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1941 May Newsletter Alpha (Washington & Jefferson College)
May 1941 newsletter of the Alpha chapter at Washington & Jefferson College. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Washington & Jefferson College
1941 May Newsletter Alpha (Washington & Jefferson College)
The Wi|i Fiji
No. 3
Alpha's only fifty-year visitor to com
mencement this year, and one of its
most notable, is Thomas L. Pogue, '91.
This June will mark the passing of the
fiftieth year since his g-raduation from
Washington and Jefferson, and therefore,
more than fifty years of membership in
Phi Gamma Delta.
Brother Pogue was bom in Maysville,
Kentucky, November 28, 1868. He was
educated in Maysville district and high
schools and Hall's Academy and finally
received the A.B. from Washington and
Jefferson in 1891 with a fine record in
campus and fraternity activities. In his
senior year at Alpha, he served as treas
urer of the chapter. He attended law
school at the University of Virginia dur
ing the summer of 1891 and fall and
Lest February 15th, nine new men
were initiated into the Alpha Chapter of
Phi Gamma Delta at the biggest alumniactive function of the year. At the ban
quet held in the ballroom of the George
Washington Hotel after the initiation,
move than sixty alumni signed our guest
book and joined in the festivities. This
group of alumni was much larger than
any we have had in previous years.
The first official duty of the new
Fijis, in keeping with the fine old tradi
tion, was to bring in the pig. We were
glad to again have Dr. J. M. Potter, 94,
of Wheeling, the oldest member present,
winter of 1891-1892. He graduated from
the Cincinnati Law school (now part of
the University of Cincinnati) with the
B.L. degree in 1893.
Mr. Pogue was admitted to practice
cipal speaker of the evening was Robert before the leading law courts in the
A. Adams, '13, of Indianapolis. He told country following his Bar Examinations
us some of the experiences of his life in March, 1893.
in the fraternity which had endeared
While a student in the Cincinnati Law
Alpha, and Washington and Jefferson to School and thereafter until 1896, Mr.
him. He recalled the memories which the Pogue was in the offices of Matthews
names of his classmates in Alpha and Cleveland. He then left their offices
brought to him, and regaled us with and entered the firm of Pogue and Pogue
several tales of old "19 East Maiden," with two brothers. In 1913, J"udge Harry
which were especially enteitaining to the M. Hoffheimer, resigned from the
alumni. Brother Adams stressed the in Superior Court Bench of Cincinnati and
creasing meaning of Phi Gamma Delta associated himself with the firm. The
to one in the years after college life, firm has since continued under the name
forming ever-strengthening bonds of of Pogue, Hoffheimer and Pogue.
inestimable value. These worthwhile re
Mr. Pogue was appointed and elected
kiss the snout of the well roasted pig; marks made a distinct impression on
the other end of this ceremony was taken everyone present, and must have been
care of by William Kaylor, '44. At the particularly valuable to the nine newlyconclusion of the meal, we heard rather initiated brothers.
brief speeches from each of the new
Following the principal speech of the
men; John Warmington, Richard Beck, evening. Brother U. Grant Miller, '07,
Hugh Miller, John Wege, Ray Hauser- presided at a business meeting, at which
man, William Kaylor, Reese Owens, the following men were elected Directors
James McCormick, and Raymond Tucker, of The Alpha Chapter of Phi Gamma
who pledged themselves to uphold the Delta Corporation: Brothers U. Grant
Prosecuting Attorney of Hamilton
County, Ohio, for the years of 1912-1914,
inclusive. He is Past President of the
Ohio Building Association League and
has continued as an active member for
approximately the last twenty-seven
years. Brother Pogue has also been
affiliated with other associations, some
of which he has been active in for as
long as thirty-seven years.
