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1943 April Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
April 1943 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Alpha Phi
University of Michigan
1943 April Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
^Ue AlfJta PlUji J^eupi
University of Michigan Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
New Series, Vol. IX
Twelve New Phijis
Initiated February 12
Gedeon '39 Honored
With Soldier's Medal
PuUs Comrade From Plane
Big Wartime Group Includes
Wreck Despite Own Injuries
Scholars, Campus Athletes
Phiji Lieut. Elmer J. Gedeon, '39,
was awarded last month the covet
ed Soldier's Medal for the rescue
of a fellow crew-member from al
most certain death in the battered,
Exichanging- their White Star
pledge pins for the universallyhonored Phi Gamma Delta badge,
burning wreckage of an Army
bomber. The bomber, with Gedeon
twelve men were initiated into the
labyrinthian lore of the Fraternity
on Sunday, February 21.
aboard as navigator, crashed in a
faulty take-off from the municipal
airport at Raleigh, N. C., last Au
As usual, Alpha Phi scooped an
outstanding group of Michigan
A look at the record tells
The accompanying citation read
their story—they have shown them
selves to be of true Phiji fiber by
their willingness to serve, their
eagerness to serve, our heritage
in part: "After extricating him
self, Lieut. Gedeon, regardless of
the fact that he himself had suf
fered broken ribs and severe shock,
re-entered the burning wreckage
and removed Corp. John R. Rar-
and traditions.
Those who donned the cloak of
the Purple and White, and who now
wear the badge of Phi Gamma Del
ta with proud prominence, are:
Robert A. Allen, '45F, FggertsWar — Or No War
ville. New York.
Phiji Romances Thrive
Herbert A. Beyer, '4.5F, Detroit,
William F. Loughborough, '43,
Clark Barton, '46, of Hinsdale, exchanged t'ne vows of matrimony
with Miss Jean Watson, of Ann Ar
Dean V. Firth, '4CF, Highland bor, on Saturday afternoon, Febru
Park, Michigan.
rat, a fellow crew-member who had
been rendered helpless from a
broken back and two broken legs,
to safety."
Continuing, the citation read:
"Corp. Rarrat would
burned to death had it not been for
the unselfish action of Lieut. Ged
eon, who in addition to his other
injuries received severe burns on
his back, right arm and right leg.
ary 6. The ceremony was held in The heroism displayed by Lieut.
Daniel E. Gardiner, '46F, Larch- St. Andrew's Episcopal church Gedeon on this occasion reflects
mont. New York.
here, while the reception took place great credit upon himself and the
military service."
Thomas M. Gattle, '46, of Miami in the Michigan League.
Beach, Florida.
Mrs. Loughborough is the daugh
We can add little just now to the
Robert M. Grandy, '46F, of Fast ter of Professor and Mrs. Harry J. above excerpts as the typewriter
has a lump in its metallic epiglottis,
Cleveland, Ohio.
Gurney O. Gutekunst, '46, Pleas
ant Ridge, Michigan.
Charles E. Holland, '46, of Allegan, Michigan.
Watson. She is a member of Kappa
Kappa Gamma, and will graduate
this year.
Best man at the ceremony was
Phiji Larry Hulbert, '43, while act
but this much must be said:
"Ged, right on down the line—
the Phijis who went before you and
all the younger brothers at '707'
salute you. They do so not be
William P. Hcllenbcck, '46F, of ing as ushers were the following cause you alone have been awarded
Washington, D. C.
contingent from "707"; George Ir-
a medal and cited by your com
win, '43, Harry L. Anderson, '43,
Robert B. Kerr, '44, Coldwater, Robert Norwich, '43, and Harvey manding g-eneral, but because your
actions in that smoldering hulk
Spaunburg, '44.
James C. MacDonald, '46F, of
Detroit, Mich.
were those of a red-blooded Ameri
The engagement of Lieut. Robert can. You were met with the test,
H. Darden, '41, to Miss Virginia and it will forever remain in Phiji
It is quite possible that some
Appleton, '42, of Niagara Falls, N.
other house on the Michigan cam
Y., was recently announced. Bob's
pus may have initiated more men—
betrothed sent the news to the
but not probable. Of this we are house with the following note:
certain, that there is not a house "Bob asked me to send you the
on campus as proud of their new enclosed clipping. He is now in
men as is Alpha Phi. That "some Kansas—a navigator on a Flyingthing" has been added to "707."
Fortress, as you no doubt know—
"Garcon! Add twelve more blue awaiting overseas duty. Best of
ribbons to the Phiji roster!"
luck to all."
annals and loyal and true Phiji
hearts that you were not to be
bested by it."
