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1948 February Newsletter Theta Deuteron (Ohio Wesleyan University)
February 1948 newsletter for the Theta Deuteron chapter at Ohio Wesleyan University. The newsletter is two pages in length.
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Theta Deuteron
Ohio Wesleyan University
1948 February Newsletter Theta Deuteron (Ohio Wesleyan University)
Theta DeuteroN Star
Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio
Volume 2
Number 4
National Officers of Fraternity
To Attend Initiation, Pig Dinner
House Campaign Bogging'' Down
'Benny' McElroy
Archons Journey
Beloved Teacher,
To Delaware For
Annual Celebration
Fiji, Bie^t 87
President Dalton
Chapter Mourns Loss
Of Man Who Served As
Inspiration To Many
Headlines Speakers
For Feb. 21 Affair
A royal purple day is on
Dr. Benjamin "B e n n y"
McElroy, beloved teacher,
Theta Deuteron's calendar.
Ohio Wesleyan family,
quietly met his Maker Sat
urday morning, Jan. 31, at
nearby Jane Case hospital.
will be the guests of the
chapter at the initiation of
the pledge class in the after
noon and speakers at our
annual Norris Pig dinner in
the evening.
He was 87. Funeral services
held the
"Benny", who had been ill for
Headline speaker of the evening
nearly a month prior to his death,
will be Marshall B. Dalton, of Bos
ton, national president of Phi
Gamma Delta and president of sev
died of complications.
Elroy were held at the RamseyMohr funeral
eral New England insurance com
panies. Our own Phil Ebeling will
do the honors as the symposiarch
with members of the active chap
ter, Ohio Wesleyan faculty mem
bers and a
host of the late min
ister and professor's friends in at-tc.miiL'rvce.
A graduate of Ohio Wesleyan
and a staunch supporter of Phi
Gamma Delta, Dr. McElroy held
the chair of Applied Christian
ity here at Ohio Wesleyan for
25 years when he retired in 1930
at an impressive ceremony.
Prior to
the time he
graduat e d
the time he
returned to
h i s school
to join the
served as a
Metho d i s t
day Is February 21,
1948, for it is on that date
that the eleven national of
ficers of Phi Gamma Delta
P^rlvy this
tnw year is shown m the architect's drawing above.
to get islaching.
Plans arewas
but money
TFIinii' ixmiru^up- wi' dihr lintlin'
phase of the campaign for funds
for the new Phi Gamma Delta
house at Ohio Wesleyan and the
employment of a senior mem
ber of the active chapter to tour
the country next summer to or
ganize new drives in local areas,
are the latest plans announced
by the special alumni commit
tee interested in securing money
for the new house.
siiow a sHarp decrease in con
tributions, with the present pled
ges totalling about 522,000, only
54,000 more than was recorded
when the last issue of the STAR
was published last fall. Of the
522,000 pledged, 514,000 has been
received in cash, with the re
ing the Pig dinner week-end.
Other plans for raising the nec
essary funds will
be discussed
then also.
At the present time, no fur
maining pledges due to be paid
concerning the proposed site of
sometime in the near future.
the new structure.
The planned employment of a
Results of the drive to date
mer will be discussed further
when the committee meets dur
alumni groups during the sum
Plans, how
ever, have been completed for
the building of the
of the annual affair which is ex
pected to draw more than a 150
(returning alumni.
gxTjup ex
pected to return to this year's
dinner chapter (officers announc
ed that the meal will be served
in the Willis high school gym
where all the brothers will be
able to hear and see the speak
Bun's (under Roy's direc.
tion—Brm is off on a year-long
trailer trip throughout the U.
S.) will cater the meal.
The other national officers, in
addition to President Dalton, are
as follows:
Treasurer Herbert Wilson Smith
Two Brothers Are
Tapped By ODK
Fijis Top Scholars
Pledges To Defend
Tiig-of-War Title
On Saturday afternoon, Feb. 21,
the Fiji pledge class will again
tangle with the Delt neophytes in
the annual tug of war across Dish
Lehmann, Sagan In
Leadership Honorary
For Third Semester
Scholarship Cup To
Chapter—For Keeps
(Michigan '10), legal counsel for
the Union Carbide and Carbon Co.
of New York City.
