Ontario 1989) - House Corporation Member
Michael E. Hagarty (University of Western Ontario 1982) - House Corporation Member
Edward J. Lamers (University of Western Ontario 2000) - House Corporation Member
W. Sean Lowry (University of Western Ontario 1995) - House Corporation Member
Dante J. Mascarin (University of Western Ontario 2020) - House Corporation Member
Barry J. Mees (University of Western Ontario 1970) - House Corporation Member
Graeme A. Menzies (University of Western Ontario 1986) - House Corporation Member
C. Rae Munroe (University of Western Ontario 1968) - House Corporation Member
John R. Nicholson (University of Western Ontario 1976) - House Corporation Member
W. Pritchard (University of Western Ontario 1973) - House Corporation Member
Andrew K. Shon (University of Western Ontario 2017) - House Corporation Member
John G. Starzynski (University of Western Ontario 1974) - House Corporation Member
Robert H. Swim (University of Western Ontario 1980) - House Corporation Member
William A. Szego (University of Western Ontario 1970) - House Corporation Member
Michael J. Vormittag (University of Western Ontario 1986) - House Corporation Member
Michael G. Woods (University of Western Ontario 1973) - House Corporation Member
John L. Borman (University of Wisconsin 1945) - House Corporation President
John D. Center (University of Wisconsin 1973) - House Corporation President
James M. Cope (University of Wisconsin 1988) - House Corporation President
Richard E. Fleming (University of Wisconsin 1955) - House Corporation President
Thomas J. Horky (University of Wisconsin 1985) - House Corporation President
John C. Mitby (University of Wisconsin 1965) - House Corporation President
Loren D. Mortenson (University of Wisconsin 1964) - House Corporation President
Richard J. Pearson, Sr. (University of Wisconsin 1961) - House Corporation President
John C. Zimdars, Jr. (University of Wisconsin 1973) - House Corporation President
Robin C. Carley (University of Wisconsin 1978) - House Corporation Vice President
Jay M. Bradley (University of Wisconsin 1985) - House Corporation Treasurer
Robert H. Brinkmeyer (University of Wisconsin 1935) - House Corporation Treasurer
John D. Center (University of Wisconsin 1973) - House Corporation Treasurer
Thomas A. Engels, Jr. (University of Wisconsin 1971) - House Corporation Treasurer
James G. Krogstad (University of Wisconsin 1972) - House Corporation Treasurer
Loren D. Mortenson (University of Wisconsin 1964) - House Corporation Treasurer
David A. Vollrath (University of Wisconsin 1976) - House Corporation Treasurer
William R. Marling (University of Wisconsin 1941) - House Corporation Secretary
Frank A. Ross, Jr. (University of Wisconsin 1950) - House Corporation Secretary
Anton S. Arneson, Jr. (University of Wisconsin 1950) - House Corporation Member
Thomas Arneson (University of Wisconsin 2019) - House Corporation Member
Robin C. Carley (University of Wisconsin 1978) - House Corporation Member
John D. Center (University of Wisconsin 1973) - House Corporation Member
William S. Ferris (University of Wisconsin 2017) - House Corporation Member
Mark E. Filmanowicz (University of Wisconsin 1987) - House Corporation Member
Anthony J. Haen, Jr. (University of Wisconsin 1957) - House Corporation Member
David K. Keck (University of Wisconsin 1988) - House Corporation Member
Jonathan K. Kiehnau (University of Wisconsin 1983) - House Corporation Member
James C. Krupp (University of Wisconsin 1995) - House Corporation Member
Troy A. Marks (University of Wisconsin 2010) - House Corporation Member
William R. Marling (University of Wisconsin 1941) - House Corporation Member
Richard J. Pearson, Sr. (University of Wisconsin 1961) - House Corporation Member
Kurt J. Peter (University of Wisconsin 2010) - House Corporation Member
Gary H. Ross (University of Wisconsin 1974) - House Corporation Member
David J. Schuster (University of Wisconsin 1962) - House Corporation Member
Charles T. Vaughan (University of Wisconsin 1985) - House Corporation Member
John J. Walsh (University of Wisconsin 1935) - House Corporation Member
Michael A. Warner (University of Wisconsin 1986) - House Corporation Member
John C. Zimdars, Jr. (University of Wisconsin 1973) - House Corporation Member
Tyler J. DeBruin (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2011) - House Corporation President
Jason P. Pleus (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1989) - House Corporation President
Mike R. Tennison (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2001) - House Corporation President
Matthew S. Cotton (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2001) - House Corporation Member
Brian T. Elwood (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1995) - House Corporation Member
David W. Fritsch (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1982) - House Corporation Member
Gregory E. Fritsch (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1985) - House Corporation Member
Justin M. Hennig (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2004) - House Corporation Member
Adam J. Layne (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2006) - House Corporation Member
Chad E. Mickelson (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2001) - House Corporation Member
Andrew B. Seeger (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2010) - House Corporation Member
Jason J. Seeger (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2002) - House Corporation Member
Phil E. Chilcote (University of Wyoming 1970) - House Corporation President
W. Paul Greaser (University of Wyoming 1972) - House Corporation President
Charles M. Boyd (University of the South Sewanee 1929) - House Corporation President
John F. Patton (University of the South Sewanee 1975) - House Corporation President
Jack A. Royster, Jr. (University of the South Sewanee 1964) - House Corporation President
Kyle Wheelus (University of the South Sewanee 1952) - House Corporation President
Stephens K. Ebbs, Sr. (University of the South Sewanee 1958) - House Corporation Treasurer
Reginald H. Helvenston (University of the South Sewanee 1922) - House Corporation Treasurer
Charles W. Smith (University of the South Sewanee 1978) - House Corporation Treasurer
Robert M. Wilbanks, Jr. (University of the South Sewanee 1984) - House Corporation Treasurer
George M. Taylor, III (University of the South Sewanee 1975) - House Corporation Secretary
David A. Young (University of the South Sewanee 1996) - House Corporation Secretary
Daniel G. Ray (University of the South Sewanee 1981) - House Corporation Member
A. Spencer Tomb, III (University of the South Sewanee 1965) - House Corporation Member
Frank W. Tynes (University of the South Sewanee 1987) - House Corporation Member
Robert N. Reid (Utah State University 1972) - House Corporation President
Charles G. Riddle (Utah State University 1973) - House Corporation President
Bob Ropelato (Utah State University 1969) - House Corporation President
Kim Schvaneveldt (Utah State University 1971) - House Corporation President
John E. Thatcher (Utah State University 1972) - House Corporation President
Peter L. Van Orden (Utah State University 1972) - House Corporation President
Bradford D. Bell (Utah State University 1972) - House Corporation Vice President
David P. Cutler (Utah State University 1981) - House Corporation Vice President
Charles F. Mondale (Utah State University 1987) - House Corporation Vice President
Paul W. Nanney (Utah State University 1973) - House Corporation Vice President
Clyde M. Nelson (Utah State University 1972) - House Corporation Vice President
W. D. Robinson (Utah State University 1983) - House Corporation Vice President
John P. Seese (Utah State University 1980) - House Corporation Vice President
Gerard F. Urlacher (Utah State University 1978) - House Corporation Vice President
Peter L. Van Orden (Utah State University 1972) - House Corporation Vice President
Paul J. Beyer (Utah State University 1970) - House Corporation Treasurer
W. D. Robinson (Utah State University 1983) - House Corporation Treasurer
Paul J. Beyer (Utah State University 1970) - House Corporation Secretary
Patrick J. Mullen (Utah State University 1988) - House Corporation Secretary
Gerard F. Urlacher (Utah State University 1978) - House Corporation Secretary
Roy N. Irwin (Utah State University 1971) - House Corporation Member
Robert N. Reid (Utah State University 1972) - House Corporation Member
John P. Seese (Utah State University 1980) - House Corporation Member
John A. Adamo (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1982) - House Corporation President
Timothy R. Bowling (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1998) - House Corporation President
Stephen L. Carter (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1976) - House Corporation President
Ethan B. Crockett (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2008) - House Corporation President
Roel T. Cuejilo (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1988) - House Corporation President
Robert B. Dix, Jr. (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1975) - House Corporation President
Daniel M. Kallick (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1980) - House Corporation President
Glenn T. Kinnear (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1994) - House Corporation President
Linwood N. Leftwich, Jr. (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1987) - House Corporation President
Richard E. Lloyd (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1990) - House Corporation President
Michael D. Maret (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1989) - House Corporation President
Peter A. McDevitt (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1990) - House Corporation President
William G. Ritchie, Jr. (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1975) - House Corporation President
John A. Adamo (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1982) - House Corporation Vice President
Howard C. Canada, III (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1976) - House Corporation Vice President
Robert B. Dix, Jr. (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1975) - House Corporation Vice President
B. Davis Eichelberger, III (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1988) - House Corporation Vice President
Richard B. Gass (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1981) - House Corporation Vice President
Michael G. Gidas (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2006) - House Corporation Vice President
Glenn T. Kinnear (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1994) - House Corporation Vice President
William C. Latane (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1977) - House Corporation Vice President
Linwood N. Leftwich, Jr. (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1987) - House Corporation Vice President
Stephen M. Snyder (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1987) - House Corporation Vice President
Howard C. Canada, III (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1976) - House Corporation Treasurer
David B. Coaker (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2000) - House Corporation Treasurer
Daniel M. Kallick (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1980) - House Corporation Treasurer
Paul M. Karg (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1997) - House Corporation Treasurer
Michael M. Meyrowitz (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1996) - House Corporation Treasurer
Douglas S. Painter (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1974) - House Corporation Treasurer
Richard C. Vaden (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1975) - House Corporation Treasurer
Ethan B. Crockett (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2008) - House Corporation Secretary
Roel T. Cuejilo (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1988) - House Corporation Secretary
B. Davis Eichelberger, III (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1988) - House Corporation Secretary
Richard D. Fine (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1972) - House Corporation Secretary
David S. Harrison (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1992) - House Corporation Secretary
Dana W. Hesse (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1986) - House Corporation Secretary
H. F. Jones (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1976) - House Corporation Secretary
Kenneth J. Larson (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1989) - House Corporation Secretary
Matthew C. Maclaughlin, Jr. (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1997) - House Corporation Secretary
Daniel A. Robl (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1976) - House Corporation Secretary
Paul T. Zawistowski (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1983) - House Corporation Secretary
John A. Adamo (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1982) - House Corporation Member
Edwin A. Hardell (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1982) - House Corporation Member
Daniel M. Kallick (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1980) - House Corporation Member
Glenn T. Kinnear (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1994) - House Corporation Member
Jeffrey D. McMahan, Jr. (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2003) - House Corporation Member
Easter P. Moses (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1978) - House Corporation Member
Jason T. Newcomb (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1998) - House Corporation Member
Peter A. Petras (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2014) - House Corporation Member
Michael Rooney (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1982) - House Corporation Member
Jeffrey M. Scattergood (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1999) - House Corporation Member
Andy Stowasser (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1977) - House Corporation Member
John M. Tabb, III (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2004) - House Corporation Member
Robert Bracken (Wabash College 1943) - House Corporation President
Eric M. Cavanaugh (Wabash College 1976) - House Corporation President
Craig A. Green (Wabash College 1959) - House Corporation President
Gregory H. Miller (Wabash College 1983) - House Corporation President
Michael W. Mull (Wabash College 1987) - House Corporation President
Ryan M. Poor (Wabash College 1995) - House Corporation President
James P. Buchanan (Wabash College 1958) - House Corporation Vice President
Ransom Griffin (Wabash College 1940) - House Corporation Vice President
Gregory H. Miller (Wabash College 1983) - House Corporation Vice President
Jeffrey R. Oberlies (Wabash College 1983) - House Corporation Vice President
Ryan M. Poor (Wabash College 1995) - House Corporation Vice President
T. Randall Berta (Wabash College 1976) - House Corporation Treasurer
John B. Culley, Jr. (Wabash College 1969) - House Corporation Treasurer
Thomas J. Gunderman (Wabash College 1989) - House Corporation Treasurer
Robert A. Luginbill (Wabash College 1975) - House Corporation Treasurer
William S. Ramey (Wabash College 1934) - House Corporation Treasurer
John C. Schick (Wabash College 1951) - House Corporation Treasurer
Lonnie M. Therber (Wabash College 1959) - House Corporation Treasurer
James E. Ayers (Wabash College 1963) - House Corporation Secretary
T. Randall Berta (Wabash College 1976) - House Corporation Secretary
John T. Murray (Wabash College 1950) - House Corporation Secretary
Phil P. Ramos (Wabash College 1963) - House Corporation Secretary
James E. Ayers (Wabash College 1963) - House Corporation Member
M. Keith Baird, MD (Wabash College 1956) - House Corporation Member
T. Randall Berta (Wabash College 1976) - House Corporation Member
Robert Bracken (Wabash College 1943) - House Corporation Member
Thomas A. Bridge (Wabash College 1974) - House Corporation Member
James P. Buchanan (Wabash College 1958) - House Corporation Member
Steven L. Campbell (Wabash College 1992) - House Corporation Member
Eric M. Cavanaugh (Wabash College 1976) - House Corporation Member
Hipolito R. Chacon (Wabash College 1985) - House Corporation Member
Timothy R. Craft (Wabash College 2000) - House Corporation Member
John B. Culley, Jr. (Wabash College 1969) - House Corporation Member
Michael Gray (Wabash College 1954) - House Corporation Member
Craig A. Green (Wabash College 1959) - House Corporation Member
Lester L. Hearson (Wabash College 1970) - House Corporation Member
Theodore F. Holland, III (Wabash College 1971) - House Corporation Member
Eriks E. Janelsins (Wabash College 2002) - House Corporation Member
Roger E. Lumpp, II (Wabash College 1966) - House Corporation Member
Harry F. McNaught, Jr. (Wabash College 1976) - House Corporation Member
Kevin W. Meyer (Wabash College 2006) - House Corporation Member
Phillip D. Mikesell (Wabash College 1963) - House Corporation Member
Gregory H. Miller (Wabash College 1983) - House Corporation Member
Vance C. Parkhurst (Wabash College 1969) - House Corporation Member
Thomas H. Ristine (Wabash College 1972) - House Corporation Member
Thomas W. Sinex (Wabash College 1962) - House Corporation Member
Donald E. Smith (Wabash College 1959) - House Corporation Member
Mark W. Stutz (Wabash College 1977) - House Corporation Member
Lonnie M. Therber (Wabash College 1959) - House Corporation Member
