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1942 September Newsletter Lambda Nu (University of Nebraska)
September 1942 newsletter of the Lambda Nu chapter at the University of Nebraska. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Lambda Nu
University of Nebraska
1942 September Newsletter Lambda Nu (University of Nebraska)
The Fiji Cornhusker
Lincoln, Nebraska
vol. 10, No. 1
Septem'oer, 1942
Fall Issue, 1942
Lambda Nu Chapter
Reserves Open to U N Freshmen
'Mom' Minier
Sends Word
Home of Nebraska
Gives Chance
iF or Education
To Fiji Sons
For nine months out of the year,
To allow men students at the
she is second mother to a houseful
University of Nebraska to get a
college education, the war depart
ment has authorized university
heads to accept preliminary appli
of Fiji boys. Sewing on buttons,
mending snags, straightening ties,
offering advice and consolation
occupies all of her moments.
army, navy and marine corps re
This offers security for the as
piring freshman or sophomore to
get a university education pro
vided he can pass set require
ments. Since the two groups men
concerned, this article will per
tain particularly to them.
The purpose of a reserve branch
is to qualify men students for
service as an officer upon com
pletion of their college training.
It must be understood that since
Nebraska is a land grant univer
sity the army is the main branch
and that the freshman and sopho
more lacking his two years of
basic training can not enlist in
anything but the army reserve.
This is
not as
sounds since provision has been
made for all those enlisting in the
army reserve upon completion of
their basic training to switch to
either the navy or marine reserve.
When a new group of pledges
accept the white star, symbolic of
pledgeship in Lambda Nu of Phi
Suppose John Smith is a fresh
man and wants to get in the re
serve, since he is 18 years old and
will more than likely be subject
to the draft following the fall
Gamma Delta, her work begins
for another year. As soon as pos
sible she begins to get acquainted
with "her boys," finding out their
likes and dislikes, their troubles
and problems.
Her note that appears i.clovv
to all Fijis, present, past and
prospective, is a sample of the
feeling she holds for all those who
wear the badge of Phi Gamma
Upon matriculating in the uni
versity he will apply at the office
of the dean of the junior division,
Nels A. Bengtson, for enlistment.
T".:at office will check various pro
visions of the act authorizing such
enlistments. Some of these follow.
He must;
A true and loyal Fiji, she's "Our
"1942 finds me still with the
Home for Lambda Nu's Fijis is shown above. Built on oid English lines, the present Fiji home came
into the fold in 1936 and from that year forward it has housed on the average of 39 fellows per year.
Its homelike atmosphere is just the thing needed after a grueling day under some inquiring professor.
Nebraska Fijis, and it is a hap
To The Prospective Pledge
each group goes down the walk,
capped and gowned, anticipat
Graduation 'day is about the
toughest one of the whole year
for me. You don't know how
I dread the absence of so many
of my young scamps when Sep
tember rolls around.
But I'm
eager to gather under my
wing the new sons who are for
tunate enough to be chosen to
carry on Phi Gam traditions.
My heart is bound closely to
practically every army camp in
this country and some overseas,
for Lambda Nu's sons are loy
ally serving their country. Mes
sages come constantly from
them, and I'm making a sin
cere effort to keep up those
contacts. To all my Fijis, and
especially my sons in khaki,
my love—my blessings—and
my prayers."
Your "Mom"
Be a citizen of the United
2. Be IS years of age or over.
3. Have consent of parents' if
■ll under 21 years of age.
pier, closer bond every year as
This paper was put together with one purpooo in mind. Said purpose was to give you
some idea of the fellows you would meet at 1425 R street during rush week. Our intention
was to give you a little information concerning the set-up of the various reserves at Nebraska
in the hope that it might be useful. The remainder of the paper is devoted to showing some
of the many and varied activities to be found in joining a fraternity.
The fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta was founded in 1848 at Jefferson college in Canons-
burg, Pennsylvania. Lambda Nu chapter at Nebraska came into the world in 1898 and since
that time has placed itself among the leading fraternities on the campus.
Since its founding 74 chapters throughout the nation have been added and the combined
membership has passed the 35,000 mark making it one of the top fraternities from the national
But size alone does not make a fraternity. It is the character of every one of those 35,000 that accepted the white star pledge pin and pursued the straight and narrow course to be
chosen to carry on the traditions of the fraternity as an active member. Their love for the
4. Pass a rigid pfiysicai exam-
\\ mation.
Nui- have been formally Jn-
I / ducted by Selective Service.
