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1953 October Newsletter Chi Iota (University of Illinois)
October 1953 newsletter of the Chi Iota chapter at the University of Illinois. This newsletter is four pages.
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Chi Iota
University of Illinois
1953 October Newsletter Chi Iota (University of Illinois)
Published by Chi lota Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
New Series Vol. XIX
No. 1
Greet Brothers
At '410' Nov. 7
Homecoming 1953 will throw
open the University of Illinois cam
pus and the chapter house the first
weekend in November once more
to Chi Iota alumni, all the way
from the class of '03 to '53.
At the same time, the Illinois
football team under the direction
of Coach Ray Eliot will round out
its six-game home schedule against
ever-dangerous Michigan before an
expected sell-out crowd of 70,000
in Memorial Stadium, Saturday,
Nov. 7.
But to each and every Phi Gam
alumni it means more than just a
Introducing the class of '57, Top row: Little, McKnelly, Armstrong, football game. This is the time to
bring back memories of college
HciTman, Bowers, Byers, Ostrand, Nesbit.
days and to renew close ties which
Middle row: Babcock, Peterson, Renwick, West, Harbeck, Harring existed between the brothers in
ton, Streibich.
the chapter at the time. Homecom
Bottom: Lindell, Mathis, leuter, Rittmiller, Urummond, Miller.
ing is the time of year to re-live
the days so indelibly stamped in
Chi Iota Embarks on 1953-54 Schoo! Year
Chapter Nets 23 Top Pledges This Fall
The 1953 Chi Iota summer rush
Be Sure To Read This!
ing program wa' brought to a suc
cessful completion on Sept. 12,
Before you lay this issue of the
with the pledging of 23 men.
Illinois Fiji down check and make
Much of this success is due to sure you have signed and returned
alumni who sent in helpful recom the postcard Alumni President Ken
mendations, and who were instru- Means sent to you.
rental in the organizing of summer
It is very important those cards
rushing parties. We also owe a note be back at the chapter house by
of thanks to Bud Larson, our alum Homecoming. Show your desire to
ni rushing chairman, who coordi help in this one of the most im
nated the work of the active chap portant undertakings in the history
ter with that of the alumni.
| of
Our new pledges have all been j
leaders in high school activities,
and we here at "401" are very
Phi Gamma Delta at Illinois.
the memory of each Phi (jamma
Delta mini.
All the usual campus events and
trimmings will be much in evidence
this year as in the past. The week
end will get underway with a pa
rade and pep rally Friday, and from
all indications the pep rallies have
become a major campus function
with the Fiji pledges leading the
parade down John street and be
ing leaders at the rallies.
Returning Alumni are urged to
Homecoming headquarters before
and after the game. Here you 1!
have a chance to
meet the Fiji
brothers of yesteryear, meet the
DON BOWERS, from Chicago chapter members and pledges, and
proud of them. They are as follows: [ (Beverly Hills) who is enrolled in just have a good time generally.
JOHN ARMSTRONG, from Jol-; the Commerce College.
Yes, it's back to the campus and
iet, who was valedictorian of his i BOB BYERS, from Park Ridge, Phi Gam house for Homecoming
who plans on being an engineer.
1953, and the welcome sign is out
class, and is entering L.A.S.
DON DRUMMOND, from Peoria, to all you good brothers from far
JIM BABCOCK, from Galva,
whose fathei' and brother are Pijis. who has a Fiji bi'other at Wabash and near. Remember that date,
(Continued on page 3)
Nov. 7, and BE THERE!
Jim is in Architecture school.
\r\nPage Two
October, 1953
Alumni Association of Chi Iota of
An Open Letter From Ken Means
Telling The Situation Then and Now
Phi Gamma Delta fraternity for
and Cornell the average is $110,
at Michigan, $100.
