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1970 Spring Newsletter Nu Omega (University of Oklahoma)
Spring 1970 newsletter of the Nu Omega chapter at the University of Oklahoma. This article is four pages in length.
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Nu Omega
University of Oklahoma
1970 Spring Newsletter Nu Omega (University of Oklahoma)
1200 College
Norman, Oklahoma
Spring, 1970
Vol. 13
I ,,,11 , 1
.4 . • . • -U.
No. 2
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The Fiji's weicome you to the 1970 Fiji Isiand Party. The Purpie Fiag fiiesl
Dear Fiji:
Trite as it may sound, it has been a good year. We have
done just about everything we could have done, or at least
we have tried more this year than in past years.
We have accomplished things this year at 1200 College. We
have brought our all-members average up from a 2.4 to a 2.56
in one semester. We have entered more intramural athletics
this year than ever before, and finished at least in the top
five or six in all of them. We have at last become a true,
completely different types of brothers. Some must be leaders,
some followers, some dumb, some smart, some must lean to
the right, some to the left. There must always be interned
change all the time in order to keep from getting stale.
With this in mind, I can truthfully say that Nu Omega is
the best, not only on campus, but in the minds and hearts of
the brothers. True, it is sometimes not the easiest place to
live, but why should it be? More lessons in life are learned
by young men here than in most other places. 1 love this
house because it teaches things that college life or living in
a dorm doesn't teach you. We have learned to work and to
function as a unit, yet we have sacrificed not one ounce of
our individuality. Yes, it takes work to be number one, and
participate in worthy campus activities. The president of our
you have to go through a lot of hell to get there—but knowing
that something has been accomplished is reward enough.
house is also the executive secretary of the Interfraternity
Council, and another brother is the assistant rush chairman
for the IFC. We have pledged a group of quality college stu
we are is the best—number one, first class. We want to be
integral part of the University Community. We have begun to
dents this semester. We have even exercised a sort of "social
monopoly" in one of the best sorority houses on campus, the
Chi Omega house. We have accomplished some things at
Nu Omega this year that we never thought we could do.
But what about the intangible things? What about the all-
important element of brotherhood for which Fijis are univers(ally famous? What about our chapter tone? Are we, as a house,
We're not at all perfect. We have countless flaws. But what
this way. We are just now realizing our full potential. We
know we can rush, we know we can be a great contributor to
society. Perhaps we had lost sight of this at times in the
past, but things are different now.
1 personally hope each of you has a marvelous summer.
For Phi Gamma Delta at Oklahoma University it will be a
summer of change—for the better.
a happy entity?
To answer my own questions, let me say this: in order to
maintain a good, well-functioning house, there must be several
James C. Quillian, Editor
I would like to express my appreciation to all of our grad
weekend party where we entertained almost fifty rushees. We
are on the road to a great summer rush.
Right now our only problem is getting enough money to
now received over 51,000 and more comes in every day. Randy
Hill and Mike Seikel, our rush chairmen, have been planning
afford a good summer rush. From the two letters we sent out
we have gotten very little response. We were hoping to obtain
enough money to spend some time traveling around the state
our summer rush since mid-March and have what I believe
but the chances of this look very dim.
uate brothers that have contributed to the rush fund. We have
to be a well planned summer rush.
Rush will be somewhat different this year than it has been
in past years. The statewide summer rush party and rush
week have been abolished. In the place of rush week will be
three open houses on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
during the first week of school from 7:00-10:00 p.m. "Bid Day"
will be Thursday at 4:00 p.m. At this time, men who have
been extended and have accepted bids will officially be
recognized as pledges of that fraternity by the I.F.C.
The key to our success in rush this summer will be in the
ability of the undergraduates to attend ail of the rush func
tions that we have planned. In order to have these functions,
we must have the help of our alumni, which will be of great
importance in getting pledges in ail towns, but especially in
towns such as Bartlesviile, Woodward, and Ada, in which we
have no active members.
We still feel that this summer we should be able to put
on a decent summer rush. We will be living at the Casa Cortez
Apts., 1601 N.W. 30th St., Apt. 134, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Any recommendations should be sent to us there.
We hope to see you this summer.
