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2002 Fall Newsletter Kappa Deuteron (University of Georgia)
Fall 2002 newsletter of the Kappa Deuteron chapter at the University of Georgia. This newsletter is six pages in length.
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Kappa Deuteron
University of Georgia
2002 Fall Newsletter Kappa Deuteron (University of Georgia)
FALL 2002
Cl(PuBtication of. the Jiappa ^mtenan Chaptex of 3*fu Qamma S)e£ta
The 154th Ekklesia in
Portland, Oregon brought the
Kappa Deuteron chapter
many awards and recogni
tion. From praise of our
brothers foresight in dealing
with the house alcohol ex
emptions policies during the
last Ekklesia to highly re
spectable placement in nearly
every award given by the
Fraternity, our name was
everywhere. Most reward
ing was returning the Cheney
Georgia Brothers bring back the Cheney Cup at the 154th Ekklesia
Cup to the University of
Georgia campus. Last year's accomplishments of topping first place with our fall grades,
and the institution of a values based pledgeship program, coupled with strong philan
thropic and leadership foundations set years before earned the brotherhood a well de
served recognition as the best chapter in Phi Gamma Delta. Second place finishes in the
Zerman Cup, Brightman Award, and Baker Cup punctuated an overwhelming success for
the chapter as a whole. Kappa Deuteron excelled in'individual achievements as well.
Brother Bill Bracewell was appointed the fraternityJs Educational Director, Bob Cheeley
took over as President of the Fraternity's Educational Foundation and Dr. Jere Morehead
was awarded another Durance Awal-d given to tliemation's best Purple Legionnaire.
Lastly, 2002 graduate Charlie Conbo^;^ becanae t^e first Field Secretary in the chapter's
history. The post-Ekklesia exciterrient has not led to complacency, however, as the
chapter welcomes the Theta Tetraton Pledge class. These nineteen men passed throiigh
one of the most selective rush periods in Kappa Deuteron's recent history. It is the.raised
expeptations that the awards bestow upon the chapter that pushes Kappa Deuteron,^pn^i
tinuously towards greatness.
By Kevin Carmichael '03
I must admit, it is a
great time to be President for
the Kappa Deuteron Chapter
of Phi Gamma Delta! I am
very honored and pleased to
be able to report to you that
the chapter is stronger than
ever. The "Double Deuce"
was also named the Interna
the most selective rush peri
tional Fraternity's Educa
ods in my four years at Kappa
tional Foundation President.
Deuteron. Thanks to the hard
Chapter morale is
high and Brotherhood partici
work and organization of our
Rush Chair, Ryan Irvine, and
pation has increased as well. his Rush Committee (Broth
However,in bringing home
ers Blaine Capone, Matt
all of these awards, the under Moore, and Lance Neil)
graduates realize that "we do Kappa Deuteron obtained the
Cabinet had a
strongest 19 rushees
wonderful 154th
at the University
Ekklesia in Port
this year. Once
again, the Brother
land, Oregon and
was privileged to
hood recruited men
represent the
who are truly a "cut
chapter at such a
prosperous time.
My Cabinet re
above" themselves.
The success of re
turned home this
cruiting this year's
Fall pledge class
August with the
can best be ex
coveted Cheney
Cup and many
plained by the motto
'Double Deuce" Cabinet in Portland with the Cheney Cup
other awards. We
used throughout
were able to bring the Cheney not seek the applause of
rush: quality over quantity!
home to 3 Cloverhurst Ct.
men." The chapter will not
Lastly, I would like to
due to the hard work of many rest on its laurels and lose
encourage all of our Graduate
Brothers. As many of you
everything that it has worked Brothers to take time this
know this is the ninth time
so hard to obtain. Instead, we year to revisit 3 Cloverhurst
Kappa Deuteron has won the will continue down the posi
Cheney Cup, with three wins tive path we are on to pursue
in the past five years. Also, the high ideals of Phi Gamma
our esteemed Purple Legion Delta. In doing so, the under
naire and wonderful undergraduate chapter will ensure
^ graduate mentor. Dr. Jere
Kappa Deuteron's future
" Morehead, returned to Athens growth and development.
t with yet another Durrance
This summer and
^, Award Brother Bob Cheelev early this fall, we had one of
Ct. during one of our seven
exciting football weekends.
