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1998 Summer Newsletter Zeta (Indiana University)
Summer 1998 newsletter for the Zeta chapter at Indiana University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Indiana University
1998 Summer Newsletter Zeta (Indiana University)
The Hoosier Fni
Published by Zeta Chapter op the
Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta at Indiana University
Another year, another race, another
victory for the heralded Phi Gamma
Delta team; this year marked the
fourth year in a row the Fiji team
placed in the top five. Although the
team might say this year was a disap
pointment, finishing in the fifth posi
tion, it would be sad not to mention
the many memories and the hard work
that went into producing this finish on
race day.
With the support of the entire
house, the team was able to make two
highly productive training trips during
Christmas and over spring break. This
year, the team traveled to Cape Coral,
PL, during the winter, and again made
the Gainesville, PL, trip in the spring.
The many hours and miles on the bike
cannot truly be put into words. How
ever, the times spent with yet another
unique team should and will be docu
mented within this article.
This year, the team was fortunate to
have three veterans from last year's
race return. Joe "Ofer" Guido (senior)
returned for his third year on the cin
ders (two years racing for Fiji). Jon
"Colonel" Cornelius (junior) provided
another strong presence by riding in
his second Little 500 race. Jim "Willy"
Lohman (senior) returned to provide
leadership and experience while par
ticipating in his fourth Little 500 race.
The fourth position on this year's team
was filled by Daniel "Miggs" Branam
(junior). The remainder of the team
was composed of Anthony "Lindley"
Ponce (sophomore), Sam "Graeber"
Horton (sophomore) and Amar "Haji"
Bajpai (junior).
(Continued on page 2)
Brother Needs
Our Support
Raymond W. Nicholson Jr. '52 is a
director emeritus of St. Mary's Medi
cal Center. He is head elder at Our
Saviour Lutheran Church and vice
president of the Vanderburgh County
Board of Health. "Nick" enjoys golf,
tennis and the stock market in his
spare time. His wife, Cynthia (AXO),
owns a restaurant. Brother Nicholson
has two grown children, David and
Little 500 1998
This former chapter recording sec
retary writes, "Fiji allows one to have
connections between now and college
years and gives a real sense of be
longing. I wasthefirst recipient of the
Freshman Award in 1948. I rode in
thefirst Little 500, and my son and I
were the first father/son to ride in the
Little 500.
"I intend to be a candidate for the
lU Board of Trustees this coming
spring. I need supportfrom the gradu
ates. " You can correspond with Nick
at 801 Cobblestone Dr., Evansville,
IN 47715.
Brothers cheer on the Fiji team.
\r\nPage 2
Summer 1998
Zeta Celebrates 150th Anniversary
Graduate brothers joined the under
graduates on March 6 at Beechwood
to celebrate 150 years of proud history
at Phi Gamma Delta. Over 60 Zeta Fiji
graduates enjoyed an evening of fel
lowship with Brother Louis "Bud"
Mangels serving as master of ceremo
nies. A wonderful time was had by all.
brothers to attend next year and hopes
a golf tournament can be added to the
Pig Dinner program.
Mike Solomon '98 presented the
invocation, and Brother Doug Dayhoff,
former Purple Legionnaire, presented
the doxology. The newly initiated
House Corporation President Tom
traditional singing of "Bringing in the
Pig." Sire & Sons certificates were
presented by Ritualist Bill Miller '62.
Frank '70 welcomed all attendees and
announced that future Pig Dinners at
Zeta will be held on the third Saturday
in April. As such, Pig Dinner in 1999
will be held on Saturday, April 17.
Brother Frank expects 125 graduate
class of 2001 was introduced with the
Several dozen certificates and
awards were presented to graduates
and undergraduates to recognize out
standing achievement and contribu
mine what it will take to be victorious
(Continuedfrom page 1)
The team was blessed this year to
have two managers. These individuals
were Todd "Sy" Cornelius (freshman)
and Mike "Slider" Fox (junior). The
team would not have been complete
without the strong leadership of Coach
Troy "Blades" Lewis '93.
