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1941 February Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
February 1941 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Alpha Phi
University of Michigan
1941 February Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
JhiL dlpkjcL fikljL TbiwA.
University of Michigan Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
New Series Vol. VI
Harry Hamliii'06L
Ann Arborite
Has Varied Career
Ji\ Public Offices
Herbert W.Smith
Elected President
Of Phi Gam Club
Chicago Lawyer Has Served
Name Clair Hughes To Board
In National, State And
Of Governors Of New
Local Posts
York Group
Harry F. Hamlin,'06L, prominent
Chicago attorney, has led an ex
ceptional life of service to his city,
Herbert W. Smith, '10, of New
York City, 'urouglit honor to Alpha
Phi Chapter in December when he
was elected president of the Phi
state and nation.
Beginning in 1915 when he was
elected to the Illinois Legislature, a
position he held for two terms, he
has filled many important public
posts. He has served at various
times as assistant corporation coun
sel of the City of Chicago, assist
ant attorney general for the State JOHN C. THOM '38, "E" of Alpha
Phi during 1937-38, is back in
of Illinois, and as first assistant
Ann Arbor, having been trans
United States Attorney.
ferred to the local office of the
For a number of years he served
Fram Corporation. Jack and his
as judge of Chicago's municipal
wife, the former Mary Margaret
court and in 1936 was a candidate
for lieutenant-governor of Illinois
Thomas, Michigan Theta, are liv
on the Republican ticket. In recom
ing on Olivia, Ave.
mending him for the latter office,
the Chicago Bar Association stated:
"He demonstrated his fitness for
the office to the general satisfaction
of the Bar; he is well qualified for
the office."
Brother Hamlin studied at Ann
Gamma Delta Club of New York
Further recognition was given
Michigan Fijis when Clair B.
Hughes, '12, was elected a member
of the club's Board of Governors
at the same time.
Both men have been active in
affairs of the club for many years.
Brother Smith is located at 30 E.
42nd St., in New York City, and
Brother Hughes, a graduate of
the University's law school in 1914,
is a lawyer with the firm of Chadbourne, Staunchfield and Levy, 25
Broadway, New York City.
News of their election to the high
offices was received by the chap
ter from Brother George P. SnyAddress Changes der,
president of the fraternity.
Alpha Phi chapter is proud of the
Every issue of The Alpha Phiji recognition in the fraternity re
News brings in its wake a number ceived by these two men and con
of address changes for alumni. gratulates them upon their elec
Listed below are the latest changes tion.
to come to the chapter following
Chapter Receives
Arbor in 1905, and was graduated
from Yale University, DePaul Uni
versity and Armour Institute of
His military record in World War the December issue. Names of the
Jack Hulbert Weds,
I is part of the history of the 33rd alumni and new addresses are:
HessDivision of Illinois. He served in
France as a major and received a ler Rd., Cleveland, Ohio; Edgar M.
Can-others '07E, 1315 So. Norfolk,
citation for gallantry in action.
One recent Fiji graduate was
His business ability was demon Tulsa, Okla.; H. Leslie Carroll '17E, married this month and another
strated when he served as chairman
plans to be married when he re
of the board of the Edgewater Trust Hubert A. Downey '14L, 910 Golf ceives his diploma in June. They
& Savings Bank, which voluntarily View Rd., Glenview, 111.; Kenneth are John Hulbert, '40, and Forest
closed in 1934 and paid 100 per cent E. Morgaridge '26, 1801 Byron St., Evashevski, '41.
Chicago, 111.
on the dollar to depositers.
Brother Hulbert was married on
Brother Hamlin is married to the
John James Molenda '28, 7223 St. Valentine's Day, Feb. 12, to a
former Lucille Bozurch and they Magnalia Ave., Riverside, Calif.; Fiji daughter, Catherine Sprick,
have two children, Hamlin F., Jr., James P. Ward, Jr., '22, 1324 W. daughter of Harvey Sprick, Alpha
18 years old, and Mathlyn, 15.
Hood, Chicago, 111.; Theodore R. Phi '16. The new Mrs. Hulbert was
"Ham" is currently continuing Gustafson '21E, 322 So. Ridgeland a member of Michigan's Class of
the general practice of law in Chi Ave., Oak Park, 111.; Robert Easter '41 and a member of Kappa Alpha
cago, specializing in corporations, ly '28E, Northern Pump Co., Min Theta. The wedding took place at
chancery, federal, state and real neapolis, Minn.; William S. McCor- St. Joseph's Episcopal Church, De
estate taxes, probate and criminal mick '12, 15842 Mendota Ave., De troit.
'Evvy'Is Engaged
troit, Mich.
