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1953 Spring Newsletter Alpha (Washington & Jefferson College)
Spring 1953 newsletter of the Alpha chapter at Washington & Jefferson College. The newsletter is eight pages in length.
Date/Date Range:
Washington & Jefferson College
1953 Spring Newsletter Alpha (Washington & Jefferson College)
35. \(). 1
SPRING, 1953
Pete Fairbaugh,'54
Elected To The
Office of President
On Alarch 30, at an informal meeting,
the officers for the school term 1953-5-1
were elected by Alpha of Phi Gamma
The new cabinet includes Raw-
lin Fairbaugh. Duncan Oliphant, Wil
liam Rommel. John McElravey, Alalcolm Reed. Charles Muetzel, and Don
ald Kamerer.
Alpha's new President, Rawlin A.
F'airbatigh, hails from AIcKeesport, Pa.
While attending high school, Pete was
on the varsity basketball team, assistant
editor of the yearbook, and a member
of the National Honorary Society. Now
in his junior year here at Jay, he has
participated in all of the intramural
sports programs, and is an active mem
ber in the following campus organiza
tions: Pi Delta Epsilon. Kera, the econ
omics honorary, the Intercollegiate Con
ference on Government, the school news
Pictured (i/wve arc Alpha s new officers. Seated—lejt to right: Pete Fairl)augh, President; Steve Oliphant, Treasurer; and Jack McElravey, Corres
ponding Secretaiy. Standitig—left to right: Chick Muetzel, Stezvard; and Mac
Reed, Historian. \ of pictured: Peter RommeL Recording Secretary.
paper, the Red and Black, and the Pan
dora, the school's yearbook.
Treasurer Stephen Duncan Oliphant
Irom Beaver F'alls, Pa., attended Beaver
High and was the president of the
school's social organization, on the year
book staff, and on the varsity football
\\ hill.' tlif Cdiidiliiins 1 liroiij-'iiDUI ihc
world arc in turnioil. llic .\lpha chap
ter i.s cxpcriciicinK llic finalities of .settl
ing back to normtil fraternity life, after
overconiinL' the difficulties inxolved in
the chtinge of order that necessai'ily
follow.s .1 change of residence.
The finttncnd status of the cntiptei is
sound and normal. J he board deiiart-
inent. a repettted hetidtiche of the ittisl
few years, is fimdiy stabilized and. there
fore. earning a profit. Recent changes
weekend meals, and the hiring of a new
W e have been striving in the past
and baseball squads. Now a sopho
more. ''Dune" plays first string football
for the Pre.xie eleven, handles customs
year to raise our scliol.istic standing and
.'Old traditions here in the house, and
still m;iint;iin a well-rounded chapter in
order to preserve our enviable position
on this campus. At this time. 1 can
not lielp but feel that we arc closely
appro.ximaling this goal. Our scholar
ship rating has. in general, improved
tremendously: this past semester, wa
rose from eightli place to that of fourth
and we are still progressing upward.
participates in ICG.
William Peter Rommell. new record
ing secretary from Rockaway. New Jer
sey. attended Columbia High School and
was a member of the "pep " committee,
the student council, and participated in
varsity track. Finishing his junior year
here at W. & J.. Pete is the acting com
manding officer of the RO'FC s Pershing
One of the greatest aids to the upward
trend of scholarship now is the contribu-
Rllle .Military fraternili'. on the Pan
oi our ]sledgc class.
For tlic first time
dora. and
member of the student
includes an increased numiier of men
in years, it appears that they will not
council. On loji of all this, he has been
very active in the intramural program.
eating in the house, the abolition of
Cantinucd on ptigr S, column 2
Continued on page S, column 1
Spring. 195.1
Published by the Alumni Relations and
Publications Committee of Alpha Chap
Beams of Alpha's
ter of Phi Gamma Delta.
Chairman: .'\ndrew N. Farley
Thomas G. Grocott
Anthony S. Mastrian
The Brothers of Alpha Chapter of
Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity
Alpha's Marita! Slolus
Alpha Chapter is proud to announce
that to date we have five men pinned,
three engaged, and two married. I
know Fiji brothers everywhere wish
Alumni Gossip
Star Turned
To New Trophy
Having .iicizcd permanent possession
of the 1951-52 Intramural Big Cup, Al
pha has focused its lustful beams with
great fervor on the new big cup of the
1952-53 Wash-JelT Intramural Program.
.'Vlready two trophys stand upon the
Fiji mantle, symbols of the stepping
stones toward successfully winning the
new big cup.
Last year's Greek sports season ended
with the scramble for the Softball trophy
with Fijimen engaging once again in tills
spectacular intramural sport, .\ddis and
Fleming took their stands on tiic mound,
while Oiiphant and Mannci rotated the
backstop duties. The Fijimen moved
ahead with a 4-1 record, tiic only loss at
Edward James
the hands of the Skulls for the section
championship before the final piayolT
for the cup.
'I'iiis year's intramural ]irogram got
underway witii a quick start, and as
usual, volleyball headed the agenda.
Under the capable leadership of Pete
Fairbaugh. the Fiji mentor, llie le;im
tallied six wins in ten thrill-packed con
tests. Because most of last year's Fiji
nine arc no longer with us. a new
team had to be organized. Coach Fair
baugh worked hard with the new men
but unfortunately this third defetit re
lieved .\lpha in the scramble for the
The Fiji ttinkmen sleanirolled its way
back to "gralibers grab" for the water
championship by winning the intramural
swimming trophy for the second con
secutive year.
The latest pledge in the Alpha Chap
ter of Phi Gamma
is Edward
James Duignan. '56, from Butler, Penna.
