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1972 December Newsletter Lambda (DePauw University)
December 1972 newsletter of the Lambda chapter at DePauw University. This newsletter is four pages.
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DePauw University
1972 December Newsletter Lambda (DePauw University)
Vol. CXVII, No. 2
Phi Gamma Delta, D ePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana
Dad's Day Features Fiji Festivities
This ye ar's Dad's Day proved to be
a memorable occasion for all involved.
The varied activ ities include d the annual honoring of the
fathers , de dication of the new wing ,
the Norris Pig Dinner , and the p resentation of a national charter to
Lambda's Mary McCarty Club.
The festivities started early Saturday morning as the undergraduate
brothers greeted dads, mothers , and
Formal dedication of the
new wing took place later that morning. President Paul VanBooven ( '73)
opened the ceremonies by expressing
Lambda's appreciation to all of the
de dicated alums who contributed both
time and money in making the new
wing a reality . Paul succinctly expressed the ch'l pter's sentiments when
he commented that the brothers were
overjoyed to be living under one
roof again.
At this point, Purple
Legionnaire George H. Dirks ( '29)
took over the dedication.
Dirks briefly recapped the problems
and difficulties that had arisen since
the plans for the new house were originally conceived in the 1950's: The
new house project was partially realized when the front part of the current chapter house was completed in
1965. But due to a lack of funds , the
original plans (which called for the
construction of a U-shaped house)
could not be completed. From 1965
- January , 1.971 , the brothers lived
divided in the old house and the new
house. In January of '71, the old
house was condemned - the brothers
living there were forced to move out
into University-owned housing. With
Lambda's brothers divided into the
chapter house and three annexes, the
completion of the new wing became
a n ecessity.
Through the diligent
work of many individ ·1als , the new
addition was completed in August of
· Brother Dirks concluded by men-
Lambda of Phi Gamma Delta
tioning many of the generous and
loyal alums who contributed toward
the completion of the new house project. The dedication ceremony ended
with everyone joining in a hearty
round of clicks.
Saturday afternoon Mr. William S .
Zerman, Executive Secretary of Phi
Gamma Delta, presented Lambda's
newly founded Mary McCarty Club
with their charter (see Mom's column , p. 2). Meanwhile, many of the
fathers and sons ventured out to
Blackstock to watch a spirited Tiger
football team fall to Valpo .
The Norris Pig Dinner highlighted
the evening's activities. In conjunction with Dad's Day , Lambda dep 1rted sorr:ewhat from tradition bv inviting the fathers to atten d - happily ,
the inclusion of the cfad> served to
provide them with an improved p erspective of Phi Gamma Delta and its
tradition. Master of ceremonies Ray
Swanson ( '29) opened the ceremony
with an ease that has come from
attending many Pig Dinners. Brother
Swanson gave a short sketch of· the
origin of the dinner and some background on the ceremony for the fathers. Next, brothers Louis Binkley
('19) and David Larivere ('75) provided the pig with a couple of wet
smacks Brother Binkley kissing
the snout and Brother Larivere the
After dinner , Brother Larivere presented plaques to two of Lambda's
most distinguished alums. Brother
Binkley was recognized for his continued loyal support of Lambda chapter. Brother Dirks was cited for his
efforts in spearheading the new wing
Our featured speaker for the dinner was Mr. William S. Zerman
(Michigan, '49), Brother Zerrrian delivered an inspiring speech which
delve d into various aspects of the fraternal system. He dispelled the popular notion t h a t fraternities are
declining in strength - fraternities
h a ve died on only two campuses ,
while they are being re-es!ablished'
(Continued on Page 4 )
\r\nPAGE 2
Mary McCarty Club
Chartered At Lambda
Phi Gam's
Prettiest Pledge
Says "Fiiis No. l"
With candle light flickering and the
East College clock striking twelve ,
Susie H e ad (De lta G a m m a '73)
passed through the outer portals of
Phi Gamma Delta. With brothe rs
Heyde ( '72) , Sinn ( '73) . and VanBoove n ( '73) looking on, Susie signed
on the dotted line of the Lambda
pledge form on the eve of Valentine's Day.
Needless to say, the
brothers w e re excited about this n e w
addition to our pledge class. But, upon checking the bylaws , Lambda discove red Susie would have to be reclassifie d as an honorary pledge .