Secretary Abbot P. Mills (Wil
liams '11), prominent Washington
lawyer and onetime third-baseman
for the Cleveland team in the Am
erican League.
A lover of
Senior Councilor Carl C. Cham
Last spring our pledges dampened
The men of Theta Deuteron can
Two men of Theta Deuteron
sports he Dr. B.°L. McElroy
the spirits of the Delts when they be justly proud in the acclaim and bers (Wisconsin '12), president of
was for many years a member of chapter were among six tapped by defeated them in two straight
honor they have bestowed on the the Texas Foundries, Lufkin, Tex
the athletic board of the univers
Omicron Delta Kappa at the an pulls.
nual fall tap day program, held in
By virtue of this feat, a hand
chapel Dec. 5. They were Glenn
chapter through winning perman as. Brother Chambers was the
Field Secretary of Phi Gam
ent possession of the Inter-Ffa- first
Edward's gym.
some trophy now graces the man ternity Scholarship cup. This long ma Delta.
Lehmann, Lakewood, and John tle of Fairbanks Lodge. From all
Junior Councilor Oliver Dibble,
His last appearance before a
coveted and treasured award has
Sagan, Port Jervis, N. Y.
Sr. (Berkeley '99), distinguished
reports, our pledges intend to keep
ity. His portrait today hangs in
university audience was at Home
coming in 1942, while his last, and
one of his most memoriable balks
Cecil J. Wilkinson '17, execu
tive secretary of the fraternity
to the fraternity came on the event
was honored by Xau circle last
at Pig dinner in 1944.
an alumni member. He was iniated at a breakfast held dur
of i.he chapter's 75th anniversary,
Ordained as a Methodist minis
spring when he was tapped as
it there for another year.
found its final resting place adorn
ing the mantel of
Historic Years
ing lalumni week-end.
ter- in 1888, Dr. McElroy was a Lehmann, member of the spring, Did you know . . . that about
pastor at one time of the St. Paul's 1946 pledge class, was elected with 1905 due to a pig dinner incident
Methodist church here in Delaware a major in scholarship, jjg was the year before, only seven men
returned to the active chapter, but
and also held charges in Alexan business manager of
Owl and
dria, Granville, Portsmouth, Lon is now editing that pahlication. He with the help of the local alumni
"got a fine bunch of new men and
don, Broad St. Methodist church
has been a member of the finished up a very successful
in Columbus, and in Ann Arbor, also
student budget committee.
year." John M. Hall '08 writes
He came to Wesleyan in Sagan, with a major in debate, this
bit of interesting information.
The first full academic year
following the war found the race '
being led by the Phi Delts and
Sig Alphs who both held two
legs on the cup. Phi Gams, who"
had one leg, before the war,
came through however, proving
their mettle by leading all fra
ternities for the academic year
1946-47. Thus, we added our
second and third winning semes
ters and were presented at chap
el ceremonies w® scholarship
has been a varsity ebator for H. Jewett Chrisman '32 tells of the
He was a graduate from Wes three years. He has een chair 'dark days' in the '20's and of the laurels accoinpaning the award.
leyan in 1883 at a time when Phi man of the YMCA Chu
Home renaissance which followed with
The cup has bad a long and in
Gamma Delta numbered 15 mem committee, served as irector of such Fijis as Phil Ebeling, 'Scotty' teresting history on the Ohio Wes
bers with rooms on Sandusky St. the Y's freshman cai^, is busi
His wife, Laura Cherrington Mc ness manager of the wi, ^nd is
Elroy, died in 1944.
chairman of the stude
He was
Saville, Chid Mills, Sully Sullivan,
calendar Jacobys' have been described for
eandidate our project by Arthur F. King '12.
Following Dr. McElroy's death for the student-body Presidency He
gives us his list which begins
the fraternity received letters and last spring. He also Ws president
telegrams from friends, students of his pledge class "Uring the with Elias J. Jacoby '81 and ex
tends through fourteen members
and fraternity brothers paying tri spring semester,
of that family. Philip Ebeling, in
bute to one of Theta Deuteron's
Wearers of the
are well- his letter, writes among many
greatest sons. Some of the tri represented in the la
butes received are as follows:
the honorary societyCecil J. "Sooop" Wilkinson '17 active members
executive secretary of the fratern are Fijimen: hrothm
the 14 1927 Theta Deuteron won the cov
and Sanders.
eted Baker Cup for outstanding
social service. This was the first
of four times that such an honor
(Continued on Page 5)
Historian Gilbert W. Mead (Al-
leghney '11), president of Wash
ington College in Chestertown, Md.
and currently chairman of the Na
tional Interfraternity Conference.
