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1949 April Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
April 1949 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. This newsletter is four pages in length.
Date/Date Range:
Alpha Phi
University of Michigan
1949 April Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
Page Four
William E. Post, '04, is VicePresident of the Hughes-Keenan
Corporation in Delaware, Ohio.
Charles "Bill" Lewis, '22, is the
Counselor of Embassy and Consul
General in United States Foreign
Service at Karachi, Pakistan.
James "Jimmie" Johnson, '23, is
ent with the Underwood Corpora
tion in Hartford, Connecticut.
William Theidel, '47, is with Carl
Theidel and Sons, Inc., in Hinsdale,
Frederick Woodward, '46, is now
working for the Benjamin Frank
lin Hotel in Philadelphia.
Secretary-Treasurer . . . General
ing Fund Piggy Bank for pennies
and such. Do you realize that §14
a man a year is worth §10,000 in a
Quote John Thom, '38: "In an
other eleven years two of my boys
will be at Michigan and, hope
fully, will be members of Alpha
Phi. Certainly, unless something
is done about the chapter house,
they may be forced to join some
other fraternity which would be a
Glen Neff, '48, last year's presi
Manager of the Bude Lumber Com dent, comes through town occasion
horrible fate."
pany in Bude, Mississippi. Brother ally on his job with Babcock and
Quote John Madden, '22: "The
Johnson writes: "I have a tract of Wilcox Company.
one hundred acres that is mostly
pasture and woodland for the
grazing of a breed of horses known
as Tennessee Walking Horses.
house on the hill right across from
Jack Adamson, '48, is a general
Sigma Nu' has got to be replaced.
insurance broker in Los Angeles,
It needed it twenty-seven years
ago, didn't it? Now it's a MUST!"
Charles Ketterer, '48, is coach
Right now, the fund is up to
These horses have such nice rid ing at Northville High School in
ing gaits that their popularity is Northville, Michigan.
spreading to all parts of the coun
KENNETH W. VANCE,'16, died
If any of the brothers are ever February 3, 1949, in Detroit.
in these parts I would like to have
them stop in for a visit."
November 29, 1938, in an Oakland,
Donald Shirley Smith, '29, is in California, hospital after a long
the insurance
business with
the illness. Brother Duschak had been
Alexander H. Sibley Company in
Detroit. Don participated in the
initiation of his nephew, George
Qua III, in the February formal
initiation of the fall pledge class.
William "Ollie" Schoedinger, '43,
is the Assistant Sales Manager for
F. 0. Schoedinger in Columbus,
Ohio, and is already on the Pig
Dinner acceptance list.
Benjamin Douglas, '43, is a plant
engineer with New York Telephone
Company in Ticonderoga, New
York. Ben has a baby daughter
who will be one-year-old in July.
a professor of metallurgy at
University of California for
last eleven years of his life
was recognized as one of the
§2,500 plus, and picking
up in
terest as it goes.
Continue to
to 707 Oxford . . . do you know,
each undergraduate is contribut
ing nine bucks a year to OUR
fund? Every buck counts! In fact,
after a recent Friday night trip
to the Schwaben's Tavern the un-
the drunk part of the beer pool was
the contributed to the fund. Let's make
and it grow!
tion's top metallurgists.
The death of EMMET UPDE-
OPERA (Cont. from p. 1 )
chorus. Dean Barnard was in the
AlfiUa PlUfi Ne44j4>
University of Michigan Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
April, 1949
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Pig Dinner ^^Pll Be There" List Grows
committee. The actual fund-raising
responsibility is the baby of broth
ers Phil Holcombe, '46, and Dan
Auer, '46, both members of the
Alpha Phi Board. They have a real
interest in the problem since they
"Include Me In"
But how was all this made pos
sible? Because, in 1949 and 1950
and each succeeding year, Michi
Old Tradition
son why Phi Gamma Delta was
chapter needed a new house. So
they raised money to build it.
ties. He's the man who puts out
Remember the Union Opera?
the most thorough fraternity mag
Well, for the first time since azine published. He's the most1941, it came back on campus . . . sought-after personality in frater
the biggest show ever, twenty nity circles. He's THE Number
dancing "girlies" and all the trim One fraternity man! And Scoop
mings in a tremendous effort to is one reason why we want you
revive what was once one of to come to this Pig Dinner. It will
Michigan's grandest traditions.
be his first Alpha Phi Pig Dinner,
We were kind of excited about and we want it to be one that will
it, too. In fact, the whole house make him come back to succeeding
went to Froggy Bottom's premiere ones.
That isn't all, but it's sure a
to cheer on the rest of the house
Will New House
Become Reality?
Scoop Wilkinson will be here
Time: 1957.
Place: 707 Oxford Road, Ann have both lived in the house re May 14th.
cently and can comprehend its
At the Pig Dinner, I mean.
Arbor, Michigan.