Though disappointed in her change
of status , Susie said Fiji is still number one.
Throughout the nation, Mother's
Clubs have become an integral part
of fraternities. The aim of these clubs
has been to assist in the education
of their sons through the donation of
both time and money.
club was formally presented their
charter on October 28, 1972 by M!".
William S . Zerman, the Executive
Secretary of Phi G a m m a Delta.
Lambda's chapter becomes the forti eth Mary McCarty Club.
Phi Gamma Delta has a unique organization which includes not only
the mothers, but also the wives, daughters, sisters, and widows of all Fijis -- The Mary McCarty Club. Early
in the 1930's, a group of Phi Garn
mothers realized their sons had other members of the family who wished
to help in the activities of the frate rnity. Hence , they formed the Mary
McCarty Club which is now a national club fully recognized by the National Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta . Named after the wife of John
T empleton McCarty, one of the original founders of the fraternity , the
club is dedicated to assisting and encouraging the men of Phi Gamma
Delta. The annual dues of the members are used to buy articles needed
in the chapter.
The current officers of Lambda's
Mary McCarty Club are: Mrs. Myron
R. Hartley- president, Mrs. George
Vickery- secretary, and Mrs. Ila Mills
The idea to start a Mary McCarty
Club at Lambda originated during
Mom's Weekend of April , 1972. The
The Mary McCarty Club has alr e ady presen ted Lambda with six n ew
chandelie rs for the dining room and
beautiful drape ries. All the m en of
Lambda exte nd their gratitude to the
club for the ir generous support.
T he e ntire Lambda Chapte r exten ds it condole nces to Graduate
Brothe r George H. Dirks a nd family upon the recent death of his
mother , Hildegard. Mom Dirks not
only served as Lambda's housemother for 1968-69 , but made
numerous contributions to the surrounding community. H er death
represents a loss to us all.
To provide better service to the graduate chapter , w e request all graduates
to complete the following form and mail to Stev e Smith , Phi Gamma D elta ,
Gr eencastle, Indiana 46135
Name & Class
Offices Held In House
Old Stories (Feel free to use more paper)
Editors _____ Dane L. Hartley , '74
Bruce Morse, '74
Contributors ____ _ Doug Long, '73
Paul VanBooven , '73; Steve
Smith, '76
Photographers _ Steve Vickery, '73
Rudy Sinn, '73
Time is here again when Lambda Fiji is searching for the high
quality men we want in the house
next year. To be able to be most
effective we need the help of our
Alums. If you know of any man
interested in coming to DePauw
next year please write us and let
us know so we may contact him
Present Address
Present Occupation
Recent News
Comments on Paper
Other Comments
\r\nDECEMBER, 1972
Lambda has improved in many
ways during the last six month;;.
The completion of the new wing has
aided greatly in pulling the brothers
together. We are especially grateful
for the generous contributions of both
time and money from our many loyal
alumni that made this addition a
reality. However, as I see it, there
is a major area which needs concentration to make Lambda completely
fit the requisites of a fraternity.
Each one of our readers, I am sure,
considers that one of Phi Gamma
Delta 's chief goals is to promote
scholarship. This is the reason students go to college. Although th e
chapter still actively enforces quiet
hours and de dicates itself to insuring
that the pledges make grades , improvement is necessary.
DePauw University does not publish scholarship data concerning fra ternities , sororities or dorms , but it is
generally known where individual
units rank . Last year Phi Gamma
De lta did not rank as high as it normally does.
The undergraduate chapter believes
that the house should be a place
where anybody can study under favorable conditions. As most of the
alumni know, the front part of the
house has built-in desks , bookcases
and study lamps.
Over the sum mer, the chapter
spent $900 out of its reserve account
to construct an eighteen by twelve
foot study room in the southwest corner of the bumroom.
It includes
soundproofed walls and bright fluorescent light. The contract did not
include painting, a task which has
been completed by the brothers.
Although the chapter would like to
provide fixtures for the s t u d y in
the basement a n d the individual
rooms in the new wing, our financial
position prohibits this.
Lambda Corporation, our house corporation, does not have funds available after completion of the new wing
to finance this project.
