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1947 April Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
April 1947 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Alpha Phi
University of Michigan
1947 April Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
Atplui Plujd'
University of Michigan Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
New Series, Vol. XI
Number 1
The Chapter Returns from Spring Vacation
Meet Our 25 Swell
--T0P ROW: Lee Smith, Robert Main, DeWolf. Stanley, William McDaid,
John O'Shaughnessy, Robert Gregg, Jack Fors, Robert Norwick,.
David Standiford, Robert Foukal, Richard Schultz, Ward Peter
Fall-term Pledges
son, Jr., Albert Warner, Robert Carson, Robert Crane, James Kirk,
Robert Whitney, David Leyshon, Donald Lathrup, William MacGowan.
The war years in the background second ROW: Walter Hans, Kieth Jordan, Frank Long, James Mac-
Donald, Glenn Neff, Edsell Eady, Fred Woodward, Stratton Bull,
and now on the threshold of bright
Robert ICarpenter, Lawrence Alberti, George Shaffer, George
Eckerle, Dean Firth, Howard DeMallie, Robert Holland, AVilliam
Phi Gamma Delta looks to a glorj,_
Theidel, Philip Pratt, Donald Nichols, James Kistler, David Wright.
ious future, having pledged from
the Michigan campus twenty-five THIRD ROW: Robert Allen, Ken Allen, Vernon Judd, Harold AValters,
er years the Alpha Phi chapter of
Orville Barton, Charles Ketterer, Robert Orth (corresponding sec
prospective Fijis in the fall term.
In this group are:
hailing from Des Plaines, Illinois,
was born in 1928 at Chicago. As ®'
retary), George Spaulding (treasurer), Robert Grandy (president),
Harley Fortier (recording secretary), John Kamin (historian),
Herbert Beyer, Thomas Kuzma, William Hollenbeck, Dick Wakefield, Harvey Spaunburg.
Wolverine he broke four freshman® FOURTH ROW: Harold Anderson, Robert Cole, Arthur Mancl, James
Mulkey, Frank Boni, Martin Cranston, Jack Rohrbaugh, Ted Greer,
track records and is conference in
John Kentch, Thomas Heaton, John AVinch, Douglas AA'atkins,
door half-mile champion.
Daniel Gardiner, John Kistler.
Of the Class of 1950 is DAVID
^ FIFTH ROAA': Donald Mattison, David Burkholder, Richard Russell,
BURKHOLDER, son of an Alpha
Charles Doherty, Philip Henderson, Ray Newhall, James Caufield,
Phiji, who claims membership inn
Peter Craighead, Edward Van Dyke, Herman AA'^eber, Eugene Ryan.
that group of "Hoosiers" from
11 SIXTH ROW: Richard Hurst, Stuart Rankin, Herbert Barten, Alben
Shortridge. At Michigan his sights
Carlson, Curtis Bottum, Thomas Emerson, Carleton Patterson,
(see NEW PLEDGES, p. 2)
AA'illiam AVyckoff, Donald Todd, Cran Rogers.
\r\nPage Two
April, 1947
The Alpho Phiji News
by Buck Dawson '39-'47
Published quarterly by Alpha
Phi Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta,
The fabulous Fiji Hume twins backed up by pledges Chuck Do707 Oxford Road, Ann Arbor, have hung up their track spikes at herty, outstanding high jump cand
Michigan, for its alumni members last but continue to rack up honors idate, and Bill Wyckoff on the high
in Michigan's medical school. Na hurdles.
tional Collegiate Mile Champions,
Fijis Ralph Chubb and Hank
the Humes were track captains in Fonde fought it out among lead
John E. Kamin
Frank Boni
1944 and 1945. Both are Michi- ing contenders on Michigan's well
Contributions and news for alum gauma. Bob being sachem of the staffed football team under the eyes
ni are solicited at all times. Ad 1946 tribe. Ross is currently a vice- of Fiji assistant coach, Butch Jor
dress communications to the alum president on the Union Executive dan, '40.
and friends.
ni editor at 232 Nickels
Arcade Council.
Dick Schultz vied for a position
Dick Wakefield, star outfielder on Matt Mann's great Michigan
with the Detroit Tigers and senior tank team this winter.
among Fiji pledges (1939 White
This year's Michigan cheerlead
Star wearer) was back on campus ers are headed by Bill MacGowan
for the fall term. A first semester who is also one of the campus mu
senior, Dick plans to finish in Feb sic critics. With him on the squad
ruary, 1948. Dick goes to Michigan are Glenn Neff, who doubles on the
Building, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
(Cont'd from p. 1)
are on the golf team where he
should prove quite successful.
