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1949 April Newsletter Lambda Nu (University of Nebraska)
April 1949 newsletter of the Lambda Nu chapter at the University of Nebraska. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Lambda Nu
University of Nebraska
1949 April Newsletter Lambda Nu (University of Nebraska)
APRIL, 1949
VOL. 1, NO. 8
Omaha Alumni
Stage Banquet
At Legion Club
The annual ceremony of initiation has
rolled around once more. Lambda Nu's
I twenty-one pledges took their rites at
I the American Legion Club at Omaha,
I Saturday, April 2, 1949. Fijis from aU
over Nebraska and some from out-of-
state attended this gala affair. Every-
! one had a great time and some of the
parties following the function extended
into the small hours of the morning.
The ceremonies began at four o'clock.
However, refreshments and social hours
were enjoyed from three to six.
Shortly after the initiation of the
new Fiji Brothers a dinner of ex
cellent quality was served. This was
Chuck Thoene ('49) with Dr. J. E. A. Alexis, Guest Professor
Chapter Entertains
followed by a select entertainment pro
gram with an assortment of superb
Phi Cams In
Athletic Spotlight
Professors At Dinner
talent which rounded out the eve
ning's activities. The entertainment pro
gram starred our very capable John
During the past semester Lambda Nu
has been host to eight university pro
fessors. The professors have been guests
at dinner after which they gave short
informal talks. These talks have covered
everything from income tax to religion
and each has been followed by a ques
tion and answer period. It is felt that
by inviting the professor into the house
he is given the opportunity to know the
"Round the calendar in sports—
Don Bloom, "mighty mouse," at 146
lbs. did his share of spectacular ball-
The chapter heartily extends its
thanks to the Omaha Graduate Chap
ter for once more acting as host for our
yearly initiation ceremony.
The following list is the group of new
Fiji brothers which were honored at
this ceremony so dear to all Fiji hearts.
carrying at the left and right half-back
The new initiates are:
Bruce Barton, Lincoln, Nebr.
Ed Bruere, Alliance, Nebr.
Bill Coffey, Rushville, Nebr.
Jim Cornish, Omaha, Nebr.
Three Fijis wore the red and white
for dear old Nebraska "U" on the grid
iron last fall. They were Don Bloom
('50), Jim Godfrey ('50), and Don
Strasheim ('50).
His sensational 82 yd. punt re
members better and vice versa. Also
turn for a touchdown will long be re
problems of the student are brought out
into the open which otherwise might go
This plan, a new one to Lambda Nu,
has been so successful that the chapter
has decided to continue it next semester,
Roger Martin (49) is in charge of all
arrangements and has made an excellent
choice of invitations.
Following is a list of our guest pro
Jim Godfrey, 210 lb. sophomore from
Cozad, Nebraska, was a sturdy stand
out at the tackle position. "Boston
Karl M. Arndt, Professor of Eco
nomics: Joseph E. A. Alexis, Professor
of Modern Languages and Chairman of
that department; George M. Darlington.
was highly praised.
Don Strasheim, christened
sweater this year with his drive and
determination. He crashed through the
opponent's line time and again to bring
ball-carriers down. His stalwart play
Small but compact, Don was a
bundle of spirit and drive. You could
always figure on two or three yds.
Associate Professor of Accounting; Rex
All three of these men are back and
will be a definite asset to Coach "Piff"
Knowles, Pastor
Glassford's '49 Cornhuskers.
of the Presbyterian
Student House; Paul Meadows, Associ
ate Professor.of Sociology; Harry C.
Good, Head Basketball Coach with the
rank of Associate Professor; George
flocos. Associate Professor of Modern
Languages and Science.
On the hardwoods, Fiji Dick Schleiger excelled. Dick played a center
Coach Harry Good led the Nebraskans
to a share of the big Seven championConfirmed on Page 4
Duane Demaree, Norfolk, Nebr.
Tony Eistetter, Mexico City, Mexico
John Gilligan, Nebraska City, Neb.
Jack Gwynn, Lincoln, Nebr.
Severin Harkson, San Mateo, Calif.
Fritz Hegwood, Omaha, Nebr.
Bill Holmquist, Oakland, Nebr.
Harold Kreizinger, David City, Neb.
Ken Larsen, Omaha, Nebr.
