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1973 Fall Newsletter Nu Beta (Rutgers University)
Fall 1973 newsletter of the Nu Beta chapter at Rutgers University. This newsletter is four pages in length.
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Nu Beta
Rutgers University
1973 Fall Newsletter Nu Beta (Rutgers University)
FALL, 1973
FIJI excels in social service
At the 1973 Fiji Academy held at
Eastern Kentucky University in
Richmond, Kentucky. Nu Beta
received an honorahle mention in the
hours of very hard work.F riday night
the fraternity had collected about
$2,000 but everyone knew that this
total would not he enough to win.
Baker Cup. The American Cancer Some brothers headed for the Route
Society dance marathon, collecting 18 traffic circle and stayed there until
money for multiple sclerosis, and late Sunday afternoon when the
tutoring at the Irving School in money had to he turned in. Through
Highland Park were Just a few of the town permits major intersections in
reasons for us gaining this Highland Park, Dunellen, New
Brunswick, and Piscataway were
Three years ago a dance marathon filled with F'ijis. To keep brothers
was initiated at Rutgers in and sisters on the road our steward,
conjunction with the American Jerry Bergosh, cooked from a
Cancer Society. Since the first portable stove in his car. It was a total
marathon in the spring of 1971, Phi effort by everyone.
Gam has yet to he defeated. Last year
the fraternity collected an
As the money was being counted,
astounding $9,600, beating its nearest Pbi Gam gathered in the gym and
rival by $4,000.
waited for the final tally. When the
DaveDiPieroandTom Evangelista results were announced a feeling of
spearheaded the drive hut they were deep personal pride filled all of us.
backed by 60 brothers and 17 little Leo and Vera were going to Europe.
sisters. Through extensive planning The house won a pool table,but more
and pin point coordination the importantly we collected almost
brothers and sisters covered every $10,000for a very worthwhile cause. If
major intersection and shopping there is another dance marathon this
centers within the New Brunswick
George Surber and Joe Bagiio
collecting for cancer in Highland Park.
Very bright outlooks in foth football and cross
country lead Phi Gam to believe that our chances
for the Kellar Trophy are excellent.
Nu Beta is in the roughest league in football,but
if the opening game is any indication of the season
The big push came while the dance
marathon was actually heing held. As
spring, everyone can be sure that FMjis
will he on the streets collecting,
trying to surpass last year's total.
Although the marathon brought
Leo Egan
the most publicity, tutoring at the
team and have depth at every position. The
(Continued On Page 4)
important man on offense is fullback John Hester.
Di F'ahritis
danced for F'iji, Nu Beta hegan 72
ahead,a championship isa real possibility. After an
opening 33-0 victory, player coaches Paul Langan
and Paul Graban believe we have the most talented
His running is the key factor in our game plan. If he
gets the needed blocking from our offensive line,
he is unstoppable. Our defense basically remains
intact from last year. Bob Behot, Chris Ellis, Ken
Caruso, and Skip Roach anchor the solid defensive
Our cross country team seems virtually
unbeatable. Jerry Bergosh and Bob Kearton were
one-two finishers in last year's meet and look to
repeat their performances this year. Buzz Berger,
Mark Marino,and Arnie Gerst,along with Bergosh
and Kearton should make the championship come
home to the purple.
We are hoping that better showings in tennis and
basketball will support our strong fall program.In
the spring we will field potentially strong teams in
wrestling, track, and baseball. In last year's
competition.Phi Gam was second in wrestling and
Fijis in action at the Heights.
(Continued On Page 2)
The President's Message
New Purple Legionaire at Nu Beta
Dear Brothers,
I'm happy that we are ah le to print the Raritan Fiji
again and hope to he ahle to continue its publication
in the future. I hope you will enjoy this issue. The
spirit at Nu Beta continues strong. At the present
time, we are involved in rushing and formulating a
pledge class for the fall semester. We are very
optimistic for a good pledge class.
Last year was a very productive one for Nu Beta. We
had an outstanding social service program which won
us honors at the Fiji Academy. Academically, we
climbed from I9th to 3rd among fraternities on
campus. Last semester, we compiled an overall
cumulative average of 1.97.
The physical condition of the house is excellent
considering its age. The brothers are constantly
making repairs and improving their rooms. Now that
After eight years of loyal service to
Beta, Vince Kramer '41, has
stepped down as Purple Legionaire.
Vince did an out.standing job at
Rutgers and was always ready to help
the chapter out in any way he possibly
Homecoming October 27
Homecoming at Rutgers ibis year
Dinner was a testimonial to Vince. At
will be held on October 27 when the
Columbia Lions visit New Brunswick.
that time, he was presented with a key
to the Playboy Club and a set of
engrave golden owls by the chapter.
We are all grateful to have had the
benefit of his exemplary dedication.
Vince is still nearby, working in the
Alumni Relations office at Rutgers.
One bright spot about Vince's
are looking into the possibility of either paving the
parking lot or constructing a basketball court.
1 hope many of you can attend homecoming on
retirement is that it enables a fine
you at homecoming,he sure to drop in for dinner and
he'll do an excellent job.
could. In appreciation, last year's Pig
the house on 147 Hamilton Street has been razed, we
October 27 and comeback to the house. If we don't see
Lee's appointment and know thai
brother to take his place.The new PL
Fiji will be well represented on the
field with brothers Fred Billock of
Austintown. Ohio, AikIv Mazer of
East Brunswick, New Jersey. Aiidv
Farkas of Lancaster, Pa.,J
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Fall 1973 newsletter of the Nu Beta chapter at Rutgers University. This newsletter is four pages in length.