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- 1973 Spring Newsletter Sigma Mu (Mississippi State University) - volume 3, number 2
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1973 Spring Newsletter Sigma Mu (Mississippi State University) - volume 3, number 2
Spring 1973 newsletter of the Sigma Mu chapter at Mississippi State University. The newsletter is four pages in length. This is Volume III - number 2.
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Sigma Mu
Mississippi State University
1973 Spring Newsletter Sigma Mu (Mississippi State University) - volume 3, number 2
m ■ ■ ■
Letter From The President
It seems like only yesterday we were standing
in line to complete registration for the spring
semester and now the semester is half over.
The early months of 1973 have seen much
activity in and around the FIJI house in Starkville.
The Spring calendar has been full of activities
^volving the chapter, and the calendar for the rest
Bf the semester is just as full.
Some of the activities planned for the
remainder of the semester include the Pig Dinner
for gp-aduates and Mississippi FIJI's, a parents day
for Sigma Mu parents, the Black Diamond Formal,
and several service projects.
Sigma Mu chapter has come a long way during
its young existence. Much hard work has been spent
into building a chapter that all of the Phi Gamms in
Mississippi can be proud of.
I hope that all of you will come and visit with us
soon to look at what has been accomplished in the
past and what we hope to do in the future.
All of the brothers look forward to seeing you
at the Pig Dinner or anytime you can drop by for a
Never forget the saying "Not for College Days
Community Service
One major aspect of Sigma Mu's overall purpose
and program includes community service. Sigma Mu
has consistently done numerous community service
projects, involving those helping the community as
well as those helping minority and underpriveleged
groups. Summer before last, our chapter was
awarded second place in the Newton D. Baker
Social Service Cup, which was Sigma Mu's first
award from National.
This year is no exception and with Burke Fisher
as chairman of the campus and community service
committee, several projects have been completed
over the past months and two more are scheduled
before the close of this semester.
Last fall, two noteworthy projects included
painting picnic tables in the city park and cleaning
up a portion of Highway 12 within the Starkville city
limits. These projects, as well as others done in the
past, have gained public attention through local and
state newspapers. Sigma Mu has continuously been
cited for their willingness to serve the community
from the Starkville Chamber of Commerce and city
This spring semester has seen the Fiji's
involved in two especially helpful projects. These
included sponsoring games for underpriveleged
children at the local Headstart Center and painting
several classrooms in a local school building.
With only a few more weeks left of school, we
have scheduled a cleanup of West Point road, which
James Davis
is approximately twelve miles. This will be the third
straight year Sigma Mu has done this project, for
[Continued on Page Two]
Pig Dinner
Schedule of Events
Sigma Mu's third annual Norris Pig Dinner will
be held on March 31st at the Holiday Inn in
Columbus, Mississippi. Our guest speaker will be
Bud Mangels, Ritualist for the National Fraternity,
who was instrumental in the installation
of our
Cocktails: 5:30 at the Phi Gamma Delta house on
207 West Lampkin Street in Starkville^
7:30 at the Holiday Inn In Columbus
Bringing in the Pig
chapter a few years ago. Don Fuson, our new
section chief, will also be a guest of the dinner and
will speak to everyone present. This dinner will be
the highlight of the semester and we are looking for
a good turnout from our graduates, as well as Fijis
Introduction of special guest
Guest Speaker
in the state.
The Pig Dinner is the only true time of the year
Year in Review
Awards and Presentations
When College Songs
that the graduates, undergraduates, and Fijis in the
area have a chance to get together. We hope that all
of you will make a special effort to attend and join in
the good times with us.
IContinued from Page One]
which it has been highly commended by the
community. Finally, we hope to help the City of
Starkville put out plantings in boxes downtown,
which is a big asset in the beautification program of
Other Activities
On Saturday afternoon of the Pig Dinner day,
Sigma Mu Chapter will hold a special interfraternity
Softball game between the freshmen and sophomore
classes and the junior and senior classes and all
has shown its desire to have a well-rounded service
returning graduates. The game will be played on the
intramural fields and promises to be a lot of fun.
Saturday night after the Pig Dinner there will
be a special get together of all graduates, chapter
undergraduates, and local Fijis and guest at the Fiji
program and thus add to the overall program of a
top fraternity.
house. This party will be very informal and should
be a good time for all.