Don Larson, Decatur, Nebr.
Jerry Matzke, Seward, Nebr.
J. H. Mohrman, Nebraska City, Nebr.
Gerald Robertson, Lyons, Nebr.
Calvin Solem, North Platte, Nebr.
Don Strasheim, Kimball, Nebr.
Cliff Thoene, Hartington, Nebr.
Norm Zahn, Syracuse, Nebr.
Bob Wolf, Kearney, Nebr.
Here 'n There
A Word
come in and are too important to be by
passed, for instance—The dignity of
parenthood was bestowed upon Larry
and Anna Marie Cook ('46) during the
closing hours of 1948; The little dau
From Chuck
Accord i"g
To A!
ghter, was the last arrival in Lincoln be
fore the New Year, was just in time to
help out on income tax. Ken and Marian
next issue
Today, the editor will present the new
Cabinet of this chapter. The new mem
bers will be elected at the formal chap
ter meeting next Monday night.
This issue will present my last ar
ticle to you alumui. With this in mind,
I will briefly review the major alumni
activities of Lambda Nu during the
past year.
The most notable alumni support re
ceived by the undergraduates was in
the form of almost daily visits by our
extremely popular Purple Legionnaire
Allen T. O'Connor ('41). A1 also served
as he does now as our representative or.
Greenwood (' ) are richer by one son
—January is the month but we don't
have his name or exgct birthday. Curtis
Harold is the new Co-pilot in Lt. Ivan
Cram's (' ) family—He weighed in at
8 lbs., 814 oz. One glance at George
Durrie ('49) and you'll guess it. Doug
las Harry, his 7 lb. boy is still behind
glass at the nursery of Lincoln General.
Jere has a chat with her little son sev
eral times a day but father George will
have to wait until "going home" time
rolls around. February 24th was the big
day in the Durrie family. Ralph and
Cowles (' ) moved
Platte, Nebraska where Ralph has taken
a position with Sears and Roebuck store.
Bud ('44) and Jayne Johnson are in
the Fraternity Advisory Board. A great
deal of the external strength of our
Denver where Bud is a rising young
fraternity can be attributed to the be
hind the scenes work of Al. Lambda Nu
proudly salutes brother O'Connor.
architect. Jim and Barbara Chatt ('45)
and Mike are farming near Tekamah.
Karl and Charleen Loerch (' ) are in
Last summer several alumni assisted
Minneapolis where Karl is taking a
our rushing program, namely Harold
Holmquist ('21), Chuck Petersen ('48)
and Tom Cornish ('48). As per usual
both Mutt Volz ('23) and Blanchard
Anderson ('25) assisted us in procuring
the summer improvements for the house.
Quite a number of you dropped in
on us during the football season to see
"Mom" and have a cup of Java. Let's
Masters in Forestry, at the University
of Minnesota. Dee Devoe (' ) moved
see more of you next season.
The major alumni function of the
year took place November 20th at our
50th anniversary celebration. This event
was held in conjunction with our an
nual Pig Dinner and many alumni
traveled from near and far to attend.
Last week an alumni smoker was
held at the house and twenty-five alums
from Lincoln attended. With Gus Swan-
son presiding the group decided to have
monthly get togethers at the house.
The next such meeting will be held
April 6th. Should you be in the area
please drop over.
In conclusion the outgoing cabinet
feels that the relationships between the
alumni and undergraduates have greatly
improved during the past year. We hope
to see all of you April 2nd at the initia
tion in Omaha.
Chuck Thoene,
his family to Fremont where he is pro
duction manager for Hormel Foods. Kay
and Maurice Dingwell (' ) are parents
of a son born December 26. They have
one other child, Kristl Ann, age 21/2
years. Carol and Maurice Van Nostrand
(' ) are parents of a son born Febru
ary 6. Maurice operates an elevator in
Avoca, Iowa. Jim Maloney ('48) and
wife are proud parents of a girl—Laurel
Lee. They are residing in Grand Rapids,
Message From Mom
Second semester is well on its way and
there are comparitively few scholastic
Recreation (?) week, that dreaded
period in a pledge's life is a thing of the
past, so initiation and the acquisition of
the permanent badge of Phi Gamma
Delta is in the immediate future. My
hope is that you will always wear it
proudly, realizing that the privilege was
not given, it had to be earned. So—my
pledges, when you become active re
member always!