(Continued on page J)
\r\nPage Two
Alpha Phiji News
The Alumni Letter Column
Published quarterly by Alpha Phi
A Fiji Booster
Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
707 Oxford Road
Ann Arbor, Michigan
February, 1941
Dear Editor:
I agree with Tom Harmon that
Michigan was three touchdowns
I just received your Alpha Phiji better than Minnesota.
News of December. I read it from
Certainly the chapter can
Jim Harrison cover to cover and enjoyed it very proud of Forrest Evashevski, and
much. In most every issue I get believe me I was proud of the team
Edward King
Edward Tripp
Robert Darden
John Clarke
James Harrison
news of some of the brothers I the day they cleaned up on Pennsyl
vania as I am living in a hotbed of
You might be interested to know
Rec. Secretary we got out about 60 Phi Gams here
Cor. Secretary last month to form a graduate chap
Historian ter and help boost the chapter which
is to go into the University of Flor
Pennsylvania alumni and rooters
down here. I had every kind of a
bet you can imagine on the Pennsyl
vania game, and, of course, won all
of them.
Would it be practical to attach
I don't see many Alphi Phi men to the printed copies of Alpha Phi
down here, however I have had the ji News a mimeograph sheet giving
pleasure of visits from "Stub" Han- a short squib about the individual
Although far from the bottom of non '15, Herb Smith '10, "Gov" alumni, prepared from submitted
the fraternity scholarship list. Al Hughes '12, and Modie Modine '08. questionnaires and including only
pha Phi chapter is planning to insti
My son. Nelson, Jr., joined our one or two classes at a time ? I for
tute a drive for improved scholar chapter at Yale.
one, would be glad to contribute to
ship in the house. The impetus for
any extra expense and I believe the
Chapter Plans To Make
Scholarship Drive
the campaign comes from the fol
lowing excellent communication
from R. H. Jordan, chairman of the
fraternity's permanent committee
on scholarship:
"Many undergraduate members
of Phi Gamma Delta, in common
with all college students, are today
in a very unsettled state of mind as
to their futures.
In the serious
You have a fine looking bunch
of pledges and I hope they carry reportorial experience might be
on the success you all seem to be valuable to the men in the chap
—Nelson Boice '12
—J. M. "Chub" Stedman '22
Dec. 16, 1940
Dec. 15, 1940
Brother Stedman is manager of
Our thanks to Brother Boice for
his interesting letter and his help in residential sales for the Pennsyl
maintaining our neiv letter column. vania Power & Light Co., Allen''Rope" is a building contractor in town, Pa. He is married to the
Miami Beach, Fla., and can be ad former Margaret Black, Michigan
crisis with regard to national de
dressed at 1401 North View Drive, alumna, and they have tivo daugh
fense which we are now facing, it
Sunset Island No. 1, Miami Beach. ters, Joyce, eight years old, and
is important for every citizen to
Sueann, six. We think his idea of
The Boices have one son, Fiji Nel
keep a cool head and, above all, not
son, Jr., 19 years old.
to allow any thought of a possible
uncertain future to deter him from
doing the work in which he is now Wants Alumni News
engaged in the best possible way. Dear Editor:
The last issue of the Alpha Phiji
"Your Permanent Committee on
Scholarship notes that there was a News was more interesting even
tendency on the part of a majority than any of the recent issues,
of our chapters to slip somewhat though the editorial content of the
incorporating news of alumni by
classes is an excellent one. In the
next issue the activities of mem
bers of the classes of 1905, 1915
and 1925 will be listed. All alumni
of those classes are urgently re
quested to return the blanks they
are receiving with this issue so that
our information will be accurate.
in their scholastic average during publication has consistently improv
the past year. Certainly a serious ed from an alumnus standpoint. My News From Philippines
attention to your college work is congratulations to the chapter. I Dear Editor:
demanded if every citizen is doing was particularly glad to read John
Again, as on many previous oc
his full duty, whatever the future ny Madden's letter in the Decem
may hold. Every one of you will ber issue.
I am so far away from Ann Ar
face it with a clearer conscience and
with a greater confidence, if you bor, and business during football
have a consciousness of having done season is always so active with me,
well the task in which you are now that it seems impossible to get back
to campus for a football game. The
"Accordingly, each undergraduate Champions of the West certainly
member of the fraternity is asked did themselves proud this year, and
to review his work for the semester
just closed and if he feels that he to carry college work, can you not
cannot be proud of the result, he is make it your proudest semester in
urged to put more frivolous things point of class achievement?
aside and attack his work in the
"It is the belief of the officers of
spirit just mentioned.
the fraternity that you can be de
"If by any chance this should pended upon to meet this critical
happen to prove later the last sem period with courage and with per
ester in which you will be privileged haps unsuspected success."
casions, my heartiest congratula
tions on your December number of
the Alpha Phiji News which has
just come to hand and which I have
read from cover to cover with great
interest and pleasure.
