Leadership of Phi Gamma Delta

Calvin Coolidge with Section Chiefs at the White House in 1926
Current and Former Section Leaders (Formerly known as Section Chiefs)
Larry T. Able (University of Texas Arlington 1971)
Angelo J. Accetta (Northwestern University 1973)
John L. Adams (DePauw University 1947)
Thomas A. Adams (Emory University 1970)
Emilio J. Albertini (Bradley University 1985)
George R. Aldhizer (University of Richmond 1953)
Robert H. Alexander (Lafayette College 1955)
John G. Allelo (Louisiana State University 1984)
Thomas E. Allen (University of Washington 1943)
Matthew M. Amend (University of Iowa 1987)
Michael E. Ames (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2004)
Robert P. Anderegg (University of Southern California 1971)
Charles A. Anderson (Columbia University 1925)
Eugene C. Andres (Dartmouth College 1928)
Brooks G. Andrews (Miami University 1975)
James S. Andrews (University of Alabama 1981)
George M. Anthony (Mississippi State University 1988)
Steven E. Area (University of Arkansas 1973)
David S. Armitage (University of British Columbia 1980)
Robert S. Arp (University of California Los Angeles 1981)
James R. Arthur (Wittenberg University 1958)
Patrick M. Athey (Colorado School of Mines 2005)
Paul A. Attanasio (University of Texas Arlington 1981)
Stuart E. Ausborn (University of North Alabama 1998)
George A. Austin (Florida International University 2005)
Robert G. Averill (Syracuse University 1944)
Michael E. Awada (University of Minnesota 1986)
Gavin M. Aydelotte (Case Western Reserve University 2013)
Eric L. Bach (University of Illinois 1969)
Hugh J. Baker (Ohio State University 1931)
Carey L. Ballew (University of Missouri 1932)
Soumitra R. Banerjee (University of Pittsburgh 1987)
Clinton E. Banik (University of Minnesota 1950)
Robert Y. Barber (Roanoke College 1902)
Robert S. Barbour (University of Richmond 1949)
Clayton L. Barnard (Miami University 1969)
Andrew Barr (Yale University 1930)
S. B. Barrett (Jacksonville University 1961)
Charles L. Bartlett (University of Wisconsin 1900)
George V. Basham (University of Texas 1938)
Adam S. Bashaw (University of Denver 1987)
Michael T. Bass (Louisiana State University 1982)
Alec C. Bayless (University of Missouri 1917)
Samuel H. Beach (Columbia University 1939)
Andrew M. Becker (Bradley University 2009)
Tyson K. Beem (University of Southern California 1997)
Herbert H. Bennett (University of Pennsylvania 1934)
Walter L. Benson (University of Illinois 1940)
Lawrence C. Berran (LaSalle University 1993)
Roy D. Bertolet (Pennsylvania State University 1944)
Louis S. Binkley (DePauw University 1919)
William F. Binkley (Purdue University 1949)
Wilford A. Bladen (Hanover College 1949)
Bruce Blanchard (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1957)
David C. Bland (University of Texas 1938)
Kyle C. Bliss (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1995)
Walter E. Blore (University of Nebraska 1957)
Edward M. Bobrin (LaSalle University 1990)
Matthew A. Bocchi (Allegheny College 2013)
Herbert J. Bolin (Bethel College 1908)
Girard D. Bond (Ohio State University 1922)
Louis W. Bonsib (Indiana University 1940)
Robert R. Boothby (University of Toronto 1986)
Donal C. Bosson (University of Tennessee 1944)
John P. Bowdoin (University of New Mexico 1991)
William R. Bracewell (University of Georgia 1968)
William S. Bradbury (University of Arizona 1964)
William A. Brandstetter (Washington & Jefferson College 1997)
John E. Bratten (Cornell University 1947)
Thomas L. Brcka (University of Iowa 1986)
Edward K. Brickenden (University of Toronto 1948)
James B. Brill (University of Michigan 1918)
Gordon F. Brine (University of Wisconsin 1926)
George R. Brothers (Lehigh University 1908)
Stephen S. Brown (Southern Methodist University 1974)
David D. Buck (Southern Methodist University 1975)