William O. Ash, USAF (Washington & Jefferson College 1940) - House Corporation President
Andrew N. Farley (Washington & Jefferson College 1956) - House Corporation President
W. E. Sell (Washington & Jefferson College 1944) - House Corporation President
D. Lawrence Wickerham, MD (Washington & Jefferson College 1972) - House Corporation President
Harding G. Williams (Washington & Jefferson College 1952) - House Corporation President
Andrew N. Farley (Washington & Jefferson College 1956) - House Corporation Vice President
Kurt W. Gottschalk (Washington & Jefferson College 1972) - House Corporation Vice President
D. Lawrence Wickerham, MD (Washington & Jefferson College 1972) - House Corporation Vice President
Harding G. Williams (Washington & Jefferson College 1952) - House Corporation Vice President
Kurt W. Gottschalk (Washington & Jefferson College 1972) - House Corporation Treasurer
Alexander Murdoch (Washington & Jefferson College 1928) - House Corporation Treasurer
David N. Rutt (Washington & Jefferson College 1974) - House Corporation Treasurer
Andrew N. Farley (Washington & Jefferson College 1956) - House Corporation Secretary
James H. Norris (Washington & Jefferson College 1975) - House Corporation Secretary
John G. Beck (Washington & Jefferson College 1988) - House Corporation Member
John T. Chelosky (Washington & Jefferson College 1997) - House Corporation Member
Jonathan S. Emley (Washington & Jefferson College 1972) - House Corporation Member
Kurt W. Gottschalk (Washington & Jefferson College 1972) - House Corporation Member
Michael J. Grasso (Washington & Jefferson College 2008) - House Corporation Member
Alexander Murdoch (Washington & Jefferson College 1928) - House Corporation Member
James H. Norris (Washington & Jefferson College 1975) - House Corporation Member
David L. Ream (Washington & Jefferson College 1967) - House Corporation Member
W. E. Sell (Washington & Jefferson College 1944) - House Corporation Member
Edward V. Weisgerber (Washington & Jefferson College 1974) - House Corporation Member
D. Lawrence Wickerham, MD (Washington & Jefferson College 1972) - House Corporation Member
Harding G. Williams (Washington & Jefferson College 1952) - House Corporation Member
Daniel W. Aston (Washington & Lee University 1977) - House Corporation President
Edward L. Bishop, III (Washington & Lee University 1968) - House Corporation President
Robert A. Hulten (Washington & Lee University 1969) - House Corporation President
Mark B. Muchmore (Washington & Lee University 2004) - House Corporation President
John H. Norberg (Washington & Lee University 1979) - House Corporation President
David C. Smith (Washington & Lee University 2004) - House Corporation President
Leslie D. Locke (Washington & Lee University 1968) - House Corporation Vice President
William F. Chew, III (Washington & Lee University 1968) - House Corporation Treasurer
Brian J. Higgins (Washington & Lee University 2005) - House Corporation Treasurer
James D. Humphries, III (Washington & Lee University 1966) - House Corporation Treasurer
Mark B. Muchmore (Washington & Lee University 2004) - House Corporation Treasurer
William F. Chew, III (Washington & Lee University 1968) - House Corporation Secretary
William W. Terry, III (Washington & Lee University 1975) - House Corporation Secretary
Daniel W. Aston (Washington & Lee University 1977) - House Corporation Member
Jeremy E. Brown (Washington & Lee University 1969) - House Corporation Member
Andrew E. Clark (Washington & Lee University 1984) - House Corporation Member
John H. Norberg (Washington & Lee University 1979) - House Corporation Member
Donald H. Patterson, Jr. (Washington & Lee University 1967) - House Corporation Member
Raymond R. Robrecht (Washington & Lee University 1959) - House Corporation Member
Wallace S. Campbell (Washington State University 1956) - House Corporation President
Christopher R. Carlson (Washington State University 1985) - House Corporation President
Richard K. Clarke, Jr. (Washington State University 1956) - House Corporation President
Neal E. Deckman (Washington State University 1974) - House Corporation President
Bruce M. Ellis (Washington State University 1968) - House Corporation President
William L. Martin (Washington State University 1994) - House Corporation President
Harlan R. Mayer, II (Washington State University 1970) - House Corporation President
David L. Porter (Washington State University 1963) - House Corporation President
Ralph R. Rawson (Washington State University 1951) - House Corporation President
Clifford O. Ridgway (Washington State University 1972) - House Corporation President
William J. Slodysko (Washington State University 1973) - House Corporation President
John S. Wegener (Washington State University 1974) - House Corporation President
Christopher R. Carlson (Washington State University 1985) - House Corporation Vice President
Mark C. DeFrees (Washington State University 1987) - House Corporation Vice President
Bruce M. Ellis (Washington State University 1968) - House Corporation Vice President
Gerald L. Greer (Washington State University 1974) - House Corporation Vice President
Augustan D. Kittson (Washington State University 1978) - House Corporation Vice President
Harlan R. Mayer, II (Washington State University 1970) - House Corporation Vice President
David L. Porter (Washington State University 1963) - House Corporation Vice President
Ralph R. Rawson (Washington State University 1951) - House Corporation Vice President
Gary E. Schell (Washington State University 1970) - House Corporation Vice President
William J. Slodysko (Washington State University 1973) - House Corporation Vice President
Warren D. Starr (Washington State University 1957) - House Corporation Vice President
Daniel J. Edwards (Washington State University 1979) - House Corporation Treasurer
Ronald M. Evans (Washington State University 1968) - House Corporation Treasurer
Erik J. Fay (Washington State University 1999) - House Corporation Treasurer
Richard Q. Honsowetz (Washington State University 1974) - House Corporation Treasurer
Augustan D. Kittson (Washington State University 1978) - House Corporation Treasurer
Harlan R. Mayer, II (Washington State University 1970) - House Corporation Treasurer
David L. Porter (Washington State University 1963) - House Corporation Treasurer
Ralph R. Rawson (Washington State University 1951) - House Corporation Treasurer
Mark J. Smith (Washington State University 1974) - House Corporation Treasurer
Victor L. Swan (Washington State University 1963) - House Corporation Treasurer
Brian J. Antonsen (Washington State University 2001) - House Corporation Secretary
Ronald M. Evans (Washington State University 1968) - House Corporation Secretary
Gerald L. Greer (Washington State University 1974) - House Corporation Secretary
William J. Slodysko (Washington State University 1973) - House Corporation Secretary
Jeffrey D. Tisdale (Washington State University 1987) - House Corporation Secretary
Von W. Baer (Washington State University 2004) - House Corporation Member
Robert M. Beck (Washington State University 1983) - House Corporation Member
Brian K. Bliesner (Washington State University 1990) - House Corporation Member
Rob L. Borden (Washington State University 2010) - House Corporation Member
John B. Camealy (Washington State University 1951) - House Corporation Member
Wallace S. Campbell (Washington State University 1956) - House Corporation Member
Christopher R. Carlson (Washington State University 1985) - House Corporation Member
Neal E. Deckman (Washington State University 1974) - House Corporation Member
Daniel J. Edwards (Washington State University 1979) - House Corporation Member
Bruce M. Ellis (Washington State University 1968) - House Corporation Member
John F. Essley (Washington State University 1957) - House Corporation Member
Erik J. Fay (Washington State University 1999) - House Corporation Member
Gerald L. Greer (Washington State University 1974) - House Corporation Member
Eric D. Hedeen (Washington State University 1987) - House Corporation Member
Bennett J. Hull (Washington State University 1987) - House Corporation Member
Ryan R. Ibach (Washington State University 1994) - House Corporation Member
Tyler C. Jensen (Washington State University 2011) - House Corporation Member
Augustan D. Kittson (Washington State University 1978) - House Corporation Member
Brian R. Lieuallen (Washington State University 1989) - House Corporation Member
William L. Martin (Washington State University 1994) - House Corporation Member
Harlan R. Mayer, II (Washington State University 1970) - House Corporation Member
Greg J. Moeller (Washington State University 1991) - House Corporation Member
Karl A. Moore (Washington State University 1995) - House Corporation Member
Brett R. Noyes (Washington State University 2003) - House Corporation Member
Matthew L. Oakes (Washington State University 2011) - House Corporation Member
Roger A. Petersen (Washington State University 1994) - House Corporation Member
Timothy Pham (Washington State University 2014) - House Corporation Member
James W. Potts (Washington State University 1958) - House Corporation Member
Ralph R. Rawson (Washington State University 1951) - House Corporation Member
Donald J. Raz (Washington State University 1984) - House Corporation Member
Gary E. Schell (Washington State University 1970) - House Corporation Member
William J. Slodysko (Washington State University 1973) - House Corporation Member
Charles R. Smith (Washington State University 1998) - House Corporation Member
Mark J. Smith (Washington State University 1974) - House Corporation Member
Warren D. Starr (Washington State University 1957) - House Corporation Member
Keith J. Stocker (Washington State University 1986) - House Corporation Member
Garrett W. Thiemens (Washington State University 2000) - House Corporation Member
Jeffrey D. Tisdale (Washington State University 1987) - House Corporation Member
Robert K. Wolf (Washington State University 1991) - House Corporation Member
Donald R. Wytko (Washington State University 1985) - House Corporation Member
Thomas H. Mandell (West Virginia University 2000) - House Corporation President
Dennis McNamara, Jr. (West Virginia University 1987) - House Corporation President
Chad D. O'Dell (West Virginia University 1998) - House Corporation President
Randal J. Ofensend (West Virginia University 1985) - House Corporation President
Christopher A. Willis (West Virginia University 2005) - House Corporation President
Jonathan L. Bitto (West Virginia University 1984) - House Corporation Vice President
Dennis McNamara, Jr. (West Virginia University 1987) - House Corporation Vice President
Mark N. Roth (West Virginia University 1977) - House Corporation Treasurer
Andrew L. Schmidt (West Virginia University 1994) - House Corporation Treasurer
Robert W. Martini (West Virginia University 1974) - House Corporation Secretary
Jonathan L. Bitto (West Virginia University 1984) - House Corporation Member
Rusty D. Warner (West Virginia University 1986) - House Corporation Member
Kyle G. Allen (Western Kentucky University 2011) - House Corporation President
Jeffrey T. Baynham (Western Kentucky University 2002) - House Corporation President
Zachary K. Ryle (Western Kentucky University 2011) - House Corporation President
Dylan H. Ward (Western Kentucky University 2013) - House Corporation President
Jeffrey T. Baynham (Western Kentucky University 2002) - House Corporation Vice President
Corey P. Johnson (Western Kentucky University 2013) - House Corporation Treasurer
Joshua Amos (Western Kentucky University 2013) - House Corporation Secretary
Drew J. Morgan (Western Kentucky University 2015) - House Corporation Secretary
Lucas J. Gilliam (Western Kentucky University 2012) - House Corporation Member
Elliot D. Berg (Western Michigan University 2015) - House Corporation President
Jeffrey A. Carter (Western Michigan University 1977) - House Corporation President
Samuel L. Cropsey (Western Michigan University 1984) - House Corporation President
Dana D. Daniels (Western Michigan University 1979) - House Corporation President
Andrew J. Dinsmore (Western Michigan University 1997) - House Corporation President
Thye L. Fischman (Western Michigan University 2017) - House Corporation President
William G. McClimans, Jr. (Western Michigan University 1979) - House Corporation President
Timothy S. Rogowski (Western Michigan University 1979) - House Corporation President
Jonathan P. VanDore (Western Michigan University 1985) - House Corporation President
Andrew C. Wenzel (Western Michigan University 1988) - House Corporation President
Samuel L. Cropsey (Western Michigan University 1984) - House Corporation Vice President
Spencer K. Gillette (Western Michigan University 2015) - House Corporation Vice President
Kenneth R. Kreichelt (Western Michigan University 1974) - House Corporation Vice President
Steven J. Laundra (Western Michigan University 1981) - House Corporation Vice President
Christopher J. Seton (Western Michigan University 2016) - House Corporation Vice President
Garry L. Bryant (Western Michigan University 1992) - House Corporation Treasurer
Michael J. Mihelich (Western Michigan University 1985) - House Corporation Treasurer
Timothy D. Allshouse (Western Michigan University 1979) - House Corporation Secretary
Donald F. Bleuenstein (Western Michigan University 1995) - House Corporation Secretary
Martin Gasca, Jr. (Western Michigan University 2017) - House Corporation Secretary
Gregory R. Hammerlund (Western Michigan University 1978) - House Corporation Secretary
Lyle B. Jacon (Western Michigan University 1986) - House Corporation Secretary
Jeffrey D. Karns (Western Michigan University 1983) - House Corporation Secretary
Jeffrey L. Stinson, Jr. (Western Michigan University 2020) - House Corporation Secretary
Timothy D. Allshouse (Western Michigan University 1979) - House Corporation Member
Ken B. Brumbaugh (Western Michigan University 1979) - House Corporation Member
Christopher J. Carlston (Western Michigan University 1989) - House Corporation Member
Samuel L. Cropsey (Western Michigan University 1984) - House Corporation Member
Dana D. Daniels (Western Michigan University 1979) - House Corporation Member
Thye L. Fischman (Western Michigan University 2017) - House Corporation Member
Martin Gasca, Jr. (Western Michigan University 2017) - House Corporation Member
Spencer K. Gillette (Western Michigan University 2015) - House Corporation Member
Jeffrey D. Karns (Western Michigan University 1983) - House Corporation Member
Rex H. Larkin (Western Michigan University 1987) - House Corporation Member
Jacob B. Lee (Western Michigan University 2015) - House Corporation Member
William P. Martin (Western Michigan University 1984) - House Corporation Member
Dennis R. Miller (Western Michigan University 2017) - House Corporation Member
Raymond A. Passkiewicz (Western Michigan University 1975) - House Corporation Member
Timothy S. Rogowski (Western Michigan University 1979) - House Corporation Member
Richard S. Sampson (Western Michigan University 1986) - House Corporation Member
Stephen D. Schauer (Western Michigan University 1992) - House Corporation Member
Christopher J. Seton (Western Michigan University 2016) - House Corporation Member
Robert V. Sweeney (Western Michigan University 1985) - House Corporation Member
Dustin M. Taggart (Western Michigan University 2018) - House Corporation Member
Marc J. VanBaalen (Western Michigan University 1994) - House Corporation Member
Nicholas R. Walker (Western Michigan University 2017) - House Corporation Member
Robert G. Waun, Jr. (Western Michigan University 1990) - House Corporation Member
Mark A. Winter (Western Michigan University 1990) - House Corporation Member
Thomas N. Campbell (Westminster College 1967) - House Corporation President
Brian W. Dale (Westminster College 1989) - House Corporation President
Brainerd W. LaTourette, Jr. (Westminster College 1952) - House Corporation President
Clay S. Logan (Westminster College 1970) - House Corporation President
COL Phillip L. Reynolds (Westminster College 1961) - House Corporation President
Wallace L. Head (Westminster College 1972) - House Corporation Vice President
Clay S. Logan (Westminster College 1970) - House Corporation Vice President
Dale G. Schaefer (Westminster College 1958) - House Corporation Vice President
Thomas S. Thomas (Westminster College 1966) - House Corporation Vice President
Bradford D. Brunger (Westminster College 1986) - House Corporation Treasurer
William D. Daniels (Westminster College 1971) - House Corporation Treasurer
Walter C. Windsor (Westminster College 1976) - House Corporation Treasurer
Thomas S. Thomas (Westminster College 1966) - House Corporation Secretary
Gerald E. Wethington (Westminster College 1975) - House Corporation Secretary
Dirk R. Brinkmeyer (Westminster College 1976) - House Corporation Member
Mark E. Crawford (Westminster College 1985) - House Corporation Member
William D. Daniels (Westminster College 1971) - House Corporation Member
Reuben Davis (Westminster College 1966) - House Corporation Member
Clay S. Logan (Westminster College 1970) - House Corporation Member
Craig S. Moore (Westminster College 1981) - House Corporation Member
COL Phillip L. Reynolds (Westminster College 1961) - House Corporation Member
Thomas S. Thomas (Westminster College 1966) - House Corporation Member
Dale E. Cook, Jr. (William Jewell College 1978) - House Corporation President
Mark A. Daniels (William Jewell College 1990) - House Corporation President
Jason M. Davis (William Jewell College 1996) - House Corporation President
