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1941 April Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
April 1941 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Alpha Phi
University of Michigan
1941 April Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
JhsL CUfikcL PhJjL TbiwA,
University of Michigan Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
New Series Vol. VI
Annuul Norris Pig Dinner Set For May 17
Here Comes The Pig For May 17
Alumni Are Urged
To Attend Reunion
Herb Smith '10, And Louis
Levercne To Be Among
The Speakers
The last bit of snow has left the
ground, the unconscious feeling of
growing life all about stirs our
bodies to a new vigor, slowly but
surely we raise our noses to inhale
the imaginary smell of pig, the
tom-tom slowly takes up the tempo
YESSIR, MICHIGAN FIJIS have all in readiness for that annual
Norris Pig Dinner scheduled for May 17. This year's celebration will be
bigger and better than ever and if you have never attended one, now's
the time. Make plans now to be with us May 17 at 6:30 p. m.
of spring, beating out the call to all
Alpha Phijis that the annual Norris
Pig Dinner is coming May 17.
Michigan Fijis Win
Yes, brothers, just a superfluous
build up to let you know that the
Pig Dinner at 707 will be as well
Indoor Track Title
Initiate Ten Pledges
On Sunday, March 2
Ten Alpha Phi pledges re
Under the guidance of our newly
installed athletic chairman, Philip
Detwiler, the Fijis rolled off to a
splendid start in I-M athletics by
taking the indoor Interfraternity
track meet.
Norm Call, our prexy and stellar
pig carrier, again showed his
mettle by winning the high and low
hurdles. "Slapsie Maxie" Bah-
rych, another versatile athlete,
easily took the half mile run, and
ceived their Phi Gamma Delta
badges on Sunday, March 2,
when the annual spring initia
tion was held at the chapter
house. The initiates are:
Charles Adams '44, James De-
Puy '42, James Downey '44,
Raymond Dixon '44, Samuel
Emmons '44, Henry Mahon '44,
Clayton Pilcher '42, Lafayette
Stuch '43, Walter Tiedman '44,
and Hal Whittemore '42.
outstanding thin elads were Hal
Whittmore and Boh Norwich.
With spring, the athletes move
New Alumni Addresses
adding another cup to our collec
up good time.
National Officers To Come
As far as speakers are concerned,
plans had been made to have Her
bert Wilson Smith '10, president
elect of the Phi Gamma Delta club,
Cecil J. Wilkinson (Ohio Wesleyan
'17), national secretary, and Louis
E. Leverone (Dartmouth '04),
treasurer of Phi Gamma Delta. Un
Here's the latest batch of new
make it, but we still have hopes
that the other two can.
Good Food Is Promised
Alfred Darling '42, chairman of
the Pig Dinner committee, has been
working hard on the program and
addresses for Alpha Phi alumni to "feed" and promises us the best
the tennis courts and the pits. With come to the attention of the chap
the same line-up as last season, the
baseball team has high hopes of
nothing, not even a tribal war, can
keep the boys from having a bang-
fortunately "Scoop" Wilkinson can't
Tom Kuzma flexed a few muscles
to claim first in the shot put. Other Chapter Receives More
outdoors to the baseball diamond,
attended and prepared for as ever
before. Once the spirit of pig time
has been aroused in Fiji souls,
ever. Under the able leadership of
Henry Fielding '42, our singing has
Joseph E. Gandy '26, 1111 White improved tremendously, both in
Bldg., Seattle, Wash.; Jerry C. quality and brotherly gusto. Besides
Barker '37, 310 E. Cedar, Burlbank, singing we are always good for
Calif.; Edward H. Kelly 'IIM, Citi some Pig kissing and lots of stories
Warm weather will also find var
sity track men "Buck" Dawson zens Ilank Bldg., Monrovia, Calif.;
and Howard Egert pounding the Lawrence K. Goodrich '28, Westturf and Sam Emmons out for port, Conn.; Willis Blakeslee '21,
freshman tennis. Bob Norwich is 285 Congress PL, Pasadena, Calif.;
running for the baseball manager Frederick Riebel III '32, 5309 Berk
ship and Ray Dixon for freshman shire, Detroit; Claire Mendel '11,
football manager.