An engineering graduate of Yale
University is JAMES DAVID
CAUFIELD from Portland, Ore
gon. Jim is currently enrolled in
the graduate school studying civil
engineering. Fijis in Jim's family
fall semesters, playing baseball in
the spring and summer.
Ace of the Fiji trackmen is
pledge Herb Barten, Big Nine in
door half-mile champion. Herb is
are his father. Lee J. Caufield, and
his uncle, Raymond P. Caufield,
both of the University of Oregon
Pig Dinner May 2-4
Another neophyte of the Class
gymnastics team, and Bob Crane, a
recent initiate.
Most campus pep rallies and en
tertainments are em-ceed this year
by our chapter "E," Bob "The
Beast" Grandy, popular
Note the Dote Now!
The 1946 Alpha Phi Pig
Dinner was the biggest and
best in the chapter's history,
master of ceremonies.
Tom Kuzma, great Michigan tail
back before TB downed him is tak
ing a full schedule this year after
spending several years confined to
a hospital bed.
Buck Dawson and
of 1950 is JOHN PETER CRAIG-
but plans for this year's gettogether indicate that the
HEAD, claiming residence in Mil
waukee, Wisconsin. Propping at
Framingham High in Massachu
setts and Lawrenceville Prep in
1947 edition will surpass it.
by Ted Greer and Hal Walters last
The welcome mat at "707"
month to
will be out the 2nd., 3rd., and
4th of May with various ac
Michigauma, all campus honorary
New Jersey, he was a letterman in
hockey, tennis, soccer, and base
tivities planned for the whole
week-end. Everyone is urged
the Engine Arch is held by Vern
twins. Bob and Ross, were joined
Fastest time between "707" and
to attend this annual gala
Judd and
affair so check those dates on
Any alumni who think they can
your calendar and be sure to
come. We will be looking for
Wilmington, Delaware, is
TY, a student of mechanical engi
neering, who will graduate in 1948.
"Chuck" entered the University of
better his time are invited to come
and give it a try.
Keep an eye out at your favor
ite book store for Brother Buck
Dawson's first book, a 370-page
Richmond via the V-12 route and
the University of Princeton via
Butch Is New Mascot
Last fall the chapter acquired a
TOM EMERSON, Indianapolis, new mascot. Butch, a sixty-pound
Indiana, played three years of var boxer, from the Northwestern Fiji
sity golf at Shortridge high school chapter. As a result of this gift
and now as a prospective candidate an annual Michigan-Northwestern
for graduation in 1950 plans to en football trophy was made up by
ter competition for a berth on the Alpha Phi chapter. In view of
Michigan's link squad.
North western's moral victory last
history of World War II in words
and pieces, entitled "Saga of the
All-American." Dawson's book
boasts 1500 pictures with contri
butions by Marlene Dietrich, Nor
man Rockwell, Bill Mauldin, and
Major General James M. Gavin. It
records the Air-borne (parachute)
effort in the European war with
A pledge of many activities is fall, a 14-14 tie game, the trophy particular emphasis on the EightyWILLIAM GRIPMAN of Pleasant was sent to the Phi chapter where second Airborne Division.
A second book is soon to be pub
Ridge, Michigan. At Michigan he it now resides until the two schools
lished by Dawson and Dick Wakehopes to play a little football and again meet on the gridiron.
tennis, and is now in the Naval
Butch thoroughly enjoys his new field. It is an animal baseball story
(see FALL-TERM MEN, p. 3)
home at "707" and the chapter is written in children's book style,
(see SHORT CUTS, p. 4)
pleased to have him as its mascot.
\r\nApril, 1947
Page Three
Fijis Active In
All I-F Sports
Football Starts Season
the traditional
children's Christ
The social season was quite ac mas party. About forty six- and
tive during the fall semester with seven-year-old boys from the neigh
Touch football and speedball
dominated the sports picture dur
ing the fall term, speedball re
turning to the campus after a lay
off during the war years and again
capturing campus wide fraternity
open houses held after home foot
borhood spent the
ball games. With seven games in December nineteenth in the house
Ann Arbor last fall practically ev
playing games and eating ice cream
ery Saturday saw the chapter house and cake. Brother Ed Eady had
filled with guests for dinner and the honor of playing Santa Claus
dancing after the game.