John R. Davis (William Jewell College 1969) - House Corporation President
G. Graham Houston (William Jewell College 1979) - House Corporation President
A. M. Hull (William Jewell College 1938) - House Corporation President
Michael J. Maloney (William Jewell College 1960) - House Corporation President
Jimmy J. Masten (William Jewell College 1967) - House Corporation President
Richard S. Wertz (William Jewell College 1972) - House Corporation President
James W. Woods, II (William Jewell College 1969) - House Corporation President
Richard M. Wright, Jr. (William Jewell College 1978) - House Corporation President
Lawrence E. Grace (William Jewell College 1981) - House Corporation Vice President
G. Graham Houston (William Jewell College 1979) - House Corporation Vice President
Myron J. Neth (William Jewell College 1991) - House Corporation Vice President
Robert G. Ulrich (William Jewell College 1963) - House Corporation Vice President
Lawrence E. Grace (William Jewell College 1981) - House Corporation Treasurer
Larry D. Harman (William Jewell College 1975) - House Corporation Treasurer
Jimmy J. Masten (William Jewell College 1967) - House Corporation Treasurer
Shane Spencer (William Jewell College 2009) - House Corporation Treasurer
Richard S. Wertz (William Jewell College 1972) - House Corporation Treasurer
Myron E. Clark, USAF (Ret) (William Jewell College 1955) - House Corporation Secretary
Everett F. Corwin, Jr. (William Jewell College 1950) - House Corporation Secretary
Mark D. Davis (William Jewell College 1995) - House Corporation Secretary
Michael J. Maloney (William Jewell College 1960) - House Corporation Secretary
Jonathan S. Rhoad, PhD (William Jewell College 1998) - House Corporation Secretary
Alex C. Blevins (William Jewell College 2019) - House Corporation Member
Raymond R. Brock, Jr. (William Jewell College 1952) - House Corporation Member
Myron E. Clark, USAF (Ret) (William Jewell College 1955) - House Corporation Member
Michael G. Fligg (William Jewell College 1961) - House Corporation Member
Lawrence E. Grace (William Jewell College 1981) - House Corporation Member
Kevin A. Graham (William Jewell College 1989) - House Corporation Member
Larry D. Harman (William Jewell College 1975) - House Corporation Member
G. Graham Houston (William Jewell College 1979) - House Corporation Member
A. M. Hull (William Jewell College 1938) - House Corporation Member
Michael R. Johnson (William Jewell College 1970) - House Corporation Member
Darin J. Lee (William Jewell College 1997) - House Corporation Member
Michael J. Maloney (William Jewell College 1960) - House Corporation Member
Damon R. Mills (William Jewell College 1993) - House Corporation Member
Chester B. Nine (William Jewell College 1995) - House Corporation Member
James S. Schanbacher (William Jewell College 1981) - House Corporation Member
Dr. Wilber B. Spalding Jr. (William Jewell College 1952) - House Corporation Member
Martin L. Studdard (William Jewell College 1996) - House Corporation Member
Martin E. Teat (William Jewell College 1991) - House Corporation Member
Richard P. Winslow (William Jewell College 1995) - House Corporation Member
John R. Jakubowski (Williams College 1957) - House Corporation President
John R. Jakubowski (Williams College 1957) - House Corporation Member
Robert M. Blakey (Wittenberg University 1985) - House Corporation President
George A. Buckley, Jr. (Wittenberg University 1980) - House Corporation President
Dennis R. Chotkevys (Wittenberg University 1969) - House Corporation President
Lewis W. Digel (Wittenberg University 1950) - House Corporation President
Richard E. Fowler (Wittenberg University 1973) - House Corporation President
George Hopper (Wittenberg University 1932) - House Corporation President
Theodore S. Marty, Jr. (Wittenberg University 1957) - House Corporation President
David R. Miles (Wittenberg University 1977) - House Corporation President
David H. Prescott, MD (Wittenberg University 1977) - House Corporation President
Christopher M. Vennefron (Wittenberg University 2005) - House Corporation President
Peter G. Welsh (Wittenberg University 1974) - House Corporation President
John M. Bourne, Jr. (Wittenberg University 1988) - House Corporation Vice President
William E. Downing (Wittenberg University 2015) - House Corporation Vice President
Devin W. McConnell (Wittenberg University 1973) - House Corporation Vice President
Jack P. Reynard, Jr. (Wittenberg University 1961) - House Corporation Vice President
Glenn R. Theile (Wittenberg University 1984) - House Corporation Vice President
Lawrence O. Votaw (Wittenberg University 1953) - House Corporation Vice President
Peter J. Woessner (Wittenberg University 1976) - House Corporation Vice President
George A. Buckley, Jr. (Wittenberg University 1980) - House Corporation Treasurer
David R. Miles (Wittenberg University 1977) - House Corporation Treasurer
K. Richard Rice (Wittenberg University 1960) - House Corporation Treasurer
Wayne L. Tompkins, Jr. (Wittenberg University 1970) - House Corporation Treasurer
Frederick W. Wackernagel (Wittenberg University 1935) - House Corporation Treasurer
George A. Buckley, Jr. (Wittenberg University 1980) - House Corporation Secretary
Richard E. Fowler (Wittenberg University 1973) - House Corporation Secretary
David H. Prescott, MD (Wittenberg University 1977) - House Corporation Secretary
Bradley K. Rechel (Wittenberg University 1978) - House Corporation Secretary
Ted R. Bardach (Wittenberg University 1994) - House Corporation Member
Bradley D. Beals (Wittenberg University 1988) - House Corporation Member
Robert M. Blakey (Wittenberg University 1985) - House Corporation Member
Matthew H. Blatchford (Wittenberg University 1990) - House Corporation Member
Ernest W. Bolla (Wittenberg University 1948) - House Corporation Member
John M. Bourne, Jr. (Wittenberg University 1988) - House Corporation Member
Todd N. Cardwell (Wittenberg University 1989) - House Corporation Member
Keith J. Carey (Wittenberg University 1953) - House Corporation Member
Daniel P. D'Arrigo (Wittenberg University 1978) - House Corporation Member
Ronald A. Delanglade (Wittenberg University 1983) - House Corporation Member
William B. Diehm (Wittenberg University 1977) - House Corporation Member
Lewis W. Digel (Wittenberg University 1950) - House Corporation Member
Andrew S. Dix (Wittenberg University 1996) - House Corporation Member
G. Charles Dix, II (Wittenberg University 1981) - House Corporation Member
James M. Embrescia (Wittenberg University 1981) - House Corporation Member
Paul R. Feaser, III (Wittenberg University 1996) - House Corporation Member
Ryan C. Fox (Wittenberg University 1995) - House Corporation Member
Glen F. Gadiano (Wittenberg University 1992) - House Corporation Member
George S. George (Wittenberg University 1998) - House Corporation Member
John R. Gork (Wittenberg University 1984) - House Corporation Member
David L. Hickinbotham (Wittenberg University 1962) - House Corporation Member
George Hopper (Wittenberg University 1932) - House Corporation Member
John R. Howard (Wittenberg University 1994) - House Corporation Member
Samuel J. Jodka (Wittenberg University 2001) - House Corporation Member
Adam R. Kaufman (Wittenberg University 1993) - House Corporation Member
James W. Klenke (Wittenberg University 1976) - House Corporation Member
Michael W. Kristoff (Wittenberg University 1979) - House Corporation Member
Kurt J. Lindower (Wittenberg University 1985) - House Corporation Member
Shawn M. Lowry (Wittenberg University 1988) - House Corporation Member
John C. Marschhausen (Wittenberg University 1993) - House Corporation Member
Ryan A. Martin (Wittenberg University 2003) - House Corporation Member
Theodore S. Marty, Jr. (Wittenberg University 1957) - House Corporation Member
Timothy E. Marty (Wittenberg University 1984) - House Corporation Member
Devin W. McConnell (Wittenberg University 1973) - House Corporation Member
Michael C. McNutt (Wittenberg University 1984) - House Corporation Member
Jeffrey G. Neupauer (Wittenberg University 1974) - House Corporation Member
John R. Pine (Wittenberg University 1991) - House Corporation Member
David H. Prescott, MD (Wittenberg University 1977) - House Corporation Member
William S. Race, Jr. (Wittenberg University 1993) - House Corporation Member
Christopher R. Ratchford (Wittenberg University 1992) - House Corporation Member
Devon M. Ratchford (Wittenberg University 1995) - House Corporation Member
Bradley K. Rechel (Wittenberg University 1978) - House Corporation Member
Scott F. Rechel (Wittenberg University 1981) - House Corporation Member
Jack P. Reynard, Jr. (Wittenberg University 1961) - House Corporation Member
K. Richard Rice (Wittenberg University 1960) - House Corporation Member
Paul J. Shirilla (Wittenberg University 1997) - House Corporation Member
Frederick I. Stauffer (Wittenberg University 1958) - House Corporation Member
Steven P. Stookey (Wittenberg University 1989) - House Corporation Member
John P. Tafaro (Wittenberg University 1976) - House Corporation Member
Lance A. Talmage, Jr. (Wittenberg University 1987) - House Corporation Member
Glenn R. Theile (Wittenberg University 1984) - House Corporation Member
William C. Waldman, Jr. (Wittenberg University 1994) - House Corporation Member
Peter G. Welsh (Wittenberg University 1974) - House Corporation Member
Todd E. Williams (Wittenberg University 1982) - House Corporation Member
Peter J. Woessner (Wittenberg University 1976) - House Corporation Member
Garry P. Balboni, PE (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1974) - House Corporation President
James F. Carlson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1999) - House Corporation President
Justin L. Caserta (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1995) - House Corporation President
Philip A. Cyr (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1986) - House Corporation President
Robert F. Ferrari (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1974) - House Corporation President
Henry J. Fitzgerald (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1975) - House Corporation President
Karl J. Gebhardt (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2004) - House Corporation President
Christopher J. Godfrey (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1994) - House Corporation President
James L. Jardine (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1972) - House Corporation President
Mark J. Macaulay (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1989) - House Corporation President
Eric H. Nickerson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1969) - House Corporation President
Donald O. Patten, Jr. (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1979) - House Corporation President
Richard A. Perreault (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1975) - House Corporation President
Anthony J. Raymond (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1978) - House Corporation President
William E. Salomon (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2005) - House Corporation President
David M. Vogt (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1977) - House Corporation President
Robert R. Wood, Jr. (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1973) - House Corporation President
James D. Aceto, Jr. (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1975) - House Corporation Vice President
Kurt R. Benson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1968) - House Corporation Vice President
Justin L. Caserta (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1995) - House Corporation Vice President
Philip A. Cyr (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1986) - House Corporation Vice President
Sherman R. Gates, Jr. (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1972) - House Corporation Vice President
Christopher J. Godfrey (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1994) - House Corporation Vice President
William K. Johnson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1976) - House Corporation Vice President
Mark J. Macaulay (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1989) - House Corporation Vice President
James J. Mosteller (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2017) - House Corporation Vice President
Michael W. Quigley (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2001) - House Corporation Vice President
Stephen E. Rubin (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1974) - House Corporation Vice President
David C. Willens (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2009) - House Corporation Vice President
Joel F. Angelico (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1975) - House Corporation Treasurer
Garry P. Balboni, PE (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1974) - House Corporation Treasurer
John A. Calcio (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1987) - House Corporation Treasurer
John C. Forster (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1976) - House Corporation Treasurer
Michael J. Herberg (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1980) - House Corporation Treasurer
Jason M. Hutchins (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2009) - House Corporation Treasurer
James L. Jardine (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1972) - House Corporation Treasurer
William L. Johnson, Jr. (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1993) - House Corporation Treasurer
Eric H. Nickerson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1969) - House Corporation Treasurer
Donald O. Patten, Jr. (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1979) - House Corporation Treasurer
Richard A. Perreault (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1975) - House Corporation Treasurer
Anthony J. Raymond (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1978) - House Corporation Treasurer
William E. Salomon (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2005) - House Corporation Treasurer
Paul F. Wheeler (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1976) - House Corporation Treasurer
Raymond F. Cherenzia (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1973) - House Corporation Secretary
Karl J. Gebhardt (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2004) - House Corporation Secretary
William K. Johnson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1976) - House Corporation Secretary
Kevin P. Martinez (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2009) - House Corporation Secretary
David E. Medeiros (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1975) - House Corporation Secretary
Emmanuel Michaelidis (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2013) - House Corporation Secretary
Eric F. Pauly (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1998) - House Corporation Secretary
Stephen E. Rubin (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1974) - House Corporation Secretary
Steven J. Silva (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1976) - House Corporation Secretary
Bruce E. Smith (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1977) - House Corporation Secretary
Joel F. Angelico (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1975) - House Corporation Member
Garry P. Balboni, PE (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1974) - House Corporation Member
Justin L. Caserta (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1995) - House Corporation Member
Edwin B. Coghlin Jr. (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1956) - House Corporation Member
John R. DeChristoforo (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2006) - House Corporation Member
Raymond M. Dunn, Jr. (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1978) - House Corporation Member
Robert F. Ferrari (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1974) - House Corporation Member
Leslie Flood (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1948) - House Corporation Member
Robert J. Frommer, Jr. (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1988) - House Corporation Member
Christopher J. Godfrey (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1994) - House Corporation Member
Jeremy W. Hagger (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2013) - House Corporation Member
Timothy B. Igo (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1999) - House Corporation Member
David A. Kuniholm (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1940) - House Corporation Member
M. Leonard Kuniholm (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1938) - House Corporation Member
Mark J. Macaulay (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1989) - House Corporation Member
David E. Medeiros (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1975) - House Corporation Member
Douglas A. Riley, PE (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1968) - House Corporation Member
William E. Salomon (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2005) - House Corporation Member
Otto A. Wahlrab (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1954) - House Corporation Member
Richard B. Will (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1952) - House Corporation Member
John B. Willard (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1937) - House Corporation Member
Andrew J. Williams (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1992) - House Corporation Member

