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1998 Summer Newsletter Upsilon Alpha (University of Arizona)
Summer 1998 newsletter of the Upsilon Alpha chapter at the University of Arizona. The newsletter is six pages in length.
Date/Date Range:
Upsilon Alpha
University of Arizona
1998 Summer Newsletter Upsilon Alpha (University of Arizona)
Published by Upsilon Alpha Chapter of the
Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta at the
University of Arizona
Dear Brother,
At Upsilon Alpha Chapter, excel
lence in scholarship and brotherhood
has not been overlooked. The under
graduate brothers have exemplified
the spirit of Phi Gamma Delta. We are
proud that we are Fijis, especially Ari
zona Fijis. Pride in our house and pride
for one another still separate us from
all other fraternities at the University
The Phi Gamm pride recently car
ried over to the annual Order of
Omega Greek Awards. At the awards
banquet, Upsilon Alpha received two
prestigious awards. Upsilon Alpha re
ceived the Greeks Advocating the
the brothers will be able to relax,
watch TV or play pool. The new con
cept will satisfy the need for a formal
living room and a casual living area.
The formal living room has been se
cured by doors on both ends and will
be open only for special occasions like
Homecoming, rush. Parents Weekend
of Arizona.
Mature Management of Alcohol
Award. This award is given to the
fraternity that offers its members edu
cation on date rape, alcohol abuse,
time management and house safety.
This February, Purple Legionnaire
Mike Johnson and I had a meeting
the Interfraternity Council's Most
room will give the brothers an attrac
with Dean of Students Melissa Vito.
Improved Chapter Award. This
tive setting in which to socialize with
Don't worry—we were not in trouble.
award reflects Upsilon Alpha's re
newed emphasis on campus involve
ment and philanthropic activities.
The Mary McCarty Parents Club
has begun a renovation project for the
one another.
Dean Vito told us that we as a frater
nity truly represent what a fraternity
stands for, a spirit of brotherhood.
When asked about fraternities on
The second award we received was
and other formal occasions. The room
will display photographs showing the
fraternity's long and rich history at the
University of Arizona. The new TV
While the living room is being re
modeled, another impressive project
will be undertaken this summer. As
many of you know,the majority ofthe
living room and television room. The
plumbing in the house dates back to
Parents Club raised over $5,000 from
its construction in 1939. Over the
donations and dues. This money will
be used to create a formal living room,
years, the plumbing has become obso
lete. This past year,the back hall bath
room and women's bathroom became
campus. Thus, the Fiji pride that we
used only for formal occasions. The
new living room will be called the
all share has brought Upsilon Alpha
into the spotlight once again at the U
Alumni Room, and the other half of
environment to live in. This summer,
the existing room will be tiled and
these bathrooms will receive new
of A.
turned into a television room where
campus, she cites Fiji as an example
of what a true fraternity is. Dean Vito
is impressed with our risk manage
ment policies, and our willingness as
a fraternity to be proactive leaders on
unusable, and it was a very unpleasant
plumbing, tile, fixtures and sinks.
Some additional work will be done in
Upsilon Alpha Graduate Update
Lowell M. Berry Jr. '56 owns an
investment firm. His wife, Barbara
the upstairs bathroom as well. These
renovations will provide a clean, up
kids. Contact him at 8250 N. 61st PI.,
dated living environment that will be
Paradise Valley, AZ 85253.
attractive for all.
Ann (San Diego), is a physician. They
have three children and three grand
children (see photo at right). He is
president of the Boys and Girls Clubs
As we all know, academic achieve
ment is a primary goal for Upsilon
Alpha. Since my freshman year, we
have continued to raise our active
member cumulative GPA. Since 1996,
of Scottsdale, Foundation for Blind
Children and the Convention and Visi
Upsilon Alpha's active GPA has been
tors Bureau.
first or second among fraternities. Last
"Herky," who served Upsilon Al
fall, the active GPA was a 2.78. The
all-fraternity average was only a 2.4,
while the all-men's average was a 2.7.
