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1973 Fall Newsletter Gamma Phi (Pennsylvania State University)
Fall 1973 newsletter of the Gamma Phi chapter at Pennsylvania State University. This newsletter is four pages in length.
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Gamma Phi
Pennsylvania State University
1973 Fall Newsletter Gamma Phi (Pennsylvania State University)
Gamma Phi Chapter — Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity
Fall Term 1973
Penn State University at State College, Pa.
President's Report
Homecoming weekend, September 29-30, gave
the new academic year a great start. Homecoming at
Penn State traditionally means the Annual Norris Pig
Dinner. One-hundred and fifty g^ads and undergrads
gathered at the Chapter House for the dinner follow
ing a 27-8 Penn State football win over Iowa. Fiji is
very well represented on the team with the likes of
John Cappelletti, Ed O'Neil, Tom Shuman, John
Riehner, Woody Petchel and Rick Knechtel.
The Outstanding Alumni Award was presented
at the dinner to Brother Roy D. Bertolet '44. Over
To climax the evening, our main speaker was
Michael J. Stewart '72, who is currently serving our
National Fraternity as one of its field secretaries.
After having the experience of visiting nearly all of
our chapters throughout the United States and Can
ada, he told all gathered at the dinner that our chap
ter is one of the leading Chapters in our entire fra
ternity. This evaluation is backed up by our fine
showing over the years in the National Fraternity's
Cup Awards.
the past two years Dr. Bertolet has donated to Gamma
Phi two bedrooms of furniture to help our plan to
The Annual Alumni Meeting was held on Sun
Dr. Bertolet is
day morning, September 30. Bob Knechtel and Harold
also the newly elected president of the House Corpora
Wilson were newly elected to the House Corporation
with Bob Miller and Bill Forrey being re-elected. All
signs indicated from the reports given that Gama Phi
refurnish the house considerably.
tion. At the dinner several members of the corpora
tion made a formal presentation in an attempt to
suggest a way that furniture could be donated to the
house other than through individual effort. One of
the more popular suggestions was for interested bro
thers to contact their entire pledge class in order to
amass the necessary $600 for such a donation. The
undergraduate chapter is more than willing to co
operate in any way with those who might be interested
in any such plan.
is doing well in all areas. 'The enthusiasm of many of
the grads is quite encouraging to all of us undergrads.
Without your support our Chapter could simply not
function. Thank you for all the support that you have
given to us over the years.
M- n
\r\nRich Knechtel and Woody Petchel, ijotii sopho
mores, are also fighting for starting spots on the
squad. Rich, following his Fiji brother Bob, is pre
sently on the kick-off unit and is listed as the number
two center. Woody, who has the unfortunale situa
tion of playing behind John Cappelletti at tailback,
has nevertlieless seen much playing time at that posi
tion. He filled in for "Ckippy" at Syracuse when Cap
had a bruised shoulder. Woody rose to the occasion
and turned in an outstanding performance until he
tvas injured himself. Torn knee ligaments will keep
Woody out of action for the remainder of this season,
but we expect big things out of Woody this Spring
and next Fall.
FIJI Footballers at Air Force —
Left to right: John Cappelletti, John Reihner, Ed
O'Neil, Tom Shuman, Woody Petchel, Rick
We are proud to call all of these fine young men
"brothers" and hope that you will keep a special
eye out for them when viewing Nittanv Lion Foot
ball this Fall and for years to come.
Gamma Phi is proud to have several members of
Joe Paterno's Penn State Nittany Lion football squad
as members of the fraternity. Such a situation is not
uncommon to our chapter, but representatives of such
high caliber is indeed a novelty.
Phi Gamma Delta is well represented with seven
talented soccer players on the Penn State team. Start
ing for the Penn State offense are forwards Tom Kehan and Jim Startzell, and on defense is Bruce Allen
John Cappelletti and Ed O'Neil both serve as
co-captains for the Nittany Lions and both seem
and Dave Boles, with Mike Arnold in the nets. The
headed for All-America honors and should go in the
professional football draft early next year.
and Dennis Denard on the second team defensive
team has excellent depth with brothers Ed Schmidt
Brothers Kehan, Startzell, Schmidt, Denard
and Arnold are seniors in their last season at Penn
■At the beginning of the season the quarterback
job was considered one of Penn State's question
marks. After the first several games that situation
seems to be well under control with Fiji Tom Shuman
at the helm. His performance has been outstanding
ihusfar and he should prove to be a fi ne addition to
the long line of great Penn State quarterbacks.