While an undergraduate in Butler High
School. Eddie was active in many ac
tivities including the Youth Assembly,
the senior play, the Prom committee,
and Intramural basketball.
He was an
Breaststroking Bert Fnglehardt paved
the way for :i speedy Fiji team compos
ed of veterans George .Augur, past prexic
Jim Flaherty. ''Dune" Oiiphant, Peter
Rommel. Lee Ross and neophyte Byron
have lost in one manner or another,
and if you know where they are. tind
what they arc doing, we would ap
preciate hearing from you so that we
may once again serve them through the
luiblications of .Mpha. 'i'hey are:
AlKFN. Richard L.. ("40): BL.ACK.
Ariliur ().. ('42); CARPFX IKR. John
\V.. ('28); COOPER. Edward M.. Jr..
(■28): D.WVE, Hariv E.. ('18): FLOW
ERS, William J.. Jr.. ('40): GER.AGHTV, Lawrence E.. ('26): GILLESPIE.
Benjamin S.. ("31): HlGllFIELD, Al
len R.. ("19): .MASSEY. Ralph W..
("39): McCOR.MlCK. Charles L.. ('26):
.McXAMEE. Hugh A., Jr., ('17): MIL
LER. IGuntley .\1.. Col. US.\. ("05):
MILLER. S. Johnson. ('12): RICH
ARDS. Paul G.. ('20): ROSSELE'i'.
Rolliii R.. ("16): RUP.IAXO. .Moises.
(46); SClll'.E'lS. Thomas C.. (32):
SII.AFEER. George A.. ('33): SMITH,
Car". E,. ("34): S'TEWART. James G..
('32): STIEEL. M. Leslie. ('43):
.SlREllLER. Heruard L.. ("46): \ AX
1)1 SE.X. Sidney J.. ("99).
John Robert Curry
Biotlier ITih Cuiry "53 and hi.s wife.
.Xancy. were recently blessed with a
prospective I' iji. John Robert was born
December 24. 1952. weighing eight and
one-half jiounds.
Brother Curry, him.-clf a legacy, is hoiieful for a future
Phi Gam.
Boll finishes the jire-law
cour.«e at Jay in June and plans to study
Law at the University of Pittsburgh
next fall.
Alpha Triumphs In
Hoover. The mermen scored 40 points
in all. which was twelve more than their
Initial Section 7
nearest opponent. Much credit
to Fngelhardt for his wonderful
•stacking performances and to
Demas McVay. the .sophomore
is due
officer of the Hl-Y for four years and
also of his class in his junior and senior
years. Here at W. & J.. Eddie's pre
law courses keep him busy, but he has
Con/iiiiird rill pai^r 6, rnlumn /
found time for the Buskin Club, the In
W'f wish to express our sincere thanks
tu Brother Jack Georj-re for his effort,
tercollegiate Council on Government,
and a place on the championship Fiji
wrestling team.
Down through the years, we have
tried to keep track of our .ALU.M.Nl,
but every now and again some seem
to escape us by moving and neglecting
to send us information regarding their
new address. '1 he following men we
'Twas a cold and raint' day on De
cember 6. 1952. when the Phi Gamma
Delta chapters of Washington and Jef
ferson. Pitt. .Allegheny, and Penn State
To Jack George
beyond the call of duty, to make our
Pig Dinner a success.
met at PiltslnirglTs new fi eld house for
their fi rst Section 7 tonritamcnt.
l''irst :-:anic: .Alpha 45. Sigm.a Pi 37.
Second game: Pi. 34. (lamma Phi 26.
Final game; .Alpha 40. Pi 15.
\r\nTHE \y I]I
Spring, 1953
If llilbcrl Carl iMigdharJl is never reliieinbcreJ for anylliing el>e. he will noi
be forgoUen as the aulhor of a snapjn'
version of Fiji Rag. But. besides his
musical ability. Bert is interested in
many other fields.
graduate of i'ittsburgh's Peabody High School, he was a
member of both the Biology and Spanish
clubs and in the National Honorary So
ciety. His sterling perforinanee in the
swimming pool earned him a inenibersliip in the X'arsity Club, liaxine been
one of the "anchor men" !or ihe i' iji
tank team, ]3ert went on to fame,
through his breast-stroking performances
by helping the Jay mermen cop several
of their meets.
.\ liberal arts student,
he is also a member of hte Pershing
Kiski lias sent to us Henr\- W . Hul-
ton. better known as Pete, from Ihlt -
.'\n economics majc)r, Pete i>
also on tile stafT of the Pandora, the
College yearbook, and the Red
While attending tli Saltsbiirg sehodh he
played soccer, basketball. aiKl b.iseba
and participated in the i.anguage Club,
the Dramatics Society, the Leader's
Club, Hi-Y, and the yearb(H)k sta!l.
"Senator'' Andrew Xewell h'arlev's
main ambition now is to see the Demo
crats get back into oiTice. 1 hns, a jnelaw student with niaj(.)rs in economies
and political science, his ;s the
field of politics and a job as a career
diplomat. In addition. .\ndy is a mem
ber of the Pershing Rifles, the Xafional
Defense Transportation .\ssoc:ation. the
Buskin Club, the Red
Black, the in
tercollegiate Conference on CiovernmenL
and the Pandora business staff.
Spring, he hopes to take jvirt in intra
mural track and is the manager of the
President's track squad. At Charleroi.
Pcnna.. High School, lie was editor ol
the newspaper and the year book, a'ul
an active member in the Key Chib and
in the class play.