Ritualist Loyal A. Shoudy
(Washington '04), chief surgeon
of the Bethlehem Steel Corp. of
Bethlehem, Pa.
Legal Adviser John S.
(City College '08, Columbia '11),
prominent New York lawyer.
Field Secretary Floyd Wilkins,
Jr. (Berkley '48).
Field Secretary Fred L. Dixon
(Colorado '44).
And, of course, our own Execu
Secretary-Editor Cecil J.
Wilkinson (Ohio Wesleyan '17),
the only man in history to have
been chairman of the three nation
al Creek-letter bodies—the Inter
which provided that the cup should
fraternity Conference, the College
each semester to ^hat fraternity
the College Fraternity Secretaries
be awarded temporary possession Fraternity Editors' association and
placing first in
anent possession
be obtain
circle of other interesting facts that in ed by placing as a'^'^ree tune win-
ity.—"I shall never forget "Benny" Druhot, Dutton, Lehm n, Sagan
(Continued on Page 3)
leyan campus. It was originally
obtained in 1939 by the University
and placed with tbe Inter-Praternity Council. Rules were stipulated
San Francisco lawyer.
The officers will hold their quar-
tei'ly meeting at the Hotel Deshler-Wallick in Columbus on Feb
In the intramursyme we picked
up additional tropj^i^es as our upperclass
teams ro"iP^
to success(Continued-"^
ruary 20. An all-Ohio banquet has
been arranged at the Deshler by
the Columbus Fijis on Friday, Feb.
( Continued on Page 3)
\r\nFebruary, 1948
Page Two
Jack Smith, Jr. '47
By Charles B. Mills, '19
Reporting back for active duty on the Wesleyan
campus were scholars, athletes and bridge players. Al
Some day, but don't count on it, we 'are going to have
sufficisht advance notice to dig deep for some alumni
ready hard at work were a score of carpenters, painters
Published senii-annually by the Theta Deuteron Chapter
of the fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta, Ohio Wesleyan Uni
versity, Delaware, Ohio.
and laborers who were busy giving some of our old build,
ings the new look; in fact behind Slocum library a new
temporary classroom building was being constructed to
help accommodate the largest student body in the history
Joe Button, Jack Lee
Printed by The Tri-County News, Plain City, Ohio
outside the city for his wife and children and for not rais
ing anything on it (except children) may receive more
from the government than from the hospital. *** Saw
ministration had hired 36 additional faculty members.
Dean Ficken, acting President, was relieved of some of "Sliv (Harry E) Barr'20 in Delaware notlong ago. He's
his responsibilities by Allen ingraham.
a ClM eland attorney and one of the boys who helped make
Theta Deuteron a good lively chapter in his era. Except
New Profs
To the Psychology department came Mylen Fitzwater
and Hubert Eonner from Ohio State.
President's Message...
I'm reminded of a t-logan that appeared in a research
iaboratory which was used to incite the men working
there to more prolific efforts. The slogan read: "Consider
the turtle, he doesn't make any progress until he sticks
hLs neck out." That is what I intend to do in this article,
for I would like to take this opportunity to bring to the
attention of you, the graduates of our chapter, a feeling
that is prevalent among the undergraduates.
In the not too distant future a great many of you will
be returning to Ohio Wesleyan for our annual Pig Dinner.
It is something that I know I will anticipate w'ith great
expectation in another year, and in the subsequent years
Naturally, the usual question will run
through your mind as you approach Delaware, How many
of my class will be back; I wonder how the chapter is this
year? Is it still on top where we left it? Well, we sin
cerely hope that it is still on top, and by reading this issue
of the Star you can see just what we have accomplished
thus far this year. But there will probably be another
question in your mind also.