Box 1683, Tampa, Fla.
of which Shirley Smith, vice-presi
dent of the University and our
master of ceremonies, has a repu
tation for.
Our pledges will be heard from
by one freshman representing the
{Continued on page A)
\r\nP?ge Two
Alpha Phiji News
April, 1941
The Alumni Letter Column
Published quarterly by Alpha Phi Trooper Gedeon
other time on my fanny. By the
end of the week, he was pretty
707 Oxford Road
As you probably know by this much under control. They have a
Ann Arbor, Michigan
funny idea here in the army. They
time, Ole Ged has been drafted,
have new men and new horses and
Dale Chamberlin
on training them both at the
but as soon as the local draft
Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
Norman Call
Robert Titus
Dear Brothers:
board learned I had returned from
President school, my number was up, and I
Treasurer mean up . . .
I was drafted on March 12 and
Rec. Secretary
Cor. Secretary left for Fort Thomas, Ky., where
Dale Chamberlin
Historian I ran into Tom Breen, an old Fiji
from Michigan whom some of the
seniors will probably remember. He
Award Scholarship Prizes
is in the mechanized cavalry.
Although far from the bottom of
After leaving Fort Thomas,I was
the scholarship list, our status has sent to Fort Riley, Kansas, a caval
Owen Mays
Henry Fielding
remained the same as last semes
ry replacement center.
How I
same time.
We've had drills in columns of
two's, three's and four's, figure
eights, riding in columns of troop
ers, etc. They don't waste any time.
We expect to be here 13 weeks
and then be assigned to a regular
unit. The rumor is that we will be
transferred to Fort Bliss, Texas,
right across the border from Juarez
in Mexico. I thought that possibly
I would wait until June and then
ter. As a spur to higher academic ever got mixed up with the horse join the air corps, but I inquired
achievement, the house established cavalry, I don't know. The only about transferring now and they
a fund
last semester
prizes to the students who had the
highest grades, showed the great
est improvement and the second
greatest improvement.
Philip Detwiler was awarded the
prize for the highest grades, Glen
Ireland won the prize for the most
improvement, and Bob Titus carried
off the award for showing the sec
ond greatest improvement. Third
on the improvement list was Dale
Chamberlin, who received honorable
mention minus the fiscal reimburse
horse I ever saw in my life was the
one the milkman used.
Its been
to be held at the Western Reserve
generally take care of them in all
elected to represent the Alpha Phi
chapter officially, although many
other brothers plan to make the
trek to Cleveland for the meeting
and week-end activities.
Plan Spring Formal
tending to get in the air corps this
June. I certainly wish that I had
done that very thing this fall. Well,
I had never been on a horse before
there's not much else to tell you
and the first day I got a remount. fellows, but I'd like to hear from
Now a remount is a horse that has
you and get the news.
been ridden only until it has stop
ped bucking. You can imagine the Perge I
As soon as the horse real
Elmer Gedeon '39
"Ole Ged" deserves some kind of
ized a rookie was astride, boy did a medal for that interesting letter.
he kick up a fuss! He threw me We hope some of the other draftees
twice, landing on my ear once, the like the three in this column, will
Six More Alpha Phi
Alumni Enter Army
chapter located in Cleveland. Rob
ert Titus and Robert Norwich were
interesting, however. We ride 2h
Fritz Crisler wrote and told me
hours a day, have to saddle our
that quite a few of his boys are in
horses, groom and feed them and
Convention Is April 27
April 27 is round-up time for all
good Fijis at the section convention
change their unit. So it looks like
I'll be a trooper.
Alpha Phi's representation in the
U. S. armed branches is growing.
Among the most recent to join the
military are Stanley M. Swinton
'40; Jack Roberts '41, and Bob
Houser '41F&C. Stan, former city
editor of the Michigan Daily and
until his enlistment a member of
the Detroit bureau of the Associat
write in about their experiences in
army life. Thanks again, Ged, and
good luck.