Scoop is the dean of fraternity
Plot: Construction of a new shortcomings.
men, the most competent man in
(Cont'd on page 4)
his particular field. He is one rea
"You DO need a new house"—
through the years the Alpha Phi
alumni have
woefully shaking their heads. Soon
"we" will become "you" and a
new group will be saying "You
go—next June, and the next June,
further information.
etc. . . .
New House (Cont. from p. 1)
Quote Harry Cossitt, '19: "It
law) all had reading parts in the
show. Dave Leyshon was the gen
eral chairman and was instrumen
tal in having the Opera revived.
Jim Ebersole wrote the words and
boils down to a question of Phi music to four of the show's top
Lyons "Tiger" Rowland, '43, is Gamma Delta having a good chap tunes. Bill Zerman was in charge
in social psychology research work ter or even having a chapter at of publicity and promotion and
was helped by Phil Anderson.
Froggy Bottom was held for
More than that, they will be able
Kenneth Allen, '43, is a salesman
nights at the Michigan thea
with the United States Gypsum to devote time and energy to this
ter and was a complete sell-out at
all performances. The show did
Walter Tiedeman, '44, is a mech ates find hard to do. They will be
need a new house." And so it will
Quote Glen E. Luke, '10:
would not be interested in any
thing that gets you fellows a who were as noticeable
house ten years from now; the show as onions in salad.
need is immediate."
The latest development in
not go on the road this year, but,
anical engineer with the Interna here, in a position to keep the
if the alumni demand is great
William MacGowan, '46, will be
graduated this June from Michi
gan's school of music.
Harley Fortier, '47, is out in Los
Angeles and writes copious quanti
neophyte takes over and makes the
same mistakes all over.) Now, we
think the solution has been found:
building fund campaign has been shapely "gams" in the
(Cont. on p. 4)
a re-organization of the Campaign
Howell, George Allen
George Spaulding, '47, has a already hit about two hundred of Queen, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
sales promotion job with Libbey- the most recent graduating classes. George N. Spaulding, '47, 3318
Tullamore Road, Cleveland Heights
Owen-Ford Glass Company out of These, to be sure, are the fellows
have been added to the furniture
Harvey "Mucket" Spaunburg is just starting families at that . . .
the assistant to the superintend
but each of them will have a Build
DeWolf M. Stanley, '49, 1217
North, Pasadena, California.
dancing of '22 will be here to give John
moral support, but he's got to have
more than just classmates to talk
to. That's too easy an assign
27, 1949. They are Charles Corn- we can become acquainted with
well, Ray Newhall, Charles Em them, and they can become ac
ery, Bill Loveless, Bill Hickman, quainted with us.
Dick Wakefield is down in Flor
George Qua, Spence Parsons, Dick
Field Secretary Fred Dixon paid
a four-day visit to the house re
Cleveland, Ohio.
the good start.
with the smallest incomes . . . and 18, Ohio.
Hollister Mabley, '31, will be
Ten men were formally initiated it is possible, we will try to meet
into Phi Gamma Delta on February these men this summer so that here and I'll bet that Freeman
Peter Rowe, '34, 33 St. Law
that a coordinated plan will evolve. rence Ave., Reno, Nevada.
Gilbert L. Smith, '49, 226 South
The committee's first step has
ties on how wonderful it all is.
fraternity in a recent objective
analysis of the country's fraterni
John Madden, '22, will also be
John Kistler, Pat Patterson, and here. John will be this year's
the Phelps Connell displayed their toastmaster. Certainly the Class
with the University of Michigan.
tional Harvester Company in Ev- whole affair straightened out. (Our
transient mob just gets started on enough, the chances are pretty
ansville, Indiana.
a job, only to graduate; then some good for trips in the future.
rated the Number
Back On Campus
gan Phi Gams realized that their
GRAFF, '96, has been reported to
singing chorus. Potsy Ryan, George
the chapter but we do not have
Olson and A1 Jackson (mother-in-
Say Most Alumni
A new couch and a new chair
Crampton, '28, will come. Ed Tripp,
'41, will be here for sure. A1 Fred
erick, '14, Ward Peterson, '19, Tom
Kinkead, '37, John Anderson, '24,
ida for spring training with the Don Howell, '12, Colonel Miller,
'12, and a bunch of the others are
Detroit Tigers.
Bill Upthegrove was elected sure bets. You know, it doesn't look
president of Triangles, junior en like you can come to this Pig Din
ner without seeing at least one of
gineering honorary society.
A lovely clock has been pur your old buddies. Maybe the guy
chased as a war memorial to those you roomed with, drank beer with,
who gave their lives in World War or just got to like real well. YOU
inventory in the living room.
It has been placed over the should come, too!
Now is the time to let us know
if there is any one you want to
recommend for fall rushing. If
memorial on the mantel that com-
(Cont. on p. 3)
Here's how the Dinner shapes
up. You can roll in any time of
\r\nPage Two
The Alpha Phiii News
Are You a Phi Garn? ... or Were You?