I 6. Meet specific scholastic re/ quirements. (For the freshman,
/ the requirement is that he must
I be in the upper three quarters of
I his high school class and must
pass certain entrance exams given
by the university.)
7. Ee accepted by the Registrar
under quotas assigned to the Uni
versity of Nebraska.
8. Attend the University on a
full-time year-round basis.
The quotas mentioned above
fraternity did not disappear following graduation, though. Alumni chapters sprang up over
the nation to permit Phi Gams wherever they might be to keep up their fraternity ties.
To be asked by Phi Gamma Delta to pledge is a testament which a rushee may be proud
to claim. No one is asked to accept the white star if he has not passed the entire chapter
have been set and this writer made
the above will be sworn into the
Following pledging the plebe is put through training which will determine whether or
not he possesses the traits desired by the fraternity. Upon passing another vote he is eligible
to be initiated and to wear the badge of the fraternity. This is an experience which can not
be forgotten.
The Phi Gamma Delta tradition has been building for 94 years and it will go on building
fcr many 94-years to come!
absolute inquiries into the matter
and was assured that nearly every
freshman who could qualify under
Numerically the quotas are as
signed with freshman enlistments
in the army set at 472 and 472 for
the navy. There will be 233 enlist
ments for sophomores in both the
(See EDUCATION, Page 4.)
\r\nThe Fiji Cornhusker
Lincoln, Nebraska.
Phi Gams Take Part In Major Activities
Trio of Beauties Dance In Fall Revue
UN Activities
Give Students
Every Chcince
Diversity seems to be the rule
of the Fijis where activities are
concerned. Last year they were
represented in every major ac
tivity on the campus.
These included a student council
member, a Cornhusker editor, a
Kosmet Klub member, a Corn Cob
officer and member, several N
Club members, and varsity players
on the football, basketball, baseall, track, and wrestling teams.
Highlights of the year were the
/ election of Gene Reese as the first
sophomore class president in class
I history, Bob Miller's thorough
\apoTls edWATvg otv
\\>raskan, and Marvin "Bub"
I Thompson's sparkling end play on
the football team.
Those of you who saw any of
the football games will no doubt
Frank White
remember the smartly dressed
drum major of the varsity band.
That was DeWayne Wolf.
Enough of the past. Now let's
look into the future. What part
will the Ffjis play in activities dur
ing the academic year 1942-43?
Here's the answer. "Bub" Thomp
son, Roy Long, and Ki Eksenhart
will be fighting on the gridiron,
Frank White will be the president
of Corn Cobs, Bob Miller will take
over a news editor post and Norris
Anderson will be sports editor on
the Daily Nebraskan, and Ed Coppie will carry on his brother New
ton's champions'nip work on the
A sample of FIJI beauty may be seen in the above cut as three local Carmen Miranda's go Into their dance. The trio from left to right
includes Fritz Wolf, Blair's addition to the baseball world; KIrwin "Kl" Elsenhart, 200 pound answer to head coach Glenn Presnell's fullback
worries; and John Carr, the navy's answer to the Japs.
Noval Flyer, Huh?
Socially Speaking-It's Time
wrestling team. In addition there
will be a Fiji member on the stu
dent council, two members each in
Kosmet Klub and Corn Cobs, and
aagin varsity members on the
basketball, baseball, and track
teams. Everything points to a big
This, dear readers, although we
shudder at the fact, is none other
year for Phi Gamma Delta.
seven dialects plus English, War
ren "Gus" Swanson. His glib
ment, but also has so arranged its
social life as to develop poise of its
members in mixed and stag groups
tongue and gracious personality
. . . especially the former.
have won him many friends both
in and out of the fraternity.
Gus, as the story goes, toolc his
Gams are making their weekly
In the fall of every year the Phi
excursions to nearby sorority
houses to indulge in that age old
tradition -hour dances.
Corps and it was necessary to have
his picture taken. After severely
fracturing the lenses on three
Here the
cameras and causing the photog
quainted with the feminine quali
ties of the campus in the most
rapher to pass into the third stage
wholesale manner.
of delirium tremens—this was the
result. Our artist added the license
Of course the upper-graduates
are interested, not only in the
Good luck, Gus, if you can't
shoot 'em you can sure scare them
to death. Incidentally, the Swede
tracted by the new crop.
perennial flowers, but are also at
Then toward the end of the hour
dance season comes that much
awaited House Party. It's one of
passed his tests and is now a Naval
those things which is planned so
far ahead that dates are switched
around four or five times before
Aviation Cadet.
