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1967 November Newsletter Theta (University of Alabama)
November 1967 newsletter of the Theta chapter of the University of Alabama. This newsletter is four pages in length.
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University of Alabama
1967 November Newsletter Theta (University of Alabama)
University, Alabama, November, 1967
Volume 6
The President Speaks
By Frank Newell
Theta's progress in the last year
can be measured best by looking at
the several aspects vital to success or
failure in any given year.
pendable, proud Phi Gams. His work
is being watched over from a distance
by graduate brother Douglas E. Lanford. Director of Continuing Legal
Education at the Uunversity and a
stalwart in
Scholarship, rush, and pledge tain-
ing—these are the primary reasons for
vaulted from twent-second to eveven-
Phi Gamma Delta's improvement
from a year ago. Couple with this
and the Student Government. Mike
is majoiing in psychology, and we
Heard, another
the facts that we are now settled in
the new chapter house and that our
Management is his major.
cabinet and housemother are func
probation. In order to ensure our fu
tioning together and you can see
ture in the realm of scholarship,
clearly why Phi Gamma Delta is mov
special emphasis was placed on the
past performance and test-proven ca
pabilities in this years pledge class.
ing ahead in a hurry.
Duane Purvis Coshatt. an outstand
ing athlete and student leader at
Shades Valley of Birmingham, is a
junior on btisebtill scholarship. Duane,
former president of Valley's Phi Delta
Pi Fraternity, is majoring in business.
James Michael Reynolds graduated
in 1965 from the Marion Institute,
where he was a member of the basket
ball team, "M" Club, and Swampfox.
Jimmy, a marketing major, trans
ferred to Alabtima from Walker Jun
ior College.
James Earnest Nunn is an account
ing major and another transfer from
Wtilker Junior College. James was a
member of the Key Club, Math Club,
and Beta Club at ^V:^lker County
High School.
straigth A.
While on the subject of the pledges
class, I would like to say a word
about rush. Twenty-eight white stars
were offered and taken by young men
representing all sections of the state
indeed, the South. Many of the boys
were first brought to our attention
by your recommendations, and for
this we thank you sincerely. Some of
them, as always, come from long
David CovingLon ivicLeod, aiiotlier
Shades Valley grad, is a sophomore
management major. David was a Sig
ma fraternity officer and a member
standing lines of Fiji stock and we
of Student Government.
are both proud and happy to see
James Clint Saxton collected his
the family traditions carried on.
ber, capable people, you still have
nier, where he was a member of the
"L" Club, Coaches Club, Key Club,
junior, received his high school diplo
ma at Cherokee Vocational Fligh
School. Tommy, a fine high school
quarterback, now leads the Fiji eleven.
th standing among the twenty-seven
fraternities at the University, easily
surpassing the all men's average and
thereby eluding the clutches of social
Naturally, the next area that comes
to mind is that of pledge training,
for even though you have high cali
Robert Michael Owens, a junior
from Marietta, Georgia, graduated in
19()5 from Montgomery's Sidney La-
feel that it fits him to a tee.
Scholastically Phi Gamma Delta
This is borne out by the fact that
within the pledge class there can be
found valedictorians and upperclas.smen with averages approaching
Number 2
graduation papers at Hall High in
Little Rock, Arkansas. Clint is on
Kneeling: Tommy Heard, Jimmy Reynolds,
Jeff Pace.
Duane Coshatt, David McLeod,
James Nunn.
We :ire proud to announce the ad
nothing more than a good start. This
year the change is being made by
dition of ten
Brothers Fisher and Petrey. Biothei
boys, representing various parts of
brothers. These
track scholarship and majoring in his
tory in preparation for law school.
Jeffrey Stewart Pace is an Estaboga,
Alabama boy who graduated at Ox
ford High School. He was an officer
of both the Spanish and Beta Clubs.