"Ged" has recently been freed
from the hospital where he spent
some time recuperating and is
again seeing duty at MacDill Field,
Fla. He was received royally at the
house when he tripped up to Ann
Arbor during his leave.
\r\nPage Two
April, 1943
The Alpha Ph iji News
Phiji ^^Boys In Blue"
Published quarterly by Alpha
Phi Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta,
707 Oxford Road, Ann Arbor,
Harold A. Anderson
George Irwin
Robert Norwich
Charles Adams
Victor Peterson
Rec. Sec'y
Cor. Sec'y
Harold A. Anderson
Robert Allen
•it : •
Ten Neophytes Take
White Star Recently
the face
of all
those dire
things predicted soon to settle down
on the Michigan campus, and while
there were many lights hidden un
der as many bushels because of
these predictions, the spring rush
ing season lately at hand was
brought to a successful conclusion.
Alpha Phi's Naval Confingeni- Brave Ice and Snow To Pose For the
Photographer. They Look Pretty Trim . . . Eh?
Under the deft skill and adroit
ness of Alpha Phi's rushing chair
men, Harvey Spaunburg and Her
bert Beyer, a total of seven good
Phi Gams Prominent In University Naval ROTC
"Steady . . . steady as she goes '45E, has the final word on all
. . . pilot vessel two points off the questions of seamanship.
Gamma Delta's White Star—quite starb'd quarter . . . "
The Pelorus, Navy quarterly
a crowd when the fact that a mere
publication, has Bob Cole, '45E, as
seventy registered for rushing.
The new pledges took solemn in the seagoing man's jargon, can one of its editors, while Chuck Hol
vows on Monday, March 15, during be heard drifting through the walls land, '46, has been placed in charge
the ceremonies at "707." They are and the halls at "707" as the 17 of features. Herb Beyer, '45E, long
Phiji members of tbe University's thought a genius by the brothers,
as follows:
Naval Reserve Officers Training proved it not long ago by being the
Ralph L. Chubb, Jr., '46E, of Ann
study for their exams.
only Phiji ever to get a grade of
Organized on the Michigan cam 3.6 from fiery Lieut. Panamides,
George F. Darrow, '46, of Ro
pus in 1940, the Navy ROTC offers the C. O.
chester, New York.
Harrison S. Dodge, '45, of Hor- eight semesters of navigation, ord
As might be expected, Phil Holnance, communications, marine en
nell. New York.
combe and pledge Ralph Chubb,
Paul F. Ehinger, '46E, of Dover, gineering and tactics to its mem both '46E, and local Ann Arborites,
bers before graduating them with
are the mainstays on the Navy
Robert G. Heath, '46, another commissions as Ensign, U.S.N.R.
basketball team, a top squad.
Ann Arborite.
Clark "Orvie" Barton, '46, the
Malco.lm T. Stamper, '46, of De the men are actually enlisted in the
forester in the Navy unit,
Hicks B. Waldron, Jr., '44E, of take up quarters in the University's claims that climbing the rigging
West Quad on July 1, continuing to the crow's nest will hold no fears
Amsterdam, New York.
Not content to rest on their as a separate Navy unit in the new for him. He spent all last summer
climbing trees as a fire figbter.
laurels. Brothers Beyer and Spaun Navy College Training Program.
burg continued rushing men, with
Chuck "Admiral" Adams, '44,
The University, in co-operation
the help of all the brothers. The high-ranking Phiji cadet officer, with the Army and the Navy, plans
results were very gratifying, for holds a cadet ensign's rating in the to hold a track meet in the near
the Phijis pledged three more men. Navy Infantry Battalion. A total future. The Army's meteorological
unusual for
are of 235 cadets are included in this students stationed
leaving the University in increas
ing numbers every day.
The following were pledged on
Monday, March 29:
Charles Ketter, '45, Detroit.
George Kiesel, Jr., '45, Detroit.
Phillip Pratt, '46, of Pontiac.
group. Recognized as THE Phiji
navigators for their skill in map
ping and charting courses are Art
Mancl, '45E, and Harv Spaunburg,
'45. And coming from a young life
haunted by hydro-planes, sailboats
and boat racing, Larry Alberti,
nonce will fight it out with the
Navy and Army Reserve men from
the University. It's here again that
Art Mancl will aid the boys in
blue, along with "Jawn" Winch,
'46E, and Herb Benton, '45, lend
ing their long legs to the stiff.
\r\nApril, 1943
Nofes To You ...