George H. Buckbee (Union College 1960)
Alfred Buckley (Brown University 1949)
George A. Buckley (Wittenberg University 1980)
Walter E. Burns (University of California Berkeley 1906)
Lyle K. Bush (University of Washington 1922)
John A. Byerly (Washington & Jefferson College 1919)
Bo W. Byers (Tennessee Technological University 2006)
Timothy T. Caggiano (Case Western Reserve University 1997)
Ralph H. Cake (University of Oregon 1913)
Leo M. Calhoun (University of Michigan 1950)
Michael A. Callahan (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1974)
John B. Camealy (Washington State University 1951)
Donald T. Canfield (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1919)
William J. Carmichael (University of Illinois 1942)
Richard K. Carmouche (Louisiana State University 1992)
Joseph B. Carney (DePauw University 1950)
Kevin E. Carroll (University of Illinois 1979)
Ray Case (University of Nebraska 1926)
Robert K. Chandler (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1916)
William P. Chandler (University of Arizona 1944)
Charles E. Chapin (University of Florida 1978)
William H. Charnley (University of Michigan 1893)
Benjamin W. Chase (University of Idaho 1994)
Jerome K. Cheney (Colgate University 1919)
Alexander B. Clark (Cornell University 1904)
Dudley F. Clark (University of Oregon 1927)
Albert E. Clattenburg (Roanoke College 1902)
Peter O. Clauss (University of Chicago 1955)
George H. Clay (University of Missouri 1934)
William G. Clegg (University of South Florida 1977)
Bret A. Clesi (Louisiana State University 1980)
Leroy P. Collins (Union College 1905)
William R. Connell (University of Kentucky 1994)
Roland D. Cook (University of Alberta 1975)
Harold W. Cookson (Stanford University 1915)
Douglas A. Corbishley (University of British Columbia 1959)
Mitchell S. Cordill (Kansas State University 1993)
Sam G. Cornelius (University of Missouri 1963)
Chan F. Coulter (University of Iowa 1925)
Solon B. Cousins (University of Richmond 1947)
George A. Cowee (Yale University 1934)
John R. Cox (University of Missouri 1994)
Vincent J. Coyle (Rutgers University 1952)
Mark J. Crabb (Purdue University 1981)
Ryan J. Cramer (University of Evansville 2012)
Frank B. Crandall (Ohio Wesleyan University 1906)
Herbert C. Crane (Purdue University 1923)
Mark E. Crawford (Westminster College 1985)
William J. Crowe (University of Oklahoma 1915)
R. G. Crystal (Ohio Wesleyan University 1963)
John B. Culley (Wabash College 1969)
Steven P. Cunningham (Miami University 1974)
Cory M. Curtin (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2001)
Marshall B. Dalton (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1915)
Thomas G. D'Angelo (University of Washington 1990)
Richard W. Darrow (Ohio Wesleyan University 1936)
Richard J. Davidson (Iowa State University 1976)
Robert W. Davies (Gettysburg College 1957)
Harry L. Davis (Case Western Reserve University 1937)
Marshall D. Davis (Florida State University 1970)
Paul K. Davis (Oregon State University 1985)
Thomas C. Davis (Louisiana State University 1973)
William A. Delphos (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1974)
Peter F. DeMarco (University of Southern California 1990)
Thomas A. Desjardin (Florida State University 1986)
Andrew D. Dettmer (Wabash College 2015)
Ralph C. Dewey (Old Dominion University 1986)
Oliver Dibble (University of California Berkeley 1899)
Landon J. Dipprey (Texas Christian University 2006)
Dennis A. DiTullio (Ohio State University 2005)
Matthew R. Dixon (Ohio Wesleyan University 1999)
Robert M. Donovan (University of Virginia 1954)
Divya H. Doshi (Mississippi State University 2015)
Brian M. Douglas (Tennessee Technological University 1998)
Jeffrey M. Downey (University of California Los Angeles 1983)
Charles J. Downing (University of Wisconsin 1916)