Jeff is majoring in history and plans
Fisher has outlined his plans for the
Alabama and the United States, have
on attending law school.
duration of the pledge period, and
the cjuality and initiative which we
feel will add a big boost to our
from Walker County High and spent
he has included, I feel, all the as
pects nece.ssary to mold solid, de
Robert Eugene McCoy graduatetl
(Continued on page 2)
\r\nPage Two
November, 1 967
NEW INITIATES—(continued)
his first college year at Marion In
stitute. Mr McCoy is now married to
the former Brenda Magruder, an
Alabama Chi O, and is majoring in
Clark Levan Walters, of Narbeth,
Pennsylvania, is a former high school
track star, on scholarship. Clark is a
member of both the track and cross
country teams and is majoring in eco
and Brother William Haussen speak
ing. Everyone, including the academy
Representative of the Standartl Oil
Company. He and his wife, Debe
instructors, adjourned to what was
tagged "The Flaming 400 Club".
a farewell luncheon. The academy
was very informative and has helped
Longston and their two children are
residing in London, England.
'56) has recetly moved to Alexandria,
Virginia where he is Contract Negoti
ator in the Naval Air Systems. He and
The final day of the academy in
cluded a final round of classes and
Theta in a few areas already. Every
his wife, Carroll have three children,
one is now looking forward to Elk-
Keith, Cris, and Robbie.
lesia 1968.
'50) is now a Major in the U. S. Army
and is stationed in Burlington, Iowa,
where he is Commanding Officer of
Four Brothers Attend
the Iowa AAP. Brother Munn re
Fiji Academy
(Theta '55) and his wife Penny now
The academy this year was held in
Bloomington, Indiana at the Indiana
Theta was represented by Frank
have four children: Shawn, 10; Lynn,
Liberia, West Africa, where he served
7; Tina, 6; and Steve, 3. Brother Fulford is now Division Administrator
as Military Assistance Plans and Pro
gram Officer and Ordinance Axlvisnrr
with Whitmyer Brothers, after spend
to the Liberian Army.
Newell, Gerald
Carmichael, Earl
Monroe, and Glen Pringle. They left
Birmingham August 26 and arrived
in Bloomington August 28.
The academy opened with an open
ing convocation led by William Zerman. After
were bonus sessions for the delegates
who were interested. These sessions
included such things as 1980 Com
mittee, Post-initiation meeting, Norris
Pig Dinner, and Organization.
Following the bonus sessions there
was an awards banquet where some
of the various Fiji awards were pre
sented. Ending the first day there
was a smoker for all delegates.
The next day there were classes on
graduate relations,, pledge training,
scholarship, rushing, and public re
lations. The model Norris Pig Dinner
topped off a busy but informative
day with Brother Danner Mahood
ing the last 5 years with the National
Society of Professional Engineers in
Washington, D.C. He and his family
now reside in Charlottesville, Vir
JACK McWHIRTER (Theta '50)
is now employed with the Tennessee
River Pulp and Paper Company in
Corinth, Mississippi, where he is Sup
erintendent of Plant Maintainence.
'49), formerly vice-president of the
Theta of Phi Gommo Delta
Worcester Tech.
J. O. SENTELL (Theta '29) has
been appointed editor of The Ala
Steve Broome
Assisted by:
Glen Pringle, Mike Owens, Jeff Pace,
Frank Newell, Cris Brown.
'21) was recently elected president
of the Waynesboro Shrine Club, and
he and his wife Bertha are residing
assumed these posts, Brother Sentell in Waynesboro, Georgia. His son. Bill
was A-ssistant District Attorney for Jr. is also a member of Phi Gamma
Delta (Theat '57).
the middle district of Alabama.
smer Attorney, was recently re-elected
(Theta '63) is now captain of the
president of Birmingham Chapter,
JAGC of the U. S. Army and com
Sons of the American Revolution.
pleting his active duty. He plans to
rturn to private law practice in Do- Other officers elected included Bro
thers Gilbert B. Hollingsworth (The
than, Alabama in October 1968. His
bama Lawyer and clerk of the Stip-
reme Court of Alabama. Before he
(Theta '57) is the assistant vice-presi
dent of Hendrix, Muhr, and Head
Investments, Inc. He and his wife, Estelle Hood Cochrane, who was a
member of Kappa Kappa Gamma
a .825,000 endowment fund scholar
will be President and Chief Executive
Published by the active chapter of
Birmingham, Alabama. They have
two children, Mary and Eugenia.