Also, heartiest congratulations
to the chapter on the fine body of
new pledges. If I did not know
better, I would swear that Pledge
Ray Dixon '44, of Buffalo, Wyo.,
was our grand little quarterback
of my days in college, "Tommy"
Hughitt. If you doubt my eyesight
in that respect, just turn back to
days of 1911-14 and you will see
for yourselves how much, in pic(Continued on page Jf)
\r\nFebruary, 1941
Page Three
*707* Always Welcomes Alumni
1/ j;
22 Couples Enjoy
Chapter's Annual
J-Hop Houseparty
Girls Take Over *707* For
Class Dance Held
Feb. 14-15
The undergraduate Michigan Fijis found it difficult to concentrate
on their semester fi nals early in
February because of the proximity
of J-Hop and its attendant diver
sions on Feb. 14 and 15. But finally
exams were over and the looked for
moment came and, sad to say,
passed too quickly.
Yessir, the boys at "707" really
put on the dog for the occasion.
Everyone agrees that it must have
been one of the biggest houseparties
ever held at the Phi
Gam house.
With 22 girls taking over the house,
the Fiji hut became something akin
to a sorority house.
As usual, it was noticeable that
the number of "imports" attending
was greater than the number of
campus girls, but the campus belles
were present in greater number
than usual.
Visiting girls came
from Northwestern, Hillsdale, De
several other cities.
The schedule included a formal
dinner for the J-Hoppers Friday
evening, then off to dancing to
music by the bands of Raymond
Scott and Gene Krupa.
After be
THE HOME OF MICHIGAN FIJIS, as it will look when spring again coming thoroughly exhausted, the
returns to the campus in a few short weeks, is shown above in an etching weary couples made the tired trek
never before used in the Alpha Phiji News. "707" stands ready to home to breakfast at the house.
welcome visiting alumni every day in the week. Drop in and see us Saturday was occupied by a lunch
and such informal entertainment as
whenever you are near Ann Arbor town!
was devised for the afternoon, and
then dinner and dancing again.
House Cleans Up
In l-M Athletics
and Glen Ireland, the house gained
J-Hop this year was made differ
second prize.
ent from past Hops by the innova
At present, both of the house tion of having it extend over two
basketball teams are in the fi rst
After a slow start, due to the re place playoffs, having copped fi rst
action of some terrific rushing, the places in their respective leagues.
evenings. The second night featur
ed an informal dance with the music
being provided by the "King of
Alpha Phiji athletic musclemen are Some of our outstanding hardwood Swing," Benny Goodman.
really bringing home the bacon.
As at all other parties, the week
hearties are Norm Call, Glen Ire
Literally swamping all opposi land, Harry Anderson and A1 Os- end was concluded by Sunday din
the born, although all of the court men
ner, followed for the most part by
semi-finals of the interfraternity seem to be doing outstanding work. motion picture entertainment or re
swimming tournament.
troubles developed with two of
star splashers succumbing to
then rampant fi u epidemic, and
the third consecutive year
for vice-president and general counsel
Phi of the Chicago Plating Company
Gamma Delta had to he content and lives at 244 E. Pearson St.,
Chicago. He is also president and
with second place.
In the interfraternity wrestling general counsel of both the Martin
meets, due to the grunts and groans Realty Trust and Martin Marine
of Maury Anderson, Bob Norwich Transit.
Two Alpha Phi alumni on hand
for the three-day affair were Jim
Halligan '40, and Chuck Darling
38. Chaperons were Mr. and Mrs.
H. D. Tripp, of Allegan, Mich., par
ents of Brother Ed Tripp '41, and
Brother Frederick Densmore, Jr.,
'36 and Mrs. Densmore, of Ann Ar
\r\nPage Four
February, 1941
News From Alumni Everywhere
Cossitt is retired from the Chicago
Mercantile Exchange and the pro
duce firm of Cromer & Cossitt (but
ter, eggs and poultry). He is mar
ried to the former Madeline Tiffany,
His uncle and father are members who attended St. Marys of The
of the Lafayette chapter and his Woods Convent, and they have two
brother, John, is a member of Alpha children, George M., Jr., 23, and a
LORENZ W. RINEK '40, is a
metallurgist with the UniversalCyclops Steel Corp., Bridgeville,
Pa. He is still single and lives at
405 N. Wade Ave., Washington, Pa.
Phi's class of '39.
daughter, Renee, 14. They live at
116 Seventh Ave., LaGrange, 111.
those duties.
He is married to the
former Dorothy Curtis, Michigan
Delta Gamma, and they live at Ob
servatory Lodge, 1402 Washington
Heights, Ann Arbor.