Along with his achievement in
the Naval line, there was also
This came as good news to the
more good neWs for Swannie. He artist as he has worked himself
was recently informed that he had through university by doing art
One of the outstanding benefits
been awarded a cash scholarship work. Last year he made all but a fraternity should offer to its
of $100 by the Gruen Watch com several of the homecoming decora
pany in their national advertising tions for the fraternities and
members is a well-rounded social
program. The group-social life en
ables the fraternity pledges to
make acquaintances which will
among some 10,000 students all licity and some hard cash.
His clever imitations make him last throughout and after his col
over the country who also entered
a standout wherever he goes.
lege years.
the contest.
contest. He took fourth place from sororities netting him both pub
the one and only is decided upon.
This last year the whole party was
Too often fellows with a college
education lack that training which based upon a Shipwreck
is necessary to enable him to cope including costumes.
with the complex social life out
side of school. Lambda Nu of Phi
Gamma Delta, in preparing its
strived not only for utmost enjoy-
Everyone will remember the ad
mission charge to the refreshment
(See BEuIN, Page 3.)
\r\nLincoln, Nebraska
Intramurals Offer Much Needed Diversion
The Sports Whirl
Copple Brothers Mix on Mat Phi GamsCop
By Bob Miller
Second Place
In l-M Race
Aiter writing a sports column for the university Daily for the
past year, the task of devoting a corner to Phi Gams in the sports
world requires little effort on our part...In every major sport last
year as will be the case this year, there are Lambda Nu Fijis carry
ing on the Husker traditions ..By making a name for themselves,
they in turn make a name for their fraternity and school.
Holding down the runner-up
spot in the 1941-42 fraternity in
tramural race, Nebraska's Fijis
brought home many a trophy to
Let's take football as the first sport in which there are Fijis
participating...Topping the list is MARVIN "BUB" THOMPSON,
senior end from Mitchell.. .Bub is playing his last year as number
add to the collection.
Starting off the season by tak
ing third place in football followed
by a runner-up award in volley
ball gave the Phi Gams a good
start toward the championship. In
one end on the varsity after 'two years of competition during which
a trick knee hampered him to some extent...He had his big chance
last fall in the Minnesota game when he played all but two minutes
of the entire game...Weighing but 170 pounds then, Marv had a
field day against the bigger Gophers.. . After the game was written
all sports the Fiji teams won a
majority of the games in which
into the history books Minneapolis sports writers had to be shown
that he weighed only 170...They couldn't believe that a player of
they played.
Among the sports offered were
that weight could make so much trouble for the Gophers... At the
end of the season, for his show against them, the Gopher squad voted
; water polo, badminton, tennis, golf
and ping pong. In basketball, one
of the three major sports, the Fiji
five swept through to win the
championship of all the leagues.
Paced by Con Healey and Ned
Nutzman, the Phi Gam quint met
Shown above are two Fiji brothers who stick together from the all the competition offered and
him a place on their all-opponent team...Standing six feet and
weighing 185 now, he is expected to be one of the Husker standouts
this season...His good looks and pleasing personality win him many
friends, friend and opponent alike
Number two on our list is KIRWIN "KI" EISENHART...Holding
up the tradition of a Phi Gam family, Ki has been out for the team
word "go". They are Newt and Ed Copple and together they form
at the fullback position...He went out for the first time last spring the nucleus of the Husker wrestling team. Since Newt has graduated
and since the fullback position was wide open with both Vike Francis and is in officer's training camp, it is up to Ed to carry on the tradi
and Wayne Blue gone, the coaches were glad to see 200 pounds of tion. If the war ends within a reasonable time. Newt will be back
meat on a 6-1 frame out for practice...This fall in early scrimmages, to use up his last year of ccmpetition. Both brothers have an im
Ki has been on the number one eleven and his plunging and line- pressive string of victories with Newt wrestling in the 145 division
backing have won him his spurs ..He is a junior in school although and Ed at 165.
this is his first year of competition...Remember that name this fall
because it is one that will be pounded out on a lot of sports copy
such as this.
Last but certainly not least of the Fijis on the grid aggregation
is the blond bomber from Blair, ROY LONG...Roy has been playing
behind Dale Bradley in the tailback spot and won a minor letter at
this position last faU...After working on a deefnse project all sum
Marv Leaves
Trophy Won
Via Back Door
For Largest
CRT Class
One of the most interesting and
prized trophies to be added to the
collection on Lambda Nu's shelves
last year was one that was given
by the university along with the
Civilian Pilot Training corps.