With the leadership, experience and
determination that this team brought
to the cinders, it was easy to imagine a
that year. The ever-present motto, re
iterated over and over by the veterans
on the team, is "fraternity within the
fraternity." This element is the key
top finish on race day. Through hard
work and dedication, this year's team
was able to again experience that one
quality that sets us apart from all other
other that has helped each year to so
lidify a strong squad.
Prior to each spring semester, the
team sits down and attempts to deter-
ingredient that elevates the Fiji team
above all other teams.
Through experiencing the same
pain, shedding the same tears and
riding the same highs, our team truly
found the common bond of friendship.
It is the faith our team has in each
As the team came across the line in
fifth position this year, one could have
easily considered the finish a disap
pointment. However, the 1998 Fiji
tions to Zeta and the Fraternity of Phi
Gamma Delta. Bud Mangels, who was
representing the Beechwood Educa
tional Foundation, presented $11,000
in scholarships to undergraduates for
the 1998-99 school year.
Many graduates stayed in Bloomington for the night and enjoyed many
fond memories at their favorite "wa
tering holes." Brother Frank urged all
attendees to return in 1999 and bring a
pledge brother, in hopes of making
Pig Dinner a time for brothers to expe
rience that "Phi Gamma Delta is not
for college days alone."
team would be hard pressed to admit
failure because of the long-lasting
friendships that were established
throughout the year.
Though victory was denied on the
cinders, truly, a victory was won
within the Phi Gamma Delta cycling
team. All the effort and time the team
put into this year's race was evident
throughout the race, as both times the
team wrecked, they were able to re
group and rejoin the lead pack.
This in itself was victory, and it sets
the Fiji team apart from all other
teams—the ability to come together
and work as a team through adversity.
Ride with pride!
1998 Fiji Cycling Team
The Hoosier Fiji is published
regularly by the men of Phi Gamma
Delta at the University of Indiana
for members and friends.
Take a minute now to fill in your
former classmates on your life since
leaving the University of Indiana.
The interest is two-way: just as you
are interested in their busy lives,
they are interested in yours.
Graduate news items, photo
graphs and change of address no
tices should be sent to Zeta Chapter
of Phi Gamma Delta, do Newslet
ter Program Headquarters, P.O.
Box 1311, Bloomington, IN 474021311.
Straight No Chaser, an a cappella group founded and directed by Zeta Fiji
Dan Ponce '99, performs at the 1998 Little 500.
\r\nSummer 1998
Page 3
Fiji Cyclist Hall of Fame Established
Since the founding of the Little 500 Bicycle Race in 1952
by the Indiana Student Foundation, Phi Gamma Delta has
earned the distinction of being the most successful team in
its long history. The World's Greatest College Weekend
was even featured in the popular movie Breaking Away, and
it will celebrate 50 years of history in 2002.
Phi Gamma Delta has been breaking away from the pack
since the race was established and now, Zeta will honor and
helped Zeta win first place in 1965 and 1967 and was an
lUSF Hall of Fame charter member in 1967; Jay E. Allardt
'78, an lUSF Hall of Fame rider and three-year rider who
rode for a winning team in 1975,a second in 1976, a third in
1977 and coached in 1978; and Cory B. Lewis '96, a fouryear rider with a first place in 1995 and third place in 1996.
The Fiji Cyclist Hall of Fame will give Zeta Fijis an
opportunity to recognize all cyclists, particularly those men
recognize those special cyclists who have helped keep Zeta
on top for nearly 50 years. Zeta is the only team to win a
championship in each decade, leads in the all-points standings and has enjoyed anunparalleled record ofachievement,
who have dedicated themselves to representing Zeta in a
very significant way. Each April, up to four former cyclists
will be inducted into the Hall of Fame. Each will have
contributed to keeping Zeta number one in theLittle 500.
due in great part to the Hall of Fame cyclists who will be so
recognized each year at Pig Dinner on the third Saturday in
ji '^-7
This yenr s 'nductees
are Jerry
L T.