Matthew Doyle (University of Maine Orono 1992)
Frank S. DuBois (University of Pennsylvania 1951)
Chester P. Dudley (Dartmouth College 1913)
L. T. Dulaney (University of Oklahoma 1961)
J. E. Dunford (Bethel College 1912)
Clifford G. Dunphy (University of Illinois 1920)
Brian G. Dunster (University of British Columbia 1980)
Stuart Eagleson (Wooster College 1891)
James M. Eaton (University of Maine Orono 1910)
Philip C. Ebeling (Ohio Wesleyan University 1928)
Charles W. Echlin (University of Western Ontario 2019)
Matthew M. Edgar (University of British Columbia 2007)
Lee M. Egan (University of Kansas 1916)
Gordon A. Elliott (University of British Columbia 1955)
William F. Elliott (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1964)
J. B. Ellis (Tennessee Technological University 1999)
Troy H. Ellis (University of Iowa 1991)
John H. Emery (University of Michigan 1919)
Theodore M. Engle (Tennessee Technological University 2011)
Ronald I. Enna (Oregon State University 1965)
Robert K. Erf (University of Michigan 1953)
George R. Eshelman (Washington & Lee University 1943)
Jonathan C. Espy (Drake University 1995)
John N. Eustis (University of Pennsylvania 1933)
Wallace W. Everett (University of California Berkeley 1927)
Lawrence K. Faulkner (University of North Alabama 1982)
Kevin W. Ferguson (University of California Riverside 1984)
Hummel Fishburn (Pennsylvania State University 1922)
Roswell E. Fisher (Union College 1927)
Charles R. Fletcher (University of Alabama 1973)
Michael G. Fligg (William Jewell College 1961)
Spencer Flournoy (Johns Hopkins University 1944)
Henry L. Fonda (Bucknell University 1918)
James S. Forbes (Union College 1931)
Alan S. Foster (Dartmouth College 1945)
John M. Fowler (University of California Berkeley 1939)
Thomas A. Frame (Ohio University 1972)
John E. Freeman (University of Colorado 1938)
Donald M. Freese (Illinois Wesleyan University 1943)
Joseph J. Friedman (University of Nebraska 1988)
James E. Fritsch (University of Arizona 1966)
Leonard H. Fuller (Baylor University 1977)
Donald D. Fuson (Louisiana State University 1970)
Charles E. Gabe (Hanover College 1990)
William O. Gamble (University of Iowa 1928)
Richard L. Gannett (University of Texas 1958)
Frank A. Gans (Indiana University 1943)
Robert M. Gardner (Ohio Wesleyan University 1951)
William S. Garner (University of Arkansas 1971)
Jeffrey R. Garrett (University of Missouri 1990)
Alberto Garza (University of Texas San Antonio 1996)
Thomas A. Gasho (Case Western Reserve University 1978)
John L. Geiser (Gettysburg College 1959)
Russell L. George (Colorado State University 1968)
John W. Gewecke (Cornell University 1968)
Philip D. Giantris (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1965)
James R. Gibbs (Ohio University 1969)
John E. Gibson (Ohio State University 1975)
Scott D. Gibson (University of Arizona 1978)
Thomas M. Gilliland (University of Nebraska 1960)
John R. Gimpel (LaSalle University 1984)
James P. Glenny (University of Idaho 1960)
Tim G. Glowa (University of Calgary 1993)
William R. Goebel (University of Colorado 1921)
Gerard M. Golden (University of Richmond 1999)
Richard Gonzalez (Jacksonville University 1998)
David L. Grady (Mississippi State University 1982)
Thomas C. Graham (University of Missouri 1968)
Travis W. Grahmann (University of Texas San Antonio 2012)
Steven C. Graus (Western Michigan University 1978)
Jay W. Gray (Wabash College 1950)
Peter S. Gray (University of Oregon 1980)
Gayden D. Green (University of Tennessee 1970)
R. E. Green (University of Toronto 1933)
Robert J. Grier (Washington & Jefferson College 1931)
Max W. Griffith (University of Wisconsin 1899)
Thomas L. Grissom (Ohio Wesleyan University 1962)
Cornelis E. Groenewegen (Occidental College 1928)
G. W. Gruber (University of Alberta 1980)
James T. Guess (University of Memphis 1989)