Phiji Phantastix
. . . by Harry Anderson
A cultured note has been added
to the week-end gas-bag sessions
at the house
since John "Jawn"
Winch, '46E, moved into the cave
with his broad A accent. However,
the lad will, no doubt, succumb
shortly to the predominantly gut
tural speech pattern of roommate
Charley Adams, '44, and become
one of us.
Easy Vaughn,'43, erstwhile thespian, fought his last amateur fight
in Detroit on the 13th of March—
and it was ill-fortune that dogged
his flying feet. Jack lost a close de
cision to a Mr. Tamplin, a Golden
Gloves champion. After the bout,
the Albion Battler had little to say.
"It was a great fight. Maw," he
was heard telling his mater over
the wireless, ".. . but I shoulda
Page Three
Annual Phiji Pig Feast
Date Set For May 15th
With Hank Mahon, '44E, scour
ing- the countryside for a porker of
proper dimension, the date of Sat
urday, May 15, rates high in the
minds of all food Phijis. Yes, that
Big Date has been tentatively set
for the Annual Norris Pig Dinner!
In spite of rationing, there will
be the symbolic pig—so all broth
ers in the Michigan area should
mark a big "X" on their calendars
for that date. Further details will
be forthcoming from Brother Ma
hon, and all alumni will soon get
the details on the big event.
This dinner will probably be the
last one for the duration. Don't
fail to come out to the house and
make it THE Pig Dinner of all Pig
Dinners. Be seein' ya!
Deahl '07 Dies January 21
The chapter recently received the
Harold Anderson, Spaunburg and news of the death of Brother Ray
Vaughn are pictured just before a Deahl, '07L, last Januai-y 21. He
bout with the toothpaste tube. Or lived for many years in Goshen,
Indiana, and since 1930 had held
maybe after ...
the municipal office of City Attor
Bidding adieu to brothers leav ney there. Bi-other Deahl was one
ing the house for duty in the armed of the most respected and influen
forces is getting to be old stuff tial citizens in Goshen. His numer
these days. We had a celebration ous business interests included, be
as far as the rotund roue is con when Dave Ott left a year and a sides his law office, a vice-presi
cerned. "Roue" is Frenc'n, you half ago, but last week Ben Doug dency of a bank. He was also inter
las, '43, merely shook hands with ested in a rubber concern and an
the fellows in the living room and investment house.
Long, lean Fred Cady, '44, of silently departed. You're right,
Saginaw, has had one desire in life. mister, times certainly do change.
"E" Irwin Is Re-elected
It is not a big desire, not at all.
The 17 Fijis in the Naval ROTC
Election of Alpha Phi officers
Fred merely wanted to have his
name in the Alpha Phiji News ... have given us assurance that they took place at the house on March
will continue to have some sem 8. Testimonial to his efficiency and
so . .. Fred Cady.
blance of a Phi Gam organization proficiency was the re-election of
Steward Bob Allen, '45E, is by on campus beyond the date of their George Irwin, '43, to his present
far the most diversified man in the active enrollment in the Navy's post as "E."
Also re-elected as "T" was Al
house. He sings White Star March V-12 program.
pha Phi's hard-headed businessman,
like Eddy, plays the violin like
The piano, with Gurney Gute- Robert Norwich, '43. There isn't the
Heifitz, and wrestles like "Strangler" Lewis. Not content, he still kunst, '46E at the keyboard, has slightest shadow of a doubt that
to draw out a singing talent Bob has done a bang-up job here.
strives on. He is now taking read- served
potential letter-winner in
football is new pledge - brother
Ralph Chubb, '46E. Ralph packed
the mail for the frosh squad last
year in a most convincing fashion,
and for two years was bell-wether
of Ann Arbor High's ranking grid
team. Full-backing is secondary
right now to the Naval ROTO unit
ing and writing lessons from his !heretofore absent in the Fiji fold.
Spaunburg. The men have been working- off the mattress. Treasurer Bob Norwick,
excess gastric acidity while re '43, now of the U.S. Army, came in
calling (with the aid of a song- for a citation or two when he added
Any of the brothers who knew '
book), the Phi Gam songs of yore, that he had an additional 83,000 to
Bob Eich, '45, during his under- and
it's a most pleasant wa.v to show as profit for the operating
Watch this lad!
graduate days, are hereby ordered '
spend a few moments followingto write him a letter at Camp evening
meals—rendering those old
Grant, Illinois. Bob is hospitalized timers.
with a case of spinal meningitis,
and a few cheery notes will do
The Alpha Phi Association busi
much to hasten his recovery. His iness meeting held Sunday evening,
address: Private Robert Eich, 31st IMarch 13, disclosed that the chap
Medical Training Battalion, 4th ter
finances were in excellent shape.
