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1940 Summer Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
Summer 1940 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Alpha Phi
University of Michigan
1940 Summer Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
JhsL dlfihcL (phijL TUiwa,
University of Michigan Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
Summer Edition
Why Phi Gamma Delta Rushes You
"707 Is The Place For Me"
New Freshmen To
THE CHAPTER HOUSE of Alpha Phi of Phi Gamma Delta, a second
home for generations of Michigan Fijis, is a place where members and
their friends are always welcome.
Fraternity Founders Set Phi Gam
Standards High Over 90 Years Ago
Gam- alone for its alumni who gained
IVe're Interested In You
That's why we're giving you this
special summer edition of-The Al
pha Phiji News. You see, Phi
Gamma Delta has a personal in
terest in you. You've been recom
mended to us as a real fellow—a
man worth rushing.
Now during the hurly-burly of
ascent at fame away from Ann Arbor can these first few weeks life is hectic.
Michigan. In the years since Alpha Alpha Phi be proud. Its roster of You have got to adjust yourself to
Tiro o
Qoro KH c
men who later gained international
faculty men is a noteworthy one.
a new atmosphere, new surround-
There is Brother H. F. Riggs, ings, strange people. When the
renown have passed through the
of the American Society rushing season starts, you'll always
portals at "707."
beloved be "on the go."
There is Avery Hopwood, for ex- member of the Engineering Colample. Fiji Hopwood wrote dozens
j lege faculty.
Dean C. S. Yoakum
of plays, among them the spine- of the Graduate
vjictuuaut; School
ociiuui is
la ivinjuiicx
Will Meet Many Men
Strangers will call you up jand
chilling "The Bat." At his death he Fiji as is
Prof. J. R. Hayden, head ask you out to their house for dinleft much of his fortune to the Uni- of the Department of Political Sci- nei"- You ve been recommended to
versity so that annually many thou- ence here. Dean H. C. Sadler of the them, too, you see. ^
sands of dollars are now given to Engineering College
is another
Ipha Phi man.
thanks to a Phi Gamma Delta!
At these houses you'll be intro-
duced to a seemingly endless line
The list continues: Dr. Cyrus of members. Of course, you won't
r of Michigan I Sturgis, Director of the Department remember their names. The pres-
Wilbur Brucker is another Fiji of Internal Medicine and Director sure is too great—at one house for
from this chapter. Space prohibits of Simpson Memorial Institute; As- luncheon, at another for dinner,
the mention of further names from
that equally long and distinguished
list of Michigan Phi Gams. But not
sistant Dean of Students Walter About all you'll recall is that you've
B. Rea; Shirley W. Smith, vice- seen that funny looking blond guy
(Continued on page 3)
(Contimied on page i)
\r\nPage Two
Summer, 1940
Alpha Fiji News
Eight Of Phi Gam s Campus Leaders
Special Summer Edition
Published quarterly by Alpha Phi
Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
707 Oxford Road
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Edward King
Edward Tripp
Robert Darden
John Clarke
Rec. Secretary
Cor. Secretary
James Harrison
Meet The Phi Gams!
It is our contention that the Phi
Gam house is the most cosmopoli
tan house on campus, and as proof
here is a quick glance. See if you
can find some familiar name.
First of all is President Ed King,
Elsmere, N. Y., big man in the
engine school . . . and then there's
CONTINUING to uphold Phi Gamma Delta's reputation for leader
photoman Ed Tripp of Allegan,
in campus activities are these men shown above. Seated, left to
Mich. ... Continuing on the seniors,
there is square-shouldered Hube right, are Ed Tripp, Jim Harrison, Ed King, Jim Palmer. Standing are
Weidman ... Linksman Lynn Reiss Norm Call, Bob Titus, George Irwin and Owen Mays.
from just over Ypsi way . . . and
Grand Rapids is well represented Michigan Phi Gams Continue To Hold
by two stalwarts. Bob Hext and
Bill Hastie . . . Of course we can't
Important Posts In Campus Activities
Davie Ott, of Mansfield, Ohio . .. There is hardly an activity on
And from way out west in Raton, campus in which the Phi Gams do
New Mex., comes Bob Darden . . . not participate. As evidence of
High-grade man John Clarke hails this, we see Fijis in publication,
from "south of the border (Cana athletics, the
dian)"all the way from the Soo ... Mimes Opera, the Interfraternity
Jim Palmer swears (badly, too) Council, the Union and various en
that there is no place like Cleve gineering school activities.
