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1971 February Newsletter Sigma Omicron (Oklahoma State University)
February 1971 newsletter for the Sigma Omicron chapter at Oklahoma State University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Sigma Omicron
Oklahoma State University
1971 February Newsletter Sigma Omicron (Oklahoma State University)
News of PHI
Februaiy, 1971
Oklahoma State I'liiversityj Stilhvater, Oklahoma
Nimihor 1
Michael Gene Crocker
It is not unusual that the featured
Fiji for the first Sigma Oniicronical of
the 1970-71 year be our first graduate.
When approached with this idea,
Aliehael Gene Crocker replied that he
"would be most happy to reflect on
my college days as a Fiji and explain
what it meant to me in the past and
will in the future."
To Mike, being a charter member of
tiie Delta colony and Sigma Omicron
was and still is an honor, but for the
In his opinion, tlie shame of Amer
ica's colleges today is that so many of
its graduates leave without an idea of
It was no easy task competing with
the more established fraternities oil
what lies ahead in tlie world, much
campus, especially those with larger
and more impressi\e chapter houses.
That was the challenge!
As we all know from reading the
Purple Pilgiim, a fraternity is not just
a fTioup of men who happen to li\e
in the same house, or wear the same
common band and regard for each
other. "We had a lot to oflTr, and we
all believed in Phi Gamma Delta.
Granted, the little gingerbread house
next to Stout Hall was not impressive
retary and Intramural Sports Director.
After recei\ing his B.S. degree in In
dustrial Psychology in 1963, he served
six months acti\'e duty in the army re
serves. Upon completion of his tour
of duty, he became a sales representa
tive with Colgate-Pahnolive Company
by most standards, but we enjoyed it.
in Lawton, Oklahoma, in 1964.
competition and can take it, then you
can be a success, not only at building
a fraternit}', but in life "
One year later, Mike was transfei"red to Oklahoma City where he mar
ried the former Kay Meyer, a Pi Phi
from O.U. In 1966, he was transfer
red to Houston, Texas, where tlieir
Mike and the other charter mem
bers were a success at building a good
base for Phi Gamma Delta to grow,
kphat is why Michael Gene Crocker
first son, Stephen was born. Then, in
1967, Mike was promoted to Area
Sales Manager and moved to Jackson,
Mississippi. lu six months, Colgate
accepted the challenge.
Palmo]i\e sent tiiem to New Orleans
As a Sigma Omicron Brother, Mike
served the chapter as Recording Sec
wTicre Mike holds his present position
as .\rea Sales Manager. Since moving
When you enjoy something and belie\ e in it you can sell it! If you enjoy
Mike recalls tliat while interview
ing prospective salesmen in New Or
leans and Baton Rouge, he often re
members his college days, tie knew
from his senior year that he wanted
to enter the sales field in some way.
Sure enough, the days of selling Phi
Gamma Delta and competing with
larger and more established fraterni
ties paid off for him. "Competing with
large companies is no easy task, but is
rewarding for a person who enjoys it
and can take it."
most part it represented a challenge.
badge. Afraternity is a group of men,
regardless of numbei, who share a
to New Orleans, Mike and Kay hax'e
added a second addition to the family,
a son, Scott, born in 1969.
less what field they are best suited for.
"1 have interviewed countless graduat
ing seniors and graduates who are no
more prepared to enter the business
world than the day they entered col
lege. "1 know that regardless of what
the future holds for me, I will always
endeavor to see that the small group
of college students whom I can talk
to are better prepared for their future,
whether it be with my firm or an
\r\nPage 2
Februarv, 197 1
The Fraternity in the
Chapter Advisor of Oklahoma State University
Assistant Professor of Administrative Sciences
of the FRATERNITY of
Oklahoma State Uni\ersity
The fraternity, broadly speaking,
seems to be diminishing in its ability
to meet the needs of the students to
product, price, promotion, and distri
day. A general decline in membership
and finanicial insecurity of others are
bution. In this sense it is no different
but a few indications that fraternities
1123 University Avenue
Stillvvater. Oklahoma 74074
may be a dying institution. Several
systems have found themselves per
sona non grata on campuses today.
