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1972 October Newsletter Lambda (DePauw University)
October 1972 newsletter of the Lambda chapter at DePauw University. This newsletter is four pages.
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DePauw University
1972 October Newsletter Lambda (DePauw University)
VOL. CXVII, No . 1
Phi Gamma Delta , DePauw University , Greencastle , Indiana
OCTOBER , 1972
With a better rushing attack than
the Oklahoma football team , Lambda
chapter brought in an outstanding
crop of pledges this year. Combined
spring and fall rush brought twentytwo new men into the oldest continuing chapter of Phi Gamma Delta.
This year's pledge class ranges
from the senior captain of the football team to a group of freshmen
whose one consistent trait is an extremely high academic standing. All
nineteen of t h i s year's freshmen
ranked in the upper one-third of their
class with seven placing in the top
ten per cent.
Our senior pledge is Tim Hreha ,
captain of the DePauw football team .
In addition to his duties as a football
defensive tackle, Tim is a history major from McKeesport, Pa.
Lambda chapter recruited two other upperclass pledges: juniors Lonnie Blevins and Jim Vance. Lonnie
is a math major from Indianapolis
and will be an outstanding asset to
the Fiji IM teams. Jim, also from
Indianapolis, majors in chemistry and
is a member of the American Chemical Society Chemistry Club at DePauw.
Freshman pledges Tony Quinn and
Tom Bierman both attended Central
Catholic High School in Ft. Wayne
and were All-City football players.
They are valuable members of this
year's DePauw squad.
Tony also
played three years of varsity baseball
while Tom was a Junior Rotarian.
From Kokomo comes Jack Ward,
the freshman class's music major.
Jack graduated from Haworth H.S.
where he participated in numerous
sports and performed in the school's
male and mixed vocal groups.
Anderson is the hometown of football player Steve Granger. In addition to football, Steve was a member of the Anderson Madison Heights
PLEDGES: From left to right-First ro.w : Simon Benefield, Dwight Rounds, John Sterling,
Steve Smith, Tim Sheridan, Doug Schmult. Second row: Larry Jent, Jim Vance, Steve
Bailey., Doug Ruud, Mike Sexton, Jack Ward, George Row. Third row: Mike Mesch, Dan
Sutherin, Hobson Kahl, Tony Quinn, Steve Granger, Tom Bierman. Fourth row: Lonnie
Blevins, Tim Hreha.
golf squad and participated in the
Student Council.
Pledges Larry Jent and Steve Smith
hail from Indianapolis. Larry starred
in football , wrestling, and track at
Plainfield H.S. , and also served on
the Student Council and as vicepresident of the Letterman's Club.
Steve attended Arlington H.S. where
he headed the award winning school
paper staff. He also participated in
baseball, golf, and received the Organization of Parents and Teachers
award for service and scholarship.
Steve is pledge class treasurer.
Completing the Indiana contingent
is Hobson Kahl from Charleston.
"Hobsie" played both football and
basketball for Silver Creek H.S. and
belonged to the SC Letter Club.
The Chicagoland area claims three
members of the freshman class. Steve
Howard, from Brother Rice High
School, p 1 a y e d football and track.
Steve also belonged to the National
Honor Society and the Community
Action Corporation.
Mike Mesch from Glen Ellyn was
an All-State football player and also
wrestled for Glenboro West H.S .
Doug Schmult from Winfield, participated in tennis, cross-country, and
basketball at Chic ago West High
School. Doug also received the Danforth Foundation Citizenship award.
Mike Sexton wrestled for Ottawa
High School in Ottawa , and has
among his Fiji relatives one grandfather and three uncles.
Freshman Tim Sheridan graduated
fifth in a class on 160 at Monmouth
H.S. in Monmouth, Illinois.
activities included football, basketball, track, and National Honor Society.
(Continued on Page 2)
Fi ii
House Mom
Goes Lambda
Mom Howard
Lambda has done it again. Due to
a combination of sagacity, good taste,
and fantastic luck, we have as our
new housemother Mrs. Gertrude Howard, formerly the Fiji housemothe r
at Wittenberg:
The departure of Mrs . Helen Kellogg last spring for what she mistakenly thought were t he greener
fields of Butler University sparked
a flurry of activity to find a replacement.