I wonder how the house looks. Except for a new coat
of paint and new drapes on the first floor, it will probably
look just the same to you now as it did when you gradu
ated. No, you won't find much change in Fairbanks
Lodge, and it is here that the nucleus of discontent is
arising among the undergraduates of our chapter.
coming a decadent representative.
I imagine that it is difficult for those not dwelling
constantly within the confines of our house to appreciate
the dire necessity of a complete renovation. The impact
of this necessity strikes us with atomic proportions from
the beginning of the school year until the end. Those of
you who have visited the campus since the beginning of
the school year will realize that our competitors have all
done extensive rejuvenation, with the result that their
The Geology de
partment received George Growl from Penn State. Clif.
ford Berg from Luther college and Michigan university
will teach Zoology. Norman Kelly resumed teaching in
the Sociology department. Herbert Hackett, from Redlands and Broderick Johnson from Grove City college are
new'additions to the Journalism department.
Cutchin from the Univer.eity of Kentucky takes over as
freshman football coach. Aiso in the physical education
department is William Daugherty from Rollins college.
Another Ohio State man, Alfred Ferguson with a Ph. D.
from Yale is instructing in English and humanities. Ed
ward Earaty from the University of Michigan is assist
ant professor of German. Twelve teaching fellows were
given and new faces appeared in the library, home eco
nomics department and physical ed. department.
•Vanishing Vets
On campus it was evident from the looks on the faces
of Freshman men that the day of war stories was soon
going to end. The majority of the men in the freshman
class were not veterans. Many of the returning Wesleyan
women were given an old glance as they displayed the
new look. We were all welcomed back by the prosperous
Delaware merchants. While Bun was off on a grand
trailer trip, the Hamburger Inn put on a new face, but
most students nreferred to. drink their coffee in the smoke
filled TUB.
A committee was appointed to revise our old student
government constitution and after working industriously
for many weeks this committee brought forth a revised
document that contained many needed changes. We were
to have a student council that was more directly repre
sentative of the students, which meant fewer political
plums. Provisions were also made for a nominating con
vention and primary elections.
Fiji Robert St. John Speaks
It is true that we are formulating plans for a new
chapter house, but just when our new home will become
a reality is still in the questionable stage. Until it does
become a reality, Phi Gamma Delta will be represented
by FairbanlvS Lodge, and Fairbanks Lodge is rapidly be
The university concert series has been providing outstanding talent such as Andre Marchal, famed French
organist, Eugene List, concert pianist, Dorothy Maynor,
A complete face-lifting would not mean a substantial
loss to the fraternity. New furniture, rugs, desks and
lamps which were purchased intelligently could all be
utilized in our new home together with what old furniture
there would be left. I sincerely hope that all of you will
be extremely critical in your inspection of Fairbanks
Lodge when you return for Pig Dinner. If ixjssible, visit,
the other fraternity houses, and I'm sure that you will
agree with us of the undergraduate chapter that some
thing must be done immediately!—Bill Fraser
In everyone's life there is an individual who has a
profound influence on one's attitude toward life; whether
it be spiritual or through admiration- of that person's ap
proach to life and its insuing problems.
Dr. Benjamin McElroy w£is one of those rare indivi
duals who could surmount any obstacle, and was humble
in any .situation. Since that day back in 1905 when
"Benny" took over his post of professor of Applied Chritianity, he has served as a source of inspiration to hun
dreds of Ohio Wesleyan men and women. He served
faithfully two generations.
He always placed in high esteem his fraternity
his devotion to it. Just a few months ago it was Benny
who, after receiving literature on our drive for a new
house, wrote that inspiring letter to Chid Mills in which
'Benny's" last address to the
chapter came at what he termed "the climax of'my lit®"
Symphony Orchestra.
The Fiji's were proud to see Brother Robert St. John,
author, lecturer and commentor speak in conjunction
with the university sponsored movie-lecture series which
also brought to us Colunmist Dorothy Thompson and athor Lillian Helman. Miss Helman's play. The Little Fox
es, was produced by the Speech department following her
lis, Cornell '42. •*** WiUiam T.Cowden '26, Cleveland, Ohio,
is a broker and always looks prospenous. Better consult
him if you are otherwise. *** The Harry L. Cox '07 family
of Philadelphia had a delightful Thanksgiving. Son Biil
•35, president of the chapter in his day and a mighty good
one, was home with his wife from Geneva, Switzerland.
