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1973 Spring Newsletter Sigma Mu (Mississippi State University) - volume 3, number 3
Spring 1973 newsletter of the Sigma Mu chapter at Mississippi State University. The newsletter is four pages in length. This is Volume III - number 3.
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Sigma Mu
Mississippi State University
1973 Spring Newsletter Sigma Mu (Mississippi State University) - volume 3, number 3
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Letter From The President
The spring semester is rapidly drawing to a
close. It is only a few short days until final
examinations and then the long awaited summer. It's
often said
at the
of a
Wilkinson Award Nominee
Keith Koenig, Aerospace Engineering major
that the
from Xenia, Ohio, has been nominated as Sigma
semester seemed to fly by and this seemed to be
especially true of this spring. It seems only a few
weeks ago we were standing in line to complete
reeristration and pay our fees.
Mu's representative in competing for the Wilkinson
Award. Each year since its first presentation in
1961, the Cecil J. "Scoop" Wilkinson Award has been
presented, in honor of that former Executive
Secretary, to the brother considered to be the out
standing senior in Phi Gamma Delta.
Yes, the semester seemed so short and yet
when the history is written for the spring of 1973, it
will show that Sigma Mu chapter was extremely
in every area of fraternity life. The history
I include many social service projects like superng a recreation center, planting flower boxes,
and cleaning up West Point Road. It will describe
the Fourth Norris Pig Dinner and the Second
Keith has distinguished himself as an outstand
ing student and leader here at Mississippi State and
in the chapter. He has recently been awarded the
Donald W. Douglas Fellowship Scholarship for
advanced study at California Institute of Technology,
Annual Parents Day. It will describe a full social
calendar of several house parties, our first Black
aeronautics. He chose this award over other out
Diamond Formal and our first house party on the
standing offers from Princeton and MIT.
where he will be working on his Ph. D. in
coast. It will include a successful intramural season
as the FIJI teams finished high in all sports and re
ceived the Sportsmanship Award. It will show that
FIJIs continued to be active in campus activities as
FIJIs were elected to many campus positions and
The spring of 1973 has been a good semester for
Phi Gamma Delta of Mississippi State. But time
doesn't allow us to sit still. We have plans to make
for next semester and the bright future of Sigma Mu
Chapter. Come and share in these plans to make
Sigma Mu chapter a chapter for all Phi Gamma
Deltas to be proud of.
Keith has received eight honors and
scholarships and is a member of nine honor societies
and organizations. He was awarded the Phi Kappa
Phi Outstanding Engineer Award, ROTC Superior
Cadet Award, and MSU's Outstanding Engineering
Scholarship Award. He has served as vice president
of Phi Kappa Phi and president of Tau Beta Pi. He
is in Who's Who in American Colleges and Univer
sities and is a President's Scholar, graduating with a
3.97 quality point average. Keith also did an out
standing job as treasurer for Sigma Mu for two
years. We wish him much success and are proud
James Davis
that such an outstanding student as Keith is a Phi
Sigpma Mu's Fourth Norris Pig Dinner was held
on March 31 at the Holiday Inn in Columbus and
was termed by many brothers as the most successful
Pig Dinner ever. About 58 people attended, includ
ing actives, pledges, graduates, and special guests.
Bud Mangels, Ritualist for the National Fraternity,
was our guest speaker, while Don Fuson, our new
section chief, also gave a few remarks. Both these
men in their speeches stressed the importance of
brotherhood, full participation in chapter functions,
and working together as a whole and not only a few
m order to keep an outstanding chapter. Bud Man
gels also did an outstanding job of presenting the
Exiles Toast. A very special guest at the dinner
was Ellis T. Woolfolk, who has been instrumental in
Bryan Graham served as master of ceremof
telling several jokes, presenting special guests, and
giving a review of the chapter for the past year.
Graduate brothers attending were Phil Abernethy,
Marty Allison, Bill Caver, Mike Farrow, Terry
Hollowell, Dick Kilby, Mac Wall, and Jerry Welch.
Awards presented at the dinner included Out
standing Graduate—Mac Wall; Outstanding BrotherRobert Siedell; Outstanding Pledge for Fall 1972—
Thomas Wiley; Outstanding Pledge for Spring 1973Bob Stimson; Best Impersonation—Thomas (Sally)
Cottom; Worst Impersonation—Bill (W.C.) Mattox;
Worst Joke Teller—Thomas Wiley; and Graduate
Who Traveled the Furthest—Terry Hollowell.
the organization and development of the chapter.
Pledge brothers Wilson, Handwerker, Horn, and
WiUiams put the pig in his place.
Bud Mangels receives a standing ovation after
senting an excellent speech.
Mac wan receives the Uutstanding Graduate Award
from Master of Ceremonies Bryan Graham.
Section chief Don Fuson, Legate Ellis T. Woolfolk,
along with Brother Burke Fisher.
"Not For College Days Alone"
SA President
^^The Phi Gamms at Mississippi State continue to
be well-represented in student politics with the
recent election of Franklin Myers as student associ
ation president for the 1973-1974 school year. He,
along with other new SA officers, were installed into
office at an installation banquet on April 25th in the
Union Ballroom. Franklin is a junior industrial
engineering major from Petal. He served as IFC
president for the 1972-1973 school term.