land, Ohio . . . and football captain
This last year Ed Tripp and Ed
Forrest Evashevski will produce King were upper class members of
tomes to prove that his name is the Ensian staff, showing the ropes
not descended from the Polish . . . to Freshman Ben Douglas who is
Phi Gamma Delta feels
that one reason for its tremendous
success was that there were a
baker's dozen of Phi Gams who
were either in the cast or on com
mittees of various kinds.
isn't enough space here to name
all those who took part, but some
of the more outstanding were Bob
Titus, the beautiful glamour girl,
and "Daddy" Mays, who had the
part of a not so beautiful "typical"
Michigan sorority co-ed.
In the engineering school the
but Maury Anderson, Evanston, on the business staff of the publi
111., doesn't feel so bad about being cation. Bob Ulrich and Jim Pal
a fugitive from a pin gang . . . and mer sei-ved during the past year on spotlight is focused on Ed King,
Memphis, Tenn., claims (tho not the Union junior council and George who has been active on the govern
very loudly) Jim Harrison . . . Irwin is planning on following in ing body of the college, the Engin
eering Council.
Sweeping into the juniors we find their footsteps.
In the line of athletic endeavors,
good-looking. Opera guy Robert (a)
Over at the Interfrateimity Coun
Titus, also from Evanston . . . And cil offices are Jim Harrison, who is there are Football Captain Forrest
don't miss a ping-pong exhibition a member of the Executive Com Evashevski and halfback Norm
put on by those two roomies, A1 mittee of the council, and Bob Ti Call, who also holds a position on
Darling (Detroit) and Owen
(Daddy) Mays of Quincy, 111. . . .
and then there's potential Tau Bete
Hank Fielding of Plainfield, N. J.
. The fellow to keep one's eyes
on is politico-footballer Norm Call
the Board in Control of Physical
tus, who will be a member of the
under staff next year.
This past year on the campus
saw a very successful revival of the
clude "Bud" Peters, Bill Houle,
well known Michigan Union Mimes
ball hearties, Louis Kasamis, Pete
Other footballers in
who is also a member of the basket
Grant and Glenn Ireland.
In the realm of flying mares and
of Norwalk, Ohio . . . "Dutch" from Phil Detwiler, from Detroit, and
"Beech-Nut Town" (I can't spell social man Chuck Hall of Lake- half-nelsons, we find Phil Detwiler,
Canajoherie) is also called Bob wood, Ohio . . . It would be impos who has won his award in wrest
VanBuren . . . There are two other sible to overlook "Big Stoop" Dale ling. Starring on the cinder paths
engineers in this class, wrestler Chamberlin from Bethlehem, Pa. is fleet "Buck" Dawson.
\r\nSummer, 1940
Page Three
Phi Gamma Delta Supplies Many Wolverine Athletes
President Ed King
Is Activities Tycoon
Fraternity Founders Set Phi Gam
Standards High Over 90 Years Ago
(Continued from page 1)
Why is it that the engineers
with a high sense of honor and
always complain about carrying so president of the University; Prof. laudable ambition."
much work and at the same time Edson R. Sunderland of the Law
Many in "Who's Who"
they manage to stick their fingers School; Prof. H. W. Miller, head of
Today that goal has been real
into all the campus pies? Such is the Department of Mechanism and ized. Countless names in "Who's
the case of Ed King, of Elsmere, Engineering Drawing; Charles W. Who" for the past century more
N. Y., which he claims is the main Spooner, Jr., of the Mechanical En than prove it. Such men as former
gineering department; Prof. Ben President Coolidge; Newton D.
part of Albany.
nett Weaver of the English depart Baker; noted author, Stuart Chase;
Ed made a good start as a fresh
ment; Harley A. Haynes, director
man by having the best freshman of the University Hospital; George N.R.A. tycoon, Donald Richberg;
New York's Governor Lehman; his
grades in the house. Since then Meyers of the Psychology depart
torian Charles A. Beard; Lew Wal
he has been a campus politician, ment, and Prof. J. N. Lincoln of the lace, author of the immortal "Ben
business manager of the Spanish department.