The "Senator' also
has an interest in radio work, having
worked at station WFS.V in Charleroi
and now broadcasting over \\JP.\ here
in Washington.
Probably the busiest of the new initi.ites in his prc-college dav's was Paik
James (k)odwin of Pittsburgh, who at
Page 3
med society, the Red and Black, and
the Patidora. While still in higii school,
Tony kept rather busy. He was vicepresident of his class and a member of
the student council committee.
He also
Stephen Foster Honor Society. This
semester found "Cn)ody" playing football
served as president of the Latin Club,
editor of the newspaper and the year
book, basketball manager, and member
of the cross-country team. Just recent
ly, however, he was elected by the stu
dent body to serve as the president of
his class here at Jay, the class of 1956.
William Leonard McFwan graduated
from Woodrow Wilson High School in
Washington. D. C., last June. While
attending school. Bill played two years
of varsity football and became a mem
ber of the student council. This past
fall found him at College Feild every
for the Pre.xies and coaching the intra
mural wrestling team.
practicing the plays. Bill is majoring in
During the winter season, Paul
pt busy witii wrestling, as captain in
the 1950-51 season and taking second
place in the Xation.d Prep school cham{honship in '51 and '52 respectively. He
also pl.ayed varsity baseball, track, and
tennis, and in his senior year was elected
President of the \ arsity Club. Besides
being an athlete, Paul akso was a mem
ber of the Cadet Honor Council, the
.Masli and Spur Dramatics Club, and
served as the secretary-treasurer of the
1 homas George Grocott. another eco
nomics majt)r. calls Clairton his home
economics here at the College.
Square Dance Club, and the president
ot the Xati(.)nal Honor Society's local
chapter during his senior year. In ad
Wayne .Arnold Sclierz. also hailing
from Wilkinsburg, was quite active in
high school athletics. Not only did he
serve as football manager, but with the
coming of Spring, he played baseball
and was a hurdler on both the varsity
dition to his regular academic work,
and intramural track teams.
w ork. I om is kept at Jay as Adam
Sanders basketball m.anager.
1'rom W ilkinsburg. Pa., comes Byron
W av ne Hoover, brother of Stanley (j.
Hoover. 5.L He is deeply involved in
as secretary of the Junior Kiwanis and
low n. W hile in high school, Tom was
a memoer t)l the student council, the
work on the Pandora staff and th.e Red
5: l>lack.
In addition, he was a Jay
cheerleader, a member of the ITiskin
C lub. and is striving hard to attain
niembershij> in the Fconomics Honorary
when he become.s a junior. But this
tv'jH' of work is nothing new for Byron.
• ince he was President of his high
.^chooi s National Honorary Society, a
member of the Student Council, the
junior Kiwanis. the yearbt)ok staff, the
was a
He served
member of the varsity club.
W ayne is another of our economics ma
jors and .served as manager of the Prexie
eleven this fall.
He is playing fratern
ity basketball and has already begun
practice for intramural track in the later
part of April.
.A future lawyer is found in John W illiam Wayman of Dormont. While at
Dormont High School, he was a mem
ber of the class play, the basketball
team, the Glee Club, the track suad.
and the yearbook staff. Here at Jay,
Jack has played on the Fiji volleyball
team and the varsity golf squad.
school newspaper and an officer in the
Barrie Ross Wood of Teaiieck. X. J.,
Sixinish club. Also. Ihs artistic ability
was athletically inclined in high school
and has kept right on going here at
the College. In high school, he played
has added much to the decorations of
our parties.
An eneineenng student. Joseph Phillip
L.Iuif ot Midway. Pa., who played end
on the Prexie eleven this year, helped
the Mil mat men c:qMure the wrestling
trophy as he compiled a string of vital
points. At Midway High, Joe particijMtcd in tooiball. basketball, track, and
baseball, and was elected President of
the \arsitv Club. Later, he became a
member ot the student council and
football, basketball, baseball, and
track. Not only did he fulfill jobs,
he also was a member of tlie student
council and a senior Monitor. This
sea.son. Barrie played on the Wash-Jeff
eleven and probably will see more ac
tion next fall.
He is one of the start
ing five on the Fiji quintet and plans to
l^arlieij^ate in the intramural track pro
The President ot the recentlv* initiated
achieved tlie office of class president.
Here at Jav". Joe also plays basketball
pledee class was Charles Gerald Chrow.
•Goody" made quite a name for him-
aiui coinjH'teel in tlie 44()-vard dasli and
'59 of Baltimore. MJ. In h:s higli scliool
(feli as an athlete. He wa> a mem.ber ot
ihe varsity football si;uad for hmr vee!iniid captain of the team m 1951. the
till- mi le rclav in intramural track.
Ant lMiiy Sanuk'i Ma>trian i> a pre-
t^ame vear that he won the loot ball
heix at \\ a^h- je-!] jVin K ij\itt. v in the pre-
da\>. Jerrv was quite active in extra
cuiricular aelivitie>. He jvirlIcipated in
V r>;ly ba>ketbal! and intramural sports.
C.ontinut'd on pa;■!, the most outstanding Fiji in academ
ic and extra-curricular activities.
Brother Stuart certainly qualifted for
the award in all respects.
Not only
was he a member of Jay's Phi Beta Kap
pa honorary, hut he also received the
.Alpha Ffficiency award which is given
to the
who has contributed the most to thrc
chapter in his last year.
Jim is now a freshman in the Uni
versity of Pittsburgh's School of Mcdicme wcere he is seeking his medical
degree. Alpha says "hats oil" to Broth
er Stuart for his achievements and may
1 / 'ir^
iie have continued success.