There is convincing evidence that
the general decline in membership,
relevance, status and acceptance is
fundamentally a marketing problem.
J. Robert Keating
Many fraternities have failed to ana
fraternities to think in marketing
terms, it must be concerned with its
from other institutions.
PRODUCT POLICY . . . Eliminate
planned obsolescense. The traditional
pledge program, annual dinners, par
ties, test files, dinner guests, etc., must
be evaluated. What does our chapter
or system provide that dormitories
and other living groups do as well or
even exceed us? Is status enough?
What changes must our chapter make
lyze the market properly. The pro
in programming to adapt more effec
gram of too many chapters does not
tively to a changing environment.'^
Mark A. Lobo
meet the needs of their markets. But
PRICE . . . The economic climate
Recording Secretary
these are problems that can be partial
ly corrected by the proper application
of marketing concepts used in the bus
has caused manv parents and students
to carefully evaluate the value of fra
Steve Sheehan
iness world.
Corresponding Secretary
A fraternity must recognize how its
ternities. What about the time in
vested in frivolous activities which
show little real purpose? Is there a
distortion in actual cost and perceived
ment has changed. A particular signi
cost? Have we prepared a brochure
ficance is the changed outlook on life
to demonstrate real cost?
Paul D. Parsons
itself by students. Social values today
DISTRIBUTION . . . Person to per
are significantly different from even
son better means of reaching new mar
ten years ago but many fraternity of
ficers seem oblivious to these changes.
of fraternities today.
J. Herschel Beard
Purple Legionnaire
Charles A. Powers, Oklahoma City
Section Chief
L. Thomas Dulaney, Oklahoma Cit\Chapter Advisor
Housing Corporation Chairman
Joe S. Ellis. Oklahoma C.'ity
The need to provide achievement ful
fillment in the now is more important
than slogans such as "the fraternity is
forever." The need for meaning in life,
knowledge of understanding of the
world and its environment, and friend
Dr. B. Curtis Hamm, Stillwater
ship are highly important motives of
that we find a place where we are im
portant and our presence is felt. Eraternities are expected to provide an
en\irf)nment in which the individual
can achiev e his personal goals and yet
contribute to the goals of the organi
our alumni and friends.
schel Beard.
Summer rush,
rush chairman and traditional forms of
identifying potential pledges needs
careful attention and evaluation. As
members, participation in organiza
tions, campus activities, etc., should be
fit into the overall goals of the in
dividual chapter. The eoncept of join
the current generation. The growing ing two organizations is no longei
impersonal attitude of society dictates enough. Athorough knowledge of the
vear by Sigma Omicron (ihapter for
Send all changes of address, photograjihs, and item of interest to Her
kets is one of the most critical needs
Perhaps a re-statement of
local chapter goals is a first step.
it may be somewhat unfamiliar for
organization market and involvement
in it is what is important. Organiza
tions which influence community,
state, and national issues are of in
creasing value.
What messages are we sending out to(
the public? Are we deciding what
they will hear or are we operating on
Ciontiinied on Page 4
\r\nFcbriiarv, 1971
Gradule News
Martin E. Glasser, M.D., 2131 Gold
en Gate Avenue. San Francisco, Cali
fornia 94115. lie recently completed
a one-year tour of duty as Battalion
Surtieon in \a'etnam and began resi
dency in eliild psycin'atry in July. He
is still single.
Jan Turley, M.D., 3802 Kavanaugh,
Apartment 512. Little Rock. Arkansas
He writes that he is in resi
dency training in Urology at the Uni\ersity of Arkansas School of Medi
cine. Jan is also single.
They say they are glad to be back in
"Cowboy" country.
Thomas William Lueus, M.D., 6921
Donachie Road, Baltimore, Maryland
21212. Tom is married to Nancy Clair
Cooper and they have a son, Karl Wil
liam, age 5. As of July 1, 1970, Tom
and Nancy are in Baltimore, Maryland,
xvhere he is practicing at Sheppherd
and Enoch Pratt Hospital.
James Lewis Thomas, 3848 S. De
troit, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74105. Jim is
married to Christy Griffin and they
hax e one child, Molly Erin, born Feb
ruary 16, 1970. He is currently em
ployed as the claims representative for
Trax'elers Insurance Company.