pha Chapter as president, was on the
Arizona football team and won first
place in AAU Wrestling. These days,
his favorite pastimes include hiking,
fly-fishing and spending time with
As our active GPA has continued to
Lowell Berry '56, his wife, Barbara,
and their grandchildren
improve, our pledge GPA has not re(Continued on page 2)
\r\nPage 2
Summer 1998
Chapter Finances Better than Ever
Dear Brother,
The finances have had a keen eye
on them ever since we started using
QuickBooks 97. We are now able to
allocate expenses better, so parents
and brothers know exactly where their
housebill is going. Overall, the broth
ers have been pleased with the new
system and are more willing than be
fore to meet their financial responsi
bility since they better understand
where the money is being spent.
With rush numbers down at the
University of Arizona,our chapter has
fewer members, but we are still going
strong financially. An increase in our
risk management insurance has set our
funds back a bit, but Islander has been
budgeted for carefully and will still
be the best party this campus has to
Owing to this summer's renova
tions of all the bathrooms, thanks to
our graduates, and the living room.
(Continuedfrom page I)
fleeted the same improvement. Our
pledge GPA is still above the allpledge average for fraternities, but it
is not where it should be. Our goal is
to impress upon our pledges the im
portance of academic excellence.
Scholarship Chairman Ryan Bates will
be addressing this in the fall in a new
program with an emphasis on the
pledge class. We will continue our
steak scholarship dinners for all mem
bers who maintain a 3.0 GPA or
the house looking so good. We have
astonishing 12 seniors are taking full
advantage of the improvements by
continuing to live in during the fall
excess money on the books, as al
ways, that will carry over to rush in
the fall, and that, combined with our
semester. With the entire fall 1997 and
efforts and the renovations, should
help us recruit the highest quality men
that the University of Arizona has to
spring 1998 pledge classes also mov
ing in, the "old adobe" is going to be
packed. Having the house full will
ward to a remarkable fall rush with
make for an unbelievable fall semes
ter and the finances should be in great
shape with so many living in.
To calm the storm of everyone
moving in right before school starts in
August, rooms will now be assigned
before the brothers leave for summer.
Because brothers know which room
Brent Hearn
House Report
House maintenance continues to be
a cooperative effort around the house,
as a need for immaculate cleanliness
will be theirs, they will have a chance
has arrived with the moving in of a
to do renovations of their own over
few new members. Cleanliness and
daily upkeep have been a breeze with
the addition of a few assistants to the
the summer. Also, this should help us
concentrate on rush instead of worry
ing about construction to our rooms as
the new semester begins.
fellow if the pledge is having a prob
lem. Hopefully,this new program will
reinforce to our pledges that scholar
ship is their primary responsibility. At
the same time, we hope to show the
professors on campus that Fiji is con
cerned with more than just partying—
that we are at the U of A to get an
education, too.
Nest semester,for the first time, we
have decided to move the Norris Pig
Dinner to Homecoming weekend. The
new date for the Pig Dinner will be the
study tables for pledges and active
Saturday morning of Homecoming.
With this change, we are hoping to
attract a larger number of graduate
higher. We will also continue nightly
The brothers are all looking for
thanks to the Mary McCarty Parents
Club, it is going to be a fight to move
in! With the house looking great, an
house managerial position. Assistants
C. J. Dorland and Tyler Galladett
continue to amaze the brothers with
stellar work ethics and unparalleled
self-motivation. "1 wish 1 could find
some time to relax," jokes C. J.
However, there is only so much
maintenance the house has the re
sources for, and as time passes, the
need for professional attention contin
ues to grow. In all, house management
continues to be a main focus of the
house, and thanks to Tyler and C. J.,
everything gets done.
