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1955 April Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
April 1955 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Alpha Phi
University of Michigan
1955 April Newsletter Alpha Phi (University of Michigan)
Alpha Phi Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
by Dave Smith
It's Pig Dinner time at Fiji land'.
The end of this month, April 30, has
been set as the date of this year's
banquet, to be held at the Allenel
Hotel in downtown Ann Arbor.
Preparations are underway to make
this Pig Dinner rank with the best
given by Alpha Phi Chapter. Toast-
master this year will be George Qua,
'52 LSA, now an Army Second Lieu
tenant stationed in Massachuesetts.
At the time of printing our top candi
date for main speaker could not as
sure us he would be available, so we
regret to say we cannot give advance
notices on him.
Although the dinner itself is Satur
day night, the chapter hopes to see
many alums back Friday night, and
will make room in old '707' for all
present. You'll find more time for a
"bull session" with old friends if you
come Friday evening and enjoy the
"off-season" advantages before the
Saturday rush.
Saturday morning is a good time to
look over the additions to the physical
plant around the chapter and the Uni
versity. Just in case you missed last
year's dinner, you'll be surprised at
the size of the chapter house living
room and dining hall since the com
pletion of the main-floor addition in
the fall of '53. Both new North
Campus across the Huron, where
work on many Phoenix projects will
be carried out.
Pledges.. .left to right, Tom Toft, "Tom Kngle, Larry Houghton; (seated) Gene
Honeyman, George Sherman, and John McFatridg^
Ufhi'fo Ctorc
ffllllw vldlw
ve Prey
After taking a large fall pledge
class. Alpha Phi has added a compact spring rushing group of six
Ann Arborite THOMAS FRANK,
ENGLE is a second semester freshman in Engineering School. While attending Ann Arbor High, Tom showed
a diversity of interests and activities,
including being on the student council,
President's committee, and the distinction of acting as principal on student's day. Tom's major hobbies are
riflery, boating, and water skiing.
graduation from Alma High, where he
was particularly active in athletics,
Larry earned a total of seven letters
in football, basketbaU, and baseball.
He was captain of the basketball team,
aHi-Y Club member,and Class VicePresident in his senior year,
JOHN J. McFATRIDGE is the only
sophomore of the "immortal six." A
graduate of Southeastern High School,
Detroit, in January of 1954, John
served two semesters as Treasurer
of his senior class. Transferring
from Engineering this fall, John now
EUGENE EARL HONEYMAN, following in a great line of Ottawa, 111.
Alpha Phi Fijis, is also a welcome
addition to this spring's pledge class.
An All-State basketballer and eight
letter winner at Ottawa High, Gene is
rated as one of the outstanding prospectsfrom this year's freshman team,
^ Pre-Dent major. He was recently elected president of his pledge
East Lansing, who goes under the
of Joe, is a pre-med freshPresident of his
sophomore class at East Lansing, was
By Saturday afternoon things will
be well underway with another great
picnic at Northrup Farm. (This is
the same location as in the past two
years, but to make sure everyone
finds it, mimeographed maps will be
on hand.) The highlight of the picnic, (
is in Lit School and intends to
of course,is the active vs. alum soft- go
g into business.
ball game, but for those who don't
make the team, liquid consolation
will be available. The picnic is also
a good time to talk to your undergrad
brothers about the chapter's present
activities. Pig Dinner is one of many
events making June a solid month for
Michigan Fijis.
Evening brings the dinner itself,
and what more can you say? From
the traditional pig-kissing ceremony
LARRY richard houghton,
though a second semester Engineering
is new
to campus.
went a term
to Alma
on the student council, and gained
three Varsity track letters. Besides
managing a high B average here, Joe
is also on the Union tryout staff.
Sixth man is THOMAS VICTOR
le a warm and inspiring one. Qua is
?ell-qualified for the toastmaster's
job—he was very active as an officer
i u his class, and his congenial manner
fill make him good for the job.
TOFT from Omaha, Nebr., who is
also aiming for Med School. He was
active in high school ROTC, dramat-
ics, choir, and Hi-Y club, while being
a member of the National Honor Soci-
In the final analysis, however, how -ety. Tom's interests up to now this
g ood Pig Dinner is depends upon how year have included work as an Ensian
lany "Joe Purples" show up on The
to the Chapter awards, the night will IBig
lig Day; April 30. Need I say more?
salesman and pulling a fine first semester average of 3.8.
\r\nPage 2
I cannot rationalize telling on this has since been its home. Within a few
page a few things I remember, save years of the purchase of "707 Ox
by an allusion to St. Luke*s record of ford", the Spooner addition was built
the unjust Judge who finally redressed under the leadership of Charley
the wrongs of a widow for fear that Spooner. It was promptly fully occu
by her much speaking she should pied, and has so continued, with em
weary him. And I have to admit that phasis on "fully."
