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1941 June Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
June 1941 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is six pages in length.
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Alpha Phi
University of Michigan
1941 June Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
JhjL aUjihcL (pkijL TIqwa,
University of Michigan Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
New Series Vol. VI
No. 4
Greetings From Phi Gamma Delta
They Wear The Colors Of Michigan
Chapter Welcomes
Ne^v Freshmen
Chapter's Alumni Recommend
Many Outstanding Freshmen
Hello, Michigan Man!
You're as much a part of the
University now as any of us. You'll
sit at the side-lines this fall and
cheer Michigan's football team on
to victory. There'll be afternoons
for you at the Pretzell Bell; at the
Library; at the Parrot; in labs. All
the things which make up Michigan
life are now yours.
The only trouble is that at first
things will be pretty rushed. The
campus will seem not to be inter
ested in you and your problems.
whether all those
campus salesmen and professors
A SMATTERING of Phi Gam athletes pose lithelj' in the above pic and landlords are people.
We're Interested In You
ture. In the front row, left to right, are: Glen Ireland, Norm Call, Dale
Chamberlin, Buck Dawson and Max Bahrych. Standing in the rear
That's why we're sending you this
are: Bill Houle, Harry Anderson, Phil Detwiler, Hal Whitemore and edition of The Alpha Phiji News.
You see. Phi Gamma Delta has a
personal interest in you. You've
Tom Kuzma.
Eleven Phi Gam Seniors Win Diplomas
June 21; Army To Claim Several
been recommended to us as a real
fellow—a man worth rushing.
Now during the hurly-burly of
these first few weeks life is hectic.
Eleven Michigan Fijis received
their diplomas at the University's tary, he received his degree from You have got to adjust yourself to
a new atmosphere, new surround
Commencement June 21. All were the business administration school
ings, strang-e people. When the
active in fraternity and campus ac- and plans to continue in that field
for the government—if not drafted rushing season starts, you'll always
"tivities. They are:
be "on the go."
Ed King—Able president of the first.
Will Meet Many Men
Jim Harrison—Jim was president
house in 1940, Ed leaves a string of
Strangers will call you up and
activities behind him. He was presi of the Intel-fraternity Council last
dent of Vulcans, vice president of year and a member of Mimes and ask you out to their house for din
the Engineering Council, a member Druids. He was chapter editor and ner. You've been recommended to
of Triangles and the Flying Club, historian. He may marry this sum them, too, you see.
chairman of the Slide Rule Ball and mer.
At these houses you'll be intro
David Ott—Dave hopes to enter duced to a seemingly endless line
Engineers' Ball and publicity chair
man of the Union Opera. He may the pharmacy business, but his of members. Of course, you won't
plans may be changed by the draft. remember their names. The pres
enter the Army Air Corps.
John C. Spooner — Graduated sure is too great—at one house for
Edward Tripp — Former house
treasurer, Ed plans to take over from the engineering college and luncheon, at another for dinner*.
one of his father's drug stores at will await the draft call from his About all you'll recall is that you've
Saugatuck, Mich. Ed was a mem home in Glencoe, 111.
seen that funny looking blond guy
Robert Hext—Seller of "Zilch's somewhere—but where you don't
ber of Di'uids and the literary col
Cure-All," Bob graduated as a know.
lege's announcement committee.
Robert Harden—Past recording speech major and was a member of
Phi Gamma Deltas don't want
secretary of the chapter. Bob plans Kappa Phi Sigma, speech honorary. you to feel that way toward them.
Hubert Weidman—"Hubie" was We contacted you because we know
to enter Michigan's law school this
John Clarke—Ex-recording secre
chairman of Senior Ball and plans you've got something on the ball.
{Continued on Page 4)
{Continued on Page 2)
\r\nPage Two
Alpha Phiji Ney/s
Cannibal Short Cuts . . .
By "Buck" Dawson,'43
Published quarterly by Alpha Phi
Jack Brennan,'39, All-Conference
Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
football guard in 1938, first mascu
707 Oxford Road
line queen of the Michigan Ice Car
Ann Arbor, Michigan
nival and originator of the famous
line, "Four out of five girls are
Dale Chamberlin beautiful and the fifth goes to
Michigan," has been in town this
spring in preparation for his new
Norman Call
Robert Titus
June, 1941
President job as head football coach at MioTreasurer land, Mich., next year. Jack plans
Interfraternity Sports—Phi Gam
ma Delta did well in interfraternity
sports this year, taking seconds in
swimming, wrestling and relays,
and a first in the big track meet. All
teams will be back "en masse" next
fall, so it looks like an even better
year ahead.
Commencement—The Commence
Owen Mays
Henry Fielding
Rec. Secretary to go to school here mornings in ment announcements looked like a
Cor. Secretary preparation for his Ph.D. in phys Phi Gam catalogue this June with
Dale Chamberlin
Historian ical education. He is married to the all but one committee headed by a
former "Sis" Staebler,'39, and they brother. That one went to a girl.
"Evvy" Evashevski was class presi
have two baby girls.
Do You Know A Man
dent, followed by Hubert Weidman,
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June 1941 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is six pages in length.