In my mind, one of Kappa
Deuteron's reasons for pur
repetitive success is due to
the strong Graduate support,
year after year.
The chapter is
in numerous school-
proud to have pledged
to-state sponsored
nineteen stellar men who
have been selected to be a
leadership programs.
With the chapter's
continuing loyalty to
part of this fall's Theta
Tetraton pledge class.
These men have proven
their past excellence in
academics, athletics, and
Alps Road Elemen
tary School Tutoring
Program and with
two brothers serving
activities, and we believe
that that excellence will
as Dance Marathon
Executives, the
continue throughout their
pledge class will
receive plenty of
time at 3 Cloverhurst
Court. Having high aca
motivation from the
demic aspirations, this
pledge class is not willing
Brotherhood to get
involved in serving
to settle for just the 3.0
the community. But
needed to attain the Tri
ple-A Scholarship. Fur
above all of their
The nineteen members ofthe Theta Tetraton pledge class.
thermore, the brothers are
statistics and
awards, the members
making a dedicated effort to ensure that grades will
keep no pledge from being initiated. With 11 men
having lettered in multiple sports and 9 having served
as team captain, this pledge class will further benefit
of Theta Tetraton hold dear their own personal values
as well as a bond that they already appear to have de
the chapter's winning tradition in intramural athletics.
of Southern gentlemen that makes this pledge class "A
veloped early in their pledgeship. It's the genuine
character in these men and their belief in the tradition
Many have served as Class Presidents and participated Cut Above" those who came before them.
One of the many aspects of brotherhood on which Kappa Deuteron prides itself is its outstanding rela
tionship with its graduates. Along with bringing the Cheney Cup back to Athens for the third time in five
years. Kappa Deuteron was also awarded second place overall at the Ekklesia this summer in the competition
for the Brightman (Best Graduate Relations) Trophy.
The biggest news relative to the graduates for the upcoming year is our 35th Norris Pig Dinner in the
spring of 2003. This will no doubt be one of the biggest celebrations in our history. We will incorporate the
black-tie option, an old Fiji tradition, to commemorate the event, in an effort to encourage more graduates to
make our Pig Dinner an annual pilgrimage back to Kappa Deuteron.
Once again, the chapter thanks our graduates for their monumental support year after year. It goes
without saying that we would stagnate if it were not for their undying love for this fraternity. They have shown
without a doubt that "Phi Gamma Delta is not for college days alone."
adiiate Relations Chairman
When Ken W. Murphy left as his own group of pledge broth
Georgia's campus, he left behind
ers. Their perspectives and back
pause. Brother Murphy said,"They
reminded me of what is really im
Kappa Deuteron's first Cheney Cup, grounds not only influenced his
portant in life, reminded me that I
and its first Wilkinson
perspectives, he said, but also influ
had friends who really were there
Award. What he took with him,
enced how he reacted to other peo
for me when I needed them."
however, is worth more than any
ples' views on life.
'This Fraternity is more
than you can really ever imagine."
also left Brother Murphy with a
satisfying feeling of how the chap
That is what Brother Murphy an
ter headed after his graduation as
swered when asked what he would
like to tell this year's pledge class.
well as how it is now.
"Its nice to know that
It is hard to understand his convic
when I meet a fellow graduate, I
award, accolade, or professional
success. In a recent interview.
Brother Murphy talked about how
the ideals and friendships of the
chapter truly transcends beyond
college days.