With such a wide variety of projects, Sigma Mu
Spring Rush Gains Eight
This spring Sigma Mu pinned the white star on
eight outstanding young men:
Mike Conner, freshman, Lucedale, Ms.; Buzzy
Handwerker, junior, Sardis, Ms.; Steve Mattox,
sophomore, Tupelo, Ms.; Thomas Mize, sophomore,
Amory, Ms.; Mike Spragins, sophomore, Guilford,
Conn.; Fred Williams, junior. Pleasant Grove, Ms.;
Lee Wilson, junior. Liberty, Ms.; and David Wesley,
junior. Canton, Ms.
New Officers Elected
Sigma Mu recently held officer elections for
1973. The following were chosen to serve;
President, James Davis, junior industrial
engineering major from Indianola; Treasurer, Jan
Clark, junior banking and finance major from
Lucedale; Recording Secretary, Robert Siedell,
junior economics major from Dallas, Texas;
Corresponding Secretary, Leigh Hummer, sopho
more mechanical engineering major from Macon; and
Historian, Billy Martin, sophomore marketing major
from Vicksburg.
Nine Join Golden Chain
brothers were initiated
Black Diamond Formal
into Phi
Gamma Delta at the beginning of the spring
On Saturday, March 17, 1978, Sigma Mu
Chapter is having its first Black Diamond Formal. It
Jerry Burkett, freshman, Hattiesburg, Ms.;
rke Fisher, junior, Indianola, Ms.; Drew
McDowell, junior, Inverness, Ms.; Vic Nickels,
will be held at the Rivermont Inn in Columbus.
junior, Tunica, Ms.; Ben Penn, freshman, Greenville,
the social committee. The invitations and favors
Ms.; Bob Raynomd, freshman, Chicago, 111.; Ronnie
Rutland, senior. Jayess, Ms.; Jimmy Sneed,
have been ordered and should be arriving soon.
freshman, Tunica, Ms.; and Bob Stimson, freshman,
brother are anxiously awaiting its arrival with the
hope that it will be a huge success.
Dumas, Ark.
Much time and effort has been put into the pre
paration of this event by David Gaddis, chairman of
Since this will be our fist formal, all of the
Number One in Grades
This past fall semester the Fijis at Mississippi
State accomplished their long sought goal of being
number one in grades among all general fraternities
in IFC as well as number one in the Greek system.
The chapter compiled an overall average of 3.137,
the first time to top 3 point, compared to an all-frat
ernity average of 2.647 and an all-men average of
2.623. The actives finished with a 3.251 and pledges
with a 2.697.
Sigma Mu prides itself in scholarship and
adheres to the principle that "perseverence in the
pursuit of scholarship is your prime duty to your
college, your fraternity and yourself."
Drew McDowell
. . Kyle Steward
Ray Jordan
James Davis
Greg Mann
Graduate Correspondence
After compiling a neat 6-2 record and finishing
to SAE
of the
fraternity league, our Fiji five met Pi Kappa Alpha
in the playoffs. The game was see-saw for'three
quarters before the Pikes pulled slowly away in the
final stanza and won it, 47-34.
This final 6-3 record coupled with an 8-3 mark in
football is representative of our very successful
sports program.
The third major sport is in the air now, that is,
Softball. A tremendous season is expected and the
fraternity championship is definitely in sight.
Vic Nickels, Buzzy Handwerker, two men who
played ball in junior college, along with Fred
Williams, Lee Wilson, and Steve Horn are all new-
The Graduate Correspondance Committee has
been very busy this semester trying to obtain
graduate record forms from all graduates in order to
start work on a graduate roll. This roll will hopefully
be finished by the end of the semester and will
contain such information as the graduate's name,
class year, major in college, positions in the chapter,
current address and phone, current business address
and phone, occupation, and parents' address. When
completed, this roll will be mailed to all graduates
and Fijis in the state and will be a valuable asset to
any address book.
comers. We look solid at every spot and with two
practice game wins already under our belt, we are
ready for the season to--get underway..
Sigma Mu Chapter
Phi Gamma Delta
Drawer FN
Mississippi State, Ms. 39762
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Spring 1973 newsletter of the Sigma Mu chapter at Mississippi State University. The newsletter is four pages in length. This is Volume III - number 2.