Financial Advisory Board/Trustees

Current and Former Financial Advisory Board/Trustees

George D. Bailey (University of Wisconsin 1912) - Trustee President
Eugene H. Clapp (Lafayette College 1936) - Trustee President
John F. Cosgriffe (University of Toronto 1961) - Trustee President
Emlyn I. Griffith (Colgate University 1942) - Trustee President
John S. Miller (University of Idaho 1929) - Trustee President
John E. Scott (Indiana University 1930) - Trustee President
Marlis E. Smith (Texas Tech University 1954) - Trustee President
Tom K. Smith (University of Missouri 1904) - Trustee President
Arthur Surkamp (University of Texas 1913) - Trustee President
Gerald E. Veltmann (University of Texas 1932) - Trustee President
William J. Wardall (University of Illinois 1908) - Trustee President
Robert D. Watt (University of Washington 1935) - Trustee President
John F. Winch (University of Michigan 1946) - Trustee President
Cecil C. Barnett, Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1961) - Financial Advisory Board Chairman
Gerald B. Bay (Purdue University 1962) - Financial Advisory Board Chairman
William O. Gamble, III (University of Oklahoma 1961) - Financial Advisory Board Chairman
Jeffrey S. Holland (Hampden-Sydney College 1982) - Financial Advisory Board Chairman
Glenn D. Moor (Texas Tech University 1984) - Financial Advisory Board Chairman
G. Porter Robinson (Mississippi State University 1975) - Financial Advisory Board Chairman
Ronald A. Sages (Ohio University 1973) - Financial Advisory Board Chairman
Eugene H. Clapp (Lafayette College 1936) - Trustee Secretary
John F. Cosgriffe (University of Toronto 1961) - Trustee Secretary
Lewis M. Costello (University of Virginia 1955) - Trustee Secretary
Cecil F. Dawson (William Jewell College 1915) - Trustee Secretary
Bernard J. DelGiorno (University of Chicago 1955) - Trustee Secretary
Emlyn I. Griffith (Colgate University 1942) - Trustee Secretary
Robert L. Johnson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1938) - Trustee Secretary
Houston B. Marshall (Washington & Jefferson College 1939) - Trustee Secretary
Abbot P. Mills (Williams College 1911) - Trustee Secretary
William S. Robb (University of Pennsylvania 1934) - Trustee Secretary
N. W. Solomon (University of Nebraska 1951) - Trustee Secretary
Arthur Surkamp (University of Texas 1913) - Trustee Secretary
Stanley T. Wallbank (University of Colorado 1917) - Trustee Secretary
John F. Winch (University of Michigan 1946) - Trustee Secretary
William S. Zerman (University of Michigan 1949) - Trustee Assistant Secretary
Robert G. Adair (University of Wisconsin 1933) - Trustee
Robert A. Adams (Washington & Jefferson College 1913) - Trustee
Robert L. Albin (University of Missouri 1962) - Trustee
Ronald C. Andrews (University of British Columbia 1938) - Trustee
George D. Bailey (University of Wisconsin 1912) - Trustee
Hugh J. Baker (Ohio State University 1931) - Trustee
David C. Bland (University of Texas 1938) - Trustee
Henry S. Brainard (Case Western Reserve University 1922) - Trustee
George A. Buckley, Jr. (Wittenberg University 1980) - Trustee
Ellis E. Busse (University of Chicago 1931) - Trustee
Ralph H. Cake (University of Oregon 1913) - Trustee
Joseph B. Carney, Sr. (DePauw University 1950) - Trustee
Marvin J. Carver, III (University of North Carolina 1975) - Trustee
Eugene A. Cernan, USN (Ret) (Purdue University 1956) - Trustee
Eugene H. Clapp (Lafayette College 1936) - Trustee
John F. Cosgriffe (University of Toronto 1961) - Trustee
Lewis M. Costello (University of Virginia 1955) - Trustee
Marshall B. Dalton (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1915) - Trustee
Timothy L. Davis (Ohio University 1990) - Trustee
Ernest L. Deal, Jr. (University of Alabama 1952) - Trustee
Bernard J. DelGiorno (University of Chicago 1955) - Trustee
Philip C. Ebeling (Ohio Wesleyan University 1928) - Trustee
David G. Elmore (Indiana University 1955) - Trustee
William O. Gamble, III (University of Oklahoma 1961) - Trustee
Emlyn I. Griffith (Colgate University 1942) - Trustee
George Gunn (University of Washington 1916) - Trustee
Philip S. Harper (Columbia University 1916) - Trustee
William R. Hauser (Denison University 1950) - Trustee
C. James Jessee, Jr. (University of Virginia 1949) - Trustee
Robert L. Johnson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1938) - Trustee
David A. Kemp (Southern Methodist University 1962) - Trustee
Bernard Kilgore (DePauw University 1929) - Trustee
Alfred M. Landon (University of Kansas 1908) - Trustee
James S. Lee (University of Minnesota 1978) - Trustee
Danner L. Mahood (University of Virginia 1923) - Trustee
J. K. Mahrdt (DePauw University 1928) - Trustee
Louis A. Mangels (Indiana University 1956) - Trustee
Houston B. Marshall (Washington & Jefferson College 1939) - Trustee
R. S. Maurer (Columbia University 1938) - Trustee
Hamilton E. McRae, III (University of Arizona 1960) - Trustee
Crandall Melvin (Syracuse University 1911) - Trustee
William G. Mennen (Cornell University 1908) - Trustee
John S. Miller (University of Idaho 1929) - Trustee
Greg J. Moeller (Washington State University 1991) - Trustee
Cola G. Parker (University of Chicago 1910) - Trustee
Gilbert M. Roddy (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1931) - Trustee
Edward B. Rust (Stanford University 1940) - Trustee
Bruce D. Sargent (Columbia University 1966) - Trustee
John E. Scott (Indiana University 1930) - Trustee
Howard I. Scott (University of Pittsburgh 1944) - Trustee
John D. Sheppard (University of Pittsburgh 1944) - Trustee
William H. Smith (Purdue University 1939) - Trustee
Marlis E. Smith (Texas Tech University 1954) - Trustee
Everett W. Smith (Yale University 1936) - Trustee
N. W. Solomon (University of Nebraska 1951) - Trustee
Edgar B. Speer (University of Pennsylvania 1941) - Trustee
Arthur C. Stephens, Jr. (Southern Methodist University 1961) - Trustee
Gerald E. Veltmann (University of Texas 1932) - Trustee
Stanley T. Wallbank (University of Colorado 1917) - Trustee
William J. Wardall (University of Illinois 1908) - Trustee
Robert D. Watt (University of Washington 1935) - Trustee
Thomas H. Williams, Jr. (University of Alabama 1941) - Trustee
John F. Winch (University of Michigan 1946) - Trustee
Cecil C. Barnett, Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1961) - Financial Advisory Board Member
Gerald B. Bay (Purdue University 1962) - Financial Advisory Board Member
William F. Brock (Purdue University 1963) - Financial Advisory Board Member
Marvin J. Carver, III (University of North Carolina 1975) - Financial Advisory Board Member
Ernest L. Deal, Jr. (University of Alabama 1952) - Financial Advisory Board Member
Theodore D. Dickman (Indiana University 1983) - Financial Advisory Board Member
James B. Hickey, Jr. (University of Illinois 1975) - Financial Advisory Board Member
R. Kirk Landon (Georgia Institute of Technology 1950) - Financial Advisory Board Member
James S. Lee (University of Minnesota 1978) - Financial Advisory Board Member
Nicholas A. Loiacono (University of Illinois 1974) - Financial Advisory Board Member
William A. Martin III (Mississippi State University 1975) - Financial Advisory Board Member
Glenn D. Moor (Texas Tech University 1984) - Financial Advisory Board Member
James E. Morrison (University of Kentucky 1970) - Financial Advisory Board Member
David Polayes (University of Florida 1980) - Financial Advisory Board Member
N. Clay Robbins (Wabash College 1979) - Financial Advisory Board Member
Ronald A. Sages (Ohio University 1973) - Financial Advisory Board Member
Richard A. Smudz (Ohio State University 1975) - Financial Advisory Board Member
David M. Todd (University of Southern California 1967) - Financial Advisory Board Member
Paul L. Vogel (University of Missouri 1989) - Financial Advisory Board Member
Robert D. Watt (University of Washington 1935) - Financial Advisory Board Member
Peter G. Welsh (Wittenberg University 1974) - Financial Advisory Board Member
Phil E. Zegarelli (Columbia University 1970) - Financial Advisory Board Member

Assistant Disciplinary Counsel

Past Assistant Disciplinary Counsel

John G. Beck (Washington & Jefferson College 1988)
John J. Britton (University of Tennessee 1979)
John G. Brock (University of Tennessee 1993)
Champ W. Davis, Jr. (University of Illinois 1962)
Reuben Davis (Westminster College 1966)
Andrew J. Detherage (Indiana University 1987)
William M. Flevares (University of Chicago 1988)
Michael D. Ford (University of Alberta 1981)
Jed L. Frankel (Emory University 1990)
Glen A. Glass (University of Missouri 1968)
David S. Glicken (Florida State University 1979)
Christopher Graham, Esq. (University of Missouri 1968)
Jeffrey A. Halm (Denison University 1969)
J. Miles Hanisee (Louisiana State University 1992)
David S. Harvey (University of Akron 1989)
Thomas M. Herlihy (Columbia University 1975)
Robert M. Hill, Jr. (University of Alabama 1957)
Mitchell H. Hirsch (Rutgers University 1975)
Kevin L. Kelley (Texas Christian University 1981)
Kevin B. Lindahl (University of Denver 1983)
Ronald L. Marmer (Northwestern University 1974)
Steven A. Michalek (University of Iowa 1989)
Thomas E. Midyett, Jr. (Southern Methodist University 1966)
Scott J. Mikulecky (Colorado State University 1982)
J. Dean Mosher (University of Idaho 1949)
Richard Oberreiter (University of California Los Angeles 1984)
Orsen E. Paxton, III (University of Texas Arlington 1971)
H. Franklin Perritt, Jr. (University of Florida 1956)
Jack L. Pfeilsticker (University of Minnesota 1967)
James W. Purcell (University of Georgia 1973)
Jack P. Reynard, Jr. (Wittenberg University 1961)
James C. Rinaman, Jr. (University of Florida 1955)
Alex L. Rogers (DePauw University 1965)
Michael B. Shapiro (Emory University 1978)
Randy J. Sparling (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1979)
Winfred A. Stevens (University of Maine Orono 1965)
Michael J. Stewart (Pennsylvania State University 1972)
Raymond P. Trevisan (Lehigh University 1980)
William Trickel (University of Florida 1960)
Max A. Wernick (University of Arkansas 1974)
Kyle Wheelus (University of the South Sewanee 1952)
Richard A. Wilmer (Cornell University 1939)
Archie M. Zariski (University of Alberta 1971)