honor of Alpha in the years to come. We Miller, '07; Albert C. Troutman, '98;
Brother Pogue was a member of the
were fortunate to have the Hon. Fred A. Walter B. Anderson, '05; Alexander P. governing board of the Phi Gamma
Service of '01, of Sharon serve as toast- Reed, '07; Edgar D. McKean,'17; Robert Delta Fraternity for fifteen years,
master. His humorous stories concerning L. Smith, '21, and John H. Davidson, '28. twelve of which he also served as Na
some of his experiences as a baseball All alumni were sent a proxy and a tional Secretary. During this time, he
player, his wit, and bits of sound advice, notice of the meeting. As many of the was instimmental in the rejuvenation of
were appreciated by all of us. The prin
Continued on Page 2
Continued on Page 2
Harold W. Perkins, '41, recently ac
New officers were elected on March 3,
Published three times during the school cepted the position of Alumni Secretary to hold office for the remainder of this
year by Alpha Chapter of Phi Gamma with the College and has already as year and next year, and in conformity
Delta, at Washington and Jefferson sumed some of his duties. "Perk," last with this, were installed the following
The Wiji Fiji
George Cypher
William Sturgeon
Hugh McMarlin
William Kaylor
Fred Dimit
Robert Cross
James McCormick
president of the Chapter, led Alpha week. Replacing the able leadei'ship of
through a good year and we are glad Harold Perkins is Joseph Dunlap, '42,
that he will be around with his wise from Akron, Ohio, who takes office with
counsel and fraternal spirit through the a record of campus honors including
years to come. We know that he will be head cheerleader, Kera, and a place on
a big help to the house and that his the varsity ti'ack team. Succeeding- Gal
loyalty to Phi Gamma Delta will never Thompson as treasurer is Robert
Stewart, '42, who hails from the Fiji
stronghold at Sharon, Pennsylvania, and
Chapter Officers
Joseph Dunlap
Robert Stewart
whose mathematical ability unreservedly
qualifies him for this position. Harry
Sparks' typewriter will be taken over by
our new corresponding secretary. James
Jewell, '42, of Butler, Pa. Richard Jack
son, '42, of Erie, Pa., replaces Bob Castetter as recording secretary, and Mark
Richard Jackson ...Recording Secretai-y
At a recent meeting of Kappa chapter
James Jewell ..Corresponding Secretary of Phi Beta Kappa here at Washington
Mark Gathmann
Historian and Jefferson, Dr. Edward M. Weyer,
'25, the editor of "American Museum of
Natural History," and one of Alpha's Gathmann of Baltimore, Md., becomes
Two new intramural cups, in addition most noted alumni, was made an alumni historian, succeeding Bill Shoop.
to the football cup, now adorn our member of that distinguished society.
"What is worth doing, is worth doing
At the same meeting, Robert Mc
mantle, for the house claims the cham
well," aptly describes the administration
pionship of ping-pong and co-champion Gregor, '41, was elected to active mem
of the outgoing cabinet and it is with
bership. Bob has long been known on the
ship of wrestling.
The most popular intramural sport
here at Jay, judging from the number
of spectators who attend, is wrestling.
The fact that the Fijis have ended up on
top for the last three years shows the
keen interest the chapter has in this
campus for his scholarly mind and inter
regret at their graduation and with con
fidence in the new cabinet that we antici
est in college activities. At the end of
pate that coming year.
his junior year. Bob was initiated into
Crest, local activities honorary, and is a
Among his many activities, he is espe
sport. This year, the Betas earned the cially noted for his knowledge of music
same number of points that we did, and and has several fine original composi
On April 28, a new link was added to
so we have to share the victory with tions to his credit.
our symbolic golden chain by the initi
them. Calvin, Garts, Dobson Miller,
Owens, Sinclair, Shoop, and King made
team. Dobson
ation of David Bryce King, '44, of Mead-
Sinclair, in the 128 and 165-pound
classes, respectively, were crowned
Continued from Page 1
victors in their weights.
The ping-pong team composed of the fraternity. He is also a member of
Stewart, Davis, McKnight, Perkins, and the Phi Delta Phi Law Fraternity, The
ville. Pa. He is a member of the football
squad and the freshman tennis team.
A new star is worn by Robert Shakely,
'43, of Butler, Pa. We feel sure Bob will
prove a strong addition to the house, for
he is a member of the college band, has
.served as sophomore manager of the
McFarland went undefeated through the
league and won from the Skulls in the
finals, two matches out of three.
These victories have kept us in the
lead for the "Big Cup" which we won
last year. We did lose a number of
points when we were defeated in the
Society of Colonial Wars, the Ohio basketball team, and also maintains a
Society of the Sons of the American B average in his pre-engineering course.
Revolution, and of the Republican Club
of Hamilton County, Ohio.
elimination round in handball. Mushball
has been President of the W. and J.