Bill is in the government ser-vice and was due back in
Switzerland January 2. Otherwise would have been on
hand for the Pig Dinner.
Harry L. "Hap" Dawler '24, Marion, Ohio hoped the
citizens of that fair city would allow him to retire from
the office of mayor this year. They didn't, he's in again.
It is reported that all the Dowler's including John W. '24
and J. Paul '30 voted for him. Fred R. Eckley '09 Tele
phone tycoon of Columbus, Ohio has surrounded himself
with Fijis. Fred D. Leary '28 and Homer Smart '28 are
among them. *** President of the Niagara Corrugated
Container Company, Buffalo, New York is T. R. Edward
•22. He Jiad the nerve to send his son East to College, but
since he's a Fiji at Amherst they erred by only 50%. *"•*
Jiohn W. Ford '18, Harvey, Illinois draws his breath and a
sizable salary from the IngaJ Shepherd Division of the
Wyntian Gordon Company. "Jit" was quite an athlete in
his day bit has a son, John J., who has it all over the old
man. Rush Committee take note. *** John T. Hoffman '28
er Saturday Evening Post salesman to Theta Deuteron in
which house he was very popular while his father, Dr. J.
W. Hoffman, W. & J. Fiji was President of the University.
Brother Hoffman, Sr., who is suffering- from a throat ailbe de
Paul W. Jones '36 who is Director of Public Relations
at Bowling Green University, Bowling Green, Ohio, still
thinks we thould have a chapter up there. He's a terrific
salesman too. *** Brother Maellyar Lichliter '01 is the tiop
man in 33nl Degree Masonry for the Northern Masonic
Jurisdiction, headquarters Statler Hotel, Boston, Mass.
•••' A Marion Fiji is now without his appendix. He decid
ed in a hurry. It was Jay H. Maish, Jr. '43. His father,
Jay H. Sr. '18, stood outside the operating room in which
We Win A Homecoming Game
Another famed Wesleyan tradition was revived when
the OWU chorus composed of the A Cappella Choir, Wo
men's and Men's Clee clubs and the symphony orchestra
gave an excellent rendition of Handel's Messiah for the
tirst time since 1941. While old traditions were being re
vived four hundred eager beavers crawled out of bed to
inaguarate a new tradition. The Dawn Dance. Many ques
tion the sanity of such a tradition.
Homecoming was a grand affair as many alumni who
had not returned for years came back to visit and witness
the Bishops defeat the Case eleven, seven to nothing. It
was good to ail Fiji's to watch the familiar figure of num
end. Theta Deuteron was overcrowded with busy alumni
but the food and coffee held out as evidenced by the fact
that Phil Ebeling had enough to eat.
Coach Fraser piloted the Bishops to the completion
of a highly successful season on the gridiron. Our team
won .six games, lost two and held Ohio U. to a tie. The
cross-country team sparked by Quent Brelsford, contin
Brother Fred Merchant '33 was doing the successful carv
Richard D. Marting '34 of Portsmouth, Ohio had one
of thoce knee twisting ailments visit him recently and has
suffered severely from it. *•** Brother Norman V. Peale
'20, New York's top flight clergyman, broke into the news
again. This time arrayed in a hunting jacket and a cap
which looked like freshman days, he has a brace of wild
geese under his arms and according to a friend who sent
us the picture—looked like a gander himself. *** General
Manager of Peckinpaugh Metals of Cleveland, Ohio is
Ralph L. Peckinpough '42. He and his father both playeii
baseball. *** The only clinical laboratorian on the Theta
Deuteron roster i.s Charles J. Rosebrook '22. We are in
debted to the directory for the Ipgh sounding terms.
"June" is doing nobly.
One of
Brother William B. Stewart '98, passed away recently but
not before he had sent a check to Brother Ebeling for the
new chapter house. *** President of the always giood chap
ter at Denlson University is the son of Francis Sutherin
'17 of Bedfordj Ohio. Why don't you Denison ahunni fur
nish youriown presidents?
One of the most frequently
heard names in radio and as premier announcer on the
March of Time News Reel, is D-wight W. Weist, Jr., '31.