Your job is important, don't think it is
Piden't Places in Big Seven
"Strong man" Dick Piderit of Lin
coln, Nebraska came through again this
He placed second in the shot-
put event at the Big Seven Indoor
Track Meet. His mighty heave of 49
feet, 11/4 in. helped Nebraska win the
meet at Missouri. This is Dick's last
year of eligibility. He graduates next
January. Hats off to another brother
So try hard to give it the best you've
And don't think ever you're of little
Remember, you're
part of the total
If they didn't need you, you wouldn't
be there.
So, always, my lads, keep your chins in
Gus Swanson ('43), acting chairman
for the Lincoln Alumni organized a
smoker-dinner at the Fiji house Wed
nesday night, the 16th of March, 1949.
This was the first get-to-gether this
year for the Lincoln alumni, where I
must admit our graduate organization
is anything but strong. I sincerely ap
preciate the excellent turnout. While it
is not my desire, nor the desire of the
active chapter, to have these alumni
gatherings too often, we all feel the
alumni should meet three or four times
a year. It is only through these infre
quent get-to-gethers that either the
alumni or the actives can truthfully
know what the other is doing or think
Several of the alumni groups of dif
ferent fraternities at Nebraska have bi
gatherings and all report good results.
Most of you know of our Omaha
Alumni who meet every Tuesday at the
Y.M.C.A., and while their attendance is
only ten or fifteen men, they feel they
are doing both themselves and their
fraternity a great deal of good. I defi
nitely know that when the alumni meet
regularly, the alumni support is greater,
and their relationship with the active
chapter is better than where there are
no regular organized alumni meetings.
If the men in the Lncoln area want
regularly scheduled meetings, either
luncheon or dinner, we can certainly
plan them. Here again we can only judge
your support by your actions. If you
want to attend a luncheon or dinner
meeting, scheduled regularly, call or
write Gus Swanson, c^o Ayres Adver
tising, Sharp Building, Lincoln, Ne
braska. Tell him your ideas and thoughts
on the subject. Don't wait for "George"
to do it, do it yourself, now.
I hope to see as many of you as
possible at the initiation in Omaha on
April 2nd.
Al O'Connor
Purple Legionnaire.
Chapter Receives
Gift Scrapbook
Lambda Nu wishes to express its ap
preciation to Mr. Alfred F. Cornish,
Omaha, for his gift to the chapter in be
half of Tom Cornish ('48), and Jim Cor
nish ('52) of a beautiful leather scrapbook. It is about 36" by 18" and has the
Phi Gamma Delta crest hand-tooled on
the cover. The book will be used to
keep clippings on the fraternity's ac
tivities and achievements. Mr. Cornish
is in the leather and saddle making
the air.
"MOM" Mae Minier.
Brother Fijis:
You may remember receiving an in
formation blank last fall. We intended
to compile these blanks into an Alum
Directory. Because of unforseen print
ing difficulties we decided to publish
these in the current and in next month's
issue of Lambda Nu Today. Following
is the first installment of the informa
tion we received from you.
Dr. Roy Bennett Adams ('07) A.B.,
M.D. a retired physician, who now re
sides in Lincoln, Nebr., has been the
Secretary-Treasurer of the Nebraska
State Medical Association since 1919.
Samuel (Sam) Adams ('26), B.Sci.,
was an Alpha Kappa Psi and is now
Chief Auditor for The American Sugar
Refining Company in New York City.
He is married and has one daughter. He
is now living in Scarsdale, New York.
Howard Ahmanson ('27) graduated
from the University of Southern Cali
fornia and is now in the Insurance busi
ness in Los Angeles. He married Dorothy
William (Bill) I. Aitken, ('18) gradu
ated from the University of Nebraska
with an A.B. degree, and also gradu
ated from
Harvard in
with an
L.L.B. He was president of the Harvard
graduate chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
in 1920. He was also a second Lieuten
ant in Wox'ld War I. He is married
and is a successful Lawyer in Lincoln,
Blanchard R. (Andy) Anderson, ('24)
graduated from the University of Ne
Eugene (Gene) W. Burdic, ('31) is
married and lives in Malvern, Iowa, He
is President of the Malvern Trust &
Savings Bank, Malvern, Iowa.
