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1967 November Newsletter Zeta (Indiana University)
November 1967 newsletter for the Zeta chapter at Indiana University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Indiana University
1967 November Newsletter Zeta (Indiana University)
Zeta Chapter of Phi Gamma Del七a Fraternity at Indiana University
Volume XXXII, Number l BIoomington, Indiana November, 1967
亜ナ王ACADEMY 1967
IndianaL Memorial Union, Site of lOth Annual Fiji Åcademy
Four representatives from Zeta
冒he Fiji Academy is held every
received useful information and
Other year in BIoomington to give
emy also featured a model initi‑
many honors for the house at the
undergraduate officers new ideas
and sound advice on running their
ation and a model Norris Pig
Dinn er.
riety of other areas.冒he Acad‑
Chapters. All chapters of the Fra‑
Several other brothers from
Brothers Tom OIsen, Dennis Smith,
temity were represented at this
Zeta were in attendance at the
Frank Yoder, and Mike Schatzlein
year,s Academy to participate in
Academy in addition to the dele‑
were delegates to this ̀̀undergrad‑
discussions and hear lectures by an
gates, Since we were the host chap‑
uate officers training school
OutStanding all‑Fiji faculty.
ter. Many of these men attended
the I.U. campus August
Zeta was weu up in the running
The brothers from Zeta re̲
SeSSions in order to expand their
for the national awards presented
turned to school full of new ideas
knowledge of the various facets of
at the Academy, Placing second for
gleened from lectures on rush,
Chapter operations.
the Cheney Cup and Coon Plaque,
third for the Baker Cup, and hon‑
graduate relations, Public rela‑
Zets Fijis were disappointed that
tions, SCholarship, Pre‑ and post輸
this year, eVen though the house
orable mention for the Jordan
initiation training, Chapter finance,
Placed second or third in the vast
Chapter administration, and a va‑
(Continued on Page 2)
\r\nⅢE HOO釧副書f〃l
A number of Fiji brothers here
at Zeta are doing a fine job as
athle七es at Indiana University.
Five brothers are members of John
s high flying football squad.
冒he fighting Hoosiers have thus
On October 14th and 15th the
far compiled a 8 and O record and
men at Beechwood held their an̲
have achieved national ranking as
nual Dad,s weekend.
One Of the country
ities began with a walk through
s top ten teams.
冒he activ̲
The forces that have been
冒he brothers∴are AI Kamradt, a
lunch in the house at ll:30
greatest in my life have been God
and the College Fraternity that
junior from Chicago, Who plays
Saturday. At l :30 Indiana
ing Hoosiers provided thrills for
moulded me.
backer, is a senior from Blue Is‑
everyone with an exciting
1and, Illinois.
Victory over the Iowa Hawkeyes.
̲ Thomas R. Marshall
Published regularly throughout
Bi11 McCaa, a line‑
Mike Baughman
s fight‑
Plays safety and he is∴a SOPho‑
Then at 5:00 a wa量k‑through din‑
more from Lanscaster, Ohio. Jay
ner was enjoyed by all.
Mathias is a sophoinore fro血
Later that evening some fathers
Chesterton, Indiana, and is also a
and sons attended a pop concert
featuring Ella Fitgerald and Os‑
Ionger play linebacker due to a
Car Peterson. Following the con‑
the school year by Zeta Chapter
of Phi Gamma Delta Fratemity at
Indiana University for the enjoy‑
ment of its alumni and friends.
knee injury but he is one of Coach
cert the men seranaded the women
Contributions of news of alumni
of Kappa Kappa Gamma and then
returned to the house to retire for
all times. Let us know what you
defensive coach on the I.U. fresh‑
man squad. Teddy is a Senior
are doing. Address all communica‑
from Pittsburg, Pa.
tions to : Alumni Relations Chair‑
A few of Zeta
are welcomed and encouraged at
man, 631 E. Third Street, BIoom‑
ington, Indiana
Co‑Editors :
Peter R. Skafish
William Allen Foley
69, E. Chicago
70, Richmond
the evening.
On Sunday the weekend
s ac‑
s pledges are
tivities were concluded with a dress
members of I.U.Js freshman team.
They are Doug Finlayson, Rich
DeCamp, Dave Rieder, Jim Teter,
Frank and Jay Reynolds were co‑
and冒om Fleming.