for our guests and presented each
Pledge Formal
one of them with a present. The
After winning a touch" football
Another social function that took party was a complete success, thor
game with Sigma Alpha Epsilon place during the fall was the oughly enjoyed by all and undoubt
the Fijis played two with Beta Pledge Formal held the ninth of edly will be continued in years to
Theta Pi, and we emerged victori
November. The dance was held in
the chapter house in honor of our
J-Hop Was Gala Affair
The J-Hop, Michigan's annual
Then in a dual swimming meet fall pledge class of twenty-seven
and water polo game with Theta members. A dinner for the broth top social event which received na
Chi we came out on the long end ers and their dates at the Allenel tionwide publicity, held the atten
tion of all at "707" the week-end
of the swimming event and on the preceded the dance.
ous from one of these.
short end of the water jockey sport.
Christmas Spirit High
at the start of the spring semes
On December thirteenth our ter. The affair included a formal
Not So Good
Soon volleyball reared its ugly Christmas dance was held at the dinner preceding the J-Hop on Fri
head, ugly in the respect that the house. The house was gaily deco day night, an informal late Sat
Fijis' winning percentage was .250 rated, there were corsages for the urday evening dance, and break
in twenty-four court affairs. In ad women, and refreshments to make fasts both Saturday and Sunday
jacent handball courts other Fijis this affair the highlight of the mornings.
To Brothers Robert Foukal, Tom
and Dave Leyshon we owe
successful only to suffer defeat in
Continuing the pre-Christmas ac congratulations for the enjoyable
the semi-finals.
tivities the chapter re-established social events of the past season.
led by Dean Firth finished fairly
social season.
Good In Track
Phi Gamma Delta
IFC champion in the cross country
meet when its team composed of
Brothers Art Mancl, Bob Main,
(Cont'd from p. 2)
engineering college. JAMES OLSEN KISTLER plans to prepare
himself at Michigan for a business
Being a sophomore in L. S. & A. career.
Hal Walters, Bill Theidel, and Ted
A sophomore in education school
school is WALTER J. (JERRY)
Greer, led the parade across the
HANS' claim to fame. At his home is footballer DON NICHOLS from
University golf course. In the out
in Birmingham, Michigan, where he Allegan, Michigan, whose pre-coldoor Inter Fraternity Track Meet
attended high school, Jerry listed lege days read like a sport page
the Fijis emerged third mainly
football, swimming, debating, and with such items as four years of
through the efforts of Art Mancl,
table tennis among his extra-cur basketball, football, and track.
first in the mile run, Tom Heaton,
A name already familiar on cam
ricular activities.
first in the pole vault, and Bob
East Lansing, Michigan, claims pus is that of HORATIO NEWGrandy, who took second in the
our next prospective Fiji, PHILIP HALL, Jr., of Framingham, Massa
shot put. The chapter was awarded HAHN HENDERSON, a twenty- chusetts, whose airline venture
a trophy for the cross country one-year-old veteran who served as gained him much publicity.
championship and the individual a radar repairman in the army.
Council and social chairman of
winners were awarded ribbons for His scholastic interest here is in
Hinsdale House, East Quadrangle,
their performances.
dustrial-mechanical engineering ...
Wrestling, Too
and graduation plans are for 1948.
Another highlight on the sports
From Haddonfield, New Jersey,
calendar was the Interfraternity to the campus of the University of
wrestling meet in which the Fijis Michigan comes ERVIN RICHARD
garnered a second place. Point HURST,Jr., where his non-scholas
scorers for the Phi Gamma Delta tic interests are chiefly house
squad were Glenn Neff, Marty sports and the Michigan Daily.
Cranston, and Jim Kirk, runner-up.
Prospective cage stars we have
in that brother duo, the KISTLERS,
New Sports For Spring
is the title possessed by pledge
PATTERSON, from Birmingham,
Michigan, also the son of an Alpha
Phiji sire. Pat's extra-curricular
interest prior to college days cen
tered on journalistic activities, and
he intends to pursue that interest
Possessing a proud record of
With the advent of spring our from Grand Haven, Michigan, who having graduated third in a class
thoughts soon turn to the baseball despite the striking "look-alike- of five hundred at Bedford High
diamond, another track meet, and ness" are not twins. The elder, School in Detroit is STUART CURJOHN J., Jr., is enrolled in the
(see 25 STRONG, p. 4)
to golf and tennis.
\r\nPage Four
April, 1947
George Irwin, '43, now a young years in the Navy with duty as
Quincy, Illinois, businessman, prom supply officer for the portable har
inent in musical affairs and civic bor in the invasion of Normandy.
and service organizations, was an He now has two children, William
nounced recently as the Quincy H. and Janet Riggs.