We as Alumni always look back
to the days when we were in school,
whether it was in '02, '22, or '42,
Harry Overtoom
Editor as real great days for Phi Gamma
Delta on the Campus at the Uni
versity of Illinois. As we survey
Jim Kahlert, Gordon Leach, Bill the situation currently we always
Bingham, Dan O'Connell, Frank believe things just aren't as good
Strachota, Gene Wallace.
as they were in the "good old
days." Changing times bring chang
The current chapter, along with
several other fratei'nities, is rais
ing its house bill. Ours will be $94
for actives and $88 for pledges
this year. This, plus keeping the
house full and a full dining room
is going to bring prosperity back
to Chi Iota.
Just before rush week this yeai'
ing values and standards and it
the Board of Directors of the Phi
alumni, and changes of address to
is not always easy for us to adjust
Gamma Delta Association met with
the Publication office. Box 713, Sta
tion A, Champaign, 111., Chapter
House: 401 East John street. Cham
paign, 111.
Dixieland Music,
Phi Gam Version
our thinking to those changes.
the active chapter and presented
Many Changes
to the members the problems they
There have been many changes
faced and suggested some changes
at 401 E. John over the period of
which, in the considered opinion of
years. Some of those changes have
the board, would help solve those
been desirable and some have been
below the standards many set for
Delta. We have
problems. We are proud to report,
that the actions of the chapter have
years of high scholastic achieve
full spirit of cooperation in realis
ment and some only fair, but never
tically facing their problems.
In the last few weeks Chi Iota quite so low as when we were 54th
Successful Rush!
has become a junior version of New on the campus the 2nd semester
Chi Iota has just completed one
The of 1951-52. We are proud to re
strains of "When Those Saints port that the chapter went to work of the most successful rushing sea
and jumped back to 14th place the sons it has had in several years.
Come Marchin' In" and other lead
ing Dixie versions are coming from 1st semester of 1952-53. The 2nd They have pledged 23 of the top
the recently organized Phi Gam semester they remained above the boys to come to Illinois this fall.
all-men's average and all-univers From all reports from various
Dixieland combo.
sources, the boys are the cream
The group, still needing a little ity average, but slipped a few plac- of the crop and we did much bet
practice, is under the leadership of I es. We are confident that they are ter proportionally than any oth
Herb Bayley '55, chief clarinetist, I returning to their rightful place er house on the campus.
and Dick Peterson '57, on trom , on the campus in scholarship,
The Summer rushing program
Inflation Hits
bone. Other sterling members of i
Inflation has hit the fraternities was a real success this year under
this up and coming organization
1and many on the campus at Illinois the leadership of Bill Bingham of
are Dick Pawlak '54, drums; Larry have been losing money. Chi Iota the active chapter and Bud Lar
McKnelly '57, saxophone;
has been losing money for the past son '40 (Paxton) acting as Alum
McKnelly '54, trumpet; Rob Little I three years. There are several reas ni Rushing Chairman. We had more
'57, cornet; Bill leuter '57, gut- ons—the two principal ones are cooperation from the Alumni than
bucket, and Nick Nickerson '55, the size of our physical property we had for some years (but we
Fiji Address Changes . . .
j which limits the number of boys still need more and more). The
I we can comfortably house and the Alumni and active chapter pro
other the reluctance to raise house grams were perfectly coordinated
bills. As has always been true. Phi and the cooperation paid off. The
highlight of the summer rushing
program was a fine party at the
The following alumni have noti Gamma Delta, is in competition
with the large "top" houses on the
fied us of changes of address:
James Brophy '50, 4816 Central campus. Where some have had as
home of Willard R. Curtis '24 in
Joliet. Over fifty actives, rushees
Ave., Western Springs.
and Alumni were present. Six of
Merrill K. Dubach '24, RR No. 3,
have 43 men living in the house. the guests at that party are pledg
Box 711, Springfield, Mo.
es at Chi Iota today and a couple
Robert L. Faith '47, 8236 Hurl- The small chapter is good for fra
are going through informal rush
but St., Cabrillo Heights, San Die
ury. The large fraternities are able ing right now. The pledges who
go, Calif.
were at the party were Don Bow
Ralph C. Goetz '48, Indian Head to make money on a small house ers and Bob Nesbit of the Bever
bill, while the fixed costs of the
Park, LaGrange.