Christopher R. Gunnare (University of Iowa 1986)
Paul D. Hains (Texas Christian University 1987)
Robert T. Hamilton (University of Rhode Island 1967)
David N. Hankinson (Iowa State University 1955)
John E. Hansel (Ohio State University 1953)
Thomas P. Hanson (Union College 1945)
R. B. Hare (University of North Carolina 1953)
Benjamin R. Harper (University of Kentucky 1969)
Robert A. Harris (University of Virginia 1964)
Robert E. Harris (University of Toronto 1949)
George L. Harvey (University of Pennsylvania 1910)
Stanley C. Harwood (University of Colorado 1960)
Donald S. Hauck (Wittenberg University 1956)
W. T. Haynes (University of Richmond 1922)
Craig T. Haywood (Bowling Green State University 1992)
Craig P. Hazelet (University of Washington 1914)
Matthew J. Hazleton (Colorado School of Mines 1996)
Benjamin T. Head (University of Oklahoma 1942)
Christropher L. Heasley (University of Texas Arlington 1999)
William D. Heaton (University of Washington 1927)
Curt S. Heinz (University of Kansas 1968)
Felix R. Helms (University of Alabama 1943)
Charles W. Henderson (Stanford University 1907)
Richard K. Henley (University of North Alabama 1989)
Eric W. Hermanns (University of Alberta 2012)
Richard J. Hertzog (Arizona State University 1985)
Dana W. Hesse (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1986)
Eugene W. Hickok (Hampden-Sydney College 1972)
John D. Higgins (University of Pennsylvania 1922)
Albert F. Hillix (University of Missouri 1918)
Richard J. Hitt (Wittenberg University 2007)
Kenneth L. Holderman (Pennsylvania State University 1931)
John S. Holland (University of Idaho 1942)
Charles F. Holloway (University of Kentucky 1997)
David P. Holub (DePauw University 1987)
Bryan R. Horner (University of Missouri 1934)
Jeffery A. Horner (Indiana State University 2000)
Roger W. Hulbush (University of Washington 1956)
Milton C. Hult (Knox College 1919)
Christopher M. Humphrey (Indiana State University 1998)
William S. Hunnicutt (University of Texas Arlington 1981)
James W. Hutcheson (Auburn University 1966)
Douglas S. Ingersoll (DePauw University 1988)
Phillip R. Inman (University of North Alabama 1975)
Roy N. Irwin (Utah State University 1971)
S. S. Jackman (University of Nebraska 1974)
Arthur L. Jansen (Brown University 1939)
Michael D. Jarrett (University of Texas Arlington 1972)
Robert B. Jelinek (University of Georgia 1985)
John B. Jenkins (Ohio State University 1962)
C. J. Jessee (University of Virginia 1949)
Brian P. Jeter (Hampden-Sydney College 1984)
Alan W. Johnson (University of California Los Angeles 1937)
Donald E. Johnson (Oregon State University 1936)
Robert B. Johnson (Davidson College 1994)
Robert L. Johnson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1938)
William A. Johnson (New York University 1975)
Thomas H. Jones (University of Richmond 1974)
Jordon S. Kanikkeberg (University of Idaho 1951)
Michael A. Keller (University of Akron 2001)
John L. Kendall (DePauw University 1963)
Richard B. Keyes (Pennsylvania State University 1985)
Timothy W. Kilduff (Kent State University 1968)
Peter C. King (Indiana University 1976)
Henry D. Kinney (Iowa State University 1956)
Augustan D. Kittson (Washington State University 1978)
Jason F. Kneeland (University of Vermont 1995)
William M. Kramer (Gettysburg College 1978)
Emil L. Krejci (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1954)
Mark A. Krill (University of Florida 1986)
Howard L. Kummerman (San Diego State University 1989)
Christopher L. Kurtz (Ball State University 2006)
James H. Lake (Oregon State University 1990)
Stephen M. Lamberson (University of Washington 1980)
Samuel B. Landrum (University of Texas 1930)
Michael L. Lansdell (University of North Alabama 1979)
Brainerd W. LaTourette (Westminster College 1952)
Frank E. Lee (University of California Berkeley 1918)