The annual initiation ceremony desperately needed to perpetuate
was held recently, and ten new gold the lofty principles under which
links were added to the chapter they flourished in their college
chain. As I recall the ceremony, days?
certain pasrnges of the r:tual imAnd how many are going to
Editor ................................Dick Hurst pressed me. I find myself con- help us now when we are trying
Assoc. Editor........ Dick l\'lcWilliams fronted with some points that l to make it possible for the frater
think arc important enough for us nity that has trained, developed,
Photographer.............. Pat Patterson
all to consido·.
and matured us to sow its rich re
The thought that came to me wards in their sons and ours when
,··as this: asrnciation in Phi Gam they eventually enroll in the school
the May 14 week-end. Friday night ma Delta will endure for a
life of the:r fathers?
is unofficial but you can be sure time. We· should remember
Have we done nothing but ex
that there will be plenty of chance Phi Gamma Delta is not
for col pos2 these ten men to a euphonious
to meet the brothers and drink lege days alone. We
get out of collection of words or have we re
beer if you can get here early. this fraternity only
what we put minded them of the very basis of
Activity rolls into high gear Sat into it. We must
help each other Phi Gamma Delta, the brothers who
urday. A buffet luncheon will be whenever we can,
and however we have preceded us? We are Fijis
served at noon at the house. Then, can. We are
a band of brothers an:l we w:U be Fijis all our lives.
our business meeting. By the way, who believe in associated
friend Twenty years from now we will
for you who are interested in ship during our
say "we are Phi Garns," not "we
entire lifetime.
learning more about the building
were Phi Garns." We hope that
of the
fund, this will be a good time to
750 men whom we send mail
thoughts that went through my
get the story.
mind, but they seem to illustrate to are Phi Garns, but I wonder . . .
' are you or were you"?
The afternoon looks like a ilne the point. The questions they pre
and cipitated: are we being honest
time to talk it over
undergrads. Jack Brennan, '39, will with these ten men when we tell
take care of beer and softball out them these things, knowing from
at the Brennan farm. Herby Barten experience that we ourselves someThe following address changes
and John Lindquist will be down, times doubt them?
have been received since the 1949
I wonder . . . I wonder how· directory was published:
at Ferry Field running for Mich!gan against Illinois, and there 1s many brothers in Phi Gamma DelDaniel G. Auer, '46, 1121 Birk
a ball game scheduled for that ta who have left school maintain Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
"the blessing of fraternal associaHugh G. Benson, '23, 2()4 \Vest
tion"? How many of them have Fourth Street, Royal Oak, Mich.
Then Pig Dinner!
really made an effort to seek out
Richard J. Brashier, '45, 1720
It's scheduled for 7:00 p.m. at other brothers, to renew old friend- West 101st Place, Chicago 43, Ill.
Robert Claflin, '36, 630 N.E., 64th
the Allenel with Pig. After the ships, and to relive the experience
"oldest" kisses the snout and the that united them in a common Street, Miami, Florida.
Jack H. Connelly, '17, 1009 Larch
"youngest" kisses the south end bond.
enue, Takoma Park 12, Mary
another Pig Dinner starts becomalumni think enough about Phi land.
ing a memory. By the way, we
Gamma Delta to fill out an adRobert A. Elliott, '38, 1351 No.
have no "oldest" yet, but we've dressed penny
postcard and return Hudson Street, Chicago 10, Illinois.
got the youngest, and he's prac- 1·t to their
ch apter so that their
Henry S. Fonde, '47, 714 South
brothers who are still in school State Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
can keep the graduates informed
Robert Grandy, '46, 6000 Tabor
Johnny Madden and Scoop Wilk
and interested?
Apartment 4, Philadelphia,
inson will take care of the speak
Do you have any idea of the Pennsylvania.
ing, and the movies of the Cen number of brothers living
Gurney 0. Gutekunst, Jr., '46,
tennial Ekklesia wind it up.
forty miles of their college and Monsanto Chemical, Dayton, Ohio.
William P. Kavanaugh, '97, 400
After the dinner we'll go back their chapter who ever find time
and make the rafters ring and do to visit their house, to meet new South Bryant, Denver 4, Colorado.
Ernest S. Kratzet, '17, 1032 19th
some old-time fraternizing for as brothers, to assure themselves that
Santa Monica, California.
Robert C. Main, Room 505, Y.M.
of sacks, so come early and stay they believed in and respected at
late. The House is yours for Pig one time are still the same ideals C.A., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
that guide some sixty young men
Warren H. Mayo, '34, 7212 PerDinner week-end.
in that same chapter house?
ryville Avenue, Ben Avon, Pa.
P. S. -The week-end will cost
And how many have answered
Edwin J. Mercer, '13, 2204 Dime
five bucks a man.
the plea for help when funds were Building, Detroit 26, Michigan.
Published at least quarterly by
the Alpha Phi Chapter of Alpha
Gamma Delta, 707 Oxford Road,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Acldress Changes
April, 1949
To These Alumni:
Many Thanks !