Getting to the hardcourt sport, one Fiji is carrying on with the
varsity...ALLEN ARTMAN, Kearney left-hander, holds down a for
ward spot on the Husker net squad...In addition A1 plays a mean
first base on the baseball team, his fielding being one of the bright
spots of last spring's campaign...Making a bid for the basketball
team will be CONNIE HEALEY, sophomore from Lincoln, along with
Last fall there was a drive on
to get a number of students in the
fraternities to sign up for OPT
flight training and a trophy was
offered to the fraternity that had
NED NUTZMAN of Nehawka and DON ANDRESEN of Millard...
This trio won their spurs as frosh cagers and will make a concerted
the most members enrolled in the
bid for the varsity.
course. Since there was a natural
desire to fly there was not much
urging needed to get a bunch of
JIM CHATT of Tekamah will be out for the swimming team...
A junior, ED COPPLE of Lincoln is all set for a big season wrestling
...He competes at 165 and as a sophomore in the Midwest Wrestling
tournament he took a runner-up position to a national champ from
Oklahoma A. & M., the national wrestling stronghold...In addition
to these, Ki Eisenhart will be working with the weights when the
Gamma Delta had victory cinched
in the track meet but a lane dis
qualification cost the title.
As for this fall. Lambda Nu's
hopes are high since most of the
fellows competing on the intra
mural teams will be back for an
other try at the Jack Best title.
This year seems to be the one for
the Phi Gams to go through to
victory in the intramural field.
mer, he has stacked up some 190 pounds of solid muscle and from
the looks of things at this writing he will be in there pitching passes
and running the ends with the best of them.
left a string of defeated teams be
hind. In the spring sports. Phi
Phi Gams in the course.
Among those who signed up for
With that look in his eye, Marv
Thompson crawls from the rear of the course are Eugene "Red" Lit
the Husker special at Ashland. tler, Ivan Cram, Max Mertz and
track season comes along...All in all there will be Phi Gams in The team traveled to the National
John Kerl. The Redhead has com
addition to the intramural
line was made last year when de
bating was added to the fold. The
Fijis proved that they could talk
as well as several others things as
they copped the runner-up spot in
the talking sport.
Everything taken into consid
eration the intramural set-up will
be operated with two things in
mind. First, it gives the fraternity
man an opportunity to relax in
sports where he cannot compete
in varsity athletics and second, it
will become a more important fix
ture due to the demand for physic
ally fit male specimens for this
man's army.
The Redhead
Keeps Flying
In Navy Togs
Guard Camp before every home pleted his pre-flight training in the
game to spend the night and get Naval Air Corps and is on the way
some sleep. They were always to getting his wings.
Lambda Nu sport enthusiasts will get to meet several Brother
A familiar sight for the past
Yes, a trophy has been added.
Fijis this faU when two Husker opponents come to town...When ready to climb aboard the next day Time will add to the honor of such three years at all Husker track
when the prospects of the game
Minnesota invades the Scarlet lair, one Phi Gam in particular will
meets was the famed Eugene
, an award.
were filling the air.
be the standout if we are any judge whatsoever...He is Big BILL
"Red" Littler. His athletic prowess
most of the sports.
DALEY who gained fame on the Gopher eleven last fall...Playing
at the halfback position this fall to fill in for Bruce Smith, Bill is
getting his big chance to make a bid for Ail-American honors . . .
Another Fiji with a big 44 on his jersey will be on people's minds
will be remembered for years to
Bowlers Wear l-M Crown
mention is
dash stars.
this fall when Indiana comes to town...He is BILL HILLENBRAND,
recently featured by Look magazine.. .Bill did all of the damage last
fall to the Huskers as he scored or had a hand in all of the Hoosier
touchdowns and was on his way for another marker when the final
gun sounded...Both of these Fijis will be in Lincoln this fall and
they should have some good tales to tell.
That about concludes this corner for the time-being but just as
long as there is the institution of sports, there will always be some
thing to write about...And that is just what we intend to do.
(Continued from Page 2.)
