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1969 July Newsletter Omicron Deuteron (Ohio State University)
July 1969 newsletter for the Omicron Deuteron chapter at the Ohio State University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Omicron Deuteron
Ohio State University
1969 July Newsletter Omicron Deuteron (Ohio State University)
Phi Gamma Delta • Ohio State University • Columbus, Ohio • July 1969
Omicron Dueteron Chapter had a very successful rush
last September, awarding white stars to 43 undergraduates
as the start of a rebuilding program at this chapter. These
widely diversified young men have proved themselves an
outstanding and unified pledge class and truly have helped
the chapter regain its place as a leader on Ohio State
Omicron Dcutcroii recently installed its new cabinet led
by President Michael D. Dicken (70) of Dayton, Ohio. He
will be supported by Treasurer Joseph P. Borgo (69),
Recording Sec'y Henry A. Spain (70), Corresponding Sec'y
James S. Dielil, and Historian Timothy Meehan (7(3). The
entire chapter is confident that the new cabinet will provide
the enthusiasm and leadership needed to put us on top. The
brothers have pledged all possible assistance to the new
officers who are anxious lo give an all out effort.
\r\nPage 2
July 1969
Our house is currently in the process of adjusting to our
new housemother Mrs. Nancy McSweeny and helping her to
Weifihiemmer as Omicron Dcuteron's now purple legion
become acquainted with the brothers and fraternity life in
naire. Joe graduated from Ohio State in 1960.
general, "Mom" McSweeny is a welcomed addition to our
He has shown a strong desire to help us work together as
chapter and is already extremely popular with all of us
because of her outgoing personality and keen interest in our
an efficient unit and is supporting us all the way. We feel he
is going to do a great job for our house and hope to make
house. She is a competent administrator, and has worked in
that capacity at Wooster College. Mom M. has also traveled
and working hard to make our house number one in all
throughout every major country in the world for over nine
his job easier for him by carrying out our responsibilities
years and can speak five languages! She is working hard in
improving our kitchen and says she is looking forward to
her new role here as housemother at Phi Gamma Delta.
Public Relations ...
game and found it to be not only good for campus
publicity but also a satisfying and heartwarming experience.
Another function for the orphans in Columbus is planned
for the near future. We are also working for improved
Fall quarter was hectic but gratifying for our chapterer,
relations among Greeks on campus. Our chapter has had
highlighted by Pig dinner, homecoming, rush week, and a
visit by Field Secretary Carl Salzberg. Carl was very
three exchange dinners with various sororities and found
them very successful. The brothers had to be more careful
of their manners than usual but seemed to enjoy having
interested in all aspects of our chapter from our social
interests to committee structure. He was quite instrumental
in offering advice and criticism to our cabinet and members
as well. We felt Carl's visit was both a pleasurable and
constructive one for the entire chapter.
Winter quarter found the pledge basketball team cap
turing the 1st place intramural crown to cap an undefeated
season. The winter formal highlighted the social calendar
along with a suppressed desire party.
Spring quarter saw the intramural swim team grab a
second place in tbe meet while Randy Click took a 1st in
diving and Bill Ford set a new pool record in the butterfly.
Once again, the Fijis constructed a May Week booth that
was well engineered but this time something went wrong
and pies ended up being thrown at our pledges by young
ladies instead of a spring-loaded mechanical arm. Of course,
finishing off a memorable year was the long-awaited Island
Party, held on Graduate Brother Jack Havens' property
girls at the house for dinner. We have also planned joint
parties with other fraternities on campus in order to get to
know more Greeks living around us and promote brother
hood and friendship outside of our own house.
Brother Wingate is also working hard arranging to have
various guest speakers at Monday night dinners. These may
range from football coach Woody Hayes to professors
answering our questions on vital world issues. We at
Omicron Deuteron feel it is important that faculty mem
bers have a chance to take a close look at what a fraternity
provides for its members. Obviously, the best way is for
them to come up to the house and meet the brothers in a
casual out of class situation. Faculty support of the
fraternity system can prove to be an invaluable asset to
every chapter on campus.
near a river. This year was one that Omicron Deuteron can
look back on as a big step forward in all respects.
installation of our new cabinet, we have outlined a new
Omicron DeuteroiTs Pig Dinner was held October 18th
at Arlington Arms Inn. Chairman of the dinner was Harry
Brown '."Sd. The tradition of bringing in the pig was
enlivened turtiier when the pledges followed the traditional
dressed pig with a live piglet. No one knows wliere they got
it, but rumor has it tiiat after dinner the second pig was
sent by taxi to tlie .\M house with Fiji blessings.