There's one sure way to find out
if you're dead or not. Just take a
look in the 1949 Directory.
Just two days after the Direc
tories went into the mail, "de
ceased" brother Tom Kuzma joy
fully announced that he was the
proud producer of a nine-pound
four-ounce baby boy, Tommy, Jr.
Not bad for someone pushing up
Then it was noted that one Wil
liam Dale, '46, would also dislike
the prefix "deceased" before his
name since he is hard at work with
the United States Foreign Service
That's about the worst of the
mistakes that have cropped up so
far. If you tell a guy he's dead
long enough, he's bound to get an
gry and let you know about it;
it prompts alumni correspondence
very nicely.
In post-directory letters to the
chapter, several interesting things
were 15aid. Orio Deahl, '16, wrote
for another Directory because "I
would like to have one to carry in
my car and another to use in my
office." We still have some left in
stock and will send them out on
request to anyone else who wants
an extra.
James B. Brill, '18, filled in some
unknown directory facts for us
and says it's "too far off to say
'yes' for the Pig Dinner but I will
Page Three
Harry Cossitt, '19, class agent
for his class in the Building Fund
drive kicked into both causes due
to a "severe case of nostalgia" and
also writes "I hope to make the
Pig Dinner and am looking forward
to seeing you then." Meaning you,
of course.
T. Hollister Mahley, '31, writes:
"I shall look forward to seeing
you all at the next Pig Dinner."
How about it, Class of '31?
So far contributions totaling 155
dollars have been received from the
following brothers: James Brill,
Harry Cossitt Hollister Ma ley
'31, Walter Hickey, '31, Al Fred�
erick, '14 Herman Heidbreder '23
Orio De;hl, '16, Erle Kightli�ger:
'33 Ed Mercer '13 Francis Goodrich ' '03 ' Dun�in .Algyer ' '28' Orrin Carpenter '11 Benjamin Fullerton, '19, D�nald D. Smith, '04,
Henry Slyfield '06 George Harper
'98, Andrew Harv'ey, '93, Burges�
Vial, '40, George Davison, 03, Tom
Barnum, '92, Ralph Sayles, '09, Tom
Read, '06, and Fred Searing, '94.
Safety Pinnings
the daughter of the Danny Auer's,
December 15, 1948. Danny is of the
Class of '46.
recently became the daughter of
Betty and Harry Anderson, '43.
* * *
became the daughter of Ruth and
Frank Boni, '47.
(Cont'd from page 1)
memorates the sacrifice of Alpha
Phi brothers in the first World
Recently during the early morning hours our new pledge class removed .the dining room furniture
from the house and strung it up
and down Hill Street. We retaliated.
Don't forget to plan to sit with
"the house" next fall when we buy
a block of seats for the alumni
. . . what do you want more, the
Army game or homecoming tickets?
During hell - week, the pledge
class personally distributed Pig
Dinner invitations to alumni scattered throughout the state.
A more inclusive insurance policy is being taken out on the
"Mucket's Bucket," the little
room at the top of the stairs, has
been converted into an office for
fraternity business and a filing
room for fraternity records.
Al Jackson had a lead part in
a student production of Saroyan's
"Time of Your Life." George Ol
son had a lead part in a series of
speech department plays.
All the little kids in the neighborhood come in to watch televi
sion Sunday evenings.
Meet the New
Phi Garn Pledges
Five men were pledged to Phi
Gamma Delta during informal
spring rushing. Let me introduce
the� · · ·
Richard Cortez Day is from
�ac�son, transferred here as a
Jumor from Jackson Junior College, where �e played basketball
and was president of the student
body_. A three-letter man and
president of the school at Jackson
High, Dick is p�ay�ng freshman
basketball for M1ch1gan and run
ning intra�ural track for the
house. He is twenty-one and has
served in the Navy.
R"ich ard Frame also comes to us
from Jackson Junior College,
where he starred on the basketball
team which went into the national
tournament after winning the state
championship. He has just com
pleted a successful season on the
freshman cage team, and will now
join the track team. Dick is twen
ty-one and a veteran of the Navy.
John Henr.y Kathe from Ithaca,
Indiana, excelled in high school
journalism and track, participated
in student government and was
president of his class. He is now
working out with the Fiji track
squad, hitting the books, and is a
member of the Michigan Marching
Richard King Thomas follows
his brother, Dave, to Alpha Phi
from Petroit Redford high, where
he was active in dramatics and
student government and made the
All-Detroit Football Team. House
activities, school work, and the
Michigan Daily will take up most
of Rioh's time.
Parker Owen Pennington is in
his own home town, Ann Arbor.
Park is a sophomore, active in
publications and social activities.
In high school, he spent time on
the school biweekly and in student
Glen B. Morse, '38, 2224 Monroe
Avenue, N. W., Grand Rapids 5,
Glenn C. Neff, '48, 106 West 56th
Street, New York 19, N. Y.
Robert B. Otis, '03, 4831 West
Alder Drive, San Diego 4, Calif.
