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1973 April newsletter Xi Deuteron (Case Western Reserve University)
April 1973 newsletter of the Xi Deuteron at Case Western Reserve University. The newsletter is five pages in length.
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Xi Deuteron
Case Western Reserve University
1973 April newsletter Xi Deuteron (Case Western Reserve University)
APR 26 1973
The sixty-eighth annual Norris Pig Dinner of the Xi Deuteron
Chapter will be held in conjunction with the Cleveland (Eta) Graduate
Chapter on Thursday night, May 3, at the Cleveland Athletic Club.
Our speaker this year will be Ellis E. Busse (Chicago '31)i a
well-known and highly respected member of the Cleveland Graduate Chapter.
Born in Chicago,Ellis attended public schools and went on to be a pre-law
major at the University of Chicago. He was initiated into the Chi Upsilon
Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta in 1928. In 1956, after eighteen years of
sei^ice to the National Lead Company, Ellia^retired and became Chairman of
the Board of the Continental Bank of Cleveland.
Ellis served the Cleveland
Graduate Chapter as president in I960 an^96l. Ellis has also been
distinguished at the International Fraternity level. He then was elected
to the Board of Trustees of the International Fraternity in 1966, Archon
Counsellor in 1968, and later, Archon Secretary in 1970 which position he
now currently holds.
Our other honored guests will be Archon Treasurer, John ^ Sheppard
(Pittsburgh '¥»-);Past Archon President, Henry Brainard (CWRU •22)7 Curators
of the Archives, DeWitt R. Cogswell (CWRU '15); Ritualist Louis A^^. "Bud"
Mangels( Indiana '56); and retired General Counsel William
Van Aken
(Lafayette '3'Slow from Wildwood Crest, New Jersey; and Barry Pnrstowski from Nutly,
New Jersey.
A strong reinforced spring rush program resiilted in six good men as
pledges. THB|^ are presently naddr the guiding hand of their pledge trainer.
Lee Prazer. These men are yery active in athlectics and are very serious in
their academic persuits. There names are; Brian Gresham. a member of the
golf team; Dennis Mullens who is a member of the football team; Tom Muir who
jilays both football and baseball; Ken "Kansas" Renfry who is intez*ested in
politics; Rick Pekarek; and Chris Partis.
Due to the decreased enrollment at Case Westem Reserve University
over the past few years, the University has found itself burdend with an
excess of dormitory space. In fact, next year four dorms willbe closed due
to the decline in the resident student population. However, empty dorms
are still quite expensive due to mortgage payments.
In an attempt to fill some of these empty buildings, the University
is considering moving some of the Western Reserve fraternities into Univer
sity Housing. At the present , Frank Borchert, Director of University
Planning, is the person charged with evaluation and subsequent implementation
of this plan.
At present, there are six Reserve fraternities still active, four of
whom own their houses. Mr. Borchert has been meeting with representatives
of the fraternities in an effort to determine the feasibility of such a
move. At present, it is his contention that such a move would be beneficial
to both pities. In addition to providing the University with more revenue,
he claims that fraternities will benefit by moving out of delapidated,
expensive to maintain houses and into modem dormitories. He has suggested
several floor plan, changes which would encourage fraternity living and
provide facilities not usually available in the dormitories.
Having attended most af these meetings, we remain unconvinced of
the University's sincerity or motive. In the past, the University has
shown interest in the fratenity system only when its own needs dictated
attention. The anti- or afratenity outlook of several high officials in
the administation leads us to believe that there is some ulterior motive
at work. Needless to say most fratemiy representatives have displayed a
negative attitude toward this plan. As many graduates know, our house is
in fine shape, and we have no intention of movingJl
On the evening; of December 5» 1972, the biathers of Xi Deuteron
gathered for the annual election of officers. David R. Dinele (*7^) was
elected to succeed Lee W. Prazer ('7^) as president of our chapter of Phi
Gamma Delta.
Brother Dingle is a fine conscientious Fiji who holds that the key
to any successful organization is active participation from all the members.
Bynt-hAr D-< ngi a has added new life to the Committee System in the house
which in resent years has been on the decline.