ly Hills section of Chicago, Steve
Burr L. Hughes '43, 2711 Country smallei' chapter are causing real Lindell of Dixon, Roger Hoffman
Club Terrace, Rockford.
of Arthur, John Armstrong of Jol
Charles S. Kritzer '49, 1412 8th tion the recent cabinets have kept iet and Dick Peterson of Paxton.
many as 90 to
Ave., N.E., Rochester, Minn.
members we
the house bill in line with the others
Carter E. Phlilips '34, 2255 Or- On the campus. Last year the bill were perfect hosts and hostess and
was $88 for actives and $83 for
rington Ave., Evanston.
the boys from the active chapter
Melton A. Reasonei- '33, 327-22nd pledges. The average house bill at (lid a great rushing job.
Ave. West, Calgary, Aibei'ta, Can
$100—low $75). At Northwestern
(Co7iti)tued on Page 4)
\r\nOctober, 1953
Summer Decorating
Changes Appearance
Through Downstairs
(Continued from 'page 1)
Gollege. He is going into Aeronaut
Many amazed expressions and
ical Engineering.
looks of bewilderment were seen at
JOHN HARBECK, from Ottawa,
401 around September 3 . . . not
who is also in the Gollege of Com-
from the thought of returning to
Page Three
nights . . . but rather from the
new . . . very refreshingly new . . .
look of the ground floor rooms.
Already, the effects of the new,
more homey, atmosphere can be
seen in the greater chapter spirit.
We now have a more beautiful
and comfortable home and also a
home we can be mighty proud to
show our parents, relatives, and
friends (female friends, especially.)
We also want to give some of
the credit for getting such a top
pledge class to the fact that the
house looked so good during rush
Miller, is from Peoria, and is in
the College of L.A.S. studying premed.
pledge from Peoria, has decided
upon the College of Commerce.
This completes the new pledges
er pledge from Chicago (Beverly who have been added during for
Hills) who is in the College of mal rushing. We have, however,
also added a few more pledges dur
Fine and Applied Arts.
ROGER HOFFMAN, from Ar ing informal rushing, which start
thur, has decided upon the College ed Sept. 22. One is PETE WEST,
who is a Naperville freshman rvith
of L.A.S.
BILL lEUTER, who also comes a doctor's career in mind.
RALPH NELSON, Ottawa, se
from Ottawa, is another engineer
lected as a high school All-Ameri
ing student.
STEVE LINDELI, from Dixon, can football player is already spend
will also enter the College of ing his afternoons at Memorial
Stadium with the Illini gridders.
L.A.S., pre-dental curriculum.
JIM RENWICK, All-state half
ROBERT LITTLE, from Toledo,
Ohio, is a brother of Ed Little, back from Ottawa, also devotes
Chi Iota Fiji, and is planning on most of his spare time to football
an engineering career. Rob is the practice.
president of the pledge class.
JIM MaGILL, also from Ottawa,
pi'oximately $2500, the Alumni
JIM MATHIS, a Pinckneyville is studying Commerce, he has al
Board made many needed and many boy, is also going to be a freshman
ready started working out with
wonderful improvements:
L.A.S. student, studying pre-med. the Illini track team.
1. Decorated walls and ceilings,
LARRY McKNELLY, from ShelCompleting the pledge class, we
With a total expenditure of ap-
and cleaned rugs in library, byville, has a brother. Bob, who
living room, card room, din
ing room, and hall-way.
2. Covered
dining-room chairs
3. New drapes in
cai'd room,
library, and hall-way.
New circular-sofa, pictures,
JIM MILLER is one of our four
Peoria pledges, and is a Commerce
ROBERT NESBIT, whose father
and brother are PePauw Fijis, is
and tables in living room.
entering the College of Fine and
5. Painted fire-places in library Applied Arts.
and living room.
CARL OSTRAND is from High6. Sand-blasted white stone on
wood, and is one of our fine fresh
outside of house.