Alpha To Sponsor
Fiji Academy
Seated — left to right: Hilbcrl (larl Kiigelhardt and Henry II'. fuUon
Standing—lejt to right: John U"dluim ll'ayinan, Paul James Guudzvin
Andrew NewcU Farley and Anthony Samuel Mastrian.
Readily aware of the fact that Alpha
is again fortunate enough to be the
host chapter for the forthcoming Fiji
Academp, her members are already mak
ing plans to be on the W ashington and
Jeilerson College campus this coming
.August 26. 27. and 28. Having spent
^ i" • '/A
last summer in Toronto at the Fkklesia,
we understand how important these
gatherings of Phi Gams arc to the ungraduatcs as well as to the Alumni. If
thiis coming academy is as half as suc
cessful as last year's 'loronto gathering,
all will reap many wonderful benehts.
.Alpha has already volunteered her
service.^ to National in hopes that shemay be able to ease the burden of pre
paration that arises witli Mich an ailair.
It is our hope that we -hail be able to
i- K
long distances just to be with us. some
of the additional benefits of being a Phi
l. ■
Gamma Dcltan.
.Alpha's new house w.ll be ready and
waiting, home away from home, for
t .lose Brothers in attendance.
We are
justly proud of the fact that we areable to ha\-e Fijis from all parts of the
C(juntry come to "the oldest college west
of the Alleghenics" and meet in a spirit
of brotherhood and fraternal association
Srctrd—lejl (o
at the initial chapter of this national
Thomas George Grocotl, and Uarne Ross ff'ood. Standing—lejl to -nght.
Byrt))! ff ayne Hoover, Joseph Phillin Land, and CAnarles Gerald Ghrow
If uync Arnold ScJirrz, ll'iliiam Leonard .l/cAceua
Spriiii;. 195.1
Instruincnial in I he honors won by
Alpha this year were oiir twelve senior
h'ijiinen. Ileadiny liie list is Cieurye
Auyur who hails ironi tmr nation's eapitol.
Georj^'e was >tewarJ last year,
member of the Spanish Club, and on the
Jay football team.
McKeesj^ort's eontribution to the
chapter is Hob Gurry. Hob was editor
of the year book, and a eonsiant mem
ber of the Dean's List,
l ie reec:\ed an
early jtradnation yitt in the lorm of a
bouneiny bai y boy from lbs eharminy
wife, Xancy.
Bob J'irtel. from Wesltield. N.
one of the most rabid bridue ians in the
house. "Krt" was steward last year
and is an eayer participant in intra-
tramural bowling team. As historian,
i^ill began the lirst chapter liistory and
Alpha's contribution to tlie "All Fiji"
lootball team is Stan Hoover from \\ il-
kinsburg. Pa. Stan, in addition to nail
ing down the center spot on this All.\merican e'excn, was corresponding sec
retary, \'.irsity trackman, a valuable as
set to intramurals. While Stan leaves,
liis younger brother Hyron, now a fresh
man. remains to maintain the Hoover
name at Alpha.
Found constantly on the basketball
court IS
Falls' Nils Liebcndor-
"ivuke' was a member of Kera,
I'.co.iomics Honor.iry, and acti\'e in var.• ity basketoall and lootball. This Dean's
murals. A member ol R.O.'l'.G.. Hob
List lad plans marriage in June.
jdans a stretch in the army.
Our onl)- New Jerseyite is Gordon
Mt. Lebanon, l^a.. can be provid of its
]\-a>-. who hails from Fast Orange. James Klaiierty. to Alpiia. "biab" 'Gordie' has been acii\ e in the Span
past prexie. has been a yreai aid to the
ish Glub. Spanish 1 lonorary. and was a
ch.ipier with his line le.ulership and inmember of the prom committee. He is
Iranuiral play. Jim is consistenib- on
engaged and also plans marriage in June.
the Dean's List and was a star perAliie;uiiti\'i's 19Ty state championship
lormer for the l^residenls' yrid team.
basketball team ga\"e us Joe Richards.
I 'is loyal service has won for him the
Joe, majoring in education, was a stel
"Alpha Etriciency Award".
lar performer for Jay the past three
Another Dean's List man is Joel Flem
years. 'Fhis high scoring forward brought
ing. Joel, a Butler lad. was treasurer,
many monors to W. J. and Phi Gam
member of Kera, and active in intrama Delta. Married this spring, he is not
murals. lie plans to take graduate work
sure of his future plans.
in physics.
Tom W alters from Craflon rounds
Our only local boy is Ted llammcrs.
A pre-med student. Ted is a stellar 'Fit our senior Fijiinen. "Leity" was
the star pitcher for the Jay baseball
dancer and intramural wrestler. Me will
suad and a ct;onsianlly high scorer on
be long remembered bu" the tine enter
the Fiji bowling team.
tainment he provided at jtarties.
l''rom Pittslnirgii. comes Ibll I I :r\ey.
While Alpha will miss these Fijis.
the chapter wishes them tb.e best of
Hill was histori in. head cheerleader.
Ghesterlield representative, member of luck and the good fortune they so justHi Delta Fpsi.on. and cajHain nl the in
1\" deseiwc.
Page S
to imbed memories of a joyous weekend
in our minds.
With Baron Elliot ofTering a smooth
variety of danccablc music, providing
just the type of entertainment that was
ternity atTair of the year a success. Yes,
the Pan-Hell weekend was referred to by
the seniors as "one of the greatest'' and
all cert only had a "whale" of a time:
Friday evening's lormal started oil the
festivities followed by ilic usual break
fast in the house. Drowsily but me
thodically the Fijis decked the house
on Saturday afiernoon to the theme of
sh.tAvboat. It was a night to remember
as the combo jirovided an evening full
ol dancing highlighted by a stage show
iealuring versatile Fiji talent. Many a
date left with an impression of the Phi
Gams that will remain dear to them for
a long lime to come.