*** Still in the W's we give you for the final curtain Bro
ther John W. WilUins '38, physician at Covington, Cjhio
and father of three small children who are even hand
somer than their grandfather, Brother Lee Wilkins 'Q6.
ued to rate high by capturing all of their meets but one
and placed ninth in the Nationals. Getting off to a slow
start but now coming into their stride is the Wesleyan
Quintet. They polished off the highly rated team from
Baldwin-Wallace recently and this victory should en
courage them to be one of the best teams Wesleyan has
ever had.
Fatality Section (Or For Better Or For Worse)
Proving that the Fiji's have been busy men on campus
and elsewhere, this list of pinnings and engagements and
marriages is proof. The following brothers parted with
their pins: George Sternad to Sue Salsbuary, Kappa Ed
Bootes to Betty Bodenheimer, Alpha Clii; Bob Kutscher
to Jane Nelson; John Buckly to Lois Chase; Dave Shultz
to Midge Sherwood; Ed Stoyanoff to Nancy Wade.
when he pinned the black diamond on the breast of his
Mid Black, Kappa received a diamond from Bill FrazerMarge Middleton, Kappa from Dwight Griswold; Cynthia
height of the last World War.
Purdum from Bob Lewis: Marge Pickett Pi Phi
"Benny" is not the type that comes along every
eration. The trouble with the world today can probably
be summed up in the .statement that there just aren't
enough "Benny" McElroy's at work. His life was an i""
spiration to those who knew him . . .may his memorv serve
John Sagan.
as a steadying influence on those who follow.
Carolyn Robertson, Chi Omega.
grandson Ray Druhot '48 in a cold improvised chaptm"
room over the Blair-Kelly furniture store during the
Near the top of the Statler Hotel Chain is Brother H.
B. Callis '14. He has charge of all Statler Real Estate and
is Vice-president of the corporation, office 18th Floor
Pennsylvania Hotel, New York Qty in case you can't find
a room. *** Another Fiji in the family is Edward C. Cal
lighted to hear from any of the brethren.
ber 44, Ray Exum as he played an excellent game at right
Benny McElroy . . .
i.s Loyal with a capitol "L".
inent, lives at San Marino, California and would
on Public Affairs."
responded generously to calls from Theta Deuteron. He
noted contralto, and the program will continue to bring
that could be held in our house at present would be a barn
petus for rush parties and any social event has been lost
head of the Department of Religion at Allegheny College,
Meadville Penna. As a minister and professor, "Bucky"
ha.s never been in the hign income bracket but has always
famous musicians to our campus until the season is con
cluded in April with a performance by the Minneapolis
and understandably .so. The only appropriate social event
homes can no longer be referred to as antiquated mon
strosities. They have homes, we have a structure. The im
for no bow tie, he's as good as Sinatra *'**• At the close of
academic yeai. Brother Irwin R. Beiler '14 will retire as
IS an attorney at Temple City, California. He's the form
Entertainment was varied and .successful
In November and December Ohio Wesleyan played
host to two important conferences. Dr. Ben Arneson was
instrumental in bringing to the campus Theodore McKeldin, former Baltimore Mayor, who was the principle
speaker as Ohio Political scientists assembled for a state
wide meeting desinged to further "Citizen Participation
he pledged his support.
Pathologist m the City Hospital at Rockford, Illinois
is Marshall O. Alexander '33. He acquired a small farm
of the school. To instruct this body of students the ad-
that follow.
news instead of relying upon the drippings. But here goes
W'ith something:
Baker, Gamma Phi from Harold "Red" McAdow'; Marily
Taking the fatal step this summer were Ed Wern
Chapter History
The history of Theta Deuteron
is now being compiled. If the
chronicle is to be complete and
accurate, all information avail
able must be included. Send any
stories or reports you may have to
135 N. Franklin
Delaware, Ohio
and Sue Sherlock, Phi Phi Pledge, JohnGardner and Rut^
Ann Kendall, Pi Phi, Chuck Kneen and Alice Crago D u
Zeta, Dick Croft and Lois Johnston, Herb Bennett ^
(p ^ re.
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February 1948 newsletter for the Theta Deuteron chapter at Ohio Wesleyan University. The newsletter is two pages in length.