David Stoft
House Manager
brothers who are achieving below a
brothers than we have had in recent
2.5 GPA.
years. Having the Pig Dinner during
The new scholarship program will
include an emphasis on pledges at
tending every class and meeting with
their professors on a weekly basis. At
Homecoming will enable more gradu
ates to witness the many positive
changes at Upsilon Alpha.
brothers of the Fraternity of Phi
Gamma Delta at the University of
1 hope you had an eventful summer,
the beginning of the fall semester, we
and 1 look forward to meeting you
during Homecoming Weekend or any
time your travels bring you to Tucson.
Graduate news items, photos and
will send letters to the pledges' pro
fessors that will advise the professors
as to what we as a fraternity expect
from our pledge. More importantly, it
will allow the professor to contact our
scholarship chairman or our faculty
Phil Calihan III
Campanula is published by the
Arizona for members and friends.
change of address notices should be
sent to Upsilon Alpha ofPhi Gamma
Delta, c/o Newsletter Program
Headquarters, P.O. Box 77720, Los
Angeles, CA 90007-0720.
\r\nSummer 1998
Upsilon Alpha Graduates News
Goodyear Tire and Rubber. He writes,
"I was a pioneer in the synthetic rub
ber operations.
"At 82 years, Istill hit the golfball
(but not good). This past summer 1
flewfi'om Houston to Vancouverfor a
boat trip to Alaska with my daugh
ter." David also has a son, David. He
lives at 3818 Glen Arbor #2, Houston,
TX 77025.
Charles A. Schneider '78 was a
chemistry/psychology major as an un
dergraduate and went on to receive his
that 'discriminatory' process called
rush, when we and we alone had the
right to choose those with whom we
would associate and build a brotherly
relationship. The friends I gained in
thosefour years ofcollege remain the
majority ofmy bestfriends to this day.
'Discriminate'is not a bad word—it
simply means 'to choose'."
He enjoys camping, fishing, hunt
ing, horseback riding, swimming and
travel. Drop him a line at 70 Harbor
Cove Way, Mill Valley, CA 94941 or
call him at(415)388-7656.
MBA. He and his wife, LaVon, make
BillLundeen'78 and his wife,Allison
Bill Lnndeen '78 is chief counsel for
the Illinois Revenue Department. His
wife, Allison (Virginia Tech AZ),
works with students. He tells brothers,
"Each fall, the vice president of the
United States hosts the Student Lead
ership Forum on Faith and Values in
Leadership. If any ofyou want to be
invited, let me and Allison hiow. We
assist this effort each year and love
working with student leaders such as
Bill received his JD from the Uni
their home at 457 E. Spur Ave., Gil
Robert G. Boice '50 is a retired
bert, AZ 85296.
rancher. He and his wife, Miriam
(KA©), have four children, Mary,
Lloyd H. Wiborg '61 has retired from
his career as president, owner and op
erator of Scott's Seafood Grill and
Bar, Inc. He writes, "I'vejust retired!
As ofJanuary 5, those brothers who've
used Scott's to stay in touch need to
use our home numbers. We 're just 10
minutes north of San Francisco, so
call -when you 're in the Bay area."
Lloyd's wife, Jane (Oklahoma
State), is a former flight attendant with
American Airlines. He is active in the
Grant, Martha and Peggy, all college
graduates. Brothers can contact Bob at
1403 Sierra Vista Dr., Globe, AZ
Ronald D. Harper '59 is president of
Harper Construction Company. He
and his wife, Kaye, an Arizona
alumna, have four children, two of
whom are Arizona graduates.
Ron tells Upsilon Alpha brothers,
"I'm still working, having a great time
Marin Covenant Church, National MS
and love my wife of39 years. My two
Society and Tamalpais Aquatic Mas
sons and one daughter work with me
in the business and my wife and I en
versity of Virginia. He and Allison
(see photo above) reside at 1416 S.
Noble Ave., Springfield, IL 62704.
ters Swim Team. He is a former field
David B. McMicken '38 has retired
tells brothers, "It's made me really
tary. Of his fraternity experience, he
tells brothers, "I have lastingfriend
as a technical superintendent with
appreciate the fiends made through
ships with many, many of my Fiji
secretary and section chief for Phi
Gamma Delta.