F rom what has transpired
since, it is obvious our search was
blessed by angels. Mom Howard had
already planned to leave the Wittenberg Fijis when news of our distress
reached her . Being a true-blue ,or
rather , ( true - purple) Fiji, she responde d to our call like the gallant
soul she is. She visite d the house the
weekend of Fiji Isle, and it was a
mutual case of love at first sight.
Of course , we lost no time at all in
" ple dging" he r .
Mom spe nt fi ve v ery fruitful years
at Wittenberg, and due to her abundant supply of charm and grace she
has won the he arts of all the Lambda Fij is. We hope her stay here will
be long and happy , and may God
bless he r heart.
Don' t forget to make your r ese rvation for the NORRIS PIG DINNER at Lambda's de dication, October 28 . Mr . William Ze rman
( Michigan '49) , Exec utive S ecretary of Phi Gamma Delta , will be
t he guest spea ker. We hope to see
all our al u mni for this occasion .
ocrrOBER , 1972
-PLEDGES (Continued)
After captaining both the crosscountry and track teams at Libertyville High School , Doug R uud has alr e ady become a stand-out on the De Pauw varsity cross-country team .
Doug was also active in the school
ne wspaper, National Honor Society ,
and the L etterman's Club.
The pledge class preside nt is Dan
Sutherin from B e dford, Ohio . D an
participated on yearbook staff , le tterman's club , choir , and was Stude n t
Senate president.
Ste ve Bailey comes from Bluegrass
country in Hopkinsville , K e ntucky ,
where h e was active in band, k ey
club , and stude nt council. Steve also p layed for the basketball squad.
Se cond generation DePauw student
John Ste rling hails from St. Joseph ,
Michigan where he belonged to the
Mu Alpha Theta Mathematics honorary and was a varsity wrestler.
From the north country in Milwaukee, Wisconsin comes tennis player
George R ow. At Whitefish Bay H .S.
George a lso participated in track and
the yearbook .
Dwight R ounds from R e dding, California, attende d b oth Sh ast and R. L.
Steven son High S chools. He played
tennis, golf, b aseball , a nd r eceived a
grant from the California Scholarship
F e deration.
Lambda Fijis again excelled in
scholarship during the 1971-72 aca demic year. Jim Stuart, '75, was
elected to Phi Eta Sigma, the fr eshman m e n's honorary scholastic fraternity . Chri s DeGraw, '72 , was
chosen for m embe rship in Phi Beta
Kappa. The ove rall house cumulative
grade point was above 2.9 , well over
the all m en 's average. The prospects
for this year look even brighte r with
three probable Phi Beta Kappas and
the addition of our great pledge class .
Our study conditions have b een e nhanced by the construction of a new
library-study room in the base m en t.
But perhaps the most impressive
aspect of our scholarship is the attitude taken by the brothers. The de sire to excel in scholarship is prevalent in the house . With the pride
Lambda is taking in her scholarship ,
top academic achievement will b e
ac h ieved again this year.
The entire Lambda Chapter extends its condolen ces to G raduate B rother Edwin C. B oswell ,
J r ., '31 , upon the recent death of
his wife, Rebabelle.
To provide be,tter serv ice to the graduate chapter, w e request all graduates to complete the follow ing form and m ail to Bruce Morse Phi
Gamma Delta, Greencastle, Indiana 461 35
Name & Class
Offices Held I n House
Old Stories (Feel free to use more paper)
Present Address
Presen t Occupa tion
Recent News
Comments on Paper
O t her Comments
\r\nOCTOBER, 1972
Lambda 's Tiger Fiji is out once again after a brief dry spell. The Coon
Plaque , given for the outstanding
chapter publication, was in our trophy case only one year ago - we're
shooting for it again.
Much is new at Phi Garn this year.
For the first time in a quarter century all the brothers are under one
roof. It is a good feeling . We cannot possibly express our gratitude to
those devote d and generous alums
who made our new wing possible.