A prominent feature in this years Cabinet is the lack of experience.
Three members of the cobinet are soj^omores. Nonetheless, what the cabinet
lacks in experience, it makes up lilth enthusiasm.
Michael D. Ferrell ('7^) was re-elected to the treasurer's poet.
Besides serving as treasurer in the previous administration. Brother
Ferrell was the Treasurer of the old Adelbert IFC, and is now serving as
an IFC representative. Being the senior ranking officer of the new cabinet,
Mike adds that much needed erqperience that the young cabinet slacks.
\r\nJonathan F, Diller ('75) was elected to succeed Terrence McNulty
(•74)as Recording Secretary. Brother Diller is the past IFC Vice-President
and like Brother Ferrell is an IFC representative .
Dovtglas G.Coxe ('75) was elected to the position of Corresponding
Secretary, a post formerly held by Thomas R.Acker ('73). Brother C^e is
diirrently sejrving as the house steward.
Elected to asstane the duties of Historian was Robert R. Romick ('75)
who succeeds Roger Katxtstasv ('73). Brother Rcmick has served as a pledge
trainer, and is presently the House Manager.
FIJIS at Case Western Reserve University have always been leaders
on campus and this year is no exception. With the formation of the new IFC,
Brother Jon Diller wasted no time in getting into the thick of things as he
was elected Vic^President. Brothers Diller and Ferrell are our representa
tives to the IFC at the present time and are doing an excellent job of
making sure that o\ir voice is well heard in fraternity matters.
At CWRU in varsity and intramural sports alike, the FIJIS are well
This past fall we had Brother Lee Prazer. Brother Randv Romick. and
Pledge Brother Tom Muir participating in football. All Three Brothers were
regular starters for the team. Brother Prazer has been elected by his team
mates to serve asXo-captain fo the '73-'7^ football season. Also Brother
Ted Kazantzis is a member of the varsity fencing team. In spring spoHs,
Brother Larrv Starkev. a PAC All-conference chaii^on,is returning for his
second straight year on the CfcHRJ golf team. Joining him this spring is pledge
Brother Brian Oresham. These two Fiiis id.ay first and third man on the golf
team. Rotinding out the members of our chapter in sports is Tom Muir. viio
besides playing football, is a staiHiing member of the varsity baseball team
and is presently batting .6001
President Dave is i participating in
spring sports also, but he is in an unusual role for a undergraduate brother.
Dave has the fortune of working with the girls tennis as their assistant
In ihtramural sports this year at CWRU, the FIJIS' basketball team
went undefeated diiring the regiilar season play; but lost two heart-breaking
tournament games by
baskets at the buzzer. Thus the FIJIS had to settle
for fourth place. However, in intramural free throws, Jon Dillar tied for
first place by making 46 out of 50 attempts. Intramural wrestling was quite
interesting for our chapter. Michael "Weird Beard" Ferrellin his wrestling
debut, fought his way up to fourth ;lace in the 150 lb. weight class before
a nose injury forced him to withdraw from f\irther competition. Meanwhile,
Prazer won his second straight undisputed intramural wrestling
title in ihe 166 pound weight classI
Robert R. Romick
Larry Starkey
Special thanks to Bob Neibavun
For his help and advice.
John Christakis
Dick Ortman
Thanks to all the brothers who wrote articles and otherwise help
with this publication. The Pot Pound is the official publication of the
Xi Bsuteron chapter. It was printed at the Case Western Reserve Law School.
NOTE; If you would like to hear about any of your graduate brothers, \rtiere
they are presently living, and what they are doing; send us their name and
(if known) their address so we may get in contact with them. In the next
publication we intend to devete a large portion to our illustrious grads.
Thank You I
James A. Williams
c/o Ernst and Ernst
1300 Union Commerce Building
Cleveland, Ohio 4^4-115
_____ Please make
reservations for the Pig Dinner Thursday, May 3
Enclosed is ray check for
I will pay at the door
The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta
Xi Deuteron Chapter
11317 Bellflower Road
Cleveland, Ohio
($7.50 per person)
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April 1973 newsletter of the Xi Deuteron at Case Western Reserve University. The newsletter is five pages in length.