On the weekend of April 10-12, the
I'ijis teamed with the Phi Psi's for a
weekend comiiosed of a formal on Fri
day evening followed by a breakfast in
the house and a party Saturday night.
With winter fraternity relationships at
a new high, this weekend proved to be
one to look forward to in years to come.
Saturday proved to be a warm sunny
day. of which all took advantage by
trcking out to a Softball game with their
dates. The Phi Psi's were host for the
evening witli the party being based on
"Xame your .-ong .
On May cigluli Toin- Pastor's rhyth
mic nuisic will hnd the hijis and their
dates in the last big social event of the
N'ear. .Vfter an evening ot dancing, chat
ter and thirst quenchers, the carefree
Grteks will lead their lovely ladies back
to ihe Phi CLun house ior a breakfast
serwd to revitalize the weary couples.
Saturday atlernoon the I'ljis will warm
the hearts of their lady friends with
An essential accej->ted part oi our col
lege days is the social life, and we here
at .\lpha eagerly await the ii\'e weekend.^ a year when Jay becomes co-ed.
Shoes shiiied. "tux" pressed, a young
lass of your fancy and all worries are
obliterated ior a weekend. Heginning
the ali-c.'llege .social calendar was Home-
lomiiig eirly in .Xovember which (fj'JcneJ with the impressixx' Military Ball on
b'r;d.!\' night at the Pjallroom ol the
George Wasliineton Hi)Iel. where most
college funelions arc held. .\mid the
festi\'iLies of Homeeoming Da\" the Jay
grid squad took the held eni Saturday
afternoon for the linale of a winning
season to pound out a decisive 41-21
\ iciory o\ er L psala College. That
'weniin: the i'hjis gathered at the George
Washington ior the Homecoming Dance
the alumni and
December brouglii the Inghliglit ot
the inter-lralcrnity social e\eiUs of the
hr.-t semester with the Greek Swingout.
R i>s Cari\'le prox'ided the rytlimic mii>ic whicli w,i> iollowed 1 y a candlelight
breakfast in the bhji house and a eontimiation of lae parly until the wee
hours of the morning. Saturday after
noon was ^pent decorating the lunise in
the novel pri.M)n theme with the eosrumes being based upon "Supressed De
sire". winch bianighl some hillarious cos
tumes bv the brothers and their dates
their annual orphans picnic for the orplians of Washington. 1 hat evening we
are eagerb- awaiting the grass-skirted
i''iji Island parly, the party of parties.
Beside these "big" weekends iheere have
'.H'en other small dances after basketball
games, pledge weekend, and a going
awav partv to enliven a well stacked
.•()cial calendar .
Leibendorfer To Wed
Among h'iji couples to hear wedding
bells this summer will be Brother Nilcs
"Duke" Liebeiidurfer and his. bride to
be. Sue Ann Cooper. Duke plans to be
ma t ried June 17 before he goes to the
Pago 6
Seek New Big
Cup Possession
CoJitinued irom page 2, coliinin 2
man, for his top-notch job in assembling
the tankmen and getting them in shape
for competition.
Mac Reed 175 lb., Stan Hoover 185 lb.,
and Jim Flaherty heavyweight. Four
of the eight were edged out during the
eliminations leaving Stan, Don, Joe, and
Mac in the finals. The Phi Gams pick
ed up enough points to win the cup.
Special mention should be given to
Mac Reed, who did an excellent job in
winning his weight class.
Spring, 1953
Annual Pig Dinner
Climaxes Initiation
After many weeks of planning and
hard work by the local .-Muinni and
undergraduate chapter. .Alpha's annual
Pig Dinner and initiation were held here
Saturday, February 21.
Coming as a quick follow-up to the
intramural swimming was basketball, a
sport which has always had a great
following at Jay whether varsity or in
tramural. This year was no exception
and again big crowds of students and
faculty entered the college gym to wit
ness some very exciting and colorful
The Fijis, which were last year's
champs, again floored a very well round
ed squad, possibly the strongest that
Alpha has had in years. The season
started with three or four lop-sided
games in the Fijis favor, but then a
defeat at the hands of a tall Pi Lam
team put an obstacle in the way which
was never to
The Pi
Lams went on to take the cup undefeat
ed and Alpha finished second with a
nine and one record. The nine victories
were easy, but the one defeat was close
until the last three minutes when four
of Alpha's starting five fouled out; then
the two 6' 5" boy on the opponents
team proved too much to handle.
Credit for the success of this year's
team must go to ten men, three of
whom are graduating seniors who have
contributed much to the success of the
Fijis intramural teams over the past
four years. The loss of the three—Stan
Hoover, a terrific set-shot and rebound-
er: Jim Flaherty, a 6' 2" rcboundcr with
great versitility on the court: and Xils
Liebendorfer, another big man under the
boards and high-scorer for the '52-'53
season — will definitely hurt the Fiji
squad, but a strong nucleus of freshmen
and sophomores arc present to prove
that they can make coming Fiji teams
as strong as the past ones have been.
'File informal initiation was held in
After a year's layoff, bowling was
brough back to the W. & J. intramural
program as one of the early sports to
succeed wrestling and preceed track.