67. a I-four-
ScJtlOV HCdUS fOV rrdll StVCCt
The Fiji motto, "Not for college days alone," seemed
year cyclist who helped Zeta win championships m 965 Alabama, I didn't know anyone in the house and I never
and 1967 and was a charter member of the lUSF Hall of
Fame; Stephen G. Powell 67, a three-year rider who also
mistaken. The bonds I
T 'j.' j.
made with my pledge brothers have taken me more places
j txt
than I could have ever dreamed of, including Wheel of
Fortune, Europe and backpacking in the Rocky Mountains.
.Greenwood, m
Indianapolis, m
. „D
destinaiions, my pledge brothers
ni ^
campus, grades and scholarships Ihave attained are because
Blootnmgton, IL
brotherhood in this house.
' Dodge
.Greenwood, N
This summer, 1will be starting anew chapter of my life
on Wall
but this
Upper Arhng on,'^'ntr
OH would get ajob
J working
to Street,
get there.
I have
n ' Mole
rh^" "Tri*'^v "'hoL
t iy""rrHoose House
that await me, but I know
Zionsvilie, N heard ofsome of the challenges
" lanapo IS,
through many problems. For the problems that can't be
hard work,^Iknow that
Indianapolis, IN ,
, byTi
fu my
v, pledge
™ , cvf
,,0 tTMiiwill
Tim "Ren" Lewis
Kendallville, IN ^ousands of miles away we are never farther than the click
Michael "Sketch" Knight
Tirotic "T„u„i
^,11" T •
Ben "Timmy" Miles".^"^^""
Josh "Kermit" Proctor
KokLo, IN
West Lafayette,' IN
^7=1 though many of ^ ™1 be
or a mouse or the hum of a dial tone.
"Cravtn'" Morehead
m Zeta s New Scholarship Advisor
Glastonbury, CT
Unlike the rest of my pledge class, I will not be leaving
Tipton, IN
Tipton, IN
McCordsville, IN
Upper Arlington, OH
Beechwood when I graduate. I have enjoyed my four years
here, serving in various house positions and competing in
intramurals. I am a history major graduating with highest
honors and Phi Beta Kappa. I am also a four-time winner of
Dan "Striker" Skehan
Travis "Helter" Skelton
Middletown, MD
Indianapolis, IN
West Lafayette, IN
Indianapolis, IN
a Beechwood Educational Foundation Scholarship. Recently, I won the Christopher K. Wooling Award for outstanding scholastic achievement in the senior class. Next
year, I will attend law school at lU as a Forrest E. Jump
Johnny"Juice" Stevning
Ryan "Leo" Timmons
Stephen "Cringe" Worth
Indianapolis, IN Scholar. 1havealso accepted the graduate scholarship adviWest Lafayette, IN sor position and will live in the house with the undergraduRushville, IN ates. 1look forward to three more years in the house.
John "Sandman" Quigley
Richard "Otto" Quigley
Pat"Chachi" Quinn
Jason "Wimpy" Robertson
Phil "Doc" Roessler
Steve "Santa" Schilt
Laurent "Balki" Zoss
Evansville, IN
Pete "Milktnan " Nemeth
\r\nPage 4
Summer 1998
Zeta Wins lUSing
Congratulations are in order for the
freshman class, who had a major
accomplishment earlier this year. In
February, the class of 2001 partici
pated in the annual lU Sing, a song
and dance competition sponsored by
the lU Student Foundation.
Backed by great acting and a comi
cal script and led by sophomore Song
Leaders Anthony "Lindley" Ponce and
Sam "Powder" Perry, the 35 freshmen
swept the awards ceremony, winning
best in their division, best overall, best
choreography and the coveted Most
Entertaining Act Award.
would never forget.
The Fijis' 10-minute show was a
parody of both lU Sing and the fact
"We knew we were up against some
stiff competition," said Perry, "so we
basically decided to go out there and
have a good time. And we wanted the
that the freshmen did not have a soror
ity pair, and it was affected by univer
sity renovations. Because there was
less room with which to work, lUSF
mandated that no more than 45 per
sons could participate in an act, which
audience to have a lot of fun watching
The Fijis certainly accomplished
that, putting on perhaps the most
original and creative act lU Sing has
seen in years. As a result, the lU
Sing trophy is sitting in Zeta Chap
meant that the Fijis would be up
against the cream of the crop of the
competition. But in true Phi Gam
style. Perry and Ponce came up with a
ter, where it had not resided for more
hilarious act which the audience
than 30 years.
