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1973 November Newsletter Xi Deuteron (Case Western Reserve University)
November 1973 newsletter for the Xi Deuteron chapter at Case Western Reserve University. The newsletter is six pages in length.
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Xi Deuteron
Case Western Reserve University
1973 November Newsletter Xi Deuteron (Case Western Reserve University)
ivjVl2 1973
BiL mm ra kfk hi m
The annual Fall Smoker of the Xi Deuteron Chapter will be
held in conjunction with the Cleveland (Eta) Graduate Chapter on
Thursday, November 15, at the undergraduate chapter house on
Bellflower Road.
Featured as guest speaker this year will be Executive Secretary,
William 3. Zerman (Michigan '49). A^er a year at Defiance College,
he entered Michigan and was activated on October 12, 194?, and after
graduating with an M.A. degree in counseling and guidance, he joined
the fraternity Headquarter's staff as a Field Secretary in 1949,
serving until 1951. Returning to Ann Arbor in 1952, he became advisor
to the sixty nine professional and social fraternities at Michigan,
serving with the title of Assistant Dean of Men. During his four years
stay at the Wolverine Campus, the local Interfrateimity Council was
twice cited for first honors nationally, and once cited in its category.
Afterward, he was Purple Legionaire of the Alpha Phi Chapter
for three years, during which the Chapter ^-rcr
ChKiey Cup for all-
round excellence, then, in 1956 he went to Ohio Wesleyan as Assistant
Dean of Men, becoming Dean of Men in 1957. In the past and present Bill
has also been very active in the Fiji Academies, having taught a variety
of subjects including leadership resposibilities, pledge training, and
rushing. He has also addressed the leadership schools of Alpha Tau
Omega, Sigma Alpha Hu, and Sigma Alpha Epsilon as well as the school
for field secretaries sponsored by the College Fraternity Secretaries'
Association. In August of 1959, when he was appointed Executive
Secretary by the Archons, Brother Zerman was serving as Chief of
Section X. His contributiors to various alumni magazines and appearences
at chapters throughout the country have been numerous. We of the Xi
Deuteron Chapter will be honored to have the company of such a true
Fiji on November 15.
Our other distinguished guests will be Archon Secretary, Ellis E.
Busse (Chicago '31); retired General Counsel, William R. Van Aken
(Lafayette '34); Curator of the Archives, Dewitt R. Cogswell (CWRU '15);
and Ritualist, Louis A. "Bud" Mangels (Indiana '56).
The Fall Smoker is an excellent opportunity for Fijis to get together^
Undergrads and Grads alike.
It will be a chance to meet the new
pledges and to see old friends again.
Reservations, which are requested, may be made by contacting James
William.s, c/o Ernst & Ernst, I3OO Union Commerce Building, Cleveland, Ohio
44115 (Telephone 861-5000) before Monday, November 12. The cost of the
\r\nDinner will be six dollars.
Checks, made out to the Cleveland
Graduate Chapter, may be mailed with your reservations, or, if
you prefer, you may pay at the door.
Activities will get underway at the house with Cocktails at
6t00 P.M, (cash bar, of course). Dinner will follow at about 7«00
P.M, which likewise will be followed by entertainment presented by the
Bread and Circuses Theatrical Gjroup, As a reminder, the Under
graduate chapter house is located at 11317 Bellflower Road, and some
limited amount of parking will be available in the back and side lots,
The beautiful sprawling campus of Eastern Kentucky University
in Richmond provided the setting for the 13th Fiji Academy held
August 12-15, 1973* Undergraduates of Xi Deuteron attending the
Academy were Michael D, Ferrell (*7^), Treasurer! Jonathan F,
Diller ('75)» Recording Secretary! and larry S, Prystowski (*76).