Bruce A. Legan (University of Texas Arlington 1988)
Michael F. Leisey (Pennsylvania State University 1974)
Howard M. LeSourd (Ohio Wesleyan University 1911)
Grant W. Lewis (Syracuse University 1930)
Walter C. Lindsey (Mississippi State University 1984)
Morgan Little (University of Arizona 1964)
Robert A. Lobel (Kent State University 1965)
Carl H. Long (Davidson College 1921)
John H. Louthan (Allegheny College 1927)
Scott A. Lowery (Miami University 1982)
Joseph L. Lowrey (Louisiana State University 1963)
Michael A. Lucas (Bradley University 1983)
Frederick C. Lynch (University of Alberta 1986)
Hale J. Maddox (Auburn University 1963)
Michael K. Magness (Case Western Reserve University 1970)
Danner L. Mahood (University of Virginia 1923)
Louis A. Mangels (Indiana University 1956)
Paul B. Manning (Jacksonville University 1990)
Michael D. Maret (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1989)
Louis L. Marines (Washington & Jefferson College 1963)
Matthew L. Marino (Arizona State University 1985)
Allen G. Marshall (University of Tennessee 1990)
C. D. Marshall (University of Tennessee 1967)
Robert W. Marshall (University of Rhode Island 1977)
Benjamin S. Martin (Bowling Green State University 2003)
Wesley J. Martin (Missouri State University 2009)
F. L. Marx (Wabash College 1955)
William C. Mattox (Mississippi State University 1972)
William G. McClimans (Western Michigan University 1979)
Paul A. McCloy (University of Calgary 1997)
John R. McCormack (LaSalle University 1984)
Roland A. McCrady (University of Pittsburgh 1911)
Robert E. McCulloch (University of Toronto 1965)
Charles S. McDonald (North Carolina State University 2014)
Thomas L. McDonald (Westminster College 1960)
Ryan D. McFarland (Ball State University 2002)
John R. McGillivray (University of Toronto 1928)
Kevin R. McGraw (Ohio University 1990)
Donald T. McKay (University of Washington 1951)
Charles A. McKeand (University of Virginia 1915)
Carl H. McLauthlin (University of Colorado 1937)
James L. McLendon (University of Alabama Birmingham 2020)
Jeffrey D. McMahan (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2003)
John B. McMurry (University of Texas Arlington 1998)
Pete J. McNally (Iowa State University 1990)
Christian D. Medero (University of California Irvine 2012)
Howard A. Medholdt (University of Pennsylvania 1924)
Barry J. Mees (University of Western Ontario 1970)
Shawn M. Meier (Ball State University 2009)
Nicholas J. Melas (University of Chicago 1945)
Robert A. Melgard (University of Idaho 1956)
Beardslee B. Merrill (University of Idaho 1928)
G. H. Merry (Syracuse University 1934)
John D. Metcalf (Washington State University 1992)
Thomas J. Meyer (University of Missouri 1970)
F. C. Meyer (Lafayette College 1935)
D. K. Meyers (University of Oklahoma 1960)
Terry L. Meyers (Kansas State University 1969)
Marcus G. Michael (University of North Alabama 1986)
James Millan (University of Missouri 1953)
A. D. Miller (University of Texas 1929)
Daniel G. Miller (Kansas State University 1983)
John S. Miller (University of Idaho 1929)
Randall C. Miller (University of the South Sewanee 1973)
William R. Miller (Indiana University 1962)
John W. Mills (University of Rhode Island 1969)
Michael J. Mitchell (University of Western Ontario 1990)
William J. Moffitt (University of Southern California 1950)
G. D. Moore (Brown University 1908)
Scott M. Moore (Iowa State University 1996)
Stephen M. Morain (University of Iowa 1968)
Nathan M. Morales (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 2001)
Anson B. Moran (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1966)
Stephen W. Morgan (University of Arizona 1965)
William T. Morris (Pennsylvania State University 1949)
James E. Morrison (University of Kentucky 1970)
Ralph H. Morrow (Denison University 1914)