Randy Hill and Mike Seikel
Rush Chairmen
17 Enid
30 Rush Tour Lawton
31 Rush Tour Ardmore
1 Rush Tour Muskogee
23 Barbecue Oklahoma City
2 Rush Tour Tulsa
3 Rush Tour Enid
4 Rush Tour Oklahoma (
26 Mother Son Tea in
17 Barbecue Lawton
Presently, we are in the process of planning our Scholarship,
intramural, and pledge training programs for next fall.
Prospects i< being in the top four in intramurais next year
are good, and we may place higher if we are fortunate. Our
scholarship has improved this year (2.56 member average)
and should be even better next year if we are successful in
pledging enough academically oriented men.
19 Barbecue Ardmore
20 Muskogee
21 Barbecue Muskogee
18 Lawton
22 Barbecue Muskogee
23 Muskogee
24 Barbecue Bartlesviile
25 Bartlesviile
Oklahoma City
28 Lawton
29 Barbecue Lawton
30 Lawton
31 Altus
1 Barbecue Altus
14 Barbecue Tulsa
15 Tulsa
16 Barbecue Enid
29. Barbecue Oklahoma City
30 Dallas Area
1 Dallas Area
2 Dallas Area
The general tone of the chapter is at its highest level in
years. We are setting our sights high for next year. With the
continued assistance of our graduate brothers, we will again
establish Phi Gamma Delta as "number one."
Dallas Area
Dallas Area
Barbecue Dallas
Phone calls to State 7:00
8 Barbecue Oklahoma City
Barbecue Oklahoma City
Barbecue Bartlesviile
Barbecue Tulsa
Barbecue Muskogee
Barbecue Oklahoma City
Phone Calls to State 4:00
Statewide Barbecue
Thomas Ranch (Ada)
Work Week Begins
The 53rd Annual Fiji Island Party "happened" on Saturday,
May 2, at 8 p.m. at the house. The "Fat Sow" entertained, and
everyone really enjoyed the bash. The party was expertly
decorated, and the colorful costumes of the brothers and their
dates made the evening one to remember. Mike Thomas,
social chairman, did a great job on the Island Party, as well
as the Aftermath Party, a rush party held at the house the
following weekend.
Two Fiji's have brought honor to the house by winning
trophies in intramural athletics.
Steve Deal ('72), former all-state swimmer at Tulsa Me
morial High placed first in two events at the 1970 Intramural
swim meet. Steve won the 50 yard freestyle and the 100 yard
freestyle in near-record times in each event. Steve also placed
fifth in the 200 yard Individual medley race. He was the only
double winner in the meet.
Bill Morris ('73), a sailor from 'way back, easily won the
1970 OU Intramural Regatta at Lake Thunderbird. Bill had no
trouble and led the race the entire way.
RUSH 1970
Our spring rush for freshmen here at school was a complete
success. We obtained eleven good boys. Out of this eleven, six
made over a three point last semester and all made over a
two point. This should not only fill up the house this next fall
but also raise our grade point average.
Our rush for next fall has so far progressed very well. We
are now probably the most organized fraternity on campus.
We have so far had five parties for rushees. We held one large
Nu Omega's 1970 Rush Chairmen, Mike and Randy.
James Fraser—Oklahoma City (US Grant) sophomore, premed, 3.47 CPA, Model United Nations delegate, foothall,
Rick Larrance—Lawton sophomore, transfer from Cameron
College, 2.5 CPA in business, football, track.
The triumph of the incumbent was the order of the day on
March 20, 1970 as the brothers elected Nu Omega's cabinet
of 1970-71. Only two changes could be seen after the choice for
the new leaders was made.
Kedping a firm hold on the presidency of our chapter is
Robert P. "Cam" Campbell. To say Cam has done an outstanaing job this year as our president would be an understatement.
He works well with the brothers, alums, and the OU adminis
tration alike. Cam is a member of Omicrom Delta Kappa,
honorary leadership fraternity, and Gamma Gamma, and is
executive secretary for the l.F.C. Brother Cam has enriched
Phi Gam's relations with the OU campus as a whole, therefore
giving Nu Omega a better campus name. Cam will be a senior
next year, majoring in finance. He is from Muskogee.