Constantly in quest of the big cup, the
Fijis wholeheartedly supported the sport
with few c.iperienced bowlers, but a
little practice here and a little support
there brought Alpha above the .500
mark with a record of five wins and four
defeats. Our defeats could have been
easy victories with one more experienced
bowler, but such was not the case and
the season was not as successful as it
possibly could have been. However,
only two of the first five bowlers are
lost by graduation and if bowling is re
tained as part of the intramural program
at Jay, 1 am certain that the Fijis will
be able
their own
fashion than they did this year. Credit
and thanks for the five victories this
year must go to our two senior bowlers,
Joel Fleming and Tom Walters who
came up with several terrific games.
Hearing 200, and on one occasion both
reached this goal. Thus their absence
will be felt in next year's line-up: but
.\Ipha has always attempted to build
the future
will be present to fill their shoes and
enable the Fijis to continue their intra
mural domination on the W. & J.
W. & J. introduced ping-pong into its
intramural sports program for the first
time this year. Twelve teams entered
the struggle for the cup with the Pi
Lams coming out the victors.
The Fijis finished the season with a
six and
fi\e record.
This was better
the fraternity house at one o'clock, fol
lowed at four-thirty by the formal ini
tiation. After the formal ceremonies,
the .Alumni and members of the chap
ter including the twelve new initiates
went to the Blue Room of the George
Washington Hotel for the Pig Dinner.
Alpha planned to have as toastmasler
the president of the national fraternity,
Cecil F. Dawson, but due to illness.
Brother Dawson was unable to attend.
The postition of tojistmaster was, never
theless, very capably filled by Mr. John
D. Sheppard, section chief of Section
Seven. Brother Sheppard. with his wit
ty humor and gift of speech, made the
Pig Dinner a most enjoyable event.
The dinner is one of the highlights of
the fraternity year here at Jay, not only
because it is the *'First Supper" of the
new actives, but because it enables the
men of the chapter to become better
acquainted with the Alumni.
After the Pig Dinner was over and
greetings had been exchanged, the
brothers of .Alpha and the "newly dool
ies'' departed to the Club Flamingo
where a celebration in honor of the new
.Alpha Fijis was held.
It was a won
derful climax to a hectic week!
Big Cup Nailed
Down By Alpha
The intramural program at W. & J.
is one of the primary phases of the
college sports curriculum. 'Fhe goal that
every fraternity sets is "winning the
'Big Cup'" which is symbolic of super
ior capabilities in all fields of this Col
lege's sports.
Immediately following the intramural
basketball season, the Fijis of Alpha
continued to dominate the sports pic
than expected and can be attrbuted to
Alpha's seniors. 'i'he most consistent
winners were Stan Hoover, Joel Fleming,
Tom Walters, and Duke Liebendorfer,
of good sportsmanship and fair play for
ture as the wrestling team went into
all of whom will be alumni this time
three consecutive years.
action. Under the patient direction of
next year. Others on the team included
Brothers Don Kamerer and Paul Gof)d-
win. the men. many of whom had never
Pete Rommel and Pete Fulton. These
two men will have to form the nucleus
In winning the "Big Cup" last year,
the Fijis won four out of a possible six
sups and placed second in the remain
wrestled before, were formed into a well
of next year's squad.
ing two fields.
rounded team.
class: Ed Diiignan 125 lb.. Don Kam
The inirticipants enjoyed this innova
tion in the intramural struggle for the
big cup and perhaps this will become
erer 135 lb.. Joe LautT 145 lb.. Jerry
Langhart 155 lb.. Ste\e Oliphant lb5 lb.,
a permanent part of the intramural
jirogram at Jay.
We entered a man in e\ery weieht
We of Alpha are proud of the fact
that we have retained this monument
The trophies won by .Alpha included
the swimming, whesiling, basketball, and
track cups. The only two trophies that
we were unable to capture wxtc the
\(jlieyball and soft-ball cups.
Sjxli.?. 1953
Page 7
though the season ended with two wins
College Depends Upon Alpha's Men
On Many Of The Varsity Squads
A hca\ y-sel. rouiid-faccJ f d o l h a 1 1
coacli arri\cJ froin Stetson
College at
W'ashinglon-Jetlerson this tall. 11 i >
name was Joe MeMulIen and wit Inn
two weeks, he had captured I lie respect
and admiration of the .^^ludent 1 od\' and
j supporters.
Waiting to greet
Coach .Mc.Mullen
and his assistants. Coaches .\el>o:i and
Pveardon. were three Kijis; Stan lioover.
Jim Klaherty. and Steve Oliidiant. No
doubt Coach
was gla*.! to
see them litey helited Jay to
ot trouble dispite his slight stature. Not
only did we have six varsity Fijis. but
also a manager of the squad. McMullen's new manager was W ayne Scherz.
recentIv- a.ctivited. from W'ilkinsburg.
The Washington and Jetferson Col
lege squad lost only to Case Tech by a
I 3to 0 score. They beat Denison. Gen
eva. Thiel. Carnegie Tech. and in the
h.omecoming day game treated the alum
ni to a 41-21 victory over Upsala of
New Jersey. The Fijis of Alpha were
jn-oiid of the football team tliis year
and e>pecially proud of the secen Phi
Gaiiis vvIh) aided it in its successes.
capture its most successful season in
free-style and was undefeated in the
220-yard free-style. He also placed third
in the 100-yard free-style at the TriState A.A.U. meet and just recently cop
ped two medals for his competition and
victory in the A'.M.C.A. meet in Pitts
burgh. Ross and Kaufman were point-
getters in the 60-yard free-style and the
With the experience gained this year,
the team, sparked by Phi Gam. is look
ing forward to a successful season next
some time.