\r\nPage Two
The Alpha Phiii News
Are You a Phi Garn? ... or Were You?
The annual initiation ceremony desperately needed to perpetuate
was held recently, and ten new gold the lofty principles under which
links were added to the chapter they flourished in their college
chain. As I recall the ceremony, days?
certain pasrnges of the r:tual imAnd how many are going to
Editor ................................Dick Hurst pressed me. I find myself con- help us now when we are trying
Assoc. Editor........ Dick l\'lcWilliams fronted with some points that l to make it possible for the frater
think arc important enough for us nity that has trained, developed,
Photographer.............. Pat Patterson
all to consido·.
and matured us to sow its rich re
The thought that came to me wards in their sons and ours when
,··as this: asrnciation in Phi Gam they eventually enroll in the school
the May 14 week-end. Friday night ma Delta will endure for a
life of the:r fathers?
is unofficial but you can be sure time. We· should remember
Have we done nothing but ex
that there will be plenty of chance Phi Gamma Delta is not
for col pos2 these ten men to a euphonious
to meet the brothers and drink lege days alone. We
get out of collection of words or have we re
beer if you can get here early. this fraternity only
what we put minded them of the very basis of
Activity rolls into high gear Sat into it. We must
help each other Phi Gamma Delta, the brothers who
urday. A buffet luncheon will be whenever we can,
and however we have preceded us? We are Fijis
served at noon at the house. Then, can. We are
a band of brothers an:l we w:U be Fijis all our lives.
our business meeting. By the way, who believe in associated
friend Twenty years from now we will
for you who are interested in ship during our
say "we are Phi Garns," not "we
entire lifetime.
learning more about the building
were Phi Garns." We hope that
of the
fund, this will be a good time to
750 men whom we send mail
thoughts that went through my
get the story.
mind, but they seem to illustrate to are Phi Garns, but I wonder . . .
' are you or were you"?
The afternoon looks like a ilne the point. The questions they pre
and cipitated: are we being honest
time to talk it over
undergrads. Jack Brennan, '39, will with these ten men when we tell
take care of beer and softball out them these things, knowing from
at the Brennan farm. Herby Barten experience that we ourselves someThe following address changes
and John Lindquist will be down, times doubt them?
have been received since the 1949
I wonder . . . I wonder how· directory was published:
at Ferry Field running for Mich!gan against Illinois, and there 1s many brothers in Phi Gamma DelDaniel G. Auer, '46, 1121 Birk
a ball game scheduled for that ta who have left school maintain Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
"the blessing of fraternal associaHugh G. Benson, '23, 2()4 \Vest
tion"? How many of them have Fourth Street, Royal Oak, Mich.
Then Pig Dinner!
really made an effort to seek out
Richard J. Brashier, '45, 1720
It's scheduled for 7:00 p.m. at other brothers, to renew old friend- West 101st Place, Chicago 43, Ill.
Robert Claflin, '36, 630 N.E., 64th
the Allenel with Pig. After the ships, and to relive the experience
"oldest" kisses the snout and the that united them in a common Street, Miami, Florida.
Jack H. Connelly, '17, 1009 Larch
"youngest" kisses the south end bond.
enue, Takoma Park 12, Mary
another Pig Dinner starts becomalumni think enough about Phi land.
ing a memory. By the way, we
Gamma Delta to fill out an adRobert A. Elliott, '38, 1351 No.
have no "oldest" yet, but we've dressed penny
postcard and return Hudson Street, Chicago 10, Illinois.
got the youngest, and he's prac- 1·t to their
ch apter so that their
Henry S. Fonde, '47, 714 South
brothers who are still in school State Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
can keep the graduates informed
Robert Grandy, '46, 6000 Tabor
Johnny Madden and Scoop Wilk
and interested?
Apartment 4, Philadelphia,
inson will take care of the speak
Do you have any idea of the Pennsylvania.
ing, and the movies of the Cen number of brothers living
Gurney 0. Gutekunst, Jr., '46,
tennial Ekklesia wind it up.
forty miles of their college and Monsanto Chemical, Dayton, Ohio.
William P. Kavanaugh, '97, 400
After the dinner we'll go back their chapter who ever find time
and make the rafters ring and do to visit their house, to meet new South Bryant, Denver 4, Colorado.
Ernest S. Kratzet, '17, 1032 19th
some old-time fraternizing for as brothers, to assure themselves that
Santa Monica, California.
Robert C. Main, Room 505, Y.M.
of sacks, so come early and stay they believed in and respected at
late. The House is yours for Pig one time are still the same ideals C.A., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
that guide some sixty young men
Warren H. Mayo, '34, 7212 PerDinner week-end.
in that same chapter house?
ryville Avenue, Ben Avon, Pa.
P. S. -The week-end will cost
And how many have answered
Edwin J. Mercer, '13, 2204 Dime
five bucks a man.
the plea for help when funds were Building, Detroit 26, Michigan.