J. D. Mosher (University of Idaho 1949)
Lee M. Moss (University of Tennessee 1973)
Daniel P. Mossop (University of Akron 1989)
Thomas R. Mulcahy (University of Minnesota 1950)
L. C. Murray (University of Alberta 1972)
Richard C. Murray (DePauw University 1929)
Warren F. Myers (Wabash College 1907)
James C. Neilson (University of Akron 1991)
Greg D. Nelson (Kansas State University 1979)
Ronald C. Nelson (University of Richmond 1977)
Jason T. Newcomb (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1998)
H. G. Nicol (Amherst College 1944)
Robert W. Niebaum (Case Western Reserve University 1969)
Bradley C. Nielsen (University of Iowa 1986)
George P. Norman (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1987)
Jeffrey A. Novotny (University of Maryland 2005)
Alfred H. Nuckols (University of Pennsylvania 1972)
Morris J. Nunn (University of Missouri 1967)
Edward J. O'Connell (University of Michigan 1940)
Joseph F. Oelgoetz (Ohio State University 1979)
Edwin J. Ogden (Purdue University 1952)
C. W. Olander (University of Kansas 1971)
Brian P. Olsen (University of Washington 1982)
John E. Olson (University of Wisconsin 1973)
J. M. O'Malley (Allegheny College 1983)
William J. Orr (Ohio Wesleyan University 1953)
Robert S. Owen (Davidson College 1994)
Loren H. Page (University of New Mexico 1967)
Thomas W. Page (University of Arkansas 1969)
Willard T. Pangmon (Syracuse University 1902)
John G. Pappajohn (University of Iowa 1952)
John A. Parker (University of Tennessee 1938)
Kevin B. Parker (Florida State University 1988)
Jeffrey C. Patch (University of Arizona 1974)
Orsen E. Paxton (University of Texas Arlington 1971)
Ronald J. Pedrick (Bucknell University 1960)
Anthony G. Pego (Florida International University 2005)
Gary K. Pepper (University of Toronto 1948)
J. M. Pepper (University of Kentucky 1982)
Peter Q. Perkson (University of Maine Orono 1993)
Douglas J. Peters (University of Maryland 1985)
Brad W. Petrella (University of Akron 1987)
Michael V. Phillips (Florida State University 2002)
William L. Phinney (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1927)
F. H. Pierce (Ohio State University 1959)
Donald V. Pierce (University of Missouri 1971)
James K. Pierson (Wabash College 1925)
Bruce M. Pitman (Purdue University 1971)
Steven B. Pittman (Oklahoma State University 1975)
Timothy L. Pitts (University of Tennessee 1990)
W. T. Pohl (University of Kentucky 1976)
John A. Pollard (Ohio State University 1924)
Thomas N. Pollard (University of Richmond 1953)
Carleton A. Potter (Dartmouth College 1917)
David H. Prescott (Wittenberg University 1977)
Brian M. Price (North Carolina State University 1999)
Edward F. Pritzlaff (University of Wisconsin 1919)
Frank L. Provenza (Texas Christian University 1980)
F. D. Pryor (Georgia Institute of Technology 1951)
James W. Purcell (University of Georgia 1973)
James P. Quinn (Northwestern University 1955)
Robert P. Radcliffe (University of Kansas 1961)
Michael L. Raisor (Indiana State University 1995)
Vernon C. Randolph (University of Michigan 1907)
Lester M. Rankin (Denison University 1915)
Timothy P. Reitmeyer (University of Pittsburgh 1974)
Dale F. Renner (Ohio Wesleyan University 1950)
Ross D. Rhinehart (Ohio State University 1984)
Charles M. Ricker (Indiana State University 2012)
W. A. Riddle (Illinois Wesleyan University 1947)
A. P. Rimsans (Iowa State University 1993)
James C. Rinaman (University of Florida 1955)
William H. Ritts (Pennsylvania State University 1965)
Andrew M. Roberts (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2013)
Ernest M. Roberts (University of Kansas 1928)
William E. Roberts (Arizona State University 1975)
George A. Robertson (Washington & Lee University 1970)
G. P. Robinson (Mississippi State University 1975)
William D. Roesser (University of Michigan 1925)