As president of Lambda , I know
what loyal alumni we have always
had. Few chapters at DePauw have
such wonderful support. From that
point of view, I hesitate to again ask
for funds for capital improvement.
But, if I did not think it was vitally
necessary and if I did not think help
would be forthcoming, I would not
ask .
Graduate information has been
pouring in from all over the nation.
Printed below are capsule summaries . For those of you who haven't
written, please fill out the alumni
blank provided on page 2. Keep in
touch with Lambda.
Brother Roy G. Niehaus writes
that his present address is College
Hills Apt. 245 , Portage Rd., Wooster ,
Ohio 44691.
Earl 0. Ewan, 1519 Chevy Chase
Drive , Sun City Center, Florida 33570
is presently employed as the editor of
THE SuN CITY CENTER C1v1c Assoc1ATION B ULLETIN. He is still Treasure Emeritus of the Columbia Journalism Alumni- The Pulitzer School.
He is also a director and past president of the Ruskin, Florida , Chamber
of Commerce.
Ewan attended the
50th reunion of his class in May.
Prof. and Mrs. Jerome Hixson, who
are building a home in Englewood,
Fla. , helped him celebrate his seve nty-second birthday on October 12
also with Miss Mary Fraley of Greencastle, and Prof. and Mrs. Fred Ritchie, now of Englewood.
R. F. Pfersick was one time treasurer and house manager. He is now
retired from Indiana Bell Telephone
Co. and resides at 54455 Fallwood
Any contributions or ideas should
be addressed to Mr. George H. Dirks,
Indiana Mortgage Corporation, One
Indiana Square, Indianapolis , Indiana ,
and should be earmarked for study
facilities .
Thank you for taking an active part
in undergraduate involvement.
Paul C. VanBooven , President
Dr ., Apt. 702 , Indianapolis, Indiana
James R. Pence , 406 S. Joseph St.,
South Haven, Michigan 49090, presently a banker, was corresponding
secretary and president while at D ePauw.
Charles E. Van Nada, attorney, now
lives at 123 S. Union St., Lowell , Indiana 46356 .
Richard K. Welsh, 1716 N. 81 St.,
Scottsdale, Arizona 85257 is a selfunemployed writer.
Vernon C. Dahlstrom (Secretary
1956 and Pledge Trainer 1956 and
1957) . Brother Dahlstom's new ad_dress- is- 10 815 W.- 5.3.r:cL S,-Sha wnee, Kansas 66203 .
David P eter D eSelm , 1217 32rd St.
N.W ., Washington , D .C. 20007 , is now
an architect for the International Affairs Departm ent of HUD . He married Miss Jane Adamson of Arlington , Virginia , in Arlington on Septe mber 16 , 1972. DeSelm has an MA in
architecture from Washington U . in
Saint Louis Both Mr. and Mrs. DeSelm served two y e ars in the Peace
Corp in Tunisia , North Africa.
Stephen W. Hayes , 2636 N. 89th ,
Wauwatosa , Wisconsin was recording
secretary and served on KTK while
he was here. He is presently an attorney.
Robert G. Palm er , PSCI , Box 4451 ,
APO SF 96286, president and rush
chairman while at Lambda , writes
that he is a lawyer in the USAF. H e
was transferred from Del Rio , Texas,
where he worke d with Gerry Shine.
'64 , to Clark AH, in tl1e Republic of
the Philippines in February of '72 for
two years. ( P.S. Gerry Chapman '70
- Why did you and Palmer build the
door across the hallway to the old
housemother's quarters in what was
then called " the castle"?)
Daniel L. Swift, 1385 Merry Lane
N.E. , Atlanta, Georgia 38329 is now
a medical student at Emory University.
John " Pat" G r a d y (the baddest
pledge trainer in Lambda's history )
lives with his wife Leslie Hodson
Grady (Fiji Isle Queen 1970) at 859
Allerton St., Kent, Ohio 44240 . Pat
is working on his doctorate at Kent
State University in urban history.
Their first child is expected in December.
\r\nPAGE 4
FUN! ..
It was a total disaster area. Chairs
were overturned, puddles of milk
covered the floor, and a trail of toile t paper wandered up and down the
halls of the third floor and the front
stairs. What was this? A wild gun
battle in a hotel? No! It was m e r ely the aftermath of another free, frolicking, furious , Fiji Fun Night.