Of his fraternity experience, Lloyd
joy our 10 grandchildren."
Ron is active in the church and Ro
brothers and theirfamilies."Brothers
Phi Gamma Delta's 150th Ekklesia
can reach him at 2241 Kettner Blvd.
#300, San Diego, CA 92101.
This summer, five to 10 brothers
dinner cruise of the Three Rivers wa
will represent Upsilon Alpha Chapter
terways. It should be a great opportu
at the fraternity's 150th Ekklesia in
Pittsburgh, PA. During the week of
nity to promote brotherhood and
medicine physician. He tells us, "Ire
tradition among the Phi Gamma
cently got married to Jamie Rosen
August 12-16, brothers will enjoy a
Delta's active members and graduate
(Arizona '94). We just started build
celebration of 150 years of leadership,
ing a new home in Scottsdale. I'm still
working at ThunderbirdSamaritan FR
scholarship and excellence.
The fraternity has planned many
activities for its visiting members.
They include a trip to Canonsburg.
the site ofthe fraternity's founding, a
collective service project to aid the
city of Pittsburgh and a steamboat
This occasion will be a monumen
tal experience for the fraternity, and
all brothers are welcome to attend. If
you are interested, you can fill out a
reply at the Phi Gamma Delta website,
Daniel E. Kates '88 is an emergency
in Phoenix. Give us a call or send e-
mail to"
Jamie is a physician assistant. Upsi
located at
lon Alpha Chapter brothers can catch
up with Dan at 4238 N.35th St., Phoe
We'll see you in Pittsburgh, brothers!
nix, AZ 85018.
\r\nPage 4
Chapter Attendance Remains High
As the years go on, it seems that
students tend to become less involved
in their organizations and point their
focus solely on their own futures. One
distinguishing characteristic of the
brothers at Upsilon Alpha Chapter is
that we are proud to say we are active,
involved members of our organiza
tions throughout all our college days.
One very significant portion of this
involvement is attendance at chapter
In recent years, chapter attendance
has been extremely high. Representa
tion ofall ofthe classes is strong in the
chapter room. This fact has been noted
by our chapter's Purple Legionnaire
Mike Johnson, who encourages us to
keep it up. The strong turnout by
brothers at chapter meetings is what
constitutes the backbone of decision
making at Upsilon Alpha. Without the
voices ofall, it would be impossible to
set and attain the goals that make us
proud to be Fijis. Brothers at this chap
ter continue to realize the importance
of attendance and contribute to the
aims of Upsilon Alpha Chapter and
the fraternity as a whole.
Nicholas Frei
Recording Secretary
Upsilon Alpha Athletics Report
In the most difficult league, the in
Dear Brother,
I am excited to report to you the
success ofour Fiji athletes this spring.
We had great participation in sports
frenzy as 6'6" forward Brent "Don't
Hurt 'Em" Hearn stunned opponents
such as basketball and softball, as well
with his electrifying dunks. Our un
as sports supporting philanthropic
causes. During our basketball season,
Upsilon Alpha's three teams exhib
ited unparalleled athletic prowess and
took home trophies from every level
of difficulty offered by the intramural
stoppable force in the middle allowed
our guards to shine, as Mason "Big
Nasty" Helms rained in three-pointers
sports program.
tramural crowds were stirred into
from as far north as his hometown of
Our Softball team matched the suc
cess of our basketball squad, setting
an intramural record for home runs
Moms Weekend
Dear Brother,
Over the weekend of February 2022, 1998, the brothers of Upsilon Al
pha put on a spectacular Moms
Weekend. The weekend gave mothers
and wins in a season. The power hit
ting of "Iron Mike" Kohlmeyer sent
24 softballs home to Dongville, beat
ing his previous record of 22. David
"Mr. Softball" Stoft summed up the
season by saying, "We had a lot of
brothers enjoyed brunch at the Ari
zona Inn. The weekend was a huge
close games with some great competi
tion, but it's hard to lose when you're
so damn pretty." And how pretty
David was,grabbing balls with his pat
ented leaping pirouette in right field,
sacrificing himselflike a virgin, all for
the chance to meet other mothers at
the house. On Saturday,the moms and
The support by the parents of the
Mary McCarty Club has raised money
to renovate our living room. Doors
have been added to the living room so
that it can be kept in nice condition.