Published at least quarterly by
the Alpha Phi Chapter of Alpha
Gamma Delta, 707 Oxford Road,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Acldress Changes
April, 1949
To These Alumni:
Many Thanks !
There's one sure way to find out
if you're dead or not. Just take a
look in the 1949 Directory.
Just two days after the Direc
tories went into the mail, "de
ceased" brother Tom Kuzma joy
fully announced that he was the
proud producer of a nine-pound
four-ounce baby boy, Tommy, Jr.
Not bad for someone pushing up
Then it was noted that one Wil
liam Dale, '46, would also dislike
the prefix "deceased" before his
name since he is hard at work with
the United States Foreign Service
That's about the worst of the
mistakes that have cropped up so
far. If you tell a guy he's dead
long enough, he's bound to get an
gry and let you know about it;
it prompts alumni correspondence
very nicely.
In post-directory letters to the
chapter, several interesting things
were 15aid. Orio Deahl, '16, wrote
for another Directory because "I
would like to have one to carry in
my car and another to use in my
office." We still have some left in
stock and will send them out on
request to anyone else who wants
an extra.
James B. Brill, '18, filled in some
unknown directory facts for us
and says it's "too far off to say
'yes' for the Pig Dinner but I will
Page Three
Harry Cossitt, '19, class agent
for his class in the Building Fund
drive kicked into both causes due
to a "severe case of nostalgia" and
also writes "I hope to make the
Pig Dinner and am looking forward
to seeing you then." Meaning you,
of course.
T. Hollister Mahley, '31, writes:
"I shall look forward to seeing
you all at the next Pig Dinner."
How about it, Class of '31?
So far contributions totaling 155
dollars have been received from the
following brothers: James Brill,
Harry Cossitt Hollister Ma ley
'31, Walter Hickey, '31, Al Fred�
erick, '14 Herman Heidbreder '23
Orio De;hl, '16, Erle Kightli�ger:
'33 Ed Mercer '13 Francis Goodrich ' '03 ' Dun�in .Algyer ' '28' Orrin Carpenter '11 Benjamin Fullerton, '19, D�nald D. Smith, '04,
Henry Slyfield '06 George Harper
'98, Andrew Harv'ey, '93, Burges�
Vial, '40, George Davison, 03, Tom
Barnum, '92, Ralph Sayles, '09, Tom
Read, '06, and Fred Searing, '94.
Safety Pinnings
the daughter of the Danny Auer's,
December 15, 1948. Danny is of the
Class of '46.
recently became the daughter of
Betty and Harry Anderson, '43.
* * *
became the daughter of Ruth and
Frank Boni, '47.
(Cont'd from page 1)
memorates the sacrifice of Alpha
Phi brothers in the first World
Recently during the early morning hours our new pledge class removed .the dining room furniture
from the house and strung it up
and down Hill Street. We retaliated.
Don't forget to plan to sit with
"the house" next fall when we buy
a block of seats for the alumni
. . . what do you want more, the
Army game or homecoming tickets?
During hell - week, the pledge
class personally distributed Pig
Dinner invitations to alumni scattered throughout the state.
A more inclusive insurance policy is being taken out on the
"Mucket's Bucket," the little
room at the top of the stairs, has
been converted into an office for
fraternity business and a filing
room for fraternity records.
Al Jackson had a lead part in
a student production of Saroyan's
"Time of Your Life." George Ol
son had a lead part in a series of
speech department plays.
All the little kids in the neighborhood come in to watch televi
sion Sunday evenings.
Meet the New
Phi Garn Pledges
Five men were pledged to Phi
Gamma Delta during informal
spring rushing. Let me introduce
the� · · ·
Richard Cortez Day is from
�ac�son, transferred here as a
Jumor from Jackson Junior College, where �e played basketball
and was president of the student
body_. A three-letter man and
president of the school at Jackson
High, Dick is p�ay�ng freshman
basketball for M1ch1gan and run
ning intra�ural track for the
house. He is twenty-one and has
served in the Navy.
R"ich ard Frame also comes to us
from Jackson Junior College,
where he starred on the basketball
team which went into the national
tournament after winning the state
championship. He has just com
pleted a successful season on the
freshman cage team, and will now
join the track team. Dick is twen
ty-one and a veteran of the Navy.
John Henr.y Kathe from Ithaca,
Indiana, excelled in high school
journalism and track, participated
in student government and was
president of his class. He is now
working out with the Fiji track
squad, hitting the books, and is a
member of the Michigan Marching
Richard King Thomas follows
his brother, Dave, to Alpha Phi
from Petroit Redford high, where
he was active in dramatics and
student government and made the
All-Detroit Football Team. House
activities, school work, and the
Michigan Daily will take up most
of Rioh's time.
Parker Owen Pennington is in
his own home town, Ann Arbor.
Park is a sophomore, active in
publications and social activities.