Robert (Bob) R. Burns, (' ) is the
Parts Sales Representative for Douglas
Aircraft. He is married and lives in
Santa Monica, California.
William (Bill) H. Butterfield, ('32)
received his A.B. degree at the Univer
sity of Nebraska in 1933, and his M.A.
degree at the University of Oklahoma
in 1935. He has done additional gradu
ate work at the University of Pennsyl
vania, Harvard, and Columbia Univer
sity. He is a Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma
Delta Chi. He was also a Delta Sigma
Pi at the University of Oklahoma. He is
Vice President of DePauw University,
Greencastle, Indiana. He has written
twelve books and eighty magazine ar
ticles on business letter writing and
public relations. He was president of
American Business Writing Association,
1943-1945, and was formerly Educa
tional Director of National Retail Credit
Association and is listed in "Who's Who
In America." He is married and lives in
Greencastle, Indiana.
C. Marvin Cavender, a Lincoln High
graduate, is living in San Francisco,
Orville Chatt, ('17) A.B., L.L.B. and
J.D. is a lawyer for the Title Insurance
Company. He is married and lives in
Eugene, Oregon.
Alfred Thomas Cornish ('48), received
his Bachelor of Science degree from the
University of Nebraska, and is now liv
braska with a Bachelor of Science de
gree. He is married and is the manager
ing in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. He is
employed by the Fellows Sales Co.,
of the Real Estate Department of the
First Trust Company in Lincoln, Nebr.
Ralph M. (Andy) Anderson, ('23)
Sioux Falls, S. D.
graduated with an L.L.B. degree from
the University of Nebraska, and was a
member of Phi Delta Phi. He is married
and lives in Tekamah, Nebraska. He is
a successful lawyer and was County
Attorney of Burt County, Nebraska
from 1926 to 1935.
Robert (Bob) D. Anderson, ('29) is a
successful business man in Sioux City,
Iowa. At 413 Nebraska St., Sioux City,
John (Johnny) B. Brain, Jr., ('36) is
President and General Manager of the
marrmd and lives in Omaha. He is Vice
Omaha School Supply and Brain Stationery & Sporting Goods Co
, ^''ennan,
('21) from
married and is with
the Western Electric Co., in Lincoln.
Donald (Don) Bridge, ('15) is married
in the
Milling ?^°rfolk,
business. Nebraska.
Walter (Walt) H. Cronk, ('28) re
ceived many honors while fighting in
World War II. He received the French
Croix de Guerre, French medal of Metz
and Medal of Verdun, the Purple Heart,
and Army Commendation from General
Patton. He was an Alpha Kappa Psi at
the University of Nebraska. He is mar
ried and living in California. He is As
sistant Sales Manager for the Pacific
Tel. & Tel. Co. in Los Angeles.
Robert (Bob) De Cou, ('08) received
his A.B. degree at the University of
Wisconsin. He is married and lives in
Burlingame, California. He is a manu
facturers' agent.
Lloyd R. De Vorss, ('26) is Credit
Manager for the International Harvester
Co. He is married and lives in Spokane,
Stanley (Stan) F. De Vore, ('26) is
Branch Manager for the White Motor
Co St. Louis, Mo. He is married and
He is living in St. Louis County, Missouri.
John (Jack) M. Dierks received his
m^ned and living in Lafayette, Indiana. A.B.
degree from the University of Ne
Albert (Al) Loring Brown, ('48) is
Forrest Brown, ('38) A.B. lives in
Western, Nebraska and owns one half
interest in Brown's Thrift Store He is
married and has one son
Theodore "Thomas (Tom) Buell, ('10)
braska in 1923 and his L.L.B. degree
from the Harvard Law School in 1926.
He was County Judge, Otoe County, Ne
braska from 1927-1931, and City Attor
ney, Nebraska City, Nebraska frorn 1942
Administrator for the Bank of America
NT&SA, Los Angeles, California. He is
married and has two children, a boy
and a girl. He is residing in Hollywood,
Fred (Fritz) R. Easterday, Jr., ('32)
is Resident Auditor for the Sears Roe
buck & Co. He is married and lives in
Lafayette, Indiana.