This summer, the moms have plans
his team.
for improving the living room even
The brothers will enjoy displaying
their athletic talents in the upcoming
philanthropies hosted by Alpha Chi
Omega and Chi Omega, which are a
Frisbee fling and a pool shoot-out. The
brothers are already devising strate
gies for victory.
Tom Drumm
Scott Sprawls
Moms Weekend Chairman
IntramuralSports Chairman
Summer 1998
News Briefs
Our annual Scholarship Brunch
went extremely well this spring,
with a strong turnout from the fac
ulty. There were many professors
there and the house looked great,
thanks to the help from all the
1 am pleased to report the contin
ued increase in our chapter GPA,
making us one of the highest rated
fraternities on campus. This is a
trend 1 am positive will continue.
Brothers like Tyler Gallaudette and
C. J. Dorland continue to dominate
in different academic fields. One
brother. Chuck Fiedler, takes it
upon himself to make sure that ev
eryone is awake in the mornings
and ready for the stimulating day of
class that lies ahead.
Our faculty fellow. Dr. Jennifer
Jenkins, continues to offer advice
to the brothers on everything from
test-taking skills to problems that
they may be having outside ofclass.
She is a wonderful asset to the
house. The pledge library has added
a couple more computers, so it
makes a great place to study and
work on homework.
Awards were given out at the
fantastic Scholarship Dinner to
brothers who achieved a GPA of
3.0 or higher during the fall semes
ter. There were so many people at
the dinner that it would be impos
sible to list all their names,but they
should all be very proud of their
Scholarship continues to be the
number one concern ofthis chapter
and of all its members. After all,
the pursuit of knowledge is the rea
son we all attend the University of
Arizona. No one understands this
better than finance major Tom
Drumm,who never hesitates to pass
up a party in favor of some extra
study time.
Ryan Bates
Scholarship Chairman
\r\nSummer 1998
Fiji Social Success
It is my honor to report the social
achievements of Upsilon Alpha ofPhi
Gamma Delta. Once again, with the
participation of the brothers, we have
had another successful semester ofso
cial events.
We have continued our tradition of
holding numerous nonalcoholic
events like barbecues, dinner ex
changes and coed sporting events.
Our annual Spring Fling was one of
the most successful in recent years,
with more than 100 brothers partici
pating. As everyone knows, spring
semester is Islander season, which all
of the brothers were extremely ex
cited for. With everyone doing their
share, we constructed the pool in
record time, leaving an entire week
for decorations. As usual, all of the
brothers' dates were thoroughly im
pressed and a great time was had by
Remaining the top house at the Uni
versity of Arizona this past semester.
Phi Gamma Delta was honored by the
Interfraternity Council for having no
social infractions, an honor we shared
with only one other house on campus.
The brothers have taken a lot of pride
in this honor and hope to carry it well
into the future.
As usual, the brothers have not lost
sight of what Phi Gamma Delta stands
for. Tradition is alive and well, grow
ing stronger with each passing semes
ter, and we know that our brotherhood
will give us the strength and founda
tion we need to continue well into the
21st century.
Thomas Danielson
Social Chairman
Upsilon Alpha Rush Report
Dear Brother,
ber of rushees in the spring is much
Spring rush has once again come
and gone, and the brothers have cre
ated another well-rounded pledge
class. As most of you know,the num-
smaller than it is in the fall. The new
Spring Fling '98
Delta has to offer.