Jack Hulbert Weds
'Evvy* Is Engaged
{Continued from page 1)
The couple will live in Ypsilanti
the Citizens Industrial Bank. He is woods superintendent at the Poin- where the bride will complete her
a member of Grand Rapids' Univer sett Lumber & Manufacturing Co., practice teaching which is neces
sity Club. The Fallons (she is the Pickens, South Carolina. He at sary for her degree. Brother Hul
former Helen Goodspeed, alumna of tended Southwestern University for bert is at present employed as an
Emma Willard) live in the Furni two years before coming to Michi accountant in Detroit by the De
ture City at 464 Fulton St., East. gan to get his degree in forestry. troit Sulphite Pulp and Paper Co.
Brother Evashevski is engaged
NORMAN E. KEWLEY '40E, is to marry Miss Ruth Brown, daugh
BENJAMIN G. McFATE '33, first
of the McFate 'Ensian editors, is a foreman for the Lincoln Electric ter of Michigan's Senator Prentiss
now an attorney with the firm of Company, Cleveland, Ohio. Still M. Brown, of St. Ignace, upon his
McFate & McFate, Oil City, Pa. single, he lives at 18930 So. Wood graduation in June. Miss Brown
Brother McFate is married to the land, Shaker Heights, Ohio.
is a Delta Gamma from the Albion
former Margaret Young (Ohio Weschapter. The romance began while
TOM H. KINKEAD '37, an affi **Evvy" was employed on the state
leyan) and they have en elevenmonth old daughter, Mary Ann. liate from Omega Kappa at Occi ferries in 1938 at St. Ignace.
They live at 1123 W. First St., Oil dental, is an organ instructor in
Ewy was elected by a 100-vote
City. "Ben" sends us the address the University's School of Music. margin in a campus wide poll in
of one of our "lost" brethren, DR. He was formerly church organist December to play Santa Claus to
A. DAVID PRICE, Chardon, Ohio. and choir director at St. Andrew's 5000 Ann Arbor children at the In❖
Church, Ann Arbor, until additional terfraternity's annual Christmas
ELMER GEDEON '39, who serv administrative tasks in the school party in Hill Auditorium. He car
ed the chapter as "E" in his senior of music caused him to relinquish ried off his role with much success.
banker in Grand Rapids, Mich., with
year, has returned to the baseball
wars after a semester of graduate
work here at the University. "Ged"
is going South for the spring train
ing season with the Washington
The Alumni Letter Column
{Continued from page 2)
tures at least, these two Fijis re
semble one another.
JOHN C. BRENNAN '39, star
soon as they have been away from
Manila for almost two years now
and it is no joke being separated
Am so glad to know that we have from them so much of the time. In
varsity football guard while in the second generation of Fijis of August of 1939, however, I flew
school, is now a leachei and coach my college days, namely Samuel from horp to Honolulu on the Cali
at Manistee High School, Manistee, Emmons, son of Brother Sam E. fornia Clipper and returned on the
Mich. He is married to the former Emmons '16, and Brother Russell same flying boat in November of
Dorothea Staebler, Michigan Alpha Downey, son of my senior year that year, and Mrs. McFie was out
Chi Omega, and they have two roommate and classmate. Brother here from early March to June 1 of
last year.
daughters, Penelope, two years old, Hubert A. Downey '14L.
I had hoped I would be able to
and Anne, one. Their address is
My family is now in Los Angeles
Eighth St., Manistee.
for the time being as, on account of spend Christmas and New Year
GEORGE M. COSSITT '11, claims
top honors for his family in supply
ing Alpha Phi Fijis. "Five Cossitt
brothers were fraters at *707'," he
writes. **Only one gang equaled us
on the campus—Phi Kappa Psi—
with five sons of Illinois' Governor
the uncertainty of the times, par
ticularly with a very belligerent
neighboring Power threatening (but
bluffing for the most part, I am
confident) I did not wish my family
to be subjected to the humiliations
which many suffered and are still
suffering in China in the event these
Islands were invaded by that for
eign Power.
They will return to Manila, how
ever, as soon as I can feel sure
Dunne pacing us." The five Cos
sitt brothers at Alpha Phi, in ad
dition to **Mike," were Franklin D.,
'09, Harry R. '19, Frederick H. '23,
and James L., now deceased. That's they will come to no harm here,
a record to be proud of! Brother and I fervently pray this may be
holidays just past with them in Los
Angeles, but business kept me tied
to my law offices, to my exceeding
—John R. McFie, Jr., '14L
Jan. 13, 1941
The chapter is grateful to Broth
er McFie for his kind remarks and
interesting letter. We hope the
Alpha Phiji News continues to
bring him pleasure in the far-off
Philippines. His address is Suite
601-605, Insular Life Bldg., Manila,
P. I.
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February 1941 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.