Also in attendance from the Cleveland area were Xi Deuteron grad
uates Robert W, Mebaum ('69), Chapter Hoard of Advisors member,
and Dewitt R, Cogswell ('15), Curator of the Archives,
The lecture-discussion sessions that Xi Deuteron found the most
helpful were Rush and Public Relations sessions, Jerry A, Lilly,
considered the leading rush authority in the nation, delivered a very
informative lecture which proved to be very beneficial to Xi Deut
eron, Lilly's ideas of the structure of the chapter rush program,
motivation of the Brothers, and techniques of approaching and per
suading rushees provided Xi Deuteron with ten pledges, the largest
pledge class in four years. The ideas presented by William S, Zerman
in the Public Relations lejj.ture resulted in the formation of a new
committee in the Chapter which is chaired by Douglas G, Coxe ('75)«
Xi Deuteron feels that the "leadership school of Phi Gamma
Delta" was a valuble learning experience and will greatly aid our
chapter in its "Questi for Excellence," the theme of the Academy,
As all former Xi Deuterons know, our chapter has always been
among the most active on this campus, and this year FIJIS are show
ing themselves to be campus leaders.
This year we have worked out a new all-university IFC and as
yet we have not established definite representatives. Brothers Jon
Diller, Mike Ferrell, and Dave Dingle have each given their time to
represent our house in this important new organization, Bi*other John
Christakis last spring, ran for Junior class President and made a
good showing, coming in second in a large field.
\r\nThis year seems to be the big one for sports for Fijis,
are beginning to set our sights on the All-Sports Trophy, and through
involvement and unity among all brothers we should make a good showing.
In intramural football, fielding a young and inexperienced team, we
still managed to enjoy ourselves, ending up with a 1-4 season. Intra
mural basketball should find us topping last year*6 great season by
going all the way this year. We would appreciate some of our graduate
brothers attending our gamesi we could use your moral and vocal support.
Brothers Dave Dingle and Scott Maslow, through an outstanding effort,
took runner-up position in intramural tennis doubles.
Fiji spirit!
That's the old
On the varsity level, the Spartan football team can be proud of
three Phi Gam players. Their ability and desire set an example for
the whole team. The Spantan co-captaln. Lee Prazer, is already one
of the premier roverbacks in the conference. Last week against CarnegieMellon, he exhibited his versatality as an athlete by taking over as
running back, and had by far the most exciting running of the day.
Brother Randy Romick has become the anchor man of the offensive line,
playing both tackle and center, Sophmore Brother Dennis Mullen, a
tight end, missed last year because of injury, but has more than made
up for it this year; last week he accounted for over half the team's
passing yardage. Pledge Brother Glenn Mazza did a fine job playing
linebacker for the J,V, team and has now moved up to the Varsity. In
other fall sports. Pledge Brother Bill Porter was on the soccer team
and did a fine job, playing halfback and helping the team on to a
winning season.
All in all, Fiji desire and pride always comes through!!I
Entering into the portals of Phi Gamma Delta, the Pledge Class
of Fall 1973 comes with an enthusiasm and sincere interest to learn
the Purple way. The class consists of nine men with diverse interests
and goals, but whose common interest is to learn more about Phi Gamma
Delta. They will accomplish this by study of the Purple Pilgrim and
the guidance of their Fiji brothers.
At times it is difficult to increase contact between pledges and
actives. The pledges are encouraged to have lunch or dinner at the
house at least once a week, and frequently converse with brothers liv
ing in and out of the house.
Soon, they will become involved in
house committees and functions, and perhaps see what it is like to live
in the house,by moving in for a few days,
Greg Bergman, Ernie Dontis, Mick Klass, Don Klier, Bill Kolis,
Glenn Mazza, Bill Porter, Rick Susi, and Stan Vrtachnik will make a
significant contribution to the success of our Fraternity, Their
brothers of the Xi Deuteron Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta anxiously await
their success in pledge training,
Our chapter, Xi Deuteron, of Phi Gamma Delta, is continuing on
an upward trend with strong participation in all aspects of fraternity
Committees were reorganized this year in an attempt to delegate
authority and responsibility to all brothers.
Success of house activit
ies and functions is evidence of the response of the committees.
\r\nLandscaping Committee has concentrated its efforts in improving the
grounds surrounding the house, and for this reason, we are proud to
live in the most beautiful fraternity house on this college campus.