Dear Brother,
brothers had invited more than 40 high
Once again,the brothers of Upsilon
Alpha put on a successful Spring
Fling. We labored diligently all week
long with the women of Kappa Alpha
Theta and put together an awardwinning entertainment booth.
school seniors down for an eventful
We were the talk of Spring Fling
with the funniest skit. Not only did we
win an award, we also had a full house
Tucson and California.
members are active in many campus
activities, like philanthropies, intra-
murals, scholarship and all the other
benefits the Fraternity of Phi Gamma
In preparation for next fall, the
weekend at the house. There were
guys from all over the country, rang
ing from California to Chicago. We
are planning many different pre-rush
activities this summer in Phoenix,
I would like to hear from any gradu
ates who have information about men
Page 3
The philanthropy program of Upsi
lon Alpha is once again a leading pro
gram within the Greek community.
We continue to involve ourselves and
lend a helping hand to the Greek com
munity and to other communities in
Tucson as well. Some highlights have
been Joint philanthropies with the
women of Pi Beta Phi at the Ronald
McDonald House and Casa de Los
Ninos. We also had strong showings
in Alpha Chi Omega's Frisbee Fling,
Alpha Phi's Pool Tournament, Delta
Gamma's Anchor Splash and TriDelt's benefit to help the Children's
Cancer Fund.
When dealing with the outside com
munity, specific individuals deserve
recognition. Thomas Maison has de
voted himself to collecting canned
foods, not only from brothers, but from
other fraternities and sororities as well.
Ryan Bates, a Tucson native, has
started a workout program for the chil
dren of his old grade school to in
crease their levels of health and
confidence. Michael Kohlmeyer has
started a recycling program and do
nates all proceeds to the development
ofthe downstairs library.
With these individual efforts and
the dedication of the entire house to
philanthropy, we are definitely in the
running for the Baker Cup,a goal this
chapter has given itself.
Charles Fiedler
Philanthropy Chairman
Pig Dinner
The annual Pig Dinner has been
rescheduled for the 1998 fall semes
ter. It will be held on the weekend of
for each show. Following the shows
on Saturday, we had an '80s party at
coming to the University of Arizona
the house. People said it was the best
party of the year. The brothers look
brothers. As you all know, rush is one
of the most important events for Fiji,
taking in the Homecoming activities
forward to more events with the
because the men we recruit are the
with us.
women of Kappa Alpha Theta.
future ofour house. We all realize this
who could be future Phi Gamma Delta
Homecoming, November 6-8. The
women of Delta Gamma will be par
We hope you all will be able to
and plan on continuing the tradition
Dinner will kickoff Saturday's
events and will be followed by the
come out and see our tent next year at
by creating yet another outstanding
football game. We hope to see you all
Spring Fling.
pledge class in the year to come.
Tom Drumm and Nick Frei
Spring Fling Chairmen
Marco Louis
Rush Chairman
Scott Pennisi and Mathew Nash
Pig Dinner Chairmen
\r\nPage 6
Summer 1998
More Newsfrom Our Graduates
Ray F.Griswold '51 is a senior scien
tist with HAC-Honeywell, an aero
space systems engineering company.
He and his wife, Bee (Phoenix), have
two children, Ray and Lynne.
"Gris" tells brothers, "I made it! I
finally retired. Ihad 46 years pushing
the technical frontiers. Sorry, I still
can't talk much about what I was
Graduating Seniors
These brothers graduated from Upsilon Alpha this spring. Their plans
into."He is now president ofthe local
homeowners association,fighting City
Hall on zoning changes.
Of his fraternity experience, Ray
tells brothers, "I learned that it is the
quality ofthe person, not his wealth,
that is important. We had a very broad
financial spectrum, but all were great
people. This also holds true for all
races ofpeople."
He enjoys playing golf, riding
horses and is an ex-skier. Get in touch
with Ray via P.O. Box 87913, Phoe
nix, AZ 85080.
for the future follow:
•Andrew Braccia is going to Long
Beach for a training program with
Polar Air Cargo Company.
•Andrew Cleary is returning home
to Washington, DC to begin a
career in strategic planning, bank
ing or health care.
• Brad Willard is going backtoNewport Beach to work for an invest
ment banking firm.