On the wrestling mats for the
Indiana varsity wi11 be Gene Deni‑
Sar, Andy
dinner at 12:30.
Brothers Tom
chairmen for the festivities and
are to be commended for their
work which made the weekend a
huge success.
冒hompson, and Tom
Blankenship. All three are sen‑
iors and are in their third season
of varsity action as grapplers.
Geno is from Galesburg, Illinois,
and both Andy and Bugsy are
from Southport near Indianapolis,
Indiana. Carl Vorhies will be try‑
ing out for the freshman team
A returning pitcher for∴COaCh
Ernie Andres baseball team is
John Lobus, a junior from Chi‑
cago, Illinois. Rick Lee and Wayne
McDonald should be seeing much
majority of national awards, nO
first place awards are to reside in
Beechwood. The delegates retum‑
ed from the Academy with resign‑
ation and determination that extra
effor must and will be expended
this year in order to move up those
One Or七WO places.
EncIosed in this edition of the
action on the links next spring.
Hoosier Fiji is a questionnaire for
Rick is a junior from Indianapolis
the graduate brothers of this chap‑
and Wayne is a second semester
ter. It is our pleasure to devote
freshman from冒oronto, Canada.
the greater part of each issue to
Trying to make the freshman golf
you, the alumni of Zeta. But our
squad wi11 be Steve Lyman, Tom
success with the Hoosier Fiji can
Swanson, and Jim Lohman.
not continue without your∴∴re‑
Chuck Parsons is slated to be
sponse to these questionnaires. It
number 2 man for Coach Landinタs
is our hope that all the graduates
VarSity tennis team in the spring.
will fill out these questionnaires
Chuck is a sophomore from Spring‑
and retum them as soon as possi‑
field, Ohio. Jim Teter will also
ble. Your help will be greatly
be adding his talents to those of
appreciated. Mail them to: Pete
the I.U. freshman track squad as
Skafish, 631 East
a standout pole‑Vaulter.
BIoomington, Indiana.
冒hird Street,
Ze†a ln描a†es
Perhaps the greatest sportsman
Spring Class
to come through the halls of Zeta
is Ernest Henry Andres, a mem‑
On October 8, Zeta once again
ber of the Class of ,39. While at
OPened the portals of Fijiland. In
I.U., Ernie compiled enviable rec‑
Ords in both basketball and base‑
an impressive ceremony, these out‑
ball. He was a three year letter‑
Standing ten young men received
man in both sports and was co‑
the black diamond of Phi Gamma
CaPtain of the baseball team and
Delta) an eVent Which they had
CaPtain of the basketball team in
long anticipa七ed and which will
1939. In that year he set the na‑
s single game scoring record
undoubtably be one of the most
On the basketba11 court with a
mSPlrmg mOmentS Of their lives.
total of thirty points in a game
Their pledge class was third schol‑
against I11inois. αJune Bug,, was
astically on campus out of thirty‑
further honored that year by being
」転進上記1鼻Se碧‑ Witね一号」で輸紅画一一‑「
高書ined ar「 All̲Ari(尋充an 「瓦「56th  ̄
average of 2.643, besides carrying
Upon graduation, 〃Bug
the name of Phi Gamma Delta into
, pursued
the many activities in which they
baseball and basketball on the pro‑
fessiona1 1evel.
He joined the
Ernie Åndre8
Louisville CoIonels and stayed with
them from
39 through
41. After
Ernie went back to baseball in )46
believe that I.U. is on the
threshold of an outstanding
On I.U.,s Chances for Another
Big Ten Basketball TitIe
American Association.
During these years, Emie was
Math major from Lancaster, Ohio,
Who is the first string defensive
Safety for the Fighting Hoosiers;
With the Boston Red Sox and later
冒he new initiates
are: Michael Allen Baughman, a
αOur basketba11 teamJs
Larry Norman Shaub, an Account‑
ing major hailing from Speedway,
Indiana and a member of Phi Eta
also distinguishing himself as a pro
Chances of having an excel‑
basketball star. He played 5 years
With the Indianapolis Kautskys,
lent season are good. Win‑
nity; Wayne Crosbie McDonald, a
ning another Big lO title will
Business major from Port Credit,
Who were the national pro cham‑
be determined by the per‑
Ontario, a SeCOnd semester fresh‑
Pions in 1947.
formance of several sopho‑
man and the number two man in
mores plus a few of the
the Indiana varsity golf squad;
dres became Coach Ernie Andres.