Jeune Conover (on the right) offers an opponent " one last chance" of
surrender before he hurts him.
Phi Garn Gra pplers Cop 2nd
Mesch, Conover Take Top Spots
Fiji is currently holding down the
number fiv e spot in the intramural
standings with the season half comple ted.
The highlight of the young winter
season has been the second place finish recorded by the wrestling squad.
Barely edged out by Sigma Chi, Phi
Garn took firsts in two weight classes
and a second place in a third. J ev
Conover ( '74) won at 177 lbs. by defeating last year's champ 1-0. An escape in the second period provided
the final margin. Winning at 190 lbs.
was rookie Mike Mesch ( '76) who
pinned his first two opponents and
outlasted a Sigma Nu to take the title . John Sterling (' 76) took a second at 130 lbs. An exhausting semifinal match played a large factor in
Sterling's final round defeat. Also
wrestling for Fiji was Big Vicks
(listed on the program as Steve Vickery ' 73). Exhibiting herculean
strength, Big Vicks easily pinned his
first round opponent. However , fate
intervened in his second match and
Vicks finished flat on his back. Doug
Schmuldt ('76) and Walter Brennan
( '76) rounded out the squad.
Phi Garn managed only a sixth in
ping pong. Playing for the team
were Ed Martin ( '73) , Randy Sinn
( '73), Lennie Blevins ('74) ,
Schmuldt, Dwight Rounds ('76) , Chris
Doran ( '75) , and Set Swanger ( '75) .
In the recently completed football
season Fiji took fifth place with a
4-2 record . A disputed call in the
battle against Phi Psi cost us a playoff spot. We missed the playoffs, but
got the ref later in the parking lot.
In golf, the Fiji linksters relinquished their crown and took a disappointing fourth.
D ubbing for Phi
Garn were R oun ds , B rennan, Doran ,
and Dane Hartley ( '7 4) . The prospects for next year's squad are bright
as the entire team retu rns.
E vents coming up in the winter
IM season include badminton, swimming, and basketball. Veteran badminton and swimming teams should
improve on last year's finishes . With
three returning starters, the basketball team hopes to better its second
place standing of last winter.
Time is here again when Lambda Fiji is searching for the high
quality men we want in the house
next year. To be able to be most
effective we need the help of our
Alums. If you know of any man
interested in coming to DePauw
next year please write us and let
us know so we may contact him
personally. We feel the house will
be one of the top on campus again
next year but we need to get good
men in rush.
The ?th Annual Fiji Fun Night featured a wild variety of talented
"athletes." All were gathered for an
evening when the strangest talents
were give n the spotlight.
In the
first event, active-brother Mark Mills
" chugged" to his third consecutive
victory in the egg-drinking race when
h e edged out Pledge Dwight Rounds
by a margin that was clearly discernible to the actives present.
Since Dwight lost the contest, pushups were in order. The rest of the
pledges certainly didn't want to see
Dwight doing them by himself, so all
joined in. Next, Pledge George Row
was asked to find out if a roll of
toilet paper would reach from the
dining room to the third floor halls
and back . It did. But . . . with the
new wing being paid for , money is
a bit tight ; George was asked to roll
the roll back up - a long way.
Freshmen can NEVER pour a half
glass of water and Pledge Steve Smith
proved it and got a shower and a
half from the overflow . PB John
Sterling successfully completed a
l l/2 flip with a bowl of raisin sauce ;
Doug Ruud found the situation pretty
sticky when he tried for a 2 lfz. More
After more fun and games featuring
push-ups complete with salad dressing , cold milk , and water showers, Fiji
Fun Night ended with a hearty group
of pledges cleaning up. Was it fun?
Well . .. Yea.
(Continued from Page 1)
at Berkley, Colgate , and several other universities. Brother Zerman also
gave no credence to the conception
that fraternities are small , group living units - but that they are groups
which encourage self - improvement
and active roles on campus. He credited DePauw as one of the finest fraternity schools and Lambda for her
many contributions to both the community and Phi Gamma Delta.
The conclusion of the Pig Dinner
signalled the end of the day's activities. Lambda conveys its thanks to
all those who made Dad's Day such
a successful celebration.
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December 1972 newsletter of the Lambda chapter at DePauw University. This newsletter is four pages.