Michael Gene Crocker, 305 Briar-
gro\ e, Gretna, Louisiana 70053. Mike
married Kathryn Ann Meyer and they
ha\ e two sons. Stephen 3. and Scott 1.
John Gallagher Sanger, 821 S. Llebron A\'eiiue, E\ans\'ille, Indiana
47715. John informs us that lie is em
ployed in Sales Dejrartment of Reed
Drilling Tools Division of G. W. Mur
phy Industries. Inc. He. too, is single.
Melvin Dale Henry, 240 Wentworth
Avenue. West
Page 3
Gordon L. Elkins, 6700 S. Shore
Drix'e, Chicago, Illinois 60649. Here
is another Sigma Omicron Fiji who
lists his marital status as single. Gor
don is noxv handling conventions as
Conx ention Sales Representative with
the Chicago Convention Bureau.
No. E, Mhllowick, Ohio 44094.
sentatix^e with
Rinehart and
AAhnston, Inc.
The Norris Pig Dinner
Plan noxv to attend. An inter
esting and entertaining evening
is being planned for all. The
event xx'ill be held at the Lincoln
Plaza, Senate Room in Oklaho
ma City, February 20, 1971, be
ginning with cocktails at 6:00.
Don't miss it! Donations are only
$10.00. For reservations contact
Steve Poxvell in Stillxvater. Over
60 tickets have been sold, so
make this the year to see your
old school buddies.
John Charles Shelton, 1603 S. Chey
enne, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119. John is
nounce the initiation of six fine men
married to KaKay Van Dolsen. He
graduated from Tulsa Unix ersity Law
School in July, 1970.
44094. Presently emplot'ed as Adver
tising Manager of the Minnesota Divi
sion of Kroger Com]rany. Mel is mar
ried to Cynthia S. Henry.
James A. Swagerty, 31621 Marginal
nessee 37130. Hayes and Olive Ann
Parrott were married in January, 1970,
and are now living near Memphis
where he is the textbook Sales Repre-
Walter Hayes Greenwood, III, 910
Apartments, H-1, Murfreesboro, Ten
Sigma Omicron is proud to an
last September. They are: Steven Edxvard Ealick, Ponca City; Claud Earl
Reese, III, Fairview;
Ruiz, Oklahoma City,
han, Jr., Collinsville;
Tweedy, Ada; Frank
Jeffery Dorian
Stephen Shee-
Anthony Alton
Ray Crabtree,
and his wife Teresa have one son,
Brian, age U4. He is a management
consultant in marketing for A. T. Kear
ney and Compan)'. Inc.. in Cleveland,
Loyd Eugene Ble\ in.s, 9251 Nieman
Road, 0\erland Park. Kansas 66214.
Gene is marrical to Dinell Sue Da\i.s
and has comjrleted his acti\e duty
with the marin(>s. Ih" is prtrsently emjrloyed by A. B. Dick Comjrany in Kan
sas City, and ho]res to mo\'e back to
Oklahoma soon.
Dr. F. Russell lan-i son. 305 E. Wat
son Dri\ e. .Allen. Texas 7.^00'?. Russell
receixed his PhD in Electrical Engi
neering from
Purdu(> l^ni\ersit\" in
October, 1969 and is emjrloved by -At
lantic Richfield Oil Comjianx in Dal
THE NEW CABINET xvhich took office, February 1, 1971. Seated is Robert
Keating, President; left to right: Paul Parsons. Historian; Mark Loho. Treasurer;
Stex e Sheehan. Recording Secretary; Herschel Beard. Corresponding Secretary.
He and his wife Sherrx' haxc txvo
childi'en. Chris, 6. and Jeannie. 3'':;,
\r\nPag-e 4
Februai-^-, 1971
The highlight of the first semester
social calendar was the annual Purple
Garter Christmas Party. Trying some
thing new this year, Social Chairman
Steve Powell arranged for the Carosel Room at the Oklahoma City Civic
Center. We chartered two buses and
after a light buffet dinner, we drove
to the City for a very successful party.