BUAL S. WATSON (Theta '16)
the largest single contributor to our
new chapter house, recently received
Officer of the new First State Bank.
has moved to Tuscaloosa where he
land, a Pi Beta Phi.
The Theta Fiji
(Theta '60) is employed with the
Liberty National Life Insurance Com
pany, where he is manager of the
Underwriting Department. He and
his wife, Mary Jene are residing in
ship to be left in his honor by the
Cities Service Company at the Univer
sity of Alabama. His son is a Fiji at
American National Bank in Mobile,
wife is the former Miss Judy Strick
cently returned from the Republic of
here at the Unversity, are now living
in Birmingham, Alabama.
FRANK M. HARDY (Theta '55)
is the A.s.sistant London Middle East
ta '42) and M. Crampter O'Neal
(Delta Kappa Chapter '28) as vice-
presidents. Congratulations to these
patriotic brothers of Phi Gamma
OUGH (Theta '19) is now serving as
a semi-retired partner of the account
ing firm of S. D. Leidesdorf and Com
pany in Clearwater, Florida. He is the
father of Brother Robert Scarborough
who is also a Theta Fiji.
(Continued on page 4)
\r\nNovember, 1967
Page Three
Twenty-eight Find
Fijis Finest
The brothers of Theta Chapter are
looking forward to one of our best
years, especially tvith the fine grotip
of boys that make up our pletlge
class. Our pledges come from all over
the state and show leadership abilities
both scholastically and in the fiekl of
sports. An introduction of tiie 1907
pledge class follows.
Frank Yarborotigh Anderson, IV
graduated from Shades Valley High
School in Birmingham Ala. where he
was a member of the Kobe high
school fraternity, Key Club, Physics
Club, Honor Society and Chemical
Club. Frank is now the pledge class
John Dorner Barelare is from Bir
mingham, Alabama where he attend
ed Shades Valley High School. He was
a member of the golf team and Phy
sics Club.
Robert Slone Batson, is from Flo
rence Alabama, graduated from Cof
fee High School. While in high
school he was a member of the Stu
dent Council, Honor Society, Key
Club and Math Club.
John Gordon Bostick graduated
from Red Bay High School in his
hometown of Reel Bay, Alabama.
Harvey Nix Clapp is from Maplesville, Alabama, and graduated from
Maplesville High School. Harvey let
tered in basketball, baseball and foot
ball. He was also a member of the
Beta Club and the president of his
sophomore class.
Gary Michael Cunningham gradu
ated from Walker County High School
in his home of Jasper, Alabama. In
High School Mike participated in all
sports and was a member of the Key
Club, Beta Club, and Math Cltib.
George Ross Dorman from Winter
Haven, Florida, is one of our two out-
of-state pledges, Ross graduated from
Winter Haven High School where he
years at T, R, Miller High School, he
was a member of the football, track
and soccer teams and the student
Marcus Augustus Howze is from
Anniston, Alabama. He graduated
from the Anniston Academy where
he was senior class president, and a
member of the student council. He
also played on the soccer, basketball,
and tennis teams.
Timothy James Kelley graduated
from Ramsay High School in Bir
mingham, Alabama. His high school
tennis, football.
tvas a member of the track team, de
Key Club and KOBE high school fra
bate team ;ind Spanish Club.
Thomas Patrick Mackin gradtiated
from Shades Valley High School in
his home of Birmingham, Alabama.
He was a member of the Alpha Sigma
Delta high school fraternity. His
IN'illiam Norman Field, Jr., is from
Sylacauga. Alabama, where he gradu
ated from Sylacauga High School. He
was a member of tlie football and
track teams, and the "S" Club.
Thomas Alvin Fotits, from Brewton,
brother, David, is also one of out-
Alabama, graduatetl from T. R. Mil
ler High School where his activities
included football, track, student gov
mingham, Alabama. He graduated
ernment representative
and senior
class president.
diaries Neal Hines graduated from
LaFayette High School in his home
town of La Fayette, Alabama. Charles
ivas the Beta Club president. Annual
staff assistant editor and jilayed on
John won All-State honors in foot
ball, All-State basketball and was a
member of the Student Council.