For lO years αBug
, was the head
breaks a team needs to win.
On the 1968
baseball coach and assistant bas‑
Baseball Team
Outlook for the J68 season is
Ernie devoted all his time to the
One Of, if not the most opti‑
former position which he still oe‑一
mistic sinee
Much of this optismism stems
We recently asked Coach Andres
from the presence of sopho‑
a few questions conceming sports
more pitcher Jim Suskiewitz
who without a doubt is the
On I.U.
s Present Sports
best pitcher I,ve had in my
20 years as a coach. Several
retuming lettermen also add
I think it is definately on
David Charles Frauman, a Finance
major from Indianapolis, Indiana
and also a member of Phi Eta
After that
ketball coach at I.U.
Sigma honorary scholastic frater‑
to this optimism.
Sigma scholastic fraternity ; James
Max McGee, a Business major
from  ̄Ch扇tertoh;重正d請n元子Jose垂 ̄ ̄  ̄  ̄ ̄
Michael Kosarko from Terre Haute
majoring in Radio and冒elevision
also a member of Phi Eta Sigma
and a member of sophomore class
COunCil ; William A11en Foley, from
Richmond, Indiana, maJOrmg m
Radio and Television and is also
the chairman of the Intra Frater̲
the upgrade.冒he overall out‑
Emie and his wife, the former
nity CounciPs∴SOCial committee;
1ook for all sports is the best
Doris Mann, make their home at
John Robert Mathias, a member
812 South Rose, BIoomington, In‑
diana. They have two children:
from Chesterton, Indiana and is
thus far undecided in his major;
it has been in the
ve been here.冒he present
facilities with the addition of
Carol, 23, Who teaches in Atlanta,
the new assembly hall wi11
Georgia, and Steve, a Zeta Phi
make I.U. the equal of any
Gam in the Class of J69.
Of Indiana
s Fighting Hoosiers is
Clyde Ralph Leonard, a rugby
Player from Grosse Ile, Michigan,
majoring in business; and Dean
At Zeta, Ernie stood out in in‑
COmbination of facilities plus
tramurals, WaS a member of the
the influx of outstanding ath‑
Skull and Cresent and the Sphinx
Minnesota, majoring in Athletic
1etes in all sports leads me to
COllege in the nation.
Lee Kleinschmidt, from Morgan,
\r\n動i Gam Aんmni Aタ働nd物e α,αn均
Thomas Vanes8
Da▼id Warren Carter,
60, is
Ronald L. Keller, ,65. Upon his
chester Drive, BIoomington, Indi‑
now the Product Manager for the
American Hospital Supply Corpor‑
ation of Evanston, Illinois. He is
serving on the Northbrook Caucus
With his wife the fromer,Mar‑
committee as well as being a mem‑
sional baseball in the Minnesota
Twins organization. He saw brief
ilyn Mast, an AIpha Chi Omega
ber of Y.M.C.A. and the Indiana
pitching duties with the Twins in
also at Indiana University. She
Alumni Association. Dave and his
wife, the former Connie Good‑
the summer of 1966
was a June graduate of I.U.
s busi‑
ness school this past year.冒om
presently resides at 1506
graduated in June of 1967.冒omJs
graduation from Indiana in 1965
with a degree in accounting, Ron
signed a contract to play profes‑
after∴a One
and a half year hitch in the minor
n固1t, Pi Beta Phi, ,59, nOW reSide
leagues. He finished his third
6th grade teacher and basketball
at 2206 Ash Lane in Northbrook,
year in professional baseba11 1ast
coach of Washington
summer with the AAA club of
Grade School in BIoomington.
daughter, Cara Ann. At Zeta,
Some of Tom,s spare time is spent
Dave was very active having been
Ermer, Twins manager, has label‑
refereeing high school footba11
pledge trainer) Historian) Treas‑
games. While at Zeta Vaness was
and President of the chapter.
ed Ron as one of the top prospects
for the Minnesota Twins pitching
500" bike coach, house
Dave also excelled on campus with
staff for the 1968 season. Cur‑
manager, and a member of the
a fine record on the I.U. Founda葛
rently playing winter baseball in
I.U. Foundation.