Mr. Pogue was elected a member of
the Washington and Jefferson Board of
Trustees for the years of 1933-1938. He
season has just started and we intend to Alumni Association of Cincinnati as well
give the team lots of support to win as the chairman of Scholarship Commit
another "Big Cup" victory this year, if tee of that city.
we possibly can.
ALPHA'S largest PIG
Continued from Page 1
brothers know, all initiates of Alpha are
members of this corporation. Much inter
On June 21, 1911, he married Miss est in this matter was shown, and an
Margaret Edwards. They have four chil
dren, Virginia, Margaret, Thomas L., Jr.,
and Barbara. Thomas L. Pogue, Jr.,
1886, 1891, 189.3, 1896, 1901, 1906,
1907, 1911, 1916, 1921, 1922, 1926,
graduated from W. and J., a Fiji, in
19.30, 1931, 1936, 1937, on Friday,
June 6 and Saturday, June 7.
efficient conduct of the campaign is
After this business meeting, the sing'-
1937. The family now resides at 1733 ing of "When College Songs" brought
East McMillan Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. to an end one of the most successful and
CongTatulations and best wishes to our most truly inspiring Pig Dinners in re
Gold Star Fiji!
cent years.
Brother and Mrs. Joseph Thistle act as Charles S. Weaver, '82, stating that he
chaperons for the week-end of the planned to come back to Alpha for this
1. Paul R. Beck, '20; Edward M. Junior-Senior Prom when the house also commencement. We hope that many
Hawes, '26; Worcester. 2. Lemuel M. held a dance in the George Washington more of the men who helped Alpha
Wilcox, '41; Robert A. Adams, '13; Paul Hotel.
along, way back then, will be able to
R. Beck, '20; Paul R. Beck, Jr. '44. 3.
We received a letter from Brother come back with Brother Weaver*.
Walter B. Anderson, '05; Robert A. Cun
ningham, '16; Ray Cunningham, '43.
4. Wm. C. Sturgeon, '43; Harry B. Mc
Dowell, Sr., '04; Wm. B. Beeson, '99;
Harry B. McDowell, Jr., '41. 5. Initiates:
(back row), Hugh Miller, '44; Dick Beck,
'44; "Jess" Owens, '44; Jack Wormington, '44; Jim MeCormick, '44; (front
row), John Wege, '44; Bill Kaylor, '44;
Ray Hauserman, '44; Ray Tucker, '44.
6. Edmund L. Jones, '09; Harold W.
Parkins, '41; Austin L. George, '09;
Charles M. Moffat, '39; James M. Potter,
'94; Robert L. Smith, Jr., '21; (backgi-ound). Pi Sigma's Charles A. Locke,
7. Charles L. MeCormick, '2G; Ed
ward M. Hawes,'26; James T. Hemphill,
'26; R. Clyde Chalfant, '28. 8. Robert A.
Cunningham, '16; Stanley W. Smith, '15;
Robert A. Adams, '13. 9. Henry R. Bee-
son, '37; Joseph S. Dunbar, '34; James
W. McKennan, Jr., '36; Charles M.
Moffat, '39; Harry H. Rowand, Jr., '40.
10. Robert A. Adams, '13; Fred A. Serv
ice, '01; Alexander P. Reed, '07; Harry
B. McDowell, Sr., '04; Walter B. Ander
son, '05; Wm. B. Beeson, '99; "late
arriver," Smith W. Whitworth, '11.
Pictures by Tim Calvin, '43.
At this time, inasmuch as there is an
unsettled condition because of the immi
nent possibilities of a war, it is the duty
of every Phi Gam to see that the chapter
is in good shape in the fall. The swift- ;
ness with which a Chapter can slide
from a large group to a small struggling
group is not to be passed off lightly in !
these troubled times. In view of this, it
is necessary to obtain a large pledge I
class each year until this condition I
passes. As it is now, the present house
is at a decided handicap in rushing
which can only be offset by an active \
participation of the alumni in the selec
tion of men. It is not enough, due to
the present rushing system, to send in 1
names of possible rushees after school
has begun. Rather, we suggest that these !
names be sent to: Fred A. Dimit, 908
Johnstone Avenue, Bartlesville, Okla., at i
the first possible opportunity.
The chapter
was pleased
have ,
Brother and Mrs. James Young and i
Our heartiest congratulations to:
Charles C. Donaldson, '38, of Butler,
who was married to Miss Ruth Sprenkle
of Butler on April 19th.