Howard ''Hopalong" Cassidy spoke after dinner and
program led by P. R. Chairman Steve Wingate (72). We
recently took a group of orphans to an Ohio State Hockey
complete a highly successful evening.
One of our downfalls here at Ohio State in recent years
has been public relations (better known as P. R.). Since
siiowed Iilms ot !iis tootball career at Ohio State to
\r\nm #
July 1969
Page 3
I hope to see many of you alumni this year at our
chapter house, especially on football Saturdays for brunch
at 12:00, and at our Pig Dinner.
Fraternally yours,
Mike Dicken
Dear Brothers,
Tlio outlook for liic 1960-70 school year appears to be
mucii brighter than anticipated. Tlie 1968-69 year will be
reiiicnibered ;is (lie .slarl of renewed fraternity spirit wliieli
stemmed from the outstanding efforts of the past cabinet.
Our house stands for something more than just a good time
since a good time is easily forgotten at the Otiio State
At pre.scnt, the number of members living in the house is
The Fijis were once again a vital role in varsity athletics
this year. Football at Ohio State found four Plii Gams
rather small, but through extensive rush and full coopera
tion from all brothers, we already have twice the amount of
leading tire Buckeves to an undefeated (
signed contracts to live here next year. We also plan to
move approximately 10 new pledges in the house next fail
with a much improved summer rush. As far as intramural
over use in the Rose Bowl and the coveted honor of being
the nation's no. 1 college team. The brothers are extremely
proud of Brad Nielsen, Bill Hackett, Dan Aston, and pledge
sports. Phi G. D., at the time of this letter, leads all atliletic
Brian Donovan. Brad was named as starting offensive tackle
competition, both Greek and non-Greek. The pledge class
won their division in basketball and added another trophy
outstanding play by coach Woody Hayes. Brothers Hackett
to the mantle. In swimming, the brothers won 'the meet,
with AU-Amcrican Bill Ford winning ttrree events, and
setting a new intramural record. The Fiji football team is
and Aston were both active for the Buckeyes this year and
are looking forward to next season with great anticipation.
Pledge Donovan was a starting guard and also stood out as
looking forward to an even greater year after coming in 2nd
one of the better interior linemen in the nation. All four of
place in the Scarlet Division.
the football Fijis will return next season when Ohio State
makes another bid for the national championship. We as
We have also added another trophy by running Brad
Nielsen for May King, he was first runner up and added
much needed publicity to the fraternity name.
We have revamped the internal working of our cabinet, a
job that should have been done years ago. Our treasurer has
started collecting debts owed to us from 5 years back and
) season, a
national championship, and most exciting of all a victory
on the All-Fiji team and was presented (7) buckeye leafs for
brothers cannot say enough about the outstanding contri
butions these men have made not only to our chapter but
the entire university. They are truly to be commended for
their accomplishments.
The chapter meetings have been cut from 2 or 3 hours to
usually an hour by having format meetings and minimizing
unnecessary talk and disruption. The problem of "deadbeats" using the house has disappeared and the house itself
We consider our Greek Week effort highly successful
although we did not win top place. The Fiji house was
transformed into a representation of the Wizard of Oz for
the party held at the end of Greek Week by our brothers,
is no longer abused. The men of Omicron Deuteron are, for
the most part, truly gentlemen and hopefully scholars.
Delta Upsilon and Clri Phi fraternities, and Alpha Epsilon
Our house has an attitude of change from tradition, the
Phi sorority. Visitors entered the front door to the sound of
tradition of the past which saw our house placed on
a tornado and found themselves in stormy Kansas as
Dorothy's house appeared to be ready to be blown from its
probation, and a general disinterested attitude, to a new
yearning, a yearning to be once ag;un number one.