<div> </div>

Award Judges

Past Award Judges

Steven E. Area (University of  Arkansas 1973) - 2021 Cheney Cup
Robert S. Arp (University of  California Los Angeles 1981) - 2021 Haynes Award
Tyson K. Beem (University of  Southern California 1997) - 2016 Brightman Award for Graduate Chapters
Seth J. Bland (Western Kentucky University 2016) - 2015 Condon Cup
Matthew A. Bocchi (Allegheny College 2013) - 2021 Coon Plaque
William R. Bracewell (University of  Georgia 1968) - 2011 Jordan Bowl
William R. Bracewell (University of  Georgia 1968) - 2011 Wilkinson Award
William R. Bracewell (University of  Georgia 1968) - 2014 Wilkinson Award
William R. Bracewell (University of  Georgia 1968) - 2015 Wilkinson Award
Justin M. Burns (Ohio State University 2007) - 2015 Brightman Trophy
Marvin J. Carver, III (University of  North Carolina 1975) - 2014 Condon Cup
Marvin J. Carver, III (University of  North Carolina 1975) - 2015 Haynes Award
Eugene D. Cote' III (University of  Maine Orono 1981) - 2014 Brightman Trophy
Eugene D. Cote' III (University of  Maine Orono 1981) - 2015 Brightman Trophy
Eugene D. Cote' III (University of  Maine Orono 1981) - 2021 Cheney Cup
Dustyn J. Curran (Iowa State University 2007) - 2014 Cheney Cup
Dustyn J. Curran (Iowa State University 2007) - 2015 Crowder Cup
Charles R. DeWitt (University of  Cincinnati 1972) - 2014 Baker Cup
Charles R. DeWitt (University of  Cincinnati 1972) - 2015 Baker Cup
Dennis A. DiTullio (Ohio State University 2005) - 2014 Coulter Cup
Dennis A. DiTullio (Ohio State University 2005) - 2015 Coulter Cup
Brian M. Douglas (Tennessee Technological University 1998) - 2014 Coon Plaque
Brian M. Douglas (Tennessee Technological University 1998) - 2015 Coon Plaque
Jeffrey M. Downey (University of  California Los Angeles 1983) - 2015 Cheney Cup
Jeffrey M. Downey (University of  California Los Angeles 1983) - 2021 Crowder Cup
William E. Downing (Wittenberg University 2015) - 2014 Durance Award
William E. Downing (Wittenberg University 2015) - 2015 Durance Award
Doug W. Draper (University of  Kansas 1993) - 2021 Zerman Trophy
Charles E. Gabe (Hanover College 1990) - 2014 Durance Award
Charles E. Gabe (Hanover College 1990) - 2015 Durance Award
Gerard M. Golden (University of  Richmond 1999) - 2014 Coon Plaque
Gerard M. Golden (University of  Richmond 1999) - 2015 Coon Plaque
Joshua R. Goldman (Indiana State University 2001) - 2014 Cheney Cup
Joshua R. Goldman (Indiana State University 2001) - 2015 Cheney Cup
Joshua R. Goldman (Indiana State University 2001) - 2021 Crowder Cup
David L. Grady (Mississippi State University 1982) - 2021 Crowder Cup
R. Keith Henley (University of  North Alabama 1989) - 2014 Crowder Cup
R. Keith Henley (University of  North Alabama 1989) - 2015 Crowder Cup
Mitchell Ingram Henn DDS (Case Western Reserve University 1972) - 2021 Haynes Award
James B. Hickey, Jr. (University of  Illinois 1975) - 2014 Wilkinson Award
James B. Hickey, Jr. (University of  Illinois 1975) - 2015 Brightman Trophy
Jonathan R. Hilliard (University of  Virginia 2007) - 2014 Baker Cup
Jonathan R. Hilliard (University of  Virginia 2007) - 2015 Baker Cup
Marcus W. Hitt (Wittenberg University 2005) - 2014 Condon Cup
Marcus W. Hitt (Wittenberg University 2005) - 2015 Condon Cup
Marcus W. Hitt (Wittenberg University 2005) - 2021 Cheney Cup
Joshua C. Holly (University of  Tennessee 1997) - 2014 Cheney Cup
Joshua C. Holly (University of  Tennessee 1997) - 2015 Cheney Cup
William S. Hunnicutt, Jr. (University of  Texas Arlington 1981) - 2021 Wilkinson Award
Michael P. M. Kennedy (Chapman University 2011) - 2014 Haynes Award
Eli Krambeer (Iowa State University 2013) - 2014 Haynes Award
Eli Krambeer (Iowa State University 2013) - 2015 Haynes Award
Joshua P. Laufenberg (University of  Illinois 2008) - 2015 Coulter Cup
Joshua P. Laufenberg (University of  Illinois 2008) - 2021 Cheney Cup
James W. Link (Ohio Wesleyan University 1982) - 2021 Wilkinson Award
Nicholas A. Loiacono (University of  Illinois 1974) - 2021 Wilkinson Award
Michael A. Lucas (Bradley University 1983) - 2014 Wilkinson Award
Michael A. Lucas (Bradley University 1983) - 2015 Wilkinson Award
Michael A. Lucas (Bradley University 1983) - 2021 Cheney Cup
Wesley J. Martin (Missouri State University 2009) - 2015 Brightman Award for Graduate Chapters
Wesley J. Martin (Missouri State University 2009) - 2021 Zerman Trophy
Scott C. McCarty (University of  Vermont 2008) - 2015 Brightman Award for Graduate Chapters
Scott C. McCarty (University of  Vermont 2008) - 2021 Brightman Trophy
Michael A. McDonald, Jr. (Western Michigan University 2014) - 2021 Brightman Award for Graduate Chapters
Cameron A. McDougal (Wabash College 2012) - 2014 Zerman Trophy
Jeffrey D. McMahan, Jr. (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2003) - 2021 Coulter Cup
John D. Metcalf (Washington State University 1992) - 2021 Baker Cup
James R. Miervaldis (Johns Hopkins University 2006) - 2021 Zerman Trophy
Scott J. Mikulecky (Colorado State University 1982) - 2014 Wilkinson Award
Scott J. Mikulecky (Colorado State University 1982) - 2015 Wilkinson Award
Glenn D. Moor (Texas Tech University 1984) - 2014 Zerman Trophy
Glenn D. Moor (Texas Tech University 1984) - 2015 Zerman Trophy
Glenn D. Moor (Texas Tech University 1984) - 2021 Brightman Award for Graduate Chapters
Joshua M. Moore (University of  Illinois 2011) - 2015 Brightman Award for Graduate Chapters
Joshua M. Moore (University of  Illinois 2011) - 2021 Baker Cup
Joshua S. Morita (University of  British Columbia 2001) - 2014 Cheney Cup
Joshua S. Morita (University of  British Columbia 2001) - 2015 Cheney Cup
Michael E. Morris (Kansas State University 1977) - 2009 Baker Cup
Timothy D. Nank (Columbia University 1993) - 2021 Condon Cup
James C. Neilson (University of  Akron 1991) - 2014 Haynes Award
James C. Neilson (University of  Akron 1991) - 2015 Haynes Award
James C. Neilson (University of  Akron 1991) - 2021 Brightman Award for Graduate Chapters
Kurt M. Niebuhr (Kansas State University 2003) - 2014 Coulter Cup
Kurt M. Niebuhr (Kansas State University 2003) - 2015 Durance Award
Michael B. Niezer (Ball State University 2010) - 2015 Baker Cup
Ian M. Parks (University of  Akron 2004) - 2014 Condon Cup
Ian M. Parks (University of  Akron 2004) - 2015 Condon Cup
Anthony G. Pego (Florida International University 2005) - 2021 Haynes Award
Bruce M. Pitman (Purdue University 1971) - 2014 Coulter Cup
Bruce M. Pitman (Purdue University 1971) - 2015 Coulter Cup
Bruce M. Pitman (Purdue University 1971) - 2021 Condon Cup
Nicholas A. Potter (Kettering University B 1994) - 2021 Coon Plaque
Michael L. Raisor (Indiana State University 1995) - 2021 Condon Cup
Andrew M. Re (University of  California Santa Barbara 2003) - 2021 Durance Award
Jason J. Ring (University of  Central Florida 2007) - 2014 Coon Plaque
James R. Riter (Oklahoma State University 2012) - 2014 Crowder Cup
Clark A. Robertson (University of  Nebraska 1982) - 2021 Wilkinson Award
G. Porter Robinson (Mississippi State University 1975) - 2014 Brightman Trophy
G. Porter Robinson (Mississippi State University 1975) - 2015 Zerman Trophy
Michael B. Sacks (James Madison University 2004) - 2009 Condon Cup
Michael B. Sacks (James Madison University 2004) - 2014 Crowder Cup
Michael B. Sacks (James Madison University 2004) - 2015 Crowder Cup
Ronald A. Sages (Ohio University 1973) - 2015 Coon Plaque
John E. Saylor (University of  North Carolina Wilmington 2017) - 2021 Baker Cup
Lee C. Schmitt (Miami University 1963) - 2014 Durance Award
D. Mark Smith (University of  Texas Arlington 1983) - 2014 Brightman Trophy
D. Mark Smith (University of  Texas Arlington 1983) - 2015 Wilkinson Award
D. Mark Smith (University of  Texas Arlington 1983) - 2021 Condon Cup
John G. Starzynski (University of  Western Ontario 1974) - 2021 Durance Award
Michael J. Stewart (Pennsylvania State University 1972) - 2014 Zerman Trophy
Michael J. Stewart (Pennsylvania State University 1972) - 2015 Zerman Trophy
Michael J. Stewart (Pennsylvania State University 1972) - 2021 Coulter Cup
Joshua J. Sticka (University of  Montana 1998) - 2021 Durance Award
Travis M. Tapella (Texas A & M University 2005) - 2014 Baker Cup
Peter G. Welsh (Wittenberg University 1974) - 2021 Brightman Trophy
Dennis J. Whitcomb (University of  California Riverside 1986) - 2021 Brightman Trophy
Amelious N. Whyte, Jr. (University of  Minnesota 1999) - 2021 Jordan Bowl
Amelious N. Whyte, Jr. (University of  Minnesota 1999) - 2021 Wilkinson Award
Jay R. Winkelhake (Colorado School of Mines 2000) - 2014 Cheney Cup
Jay R. Winkelhake (Colorado School of Mines 2000) - 2015 Cheney Cup
John D. Ziza (Ohio University 1978) - 2021 Coulter Cup

Canadian Foundation Board and Officers

Current and Former Canadian Foundation Board and Officers

Cam Murray (University of Alberta 1972) - Emeritus
Gordon A. Elliott (University of British Columbia 1955) - President
Robert E. McCulloch (University of Toronto 1965) - President
Cam Murray (University of Alberta 1972) - President
Robert R. Boothby (University of Toronto 1986) - Vice President
Robert E. McCulloch (University of Toronto 1965) - Vice President
Cam Murray (University of Alberta 1972) - Vice President
James M. Pollock (University of British Columbia 1957) - Vice President
Frank C. Smeenk (University of Western Ontario 1971) - Vice President
F. Norman Dundas (McGill University 1963) - Treasurer
Stephen G. Firth (University of Western Ontario 1973) - Treasurer
Cam Murray (University of Alberta 1972) - Treasurer
John G. Starzynski (University of Western Ontario 1974) - Secretary
Robert R. Boothby (University of Toronto 1986) - Member
Dudley G. Brown (University of Toronto 1985) - Member
John W. Chandler (University of Western Ontario 1971) - Member
Lewis M. Costello (University of Virginia 1955) - Member
Douglas H. Dittrick, Jr. (Ohio Wesleyan University 1955) - Member
F. Norman Dundas (McGill University 1963) - Member
Gordon A. Elliott (University of British Columbia 1955) - Member
William M. Gartside (University of British Columbia 1956) - Member
William H. Gear (McGill University 1956) - Member
Ronald A. Glen (University of Alberta 1989) - Member
Emlyn I. Griffith (Colgate University 1942) - Member
David G. Hancock (University of Alberta 1979) - Member
C. James Jessee, Jr. (University of Virginia 1949) - Member
Landon L. Leclair (University of Alberta 1994) - Member
David H. Mills (University of British Columbia 1976) - Member
Tristan L. Patterson (University of Alberta 2010) - Member
Albert C. Plant (University of British Columbia 1955) - Member
James M. Pollock (University of British Columbia 1957) - Member
Robert D. Pollock, Jr. (University of Oregon 1964) - Member
Frank C. Smeenk (University of Western Ontario 1971) - Member
John G. Starzynski (University of Western Ontario 1974) - Member
Robert J. Witchel (University of Toronto 1987) - Member