These main improvements, plus
have two men who are holdovers
is a present active member of Chi from last year. They are FRANK
Iota chapter. Larry will be in the
HOFFMAN, DeKalb, sophomore
L.A.S. College, in pre-med.
man engineering students.
football end and winner of the Rob
ert, C. Zuppke Scholarship, and
Commerce student from
He is the nephew of Richard Crowder. National Scholarship Chair
As mentioned earlier we are ex
proud of
There is no doubt this is one of
DICK PETERSON, from Paxton, the finest pledge classes brought
chosen the College of Com into Chi Iota. We urge everyone
us something to really be proud
of . . . and something to be very merce in which to gain his edu of you alumni to drop in at the
chapter house and meet these men
thankful for to our alumnus.
DAVE RITTMILLER, like Jim personally.
a few more minor ones, have given
While a student at the Univers
Chi lofa Mourns Loss
Of Two Loyal Alumni
for four years, and president of
lost two
of the class of 1897.
its most prominent and well-known
alumni in recent months.
Former Chi Iota Purple Legion
naire John S. Crandell, professor
emeritus of engineering circles died
last July 8 at his summer home
Bear Meadows farm, near Boalsburg. Pa.
and Whiting, Ind.
Brother Crandell was a member
of Phi Gamma Delta at New York
kissing of the pig ceremony.
He is survived by his widow,
He is survived by two sons, Fred,
and John of Champaign, city edi Kathryn, a daughter, and a grand
tor of the Urbana Courier, and daughter. A son, John Philip, was
killed in World War II.
two grandchildren.
1925 until his death. For the last
several years he has held the honor
of being the oldest alumnus re
After receiving his MS in zoo
logy in 1898 he was principal of turning for Pig Dinner and took
schools in Tuscola, Chicago Heights great pleasure in carrying out the
Frederick W. Schacht died at the
destinies of Chi Iota from the time
ity Brother Schacht was editor of he became professor of highvvay
the mini, varsity football player engineering at the University in
age of 79 this September 10 in University where he received his
Grand Haven, Mich, after an ex bachelor of science degree in 1904
tended illness. He was a member of and a civil engineering degree in
the class of 1897 and president 1906.
of the Dad's Association in '34-'35.
He was an active figure in the
Former house treasurer and
NROTC student Ray Brinkman '52,
can be reached by writing Ens.
R. M. Bi-inkman, USS Marquette
(AKA-95), c/o Fleet Post Office,
New York, N. Y.
\r\nPage Four
Ken Means Reports. . .
(Continued from page 2)
When you return to the halls of
Chi Iota you will find the house in
the best condition it has been in
years. The place gleams with fresh
paint, the windows are beautifully
Alumni Notes
R. M. Evans '06, 1124 B Kaneche
Drive, Kaneohe, Territory of Ha
"The writer was put on the re-
tii-ement list first of January and
draped, the floor sports new carpet
since I am now supposed to do a
ing, (installed last year) and the
lot of loafing from here on—have
decided to go where loafing is not
looked down on, as a matter of
scheme is most pleasing and will
fact, is regarded as an honorable
October, 1953
sure make you proud as you sur
vey your "home away from home."
The chapter at Champaign and
many other chapters of other fra
ternities face new problems in these
"changing times" and must adjust
to them. Your board of directors
is trying to rocognizo thoso pvoblems and help guide the chapter.
"Wish I could take in one more
Fiji Gridders Unbeaten,
Pledges Coach Thetas
As the new school year of 1953'54 opens, we find the Illinois Fijis
in strong contention for the coveted
intramural trophy. In our first
three football games thus far this
season, we have beaten Theta Del
ta Chi 29-0; Alpha Rho Chi 48-0;
and more recently Phi Kappa Sig
ma 27-0. In two practice games we
downed the Kappa Sigs 21-6 and
beat the Delta Tau Deltas 24-0.
Outstanding men include seniors
Homecoming game, but this year Ed Chapel, Dick Pawlak, Jack
it is not possible."
Kiest, Dick Tindall, Don Weaver,
Gene Steffy, and Dick McCarthy.