Cornhusker ballroom. Here, under
lights dimmed so as to not inter
fere, we dance the light fantastic
And what about those picnics in our "soup and fish." Of course
Now, the Redhead is busy else-
no formal is complete without a
dinner as a bracer, so we all join After the war started he
with the Kappas, Thetas and Alpha
Chis . . . many a romance budded
there. What would be more fun in a formal dinner at the Corn
than having plenty to eat and husker before the dance . . . swell
playing ball against a team you
favors for the dates, too.
are a cinch to beat? When the
So Phi Gamma Delta combines
Spring starts getting hold of you
its fun and training into one with
enlisted in Navy flying and was
sent to St. Mary's for his pre-flight
training. While there he annexed
another title when he set the rec
ord for the 400 yard obstacle race
known as one of the toughest in
the country.
He is training for his wings now
there's nothing better than a picnic a full, well-planned social pro
Ready to let loose with a wicked hook in the hopes of getting
with the most beautiful girls on gram. Every year will live long
in each Phi Gam's memory as a a 7-10 split is Fiji Bill Bomgardner on the left. This bit of action and we can feel sure that wherever
the campus! That's for sure.
he goes he will be adding glory
The final highlight of the schol year filled with pleasant and very was taken during the intramural bowling championships and it fea
to himself and to the fraternity.
tured the Phi Gams and Betas.
astic year is our formal in the enjoyable social contacts.
\r\nLincoln, Nebraska
The Fiji Cornhusker
Alum Roll Call Has Patriotic Note
Gus Explains the Rule of 87
Annual Check-Up Finds
(Continued from Page 1.)
army and navy. For juniors t'.-.e
army quota is 273 and unlimited
for the navy with 213 open'.ngs for
Fiji Alums in Uniform
seniors in the army and again un
limited in the navy.
Kenneth Ellis writes from Camp
To clarify the freshman and
Barkeley, Texas, wnere he is in
sophomore situation, let it be un
the Medical Replacement Training
derstood that while the student is
Center, attending clerk school and
officially in the army reserve he studying administrative records
will either be cataloged for the He says, "This life is certainly
army or navy. That gives some change from college days when
944 freshmen and 466 sophomore; one could whip out to Freddy's
a chance to join the reserve this almost any time, but we have
is a singer and that's sajdng some
A letter from Lt. James K. Mc-
Geachin states that he is leaving
Hunter Field in Savanah, Ga.,
where he has been stationed. His
destination was evidently a mili
tary secret.
Many of you remember Cadet
something worth keeping and it's
Bob Davenport who left a fine rec
Tiie junior quota for the army worth fighting for." Kenny prob
ord at Nebraska to carry on at
has already been filled.
ably never will forget the time he
West Point.
Some of the other scholastic re
quirements that must be passed
the freshman class
out of dumping him in the horse
Word comes that he
is continuing his excellent work at
tank out at Ag college for hanging[
are that the student upon finishing
nis pin but didn't quite ta\k
commissioned a 1st Lt.
his freshman year must have com
pleted 25 hours of school work enough.
in the Personnel Dept. of the Air
with 18 of these hours above 70%.
Kenny adds that while he was at Corps. He is stationed at BelleGus Swanson (that's he with the finger) animatedly explains For the student at the end, of his Fort Leavenworth standing in the ville. 111.
the "Rule of 87" at a gathering of the Phi Gam and Theta clans. As sophomore year the requirement ever present line, Stephen "Pete"
is 53 hours with 40 above the 70 Lowe presented himself in the
good old Fiji manner. After hav
Another important scholastic ing a short chat, Pete left for
reason for the rule of 87 to be in vogue since if any man wants
barrier is that at any time a Fort Warren, Wyoming. We don't
quintuplets, they'll be his own worry.
student in the i^ssrve fails to know just what his duties are but
be passing in three fifths of his if Uncle Sam has any grandfather
hours in any semester, Jie is sub clocks, Pete will keep them run
ject to immediate call. Another ning smoothly. Ours at 1425 R has
the Theta's are our ^ister sorority, such a picnic is held each year
and it is a big event on the calendar. According to Gus, there is no
Grote Is Now Finances Are
n Panama
Plenty Sound
One of the top athletes and Phi
At Nebraska
Consideration of a fraternity's
Herb tossed the ability to stand on its own feet
javelin and held the Big Six title financially is of prime importance,
especially NOW. Phi Gamma Delta
has a secure future in this respect.
The is valued at $40,000 and
$5,000. There is a mortgage of
$14,000 which has been reduced in
the last five years at the rate of
$1,300 per year to $7,500.
The monthly bill for a man liv
ing in the house is $47.50. From
this amount is deducted board and
that he
must attend
university on the year-round basis
which starts next spring.
