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1948 March Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
March 1948 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Alpha Phi
University of Michigan
1948 March Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
*7i4e AlfUui PlUj4> J^ewd
University of Michigan Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
New Series, Vol. XII
Number 2
Class of'37 and Many More Anticipate Pig Dinner
Yes, Class of '37, and all j'ou classes of Alpha Phi before or after '37, we've been
waiting for you to return to 707 Oxford for a long time. Ken Stevens, regent, Wilbur
Brucker, former Michigan Governor, and George Irwin are among those who have writ
ten that they will be here. Why don't you have your class reunion this year at the
Pig Dinner !
Piff Captured For Annual Dinner
Mothers Storm
"House On The Hill'
Pig Dinner date has been changed. The date of this year's Pig
The headline may be a trifle op
Dinner definitely has been set for May 15th instead of May 8th, timistic but that's what we hope
with the proceedings scheduled to cover the whole week-end.
will happen when the Fijis throw
Mothers' House Party, May
The immortal Pig will see the best day of its life May 15th at
8th and 9th, Mothers' Day week
6:00 p.m. in the Masonic Temple on South Fourth Avenue.
An invitation is extended to you to be here for the whole
Mothers always wonder just how
shebang . . . from Friday until Sunday . . . and we'll do our best their sons live when they are away
to show you a real Fiji welcome.
from home. I don't mean to infer
the Friday arrivals there will be plenty of activities on tap. Golf,
that they go to sleep nights won
dering if Junior hung up his trous
Softball or just getting used to Ann Arbor again.
ers when he took them off
The motto this year is "a good time for all, all week-end." For
night, but, just the same, they
In order to shorten the length of the banquet Saturday night, wonder about their sons!
the business meeting will follow Saturday's luncheon at 707 Oxford. Stop wondering. Mothers! This
After the meeting, the party will head out to Bear Mountain year we have the answer, a week
for baseball and beer.
When everyone has picked up a few sore muscles from exercis
ing, the mob will head back to town in preparation for the dinner.
end house party for all the Fiji
Mothers who can get to 707 Ox
ford Road to see how their sons
As yet speakers have not been named for the banquet. How
Your sons are planning a real
ever, it is quite certain that "Daddy" Riggs will be present to honor
and are even ready to make
the pig and there certainly must be a "youngest" member in this
some supreme sacrifices for the
After the Pig has heen well disposed of, the dinner list signed, affair. Various portraits will be
and the cigars lighted, the Fijis will return to the house for the hidden from view, the windows
(see MOTHERS, p. 2)
rest of the evening's entertainment.
year's active chapter to carry out our end of the ceremony.
\r\nPage Two
The Alpha Phiji News
March, 1948
Published quarterly by the Al
pha Phi Chapter of Phi Gamma cited in 1946 by the state of Michi '26, Editor of the Michigan Daily
Delta, 707 Oxford Road, Ann Ar gan for twenty-five years of serv while on campus, is associated with
bor, Michigan, for its alumni and ice in state and national high school the law firm of JMiller, Canfield,
Keith Jordan and
athletics. Brother Forsythe is now
Paddock and Stone and continues
to write articles for legal periodi
Dick Hurst
HAL CASE "Whit" WHITTEpassed away March 7, 1944, due
Pat Patterson j to a stroke of apoplexy.
MORE, '42, is Secretary and Com
EARLE A. "Goody" GOODE- missioner of the East Ann Arbor
NOW, '09, is the owner of Preci Planning Commission. During the
sion Industrial Service out in Ok war Whit picked up the DFC, the
Round About "707"!
The Michigan Union
with Fijis this year.
lahoma City, Oklahoma. At pres Air Medal with six clusters, and
is loaded ent Earle has a son at Yale while four battle stars while with the
son George is a Fiji from the Uni
and Keith Jordan
Kathleen Anne of Chicago is the
versity of Texas.
are both members of the Execu
WILLIAM S. "Mac" McCORM- brand new daughter of MR. and
tive Council, Bob directing cam ICK, '12, the law librarian of the MRS. JAMES BALLARD HEND
pus affairs and Keith taking care Detroit Bar Association Library ERSON as of December 21, 1947.
of social activities.
and author of "The William McRecently awarded keys by the Cormick Papers" died March 23,
A mimeographed alumni address
Union for outstanding contribu 1946.
list is available upon request.
tion to Union committees during
EDWIN J. "Hap" MERCER,'13,
the semester were Phi Gams John
wearer of the Knights of the Crown
Lindquist, Jim Kistler, Bill Curry, (Italy), and the silver oak leaf
and Daisy Coenen.
of a Lieutenant Colonel in the mil
Howie DeMallie is a Vice-Presi-
(Cont'd from p. 1)
itary government during World
dent of the Union this semester.
War II has returned to his law
Dave Leyshon is chairman of the practice in the Dime Building, will be washed, the floors swept; in
Union Opera "Mimes" which he Detroit.
fact, the whole house will get the
hopes to revive on campus in the
WILLIAM K. "Bill" LOVER- cleaning of its life before the big
near future.