Jackson Withers]ioon Hines. Jr., is
from Brewton, .-Vlabama. Dtiring his
David Edward Mackin is from Bir
from Shades Valley Higlt School and
was a member of .Alpha Sigma Delta
high school fraternity.
John Samuel Meriwether, Jr., is
from Eutaw, Alabama. He graduated
from Marion Institute where he was
Salutatorian and Vice-President of his
senior class. John was also a member
of the Math Club and tlie Yearbook
(Continued on page 4)
\r\nNovember, 1967
Page Four
(Continued from poge 3)
(Continued from poge 2)
Dewey Stephen Watkins attended
Berry High School in his home town
of Birmingham, Alabama.
Lloyd Noland Weaver is from Bir
mingham, Alabama. During his time
at Shades Valley High School he was
an officer of the Key Club and the
Chemistry Club.
Howard Weir III graduated from
Shades Valley High School in Bir
mingham, Alabama. Howard was a
member of his high school track team
and the American Studies Club.
Michael Stuart Owen is from Gads-
den, Alabama. Mike graduated from
Marion Military Institute wbere he
was a member of the Yearbook staff.
H. VANN WALDROP (Theta '51)
was recently elected President of the
Commtinity Council of Tuscaloosa
County, Inc., and now resides in Tus
caloosa, Alabama.
ROBERT V. LENTZ (Theta '48)
is now living in Dallas, Texas, where
he is Vice-President and General Sales
Manager of Southland Supply Com
pany, Inc.
(Theta '63) has recently moved to
Chicago, Illinois, where he is Division
Personnel Director of Formfit Rogers
(a division of GENESCO) Foundation
Wear Division.
Bobby Bryan Roden, pledge class
president, is from Birmingham, Ala
bama, and a graduate of W. A. Berry
High School. In high school, Bobby
was a member of the football team.
Key Club, and Junior Achievement.
Preston Linden Reeder graduated
from Coffee High School in his home
of Florence, Alabama. In high school
'63) was recently discharged from the
Navy after having lived in Washing
ton, D.C., for the past year. He is
now living in Montgomery, Alabama,
Brother Blackmon and his wife, the
former Miss Bess Whitfield, who was
a member of Kappa Delta sorority,
now have a daughter, Elizabeth Chris
tian, one year old.
B.-VRFIELD (Theta '37) has been re
assigned to the Office of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff in Washington, D.C.,
where he is the Chief, Requirements
and Developments Division, of the
Joint Staff. Brother Barfield has re
cently returned from Korea where he
was Commanding General of the 38th
Artillery Brigade. He and his tvife,
Beri Young Barfield, who tvas a mem
ber of Delta Delta Delta sorority here
at the University, are now living in
■•Mexandria, Virginia.
'57) was elected last spring as Presi
dent of the Alabama .\ssociation of
where he is a trainee for the broker
Municipal Judges. Brother Hill now
age firm of Kohl neyer and Company.
resides in Florence, .-\labama.
he was a member of the track and
swim teams. Key Club and Student
Bruce Lee Stewart is from Virginia
Beach, Virginia, where he attended
Full Name-
Princess Anne High School. He was
Name of Wife:_
a member of his high school band and
Children's Names and Ages:.
the National Honor Society.
Samuel Earl Stutts graduated from
Shades Valley High School in Bir
mingham, Alabama. His high school
activities include football. Key Club
and KOBE high school fraternity.
-Title if any:_
-Nature of Business:.
Home Address:
John Richard Teel is from Bir
mingham, Alabama, where he attend
ed Shades Valley High School. Rich
I City:
State:I Names of other enterprises with which you ore associated and yaur titles, if any:
ard was a member of the basketball
I News about you which will be of special interest ta yaur fellow members:
officer of the Student Ciouncil and
Senior class, and a member of the Sci
team. Key Club, and KOBE bigh
school fraternity.
Daniel Clark Thomas, from Brew-
ton, Alabama, graduated from T. R.
Miller High School where he was an
ence Club.
Any additional information you con give us will also be greatly appreciated.
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November 1967 newsletter of the Theta chapter of the University of Alabama. This newsletter is four pages in length.