Stan lloo\er. a center from W'ilkins-
burg, lias been a stand-out ior three
years as :in oifensive center, a defensi\e
oncL again brought a respectable represetative of our college out on tlie liard-
line backer, and one oi the states lead
ing punter.s. Stan has won stale-wide
recognition for his line jd.ay and has
ing from last year's squad. Coach Adam
Sander.^ molded a fighting unit tliat
made the t.ll-state team, the all-dist r'ct
team, and was awarded honorable men
tion on the little All-Aineric.n team
during his junior \ear. l ie a!-
ponding secret.arv' during his senior v'eai.
Jim Flaherty, from Mt. Lebanon. ha>
also been a top-ilight performer durine
his four years at Jay as he j^hived of
fensive tackle and defensive end. Jim
stands six-two and weighs 2l()-pounds.
Because he was one of the fastest men
on tlie squad, he became the team's
liLst downlield blocker. The well-liked
Miiior served as .Mjiha's i^resident and
was awarded the Alpha Fificiency placpie
and tlie Omicron CIraduate award.
.•\ stocky linebacker on the stpiad
was Steve Oliphaiit of Be.aver. our new
Treasurer, played his first season in the
same stvde as Stan and Jim. Only a
sophomore. Steve is expected to really
"go places" with the Jav- grid scpiad.
Three contributions of .Alpha to
tile varsity squad were freslnnen. Paul
Goodwin. Barrie Wood, and Joe LaufT.
Ik'uil Goodwin of Pittsburgh was a de
fensive halfback and interce|')ted some
timely enemy passes and scored one
si.\ losses, individual laurels were
won by F'iji tankmen. Engclhardt, a
freshman breast-stroker with previous
experience at the A'.M.ILA. in Pitts
burgh, seldom lost a race. McVay, a
letterman from last year, always placed
in the top two brackets in the 100-yard
Barrie Wood of Teaneck.
New Jersev". was also a defensive lialfback. but is expected to be Jav's ciuarterback next season. Joe Laulf of .Mid
way saw plenty of action as a defensive
end and gave his opponents quite a bit
With onlv three lettermen miss
held its own against almost every other
clul^ it faced in the 17-game series.
One of the bright sj^ots on the team
was Joe Richards. .Alpha's high-scoring
SL-nior torward.
"Cuxise" led the Presi
dents in scoring last season by sinking
40(J points, an average of 20 per game.
Joe. who hails from .Alliquij^pa. took up
this year where he left oiT last as he
tallnd :in average ol 18 points.
Ibie to the loss ol several first string
ball plavers jdaced on ju'obation at tlie
conclusion of the first semester. Alpha
once aeain showed her leadership and as tiiree more k'ijis were press
es! into service. .\:ls Leibendorfer. a
M nior troll. Be.aver F.tlls. T^ete Fair-
baimh. a junior from .McKeesport. and
ILirrie W ood, a ireshman from Teaneck.
\. J.. proved worthv* substitutes during
the remainder ol the college's games.
Sirving in the caj^acity ol manager was
Cn-ocott. a
Although the quantitive contribution
by the Fijis of the varsity baseball
squad is small, the quality of tiie contri
bution is of outstanding significance. In
Nils Leibendorfer and Tom Walters, we
find the backbone of the infield and
pitching staff respectively.
"Duke'k three year veteran at the
shortstop position, will again be back
scooping up the tough ones with his
gazella-like grace. 1 he "Dukes out
standing fielding prowess has at times
been overshadowed by his dependable
batting. A sharp eye. a long ball, and
clever running liave enabled him to
bat either as lead-off or in the clean-up
"Lefty", the big game winner for Jay.
depends on an excellent selection oi wellcontrolled garbage interspersed with a
blazing fast ball to the opposi
tion. He has been the winning pitcher
in SU'l'c of the games won by W&J.
Although somewhat handicapped by a
dead arm from last year, great things
are expected from Tom this season.
When not pitching. Coach Nelson plans
to use him :is an ulilitv outfielder.
Ilowevi'r. bec.ause of the loss of men.
1 he Prexie's record wasn't as good this
year as was exjU'Cted. but they still
c.ann. out on the long end of the 9-8
sL .ison.
Coach Paul Reardon of the varsitv*
track team can be grateful for the strong
Fiji support lie h.'s been receiving. Not
only are we represented on the field in
quantity, but ciualitv" as well: for the
Iraternitv" boasts v)f at least nine men.
The k'i ii> carried their spirit to the
.-wiminine pi'ol by having strone repre>tnt.,tion 111 varo.ty swimming this year,
hour 111. 11 made the team; Sam Kauf111.1 11. P)eH iriieediard;. Deinas Mc\ .av*.
and Lee Ross.
j he team had a still
schedule. swimmiiiL: .iL'.ain>t the best. .\1-
five of which are definitely on tlie first
The coach knows he can count
on them to helj'* jnle-u]^ extra
jioints ever >o vital In winning meets.
And no wonder, for out of all the
muddle and confusion of track comes a
(lontinurd on pogr S, column 3
Page 8
New Officers
Past President's
ball and track.
Moving from the office of recording
secretary to that of corresponding secre
tary is John Xewton McEiravey of
Elizabeth, Penna.
Having attended
Shadyside .'Academy, "Newt" was in the
honorary society for scholarship, the
glee club, and manager of the basket
ball squad and captain of the track
team. Xow in his junior year. Jack
participates in the intramural sports
program, varsity track, and is a member
of the Pandora's business stall, acting as
business manager, and is the secretary
of the Lctterman's Club.