Platoon, Company C. Camp Grant, Professor
Meyer reported that the
Association had S1500 under the
year. Purple Legionnaire Herb Up
ton called "Nipper" the best treas
urer he has worked with in his 20
years' connection with Phi Gam's
financial problems.
Brother Upton sought and re
ceived this chapter's approval on
the idea of a service men's center
:in Ann Arbor, run by fraternities
fraternity men.
\r\nPage Four
April, 1943
. . SemeHiu-twoKenneth Allen, '43, 333 West
Breckenridge, Ferndale, Mich.
Mauritz G. Anderson, '42, USN
ATE, Solomons Branch, Barracks
9 Upper, Washington, D. C.
Charles N. Barnum,'22E, Lieut.Commander, C.C.-V(S), USNR, 540
No. 8th St., Manitowoc, Wis.
John Bonsib, '45, Flight 69-919,
TSS, Hotel Poinsetta, St. Peters
burg, Fla.
Richard J. Brashler, '45, 10645
Hale, Chicago, 111.
Thomas W. Breen,'37, 1st. Lieut.
C.O. of Co. "B," 50th Engineers,
Fort Ord, Calif.
H. Stratton Bull, Jr., '45, Pvt.,
418th T.G., Flight K, Miami Beach.
Norman D. Call, '42, Ensign, US
Elmer J. Gedeon, '39, 1st Lieut.,
315th Sqd., 21st Bomb Group, MacDill Field, Tampa, Fla.
Robert Gelston, '42, Barracks 19,
USNRAB, Minneapolis, Minn.
James R. Harrison, '41, Lieut.,
472nd F.A., Camp Gordon, Ga.
Robert Hext, '41, Pvt., 12th Gen'l
Hosp., Fort Benj. Harrison, Ind.
Walter P. Hickey, '30, 1st Lieut.,
AYS, Corps of Engineers, Sixth
Corps Area, Detroit, Mich.
Lyons M. Howland, '43, 149 Mc
Camp VanDoren, Miss.
Robert A. Radford, '11, Lieut.-
Colonel, 1524 31st St., NW, Wash
ington, D. C.
Peter Rowe, '36, Captain M.C.,
339th Eng. Reg., Camp Butner,
North Carolina.
W. O. Schoedinger, '43, A/C, AA
FTTC, Room
2640, Entry "0,"
Law, Yale
New Haven, Conn.
George D. Seymour, '39, Second
Lieut., 374th Sqd., 308th Bomber
Lean, Highland Park, Mich.
Group, Morrison Field, West Palm
John R. Hulbert, '40, 680 Brown Beach, Fla.
Street, Birmingham, Mich.
Raymond C. Smith, '20, Captain,
Lawrence A. Hulbert, '43, Cadet, AAF, (temp.) Hotel Tiger, Colum
AAF Base, Fresno, Calif.
bia, Mo. Home: 301 Lake Shore
William Hulbert, '46, Pvt., 4th Rd., Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich.
CGC Jackson, c/o Postmaster, New Platoon, Co. "A," 54th Med. Tng.
John R. Smolensk!, '40, Second
York City.
Btn., Camp Barkley, Texas.
Lieut., last at Chanute Field, 111.
Dale Chamberlin, '42, Lieut., US
Paul B. Jenkins, 'IIL, Major, M. John Snodgrass, '43, Pvt., 481st
MCR, Marine BaiTacks, Parris Isl C., 69 Walnut, Binghamton, N. Y. Coast Art. Btn., AAAW, Camp Da
and, South Carolina.
Forest Jordan, '39, Ensign, Iowa vis, North Carolina.
Robert C. Chapman, '30, Second Pre-Flight School, Iowa City, Iowa.
Edward A. Southard, '38, Staff
Lieut., 402nd Sep. C. A. (A A),
V. C. Judd, '45E, 2nd Lieut., 61st Sgt., Med. Det. (M & DS), Station
Portsmouth, Virginia.
Btn., 13th Reg., Camp Robinson,
John W. Clarke, '41, Pvt., 96th Ark.
Base HQ & A.B. Sqd., Columbia
Erie A. Kightlinger, Jr., '33, A/C,
Air Base, South Carolina.
Sqd. 30, Group E, Governor Hotel,
Robert H. Harden, '41, Lieut., Miami Beach, Fla.
AAF. Home: Raton, New Mexico.