In high school, he spent time on
the school biweekly and in student
Glen B. Morse, '38, 2224 Monroe
Avenue, N. W., Grand Rapids 5,
Glenn C. Neff, '48, 106 West 56th
Street, New York 19, N. Y.
Robert B. Otis, '03, 4831 West
Alder Drive, San Diego 4, Calif.
\r\nPage Four
William E. Post, '04, is VicePresident of the Hughes-Keenan
Corporation in Delaware, Ohio.
Charles "Bill" Lewis, '22, is the
Counselor of Embassy and Consul
General in United States Foreign
Service at Karachi, Pakistan.
James "Jimmie" Johnson, '23, is
ent with the Underwood Corpora
tion in Hartford, Connecticut.
William Theidel, '47, is with Carl
Theidel and Sons, Inc., in Hinsdale,
Frederick Woodward, '46, is now
working for the Benjamin Frank
lin Hotel in Philadelphia.
Secretary-Treasurer . . . General
ing Fund Piggy Bank for pennies
and such. Do you realize that §14
a man a year is worth §10,000 in a
Quote John Thom, '38: "In an
other eleven years two of my boys
will be at Michigan and, hope
fully, will be members of Alpha
Phi. Certainly, unless something
is done about the chapter house,
they may be forced to join some
other fraternity which would be a
Glen Neff, '48, last year's presi
Manager of the Bude Lumber Com dent, comes through town occasion
horrible fate."
pany in Bude, Mississippi. Brother ally on his job with Babcock and
Quote John Madden, '22: "The
Johnson writes: "I have a tract of Wilcox Company.
one hundred acres that is mostly
pasture and woodland for the
grazing of a breed of horses known
as Tennessee Walking Horses.
house on the hill right across from
Jack Adamson, '48, is a general
Sigma Nu' has got to be replaced.
insurance broker in Los Angeles,
It needed it twenty-seven years
ago, didn't it? Now it's a MUST!"
Charles Ketterer, '48, is coach
Right now, the fund is up to
These horses have such nice rid ing at Northville High School in
ing gaits that their popularity is Northville, Michigan.
spreading to all parts of the coun
KENNETH W. VANCE,'16, died
If any of the brothers are ever February 3, 1949, in Detroit.
in these parts I would like to have
them stop in for a visit."
November 29, 1938, in an Oakland,
Donald Shirley Smith, '29, is in California, hospital after a long
the insurance
business with
the illness. Brother Duschak had been
Alexander H. Sibley Company in
Detroit. Don participated in the
initiation of his nephew, George
Qua III, in the February formal
initiation of the fall pledge class.
William "Ollie" Schoedinger, '43,
is the Assistant Sales Manager for
F. 0. Schoedinger in Columbus,
Ohio, and is already on the Pig
Dinner acceptance list.
Benjamin Douglas, '43, is a plant
engineer with New York Telephone
Company in Ticonderoga, New
York. Ben has a baby daughter
who will be one-year-old in July.
a professor of metallurgy at
University of California for
last eleven years of his life
was recognized as one of the
§2,500 plus, and picking
up in
terest as it goes.
Continue to
to 707 Oxford . . . do you know,
each undergraduate is contribut
ing nine bucks a year to OUR
fund? Every buck counts! In fact,
after a recent Friday night trip
to the Schwaben's Tavern the un-
the drunk part of the beer pool was
the contributed to the fund. Let's make
and it grow!
tion's top metallurgists.
The death of EMMET UPDE-
OPERA (Cont. from p. 1 )
chorus. Dean Barnard was in the
AlfiUa PlUfi Ne44j4>
University of Michigan Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
April, 1949
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Pig Dinner ^^Pll Be There" List Grows
committee. The actual fund-raising
responsibility is the baby of broth
ers Phil Holcombe, '46, and Dan
Auer, '46, both members of the
Alpha Phi Board. They have a real
interest in the problem since they
"Include Me In"
But how was all this made pos
sible? Because, in 1949 and 1950
and each succeeding year, Michi
Old Tradition
son why Phi Gamma Delta was
chapter needed a new house. So
they raised money to build it.
ties. He's the man who puts out
Remember the Union Opera?
the most thorough fraternity mag
Well, for the first time since azine published. He's the most1941, it came back on campus . . . sought-after personality in frater
the biggest show ever, twenty nity circles. He's THE Number
dancing "girlies" and all the trim One fraternity man! And Scoop
mings in a tremendous effort to is one reason why we want you
revive what was once one of to come to this Pig Dinner. It will
Michigan's grandest traditions.
be his first Alpha Phi Pig Dinner,
We were kind of excited about and we want it to be one that will
it, too. In fact, the whole house make him come back to succeeding
went to Froggy Bottom's premiere ones.
That isn't all, but it's sure a
to cheer on the rest of the house
Will New House
Become Reality?
Scoop Wilkinson will be here
Time: 1957.
Place: 707 Oxford Road, Ann have both lived in the house re May 14th.
cently and can comprehend its
At the Pig Dinner, I mean.
Arbor, Michigan.