State, which has so far compiled a record of 5-1-1. The
Gamma Phi's current President, John Reihner, is
battling for the kicking chores with soccer star Chris
Bahr. John is number two on the depth chart behind
All-America candidate Dan Natale at the tight end
be returning next year with Dave Boles and a fresh
man player who is now pledging, Hugh Phillis. Penn
State's excellent performances by the soccer team are
very much attributable to these Fiji brothers.
single loss was to West Virginia, the tie to Army, and
victories were over West Chester, Bucknell, Maryland,
Navy and Shippensburg. Penn State is confident of
their fourth consecutive NCAA tournament bed, the
playoffs beginning in mid-November.
Bruce Allen, otherwise known as "The Hulk" will
Jim Startzell
\r\nGamma Phi Intramurals
Financial and Maintenance
Gamma Phi continued its domination of intra
mural sports at Penn State by winning the C. E. BiSchoif Trophy once again last year. This marks the
The House Corjjoration reports that we still otre
S23,000 on our mortgage. Also, through their efforts
we have been able to furnish six rooms upstairs in the
last two years. Dr. Roy D. Bertolet '4-1, our new
House Corporation President, has donated two of
them himself and the others tvere paid for through
graduate donations.
Ifue to the fart that seven of our brothers are on
academic practicums during the Winter term, the
Chapter is well below capacity. This puts pressure
on tlie Chajrter to secure the necessary money for gen
eral repairs for the Chapter House. In order to solve
this problem, the House Corporation is launching
Drive within
next several
months. Thus, your financial help will be greatly ap
fifth time that tve have been able to secuie the over
all championship in the last seven years. Last year
proved to be a runaway as our nearest competitor.
Beta Theta Pi, teas over two-hundred points behind
our Avinniug effort of 1180 points.
Our intramural athletic teams took four team
championships that facilitated our winning effort.
The ■wrestling squad tied Delta Upsilon for the team
championship as Rick Brown (heavyweight) and Tom
Sibley (158) -won in their respective weight classes.
The Fiji golf team took their title as they set. a new
I.M. record of 29 strokes tvhich is a total of the best
four out of five scores, [eff Kendall and Bob Lapow-
sky took tennis doubles in the Spring which just about
clinched the BiShoff Trophy for Gamma Phi. The
volleyball squad, who won for the second time in a
row, merely added assurance points to the cause.
This year is already shaping up as another ban
ner year for intramurals at Gamma Phi. Our touch
football team is already into the playoffs. Jeff Kendall
and Bob Lapowsky, tennis doubles winners in the
Spring of last year, have finished first and second in
this year's singles competition. Our performance in
these two sports should place Gamma Phi well in
the lead at the conclusion of the Fall term.
Gamma Phi's Fall '73 rush program has been a
tremendous success. PSU, along tvith the rest of
the nation's universities, has experienced a recent
upsurge of fraternity interest. This term's rush list
Intramurals have traditionally been a rallying
point for the brotherhood of our chapter. We take
great pride in the fine record that we have been able
to amass over the years and hope that such enthusiasm
will continue for years to come.
established a new record with nearly 1100 men sign
ing up to investigate fraternal living. We have taken
advantage of this trend and presently have 19 ac
ceptances with several more anticipated. Although
these numbers are large, we have followed our rush
ing philosophy, which stresses quality as our primary
concern with quantity a hopeful result. Our new
pledge cla,ss, with their characteristic quality and
quantity, will continue Gamma Phi's long ttadition
of being the strongest fraternity at University Park,
. . . published three times yearly for the graduates, activities,
and friends of Gamma Phi Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta.
If any graduates have any men they would like
to recommend, please send your letters of recom
mendations to me. Remember; "Extend the Order,
Guard the Portals."
Mike Leisey, John Reihner,
Jim Startzell, Bob Funk,
Hum Fishburn
Bob Funk
Rush Chairman
\r\ndeceased brothers
1908 Howard A. Zinl., Palo Alto, Calif.
1910 William W. Twaddell
1913 Fred Selkregg, Hampshire, 111.
1914 Edward C. Rose, Sea Girt, N.J.
1941 William L. Hamilton, Pittsburgh
1915 Elmer P. Schumaker, Oakmont, Pa.
1916 Eugene Hammitt, New York
1916 Charles Shoemaker, Jeanette, Pa
1919 William H. Foster, Gouverneur, N.Y.
1921 Lydon Beam, Mansfield, Ohio
John H. Vance, Canton, Ohio
John Anderson, Rosell, N. Mex.
William F. Beyer
Thomas Hart, Menlo Park, Calif.
1965 Thomas M. Kilcullen, Ho Chi Minh Trail (Air Force)
This list was prepared by Hummel Fishburn '22; the informatioji came
from the national magazine and the Penn State Alumni News, plus other
319 North Burrowes Road
State College, PA 16801
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Fall 1973 newsletter of the Gamma Phi chapter at Pennsylvania State University. This newsletter is four pages in length.