After graduating from
Dealing with graduates has
tion to that statement until you hear know that they are grounded in the
Georgia, Brother Murphy moved to the story of Ken Murphy's recent
same values as I am. I know imme
Cambridge, where he attended and life.
diately that we have that something
graduated from Harvard Law
in common." He then added with a
School. Upon returning to Atlanta,
he worked at Alston and Bird law
' f '
firm for three years before being
laugh,"It makes me proud to see
how the chapter has carried on
against such impossible odds."
hired by National Services Indus
Now recovered from his
tries. Sixteen years later, on Nov.
30th, 2001, Vice President and
General Counsel Ken Murphy spun
operations. Ken is back to working
full-time while taking part in out
side projects. He sits on Decatur
off of National Services into a busi
First Methodist Church's Finance
ness named Acuity Brands, Inc.
In addition to his profes
Committee and acts as president of
the Georgia Transplant Foundation.
Brother Murphy also devotes much
sional life. Brother Murphy is also
married to Amy, his wife of 19
years. The couple has two sons,
Christopher, a junior, and Kevin, a
sophomore, both attending Decatur
City High School.
Before pledging Phi
of his time toward his work with
the United Way. Ken Murphy re
mains a prime example of the per
sistence that Phi Gamma Delta de
sires to see in its brothers.
With Graduates such as
Gamma Delta at The University of
Georgia, Brother Murphy attended
Although fully recovered.
Brother Murphy has had two liver
high school in Tifton, GA.
transplants and had a large part of
"Without a group of people to be
his colon removed. It was after his
with, the transition to Athens from
body rejected his first transplanted
Tifton would have been extremely
liver that the unknown benefits of
hard," Ken recalled. "It(the frater
nity) was a nice way to be able to
Kappa Deuteron arose.
"I was really down, and
broatjpt-my world view in a smaller my wife didn't know what else to
I bf mdividuals."
do with me. She called up Jere
tbile talking to Brother
Morehead, and within 24 hours I
Wf^phj^TO reminisced about how
majg^li^T brothers he had the lux
had received phone calls from Bob
Cheeley, Frank Hannah, Greg
ury of getting to look up to, as well
Fowler,..." After an extended
Ken Murphy, it is easy to under
stand why Kappa Deuteron enjoys
such a strong relationships with its
graduates. It is not out of a sense of
duty to keep older brothers in
formed, but instead it stems from a
desire to keep such outstanding
influences involved with the frater
nity long after their graduatibq^fdate.
It is obvious that there ar^ "
models greater than Kapp^DeU
teron's own Ken Mmphj®®^-.
In the last year it seems
the stork has been making numer
ous drop-offs at the steps of Kappa
Deuteron. The year began with
Brother Steve Taylor and his wife
Maria celebrating the January 30'^'
arrival of their third child, Johnathon. Months later, Brother Drew
Meadows was welcomed with his
?i i
Field Secretary, in charge of the
Western Region. This 1- 2 year
Dr. Morehead, but more impor-
position has Brother Conboy in
tantly-Thank You Dr. Morehead.
ment. Congratulations to
charge of 21 active chapters, in
cluding three Canadian chapters,
and one colony. As Brother Con
boy recently said,"Through my
training and travels my love and
Congratulations to Brother
Bob Cheeley, who recently took the
position as Head of the Educational
Foundation Board. Brother
appreciation for Phi Gamma Delta
and especially Kappa Deuteron has
grown tremendously."
Cheeley will be in charge of fund-
raising as well as helping to pro
Weaver and his wife and former
mote scholarship and educational
Sweetheart, Nealie Ash Weaver, are
opportunities. Congratulations to
expecting their first and second
Brother Cheeley on his appoint
Associate Provost for the
child as a set of twins this February. Honors program, faculty member to ment and continuing to make
Congratulations Brothers!
Kappa Deuteron proud.
the UGA athletics board, 2001
Josiah Miegs award winner for ex
third son, Barrett. Brother Scott
Kappa Deuteron congratu
lates Brother Brian Courcelle on his
marriage to Molly Sieburg on
March 23 of this year. The wed
ding was held in the town of Ashe-
ville, NC where the happy couple
currently resides.