Alex L. Rogers (DePauw University 1965)
T. D. Romero (University of Arizona 1922)
Jonathan L. Ross (Florida International University 2002)
William F. Ross (Bradley University 1987)
Charles M. Roudebush (Ohio Wesleyan University 1914)
Mark Rusiski (University of Pittsburgh 2000)
Joseph Samora (University of New Mexico 1978)
Richard I. Sampson (University of Washington 1946)
Vinson J. San Angelo (University of Arizona 1962)
Charles L. Sargeant (Purdue University 1926)
Scott J. Sarisky (University of Utah 1990)
George H. Saville (Ohio Wesleyan University 1922)
Robert E. Schaich (Bradley University 2006)
Douglas S. Scheiner (Bradley University 2000)
Lee C. Schmitt (Miami University 1963)
Frederick J. Schoeneman (University of California Berkeley 1931)
Robert J. Schoettler (University of Washington 1928)
R. D. Schrantz (University of Arkansas 1973)
L. D. Schreck (Kansas State University 1969)
Lynn R. Schroeder (Iowa State University 1976)
George J. Schunck (Syracuse University 1952)
Jason S. Schwartz (University of Central Florida 2003)
James B. Schwarz (Western Michigan University 1991)
John E. Scott (Indiana University 1930)
Roy A. Seaberg (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1956)
Nicholas C. Seeley (University of Akron 2001)
Sandesh V. Sekhara (University of Connecticut 2012)
Michael R. Shaffer (Wittenberg University 1949)
Rishad Shaikh (Case Western Reserve University 1999)
Kennedy Shaw (Syracuse University 1950)
Roger D. Sheaks (University of Georgia 1983)
James S. Sheehy (University of Oregon 1918)
Jerry G. Shelton (University of Oklahoma 1975)
Henry B. Shepard (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1916)
John D. Sheppard (University of Pittsburgh 1944)
Michael O. Shipley (Syracuse University 1958)
Loyal A. Shoudy (University of Washington 1904)
H. O. Shropshire (University of Alabama 1924)
G. D. Shrum (Denison University 1959)
Stanley P. Shugert (Roanoke College 1905)
Thomas E. Shull (University of Idaho 1950)
John S. Sickels (College of the City of New York 1908)
Lee C. Siedell (Louisiana State University 1977)
Robert A. Siedell (Mississippi State University 1974)
George M. Simonds (Miami University 1959)
Kenneth R. Sinclair (Washington & Jefferson College 1948)
David F. Slater (Ohio University 1967)
Robert L. Slauson (University of Connecticut 2013)
J. P. Slayden (University of Tennessee 1937)
D. M. Smith (University of Texas Arlington 1983)
Philip A. Smith (DePauw University 1959)
Roger J. Smith (Ohio University 1972)
Steven R. Smith (University of Chicago 1975)
Tom K. Smith (Williams College 1939)
Charles W. Snook (University of California Berkeley 1917)
Chad T. Snyder (Fresno State University 2000)
Kenneth A. Sobel (University of Arizona 1975)
N. W. Solomon (University of Nebraska 1951)
John M. Sorensen (Illinois Wesleyan University 1968)
Lee K. Souter (University of Vermont 2005)
Gordon T. Speckman (Denison University 1947)
Brad J. Stadtlander (University of Iowa 2002)
F. A. Stamper (University of Kansas 1964)
William A. Steele (University of Colorado 1926)
James H. Stellar (Occidental College 1954)
Allen C. Stelle (Iowa State University 1908)
Lance G. Stendal (University of New Mexico 1993)
George C. Sternad (Ohio Wesleyan University 1948)
J. M. Stewart (Washington & Lee University 1938)
Van W. Stewart (University of Oklahoma 1920)
Frederick Stines (University of Iowa 1949)
Ferdinand F. Stone (Ohio State University 1930)
Neil H. Stone (Miami University 1964)
Ralph E. Stone (Rutgers University 1922)
Robert D. Stone (Denison University 1965)
Merrill Swain (Pennsylvania State University 1944)
Harry R. Swanson (University of Chicago 1917)
James E. Sweeney (University of New Mexico 1983)
C. W. Swinford (Washington & Lee University 1943)
Anthony J. Tamburo (Louisiana State University 1994)
James C. Tauschek (Ohio Wesleyan University 1976)