Harlan (Hal) G. Easton, ('31) B.F.A.
is married and living in Omaha, Ne
braska. He is in the Real Estate Man
agement and Sales business.
Hugh W. Eisenhart, ('39) L.L.B. is a
successful attorney at Cambridge, Ne
braska. He was County Attorney of
Hitchcock County from 1940 to 1943 and
President of the 14th District Bar Asso
ciation—1947—President of the Cam
bridge Rotary Club—1948. Among his
other activities, Hugh is an active Ma
son. He is married and has two children.
K. D. (Ken) Eisenhart, ('40) B.A. is
working for the Scott & Beecher, Archi
tects & Engineers at 617 Dooly Bldg.,
Salt Lake City, Utah. He is married
and has a son.
Kirwin (Ki) L. Eisenhart, ('43) B.
Sci. is married and living at 456 South
Lake St., Los Angeles, 5, California. He
is employed by the Title Company.
Edwin (Ed) S. Ewart, ('39) A.B.,
M.A., is an aviation psychologist for the
Council Committee
on Aviation Psychology. He is married
and has a son. He is now living at 4023
Plumstead Ave., Drexel Hill, Penna.
Robert (B. J.) Farmer, ('50) is at
tending Omaha University and lives at
2512 No. 48th St., Omaha, Nebr.
William (Bill) Ray Flower Jr. ('17)
is an Insurance broker in Los Angeles.
He is married and lives at 123 So. June
St., Los Angeles, California.
Vaughn E. Gaddis Jr. ('47), B.Sci.,
is an engineer for the Richfield Oil
Corporation in Southgate, California.
He is living at 9543 Elizabeth Ave.,
Southgate, California.
John P. GiUigan, ('21), M.D. is a
surgeon practicing in Neljraska City,
Nebraska and Lincoln. He is an Associ
ate Fellow of the International College
of Surgeons.
He is married and has
three sons.
Edwin (Ed) Gould, is Vice President
of the Land "Title Insurance Co. in San
Diego, California. He is married and
lives at Rt. 1 Box 533 J. National City,
T. C. (Cliff) Gregory, ('30), is in the
general insurance business in Alliance,
Nebraska. His business is located in the
Alliance National Bank Building, Alli
ance, Nebraska. He is married.
('12) is in the investment business and
owns farmlands and ranchland in Cali
He is married and lives at
Thermal, California, Box 56.
Bayard F. (Griff) Griffin, ('14),
L.L.B. is a jeweler in Boise, Idaho. He
is married and has one son and two
daughters. He was on the City Council
to 1946. He is married and lives in Ne
in Boise and now lives at 917 N. 17th
California. He is living in Truckee, Cal
braska City.
St. in Boise.
ifornia and has one daughter, a grand
Daniel (Dan) C. Easterday, ('34) is a
member of Pi Epsilon Pi and is Trust
is Supt., Division of Highways, State of
son and granddaughter.
Sam S. Griffin, ('14), L.L.B., is a
lawyer in Boise, Idaho. He was mayor
of Boise in 1945-46.
He is married and
lives at 1915 N. 17th, Boise, Idaho.
Fred Philip Haas, ('49) is a student
at Purdue University, Lafayette In
His home is at Route 2 New
Carlisle, Indiana.
William (Bill) Whiting Harvey, ('36),
B.S. is married and also a Presby
terian minister in Milford, Michigan.
He lives at 424 Hickory St. Milford,
Donald L. Hendrickson, ('48), B.Sci.
is a graduate student and lives at the
John R. Homberger, ('48), M.D., is a
physician at the University Hospitals,
University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.
He married Joan Holmquist.
Fioyd Housel, ('38), B.A. is a busi
ness man in Lexington, Nebraska. He
married and owns a finance company
John Charles (Jack) Hughes, ('48),
John G. Lowe, Jr., ('24), is now
in Kearney, Neb.
Catherine Burkett and is in the Glass
and Metal Mfg. Business in Scarsdale,
N. Y.
Frank B. Hunt, ('38), is an architect,
living at 325 51st St., Oakalnd, Cali
Claude D. Lutton, Jr., ('39), after re
ceiving his A.B. and L.L.B. degrees
married Tri Belt Margaret Peters. He
is now practicing law in Ashland, Neb.
Harold J. Lutton, ('38), got his B.S.
