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1906 May Letter Alpha (Washington & Jefferson College)
May 1906 letter of the Alpha chapter at Washington & Jefferson College. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Washington & Jefferson College
1906 May Letter Alpha (Washington & Jefferson College)
The Hirst Annual Wetter
Alpha Chapter
Phi Gamma Delta
\r\nPhi Gamma Delta House,
Washington, Pa
Dear Brother:
It may be that a great many years have passed since you were
an active member of Alpha Chapter; or perhaps our early life here was
under your tutelage, and you and your efiforts on our behalf are still bright
in our memory. If it be many years we hope that as time widens the
chasm, your memory of that fraternity grows ever brighter and recollec
tions fonder: if it be but few years may the pleasant thoughts and noble
influences of active chapter life be ever cherished. Which-ever it be, we
greet you in this our first annual letter, trusting that the bonds of brother
hood may be closer drawn and mutual interests newly awakened, and
wishing to express our devotion to Alpha's alumni and the pleasure we
have in reading over their names, relating their pranks and rejoicing in
their achievements.
Our life here, no doubt, is not unlike yours was. Not all is prosper
ity; there are periods of success and times of depression. Some of us may
be negligent and others over studious, one careless, another over-strict; but
by uniting our efforts and seeking each his brother's good we trust that
we are each improving and every year coming nearer the goal which is
the aim of every true Phi Gamma Delta ; full physical, mental and moral
development. By the time we too have finished our college course we
may have learned with you the spirit of altruism and shall enter upon
life's activities appreciating that all relations are fraternal to a degree at
When we first realized the gap left by the brothers who were gradu
ated last year, we felt weak and helpless ; but rousing ourselves we were
fortunate in adding to our number six desirable and promising freshmen.
Our active roll now is;
F. R. Garver, '06, Kishacoquillas, Pa.
J. A. Dunlap, '07, Washington, Pa.
C. H. Hoar, '07, East Earl, Pa.
C. R. Keith, '07, Altoona, Pa.
J. C. Long, '07, Parral Chihuahua, Mexico
T. C. McCarrell, Jr., '07 Mechanicsburg, Pa.
U. G. Miller, '07, Washington, Pa.
A. P. Reed, '07, Washington, Pa.
H. A Riddle, Jr., '07, Chambersburg, Pa.
J. W. Rohrer, '08, Kittanning, Pa.
F. W. St. Clair, '08, Latrobe, Pa.
\r\n. ■ ■ . ff,,
J. S. McGill, 'OS, Alle?
E. L. Jones, '09, Elm
J. L. McKiiiRht, Jr., '09, Mt.^
C. F. Specht, '09, Steubeuvil
A. E. Doiman, '09, WashiuRton,
D. M. Anderson, '09, Washington, Pa.
C. B. Spates, '09, New York, N. Y,
We are always glad of any distinctions Alpha has attained in colle,ge
activities through the efforts of any one of us, and feeling sure that you
too will be glad, we shall relate some of them.
Bro. J. C. Long, '07, by his dramatic ability has obtained two prizes
offered by the "Buskin" Club of which he is now President and Business
Manager. We are further represented in this club by Bros. Reed, Specht
Spates and Jones.
Bro. Hoar, '07 was Select Orator for the F. & W. Literary Societj' in
the latest inter-society contest.
He is also Business Manager of the 1907
Bro. Reed, '07, has just completed a successful year as manager of
the College Glee and Mandolin Association. During the winter be was
an enthusiastic member of the class Basket Ball team.
Bro. Miller was a member of the First Annual Junior Prom. Com
mittee; and responded humorously to a toast at the Junior Smoker.
So far as numbers are concerned, we are not greatly restricted by
elder brothers, for our only Senior member is F. R. Garver of KISHA-
COQUILLAS ; he was a member of the '06 "Pandora" Board.
During the past year Bro. McCarrell has been President of the Junior
class, and Treasurer of the W. & J. Debating Association.
Alpha is represented in the College Glee Club by Bros. Dunlap, Miller,
McKnight and Specht: in the Mandolin Club by Bros. Long, Miller, St.
Clair and McCarrell.
To vary the monotony of close studying and to guard against any
possibility of imparing our intellects, some of us have indulged in Ath
letics. In Foot Ball, Bro. Specht filled the position of Full Back with
great credit. He is our big man about the house.
Last year Bro. Rohrer attracted attention by his efficient pitching for
the Freshman class, and this season he is working on the pitching staff of
the Varsity Base Ball team.
Bro. Riddle is Captain of the '07, and Bro. Anderson Captain of the
Freshman, class Base Ball teams.
These are sports pursued more or less individually, and they have
their pleasure; but nothing is more enjoyable than when we all meet to
gether for a jolly good time. One night, especially, during the winter we
laid some boards across two tables in the loafing room atid had a "feed."
The "grub" was from the restaurant and not to be compared with the
cakes and bromongalum mother sometimes sends; but that could not
\r\n"Greaser" Long- and "Skinny" St.
'Skinny" is going home with "Greaser"
.sninmer, and he thinks he should learn Si)anish
_ pretty black-eyed "Senoritas Mejicanas."
At another time Alpha enjoyed being l,„st to a party to '-The
College Widow" at the Nixon Theatre, Pittsburg. We wished to give the
girls an opportunity of seeing what a college widow really is; there are
none in Washington you know. At the close of the last Act we startled
the dignity of the good Pittsburgers by making the theatre ring with a
good old "Wichi Co-Ax!" and "I say I i say!"
Every May some of us have the opportunity of banquetting with the
Graduate Chapter of Pittsburg. It is good to find the fraternal bonds
begun in college days still kept alive among who have been gradu
ated for so many years, and to experience their enthusiasm. It is our
desire that our annual letter may be a means whereby the ties of brother
hood between us may be kept thus ever young.
Brothers, we would be glad if you could advise us of any desirable
men expecting to enter W. & J. -who might be a noble addition to our
number. We desire that your interest in us increase, and any letter you
may write us will be enthusiastically received.
We earnestly wish that we may have the pleasure of your presence at
our College Commencement, June 17-21. Only too gladly will we greet
you with a good hearty grip.
With sincere regards to you as a brother in Phi Gamma Delta, we are.
Fraternally yours.
Alpha Chapter.
May 20th, 1906.
. / .i-w-
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May 1906 letter of the Alpha chapter at Washington & Jefferson College. The newsletter is four pages in length.