An Army Steno
Dear Brothers:
Well, here I am in the Army, and
no place to go. I was inducted on
March 8, went directly to Ft. Ben
jamin Harrison in Indianapolis,
stayed there for four days and then
entrained for here (Camp Lee,
Petersburg, Va., Company G, 8th
Different from past years, the ed Press, is stationed at Fort Ous Regiment). I've been here for six
Phi Gams are going to hold their ter, Mich. "Dog" Houser is with days, during which time I've lived
spring formal in conjunction with the Marines somewhere in China in three different barracks and am
Delta Upsilon at the Barton Hills and Jack is stationed at Fort Bliss, finally in my permanent barracks
now (I hope).
Country Club on May 29, the night El Paso, Texas.
before Memorial Day. The reason
This life isn't a bad one—in fact
Three others who were inducted
for the change in policy is for eco recently are Jim Palmer '41, Elmer I'm getting rather attached to it.
nomic purposes and for bettering Gedeon '39, and Keith Yoder '41. I'll be damned if I like to haul out
interfraternity relations.
Letters from those three are print at 5:45 a. m. though. That's some
thing I doubt if I'll ever get used to.
The "House on the Hill" men had ed in the letter column.
have just been moved up to Regi
a fine exchange feast with the
Gamma Phi Beta girls recently men who enter the service will re mental Headquarters doing steno
which did much to bring some of port it to the editor. Or if you graphic work, which doesn't hurt
the more retiring Fijis out of their know of someone, tell us about him. my feelings a bit. Who am I to
lairs in order to meet more of our It may enable Michigan Fijis to get complain about sitting in a nice
campus beauties.
together in their respective camps.
(Continued on page 4)
\r\nApril, 1941
Elect; Norm Call'42,
Gelder Weds
Cliapter President;
Succeeds Ed King
Many CampusPosts
Bob Titus Is New Treasurer;
Mimes And Other Honorary
Other House Officers
Societies Pick Men
From '707'
Coiitiiiiie To Earn
Are Named
Norm Call '42, Norwalk, Ohio,
was elected president of Alpha Phi
Phi Gamma Delta continues to
important campus posts.
Although the major campus ap
pointments will not be announced
until later in the spring, here's
at the annual election held recent
ly. He succeeds Ed King '41, who
held the post during the past semes
some of the most recent honors to
with Norm are Bob Titus '42, Oak
Park, 111., treasurer; Owen Mays
'42, Quincy, 111., recording secre
tary; Henry Fielding '42E, Plainfleld, N. J., corresponding secretary,
and Dale Chamberlin '42, Bethle
hem, Pa., historian.
The new president has distin
guished himself in campus activities
by holding the presidency of .J ACK GELDER '40, former chap
Sphinx, junior literary college hon
ter president and a top Michigan
orary, and by acquiring the one
activities man, was married April
open student seat on the Board in
5 to Miss Elizabeth Mae Stairs at
Control of Physical Education.
Beckley, W. Va. Jack is with
Norm's versatile character does
Station WJLS, Beckley.
not limit him to mental activities :
alone, because he has won his var
sity letter in football and also par- Pledge
Five Men
In Spring Rushing
ticipated in track and basketball.
In three years at Michigan, Norm
has kept himself on top as a cam
Second semester rushing has add
pus leader by consistently maintain
ed five men to Alpha Phi's pledge
ing a B average. Under such a '
class. The rushing was directed
vigorous and capable leader we can !
look forward to another highly suc by the new rushing chairman, Wil
cessful year for Alpha Phi.
liam Schoedinger, '43E.
pledges are:
speech honorary society. Alpha Nu.
Three In Les Voyageurs
Another Fiji man, Freddie Ander
son, was elected to Les Voyageurs,
an outdoor society. Dale Chamber
lin was made Chief of the same so
ciety along with Maury Anderson
who acquired the office of treasurer.
Charles Adams is out for the
business staff of the Ensian and
our "hot man on the drums," James
Downey, is on the editorial staff of
the Gargoyle. A great surprise to
many of us was sophomore Buck
Dawson's appointment as sports
editor of the Ensian, which is ac
tually a junior job.