US Foundation Board and Officers

Current and Former US Foundation Board and Officers

George R. Aldhizer, Jr. (University of Richmond 1953) - Emeritus
Charles G. Armstrong (Purdue University 1964) - Emeritus
Dale J. Bruce (Ohio Wesleyan University 1952) - Emeritus
Eugene H. Clapp (Lafayette College 1936) - Emeritus
Ernest L. Deal, Jr. (University of Alabama 1952) - Emeritus
Gordon A. Elliott (University of British Columbia 1955) - Emeritus
Robert K. Erf (University of Michigan 1953) - Emeritus
Emlyn I. Griffith (Colgate University 1942) - Emeritus
Lee T. Hanley (University of Arizona 1964) - Emeritus
Robert C. Hudson, Jr. (University of Minnesota 1950) - Emeritus
Jay B. Hunt (Indiana University 1962) - Emeritus
C. James Jessee, Jr. (University of Virginia 1949) - Emeritus
Alfred A. King (University of Texas 1941) - Emeritus
Robert E. McCulloch (University of Toronto 1965) - Emeritus
Hamilton E. McRae, III (University of Arizona 1960) - Emeritus
James E. Morrison (University of Kentucky 1970) - Emeritus
Jack W. Nicklaus (Ohio State University 1961) - Emeritus
Peter O'Malley (University of Pennsylvania 1960) - Emeritus
Dr. Norman Vincent Peale (Ohio Wesleyan University 1920) - Emeritus
Marvin B. Perry (University of Virginia 1940) - Emeritus
James C. Rinaman, Jr. (University of Florida 1955) - Emeritus
Frank C. Smeenk (University of Western Ontario 1971) - Emeritus
James H. Stellar (Occidental College 1954) - Emeritus
George C. Sternad, Jr. (Ohio Wesleyan University 1948) - Emeritus
Louis F. Trost, Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1950) - Emeritus
DeWitt Waltmon, Sr. (University of Texas 1949) - Emeritus
Robert D. Watt (University of Washington 1935) - Emeritus
John F. White (William Jewell College 1967) - Emeritus
William B. Willard (Dartmouth College 1926) - Emeritus
Thomas H. Williams, Jr. (University of Alabama 1941) - Emeritus
George W. Bramblett, Jr. (Southern Methodist University 1963) - President
Stephen D. Bunten (University of Kansas 1960) - President
Ralph H. Cake (University of Oregon 1913) - President
Joseph B. Carney, Sr. (DePauw University 1950) - President
Robert D. Cheeley (University of Georgia 1979) - President
Eugene H. Clapp (Lafayette College 1936) - President
Peter L. Clark (Kettering University B 1968) - President
Lewis M. Costello (University of Virginia 1955) - President
Douglas H. Dittrick, Jr. (Ohio Wesleyan University 1955) - President
Stephen H. Edwards (University of Idaho 1964) - President
Emlyn I. Griffith (Colgate University 1942) - President
Kevin J. Hopper (University of Cincinnati 1973) - President
Jay B. Hunt (Indiana University 1962) - President
C. James Jessee, Jr. (University of Virginia 1949) - President
Michael E. Morris (Kansas State University 1977) - President
Roger W. Parkhurst (Purdue University 1965) - President
William W. Rodgers, Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1959) - President
Malcolm B. Wall (Mississippi State University 1970) - President
George W. Bramblett, Jr. (Southern Methodist University 1963) - Vice President
Stephen D. Bunten (University of Kansas 1960) - Vice President
Peter L. Clark (Kettering University B 1968) - Vice President
Stephen H. Edwards (University of Idaho 1964) - Vice President
Emlyn I. Griffith (Colgate University 1942) - Vice President
Kevin J. Hopper (University of Cincinnati 1973) - Vice President
Jay B. Hunt (Indiana University 1962) - Vice President
C. James Jessee, Jr. (University of Virginia 1949) - Vice President
Michael E. Morris (Kansas State University 1977) - Vice President
J. Phillip Morrow (Knox College 1963) - Vice President
Dr. Samuel W. Richwine Jr. (University of Georgia 1973) - Vice President
Frank C. Smeenk (University of Western Ontario 1971) - Vice President
James H. Stellar (Occidental College 1954) - Vice President
George C. Sternad, Jr. (Ohio Wesleyan University 1948) - Vice President
Michael J. Stewart (Pennsylvania State University 1972) - Vice President
Malcolm B. Wall (Mississippi State University 1970) - Vice President
John F. White (William Jewell College 1967) - Vice President
Ernest L. Deal, Jr. (University of Alabama 1952) - Treasurer
Fred L. Dixon (University of Colorado 1944) - Treasurer
Dale M. Duvall (University of Virginia 1955) - Treasurer
Robert K. Erf (University of Michigan 1953) - Treasurer
Kevin J. Hopper (University of Cincinnati 1973) - Treasurer
James E. Morrison (University of Kentucky 1970) - Treasurer
Roger W. Parkhurst (Purdue University 1965) - Treasurer
Louis F. Trost, Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1950) - Treasurer
Paul L. Vogel (University of Missouri 1989) - Treasurer
George R. Aldhizer, Jr. (University of Richmond 1953) - Secretary
Matthew M. Amend (University of Iowa 1987) - Secretary
Dale J. Bruce (Ohio Wesleyan University 1952) - Secretary
Stephen D. Bunten (University of Kansas 1960) - Secretary
Joseph B. Carney, Sr. (DePauw University 1950) - Secretary
Dale M. Duvall (University of Virginia 1955) - Secretary
David R. Frick (Indiana University 1966) - Secretary
William N. Lindsay, III (Gettysburg College 1969) - Secretary
Michael E. Morris (Kansas State University 1977) - Secretary
Roger W. Parkhurst (Purdue University 1965) - Secretary
Dr. Samuel W. Richwine Jr. (University of Georgia 1973) - Secretary
James H. Stellar (Occidental College 1954) - Secretary
George C. Sternad, Jr. (Ohio Wesleyan University 1948) - Secretary
Michael J. Stewart (Pennsylvania State University 1972) - Secretary
John F. White (William Jewell College 1967) - Secretary
Girard D. Bond (Ohio State University 1922) - Executive Committee Member
Joseph B. Carney, Sr. (DePauw University 1950) - Executive Committee Member
Eugene H. Clapp (Lafayette College 1936) - Executive Committee Member
Lewis M. Costello (University of Virginia 1955) - Executive Committee Member
Fred L. Dixon (University of Colorado 1944) - Executive Committee Member
Dale M. Duvall (University of Virginia 1955) - Executive Committee Member
Stephen H. Edwards (University of Idaho 1964) - Executive Committee Member
Robert K. Erf (University of Michigan 1953) - Executive Committee Member
Emlyn I. Griffith (Colgate University 1942) - Executive Committee Member
Robert C. Hudson, Jr. (University of Minnesota 1950) - Executive Committee Member
C. James Jessee, Jr. (University of Virginia 1949) - Executive Committee Member
Hamilton E. McRae, III (University of Arizona 1960) - Executive Committee Member
Michael E. Morris (Kansas State University 1977) - Executive Committee Member
J. Phillip Morrow (Knox College 1963) - Executive Committee Member
Dr. Norman Vincent Peale (Ohio Wesleyan University 1920) - Executive Committee Member
A. A. Smith (University of Iowa 1942) - Executive Committee Member
Dean D. Thornton (University of Idaho 1952) - Executive Committee Member
Thomas H. Williams, Jr. (University of Alabama 1941) - Executive Committee Member
Henry S. Brainard (Case Western Reserve University 1922) - General Counsel
Peter O. Clauss (University of Chicago 1955) - General Counsel
Lewis M. Costello (University of Virginia 1955) - General Counsel
Albert M. Fortier, Jr. (University of Chicago 1955) - General Counsel
F. C. Greene (Columbia University 1945) - General Counsel
Hamilton E. McRae, III (University of Arizona 1960) - General Counsel
Dr. Norman Vincent Peale (Ohio Wesleyan University 1920) - General Counsel
Albert G. Williams (Case Western Reserve University 1927) - General Counsel
George R. Aldhizer, Jr. (University of Richmond 1953) - Member
Matthew M. Amend (University of Iowa 1987) - Member
Charles G. Armstrong (Purdue University 1964) - Member
Marvin D. Bower (Illinois Wesleyan University 1945) - Member
George W. Bramblett, Jr. (Southern Methodist University 1963) - Member
William R. Brand (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1987) - Member
Dale J. Bruce (Ohio Wesleyan University 1952) - Member
Stephen D. Bunten (University of Kansas 1960) - Member
Leroy F. Burroughs (Brown University 1912) - Member
Ralph H. Cake (University of Oregon 1913) - Member
Joseph B. Carney, Sr. (DePauw University 1950) - Member
Robert D. Cheeley (University of Georgia 1979) - Member
Peter L. Clark (Kettering University B 1968) - Member
Eugene D. Cote' III (University of Maine Orono 1981) - Member
Henry T. Courtney (University of Oregon 1962) - Member
Ronald D. Crockett (University of Washington 1961) - Member
Marshall B. Dalton (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1915) - Member
Ernest L. Deal, Jr. (University of Alabama 1952) - Member
Douglas H. Dittrick, Jr. (Ohio Wesleyan University 1955) - Member
F. Norman Dundas (McGill University 1963) - Member
Dale M. Duvall (University of Virginia 1955) - Member
Gordon A. Elliott (University of British Columbia 1955) - Member
Archibald Forrest (McGill University 1951) - Member
David R. Frick (Indiana University 1966) - Member
Eugene E. Fuller (University of Arizona 1955) - Member
Edgar W. Garbisch (Washington & Jefferson College 1921) - Member
G. Carl Gibson, Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1981) - Member
George M. Ginn (Indiana University 1957) - Member
Emlyn I. Griffith (Colgate University 1942) - Member
George Gunn (University of Washington 1916) - Member
Kevin W. Haga (Jacksonville University 1992) - Member
Lee T. Hanley (University of Arizona 1964) - Member
Donald M. Heinrich (University of Chicago 1974) - Member
Mitchell Ingram Henn DDS (Case Western Reserve University 1972) - Member
Kevin J. Hopper (University of Cincinnati 1973) - Member
Robert C. Hudson, Jr. (University of Minnesota 1950) - Member
Jay B. Hunt (Indiana University 1962) - Member
C. James Jessee, Jr. (University of Virginia 1949) - Member
Donald E. Johnson (Oregon State University 1936) - Member
Robert L. Johnson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1938) - Member
Alfred A. King (University of Texas 1941) - Member
Mark A. Krill (University of Florida 1986) - Member
Walter C. Langsam (Union College 1939) - Member
William N. Lindsay, III (Gettysburg College 1969) - Member
Michael A. Lucas (Bradley University 1983) - Member
Robert E. McCulloch (University of Toronto 1965) - Member
Hamilton E. McRae, III (University of Arizona 1960) - Member
Michael A. Mische (New York University 1976) - Member
Glenn D. Moor (Texas Tech University 1984) - Member
James E. Morrison (University of Kentucky 1970) - Member
Scott R. Mowrer (University of Washington 1971) - Member
Ronald C. Nelson (University of Richmond 1977) - Member
James H. Newman (University of Alabama 1929) - Member
Peter O'Malley (University of Pennsylvania 1960) - Member
John P. O'Neill (University of Akron 1987) - Member
Robert C. Orr, Jr. (University of Texas 1979) - Member
Roger W. Parkhurst (Purdue University 1965) - Member
Homer Paul, Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1954) - Member
Dr. Norman Vincent Peale (Ohio Wesleyan University 1920) - Member
Marvin B. Perry (University of Virginia 1940) - Member
Robert P. Radcliffe (University of Kansas 1961) - Member
Dr. Samuel W. Richwine Jr. (University of Georgia 1973) - Member
James C. Rinaman, Jr. (University of Florida 1955) - Member
Dorrance D. Roderick (University of Oklahoma 1922) - Member
William W. Rodgers, Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1959) - Member
H. M. Rogers (University of Pittsburgh 1933) - Member
Jay G. Rudolph (Allegheny College 1957) - Member
Ronald A. Sages (Ohio University 1973) - Member
George L. Schueppert (University of Wisconsin 1961) - Member
Frank C. Smeenk (University of Western Ontario 1971) - Member
A. A. Smith (University of Iowa 1942) - Member
James H. Stellar (Occidental College 1954) - Member
George C. Sternad, Jr. (Ohio Wesleyan University 1948) - Member
Michael J. Stewart (Pennsylvania State University 1972) - Member
Theodore W. Thomas (University of Missouri 1959) - Member
Dean D. Thornton (University of Idaho 1952) - Member
John L. Toumaras (Davidson College 1959) - Member
Louis F. Trost, Jr. (University of Oklahoma 1950) - Member
Paul L. Vogel (University of Missouri 1989) - Member
Malcolm B. Wall (Mississippi State University 1970) - Member
Stanley T. Wallbank (University of Colorado 1917) - Member
DeWitt Waltmon, Sr. (University of Texas 1949) - Member
Jerrold Wanek (University of Iowa 1980) - Member
Benjamin F. Ward, II (University of Arizona 1958) - Member
Robert D. Watt (University of Washington 1935) - Member
James E. Whistler (University of Idaho 1970) - Member
John F. White (William Jewell College 1967) - Member
William B. Willard (Dartmouth College 1926) - Member
Carl R. Woodward (Rutgers University 1914) - Member
Robert A. Wunderlich, Jr. (DePauw University 1988) - Member

Headquarters Staff


Current and Former Headquarters Staff


This list includes all paid, professional positions held by brothers in the Headquarters office.

The first paid officers were the Archon Secretary and the Editor of The Phi Gamma Delta magazine, although these were only part-time positions. Occasionally other brothers might "clerk" for short-term projects like catalog compilation.

The full-time professional staff began in 1913 with the first Field Secretary, who worked out of the Archon Secretary's office when not traveling. Next came the Executive Secretary. The first, James A. Farrell, occupied the position for one year. Following his resignation, the 1921 Birmingham Ekklesia abolished the office.

The following year, the Archon Secretary brought Editor Cecil J. Wilkinson to Washington as headquarters office manager. The Colorado Springs Ekklesia in June, 1926 revived the office of Executive Secretary. Wilkinson served in that capacity for over thirty years.

In 1948, J. Earle Dunford, Jr. (Richmond 1947) was hired as Assistant Executive Secretary. His successor was James F. Hudson (Missouri 1946). Hudson later became Editor, a position previously occupied by the Executive Secretary. The Executive Director resumed the Editor role starting in 1968.

In 1976 the Assistant Executive role spun off the Director of Chapter Services. The following year the Assistant Executive disappeared, replaced by a Director of Programs. Then came the Director of Business Affairs (known as the "DOBA") from 1987 to 1996, when it evolved into a new Assistant Executive Director until 2006 when it was replaced by the Chief Financial Officer. 

Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, directors became more specialized and short-lived to respond to needs, budgetary limits, and field of qualified candidates. Examples include Graduate Services (eventually transferred to the Educational Foundation then back to the Fraternity), Redevelopment, Recruitment, Expansion, Alcohol Education, and Communications (also the Editor). Note: Directors of Redevelopment are listed on the Field Secretary list, as they were usually second-year field men.

Letters following the names indicate other offices held:
President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Councilor, General Appointed Officer, NIC Officer, Editor, Headquarters Staff, Field Secretary.

Durrance Award, Coulter Cup, Haynes Award and Wilkinson Award recipients are also noted.


Executive Secretary/Director

1920-1921 - James A. Farrell (City College 1907) - FS
1922-1959 - Cecil J. Wilkinson (Ohio Wesleyan 1917) - Ed., NIC
1959-1986 - William S. Zerman (Michigan 1949) - Ed., G, FS
1986-1999 - William A. Martin III (Mississippi State 1975) - Ed., HS, FS
1999-2003 - Robert E. Baney (Pennsylvania State 1984) - Ed., HS, FS
2003-2019 - William A. Martin III (Mississippi State 1975) - Ed., HS, FS
2019-____ - Robert B. Caudill (Akron 2004) - Ed., HS, FS

Assistant Executive Secretary/Director

1948-1950 - J. Earle Dunford, Jr. (Richmond 1947)
1951-1959 - James F. Hudson (Missouri 1946) - Ed.
1965-1966 - J. Phillip Morrow (Knox 1963) - FS
1966-1970 - Stephen H. Edwards (Idaho 1964) - S, C, Ed.
1969-1973 - Timothy W. Kilduff (Kent State 1968)
1973-1977 - Charles R. DeWitt (Cincinnati 1972) - FS
1995-2006 - Nicholas M. Altwies (Arizona State 1990) - FS
2020-____ - Todd R. Rotgers (Minnesota 2011) - Senior Director of Undergraduate Services

Chief Financial Officer; Director of Business Affairs (DOBA)

1987-1988 - Kelly B. Powers (Colorado College 1984)
1988-1991 - Robert P. Anderegg (Southern California 1971)
1991-1995 - Glenn D. Moor (Texas Tech 1984)
2006-____ - William T. Shier (DePauw 1988)

Senior Directors

2017-2019 - Robert B. Caudill (Akron 2004), Graduate Development & Operations - GD, Ed, HS, FS
2017-2020 - Todd R. Rotgers (Minnesota (2011), Undergraduate Services - Ed
2021-____ - Dionysis Protopapadakis (Appalachian State 2017) - GE, FS

Director of Chapter Services - East/West (DOCS)

1976-1978 - Marvin J. Carver, III (North Carolina 1975) - T, S, P
1978-1979 - Kenneth L. Telzrow (Ohio State 1978)
1979-1983 - William A. Martin (Mississippi State 1975) - E, Ed., FS
1983-1985 - Eugene D. Coté (Maine 1981) - C, FS, S, P
1986-1995 - Robert E. Baney (Pennsylvania State 1984) - E, Ed., FS
1995-1997 - R. Keith Henley (North Alabama 1989)
1997-2002 - Charles E. Gabe (Hanover 1990) - Ed., FS, G
2002-2015 - James B. Goll (Nebraska 2001) - FS
2015-2018 - Eric L. Lied (Wisconsin 2014) - FS
2018-2021 - Bryan J. Hartzell (Western Kentucky 2014), West - FS, Chapter Development
2020-2021 - Joseph W. Roth (Akron 2019), East - FS, Chapter Development
2021-2022 - Logan McLendon (Alabama Birmingham 2020), East - FS
2022-____    Ben Blacklock (Sam Houston 2015), East