I cannot let my mind dwell on the per
It is perhaps natural that many of
sonalities whose lives have made my memories should cling round
Alpha Phi Chapter, without feeling a some of the older men v/ho got in like
nostalgic glow. So I shall enjoy writ
myself through the back window,so to
ing a little about some of them even if speak, but whose interest and devo
nobody else is edified by the product. tion lost nothing there^. Easily chief
I never lived in the Chapter House, of these was Henry Rigg^, who^^came
to build up its division of engineering.
He left Michigan in 1920 to become
Dean of Engineering at Minnesota,
he headed a great national research
project in Pittsburgh, till his death.
About the time of his coming home
from Turkey, there appeared in the
singing sessions following meals, a
senseless but engaging ditty beginning:
O, da veeda vol, da veeda var-la
ka sar-la ka sol da veeda vol da
veed vitch, vitch, vitch, vitch.
It was generally accepted that John
R. had brought this pleasing example
as I was not initiated until two or from Kansas,and who fd^ s6nie years of Turkish lyric home with him. But
three years after I graduated at had practiced engineering in Toledo. I was assured that Freddie Solms,
Michigan in 1897. I was very much Henry's father before him had been a '06, had the best of reasons for be
he wrote it.
pleased to be invited to membership, deyotedFiji in old Alpha Chapter, and lieving otherwise
and wondered how much I owed the Henry had a wide circle of friends
Another faculty member was a shy
bid to the fact that my brother,Donald prominent nationally in the fraternity. little Polish professor of mathemat
D., was one of the engineers who, as He knew Phi Gamma Delta History. ics,-Alexander Ziwet, "Zippy", who,
Frank Goodrich recorded, made up so His advice and guidance in picking the in spite of his shyness always seemed
large a fraction of the reorganized members of the reorganized Chapter happy when he was in the chapter
house. His face and figure bore so
The rented Chapter House was an
marked a resemblance to Napoleon
undistinguished building down on
INITIATED: the following
Bonaparte as to convince members of
Packard street, west of State. There
brothers were initiated into Alpha
his faculty colleagues that he was an
was no Chapter Room, and for the
Phi chapter this spring: Thomas
ultimate product of one of the Emp
ceremony we all went down in the
Pearce Anderle, Port Huron,
eror's adventures in Poland.
basement and drew up chairs and
Mich., Michael Alexander Baity,
We were hit hard a little later by
boxes around the furnace. Harry SlyWilmette, 111.; John Philip Hurt,
the deaths of three of our faculty
field was head master. I have not
Muncie, Ind.; John McChord
members in quick succession: Mor
seen much of Harry in recent years,
Christie, Evanston, 111.; Dale
ris Tilley, Ralston Hayden, and Stone
yet in memories of that evening he
Eldred, Minneapolis,
Yoakum. Reverend Lloyd C. Douglas
has always seemed close to me.
Minn.; Gordon Keach Emery,
was "one of us" whom we often men
The only thing that distinguished
Bedford, Ind.; Ross David Flet
tioned in talking to visitors.
that Chapter House, save for the fact
cher, Birmingham; Frederick
I did not intend to go beyond faculty
that I was initiated in it, was the
William Heath, Detroit; James
ranks. But I must not pass over
spirited adventure of Jerry, the
Merrill Hardy, Ann Arbor; Rob
Elmer Gedeon, Alpha Phi's quiet, al
Chapter's bulldog who once jumped
ert Alan Meyers, Detroit; Ross
ways modest "three letter" man.
out a second story window in his haste
E.Smith,Detroit; Robert Leonard
Gedeon was in every sense"A gentle
to get at another fraternity dog care
Stahl, Park Ridge, 111.; Jack
man" at his ease with faculty or
lessly passing by, all heedless
Wheeler, Ann
freshman. He went into the Air
whose territory he was invading.
Clinton Cyril Wagner, Wyoming,
Force and in the fall of 1943, he
Jerry made a four-point landing on
O.; Donald Soutar Young,H, East
crashed, while yet in America, and
our cement sidewalk, breaking one of
Lansing, Mich.
was badly injured. In spite of his
his front legs. The boys nursed him
broken ribs and arm he went to the
back to health (in a spot from which
rescue, successful, of a fellow crew
he could not look out the window),and was invaluable. He was an enthusi man, caught in the burning wreckage.
Jerry lost nothing in the respect and
affection of the brothers.
worked tirelessly and happily for the
fraternity and Alpha Phi in particu
lar. His lack of a soft palate gave
him a speech impediment, of which
he was totally unconscious and which
endeared him to the rest of us, young
and old alike. Any chapter is fortu
nate that has through the years a
member like Henry Riggs, if there
While I was living in Philadelphia
from 1904 to 1908, Alpha Phi acquired
the handsome house on the hill, which
Send News ...
Once again the call goes out
to all loyal cannibals of the
"707" clan to relay by tom
tom, telegraph, letter or phone
call any news about thems
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April 1955 newsletter of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Michigan. The newsletter is four pages in length.