•Chris Kerr will be heading to the
Bay Area to work for Pacific Bell
•Brandon Rogers will be working
for Andersen Consulting in LA.
• Vince Clougherty is looking for
ward to a management position at
Farmer Jim Meats.
•Joe Watson will be pursuing an
exciting career in investment bank
ing in San Diego.
• Dan Finnegan is just happy to be
•Jeff Homack has no plans beyond
heading out to San Diego.
•Nick Papanikolas is going to San
Diego to start a real estate banking
•Nathan Pitzel will be living in Man
hattan Beach and pursuing a career
with a production company.
•Jason Mayslooksforward to many
Arizona sunsets.
•Dave Metnick has no immediate
plans, but hopes to win the lottery.
He writes, "I have recently retired
after 26years with Dole and moved to
a new home in Apple Valley, CA."
Brian, who enjoys freshwater fish
ing, now lives at 11506 Oak St., Apple
Valley, CA 92308.
John C. Hoag '67 is region counsel,
vice president and senior underwriter
of Stewart Title Guaranty Company.
His wife, Ann (USC), is a paralegal.
They have three children, Emily,Flora
and Joe.
Logan T. Daniels '96 is a project en
gineer with Baugh Construction Com
pany. He has recently moved,and now
"Hoagybear," who received his JD
from California Western School of
makes his home at 202 32nd Ave. E.,
Law in 1975,enjoys reading, running,
basketball and gardening in his spare
Seattle, WA 98112.
John A. Sivo '77 is a self-employed
Ave. #3, Pasadena, CA 91101.
Send him a letter at 536 S. Euclid
business consultant and CPA. His
wife, Denise (XQ), is a physician.
Thomas J. Salb '47 has retired as
They have two children, Nicholas, 12,
president ofSalb Inc., an importer and
exporter of wood pulp. He and his
wife, Audrey (Ohio Wesleyan AT),
and Veronica, 9.
John is a member of Leadership
Arlington. Drop him a line at 910
Pinehurst Dr., Arlington, TX 76012.
have three children.
He shares this news with brothers,
"I had a laryngectomy 10 years ago
Tim Siegel '92 is customer planning
manager for Nabisco. Tim has moved,
and brothers will now find him at 748
W. Moore Ave., Gilbert, AZ 85233.
Jim Webb '67 sends us these words
of wisdom:
younger women, older whiskey and
more money'—that means I need a
faster horse, all the women are
younger, the whiskey is the same age
as I am (ancient) and it takes a lot
more money."
Jim, who has three children, makes
his living from ranching and real es
tate. Of his fraternity experience, he
tells us, "Phi Gamma Delta is notfor
college days alone."
Write to him at 7508 E. Buena Terra
Way, Scottsdale, AZ 85250.
•Tim Kersey hopes to further his
education with a little traveling.
Good luck to all our graduating
brothers. We'll miss you!
Brian has two daughters, Kimberly
and Anna Lisa.
and have been retired since 1993."
T.J. is secretary of the Southwest
Florida Chapter of Fiji Graduates and
is active with Friends of the Library,
Forum Club, Town Hall and Philhar
monic League.
Regarding his life as a Fiji, he tells
brothers, "I am very active in our
graduate chapter and still contactfra
ternity brothers." His hobbies in
clude "golf, golf, golf, fishing and
Fiji brothers can reach T.J. at 20
Seagate Dr.,#703,Naples, FL 34103.
Richard Forbes '41 is a sports col
umnist for the Cincinnati Enquirer.
His wife, Mary (Cincinnati KA0), is
a nurse. They have three children,
Tom (Miami-Ohio Fiji), Jack and
Brian Radford Bulley'61 has retired
as western regional operations man
ager for Dole Food Company.
Upsilon Alpha Chapter brothers can
get in touch with Richard at 220 Cam
bridge Ave., Terrace Park,OH 45174.
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Summer 1998 newsletter of the Upsilon Alpha chapter at the University of Arizona. The newsletter is six pages in length.