Zeta Chapter Graduate News and Views
You can touch base with "Taz" at his
A1M. Morrison '86 is a resident phy
sician at Vanderbilt University who is
diana State), have two children, Dan,
18, and Betsy, 20. Stay in touch with
interested in computers. He and his
wife, Kristin (DePauw AT), a teacher,
have two sons, Thomas, 4, and David,
this brother at 107 Woodacre Blvd. N.
1. "Ajax" writes, "The pledging pro
cess helpedprepare mefor the arduous
medical trainingI later endured. "Drop
Stephen T. Slavin '91 is a financial
consultant at National City Investments.
him a line at 5016 Stonemeade Dr.,
Jaycees and New
tice in the warmer climates of Geor
Nashville, TN 37221.
Castle Chamber
gia. " He enjoys golf, tennis, running
of Commerce and
and skiing.
Thomas W. Frank '70 is president of
Summit RealtyGroup. He is a member
of the Zeta House Corporation and
enjoyswater sports, skiing and fishing.
"Rabbit" and his wife, Betsy (AT), a
new address, 832 S. Woodlawn Ave.,
Bloomington, IN 47401.
Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46234.
He is a member of
Kent B. Remley '78 is a radiologist at
Quantum Radiology. He writes, "I re
cently left the University ofMinnesota
(academic medicine) for private prac
likes to play golf
"Mad Dog" and his wife, Lisa (AF),
and tennis in his
free time. "Jester"
a registered nurse, have three children,
Laura, 12, Chris, 11, and David, 6.
and his wife, Staci
They reside at 798 Old Paper Mill Dr.
(Ball State AXD),
S.E., Marietta, GA 30067.
teacher, have two sons, Tom, 20, and
Joe, 18. He writes that Fiji gave him
a social worker, are expecting their
"lifelong friendships" and can be
He writes, "There is not enough
time to explain all the many ways Fiji
has benefited me. Keep up the good
volunteers for Junior Achievement and
reached at 757 Eden Woods PI., Carmel,
IN 46033.
first child in June '98.
Craig A.Burton '83 isa regional sales
manager at APRIA Healthcare. He
likes to golf and read in his hours after
work!" Write to Steve at 507 Hosier
work. "Vic" and his wife, Nancy (Mary
Stephen H. Pollom '69 tells brothers,
"Ipractice medicine 50percent and do
administrative work 50 percent. I am
Dr., New Castle, IN 47362.
land), a salesrepresentative for Baxter
Healthcare, have a daughter,Amanda,
William B. LaSalle '64 is an orthope
bom October 11, 1997.
president of the Methodist Medical
Group. Thisisa primary care company
dicsurgeon inprivate practice. Heand
with over 100 doctors. Hal Smith, a
fraternity brother,pulledmydaughter's
wisdom teeth last week. Trust! Perge!
"My fraternity brothers are the
ones I go to in later life when I want
someone I can trust. You can't put a
price on someone you can trust. " He
is involved in Young Life and enjoys
golf and lU basketball.
"Squirrel" and his wife, Connie (In
Congratulate the new parents attheir
his wife, Amanda (lU/Butler KKF), a
balletteacher, havefourchildren,Chris,
30, Phil, 28, Sarah, 26, and David, 18.
new address, 16015 24th Ave. N., Ply
mouth, MN 55447.
Brothers can send Bill a letter at his
home at 5050 N. Clinton St., Fort
David M. Schuppan '97 is an analyst
at Bear, Steams & Company, Inc. Run
ning, weight training and hiking are
Wayne, IN 46825.
favorite hobbies.
paigns and vice president of develop
Brothers can correspond with this
former chapter scholarship chair at
Camegie Park #320, 200 E. 94th St.,
ment at the lU Foundation.
New York, NY 10128.
Robert O. Ingersoll '96 is assistant to
the executive director of capital cam
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Summer 1998 newsletter for the Zeta chapter at Indiana University. The newsletter is four pages in length.