We have set the dedication of this
new wing to coincide with our Pig
Dinner festivities October 28. Lambda is honored to announce that our
speaker for this occasion will be the
Executive Secretary - Editor of the
Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta , Mr.
William Zerman.
All our brothers are invited to attend this exciting occasion - Please
Lambda put on the best rush this
falf that I have seen duiing my stay
here. A sense of excitement seemed
to pervade the whole house. It goes
without saying that we have an outstanding pledge class.
The outlook for the coming year is
very optimistic as Lambda's problems of last year grow dimmer. The
main obstacle in ' 71-'72 was the separated living conditions which came
as a result of the "condemnation" of
our Old House. Approximately 1/:i of
the house was forced to live in University owned housing for the year .
With brothers living out in town ,
there was a bre ak in the communcications chain, not to mention the
chain of brotherhood.
The separated living conditions did
not deter us from winning the Hugh
J. Baker, Jr. State Day Participation
A ward last February. Both Lambda
and our alums are proud of this accomplishment.
Considering the adverse situation
in which we found ourselves, things
were going remarkably well during
the year. However , during our Fiji
Isle Dance , we ran into some trouble
with the administration. On our traditional " bonerun," several of the
brothers to o k liberties with some
young ladies. The University decided
to place us on a mild social probation
for a year.
Lambda's newly completed wing
Retreat Continues Fiii Tradition
Discussing the ideals and aims of
the fraternity is a part of fraternal
life too often overlooked. Lambda
decided to take time and exchange
various ideas concerning our fraternity.
Forty undergraduates and nine alums departed forthe- 4-H Leadership
Camp Friday evening, Sept. 8. We
arrived in the backwoods to find our
accomodations complete with running
water and flush toilets. The brothers quickly unloaded their gear and
started with a general meeting.
In the first meeting our current
social status as restricted by the University was discussed (see "As I See
It") . The consensus opinion reached
was that the house should strive to
work within these restrictions, not
only to placate the University , but
more importantly to strengthen ourselves. We ended this important session about 11 :30.
Not wanting to completely clean
the grads, we knocked off the poker
game at 2 p.m. Brothers Swanson
( ' 29) and Rogers ( '65) , while long
on experience, proved the big losers
for the night.
The next morning section chief
turned call boy Bill Miller ( Zeta '63)
routed six of the hardier brothers for
a trek down to the Wabash . One
hour later, seven exhausted Fijis
woke the remaining brothers for a
warm breakfast and more meetings .
Several topics were dealt with extensively during the morning. We
discussed our extremely successful
fall rush. Gradually the focus of the
talk shifted to today's pledge training. The graauate Brothel'SjJrovi ~
several suggestions as to the best way
to integrate the new men into our
Later the group discussed fraternity ritual and alumni relations. Many
constructive ideas were brought forth
in both of these sessions.
We broke for lunch and a quick
game of football. Brother Fairchild
( '62), rumored to have lost a step or
two , disproved all such notions as he
led the good guys to a thrilling 13-12
The entire group got together once
again and briefly recapped all we had
talked about.
All those involved
considered the weekend retreat a
valuable experience well worth continuing in the future .
Lambda would like to warmly
thank graduate brothers Miller , Dirks,
Vickery, Swanson, Miles, Crowder ,
Rogers , and Fairchild for their generous help in making the retreat possible.
Lambda is working within this probation with a singleness of purpose
to become the number one Phi
Gamma De lta chapter. And, as I see
it, we haven't far to go .
Paul C. VanBoo ve n
Presid ent
Dane L . Hartley, '74
Bruce Morse, '74
Contributors ____ Doug Long, '73 ;
Mark Mills, '73; Paul VanBooven, '73 ; Jim Stuart, '75 ;
Steve Smith , '76
Photographer _ Steve Vicke ry , '73
'72- '7 3 /M's To Top Last Year's 3rd
tition . Last year was no exception
as Fiji copped third in the over-all
standings. Highlights were the golf
championship, a second place in basketball , a fourth in softball, a second
in tennis and high finishes in handball and ping pong.
Doug Reynolds led the Fiji linksters with a 73 and was followed by
Tom Wood , ' 73 , Curt Stucky , '72 , and
Steve Doyle , '73 , who were all under 80.