'Ensian, and a member of the en
These faculty men of Phi Gamma
gineering council, of which he is Delta frequently return to "707" to
now the vice-prexy.
enjoy a dinner and give the actives
Besides being a member of the iDenefit of their wisdom and ex
Triangles and Vulcans, the two en perience.
gineering honorary societies, he is
Founded in 1847
the retiring president of the former
It was ninety years ago last May
and the present head of the latter. that six Jefferson College students
Another feather in his cap is his who had been close friends for
post as secretary of the American years, gathered together in a con
Institute of Aeronautical Sciences. fined dormitory room with the pur
But around "707" Ed's real re
pose of organizing Phi Gamma Del
Hui'j" ace miler, Glenn Cunning
ham; All-American "Whizzer"
White; writers Edward Eggleston,
Frank Norris and Vincent Sheean;
biologist Douglas Freeman; scien
tist Steinmetz; Presidential candi
date Alf Landon, and countless
others whose names will grace the
history books of tbe future.
Ninety years in Phi Gamma Delta
has seen the membership increase
from those six to over 28,000 mem
bers. From a single chapter, located
sponsibility is that of being presi ta, a society "founded upon the in the then unpretentious town of
dent of the chapter. It was in principle of secrecy" and with the Cannonsburg, Pa. Graduate chap
recognition of his energies, spirit ultimate goal of drawing closer to ters are found today in seventyand keen sense of values that ele
vated him to this position.
gether "men of distinguished tal three cities throughout the United
ents and acquirements, endowed States and Canada
\r\nPage Four
Many Alpha Fijis
Rate Campus Fame
Summer, 1940
Phi Gams Rate Campus Honors
In Honor Societies
More than any other fraternity
on the Michigan campus, Phi Gam
ma Delta can be proud of the record
of its contemporary members in the
field of campus activities. The mag
• V ^ kWiV >'/■
nitude of this record is shown when
one lists the Fijis tapped for honor
Forrest Evashevski, captainelect of the football team, was
among those taken into Michigamua this year. Of all Michigan's
honorary groups, Michigamua is
the most select. "Tribe," as it is
known by its members, is an allcampus organization for seniors.
Druids Taps Two
For literary college seniors alone
is Druids. This organization, like
Michigamua, chooses its members
for activities and personality, mak
ing them go through a rigid initia
tion to prove their worth. Dressed
in flowing red robes, its members
yearly pick new men. Last spring
among those chosen were Phi
Gam's Ed Tripp and Jim Harrison.
Ed King is another Phi Gam of
whom the house can be proud. An
nually Vulcans, senior engineering
honor society, paints its initiates a
coal black and sends them through
its traditional initiation ceremony.
Last spring, Ed was among those
EVERY YEAR Phi Gamma Delta succeeds in having a large number
of men selected to join the various campus honorary societies because of
their activities on campus. Current members of these groups are pic
tured above. Seated, left to right, are Lynn Riess, Jim "Joker" Harri
son, Ed King and Ed Tripp. Kneeling are Norm Call and Dale Chamberlin. Standing are Hank Fielding, Owen Mays and Bob Titus.
Chapter Welcomes
Incoming Freshmen
(Continued from page 1)
somewhere—but where you don't
standing junior students in the lit
erary college. Sphinx is as much a
part of Michigan campus life as
Angell Hall. Norm Call, another
football player from the house, was
initiated into Sphinx this year and
was elected president.
Bob Ulrich, a senior next year,
letting you meet the fellows by
proxy, telling you who they are,
where they're from, what they do.
he knows that Sphinx is riding. An
ducing you to the house.
Twice yearly that cry echoes
through Ann Arbor streets and
when the Michigan man hears it,
So in this pamphlet we're intro
The Call Of Sphinx
"E-gypt-gypt-gypt Cairo!"
you to feel that way toward them.
We contacted you because we know
you've got something on the ball.
^ 'Hi
We're not trying to make ourselves
sound better than we are. What
you see. Alpha Phi of Phi Gamma
Delta is, and we're proud of what
it is and what it means.
Phi Eta Sigma
The society of Phi Eta Sigma was
founded for the purpose of giving
recognition to the work of outstand
ing freshmen and to serve as en
couragement for the continuance
of good fi rst year records. Eligi
bility for membership is based on
scholarship. Any male student who
number taken into Mimes. It has FORREST EVASHEVSKI, the receives a grade average equal to
"One Man Gang" of Michigan or above half A and half B during
among its members twelve Fijis
football, will lead the Wolver his fi rst semester may become a
out of a total membership of 35
ines on the gridiron this fall. member
this year. This organization is the
oldest honor society at Michigan.
This year the Fijis had a record
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Summer 1940 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.