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1947 December Newsletter Lambda Nu (University of Nebraska)
December 1947 newsletter of the Lambda Nu chapter at the University of Nebraska. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Lambda Nu
University of Nebraska
1947 December Newsletter Lambda Nu (University of Nebraska)
VOL. 1, NO. 2
Fiji Pig Dinner Is Success
Class Reunions
Spotlight Evening
The Grand Ballroom of the Hotel Lin
coln was the scene of the annual
Lambda Nu Pig Dinner on November 7.
Starting at six o'clock on the dot, the
Fiji alums, actives and pledges gath
ered in the spacious dining hall for the
mighty feast. After the punch bowl had
been drunk dry and everyone concerned
was feeling merry, the band seated
themselves at the diamond-shaped ban
quet table. The pledge class was seated
in the center where they had to be
on their good behavior.
The gay and festive scene jjictured above is the annual Lambda Nu Norris
Pig Dinner which was held in the ballroom of the Lincoln Hotel, November 7th.
Duane Demaree Elected
to Fill Pledge Presidency
Duane Demaree, Norfolk, is the newly
elected pledge president for the class
of '51. Attending Norfolk Junior College
during his freshman year, Duane trans
ferred to Nebraska and is now doing
junior work in the College of Arts and
Sciences. He is a psychology major, and
is a prominent member on the intra
mural bowling team.
Serving as secretary-treasurer is
Wayne Eisenhart, brother of six Fijis.
Wayne is from Culbertson, and is a
freshman in Teachers' College. He is
the records set by previous classes and
high expectations are predicted for
these neophytes in Fijiland.
William Zinn ('44) of Sioux
City, Iowa, passed away in that
city during; the latter part of
His passing
('42), Purple Legionnaire, concluded
the speeches with a talk on the fi
nancial condition of the house. He re
vealed to one and all that our mortgage
will be burned at our next Pig Dinner
in 1948.
shock for he had apparently re
covered from an illness which
a member of the intramural football
and basketball team, and plans to teach
necessitated the completion of
his university work at Tucson,
history or physical education as a pro
We trust the rich legacy of
good will and human kindness
The pledge class voted unanimously
for their two officers, and should well
be proud of their capable leaders.
Duane and Wayne, as well as the pledge
class, are doing a fine job of upholding
The sumptuous repast was climaxed
when two Fiji-islanders clad in native
garb entered the portals and pranced
about the hall with the "King for the
night" who was rather humorous with
a huge red apple in his mouth. (We
strongly suspect the "natives" were
our Brothers Cover and Gwynn, but
there's no proof). Pledge C. Lyle Bohs
('51) was honored as being the young
est pledge attending. Brothers Harold
Peterson ('23) and Bill McGeachin
('02) officiated at the pledge worship
of his Lordship.
The alums who attended, some sixtyodd in number, then paid their respects
to His Majesty. Many of them delivered
short talks of gratitude while others
gave their thanks in silence and dignity.
After the banquet, entertainment was
given for the enjoyment of all by a group
of local performers and a magical pre
sentation was given by pledge John
Carson ('51).
Brother Bill McGeachin gave a short
and interesting talk of early days at
which he left will bind us into
a common friendship
years ahead.
After the dining and wining was fin
ished, many of our brothers got together
to talk over old friends and rehash old
events. Long and loud was the merry
making and it soon transferred to the
where some of the brothers amused
themselves in various ways.
Brother Gus Swanson ('43) is to be
congratulated for the fine work he did
on the entertainment and on the work
of the banquet in general.
(Continued on page 4)
A Word From John
Many alums who have returned to
to find
there are nearly 150 Phi Gams in school
at Nebraska. This is not a permanent
condition, but one which will be re
lieved in a relatively short time.
The chapter remained active dur
ing the war and with the return of the
veterans, the result was of course an
oversized and not too well integrated
organization. Close examination of this
problem shows that immediate reduc
tion in numbers was impossible. To in
sure a good chapter in future years new
blood must be added with each pledge
class. Last year 25 men were initiated
and next spring we anticipate initiat
ing a similar if not slightly larger num
ber. On the opposite end of the scale
six men graduated and in addition ten
did not return to school. This puts us
at our peak in numbers. During this
and the following school year, gradua
tion and other reasons will take at least
100 men from our present number.