Wade Nichols , '72, and Mike Bleck ,
' 72 , were the standouts for Fiji in
basketball. Nichols provided valuable scoring and r ebounding. Bleck's
running mate at guard was Denny
Logan, '74. Other m en who saw action were Stucky , Williams, Quick ,
and Jim Stuart, ' 75.
Fallen Beta begs for life as Tracy Tra'ynor prepares for kill.
As the leaves begin to fall from
the many trees in Greencastle, the
fall intramur:il ~ ea~o n moves into full
swing. At the moment, the Fiji's are
battling for the football, tennis and
golf crowns. Ping pong and volleyball start in the near future .
The Fiji gridiron team has a record of 4-1 with the only loss coming
to league-l e ading Beta in the initial
outing 21-0 . Since then , Lambda has
won four straight and allowed only
two touchdowns.
After the opening loss, Lambda got
on track as they tipped LXA 13-8.
Butch Williams, '74, tossed two aerials: one to Tom Swanger , ' 76 , and
the other to Bob Mount, '74, for
Longden fell next, but misfortune
struck against Sigma Chi as the Fiji
quarterback , Butch Williams, suffered
a broken jaw that has put him out
of action for six weeks. Williams
directed the first score as Rob Schumaker, '74, got the touchdown. After
William's unfortunate injury, Lonnie
Blevins, '74, took over and found
Schumaker two more times in the
endzone for scores. The final score
was Fiji 19 - Sig Chi 6.
"Phi Delt was the next victim as
Lambda rolled 19-0. Mount got the
first score when he picked off an
errant Phi Delt pass and traveled 20
yards for 6 points. Doug Long , '73 ,
was on the receiving e nd of the Blevins pass that accounted for the second score and John Sterling, ' 76 , got
the final touchdown on a 50 yard
sleeper play from Blevins.
Defense has been the strong factor
for Lambda. Steve Howard, '76, and
Mike Sexton , '76 , and Jev Conover
anchor the defense line. The deep
backs are Mount, Swanger, Ed Martin, ' 73 , Brian Quick, ' 74, and Schumaker.
Phi Gamma Delta is also doing
quite well in tennis. Randy Sinn, '73,
is in the second round in first singles.
George Row , ' 76, and Blevins are in
second round in first doubles. Martin and Doug Schmult have advanced to the third round . Unfortunately , Williams, who is the top Fiji
tennis player, is unable to play because of his football mishap. Tony
VanSeventer , '73, and Jev Conover,
' 74 , also played but lost their opening match.
Hopes are also high for defending
the golf title that Lambda won so
convincingly last year. Last year's
squad averaged 78 a man and beat
the other 14 living units by 20 strokes.
Chris Doran, '75, Steve Smith, ' 76 ,
Dwight Rounds, '76, and Dane Hartley, ' 74, will be the linksters for
Phi Gamma Delta has been traditionally strong in intramural compe-
For the second year in a row ,
Lambda did well in softball as they
rallied behind the pitching of Bill
Arends, ' 72 . Ed Martin handled the
catching chores and the infield was
composed of Williams at first , Fred
Ellis, '73, at second, Stucky, and
Swanger. The outfield was made up
of Dane Hartley, '74, Quick, and
Mike Williams, Brooke Hollis and
the doubles team of Bill Anderson
and Long enabled the Fijis to take
second behind the faculty in IM tennis. Williams got second in second
singles, Hollis a third in first singles
and Long and Anderson a third in
second doubles .
Jim Koerner paced the Fijis to high
finishes in wrestling and handball.
Koerner won an individual crown in
wrestling for the third consecutive
year. In ping pong, the doubles team
of Williams and Reynolds took second
With last year's experience and a
new crop of talent, Lambda again
will be fighting for the intramural
championship in '72-'73.
Don't forget to make your reservation for the NORRIS PIG DINNER at Lambda's dedication , October 28.
Mr. William Zerman
(Michigan '49), Executive Secre- '
tary of Phi Gamma Delta, will be
the guest speaker . We hope to see
all our alumni for this occasion.
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October 1972 newsletter of the Lambda chapter at DePauw University. This newsletter is four pages.