The new
William E. Loughborough '43, De
'Evvy' Named Head
fall our way;
Adding already to the large ma
jority of Phi Gams in Mimes, Hu
bert Weidman, '41, joined the fold
after a strenuous tapping session
and a formal initiation banquet the
following night. Bob Hext and La
fayette Stuch were taken into the
Active In Politics
To uphold the political side of the
house activities, James Pilcher is
campaigning for a position on the
Thomas G. Kuzma '44Spec.Lit., Student
Coach At Hamilton (Gary,
Ind., who won his numerals t grass is
freshman football.
Senate and James Snod-
an organization chairman
for the 1941 Michelodeon or Spring
Forest Evashevski '41, Michigan's
David S. Polluck '44, South Bend, Carnival.
famed "One Man Gang," will return Ind.
Ed Tripp was recently named
to the gridiron wars next year but
Edward M. Dickinson '44, Pal chairman of the Literary College's
in a different role. He was recently myra, N. Y.
senior class commencement com
appointed head coach at Hamilton
Max M. Bahrych '43Ed., Syra mittee.
College, Clinton, N. Y.
"Evvy," who received his degree cuse, N. Y., who won his freshman
in February, was given a three- Inumerals in basketball and is out
Henry Read '06, is an attorney
year contract. He will head Ham for track.
in Shenandoah, Iowa. He writes:"I
ilton's grid staff and will assist in
coaching other sports. He will also
hold the title of assistant professor
of physical education.
Another important event in
Brother Evashevski's life was his
marriage on April 12 in St. Ignace,
Mich., to Ruth Brown, daughter of
Michigan's senator. Evvy's back-
field mate, Tom Harmon, served as
best man.
Robert Elliott '38, '40L, is a law
yyer with the firm of Nicholson, Snyder,
Chadwell and Fagerburg, 135
So. LaSalle, Chicago. Bob shares
a apartment at 152 E. Superior St.,
Also in the Windy City
i: Marcus Stoddard '39E, who is
working for the Acme Steel Com
but who lives with his family
at 524 Lake St., Wilmette.
greatly enjoy the News, although I
don't know many of those mentioned
any more. My son, Robert, who
was a Phi Gam at Ai'izona and at
tended Michigan's law school two
years ago and whom some of you
may remember, is now a second
lieutenant of cavalry on active duty
as instructor in the Cavalry Re
Center, Fort
\r\nPage Four
April, 1941
^707' Gets Several
The Alumni Letter Column
New Improvements
(Continued from page 2)
regards to all of the chapter and
best wishes for keeping old 707
Ward Peterson *19, Presents
of the fellows are outside drilling, right up there on top.
Group Picture Of
washing windows and sweeping up
Jim Palmer '40
Faculty Fijis
. .. It's been below freezing for
The wishes of all the undergradu the past few nights. It's no picnic
ates came true a month ago when drilling with a gun outside for an In Armored Division
Ward Peterson '19, of Ann Arbor, hour with the temperature about Dear Brothers:
presented the house with a splendid 20. It's a damp cold. I've never
Well,"Old Shoes," a lot of things
composite picture of the Phi Gam been so cold at Cleveland or Detroit have happened since our last meet
alumni on the faculty.
as I was here two days ago at ing. I'm now located at Fort Knox.
It has proudly displaced the Reveille.
This is a so-called armored division,
numerous separate and unlabeled
I would advise all your freshmen newly organized. There are about
pictures of the faculty in the trophy to really go in for ROTC. It gripes 30,000 soldiers here and more com
room. Such a grouping labeled well me to be bowing and scrapin ^ co ing soon. Its not bad, but I'll be
—so that all who come will be sure some second lieutenant on his first glad to get my year over. You see,
to see—will aid much in rushing.
active service. There are piles of my draft number was close to the
Collect Athletes' Photos
young college boys around here top in our locality, so I volunteered
Other plans have been made to with commissions, and I could kick" to get; it over with . . . I'm to be
arrange and compile in a more myself for not taking ROTC. Here promoted to a corporal in two
orderly fashion the pictures of I could be hauling in |185 per month weeks. .
