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1973 Spring Newsletter Kappa Deuteron (University of Georgia)
Spring 1973 newsletter of the Kappa Deuteron at the University of Georgia. This newsletter is four pages in length.
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Kappa Deuteron
University of Georgia
1973 Spring Newsletter Kappa Deuteron (University of Georgia)
Vol. 6, No. 3
SPRING, 1973
Once again the Fiji's celebrated and
observed the Spring rituals of Fiji Is
land. The long awaited weekend was
greeted with the usual gaity and fri
The observance of Fiji Island was be
gun with the annual Mammon cere
mony, which as usual came off with
many hitches. The ceremony was staged
at twelve o'clock on Thursday evening
the 17th of May. Beginning the next
day a pilgrimage was made by a ma
jority of the brotherhood to the sunny
isles, which in this case, was the Sand
Dollar Apartments on Jekyll Island. The
accommodations proved to be beyond
expectations. Many of the islanders
took advantage of the sauna, steam
rooms and other facilities of the apart
ments. The weather was perfect through
out the entire stay which made the drive
Greek Week
Greek Week was held at the Uni
Mike Turbyfield, and Steve Schuette,
took second place, and the Mile Relay
team of John Parker, Phil Reddick, Billy
McCally, and George Henderson placed
and expense well worth it.
Saturday morning was spent in prep
aration for the days activities with many
of the brothers working to construct
a marriage hut. The bamboo was lashed
together to form walls, and then the
versity of Georgia April 30—May 4.
Fiji's displayed their leadership and ath
letic abilities throughout the week.
Wednesday was the day for the work
shops, the whopper eating contest, and
hut was constructed on the beach. The
hut and the other activities drew much
attention from the other guests at the
The week began with a banquet for
all IFC officers and Greek Week chair
man; also dinner swaps with fraternities
and sororities were held. A foosball tour
nament at the Game Room in Memorial
Hall and voting on Miss Greek Week
highlighted the day's activities.
On Tuesday the Greek Olympics and
a barbecue for all Greeks was beld at
Poss' Lakeview. In the Greek Olympics,
Fiji's won first place by placing in three
events. The best looking chariot was
awarded to Phi Gam; the tug-o-war
team, which
of Chuck
workshops, Fiji's were represented in all
of the sessions. Wayne High was Phi
The ceremonies on Saturday began
after noon with the marriage ceremony
Gams representative at the whopper
conducted by the guru Tommy Melo.
eating contest, and Tom Fitzgerald par
ticipated in the chess tournament, win
This ritual set the tone for the remain
ning third place.
On Thursday, the time came for
awarding trophies at another Greek
Week banquet for fraternity officers
only. Fiji's came home with the Greek
Week trophy. Scholarship trophy, and
the Best Pledge Class of the Year trophy.
tone was also helped by the contribu
tion to each brother of a ration of spiritu
The week was highlighted for Phi
Gamma Delta at the AOPi Trophy
Dance Saturday night at Charlie Wil
Horn, Jack Rives, Mike Nellis, Stu Mc-
liams. For the third straight year, Fiji's
were awarded the Fraternity of the
Garity, Tommy Rogers. Wayne High,
Year trophy.
ing portion of the island activities. The
ous liquids which was appreciated by
one and all. A band party was held
Saturday evening. As evidenced by many
participants the next morning the party
was judged to be a great success.
After grabbing a few rays on Sunday
morning and possibly a dip in the ocean,
the brothers started on the long trip
back to Athens, Georgia. The general
concensus of opinion was that the week
end was a great success.
SPRING, 1973
Spring Quarter
iif.. mi
The Phi Gams continued their rush
program Spring quarter by pledging
four new men. Spring quarter pledges
consists of Casey Cochran from Smyrna,
Sammy Smith from Gainesville, David
Quinn from Atlanta, and Stanley Harrell from Macon.
On May 11 eight men were initiated
into the chapter. They are: Robbie Grif
fith, Mike Turbyfield, Bobby Melo,
Steve TeMay, Scott Piorrick, Don Tay
lor, Bill Bass, and Les Bridges.
Easter Egg Hunt
1055 Prince Ave. was the site of one
livening the evening's festivities. Tom
of Athen's strangest Easter egg hunts.
On April 26, thirty-six underpriviledged
Lay, director of the Recreation Depart
ment, stated that the children were de
lighted with their evening's gleanings.
There were also reports of smiles from
Department visited the Fiji house and
were each treated to a full Easter basket,
those Phi Gams who discovered a few
compliments of Alpha Omicron Pi so
rority, who served as official "bunnies,"
surprises from the bunny at the EijiAOPi social which followed.
Parents Day
Parents' Day, a highlight of every
year, was held at the Fiji house on April
15. A great program planned by Tommy
Fitzgerald explained the plans of the
chapter for the next year. This year's
sweetheart, Cindy Mercer, was intro
duced to the families, and an in depth
housing report was presented by Mr.
Hardell, our Purple Legionnaire, and
Randy Blackwood.
An explanation of the chapter's pres
ent condition was given by President
and Treasurer, Tommy Melo and Billy
McCalley. Much to the surprise of par
ents and friends alike, all porno and
alcohol had been removed from the
rooms giving the house an air of purity.
Sam Richwine remarked how pleasant
it was for the house to meet his stan
The crowning touch was added by
the Little Sisters presence who helped
to make the day the huge success it was.
They assisted Mrs. Wingate in the prep
aration of the refreshments, and there
willingness to serve was greatly ap
preciated by the chapter and parents.