Director of Education (Ed)

2000-2002 - Michael J. Johnson (Nebraska 1996), Alcohol Education
2003-2006 - Joshua R. Goldman (Indiana State 2001)
2006-2012 - Robert B. Caudill (Akron 2004)- Ed., HS, FS
2013-2016 - Todd R. Rotgers (Minnesota 2011)

Director of Graduate Services (GS)/Development (GD)/Involvement (GI)/Engagement (GE); Graduate Secretary

1963-1964 - William R. Hauser (Denison 1950) - P, G
1964-1969 - Dale J. Bruce (Ohio Wesleyan 1952)
1969-1970 - Robert A. Lobel (Kent State 1965)
1986-1986 - Mark R. Wilkison (Vermont 1983), Graduate Services/Development - FS
1990-1991 - Benjamin E. Robinson (Hampden-Sydney 1986), Graduate Services - FS
1992-1996 - Benjamin E. Robinson (Hampden-Sydney 1986), Graduate Services**
2008-2012 - Robert E. Baney (Pennsylvania State 1984) - Ed., HS, FS
2013-2017 - Robert B. Caudill (Akron 2004), Director of Graduate Development - GD, Ed., HS, FS
2017-2019 - Jack O'Neill (Missouri 2012), (Assistant) Graduate Development - FS
2018-2020 - Thomas B. Lovejoy (Oregon State 2014), Graduate Involvement
2019-2021 - Dionysis Protopapadakis (Appalachian State 2017), Graduate Engagement - FS
2022-____   Johnathon Allen (Indiana State 2007)

Director of Programs (P)

1977-1978 - Gary H. Ross (Wisconsin 1974)
1978-1979 - William K. Johnson (WPI 1976) - FS
1979-1983 - Ronald C. Nelson (Richmond 1977)
1983-1986 - William A. Martin (Mississippi State 1975) - E, Ed., FS
1986-1987 - Kelly B. Powers (Colorado College 1984)
1987-1988 - Marshall P. Gould (Syracuse 1984) - FS
1988-1990 - Benjamin E. Robinson (Hampden-Sydney 1986) - FS
1990-1992 - Thomas A. Desjardin (Florida State 1986)
1992-1995 - Nicholas M. Altwies (Arizona State 1990) - FS
1995-1996 - Glenn D. Moor (Texas Tech 1984)
1996-1998 - David J. Willmer (Akron 1992) - FS
1999-2000 - Will C. Kinzel (Gettysburg 1996) - FS
2000-2001 - Gerard M. "Jerry" Golden (Richmond 1999) - FS

Other Director Positions

1997-1999 - R. Keith Henley (North Alabama 1989), Recruitment
1999-2000 - Joseph M. Falk (Case Western Reserve 1996), Recruitment - FS
2000-2002 - Joseph M. Falk (Case Western Reserve 1996), Expansion - FS
2002-2004 - Charles E. Gabe (Hanover 1990), Communications - Ed., FS, G
2002-2004 - Joshua S. Morita (British Columbia 2001), Expansion - FS
2005-2007 - Kurt M. Niebuhr (Kansas State 2003), Expansion - FS
2007-2008 - Marcus Hitt (Wittenberg 2005), Expansion - FS
2008-2010 - Justin M. Burns (Ohio State 2007), Expansion, Chapter Development - FS
2008-2011 - R. Jesse Hitt (Wittenberg 2007), Expansion - FS
2009-2014 - Josh Laufenberg (Illinois 2008), Expansion, Chapter Development - FS
2010-2012 - Wesley J. Martin (Missouri State 2009), Expansion- FS
2011-2013 - Brett W. Pytel (Toledo 2009), Expansion - FS
2013-2015 - Joshua M. Moore (Illinois 2011), Expansion - FS
2014-2017 - Derek J. Murphy (Coastal Carolina 2011), Expansion - FS
2014-2015 - Joshua T. Wiseman (Western Kentucky), (Assistant) Expansion - FS
2015-2017 - Matthew C. Farrell (Connecticut 2013), Expansion - FS
2015-2018 - Colin R. Treanor (Connecticut 2014), Growth - FS
2017-2018 - Bryan Hartzell (Western Kentucky 2014) - Development - FS
2018-2019 - Nicholas L. Hawley (Kettering 2017), Growth - FS
2018-2020 - Alejandro V. Cruz (Northern Arizona 2017), Chapter Development - FS
2018-2021 - Jake B. Lueck (Kansas 2017), Expansion - FS
2020-____ - Andrew Depew (Kentucky 2010), (Assistant) Education
2021-2023 - Tyler Fisk (Wayne State 2020), Fraternal Growth
2023- ____ - Graham Hess (Akron 2021), Fraternity Growth - FS

Other Coordinator Positions

2015-2017 - Luke Francis (Kentucky 2015), Communications
2017-2018 - Michael McDonald (Western Michigan 2014), Communications - FS
2018-2020 - Andrew Depew (Kentucky 2010), Educational Programs & Online Learning

* Mark became Director of Development for the Educational Foundation in 1986
** Ben's position was transferred to the Educational Foundation

Editors of The Phi Gamma Delta

Current and Former Editors of The Phi Gamma Delta


The Phi Gamma Delta magazine has been published continuously since 1879. Letters following the names indicate other offices held:

President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Councilor, General Appointed Officer, NIC Officer, Editor, Headquarters StaffField Secretary.

Durrance AwardCoulter CupHaynes Award and Wilkinson Award recipients are also noted.


1879 - William F. McDowell (Ohio Wesleyan 1979)
1880 - Frank P. Parkin (Ohio Wesleyan 1880)
1881 - Elias J. Jacoby (Ohio Wesleyan 1881)
1882 - Edmund D. Lyon (Ohio Wesleyan 1882)
1883 - Samuel L. Black (Ohio Wesleyan 1883)
1884 - Dana S. Porter (Ohio Wesleyan 1884)
1884 - Charles L. Mooney (DePauw 1884)
1885 - Millard J. Beckett (DePauw 1885)
1886 - Edward F. Cole (Columbia 1886) - P
1887-1888 - William L. Hazen (Columbia 1883)
1888-1900 - Frederic C. Howe (Allegheny 1889, Johns Hopkins 1892)
1900-1901 - Myron J. Jones (Wooster 1893)
1901-1905 - Clarence H. Zener (Wabash 1893)
1905-1906 - Wilmer Christian (Wabash 1892)
1906-1907 - William Allen Wood (Indiana 1897)
1907-1911 - Leon P. Lewis (Chicago 1903)
1911-1917 - Elkanah B. Hulley (Bucknell 1907)
1917-1918 - Harold S. Downing (Pittsburgh 1915)
1918-1920 - George S. Friebolin (Case Western Reserve 1908)
1920-1959 - Cecil J. Wilkinson (Ohio Wesleyan 1917) - E, NIC
1959-1961 - James F. Hudson (Missouri 1946) - HS
1961-1964 - Lucian C. Warren (Denison 1936)
1964-1967 - Robert H. Alexander (Lafayette 1955) - HS
1967-1986 - William S. Zerman (Michigan 1949) - E, G, FS
1986-1999 - William A. Martin, III (Mississippi State 1975) - Ed., HS, FS
1999-2002 - Robert Baney (Pennsylvania State 1984) - E, S, FS 
2002-2004 - Charles E. Gabe (Hanover 1990) - HS, FS, G
2004-2019 - William A. Martin, III (Mississippi State 1975) - Ed., HS, FS
2019-____ - Robert B. Caudill (Akron 2004) - Ed., HS, FS

Field Secretaries of Phi Gamma Delta

Current and Former Field Secretaries of Phi Gamma Delta


The 1912 Ekklesia approved the hiring of a full-time professional visitation officer. The program began with the hiring of Cal Chambers in 1913. Field Secretaries are humorously known as "Riders of the Purple Sage" or ROTPS, and identify themselves by the number indicating the order of hire.

Letters following the names indicate other offices held:
President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Councilor, General Appointed Officer, NIC Officer, Editor, Headquarters Staff, Field Secretary.

Durrance Award, Coulter Cup, Haynes Award and Wilkinson Award recipients are also noted.