Scoop is the dean of fraternity
Plot: Construction of a new shortcomings.
men, the most competent man in
(Cont'd on page 4)
his particular field. He is one rea
"You DO need a new house"—
through the years the Alpha Phi
alumni have
woefully shaking their heads. Soon
"we" will become "you" and a
new group will be saying "You
go—next June, and the next June,
further information.
etc. . . .
New House (Cont. from p. 1)
Quote Harry Cossitt, '19: "It
law) all had reading parts in the
show. Dave Leyshon was the gen
eral chairman and was instrumen
tal in having the Opera revived.
Jim Ebersole wrote the words and
boils down to a question of Phi music to four of the show's top
Lyons "Tiger" Rowland, '43, is Gamma Delta having a good chap tunes. Bill Zerman was in charge
in social psychology research work ter or even having a chapter at of publicity and promotion and
was helped by Phil Anderson.
Froggy Bottom was held for
More than that, they will be able
Kenneth Allen, '43, is a salesman
nights at the Michigan thea
with the United States Gypsum to devote time and energy to this
ter and was a complete sell-out at
all performances. The show did
Walter Tiedeman, '44, is a mech ates find hard to do. They will be
need a new house." And so it will
Quote Glen E. Luke, '10:
would not be interested in any
thing that gets you fellows a who were as noticeable
house ten years from now; the show as onions in salad.
need is immediate."
The latest development in
not go on the road this year, but,
anical engineer with the Interna here, in a position to keep the
if the alumni demand is great
William MacGowan, '46, will be
graduated this June from Michi
gan's school of music.
Harley Fortier, '47, is out in Los
Angeles and writes copious quanti
neophyte takes over and makes the
same mistakes all over.) Now, we
think the solution has been found:
building fund campaign has been shapely "gams" in the
(Cont. on p. 4)
a re-organization of the Campaign
Howell, George Allen
George Spaulding, '47, has a already hit about two hundred of Queen, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
sales promotion job with Libbey- the most recent graduating classes. George N. Spaulding, '47, 3318
Tullamore Road, Cleveland Heights
Owen-Ford Glass Company out of These, to be sure, are the fellows
have been added to the furniture
Harvey "Mucket" Spaunburg is just starting families at that . . .
the assistant to the superintend
but each of them will have a Build
DeWolf M. Stanley, '49, 1217
North, Pasadena, California.
dancing of '22 will be here to give John
moral support, but he's got to have
more than just classmates to talk
to. That's too easy an assign
27, 1949. They are Charles Corn- we can become acquainted with
well, Ray Newhall, Charles Em them, and they can become ac
ery, Bill Loveless, Bill Hickman, quainted with us.
Dick Wakefield is down in Flor
George Qua, Spence Parsons, Dick
Field Secretary Fred Dixon paid
a four-day visit to the house re
Cleveland, Ohio.
the good start.
with the smallest incomes . . . and 18, Ohio.
Hollister Mabley, '31, will be
Ten men were formally initiated it is possible, we will try to meet
into Phi Gamma Delta on February these men this summer so that here and I'll bet that Freeman
Peter Rowe, '34, 33 St. Law
that a coordinated plan will evolve. rence Ave., Reno, Nevada.
Gilbert L. Smith, '49, 226 South
The committee's first step has
ties on how wonderful it all is.
fraternity in a recent objective
analysis of the country's fraterni
John Madden, '22, will also be
John Kistler, Pat Patterson, and here. John will be this year's
the Phelps Connell displayed their toastmaster. Certainly the Class
with the University of Michigan.
tional Harvester Company in Ev- whole affair straightened out. (Our
transient mob just gets started on enough, the chances are pretty
ansville, Indiana.
a job, only to graduate; then some good for trips in the future.
rated the Number
Back On Campus
gan Phi Gams realized that their
GRAFF, '96, has been reported to
singing chorus. Potsy Ryan, George
the chapter but we do not have
Olson and A1 Jackson (mother-in-
Say Most Alumni
A new couch and a new chair
Crampton, '28, will come. Ed Tripp,
'41, will be here for sure. A1 Fred
erick, '14, Ward Peterson, '19, Tom
Kinkead, '37, John Anderson, '24,
ida for spring training with the Don Howell, '12, Colonel Miller,
'12, and a bunch of the others are
Detroit Tigers.
Bill Upthegrove was elected sure bets. You know, it doesn't look
president of Triangles, junior en like you can come to this Pig Din
ner without seeing at least one of
gineering honorary society.
A lovely clock has been pur your old buddies. Maybe the guy
chased as a war memorial to those you roomed with, drank beer with,
who gave their lives in World War or just got to like real well. YOU
inventory in the living room.
It has been placed over the should come, too!
Now is the time to let us know
if there is any one you want to
recommend for fall rushing. If
memorial on the mantel that com-
(Cont. on p. 3)
Here's how the Dinner shapes
up. You can roll in any time of
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April 1949 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. This newsletter is four pages in length.