ING, '17, writes that son, George
Fred Woodward, unanimously
Glen Neff is a co-captain of the K., also a Fiji, recently graduated
Michigan gymnastic team. The from Wisconsin. Bill's address is chosen "the lad most successful at
sport had been refused varsity still 326 College Ave., De Kalb,
recognition for a number of years, Illinois.
but regained its varsity status
H. WILLIS "Bill" HEIDBREDthis year. Glenn's specialties are ER, '23, manager of the Metro
the flying rings and the parallel politan Life of Traverse City is
busy with Rotary, Country Club,
and Elks these days. Recently he
Alpha Phi will be the host for was the director of the Chamber
the annual convention of Section
of Commerce
having a mother," is in charge of
the all-important committee. Plans
are still in a preliminary stage,
but the contemplated program
reads something like this . . .
Saturday afternoon, after the
arrival and unpacking is com
pleted, a guided tour of Ann Ar
Chest bor is scheduled. Campus highspots, the stadium, and other points
VIII, April 24-25. A list of speak drive.
ers is not yet available but it is
CHARLES S. PRATT, '23, an of interest will be included plus
hoped that some of the national other of our Chicago lawyers, is requests that the Mothers might
officers will be present.
wondering how many brothers
Dinner at the house is planned
realize he is now a family man—
the evening with the afterKeith Jordan is a member of
Carolyn Starbuck being born July
dinner period left open for the
Sphinx, junior honorary society, 25 1946.
mothers and sons to do as they
General Chairman of this year's
production of Michigras, and a '25, Vice President and Secretary wish.
A big breakfast is scheduled for
member of the senior ball com of the V. W. Clement Company,
wrote that he will try to be here
Informal initiation was held for at Pig Dinner time.
the fall pledge class the week of
February 28th, and the following Sutherland, Bob Brungraber, John
men were formally initiated into Donaldson, and Dick Precious.
the fraternity: Bill Upthegrove, Coffee (with cream) is seven
Chuck Norwood, Dick McWilliams, cents at the Union.
Jim Ebersole, Dave Thomas, A1
Jackson, Dean Barnard, George
not-too-early the
then Church for the mothers and
sons, and after Church a real Fiji
feast to climax the week-end.
It looks like quite a program
even in its infant- state and we're
hoping that all the Fiji mothers
The house scholastic average was will be able to attend to virtually
storm the "house on the hill."
2.46 last semester.
\r\nMarch, 1948
Phi Gams Excel In
Page Three
Take Your Mark—
Orchids To Michigan For
Versify, l-M Sporfs
Two Conference Titles
Fiji Herb Barten, Big Nine 880
Before finals the Fiji wrestlers champ and co-holder of the Con- For the first time since 1931 one
picked up a considerable stack of ference 880 record, is kicking up Western Conference team has won
points as they placed second in the cinders again this year.
both the football and basketball
inter-fraternity wrestling matches.
unusually versatile runner, championships.
BobSpiegeLVernJudd. Bob Heath,
the '48 squad,
^wo short years ago Michigan s
Marty Cranston (now a member of
the Michigan Jayvees), and Dick
tes in any event from the
up-and he usually wins.
P^'cn'^al cellar dwellers,
McWilliams (230 -pound
^ ,
but this year they are on top of
weight) carried the house into the the
, country
season, e oo " on
s best in the Knights
place position.
had won a Big Western Conference
title previous to this season was in
Both the "A" and "B" basket
ball teams earned places in the
1929 and the last time that they
fraternity play-offs by capturing
first place honors.
Looping in points
, had finished as high as third place
was in 1937. Basketball at Michi
most con
gan was starving to death.
In order to remedy the situation,
Ozzie Cowles, veteran coach who
sistently for the high flying "A"
team have been Jim
of Indiana
Nine heap.
the Wolverines
The last time
had compiled a fabulous record at
Dartmouth, was lured to Michigan.
Cowles lost no time proving that
his fine record in Ivy League cir
cles was no fluke. He took the old
and Johnny Kistler, 6-foot 2-inch
pivot man.
Jim Kistler, John's younger bro
ther, and Tom Emerson, another
Hoosier, have been the point get
material, added a little new stuff,
ters for the Phi Gam Junior Var
and turned out a pretty fair club.
His team didn't win the title, in
In the recent 880 - yard
fact, it didn't even finish in the
staged annually by the Intramural
department, the Fijis captured the
third place position. Dick Precious,
first division, but it did play bas
ketball that showed signs of be
coming better basketball.
This year's Big Nine winner was
last year's team with a lot more
John Lindquist, Dave Thomas, and
Art Mancl toted the baton for the
Phi Gams.