Harry E. Templeton (Stanford University 1925)
Alan J. Thayer (Oregon State University 1981)
Henry E. Theis (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1955)
Walter R. Thiel (Ohio University 1985)
Samuel C. Thigpen (University of North Alabama 2011)
Ronald L. Thomas (Georgia Institute of Technology 1968)
Francis G. Thompson (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 2000)
Sheldon L. Thorpe (Kettering University A 1987)
Bradley A. Tilton (Georgia Institute of Technology 1981)
T. P. Tissot (Stanford University 1917)
Brian R. Toole (University of California San Diego 2001)
Mark P. Trenton (University of Western Ontario 1986)
Louis F. Trost (University of Oklahoma 1950)
Charles S. Truxal (University of Oregon 2016)
Gerald L. Tschudi (Miami University 1958)
Guy W. Tunnicliffe (Northwestern University 1953)
Thomas A. Tunnicliffe (Ohio State University 1987)
John K. Turner (University of Texas 1976)
James E. Tyler (University of Florida 1950)
Isaac O. Upham (University of California Berkeley 1898)
Michael S. Uryasz (Texas Tech University 2012)
William H. Valentine (Coastal Carolina University 1967)
George C. Van Dusen (Dartmouth College 1957)
Robert D. Vice (Ohio University 1973)
Mark S. Waggener (University of Kansas 1921)
Otto A. Wahlrab (Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1954)
Kirk D. Walden (University of Texas Arlington 1972)
Stanley T. Wallbank (University of Colorado 1917)
Roy W. Walters (University of Pittsburgh 1940)
Howard C. Walton (Gettysburg College 1967)
Jerrold Wanek (University of Iowa 1980)
Frederick H. Ward (University of Oklahoma 1918)
Colin A. Watson (James Madison University 2004)
Stephen J. Waymire (Wabash College 1960)
Karl M. Weber (University of Denver 1981)
Daniel T. Webster (Cornell University 2013)
James S. Webster (Stanford University 1929)
Daylon T. Weddle (DePauw University 2017)
Roger L. Weinheimer (Oregon State University 1951)
Michael S. Weiss (University of Central Florida 1994)
Joseph A. Weist (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology 1987)
Peter G. Welsh (Wittenberg University 1974)
Victor J. West (University of Chicago 1905)
William F. West (University of Maine Orono 1940)
James E. Whistler (University of Idaho 1970)
Robert N. Whitacre (Indiana University 1967)
Harry J. White (University of Alabama 1917)
Richard H. White (Denison University 1940)
William H. White (University of Texas 1923)
William W. Whiteman (University of Oklahoma 1935)
Bradley R. Whiting (University of Washington 1980)
Randall L. Whittaker (Oklahoma State University 1970)
Peter C. Whittet (Western Michigan University 1977)
Lloyd H. Wiborg (University of Arizona 1961)
Albert G. Williams (Case Western Reserve University 1927)
Clarence H. Williams (Case Western Reserve University 1914)
Russell G. Williams (University of Kentucky 1974)
Thomas H. Williams (University of Alabama 1941)
David J. Willmer (University of Akron 1992)
Jay R. Winkelhake (Colorado School of Mines 2000)
Paul Winter (LaSalle University 1987)
Robert K. Wolf (Washington State University 1991)
T. A. Womack (University of Texas 1956)
Brian D. Wood (University of Arkansas 1986)
Craig P. Wood (Wittenberg University 1969)
John E. Wood (Denison University 1924)
Robert L. Wray (Tennessee Technological University 1981)
Charles A. Wright (University of Chicago 1957)
Michael J. Wygocki (Western Michigan University 1986)
Thomas L. Wylie (Hanover College 1963)
Scott M. Yaworski (University of British Columbia 2002)
James O. Yeaman (Auburn University 1966)
Brent L. Young (Tennessee Technological University 2002)
Phil E. Zegarelli (Columbia University 1970)
William S. Zerman (University of Michigan 1949)
Darrel H. Zipfel (Ohio State University 1954)
Robert F. Zwolinski (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 1998)