Among the numerous honors Franklin has
here at State include: Who*s Who in
American Colleges and Universities, Tau Beta Pi
Engineering Honarary, Phi Kappa Phi Scholastic
Honarary, Omicron Delta Kappa Leadership, and
President's Scholar. Last year Franklin served as
corresponding secretary of Sigma Mu. We wish
Franklin the best of luck and much success in his
new office during the upcoming year.
Pledge Program
This semester Phi Gamma Delta had one of the
Parents Day
Sigma Mu's second Parents Day was held on
Saturday, April 28th and proved to be as outstand
ing and successful as last year's event. Around one
hundred people attended, including brothers, their
families, and other special guests. Winston
Earnheart, chairman of the special events
committee, did an outstanding job in making all of
the arrangements for the day, and we commend him
for his hard work.
The day began with a luncheon at the Holiday
Inn in Starkville, highlighted with a speech by Dr.
Donovan D. Horn, Associate Professor of Physical
Education at Mississippi State. President James
Davis welcomed everyone and made several intro
ductions of guests. Greg Mann gave a brief history
of the chapter and told of some of the numerous
ideals for which Phi Gamma Delta stands.
After the luncheon, many parents attended an
open house at the Fiji house, where many brothers
got to know others' parents and families. While at
the house, there was an organizational meeting of a
Mary McCarty Club, composed of mothers, sisters,
and wives, which was organized to help the chapter
best pledge classes ever. The pledges were Mike
in planning special events and in buying new items
Conner, Lucedale, freshman, Pre-Dent.; Buzzy
for the house.
Handwerker, Pleasant Grove, junior, Ag Economics;
Steve Horn, Grenada, sophomore. Banking and
Finance; Steve Mattox, Tupelo, sophomore. Electri
cal Engineering; Thomas Mize, Amory, sophomore.
Since both Parents Days have been such suc
cesses, we hope to continue this event in the years
to follow. We are proud of our parents and thank
them for their attendance and all the support they
render in helping the chapter. A special thanks goes
Accounting; Mike Spragins, Guilford, Conn.,
^^komore. Management; Fred Williams, Como,
jWor, Pre-Vet.; Lee Wilson, Liberty, junior, AETB;
to Dr. and Mrs. Horn for their attendance and for
taking an interest in our chapter.
David Wesley, Canton, junior. Business.
The pledge class initiated several very fine
projects. A semester's tuition was raffled, toys were
collected for children at University Village, and yard
improvement was a major undertaking. We hope to
see these pledges continue their activeness after
they become full-fledged brothers.
Sigma M.u Officers
Recording Secretary
Corresponding Secretary
Purple Legionnaire
James Davis
Jan Clark
Robert Siedell
Leigh Hummer
Billy Martin
Larry Blankenship
Contributors: .. .
Drew McDowell
Kyle Steward
Thomas Wiley
James Davis
Photographer . ..
A Good Year For Sports
This past year has proved to be the best sports
season ever for Phi Gamma Delta. Our softball team
has just completed its first undefeated season in
history. It is unfortunate that the playoffs were
cancelled due to rain because most everyone was
picking our Phi Gamms to go all the way. The most
exciting game was played against Kappa Sigma,
then the league leading team. The "Snappers"
jumped to a quick 5-0 lead in the first inning. Our
Fijis fought back and chipped away at the lead and
then, with two out in the last of the seventh, first
baseman Fred Williams doubled in the go-ahead runs
and FIJI went on to win 9-6. This win was very big
and knocked Kappa Sigma out of first place.
The football team reached the playoffs this year
and at one time was ranked 3rd on campus in the
polls. We eventually lost in the double-elimination
tournament. The basketball team also made the
playoffs with a 6-2 record before losing to Pi Kappa
Alpha. Probably our most prized possession of the
sports season was the sportsmanship trophy award
ed to us by the Intramural Department. We are
very proud of this award. Don't let down now as
next year promises to be even better.
Sigma Mu Chapter
Phi Gamma Delta
Drawer FN
Mississippi State, Ms. 39762
Graduating Seniors
Sigma Mu chapter has about twelve brotj^k
graduating from MSU either this spring or sumHr.
We would like to congratulate them on their
achievements in college as well as their hard and
devoted work for the fraternity. Our chapter will
certainly miss these brothers, but we wish them the
best of luck in their future endeavors and would like
to remind them that Phi Gamma Delta is "Not for
College Days Alone."
The following is a list of the graduating seniors
and their plans for next fall: Tommy Boyd plans to
work in Columbus; Steve Edwards hopes to attend
graduate school at LSU; Keith Koenig will be in
graduate school at California Institute of
Technology; Mike Gentry will be training at the Air
Force Base in Columbus; Bryan Graham will be
working with his landscape architecture firm in
Canton; Chuck Lemay will be training with the
Marines in Quantico, Va.; Greg Mann plans to attend
graduate school at MSU; David Morrison will be
attending graduate school at Kansas State; Sidney
Prosser plans to attend graduate school at MSU;
Ronnie Rutland will be training with the Air Force
in Columbus; James Wedgeworth will be doing
marketing research in Europe; and Tomas Wiley will
be attending med school at the University Medical
Center in Jackson.
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Spring 1973 newsletter of the Sigma Mu chapter at Mississippi State University. The newsletter is four pages in length. This is Volume III - number 3.