Several boys are still in service, who
will return, but in the fall of 1949 there
will be at best only 50 of the present
members in school. Next fall's pledge
class may be added to this number and
the membership in the active chapter
will total from 60 to 75 men.
It must be pointed out that' this is
speculative prediction, since men
will leave school for reasons other than
graduation and their numbers cannot
be estimated.
I wish to make it known to the alums
of this chapter that our goal is not to
maintain a house of well over 100 men,
but one of 60 members in what we deem
to be a more desirable organization.
John H. Binning ('45)
Phi Gams Win First in Homecoming...
Float Takes Second Place in Parade
Homecoming week-end was a smash
ing success for Lambda Nu of Phi
Gamma Delta. After long weeks of
work on Homecoming decorations, the
judges decided that ours was head and
shoulders above the rest. We are now
the proud possessors of the gold cup
for the best decorations.
framework two stories high and as
wide as the chapter house. This was
covered with crepe paper for the back
ground. In front of the grandstand was
a ten foot Cornhusker man in a ticket
In front of the Cornhusker man was
the silhouette of a large crowd of gap
ing men and boys earnestly watching
the stage. On each side of the stage
were signs which read "See the Kansas
Kan-Kan" and "Don't Miss the K. U.
On the stage were six Jayhawkers
with grass skirts and leis. The 'Hawks
swayed and shimmied with the music
provided by the loudspeaking system.
Above the "girls" was the slogan
"Watch Them Play, Watch Them Sway"
which carried out the general theme,
"They'll Dance to Our Tune". During
the day and night a record made by
pledge John Carson ('51) urged the
crowd to "see the little lassies". John
ston ('49) who was assisted by Brother
Schirmer ('46).
The float, which was under the di
rection of pledge Carter Iddings ('51),
was judged the second best in the pa
rade. It was a large battleship over
thirty feet in length. The battleship
proudly bore the name "U. S. S. Ne
braska". Behind the huge craft was a
tiny row boat which represented Kan
sas University.
Here is the prize-winning Homecoming decoration for 1947. Hip-shaking
music and a barker's come-on supplied local color. The float won second place
in the Homecoming parade.
Lambda Nu Today, Phi Gamma Delta, a monthly publication publiction published by the fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta, Lambda Nu
chapter, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Jerry Johnston ('49)
John Binning ('45)
Allen T. O'Conner ('42)
William Moorhouse ('49)
Robert Jordan ('49)
Don Lee Bloom ('51)
Jack Schirmer ('46)
Mrs. Mae Minier
Special Features
Advisory Editor
Photography Editor
Feature Editor
News Editor
Re-Write Editor
Society Editor
Things have been buzzing at the
chapter house since the first issue of
your fraternity paper.
There have been pin hangings—not
all of them develop any further—but
for the
The formal, engagements are: Tottie
Fiddock and Ralph Stewart, with a
wedding date set for Nov. 22; Doris
Frahm to John Binning, chapter prexy;
and June Hemphill to Ralph Cowles.
The informal engagements:- Jo Ann
Srb and Richard C. Kuhl, Peggie
Lawrie and Jack Schirmer, Lee Hop
kins and Jim Malowney, Violet Townsend to Bruce McMichael, Donna Beth
Wagner to Jack Holbrook, Jeanette
Tomsik to Mick Putney, Myrtis Evelyn
Rider to George Kurk, and Donna
Peters and Graham Jones.
The bird with the long bill has not
been neglectful, and as a result, the fol
lowing report: just by chance I heard
"Len'^ E, Hurtz
Is Aksarben King
Leonard E. Hurtz ('03) reached the
pinnacle of social and business success
by being crowned King of Ak-Sar-Ben
in Omaha, October 24, amidst regal
pomp and splendor. Brother Hurtz
" played his-part well.