Within the house itself, the By-Laws and Social Committees are organ
izing and structuring improvements which will pave the way for the
future success of the house.
Outside tne realm of committees, the brothers have sponsered
a Sioux Indian child in South Dakota and all have written a letter
to him expressing their interest in his development as a student and
man. Also, in a move to better our affiliations with the faculty,
professors have been invited to have lunch and dinner with us, and
the response has always been positive.
Unfortunately, a few matters involving our relations with the
University do not always run smoothly. The indecisiveness of the
Inter-Fraternity Council on giving Reserve fraternities the right
to have Fall Rush almost caused the Reserve Fraternities to form
an I.F.C,, Fortunately, however, comprimises by both Case and Reserve
factions cleared the disagreements. As a result, our Pledge Class
this semester is one of the strongest in past years.
In addition to the maintenance of the house, the Carriage House
has gone through a downstairs rennovation, free of charge, done by
a temporary stay of a theater group.
In closing, the undergraduates of Xi Deuteron would like to
express their appreciation to our graduate brothers for their strong
support and financial backing of certain house affairs. Their
valuable and respected advice is always welcomed. If you are in the
vicinity of our house, please do not hesitate to stop in and meet
the brothers.
DEWITT COGSWELL, '15* who was appointed curator of the archives
of the National chapter of the Fratermdty of Phi Gamma Delta, re
cently attended the 1973 Fiji Academy. There he assembled historical
documents of the fraternity and compared his findings on our fra
ternity's history with the knowledge of other graduates from chap
ters all over the country. Dewitt has already added much to the ar
chives, Some of his collections can be seen in the new National
Headquarters in Lexington.
HARRY L, DAVIS, '37* was elected president of the Cleveland chapter
of Phi Gamma Delta this year. Hiirry has been consistently active
in the graduate chapteri in the past he has held both the distin
guished position of Archon, Councilor, and later Archon Treasurer.
Previously he had been a section chief, and was appointed Purple
Legionaire only a year after he had graduated from Adalbert College.
His address is nowi 15156 Hemlock Point Road, Chagrin Falls, Ohio.
ED BABCOX, '70t has recently finished his naval duty and is now
going to graduate school in Cleveland. His home is in Shaker
has recently been appointed Assistant to the
Dean ati Case Western Reserve Law School.
DAN PLATANO, *701 is currently both a teacher and a coach at
Mentor High School.
• .
\r\nBARRY LEHTO, '701 now shares a high school teaching position
in the Cleveland Heights Science Department with BOB- NIEBAUM,
'69o Barry is also the assistant coach for the Heights varsity
football team. He still lives on campus and currently resides at
2192 Cornell Roadi however, he is thinking about moving to Utah
this summer.
Last year Barry was our chapter's Purple Legion
JOE KONIECZNY, *70i is now working with drug addicts. He re
ceived his Masters in Psychology this year from Case Western Re
serve University where he worked in the Hanna Pavilion,
is now in his third year at Case Western Re
serve School of Medicine,
He currently resides at 2171 Murray Hill
Road here in Cleveland,
DICK McNALLIE, '701 works for a local law firm; he is currently
attending law school at night.
is now attending John Marshall Law Sdhool
of Cleveland State University,
is now teaching science in Cleveland Heights
Junior High School,
Please fill out to the best of your knowledge and return to:
Phi Gamma Delta
11317 Bellflower Road
Cleveland, Ohio 44106
please print
Name in full
( ) Business Address
( )Home Address
(check preferred mailing address)
Years in school
Did you attend any other college?
In what campus activities did you take part?
What fraternity offices did you hold?
Date of marriage
Wife's maiden name.
fhe POT POUfRIwhich is the official publication of the Xi
Deuteron chapter was prepared and edited by Larry Starkey,
Special thanks goes to all the brothers who wrote articles and
otherwise helped make this publication of the POT POURRI possible.
6031234X CWR 1937 50
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November 1973 newsletter for the Xi Deuteron chapter at Case Western Reserve University. The newsletter is six pages in length.