Malcolm W. Reed is the chapter's new
historian. .-Mso a graduate of Shadyside, he lives in Fo.x Chapel, located
just outside of Pittsburgh. While at
tending the academy, he belonged to
the honorary society for scholarship, a
discussion group, the chorus, and was
captain of the football team and on the
wrestling squad. .\t Washington-Jeffer
son, Mac is active in work for the year
book, the college choir, and intrafraternity sports.
The sixth member of the new admin
istration is Charles A. Muetzel of Upper
St. Clair, Pa., who was elected steward.
Graduating from Dormont High, Chick
was president of his senior class, a mem
ber of the high school band, on the
student council, and a participant in
varsity track. .As a Fiji he represents
our chapter in the Student ServiceUnion, the Student Christian Associa
tion, the ROTC band, and participates
in track, volleyball, and wrestling as nitramural sports.
Finally, representing .Alpha on the
student council, is Donald B. Kamercr.
graduate of Baldwin High School of
Brentwood. Pa. While in school, hewas a class officer, student council rep
resentative. member of the high school
band, and active in varsity track and
football. .A .sophomore .at Jay. Don
is in the pre-mcdical socii ty. a member
of the collgee chorus and the ROTC
band, and a letterman In varsity track.
Ffere at .Alpha, we feel that, in keep
ing with the precedent established by
previous officers, that these men tvill
carry our Star forward as they repre
sent us in lioth fraternal and collegiate
P. O. Box 253
Spring, 19S3
Fiji's In Varsity Sports
Continued jioin page 7, column J
Continued jroni page 1, column 2
detract from, but dehnilely add to, our
scholastic average.
The house itself is still in very good
shape, as we strive to repair immediately
anything that appears to Ite depreciat
ing. The walls in the kitchen and liv
ing room have been repainted and the
water cooler repaired. We have im
proved the furnisliings of the house with
tlie purchase of a new 21-inch RC.A
shining Ulympic prospect. Jack .AIcElravcy. .\ot only has he made a name
for himself thi-oughoul the East in the
lUO-yard dash, but has also been out
standing in the 220-yard dash and the
mile relay.
To bolster the h'ijis varsity roster areother outstanding runners and held men.
.-Among them is Don Kainerer. an e.xpe-rie-nced and fast -f40-yard man as well
as a me-mber of the mile re-lay team.
Jim F'laherty and Dan Donavan both
put the shot while Jim also throws the
discus and the javelin. His two cohorts
in those- sports are "Chick" .Alue-t-/.e-l
with the- discus and Jerry L-inghart with
I he javelin. Eddie Duignan. the most
recent Fiji addition, runs the half-mile.
Continued jroni page 1, rvlunin 3
competing in volleyball, swimming, soft-
V ictor television set and a
victrola, paid for by the sale of maga
zine subscriptions.
Our standing in intramural athletics
has been preserved. Having won the
"Big Cup'' the last three years, we ffnd
the road to victory a little rockier this
)ear. However, tve have made a good
start by winning the swimming and
wrestling cups.
In conclusion, it is only litting to
mention that we feel that the grou|-)
of men present at the f^ig Dinner this
year will carry on the traditon of Phi
Ganin'-.i Delta as the number one fra
ternity of Washington and Jefferson
F'ratcrnally yours,
(signed) James J. Flaiieiu-v
'File "kangaroos" of the- sciuad consist
of Joe- Richards and .-Andy Re-beil, both
broad jumpers. .-Andy is also versatile
in the sprints.
In golf, De-nias .AlcA ay and Jack AAiayinan. a freshman seem to be the most
irromisin.g. Jack is Junior Club Cham
pion at his home club. St. Clair Coun
try Club in Dormont. Fe-nnsylvania.
while- De-mtis was the- annual handicap
Peree 1
champion at the Monlour Country Club
Past President
last fall. Both hit ;i tremendously long
ball and should be- a great asset to the
Jay linksme-n.
Flaherty Voted
Chapter Awards
Representatives in the- other "social
sport were just tts numerous with Pete-
Brother James J. Maherty, past pres
ident of Alpha for 1952-53. was award
ed the Alpha Elficiency plaque and tlie
Omicron Graduate award by an unani
mous vote of tlie undergraduate chapter
for his outstanding work in tlie fratern
ity throughout his four years at Jay.
Jim fulfilled his tenure as president
efficiently and clTccti\'ely while partici
pating in many of the college's e.xtracurricLilar acti\'ilies. An active partici
pant in many intramural events. "Flab"'
was also one of Alpha's outstanding
representatives on the Proxies' grid card.
Scholastically. Jim is on the dean's
form for AA &J.
list, member of Kera, and President of
the economic honorary society. Perhaps
"Flab's'' greatest contribution to the
fraternity vcas his al)ility to instill into
the younger men a sense of deepest
re\'erence and rsenect for all of the ideals
that this fraternity represents.
freshman, and
showing exceptionally
Pete halls from Kiski Prep where he
gained his initial instruction. Sam was
a standout for his New Kensington High
Schtxjl squad ttnd shows great possibili
ties in becoming one of the great stal
warts in the coming years.
New Links In Alpha's
Golden Chain
Continued :roin page 3, column 3
while helping the- spirit of the school as
a clteerle-ade-r.
The French Club and
the- class play were among Jerry's other
imerests. and he- was given a position on
the student council. Here at Jay. Jerry
enrolled in the department of libert l
arts and is a
member of the- Red i
Black and is an active- participant in the
intramural pt-ogratn.
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Spring 1953 newsletter of the Alpha chapter at Washington & Jefferson College. The newsletter is eight pages in length.