Details for t!;is plan have not
Gams to come from Nebraska is
one is
room, national dues, and a social
activity fee. The money for room
all been worked out as yet but
as it looks now the year will be
divided into four qaurters of ap
proximately 12 weeks each. The
-lew plan gets into full swing im
mediately following tlic spring se
mester of the coming school year.
All those interested in
status and who are in the junior
division will bs handled thru that
vanced standing will be considered
of the
student affairs.
Barney Ingram sent a Mother's
day message informing us that he
is making Aberdeen, Md., his tem
porary home while taking officers
training at the proving grounds
Dwight Whitaker has been mov
ing right along as far as promo
tions go. He's a 1st Lt., now, and
was recently transferred from the
Physical Education prgoram of the
Latest news of Ken Eiisenhart Air Force to be given flight train
finds him at Fort Lenoard Wood ing.
where he goes into officers train
Another member of the
ing in the Engineers Corps. Army Force and stationed at Stockton,
life is serious and provides plenty Calif., is Louis Peterson, '37.
of hard work says Ken, but the
Kent Johnson's address is Se
ittle gentleman has no complaints.
quoia Field, Visalia, Calif. His
Lt. Carl Olenberger, now on for
Mother's day message to Mom, and
eign duty, is one of the "top kicks"
her brood tells of his busy days as
in the Tank Corps. If he goes
a "bird man" for Uncle Sam.
about this job with the same
Last spring we received a mes
thoroughness that he showed while
in school, we pity the enemy. Go sage from Lt. Bernle Scherer then
at Fort Benning, Ga. He gives only
get 'em Ole!
a little information concerning his
never been
the same since ePte
Lt. Bob Chatt is somewhere in
Australia with the Army Air Force
activities as a service
does mention that from sunrise to
Transfers from other universities and has been for some time. That's
late night makes an awful long
with upper class standing must all we know about brother Bob,
day, and he never wonders when
ciation as rent. They in turn use apply for admission to t'.'.is uni but we are sure he will give a
to go to bed. Let's hear more from
the money for pasdng off the mort versity before their applications good account of himself wherever
is turned over to the Alumni asso
and still holds the conference rec
ord in the long stick event.
During his years at Lambda Nu,
he was an integral part of the
fraternity and when he went to
the army for foreign duty, he went
with all the good wishes of the
entire chapter.
For a while this year he was
unreported but he finally turned
up again and we hope that he
keeps turning up at all times. Our
loss was certainly the army's gain.
you, Bernie.
gage, paying the taxes, and mak
ing necessary repairs on the house.
This $47.50 is absolutely all a man
is required to pay other than the
initiation fee which is $50.00 and
includes everything. There are no
notes to sign.
Remember, the financial status
of a fraternity is all important.
The above figures concerning the
finances of Lambda Nu chapter
of Phi Gamma Delta speak for
for enlistment can be acted upon.
These are the main points of
was heard froni
Bauer is stationed at Fort Leonard tectural engineer. How about that
The chance to join a reserve
Wood. In our opinion, being a Christmas card, Paul?
must be considered very completely
captain already is fast work. He
That's all we have for this time.
as it offers the average student must be a better soldier than he Sound off Fijis, wherever you are.
a chance to get his university
education with a chance at offi
cer's training.
The Fiji Cornhusker
there will be a Fiji present to ex
plain the oppariunitics offorsd. in
Published Annually by the
be made in all of these branches.
Additional information
Sllu Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
Among the first to go to Ireland where he is stationed in the Canal
the reserve situation.
The Uni was Lt. Waldo Deck. Good luck to
Zone at Camp Fort Amador. Also
versity of Nebraska is fully ac you, Waldo. We're behind you one
in the Canal Zone are Paul Reddy
credited to all branches of the hundred per cent.
and his wife. Paul is serving his
armed forces and enlistments can
Recently promoted, Capt. Elmer country in the capacity of archi
obtained by writing university
authorities. During rush week
he is.
a more complete manner.
Cagers Operate On Big Jet
At any
rate, give it a lot of f.ought.
Return Address
Phi Gamma Delta
1425 R St.
Lincoln, Nebr.
In one of the best games witnessed in the intramural department
for several years, the Phi Gams copped the Class A basketball trophy
by defeating the Betas in a closely contested battle. Above Dean
Nutzman tries to maneuver for a shot early in the second half
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September 1942 newsletter of the Lambda Nu chapter at the University of Nebraska. The newsletter is four pages in length.