冒om,s grand‑
father) unCleJ and brother
the President)s Council and
the wrestling team.
Baseball Club. He lives there with
the Junior class at Zeta now.
Dudley Å・ Pfaff) Jr.' M.D・言50)
)39, reCeived his J. D. degree from
340, Mayaguey,
Puerto Rico, 00708; C/o Mayaguey
er brother, Jackタis a member of
the Dominican Aepublic and Puer‑
to Rican areas. Ron,s present ad‑
dress is Box
are a11 Zeta Phi Gams. His young‑
the Denver Bears. Cal
his wife, the former Susan West‑
is a General Practitioner in New‑
port Beach) Califomia. His home
at zeta
address is
er for the I.U. basebau team and
Redlands Drive,
Who also attended I.U. While
Ron was a standout pitch‑
Indiana,s Law School in 1941. He
Costa Mesa, Califomia) Where he
participated in intramurals for the
and his brother, Wi11iam, also a
and his wife, the former Alyce
house. Ron has a younger broth‑
Zeta Phi Gam, have a law firm in
Carter, a Delta Zeta at I.U.1 mOVed
er, Howie) Who is a member of the
F七. Wayne. Art and his wife Dor‑
just last year. They have three
class of 1970 at Zeta.
a Kappa Kappa Gamma at
children: Dianne, Don, and Dawn.
reSide at 1835 FIorida Drive
When at I.U. Dud was active on
Gerry L. Gribble,
55, is an op‑
Indiana.冒hey have
the campus having been a member
tometrist and is married to the
two children; Art, a Zeta Fiji in
of the Pre‑Med Honorary and
Young Republicans. Dud is cur‑
former Barbara Carson, an AIpha
the class of ,68, and Sue. While
in co11ege Art served as the house
rently a member of the Costa
a七602 S. Milton
Historian and was a student man‑
Mesa Kiwanis Club and he was
ana. Dr. Gribble was at one time
ager of I.U.
in F七. Wayne
Chi Omega at Indiana・ They live
Rensselear) Indi‑
s football team. In
elected Kiwanian of the year for
treasurer of the national optome‑
the army he was∴a CaPtain in the
1966. His hobbies include sports
try血atemity) Omega Delta. He
Judge Advocate General Corps.
of all sor七s.
was also a member of the Junior
Presently in addition to his law
Chamber of Commerce and a Ro〇
profession) Art serves as chairman
of the Aviation Commission and
Chairman of the Board of Indiana
James Robert SaideIer,
29, has
Gilmore Smith Haynie, ,39,
Technical Co11ege in Ft. Wayne.
recently moved to Sun City, Ari‑
His hobbies include bridge and
zona, (Phoenix area) after living
watching sports.
twenty‑Six years in Cleveland. He
tices law there with the firm of
is district manager of Union Car‑
bide in the Los Angeles area, deal‑
makes his home a七4715 Hartman
Ft. Wayne) Indiana. He prac‑
ing in the automotive chemicals
Lingston, Dildine) Haynie and
Yoder. At one time Gil was U.S.
District Attomey. He and his
currently Vice‑President in charge
division. Since his two children,
of sales at the Skelton Screw Cor‑
James and Martha, have just re‑
Theta at I.U. have two children
Billy and Gil Jr. His son, Gil, Jr.,
Oswald Harrison Busch,
64, is
and his
Mary Ann? a Kappa AIpha
poration in Beaver) Minnesota. Os
cently married,くくBobタタ
lives there with his wife, Dotty,
wife live alone at lO624 102nd
is presently the social chairman
who was a Phi Mu a七Indiana, at
Drive in Sun City. Bob
here at Zeta. In his undergradu‑
s hobbies
318 Gordon Drive. In his under‑
are sailing and golf, and he says
ate years
graduate days) Os was social chair‑
that he lives just two minutes from
the house having served as pledge
Gil was very active in
man at Zeta and was an officer of
the first tee of the nearby country
of the I.U. Rifle Club.
SOCial chairmanJ and rush
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November 1967 newsletter for the Zeta chapter at Indiana University. The newsletter is four pages in length.