Len Hurtz entered Nebraska Univer
sity in the fall of 1898. Following a
year's absence, he returned in 1901, and
graduated in June, 1903. While an un
electrical engineering, was an officer
in the cadet battallion, and served as
steward of Phi Gamma Delta.
The entire chapter is proud
of his
success and extends it's heartiest con
Van Sant Is Officer
of Chicago Bank
Kenneth F. Van Sant ('31) was re
cently elected a vice-president of the
Chicago Terminal National Bank.
Before coming to the bank he served
at the Chicago Assocation of Commerce
and Industry. He also served as a naval
■officer in the South Pacific during the
Brother Van Sant is a graduate of the
■College of Business Administration and
served as the first director of the Stu
dent Union.
While an undergraduate, Kenneth
Van Sant was steward of the chapter
and upon graduation he became Purple
Legionnaire for Lambda Nu.
mont have been the doting parents of
a little daughter this past four months.
From Rockville, Md., Helena and
John Vogler wrote that John Rollings
Jr. had taken up residence with them
as of Sept. 22.
The Derrill Harlans' card has a tiny
one attached, that of William Rufus
Harlan 11, with an arrival date of July
19. The young gentleman's mother is
the former Mary Ellis, sister of the
three Fiji Ellis boys of Deadwood,
Hills, Pa.
Barbara and Jifn Chatt opened their
little Michael
on June
Their son has
something in common with Harlan in
that he has two uncles and a greatuncle who are Fijis, while the Harlan
heir has three uncles on his maternal
side who are Lambda Nu boys.
Arriving at Lincoln General Hos
pital on Sept. 26 was Warren Russell
Jr. with Mamma and Papa Killian a
welcoming committee.
Kenneth Ellis, special agent for Pa
cific Mutual Life Insurance Company
at Deadwood, S. D., regrets his inabil
ity to attend this year's pig dinner
years and 6 months just won't permit
a vacation at this time.
Kennth Ei'senhart is located
in Salt
Lake with an Architect and Engineers
firm and was married last May.
John Carr is registered in the Uni
versity of Arizona and is working on
his M. A. in English.
Lt. Col. Stanley G. Reiff of Omaha
left recently by plane for Japan where
he will be stationed for some time.
H. Stephen King's (Steve to most
of us) picture adorns the cover of the
"La Jollan", a California news-maga-
According to AL ♦,
This, the second issue of Lambda
Nu To-Day, is being published after
one of the most successful Homecom
ing week-ends that Phi Gamma Delta
has ever seen at the University of Ne
braska. The Pig Dinner, attended by
over two hundred alums, pledges, and
actives was pleasing to all, even to the
extent of breaking even financially,
which has not always been true in the
. Winning first place for the house
decorations and second place for our
float in the Homecoming parade cer
tainly showed that the artistic ability
and careful planning of Jerry John
ston ('49) was completely supported
by the entire house. Let us hope we
can do as well next year.
I am certainly pleased with the re
sponse the alumni has shown in our
paper. It is actually true that we have
had responses from coast to coast.
Steve King ('24) from La Jolla, Cali
fornia, sent us an interesting article
about his home town and his famous
eatihg establishment. Ed Harvey ('02),
one of Lambda Nu's founders, wrote
from Portland, Oregon, as did Jim
Whitney ('10), the Executive Secretary
of the Episcopal Church, New York.
Thanks also for the many, many other
letters giving us encouragement and ad
vice, and telling us where many of
our "missing" alums are located.
Everyone will be pleased to know that
Bill Aitken ('18) from Lincoln has con
sented to head the committee for our
50th anniversary celebration of the
founding of Lambda Nu. All of you
know that whatever Bill does, is well
done. The hotel reservation has been
zine with a most interesting story and
desci'iption of a unique and highly
made for the next fall's Homecoming
week-end (both Friday and Saturday)
successful business adventure—La Jol-
and it will be a week-end you all
should not miss. Keep your eyes peeled
for future editions of the paper which
will keep you well informed of the
plans for our 50th anniversary.
la's Fancy Pantry, the town's only dis
tributor of the finest and queerest of
the foods and liquors of the world.