2001 Graduate Charlie
Conboy was appointed the 139th
Current Recording Secre
tary Emory Patterson was selected
to serve as the student representa
tive on the University Athletic
Durrance Award. His commitment, Board. As the only student repre
sentative on this elite group, Emory
dedication, and love of our frater
not only Represents Kappa Deu
nity earned him not only the Dur
teron, but the entire student body as
rance Award, but was the driving
cellence in teaching and Kappa
Deuteron's Purple Legionnaire for
the past 14 years Jere Morehead
was rightfully awarded another
well. Good Job Emory!
force behind every other Phi
Gamma Delta award and achieve-
Aug 31
vs Clemson
Sep 14
at South Carolina
Sep 21
vs Northwestern St.
Brother Bracewell's immediate Sep 28
vs New Mexico State
Oct 5
at Alabama
Oct 12
vs Tennessee
vs Vanderbilt
Kappa Deuteron's previous Purple Legionairre Bill
Bracewell recently accepted the position of Educational Di
rector for Phi Gamma Delta.
responsibilities include selecting the chapter deserving of the
Jordan Bowl (best overall scholarship), the Owen Cup
(greatest scholastic improvement), as well as serving as a
judge for the Wilkinson Award. In addition to those responsi
bilities, Brother Bracewell works hand in hand with the Edu
cational Foundation Board, now headed by Kappa Deuteron's
own Bob Cheeley. They dispense scholarships, support edu
cational programs, and find ways to promote higher scholar
ship in all chapters.
Oct 19
Oct 26
Nov 2
Nov 9
Nov 16
at Auburn
Nov 30
"I believe a successful educational Director can do
more to increase the standing of Phi Gamma Delta on every
campus than any other International Officer of the ffatemity."
Brother Bracewell recently said. He then added, 'To much
who is_given, much is expected." Brother Bracewell's words
riii^^eTpr not only himself, but Kappa Deuteron as a whole.
H(|w|Tr, it is only through the continued work of brothers
lil^ gilj Bracewell that the chapter keeps producing so much.
I ?a 5
Georgia Tech
■ ■ \
\ JiJLL/
?* i
How lucky am I? Taking the task as editor of FijiUGA is not usually seen as the opportunity to dis
cover a new appreciation for Phi Gamma Delta, and yet this newsletter has done so much for me. To be able to
support Kappa Deuteron's ideals and aspirations with so many prominent awards and praises reinforces their
purpose so much. To make these intangibles something more concrete through recognition of our peers drives
us to become more than we already are. However, more enlightening than reporting our accomplishments as a
chapter was the effect of contacting graduate brothers and hearing their love of this place, as well as the love
that is returned to them. Ken Murphy made me so much more aware that these college days are merely a foun
dation for the friendships formed here. As the foundations of friendship are formed here, so are the foundations
of success. Finding room to report about all of the appointments and positions Georgia Fiji's attained this year
was near impossible, and apologies go out to all who were slighted. It is hard to make time and stay in touch,
but consider this newsletter my own personal invitation for Pig Dinner, a football game, or simply tailgating.
Come back to see how we have progressed since you left. Finally, I need to recognize some people who were
essential for this newsletters' publication. Thanks to Charlie Holdemess and Joby Young for their computer
help. Thank you to the brothers who helped write articles for this publication, and the graduate brothers who
responded to my numerous questions and e-mails. And a special thank you to Brit Boyles, without whom it
seems none of these articles would have been written.
Colin Newberry
TVie Fraternity of
Phi Gamma Delta
Kappa Deuteron Chapter
No. 3 Cloverhurst Court
Athens, Georgia 30605
Sam Richwine , Jr.
1520 Enota Avenue
Gainesville GA 30501
Please send any address corrections to the House c/o Johnathan Roberts
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Fall 2002 newsletter of the Kappa Deuteron chapter at the University of Georgia. This newsletter is six pages in length.