Leadership of Phi Gamma Delta

Phi Gamma Delta and Interfraternal Organizations


Phi Gamma Delta and Interfraternal Organizations


Letters following the names indicate other offices held:

President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Councilor, General Appointed Officer, NIC Officer, Editor, Headquarters Staff, Field Secretary.

Durrance Award, Coulter Cup, Haynes Award and Wilkinson Award recipients are also noted.

North-American Interfraternity Conference

The North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) was founded in 1909, with Phi Gamma Delta as one of the founding member fraternities. It was renamed from National Interfraternity Conference in 1999.

The title was changed in 1961 to President.
1917 - Orion H. Cheney (New York 1897) - P
1934 - Cecil J. Wilkinson (Ohio Wesleyan 1917) - E, Ed.
1948 - Gilbert W. Mead (Allegheny 1911) - G
1982 - David C. Bland, Jr. (Texas 1938) - P, T
2014-2015 - Eugene D. "Buddy" Coté III (Maine 1981) - P, S, C, HS

Vice Chairman/Vice President
1933 - Cecil J. Wilkinson (Ohio Wesleyan 1917) - E, Ed.

1971 - Fred L. Dixon (Colorado 1944) - S, FS
1981 - David C. Bland, Jr. (Texas 1938) - P, T
2012-2014 - Eugene D. "Buddy" Coté III (Maine 1981) - P, S, C, HS

1910-1916 - Orion H. Cheney (New York 1897) - P
1979*-1980 - David C. Bland, Jr. (Texas 1938) - P, T
*Brother Bland was elected Treasurer in June after deaths among the leadership forced new elections.

Recording Secretary
1946 - Gilbert W. Mead (Allegheny 1911) - G

1932 - Cecil J. Wilkinson (Ohio Wesleyan 1917) - E, Ed.

1947 - Gilbert W. Mead (Allegheny 1911) - G
1979 - David C. Bland, Jr. (Texas 1938) - P, T

NIC Board of Directors created in 1969.
1969-1971 - Fred L. Dixon (Colorado 1944) - S, FS
1975-1978 - David C. Bland, Jr. (Texas 1938) - P, T
1991-19__ - William R. Bracewell (Georgia Faculty) - C, G, Coulter

1999-2003 - Michael O. Shipley (Syracuse 1958) - P, T, G, FS
2010-2012 - Eugene D. "Buddy" Coté III (Maine 1981) - P, S, C, HS

Governing Council Members
NIC Governing Council model created in 2015.
2015-____ - Eugene D. "Buddy" Coté III (Maine 1981) - P, S, C, HS

Recipients of the NIC Gold Medal (Awarded annually since 1940)
1955 - Cecil J. Wilkinson (Ohio Wesleyan 1917) - E
1982 - Dr. Norman Vincent Peale (Ohio Wesleyan 1919)
1989 - William S. Zerman (Michigan 1949) - E, Ed., G
2019 - William A. Martin, III (Mississippi State 1975) - E, Ed., HS, FS

Recipients of the NIC Silver Medal (Awarded annually since 1980)
1984 - Fred L. Dixon (Colorado 1944) - S, FS
1999 - John E. Horton (Missouri 1939)

Fraternity Executives Association (FEA)

1944-1945 - Cecil J. Wilkinson (Ohio Wesleyan 1917) - E, Ed., NIC
1971-1972 - William S. Zerman (Michigan 1949) - E, Ed., G, FS
1997-1998 - William A. Martin, III (Mississippi State 1975) - E, Ed., HS, FS

Recipients of the Order of Fraternity Excellence Award
2002 - James E. Caswell (Southern Methodist 1963) - P, V

Fraternity Communications Association (FCA), formerly College Fraternity Editors Association (CFEA)

1928-1929 - Cecil J. Wilkinson (Ohio Wesleyan 1917) - E, Ed., NIC
1959-1960 - James F. Hudson (Missouri 1946) - Ed., HS

Varner Award
2018 - William A. Martin, III (Mississippi State 1975) - E, Ed., HS, FS

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