1. Cal C. Chambers, Sr. (Wisconsin 1912), 1913-15 - C
2. Walter E. Atkinson (New York 1911, Columbia 1914), 1915-16
3. Horace E. Hall (Colorado College 1914, M.I.T. 1916), 1916-17
4. James A. Farrell (City College 1907, New York 1909), 1917-20 - E
5. Philip E. Lyon (Ohio Wesleyan 1916), 1920-25
6. Danner Lee Mahood (Davidson 1922, Virginia 1923), 1925-27 - P, V, S, G
7. Lyle K. Bush (Washington 1922), 1927-28 - G
8. Martin J. Her (Minnesota 1927), 1927-29
9. John R. McGillivray (Toronto 1928), 1928-29
10. Cornelis E. Groenewegen (Occidental 1928, Stanford 1928), 1929-32
11. Eugene C. Andres, Jr. (Dartmouth 1928) 1929-35
12. James R. McKeldin (Virginia 1925), 1932-35
13. William S. Robb (Pennsylvania 1934), 1935-38 - G
14. George H. Shevlin, Jr. (Illinois 1935), 1935-37
15. Alan W. Johnson (UCLA 1936), 1937-39
16. John A. Parker (Tennessee 1938), 1938-40
17. Calvin C. Stoddard (Oregon State 1938, Iowa 1938) 1939-42
18. John H. Lathe, Jr. (Western Reserve 1944), 1946-47
19. T. Dwight Mitchell, Jr. (Oklahoma 1942), 1946-47
20. Floyd Wilkins, Jr. (California 1948), 1947-49
21. Fred L. Dixon (Colorado 1944), 1947-50 - S, NIC
22. William S. Zerman (Michigan 1949), 1949-51 - E, Ed., G
23. Kennedy Shaw (Syracuse 1950), 1950-51
24. N.W. "Jerry" Solomon (Nebraska 1951), 1951-53 - V, C
25. Jordon S. Kanikkeberg (Idaho 1951), 1951-53
26. George R. Aldhizer, Jr. (Richmond 1953), 1953-55
27. James H. Stellar (Occidental 1954), 1954-55
28. Fred J. Lekson (Western Reserve 1952), 1955-57
29. Donald S. Hauck (Wittenberg 1956), 1956-57
30. Roy A. Seaberg, Jr. (W.P.I. 1956), 1956-58
31. Benny J. Bedford (Texas Tech 1957), 1957-58
32. Louis A. "Bud" Mangels (Indiana 1956), 1957-59 - P, V, C, G
33. Michael O. Shipley (Syracuse 1958), 1958-60 - P, T, G, NIC
34. Richard L. Gannett (Texas 1958), 1959-61
35. Thomas M. Gilliland (Nebraska 1960), 1960-62
36. Lloyd Wiborg (Arizona 1961), 1961-62
37. W. Cullen MacDonald (W.P.I. 1962), 1962-63
38. Stephen J. Adorian (Lafayette 1962), 1962-63
39. Thomas L. Wylie (Hanover 1963), 1963-64
40. John L. "Jac" Kendall (DePauw 1963) 1963-64
41. J. Phillip Morrow (Knox 1963), 1963-65
42. Stephen H. Edwards (Idaho 1964), 1964-66 - S, C
43. F. Alan Stamper (Kansas 1964), 1964-65
44. Robert E. McCulloch (Toronto 1965), 1965-67
45. William R. Miller (Indiana 1962), 1965-67 - G, C, S, V, P
46. Robert F. Clarke (Wisconsin 1966), 1966-68
47. Ronald I. Enna (Oregon State 1965), 1967-69
48. Charles H. Graham (British Columbia 1967), 1967-69
49. Carl R. Sahlberg (Iowa State 1967), 1968-70
50. Philip E. Williams (Oklahoma State 1969), 1969-71
51. Thomas E. Joule (New Mexico 1969), 1969-70
52. Donald D. Fuson (L.S.U. 1970), 1970-72
53. John A. Pelli (W.P.I. 1970), 1970-71
54. Barry J. Mees (Western Ontario 1970), 1970-72
55. Bruce M. Pitman (Purdue 1971), 1971-73 - C
56. Robert J. Wurzel (Florida State 1971), 1971-72
57. Michael J. Stewart (Pennsylvania State 1972), 1972-74
58. Charles R. DeWitt (Cincinnati 1972), 1972-73 - HS
59. William H. Young (Tennessee 1972), 1972-74
60. Steven E. Area (Arkansas 1973), 1973-74 - HS
61. Charles R. Fletcher (Alabama 1973), 1973-75
62. Thomas I. Burns (W.P.I. 1974), 1974-76
63. Jeffrey C. Patch (Arizona 1974), 1974-76
64. Michael F. Leisey (Pennsylvania State 1974), 1974-76
65. James B. Hickey, Jr. (Illinois 1975), 1975-77 - C, V, P
66. Richard A. Smudz (Ohio State 1975), 1976-77 - C, V
67. William K. Johnson (W.P.I. 1976), 1976-78 - HS
68. William A. Martin III (Mississippi State 1975), 1976-78 - E, Ed., HS
69. Michael L. Johnson (North Alabama 1977), 1977-78
70. Michael J. Wissenbach (Maine 1977), 1977-79
71. William M. Kramer (Gettysburg 1978), 1978-79 - C, S, V
72. Michael E. Morris (Kansas State 1977), 1978-80
73. Thomas A. Gasho (Case Western Reserve 1978), 1978-80
74. Stephen M. Welch (Washington 1978), 1979-80
75. William G. "Chip" McClimans, Jr. (Western Michigan 1979), 1979-80
76. George A. "Skip" Buckley, Jr. (Wittenberg 1980), 1980-81 - S, C, Haynes
77. Brian G. Dunster (British Columbia 1980), 1980-82
78. David Critser (Ohio State 1979), 1980-81
79. Peter S. Gray (Oregon 1980), 1980-82
80. Eugene D. "Buddy" Cote III (Maine 1981), 1981-83 - C, HS, S, P, NIC
81. Eric J. Vale (DePauw 1981), 1981-83
82. Clark A. Robertson (Nebraska 1982), 1982-84 - G
83. Scott J. Mikulecky (Colorado State 1982), 1982-83 - G, C, V, Wilkinson
84. Michael A. Lucas (Bradley 1983), 1983-85 - C
85. Jonathan K.S. Kiehnau (Wisconsin 1983), 1983-84
86. Mark R. Wilkison (Vermont 1983), 1983-85 - HS
87. Kent D. Zepick (Depauw 1983), 1983-85
88. Marshall P. Gould (Syracuse 1984), 1984-86
89. Robert E. Baney III (Pennsylvania State 1984), 1984-86 - E, Ed., HS
90. David B. Marino (California at Riverside 1985), 1985-87
91. George J. Reindel IV (Michigan 1985), 1985-86
92. Paul K. Davis (Oregon State 1985), 1985-87
93. Timothy C. Ross (Vermont 1986), 1986-88
94. Benjamin E. Robinson (Hampden-Sydney 1986), 1986-88 - HS
95. Walter R. "Tiger" Thiel, Jr. (Ohio 1986), 1986-88
96. Matthew M. Amend (Iowa 1987), 1987-89 *
97. David K. Smith (UCLA 1987), 1987-89
98. Joseph J. Friedman (Nebraska 1988), 1988-90 - HS
99. Paul E. Louis (Oregon State 1988), 1988-90
100. Mark T. Harvey (San Diego State 1988), 1988-90
101. William J. Welch (LaSalle 1989), 1989-90
102. Barry L. Bell (Tennessee Tech 1989), 1989-91 * - HS
103. Jeffrey R. Garrett (Missouri 1990), 1990-91 - G
104. Thomas G. D'Angelo (Washington 1990), 1990-92 - Coulter, Durrance
105. Charles Edward Gabe (Hanover 1990), 1990-93 * - Ed., HS, G
106. Nicholas M. Altwies (Arizona State 1990), 1990-92 - HS
107. James C. Neilson (Akron 1991), 1991-93
108. Robert K. Wolf (Washington State 1991), 1991-93
109. David J. Willmer (Akron 1992), 1991-93 - HS
110. John D. Metcalf (Washington State 1992), 1992-94 * - HS
111. David C. Burns (Idaho 1992), 1992-94
112. Thomas M. Boetel (Iowa 1993), 1993-94
113. Douglas W. Draper (Kansas 1992), 1993-95
114. Jeffery E. Thompson (New Mexico 1992), 1993-95
115. Towner A. Blackstock (Davidson 1994), 1994-96 - G
116. Lance G. Stendal (Minnesota 1994), 1994-95
117. James M. Boyers (Hanover 1994), 1994-95
118. Ryan J. Bebee (Oklahoma State 1995), 1995-97
119. Michael L. Raisor (Indiana State 1995), 1995-96
120. Bijan P. Karimi (California @ Santa Barbara 1995), 1995-96
121. Alex S. Wylie (Arizona State 1996), 1996-98
122. Landon L. LeClair (Alberta 1996), 1996-97
123. Joseph M. Falk (Case Western Reserve 1996, Iowa State 1996), 1997-99 - HS
124. Joshua C. Holly (Tennessee 1997), 1997-98 - G
125. Will C. Kinzel (Gettysburg 1996), 1997-99 - HS
126. Joshua J. Sticka (Montana 1998), 1998-99 - Wilkinson
127. Jason W. Fitzgerald (Vermont 1998), 1999-00
128. W.D. Craig (Nebraska 1998), 1999-00
129. Christropher L. Heasley (Texas at Arlington 1999), 1999-01
130. Gerard M. Golden (Richmond 1999), 1999-00 - HS
131. Edward R. Thunen (San Jose State 2000), 2000-02
132. Jonathan L. Gayer (New Mexico 2000), 2000-02
133. J. B. Goll (Nebraska 2001), 2001-02 - HS
134. Joshua S. Morita (British Columbia 2001), 2001-02 - HS
135. Nathan M. Morales (Wisconsin @ Eau Claire 2001), 2002-03
136. Scott M. Yaworski (British Columbia 2002), 2002-04
137. Michael V. Phillips (Florida State 2002), 2002-04
138. Patrick C. Brichta (New Mexico 2002), 2002-04
139. Charles P. Conboy (Georgia 2002), 2002-03
140. William D. Call II (Hampden-Sydney 2002), 2003-2004
141. Andrew M. Re (California at Santa Barbara 2003), 2003-05
142. Kurt M. Niebuhr (Kansas State 2003), 2004-05 - HS
143. Michael B. Sacks (James Madison 2004), 2004-05
144. Robert B. Caudill (Akron 2004), 2004-06 - Ed., HS
145. Ian M. Parks (Akron 2004), 2004-06
146. Dennis DiTullio (Ohio State 2005), 2005-07
147. Lee Souter (Vermont 2005), 2005-07
148. Marcus Hitt (Wittenberg 2005), 2005-07 - HS
149. Casey Gatz (Knox 2005), 2005-07
150. John Patrick Chibuk (Alberta 2006), 2006-08
151. R. Jesse Hitt (Wittenberg 2007), 2007-08 - HS
152. Matthew M. Edgar (British Columbia 2007), 2007-09
153. Justin M. Burns (Ohio State 2007), 2007-08 - HS
154. Jonathan R. Hilliard (Virginia 2007), 2007-09
155. Josh Laufenberg (Illinois 2008), 2008-09 - HS
156. Matthew D. Cessna (Knox 2008), 2008-10
157. Nathaniel R. Carney (Knox 2008), 2008-10
158. Jon M. Vaughn (Tennessee Tech 2008), 2008-10
159. Brett W. Pytel (Toledo 2009), 2009-11 - HS
160. Wesley J. Martin (Missouri State 2009), 2009-10 - HS
161. Jacob D. Cramer (Oregon State 2009), 2009-11
162. R. Adam Whitten (Texas at Arlington 2009), 2010-12
163. Adam E. Thomas (North Carolina Wilmington 2010), 2010-12
164. Brent A. Wehage (Oregon State 2010), 2010-12
165. C. Ryan Pigg (North Alabama 2009), 2010-12
166. Joseph A. Gamis (Drake 2010), 2010-11
167. Gabriel C. Camut (James Madison 2011) 2011-13
168. Taylor M. Herren (Arkansas 2011) 2011-13
169. Joshua M. Moore (Illinois 2011) 2011-13 - HS
170. Matthew B. Whitlock (Ball State 2012) 2012-2014
171. Andrew M. Griffin (Maryland 2011) 2012-2014
172. Josh T. Wiseman (Western Kentucky 2012) 2012-2014- HS
173. J. Russell Ward (Louisiana State 2012) 2012-13
174. Derek J. Murphy (Coastal Carolina 2011) 2012-2014- HS
175. Adam J. Wagner (Ohio State 2013) 2013-2014
176. Jackson D. Wood (Georgia 2013) 2013-2015
177. Patrick T. Stenquist (Arizona State 2013) 2013-2014
178. Bryan J. Hartzell (Western Kentucky 2014) 2014-2016- HS
179. Matthew C. Farrell (Connecticut 2013) 2014-2015 - HS
180. Colin R. Treanor (Connecticut 2014) 2014-2015 - HS
181. Cary Hays McLeod (Coastal Carolina 2014) 2014-2016
182. Luke A. Nevermann (Wisconsin 2014) 2014-2015
183. Eric L. Lied (Wisconsin 2014) 2014-2015 - HS
184. John J. "Jack" O'Neill (Missouri 2012) 2015-2017- HS
185. Joshua R. Cox (Indiana State 2014) 2015-2017
186. Adil B. Dittmer (Virginia Tech 2014) 2015-2017 
187. Michael A. McDonald (Western Michigan 2015) 2015-2017- HS
188. Rogelio E. Gutierrez (Cal State Long Beach 2015) 2015-2017
189. Trevor N. Curtis (Oregon 2014) 2015-2017
190. Branden M. Reeves (Minnesota 2016) 2016-2018
191. Adam B. Thomas (IUPUI 2016) 2016-2018
192. Jake B. Lueck (Kansas 2017) 2017-2018- HS
193. Daylon T. Weddle (DePauw 2017) 2017-2019
194. Ian W. Campbell (Vermont 2017) 2017-2019
195. Terrell D. Couch (Grand Valley 2017) 2017-2019
196. Nicholas L. Hawley (Kettering A 2017) 2017-2018- HS
197. Dionysis Prtopapadakis (Appalachian State 2017) 2017-2019
198. Alejandro V. Cruz (Northern Arizona 2017) 2017-2019- HS
199. John E. Saylor (North Carolina Wilmington 2017) 2017-2019
200. Alexander W. Kronk (Iowa 2018) 2018-2020
201. Cody J. Price (Grand Valley 2018) 2018-2019
202. Hunter Wish (Washington State 2018) 2018-2020
203. Josh Parker (William Jewell 2019) 2019-2020
204. Elija J. Ussery (Alabama Birmingham 2018) 2019-____
205. Joseph W. Roth (Akron 2019) 2019-2020
206. Brock A. Walkenbach (Northern Arizona 2019) 2019-2020
207. Robert L. Guilford Jr. (Arizona 2017) 2019-____
208. William G. Pollett (Texas at Dallas 2019) 2019-____
209. Logan McLendon (Alabama Birmingham 2020) 2020-____
210. Tyler Fisk (Wayne State 2020) 2020-____
211. Jarrett Keyton (Mississippi State 2020) 2020-____

211. Jarrett Keyton (Mississippi State 2020) 2020-2022
212.Graham S. Hess (University of Akron 2021) 2021-2023
213.Ethan M. Bresnay (Western Michigan 2020) 2020-2022
214. Jackson M. Daugharty (University of Idaho 2020) 2020-2022
215. Jeffrey L. Stinson Jr. (Western Michigan 2020) 2020-2022
216. Collin F. Clifford (Sam Houston State University 2021) 2021-2023
217. Craig Osborne (Embry Riddle 2022) 2022-2024
218. Alex Pouttu (Wayne State 2021) 2021-2023
219. West Brownlee (Christopher Newport 2022) 2022-2024
220. Jordan Archer (Alabama Birmingham 2021) 2022-2024
221. Sean Moskal (Mississippi State 2021) 2022-2024
222. Salih Omerovic (University of Kentucky 2023) 2023-2025
223. Brian Hand (University of Pittsburgh 2023) 2023-2025
224. Ben Cunningham (Missouri State 2023) 2023-2025
225. Jack
 Cunningham (Missouri State 2023) 2023-2025
226. Cameron Wilk (Embry-Riddle 2024) 2024-2026
227. Justin Mojica (Illinois Wesleyan 2024) 2024-2026
228. Henry Sergent (Christopher Newport 2024)
229. Caleb Strong (Idaho 2024)

Phi Gamma Delta and Interfraternal Organizations


Phi Gamma Delta and Interfraternal Organizations


Letters following the names indicate other offices held:

President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Councilor, General Appointed Officer, NIC Officer, Editor, Headquarters Staff, Field Secretary.

Durrance Award, Coulter Cup, Haynes Award and Wilkinson Award recipients are also noted.

North-American Interfraternity Conference

The North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) was founded in 1909, with Phi Gamma Delta as one of the founding member fraternities. It was renamed from National Interfraternity Conference in 1999.

The title was changed in 1961 to President.
1917 - Orion H. Cheney (New York 1897) - P
1934 - Cecil J. Wilkinson (Ohio Wesleyan 1917) - E, Ed.
1948 - Gilbert W. Mead (Allegheny 1911) - G
1982 - David C. Bland, Jr. (Texas 1938) - P, T
2014-2015 - Eugene D. "Buddy" Coté III (Maine 1981) - P, S, C, HS

Vice Chairman/Vice President
1933 - Cecil J. Wilkinson (Ohio Wesleyan 1917) - E, Ed.

1971 - Fred L. Dixon (Colorado 1944) - S, FS
1981 - David C. Bland, Jr. (Texas 1938) - P, T
2012-2014 - Eugene D. "Buddy" Coté III (Maine 1981) - P, S, C, HS

1910-1916 - Orion H. Cheney (New York 1897) - P
1979*-1980 - David C. Bland, Jr. (Texas 1938) - P, T
*Brother Bland was elected Treasurer in June after deaths among the leadership forced new elections.

Recording Secretary
1946 - Gilbert W. Mead (Allegheny 1911) - G

1932 - Cecil J. Wilkinson (Ohio Wesleyan 1917) - E, Ed.

1947 - Gilbert W. Mead (Allegheny 1911) - G
1979 - David C. Bland, Jr. (Texas 1938) - P, T

NIC Board of Directors created in 1969.
1969-1971 - Fred L. Dixon (Colorado 1944) - S, FS
1975-1978 - David C. Bland, Jr. (Texas 1938) - P, T
1991-19__ - William R. Bracewell (Georgia Faculty) - C, G, Coulter

1999-2003 - Michael O. Shipley (Syracuse 1958) - P, T, G, FS
2010-2012 - Eugene D. "Buddy" Coté III (Maine 1981) - P, S, C, HS

Governing Council Members
NIC Governing Council model created in 2015.
2015-____ - Eugene D. "Buddy" Coté III (Maine 1981) - P, S, C, HS

Recipients of the NIC Gold Medal (Awarded annually since 1940)
1955 - Cecil J. Wilkinson (Ohio Wesleyan 1917) - E
1982 - Dr. Norman Vincent Peale (Ohio Wesleyan 1919)
1989 - William S. Zerman (Michigan 1949) - E, Ed., G
2019 - William A. Martin, III (Mississippi State 1975) - E, Ed., HS, FS

Recipients of the NIC Silver Medal (Awarded annually since 1980)
1984 - Fred L. Dixon (Colorado 1944) - S, FS
1999 - John E. Horton (Missouri 1939)

Fraternity Executives Association (FEA)

1944-1945 - Cecil J. Wilkinson (Ohio Wesleyan 1917) - E, Ed., NIC
1971-1972 - William S. Zerman (Michigan 1949) - E, Ed., G, FS
1997-1998 - William A. Martin, III (Mississippi State 1975) - E, Ed., HS, FS

Recipients of the Order of Fraternity Excellence Award
2002 - James E. Caswell (Southern Methodist 1963) - P, V

Fraternity Communications Association (FCA), formerly College Fraternity Editors Association (CFEA)

1928-1929 - Cecil J. Wilkinson (Ohio Wesleyan 1917) - E, Ed., NIC
1959-1960 - James F. Hudson (Missouri 1946) - Ed., HS

Varner Award
2018 - William A. Martin, III (Mississippi State 1975) - E, Ed., HS, FS