As part of the tradition. Miss Ann
Gardner, Kappa Alpha Theta, was
crowned the 1970 Fiji Sweetheart. Ann
is a senior and is engaged to Brother
Steve Grassfield. Also, the traditional
"gartering" ceremony was held which
is always entertaining. After the
party, we drove back to Stillwater,
lenged the Brotherers. With many out
standing high school players, the
pledges were unable to overcome the
speed and spirit of the Brothers. They
went down in a blaze of glory as the
Brothers put it all together for a 68-35
victory. This year's intramural season
should be interesting as Fijis have al
most returning players from last year
plus many new additions.
Several brothers and pledges were
among 700 other delegates who re
cently attended the 12th Annual Mo
del United Nations in Norman, Okla
homa. Brother Paul Parsons, was dele
the night. All in all it was one of the
gation chairman representing the
country of Ecuador. His team included
Brother Buddy Reese and pledges Bob
finest parties our chapter has had in
Ranee Bennett and Steve Foshee.
and our dates took over our house for
some years.
The Ecuador delegation submitted
a resolution for disarmament, which
Starting off the sports season in
September, Fijis took second place in
All-University Tennis as Brothers Bob
Murphy and Steve Dennehy defeated
Beta Theta Pi Unfortunately, we
were overcome by a tough Sigma Al
pha Epsilon team in the finals.
Our football Epsilon team proved to
be one of the best in the league. Many
brothers and pledges proved to be
very good this year, and the team
gave us several exciting victories.
During the volleyball competition,
Fijis were undefeated in league play.
The first round of the All-University
play-offs proved fatal to our record,
as we were beaten by a tall Pi Kappa
Alpha team.
Basketball practice has begun for
regular season play. In the preseason
exhibition game, the pledge class chalFRATERNITY OF PHI GAMMA DELTA
1123 University Avenue
Stillwater, Oklahoma 740 74
was one of only 10 of over 150 that
v/ere finally selected for General As
sembly discussion.
Two surprises of the Conference
were an asimulated assassination of a
South African delegate and the unsuc
cessful attempt of the Cambodian Li
beration Front in obtaining a separate
seat on the U.N. Guest speaker of the
three day meeting was the Russian
Ambassador to the U.N. in New York.
t'le first semester. At present, we ha\-e
21, most of whom are eligible for ini
tiation this spring. Pledges include;
Robert Ranee Bennett, James D.
changed to a system of summer rush.
Any man could sign a letter of "intent'
to sign with a fraternits' during the
summer. This was done to keep ex
penses of rush down. Guided by a
Clifford Lord, James Thomas Mott,
Jr., all of Oklahoma City; Steven War
ren Foshee, Lawrence Kyle Reinmuth,
both of Bartles\'ille; Jimmy Ernest
Goertz and Jeff Harris of Hobart;
James Laughlin Keating and Steven
Ray Rosenbaum of Mangum;
Roy Dale Myers and Rick Parkin
son, of Lawton; Robert D. Meinders,
El Reno; James Cranston Pollock, Decatur, Alabama; Da\ id Scott Powers,
Indianapolis, Indiana; Gary Ray Rosebure, Tipton; Pary Grant Shofner,
Bethany, Jerry Lynn Sparks, Gillette,
Wyoming; Steve Thomas, Altus; .and
Phil Sheehan, of Collinsville.
Age of Aquaries
Continued from Page 2
lumors and "second-hand" informa
tion? Arc we choosing medias of im
portance- and reporting our projects
and iiiN'olvements? Exactly what are
we doing to promote our chapter? Is
telling our ownseK es enough? If not,
let's do something about it.
CONCLUSION . . . The declining
role of fraternities is a marketing prob
Rush went (juite well for Sigma
Omicron fhis year. As many of you
know, the Interfraternity Council abo
very capable Rush Chairman, Robert
Keating, we pledged 20 men during
tlie summer, then added some during
But this can be rexcrsed.
key lies in an evaluation of what we
are doing in a dynamic way to achieve
the goals of our chapters. The produet does have an important contribu
tion to make to its members as well
as to the institution and communities
in which they reside. Let ns strive to
be an important force in the Age of
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February 1971 newsletter for the Sigma Omicron chapter at Oklahoma State University. The newsletter is four pages in length.