Should you want Diamondback rattle
snake meat, canned snails or French
A1 O'Conner
Li'sted below is a complete roster of
our missing alums. If you know the
whereabouts of any of them please
drop a line to Bill Moorhouse, 1425 R
St. He is in charge of the alum files
and he needs co-operation from all of
you. Whether you can give us the loca
tion of one or one-hundred your help
Hogerson, Carl W
Hoist, Richard . ..;
Horton, Richard S
Iddings, Harry G
Isgrig, Chester T
Jones, Alfred K
Keeley, Gerald
Keil, Carl R
King, D. S
Klein, J. Alan
Some were written about, hut the ad
dresses were incorrect, so please write Kuns, John H
us again.
f rLarson, Auldwin
,Larson, Wallace T
Adams, Samuel Eugene
Allen, John G
Anderson, L. H
Armitage, Clinton M
Bauer, Elmer
Billings, J. Earl
Bocken, Donald H
Brazelton, Paul E
Brown, Burnham H
Brown, Sam
Bryson, Albert E. Jr
Burg, Orville W
Burkett, John K
Cameron, John 1
Cameron, Max Leo
Carlson, Arthur B
Churchill, Chas. W
Coates, Ralph W
Conover, H. A
Cramer, Dwight 1
De Wolf, Oliver
Dunn, Robert O
Eames, Laurence O
Fordyce, H. T
France, George W
Fullhrook, H. O
Gaughey, Grand G
'27^ ^Latta,
Arthur J
? * Lee, Charles
Ahlstrand, J. C
Glassgow, Wesley Jonas
Grote, Herbert E
Hamilton, William F
Harding, Rex R
Harris, Robert L
Henderson, M. L
Heaton, E. Roy
Hitchcock, Scott V
will he appreciated. Some of these
names are repeated from the last issue.
Lefler, Charles M
Machamer, T. Jefferson
Maddox, H. M
Madler, Albert, Jr
Martyn, Homer M
Mattison, E. C
McCormick, Dwight E
Meyers, Louis "Dutch"
Mick, Benjamin
Miller, Hugh B
Mitchell, T. D
Moore, B. L. .
Murphy, Herbert
Newton, John A
O'Brien, William P
Otten, William P
Paddock, Richard B
Parriet, Tynan A
Peters, Clarence
Petersen, Charles C
Planner, John A
Peterson, Carl
Pollock, Don F
Powell, Ralph
Procter, P. W
Ranger, Morris S
Rau, Clyde V
Roberts, R. M
Rogue, Edward
Rubrecht, Kenneth
Ruggles, A. G
Schiefer, Ted
Schneckloth, Roland E
Seidell, F. M
Shaver, George O
Shubert, Harold C
Spencer, Merlin
Stanley, Capt. E. D
Steadman, Harold
Strum, Ralph M
Sturno, R. J
Summers, Clarence E., Lt.
Swanson, Warren M
Taylor, Dale
Thornburg, John C
Tillotson, Allen Walter
Ure, William G
Van Sant, Ralph W
Warren, Weldon A
Whalen, John M
Wharton, Henry J
White, Kenneth R
Whiting, Tim R
Wickwire, Ralph R
Williams, D. D
Williams, Joseph B
Williams, William B
Wood, Donald, L
Wykert, Paul V
Young, David K.
Young, N. S.
Young, Richard
Pig Dinner
(Continued from page 1)
other members of the committee in
charge of the proceedings are; Broth
ers "Butch" Schroeder ('48), Leo
Ramer ('48), Jim Goll ('50), Don Hodder ('34), Pat Minier ('35), Grant Reed
('41), A1 O'Conner, and Darrel Hinkle
Mom Minier served a buffet dinner to
the wives of the Phi Gams who at
tended the Pig Dinner. The buffet was
held in the chapter-house and after
wards the ladies enojoyed a few hands
of bridge.
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December 1947 newsletter of the Lambda Nu chapter at the University of Nebraska. The newsletter is four pages in length.