William Loughborough, '43, 700
M. Alfred Darling, Jr., '42, 2nd.
Lieut., Marine Corps Air Station,
Eagle Mountain, Texas.
Charles B. Darner, '33, Lieut.,
M.C.-V ,(S), USNR, Marine Corps
Air Station, Mojave, Calif.
William F. Dawson, '43, Pvt., Co.
"D," 60th Inf. Tr. Bn., 2nd Pltn.,
Camp Wolters, Texas.
Philip Detwiler, '42 E, Lieut.,
AAF, Ground Force, Chanute Field,
Hospital, Camp Phillips, Kansas.
John L. Spencer, '32, Lieut, (jg),
USNR, Engineering Specialist, Bu
reau of Ships, New York City.
Edward S. Stagg, '36, Ensign,
DV-(S), Home: 21 Allen, Wyo
ming, Ohio.
Whitmore Road, Detroit, Mich.
Alfred C. Stoddard, '31, Home:
Fred A. McMahon, '16, Colonel,
Chief Cincinnati Ordnance District, Box 101, Bisbee, Ariz.
Marcus W. Stoddard, '37, Ensign,
Big 4 Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio.
Edwin J. Mercer, '13, Major, USN, Home: 524 Lake St., WilSchool of Military Government, mette, Illinois.
Lafayette Stuch, '43, Home: 103
Charlottesville, Va.
Jerome S. Miller, '43E, Pvt., Cav. River, Allegan, Mich.
Thomas E. Sunderland, '28, Cap
Schl. Det. "W," Bldg. 90, Fort Ritain, AAF (Wright Field), Home:
ley, Kansas.
John K. Mooney, '38, Flying Ca 122 E. 42nd St., New York City.
Stanley M. Swinton, '40, Tech.
det, Class 12C, USNAB, Corpus
Christi, Texas.
Sgt., 1732 Civic Opera Bldg., 20
Benjamin H. Douglas, '43, 329
Delaware, Albany, N. Y.
Hamilton F. Morris, '39, A/C,
Edsel Eady, '45E, Pvt., 585th Class 43F, Flight 685-13, AAFBFS,
Tech. School Sqd., Flight 35, Sher Walnut Ridge, Ark.
man Hotel, St. Petersburg, Fla.
David E. Ott, '42, Staff Sgt.,
William D. Edwards, Jr., '28, Medical Division, 35291019, HQ &
Lieut, (jg), USCGR, 1709 Cherry, HQ Co., First Part., SFPE, APO
North Wacker Drive, Chicago, 111.
Elliott T. Thieme, '29, Captain
M.C., Gen'l Hosp. 298, 0400278,
APO No. 508, c/o Postmaster, New
York City.
Thomas Thomas, '29, 1st Lieut.
Vicksburg, Miss.
No. 715, San Francisco, Calif.
M.C., AAF, Kelly Field, Texas.
Robert Eich, '45, Pvt., 31st Med.
James M. Palmer, '41, 1st. Lieut.,
Robert W. Titus, '42, Pvt., 99th
Trg. Btn., 4th Pltn., Co. "C," Camp QMC, Co. "K," 13th QMTR, Camp Air Base Sqd., Dogman Field, Fort
Grant, 111.
Samuel E. Emmons, Jr., '44. (We
haven't as yet received Sam's serv
ice address.
Forrest Evashevski, '41, Ensign,
Iowa Pre-Flight School, Iowa City,
Robert Fors, '43, Embry Riddle
School, Class 5-43 - AMC, Miami,
John B. Franks, '17, Captain,
Philadelphia Arsenal, Phila., Pa.
Lee, Va.
Knox, Ky.
Robert G. Parker, '40, 916 West
Sherwood A. Upton, '31, Captain
Sixth St., Marion, Ohio.
21st Inf. (adj.), APO No. 24, c/o
Walter S. Peckinpaugh, '39, Cor Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif.
poral, Co. C-53, Tn. Btn., Camp
William Vahue, '45, 2nd Lieut.,
Wolters, Texas.
101st Arborne, Fort Bragg, N. C.
Philip M. Pfaffman, Jr., '27, 1st
Hubert Weidman, '41, Ensign,
Lieut., CAAA, Newport News, Va. NAC, USNRAB, Window No. 28,
Clayton J. Pilcher, '42, A/C, New Orleans, La.
NAC, Iowa Pre-Flight, Iowa City. Keith A. Yoder, '41, HQ, First
D. S. Pollock, '44, Pvt., Co. "A," Armored Division, Office of Divi
393rd Inf., 35349136, APO No. 499, sion Surgeon, Fort Knox, Ky.
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April 1943 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.