Tom Hadley, new treasurer of the house, is from Oklahoma
City. Tom is a transfer from the Delta Tau chapter at Southern
Methodist University in Dallas. Tom will also be a senior
majoring in business. Brother Hadley served as recording
secretary for Nu Omega during the first semester.
The only new face in the cabinet is Tom Afford, also from
Muskogee. Tom, who is also an accomplished artist, serves as
recording secretary. He was one of the best in the house in
grades last semester, pulling out better than a 3.6 average.
Tom has also served the entire year as the official artist for
the Wing. He is a member of the class of 1972, and is a
business major.
John Rollins, more commonly known as "Gyro Gearioose,"
retains his office of corresponding secretary. Gyro is also the
house manager, chief chariot builder, head plumber, termite
exterminator, and just about everything else around 1200
kCoiiege. John is an engineering major from Huntsville, Ala-
James Lacey Holley—Lawton junior, transfer from Cameron
College, major, 2.4 CPA, all-state basketball (1967), bas
ketball scholarships to Oklahoma State and Cameron
Lee Card—Oklahoma City (Putnam City) sophomore, trans
fer from U. S. Naval Academy, English major, debate,
honor society. Boy's State delegate.
Charles Noah Davis—Geraldine, Montana freshman, transfer
from Eastern Montana College, 2.40 CPA in Aerospace
Engineering, footbaii, basketball, track. Model United Na
tions, National Honor Society.
Robert Ray Wilson—Oklahoma City freshman, 3.3 CPA, track,
cross-country, Feiiowship of Christian Athletes, Tulsa May
or's Youth Council, Sooner Scandals, Army ROTC, Yearbook.
(Son of Ray Wilson, Nu Omega's faculty advisor).
Joe Mark El Kouri—Altus, Oklahoma sophomore, transfer
from Southwestern State College, 3.2 CPA in business,
football, wrestling. National Honor Society, president of
pledge class.
The brothers at 1200 College welcome this new fraternal
blood in hopes that these eleven men can continue to uphold
and even better the standards at Nu Omega. We hope that all
the graduate brothers will be able to meet these men some
time during the summer. Through these dedicated Fiji neo
phytes, one can see that the future of Phi Gamma Delta on
the Oklahoma University campus is brighter than ever.
Fbama. He is in the class of 1971.
Another Muskogee brother. Jay Miller, will serve another
term as historian of Nu Omega. Jay is very active in the
chapter and can always be relied upon in any situation to get
the job done. Jay, class of 1971, is a business major. He is also
the newly appointed pledge trainer.
The brothers at Nu Omega, thanks to another well-organized
rush effort by Brothers Hiii and Siekei, are pleased to announce
the Nu Omega 1970 Spring Semester Pledge Class. These men
were pledged during open rush, and attended the parties as
well as the prescribed rush meals on Monday or Wednesday
nights. These men will work and function as a pledge class,
and will have the same duties and tasks that devolve upon
a fall pledge class. It is interesting to note that several of
our new pledges are upperclassmen, and will soon be moving
into the house. This is a fine group of dedicated college stu
dents, as their gradepoints will indicate. They are alL capable
of great things, for themselves and for Phi Gamma Delta.
Here is a brief summary of our Spring Pledge Class:
Howard Evans Van Auken—Midwest City sophomore, pre-med,
3.25 CPA, tennis, footbal, music.
This group of Fiji's has a combined gradepoint of 3.65. FRONT
Gregory David Harper—Oklahoma City (Harding) freshman,
pre-dental, 2.5 CPA, transfer from Central State College,
track, wrestling.
Randy Abbot—Lawton sophomore, 2.05 CPA, business major,
golf, bowling.
ROW: Ray Wiison '73, James Fraser '71, Charies Davis '73;
SECOND ROW: (i-r) Christopher Huston '73, Gary Purcell'73,
Tom Hadiey '71, Tom Aiford '72, Joe Mark Kouri '72; THIRD
ROW: Tommy Z. Wright '71, Howie an Auken '72.
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IM5 Bot Ei'vd^ ■s\. loMf, u/
"Sw-Vifc Gro"^/
By Tom Alford
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Spring 1970 newsletter of the Nu Omega chapter at the University of Oklahoma. This article is four pages in length.