Much work has been done to achieve this new attitude
and pride, and it is my firm belief that with tire excellent
e|uahty ot the secondary ieadersliip ot Joe Bortto, Henry
Spain, Jim Diehl and Tim Meehan, and manv of the otiier
upperclassmen in our cliaptcr, our house will continue to
rise and make the change final and oompiete. This eliangc
from a social club at Ohio Stale '■ mvcxit', • .< a traternitv
of Mien 'has increased our awaroia SK ii
.aiTiina iVjta
:s "not i i :i coiieec uavs aloiie
base. They then followed a yellow brick road with the
Scarecrow and Lion through the haunted forest to the
wicked witch's castle. At the bottom of the stairs, a band
was playing in Oz as the Wizard (Brother Tim Meehan '70)
hustled about making certain everything was in order.
Wc are proud of our efforts in Greek Week, and with tlie
experience we gained, we hope next year we may win. It
might be added, however that Fiji did in a sense win since
vipha Gamma Rlio rook too lionors with 'he 'heme 'F'lii
\r\nPage 4
July 1969
The Fiji homecoming float met with disaster last fall just
hours before the completion deadline. A 30' replica of
coach Woody Hayes had been built, dressed as Ben Franklin
and flying a kite which was being struck by lightning. The
brothers were putting the finishing touches on an
equal-sized wildcat (mascot of Northwestern University)
when the head blew off the wildcat. Although it was 4:30
A.M., the chapter did not quit at this setback and managed
I am a third year transfer student who came to Ohio
State this fall and moved into the house immediately. I
found it an easy transformation because aU the Phi Gams
helped me learn the ropes of a much larger university than I
attended. Since then, I have taken an active part in
Omicron Deuteron and am interested in helping it any way
I can as an undergraduate and also after I leave school. The
point I want to make is that not enough graduate interest is
being placed in our chapter, partly because we have shown
little interest in the graduates. This is coming to an end,
however. All of us are rebuilding and are working to make
our chapter number one in all areas. It won't happen
overnight but we have set a goal for this house and we need
graduate support and interest to accomplish these goals. We
realize that grads are working and have little time but we
want to hear from you or have you as guests at the house
whenever possible. Any suggestions or comments you may
have for us are welcome. We need and want any and all
support you can give us. Our alumni are important to us
and we want to make Omicron Deuteron important to
them. "Phi Gamma Delta is not for college days alone." It
can still be a rewarding experience if you take advantage of
it. As a beginning, a questionnaire has been provided so we
to get the head back in place, but they ran out of time
before it could be repaired adequately. We now are
anxiously awaiting next year to prove that we can buHd a
winning float.
As we work to improve the chapter, we realize that as
active brothers we may be too close to our problems to see
them clearly. Therefore, we would welcome your visiting
the chapter house and would appreciate any criticisms or
comments you may have which might help us.
Additionally, although we work hard to find the best
men to become prospective Phi Gams, we realize that we
miss many qualified entering freshmen. If you know of high
school seniors who will be attending Ohio State next fall
and who you feel would make worthy brothers, please send
us their names so that we may have them for summer rush.
Hopefully renewed cooperation and communication be
tween the graduate — and undergraduate chapters will make
Omicron Deuteron a much stronger organization in this
upcoming year.
C. R. Ryan
Graduate Relations
can learn more about our alumni. Please fill it out and
return it.
Another important area we would like graduate support
in is rush. We cannot meet all the good men who come to
Ohio State, so any potential rushees you may wish to
recommend to us would be greatly appreciated. The
The Norris Pig Dinner wiU be held October 24, 1969, at
brothers find this an invaluable aid during rush week. If you
the Kings Inn Restaurant. The dinner will precede the
know any young men coming to Ohio State that you think
Homecoming Game with the University of Illinois. It is
would make good Phi Gams, let us know. This is just
expected that a large turnout will attend, and the usual
another way graduate support can continue to make
Omicron Deuteron number one in rush.
good time wiU be forthcoming. The chairman of this year's
Dinner wiU be S. Michael Miller, Class of'60.
Name (class year).
Current Address _
Present Occupation
Community interests. Honors_
Hobbies, Recreational Interests
Suggestions For Chapter
Nevus of any Freshman at O.S.U.
Omicron Deuteron requests that graduates fill this out and return it to Phi Gamma Delta, 218 E. 17th Ave., Columbus, Ohio. We want to hear
from you so we can put more graduate news in our publications.
Thank You
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July 1969 newsletter for the Omicron Deuteron chapter at the Ohio State University. The newsletter is four pages in length.