The swimming, paddleball, and
handball results have not been as
of the Cowles' system instilled in
it. Michigan was a defensive team
Herb Borfen
encouraging as the rest of
ot our
first, an offensive team second—
but always a hustling team
/o x
tui /-■ endeavois.
tniee teams
enueav^xo. All three
xxx....x of
were eliminated from competition
somewhere along the road to the o
. , , , , Garden)
the field
the 880,
jx to a slow
Tj,e Wolverines
Wolverines got
got7 off
dropping two
of their first five games, but really
Fiji Bill Upthegrove, Ann Arbor mile, and anchor for the mile e- c ^
sophomore, is a big third of Matt lay team_ with equally satisfying
Mann's trio of breast strokers this AAU
In Herb
the was
fi ioii
1 -n r x,„.,
oon vard but two, the cagers whipped every
Bill has shown steady improve- hcially " l-oo.5
team in the conference at least
ment this season and has picked share of the two-mile ^elay- This
^ , decisions to Northun olentv of points as the team effort was .4 of a second bettei once, uiopp g
goes up the ladder toward sec- than his record - tying Big Nine
the enenAs for next year? . . ._ the
ulrgrrv^wrned in "^L/the mile. Herb has hit the tire team is backl
his best performance of the year tape m less than 4:20 several times
in the Minnesota meet where he this year marking him as one ot
captured the 200-yard breast stroke the favorites to cop the event when
and helped Michigan's medley re- the conference meet does lo ^A
lay team and 400-yard relay team
j. ,v
linlloi' M^San's sSMnarh:^ Shs^yen f e
flock of brand new Phi Gam
g,aduates is about to start its
to victories in then events.
hockey play-offs.
Help Wonted!
itngiisn cmcieis.
x j nurmrtip search for permanent positions in
State^ Jl^ur^^ATuirifo;
\r\nPage Four
Alpha Phi-Alumni
-A nniversary
March, 1948
Good "Chow" at 707 Oxford !
Alpha Phi chapter is feeling ]
mighty proud of the newly initiat
ed brothers just taken into our
fold. We have been very selective
in our pledging and our efforts
have been well rewarded. Also the
chapter internal organization is
receiving good support and paying
off well in its efforts. However, we
have one large task ahead of us,
the strengthening of a bond that
suffered during our war-time days.
What is that? Look at the three
A's heading this article. Has your
question been answered?
Alumni constitute the source of
many good men this chapter has
received, and most certainly can
offer us some pretty good advice
and suggestions. We encourage you
M rs. "J" and A1 Wall collaborate on some chow for the Fiji table.
to renew your old bonds with the
chapter, we extend a hearty wel
Mrs."J" Responsible For Healthy Look
come to you!
Pig Dinner time is drawing near
The forty-odd souls that sit at anyone swears in the kitchen, an
and it should be the best one in the Fiji board look amazingly well other one grabs the bank and runs
years. This is the one hundredth fed this year.
over to him with it. One time there
year of Phi Gamma Delta. Could
The, person responsible for the was four dollars in it, so I have
there be any better time for you well nourished tribe is our cook, bought lots of tins and pans with
to renew old friendships?
Mrs. Johnson, known only as Mrs. the money."
Every summer for the last nine
We are always in need of more "J" at 707.
years Mrs. J. has gone to a private
alumni news, is there a better
It is no wonder that the food is
source than the alumni them
good, Mrs. J. has. been cooking for boys' camp in Wisconsin. How
ever, she says that this summer
selves ? What has happened to a student houses since 1924.
she is going to rest . . . just take
lot of your old classmates ? These
Mrs. J. was born in Canada up
questions can be answered with a near Nova Scotia . . . "where it's it easy and get ready to feed those
hungry boys next fall.
little of your help, and that is one
cold," she says. When she was still
of the main purposes of the Alpha
a girl her family moved down near
Fiji News.
A1 Wall, our house man, will be
Toronto, Ontario, and there she
If you are an alumni in the near was married to an American citi featured in the next issue of the
vicinity why not attend the Alpha zen. In 1924, after her husband Alphi Fiji News.
Phi Board meetings, the next one
died, Mrs. J. moved to Ann Arbor
is April 13, 1948. Round up your to live with her sister and has
brothers to come to the Pig Din lived here ever since.
ner. Your old alma mater has won
The first house that she worked
Due to a
the football championship, and for was Adelia Cheever, a girls'
just now chalked up the Big Nine resident. She cooked there for sev University
basketball title.
en years, then cooked at several concerning
Let's really out-do ourselves and different houses until after the traditions,
make this anniversary year one of
Delayed . . .
slight mix-up with the
just befoi'e Christmas
some Christmas tree
the Phi Gam house,
war. Ken Allen got hold of her plus a number of other houses on
real meaning, a big step to even soon thereafter and she's been at campus, was given four weeks' so
cial probation. The result is that
greater years.
the Phi Gam house ever since.
The chapter is doing it, and we
One of her favorite stories is the chapter is just now able to
want the alumni to come in and about the returning vets. "When engage in its spring rush.
Bob Spiegel is in command of
all have that feeling of being proud swear . . . and 1 didn't want that, the rushing crew this semester and
to be Phi Gam.
so every boy that swore had to has his campaign well mapped so
swap some tales with us, we should the boys came back they loved to
put a nickel or a dime into a bank
that we can accomplish our task in
I had in the cupboard. Now if the quickest possible time.
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March 1948 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.