"young man of the year."
George, who was "E" at "707"
in 1942-43, is assistant secretary
and treasurer of the Quincy Paper
company. His civic work in Quincy
included organizing the Quincy
chamber music ensemble, Quincy
choral society, and the Quincy civic
Erie Kightlinger, Jr., '33, is now
practicing law in Indianapolis, In
diana, is married and has one
daughter. He met and talked with
Bob Finn, '34, one day last fall and
exchanged notes on other Alpha
John C. Thom, '38, is living in
Tuckahoe, New York, and is the
father of three boys, William J.
Thom,five years old, John C. Thom,
IV, three years old, and Steven B.
Thom, eight months.
Brother Forrest Evashevski, '41,
has returned to the area where he
gained nation-wide football fame.
"Evie" is now backfield coach at
Michigan State College under "Big
gie" Munn, former University of
Henry Mahon, '43E, is working Michigan line mentor.
band. He is also active in the
Community Chest and Welfare for the Aerojet Engineering Corp
Council, Boy Scouts and other oration in California as a chemical
"Here on campus besides study
engineer. He relates he is still
ing, I'm on the swimming team and
single but is trying to correct this
work at the art school," quotes
Henry J. Cawthra, '37E, of De
troit, reports that he, along with
Kenneth Vance, '16, and T. A.
Davenport, '25, are all active sail
Two former residents of "707"
His main thought is getting into
Medical school in the near future.
who now reside in Schenectady,
ors in the Detroit River Fleet.
A former ski trooper in the
New York, and work for General
Davenport is currently Commodore
Electric are Hicks Waldron, Jr., Tenth Mountain Division is DON
of the Detroit River Yachting As
'44E, and Vic Peterson, '43E.
ALD F. TODD of Ionia, Michigan.
He anticipates joining the "Ensian"
Stanley Betz,'32, is raising three photography staff.
Harvey Clarke, '39, is set up in
his own law office in Spokane, children, Susan, Stu, and Karen, in
A member of the Army Air
Washington, after spending four the fine San Gabriel, California, Forces since March, 1941, is ED
climate. He likes it out there but
still misses the football games in
hails from Kalamazoo, Michigan.
(Cont'd from p. 2)
Ann Arbor.
From there he entered Kala
and featuring the animal counter
mazoo college where he played
parts of Rabbit Maranville, Ducky
frosh football and was vice-presi
Medwick, Jimmy Foxx, etc.
(Cont'd from p. 3)
dent of his freshman class. He
The house now operates an annex
boasting a beautiful housemother
TIS RANKIN who on the athletic
of fairly recent vintage and rooms
field won letters in football and
for twenty-eight Fijis.
Ted Greer, hockey
captain in
1944, was back carving up the ice
Of Lakewood, Ohio, we
graduates in Business Administra
tion in 1948.
Another resident of Detroit and
of the Class of 1949 is W. WEBB
have WILSON. His extra-curricular ac
for Vic Heyliger's puck squad this ORIN CRANDALL ROGERS, III. tivities in high school centered
A man of many interests and ac about football and basketball. His
past season. Ted was also Commo
dore of the Sailing Club for .the tivities he became best known for interest in the court game contin
his organizing ability at West ues in Ann Arbor.
past year.
Hal Walters has been appointed Lodge as social and athletic di
Of nearby Birmingham we have
rector and treasurer of the Wil
Secretary of the Union, a position
he held just a year ago. "Mouse" low Run Dance committee since
whose contemplated college activi
is also president of the senior class
ties include radio, dramatics, and
in the Engineering school, while is also a Fiji.
DICK RUSSELL from Evanston,
Brother George Spaulding is Tau
is enrolled in the L. S. &
Bete and president of the Engi
neering Council to complete Fiji A. college. Class of 1950.
An expectant journalist of the
domination of the slide rulers.
Vulcans, Senior Engineering hon Class of 1950 is EUGENE "Potsy"
or society, presided over by George LYNN RYAN, from Caro, Michi
His graduation plans are
for 1949.
L'anse, Michigan, is a musician.
At high school he obtained musical
strains from the oboe and the clari
Spaulding, includes Bob Allen, Bob gan. His time spent in the army net and these skills will not suffer
Grandy, Hal Walters, Ted Greer, was divided between ASTP and the disinterest at Michigan if Don has
his way before donning cap and
Ralph Chubb, and Hank Fonde, infantry,
practically a quorum.
gown in 1950.
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April 1947 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.