Harry J. Klotz '12, 160 Laurel Jack Arnold, Dick Little, Bill BingRoad, Chestnut Hill 67, Mass, is ham, and pledge Jim Babcock ai'e
Chief Power Engineer for the Stone also turning in stellar perform
& Webster Engineering Corp. in ances. Chapel and Tindall wore
We may error in our judgement
from time to time, but we feel we
are making real progress. We have
chosen for the All-I. M. team last
"Fourth child, second girl, Laura
I'-veryono is working hard to re
born May 16, 1953," writes tain our last year's championship.
and in Chicago during the past
year which have had almost lOO'/r Charles W. Norton, Jr. '43. He All in all, we have a very good
had many meetings in Champaign
Only illness or
very is connected with the Ail-Ameri
chance to bring back another tro
urgent business out of the city can Mfg. Co. in Los Angeles. His phy to "401."
has kept a member away. I have home address is 1495 Vista Lane,
Many of the minor sports such
been blessed with a truely "work Pasadena 3, Calif.
is badminton, handball, and volleying board of directors" who have
oall are just getting underway.
unselfishly given of their time.
We on the board would like to
take this opportunity to extend a
North of the border is the home
of Melton A. Reasoner '33. He is
Chief Geologist for Canada-South
We have won our first co-rec vol
leyball game witb Chi Omega over
special invitation to all of you to ern Oils, Ltd. His home address is scores were 15-6; 15-4.
try to get back to 401 E. John for 327 22nd Ave., West Calgary, Al
Our new pledge class is loaded
Homecoming on November 7th this berta, Canada.
year. We would like to have the op
Bob Evans '06, 2306 34 Ave. f. M. sports this year. We are all
portunity to show off our new
looking forward to a very success
Seattle 44, Wash.:
pledges our active chapter and the
season and have high hopes of
"The only lad in the last issue
house itself. We would like to have
winning the "big one" this year.
you present for our annual meet
ing and banquet and have as many love was Chuck Eastman, who has
Jack G. Miller '34, 2109 Illini
of you as possible attend our Board spent the last ten years proving Road, Springfield;
he is a good American. Was in Cal
of Directors meeting on Saturday
"In our industry, I have the
ifornia last year and had I known
morning before the game.
pleasure of serving on the Board
Chuck was there would have check
Gilbert F. Campbell '38 has been
named general agent of the Illi
ed with him.
"American Brake Shoe retired me
uf Diiectors of the Construction In
dustry Manufacturers of Ameri
January 1 so after loafing around can Road Builders Association of
here where everyone has a job, which W. B. (Bill) Greene '08,
president of Barber-Greene Co. is
ton, D. C. He began his career am going to Honolulu this fall."
also a member. He is a splendid
with the IC in the fall of '38, as
an apprentice in the traffic depart
Jerry Cox '49, new business ad gentleman and a high credit to
nois Central Railroad in Washing
ment. He has held his present job, dress, 307 East Locust St. Daven his company.
"Warren Kinsey '33 has just been
that of traffic agent in the Chicago port, la.:
sales and service office, since early
"My Illinois Fiji finally reached appointed Works Manager of Cat
1948. The Campbells will move to me through an address outdated erpillar Tractor Co.'s new plant
Washington, D. C. as soon as they by tbree later ones. I opened my to be built at Decatur. Details can
obtain living quarters.
own architectural office in De be secured by writing Warren at
cember, so I think I'll stay put for 530 West Richwoods Blvd., Peo-
Robert B. Sullan '50, 1940 She- a while now. Betts and I have a ria.
"As for myself, nthing startling.
daughter born three days before
man Ave., Evanston:
"Now back in Illinois after a year Christmas of last year. The baby On January 12, I became a mem
in Toledo. Am in the design de
partment of Graham, Anderson,
Prol)st, & White at 80 E. Michigan
ave., Chicago. Have a new little
son 'named Scott, born May 20."
and the new business in one month
ber of Board of Directoi-s of First
wound up last year in a I'ather liusy National Bank of Springfield. Fam
found up last year in a rather busy ily consists of gii'l, Marilyn age
way, and they'i-e both keeping me nine and a half, and Jack G. Ill,
jumping this year, too."
aged six, plus wife, Marion.
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October 1953 newsletter of the Chi Iota chapter at the University of Illinois. This newsletter is four pages.