\r\nSPRING, 1973
The Kappa Dcutcron chapter held its
annual Norris Pig dinner on April 28
sided as symposiarch for the third con
secutive year. The guest speaker this
year was Robert P. Radcliffe (Kansas
Mountain, Ga. Several Kappa Deuteron
graduates attended as well as graduates
'60), Phi Gamma Delta's youngest
Archon ever. Brother Radcliffe spoke
briefly about future plans for Kappa
Deuteron's new housing facility and
concluded by making a personal dona
tion to the new house. The closing note
from various chapters throughout the
southeast. The dinner hegan with the
customary salute to the pig; brothers
Doug Connah and Mike Mitcham doing
the honors. Past chapter president,
Tommy Rogers, gave the Fiji year in
review which saw the Gams gather in
all the gold. Tommy Melo, the chapter's
this year was somewhat different than
in the past. Clay Stoddard (Georgia
'69) talked about the role of the grad
several awards. Brother Tommy Rogers
received the Ronald M. Hudson award
uate brother and reflected upon the early
days of the Kappa Deuteron chapter.
A special thanks should go out to broth
er Bill McKenzie who organized the
dinner and helped make it a tremendous
as the most outstanding senior. Phil
current president, introduced the new
cabinet and made the presentation ot
Reddick was honored as the year's best
pledge. Billy Rowe received tbe scholar
ship award for accumulating an overall
The Fijiuga would like to publish the
where-abouts and activities of all grad
average of 4.0 for the past three quar
ters. 197.3 was the first year for the
presentation of the Randolph E. Mozley
uates of Kappa Deuteron. Please send
us your name, address, class, occupa
award honoring the most outstanding
graduate brother. The recipient this year
tion, and a short summary of your ac
tivities since college so that your former
classmates will know what you are doing.
was Dr. .Tames Anderson, who also pre
F 1 J 1 U G A
Seniors Here and There
Greg Ainsworth
will be attending
Graduate School in business at North
James Altenbach will be attending
Law School at Georgia.
Mark "Grits" Bodenheim will be go
ing to Dental School at Ohio State.
David Capallo hopes to attend Medi
cal School at Augusta.
Tom Fitzgerald will be going to Medi
cal School at Emory.
Rob Geer will be working in some
area of business systems.
at Georgia.
Bubba Watters will be teaching in
Clarke County and attending Graduate
School at Georgia.
Steve Williams is going to Graduate
School at Georgia.
Jim Bumgartner is going to Medical
School at Augusta.
David "Chicken" Little will be work
ing for Camron Brown, a morgage bank.
Sam Richwine will be attending Medi
cal School at Augu.sta.
Larry Jordan is going into some field
of business.
Ted Lawrence will be working for the
Seminary School or working on the
Campus Crusade for Christ staff.
Mike Nellis will work for General
Motors and then take Air Force Pilot
training in Valdosta, Georgia.
Ray Paris is going to Medical School
at Augusta.
John Parker will be attending Grad
uate School in history at Georgia.
Jim Purcell is going to Law School
at Georgia.
Tommy Rogers will be attending the
University of Georgia Law School.
Billy Rowe will also be in Law School
Chris Cornweli
Tommy Melo
News Notes
Bobby Melo
Rick Hutto
C & S Bank in Athens.
Stu McGarity will either be attending
Don Taylor
Jan McGlanahan of Zeta Tau Alpha
was the sweetheart of the Tau pledge
class from Winter and Spring quarters.
Steve Schuette
Glenn Williams
Steve Tmay
Senior Recognition Day was held at
the Phi Gam house on May 24.
Jack Rives plans to marry Laura Sul
livan in December.
Ted Lawrence is marrying Margaret
Spence this summer.
Tommy Melo
Billy McCalley
Randy Blackwood
Mike Nellis plans to marry Kathy
Shamley this summer.
Matt Mitchum
Bobby Evans
SPRING, 1973
Contrary to popular belief, the Fiji's
did come out winners this year in ath
letics. Although the intramural trophy
slipped through our fingers by a mere
20 points, sportsmanship was shown
throughout the year. The Phi Gams
proved their superiority by being grac
ious losers as well as humble winners.
Spring quarter was a big challenge in
intramurals for the Fiji's. We came into
the quarter way behind the AEPi's in
points, but by the end of the quarter
the race for the trophy depended on the
final event of the year.
The Phi Gams had a fine season in
Softball losing only to the TKE's in the
finals. Among the standouts for the
team were seniors John Parker, Ted
Lawrence, Steve Williams, Dickey Youmans, Mike Nellis and Chris Cornwell.
The junior stars were Butch Costa, King
Purnell, Phil Reddick, and George Hen
derson. The lone star sophomore was
Chuck VanHorn. Matt Mitchum was
the coach of the team. Graduate John
Hudgins supplied much needed experi
ence and speed.
Phi Gams' golf team, featuring the
"Flaming Red" Bridges, John Parker,
Ben Jones, and Billy Rowe, were right
up to par. Their superior putting and
sometimes clubing allowed them to shoot
unbelievable average scores of about
50. The only drawback was that this
was on the front nine. Although the
golf team failed to place very high,
every effort was made to do their best.
Horseshoes and badminton were also
held during Spring quarter. Although
the Fiji's failed to win either of these
two sports, more points were accumu
lated toward the intramural trophy.
On the final event of the season, the
cake race, Phi Gam placed second ahead
of the AEPi's. Scott Piorrick lead the
Fiji team placing 5th out of around
200 people. Congratulations to those
brothers who managed to finish the
As the season comes to an end, thanks
is given to those brothers who partici
pated and tried desperately to win in
all of the events. A special thanks goes
to George Henderson and John Parker
for being in charge of the sports pro
gram. Next year a great challenge and
effort will have to be made to bring
the intramural trophy back to the Phi
Gam house.
Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta
Chapter Mailing Service
1757 N. Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
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Spring 1973 newsletter of the Kappa Deuteron at the University of Georgia. This newsletter is four pages in length.