Michigan Fijis and Phi Gam ath instead of $20, and giving orders
Its darn lonely here and we have
letes. Bill Dawson has acquired instead of taking them. The reason few' conveniences. If any of you
numerous framed photographs of I never went in for it was that I fellows have time, I certainly would
Fiji athletes with the result that was afraid I would be called, so appreciate a letter.
the condition of our Hall of Fame thought I'd play smart and take
How are things at the house?
is improving steadily.
my chance with being drafted at You fellows sure made me feel good
Our basement ping pong room some indefinite date. It wasn't a when I returned for homecoming
which has been a shambles for good idea.
and nothing I say will make you
years, finally was taken in hand
Well, I'm relieved from my duties realize how I felt ...
by the sophomores under the ad (which have been nothing at all, so
Keith Yoder '41
ministration of Stu Miller and Bill I've typed letters). I'll have to get
, Fort Knox, Ky.
Schoedinger, and is now a place back to my barracks, so give my Perge!
you would be proud to show the
alumni or your parents.
Crest Adorns Wall
The Phi Gamma Delta Crest,
painted by Jerry Miller, graces the
wall and is magnified in beauty by
overhead neon lights. Also, due
to the moral collapse of our old
ice-box frigidaire, we have installed
a fine new refrigerator.
Other proposed additions to the
house are some pieces of furniture
for the living room, but they seem
to be stagnated somewhere in De
troit. We sure could use them.
Annual Pig Dinner
Set For May 17
(Continued from page 1)
whole class delivering a short talk
amidst the kidding of nearby alum
ni and undergraduates.
After the speeches there will be
time for singing, renewing acquain
tances and meeting new Fijis. So
remember Pig Dinner time at 707
Oxford Road on May 17.
Fijis in the draft to older alumni
we want to see you all, to shake
your hand again, and talk to you in
brotherly, Phi Gam fashion, so that
this will be a Pig Dinner that you
will always remember.
New Purple Legionnaire
John C. Thom '38, who served
the chapter as "E" during 1937
and 1938, has been elected Purple
Legionnaire of Alpha Phi. He
succeeds Herbert Upton, also of
Ann Arbor. Jack recently re
James McCracken '40, is another
newly-wed, having married Miss
Jean Liese, of Cleveland, recently.
They live at 1374 W.Bowlve,"Suite
408," Cleveland. Jim is working
for the Roach-Reid Company, dis
tributors of ediphones, a subsidiary
of the Thomas A. Edison Corp.
turned to Ann Arbor in the em
ploy of the Fram Corporation.
Two recent Alpha Phi graduates
are now studying at Harvard. Bill
Knecht '38, brother of Jack Knecht
Ladlmar J. Moudry '35, is an asso '41, Evanston, 111., is finishing up
ciate in the law firm of Poust & this year at Harvard's Law School.
Moudry, Sycamore, 111. He was Bill is married and hopes to stay out
married last November 20 to the of the draft.
The other Harvard
former June Kasper, who attended man is Edward O'Connel '40, who
Teachers is there in the business school.
College and Michigan. **Lad" is a
member of the DeKalb County, Illi
nois and
American Bar Associa
Bennett Weaver, who was ini
tiated as a faculty member, is one
They live in Sycamore at of Michigan's most popular faculty
513 S. Main St.
men. He is a professor in the Eng
lish department. The author of
Robert E. Angley '39, became a text books, poems and many ar
husband January 18 when he mar ticles, Brother Weaver holds an
ried Miss Jean Clauser, who also honorary degree of Doctor of Lit
attended Michigan. They live at erature. He is president of Ann
5532 S. Kenwood Ave., Chicago. Bob Arbor's Rotary Club. Brother and
is assistant purchasing agent of Mrs. Weaver live at 2760 Heather
Way, Ann Arbor.
the Continental Engineers.
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April 1941 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.