Charles S. Wilder, '38, of Butler, who
married Miss Blackwood of Pittsburgh,
on April 17th.
David N. Smith, Ex '41, of Greensburg, who married Miss Doran from the
same city, shortly before Easter.
Daylight Saving Time
Washington Fijis have arranged for
a room at the Geo. Washington Hotel
for Fiji Get-Together, and room for
dinner of non-reuning Fijis. From
2:30 p. m., June 6 (Friday), June 7
(Saturday). All Reunion services to
Friday, June 6
4:00 p. m.—The President's Lawn
Party and Reception at the President's
home. Seniors and their families, the
Faculty, Staff, Trustees, Alumni, Com
mencement Guests, and Members of the
Women's Auxiliary are invited.
5:30. p. ni.—Class Reunion- Dinners.
8:00 p. m.—Baccalaureate Service in
The teiTn of Brother U. Grant Miller, the Second Presbyterian Church. Sermon
Max Hopkins, '39, of Wheeling, who
will be married soon, probably in June, '07, on the Board of Trustees of Wash by the Reverend Harold E. Nicely, Pastor
ington and Jefferson College recently of the Brick Presbyterian Church, Roch
to Miss Elizabeth Faulk of Wheeling.
From graduate school we have been expired. Brother Miller has done notable ester, New York.
hearing good reports on the work being work while serving on this board. It
9:00 p. m.—Promenade Band Concert
done by some of the brothers. Jay Bran might be interesting to note that five out on the Plaza.
9:30 p. m.—Alumni Dance in the Gymdon, '40, has been placed on the Dean's of twenty men on the Board of Trustees
of this col!eg|^^'ij^r'=ajK'^vAJpha.. From_:ruasium.
X.ibl"at M. I, T., and Edward Schlaudt,
'39, was found to be ranking third in his
a total of teS^^^'C^^^Bpresentatives,
clsss in Michigan Law School after a
five are brot^^^H^e^5$amma Delta.
recent survey.
These figures!i?!!5?^!|5^55h standing of
We received
a card on March 27th
Alpha / lumni on this campus.
from Major Julia G. Hearne, Jr., '26, of
the Infantry-Reserve who left for active
• Saturday, June 7
9:30 a. m.—Registration on the Plaza
of Old Main.
9:30 a. m.—Band
Concert on the
10:30 a. m.—Alumni Congress and
Informal Forum on College Affairs, Main
Alpha played host to some sixty Hall.
12:30 p. m.—Annual Alumni Luncheon
up at the Ag. 24th Infantry, if they parents at her annual Mother's Day din
serve at Fort Benning. "Hank" Teich- ner on Sunday, May 11. Many of the in the Gymnasium. Induction of Seniors
mann, '40, was a welcome visitor at the parents arrived on Friday or Saturday into Alumni Association. Alumni Busi
chapter house last week when he was to enjoy the activities of the seventh ness Meeting and Election of Officers.
duty at Fort Benning, Ga. He would like
to have any of the brothers look him
home on leave from camp.
John H. Davidson, '28, Purple Legionaire of Alpha, stopped in at the house
and attended one of our meetings re
cently. His help and advice have been of
great assistance in carrying on the pro
annual Parent's Week End. As has been Alumni Fund Report.
the custom, corsages were given to the
2:30 to 5:00 p. m.—Tour of South
mothers, a special dinner was held, and Campus and College Buildings.
a group picture was taken. We were
5:00 p. m.—^Class Reunion Dinners.
again fortunate to have a bright mild
7:30 p. m.—Commencement Exercises
day which helped bring many parents in the Quadrangle. Address by The Hon
gram here at Alpha. Samuel H. Allen, who live at a distance. This first social orable Jesse Holman Jones, Secretary of
'10, was another very welcome guest at event under the new cabinet indicates Commerce and Chairman of the Recon
the house a short time ago. He was here that our successful parties and dances struction Finance Corporation. Award of
to check preliminary work being done by will continue to be outstanding, and the Fifty-year Certificates to the Class of
the New House Committee. We hope new social committee led by Jack Allen, 1891.
9:00 p. m.—Faculty Reception in the
these Brothers will be able to return '43, is to be commended for the fine
Rotunda of Old Main.
arrangement of this affair.
Sec. 662 P. L. & R.
Box 253
Washington, Pa.
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May 1941 newsletter of the Alpha chapter at Washington & Jefferson College. The newsletter is four pages in length.