Leonard E. (Len) Hurtz, ('03), B.Sci.
is President of the Fairmont Foods
Company. He is married and lives at
married Christine Ross and is District
Glenn L. Hickey, ('30), is a field en
gineer for the Gates Rulaber Co. He is
722 No. Happy Hollow Blvd., Omaha,
Electric Co. in Omaha.
married and lives at 3007 Jackson St.
Jimmie J. Jensen, ('47), B.Sci. is a
development engineer. He is married
and lives at 1260 Sherman, Denver,
Barrel G. (Hink) Hinkle, ('34), B.Sci.
is the director of sales promotion for
the Guarantee Mutual Life Insurance
Co. in Omaha, Nebraska. He is mar
ried and has one daughter.
Ernest (Ernie) C. Hodder, ('28),
B.A., L.L.B. is Agency Manager for the
Equitable Life Assurance Society. 617
Building, Oklahoma
Carl W. (Hogie) Hogerson, ('23),
L.L.B. is a lawyer at Akron, New York.
He is married and lives at 367 Parker
Ave., Buffalo, 16, New York.
Searle F. Holmes (Pink), ('12), A.B.,
is married and is a sales manager. He
lives at 9 Sumner Road, Wellesley
Hills, Massachusetts. He was a Phi
Beta Kappa.
James (Jim) H. Holmquist, ('36) is
the District Credit Manager for the
Omaha, Nebraska. He is married and
lives at 821 South 60th St., Omaha, Ne-
Keith Hopewell, ('32), L.L.B., is a
lawyer and is married, living in Tekamah, Nebraska.
B.Sci. is an accountant and is mar
Institute of Technology, Cambridge, 39,
Apt. 6, Omaha, Nebraska.
Paul H. (Hildy) Hildebrand, ('33) is
the Chicago manager for the Cam
bridge Glass Co. He is married and
lives at 1228 Elmwood Evanston, Illi
C. Dean Lowry, ('26), married KKG
is married.
Graduate House at the Massachusetts
Russell M. Leger, ('45), is married
Kent M. Johnson, ('41), B.Sci. is an
operation man in Budget Sales for the
Firestone Tire & Rubber Co.
He lives
at 2466 25th St., Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
and he is married.
Howard Kennedy, III, ('35) married
Jane Walrath, got his L.L.B. at George
Washington U. and is now practicing
law in Omaha.
W. P. (Wid) Kimball ('06) is District
Traffic Supt. with North Western Bell
Telephone Co. in St. Paul, Minnesota.
D. Kimmel is
ried and is a wholesale beverage dealer
in Lincoln.
H. Stephen King, ('24), got his B.Sc.,
married Mary George and now owns
the "Fancy Pantry" in La Jolla, Cali
Willis Howard Koeneke, ('39), re
ceived his A.B., married Harriette Ellen
Carter and is a Business Manager in
Marysville, Kansas.
Robert Lee Korte, ('47), married
Betty Mae Page and is a student at
Kearney State Teachers College.
Harold Arthur Kottman, (••') married
Tri-Delta Julia Margrave and is now
Retail Regional Auditor with Sears &
Roebuck Co.
ATHLETICS—Continued from Page 1
ship. He used Dick's height to good ad
Bob Schleiger, Dick's older
brother, plays first base on Nebraska's
baseball team. The team burned up
the diamond to chalk up an impressive
Big Seven championship last spring.
Bob is valuable for his superb fielding
ability. We're hoping for a victorious
season and another trophy.
On the track, it's Piderit, Moorhou,?e,
and McGeachin who carry Fiji laurels.
The Nebraska thin dads won the In
door Meet and will endeavor to break
the tape enough times to cop the out
door meet in the spring. Bill Moorhouse runs the 440 and the relays while
high jump. Dick Piderit is the strong
contender in the shot-put.
Kenny Brown and Don Strasheim
will wear the "N" from now on as they
to their berths on the
braska Mat Team. They, too, won the
in the 121
lb. class
"Stras" wrestled in the 165 lb. class.
Leo Geier, a very versatile Fiji, was
second high scorer on this year's Uni
versity Gym Team. The Fiji gymnast
was accomplished on the parallel bars
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April 1949 newsletter of the Lambda Nu chapter at the University of Nebraska. The newsletter is four pages in length.